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1. V. USSR/Engineering - Refractories, Slag Feb 50 Erosion "Solubility of Alumina-Silicate-Refractories in Basic Slag,"D.N.Poluboyarinov, Dr-Tech Sci, I. V. Smirnova, Chair of Ceramics and Refractories of MKhTI imeni Mendeleyev "Ogneupory" No 2y PP 71-81 Develops method for evaluating soly extent of re- fractory materials in Slag in respect to time of their interaction, and for detg soln rate. Deg and rate of slag erosion decrease with increase of A1203 content in refractory. 204T19 W 0 The separability of solid bodies. Z.V.%'oIkovaand,l-V-. Nfoecow State Teachers,* Inst.). Zhur. PrikLid. Scnirnova (. Kkimi.-22 -W-1)(195O.-The efficiency of selin. by grinding of the kouilionents of a beterwricoui solid depends on the degree of exposure (d.c.) of the component, A niith derivation of the formulas 6 given fur ealcg- degrre,.t of expisure. The formulas derived for d.e. of includcd pha%e ' d including Phase fl. are resp., f, - MI(I A) - Wd -ndu! t In/(a - I)III(a - ))of - lVel.wheren is theratio ~ of Vol. of solid body to Vol. of Included Phaw, Il'i 6 tile Prob. ability (A transition of Included pha%e to particles of hetero- Keneous Minifin., and It's is the pn)I)Ability of trunition tit including phase to partkIes of heterogeneous compo. The d c. tit included phase t1two not detwod on its -atent in the In,terogrneous solid. but the d.e. of including phaw increacs sharply with decreasing content of included phasc. The d.e. of both the phases depends on the fortis of the distribu. tion function of the Including grains. It is found that for a decreasing content of very fine including grains the values of f, and ft increase. For increwing values of k (the ratio of including grain sfites to powder p4nicle sim) the d.e. of both phases increases. For increasing values of m (the ratio of vol. of the solid body to the Vol. of included phase) the d -c. of including phase sharply Increases. G. S. %t&Cv 7777= N.. ~c-ct)13 nict N bcgl"!~g,G At FROST ~ Andrey Vladimirovich, professor; DOLGOPOLOV, N.N., sostavite-I TOPCHIY,vVA, K.V., doktor khimicheskikh nauk, otvetstvennyy redaktor; GERASIMOV, Ya.I., redaktor; KOROBOV, V.V., kandidat khImicheskikh nauk, redaktor, SMIRNOVA, I.V., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk, redaktor., TETEVSKIY, V.M., doktor khimicheskikh nauk, redaktor; TILICHZTV, M.D. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SHCHIKIN, V.V.. redaktor izda- tellstva; ZJCLENKOVA,-Ye*V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Papers on kinetics and catalysis] Trudy po kinetike i katalizu. Moskva. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 538 P. (MIRA 9-7) 1. Ghlen--korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov) (Catalysis) (Hydrocarbons) (Chemical reaction) % 7e, *tot K . V V pso 6d at 20 -I I 90--AhOs ca - co ~bf -seh the A , 'i;d on 11,0,.~ -A --boure u p yoft At W P11K rC:sjure','-.46iu!kd b 6himlad 0 . 13t. W"- 'CH ' thenju ne f J- Vrop"tion P. ~ -'f' r and h UA 6 W ;, A * S=C o orb m Y~t M e0 j4O j~*&$ prac emps. ym!at d"tod Ahel'sisjie~ I - i - A164 cheullsom actM4,*Oteri~-- . of bWO.-0- ls~itkd- louleigm - The ard 4. wid +80* .'btit the-t "am mz - i-edtkeC-The, creasmg upl.t -thei-meol o :1 cafalytip-deh~di - -~'robable tbA itlid the ---- - - -which: made lt , emisco , tm on a a W 50) AUTHORS: Smirnova, I.V. and Topohiyeva,r`.1[. 7:7 TITLE- Adsorption of Indi-tidual Hydrocarbons on Industrial Aluminum Oxide' (Adsorbtsiya indiv-d,,).al1ny!:h 111-0- myshlennoy oki-si aalyucniniya). PERIODICAL: Vestni_L- 7oskovskoco Uri~-rs-*Lf-fa.3(;-i-,P_ matematlki mekhpaiki astronomi.i. fizikj, kh-ImIj., 19'1-3,-Nr 2,nn 233-240 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A report on the contents of the i:,resent paper was given in December 1957 at the Lening-ra;' conference on the production, structure and properties of sorbents. 