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7LE, I Wm'! ~f th,
zy?. sill-, 3t~..
T; I: '~'ALI 111111-0
br-k-l- -1
th. wh-~.Cry ~r '--t--
-I th. Plat- fin.illy 4t N1W.P-lo'c.
Card 1/1
a ["HIPS nOA""SOINNIOSMI aposafts
11, t IL T-
(c m sew
A, 11 ft~
(c A. 'R~)
"A Omommm" "Maime 4e saw O.ImAtfle r~biftfal ftossfv or
commumums ca. A. **cow,
V -2 1/ L C 67025
1/, 7 7 OC S011/1317-59-10-22149
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurriya, 1959, Nr 10, p 125 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Smolyanskiy, R.Ye., Lukasevich, M.I..', Gurevich, V.M.
TITLE; The Importance of Treating Germanium Surfaces Prior to Obtaining Alloying
Indium-Germanium p-n-TranslLlonl~'
PERIODICAL: Tyazh. prom-st' Podmoskov'ya (Mosk. obl. sovnarkhoz), 1958, Nr 8, pp 11-17
A13STRACT: It was found out by electronographical and metallographical analyses that
the layer with a distorted crystalline lattice on the Ge surface after
mechanical treatment (cutting, polishing) was 60 - 901A, . The optimum
proportion of components in the etching agent H.O.; NaOH was found which
ensures maximum effect of Ge solution: 9 - lo cm'3 (25%) NaOH per 1 liter
(30%) H202. It was stated that the Ge layer, distorted due to mechanical
treatment, was fully eliminated by triple etching with the indioated agent,
Oxalate agent is recommended for Ge as most efficient, The author stated
Card 1/2 that one of the causes of short-circuit p-n-transitions in welding-in In L
3011/1317 -59-1.0-221 it 10
The Importance of Treating Germanium Surfaces Prior to Obtaining Alloying 1ndium-Gerrian-lu=
into Ge was the formation of "blank spots". i,e. .),reas where fusion of In and Ge did not
take place. The author supposes that the formation of such "blank spots" ciui be. e_x-
plained by insufficient preliminary treatment of Ge surface, prior to welding-in. q-~
C~!rd 2/2
L 1o7pq__63_ BDS
CES*ION NR: AP3006466 S/0109/63/008/009/1615/1625
AUTHOR; Smolyanskly, R. Ye.
TITLE: Problem of temperature effect on parameters of p-n-p-n devices
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 8, no. 9, 1963, 1615-1625
TOPIC TAGS: p-n-p-n device, semiconductor, semiconductor device, P101 transistor,
P105 transistor
ABSTRACT: Experimental studies are reported of the effect of,ambient temperature
upon the reverse current of the central (collector) p-n junction and upon the
current gain of triodes. Si p-n-p-n experimental devices and p-n-p-n switches
made up from two P101 and P105 transistors were tested. Experimental and estimated
values of the switching voltages.and currents at -20 +100C are compared, and good
agreement between them is noted. A drift of the current-voltage characteristic
with temperature was observed due to mutually independent changes of collector
current, hole-type gain, and electron-type gain. These changes cause variations of
the switching current and voltage with tempai-ature; simultaneous preservation of
constant current and voltage in the above mentioned temperature range is impossible,_-
Card 1/2
L 19705-63
The negative-resistance section of the current-;voltage characteristic undergoes
irregular changes with temperature. Orig. art. has: 8 figures ~nd 5 formulas.
Card 2/2
ACC NR: AOC108918 SOURGE CODE: UR/0140/66/000/004/0127/0128.
AUTHOI: Smolyanskly, S. A. (Saratov); Flaysher, N. M. (Saratov)
ORC,: nonn
T 11" 1 "'othod of solvinF Fredholm Integral equations of the second kind
SOURCE: IVUZ. 14-itemattka, no. 4, 1966, 127-128
TO"'IC TAGS: quantum mechanics, S-chrocdInger equation, Fredholm equation
SIUP, COD--:: 20
-Ine authors present tho m-It'-wriatic;'! aspects of the method used to
j;jec1,an,.-_5 proble,--is 3uch as the one-dLmensional equation of
equ. tion of the second kind
ver a
probleiii. Z y Fre(lhoLm
C ji'a Ou re -1ce(14 to an equivaient riin'gular inte,;rai equation, some of which can be
ix"!;~ .Loris, W"111'A C~11-~ be easily 5olved in closed form- Since the
a~~rj the ziin~ular characte,-JJ~3tic equation are equivalent, the
f~~jllcltiOn Of second kii-lid is solved.
ass of 11-arnols for which the Fred-
-i the cl
the au~jjorz; exawiriL
_Lly IL
cequationi of 'Llne Socond Irind can be reduced to equivalent, characteristic,
sir,gular 4jj,".jj equations.
autaoi-s thank N. P. iWpt6ov, L. Yo. Borukhov, V. S. Gurlyanov, and
valllab,"e discusgions and ". S. Shekhter ' r support 5-n tne
A. kL 10
work. Oriz. art, has. 7 formulas. /JPRS: 36,41
i 2-2 L 3
~~l-,)/61/000/004/002/0:~' 3
C;.i Soi-m-Iierfeld's polynomial i;-,f-thod. E03'-/F,314
I d
VO. r;,-Izl, x=0,
dlm (,,;.d .::I ~
whcre p E and c, are the separation constants. Th c
general solution of the time-independent Schroedinger equation
is then:
~ = Xl(~l)X2(~2)'X3 (t3
T!ie Present author seeks solutions of Eq. (1) in t.lie form:
x E (2)
lini-c, tLic function PITAM) satisfies the eq-iiation:
d'Pm 2Aim + Bj. -dP, A0. B
42 + m - - -L - OM pm=0.
m 1 +B2m' In m
;fl,) d,n
Card /7
~icrfeldl!- poJynomial method EO:; 2/ E 3 111
Sotmiorfeld lias shoun (Ref. 2 - Atomic structure and spectral lines,
V. 2, 1956) that' these are the only equations t-thich can lie solved
with the aid of polynomials. The function EM(tm) in Eq. (2)
ensures the convergence of the normalizing integral and the fact
that the boundary conditions can be satisfied. It is of the form
(Rc.C. 3 - A. Rubinovich Proc. 111hys. Soc. A, 62, 736, 1()4g)
E. B2M
SubstitUtill,r X by E givon by Eq. (4) into Eq. (1)f
Iii M m M 0
one obtains an equation for P Th c polynomial method
requires that the result should bc identical with Eq. (3).
