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GAYELI, L.F,. - --., of li.,r-rlt -,oils besed on wind erodibility. Poclivovedp.nie ro.4:1-1-5 Ap 165. (m:-7t4 18:6) 2. ',L.Ioskovspl,jy -osu,3ar-stvenn,,-y wniversitet. I Gill YIT~.', i. A. ; "I'll" THA, 1,% L. ; ~; . I. ; NOVA , L. Q.; ZAF~H'-URU", A. 0 . Teeth, Artificial Dental prosthesis for children. Stomatologiia No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionsi, Library of Congress, Uctoter, 1952. UNCLASSIFIM. GLYEV , A.G., SMIR11011A, L.F. Wind erosion of light soila in the Chestnut-Chernozem zone of the U.S.S.R. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 15, no.2:51-62 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra. fiziki i melioratsii pochv Moskovskogo universi- teta. (Russia, Southern-Brosion) Si-JiURNA, L.F. Wind erosion of light so-J15 in Pavlodar Province. Pochvrivederde no.2:75-80 F 160. (IdRA 15:7) 1. Moskovshiy gosudarstvcnnyy universitet. (Pavlodar Province-Erosion) SMIHNOVA, L.G. Brief news. Lab.delo 7 no.9:61 S 161. (MIFA 14:10) (PUBLIC IMLTF-CONGRESSES) SMITUIOVAJ, L.G., pr-of.; SIOLUTI, V.S.; WXIIEVA, I.T. Brief news. Lob.delo 8 [i.e.9] no.l: 60-61 Ja 163, (MIRA 16: ~) (MEDICINE) S!,~ I A , L. j . 23365 Krasheriy-~ Pry-gichl Fri ereniot!-e N.9 Votallri.-)y Iee,,ayr- Prom-st I , 19L9, No. 6, c. 26 SO: LETC) !:' I SITO I - 31, 1949 Ti Ay 71 ACC NR: ATb025V58 SOURCE CODE: UR/3o65/65/ooo/o47/oo82/0O97 AUTHOR: Smirnova, L. G. ORG: None TITLE: Elastoplastic deformations of a cylindrical shell and a circular plate under uniformly dis6-_ Nu~ loadin SOURCE:+,moscow. Inzhenerno-stroitelInyy institut. Sbornik trudov, no, 4'(, 1965. Issledo'Van-i-yapo teorii sterzhney, plastinok i o6olochek (Studies on the theory of rods, plates and shells), 82-97 TOPIC TAGS: shell theory, elastic deformation, plastic deformation, cylindric shell structure ABSTRACT: The author solves the equilibrium equations for elastoplastic deformations 01 a cylindrical shell and a circular plate. A. A. I115rushin's method Qf elastic solutions iz used for solving the fundamental equation of an elastoplastic cylindrical sh t! 11 and the intensity of deformations is determined in the zero approximation. Equilibrium equations are given for a circular plate under axisymmetric deformation Pssuming unifona distribution of the transverse load. Analysis of the expressions de- rived and comparison of solutions for various examples shows that when the elasto- Plastic deformations are small the method of elastic solutions gives rapid conver- gence and sufficient accuracy for practical purposes. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 64 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 005 ica SM-DiNOVA, L.G., lnzh.; TYUIJIN, A,V,, takhnik Application of uitrasonic waves in the dyeing and finishing operaticns of the knit goods industry. Nauch.-issl.trudy VNIITP no.4:59-71 163. (MIRA 1?:4) SAWATEITVA, Z.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KORCHAGINA, R.N., inzh.; SMIRNOVAI L.G., inzh.; 14ALYARSKAYA, V.F., inzh. Technology of the manufacture of the new type of glued glove fabrics. Nauch.-issl.trudy VNIITP no.4tl67-194 163. (MIRA 17:4) SMIRNOVA, L.G., nauchnyy sotrudnik; ODINTSOVA, T.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik Use of active dyes for dyeing knit viscose fabrics. Tekst. prom. 23 no.10:28-32 0 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut trikotazhnoy promyshlennosti (VNIITP). A 0 09 09, 00 it It I I 1 #2 '1 (3c: AdrGmm1YWA~JMWMM*- U.N.RUNDUCKO mad 1~ 0. nOMMMA (PR- Shook Cbmwass. Kier, 1937- "-:::n): `TW- hYPErtmdwo soMm of admim. Am 6 abdMW in amWajow of 41mbdohgd tims, A gnaw sad in fowd law injowim d FmAliag of oxwmam of admmahm Us viow is tw owtain typo of shook an am to samoggoakibm of thigo, products, 36- Dinit" Thand hyp-, Jactiom of adminsfift, this bdog amoribod to uo &CUM of &bow ducts. A I ,A '00 ve 'ife roe .2 we 0 woo I=00 ive I WOO use S L AJOETALLUNGKAL L172414710112 CLASSIFICATION Woo 11,00 'IS U 6 AV So AS AA I S I Od 0 1 Ar W I a a I V ; ; . Z. 49 W a ; K ~ U ; it FM ft I j PA 0: 06090090*0909600 1 000000000060960990 .0-1-:0 Seel*** eS*0q00000::::::1oeoO9 esee0*0900 0 00:12 154E. E- 7ur. 3C: j~k,,4C! ~,31 ZBAJLSKIY', B.I.; IVANDV, I.I.; KARDASM, S.R.; SHIRIUVA, L.G., redaktor; KARASIK, N.P., tekhnicheskly redak~o~r [Biological chemistry] Biologicheskaia khimila. Hoakva, Gos. izcl-vo meditsinakol, lit-ry, 1951. 611 p. (W-aA 8: 10) (Biochemistry) SMIRNOVA, L.G.: GffULKOVA, Z.S. Chromatography on paper and its use in the determination of uric amino acids. Lab.delo 2 n6.1:3-7 Ja-Y 156.i (KLRA 9:10) 1. Iz biokhtmicheakoy laboratorii Instituta akusherstva i genikologii (dir. L.G.Stepanov) Ministeretva zdrevookhraneniya SSSR,Moskva (AMINO ACIDS) (CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS) (URINX--ANALYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) "I matogra-phici -difV. ~-61_ iffil W"'a- W-MiAl7lain-d- path I is of IV- ti o ogic uremlai tirrhos (heJ er,:,cancer~ o ie uterus), tissues. Wheti~*ifi6thioi~i:Ls~iesetit,:tliis&ii bii corroborated -by wetting.the stain with'al drop oVHA._ The stain disappeari 6anging ~oto sulfoneaud appearing on the paper. A.-9. Mirkizi BALABA, T.Ya. [Practical studies in biochomistir for medical schools] Fraktikum po biokhimii dlia me&vwovb 2 izC, perer. i dop. Mosku, Medgiz, 1957. 270 P. (BIOCHEMISTY-STT4DY AND TEACHING) (MIRA 10:5) SMIRNOU, L.G.; GHUIKOVA, Z.S.; GUMINA, I.I.; ZBELOKHOWSEVA, I.N. The amino acid level in urine furing normal pregnancy and in late toxicoses. [with summary in English] Voo. m,ad. khim. 3 no.1:49-53 Ja-F '57 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut skusherstva i ginakologil Hinistlerstva zdravookhratieriiya SSSR, Moskva. (PREGNANCY, urine in aminoacid level in normal pregn. & in late toxicosis) (AMINO ACIDS, in urine in normal pregn. & in late toxicosis) (PREGNANCY TOXEMIAS, urine in amino acid level) EXCERPTA VA-.216 Physiolopy 2475. HYALURONIC ACID AND IIYALURONIDASE IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE (Russian text) - S m I r n o v a L. G. - KLIN. MED. (Moak.) 1957, 35/ 6 (22-30) flyaluro-nidase Is demonstrable In all organa of the body. The sperm contains the greatest quantities. The presence of antihyaluronidase in the blood serum has not been confirmed. Heparin inhibits some enzymatic activities, e. g, that of hyaluro- n1dase. Edgar Amsterdam PREDTECIfENSKIY, V.Ye.; %IDUiOVA, L..G-,, red.; KOST, Ye.A., red. [14anual for clinical laboratory studies] Pukavodstvo po klini- cheskim, laboratornym i-ssledovaniiam. Izd.5., perer. i dop. Pod red. L.G.Smirnovoi i E.A.Kost. Moskva, Medgiz, 1960. 