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J.; 50~~Ti' 2 : 2 9 97 z Oligonucleotial',' 1 64. Institute of Organi-3 Cheirdstry wid Biochemistry of the .,-.',,acho3lovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. 2. Advisory Boar!l Chairman, ll;;(Al~-ctlon of Czrjr,,Iioslovak Chemical Cormiun-Icationa'! (for Sorm.). JZZCh03L0VAKIA 3Y.RT, j Institute of Organic Chemistry Rnd ~Sdochemistry, Czecho:31ovak Academy of Sciences, Frrgue Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communi- .aations, No 1, january 1967, pp 198--2c5 "Glig-onuclectidic compounds. P.---,rt 16; Synthesis of 5,6-dihydrouridine anaioU~es cf rruanylYi-(31-45')- uridylyl-(3!-50)-uridine." Z/C58/62/000/006/001/004 D409/D301 J - -ORS David, Lubomir, Smrtkca, Josef! and Vojta, Jaroslav 1 1 L; r11 LE equipment for measuring the radiation field of a reactor jadern6L ene.r'rSie, no. 6, 1962, 181 - 184 '_`-e describes des4nn and functio'n of an automatic e-Te' or'~~d b7, -.'he 2eactor Laborator7r of the tstav -adern6ho , U U U for mapp- Y =~V ~_*~-'uc_;eal- :Research Institute, Czechoslovak AS 7 _n- tfle field of nuclear radiat-Lon emana-Gin- Trom the horizontal ex- C) .er_~_en-vai channels of a -nuclear reactor. The equipment consists of a i-.-.ov_nbIe tria_-~ular 12-frame under-carriage with two vertical 220 cm '~11 :7.U__Qe rails. These raii-s suD-aort the carria-e of the measuring LD 0 U. e -a --ted 180 cm high and 0 b ( t-ion detector) which can be lif auto.-:a-U.4cally lowered in stens of ~) cm. The movement of the Drobe carria-e is controlled according to a preset program or Ifrom -a remo- C_~ .e cont-.L-o_; box, the servomotor driven undercarriage has four horizon- soeeds i.-- the ran,,e of 4.9 - 10-2 to 0-37-cm/ .sec. and can also oe_remotely controlled. End-contacts, spaced 10 400 cm actuate the Card 1/2 _: - Z/038/62/000/006/001/004 --utom-atic equiprnient for measuring ... :X-09/D301 ovier-Ln6; of the probe and reversal of servomotor rotation, so that a SeC4-ijr Of 4CO - 180 CM2 can automatic, U ~ L -illy be mapped. The descri- bed coui-i2lent was used to measure the cross sections and axes of .-a-- Iiiation beams emanatin'sr from horizontal exDeriment reactor channels, to measure the efficiency of collimators, lo determine gamma doses in dependence of 6a.-:,..r;ia background and their distribution in the en- v~;ronnent o-P removed thermal columns, and for conventional- dosime- uric measurings. In addition, the instrument can also be used to map 'L-,he radiation field of an arbitrary -radioactive source, especial- ly in Cases where com-5lex radiation fields cannot be mathematically ";erived from fe,.-., dosime'ric reference measurings. The autho ives _;_ U u r ~ c---ed4~ 'o J. 5imerda for assistance in measurings perforned. Tech- ni~~al Edito.-: *IY~. da-pek, and Fr. 1'rusilek). There are 7 figures. ~stav ja-derne'ho v~zkumu, dSAV, Praha (Nuclear Research U Institute, Czechoslovak AS, Prague) ria-4 0/2 PROCHAZKA, VI., inz.; VOKOUN, M-; SMRTKOVA, M. Draft of a Czechoslovak Standard on determining the +I-ar content in beating gases. Paliva. 44 no. 7:228-230 JI 164. SMRTNIK,, Vi-liwa, SCHUSTER'., juz~:Lj, -L:~L~ Device for measuremenT, of the tiuris stability of increased 't damping. Ca spoje 8 no.3;',-'3-I.- je 263~, 1. TelekomiuAkacni in5paktorat SDK,, Bratislava. A Notes on t,hr- npw train schedules. r).13"-. 1 -1 I~oleznlcar, t!o. f-~RY Ict'71 Frahl, r,,nchoqIi-!vnkW ( SO: Monthly List of Eas' --'uropean Accessions (--IEAL) I.C. Vol. 'C, No. ", Sept. lc1~7. Uncl. SMRZ, Auolf, Inz. Products of the national enterprise Ceskomoravska-Kolben- Danek Slany, Svermovy zavody. Inz stavby 11 no.l:Suppl.: -4%chdhizace no.1:15-16 1163. 