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SMOLINSKI, A.; K=17KOWSKI, Z. ; SNIALOWSKI , T. Influence of the tuning and tracing rate on the recording fidelity of filter characteristics taken up by a Neuman type recording device. Arcbiw elektrotech 12 no. 4: 772-779 163. 1. Zaklad Magnetykow, Insty-tut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa, i Katedra Magnetykow i Dielektrykow, Politechnika, Warszawa. SVIOWISKI, Adam inaugural lecture. Zpnz probl. nauki Pol 25,15-22 163. 1. Institute of 9asic Techrical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Li, ~!)MO-L I NSK IIA q -n LACH0141C.' ~ h6ll,:ykj Ad ~ --n magnetic --Ilz.3 and their use !,-: ccmDuters, Zssz nrob, L - .6 nauki Pol e',4;194-215 ~63, .1., Institute of Banic Technical 'ProblSM5, Foli3h Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, L EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD7H--#F' ACC NR, AP5028967 SOURCE CODE: FO/0053/65/000/008/0365/0371 AUTHOR: Krzycki, Ze'non; Smolinski, Adam ORG: none TITLE: Recent deVelopment in re3earch on microwave ferrite components in PolAnd SOURCE: Przeglxad elektroniki, 310. 8, 1965v 365-371 TOPIC TAGG: microrwave component, ferrite, resonance line, ferromagnetic resonance, measurement, nonlinear effect ABSTRACT: This paper concerns the development of microwave ferrite components in Poland since 1954. The research o&lnickel-copper-cobalt and nickel-copper-zinc fer- rites with narrow resonance lines carried out by Dr. R. Wadas is mentioned, and the measurement of ferromagnetic resonance by the Zenon Krzycki method is described. The characteristics of 17 microwave ferrite components designed and manufactured in Poland are given. The assunption is made that future research in Poland will concentrate on developing millimeter band components in the microwave range, on improving the mcnt of components, and on utilizing the nonlinear phenomena in ferrites. This paper was read at the Ninth Yugoslav Conference LTU held in Bled in Nov. 12-14, 1964. Orig. art. has.-7-fi-g-.-, SUB CODE: 17,20 SUBIM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 000 OTH MF: 038 L-C .396-96 UDC. 621.318:621 NR. AP6008689 A(-Fl HOR: ;molinski, A. K. SOURCE CODE: PO/0095/66/ol4l/001/"06'71/0080 ORG: Depurtmel)t of EIec "roll i c Circuits, Technical University, Warsaw (Katedra Ilk-ladow Fiektroniezriyeh, Politechnika); Department of Magnetics, In,stitute of _-Eundamental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences (Zak-lad MaGnetykow, Iristytut Podstawowych Problemov Techiliki, PjVi) TITLE: High-frequency pulse decay in s..rnchronous sini5le-circuit amplifiers SOURCE: Polska akademia nauk. Bulletin. Serie des sciences techniques, v. no. 1, 1966, 71-80 TOPIC TAGS: high frequency amplifier, resonant amplifier, pulse amplif]*.er, amplifier stage ABSTRACT: The paper presents the calculacion of raiues for the pulse plase angle, and instaiitaneous frequency of response to a high-frequencj decay signal by a single negative overshoot. 