'rnere was itivescigated the adsorption of the n-propylbenzene and of the allylbenzene under 200 and 400 and of the benzene, isopropylbenzene, iso- propenylbenzene and propenylbenzon under 200 from solutions in n-heptane by industrial aluminum oxide. The isothermal lines of the adscrption show a normal course for -,onsolute liquids. The adsorption remains monomolecular up to the con- centration which corresponds to the maximum. The molecules of the considered hydrocarbons are in parallel with the cata- lyzer surface under adsorption with the plane of the benzene ri-ng. The adsorption decreases with inoreasing temperature. Card 1/2 Adsorption of Individual- Hydi-obarbons on Industrial SO V/59- 58- 2-32/35 Aluminum Oxidb The maximum of adsorpt-Lon displaces into the direction of smaller concentrations which causes an increase of the ad- sorption potential. The adsorpticn layers are less dense for 400 than for 200. There are 5 figures,, 1 table, and 16 references, -:4 of which are Soviet, 1 is German, and 1 Indian. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fizicheskoy khimi-i (Chair of Physical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: January 30,1958 Card 2/2 ATT T`_0 RS: Smi-nova, V,, Topchiyeva, K. 7. SOV/20-123-2-'30/50 - - --------------- T1 IM, E: Tfie Adsorntton of Hydrocarbons at Increqsed Temperatures (Adsorbtsiya uglevodorodov pri povvsh,-lnnykh tempernturakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk 35")R, 19~7,8,1!ol 123, Nr 2, PP 316-'ilg TT ,JSSR) A3STRACT: The present pnpev contains data concerning adsorption from solutions of isopropyl benzene, isoproVenyl benzene, propenyl benzene, allyl benzene, and cyclohexene on aluminum oxide, which, as is known, catalyzes many important Drocesses as e.z. the isoi,,ieriiation of hydrocarlbonq. Short reference is made to 4 earlier papers dealing with this subject. The authors compare the adsorption of the aforementioned hydrocarbons with that of n-pronyl-benzene and also with "he adsorption of benzene. The investigation of this carbon series makes it possible to solve also the problem of the influence exercised by a con- jugate double bond in the side chain of an aromatic ring, Also the relative adsorbability of hydrocarbons in an un- saturated bond in various positions is investigatei (ally! benzene - prouenyl benzene). Adsorption from the solutions Card 1/3 was measured interferometrically, in which case normal heptane The Adsorption of Hydrocarbons at Increased SDV/20-127~-2-30/50 TpmperaWres served as a solvent. The adsorbent used was nor-nal technical aluminum oxide, Adsorption measurements were carried out at 20, 30, and 400, It-he isothermal lines of the adsorDt-ion of the investigated hyd-rocarbons at 20 and 400 are shown by 2 diagrams. The presence o~f a con;4gatef" aouble bond in the side chain of an alkyl-aromatic molecule does not vary its plane- parallel. orientation in the mono-layer in the case of adsorp- tion on the catalyzer surface. With an increa-se o_1F' temperature, the part of the surface that corresponds to each adsorbed molecule increases, but the thickness of the adsorption layer decreases somewhat. According to the data obtained by ad- SOrDtion measurements carried out at 200, propenyl benzene, isopropenyl benzene, and allyl benzene (which contain a double bond in the side chain) are better adsorbed than aromatic molecules with a saturated alkyl radical with the same number of carbon atoms. According to the results obtained at 400, adsorption becomes weaker in the two investigatea hydro- carbons if temDerature rises, The molecules of cyclohexene are it first adsorbed Dlanely on the surface of the aluminum Card 2/3 oxide but they stand up with increasine, concentration. Thus, The AdsorDtion of '-*ydrocarbc-s at Increased SO V !2 0 - ~ 23 0- 1",; C Temperatures the existence of a double bond in the molecule of a cyclic hydrocarbon adsorbed on a catalyzer gives rise to certain Darticularities in the adsorption process. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 13 references, 1. of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kpfedra fl-zicheskoy khimii Mloskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M~ V. Lomonosova (Chair for' Physical Chemis- try at Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: July 2, 1958, by P,, A. Rebinder. Academician SUBMITTED: June 18, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Smirnova, I. V., To~chiyeva, Y. V., 76-1-6/32 TITLE: The Adsorption of Alkylaromatic Hydroc-arbons From Solutions by 'eleans of Induotricl Catalysts. I. (Adsorbtsiya iz rastvorov alkilaromaticheskikh uglevodorodov na promyshlenn-1--kh klatalizatorakh. I.) 0 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizichesko.-..r KIiiiiii, 1950, Vol. 32, 11'r 1, P,). 43-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The question of the problem. of tie influence of the conjugated double compound in the side chain of an aromatic rin '; or the adsor,,)tion from a solution i.- treated by means Of the example of isopropylbenzene and isopropenylbenzene adsorbed by industriai catal.-ats. The systems investi.-ated here are infinitely intermixin,~ liquids. The adsorption of isopropylbenzene -fro..i solutions in n-heptane and in carbon tetrachloride, the adsor-)t-ion of isopropenylbenzene from solutians in n-heotano 'b- means of i:-.dustrial catalysts of 71oudry and aluni-inum oxide at 2o was invezti~-:ated. The ~.'i a nh~'XIIMIIM and .c~dsor-)tion isoth~~rnal li:,,es thrsu~-! Card 1/3 cross t.,,e concentrati--in axis in C --oint near to C. = 1/vm. Th-~ Adsorption of Alk-ylaromatic -7 drocarbons From '76-1-6 /32 -Y Solutions by IMleans of Tndustri.--.1 Catalysts. I. V;-I ~ the molecular of c~,rbon, c- = the concentration. Up to the concentrntions corresT~ondin. to the maxi-nuzi the adsori-Ition remains ,.-ionomolecular. The authors show that the selective ---dsorptirni of isopropylbenzene is essentially ,~re-ater fron c. co;,-,-pound with n-heptane th~-,n with a compound with carbon The authors that the - L m o'eciile:: of t4-,.c 'Ilydrocrirbon~- investi,~Lted are, vitii to*.,~- bi.-nzene rin,, level, orientated parallel to the c--tz--,l,,st curface in the c:tse of rdsorptinn from solutions in n-iieptcne. The aut'Aars t--.Iso show that the 1jresence of ~-L conju-Sated double compound in 'he side chain of the :-aromatic rin.-11- at the trl~noition from isopropylbenzene to isopropenyl-benzene es,.;entli~;:-ly i-ncre-ses the adsorption .potential2 This -oroves the chan.-e of the molecular constant from 60 a to 56-3"-4.r. the c::,se of isoorenylbenzene. There are 4 fi.--ures, 3 tables, 25 references, 11 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIOIT: State Univer3ity imeni 1,11. V. Lomonosova ;oZud--rstvennyy universitet in. ~~:. V. Lomonosova). Card 2/3 5(4) SOV/76-33-5-16/33 ~'JTHORS: Smirnova, I. V., Topchiyeva, K~ li., Smetank-o, I-,. P, (Moscow) TITM~: The Adsorption From Solutions of Alkylaromatic Fydrocarbons on Industrial Catalysts 2. (Adsorbtziya iz rastvorov alkil- aromaticheskikh uglevodorodovnaproiaysh"Lr-,nnykh katalizatorakh.2) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959. Vol 33, lir 5, PP 1059 - 1o64 (USSR) ABSTIUCT: This paper shows the resalts of thu investi,~aticin of the adsorption of allyl benzene, propen.yl benzcn(--, and -- in comparison - n-propyl benzene from colations of n--he~tane on Al 203 at 200 and 400. Table 1 shows the physical data of the hydrocarbons used. 'Figure 1 shows the isothermal adsorption lines at 200, figure 2 at 400. The absolute iso-- thermal adsorption lines and their molecular constants were determined considering the extent of the specific zurface of Al20 3' Fig-are 2 shows the isothermal lines, table 2 the data obtained . The thickness of the adsorption layer of propenyl benzene a-rees with the theoretically calculated thick,--ss 0 Card 1/2 of the benzene ring = 3.7 2. Thus the mol,,-ules of nropenil Z- X The Adsorption From Solutions of Allkylaromatic SOV1171 1')-- 3.' -5- 16/33 Hydrocarbons on Industrial Catalysts 2. benzene sho,.; a parallel orientation towards the catalyst surface with the surface of the benzene ring. The same is true of allyl benzene and n-propyl benzene. The presence of a double bond in the side chain does not change the plano- parallel orientation of the benzene derivative. The adsorba- bility of the hydrocarbons with various molecular volume decreases in the order propenyl-, allyl-, n-propyl benzene. A conjugated double bond increases the adsorption potential. Adsorption decreases with increasing te-macrature, the adsorp- tion layers become less dense. There are 3 fi6ures, 2 tables, and 16 reforerices,14 of which are Soviet. ASSOCLITIOIT: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet iriri. ~'A. V. Lo~-;,Onosova (Inoscov, State University ineni M. V. Loiiiono.