Comparison of the functional coefficients of 'P1 M ( ~ 11.1)leads
to an identity, w-hile a comparison of the functional coefficients
of P'il(~ili ) leads to the following differential equation:
Card 3/7
On Sori;:it-rf old's polyno:~iial method E03 2/ E3 11i
1 df. d2f 3
J.M Y,
-?;-, e-,Vmt
b M 4-bon
tlh+b,M 0M,
where the coefficients b. can be uniquely express ed in t ernis
3- 111
of A B. and h The lat t or equation may be looked upon
irl 3- M
as a criterion of the applicability of the polynomial method to
Eq. (1). Fortunat cly, the general form of f is lzno-,;-n. It is,
in fact Clef. 1):
7a`)(V -bJ)I, (6)
Card 4/7
fln 501111-1crfeld's Polynomial ]I"Othod EC4 2/ E3 l 4
where t = 1 for the paraboloidal System of coordinates and
t = 0 for the others. Eq. (5) can then be used to determine
the general expression for the only reti-iaining functional
charactcristic of Eq. (1), namely, consistent with
the requirci,,ients of the polynomial r-zietftod. Substitution of
Eq. (6) into Eq. (5) gives for t = 0.1 t'ie following expression
for the L)otential (subscripts omitted for convenience):
2 -. 4 .. -; , - I .....- ."'t.....-- .",I "
'E2'i+kh ,
2 (7)
(V-7b )j2_.
For the remaining degenerate forms of the general ellipsoidal
set of coordinates there are the fo3'-o%-rLn1,,, expressions for
the potential:
Card 5/7
On Sojim,jerfeld's polynoi;iial d EO.~ 2/ E3 111
V(i' IbI3 FA 41- vbl 04 N
E2 ( I +B; th~2
+ .,,tkh+2n
kh. 2
V(~) k-0 a-0 -
2 4
a2,+4h h+2
40 -0 n-0
V(I+B2E~)*,'j(aI-t2)( V+bI)II
The coefficient a 2n+k1i and B 2 are indeterminate and 11 frius t
be I Jjew~jtive integer. A table is appended shoi-.rin~: how, these
formulae can be used in practice.
Acknowledgments are expressed to A.S. Shelcliter for int(-,-, est in
this Work-
Card 6/7
-5/13 q/ 611000/004/002/023
method E032/E314
There are I table and 4 references, Soviet-bloc and
Ru~zian transla~'zons froi-ii none Soviet -bloc publications.
Tlie Rtissiart ixan5lat-Loii of the En.-lish-language publication
I!ot in the text is Ref - A. Rubinov3.cIi -
Proc , P:iy.-:, Soc A. 63 3 766 , 1950-
AS S) 0 C FA P L G; ~rOSUII'i-VOI'jitOt itllelll N, G. ChOrr)yshcv.;kq,;o
(Saratov State University imeni
N,G, Cliernyslievsk-i.y)
S U BM ITT ED April 25 1960
C:lrd 717
Relativistic model of the field theory which admits an exact
solution. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 41 no.1:205-208 Jl 161.
(MMA 14:7)
1. Institut im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR.
(Qaantum field theory)
cm. I
, :-.A.
~'nargy Flux in a J_'~,ordered solic'~ 'izv, q2, ucheb, zav,, fiz.. 9 ro~22
I 72z~!-D 165~ l8t7,/
.1- r3ar_atovskty universitet imen! Chernyshowskogc,
-1, 22449-66 EWT(I)/EWT(m /2PF(n)-2/T/ZWP(t)/EWA(l) . IJP(.C-) . JDIWWIGG
ACC NR: ~ip6oo9145, SOURCE CODE: UR/0139/65/000/005/0067/0072
.AUTHOR: Smolya~~Kjy
.ORG: Saratov State University im. N. G. Chernyshevskiy
;(Sara kiy gosuniversitet)
,TITLE: On the theory of the thermal conductivit of a disordered
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. r-, 1965, 67-72
TOPIC TAGS: thermal conduction, dielectric property, correlation
,function, Green function', Fourier analysis
,ABSTRACT: In view of the lack of a theory capable(of calculating the!
;:thermal conductivity of arbitrarily disordered dielectrics especially!
;amorphous bodies, from a unified point of view, the author attempts
'to construct a microscopic theory for a solid dielectric consisting
,of identical molecules of mass M. It is shown that it becomes pos-
,sible to represent in the harmonic approximation the structural prop-i.-
jerties of the body by a binary correlation function. Allowance for
L 22449-66
ACC NR: AP6009145
ianharmonicity leads to the appearance of correlation functions of
!higher order. The result is based on an expression previously derived!.
':by the author (Izv. vuzov SSSR, Fizika, no. 2, 172, 1965) for the
,energy flux in an arbitrarily disordered dielectric. The correlationi
ifunctions involved in the expression are determined with the aid of
A Green2s function technique and a Fourier analysis. The final re-
Isult is an expression for the thermal conductivity tensor of
;bitrary disordered dielectric. It is pointed out in the con-
iclusion that a theoretical analysis of the resultant equation is stll~
,difficult at present, owing to the difficulty of determining some of I
!the quantities that depend on the degree of disorder.of the solid
iVhe author is deeply grateful to Yu. V. Konobevey V. L. Bonch-_
-'Bruvevich, 4. S. Shekhter, A. D. Ste~ukbovich, and V. S. Gurlyanoy
'for valuable remarks and advice. Orig. art. has: 24 form las. f
SUB CODE*., 20/ SUBM DATE: OgJan64/ ORIG REP: 010/' OTH REP: 008
Card 2/2,&)
SMOLYANSKIY, Vladimir Grigor'yevich; RTVKIN, S., red.; ULANOVA, L.,
[Siemens again] Snova Simens. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsialino-ekon.
lit-ry, 1959. 86 p. (MIRA 12:11)
(Germany. West--Electric industriea)
SMOLYANSKIY, Vladimir Gri-orlyevich
- , -- ------ - -- .- - -- - . 1. ~ -
[Bourgeois mythe and socialist reality] Burzhuaznyo mify I
sotsialisticheskaia deistvitellnost'. Moskva, Gosplanizdat,
1959. 86 p. (MIRA 13:8)
(Rassis-Economic conditions)
_a!g~KM,-Uadimj~~_ ~ri,,qr2y!vi~y; 1.11ATSUK, LI.V. I red.; YEZHOV.4,
L.L., tekhn. red. I ----
[Criticism of bourgeois "theories" of the Soviet plarmed
economy]Kritika burzhuaziWkh llteorii" o sovetskom planovo-m
khozia-4stve. Mosk-va, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshai,- sh],-ola.," 1962. 94 p.
(MIRA 15-11)
(Russia-Econonic policy)
"The Soviet economic system and Kazil*-rx" [in Germ-n] by GUnter
Wagenlehner. Reviewed by V.8molianakii. Vop.ekon. no.,7.*134-.138
a 162. (MM 15 M
Qhip.-i&-.-Economic conditions) (Wagenlohner, GUnter)
Polymer concrete. Priroda 51 no.4J115-1.16 Ap
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
materialov Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury
',62. (MIRA 15:4)
novykh stroitellnykh
SSSR, Moskva.
Simplified operation of a mechanism for centering the Rentok
tomofluorograph. I rad 31 no.2:79 Mr-Ap '56.
