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EDELtSlITE-qf G.Lqp prof.j,-SMTqIGVA,,_.)(e,X_p_,_j GORBUkVAp Z.K. Etiology,of scoliosis and kyphoscolicsis. nrav. Kazakh. 21 no.l: 12-16 410 (MIRA 14- 3) Iz kafedry travmatologii i ortopedii (zav. - professor G.L. Edel?shteyn) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Sverdlovskogo"- instituta travmatologii ~ ortopedii. (SPINE--ABNOFMITIES AM) DEFOR%IITIES) EDEL;SHTEYN, G. L., prof.; UDALOVA, N. F., na-achnyy sotrudnik; GORBRI-JOVA, Z. K., ~..auchryy sotrudnikj SMITLNIOVA_YA___~,~~.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik X-ray characteristics of lateral curvature of the spine. Zdrav. Kazakh. no-4:19-23 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo Nauohno-issledovatellskogo instituta trav- matologii i ortopedii (direktor - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Z. P. Lubegina) i Kazalchskogo meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - professor R. I. Samarin) (SPINF-ABNORMITIES kND DEFORMITIES) ~CC NR-. -(A SOURCE CODE: UP,/04-13/66/OW/012/0135/0135 06021826 IN'TEENTORS: Gubin, A. I.; Dobkina, Ye. N.; Smirnova, Yu. A. ORG: none TITIE: A solder for soldering ofproducts. Class 49, 110. 183037 SOURCE: izobreteniya, promyshiennyye obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 12, 19660 135 TOPIC TAGS: soldor, soldering, tin, antimony, copper, silver ABSTULCT: This Author Certificate presents a solder containing tin, antimony, copper, and silver for soldering products. To obtain soldered joints resisting corrosion at all climatic conditions', the composition is taken in the following percent rela- tion: antimony 1 + 0.3; copper 2 + 0.3; silver 5 0.3; tin-the remainder. SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 08jun64 UDC: 621.791.3 36 1; it 1w, up Myj a r F "M I IF 0 i 55 F 5H 3 r W-rin _Ar- ~v 3 9 9 J 1_7 go pa ~Ks ye KLARK, G.B.; GOPIUSP A.Ye.;,_PMIUJOVA. Yu.A. Effect of ellmatic conditions an the corrosion cracking of brass. Trudy Inst.fiz.khim. 8:110-129 160. (MJRA 14:4) (Brass-Corrosion) (Corrosion and anticorrosives-Climatic factors) -."- -37030 45- -j- ACCESSION NR: AP50m!~ 1'. :Tes't,*duration, h.r eight loss, 7 6 0,9!~, -,.30 0 0-2 4 7'0 `6 .1 Electric properties wer e detiermined.-.for,,.T an 'f or: &,:g ass"reinfo ced r '.plastic, in which I' was used as abinder Orig art.,': his i4, for-- ;;mulas, 3 graphs, and 2 table BN stitut~~- i~ASSOCIATION: In eli ftich4i''ki mentoorga a 'A dem so e7 inenly ka nauk -of SSSR'(Inatitute! Orjzah6e.i~ entai: -~C- iap ufids em 0 0 cademy ofl Sc ene S SUBHITTEDi. 29Sep64 ENCL: 00 SUB ~CODE OC MT NO REF SOV. 002 -OTUER. ti:' r ~~L C M a _4~01 L 22000- 66 B-IT(M)/EWP(V)/.UIP(j)/T/Bre(m)-6 IJP(c) LTV. lhbi C22 ACCESSION NR: AP5024504 UR/0191/65/000/010/0031/0034 678.674,06-419:677.521.01.539.219.2 Jr3j AUTHOR: Sukhareva, L.'A.; Smirnova, Yu. P.; Zubov, P. I.; Zamotova, A. V, A Khvilivitskiy, R. Ya. TITLE: Internal strain in reinforced systems based on polyester acrylate binders' SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10, 1965, 31-34 f 7,0PIC IPAGS: fiberglass, glass cloth, epoxy plastic, polyester plastic, adhe internal stress, bending strength, rupture strength ABSTRACT: The effect of curing conditions, binder composition and surface treatment of the reinfor a dhes1v1*M.-'-.'_ rng glass on the internal strain, mechanical, and properties of fiberglass was studied. Two curing rates were used--(l) gradual heating for 19 hours to 200 C and then holding at 200 C for 10 hours, and (2) heating to 200 C in 2 hours and holding for 20 hours. Glass cord treated with paraffin emulsion or with vinyltriethyoxysilane and glass cord heat treated at.": 400-450C were used for reinforcing. A two-component system (epoM resin and polyester acrylate MD) or a three-component system (epoxy, MD ajid an unsaturafa'-,'.-~ i ed carboxyl-conta--ifiing compound) were used as binders. Internal%train was (Card 1/2 L 220,00-66 ACCESa ON NR: AP5024504 greater across the warp than along the warp. Greater internal strains were pro-; duced by the slower curing method. The mechanical characteristics of fiberglass*~ cured by method (2) were generally higher. Physical- mechanical properties and internal strain were lower in fiberglass made of the three-component binder. Paraffin emulsion had little effect on internal strain, while the silane coating in- creased internal strain in the fiberglass made of the three-component binder. Th strength properties of the fiberglass depend on the ratio of the internal strain values to the adhesion of the binder to the glass fiber surface. Fiberglass made of resin based on the carboxyl- containing compound, which has greatest internal strain and least adhesion, is weakest. Greatest strength was obtained with the three-component binder applied to glass cloth treated with vinyltriethyoxysilane, where adhesive strength exceeds 200 kg/sq cm and the glass is torn out when the sample is broken. Orig. art. has; 8 figures and 3 tables ASSOCIATION- None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 ard 2/2 d nf a-,-- S zav. a ~Fo .01c;-I i S kL a !