-;cv) T SUX..ITTZ'D: Octobt;r 12, 1957 Card 212 FROST, Andray Yladimirovich, prof. Edecessedli Prinimli uchastiye: BUSIDLZIN, I.H.; YTBDZN*[IY, A.A.; GRYAZNOT, Y.M.; DEK31ITlYBYA, M.I.: DINTSES, A.I.: DOBRONILAVOT, R.K.; ZILIRKOVA, V.R.; ZHKRKO. A.V.; IPATOY-EV, V.D.; KYTATKOV.9KIT, D.A.; KOROBOV, V.Y.; MOOR, V.G.; ITEMTSQV, U.S.; RAKOVSKIY, A.T.; REMIZ, Te.K.; RUDKOVSKIT, D.M.; RYSAKOY, M.Y.; SEPIORYAKOVA, Ye.K.; S~JMIOTICH, A.D.; bMIIGAMVA, N.Y.; TATEVSKIT, V.M.; TILICHRIEV, M.D.; TRIFMI, A.G.: FROST, 0.1.: SHILTATEVA, L.T.; SHCHKKIN, Y.Y.. DOLGOPCLOY, N.V., sostavitell; GERASIVOY,; SMMNOTA, I.Y.j red.; TOPCHITETA, K.T. ; TASTMOY, T.T. . red. ; KONDiii~~&_A_#_ -red. izd-va; LAZAR YA, L.Y., elected scientific works] Izbrannye nauchnye trudy. Moskva, k d-vo Mosk.univ., 1960. 512 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov). (Chemistry, Physical snd theoretical) 81654 AUTHOR3s S/181'60/002/06/44/050 B006/B056 TITLEt Shuba, Yu. A., Smirnova, I. V. Photoelectronic EmissionIFrom Copper- and Silver Iodide PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1321-1322 TEXT: The external photoeffect occurs on pure halides of the elements of the first group of the periodic system in the far ultraviolet. Hitherto, the photoemission from CuI and AgI has been investigated mainly within the longwave range of ultraviolet emission. The authors of the present paper measured the relative spectral distribution of photoemission from CuI and AgI in the shortwave range of from 2600 to 1100 A. For this purpose, a vacuum monoc)-,romator with aluminized replica with diffraction grating (radius of curTrature ~tO mm) was used. As a radiation source a hydrogen gas discharge lamp? ith LiF-window (Of 1 m thickness) was used, which alloweT a -radiation of up to 1050 A to pass. Photoemission was measured by using the samples to be investigated as photocathodes in open electronic multipliers. The measuring results obtained are shown in a figure (abscissa: photoenergy in ev, ordinatet Card 1/2 81654 Photoelectronic Emission From Copper- and S/181 60/002/06/44/050 Silver Iodide B0o6YB056 quantum yield in relative units). Uniform rules were observed for all samples. At low energies the quantum yield rises steeply with photon energy (for CuI by more than 6 orders of magnitutle). Within the short- wave range a certain saturation sets in. The method of producing the CuI and AgI layers warranted a nearly stoichiometrical ratio of the components. It may be assumed that the photoemission threshold in the layers under investigation corresponds to a photoelectron excitation beyond the lattice boundaries direct from the valency band vortex. With increasing hy the number of band levels increases, whose electrons are able to participate in the photoemission, which leads to an increase of the quantum yield. With a further increase of hv, the level number remains the same if the bottom of the valency band is in a depth of 7.5 ev with respect to the vacuum level, and scattering of electrons on the valency band electrons occurs. There are 1 figure and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 1 German, 1 British, and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Opticheskiy institut im. S. I. Vavilova Leningrad (Optical Institute imeni S. I. Vavilov, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: September 2, 1959 X Card 2/2 SMIRNOVA, I.V.; KUBASOV, A.A.; TOPCHIYE-VA, K.V. Heat of wetting aluminum oxides by benzene, cyclchexane, and cyclohexene solutions in n-haptane. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.l: 150-153 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univQrsitet im. M,V. Lomonosova. (Aluminum oxide) (Heat of wetting) VAVILOV, V. S.; SMIfLNOVA, I. V.; CILALP'NIN, V. A. "On Defects Introduced by Fast Electrons into silicon Doped by Lit*rftum " PaDer was submitted at the International Conference on Crystal Lattice Defedts at KYoto~ 7-12 Sea 1 62 (for Vavilov, v. s.) P. N. Lebedev Inst. of Physics Leninsky Prospect 53, Moscow s/i6l/62/004/005/009/055 BI 02/B1 58 UT IC). i 0' Vavilov, V. S., Smirnova, I. V., Chapnin, V. A. -"ITTL": The interaction of lithium atoms introduced into silicon ,,-.