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S/056/62/042/002/041/055 B108/B1104 AUTHORS; Alattkhiz, Z., Neudachin, V. G., Smirnov, Yu. F TIT1,E. Single-Darticle levels in 017 and F17 nuclei with assumed strong coupllng of nucleon and care with tetrahedral symmetry PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti.cheskoy fiziki, v,, 42, no. 2, 1962, 592 -- 596 TEXT: In order to find additional evidence for the nuclear a--modei the authors calculated the low-energy levels of 017 and F17 considering strong coupling between the outer nucleon and the tetrahedral core, This symmetry V allows also rotational levels with small nuclear spin and negative parity. in fact, such states have been observed in experiments. A nonspherical potential similar to the Nilsson potential is used in the Hamiltonian of the internal motion: V - (mcj 2(S)r2 12) [1 (Y 3,-2 " Y3~2)j fT This potential V is invariant with respect to transformations of the group T. (symmetry Aj. For this reason the wave functions of the states of the Card MATTKHIZ. Z.; NEUDACHIN, V.G.; SMIRNGV, Yu.F. Amplification of F2 and E3 transitions in the nuclear p-shell as a indication of the spatial isolation ofo(--associations. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.10:1273-1276 o 163. (MA 16:10) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. SMIRNGV,.Yu..F.; SHITIKOVA, K.V. 1 - -: ~-- "I - Genealogical coefficients in the translational-invariant shell model. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.11.1442-1450 U 163. (~ffRA 16:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. L 16899-63 EPF(n)-2AW(m)/BDS AMCASD/SSD ft-4, Acczissiai m: AP3005254 .:.S/C~1,56/63/645/09~/OiO7/Oil5 A AU THOR: Mattkhiz, Z. Neudachin, V. G.; Sgdrnov, F I!TITLq: DetermihAion 'of the mutual arrange-ma- nt of-nucleon clusters An a nucl6us. .:vdth the aid of~the directed orbital method :~SCMCE: Zhur. eksoer. i teoret. fizej V-i 4~* no. 1963, 107-115 iTCPIC TAGS; alpha cluster, shell model, resonan'u,group model, alpha- particle model, directed, orbital method h cm- be usfad to determine the ge o rj-- t r a'. car- ABSTRACT: Some general rules, whic !rangement of alpha-clusters in a nucleus from a,~given Nilsson crbit series or Oau conf iguration, are derived from a mod:Lf ied version- of the directed orbital method of quantum chemi-try. The study is - evo ke d by the: limit ati ons of tlr~ previously: 'emaoyed alpha-particle model-and-ok the later Wheel6r resonant-ro, e1 lvihich. J! up mod en s 0 urn has developed'into the cluster model, particularly f or gi-,r st ite f ~%-ei irrith a Young t which have not been discussed in general forml I iuci ableau [44. .43 u Oite. The ahalysis is limited to light nuclei, and some ax-eited s-ates of 0-16 ;atid,F-12, as well as the geometric arrangemerit of alpha-clusters in ca-40, are 4,0 1/2 _J "GIT, Yu :~ZI-_,ACHE,, V. S,,:!R-,'. F. Values of De--i'led Alpha Widths for Nuclear States with Large Spirs." rer,ort submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Toilisi, 14-22 '4. (~b o' F I%GU (I'Abscow State Univ) BEROGI, F. ; NEUDACHIDI, V. G.; SNURNOV, YU. F. "Surface interference in direct reaction of nu--Ieon cluster subst-ituticn." report submitted for Intl Conf on Low & Medium Energies Nuclear Physics, Paris, 2-6 jul 64 Moscow State Univ. & Inst Theor. Physics, Copenhagen " ' ' N. S. ; T-URNOV, Yu. F. ; YUDL , N. --. . __. .- ;. %., I "Tine Stopping Absorption ir. 2.11 roport stioudtted for All-Union Con-.' '-'ri Nuclear Spectroscopy, 7bilisi, 14-22 FIb 64. ,%V,U (,vDscow State Univ) A.; J=1CHIZ, Z.; NEUDACHIN V. G.; SMIRNOV, Yu. F. .~etorminatior_ of the Degree of Isolation of Alpha Clusters in Nuclei of the p-snell by E, Transitions." "Inelastic Scattering of Electrons on Be9 in the Nucleon Cluster Model." reportz submitted for All-Union Coaf on Nuclear Sp,,ctroscop~-, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. Moscow State Univ. SVIRIDOV, D.1%; .2,1111UICV, Yu.fq'.; moITSKIY, V.Yo. N P .rob-lem of d eleztron configurations in a cnsLal -field. Con-tigul- ration d2 and d8 in a cubic field. KristaliografiJa 9 no.6:807- 815 N-D 164. (MIRA 18!2) L. Institut kri stall ograf ii. AN ')'SS'rl 1 Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn~7, 1 unive,-sltet imen-. Lomonosova. :ACCESSION NR: AP4024059 S/0048/64/028/002/0326/0336] :AUTHOR: Neudachin, V.G.; Orlin, V.N.; Smirnov. Yu.F. :TITLE: Monopole part of*the Majorana forces and nucleon quadj-jpling in light nuc- held in Kiev 25 lei LWeport, Thirteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy Jan to 2 Fab 19627 SOURCE. AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichoskaya, v.28, no.2, 1964, 326-336 TOPIC TAGS- nucleon quadrupling, a cluster, shell model, Majorana forces, Majorana monopole, light nucleus, nucleon coupling, a decay energy, polonium. ABSTRACT: It is known U.N.Blatt and V.Yt'cisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics,N.Y.' 1952; J.P.Elliott and A.M.Lane, Handbuch der Physik,39,1957) that in light nuclei Majorana forces are largely responsible for the specific effect of quadrupling or '(X-clustering, i.e., the following effects: 'sawtooth' variation of the nucleon coup- ling energy as a function of A, exceptionally high location of the lowest level with- T = 1 in nuclei with N = Z = 2m, persistence of LS coupling with N = Z = 2m, a relar- tively low Ci-particle detachment energy, etc. Interpretation of these phenomena ftom the standpoint of the CX-particle model proved to be unsatisfactory, for, as analyals- ACCESSION MR: AP4024059 of the experimental data shows, the overlapping of the a-clusters is very signif I- cant. As a result the level diagrams of light nuclei are not correctly described by the a-particle model, but, on the other hand, the spectra of p shell nuclei, for example, aro sntisfactorily described by the shell model. Hence it is more logical to analyze quadrupling in the framework of the shell model, wherein the effect is associated with the Young diagram [f] of the orbital part of the wave function. ;Such an analysis has been carried out by J.P.Elliott and A.M.Lane (Handbuch der Physik 39,1957). In the' present paper the role -nd significance of Majorana forces are discussed and analyzed. Afore specifically, there is considered the Majorana monopole bf(O) which, as analysis of the experimental data shows, is the principal 11 carrier" of quadr ling in light nuclei, i.e., responsible for the effect that the, more symmetrical [ful, the higher the coupling energy. The energy role of quadrupli4 factors, i.o., the Majorana molopole M(O), is particularly great In p shell nuclei and decreases in going to heavier nuclei. This is connected with increase of both the principal quantum number No and the length parameter of the oscillator well. Among the factors discussed is the influence of M(O) forces on the positions of le- vels with T a I and the relation between the energy effects of quadrupling and re- ducod CC widthm. Consideration is also given to the effect ot the forcas and cluster- in.