1. Ceskomoravska-Kolben-Danek Slany, Svermovy zavody, n.p. SM51", , -Tan-t illz~ Chemical protection of sugar beet seedlings against OOPP7 M leaf roller Tioth (Aphis fabae Scon) end its e-ffect on the reduction of virus diseases. Rost .vyroba 9 no.10:11.0r-111F C. lh~ 1. Vyzkurmy ustav reparsl-,r, Semcice. JERTIOLIEV! E. (Yomw I 'yov, E.1, lm- , dr.; CHOD, j. , inz.: J. , I nz, Biochemical jiagros'Ls of the sugar beet yellows in t~--,, practice. Listy cukrovar 79 no.2:20,31 F 163. S:.;,~' , Jan Contribution to ti:e urc"blem of harm f-ro-_ --he black arhid and virus diseases to sugar beets. L-,LSLy eukrovar 70, no. 12: 307-311 D 163. 1. Vyzkuiimy ustav reparsky, Semcice. JERMOLJEV , Evzen; CHOD, J'Lri; S14RZ? , Jan Activity of the succinic acid dehydrogenase in sugar beet roots as an indicator of sugar beet health. Listy ~,ukrovar 81 no.l: 11-13 Ja 165. 1. Central Research Institute of Plant Production, 'Ruzyne (for Jermoltev and Chod). 2. Research institute of SLEar Beet2, Semcice (for Smrz). Submitted July 28, , : -i' I , Jarcslav -L n z . ; - I I J~-N'E K .7ose i .4--1 z . I I a..easurement of sreed, accelerations, and retariaLion of' winclinF equipment. Uhl-i 6 no. 4: 135-1,38 Ap 164. i, o'-druzeni kametioulieInych dalu, Fladno. ;e"', 1 ~ ;, - ,-, .: '. '. " i ,, . . . U~,, 1 4 , , r;f- , -1 ~ , - ~ ~7 t~ ! ' I ~-, I ~, ~~ - ", ! e n , E I - - I- . ~, . - ~ . - . I- . I Dreve r + - I I . : I . '" - . a,~,, -: , i , .1 - I , -, I- ; ;--:~ 1 " .; , " ; 4 , I Kla:-~nn. MATOUSEK,Jirl; S~M,Jiri Contribution to the theory of the action of organic phosphate cholinesterase inhibitors. Pracovni lek. 12 no-5:259-262 Je 060. 1. Vojenska akademie Antonina Zapotockeho v Brne, Vyzkumny ustav agrochemicke technologie v Bratislave. (PHOSPHATIS pharmacol.) (CHOLINISTZRASZ antag. ) New system of in Cze~;hioslovakia. Vomalizace'?Suppl.-. Za vyssi kvalifikr..c,- pracovniku -v techrdcko norrralizaci no.6:PI/33- PI/56 163. SINIJ-Uli, kraclav, dr. inz.; S111-1Z, Ladiglav, inz, New system of' measures in Czacholsovakia. Normalizace 11 no. 12: Supplement: Za vyssi kvalifikaci pracovnilcu v technicke normalizaci' P -7 /105-P1/140 D 163. 1% Distr.- 4E3d F-Red-- anilines. if. Oxo--y-iS,4.5-lrir-i-~thoz)-phenyI and a-exo--y-(3,4,5-trimethory-2,6-dibroinophenyl)butyric hilchalsick and N . S (Univ. Brno, Czech.). LI -;M--B2( c 5,C,-4-48rf.--Cleava Mokalih-'91Y, ge ot a - (p - dimethylaminophenylimino) - oxo - 6 - (3,4,5 - tri- Methoxylthenyl)vateroultrile (1) with dil. HCI leads to r- oxo--I-(3,4,5-trittittlioxyl)hcnyl)butyric acid (11), and not, a3 previously r6orted (loc. cit.), to 3-hydroxy-1,5,0-tri- methoxyIndan-3-carboxylic acid. As proof, a-oxo-j-(3,4,5- tritnetlioxy-2,0-dibroitiopltciiyl)but),ric acid (111) was prepd. by acid cleavage from a-(p-ditne tit ylaminophenylimino)- A-axo-343,4,&tnmethoxy-2,t)-dibrottiopliettyi)valefoiiitrile (IV). IV, with both reactive hydrullctis replaced by Br, easily reacted with o-C4Hj(NH2)j and 2,4-(O~N)CaHlNH- NHj, and oxidative decarboxylation with HIG.- led 1oi-(3,4,- &triinethoxy-2,t)-dibroiitopheii)-I)propionic acid (V) with evolutionufCO, In thesame manner, tied toll which, in neutrnl 1120s soln., split off CO, alutoit quant. to yield 6- 3,4,&tritnetitoxyi)liesiyl)propioriic acid (VI). E.g., Dr 8.5 g.) in glacial 10 till. AcOH was slowly added to a soin .of 2.4 g. VI, kept 2 lirs. at room temp., the excess Br removed with NaS0,, the inixt. dild. with 215U ml. 1f.-0, and the pptd. cryst. Y recrystd. front EtOll, tit. 119-20', yield 3.3 g. Dry C411. (3U till.) ~nd 2.5 ml. SOO; were added to 2.3 g. V. dissolved and heated:3 tirs . tit 70*, tile oily acid chloride dis- solved in 10 mi. C611d and added slowly. with const. stirring, - 15', the whole alh,wed toan EW soln. of C11IN2cooled to to stand 20 hrs. tit - W, filtered, 11CI (gas) added till N evolutioitce:tse(i,iiiitikel)tftiritwliile. After WaShilig With H20' and drying over CtCl.,, tile pr,xitict was redlaced ill yol. to yield, after rvery.itit. fn,m Mcoll, 1,5- (Vill), white