962 p. (MIRA 14:10) (PATHOLOGY-LABORATORY MANUALS) SMMOVAI L.G,; KVATERf Ye.I.; CHULKOVAI Z.B. Pregwmey toxemias and problems of nutrition, Akush.i gin. 36 no.10-7 Ja-F 160. (KM 13:10) (PRWNA19GY9 COKPLICATIONS OF) (BLOOD FROTMS) SNID"NOVA, L. G. : Maati)-v Toch So I (dins) -- "Inves " i~~,Aicn of the -p,= eabil J.ty of cel"41[n 11-on-nickol "Int', lron-cobalt alloys as a fttnc'k-.Ion of frequeyry in .1 uh!7) ntm-- of 1,000-1,000,000 cycles". Moncaw, 1956. P, pp (Central Sni Res Im-'u of Ferroun NjeLallurE~:,-) (FL, jjc, IN, 17)-9, 12f) AUTHORS: Sadov, F. I., -Smirnova, -L- G. 153-58-1 -22/29 TITLE: On the Problem of Dyeing Polyami&; Yijers Viith Disperse Dyes (Y, voprosu o krashenii -.)olia,-iidnykh volo= kon dispersnyqi krasitelyami) PEHIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Khimiya i khimicheskaya tleh-hnologiya. 1958, Nr 1, pp~ 147-156 (USSR) iLBISTIUCT.- Although some decades have past since the -publication of 0 -roblei;i (Reference 1), the first papers concerning this p dyeing with 'these r-,7es has been little in-vesti-ated in spite of' their case and simplicity. It rel-ains unclear how the dye reaches the surface in form of a fine dis- persion, how it is distributed within the 3truct-are of the fiber and. whet'-or it --ets firmly fixed oil specific places in the rorc:; and fissures of the fiber, or, whe= tiler it penetrates ',.e whole volume of the Mer to-e= ther with the crystalline range. A survey of the publi= cations (Reference;:; 1 to 14) on this difficult problem Card 1/5 follows. It results Zrom the ~~-iven napers that a uniform On the Problem of Dyein- Polyai-,it:e ',ibers 'itith Lisperse D,,e,. 153-- ')- B-1 -22/29 o,)inion does not e.:.`st. -Uith respect to the Mecla-sm. of dyeing of fibers j :_ieans of disperse dyes. The au= thors set themselves tlae problem to obtain additional data susceptible o-L- o::Dlainin~- this -process. The -,,ork is divided intotyto -.;arts: I) Irvesti-ation o-f. tile 0- solubility of the uf3s in Water at 8o in dependence on the concentratior of the dispersing aZ;ents. II) Im,resti.-ation of t'-e absor-otion of the same orientation by the fiber in 0_07)("Ildence or, the concentration of the dispersing aC;ent. T"Le tests are carried out on the synt'lietic fibers: c:ianth and caprone, which differ by the nutzber of methylene-roups in the elementary mea= ber of the polymer,-zacro-molecule. Enanth has a higher orientation of the Liolecular-chairs and a higher cry= stallinity than ca,)rone. Two dyes were used for the tests: acetate-red-brorn (an azoderivative) and acetate- -blue'(an anthraquinone-dye). The following surface- -active substances (OAS) viere used for the determination of the solubility of the dyes: OP-lo, sodium-alkyl-sul= fate (TIAS) and sulfooleyl SK. The solubility of the Card 2/5 disperse dyes is given in table 1, their solubility in W On the Problem of Dyein- Polyamide Fibers With Dispe--se Dyes U 153-5a-1 -22/29 also de-)erds on the total quantity of the dye in the dyeing vat. 3) The equilibrated absorption decreases according to the increas-in,- quantity of OAS in the so= lution if the quantity of dye corresponding to 1 g OAS (solubilisation) is different. 4) The equilibrated selection of the dyes by the fiber does not depend on the size of the molecules if and when the solutions are formed by means of dissolution of crystals of a solubi= lisized dye. 5) The absorption of the dye by the fiber is reversible u-o to the moment in Ythich this process be= ,,,ins to be accompanied by a stratification. 6) The re= salts confirm the assumption (References 3,7) that the dyeing with disperse dyes ought to be considered an ab= sorption of the dye with its diffusion in the Pores and fissures of the fiber and its fastening at the specific places of the ~-urface. There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 25 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Card Z1,15 On the Problem of Dyeing Polyamide Fibers With Disperse Dyes 153-58-8-22/29 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekstillnyy institut. Kafedra khimicheskoy tekhnologii voloknistykh materialov (Moscow Textile Institute, Chair for Chemical Technology of Fibrous Materials) SUBMITTED: September 14, 1957 Card 5/5 SOV/126-6-2-6/34 AUTHORS: Kondorskiy, Ye. I. and Smirnova L. j0% TITLE: The Frequency Dependence of the Permeabilities of Cer-ain Fe-Ni and Fe-Co Alloys at 1o5 - lo7 cls (Issledovaniye chastotnoy zavisimost! pronitsayemosti nekotorykh zhelezonikelevykh i ~helezgkoballtovykh splavov v diapazone chastot 10-.1 - 10( gerts) PE'RIMICAL: Fizika Taetallov i Metallovedeniye 7 1958t Vol 61 Nr 2t pp 237-246 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Strip material consisting of typical Mo permalloy, of Armco iron, and of Fe-Co alloys of 20, 36, 60 and 72% Co content was used. Th8 latter alloys were hot-rolled after heating to 1150 C for 15 mins from the cast state, to give a final thiSkness of 1.4 - 1.6 mm, and were then annealed at 920-930 C for 3 mins followed by quenching in water. Sections of this gtrip were then rolled to 0.35- - 0.40 mm thick at 200 C. Similar treatments were applied to give strip 0.010-0.016 mm thick (not for Co contents of 40-50%). Table 1 gives analytical data for the resulting strip. 10 mm wide strips of all materials were wiound into toroids of internal di=e-'U--er Card 1/3 2 cm and radial Lhickness about 4 ium. Table 2 -ives data 0 SOV/126-6-12-6/34 The Frequency Dependence of he Perreabilities of Certain Fe-bli and Fe -C oAllo-s at 105 _ 1d C/S a on the strips used for windin6 (Armco iron at the top). Optical _,nd X-ray tests showed the materials to consist of 3inSle phases only, without crystallographic texture. The measurements of the resistive and reactive componeT~rs of the impedances of the v.,rou-nd toroids were made o~ a INIaorwell bridge UP to 3 x lo5--c/s, and from 0.4 to 20 Mc/s on the bridge system shown in Fig.1, in which -the bridt--e is balanced twice (once with terainals 1 and 2 short- circuited, once with the specimen inserted betirjeen thert.0, The self -capacitances of -the windings ~tje:r.