--s T C AM;; Ls ny ncy T~e-- Ts- -g,-a.ds,-,--;y Je len 7-- zak ka f- r V- i =kcy L r, 1. i,k-y bC- 1 ni t.F~ yA I d I POIT(VARE12 A.A. - T-TIR'011A) ZIA. Anatomicoelectrocardiographic parallels in chronic cor pul- mona-le. Vrach. delo no.1:46-48 Ja'64 (HIRA 17:3) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy ternpii (nacliallnik - deystiritellnyy chlen IU-i SSSR, prof, N.S. Molchanov) Voyenno-.meditsinskoy alcatlemii imeni SJM.Kirova i patolotfoanatomicheskoye otdeloni3e .,radskoy oblastroy klinicheskoy boll- Nav. - Z.A. Smirnova) Lening nitoy. Yew~eniy Fedotovich; RUDICE, K.E., red.; alIFTOVA, Z.A., red.; SEUKOVA, T.M., tekhn. red. [Volcanoclastic rocks] Vulkanoklasticheskie gornye po--ody. Nfoskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 167 p. (MIRA 16:1-2) (Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) L j Shcher'ba) a,-,n Y-.7 NIKOLAYEV, Nikolay Ivanovich; .~iMIAWVA, Z.A.t red.; GUROVA,,--G.A., tekhn. red. -------- - -" -f (Recent tectonic movements and their evidence in the structure and relief of the territory of the U.S.S.R.] Neotektonika i ee vyrazhenle v strukture i rellefe territorii SSSR; voprosy re- gionallnoi i teoreticheskoi neotektoniki. Moskva, Gosgeoltekh- izdat, 1962. 391 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Geology, Structural) SILWESTROV, V.P.; SMIRNOVA, Z.A. Errors in the diagnosis and treatment of some complications of antibacterial therapy. no.4:22-27 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (nacballnik - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR, prof. N.S.Molchanov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova t Leningradskaya oblastnaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vracb -- A.P.Yegorova). (ANTIBIOTICS--TOXIGOLOGY) SMIRNOVA, ZA. Two cases of gastrogenic tetany. 25 noi,2:13(,v--138 F 161. (MI14 14:3) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgil (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Dagestanskoy ASSR prof.M.T.Nagornyy) Dagesta##'-rogo meditain- skogo instituta (direktor - dotsent M.M.Maksudav) i gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach B.E.Kot). (TETANY) (PYLORIC'tTENOSIS) L05 73 S/070/62/007/005/008/014 2132/E46o AUTHOR5; Mokiyevskiy, V.A., S TI~R~Oq-_Z.A., Afanasyev, I.I. TITLL; Joining crystals of lithium fluoride by'a "dry" method PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v.7, no.5, 1962, 768-772 + 1 plate TEXT: When two polished crystal surfaces are brought into contact, processes connected with the ordering of the structure lead to the growing together'of the crystals. 3imultaneously annealing takes place. Hence, birefringence connected with the boundary surface is rarely found. If appreciable plastic deformation takes place on joining the surfaces together, because of- the loading on surfaces of small radius of curvature, then slipping occurs and the wi'de range of ori4intations of the blocks leads to the formation of a large number.of negative .crystals at the interf'ace. 'Large radii of.curvature of the' surfaces brought together and parallel orientation of the I components appear to be the conditions for successful welding. The loading necessary has to be determined-experimentally and the unifor'm distribution of load is one of the necessary conditions for successful joining. The time needed depends on temperature but for the best results subsequent annealing is more important Card 1/2 SMIRNOVA I Z. 'A . Cpnd Med ',ci - (diss) I'Medicinril of increased, blood loss, in Subsequent arid early post-nat,91 period." Khar'kov, 1~-,61. ll~ pu; (Xhar'kov State Med Inst); 2-1,~O coDies; free; (KL, 7-61 1 1. - sup, 262) S M / P- A;O,~' j~ , 2, USSR/Meado-w Culti Vatiori. L Abs J-Dur Bef Zhur - BiDl., No 21, 1956, 958"' Author Si-.drnova, Z.A. Inst Petrozav,--)dskiy University. Title Influence of Mineral Fertilizers on Pasture Grass Stand. Orig 1-lub, Sb. nauchn. rabot stud. Petrozavodsko~p un-ta, 1957, vYP. 4, 111-120. Abstract 171o abstract. Card 1/1 1 Y~,.~:orova, Yo I Kazl~tiniknvat ft. V. t t-q-.Laa~ F. A. , Snirnc--va , Z. A T,'0Ilay-IVa, T. V. -nd poly.-terization (copolymerization) of fluoron- styr-nes. t. Copolymerizttiori of fbiornn- :iubstitutwl styrenes with vinyl monomer!) soyedineniya, v. J, no. I 2 5 i. This de!;aribf~z4 the autiiorr' experiments in the production Wril of th, copolymers of a, eS, A' -trii"Looro styrone *.,ith 2,5- jLvrenu and methyl methacrylate; o-, m- tnd p-nethyl-a, f,, 131 -, k/ llviflijoro styreno aith styrene, a, 15-4irluoro-(Y-chloro styrene with LI-I j,"Yre.-IC, ~n,l 2,5--iii'luoro rfyrqnc. The imulsion used for copolymerization con5iuted of 60 -85 ,' --,atar, 2.5 claulgifier (t;oalium stearate ordeate), and 0-5 ,, persulCate initiator. The monomilr mixtureo which was adddd drop- wine aft,ir heat Ing to 80 - q0oC, contained azoinobutyric acid dinitriln (0.5 ~-n initiator. Eleven copolymers of the above monomers were ob- tained Their compositions and properties are given in Table 2. The heaat Card i;~V S /190/6 2/004/006/016/026 5.vntne~lis ~.-nd B124/B136 'It' tno thus incr~uz-s vith th--- flucro "ilat-nt copolyaner. An excoptinn iz: that of ?-tyrenta a4th st,-,-rLnc, th-2 heat rc:3j.5tanca of which in 40C hit-her tit-cin that of polystyrnne pro!luce~ uwkr n4mila- conditionn. T h i z t'wl to ttw lf-r cr)nrintration ubitituteA qtyrena (16 rJO10,4) III Lh.. -in'l W OIL, oxtrr~,moly low molecular of Lhe vi:o- -I'le L t 0.05) - Th*ire are .2 tRblea. The Eng! i 511- 1 AngUAri2 references r,ro I D. LivinCstovinw J. Polymer Sci., 20, 4d5, 19561 1!.. Prober, J. Anor. 'new L;oc 75 , Inatitut -ysokono1eku1.yarnykh aoyndineniy AN SSSR (Inatituto of Comnounds of the A3 USSR) Ix ~ 1 D t A i I 1 6 1 -'abie 2: Copol..miprizrt ~on tire, yield, compo;3ition 'ind intrinsic vis- the eopolyi.!rs. Le ge nd length, houra; M copolymer compogit.)n of copolymer (D) inttrin5ic viacosities of the benzana aolutio!