(MLRA 9:8)
(FLUOROSCOPY, apparatus and Instruments,
centering appar. in tomofluorography, operation (Ras))
511OLYMISKIY, Solomon Vladimirovich
(Hello, Siberia] Zdravatvuip Sibirl. I~Oskva, Sovetskaia
1960. 76 p. NIRA 14:12
(Siberia-Description and travel)
1. Ya
2. U88A (600)
4. Russia - Economic Policy
7. Material resources and national economy. Za ekon. mat. no. 4. 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified.
KHITHOV, P.A., tekhn. red.
[Fundamentals of the planning of railroad freight transporta-
tion] Osnovy planirovaniia perevozok na zheleznodorozhnom tr,'M-
sporte. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1949. 298 p.
(MIRA 15:4)
AWKIT, Ya.B., kandidat ekonomichookik-h nauk.
Potentialities in economizing on material and equipment. Zhel.
dor. transp. 38 no-9:39-45 S 156. NLRA 9:10)
(Railroads--Equipment and supplies)
GRITSEVSKIY, M.Ye., inzhener;,,_W9LXANSM,,Ta.B
kandidat ekonomichaskikh
nauk, KUKUSfMN, M.S., kandidat skonomicheskikh nauk (Leningrad).
A valuable book on transportation economics ("Economics of trans-
portation." A.B.Gibohman and others. Reviewed by KA.GrItsevskii,
IA.B.Smolianskii, M.S.Kukushkin). Zhel.dor.tranap-38 no.12:86-91
D '56. (MLRA 10:2)
(Transportation) (G~bshman, A.B.)
kMRYAVTSEV, Afanasiy Stepanovicb, SMOLWISKIY, Ya,B. redaktor;
. 4..
KOGAIT, F.L.,tekhnicheskiy redaktor
-.[F.couomics of-socialist transportation] Rkonomika
Botsialisticheskogo transporta. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo
avtotransp. lit-ry, 1957. 390 P. (MLRA 10:S)
(Transportation, Automotive)
D251f, ,303
AUTHORS KozhevnYlkov, S.M., Prazdnikov, A.V. and Smolvanyts'
kyy, E.A. .(Dniproretrovs11c)
TITLE: A new edging mechanism for an automatic blooming mill
PERIODICAL: Pryhladna MCkhazd*ka, v. 9, no. 1, 1963, 86-93
T_'~-(T: The results of a recent All-Union conference on the
automation of blooming mills showed that many institutes are greatly
concemcd with thc deGigning of automatic blooming mills. The hook-
edgers used in manual control are not suitable for automation, and
a new ed-er must be desianed. It is showa that the worI4~ing part of
L) cz.
the Gynthcsis mechanism should be at an angle and that during the en-
tire operation the movement of the ingot is controlled by the execu-
tivc unit. Such an edger i-rill fulfil the requirement of minimum dir.-
Placdment of the manipulator rulers for edging ingots of various
heights, if it has two leadinr, units. The reduction of edging time
is discussed, with reference to the 'Sack' and 'Shloemann' blooming
mills, inwhich two hook edters on the left and right rulers before
Card 1/2
A new edging mech=ism ... D251/D308
the mill are used, and -he kinematics of an ideal- blooming regime
are discussed. The designing of actual edging mechavdsms vill depend
on the nimber of reginuies required for the mill. There are 6 figures.
ASSOCLIMON: Dnipropetrovslkyy instytut choruoyi metalurhiyi
(Dnipropetrovs'k Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy)
SIMRITTE D: April 16, 1962
Card 2/2
',.- . . .~-- -
Progress made by interfarn building organizations in Kiravograd
Provincp. Sol'.9trol. 14 no.6:12-19 Jo '59. (MIRk 12:9)
1. Starshiy inzhoner Kirovogradskogo oblastnogo upravloniya po
stroitellstvu v kolkbnzakh (for Tatarov).
(Kirovegrad Province-lixilding)
AKSELIROD, V.A., inzhener; SMOLYaR, A.A., inzhener.
Self-unloading trailer D-258 of 12-15M3 caDacity. Mekh.stroi 10 tLO-5:14-
19 MY '53. (MLRA 6:6)
1 . LY "UH) ;i. ;.. ,
2. (600)
4. Power f~-'-a'tirr'5
7. Itakhant~vite excavatinn workers it the ~iltalingrad hydr-celectric Ger-Istruc-
ti~7,ri Project, Bi~il. -~troi. telkh., 10, r,,o. 7, 1953.
9. Monthly- L 4 - t - I i-1 n
I - of I~ass--Jan Accessions, Library of Congress, Apr 1953, U c1.
SMOLYALR, AL.A., inshener.
Bucket for ponrizig concrete into blocks by ii,-drotechnimd structuxes. Mekh.
strol. 10 no.8:27-29 Ag 153. (W-Ra 6: b )
(Concrete coastruction)
'51-4 0
WSR/Engirmering -Construction
Card 1/1 Oub. 70 - 3/11
Authors :Grigor7an, Yu. M.; Margue, M& B.; and Sw1yary A. A....Ugineers
Title I Automatization of water-drainage during hydrotechnical construction
]Periodical I Mekh. stroi. 4.. 9-3.2, Apr 1954
Abstract I A special pumping system, planned for the drainage of.water &WinS
the construction of the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Plant on the"Folo
River, is described. Electrical wiring diagramsp for the two- and
three-line automatic pumping-insta3-lation., are included. Drawings.
m ... VIF"V.9 inzhener, laureat Stalinskoy premli; SHOLYAR, A.A., inzhener.
Experience in large-scale sinking of steel sheet piles. Nekh.strol. 11
no.6:9-12 Je '54. (KM 7:6)
(Pile driving)
If -/) ) C J, Y /-,I J~ ~. / ~ , b"
SMOLYAR, A.A., inzhener; MARGUS. M.Te., inzhener; GRIGORYAN, Yu.M.,
Automatization of drainage in hydrotechnical construction work.
Gidr.atroi. 23 n0-5;9-11 154. (MLRA 7:8)
(Dams) (Drainage)
SMOLICAR, A.A., inzhezifir.
Work of tht5 5-264 ftcrapo~r. Nov.t.f)!-h.1 pered.op. v stroi. 18 n0.12:24-
26 D 15 6. (MLRA 10-.1)
AUTHOR: Smolyar, A.A., Engineer 98-7-2//
TITLE: Mechanized Unloading and Transporting of Cement at the Con-
struction Site of the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Plant
(Mekhanizatsiya razgruzki i transportirovaniya tsementa na
stroitel'stve Sta-lingradskoy ges)
fI ",
PERIODICAL: Cidrotekhnichdskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1957, # 7, p 6-12 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For the constructi6n of the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power
Plant 2.5 million tons of cement are required. In 1956, 91 %
of the cement used was transported by rail, the rest by water-
ways. The pneumatic unloading machines "C-362A", ITC-34711,
IIBP4-111 as well as self-unloading cement cars and hoppers
were used for unloading. At the same time 267,400 tons, or
70 % of the cement were unloaded by mechanical means, re-
quiring 1 machine operator and 2 unskilled laborers for each
machine. In general, handling of cement with self-unloading
railroad cars has proved efficient. For unloading cement
from barges, unloading machines of the "C-334711 type and
pneumatic pumps with a diameter of 200 mm are appropriate-
(shown by Figures 3 and 4 and by Table 4). Durability and
operational efficiency of pneumatic pumps must be increased.