- In Po isotopes. In conclusion., it is noted that the inierence that nucleon Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4024059 quadrupling in light nuclei is due to M(O) forces'was formulated briefly in a re- view by two of the authors (V.N.Orlin and Yu.F.Smirnov) in collaboration with V.V. Balashov and I.B.Teplov, devoted to the structure of light nuclei and presented at the Twelfth All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy held in Leningrad in Janu-, ary 19G2. 'The authors are grateful to L.A.Pokrovskil for carrying out a number of the calculations and to S.S.Vasillyev and I.B.Teplov for assistance,,in carrying out the work.,", 33 groups of formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMIWED: 00 DATE ACQ: OBApr64 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE:- NS NR REF SOV-.-004 OTHER: 021 Card 3/3 .. .... AcussrCN N71: AP4042968 S/0048/64/028/007/1220/1228 AIMIOR- Zelens-kaya, U.S. Smirnov, Yu.F. TITLE: Concerning some features of the quasielastic nucleon and deuteron knock-out reactions on Id-2s shell nuclei ffieport, .14th Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectro- scopy hold in Tibilisi 14-21 Feb 19647 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.7, 1964, 1220-1228 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, proton reaction ABSTRACT: In ordir to dbtain information concerning direct knoc-out reactions of, '16 40 ld-2s shell nuclei between 0 and Ca , the cross sections for the following reac- tions were calculated: Mg24(p,2p)Na23, Si28(p,2p)A,27 and Mg24(p,pd)Na9i2. The cal- tulations were performed with the unified model in the momentum approximation with ithe use of plane waves. The reduced nucleon widths were taken from the work of S. :Yoshida'(Prog.Theoret.Phys.12,141,1954). The results are presented graphically and are discussed. As a function of incident*proton energy, the cross,section for the (p,2p) reaction shows a number t;f well.separated maxima. These are due primarily to the difference between the Jongitudinal and tranoveroe'frequencies In these deform- il/3 A'CCESSIOM NR: AP4042968 the unstablo 'Lld ltu~.Aeus might 'be investi gated by means of the Be7(pppn)BO6 reac_ t1on. "In conclusion, the authbra consider it their pleasant duty to'express their gratituile tr~ 7,G.Neudachin gor discussing the work and for valuable advice."~ ASSOCIATION- Katvjhna-!issledavatel1skiy fnetitut yadernoy,fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univeraitsta'(Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State Univorsity) SUBMIMD.- 00 'ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF $GV.- 006 OnMR: 014 3/3 L 13IZ3-66 h'WT(M)ZEWA(h) ACC NR. AP6001147 SOUP.CE CODE: UR/0367/65/002/003/0427/04.32 AUTHOR: Zelenskaya, N. S.; Mayling, L.;.Npu chin, V. G.; Smirnov, Yu. F. ORG: Nuclear Pusics Institute, Moscow State UnlversI!X (Institut yadernoy fiiffl - t moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: Selection rules for nuclear reactionltyvoylfvt~~ig' nucleon associations In the S U(3) scheme 11 SOURCE: Yadernaya ftzika, v. 2; no. 3, 1965, 427-432 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactioh, nucleon interaction, selection rule, quantum number, radioactive decay scheme, alpha particle, alpha decay ABSTRACT: The authors examine selection rules according to approximate models of quantum numbers In the SU(3) scheme. Selection rules are formulated for nuclear reactions Involving associations ac6ording to quantum nim rs In the SU(3) scheme, widely used In light nuclei spectroscopy. It to shown'that-these selection rules in some cases lead to very rigid restrictions, which makes it easy to check them experimentally. For example, the reaction of quaoi-elastic knock-out of an Alpha-particle from the nucleus &a by A fast article a: & (a- a oe)C*, accompanied by of-decay of C12 *-),30f is possible only through P 4 the - 12-yp'V jevJ lp? 14441 4t > of the nucleus Furthermore, in the stripping re. actions Or"(Li d)Ne * the only levels of th? configuration (ld-2s) which can be e., ~qtted are those of the fowest rotational series 0+, 2 based on the ground state of N6 Card 1/2 L 13173-66 ACC NR, "6001147 Orig. art. has: 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 23Mar65/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REP: 010 2/ L 36826-66 F,,,7(1)/T IjP(c) GG ACC NR: AL06018765 SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/011/003/0375/038o ~AUTHOR: Sviridov, D. T.; Sviridova, R. K.; Smirnov, Yu. P. ORG: Institute of Crystallograpbv AN SSSR (Institut kristallograbii SSSRT- M iTITLE: Problems of the configurations of the d N_ electrons in a crysta,1. !field-,- Construction of the wave functions for complex configuri-tions 1 71 ISOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 11, no- 3, 1966, 375-380 !TOPIC TAGS: electron distribution, crystal chemistry, wave function A3STRACI-7. The article presents 9. metbod for calculating the one and 1two-partu genealogical coefficients for cubic groups which is applicable C iito the analysis of multipart configurations in a strong cubic field; the of these quantities are discussed. The article gives completi luabiC3 of cnlculated values of these coefficients for groups 3/~, 3/4, iand -6/4. The article starts with a discussion of the method of ~,classiflcation of the states of d-alectrons in a cubic field. It then I iproceeds to calculation of the genealogical coefficients which are used n 'he construction of the wave functions, end than to calculation of !.L U itbe matrix elements of the mathematical operators. It concludes with ~54_66 EWT(M) 'EWA(h) L21 ACC NR: Ap6oll497 SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/()03/00VO298/0301 YTHOR AL Smirn V. G. Physics of the Moscow State Univer- ORG: Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear sity im. M. V. Lomonosov (Nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut yadernoY Miki M08- Rovs-Kogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: Investigation of the electronic states of atoms$ moleculesy and solids by quasielastic knock-on of an electron by a fast electron (e, 2e) SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretielieskoy fiziki. Pistma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 3, no. 7, 1966., 298-301 TOPIC TAGS: excited electron state, electron collision, hydrogen atom reaction, hydrogen ion, metal crystal, wave function, ABSTRACT: Continuing earlier i d1gations (ZhETF v. 45y 131, 1963) of the an&_ logs of direct nuclear reactions 'ihtU atomic-molecular region, the authors point,' out the great, value of the quasielastic knock-on reaction (e, 2e). They show with three examples (in the impulse approximation) that this makes it possible to ob- tain the Fourier transform of the vave function of the knock-on electron and its binding energy. The cases considered are: (1) H2 molecule, final ion Id in'state Ilo p (2) free electrons in a metal (plane vaves) , and (3) strong coupling . with tbe g la-rd 1/2 1trR1E--XPG0l 9613 SOURCE CODE: UR/00,18/66/030/002/0235/0241 AUTI-101q: Kudeyarov, Yu.A.; Neudachin, V.G.; Smirnov, Yu.F. ORG: none TITLE: Inelastic scattering of electrons on Be-9 and a comparison of