91-le signal is applied at the staxting poin- of tint, iwiltistage, modulated, synchronousv resonance amplifier -with one circuit for each stage. By applying high-performance resonance-tube amplifiers, the apprcximation method of calculation can be used to investigate the effect of the poles o_4~' sf'gnal function and the adjoining functions of the system. This method assures precisior; Card GIEBOOKI., R.; SMOLINSKI, J. Spec trophot tome tric studies on the New HercuLes 1-963. Post-e-py astronom 12 no.1!15 164, Atlases of spectra of two fast and two slcy4 atars In large dispersion. Ibid.:16 3 164. c a GIEBOCK.l , E. ; Jl~-IOLIJISKIJI J. Observational conditions in Piwn-ice in 1963. Foste-cy astromor-, 12 no.4:261-263 O-D 164. PUBLIC HE-ALTH RUMANIA 616-002-951.21-084 LUPASCUt Gh., Prof, TIPTAREANU, Justinap Dr, SOLOMON, Paula, POPA, I., Dr, and COSTINv Maria. Biologist, q1 Work performed at the "Dr I. Cantacuzind'Institute of Dlicrobio- logy, Parasitology and Epidemiology (Institutul de Flicrobiologiet Parazitologie si Epideoiologie Tr 1. Canatcuzino"), Bucharest. "Aspects Concerning the Organization of a Campaign Against Teniasis (Taenia solium)." Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 11, No 3, May-Jun 66, pp 257-263. Abstract LAuthors' English summary modified]: The authors describe a campaign against teniasis in a town where several cases of Taenia solium had been identified. The campaign involved simultaneous application of three approaches: effective treatment of carriers; determination of the extent of infestation; sanitary precautions and sanitary-hygienic education of the entire population. Includes 4 tables and 6 references, of which one Rumanian and 5 Western.-- Manuscript submitted 2 August 1965. 12 2, ~Pt',-od of oroducin,~- 3156/3108 fror-ii the pociii-ets of t' e conq~--nser 1 , this N 3 c the tiibes in 5 i)y 2 It a -)resjure of 0.5 in 5, the pressure Maintained the C i. U I:i -JIN,~-,) 7 to the reduced boiling point of the N, a hi-her e -1, ,3 e of con,Ionsation or L 2 an(I the uncon- N is re,iched in the tubes of 5, u n.,; u d ras !,,; enrichr!d. wi th Ne find fie. A simall aniount of liquid 11 2 is fed ~n'n 6 throw-li t-e !in(-, the heat 'elivered fror, the N,, assiz;ts in evap- oi-tinr~r the He :-n--' he from the liquid W in the vat of tl~e column 4. Yrom 2 tl-.i3 vat t'ne li'vaid, N 2 flo,-t3 throuFh the line 9 spraying the upper column C, 2. Axture of neon and helium, also contain-ne-, 'N~ Th e L 21 -s tn7-en of" throush Mh e line 10 for further nrocessing. T-e indicators 11 a n d 12, r, a j. r t- a I' n t h levdl of. liquid in 4, and are used for controllin,fr, the operation of '. '-'I'ith the proposed method, extraction of -oi7i -ir is hiFh. Is no n ~Abstracter He te: Complete translation.-i* There is 1 fi,~-ure. 2/3 CIUCA, IN, prof., ahai,; LUP26CU, Gh., prof,; DUPORT, M~, d-r; AGA-,.~--JLCAYEI, A, d-r; S---IOLII~TSKI, I... d-r Ft'oblems in irAlaria in the fbimanian Peaple's Republic. Med. para?., J. paraz. r~ol, tio.2'160-162 '62. (MIRA 15--7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Rthmyn-skoy alkaderdi (for Lupasc-u). (f~ill,TAIIIA--~IALOIA-PREMITIOII) LUPASCU, Gh., prof.; BOSSIE-AGAVIIILOAEI, Aspasia, dr.;, SI-11OUN3~1, M..,_, dr.; NEGULICI-BALLIF, Eugen-La, dr.; CONSTANTINESCU, Piereta, dr.; ISFAIII, Tr., biolog.; PET"REA, D., dr.; MAZILIU, V., dr.; ROMAN, V., dr. The problem of quartan malaria and malaria eradication programs. MicrobLologia 8 no.2:99-112 Mr-Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in InsUtutul "Dr.I.Cantaciizino" Laboratorul de malarie si protozoare patogene si Central de impaludare terapeut-ica "Berceni", Spitalul "Gh.Marinescull, in colaborare cli Statiile de malarie. Now phyalol* lkally actly" "Ib"r" Of "Ol"n"n" 1. 