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hl'75 /0 4 8 6 -226 /OC2.;O 4' ;-'C 3 2 ,-41 2, 114 'I'loi? 2J B-,17/'B55 AUTHORS 7 1 aic ~-,A Ya La r ~Lyurzanayri, 3 A a', smc n R F f ITLE P:,,:RIODICAL: Lkademiya nauk SSSR Izvestlya. Ser--ya flz:-ch~-sk~iya, nc, 9-4-2 2_;;7-290 TEXT: Th-Lis pap-;' prezr~nTed at a or, magnet,-im a-j antlf~r---- m n e J sm TI'le autl'.ors depenr,,-nce r"P na~ni?:.- u-,-- Fn e - I -- h,,, s ter,~ 8, and a o e r~: i ve f orce -TP Ile --- tw3 -ied out ra!-i -t;o tes-, arranEements at the same time. Magn e force mneasu-r,~d continuously with a rt a! astar-ic ve 3. z ma,-n~zom,?-~er "Ref 7-, Drokin, A. I, I-11yushenko, V A ~ Zh~ ekspe-r--m teor, fiz., '2Q, r1o 8, 339 (-9~5)), Magneto strict ion -gas meas--,--r,?d ~ransr--,ttln,-- s+rain Ea-..;ges in th~~ temperature range from -1,010 Z-3 -`C~0,7-0 J I ~A a-rid in magnetic fields of up to .3800 oe. MaEnetic hysteresis was stull;?d the A-cycle 20-300-200C and 20-400-900C) in externa: magnet--,c fLe--,Jz 0 (0 - 50 op) AyinealeJ (vacuum ^,0-4 mn H~ -,100 C, 2 hr) and un--nneaiea Card 1/2 117,114 ~/, ALk 1) 34176 3/048/62/026/002/025/032 B 1 17/'B138 AUTHOR3.- Drokin, A, I., Cherkashin, V- S~, Smolin, R, P., and Yershov., R. Ye. TITLE. Anhysteretic magnetization curves of ferromagnetic, metals and alloys PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziche~3kaya; v, 26, no~ 2, 19062, 291-295 TEXT: This paper was presented at a conference on magnetism and antiferro- magnetism. The authors studied anhysteretic magnetization curves obtained by different metrods, and examined the possibility of obtaining an ideal curve with the aid of a circulating variable field. 2 groups of specimens were used (1st Croup; 99,91 % Ni; 96,92 % Ni; 3 % Cr; 90 -- Ni~ 10 ~~ Cu, 99.32 16 Ni. 2nd group; nickel, alloy steel 37XC (37KhS) and iron with 0.07 % C).- The authors chose specimens with quite wide hysteresis loops and fairly low Curie points, The measurements (maximum error 5 Yo) t-,ere made with a vertical astatic magnetometer. in the first group anhysteretic curves were studied which had been obtained by Card 1/3 34176 S/048 62/026/002/02~J/032 Anhysteretic maEnetization curves- B 117 j7Xt B138 mechanical (sonic irradiation at 20.5 Kcps) and thermal "shaking", and with a longitudinal variable field with vanishing amplitude, Mechan~call shaking at low frequencies (50 cps) and periodic tapping in a mat-netic field produced no anhysteretic curves. The second group was used to study magnetization of longitudinal and circulating variable fields,. The Zurves obtained for a specimen heated above the Curie point and then cooled ~o the original temperature are very close to the theoretically ideal one. It was found experimentally that the anhysteretic curves will converge -under uniform and increasing load not exceeding the elastic limit,. At 24 kg/mm-2 (max. load) they coincide, The almost complete coincidence of al-, curves at the beginning indicates that, with regard to the circulation f~~eld, the remanence becomes more stable as the H. of the specimen rises. Up to Ham = Hc; Ir changes linearly with field, If a circulating variable fleid with an amplitude of 2-3 H c is applied the original remanence is reduced to some per cent of its former value. Thus, such a field may prevent hysteresis,. The anhysteretic curves obtained by applying a :ir--ulating a longitudinal variable field with vanishing amplitude agree satisfactor:.~y. ML A, Grabovskiy, R, I- Yanus are mentioned- Ti-ere are 5 figures. I tab's Card 2/3 SMOLIF11 R.P.; DROKIE, A.I.; RYKOV, A.S.; SALAYSKIY, II.M.; ZYRYANOV, G.I. Temperature hysteresis of the magneti-c permeability of magnesium- manganese and nickel-zinc ferrites. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:34-39 '63. OHIPUI 16:01) 1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Ferritas (Magnetic materirdis)) DROKINY A.I.; SMOLIN,j~,.E,,i, RYABINKINA, L.I. Temperature dependence of the intensity of magnetization during heating or cooling of lithium ferrite-chromite in weak magnetic fields. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.8:2059-2064 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdalaniya AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk. (Lithium chromite ferrite--Magnetic properties) 11 185h8-63 __ W./ :F cJ& - _m Ed2Lq)_/RWT(x)_/B0a_ Al _T V.EV !ACCF,SSION NR: AP3005309 )--VIM( 3/0181/63/005/008/2059/2064 T HORSi 'Drokinp A. ;.; Smolin, R. P.; 1~rabinldna, L. I. r TITLE t Temperature dependence of magnetization during -beating and cooling of ~errite-chromite in weak magnetic fields ;SOURCEr Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 8, 1963, 2D59-2064 ,TOPIC TAGSt magnetization, magnetic field, ferrite, Fe, Cr, M, Op Curie point, -electrical conductivity, hysteresis, compensation, demagnetization, sublattice, ,ceramics IABSTRACT; The authors have investigated thermal magnetic hysteresis and electrical ~conductivity in the temperature interval from 20C to the Curie point for U20-2-5 ~e2C)3 *2.50r ~03 havinc,; a point of compensation. Po33rcrystalline samples of this. material, in -the form of bars P4. x 3 x 2.6 Mri, wero prepared b1 ordinary means of. ceramic technology. It was discovered that the curves of temperpture dependence on magnotization show characteristic features clearly emphasizing the two-sublattice structure of the ferrite. The magnetic pre~dstory of the samples has a marked ,effect on the behavior of these curves. It is possible to obtein two points of compensation artificially. The 'hagnetic memory" of lithium ferrite-chromite Card 1/2 L 185h8-63 .... 1CCESSIM NRt AP3005309 re heat served for a considerable range above the Curie point. It is necessary to p Pamples at temperatures above 300C for complete demagnetization. No anomalies were observed in the electrical properties before or after the point of compensation ,during heating and cooling of the sample. Only magnetic transformations occurred at, ,this point. Orig. art. hass 6 figures. :ASS CC! ATI M' %Institut fiziki SO AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk (Institute of Physics, 'Siberian Department, Acaden7 of Sciences, SSS SUBL7TIED: 2IJan63 DATE ACQ: o6sep63 EN CL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 Card 212 Of investigate magnetic hysteresis of monoferrites of different compositim So#'imens were prepared with 50 mole percent Fe203 and 50 mole percent MeO, where MqJ4 r4n, Mg, Ni, Co, Ba, Cu or Li. The specimens were prepared by the usual ceram- ic,ltechnology'in the form of 86 x 3 x 2 mm3 rods. The values of the Curio points and coercive force in an 800 Oe field are listed in the table. Preliminary tests showed that the Zn, Cd and Ca ferrites were either nonferromagnetic or exhibited verv weak magnetism so that their temperature magnetic hysteresis was not investi- gated- The magnetic moments of the specimens were measuredoUertical astatic magne- :tumeter and the results were converted to obtain the specific magnetization a in gauss cm3 9-1, The results for nickel ferrite are shown in Fig.1 of the Enclosure. Analogous curves were obtained for cobalt, barium, lithium, and copper monoferrit086 ;Analysis of the results indicat that temperature magnetic hysteresis in monoferrites is associated with the same processes as those occurring in metallic ferromagnets. In individual cases, specifically that of copper ferrite, the shape of the tempera- ture magnetic hysteresis curve say be affected by the presence in the ferrite of different magnetic phases. 4 figures and I tables ASSOCIATIM Institut fialki Sibirskogo otdolenlys, Akademil nauk BOOR (Institute of Physical Biberian Divisloup Acadesty of Balances, WBR) CWd. AP4010318 S/0048/64/028/001/0182/0186 AUTHOR: Smolin.R.P.; Drokin#A.I.; Zy-~pyanov.,(Y.1.; Ry*kov,A.S. TITLE: Temperature magnetic hysteresis of Mg-Mn f errites_ffeport. Symposium on ,125 June-7 July 1962/ Questions of Ferro- and Antiferromagilietism held in Krasnoyarsk SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,v.28, no.1, 1964, 182-186 TOPIC TAGS: temperature magnetic hysteresis, -magnesium manganese ferrite, ferrite, demagnetizing field, coercive