-e determined from resonance measurements. FiE;s.2-4 show the ,L values (Arinco iron at bhe top in FiG.2). FiE;.5 shovl-z; -theoretical curves-for various cases of domain structure, plus the experimental data; Figs.6-8 do 'lie samie for other sDeclraens. The ex-PeriiPental points lie closest to the curves corresponding to layered structures -with their Card 2/3 boundaries normal to the surface of the specimen. 18(5) SOV/142-58-6-8/20 AUTHOR: Smirnova, L.G. TITLE: Experimental hiV-&-stigation of the Permeability of Some Soft-Mdgnetic Materials at High Frequencies ki,y,sperizzientai'noye issledovaniye pronitsayemosti nekotorykh ma,-,nitno-myagkikh materialov na vysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Radiotekh- nika, 1958, Nr 6, pp 685-689 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes experimental investigation of the permeability of ribbon c?res oi certain ferrous materials in the range of 10 - 10 cps. The ex- periments described were conducted on magnetic materials of the following types: 79 NM, 50 N, 50 NKhS, Armko iron, and iron alloys with 20, 36, 60, and 72% cobalt respectively. Chemical composi- tion of these materials is shown (Table 1). The experiments were conducted on toroid:al ribbon forms with an internal diameter usually = 20 mm, and an Card 1/4 external diameter of 25-28 mm. Ribbon thickness SOV/142-58-r--8/20 Experimental Investigation of the Permeability of Some Soft-Magnetic Materials at High Frequencies permeability were computed in terms of the values of self-induction of the forms, and loss resist- ance obtained in the experiments (eq 1,2). The author states that error in measuring the values of self-induction and loss resistance is about 10%. The loss-an-le tangent is expressed in eq 3. The frequency- ermeability relationship in the range 1o5 - 10 cps for all experimental materials is illustrated graphically (Figures 2-4). Values of permeability, in terms of self-induction, and the loss-angle tangents for three nickel-iron al- loys (79 NM, 50 N, and 50 NS) at specific fre- quencies are shown (Table 4). Certain charzcter- istics of the illustrated curves, and certain al- loys are briefly discussed. This article was re- commended by the Institut pretsizionnykh splavov Card 3/4 TsNII chernoy metallur-ii (The Institute of Pre- a -1--GA-_ Behavior of certain ferromagnetic materials in weak magnetic fields of high frequency (lo5 - 107 cycles) Sbor.trud. TSNIICEM no,-23:10&-120 160. (MIR& 13:7) (Ferromagnetism) (Magnetic fields) I S/776/62/000/02510014M AUTHORS: Gabriel' yan, D. L., Lagv inov, P. K., Pmirnova~ L. G.,_ TITLE. The effect of transverse compressive stresses on the magnetic pr6jper- ties of soft magnetic materials. SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellslciy institut chernoyV. metallurgii. Sbornik trudov. no.?.5. Mose 'W1 1962. Pretsizio Ye.. splavy. pp. 86-95. 'the TEXT: The present experimental investigation wasiintended to determine' effect of elastic transverse compressive stresses on thb magnetic properties -of ferromagnetic materials in which such stresses, together with the intensity of the magnetic field and the temperature (T), are. among the fundamental factors that de- termine the magnetic state of a substance. A special testing equipment for t1he present investigation'was designed by the First De sign- Engine e ring Bureau of the TsNI1ChM (Central -Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) and'was' constructed in the Experimental Instrument Shop of the Institute. The pressure exerted on the specimen was produced by compressed air. The numerical data. IoIn the change in magnetic properties as a function of the stress are summarized in a' full-page table, and the variations, are shown in graphs. Most sensitive to mechani- Card 1/Z The effect of transverse compression .... S/776/6ZI000/025/005/025.1.,~-,-' cal stresses are the alloys 79HM (79NM), 79HMA (79NNIA),:,80HXC (80NKhS~, also the alloy 65MrI (65MP) which has a, rectangular hysteresis loop. A comparatively great change in magnetic permeability, under an induction of 20 gauss, was ob- served in the alloy 16 10 (16Yu). .The smallest change in magnetic properties was noted in the alloy 6C (6S). Repeat determinations of the magnetic characteristics. showed that in a number of cases a repeat run differed substantially from the results of the initial test, that is, prior to the imposition of the stress. The results of the repeat tests are tabulated.separately. This presence of residual changes in the magnetic properties, following the action of kads that do not exceed the elastic limit, requires additional. investigation'. In a first approximation it appears probable that such a change is a consequence of irreversible changes in the domain structure of the alloys under the action of the stresses. , There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references (3 Russian-language Soviet, I German, and 3 English-language, of which one in Russian translation). Card 2/2 S/)76/6?.1000/0Z5/0lTZ5- AUTHOR: Smirnoya, L. G. 14~1 onstant magriedc:permeability. TITLE. Alloys with a c SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentralln nauchno'-isaledovatel'Akiy institut chernoy., yy metallurgii. Sbornik trudov. no. 25. Mosco' 1962. Pretsizionhyy6 splavy. pp. 254-264. TEXT: The paper des ciribes an experimental investigation, the obje ti which is the determination of the racticabilit of the m#king of alloys A11 p 5 th changes in permeability in fields up to 2 to at a level of 500-50 gaus s6, in sheet material and in strips 0.1-0.01-mm thick., More especially, the inveisti' gation attempted to overcome the shortcoming'of present Perminvars, namel their lack of magnetic stability,: that is, the appearance of significant 4Pin their properties following exposure to strong magnetic fields. The investigation covered binary alloys of the Fe-Ni, and Fe-Cr systems, alloyed with Cu, Al, Mo, Go, and W, also Fe with additions of Ni, Si, and. Cr.. Thechemical composition of:'..