-j of copolynern at 20 0 C; ~F) copolwers of ACCESSION NR: AP4042184 S/0190/64/006/007/1187/1189 AUTHOR: Yegorova, Ye. I.; SmirnoVa,(Z. A.; Dokukina, A. F. TITLE: Synthesis and polymerization (copolymerization) of fluorinated styrenes. III. Preparation and properties of copolymers of-styrenes fluorinated in the vinyl groups with vinyl monomers 1964, SOURCE: Vy*sokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6, no. 7 1187-1189 TOPIC TAGS: copolymer, copolymerization, fluirinated styrene,-vinyl monomer, thermoplastic copolymer, dielectric copolymer, heat-resistant copolymer, alpha.beta.beta-trifluorostyrene-2.5-dimethylstyrene co- polymer ABSTRACT: The following new copolymers of fluorinated styrenes with! vinyl monomers have been synthesized: a.s.B-trif luorostyrene wish styrene, 2. 5 -dime thylstyrene or 2.5-diflucrostyrene; 4-methyl-cL. 6.8-trifluorostyrene with styrene or- 2,5-dimethylstyrehe; and 3-methyl-a,B,B-tri*fliio,rostyrene, 6-fluorostyrane,or C-(difluoro- methyl) styrene with siyr~ne. The copolymerizahon was' conducted 1~__ei.thjr in emulsion at 60C (initiators, potassi6m persulfate.and -1 2 Cardf ------------- ACCESSION NR: AP4042184 azobiiisobutyronitrile), or in the liquid phase: 1) with a stepwise increase of temperature from 50 to 170C or 2) at 60C I(initiator, azobisisobutyronitrile). The preparation methods, compo'sition,and properties of the copolymers are described. The synthesize7d copoly- mers are thermoplastics and dielectrics. They dissolvi; readily,in organic solvents. Emulsion copolymerized products have a.,higher molecular weight and a higher-heat resistance than those copolymerized in the liquid phase. The highest heat resistance (190C) is exhibited by a. B.0-t rif 1 uoro a tyrene-2.5-dime thy lstyrene copolymers. "The authors express their deep appreciation to M. M. Koton for valuable instructions during the dis'cussion of the study and to K. X. Kocheshkov, in whose laboratory the monomers were synthesized:' Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradski7 polytekhnicheskiy institut im.' M. I... Kalinin (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute). SUBMITTED: 09Apr62 SUB CODE: C&d -.2/2 cc, HT ATD PRESS: 3055 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 L ACC IIR: AP6003423 at various compositions were invesltlir7ated, Graft copolymers of styrene with styrene copolymers of I, II, and III were produced. Investigated copolymers were prepared by free radical polymerization in bulk, in emulsion, and in solution, as described by'll. M. Koton, K. A. Kocheshkov, I. A. Gorshkova, A. F. Dokukina, and Ye. M. Panov (Kokl. AN SSSR, 1561 51 1120, 1964). Solubility, thermal stability, viscosity limits, and density of copolymers were determined, and their IR spectra are described. Copolymers obtained in bulk process were insoluble and thermally unstable, those prepared in solution were soluble and more thermally stable (100C)o while the emulsion process yielded insoluble and thermally very stable products. The authors express their gratitude to K. A. Kocheshkov and Ye. V. Kuvshinsky for valuable comments during evaluation of this work. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 2 figures, and 3 structures. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 25Feb65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 212 -L---115 1-66- WrO )/EWT(m ACC NRI AP6000183 Lt SOURCE CODE:- UR/0032/65/031/012/1483/14 i5l, AUTH OR: Ananlyeva, V.; Smirn(ova, Z. F. 0.~G: ncne TITLE: X-ray investigation of the single crysta aggregates SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 31, no. 12, 1965, 1483-1485 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal, x ray, lattice defect, sapphire, ruby, fluorite, gonio- meter X A-41 uv-44-4~4r,4tIm- A A-,I ABSTRACT: The mosaic structure of single crystals was examined with a URS-50I dif- fractometer. The object of the study was to determine the feasibility of a detailed investigation of structural imperfections in.single crystals of sapphire, ruby and fluorite. X ray spectra of single crystals were taken by placing them in a URS. diffractometer in such a way that the single crystal surface coincided with the axis of the GUR-3 goniometer. The crystal surface was illuminated with an x ray beam with 5-9 degree horizontal deflection and aa unlimited vertical deflection. The x ray pho-1 tographs were taken successively during 2-30 vertical rotation of the crystal sample with respect to the axis of the GUR-3 goniometer. During the rotation of a sEimple composed of randomly oriented particles of single crystals, various particles pass UDC: 548.734 Card 1/2 L 11543-66 ACC NR. AP6000183 through the deflection point. Examination of the series of photographs at various sample positions with respect to the horiiontal axis makes it possible to determine the topographical details of the single crystal structure. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REr: oo4 GO Card 2/2 B ERZ A K, B-FAML- , TjLi KAGANOVA, Y,.!.; PLOTITSTINA, K.M.; S~LLRNOVA, Z.M. Ex-,ard-ence in rhe d'ete:!tIcn of card i:) vasc,.u-',- - rath'-siLgy La th-z ,;('.