different Auclear models /Report, Fifteenth Annual Conferonce on Nuclear Spectroscopy and i Nuclear Structure, hold at Ali 5 January to 2 February 19651 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 2, 1966, 235-241 TOPIC TAGS: nucloar structure, beryllium, nuclear model, electron scattering, in- elastic scattering, nucleon ABSTRACT: The authors have been interested in a nucleon cluster model discussed by Y.C.Tang, K.Wildermuth, and L.D.Peqrlstein (Nucl.Phys., 32, 504 (1962)) which con- tains a parameter x describing the overlap of the a-particle clusters which assumes the value unity in the limiting case of the shell model and assumes low values in the case of the a-particle model. PreviDusly the authors and collaborators (Zh.eksperim. I i teor. fiz., 45, 107 (1963); ibid., 49, 97 (1963); Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser. fiz., 27,1273 (1963); Nucl. Phys. (1965) in-press) have evaluated the parameter x for Be9 from the value of the quadrupole moment, and for C12 and 016 from the E2 and E3 transition 9 probabilities. In the present paper the authors calculate the form factor ol. Be for inelastic scattering of electrons, employing the value of x previously obtained from Card 1/2 ACC NR& AP6019619 SOURCF CODE: UR"00,18/C)6/030/002/0278/0284 AUTIHOR: Zelenskaya, U.S.; Smirnov, Yu.F. 01?G: Scientilic Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, 114oscow State University im. M.V.Lomonosov (Nauchno-issledovatWI skiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: On taking into account spin-dependent effects in quasi-elastic knockout re- actions /Report, Fifteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, held at Minsk, 25 January to 2 February 1965/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 2, 1966, 278-284 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear: reacligIL,-Auclear spin, spin orbit coupling,-knVckout=renatS=r. approxima't'lon, ient-forces- ?I-- A114TRACr: The impulse approximation calculations of V.V.Balushov, A.N.Boyarkina, and X.Rotter (Nucl. Phys., 59, 417 (1964)) and P.Beregi, N.S.Zelenskaya, V.G. Neudachin, and Yu.F.Smirnov (Nucl. Phys., 66, 513 (1965)) of the cross section of the quasi-elastic knockout reaction (a,aX) have been generalized to take into ac- count the spin-dependent tcrms in the interaction between the incident particle a and the knocked out particle or cluster X. The tensor forces between a and X are neglected, but the central forces, the spin-orbital coupling, and the spin-spin r~,,4 1/2 _191 Z9 r_00 L"'If k m)/1:-01P(t)/ET1 I J P(c JD/JH ACC NRi Ap6ol9r, 2o A N SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/002/0285/0291 ,AUI'11011: Zelenskaya, N.S.; Smirnov, Yu.p. ORG: Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University im.. M.V.Lomonosov (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo .0sudarstvennogo universiteta) ::~p I TITLE: Energy spectra of the final nuclei in (p,2p) reactions on ld-2s shell nuplei /Report, Fifteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, 1held at Minsk, 25 January-to 2 February 1965/ FSOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya.fizichoskaya, v. 30, no. 2, 1966, 285-291 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, imnckzttt-~Qactjxnr, Coriolis force, nuclear shell model, deformed nucleus, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus ABSTRACT: The authors have extended their earlier unified model calculations of quasi-elastic proton and deuteron knockout reactions on deformed ld-2s shell nuclei (Izv, AN SSSR, 28, 1220 (1964)), to take into account the effect of rotational band mixingj~i.e., of the coupling between the single-particle and rotational motions. The calculations were motivated by the appearance of the experimental excitation curves of G.Tibell, O.Sundber , anfiR.U.Renfierg (Arkiv fys., 25, 443 (1964)) for the (p,2p) reactions on 14g24, A124j, Si t:nd P which disagreed with the authors' earlier calculations Vn'1uc9__a1-6ya1$V s e ugg'It that rotational band mixing might be signi- r-A 1/2 A Al CC NR: AP6019621 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/002/0292/0300 ~2 AUTHOR: Kurdyumov, I.V.; El' ir,amarai, S.Kh.; Smirmov, Yu.F.; Shitikova, X.V ~ORG: none TITLE: Dipole photoabsorption in Li-6 /Report, Fifteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear :Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structurq, hold at Minsk, 25 January to 2 February 1965/ ;SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v.30, no. 2, 1966, 292-300 .TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, nuclear structure, nuclear shell model, gamma ray !absorption, lithium, nuclear energy level, ABSTRACT: The authors have employed the translation invariant oscillator potential ,shell model of Yu.F.Smirnov and K.V.Shitikova (Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. Fiz., 27, 1442 (1963)) 1 6 ~to calculate the dipole photoabsorption of Li as well as ~he cross section for the 6 5 6 _~_robabi3ities 'I iLi (bElLi reaction.';-ac-11-tation in the Li (p,2p)He reaction of odd I 6 states analogous to the Li states of interest in connection with the photo- ~absorption viere also calculated by the method of V.V.Balashov and A.N.Boyarkina (Nucl, !Phy,. 38, 629 (1962)) and K.Dietrich (Phys. Lett., 2, 139 (1962)), and the energies of 1 6 6 Ithe Li states viere determined by comparing the He calculations with experimental ~data. The photoabsorption calculations were effected by diagonalizing, together with ;the spin-orbital interaction, the matrix for the residual two-particle interactions, Card 1/2 SR -163 r.0.5--1138- fJl SS L --a ci f ii fa (MIR-4 18:8) Ag 165. ',Y 4 gosudarF tven-ny'y 5 ACC NR' A117000902 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/009/1[OG'-)/I[OC~2 AUTTIOR: Smirnov, Yu. G. TITLE: Experimental investigation of tile propagation of ultrasonic surface waves in piezoquartz plates SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9Zh448 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-t*aviats. priborostr. vyp. 45, 1965, 10-16 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic wave, ultrasonic wave propagation, piezoquartz plate, 0 surface ultrasonic wave, temperature coefficient__vtc~~~~~-qt, ABSTRACT: -A description is given of the measurement of the propagational velocity and the velocity temperature coefficient of ultrasonic surface waves in a piezo- quartz plate of X-section. A block diagram is given of the unit using the pulse-phase irethod zo investigate samples 4-5 times greater in thickness than the length of the .surface wave. Mleasurements were made at frequencies of 5 and 10 Mc, with the -0'0Ci4-y measured to an accuracy of 0. 5-10/6. Surface ultrasonic waver were C.,d 12 ACC NR; AP,7000902- induced either by pressing 0. 1-mm-diameter wire electrodes to the piezoquartz plate or by using wedge-shaped converters. It is shown that the conversion coefficient is at a maximum when the electrode is orthogonal to the Y axis, and at a min4murn (equal to zero) when the electrode is parallel to this axis. It was found that the velocity of ultrasonic waves fluctuates between 3. 