-ith the radiation defects of the structure F4z-*'-a tverdo-o tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1128-1131 7 -T h. eau t, .,lors studied the interaction of Li impurity atoms in Si sin.-Ic crystals -.-.-ith the structural defects that were produced by fast- 01 actron. bo:,ibardment. The Li impurity was introduced by diffusion from Sn-Li melt containin- 0.2 - 1,;,, Li. Li equilibrium concentration in ,L'i re~clied at 550-650 0 C. The Li samples were p-type (q-150 ohm-cm) and cut out ol- sin~je crystals. After introduction of Li the p-type sa::zples transformed to n-type with carrier concentrations of 11 3.,014_ 0 -3. + 1 10 on. Since Li formed oxide ions LiO , which have shallow donor levels and are relatively stable at room temperature, the carrier ,~oncer,Lration kn) equals the sum of the ions Li .+ LiO+. Flectron bc,mbard-ment (0.9 Mev) took place at room temperature. At Li concentrations Card 1 /1 h4l6' 3/18 62/004/012/003/052 B104XB102 AUTHORS: Smirnova, I. V., Chapnin, V. A., and Vavilov, V. S. TITLE: Radiation defects in lithium-doped silicon PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 12, 1962, 3373-5380 TEXT: The effect of lithium on the formation of stable radiation defects in silicon and on the annealing of,these defects is studied by -determining the temperature dependence of the carrier concentration from ,the Hall effect. The; lithium was introduced into Si single crystals by diffusion annealing (550-6500C) from a tin-lithium alloy. The single crystals had a resistivity of 100 ohm-cm; after doping they had n-type conductivity. The carrier concentration lay between 3-104 and 17 -3 2-10 cm . The specimens were irradiated by 0.9-Mev electrons at rooll~-,- temperature. Results: In n-type silicon with lithium up to concentratio'lls 17 -7 of (1-2)-10 cm , shallow energy-levels arise in the range from 0.06 to 0.14 ev below the bottom of the conduction band, which are related to primary radiation defects, e.g., to pairs of interstitial atoms and Card 1/2 Radiation defects in S/181/62/004/012/003/052 B104/B102 vacancies which are separated by different distances. The lithium in the Si crystal interacts with these defects. Such interaction is similar to the processes that occur during the annealing of genetically unrelated vacancies and interstitial atoms. The trapping radius has the same order as the lattice constant, (r min = 5-4-10-8 CM0- In crystals that, after part of the lithium has been deposited in the defects, are again of p-type conductivity, the levels 0.45 ev, 0.28 ev and 0.21 ev were observed above the top of the valency band. The centers corresponding to the level 7v + 0.28 ev did not disappear completely even during annealing for several hours at 4900C and above; those corresponding to the level EV + 0.21 ev disappeared completely during annealing at 4500C. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SMMITT ED June 16, 1962 Card 2/2 SMIRNOVA I.T.; TOPCHIYEVA, K.V.; KUBASOV, A.A.; SAVCHERK01 L.V. Adsorption of mothyloydohexane from solutions at elevated tam- perature. Dokl. AV SSSR 147 no.3t660-662 N 162* . (MM 15212) I* Mqskovskjy gosudarotwinnyy universitet im. M*V& Iomonoaqwa* Pred*tavlenO akademikom P.A. Rebinderm. .(cycloh va) (Adsorption) SMIRNOVA, I.V.; KARPUKIIINA, G.V.; TOPCHIYEVA, K.V. Adsorption of allylbenzene and ally1cyclohexane on a chromia catalyst. Neftekhimiia 3 no.1:71-73 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Benzene) (Cyclohexane) (Adsorption) s.-1Ro4/63/OO3/Qol/oo6/Ol3 9075/9436. AUTHORS: -Smirap opchiyevAl K'V. ,_L,Y,,~Karpukhina, GeV., T n, TITLE: Adsorption-of-allylbenzone and allylcyclohexane o chromia catalyst PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya', v,3, no.l,.1963, 71-73 TEXT: The adsorption from n-heptano of the two hydrocarbons on CrO3 was studied to gain an insight Into the mechanism of the ,polymerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons-. The catalyst was prepared by a previously.described method (.A.V;Topchiyev at al., Dokl. AN.SSSR, v.130, 196o, 344) and had the surface aiea of 330 m2/g. There were no catalytic reactions taking-placie during.