-mpound examlna~'-~n of thoracic organs in rural Fcpu-ation. So-7. mej, .18 nc.7-.93-';-6 J-1 164. &)2' Ishechernigovskaya sel 13kaya b,,-,l Initsa (glavnvy II.M. Smirnova) Kuybyshevskoy AlLasti. Nau--hnyy prof. V. V. "I Od I ye V. N 13RLZMESK TY , V.V . ; S I -I T R NO VA , Z M. Stuay on Alveococcus multi-locular-is (Echinococcus multilocularis) Leuckart, 1863 chromosomes. Preliminary report. I'lled. paraz. i para-z.. bol. 34 no-3:351-352 Ry-,Te 165. (I-ff RA 18:7) 1. Institut -,edits-inskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny -L:7.eni. Ye.I. Mhrtsinovskogo Mini-tersfva zdravookhraneni7a SSSR, M,GZ31 -~Va. 1 SMIR1,11011A, Z.S. Results of the Jlxivastigatlun- of the ai-,~ of an oil and gas area as to the praBemc5 of leoct6rla. Mikro- biologila 32 (MIRA 17-3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy n eftyanoy bis -Lu M, -ACvta~ --- ----- - ------ ACCESSICIN NR: AP4037056 S/0073/64/030/003/6~99/0502 AMOR: 15=2aevakayaj, V. F.; Nornevy K. A.; Smirnova-Zomkova, 8. Ye. -TITIE: Fo2.yamides with aromatic and heterocyclic rings in the chain-I]X,Folyamider, :based on furaa-2p5- and thiophene-2.5-4.1icarboiqlic acids and come aryl; -aliyhatic :diamines !SOURCE: Ukrainakiy khimicheakiy zhuraal,, Y. 30., no- 51, 1964., 499-502 'TOPIC TAGS: furan polyamide, tbiophene polyamide,, arcimatio ring,, heterocyclic ring :furan ring, thipphene ringy aliphatic dismine ;ABSTRACT: The authors refer to their previous work, where they ascertained that the-substitution of the furan, for the thiophene ring In the':acid component results 1- notab.),y lowered melting point of polyamidez based on aliphatic diaminea. The .present article is a study of the same situatioa with aryl -aliphatic diamines. iPolyamides were prepared by Interpbase polycondensation from hydrochloric saLts of :aryl -aliphatic diamines and cliloroaubydrides of furan-2,5- and thiophew-2,5- Idicarboxylic acids. The following diamines were used in these condensations: ip-3WIydenedlamina, I Card GROMOV, S.A.; SMIRNOVA, Z.A. Clinical aspects and histopathology of aneurysms in the vessels of the brain. Vop. psikh. i nevr. no.9%118-123 162. (KRA 17 - 1) 1. Ieningradskaya oblagtnaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach - A.P. Yagorova). KOROLEV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; SHE-KHTRiTi, Pavel VOLIFSOLT , F.I., retsenzent; YEINIAKIDV, N.F,, red.; SN! I RN 0 v A I Z. 'At.Ived. red. - - -.-I'- -- , --- - , (Structural conditions governin.g tne distribution of postmagmatic ores] Strukturnye usloviia razmeshchenila poslemagmaticheskikh rud. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 506 p. (MIILA 18:4) ILLARIONOV, V.V.; SILIRNGVA, Z.G.;, KNYAUNA, K.P. ..A- Partial~'e'quilibrium pressures of HF, SiF4. and H20 above aqubous solutions. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.2:237-:2/+l F 163. (MMA 16-3) (Hydrofluoric acid) (Silicon fluoride) (vapor pressure) SMIRNOVAJI Z.G.; ILLARIONOV, V.V.; VOLIFKOVICH, S.I. . . .-I -- - ---- Heats of formation of fluorapatite, bydraxylapatite, and tricalcium phosphates (0(- and/9-modifications). Zhur. neorg. khim. 7 no.8'1779-1782 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskly institut udobreniy i insektofungi- aidav. (Apatite) (Flydroxylapatite) (Calcium phosphate) (Heat of formation) SMI,WOVA, Z. I. Experience in using various types of resilient covering. Tekst. prom. 16 no.9:24--26 S 156. OMR& 9. 12) 1. Zaveduyushchiy TSentrallnoy laboratoriyey Glavivkhlopproma. (Spinning machinery) SMIRITOVA, Z. 1. Testing reconditioned polyvinyl chloride couulings. Tekst.T)rON. 18 no.L~:56-57 Ap 159. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Zaveduyushchiy TSentrallnoy laboratoriyey pri tekstillnom upravlenii Ivanovskogo sovnArkhoza. (Spinning machinery--Maintenance and repair) 0 BELYAYL'VSKIY. N.A.; VARGIN, N.I.; IVANOV, Yu.A.; SMI11110VA, Z.I. Results of the conference of geologists of the European part of the U.S.S.R. Sov. gaol, 2 no.6:138-142 Je '59. (KIRA 12:12) l.Ministerstvo geologli i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Geology) SMIRNOVA I Z. I. Necessity for increasing the effectiveiass of geophysical prospecting for ore deposits. SOV-9001. 4 no.11:174-177 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Rinisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Prospecting) 4'Y 'USTOVA, Z.M.; VABILI)59VA, M.V.; GELICHINSKIY, MAUS A SYjMNOVA, Z.M.; K Me.; O&MOV, D.K.; HANUKHOV, A.V.; GOL'TSILUI, F.M.; PITUSHE141, G.I., red.; VOLKHOVER, R.S., tekhn. red. [Papers on the quantitative study of seismic wave dynamic] Haterialy kolichestvennogo izucheniis dinamiki seismicheskikh voln. Pod. rukovodstvom i red. G.I.Petrashen'. Cleningrad) Izd-vo leningr. univ. Vol. 1. 1957. 420 p. Vo.2. 1957- 152 P. (MIRA 11:2) 1. hicademiya nauk SSSR. Matematicheskiy institut, Leningradskoye otdeleniye. (Soismometry) AGEYEV, N.V.; SMIIINOVA, Z.M. Stability of the beta phase in titanium-manganese alloys. Titan i ege splavy no. 1:17-24 158. O~MRA 14:5) 1. Institut metallurgii AN SSSR. (Titaniurkrmanganese alloys-Metallogaphy) (Phase rule and equilibrium) 5(2), 18(4) AUTHORS: Ageyev, N. V., Smirnova, Z. M. SOV/78-4 -5-26/46 TITLEs Conditions for the Stabilization of the ~~-Phsse in Alloys of Titaaium-Molybdenum-Manganese (Usloviya stabilizataii IR-fazy v splavakh titan-molibden- -marganets) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 5, pp 1100-1105 (USSR) ABSTRAM The conditions for the stabilization of the P--phase and the stability of the metastable state in three-~-omponent alloys consisting of magne8ium-thermal titanium with molybderum and manganese were investigated. For the purpose of producing the alloys, magnesium-.thermal