Card 112 For moving cement over long distances, double-chamber pneu-
SMDLYAR, A.A. inzh.
- -- ;
Over-all mechanization of laoding and unloading cement. Rech.transp.
17 no.9:17-19 S 158. ()GRA 11:11)
1. Stalingradgidrostroy.
(Cement--Transportation) (Loading and unloading)
SMOLYAR, A., inzh.; PASAL'SKIY, I., inzh.
The VR-l',' vibration ripper. Stroitell no.1:18 Ja '59.(NIRA 12:3)
(Building materials) (Vibrators)
SMOLYAR, A.A., --- inzh.
Efficient containers for transporting and feeding concrete
mixes. Energ.stroi. no.4:67-73 159. (MIF,~ 13:8)
1. Stalingraddldrostroy.
AUTHOR SrIjolyar. A.A. Enrineer
TITLE "on,-rete L:jyitig and Vibi-itio
IOD 1C Ali -
Te f~*-Lro
Ltel'stvo- 19591 r- 6
pp 15-
. .
15 USSR)
ABSTRACT- DIfferent types of vibrators T--IO_ I-211A. I-licS
i -;'2. 1-8'-, !--7, S-41'5' a-re described ,n ~a~~s
Uj) f--.~w: more than 4.5 nillion clu, m of m on o
and about 350,C00 r-u -m o f P re f ab r i ~- a t-- eI r e i. nf o re
r-oncrete have been laid for the :;onsuru,- -I ---n- r-he
Stalingrad GES. About 6,338 vibrators were usea I .or
the compacting of the con-'rete, -High-f requency 1- --50
vibrators and 1-116 vibrators with a planetary mez-ha--
,iism used for compactt-ng in depth, as weli as
0--413 and I--21a for superficial coiLoacti--rig have
been used mainly. Their operal'-1'011 1S no- --Omr)letEs-
ly mecl-anized. New mode1s, V-60 and V- 82 desi;-~ned
-,,- be-i---,I-- -,. r 2 S e -
b,7 Viill Strc-,dormash
are jresenzl
Card 1/2 ,
rarately or in groups of 42-8 vibraLors. '.*,ore po-wer
Concrete Laying and Compacting by Vibration
ful transformers and dynamotors are ur6ent-Ly needed.
Mloreover, most vibrators produced so far have many
design- and operational deficiencies. The author
recommends to step up the production of type S-482,
S-483 and S-484, with a vibratory force of 200 to
2,000 kg. Vibro-tables VS--1-54 are presently used
for compacting the concrete mixture kor the prepara-
tion of slabs, sheets and tiles. There are 2 tables
and 2 photographs.
Card 2/2
; SOMOV, V. I.
The PVK-25 vibratory road roller. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-8:42-
44 16o. (MIRA 13:9)
(Road rollerB)
S M)IYAR.-~-A.-,,--iD.:7, h ~
RAU-3 fineumatic and mechanical cement waoader. Mekh.stroi.
18 no*9.,25-.28 S 161. NMA 14-10)
1. Stalingradgidrostroy.
(Cement) (Compressed air) (Loading and unloading)
RUTBERGY G. B. . inzh.; ~MOLYAR,, A.A. --
New machinery and equipment for construction of the Stalingrad
Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr.stroi. 31 no.8:24-28 Ag 161.
(MIRA 14:8)
(Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station)
(Building machinery)
SMOLYAR, A.A., inzh.; SOMOV, V.I., inzh.
FVK attached roliers developed by Volgogradgidrostroi.
Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no.8:7-10 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9)
(Rollers (Earthwork))
SMOL-Ypj~* A,A., irzh.
Conference on th-3 comprehensi,%-, mechanization cf the unlrad-Ing
and transportation of cement. Mekb, strol. 21 nGAL-.26~2R ja
164. (MIRA 1-:4)
10 3 107 /~Z21,7 d(
tl~ 0 87)
AliThORSi Khachishviii, V. !., 1,1ozdokeli, T. G- Smolyar, B. Yp-,,
Asatiani,lya, V.
THTLEt Production of elementary boron by reducing boron trifluoride
with metallic sodium
PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no, 7, 1961, 1493-1496
TEXTs A method of producing rure elementary boron was developed by
reacting boron trifluoride and metallic sodium all 6001C, A sodiur. excess
is decomposed with alcohol or ammonium chloride solusion; sodium, fluoride
and impurities are extracted by washing with hydrochloric acid and water.
The boron thus obtained is a dark-brown amorphous powder, the density of
the discharged material is O~2 - 0.25 9/= ., At room temperature, it
absorbs up to 12Vo by weight. The apparatus used is schematically showni
11iletallic sodium is molten in the tank (1) whict, is heated up to '05':)C,
then, the tank is filled with dry nitrogen. Boron trifluoride from "he
cylinder (10) is condensed in the capturing vessels (9) and (1.1) by
cooling with liquid oxygen, the non-condersed gases es--ape toward the
Card 114
S101 81611006 /007/,)01//014
107 /3217
Production of elementarv
mm Hg - The pfocess is
vacuum pump (1Q) wlich maintains a vacuum of
control' led by a marometer (8). The stee" reaction vessel. (4) is in the
furnace (6) the lalteral walls of which are prote,2'.ed by a separate
partition (5)~ ThE vessel contains the reaction cy-linder (3); a h 4gh-
pressure valve of !;tainless steel (2) is the connecting piece with the
tank (1), the pipen (14) of copper and (15) of stainless steel as well as
the sylphon with the reducing piece (13) are the connecting pieces with
the boron trifluor.--de cylinders. The air contained in the vessel is
sucked off by the -,opper pipe (161 and the copper ~18)., After evacuation
of the plant, the -iessel is heated to 6000C and boron fluoride passed
through the spiral copper mine (12) and the sylrhon valve of copper (7)
at a pressure of 500 mm Hg and a rate of 5 I/min. A valve regulates the
addition of liquid sodium. Pressure varies between 400 and 500 mm H9
during the reaction. To terminate the process, first sodi;,;m addition is
stopped, boron fluoride, however, furthermore introduced until it starts
condensing in the cooling vessel (11)~ The vessel is left cooling, filled
with dry nitrogen and then opened. The small amounts o-f un-reacted sodium
are separated by washing with unhydrous ethyl alcohol or ammonium
chloride solution under nitro6eri. Coagulation of the very fine-dis7persed
Card 2/4
Production of elementary ... 3107/,~217
0 - 5
boron ammonium chloride solution, 800C) is important for the further
treatment. Subsequently, sodium fluoride is extracted. Experiments
at 600 and 8500C showed that at 8500C losses are caused by very finedis-
persed boron and the formation of sodium fluoborate. Moreover, impurities
caused by the material of the apparatus are ,less high at 6oo0c. The
purity of boron prepa-red at 600cC was the following: coarse-grained part
with 99-5~o B, 0.21~ Si, traces of I'Ag and Na; fine-grained part with 93YO B,
/a f 1. ~'t.