14 * 105 and 3. 93 , 105 cm/sec, depending on the direction of propagation relative to the crystallographic axes of the piezoquartz plate. The temperature coefficient of velocity twice changes its sign with a change in wave direction, reaching a maximum value of 1. 3- 10-4 decrree-I when the direction is -60* relative to the Y axis. The direction of the flow of ultrasonic energy is at an an 1e of 6-10' of the normal to the wave front. 9 If the -front of the wave is perpendicular to the Y axis, energy propagation is at an angle of 8' to this axis. Results are presented of a comparison of the propagation of surface monocrystal and an isotropic body. L Kanevskiy. [Translation of abstract] [SP] SUB CODE: 20 Carci 2/2 - - - - - - - - - -3- L 1~ ACCESSION MR: AP3000196 V=516~~ ~/1[94/0046 AUTHOR: Gertsenshteyn, M. Ye.; Lurlye,,Yu. A.; �Lpir ov, Yu., G!, I TITLE:. Measurement of sensitivity in regenerative circuits 44-4 SOURCE: lzmaritellnava tekhnika, no- 5, 1963, 4 TOPIC TAGS: noise temperature,, noise figure, receiver senaitivity, regenerative circuit ABSTRACT: A variation of noise figure measurement at microwave frequencies is described which minimizes some of the usual difficulties, such as the need for high equipment stability during measurement and the problem of change. in receiverl I gain caused by switching in of a noise source. A standard noise source, preferably a gas-discharge tube, and a standard reference signal generator are connected to the receiver in quest"on via a directional coupler of at least 20-db directivity. The signal generator oUtpUtLiS calibrated in accurate attenuation increments. Either AGG or a-limiter-discriminator stage',is added to thexeceiver, if not already built in, followed by.a second.detectorj, an LF amplifier and an output vacuun-tube voltmeter VTVM). In o ration a Ve reference signal is first applied to the receiver, giving a VTVK reading# then i C42rd L 10510-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3000196 the noise source is switched in, raising the output reading* The meter reading is brought back to its initial level by r4ising the input reference signal amplitude,. which by increased AGG bias reduces theamount of noise passed and maintains the output reference signal virtually constant& The resulting difference in reference signal attenuation settings M is,used to calculate the noise figure F by the formula F Nu-1/k- i in db, where Nu is the ratio of noise.source temperature to standard temperature. The accuracy of the method is determined by the resolutj on of the attenuator settings. It is shown that the output of the second detector, whether*proportional to amplitude, phase,, or frequency, is a direct function of signal-to-noise ratio, and that errors due to impedance mismatch ormequipment instability are minimal. The method was verified experimentally using the variation of limited and frequency discriminator* Origo art. has: 3.1 formulas, and 3 figures. Card 2/3 SMUMV, Yu.I.; FAZLULLIN, M.I. Approximatemethod of determining an efficient distance between ventilation holes. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; geol.i razv. 5 no.3:123- 130 Vx 162. (MIRA 15*-4) 1. Kan-i-Mansurskaya geologorazvedochnaya eks editsiya. (Mine ventilation) (BoriZ 42910 S/547/62/000/146/003/004 AOOI/AIOI AWITIORS): Kozhevn1knv, N. P., C,9ndidate of Technical Sciences, SmIrnov, Yu.I. TITLF: The accuracy of determining altitudes of photographing from readings of the PBTA (fP/TD) radar-altimeter iiid itts modernized modo, SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'nyi riauchno-issledovatellskiy lnstitut'geodezii, aeroslyerqki i kartografli. Trudy.-no. 06. 1c)62, Issledovaniya po fotogrammetrii,2 -3 - 26 TEXT: The TsNIIHAiK investigated the accuracy of determining altitudes of photographing from the data of aerial photosurveys ot different years and differ- ent regions (plain and mountainous). The accuracy'was evaluated from the results of convergence of differences in photographing altitudes obtained from the*read- ings of a radar-altimeter and photogrammetric measurements, using the Professor M. D. Konshin known formula. The latter can be simplified, if inclination angles are small and elevations are not very large. In this case, the rms error in de- termining the altitude of photographing can be expressed as follows: Card 1/3 S/5'17/62/000/1116/00.3/004 The accuracy of determining altitude!-, of... A001/A101 1 2 H 2 mH 2 m E - -j; MP) - (2) and at a small photographing altitude (H < 1,000 m) it can be reduced to the following formula- m m H 31) Random errors are revealed by the adopted investigation method; systematic errors are taken account of, when necessary (in mountainous regions). The authors pre- sent the resultsof accuracy evaluation separately for plain-hilly and mountainous regions. For the former the average magnitude of mH in determining photographing altitudes from reading of RVTD radar-altimeters amounts to + 1.2 m: it rises to + 1.5 m with increasing altitude of photographing up to 2,0~O - 2,500 m. Surveys Tn the Tian-Shan mountains were used to determine the accuracy of modernized Card 1/3 FAY-VILEVICH, G.A..; KOKORINY G.A.; YAKOVLEVA, Ye.D.; SKIRNOV, Yu.I. Using methods of color metallography for the analysis of certain carbides and intermetallic compounds. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.24:284-300 162. OMIRA 15:6) (Alloys-Metallography) (Intermetallic compounds) SMIRNOV, Yu.-k. Calculation of the man-thematical expectation of a quasi- additive path funct! on on a graph. Dokl. AIN CSSSR 153 no.O': 126r~-1-268 D 16-31. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.A. Dorodnitsynym. L 1750~~- Er(i)/ F(n)-2/E - _V -- -A] -~4 ARIKIN ACCESSION NR# AP3005224 8/0089/63/015/002/0152/0155, AUTHORS t Kovalenko, V. X* i K2z~V. ~r. Sivant ser, Yu. V.; Smirnov, Yu. I* TITLE: Irradiation doses 6f the personnel of the nuclear power installation 'aboard the nuclear icebreaker 'Lenin!' ~SOURCE# Atomnaya energiya, Yo 15, to. 2t 1963? 152-455 TOPIC TAGSt irradiation dosimetry, icebreaker ftlenizP, Bets partiole.-t thermal., ~neutron fast neutron ABSTRACT% Methods are described for individual dosimetry. - The irradiation doses of the personnel aboard the "Ienin" icebreaker received after three years of service at the nuclear reactor are given.. The average dose was 1.62 biologi- .cal rad. equivalent Der year,vhich-is more than three times less than permiss-. ible. It has been found that the contribution of thermal neutrons to the total dose was small (average value 8%; maxi=m 18%). The irradiation by Beta particles and fast neutrons is negligibly small. The general health of the nuclear p6rsonnel~~ was comparable with that of the rest,of the crew. Orig. art. has4 I figure, 1 formila. Card ""ZSSIGN :`R; AP30011-05 S102081631003100310539lo5h6 .,ViTFOR: -S;njrnov., Yu. 1. (MOSCOW) TZPL*--'-. TransforaLition of an operat r schome SMIM: Zhurnal -vychislitollnoy rrktteriatiki i M-atematicheskoy fiziki, v. 3, no. 3. ~963, 539-514 TOPIC TAGS: onerator sclieme, orientec, graph, prohibited path, prohibition matrix, iriterstitial value, initial data, in.