needles, m. 107-8-. VU (2 g.) was disollied in 10 mi. dry C&HOT, heated 30 min. re 60-5% and EtjO added to ppt. the pyridinium chloride as an oil; this was sepd. and poured, with vigorous stirring, into a soln. of p-ONCjH4NMe2 (750 mg. in 8 mi. EtOH) and NaCN (500 ing. in 3 mi. HsO) at 40' to form a deep red mixt. which yielded 1.7 w. IV, ni. 170-2' (Cill-la-MOH). IV (400 ing.) was split by heating 30 min. to 10* with a inixt. of 10 mi. Aftc,CO and 10 ull. 161i"o HCL Nlc:CO was evapd., the oily a-ketone extd, 3 times with'20 mi. EtjO, washed with HIO, the Et,O evapd. in vacue, tile oily mmainder taken up in McICO, HtO and a few drops dil. 1IC1 added, and left to itand several days. III pptd. as shiny mother-of-pearl colored leaves; these dried over PtOs m. 83.5-5.0; 2,4-dinitra- phenylhydra zone, yellow needles, m. 195-7*; and 2-hy- droxy-3-1#.(3.4,&triuictliox5,-2,6-dibromophenyl)ethyliquin- oxaline, needles, m. 224-5'. 111 (42.6 mg.) disiolved in I. mi. 0.14V NaOH, the soln. brought to pH 7, treated with 0.3 in]. 3% 1-110, released in 15 min. an almost quant. amt. of CO, (measured volumetrically in a gas inicroburette), acidified and V. tit. 120-1% recrystd. from EtOll. A mixt. (if V and 0-(3,4.&-triinethcjxy-2,6-dibrtirnophcn),I)prc,pioiiic acid showed no mLxed tit. P. depression. Similarly, 11, prisms, in. 130-7*. vield 801;~~, was obtained by acid cleavag es of 1; its deep red needles, -)11-13*. It was decarboxyLited with 11:0-- as above to ~i'l , j VI, m. JUI-2*, identiml in ni.p. ar.d mixed m.p. with 'I ,g (3,4,5-triinettioxypitenyl)prol3ii)nic acid. Stefan Be - SMRZ, P.; SIMAK, V. One-pion exchange model in high enerW nucleon-nucleon collisions. Chekh6sl fiz zhurnal 12 no.12:Wt~893 162. 1. Institute of Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Chemical protection of plants. kudoff ~njjrl. ( Atilt 4. 1110-7*1)~ --A tvw% of morit itipf urg. lfj~-k- ticidt'. fulight.f." mid '~Nvlikv Um NN L.4 , -, ~11 f The" y and practice of partition Oby. Rudolf Srnrl 7vtokuntut futar_Iff~h .1 104 ..S~9~h. . Ck". Zvesfi 7, 107-215(19M).-Rutter (Cal. :4Z WN adsorption method k recommended for t selec- tj~114 of Port Innmrtition chromatographr (~,. On the' o t e basis I est th benzene hexachlor (to t has been proved that I is a typical case of adsorption chromatography governed by the adsorption isotherm: x/m - K011, where the value of exponent I/n - 1. Quant. methods. especially the method of Martin and Synge (C.A. 36, 51971). are described. Jan Mkka 174 %5 M RZ 0 r ouncir substituted by 4 fu'ur---or- Aull Iq j- Ux rn!~~ete wturste P Ic resid6a. Stanislav, PM Landa Milaslair Ltuda, Rudolf S=fi and fc)XT-T9reK G z s1i: 83,8?0, May loAY vinylautylene nt 40' and 29 atm. in Itc f i rA and Cu actuite YiQldtd 188 g. dicbUrobutinse) whIch WaS then dropped at -6* into 3GO g. drY-Na Phetiolate- crotyiphenoL Ott bydrogenattan yielding 258 g. cWorcz in 01 was -WOR JVi atm-i INV, Raney~ Ni) 93.970 butylphon 41 GOPPO LJ)C- VA , '.1. ; SMIR2 , Z. - ~j Stabilization of ethylized Petroleum by inhiAtors. Ropa a uhlie 6 no. 4: 107-111 Ap 164. 1. Chemicke zavody Ceskoslovensho-sovetskeho pra-telstv-i, Zaluzi. Techivol-)L*Y - Clmrlln~~l Products and Thoir it. Application - Silicates. Glans. Ccrmnics. Binders. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - nimirz-1 N- 9, 195"'; 29651 Author : Snrzik, F. Inst : Title : SomicDmercial-Scale Pr:~Ouction of 1-7,.rpe SKUS-7CO Cellular Blocks. ,S Pub : Staliba, 4 N-) 6, 172 (in Uwak) Orii -175 (1957) Abstract : Blocks produced from slovak raw materials and subjected to autoclave treatntent equal in quality 'Siporeks' and IN: spalings 1mcertain 'ItonGl blocksc _7. Card 1/1 BULUK, Karol; JAJIUSZKO, Tadeuss; OLBRONSKI, Jan; SI-IRZA, Maria; CUDTTIK, Raria Er,jthroc~ftic fibrin stabilizer. Postepy dosw. 17 no.6.,743-755 N-D t63 1. Z Zakladu Patologii (~,,olnej I Doswiadazalnej JU4 w Bialym- stoku (kierownikz prof.dr. K.Wluk). SMRZH2 F.; KHUAN TSZU-CH4FAN' I ,lri-,i~mv T-Su-c~ian j I NN-inte-actions In the pole approx~.mna-..