2.0~'o Si, 0.2% Fe, 0.13'/0 Mg, 0.6~.' Al, 0.106~.' Ca, traces of sodium. The.
authorsthank 1. G. Gverdtsitell and Ye. Ye. Baron' for discussion, A. L.
Sokolova for his assistance-in analyzing. A. V. Topchiyev is mentioned.
There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 25 references: 16 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-
Soviet-bloo. The four references to English-language publications read
as followat H. C. Co,.-iAn. Nucl. Engn., J, 11 (1959); 3- Y' Ind.
Eng. Chew.. , 47, IA95 (1955); C. H. Chilton. 'Chem. Eng'' 14a (1957Y,
J. S. Srevack. U. S. Patent, v. 2, 685, 501 (1954 sneering.
SUBMITTED: June 6, 1Q60-
Cara 3/4
Production of eiementlary
Legend to the Fig.i -See Text.
Card 4/4
Ot"dy prf3!3arved cainver bi.rcd fr= -Inediated
I 1~1 .. 12 1
t, 1 Lere~ (mipi 18,10)
SMOLYAR, 1.14.
,ulating- the distribution of vinrkers' settlements in the oil
field regions. ITanch.dnk-l.vy3.shkoly: stroi. no.1:215-222 '59.
NIRA 12:10)
1. RF%Vonnndovana trafedroy arkbitekturnogo proyektirovaniya
planirovki nasolaianyl-ch most Moqkovskogo arkbitpicturnogo insti-
(Regional planning)
SMOLMUt, 1. 1-1.
Distrib-ition of ncy-palation in the new oil retgions of the
U.S.S.R. ?,,ik-I no.2:172-
177 '59 - (14LU 12:8)
1. Hon1covsIdy arldiitekturn.,rr institut.
(Petroleum industry) (Population)
SMOLYARI I.M., lwnd.arkhitektury
Organizin,g brief recreation outside the city. Gor.khoz.Wak. 35
no.6~7-11 Je 161. (MMA 14:7)
(YAoscow-Recreation areas)
KAFUSTE, Ye.,I,.. kand.ek-or-,nauk; LAV'0V,V,,V.; RYIJI,BI, SJ-L; KONSTMITINOV,
Yu,A., Pi,1AVIDI17, D.T., kand.,ekon.naulk; HL'ILLOVA, N.I.; -UINIS~ "Si~AYA,
F~Sz; ;:~OFOV, ~!.A,; DE- Y.4110VA, V.A~;
V,A,,, kane, yurid,nauk; MON-, D.L.;
911EPTUIT, Ye.V,; KtIAZFIENT, V~G.~ ALES',IINA, F,Yu.,. kand. ekon. naUR-;
GUGORIYEVIA, I., miadshiy red.: CHEFELEVA, 0., tekhn. red.
[pu"Olic con-umption fwds and improving the welfare of the people in
the !-.S.F.RAObshchestvennye fondy i 1.ost blagosostoianiia naroda v
SSSR. Ecs!-:va, Sotsckgiz, 1962. 222 p. (1,M-U 15: 6)
(Cost and standard of living)
AB.-'ZOVICII, A.D., ',:an,-,. tc':hn. nt~uk; ~%jfjcll'~_lv, V..F., kz;n~i. toklLn.
nanuk; KAPL-'-_',", G.A., inzh.-ekono!:ist; UTFI:, Sj:., in-.h.-
zemleust".04tel'; LISTENGURT, 7:-_nd. geogr. nauk;
Sl~-'C,A~OV, Ya.Y,, kanCt. tekhn. na~uk-;.71 ll-,
kht.; SlEi.LIGOV, V.D.,
arkh' tek- S 1 A., 1
Vitn(i. ,jrkht.; F:'.LLTLVl V.G., im"ll.; I villivaLli liciv stiye:
IJUIV,I-Vi~y V.P.; GLABill;~, I.E.K.; G6LlV,;llV,,'Yl:, AJ%;
DU.:YAl!0!-SKIY, V.S.; KAFUIJ'q, G.L.; FEbUTOV,., V.A.; TSEYM11,
G.I.; 3-U,LLAKCV, N.Ya., red.; KUVF.JJlEYZ'fS, Z.1%, red. izd-va;
GOLOVKIIIA, A.A., tekhn. red.
[il,cgional planning of cconordc aCinninistra-tive re-vions,
int,ustrial re.-ions and centers; ,.lLnning guide liRaionnaia
planirovka ekorjor,ic!:csl-ikh ad:. 4nistr,-tivUykh raionov, pro-
i..yr,hlennykh raionov i uzlov; ruk-ova6stvo po proektirovaniiu.
Pod red.ll.L..3-urlakovv., 'Yosk-va, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 266 p.
(1,MPA 15: 10)
1. Akadei...'y_ stroitell:-tvz, i ark'llit"ektilry SSSR. Institut gra-
dostroitel'Ltva i raionroi Pl-ni-ovk-i. 2. Zwre~7titell direl.-
tora po muchmoy rabote instituta
gradosti-oitell5tva i rw,-onnoy (for Burlakov).
3. institut ErrEdostroitellstva i
ravornoy (for Butuzove., Glabina, Goll,~slfteyr,
Dcr:yanovs 1:iy, ~'.a: Ian, Fedotova, TScitlin).
(~;egional plc=incr)
Regional planning in the European people's democracies. IzvJU
SSSR.Ser.geog. no.2sll8-125 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 1624)
1. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut gradoetroitellstva i
rayonnoy planirovki Akademii stroi-tellstva i arkhitektury SSSR.
(Europe, Eastern-iEconomic zoning)
(Europe, Eastern-Ecor~mic p9licy)
BURLAKOV, II.Ya., inzh.; KAPLAN, G.A., inzhener-ekonomilst; LISTENBURT, F.M.,
kand.geogr. nauk; SMOLYAR, I.M., kand. arkhitektury; SOLDATOV, S.I.,
kand. arkhitektury; SOLOFNENKO, N.A., I-and. arkhitektury;
Regional planning is necessary. Prom. stroi. 40 no.8:42-45 Ag
163. (14IRA 16:8)
(Regional planning)
LISTilIGUR]", F-i'll. ; _.- - ':-
"4tudydng 8elterdll of -he .rldv~t-nll dew-lolment
L! - I I I- I- __ -
of small and medl-turi-oizq- filtieL; in thr- Central _-~7,_-onamlc
Rop.glon. Izv. AN S,m:-. ge-g. (tqEk 17-.8)
. j - - .,- a
1. I'Sentrallnrr j-v_iy i inst-Itut
L16TENGUTIT, i .14.; SrfjL~-ARj,_. 1-X.
befinin? the conc(Tts of I'small" aM "mx4JUM-slzer- tolins;
materials on the study of towns of the Central Fconorric
Itegiin. Vest. Monk. un. Ser. 51 Geog. 20 no.5s74-77 S-0 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
AUTHORS: Volgin, L. N., Smolyar, L._I. (Moscow)
TITLE: Correction of Servosystems7lith t-he Help of Discrete
PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 8,
Pp. 1158-1164
TEXT: Reference is made to the methods of calculating systems and elements
in automation, which are based on the theory of steady processes. Mention
is made in this connection of papers by A. Ya. Khinchin (Ref. 1), A. N.