titanium, electrolytic manganese, and molybdenum were used as initial materials. The compositions of the initial materials are given in table 1. The alloys were produced in an electric arc furnace with tungsten electrodes in a helium atmosphere. The alloys were investigated by metallographical and X-ray analyses. Hardness and microhardness were determined. Figure 1 shows the phase composition of the t tanium-molybdenum-mangar-ese alloys. Card 1/4 The phase composition of titanium-molybdenam--manganese alloys rN Conditions for the Stabilization of the 11'...Phase SOV117 P---- 5-26/46 in Alloys of Titanium-Molybdenum-blanganese 0 0 0 hardened at temperatures of 700 ) 800 " 900') and '1000 is shown by figure 2 ( a - g ). Stabilization of the phase in hardened alloys was investigated; a diagram was constructed and is shown J"n figure 3. In alloys containing a minimum of 3.76 ~ manganese and 26.95 % molybdenum, or 11-78 A molybdenum and 15-99 % manganese the phase is 0 stabilized by hardening at 700 . In other alloys, which were hardened at 7000, the structure of thec(- and P-phase is formed,, In alloys with the minimum content of 3.61 % manganese and 12,81 % molybdenum and '17'.63 % manganese and f' 1.59 molybden-w-a the P -phase id stabilized by hardening at 800 In alloys with a lower content of molybdenum and manganese the structure of the*~-Phase is formed by 0 hardening at 800 The microstruatvLre of these alloys is shown by figure 4 (a - b). in alloys with 3.19 % manganese and 9.51 ~6/ molybdenum. 4.50 % manganese and 1.43 % molybdenum, 5,02 % manganese and 4.39 % nolybdenum the .-Dhase decays Card 2/4 by hardening at 900'~, in ivhi-~h case the CO?-phase is formed. Conditions for the Stabilization of the ~_Phase SOV/78-4-5-26/46 in Alloys of Titanium-Molybdenum-Manganese The W -phase was uniquely determined by X-ray analyses and by means of an electron microscope. The X-ray pictures of the alloys of titanium with 7.63 % manganese and 1.59 % molybdenum after hardening at 8000 are shown by figure 5, and those of alloys of titanium with 5.02 % manganese and 4-59 ~ molybdenum after hardening at 9000 are shown by figure 7. On the X-ray picttres the lines of the (J-phase are visible. In alloys containing 2.08 ~ manganese and 1.95 % molybdenum, and 3.07 % manganese and 3.74 % molybdenum the P.-phase decays int:) the C%~--phase by hardening at 9000. The(~)L-phase vanishes by hardening of the samples at a temperature of 10000C. The stability of the P-phase when heated within the temperature 4n+~erval of '100 - 600 0 was investigated. The mi-crostru,.;ture of ;.-he titanium alloys containing 2.08 % manganese and 1.95 % molyodenum, hardened at 9000 and 10000 is shown by figure B. Here the occurrence of the i -phase is particularly marked. The microstructure Card 3/4 1 Conditions for the Stabilization of the (. I'-?hase SOV/78-4-5-26/46 in Alloys of Titaniu~i--Molybdenum-Manganes-9 of hardetvtd tJ' tanium alloys _-oritaLning 7.65 % manganese and 4.43 % molybden= after heating for 64 hours at 600 0 and fo~- 611 h-urs at ,JOOc s shown by figure 10. The stability of the ~-phase and the variation of hardness in titaxi'Luc,,-r:,~ii'~~rl)df-nur.i.-manganese alloys are shown by figure 9 ( a - e ). The variation of the lattice parameter and the hardness of the f~-phase by heating up to 3000 and 5000 is shown by figure 11 (a - b). in titanium alloys with 17-87 % manganess and A.56 % inolybdenum the P_ phase becomes stabilized ahen h-ap-ted from 100 - 500 0 in the course of 100 hours. There are 11 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: February)-l-, 1958 Card 4/4 Cr- ch. 1. VIRNOVA, Z. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. Mosses - Kuril Islands 7. New spec-ies of V~e genus Drepanocladus from the Kuril Islands. Bot. mat. Otd. soor. rast. 8J, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. SMIRNOVA, Z.N. , New species of the genus Drepanocladus (C.Mall.) Roth - Drepanocladus lapponicus (Norrl.) Z.Smirn. Trudy Bot.inst. Ser. 2 no.8:403-415 153. (MLRA 7:1) (mosses) SMIRNOVA, Z.N. ; New varieties of species of the genus Drepanocladus (C.Mfill.) Roth (Formae specierum novae generis Drepanocladus (CAill.) Roth). Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast. 9:188-198 My '53. (MLRA 7:2) (MOBBOO) BOGDANOV. P.L., profeesor [author]; SAVICH-LYUBITSKAYA, L.I.; SMIRNOVA, Z.N. Ere- viewers]. "Guide to forest sporophytes of the grass and moss cover." P.L.Bogdanov. Reviewed by L.I.Savich-Liubitskaia, Z.N.Smirnova. Bot.zhur. 38 no.4:613- 617 Jl-Ag '53. (MI-RA 6:9) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. Y.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad (for Savich-lyubitakaya and Smirnova). (Bogdanov, P.L.) (Mosses) SY,IW-IOVA, Z. ~-. -- Dissertation: "The Genus Drevanocladus (C. Yluell) ~toth." (Short sunmary given.) Dr Biol Sci, Inst of Botany imenj V. L. Komarov, Acad Sci USSRP Jan-Ylar 54 (Vestnik Akademii Nauk, Moscow, Aug 54) SO: SM 393 28 Feb 1955 SHIRNOVA, Z.M. Identity of Drepanocladil brachiatus (Mitt.) Dix. and D. longi- folius (wils.),lill1lams. Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast. 11:219-228 Ja '56. (HLRA 9:11) (mosslij) ;SHIRNOYA. Z.14. Moazen of the TskutskA.S.S.R. Bot.jnat.otd.spor.rast. 11:225-2-35 Ja '56. (Yakut ie-Roase a) (K6Rk 9:11) SM1RNOVA, Z.N. -_ , -, ~ Does Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedv). Warnst.deserve to be established as an independent genust Bot.zhur 41 no.10:1499-1503 0 156. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Botantcheski7 Institut imeni V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, leningrad. (mosses) (Botanr--Classification) ABRAMOVA, A.L.; SMIRNOVA,Z.N. L.I. Savich-Liubitakaia; on her 70th birhdaT. Bot.zhur. 41 no.10:1555- 1564 0 156, (MIRA 10:1) 1. Botanicheski3r institut imeni V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SM. Leningrad. (Savich-Liubitskaia, Lidiia Ivanovan, 1886-) (Bibliography-Mosses) SMIRNOVA, Z.N. - - . "On the spore morphology of some Sphagnum species" (from nThe Bryo- logist," 58, no.4, 1955). Bot.zhur. 42 no-3:479-48o Mr '57. 1.Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (mosses) (spores (Botany)) SMIRNOVA, Z.N. m, ~, - .. ., ~ -W -, WOd~#, e-~~ Lyellia R.Br., a new genus in the moss flora of the U.S.S.R. Bet. zhur. 43 no.6:850-855 Je 158. (KIRA 11:7) l.Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Verkhoyansk Yange-Mosses) SMIRITOVA, Z.11. -~ Bryophyte flora in the Arctic regions of Yakutia and the Far Bast. Trudy Bot. inst. Sar. 2 no.12:274-300 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Yakutia--BrFophy-tes) (Soviet Far East--Bryophytes) smilmov.,I, Z. 11. Ilote on Unium micro-ovale C.14ull. and Maium coriaceum Griff. 12:282-290 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Kedrovka Valley--Mosses) SAVICB-LYUB-ITSKAYA, L.I., doktor biol.nauk', SMIRNOVA, Z.N., doktor biol-nauk A new variant Df Bryum Korotkdvieziae Sav.-Ljiib,.et,.Z.Sern. Iftfor2.biuI.Sov.af2tafrk.6kap._ -mo.17t2527 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Botanicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Bunger Hills region--Mosses) ABWWOVA, A.L.; SAIIICH-LYUBITSKAYA, L.I.; SMI00VA, .,Z.N,,- SAVICH, V.P., doktor biolog. nauk, prof., zasl.-tGjWFe_I_F_nauki RUM., otv. red.; WC~=ER, V.T., tekhn. red. [Guide to the frondiferous mosses of the Arctic regions of the U.S.S.R.] Opredelitell listostebelInykh mkhov Arktiki SSSR. Pod red. L.I.Sevich-Liubitskoi. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 711;. p. (Arctic regions--Mosses) (MIRA 15:2) SMIRNOVA, Z.N. New forms of Drepanocladus Sendtneri (Schimp.) Warnst. and Dr. aduncus (Hedw.) K6nkem. Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rast. 14: 268-275 Ja'61. (MIRA 17:2) SMIRNOVA, Zoya Nikollayevna; PENIKOVA, G.A., red.; [Fodder lichens in the Far North of the U.S.S.R.; a concise guide] Kormovye lishainiki Krainego Severa. SSSR; kratkii opredelitell. Leningrad, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 69 p. (MIRA 17:3) T mitarctirt", r,"yhn. :1)j'! *tll~ SMIRNOVA, Z.N. Sections of t4e genus Drepanocladus (C. Ku-11.) Roth. Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rast. 15:170-185 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Drepanocladus) SAVICH-LYUBITSKAYA, L.!,,_ SMIRNOVA, Z.N-. Representatives of the genus Pottia Fuernr. in Antarctica. Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rast. 16:188-195 1630 (MIRA 16:10) SAVICH-LYUBITSKAYA,, L. I.; SMIRNOVA, Z. N, Biology and geography of Br-yoery-throphyllum recurvirostre (Hedw.) Chen, a new species in the moss flora of Antarctica. Bot. zhur. 48 no.3:350-361 Mr '63. (MIRA 16W 1. Botanicheskiy Institut imeni V. L. Komarova AN SSSR, laningrad. (Antarctic regions-Mosses) 33-39 SMIMIOVA: Z.O... Medicinal prevention of excessive hemorrhages in the placental and early pd'stpartum periods. Ped.,akush. i gin. 24 no.l: 49-51162. (14IRA 16:8) 1. Otdel akusherstva i Volkova) Khez.-Ikovskogo okhrany jaaterinstva i Korn-ilova). ginekologii (zav. - L.T. nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta detstva (direktor - 0.1. (MIORRRAGE, UTERINE) 870Z8 S/1 9y6O/OO2/007/010/017 B020 B052 AUTHORBs a ZO S.$ Serenkov, T. I0 TITLEt The Mechanism of Thermal Hardening of Phenol-formaldehyde Resins PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vot. 2, No. 7, pp. 1-067-1070 TEXT: It was the purpose of this paper to study the behavior of hydroxyl groups in phenol by means of a stable isotope, during the hardening pro- cess of resolic phenol-formaldehyde resins. Therefore a resolic phenol- formaldehyde resin with a molar ratio of C 6F 5OH t CH20 = 61: 7 was pro- duced in the presence of catalyst Na0K. The unreacted phenol and form- aldehyde were precipitated by dissolving the resin in alcohol 8-10 times, and by pouring it into distilled water. At the same time, low-molecular condensation products were removed. Then the resin was dried until weight c6imstancy was reached. It was analyzed and its content of free phenol and formaldehyde, hydroxyl and methylol groups, and the rate of hardening at Card 1/3 8702P The Mechanism of Thermal Hardening of Phenol- S/190/60/002/007/010/017 formaldehyde Resins 3020/B052 1600C were determined. The analyses were carried out according to the method of the analytical laboratory of NII-plastmass (Nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut plasticheskikh mass (Scientific Research Institute of Plastics)), and the results are given. On tfi~j'-basis of the papers by A. I. Brodskiy (Ref. 2), the hydrogen and the hydroxyl group of phenol was replaced by deuterium through rearrangement of the hydrogen. A resin was obtained with a 38-40%_hydrogen substitution in the hydroxyl group of phenol. The deuterium content in water during the combustion of the resin was 0.8%. The results of the deuterium determination carried out by the spot method for the