~on,, 7'--U~. ~-' - -- -C . 4- teor. fiz. 47 no.1;212-215 J1 164. (m~=, - ~, 1. Ob"yeninennyf institut, yariern,rkh is3l.-f-vimiy, energies. f 47 rn o - 5: 17 173 i - rs u t y t ~ d e r r. vk IiI~3,:) a n i y . L 14512-65 EwT(m). DiAAP/ssD/AEDC(b)/ASD(a)-5/APIT, ACCESSION NR: APS000323 S/0056/64/047/005/1736/1739 AUTHOR: 'Smrzh, P. TITLE: Inelastic peripheral collisions at ultra-high energies SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 5, 1964, 1736-1739 TOPIC TAGS: inelastic scattering, particle collision, pion scat- tering, nucleon scattering ABSTRACT: The asymptotic behavior of inelastic peripheral colli- sions is considered within the framework of the one-meson approxima-!,:- tion. Assuming that the 7 rl~-o interactions at energies above the reso- nance region are due wholly to exchange of asingle pion, the author: derives asymptotic expressions for the average inelasticity coeffi- cient and the transverse momentum of the recoil nucleon. It is, shown that the distributions of the transverse momentum and of the Card 1/2 L 14512-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5000323 recoil-nucleon energy are constant in the asymptotic,expressions for the cross sections, so that if the cross*sections themselves are constant, the inelasticity coefficient and the transverse momen- tum are constants and their average asymptotic value can be deter- mined from the ratio of the cross sections for NN and 7rN interac- tions. Since the values ofthese cross sections are known (40 and 22.5 mb respectively), the values obtained for the inelasticity co- ld. efficients and transverse momentum are 0.36 and 0.47 GeV/c, respec-- tively. Orig. art. has: 1 figure-and 12 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedin.enny*y institutyaderny*kh issledovaniy -(Joint Institute of Nuclear-Research)- SUBMITTED: 19Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 003 Card, 2/2 ---------- ... .... ...... .. . SMRZOVA, A. Child psychiatric clinics & vocational guidance. Cesk. psychiat. 54 no. 1:29-37 Feb 58. 1. Psychiatricka poradna pro deti, Praha. (YOGATIONAL GUIDANCR in child psychiatric clinics (Cz)) (CHILD PSTGHOIOGT child psychiatric clinics, role of vocational guidance in (CZ)) 3MUC, A.; WEI35, M. System of indexes for agricultural and rural electrification. p. 359. STUDII 31 CERCETARI DE ENERMICA. Vol. 5, no. 3/4, July/ Dec. 1955. SOURCE: East European Acessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 11, November, 1956. - f I --; ~' , A-lekew,&,r - I :: . ` , - -.1--l. - 11 -. 1. 1. -.1 5 ~! ~ e.7, . :- - , . I P. " - ,, , i. - , 32292R 21' 500 17 -:1 i Z a m c' ta 1 lov =~aliovodeniiye, ic*-6.3, jr. 2, -513 - 516 ecteri-Anation of t'ie diffUSIOU coeff-iciela-, D by tlie radioactive tracer method, use one-dimensional diffusion equation in wliicli ilt is t-'at D -is i-..,.de-'?~~dcnt Of -"--e Colicent--atior.. d S""c 1 cas e~C A e solution of tlie iffusion equation is % c(::, t) c erf- 0 D .'Ic T-..icre arc clearly cases -his W . 1e L aS SUIMI) C. 1011 is invalid and tie solution of the dif'usior- Card 1/4 32292R i L L h c -"-ro b I c:-, o f ... c qu at i on - 12 0 c C, c D 2 OX sli 2'/60/010/002/0206/02131/~Gr 0 EC32/E31 subject to tlac bounclary c o -n d i t" i o nc c0 at x ior all t o,,, i dc = 0 for a n 6 a 11 t is of tllie (Ber---or Ref. 2) I dt V, illd D 2 D C CO 0-- CAP D 2D it is assumed tiat D i s a linear function of colic entl-atiDl" i.e. D c/c 0 urh er e D is t-he Car,:1 2/.,--. 32292R S/126/60/010/002/020/02 T- ~~.I L:IC 2ro' 0 Z032) value of D in t:IC Li',;crval (0, c then Eq. 0 ca:i be ovaluated by successive ap-jro~ciiaatiozs Laud one can obzaiii c/Ic 0 --for a. Siven value of Fi~;. 