-- the experiments. The,adoorption.isotherms were determined at 20*,C,.;: by interferometry. Allylbonzona was shown to occupy an area on the catalyst similar to that-occu ied J~y behzene on silica Sol or,; alumina, Allyl.groups verb apparently'above.'thb level of'the,' adsorbed benzene nuclei making IthIaadsorbed-mo-no-layer relatively thick and not in-contact with:the cAtalyst'sur-face. Th'6 molecules of adsorbed all Iylcyblohexane`bcbupied'-mud.h Urger area, the allyl groups being in direct-contact with the~surflace. :.Card 1/2 TCYCHI-iEVA, K. V.; SMERNOVA, I. V.; KUBASOV, A. A. "Concerning the mechanism of cyclene isomerization over alumLaa." report submitted to 3rd Intl Cong on Catalysis., Amsterdam, 20-25 jul 64. :L- Moscow State Univ im Lowonosov. c n T ~n rajt~_.on of _c25 2 0 xide. Kin- t T T) of hydrocarbcrj~z on Ycmoro5oval C,- 5W ann,,y il-nive-5' iy i,,:, r in S L E e S Vont,~!V SMIRIWA, K-A. An iinusual complication of gastric resection. VeBt.kbir- 76 no-7: 126-127 Ag '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz khirurgIcbeskog otdeleniYEL 3-Y gorodskoy bollnitsy g. Ivanovo (zav.]CA. Smirnova) (STORACH, neoplasms caused by surg. & anastomosis of stomach) PI- ic', em., N.S. Sm 39 39(81)~(1956),-, .7499.1 -an) - - : ro-6- N'- '-Y k (1953);,-31S~316; t ~GU Pkar P -_i -MR A49 b6 th di 0dd d c n u e k- ng es.. M ] ows..-. iven.a, m e- se o Acfi~~&-iiiJoU -G non-concyclic , ointi,d r~ the.plan e or sphere~~ny circumferenc ~ --t ree~ppintp' e ne ropg..,, reqlap -9n p A p4wg , e I based - t set.-is aiHed'a G s-w,er ppt;L s ftsult 'd Ahe--nfim -er-() as, -m bsis: a is' A*ays - the hylioth - - '' ' " 1' 4 -jW Th, grea er. ~n m6 ~iult is to-d e aut ior s, pnnq -r -qual ' - - A6.-ii6thod of 066f this fi fiews; s bised . lo pr 0 j - -, c 1' h- -th -of d8sedconvex y W- e upon bie pp o Alekanclrov tehiz- l hedra; Gog sen of D 1~ -M6scowrL6niiiorad,'.1950-'MR~12 73~] dat, i az (A~n Arb(3r, blich. D X K arits %- SMIRNOVA, Kh.A. Systems of algebraic equations with a single unknown. Izv- vys. ucheb.zav.; 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Moskovskiy poligraficheskiy institut. (Equations) AD, Ll'l--IISKIY, Feadosly Petruvich-, i.F-II1QWVA-I Kh.A. Y dots., red.; MAKOVSKUP., R.P., - (Elementary theory of Fourier series. Fourier intlegrals; supplementary chapters to a eourse in higher mathematics] Nachallnye svedeniia o riadakh Furle. Integral Furle; do- polniteltnye glavy k kursu vysshei maternattki. Moskva, I.'.'osk. poligraficheskii in-tv. No.2. 1964. 39 p. (mil"'A 18-.6) S/075/62/017/005/001/007 1033/1233 AUTHORS: Brudzl, V.G., Titov, V.I., Osikoje. F,, Dr~~pkinaj D. A., and Smirnova, K,A, TITLE: Sulphona7o as a reagent for the determination of scandium PEIRIODICAL: 7,hurnal 3,viliticheskoy khimii, v.17, no.5, 1962, 568-573 TEXT: Properties of various reagent's which produce colored compounds with Sc ions were investigated and compared. The best reSUItS were obtained in the case o~ gulphonano. For a solution of PH 4.0 - 5.5, buffered by urotropine or acetate, the peak of optical.density is"obt~iined at 610-620 m/4. The Beer law is obeyed Card 1/3 S/075/62/017/005/00:L/007 1033/1233 Sulphona::o as P. rea,-ent .... institut minerallnogo syr1ya (all-Union Scientific i~esearch Institute of Chemical Repgents and High Purity ChemicR1 Substancesand All-Union Scientific Research institute of Miner~l Raw Materials) Moscow SUBMITTED: May 20, 1961 Card 3/3 P) DRAPKINA, D.A.; BRUDZ1, V.G.; SMIROVA, K.A.; DOHOSHINA, N.I. Photometric determinati,~n of cadmium by means of ubromobenzothiazo!. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.8:940--94./+ N 162. (1~ffi'A 15:12) 1. All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Ghemical Substances of Special Purity, Moscow. (Gadmium-Analysis) (Chemical tests and reagents) LUKIN, A.M.; SMIRNOVA, K.A.,- ZAVARIKHINA, G.B. New reagent for the photometric and complexonometric determination of calcium. Zhur.anal.khim. 18 no.4:444-"9 Ap 163. (MIRA 16SQ 1. All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Chemical Substances of Special Ptiiity, Mosd6w. (Calcium--Analysis) (Complexons) (Photometry)' 11 VIS~T-7'70V, D.Ya., doktor tekn.naiik. prof.; A.A., k-and.tekhn.nauk, dotsent, SMI-TUTOVA, K.Ao, inzh. Mechanical properties of steel at low temperatures. Trudy- MATI no-31: loo-106 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Steel--Testing) (Mechanical wear) (Metals at low temperature) AWSHINAY V.I.; AFSELIRM, S~S.; RUTKOVSKIY, G.M.; SMIRNOVA, K.A. The SF-8 recording spectrophotometer. Zhur. prikl. spekt no. 2:182-186 Ag 165. (Milpil ;8-1 ~~, Is 0 0 so -6060660 o' 6666-60-0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 6 a 111 a W__ i ..if ? N I I go 0.0 e.? t T"7yf v M- me ! me lot Us , 3 M 41 A A IF I I L JL _ _N - r 4 I L-A __L. it-V I I I a U 0 -A -1 4 1 4 4 J. 0 A, 4 j i or I & r . lit -q ..v ;~Ntqoj It .-I rotDtel -of A I OCK 1 $i# 1-0 F0 1 vI i I . Rapid morthod for dete-rinIning ulo~ ou......- b l 00 last-furvace s &g silicate And allumin, cements from K_A..SmkrTnvn and V. 1. Zeliternwi-tef. Zas%k1,k.iix 1 'so 1'.411 11,411fig Lob. 9. for A mill, W11 ' 1 41 "tilt It) w old. of 15% soola %)III. Prcviou%ly located it, ; i 1 t eve c. I g. of the cement which bliol pA49etl thnnith o s w ollenings. per sq. ent. Filter and &t. tile Al as billtiw%- ee ToN till. lot the Mimic athl 10-15 till. water and d S drop, Of tMileltlift (0.1'70 follin. lot W2tCf), tilMtC Witt% V IICI Ill Willi water to th, lwal to) 40-MP fill t th di l . stoo vv . .. e pli level of a previou4y lwelxl. slandAM MAJI. 1111.1 IiJIAW to, 5 the same color as the standard. Ilea( the tittat,,l stoln. to 0 boding, sold a few drops of I)hcnolphthtdcin and titrai.. 0 vrith.VNaOll. To prep. the standard soln. asid 6-S drolo~ 00 of troMolin anti 0.2 rod. of N IICI to IN) till. water. vit. content of AIA lit C.A. in equal to (11 - 0,2)3-4 whrre It 1~ tile lnl. .4 NaOll vl~-l Ili titriation. Vxpt, lwtv Muovott 0 0 ha, file av. vallic of the cuo-r.i.- fa--t- f ...... A1,0. 7 WS t th i h h goo s . . e roitc .s mug c!incro. to t titich 2) '241 1] Z K 0 . . a . . st!rto~xth R4 zoo so ;j_A1&.tLA ad.IALLU*GKAt LIIINAJ .to~# CLM)PICATIONS moo to. in or It 11t00 A' j W it AT W3 At! U - To to It loop" ; an 1119 011911C9 K14 in S 11 no' 0 10 9 1 5 AD 0 7 . 00000000000041,86 0 0001 ::400660000 004 1000 0 000000 000000000 000 *0000*000 00000001, W W W W a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *-* 0-6-w- I - 0*0000000009000000 0 9 * 0 -t-w-0 971 111 8 1 1v aq 11 11 it It 13 It 0' LA 0. 1.0 10 N oL R3-1 it- If 11, 1., Ott P.LKI)Itt AftD PNC*#NF1j1 !U*911 As 64 IMA Wall We- 00 1 p1XVIents Wbkb Are PICINtIful I irn"va. 1.) S. A. Berzon and K. A- Sm 4040 X1 (in Russia' -(r Strknl*nain i Keraisicheskaid PrOmy"hle'"' 00 ug, 1947. p, 10-12. and Ceramic IndustrY). v- 4- A chro Shown that pigments such as cobalt. nickel, *0 ell as Co-,Nfn. Co,A). .jum, and Iron oxide-' a- wd by very 09 Cu-, -Cc may be replac ,41. cobalt-. and Fe *0 cheap materials. A series of such materiaN IS In, 0.0 dicafed and method for their use givO"- A 5 AS L A41 TALLLIPGiCAL LINRATM CLASSIFICATIGIN X3 U att" DOE( x11 Ru Kh it IC of 0 0 0 * W* 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We's 0 41 4 0 000 0 1*0 1*0 400 as* 5 v N0 it a I I I 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01066066 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 00 00 6 0 a WT so of so 00 0 00 0 6 00 Ole , it is all 11133436 1611 A " 9 At Q t3 a 41 40 -f..-Jt ~__L_ -L A_X_1 .2 R. 1--i ~ A.--k, P - a-- I 00 ' o" _~ ! 00 .j ' --------- A 7 P,) - N I-00 Unbodadd-redMalivm. K.A.8mmiuvA Ali- tract"I in Stekol'save: i Keram, P-rW--f-.-M7.__-%-o 6. me AjA 17-19 Narious al6line-silicate jimAor~ for the preparu- (iou of untired acid-resistant ware wormstudird. Typical 00 vompo,,itioms include marshallite, quartz -,And. sand. liquid 00 gla-,s. v.Aiurn fluosificate. bitumen paste, and aslieto, 00- Mechanical strength of the products was affected as fol- - a ai %Ulit f t h d i ( 1) Th l !6 ce o uc nt ovi N: n nignwr c. e 5trengt pro ' 1 00 ) Prool. ind. or ~vol"tm- increased in the ociler lktrd. ( 2 uct, made froin one finely di,,pemed filler wi,",tronswr Itun 00" fho~or "Imle from 1: 1 or 1:2 alixtur" ell filler with ~lu& 00 '3~ (31 ~kreugth incromm%t4l with theaddition o(liquid but 00 liquid IgLi," of less I