- the alloys investigated, their magnetic permeability, and the degree of change of the permeability in fields 0.5-7.5 6is summarized in a full - pa e table. - It is shown.. that the following alloys are produceable. (I) Alloys with a magnetic per. eability Card 1/2 -------- -- - --------------- Alloys with a constant magnetic permeability. S/776/6z/000/025/017/025 of 40-70 gauss/ 6, which is maintained constant (with an increase equal to or less than 516) in fields up to 5 6. Such properties are exhibited, for example, by an alloy containing 35.8% Ni, 8.316 Cu, 1.316 Al, 8.3%:Co (riemainder Fe~, Q.1-O.OZ_mm'__ thick in the cold-rolled state. (2) Alloys with a magnetic permeability.of the order of 500 gauss/ 6, maintained constant in fields of up to appx. 2.0 Such properties are exhibited by an alloy containing 30% Co, 30% Ni (remainder Fe), 0.04-0.02-mm thick, obtained after high-T anneal. This alloy is usable under conditions in which- the external magnetic fields to which a part made of this alloy may be subjected in operation does not eixceed appx. 3.5 6. In any future work designed. to increase the degree of stability of the permeability relative to magnetic fields of alloys of the Perminvar type, it is necessary that the various theoretical views regarding the physical nature of the specific peculiarities.,oi their magnetic properties be taken into account. There are 5 figures', 2 tables.. and 18 references (lPolish-language 5 German-language, 2 French-language, and 10 English-language; of which 1, in Russian translation). Card 2/2 BAfASHOV, M.I.; BEEEFL14AN, F.A.; PEPE, VEZENTSEV, T.G.; Prinimali uchastiye: SMIFTOVA, L.G.,, rabotnik; 7HIGALENKOVA, R.S., rabotnik; DUBOVA, L.S., rabetnik Prevention of waterleaks in iron castings. Lit. proizv. no.l: 40 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. TSentrallnaya zavodskaya laboratoriya (for Smirnova, Dubova, Zhigalenkova). L 00309-66 E'dT(1)/EPA(s)-2/EPF(n)-2/T-2/ETC(m) IJP(C.) vr/ ACCESSION NRi APS016659 UR/0382/65/000/002/0111/0122 538.4+621.68.9 AUTHOR; Vasil'yev. S. V.; Okhemenko, N. 11.~ Svnirnova, L. G. ~T ST TITLE: Experimental investigation of the magnetic fields of an induction pump SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 2, 1965, 111-122 TOPIC TAGS: e~lectrpiman Ic u~_, magnetic field, magnetic induction ABSTRACT: The spatial distributio'n of components of the magnetic induction, D In the gap between two-layer winding inductors of flat-type linear induction pump is studied. The test device operated at 80 KVA at current reading of 120 AMP. (operat-L Ing without a load). The effects of loading on,components of B are indicated. Both thermocouples on various metallic plates inserted in the gap and magnetic robe coils were used to obtain the data.- Also given are data on measurement of jintegral distribution of comoonents of B, demagnetization coefficient, and secondary.--. Ileakage. Various fringe effects have been measured. In addition, it is shown that~ the above agrees with calculations which were carried out assuming the plane-paral-' Ilel geometry for the magnetic field, OrIgA art. hast 5 formulas, 9 figures, I table. Card 1/2 ACCESSION Nn: AP'4032077 S/0051/64/016/004/0708/0709 AMOR: Vergunas, F. L j Kolothov,V.V.; Yikshin,E.M.; Smirnova,.,L.I. TITLE; Some properties of filn, type electroluminescont capaitors SOUPZCE: Opt-ilta i Gpalctroslcopiya, v.lG, no.4, 1964, 708-709 TOPIC TAGS: clectroluminescence, electroluminescent capacitor, zinc compound, electroluminophor ADSMICT: The authors prepared and tested film type electroluminescent capacitors. The films viore obtained by vacuum sublimation of yellow EL-580 electroluminophor (a zinc sulfide phosphor - composition not specified). There were pre red low-vol-. tage and high-voltage film capacitors; the latter differed from th oTmer by the presence of a dielectric layer between tile sublimated film and the electrode. The films were about 1 micron thick; the electrodes were made of SnO2 and Al. The vari- ation of brightness as a function of the applied voltage is shown in the figure (Enclosure 01). As regards both their voltage and frequency characteristics the low and high-voltage capacitors differed from each other and from power-filled conven- tional capacitors. The low-voltage capacitors rectified the current in -the range of low voltages. Where frequency dependence of the brightness is concerned the low-vol- Card 1/3 ACCESSION NRs AP4032377 Igo I az laij as 0j to LZ L4 LE La zo-Ig?. Variation*of brightnoss'B w~i~-voltago V--a) low-voltage film, b) povider, c) high-voltage film with thick dielectric layer, d) film with thin dielectric layer. Card 3/3 S/115/60/000/010/003/028 B021/BO58 AUTHOR3i Strakun, G. I., Smirnova, L. I., and Sharova, Ye. Ye. TITLE: Reproduction and Transmission of an Angle in Standard Measurements., PERIODICAL- Izmeritellnaya tekhnika7 1960, No., 10, Pp. 13-15 TEXT: The Sverdlovskiy filial (Sverdlovsk Branch) of the VNIIM (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metrologii (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology)) developed a new test scheme for angular measurements. An instruction for the testing of goniometers was edited and published by the VNII Komiteta (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut Komiteta (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Committee)), and a horizontal installation was developed for the measurement of angles of polyhedral prisms of the first class. At the VNIIM, an installation was established which warrants the realization of a standard method of reproducing the value of a plane angle. In order to realize this method, two precision autocollimators with telephoto lenses were used as well as three standard prisms of molten Card 1/2 PHASE I BOOK F.U110-TATICIN s ot,/3 o 16 Aklderiya nnuk SSSR. Laborittorlya. slate= peradach.4 Informatmil 7roblemy peredachi Informatati. vyp. lz Postreqenlya ukhem I setay aviazzi. (Problems of Information Tran amisalon. Mr. 13 Design Itd-vo AN SSSR . of Communications Circuits and Networks) Moscow, ies printed o 000 . c p 19~9. 163 p. Errata allp inserted. 2, f Publishing Houses a. Ye. Pov--ner; Tech. Ed.s A. P. Ounevai Zd . Editorial Boards A. A. Khhrkevich (Reap. Ed.)$ V. N. Kurnet4Ov# 0 V f thin Issue) . , I Ovaayevioh, V. N. RoginaRly (Reap. Ed. o . S~lt.nov (Deputy Reap. Ed.) MPOSEI This collection of articles is Intended for specialists in communications theory. COVL~AGZz This collection of articles by soient.441:0 at the Labora- tory of Systema for the Transmission or Information, A.Cadasa or USSR, Is a continuation of a serlea of collections Scit-loca' , pu1:11zhed earlier under the ti tle 'SbornIk nauchnykh robot po prov!