force, grain,size, hysteresis loop ABSTRACT: Although the potential scientific and practical value of investigating temperature hysteresis of the magnetization of ferrites has been pointed out by a number of authors, so far there have been fe* investigations of the effect. D.A. Laptey and A.11.Drokin (Izv.VUZ,Fizika,4,111,1961) investigated temperature magnetic hysteresis of nickel-zinc and manganese-zinc ferrites, but there have been no stud- ies of the dependence of the effect on the composition, crystal structure, and oth- er properties of ferrites. Accordingly, the;*present study was devoted to investiga tion of temperature magnetic hysteresis in polycrystalline ferrites representing various points on the MnO-MgO-'Fe2O3 concentration triangle. In all, about 70 dif- -2- AP4010318 ferent compositions were investigated. All the specimens were prepared by the usu- al ceramic technique and were in the form of rods of rectangular cross section mea- suring 2.8 x 2.7 x 86 mm3. The measurements were carried out on a vertical astatic magnetometer. In most cases the temperature range extended f rum -1830 to the Curie point. The results are presented in the form of curves of the specific magnetiza- tion (gauss cm3 9-1) (or magnetization 1) versus temperature for the full heating- cooling cycle. The effect of different factors on the shape of the curves is dis- cussed. The following conclusions are drawn on the basis of the experimental re- sults: 1. The reason for' temperature magnetic hysteresis in Mg-Mn ferrites is ir- reversible dornain wall motion. 2. The hysteresis decreases with increllsing MnO concentration. 3. Increase of the temperature and the duration of annealing leads to decrease of the temperature magnetic hysteresis. 4. The size of the crystal gr"ins has a significant influence on the magnetic properties of Mg-Ma ferrites: increase in the grain size leads to reduction of the hysteresis and coercive force. 5. The internal demagnetizing field has a significant influence on magnetization switching in Mg-Mn ferrites. 6. Most of the other regularities observed as regards temperature magnetic hysteresiS in Mg-Mn ferrites are similar to the regularities typical of polycrystalline metals such as nickel, permalloy and work hardened Elin- var. 4 figures. 09, /~ --- Z,/ Al++~; t L Mg , > at Mir n3 .1te. ne the.- dettroviscosity effect occ im "IS' t n of:bydmtion max a, Ile urre ce Ki U& solvatlon groui~i on the colloid Polar 1. riscalnikow i;7 rr S 2. US3,q (6GO) 4. Fydrat-Lor. The ability of starch to bind water to the presence of electrolytes, Ukr.khi"r..zhur. 17 no. 4, 1951. 9. Mon-thl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. USSR/surface Phenomena. Adsorption. Chromatography. Ion Inter- B-13 change Abs Jour Ref Zhu - Khimiya, ljo 8,, 1957j 26366 Author L.B. Smolina In5t Tas~i_e~nsffffute of FarminG Title Binding of Water by Starches. Orig Pub 1r. Tashkentsk. s.-kh. in-ta, 19506, VyP. 7, 189-195. Abstract The water binding capability of potato (I), rice (TI), maize (III) and wheat (IV) starches was studied by the refractrometric and the polarimetric methods in presence of saccharose and glucose as indicators. The starches may be arranged by their capability to bind water into the series I,:, III ;,II > IV at a low indicator concentration and into the series I- II>III >IV at a high indicator concentration. Comparative experiments with gelatin and agar-agar xerogels resulted in the series gelatin ;-,agar-agar-;,starch. The amount of water bound by starch in the pure solvent was determined by experiments with glucose at low concentrations, and the degree of saturation with water of separate layers of the hydrate coating of mi- cellar starch was computed. Card 1/1 SMOLINA, L.B. Effect of drying, grinding and sieving on the prqperties of clay solutions. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no-5:17-21 157. (MIRA 11:5) I.Tashkentakiy- seliskokhozy-ay-stvennyy institut. F~-edstavleno akad. AN UzSSR A.S. Sadykovym. (Clay) (Boring) MOLINA. L.B. Measurement of apparent viscosity with the SPV-5ma. [standard 5mm. field viscosimeterl. Dokl.AN Uz.SSR no-9:35-37 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Tashkents~riy sel'skokhozyaystvenny7 inatitut. Predstavleno akademiltom AN U%SSR A.C.Sadykovym. (Boring) (Viscosity) SMOLINA, L.B.;BRONOVITSKAYA, L.Ye. _Yffect of oxidized brown coal and lignin on the percolation of water through loess soils and clays. Dokl. AN Uz.SSR no.10:43-46 '59 OURA 13:3) 1. Tashkentskiy sellskokhozyaystvenuyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom.AN UzSSR A. S. Sadykovym. (Coal) SMOLINA, L.B. Porosity of typical irrigated sierozems at the Akkabak Cen~ral Farming Station as related to the role qf grass in cultivation. ULb.biol. zhur. no.2:58-65 160.' (MMA 14:5) 1. Tashkentskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. (UZBEKISTAN--SIEROZEM SOBS) (SOIIS-PERMMILITY) S,,!C'LE,-'k, L.B. 4-. , Porosity ,of light-colored cultivated Slerozems of the Pakhta- Aral State Farm. Mat. po proizv. ail. Uzb. no-15:62-71 160. (I-ORA 14:8) 1. Tashkentskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, (Illich District-Soil structure) SHOUP, L.I.. Yindis: of rodwit I it fil,mmos!'; of' nouthen'll.ern n ri fi) Tf~ z . I . !-(, n! . I rV.401 . tL-110.1 - Tr, hniknlin. - - .-Jiml.protivochlin. inst. 110,1:1? "",5. (MIRA 11:3) SMOiINA L.L. Finds of mamal corpses in the steppes of southeastern Trans- 16:139-141 '5~- (MM 13:7) (TRAWSBAIKA.LIA--ANIMLLS) SIMOLI&~, L-L. Peculiarities in reproduction of Daurian pikas. Izv. Irk. goe.nauch.-issl.protivochum.inst. 19:10":',-109 158. (MIR& 13:7) (Kay-lastuy-Fikas) S.1111OL-11J.11 , L . I;-;. . AMITSHTAT, U.S.; SMOLM, L.N. Effect of periods of storage of pollen on the development of characteristics in pea hybrids. Uch.zap.len.un. no.165:53-71 153. (MLR& 7:7) 1. Iaboratoriya genatiki rasteniy kafedry genetiki i selektsii (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy professor N.V.Turbin) (Peas) (Pollen) SMOLIN,___L..N.; GAYD1NA, G.A. Changes in the electrical activity of' the brain caused by pathologically changed tissues on the periphery. Pat. fiziol. I eksp. terap. 8 no.1:10-15 Ja-F '64. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Iz laboratorii. sravnitellnoy patologii nervnoy sistemy (zav.- prof. S.I. Frankshtey-n) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dir.- deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.V. Parin) AMN SSSR. ZT OVYEV, A.A.; CHOINOVA, L.I. IN Binary system: sodium perchlorate - barium perchlorate. Zhur. neorg.khim. I no.8:1,950-1856 Ag 156. (K6RA 9:11.) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S.Kurna- kova, Akedemii nauk 3&9R. (Perchlorates) TSEFT, A.L.;.-SMOLINA, L.P.; T-ROITSKAYA, L.N.; RUSINA, L.D.; ZAPMTAYA, K.V. On the extraction of selenium and tellurium from their alloys with sulfur. Trudy Vost.-Sib.fil. A3 SSSR no.25:6o-63 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Selenium) (Tellurium) 11'.-; - TSEFT, A. L. Removal of zinc, lead, and arseni6 from iron solutions. Trudy Yost.- -151 Sib.fil. AN SSSH no.25;107-109 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (zinc) (Lead) (Arsenic) (Iron) KAJ,I,','OV-lCfi, D.,.F.; rOVI!21SKIY, I.I.; SMOLGI, M.,D.; FRANTSEVICH, I.N. Effect of a direct current on the carburization rate of s-te:41. Metalloved, i term. obr. met. no.12:46-0 D 164 (MIRA 18a2) 1. Institut meta2lokeramiki i spetgial?nykh splavor AN UkrSSR. .74 64 ,jq! 5-135-1'6 SMOLINA N._,__KRETOVICH V., TOKAREVA R., AUERMAN L., K-ULtMAN A., BRANOPOLISKAYA R. "Change in the Quality of Rye Flour During Storage," Dok. An, 58, No.9, 1947 MIROCHNIK, F.M.; SMOLINA, N.A.(Moskva) iodine in certain food products in the construction area of the Abakan railroad. Probl.andokr. i gorm. I n0-5:17-19 S-0 155. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Iz otdela gigiyeny pitanya T5entral'noy nauchno-isele- dovatellskoy laboratorii giglyeny i epidemiologii Minis- torstva putey soobshcheniya. (IODINE, in food in areas of endemic goiter in Russia) (MOD, iodine in areas of endemic goiter in Russia) (GOITER, endemic in Russia, iodine in food in areas of endemies)