-)-L!.t operator, output opprator, Boolean matrix., ,ra,.)h history .0STRACT: The author corstruct's an eouivalent transformation to an operator scheme described by an o.-*entcd gra~ph in wliic~i certain patulis are -prohibited. The new scheme is described by an oriented gw-ph -.-dith no prohibitE;i paths. For the latter there is an alcrorithm leading to the construction of a matrix of exclusions for interstitial values. Orig. art. has: 3 forflulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUB',,M!-iHD: 00'Jan62 ENCL: 00 110 PEF SOV: 001 OTHER: WO 8v. rd 'lk fj SOIDVITEV, Tevgeniy Mikhaylovich; POGODIN, L.L., nauchnyy red.; SMIIUIOV, Tu.I., red.; TSAL, R.K., (Manual for engineers of commercial fishing boats] Posobie motoristu rybopromyslovogo sudna. Leningrad, Gos.soiuznDe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1960. 354 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Marine engineering) (Fishing boats) POLONSKIT, Yladimir Ivanovich; KHAUIN, Abram Borisovich; KUZERTSOV, N.A., nauchnyy red.; SKIRNOY, Tu.I., red.; KONTOROTICH, A.I.,; KOROYENKO, Tu.11.; VIRR ".R.'_ [Diesel-electric motorships and prospects for expanding their construction] Illektrokhody i perspektivy ikh rezvitiia. Leningrad, Goo.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1960. 499 p. (HIFLA 14:3) Electric) (Marine diesel engines) (Ship propulsion, LAZAREV, Valentin Afanaslyevich; MANZHOSI Yu.A., inzh., retsenzent; KARPOV, D.T., inzh.9 retsenzent; YS4ELIYANOV, Yu.V., nauchnyy red.; SMTRNOV, Y4.1., red.; FRUMKIN, P.S.9 tekhn. red. [Automobile engines in launch building] Avtomobillnye dvigateli v katerostroenil. Leningradq Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo myshl. 1961. 258 p. (MIRA 1-4:6) (Marine engines) (Automobles-Engines) NEBESNOV, Viktor Ivanowi---h; ARTOBOLEVSKIY, I.I., akademik, nauahnyy red..; NAYDE,,'KOY 0,K., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent, BASIN, A.M., prof., retsenzent5 SaIDLEOV, Yu.I., red.; TSAL, R.K., tekhn. red. [Dynamics of the en-ine in the system composed of' a ship's hull, -the propeller, and the engine] Dinamika dvigatelia v sisteme korpus sudan vinty - dvipAtAli. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-:7o sudostroit., pro- myshl., 3"13 P. (MIRA 14: 11) (Marine engines) ROZANOVI Nikolay Petrovich; POPOV, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; KERSTEN, M.N., nauchnyy red.; SMIRNOV, Y-u.I., red.; TSAL, R.K., tekhn. red. -- [Technology of manufacturing small propellers] Tekhnologiia izgo- tovleniia grebrWkh vintov malykh razirerov. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 167 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Propellers) (Marine engineering) KU.:ZON, Ananiy Grigorlyevich, dolctor tekhri.nauk, prof.; LITAVRIE, Olegr Grigo-1-1yevich, inzh.; PE'T':LOV, Yevgeniy Valerianovich, inzh.; x'GTY;Cl EV, "Vyacheslav Andreyevich, k- 'nd. tekhn.nauk, KHOiLUADITS, Alcksandr Georgiyevich, kand. teklm nauk; C'MR3TOV Alehsandr LIvovichy Laureat Leninskay prendi; YMEVICIf, .,ostialav Mikhaylovich, inzh.; 1-',01, =--EV, A.A.1 dokto, tckhn.nauk, prof., retsenzent; MASLOV, A.A., hand. telchn. nauk, dotz., retsenzent; ZAYTSEV, Yu.I., kand. teklin. nauk-, retsonzent; YOKIEVIIIIKOV, A.V.., kand. te',-hn.naW,,., retsonzent; GITELIWO, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; SHILiNOV, Yu.1.3 red.; TSAL, R.K., teklin. red. [Narine steam and gras turbinesISSudovye parovye i gazovye tur- bixV. Pod red. A.G.Kurzonaa. Leningrad, SudpI-or'r'iz. Vol.2. [Systems and working principle of turbomachinei7 units] Siste-my i ustroistva turboagregatov. 19,62. 419 p. (IMMA. 15 - 11) (Marine turbines) KORSHUNOV, Lev Petrovich. Prinimal uchastiye SEVASTIYANOV, N.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KARPOVICH, V.A., inzh., retsenzent; YUDOVICH, B.S., kand. te4m.nauk, retaenzent; nOODIN, L.L., nauchnyy red.; SMIRNOV, Yu.I., red.; CHISTYAKOVA, R.K., tekhn. red. ----------- (Power systems of fishing trawlers]Energeticheskie ustanovki rybolovnykh traulerov. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 295 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Fishing boats) KBURSHUDYAN, Genrikh Mkrtichevich; ZAYTSEV, I.A., inzh., retsenzent; SMIRNOV, M.V., inzh.,, retsenzent; GURIYEV, V.P., tkrof., nauchnyy red.; SMIR-NOV, Yu.I., red.; KOROVENKO, Yu,N., tekhn. red. - - (Hydraulic torque converters] Gidravlicheskie preobrazoTateli k--utiashchego momenta. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 266 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Torque) (Oil hydraulic machinery) AGAFOIIOV, Vladiirdr Andreyevich (decensed]; YERI-ILOV, Valentin Georgiyevich; FAII-KCIi, Yevzerdy Vasl'?,,evich; IIASILIYEEV, G_ V.K., doktor tex:hm. nauk, pr S.S., doktor tekhn. na-uk, prof., retserzent; SK-MUKOV, S.A., nauchn. red.; ~11-11RIIIOV, red.; CIIISTYAKOVA, H.K., tekhm. red. (Marine condenser plants] Sudovfe konden-gatsionnye ustanovki. Leningrad, SuCtprorngiz, 1963. 489 P. (14IRA 16:12) (Max-ine engineering) (Condensers (Stem)) KOZHEVNIKOV, N.P.; SMIRNOV YU.I. Featixres of determining corrections to readings of a radio - S altimeter. Geod. i kart. no,,3~26-32 Mr '63 . (MIRA 16-7) Ultimeter) (Aerial photogrammetry) KIZELISHTEYN, Vladimir Yakovlevich; KOSMACHEV, I.G., retsenzent; SVERDIOL M.B., retsenzent; STETA14OV, Ye.V., nauchn. red.; SAIIRNOV, Yu.I., red. [Chemical and mechanical methods of metal treatment] Khimiko- mekhanicheskaia obrabotka metallov. Leningrad, "Sudostroenie," 1964. 139 P. (MIRA 17:4) ~N I GH Dnd i :: Lav '-iln, 1-(,], I.yc, v.' ! -,-.!n im,i I uc it, L's Lip! '(ilFi63-'OV nzi ro I. L;ienzent; KAT-AXI: Ij re ~-scnzo!'ft nw-icllun. -rf-.d pli-IiINOV Yu. red. 17i; esell en,-'ine pl,;nts with conLrollable pitch propellers) Dizellnye ustanovki s vintlami reguliruemogo shaga. Lenin- grad, "Sudostroenie," 19,64, 203 p. 17:8) JOGATYKII, Semen Aleksandrovich; TARAT, E.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.-4 q,'IPJTOV, Yu.I., red. [Complex air-con6itioning in a foam equipment system] Kompleksnain obrabotka .,ozdukha v pennykh apparatakh. Le- ningrad, "Sud-ostroenie," 1964. 315 P. (MIRA 17:4) KUDINOV, Nikolay I'likoluYevic"; ALJKjN0W!~-'H, A.V., inzh., retsenzent; VESIMEELISKI-Y, S.A., retsenzent; BAJIN, YU.P., nauchn. red.- '::,',I~,1;OV Yu.I., red. [1-!arine ax'omic power plants] Sudowye atcrrmye energetiche- Skie ustanovk-,. Leningrad, -~udostroenie, 1964. 330 P. (MIRA 18:2) t-:1V I., red tw,e of bc. :ers and heat ex--h kngers maker` a" artu te~. tno I I roi stvo kc. tl~)v i teploobmenrtykh aFp-r:,~t~-v- materially I P. VESHKELIOSKIY, S.A., inzh., retsenzent; .D., kan,.'. te~hn. nauk, re - I -IL- -1 LI tsenzent; ALEKSANDROV, A-D., nauch-n. red., S1,41i"I"OV, Yu,I., red. [Automti: control and control and measuring apparatus of marine pow~-r p1antsl Aviomati3ra i kontrollno-imeritelInye pribory sudc-q[kh si-Iovykh ustanavok. Leningrad., Sudostroenie, 1965. 133 p. (MIRA 18:8) PUSHKIN, Nikita Ivanovich; BUZNIK, V.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; GASANOV, G.A., dots., retsenzent; K-UZNETSOV, N.M., nauchn. red.;-SMIRNOV, Yu. ~.ed. [Marine steam boilers; theory and calculations] Sudovye parovye kotly; teoriia i raschety. Leningrad, Sudo- stroenie, 1965. 