~dnoy Crya=i" ('Collection of Scientific Works on Wire .. Ce=anicationn") References Are glyen after each article. A biblioemphy on.automatio telephone systems (ATS) with crossbar switches In given In the endix. This bibliography is con- a idero o be of special interest In connection with the Intro- pp d t l uotion In tha USSR of the crossbar System. d 9~rft_ And L. V. Kharkovieft. vft~ v a ~ A -O 4 =rsta TnVC atI1ra; n tle Caring Capac.4ty 0: the Grouping Slat or a eie'h n T P - - Substation 103 ..Is paper was presented at; tile Laborator7 Seminar on October 26, 1956. Th. be I ation or the grouping scheas was rpecirled by the authors on the basis of data obtained f--*= calculations using the method of artirici.l. loading. The AubotatIon had a Capacity of 100 numbers, with two ClOnntotlon stages for outgoing, and three connection stages for incoming trarric. On the basis of this Invoatl- cttlon, the authors determine the aost convenient diatrl_ krutlOn Of Out&Olrg trunks azong the Intermediate switches, the necessary number of Internal tr-unks between the incoming and intermediate switches, And the holding P*quonao Of thv Internal trunks. There or* 7 "OfOrtnees, 3 Soviet and 4 English. Structural Theory of Cw..,ln, 1. tions Networra 226.. - ' This paper was presented at a joint SOS alon or the laborator,y Seminar and Of the Telephony at pMIS an January 6, 1956. The fundamentals or mathematical analysis Of communications networks using astri-st algebra , Lro presented. Problems In the structurs.1 theory or O=ftn1cations networks are d1sougBod, cla culation or the number of tend.. trunks between any two stations in the networks determination of the length of the longest and ahortant tandem trunk, Of the achereno* end compact. of&0 of the network And or some other paranStfrg. The rolAtiOnOhlp bet-son the structural theory of comeoni cations networks, graphical theory and theory of relay- contact circuits In d13011: Thera are 17 reference,, 4:d 11 Soviet (Inc r. 1 I Audirs. t n t on) ftgliah And German. blilliti".(AA, L. 1. , Cand Med- Sci -- (di,-;--) "Hygiene of the production of - L confectionary items containinz cream and their microbiolog4cal cnar- I acteristics. " I', oscow, ic,16ru. 1-6 pp; (Ministry of riublic Health USSR, (lentral Inst for Advai~ced Trainirl- of �-hysician-s); 200 copies; price 0 not r~iven; (KL, 26-6U, 144) BUDAGYAI,I,, F.Ye.,; SMIRVIOVA, L. I. Effect of phenol antioxidants on the assimilation of melted swine fat. Vop. pit. 21 no.2:47-50 Mr-Ap 162. WIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny pitaniya (zav. - prof. F.Ye. Budagyan) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (FAT METABOLISM) (ANTIOXIDANTS) MWI-TOIS) GRECHKO, M..F.; SMIRNOVA, L.I.; STRAM, G.I.; SHAROVA, Ye.Ye. Standard device for measuring angles. Trudy inst.Kom.standgozer i izm.prib no.47:127-138 161. (MIRA 1.51.12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovat4l'skiy institut metrologii im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. tGoniometers) VERfITRIAS, F,I.; KOLJj'TKOV, V.V.; YASHIN, E.M..; SMIRNOVA, L.I. Some properties of film-type electroliurdnescent capacitors. Opt- i spektr. 16 no. 4;708-709 Ap 164. (MTFLA 17.-5) SKIRVOVA, L. I.., ~ - Epidermal reactivity at the site of application of iodine solution. [with summary in English]. Trudy LSGKi 4z:54-64 158 (KIRA 11:12) I* lafedra gistologii i embriologii Leningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyenicheskob-o medititsinskogo institute (zav. kafedroy - chlem- karrespondent ANN SSSR, prof. S.1. Shchelkanov). (SKIN, effect of drugs on iodine solution, reactivity of site of application (fte)) (IODINE, effects. on skin reactivity (Rua)) SMIRNOVA, L.I. Comparative and experimental studies on regeneration of the epidermis in higher vertebrates [with summary in Finglishl. Trudy LSGMI 42:37-53 158 (MIRA 11:19) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologii Leningradakogo sanitarno- gigiyenicheakogo meditainskogo inatituta (zav. kafedroy -chlen- korrespondent AW SSSR, prof. S.1. Shchelkunov). (SKIII, physiology, regen, in animals (Rua)) (REGEMATION. skin, In animals (Rua)) I~ACERPTA MED13A 5ec I? Vol 516 Public Health June 59 1814. MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CREAM PRODUCTS (Russian text) ~m Irnova,,[.. 1. Nutrit. Inst.. USSR Acad. of Med. Scis, Mos- cow - VO . Ply ~ 1, 1 b/4 (44 :34) Illus. 5 Pathogenic microorganisms can survive in buttery, ch .arlotte and boiled creams during the periods of their edibility and sale. Among the species ofmicrobes tested (enteric and Breslau bacilli. M. pyogenes, Enterococcus, Shigella sonnei) only the M. pyogenes manifested the capacity to propagate in boiled cream. Study of the capacity of M. pyogenes to multiply in boiled cream and yeast bouillon with various concentrations of sugar (from 50 to 70%) showed that the propagation of M. pyo- genes ceases when the sugar concentration in aqueous medium exceeds 64%. In buttery and charlotte creams. propagation of M. pyogenes is not observed with sugar concentrations in aqueous medium that are normal for them. In charlotte cream prepared according to a standard recipe, enterotoxin Is not formed even with massive contamination with enterotoxic strains of M. pyogenes. Krymskii - Moscow (S) .-SIIPNOVA, L. Heat treatment of bakery creams as a method for preventing staphylo- coccal infections [with summary in English]. VOP-Pit- 17 no.3:83-86 W-Je '58. (MIRA 11-6) 1. Iz otdela pishchevoy gigiyeny (zav. - prof. F.Ye.Budagyan) Institute pitaniya AU SSSR, Moskva. (I-IIIK. cream, pasteurization in prev. of micrococal infect. (Rua)) (MIGROCOCCAL RIVECTION, prevention and control. pasteurization of creams (Rus)) BAZYLEVA, N.N., BOLOTKINA, L.I., LASKINA, Ye.M., OsVETDISKATA, N.P., SMIRNOVA, L.I. Pharmacological and biological chnracteristics of Inonotus obliquus,' Fam. i tokz. 21 no-5:89-90 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1*' Xafedra fakulltetskoy terapii (zav' - prof. P.N. Stepanova) Smolenskogo meditsinskogo instituta.' (FURGIO Inonotus obliquus extract, phnrmaCO1. (RUG)) 1. SMMOVA~' I:.- f: 2. USM (600) 4. Plankton - Caspian Sea 7. Phytoplankton of the Viddle Caspian, Trudy Inst. okean 3., 1949. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FebM= -1953, Unclassified. ZHM, A.P.; SEMINA, GA.; SMIRNOVA. L.I. "Diatoms in the plankton of the Black Sea" by A.I. Proshkina- Lavrenko. Reviewed by A.P.Zhuze, G.I.Semina, L.I.Smirnova. Bot. zhur.41 no.8:1225-1227 Ag '56. (KI.ILk 9: 12) 1. Institut okeanologil Akademil nauk SSSR, Moskva. (Black Sea--Diatoms) (Proahkina-Lavrenko, A.I.) ,SMIRNOVA, L.I. ~--' -~- Phytoplankton of the northwestern part of the Pacific. Dokl. AN SSSR 109 no-3:640-65? JI t56. (MlRA 9:10) 1. Institut okeanologii Akadsmii neuk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.R. Pavlovskim. (Pnr!t'*,,- The Mode of Propagation of the Diatom Alga Rhizosolenia alata Bright 20_1_ 54/58 tips. At this time cells not yet developed fill out the entire mother-dell (figure I d-zh). In case that this latter was destroyed, the daughter-cells were to be met in a free state; they still were slightly silicified and lacked the completely developed characteristic processes. Their size varied from 12-14~L in diameter and 30-50 W. in length. Furthermore the cell extends in length and silicifies from the process (fig-ure I m,n). The roughly fixed material made further investigations impossible. There are 1 figure, and 3 references, 1 of which is Slavic' ASSCCIATION: Institute for Oceanology All USSR (Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: August 30, 1957, by A. L. Kursanov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 26, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SMIRNOVA, L. I. "The Physiological Role of Leucocytes in the Digestive Process of Fish." Cand Biol Sci, Moscow Technical Inst of the Fish Industry and Economy imeni A. I. Mikoyan, 8 Dee 54. (VM, 26 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No-5211 2 Jun 55 T;SR/Humfin !-.nd S`.nimal Piiy-ilology- .11 L 4,Lbo Jour: Rof Zhur--Biol., Ho 8, 1958, '-6582- .,~Jothor; !no Titla Phy3iological Role of Leucocytes in Digostion in Fish. Orig Pub: Vour. il~htiologii, 1956, V,rp 7, 107-118. Abs trac t: A segment of the distal part of the s=,11 bowel (S B ) was isclatcd in carps (200-6600 g--). Follow- in'- introduction in the S 3 of albilzrin (I) starch (H) or lard (JIT) the authors wcre able to demon-- otr-~tc in the intestinal juice the presence of amy- lol~,tic proteolytic enzynos; t1hey failed to observe sDlitting of III. Smears from tlrv~ muccus mcm-branc of S 3 of the carp contained large ).=tmtc of loucocytes Card 113 67 ,.jzS:?,/.,iur-,cn and A--A,~-al PhYsiology. Digcstion- T Abs Jour: aef 7hur-Bioi., NO 3, 1958, 36582. batty droplots wa3 obscrvcd rit-hin 24 'icurs. Lcuco- entorolincso in tlle 1=-en of S 3 an~, iarticipatc in the -.1igostion of I -,nd H and the ab3orption of III in thr, Snall- bot-rol. Card 3/3 68 USSR / Goneral Problems of Pathology. Immunity. U-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., 1'10- 101 1958, No. 46705 Author Smirnova, L. I. Inst Moscow Inst-i-tuf-e-'of Fishing and Fish Bre,2ding. Title The Possible Role of Leukocytes in Fish Intestines in Producing lintibodies, Orig Pub : Tr. Mosk. tekhn. in-tzi rybn. prom-sti i kh-v,--, 1957, vyp. 8, 250-254. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 ,L6 SMIRNOVA , L. I. Seasonal changes In the blood of fishes of Rybinsk Reservoir. Vop.ikht. 2 no./+:677-,686 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut biologii vodokhranilishch AN SSSR, Borok, Yaroslavskoy oblasti. (Rybinsk reservoir-Fishes-Physiology) (Blood-Analy,gis and chemistry) TRETIYAKOVA, Ye.N., prof.; GATAULINA, L.D.,; ILIINA, V.T.; PANTELEYEVA, A.P.;__~MIMVA,.L.K,; ABDURASHITOVA Kh.Sh. Distribution of rheumatic fever among the school children of Ufa. Vop.revm. 3 no.j.-66-70 Ja-Mr 163. (KMA 1634) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. Ye.N.Tratlyakova) Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Detskoy 4inicheskoy bollnitsy No.3 (glavnyy vrach A.I.Vetsler) oroda Ufy. (UFA--RIHEUMATIC HURT DISEASE5 ~1 i?903-63 ACCESSION NRs AP3003770 51006016310361006112941296 AIDTHORSs Simonoy, q. Aot Smirnovat Le K&Rotinyanj 1, Lo TITLEt Cathode polarization during precipitation of tellurium from alkali sqlu-o tions SOURCEt Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii 12 Ve 36, no. 69 19631 91-1296 TOPIC TAGSt cathode polarizationg tellurium, alkali solution, ABSTRACTs 111vestigation of cathode polarization during precipitation of tellurium. Srom an alkali electrolyte at different temperatures, concentrationlof tellurium f and concentration of alkali in electrolyte - shows that, with an increase of alkali concentration in the electrolyte, the effective current decreases and increases with a rise intemperature. In alka3-i-concentrated electrolyte eff6atiie current linearly depends on concentration of tellurium in electrolytee In dil- uted electrolyte, the increase of effective current takes place faster* It is assumed that cathode process depends on the change of the nature of ions,, Orig. art* hass 8 figures, 2 formulas and 1 tablet ASSOCIATIM Leningradskly tekhnologichaskiy institut imeni Lensoveta L 16-13-~~P-Loa-l ins-tituts. 217 USSRI Organic Chemistry Synthetic orgAnic chemistry E-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 11623 Author Bolotov B.A., SmIrnova L.K. Title Cataty-tic Con-V6Fg-fo--nof-M71 Alcohol Under Pressure Orig Pub Zh obshch. khimii, 1955, 25, No 10, 1987-1992 Study of conversion of ethyl alcohol (1) over du catalyst at 275-4ooO and at a pressure from atmospheric to 156 atm., in a flow system. Composition of condensate collected at 275-3000 and 10 atm is similar to that obtained without increase in pressure At 3000 and -5 atm a condensate is formed containing mostly ketones: 18.()% acetone, 27.1% methyl propyl ketone, 4.4% methyl isobutyl ketone and 7.0% dipropyl ketone. On raising the pressure to 40-120 atm the condensate is found to contain paraffins (10-12%), while the yield of ketones drops shar- ply. C6ndensate collected at 3500 and a pressure of 10 atm consists essentially of paraffins: n-pentane (n) 14.5%, hexanes 13.0,%, n-heD- tane 24.2%, octanes 8.6% and n-nonane 11.3%. At the same temperature and a pressure of 156 atm formation of II is increased (73.2%) and yield of higher paraffins is decreased. I was fed at a rate of 80-85 g/hour into a reactor containing 120-130 i1 Of Catalyst. Card 1/1 -- -------------- BOWTOV, B.A.; SMIRNOVA, L.K. Part 2:The catalytic transformation of n-butyl alcohol under pres- sure. Z4ur.ob.khim. 26 no.6:1662-1665 Je '56. (MIRA 11:1) l.Leningradski.v gosladarstvennyy universitet. (Catalysis) (Butanol) - a4I IUMVA, L. K .. - - -I - - I - -- ---- - - ---- ---- :I,- - I - - ~ - ~,, ~ I ~ - --- - -- : -- -- - - - .