1 shoil-s t.IC C/c C u::- v C, -- o r 10- 10 CM 2/Sec Curve 1 is evaluate,-, ~ro.:I Curve 2 fro~-,i Eq. (2). Furti-er-niore, it by ~i:al!~.ovich (1 1) that D sliould be dc~cr:-.,.ined b- olottins c In d: d", c 0 2 I~s a function of X 11ij.5 ;)lot. is shoi-n-1 in Fic,-. 2, in Curve 1 is comDuted usin2; Eq. (5) and Curve 2 using There are 2 f-i,-ures and 2 Soviet references. ~,.rd 5/4 32292R S/12'/'0/01C/002/020'3/026/ IL, cil t'~Ic Of . .... E03 2/ Z13 1-,i ASSOCIATION: l,-.:,--r".,-.ovsl:iy ,,osudarstvennyy universitet (:-Iliarlh-ov State University) SU-E."ITTED: '--.arcli 11, 19060 FiF,. 1: C Co 7 x /05 Fi,,~. 2: Zn[ d(c) ~Xsll 12 8 10 5 /0 C d SMUD, Sofija T1.1e Jesenice Iron Works in the past and present. Geogr hor 6 no.3: 35-37 160. SkluDI Sofija,, prof. Marphologic characterls tics of Sremska I-litrovica. Zlbw pxlr Mat srp a6,23.-120-144 062. PIE SF, Branko; SKJD, S. News in brief from Yugoslavia. Geogr hor 9 no.3:54-57 163. 81,w6my~ J4 "Cultivation of Botanical Drugs in the USSR," Ogonek, 29, Nol 24, p. 13, 1951 w SMUQYY,.-.4.;. (Moskva) . "An o-4* popula--lzation" by II.A.Lazarevich. Revleved by S.-I. Smilr~171. Priroda no.6:118-120 Je '60. (MIR& (Science) (Lazarevich, E.A.) S MIJ G LTf , -S.,I-. I (Mosk-va) Haapsalu. Prirorl,-:. 4~ no-9:71--72 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Haapsalu-Descriptior.) SMUGLYY,-S. (Khaapsalu, Estonskaya SSR) I -- - - On a turquoise bay. Zdorovle 7 no.6:17 Je 161. (14IIU 14:7) (,UUSALU BAY--H::ALTH REZORTS, WATERING PLACFS, ETC.) SMUGLYY, S,I, (Ypgkva) "Thorny career of a Russian scientist" by B.M.Filippov. Reviewed by S.I.Smuglyi. Priroda 50 no.5:117-118 MY 161. (KERA 14:5) (Filippov, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 1858-1903) SPUGLYY. S.I. (Mookva) ?rominent popularizer of science and bibliographer; 100th anriversary of N.A. Rubakin's birth. Friroda 51 no.7:bL)-L).L J1 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Ruba~in,, Ilikola! Aleksa-ndrovich, 1862-19/+6) ~ MU ~LYY,_qj. (Moskva) "Bionics" by L.F.Kraizmer. Reviewed bor S.I.S,--uglyf .Priroda 52 no.43120-121 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Cybernetics) (Kraizmer, L.P.) SMUGLYY, S.I. (Moskva) Two books on bionics. Priroda 52 no.12:119-120 163. (MIRA 17:3) FAYACHIN, Ivan Kirillavich; alli.G.LlY, S.I.r rod. (moscow; a concise guidebook] Moskva; kratkii putevaditell, lzd.4. dop. Moskva, Mysll, 1964. 286 p. (MIRA 17sl2) LINKOVSKIY, G.B.; SMUGLYY, S.I. Bionics, its methods and results. Priroda 53 no.3:52-58 164. OGRA 17s4) SMUGLYY, S.I. (Moskva) Creators of science on the universe; the yeariboolk 'Nauka i cholovochestvo.0 Priroda 53 no.6:119-121 164. (KRA 17:6) O.B. kand. biolog. nauk; 'v,Ye.; SMUGLYY, S.I. Moskva); L.S. 'Moskva); ALEKSI-EYEV, A.I., kan geograf. na - fMos-val, d I:R k k--nd . fil osof. nauk sllrva) llool~s. riroda 54 no.6:34, 47, 111-114 Je 65. (MMk 18:6) I. Institut ok-eanologii AM SSSR, '.Iosk-,rl (i*c-il- Mokiyevskil,). 2. Lenin- .11 LaF,()V pedagogicheskiy institut im. A.1. Cer:3tena (for J~ , ~ GAUFAiANVORT, M.G. (,',lookva); Sit-11GLYY, S.l. (:,ToSkVlk) All-Union 3YM-POS--',Ulr, on the automatic :-ecogn-ition of images. Priroda 54 no.8:114-116 Ing 165. 18:2', SOV/26-60-1-35/4_5 A TT T-'--:OR: TITLE: Documents of a Great Scientific Discovery PERIODICAL: Fr-iroda, 1960, Nr 1, PP 117-118 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a revLow storon of th o n~, mii nau=SR ces), 1059. of "Fervyye fotografii obratnoy (First Photographs of tl~e Other Side published by the Izdatel'stvo Akade (Press of the USSR Academy of Scien- Card 1/1 cd. 07 1-7 f!n-; se l..,j .. I I I -*,, E t . I ,,, Inv unit.- . 1 'I C "" ,-1 , k - , - , " 'c ~- d-vo str,-'it. !-'t-ry, 194,- "', " - -,s7,va, Cros. i7 BR-ENITER, R.N., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk [reviewer]; SMUKRUIN, P.N. [author]. Review of P.M.Smukhnin's book "Simple Heating IVipment.1 Gor.khoz.xosk. 21 no.3:44 Mr 147. (MLBA 6:11) (stoves) SMUKRITIN, P.,-prof., Heating field D 152. doktor tekhn.nauk, inzh.