510 P. (MIRA 18:7) GROW, D.M. (Moskva); SMIRNOV Yn. I (Moskva) - " 1~ -1 - O-V d-11 Economic distribution of loads over 24-hour period for electric power plants in mixed systems. lzv. Ail SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. Inerg. i avtom. no.4:49-58 JI-Ag '59. (MM& 12:11) 1. Institut elektronnykh upravlyayushchikh mashin AN SSSR. (Electric power plants--Load) 8(5) SOV/20-127-3-18/'71 AUTHORS: Grobman, D,, M.,, Smirnov?__-T~i~ J* TITLE: Economical Load Distribution of a 24 Hours' Diagram for Power Plants of Combined Energy Systems PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3, PP 545-548 (USSR) - ABSTRACTS, The following problem is discussed in the present paper; in a power system combined of thermal- and hydraulic power plants with a cascade-connected system of hydroelectric power plants the capacities are to be distributed in,such a manner that each hydroelectric power plant uses a given quantity of water and the entire fuel consumption of all thermal power plants attains a minimum. The problem is solved by the suc- cessive improvement of the practiaal working methods. The method described makes use of real diagrams and takes the channel motion and loss in the mains into account. The prob- lem is solved in the following manner: The capacity in the individual intervals of time within the entire system P system I is assumed to be constant and at the individual plants P n (a denotes the number of plan ts, 1 the consecutive number Card 1/3 and L the number of periods of time) At ( &t = 24 hours) is L SOV/2o-127-3-18/71 Ec.onomical Load Distribution of a 24 Hours' Diagram for Power Plants of Combined Energy Systems to be so small that this constancy is warranted. The system is intended to consist of N hydro- and R thermoelectric power plants. The fuel consumption is now, in consideration of all loss parameters of the system, set up as a function of the cooperation of all plants , and for it the minimum is sought: N+R L 1 1 B . = ZB r(P;) Lt. water consumption and energy con- r=N+l 1-1 sumption (the latter being equal to the load of the system and the loss) give the conditions (1) and (2) for the func- tion B(P). In geometric interpretation this meTns hat in a (11+R)L-dimensional space of the variables Pit Pit P1, PI, P21 ... PL the function B(P) is to have a minimum 1 2 2 N+R supposed to be located on the sectional surface formed by the surfaces from the conditions (1) and (2). On this sectional surface the direction is now sought in which B tends towards zero as quickly as possible. The problem is further solved by successive approximation. In reality this means that, Card 2/3 since this way has proved to be possible, the working process SOV/2o-127-3-18/71 Economical Load Distribution of a 24 Hours' Diagram for Power Plants of Combined Energy Systems may be improved so long until, under the conditions (1) and (2), the minimum for.13 is attained in a certain load sne of this,re-port as well as the N +R ~ The e P(P P aessive mptovement of the function of fuei c*o*n's'umption was suggested by I.S. Bruk, Corresponding Mem- ber, AS USSR. The authors thank I.S. Bruk and A.L. Brudno for advice and likewise also V. S. Shakhanov and V. A. Skobelev. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektronnykh upravlyayushchikh mashin Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Electronic Control Machines of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: April 10, 1959, by A. A. Blagonravov, Academician SUBMITTED: April lo, 1959 Card 3/3 BALIYANK Roblen Khorenovich; MERSON, I.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SMIIUIOV, Yu.I., red. ; SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [Low power transformers) Transformatory maloi moshchnosti. Lenin- grad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 366 p (MIRA 14:10; (Electric transformers) VINOGRAD, M.I.; GROM'OVAY (;.P.; PrInimall uchastiyes LIKHNOVA, I.V.; SMITIOV, Yu.I.; RASKOVA, A.F.) PROSHYINA, M.F. Investigating inclusions in U10A steel with a varying degree of plasticity. Stall 22 no.9:842-845 S 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii. (Steel--Impurities) (Metals at high temperature) i ---I-- -w- --I - -- -- - - - ---, - , . - - . ~ --M---- -- j~ ~~, 'M4 ~;: - . 11 ~ ;~ il , - -- -q ACCESSIOff Mr AP5016159, Ssar.T.ATIOIC.. i~A -V- I. Ulyanova. ~ institub Leulngradskik- . adat cia ee CLenina.)' (leiii-ngradL:Institute'f~.6r,-p Mtij" rIng) SMITTEN- ll.%164-,~' -'SUB-CODE:' Ed, M sotii, ff Ol! r OMER 606 4'036::,L....,,.~-? ATD, S' _ M. T 4 A. 4 /3 t f L 30385-66 - -EWT-(m~)IT_ IJP(c) -.QJ ACC NR: AP6008003 (A/) SOURCE CODE UR/0046/66/012/001/0125/0127 6 AUTHOR: Smirnov Yu. K. ORG: Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute im. V.I. U11yanov (Loenin) (Leningradskiy TITLE: The calculation of the interaction of viscosity picklips with liquid SOURCE: Akusticheskly zhurnal, v. 12, no. 1, 1966, 125-127 TOPIC TAGS. viscosimeter, fluid viscosity, viscous flow I 94,9,5-rlel-ry, 1,V-r6'e1u,4A- rw/ erlo Al) Z)1V^-JJ17j- ABSTRACT: The author investigates, without taldng boundary effects into account, a uni- dimensional problem for a plate submerged in a liquid and oscillating in its plane. The equation of oscillations appears as.- n1i + Pqi + --V ri, -P/. -(I dr - F(t), 0 where in is the overall mass of the oscillating system, x = x(t) is the coordinate of the center of gravity of the plate, % is the internal friction coefficient k is the elasticity coefficient, ,an S is the area of one side of the plate, jA and p are viscosityil d density of the liquid, respec- tively, and F(t) is the external force. A solution ~isobt-.-uned and compared with the known solution by A. 1. Pridantsev, A. V. Romashevskiy, azid A. N. Solov'yev (Ob odnom metode nepreryvnogo iziiiereniya vyazkosti. Zlio prikl. meldi. i teldin. fiz. , 1961, 1, 128-132). Card 1/2 UDC 534.6:532. 13 31a1NOV, 1u. K. "Disruption of Porphrin Metabolism During Disease of the Nervous System." Cand 6--d Sci, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Ain flealth USSR, Moscow, 1955. (KL, No 12, Vlar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 SeP 55--surveY of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at CISSa Higher Educational Institutions (15) yo, UM/kodicine Physiology Card 1/1 Pub. 22 50150 Authors I Grashcheakov, N. I., Memb. Corresp, Atad. of Sc., USSR.j Blyumenfeldr L* Af Drasovitskaya. S. E.; Perellman, L. B.; and Smirnov- Yus K. Title I Oxygen consumption by,tiesues-and funetion;f~~~obia during myasthenia Periodical I Dok. AN SSSH 100/1. 191-192, ;"a. 1, 1955 Abstract. I An investigation vas conducted to determine the effect of oxygen require-,,,, meat of tissues on the functional state of hemoglobin'during my"thenia, A thorough diagnosis of five myesthenic patients showed that hemoglobin playa a very important role in the regulation of the respiratory functions of the blood. It was established that cyasthenia disturbs the trophic funetions.of the tissues which is expressed by reduced intensity of tissue respiration. Five USSR references (1946-1953). Table. Institution I Presented byt SulY 14, 1954 GELUM, D.S. [rIeccised]z',,.SMIP.ITOV, Yu.K' Determining protein fractions of the cerebrospinal fluid by paper L no-4:31-35 Jl-Az '58 (MIR-A- 11:9) electrophoresis. Lab.delo 6 ri.,.4] 1. 