- 1 11 1 ~ - I 'i ~~;: ~ -%.~. - CIIMUTOVA, A.k.~ SVURNOVA, L.M. Age changes of the beak in birds. Ornitologiia no-4:418-42~ 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Birds-Age) (Bill (Anatomy)) SHUBIN) A.S.; SMMOVA L M . NOVAKOVSKIY, V.M. Electro-ionite method of purifying waste waters from plants manufacturing chromium compounds. (Trudy] IJNIKHIM no.9:164-180 161. (MIRA 15:12) (Water-Electrolysis) SHUBIN, A.S.; SMNOVAI-L.M.; Prinimala uchastiye , MACH, V.M. Use of.ion exchange diaphragms for the purification of waste waters from plants manufacturing fluorine compounds. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.4: 474-475 161. (MM 14:7) 1. Ural'skiy nauchno-issledovatellsk:Ly khimicheakiy inatitut. (Sewage--Ilhrification) (Ion exchange) SMIRNOVAI L.M.; FILIPPOVA, V.A.; YAKINOV, P.A. Simplified methods for obtaining semiprocessed penicillin, chi-nxtetracvcline and vitamin B 12- test. nb.1545"5T I&L . --. (kRA 15:11) (FEMS) (PENICILLIN) (CHLORTETRACYCLINE) (GYANOCOBALAMINE) TA~'TYFO S.D.; S: lip of ac',-ino[Q S 51 Se. M01. 1 t BELIKOV, V.G., assistent; SMIRNOVA, L.N., studentka IV kufsa Drop method for the det4ction of penicillin in medicinal forms. Apt. delo 10 no. 2:32-3J Mr-Ap 161. NIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra famatsevticheskoy khimii Pyatigorskogo farmatsevti- cheskogo instituta (nauchnyy rukovoditell - kandidat khimicheskikh nauk dotsent V.N. Bernshteyn)e (PENICILLIN) MAKIN, S.M.; NAZAROVA, D.V.; KIRSANOVA, E.A.;_�,3'IRNOVA, L.N. Chemistry of unsaturated ethers. Part 10; Addition reactions of 1-alkoxy-1,3-dienes. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.4:1111-Ul6 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Moskovskiy Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii. 0 (Unsaturated compounds) (Alkoxy groups) S/191/61/000/001/003/015 B1011/B205 AUTHORSa Akutin, M. S.,_Smirnova, L. N., Filii~penko, D. TITLE: Intertacial polycondensation ~)61; 10 - 11 PERIODICALs Plasticheokiye massy, no.-I, IS TVIXT, A study has been made of the acceleration of condensation of epoxy with dephenylol propane (DPP) by interfacial polycondensation, diphenylol propane (melting point, 153-1560 C) and commercial 97% .t''_(illorohydrin (EPC). The DPP:EPC ratio was 10.25, 1:1~5, 1:2,3, or 426~ rN,.e end of the reaction was ascertained from the DPP content of the aqueous alkaline solution. The percentage of epoxy groups, 8% at 10,25, rose to 2VIj at liB. Fig, 2 shows that the optimum concentrations of the sodium salts of DPP and EPC are obtained in the aqueous and organic phase, re- spectively. At this concentration, a re3in with maximum content of epoxy groups is obtained. Besides, the content of epoxy groups depended on the organio solvent used for the purpose. Solvents in which the forming reein was unsoluble, yielded resins with a lower content of epoxy groups. At an Card 1/3 I MAKIN, S.M.; KRUPTSOV, B.K.; M]EDVEDEVA, V.M.; SMIRIIOVA Ghemistry of unsaturated ethers. Part 13: Reaction of acetalization of 1,1,3-trialkoxyalkanes and the synthesis of I-alkoxy-1.3-dienes with heavy alkoxy groups. Ultraviolet spectra and Raman spectra of 1-alkox3-1,3-dienes. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.8:2527-2535 Ag 162. (MBU 15:9) 1. Moskovskiy institut to-ikoy khimichesko tekhnologii imeni M.V. V Lomonosova. (Butadiene-Spectra) (Al g~*147~ SMIRTIOV, Ye.M.; SMIRBOVA, L.N. Operation of an asynchronous motor fed b7 a single-phase to three- phase converting electromechanical frequenc.7 modulator. Sbor.rab. po vop.elektromekh. no.3:209-221 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Electric motors, Induction) SMIRNOVA, L.N. Operating characteristics-of-step-by-step drives with ESh-1 motors. Sbor.rab.po vop.elektromekh. no.7jl37-147 162. (MM 16:1) (Electric driving) -e 1%, - a i h stankov s L 31996-65 Fc-4/Pr-4 RHIGs I[ACCESSION NR: AT 5004102 8/0000/64/000/000/0170/0173 AUTHOR: Guseva, Y. L ; Akutin, M.S.; Z . -, Karmin, B. K. ~oz1,ova,_Y,K.; Smirnova, L.,N.; Yovatratov, V. F. TITLE: Wear resistance of vulcanizates based on some new rubber-r&3in compositions. SOURCE: Naucbno-tokbn1cbeskoye soveshchar4ye po friktsionnomu Iznosu rezin. IMoscaN 1961 FrlktsiQnnyy iznos rezin (Frictional wear of rubber); ~bornlk statey. Tk~scow: Id-'vo Hbimiy4, 1964, 170-173 TOPIC TAGS: synthetic rubber, rubber wear, frictional wear, rubber resin vulcanizate, rubber filler,carbon black, rubber mechanical property, butadiene sfyrene rubber, urea formaldehyde resin, epoxtamine resin ABSTRACT- The weaAresistance and thermo-mechanical proppXties of vulcanized 4tadicne-stvrene rubber SO-TOTWqts mixture with gRqUaifflne resin 89 and urea- AFA-155A5and-als-o the mechanioal properties of the non-vuleft ed mixture were stUdl9dto -esta6lish compositions for optimal service and processing pro- perties, Resin,80 was added to the latex. Tensile strength, relative elongation, residual Card 1/2. L 31?96-65 ACCESSION NR-. AT50G4102 0 elongation, and modulus at 300% elongation were measured at 20 and 100C, tear strength at 100C, rebound resilience at 20 and 100C, and hardness, friction -and dynarnic-modulus, and wear resistanceon the IMI-3 wear tester. The addition of 8% resin 89 markedly Improved the mechanical properties and particularly the wear resistance of the vulca z ni ate,, and v to pro- ,(Ith additions of, 2-20% resin smaller amounts of channel black were required duce 'vulcanizates with optimum phyetcal-mechanical properties. Vulcanizates with 8% resin 89 and 45% carbon black showed marked Improvement in wear resistance and mechanical parameters except for a decrease In tear strength. The rdbber-reain latex, however, showed a significant decrehae In extrudability and calendering capacity. Addition of non-specifled amount of resin MFA-155 doubled the tensile strength of the latex. Vulcanizates based on the rubber-resin composition with 30% carbon black KhAF bad Improved aging stability, thermal stability, tear strength, and wear resistance as compared with vulcanizates prepared without resin and with 60% E1AF. Wear of resin- rubber compositions was very little affected by an Increase In temperature. OrIg. art has: I figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: None I suBmrrTED: osAug64 ENCL: 00 SUB COM MT NO REF SOV; 002 OTHEM 002 Card 2/2 ;.