Imn 35* W. cluet a conitlerable drop 001. in stroig1h (4) Strength inermsed with increasing pri- roe %urr. (5) Ambient temperature of le~% th-An 13" ,nAusetl A 00 dropim,trorngth. The nuwt corro-ive turelia were bound to) It Z K l dil id et, '. ote ac ZOO r Z 00 a Zoo C300 A I S I L I ftff e,L~UFGICAL LITERATURE CLASUMATIC84 I. Z- =00 .3.e- ` - 7 1900 r j li i _ mail]) ow a., Lai A, U R AV it I - , D ' All A I 1 11 0 - - I W W a v 0 Gie o ZV k, 'T or a IM Zt it K KW A I Zak I dotal, 000 :10 0 10 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 So 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 061A )* O 0 o ***** 00000000000 "! 1 lee 04 1 f 4 0 is A A-1.-A 1 1? , il M is 1$ 11 a l Is A It 1; U 10 0 It V V Of ill A] _J_L-1. It A- %, - ~ IJ 41 V 0' A., 90 4 lip ..0 0'. V""O$ 0 NOMIC1,111W pwmlkts for Metkbh' and facing plateit. S A 11KRZON AND K -A. Swim %,#,vt~ .144W.,sylt A .eram lee 0 Prom., 1947, No. ire given tilt tht, 0 preimr-Ation and chAracteri%tic% tif the following tioncritical inaterials u,; pignient% for MrtLikh anti being platl,: 1 li i 1 i nq zavei ) fi taya ore conuits ng 34 32 irt)n oxid,, and .141; ctklalt oxitic, 12) Knalnound'Aaya tire containing 17.7 iron oxide anti 1.2'f' copper oxidv, (3? inxlganr~: cake obtained frotu converter I;ig anti containing tilt to IN Ni *0 and Mit and Ild'i Co, and H) iron-citp1wr ctke obtaitted front convrrtcr sLAC and cont.tining ;'A~; iroti and ill- 00 significant amounts (not given) af Na and Cu These 41 SO inaterial., wrresuccrWully ti~vd inAvad of I he critivid mid 3 zoo expell'ivi. oxideof Co, M. Cr. and Ivand Co-Nin. Cn-Ni. see 00 Cti-Al. atilt Fe-Cr piginent, 00 a 00 zoo 09 =411 0 coo see If __09 too IMITALLURGICAL LITINA71.11111 CLASSIFICAIM _A SO.SL A F"t : I , 181040 "IF owv dot Zw ip a It it a 0 rep up no '9' '-p 01, 0, 0- 0-0- 0- 0 0 41111141 Ole a 0 a & 010 e 0 0 0 0 0 is, le 0 0 0 0 *A" .10- 40.11. 11-1 ~ ... 11, -_ - 711, 1 1A 2 fu 0 16 IF I W 0 2 All a No n I zo 3 00 0 0 000 so 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 f-C-9-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so SMUNOVA, K.A., Eng. "Obtain-inz Acidproof Plates Without Roasting cn a Base cf Soluble GI-ass." Thesis fcr degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub. 6 Jun L9, Yoscow Order of Lenin Cher-d-cotechnclogical Inst imeni. D.I. Mendeleyev. Summary 82, 18 Dec 52, Dissertatims Presented fcr Degrees in Science and Engineering in Aoscom in 1949. Fmm Vechernyaya Moskva, Jan-Dec. 19h9. 3,:" ia-T C v A Y-34, Ra-.-.-a'--otka ryetsyeptury i tyekbnu-loi7ji izgot-vlyerii,,,a byezcbzhiccw/kh kisictoupornfkh plitc"'. 1:rudy Gbshc~.~.,escyuz. NTauch. - isslyed. in- ta- str-cit. vypp. 1949 . - _7V. z. 16-30'. - Biblicor: 14 "7e., X: 34 9MPROVA, K. k. New tyFe porcuf-, cera-,,Acs sha;~~-s. 1. 4z. Dobrcvollskii and K. A. Smirnova. -,ti-Alo I '-erqm., 7 (8) 12-20 (19TO).-=i, maling PCrous shapes froff'-4ua~~i- sand an! wat-,~r gle.-i.-3, the mcthod involves -t;-'ec4J-n.f, t'e o:3t nnIformly sized sand grains and determining thri optimum amount of water glasr which, dtiring firing, will produce a fine vitreous film around t,'.e grains, cement them, and create onen .bores ~~y :,,ot fil~lng the apace-s between the grains. The materials are mixed, slha~ed with the aid of a press or vibration -plaLfo!-:-.~, and "ired at 90i'lo to 950 C. Photos and c'~aracteristics of filter shapes are U'ven. B.Z.K. uWnWdW infl , oaq( N&AIR.S. ibis emoackmion -he fa cc Ago , a even a "If amount of N&AF& (4-7 YJ is ad" in do NA silicate is in the CoHoidiall state, wheress only 104 5 SJO, should tbwm form as a result of reaction betw= the Nis Adicam and tm sam quarway of NAAW6. CONW" Seth costs sprog grams as a W14dw Nov. Owing to the nernoval of we dwims drying anil synaoi* ft gel solkWks io 'k a strong W*W of each other and dIvA incnian ilis Of &A IpWdWU. Fog W01111111 scitt the products contain in addition to do pas gram a bond V=5VA :9 and '60,-.'SiO2. Considering that 2D-25 7, ofthe minture of Nit silicak with N&AF6 is Introduced into the ink. the whole body wW contain c. 15 9,1 colloidid SA &W 100% &"i. N&F fannitV from miction betwisen Na silicate and TZA-'F# I. p.M in thi body in amall amounts (