determination of its concentration variation during the resin hardening process (Table 1) show that water with an increaiied D20 content faiseparated during the hardening of phenol-formaldehyde resole. The behavior of the hydroxyl groups of Novolak resins heated up to 3500C was also studied. Table the change of the deuterium con- tent in Novolak resins during heating. It shows that the hydroxyl group undergoes no changes when heated up to 1800C or even 250OC- Heat:Lng to 350'C increases the amount of liberated deuterium up to 19-20% of the original deuterium content in the resin. This is due to the noticeable Card 2/3 87028 The Mec W i*~ of Thermal Hardening of Phenol- S/1 90J60/002/007/010/017 formaldehyde Resins B020/BO52 destruction of the resin which also affects the hydroxyl groups. There are 2 tables and 13 referencess 6 Soviet, 5 US, and 2 German. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plasticheakikh mass (scientific Research Institute of Plastics) SUBMITTED: March 15, 1960 Card 3/3 1. Klj:,'IZ~,T-WA, "'. A. qnd SHIRNUVA, ~L. S. 2. usn: (6oo) 4., Microorganisms 7. Effect of hydrocarbonic m':croflora on the compooition of the gas specimen. f Abstract:/ Izv.Gj-tv.upr.geol.fon. 110. 3. 1947. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. 1. EU71T~:'~CjV, :~. 1. and KU V. -md ",If Z. ;" ~ . .--,i I 2. (600) 4. Microorganisms 7. Study ofthe orocenses of ozidation by bricteria of hydrocarbon gases under conditions of their difflision. through Eiedimentary rock. Izv.GL-?.v.ikpr.geol.fon. no. 3, 1947. 9. Monthly Liqt of Russian Accessions, Library of CongrizsF, 6-irch 1 53, Unclassified. =I --j 6.-)U.(1tCV - Ussi, (;,- LC30ry :Microbiology. Geological Activity of Microorgani-cm!a. 'DE J,31 1 Ref Zhur-Siol., 1.'o 23, 1958, 10~687 - Author :.ap .LnstiU'-ut. Titlo Deterningtion of the Limit o--O' Penetration off Bacteria From -Ildy Vortar into the Core of Different Rocks Orls~ Pub. :*'ikrobiolc1giYa, 1957, 26, No 6, 745-7-1-9. Abstract C`luid from drilling a well during a search for oil contairied a heterogenooui bacterial Plora. In tine clay mortar bacteria were found which ox-ldize liquid ani gaseous hydrocarbons and hydrogen, which form methane frox carbon lioxide and htdrogen, and algo from fatty aeids, which reduce sulfates and which decompose tissue,etc. For tbe purpose of establishing the litdt of penetration of bacteria into the core,.-R- cultuka.b.f SAct2rium 2ro4j&iox= was introducee into circulating almy mortarl this bacterium lo ustially not found in the core. It was estaLlishmd that the -can&- tration of Bact. prodifftoom into thi center of the core 1/2 SMIRNOU, Z.S. Effect of microbiological processes on gas composition in drilling muds. Trud7 VIIIGNI no.11:176-184 '58. (KRA 13:1) (Oil well drilling fluids) (Gas, Natural--Bacteriolog7) TELEGINA, Z.P.; SMLUIOV.,, Z.S-. Effect of organic substances on the intensity of propane oxidation in Mycobacterium lacticolum and Pseudomonas specie--. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no. 6:1-M-1-15 159. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy geologo-razvedochnyy neftyanoy institut. (MYCOBACTERIUM LACTICOLUM) (1-SEUDOMONAS) (PROPAPIE) SMIRNOVA Y z .-S.- -, Control method for a microbiological study of deep-seated rocks. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.12,.49-52 D t6l. (IURA 14: 11) 1. Vsescyuziiyy nauchno-issledovatellsk:Ly geologorazvedochnyy ne 'Ltyanoy institut. (Rocks. Sedimentary-Bacteriology) SMIRNOVAJ, Z.S. Relation of methane- and propane-oxidizing bacteria to different nitrogen sources. Mikrobiologiia 31 no.6:980-983 N-D 162. (MIRA 16t3) 1. Tsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledo#atellskiy geologo-razvedocbnn noftyanoy institut, Mosk7a. MYCOBACTERIUM) (PSEOMONAS) (NITROGEN) .1, I PATRIK.EYhV V.V.;, MIRNOVA. Z.S.; MAYSIII)VA G.I. I Some biological properties of specificaliy formed silica gel. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.3.707-709 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) ' 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. P37edstavleno akademikom A.A.Balandinym. (Silica) 41616~66. -AT500884 .ACCESSION NRlz. _,,,,.l.SZOOQG/64jjOOjOO_O/( 'i .--. SMIRNOVA , 1, .- . Methods of quantitative assay of hydrocarbon cxidizing bacteria. Makrobiologlia 33 no.4-737-738 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 18.-3) 1. Vs---soy-,lznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut yadernoy gecfj.ziki i geokhiv-'i (VNII-TaGG). SMIRNOVA, Z.V. z Modern designs of clarifiers with suspended precipitation, Sbor. nauch. rab. asp. AKKH no.1:70-84 159. (MIRA 34:7) (Water-Purification) DELYAGIN, G.N.; S~LLFIQVA-Z.3~. Determination of the dispersity and moisture~content of,water-co4 suspensions. Trudy IGI 19-138-243 162. NLU 16PV (Coal) (Sedimentation analj*ls) (Mbisture-Measurement) SKI R N C) V P , 'Z~ . V . Cand Med Sci - (-iiss) "Study of the function of the pancreas in uatients :.,ith ulcerous affection of the stomach an-d the du--- denum, and chronic -astritis before and after conservative treat- C~ Sverdlovsk, 10,61. 