~Efr -~omt" i of ilU d i c n e ac pen balsice-of viiamins Caiid'Bi In seioresidant, Gypbl, ' n4 Utle fiiati., L. N.~s k I-laxiingiad).' Mll: TrWneroT"Mt* 161-30 Ao 7 (19501.~In sy~htfitici; the-'con-ten d Of le thialwae-Ja somp-ml under nbrmal; p i ilthl- lil impoverish s ism-of tht~se vita e the orgftn e* the: -witivheat treafnittit'is corubiut*~.d 4,41 -tr he: iliv creased levcl of p 614 aod: flnns the vitatijia,Buddect,' A q SHTEOLUKHT, L.A.; SHIRNOVA, L.N. Golimycin in the treatment of some suppurative diseases of the skin. Eksp. i klin. issl. po antibiot. 1:372-375 158. OMMIRA 15: 5) (ANTIBIOTICS) (SKIN--DISEASES) SMIRNOVA, L.N. Vitamins 0, Bl and pyruvic acid content in the blood and (their] urinary excretion in pyodermatites treated with penicillin and chlortetracycline. Eksp. i klin. issl. po antibiot. 1:401-1407 '58. (MIF-A 15: 5) (SKIN--DIS.'r~ASES) (VITAI-al-IS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (PYRUVIC,ACID) SAVEL'YEVA.1 T.L.; SMIRNOVA, L.N. Treatmeat of actinomycosis using penicillin and actinolysate. Eksp. i klin. issl. po, antibiot. 2:116-120 160. (AURA 15:5) (ACTINOMYGES) (ACTINOMYCOSIS) (MICILLIN) L 1040!!07 D4TW/EWP(t)/ETT (a) TD/.Tr, At-%. NKI AP6023701 SOURrv CODEi UR/0126/66/02-1/004/0560/0567; AUTHORS: Demlcin, Yu. I.; Smirnoya, L, N, ORG: Institute for Quality Steeli (Institut kachestvennykh staley); TsNIIGHERMET im. 1. P. Bardin TITLE: Structure of binary layers on the surface and in the interior of a metal SOURM Fizika metallov i metallovodeniyal v. 21, no. 4, 1966j 560-567 TOPIC TAGSi m?tallurgic research, rhenium contai ing alloy moj bdenum containing alloy ABSTRACT: The twinned structures found on the surface and in the interior of Mo + ~35 at. % Re alloy were investigated. The investigation supplements the results of'- Ye. M. Savitskiy i dr. (Sb. Issledovaniya zharoprochnykh materialov t. 9. M.p Izd. AN SSSR, 1962, str. 194). Microstructure photographs of the surface and the cross section of specimens are presented (see Fig. 1). It was found that the structure of binary layere on the surface of the alloy differs qualitatively from the binary L4,ervq structure in the interior of the alloy. The authors thank Ve M. Nosovich and A. L.--- Roytburd for a critical evaluation of the data. 1/2 UDC.- - ~- -7 -7 - n -, , -- ,. x v. I . NA . L 0-10/ ~ O*Tlf-Akp-3--, , -.-. .77. H MRKHOLAT, Mikhail Yetfir-.~ovi,--h; -ORGOVSKI-y , lu-'iy Y;ikov1.e%,-Ieh; W-I?,',!')VA) L N., red. [Choise of automated electric drives for mechanisms with a wide range of speed variation] Vybor avtoratizIrovannogo elektroprivoda dlia m-ekhanizzov s shirokim diapazonorr iz- meneniia skorosti. Leningrad, 1964. 34 p. (MIRA 18:3) SMIRNOVA, L.P. Method of developing the concept of mineral nutrition in plants. Biol.v shkole no-6:36-38 N-D '59. (MIA 13:3) 1. Moskovskiy gorodskoy pedagogicheakiy institut. (Plants--Assimilation--Study and teaching) ZELENSKIY, V.G., inzh.; SMIMOV.A, 1.P., tekhnik Study of the erosion of a metal. Elek. sta. 32 no.11:41-44 N ,61. (MIRA 14:11) (Metals) (Erosion) a t for t-'. - r C L i ~_- of pri-I ce 0 se s Sbor. rrud. '64 - 18-3) 3 50' 'E14. OTROSHCIIENYO, O.S.; SADYKOV, A.S.; SMIRNOVA, L.S. Quantitative determination of alkaloids by means of dioxane sulfc;trioxide. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31+ no. 12:2797-2800 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Kafedra khimii rasteniy Tashkentskogo gosudar6tvennogo universiteta im.eni V.I. Lenina. I (Aloaloids) .- SMIRNOVA, ABDUMKIV, Kh.A.-, YIINUSLIV, S.Yu. Alkaloids of Ungernia severtzovii. Structure of unsevine. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.1:171-173 Ja164. (KRA 17:2) 1. Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Yunusov). SWUNOVAP ARDUAZIMY, Kh.A.; YUNUSOV, S.Yu. I Alkaloids of Ungernia saverttzovii(Rge.) B. Fed. Mdm. pr-4rod. soad. no.5;322-328. 165. (MIRA 18-12) 1. Institut khiwdi ra8titalInykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. Submitted April 5, 1965. Kh.A.; SMIRINOVA, L.S.; YLINIUSOV, S.Yu. Interconversion of the alkaloWs hiFpeastrine, imaerine and unsevine. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR 21 no.8:24-27 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. In-stitut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UZS.SR. 5,14IRNOVA, L. S., Gand oi Blo Sci -- (diss) "Infiuence of the composition of the media of the formation of amylase oi asperSillus oryzae." MoBcvw, 1957, 24 pp (Institute of Microblolo6y, AS USSR) (KL, 30-57, 109) Card UISSR7microbiology - c-ereral Microbioj_ogy F-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 14669 with glycerin, sit-rose and glucose. On this basis a con- clusiOn is dravn as to the adaptive nature of anylase in the, fungus studied. Forrotion of protease depends on the nitrogen source. On media-with OMO S04 and 6% starch, the protease forms exceptionally pooriy; on nitrates, casein, edestin, gelatin, peptone, glycine-- somewhat bet- ter3 but on a mediurn with legumin the maximum quantity of enzyme is formed, exceeding by 15 times its formation on all other protein siiostances. Card 2/2 Dissertations. Dept. of Biological Soloweal, Jul-Doe 1957. Veat. Ak Iftuk SM, 1958, No. 4, pp. IM-M At the Inst.of Microbiology the followIng dissertations Vero Waged for the degree of Candidate of biological Sciences: 1. IL NADIROVA - Functional Morphology ot the Yeast Orgaidsa In Drying and Lov Cooling/ on the Problem oC the Anabiotic Callul State. I " "U., N, S. - Actinonqcetes of the Globisporine Group. OMOTA, L. 8, - Inrluence of the Composition of the MAU= an the Formation of the *-=w1GwrV11Us oryz". At the Institute or Animal Morphology iin A. N. Severtnow, for tba degree of Dr. Biological Sciences: BCDROVIA, N. N. - Comparative Date on the Innervation of the Coronary System of the Ia=eleta, Asphibla, and R&Vtiles. for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences, DKrMIYWA, N. P. - Influence of High Intensity Ultra Sousd an the Growing wA the Metastase of the Intervined Bro=-Firs ?=or In Rabbits. SMIRTITIOVA, L. S. Morphology of Aspergillus oryzae on media of vaious composition. Mikrobiologiia 28 n0.5:662-666 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut spirtavoy i likerno- vodochnoy promyshlennosti, Moskva. (ASPERGILWS culture)