1% nauchnoy gruppy deystvitellnopo chlena AMN SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenkova pri AMN SSSR i laboratorii (zav. - prof. Ye.A. Kost) Klinicheskoy ordena Lenina bollnitsy imeni S.P. Botkina, Moskva. (CEMMOSPINAL FLUID-AITALYSIS) (PAPER ELECTROPHOUSIS) SMIRNOV, Yu.K. Dialyzer for concentrating protein of cerebrospinal fluid' Lab.dolo 6 Ci.e.'41 no.4:54-55 J1-Ag 158 (;IRA 11:9) 1. Iz nauchnoy Cruppy deystvitellnogo chlena AMN SSSR prof. N.I. Grashchenkova pri AM9 SSSR.- (CMEBROSPINAL FWID) (I)IALYSIS--XqUIPMM AND SMTLIES) EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 8 Vol 12/9 Neurology SePt 59 4205. BLOOD SERUM PROTEIN FRACTIONS IN CERTAIN DISORDERS OF THE DIENCEPHALIC REGION (Russian text) - Smirnov Yu. K. - ZH.NEVRO- PAT. I PSIKHIAT. 1958, 58/4 (427-431) Ilfus. 3 The.blood serum protein fractions were studied with the help of paper electrophor- asis. Twenty-six patients with involvement of the diencephalic region, 10 with myo- tonia, 18 with myasthenia and 9 healthy individuals were investigated. In the pre- sence of diencephalic pathology, increased q2-globulin and -y-globulin fractions, and a decreased 0-globulin fraction were established. In a number of cases, when the condition improved the protein fractions became more normal. In myasthenic inversion, an increase in the -y-globulin fraction and a decrease in the at -globulin fraction were noted. The injection of proserine in these cases led to a decrease in the -y-globulin fraction. In myotonia. an increase in the &2-globulin was noted. References 18. Golland - Moscow GISEVO M.I.p dotsent; SMIRNOVp Yu.K.9 Spectrophotometric determination of coproporphyrin excreted with the urine. Pred. dop. kontsent. atmoof. zagr. no. 4:139-W 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz kafedry gigi-yeny Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo institutap kafedry kommunallnoy gigiyeny i kafedry nervnykh bolezney TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vTachey. I (SPECTROPHOTOMETRY) (COPROPORPHYRI10) (URINE-ANALYSIS AND PATHOLOGY) C M 10 all "%Ml-LR-A 15:6) ;n r v- i -.;' kh jq FERELIMAN., L.B.; SHTUL-MAIT, D,R.; KOLaIENSKAYA, Ye.A.; SMIRNOV, Yu.K.; FISHMAN, M.N. (Moskva) Ocular fonn of myasthenia gravis. Klin. med. 41 no.6t127- 135 Je 163. (~aRA 17,.1~ 1. Iz laboratorii klinicheskoy neyrotiziologii (rukovodibelt - prof. N.!. Grashchenkov) AMY SSSR i kliniki nervnykh bolezney (dir. V.V. Yikheyev) I Moskov-skogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. . SMIRNOV, Yn.M. Suspended electric drill for the Bleichert trueb-mounted crane. HI-al. takh.-skon. inform. no.1:79-80 157. (NDU 11%4) (Boring machinery) I~14 28(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3254 'Moscow. Vyssheye tekhricheskoye uchilishche Imeni Baumana. Schetno-reshayushchiye pribory (Computers) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 84 P. (Series; Its: Sbornik trudov, vyp. 82) 6,000 copies printed. Ed.: S. 0. Dobrogurskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: A. L. Tairova; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvaroveg Man-aging Ed$ for Literature on Machine Building and Instrument Making (MashgIz): N. V. Pckrovskiy, Engineer PURPOSE: This collection of articles is Intended for engineers, scientific personnel and students working in the field of com- puters. COVERAGE: This is a collection of articles compiled by the depart- ment of computers at MVTU and devoted to analysis of computer components: 'diode circuits which perform mathematical operations; drive circuits with a servomotor in the form of a powder magnetic Card l/ 6 Computers (Cont.) SOV/3254 clutch, with a- mushroom-shape friction clutch and with a friction clutch of the Svetnzarov system; investigation or a pulse trackimsystem and of the drifts occurring; in a single-shaft gyrosta 11zer. No personalities are mentioned. There are no ref erence s - TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kazak~ov, V, A. Candi(iate of Technical Sciences. Function Generators Using Diodes 3 The author states that vacuum-tube or semiconductor diodes may be used In function generator circuits, for which case errors may be as high as 1 to 3 percent, or as low as one-tenth of a percent. When selenium or copper oxide rectifiers are used as diodes, errors will greatly increase. The author emphasizes the advantages of diode- equipped function generat 'ors ovdr electromechanical ones (potentiometers, rotatable transformers, etc.). These advan- tages consist primarily in the absence of mechanical parts Card 2AD Computers (Cant.) SOV/3254 and, consequently, in low inertia. The author presents several schematic diagrams of various types of function generators and derives their e ations according to functions of these generators ?reproduction of a parabola, sine and cosine functions 'multiplication of two independent variables, etc.). The author concludes that errors occurring in the operation of diode function generators are mostly errors of method and instrument errors. Chetverikov, V. N. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Tracking Drives With Powder Magnetic Clutches 22 The author investigates the possibilities of developing drives with position control or with the rate of change of position or with both methods combined. A powder magnetic clutch was used as the actuating element. As setting elements, a potentiometer and a tachogenerator were used. From these a voltage proportional to the angle and speed of rotation of the flywheel is delivered as the input signaJ., from which a correspondinb clutch velocity is Card 3/b Computers (Cont.) SOV/3254 utilizing the-superpcsition principle, the author finds optimum values Qf system parameters by comparing results obtained from the investigation of IV-he three m(:Ist character- istic features of the operatic-ri of tracking syztems 'u.-nder pulse conditions. These features are: 1) effect of the initial error of the indicator device on the stability and quality of the tracking system. 2) distortion of the coordi- nate incoming on the system Input by tracking errors and the determination of the ar--curacy of co.--ti?-,-Uous adjustment of t-his coordinate. 3) effect of acceleration in the rate of change of -.--he input col-Irdinate on' t~,e value of the systematic error of adjustment. The results of investi- gation of these three cases permit making recommendations as to the selection of optimum values of the baste system parameters and particularly, of the optimurri vai%ie or the time constant of the drive. This, in turn, permits calculating the fun~3tlon generator of the systeu, according to the pulse sequence periods, which change w-ItIn-In wide 11 Mi .3. Card 5/6 S/196/61/ooo/oll/034/042 E19VE155 AUTHORSs Neyshtut, S.M_ and Smirnov, Yu.,M,, TITLE.