--polkovnik installations. Voen.-inzh.zhur.96 no.12:29-35 (MIRA 10:12) (Heating) (Fortifications, Field) SMUHNIN, P.N., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk. Recirculation ventilating systems as a method for the control of silicosis. Bor'ba s sil. 1:115-121 '53. (MLRA 7:10) (MINE VENTILATION) S~4ULA, Zdenek, MUDr. Transnaviciilo-transtriquetro-perilunar dislocation of the carpus. Acts. chir. orthop. traum. cecb. 22 n0-3:107-110 May 55. 1. Z ortliopedicko-traumatologickebo oddelent MZ Plzen Prednosta: doc. Dr. Dusan Polivka. (WRIST, dislocation transziaviculo-transtriquetro-perilunar, ther.) LEDINSIff, Q.; MRACEK, Z.; SMULA, Z. Management of the painful phase in carotid angiography in restless and mentally changed neurosurgical patients. Ra6h. chir. 42 no.9:596-600 S 163. 1. Neurochirurgicke oddeleni. I. chirurgicke kliniky lekarske fakulty KU(v Plzniq prednosta doc. dr. J. Spinka. CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY) (CAROTID ARTERIES) (BRAIN NEOPLASMS) (BRAIN DISEASES) (BARBITURATES) (INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE) (BRAIN INJURY, ACUTE) (PAIN) SMUIA, Zdenek, Dr.; MINA.R, Jiri, Dr. Baytinal, an anesthetic of ultra-ahort duration for ambulatory surgery, Gas. lek. cesk. 96 no.48:1ek. veda zahr:169-172 29 Nov 57. 1. 1. chirurgicka klinika SIN v Plzni, prednosta doe. Mr X. Domansk7. (RAR ITURATIM, anesthesia and analgesia, 5-allyl-5-isobutyl-2-thiobarbituric acid, review (CZ)) HABEiVANN, V.; MUSIL' F.; SMULA, Zd.; SPINKA, J. .9 - - ------ ---- .4 Contribution to laboratory diagno3is of malignait neoplasms. (Preliminary communication). Rozhl. chir. 41 no.10:674-67c/I 0 162. 1. Ustav lekarske cheude fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Pizni zaFt. prednosta, V. Habermann, prom. lekar II. chirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University.Karlovy v Plzni prednosta doe. dr. J. Spinka. (NEOPUSMS) (BLOOD CMICAL ANALYSIS) SMULA, Zdenek Supplementary chemotherapy in patients surgically treated for cancer of the abdominal organs with oxide of nitrogen mustard. Cas. Lek. Cesk. 101 no.11:337-340 16 Mr 162. 1. 1 thirurgicka klinika KU v Plzni, prednosta doe. dr. J. Spinka. (ABDOMEN neoplasms) (NITROGEN MUSTARDS ther) GOSTE'V, A.,gornyy inzK; KOLOMI"TSE-71, I., izobretatel I; S?AMA.KOVSKIY, B.; GEWTDZHIYfiN,T. "Junior brother" of inventions. Izobr.i rats. no.10:46-17 0160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Predsedatell nervichnoy organizataii Vaesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov shakhty 8-a imeni Stalina, g. Gorlovka (for Gostev). 2. Starshiy inzhener-tconstruktor, predsedatel, soveta Vsesoyiiznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov otdela Glavnogo konstruktora Lipetskogo traktornogo zavoda, Lipets!c (for Kolomiytsev). 3. Rabotnik TETs Metallurgicheskogo zavod, g.Cherepovets (for Smulakovskiy). 4. Vagonooye depo, g. Leninak~an (for Geondzhiyan). (Technological innovations) SMUIAKOVSKIY, B.A. . inzh, ,.. ,.:_ - 7z Grovith of deposits on ash conductors. Energetik 9 no.11 20-, 21 N 161. (11"LIRk 14-12 ) (Ash disposal) SMULAKOVSKIY, B.A., inzh. Mechanized cleaning of ash sluices. Energetik 10 no.6:14-15 Je 1021. (MIRA 16:3) (Ash disposal) (PneliTr-tic-tube transportation) 904-67 T RO/JK so )02 C~46/ lqr- M`u URCE 'XEI 5503 5167 (A) DZIELSKA. E ; SCHMIDT, J.; SMULCZYNS KI, B.; Clini of Infectious Diseases of Medical Academy (Klinka Chorob Zakaznych AM) and Sanitation and Epidemiology Station (Stacja San.