11 pp; (Sverdlovsk State Med Inst); 260 copies;price not riven; (KL, 7-61 sup., 262) ILI' r o SMIRNOVA, Zh.V. History of the "Serp i Molot" Metaliln'rgical Plant in.ADSCOW. Trudy takh. 25:249,262 _'~9-(MIRA 13-4y (Moscow--Metallurgical Plants) - KARABALS11', A.G.; PBYZUTAYEV. Sh.I.; ~WUSkINVA,.1L.L.; SOTITIKOVA, U.P.; SHIRROV SAMSONOVA, Z.N.; KUUZ, L.S.; MOROZOVA. G.G.; I.I.; LIPATOYA; Y.N.; SAZANUVA, S.K.; PUG&CHNIVA, L.I.; USACHEVAi V.P.; VORONOVA, Ye.i%; GORBACHEV, F.D.; KOSTAIINVA. F.A.; KOSTWMVA, N.T.; THLOVATSKKU, A.I,.,;, NTM-TSOVA, N.H. Spectrochemical analysis of pure metals for impurities. Fiz. abor. no.4:556-562 '58. (MIRA 1? (Spectrochemistry) AUTHORS: Peyzulayev, 3 h~ I. , Karabash, A ~ Go 9 Krauz y Lo 3 a 32--24-6-i9/44 Kostarava, F.A. , Smirnova-Aynizin&,N.I. D abim, F. L. , Ko -0 11 yels. 1 L. I. , Vo ronova, Ye. F. Meshkova, V.M. TITLE: Spectral X-.thods for -the Determination of Aamix-ture Traces (Spektxal1nyy-3 metody opred.-31eniya sl-idov primesey). I. Chemical Speotra-1 Xethod?s of Analyzing Strontium, Chromium, and Silioon (I. Khimiko-apektral'nyye metody anali a strontgiva, khroma i kremniya), II. The Quantitati-Te Spectral AnalYsis Of Water and Microsemples on the Basle of Strontium Nitrate (II. Kolichestvennyy spektrial'nyy analiz, vody i mikroobraztaov n& oanove ni-trata strontalya) PERIODICAL: 2amdakaya Labomi,.-oriya, 1195~p Vol 21+p Nr 6, PP 723-731 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the ocrars.9 of the present work am2yais methods are investi- gated in whieh sensitiVity is inm%ea3ed by pravious enricbment and which make it possible to determIne a larger number of admixtures. From the amlysis of atrontium, which is described in detail, it follows that deteimination based upon a formation of strontium Card 1/4 sulfate and that 18 elem,-n-k,.3 can b,-, determined by means of one Spectral Methods for the Debermination of Adiukrtu-ra Tra"s. 32-24-4-i9/44 I. Chemioal Spectral Me-thocls of Analywing Stron'tiump Chromiump and Silicon. IL The Quar:~ri~;ati--Ta Speotxal Analy-r-is of Water and Microsamples on the Basis of Strontium Nitrate speotrogratm, in whioh o&se sodium is determined separately. Analysis sensitivity is ihoyn, by a tableD and the preparation of samples and the spectral analysis itself are described. From the data concerning the determination of chromium It followa e.g., that chromium is volatilized in form of OrOS12, that practically complete (99.7%) volatilization id attained at 200-220', and that at the sa time only aivenic, boron,, germnium, tin, and mercury are rk-moved. In. the case of & low content of admixtures analysis was carried out alx-.ady after th-i firat concentration, whereas in the case of a higher per.-jeentage (10-1 - 10-~"`Aalso the second concintrate was examined. The analysis is described. The analysis of silicon ia based upon ita volalbilIzation in form of fluorides., also in this oase the of the admixtures U produced on the b&ais of a spectrai-ly pura atmntium sulfate, and also in this case 18 elaments can be determined simaltaneou3ly by means of one speotrogram, sodium being determined separately. The process of analysis iz desm-lb-ad, " -it is said, a ng other Card 2/4 things, that +he method was vr-Tked out in 1955 for the Spectral Methods for the Determination of Admixture Traces. 32-24-6-19/44 I. Chemical Spectral Methods of Analyzing Strontium, Chromium, anfi Silicon. II. The Quantitative Spectral Analysis of Water and Miorosamples on the Basin of-Strontil- 14itrate determiuation of elementary silicon. II. The method is based upon applioation of the sample solution on to spectrally pure strontium nitrate powder, drying, and spectral analysis; it is possible, on the one hand, to examine the organic impurities existing in water, and, on the other, to analyze the composition of various miorosamples. In the analysis of water it is possible to determine 12.elementa by means of one spectrogram, including the ordinary admixtures found in water as well as corrosion products. The process of ana3,ysis is described as well as the manner in Odch etalons and the speotrally pure strontium nitrate are prepared. By the method described it is possible to determine 26 elements by the analysis of microsamples. Analysis is described, and it is said, among other things. that the relative sensitivity in determining components and admix- tures depends on the weighed in portion of the microsample and the strontium nitrate; corresponding data are given by a table. Card Y4 By comparative determinations carried out on a strontium nitrate- Spectral Methods for the Determination of Admixture Traces. 32-24-6-19/44 I. Chemical Spectral Methods of Analyzing Strontium, Chromium, and Silicon. II. The Quantitative S- ectral Analysis P of Water and Microsamples on the Basis of Strontium Nitrate and beryllium oxide basis the fact was established that both varieties of the method work with a relative error of :t 15-20%, and that frequently a weighed portion of 0.1-50 mg is sufficient. There are 2 figures, 6 tables, and I)+ references, 6 of which are Soviet. 1. Spectrum analyzers--Performance 2. Minerals--Analysi's 3. Minerals--Determination 4. Water--impur-ities 5, Water --Spectra 6. Strontium nitrate spectrum--Applications Cara V4 9 P so ll i wi H I P 91, a ~ E - ~ u ZI a ;~ f A isx r 4"v T KARABASH, A.G.; SAMSONOVA, Z.N.;.,-SMIM-TOVA-AVERI1TA, N.I.; PLYZULAYEV, SM. Impurities determination in molybdenum and itB compounds. Trudy Kom. anal. khim. 12:255-264 160. (MIU~ 13:8) (Molybdenum-Analysis) (Spectrum analysis) SMDMVA-GAFLAYb'VA, N. V. 1 1 f, - Mffect of a protective for'e%t plantation on the development of cotton plants. Bet. shur. 40 no-5:738-739 S-0 155. (MMA 9:4) lArIvertzhekiy gesudaretTennyy pedagogicheskiv institut, g. Krivey Reg. (Cotton) (Windbreaka, ohalterbelts, ate.)