Kolmogorov (Ref. 2), and the representation of this theory in A. M.
Yaglom's paper (Ref. 3). Statistical methods of caloulating various teohni-'
cal installations were further developed in papers by V. V. Solodovnikov
(Ref. 5), V. S. Pugachev (Ref. 6), Ya. Z. Tsypkin (Ref, 7), and L. T.
Kuzin (Ref. 8). The present paper gives a solution to the "synthesis" of
computers for any controlled objects, i.e., both for stable and unstable
ones. It deals espeoially with the "synthesis" of servosystems with
discrete computers. The problem is characterized by the fact that only part
Card 1/4
Correction of Servosystems With the Help of S/103/60/021/008/007/014
Discrete Computers B012/BO63
of the system, i.e., the discrete computer that serves as a corrective
member is "synthesized", whereas the controlled object is giveno Contrary
to S. S. Cheng's method (Ref. 9), the solution offered here is based on
the method of polynomial equations. This method was elaborated in the
paper of Ref. 10. The problem to be solved is transformed into a system
of two polynomial equations, the soldtion of which is given in the appendix.
Some results of the theory of discrete steady processes, obtained in the
above-mentioned papers of Refs. 3, 4, 7 - 9, are given next, It is noted
that the method applied here is slightly different from those of these
papers. The delay operator z is used as the main operat6r. It is related
to the differential operator p and the delay time T in the following
manner: z - exp(-pT). The use of the physically realizable operator
exp(-PT) instead of exp(pT) facilitates the calculation of dynamic
systems. The authors studied only such processes whose correlation
representations are rational functions of z. A method is given for the
development of a correlation representation according to the sequence
of correlation factors. Next, formula (16) is written down for the trans-
mission function of the servosystem with a discrete computer. The sum of
Card 2/4
Correction of Servosystems 7"ith the Help of S/103/60/021/008/007/014
Discrete Computers B012/BO063
two processes, i.e., the intelligence signal S(z) and the noise N(z),
reaches the input of the servosystem. It is assumed that the two processes
be steady and statistically inde'pendent, and have zero mean values and giv-
en correlation factors. The requirements to be met for the selection of
the program of the discrete computer are described: The system must be
stable, the program of the discrete computer must be physically realizable,
the condition of "rough" must be taken into account for the "Synthesis"
of the system, and the system must be an optimum. Then, the algorithm for
the selection of the program is given. In conclusion, it is noted that the
method of calculating such systems is greatly influenced by the condition
of maintaining "rough" of the system when introducing computers into it.
Theory has shown that the introduction of computers into servosystems
makes it always possible to obtain optimum systems that satisfy the condi-
tion of "rough". The quality of the system, however, mill be lower for
unstable controlled objects than for stable ones. Besides, the control
program for unstable objects is more complicated. The controlled object
should be stabilized by means of additional internal connections. If such
Card 3/4
Correction of Servosystems With the Help of S/103/60/021/008/007/014
Discrete Computers B012/BO6~
connections cannot be introduced, it is possible to use discrete computers.
There are 10 references: 8 Soviet and 2 US.
SUBMITTED: January 11, 1960 V~-
Card 4/4
-MOLYAR, Ll.t.,
GREBTSOVJ. G.I., kand. ekon,, nauk, dots., SMLKHOV, B.M,,, kand. ekon. nauk,
dots.i S
IMOLYAR.--~ J starshiy prepodavatell; GRANBERG, A.G.~
iGANBEGYAN, A,, kand. ekon. nauk, red.; KONIKOV, L.A., red.;
GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red.
(Principles of working out an interbranch balance]Osnovy raz-
rabotki mezhotrasIevogo balansa; uchebnoe posobie, [By)G.I.Greb-
tsov i dr. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 2?8 pz (MIRA 16:3)
1. *chislitelinyy tsentr Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-ekonomicheskogo
soveta Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for Granberg),
(fRussia-Economic policy)
(Programming (Electronic conputers))
Using mathematical methods and electronic calculating machines
in establishing a production program for multiple-article pro-
duction. Vast. mashinostr. 42 no.10:74-77 0 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
(Industrial management)
(Economics, Mathematical)
(Electronic calculating machines)
St-an,dards 1'--r the ph7sicpal development of children in Souther-1.
~Didzlh. 0 no.2:24-26 1,Lr-Ap 1'2
(PTIFU 15:7)
1. !z instituta krayevoy meditsiny ADI Taezhikgkoy SSR i Respubli-
kanFl,oL7n vrachebno-fizlcul'turnoaf,, dispansera, TadzhSSR.
Apply-ing obstetrical forceps according to N.A.TSovlianov's method.
Fed., akush. i gin. 22 no.3:57-58 160. (lcu. 1/.:4)
1. Akushersko-"inekologicheskaya klinika Llvovskoy oblastnoy
bollnitsy (gla~n3nj vrach - T.T.Plakhava, nauchnyy rukovoditell-
dotsent O.Kh. Babada li).
SMOLYAR, P.; CRWS, V.; ZAPOROSHCHU, G.[Zaporoshchuk, H.]
Our workshop practices. Mekh. oil'. hoop. 9 no. 6:31-32 Jo '58.
(HIRA 11:7)
1. Dzhulinalks mashinno-traktornaya stantsiyo, Vinnitalkoi oblasti.
(Vinnitra Province-Machins-Aractor stations)
Using grain threshers in threshing peas. Mekh. oil' hoBp. 9
no. 8:17 Ag '58. (MIRA 11.-8)
1. Golovaly inzhaner Dzhulinalkogo radiotekhnichnogo skladu,
Vinnitalkoi, oblasti(for Smolyar). 2. Zaviduyuchty maysterney-u
Dzhulinelkogo radiotakhnichnogo skladu, Vinnitelkoi oblasti(for Chamus).
(Threshing machines)
For timely and good repair of collective farm machinery. Mekh.
sill.hosp. 10 no-1:12-13 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Glavnyy inzhener Dzu1inskoy remontno-tekhnicheskoy stantaii,
Vinnitskoy oblaBti (for Smolyar). 2. Zaveduyushchiy masterskoy
Dzhulinskoy remontno-tekhnicheskoy stantsii, Vinnitskoy oblasti
(for Chemua).
(Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair)
Use of machinery in fitting o!' %rindow sashes into the frame. Sbor.
vnedr.rats.pred. v les. i meb.proo. no.2:20-21 159. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Zavod "Stroydetall" Glavleningradstroya.