-Epid.), Krakow. "Staphylococcal Food Poisoning,in Krakow." Warsaw, K~~egla 1965; p 246. KR1dMiojogi2=, Vol 19, No 2, Abstract: During 1953 to 1959, there were 2 outbreaks of Staphylococcal food poisoning in the Krakow involving 67 persons; in 1960 to 1964, 10 outbreaks with 244 patients. In 1Q.Staphylococctia-aureus~oagulase-positive t was identified, in one Staphylococcus albus coagulase-pos tive and in one staphylococcal enterotoxin. Ice cream was the food Involved In 4 cases, meat products in 4, dairy in 3 and egg-paste in one. Indications are that some strains of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus may survive pasteurization'. Presented at the 3rd Scientific Assembly of Polish Evideelo-! -1QRists-and Infectolop-ists, 5-6 Oct 64. [JPRS1 TOPIC TAGS: food sanitation, bacterial disease_ SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none SMULDERS,-M. Reactionary policy of the bourgeois Latvian State in distributing the national income among social classes, 1919-1929(in Latvian]. Vestis Latv ak no.10:25-36 161. 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Ekonomikas instituts. (Latvia-Economic history) i:-- A ald (tft)=jJE3~.g1Lh suinz Wv~ft tnethw,o,f B-,e-*", 11 (C.X ;i:, 1053f) has been verified-and adapted in Polish Industij.' The H:SOs released In tht r6ction of NaiHPA with ZuSO-1 Js titr.ated agairmt.NaOH~,-... ~Genc A. Wopy.,.j i~'Tho application of chloramine-T In chemical siriily-sR- j ktorSmulek(K CMIMIM. Ugl~~ud). Wiadom -Wi rTview with 51 refcrences. AdamSporzyAski F an f iir 'oz- af I ~,.onc I nt~ 'r.6 c Chem ~~s t 13 5 n r ht4 r rZ r :-e ?,ar ths by amines. Ilul A 2C p~tz,*tractio-n- by i,:('it Tn uh 0 T bld. : A20421 "app-T tment of Radloch~...raID'-vi n,; to 'j 1~.:ioarc~., Polan,: S111ULEK, iliktor The extraction of iron (III) fron hydrochloric acid solutions by tetra-n-butylammonitm chlor.Lle in various diluents. IhAleonika 7 no.9:547-560 t62. 1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Research, "al rtment of Radiochemistry. " -savq D ~ a SMUIZVICH, A.B. Oral hy-permOtility following aminazine therapy- Ewith summary in French]. Zhur.nev-r. i paikh. 59- no.2:177-181 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. A-V- Snezhnevskiy) TSentrall- nogo instituta usoverahenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (CHLORPROMAZUTE, inj. eff. oral hypermotility (Rua)) (MOUTH, hypermotility after chlropromazine ther. (Rua)) SMULEVICH, A.B. On sleep disorders during therapy with neuroleptic drugs. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 59 no.8:981-985 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Kafedra psikhtatril (zav. prof. A.T. Snezhnevskiy) TSentrallnogo Instituta uBavershenstvovanlya vrachey, Moskva. (TRANqUILIZING AGEMS eff. Inj.) (Sld-MP DISORDERS etiol.) SMULEVICH, A.B. On certain toxicoal-lergic reactions connected with the use of aminazine. Zhur.nevr.i psikh 60-no.5:585-592 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. A.V. Snezhnevskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovanlya vrache Moskva. (CHLORPROMLZI ~, SMULEVICH, A.-B-.- .-- "Neurbtic depression" by H*Volkel. -Reviewed by A.B. Smulevich. Zhur. nerv. i psikh. 60 no. 12:1699-1692 160. (MIFU 14:4) (DEPRESSION, MENTAL) (VOLKEL, H.) 31-11UL-EVICH, A. B., Cand. Medic. Sci. (diss) "Neuro-psychic Co.m,,)licatlons AAsLng in Treatment of Schizophrenia Patients with Neuro-"Iepticheskiyell Illeans," Moscow, 1961, 13 pp. (2nd Moscow 'Med. Inst.) 350 copies (KL Supu 12-61, 23B). SMULEVICH, A.B. "Problems in modern psychopathology* by A.Jus. Reviewed by A.B. Smulevich. Zhur. nerv. i psikh. 4, no. 1:147-152 161. (MIRA 14:4) (PSYCHOLOGY, PATHOLOGIGI~) (JUS9 A.) SMULEVIGHY A.B. Depressive states appearing during treatment with neuraleptic drugs. Zhur.nevr.i ps-4kh. 61 no.2:236-246 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. A.V.Snezhnevskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvavaniya vrachey, I-loskva. (DEFRESSION, MENTAL) (TRUIQUILIZING AGENTS) SMULF,VIGH I A. "Derivatives of phenothiazine in medicine. Clinical and exp~-,rimental data" by H.Kleinsorge, S.Rosner. Reviewed by A.Smulevich. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 61 no-5;777-781 161. (MRA 14:7) (PHENOTHIAZI1,TE) (KISDISOPLE., H.) (ROSIBRY S.) SMULiWiGli, A.B.; VIDNAJOVA, L.N.; VI;6tIi()VSKAY-A, T.V.; LEX111, V.i%,. Use of aceprorazine in the treatment of mental patients Zhur. n(.,vr. i Psikh. 61 no.0':890-895 161. 15:2) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zav. - prof. A.V.Snezhnevskiy) TSentrailhogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i p3j.khonevrologicheskayn bollnitoa imeni Gannusbkina (glavnyy vrach V.N.Rybalka), Moskva. (AGEPHOMAZfW-;) (MITAL 1LLNESID~ ) .SMULEVICff, A.B. Manifestations of allergy with bullous necrotic changes in the integument related to 'the use of aminazine. Trudy Gos.nauch-issl. inst.psikh. 27:196-200 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. TSentralInyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Dir. M.D.Kovrigina. Kafedra psikhiatrii. Zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.V.Snezhnevskiy. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledo- vatel'skiy institut psikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. Dir. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov. (CHLORPROMAZINE--TOXICOLOGY) (ALLERGY) IqADZHAROV, R.A.; MOROZOVA, T.V.; aTULMCH, A.B. Minical psychopharmacology. Trudy Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 35:53-62 162. (MIRA 16.-2) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii TSentraltnogo instituta usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey (zav. kafedroy - deystvitellnyy chlen ~*M SSSR prof. A.V. Snezhnevskiy). (PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS) MVIT5 V.G.; Sl-'*u"-T--,-IVj-'l'H, A.B. Use of i'al-rie ir the P-nlcnda~ory turea~.mer-. of m-ental patlien-.s. Z'nLr. neirr, i psikb.. 63 no.10-.1541-1545 163. (MIFA 17-5) 1. Institul. psikhiatrii Al~gl SSSR,, Moskva. S H, " 1.7 - V* *117 ! I, P C3-*nical si~:n-,cance of the content (themes of deliriuzi. I - , ~,L ~ - Zhi.r. nwir. i psikii. 65 no.L~:1824-IF31 165. Oma,'."~ 19: ],) 1. imAltut psik-hiatr1i A?Ill SSSM,, Mo.,,kva. StAr'ditted J.-inuary 30, 19~,5- SI"ULEVICH., -,~. Va. ,'The Metinods of Determining the Health of a Population," Sov. zdrav., 11o.2., 1947 USSR/Medicine - Population Apr 48 "Demographic Processes in Capitalistic Countries," B. Ya. Smulevich, 814 pp 'Test Ak Med Nauk SSSR" No 3 Criticizes Varga's views on this subject (Ye. Varga, "Changes in Capitalistic Economy Due to World War II," Chapter XIV, "Demographic Changes During the War and Their Consequences"). -IM 18149T74 SMLUVICHJ, B. Ya. "Contemorary Bourgeois 'Theories' on Sanitation," Sov. zdrav... No.4, 1948 Inst. for Organization Public nealth a9 History Medicine im. Semashko SMIULEVICH.) B. Ya. "On Social and ~~iological Factors." Sov. zdrav., No.6, i949 KUVSHINIIIKOV, P.A.; SKULEVICH. B.Ya. Subject and method of statistics. Gig.i Ban. no.8:3-12 Ag 153. (xLRA 6:9) (Statistics) SMULEVICH, B.Ya. Z.P.Solov'ev on the economic importance of public health work. Sov.zdrav. 12 no.6:17-20 M-D '53. Off-RA 6:11) (SolovIev, Zinovii Petrovich, 1876-1928) (Pidblic health) SMULEWICH, B.Ya. (Moscow). ------- I-.- I I -- -- .1 %leoretical bases for statistical studies of sanitation. 17 no-10: 37-40 0 153. (MLRi 01:10) (Public health) SMUL19VICH, B.Ya. r-i~j-#~oiessor A.M.HerkoT. Gi,,v,. i san. no.11:50-51 N 154. (STATISTICS (MIRA 7:12) value in social hygiene) (SOCIAL HTGINNN value of statistics) SMUIAVICH, B. _, , Review of I.A.Pashintsavlo book "K.Marx and F.Srv,,els on the social 46-47 bases of public health." B.IA.Smalevich. Sov. med.18 no.1:46-47 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:1) (Public health) (Marx, Karl, 1818-1883) (Engels, Friedrich, 1826-1895) (Pashintsev, I.A.)