111K .11141 S. Nill"Jilli tjagiorthmiLuk Viiiv.. Krakim. Polind). M,.--.4k, Ch"", 23. bliIIIIIIaly). Mol. y%trm% timtx. v(hylcnc~sjnhkr groups, kno" it to pfultivrtki. were studied. The followime 11-1 1-ther.o were spithosized: bemyl 'th yl (1). Its 195-7', bear 'yl Z-(bem: v1pnelk I-lami psi) leth yl (111, b,. 113* b yl '-d' A 1. imoodh~l (11f), Is. 1;~i It's, bemh%l'Yl ,mvi tin, 'rhey -wer pfrI.I. 1'v 'tl S'S hs6.. of o4milille 1W It. N alkyl drol". "1111 1 .14 I't 1:-I H."LlIk-1. All Al'-h . I.&I N' Ili- ,,I, and ll."tr m x"InAll, .Mot. Illcv ~-rv ph-mill"I ,, hi~ "~ ...... I-. Al ervog. hota ak-. .1, prl'oll" Is, ilir t' 1. U"2.r' 3.5, ~ 11. 139 10 "'; 111. 171? 1 '. IV. 113.4 11 V. ~)i IS is ~ VI. I I L". ~.' 5- III , linical VAJIC III j-~ clillitl t1l IWII,.IIFVI. 1: - A. A. Modified MCIhOd Of Pfell4ration of phih4limitiorthvirne bromidr I IN -I'M I Sm.,li-va i I w0l ......... I - - , A'.,. "k, Che,,, .1j. U1; .;,k lppl' A (2 1 1 ~ ...... 1 1,11 fit 1 "Ild Ow k CI )I ,, .1 Iw It, atilig (,It III, It- 175 , g; region R(x, Y, s). Let E be the space of functions o(B, f) continuous in At X1. A -R+S, o. The author pr&v that there exists a function A (to) 0 es A and a constant Ak independent of u such that for O~--i+oc--k 0, R> 0 R 2 17E k R k=1 Card 1/3 V~-R 2 On a Singular Integral Appearing in the Summation Theory of 43-7-13/16 the Multiple Fourier Integral there holds the following relation: Caj:d 2/3 N 00 S 2 +1 ) R f (t) R X N f F 7 0 1 (Rt) N (Rt) Here f x(t) is the mean value of f(x) on the sphere with the -.enter in x and with the radius t. Jk (t) is a Bessel function of k-th order. For N-1 the integral of the absolute value of the kernel 2 -.4 of SR does not exist; thus the investigation of lim S. (x) becomes difficult. R -3~ co In the present paper the author gives examples of continuous f(t) for which this limit value becomes infinitely large. liere for arbitrary odd W,>1 an example can be given and for arbitrary even N>,.,l an other example can be given. The appearing kernel R(Rt)- 1/2 1 1 (Rt) appears in the summation of the ord- N-1 N- -f 2 On a Singular Integral Appearing in the Summation Theory of 43-7-13/18 the Multiple Fourier Integral for N-fold Fourier integrals due to Riesz. 4 Soviet and 1 foreign references are quoted. SUBMITTED: 15 February 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Integrals 2. Fouriers' series 3. Mathematics-Theory ~3!-`V/224-59-3-26/33 Gn- the Comparison Between the Signifiaince ~3f 3-ingle-Elemen-ts and General Samplings it can be sb-o,,,m that Eq (9) is true for the condition (iO), Generally, it can be stated that the greater m n , qi then the smaller the difference between the single element and general samplings, There are Soviet referenc,~,s, OUBMITTED: January 27, 1959. Card 212 4 AUTH'01(: 3mo 1 i t 3k iy, Kh U' '1/4/'-59-7_I//17 TITLE: On the Imbedding Theorem (Ob odnoy teoreme vlozheniya) PERIODTCAL: Vestnik Leningraciskogo universiteta, Seriya matemat.-Aci, mekhaniki i astronomii, 1959, Dj-, 7(2), pp 7j2-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT. Let d.1, be a finite domain of the ri-dilmensional Eucli'dean spane, 1,:~,gl integral-, p>,-1 , 0,