(Windows) (Woodworking machinery)
Use of machinery in fitting door leaves into the frame. Sbor.vnedr.
rate.pred. v les. i meb.prom. no.2:25-27 159. (HIRA 13:8)
1. Zavod "Stroydetall" Glavleningradstroya.
(Doors) (Woodworking machinery)
Joiner's bench for finishing assembled door leaves.
Gugi-osted by Smoliar. P.M.; P.I.Nikulin, N.I.Bystrov. Rats.i
izobr.v stroi. no-9:71-73 '59. 041RA 13:1)
1. Rabotniki zavodn "Stroydetal" stroitellnogo tresta 31o.16
GlavloningradetroyaI LeaiiM,,rad, Moyka, d.67/69.
S"'VILYAll, V.
Use of ca~ Ln, or~--nniovl av rel,ited to
1, n (iiet. Vop.pit.
di f fe I -er, and nIUM c. Gr,
(MIPLA 18:22)
0 0 V
I I I x 11 v j 1. Its m 21 JA b 16 .11 a 29 Jul 11 j; IS m IS mull"41141"
A I r. r I F -c h I -K- ~L AL-
6 cock"MOIDS and thil Im low awathe of Operatiom of
the atw OP811-heank sectift itt the Mak"v pLaut. M.
d 1)
arov an
owes IM, No. 5. 1 m.
the new MAllin will omm.l "1 12
ItAIIIIUAFY UjWn-hVAflIl IUtU4Vt'%, -01 hAVIIIJI d Ill"Will 00
area W W.." sq. Ul. AUld A jMl~dUItk)H CAIWIly 1113AkItkIll,
per day ur Al'OklO Kv,Ollu tons 1wr YeAr. 'I be lurn;u-t%
Are 4 %landard ty1v atuf Are catc-d. to c1mate oil a nu%t. 00
.,I blat-furn~,, usid oke-vot gw,- r1w mctmd %,It =
I.- f,tt-fred ill M KI com, '41"witv ;411.1 "Ill 1:.
.,4.l Solo
, 4.11 JJAU
l OR,
9 aw
ty. 2 m
c4pAciiy Im the I'IA't-fUlUAtV J%MS Aild 2 14 N1,41101) CU. Ill
forIhr%'ukv~)vvli9m,. So far t fir first 4 fill uAcv~ have Ixcm
100 4 R-ulk. ,f -~crat U-nihs, ol.-CAll'ill Allow thA.
ID -
~ pf"at Io f~- ~uvv-(Ut. Sulwitiral detall. of COO
4FIl Alld UCHA"A. 41~ IAIJIVA U( :1 UIUfIth*' IfjWlAtkIll Alt ::o *
00 POO
- so
0 0 0 0
1 00
00 0 0 0 o
**ego 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0
m It V-1 If -A v L AA 4
r a i J
j 0 1
04P Noductiot, rgssgv~s 01 I&rge open.hesith furnaces
A. Stoolyarrnka ond N. 1. 1 (alow. %ral 7. 61.11 S
AnAtialy-isO thewt-an-l-o-vo -I 'Io*-Im,v,
: slurmiun of melting.,hr4tinig ~Isrdtilr. wt-mi; of for.
0 oa.,v. asul ipsantily of inctal wii mmir (or olmn-hemth
00 furil.1ce.,; of IM-354) Ion raparily I ih~- M.,c,jit.,g,)rA
mill.. The wulv%ci Itmv that I,-v1 pro-
0 to th- I.V 7-oldfir"',
0 I
41- L S a
0 fritir CPU Nis WW KIF ff It cc KW A 1 1. dna,
USEM/Magineering Jan, 1948
Furnaces, Metallurgical
Some Questions with Regard to Improving the Construe-
tion of Martin Furnaces," D iA. Smolyarenko, N. I.
Yefanov, Migineers, MChM, 9-Epp
"Stall" No 1
B. 1. Kitayev, and V, V. Lempitskly made some theoret-
ical conclusions to the effect that a two-story cap is
much more efficient than the cap construction suggest-
ed b7 Ventur. However, this still requires practical
proof. Ventur heads (caps) operate satisfactorily an
large Martin furnaces. Rose's portable head Is also
fInding satisfactory industrial use. It Is necessary
USSR/Magineering (Contd) Jan 1948
to improve the efficiency of the operation of the
nozzles, however, when the portable head is used.
For this, it is necessary to improve the fire resist-
anee of the material. In this line, experiments con-
ducted at the IM (Kuzneta Mietallurgical. Combine) are
of great interest. TeBtB are being conducted to de-
tel ine practicability of using highly aluminum
SHOLINIKOV, likelay Ivansvich; SIVKOVA, Valeriya Alakeandrovna; SHOLTARUXO,
D.A., redakt*r;'DENISOVA, I,S., redaktor; KIRSAWOVA, NX.', tokhnl-- - ,
~ ;-okiy redaktor.
[Improvement of sanitary conditions for workers pouring metal in
open-hearth millj] Ozdorovlenie uslovii truda pri razlivke metalla
v martenevskikh tookhakh, Moskva, Isd-vo TT9WS Prefisdat, 19~5-
115 P. (Foundries--Sanitation) (MIRA 9:5)
;~~_ 7 j""_
All-Union conference of workers in the refractory materials industry.
stall 16 no.4:361-362 Ap 155. (MIJRA 9:7)
l.Ministerstvo chernoy metallurgii SSSR.
(Stalino--Refractary materials--Congresses)
KOLOSOV, Mikhail IvaLnovich; KUL'BATSKIY, Aleksey Pavlovich; SMOLYARENKO,
D.A., rpd.; ZINGER, S.L., red.
[The pouring of steel] Razlivka stali. Mosk7a, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metRIlurgil, 1957- 211 P.
(MIRA 11:1)
AUTHOR: Smolyarenko, D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: 0~f Steel in the USSR (Proizvodstvo stali
PERIODICAL: Stal', 195?, vo-11, pp. 968 - 976 (USSR)
,ABSTRACT: The development of steel production in the USSR during
the last 40 years is outlined. The following subjects are
discussed in some detail: 1) dynamics of the development in
the production of steel during 1913-1956 and planned output for
1960 (Fig.1) and average data on the output fuel consumption,
proportion of hot metal, etc. are given; 23 the development
of modern open-hearth furnaces with some design details for 250
and 500 ton open-hearth furnaces (Table 2, Figs.2-4); 3) the
development in the technology of the open-hearth process - double
charging, use of oxygen, mechanisation and automation; 4) the
development of continuous casting of steel (in 1957, 8 experi-
Liental and industrial continuous casting plants were in operation;
5) improvement in the quality of refractories for steel-making
furnaces and equipment; 6) exchange and mastering of leading
experience between works; 7) the quality of steel produced.
The necessity of improving and standardising the quality of a
given type of steel produced in various works is stressedi
C.-irdl/2 8) inr.~rovement in the organisation of production.