-, Distribution equipment of a chemical plant PERIODICAL~~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.11, 196l, 4, abstract 11K 23. (Elektr, stantsii, no.4, ig6i, 44-49) TEXT; Chemical manufacture is characterised by splashing and gas evolution which corrodes the metal parts and impairs the insulation of electrical equipment. A widely-used but ineffettual r-ounter-measure is to locate 35 - 110 kV distribution equipment in rooms which are closed but not hermetically sealed. in this connection it is re:,ommended to make extensive use of open-type distribution equipment. It is that joints should be protected by painting them with red lead in natural-drying oil. one essential measure should be to use pre-assembled reinforced concrete for portals and other structural features of open-type distribution equipment, Designs of closed distribution equipment for Card 1/2 Distribution equipment of a s/196/61/ooo/o,'1/034/042 F,194/E155 particularly corrosive media should provide for special bui Id ing cons truc t ion arid forced --,rent ilat ion wi th a ir -pur It"y ing equipment, Fc.r heat and electric power stations the main distribution equipment (6 .- 10 kV and short-Lircuit current of 300 kA) should be standardised in order to reduce the demands on material and labour, Plants of the ele:~trical industry must develsp high.-voltage equipment suitable for use in a cor-rosive atmosphere, flAbstra-tor,s notei Complete translationA 9,71V0 S/588/61/000/004/01o/011 D234/D303 AUTHORS: Smirnov, Yu.M., and Medvedev, V.I. TITLE: Stabilizing the velocity of rotation of magnetic recording disc of a storage device SOURCE: Avtomaticheskoye upravleniye i vychislitel9naya tekhnika, no. 4, Moscow 19619 339 - 354 TEXT: The authors describe an electric motor with highly stable instantaneous velocity of rotation and discuss several factors which, in their opinion, are decisive from the point of view of sta- bility, The admissible values of deviations of the parameters and characteristics were determined from the condition that the StRbi- lity of rotation should be obtained with an accuracy up to 10- 0 The effect of fluctuations of the supply voltage, of the displace- ment of the center of gravity of rotating parts with respect to the axis of rotation, of an eccentric position of the rotor with re- spect to the stator are studied in details In the last chapter a description is given of the methods of experimental measurements of Card 1/2 --- -,-. -- -. ;w- I- , - ~o -rvi)v,.-,V." - .... -1:---' --,:. I YVI 1- 7 , , ,.: tJ;.. - - - , -- , ,.~ -'-~ ~ 676-1 0.1 t L Y, AL M 'SMI Y irredUlble 6YCI c MCOMPACts o ... uk (14A) 07-4 S8'(IPSO). !f (RuSsian) : This'note CoAninili a pi-nof of the. Wlo~inj jinii clmss E n,~Ilm 11, CS or i6l-theorem:- vgry.. e .1 c tobicompactsu W,, ic bicoinpactum- is -a Cantorian ritlifil Irreducible cyM fold. AnOther.formulation, explicit in the proofs is'as ollows: " Let.Fbei an n-dinimsion~l biccinip-act sp-aci -which- -can -Iie:. ' ` - f t-wo clo ssed as the silm 0 d F sed subsets -F expre. SUC ' ' tile in tersection -rr% P is:at, rn C~n-4)Aii~ensiohal.i- that ' c. - be~ a essenti 1. Theamo inapping of F intot ic 6phem urewicz an A primipal idea in the proof is-credited-to H --c' d Uni v. Press, 1941 Ivaijimin [Dimension Theory, Princeton ' these Rev, 3, 312; the reference is' toga Russian tra"ati6i~ij - L. Zippin '(Flushing, N. Y.).- Source: - I-hithematical Rev'iqw3~' No 0 41 2 g," Mat;: 14" 1554-178'(1950).' indnite'c let, a .:d.let. a and ~bo6 af . ~Pu~ . - . 4. 'Sal be: fi6C. gr6kii-r t~h'an~. h. A topo ogi spacr_~X~~,s to L nilak cirdiual. Iuum ft- ba~~ii~pa6t if (1) for eii6ry, reg ch that t'M of R of ca~lnal niunber:. Cu te'lim it ~6inr C (ix~,~ 4 .-)int 4 su Ch 'tLa4~ g;,m~a mits.a comple 61 *very. neij~borhr~od of J.inteltze numbex equal to the cardin-31, nwi3ber o( M),: This'notior, was.. introduced by Alexandroff and Urysohnl* Verh, .Akad. Wetensch. terdam~,ML Natu - k: S6 -6t," 11 14. (Ami 7,-.. - ''. -, I .-no J.'(1929)3A -,the ~ic*i'pnpe th" 'd fi6itioir and:, its In to e 'i~ipl ed ti ta~~cationb are thbrough1k, qr' I' xzl'pir~Q fii7st' that I t~ to each o 11~, bl-compacinessIs tqubm en f ih~,:fullo~ring pioperties: (2) in'Rj every family of nonvoi&a6e~,:Sct!" red bl, ID oedhW ~tiumber 0 suc-4 t-In, usiort. and, iavir~g a Fegu ar eVeI_Y 'famiIV of cl3sed subsets of IZ saibfyinj thc conditions of (2 :,anid wA the additional'; -'Opertyzthat.eve~ subfamily (.,,f h" ...-Caldin nonv.oi inteit.ectJon j ~. hail I totau ;nters; Pc on not,., ti Vuid;, M,every~open, covenngicf.R having a3 regular cabal ~number: i~: su: ch that. ~a'amits ~A ;~btcmrinj'oUcardinal number legs tAarild.`No-bwer thp.,%:. o-, _h, f e ig tvanattans on these our, propextx~s:~am d6fied % and ..W.;,~6;cu.nsed..";, Lo._iaily-;ra, b3-cprn~act -~pace~-'aj~t~, defined in thu, is. A6~ :that, an arbitraxy'.Io6ally'[a b", zom-sact Fla' uis&riif -space,.R, ca'n be ~ imbed [a"' bj in a the ,adjiinc66fi'. of;'a. sinfp,,. =~.,cornpact,, space:by, ausd 0, - pdrirt-ahd that,iwiong'all~such exWw,on~: o,U,JR, the usual extendozi, *hcre ueig! r S .0 art comp,ements:c-' 1,i~,pc ssible'i6pblo .1 gy. .1 toIpolo , I It" be huedi-, gica.spam Jasaic .Ctg 5-C am., tarily Ea,~*bj.CoMpiet if all of its W~h_ 'ijt. omp, The'.equivali'~_ 6f the following propeitit.-i of a to ce pological proved, . (S) - R. is:berediv~irily [a,b]-Comp-act, space,, is the-caMinal:inteTval D., b] .1i lent one regu.- lar cardinal number,- (6) R is Lare, j, C~~Mpa6, for- all 4-.a; (3) every iaxni!~. of ricst-.1" rubw~ 'of It, FID F2:) - - -D F.D - - - D F.D Avell-ardered b-~ set-indusiml'and with vy_fflar ovii-na! numb& 4 contains a set ]~, such that, F. -,Pp for ail Some simple. analo gues oFthe Cantor.-Bendix5ovt ~heoirm are proved. icalspact, The paper closes *ith th,,. which is hereditarrily CX.+L, b]-~-.=parct for -.ama b--=.+I ha!* cardin F_ Hewitt, al number~not grevter thaj-, elo -A f a.. I M. 0,10 Y Compac e f" . . . . . . . . --N aus orff ogica.:,spictiii co are. - j- ti at, c- numbdia, Iat w(a), ar ina an *be Ate least ord' til`atunb64ith car ina num er --a.' In topological Space X is* sat to ~sahs y'cont: Won Sj 5. de&iasing i every, Oncreitsing) immfinite mquened of dosed o[.X,' scaticimiiry (i, e,,:cQnstknr-fr6m- Sointi ~6iiit b-imard). TM'atith6i~ is~~onccr ed witivielitim. the'.6ndkiom aild existing among vftipii~tti m` in the intery-I lzvcstiy,~ Akmd.- Naijk- IS5-wI78 (1950)'; theseP Rev A4 11 675;] SSSR Mitt . . , cqm- it will be.remlled:thit Eq, -]-compactoO La b]: f or b?-- aj Ana thitt. an. pactness~in the interv.-I a !z equivalent condition is that every,open covering of-X admit- , J a sibc6Vering of ' rdi al a.'The ca n number < - ternis "fin. ,iqj-i:OiIIpct-.,Ire syn oAymousi ~ct".'Final coin pact- , : is th6 Undel6f -c diti 8: ailthtiis. ess oii on 'referred to. b~'u n lc, author.his [foc.-cit.,.Ch. 2, Tfi-Alq that :6ndidort Sj-is c(Ittivalent - to' hereditary Ed. ~Q I compacoless. The folloNvi ng theor,em nrc~ proved htirti.~ I.-I topologlel space Satisfica condition V if arld 0,14), Sit W!t Ar o utailts-A'donse: lb'wt 4) Cardma f x C.6 St y f. . . . . . num xr-