Lit 3z
.8 ~ 4 ~ .
dj~. f d
I h- 1 -
r r. I I
The 'oordirazion Crder for Tec~-.nical Specifica'icns _,~or Products of the
ierrous i4etal Ipdustry
and a proval of the spe.-ification-s with obligatory partici-
pation of the Sovnarkhozes and Scientific Research Institutes
which are the bases of separate industry branches. All spe-
cificatiors will be registered at the Scientific Research In-
stitutes where they will be provided with a number making them
valid. The Institutes will examine the specifications for
correctness of form, correspondence to standards and already
existing specif-icat-io-2s. They will have to reduce the quan-
tity of different metal grades, select the best, organize
information exchanges between plants, and give recommendations
to consume-rs. Al~proval of technical specifications has to be
the lo6fical final step in development of a work. As one such
instance there is mentioned the specification for converter
steel blown through with oxygen - the result of research work
done by I's-NIMiLl jointly with Zav-od imeni Petrovsko.-o (Plant
im-eni, Petrovskiy). T!,e linyepropetrovsk Sovriarkhoz approved
for the process a temporary ~pecifiication designated"
C h.`il T UI -C,7 (valid unti-I 1919). The last part of
Card 213 T s i; I I OnIM - ` ' I
The Coordination Order ~'rr Yechnical Specifications ior Products of 'he
Ferrous Nletal Industry
the reeulation concerns the numbering 3ystem for the speci-
fications (illustrated by examples in the article). The ori-
ginals of approved specifications will be kept at the corres-
ponding .3cientific -Research institutes.
AS~30CIATION; TsNII chCirnoy metallurgii (Central Research Institute of
Ferrcus lKetallurgy)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1. Metal indust,=7~Standards 2. Specifications-Standardization
3. Standardization-USSR
S,~jOLy~_IjTI,j,jK(l, D.A-, ),-anl.tnkhn.naulr
Rneant achievements in "odern stnel,aking practices. Dost.rlau!ri
i tel-h.i perpd.o-o.v pror,,.i stroi. no. " ' 24~~2 1513.
(14IFA L?:10)
(Steel--14etallurp_v) (S.nlting)
SMOLYAREIIKO, D.A-,,,kand. tekhn. nawk.
- ~ -
- Safety measures in repairing metallurgical furnaces. Bezop. truda. v prom.
2 no.11:34 N '58. (MIRA 11:11)
(Metallurgical furnaces--Maintenance and repair)
AUTHOF.9: _~Llapl~renko,,- D. A. , Candidate of Technical s0-,1/67-58-4--12/29
Sciences, Fertsev, A. , Engineer
TITLE: The Per-spectives of the U!3e of O)ry~,en in I'letallurgy in Socialist
Countries (Perspektivy prameneniya kisloroda. v metallurgii
sotsializticheskikh stran)
PFRIODICAL: hislorad, 1958, Nr4, pp. 40-40 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In Ai3ril 1958 the third joint meeting of representatives of the
steel-casting inaustnj and the sections for the production of
refractories vras held at Dnepropetrovsk. The meeting was attended
by members of the council for mutual aid (to sociali3t countries).
The meeting was further attended by the specialicts from Bulgaria,
Hungary, the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Funania,
Czechoslovakia, and the USSR. Reports were delivered which con-
cerneJ the manner in -Mnich conditions set up at the previous
further deals,
meeting (II) at P--gue had been fulfilled. Lectures
with the Joint plan for the increase of stcel production (in
sccialist countries) during the period of 1958-1960 and the
issuincr of new regulati-oug for -the develo-Dirient of modern methods
Card 14 of production 6uring the period of 1960-1975-/. It was stated in,
The Perspectives of the Use of Oxygen in Metallurgy sov/67- 58-4-12129
in Socialist Countries
this connection that, while the quality of open-hearth steel
produceJ in thr., respective countries had remained on the same
thnt stcel and ulectric steel had improved
consl6erabl.-'. In Czechozi-Ovakia it is planned that cxy~,,on shall
be LL-3ed to ca inc.--ased extent -*:.ri s -"~-el fcundry in
the --curse the per-Jod extending to 1960. 3or th-is rjl~---oose -;,Pe
estub'ishment of t1irce lar&e riew oVgen -clan't.8 is planned. In
Czechoslovakia a nQw method of pre-paring steel i.rLgct--- weighing
i'rom 2,5 to 4,5 t, which will. be used for casting, has been devel-
on~ed. It was decided at ti-Lis meeting that measures should be taken
foz- a further increase of ste-el production (Ijointly by the
--ocial'-' countries) ~ not onls:- --,jy the est-ablishmer' c-,f new plants
,~ - -- 6 1
o--r- by extending and enLarging already existing cries, bi-, 4,- also b,,-i
the incrcased avpi~ oation o' ox~,:ren in all mc-tallLir; ;-c,-.1 precesses',
Among other measures, also the futrther development of the produe-
Card 2,13 tion of converter steel by the application of oxygen is plann'ed.
The Perspectives of the Use of Cxygen in Ketallurgy sov167~ 5&i.--',-,,,,129
.Ln Socialist Countries
1. Steel industry,-USSR 2. Oxygen-Applications
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Smolyarenko, !).A., Candidate of -echnical Sciences
'ITLE: Problems of Improving the Standardization of Ferrous
Metals (Voprosy uluchsheniya dela standartizatsi-i che"r-
nykh metallov)
PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 10,58, Nr 5, pp 6 - 11 (U33R)
AB3TRACT: The article demonstrates how the quality of ferrous metals
could be raised by adoptintm, an ordered classification,
terminology and production standards system, placed on a
proper scientific basis. The present classification of
the various types of steel is explained, and the contra-
dictions and confusions inherent in the terminology
illustrated, mentioning Professor S.S. Shteynberg and
Academician A.A. Baykov's contributions to the terminol-
ogy. To estimate the quality of the metal being turned
out by a particular nrccess, the mathematical-statistical
method should be widely used. The multi le correlation
method is Dartioularly effective Since it- enableS to
Card 112 establish the quanti"Rtive dependence c1_ the T=_duction
3 OV/28 - r; - 2,1 ~ 7
emc of Tmproving the 3tPndardizi t~ cn of Ferr~,_Is 1 ctalc-
indices being studi-d from a number of factors (make-up
of the furnace charr,6, chemical content, mechanical proper-
ties etc), Two examples are given of steels shich were
analysed: the results -are converted into statistical
form. This sho~ots the extent to -.-hich va.-iations in the
amount of the individual elements will effect the quality
of the finished steel. There are 5 graphs and 2 tables.
1. Meta1s--Standards---U5SLR 2, Steel-,Clas S4 fication
Card 2/2
P.i;., Candidateof Technical ScJences; Ka,~Ian,
AUTHOR: Smolyare!i~~
A-0.-and Matyu-SH-ina, N.V., Engineers
TITLE: The Technical Conditions .'-r New Types of Production in
Ferrous Metallurgy (Tekhnicheski3eusloviya na novyye vidy
produktsii v ch9rnoy metallurgii)
PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, k1r 5, Pp 37 - 39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article -reviews briefly the characteristics of the tech-
nical requirements for a number of production groups and
new grades of steel and alloys.
1. Steel--,9tandards
Card 1/1