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SMIRNOVI YG,V,, prof. (Leningrad, T-101, Kirovskiy prospekt 2, kv.36) ~-. -1-1-1- - POPOV )-S.-D. J. dotsent Continuous suction of the contents through a duodenal catheter in surgery of the bilary tract. Vest. Khir. 91 no.10:3-8 0 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz kliniki gosp-itallnoy i voyenno-morskoy khirurgii f-na-challnik- prof. Ye.V. Smirnov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy orrdena Lenina akademii imeni S.14. Kirova, Leningrad. 10 ;3 ~3 ca L; kn1r. nO.E.; 3, J Ji-esions of t~e bile (NIRA 1z khiruri7icheskoy tsivskoy ordena henina ar'-lademii imeni Eliruva. iloin(lY S.D., dotsent NCAl Ye V external drainage of the biliary tract through --dlimdlenal anastomoses. 'lest. khir. 94 no.1-7-3 Ja iary, -L 6 (MIRA l8t7) lz kliniki gos.pltal~imy i voyanno-morskoy khirurgii (nachaltnik neditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni SRIRNCVY Ye.V., prof.; POPOV, S.D., dotsent Causes of some errors and failures in ascending chol Otraphy. Vast. khir. no, 6:47-53 165. tktkA 18:12) 1. 1z kliniki voyenno-morskoy i gospitallnoy khirurgii (naeball- nik - prof. Ye.,r. Smirnav) Voyenno-aedit6inskoy ord.ena Lenins, akademii imeni Kirova. P, 2 5/0 56,60/03 BTA/20/061 0 30061,011 11rJap.y. .1. M, 7.,rlrkk. A, 3., IfItIl- A, D.: rka EL rulk., ?V A41, Lf-bi-n A. ~ In. - N.Vul..ko Y. L Sivit, 1. k , S.~;!,_ " T*. V., Stiu-, TITLZ: Channel for Latipro%onsrflff th a Mocentux of 2.8 3.,/1 PSHIODICAL, 2burnal sk.parixental-noy I %.orettchaokoy fitiki. 1960, Tol. 38, 30. 2, pp. 445-448 T147: Th, -%bar, of Ih 'on' -' or 4 ... ~11. . h...l 1.11% for in..$"go I, an , 'h. of azt1pro%... In . aloud ctsmb.r. Anti- proton* fare produced by 9-Bow pro% a. 1. . target. Fig. I I . . . ch.-tic r:pr 'he -h-A. 1 4 ... rib.d in the following. Th. -.tiprot... . r. id-mtif~ roe their velocity (P - 0.95) by -a of Cherenkov counters, of which -* provided vi%h two phot* 0 . bl 1. f the type OY-33 (M-35) -boa- efficiencies are open Itied 1. . . ,the attained with different obinstion. are 1in Table. 2 and PIZ. 2 home . bl..t diagram a' 11. vs. 9 Ch-A.1 for Az%ipro%o- ll.h' a 1,aswatuz at 3/056/k/036/0,/20/061 2.6 1."10 1006/1011 yet-, end respective data are supplied to Table 4. The *ff..l ... Y of the scheme described with respect to antipro%ons is fouml '%o be 60-4,~,C. Sam- t1st. are bristly descril3od no-%. Bil the !Yet-. Ji-u ... d her., C~. ;.Ih*,, dl,:-L.*d the ratio of the .-her of P Ith me . , " c . , /0a-b.r of .11 r..Ainkn& paxticies (ihich- *or% -.17 ...... frc. the b.ryIlion tart.% 6g/c. -a or the ~gl.. 0 -4 7 , and tr.. s, c-por %"go % (-.180 A-8 u-4-r'Y ith 5.Apect %. the primary 1r.%.. b.~ (8.1 - IS19 3., ). It " Intensity a- 10 P of the inner be-. average at 1 9 is. roacrd*4 within four minutes. Results: LAel. t-ge proton boa. particle aux- relative ft"ber of an%l- intensity bar I. the proton. in the be.. channel 00 9 .10-4 Be 10 1000 Be 109 -700 (t. 37e.1 8). 10-4 7oCu 109 -700 (2.42e.53) .10-4 The number of particles cdoardad in the ch.-.I groom I%h do%. Card 2/3 19 CA-1 far Antlpr4t-s with a Momentum of 3/056/60/A~c,2/2o/o61 2.8 I.,/a '3006/BOI I L.C.9-a :v.qr.:.4 Sol.' ic'slons In emulsion. (Her. 4). Th. izcS.... A. the red it, umb r f ant P t'. In t he transition from () " ? In the system 4groo4 with predictions male on %he st--~tm or labor:%arI the 0., I tIc&I thoorj, 3y conatiorlag plan absorption (0, -1 33-4b) ant &nti- prolon absorp%ton ('a,-60 sh) as will am the altanua%jaz of %1~q b-m, of priory protons (din - 30 ab), %b4 ratio of the dijrf*rqatal proi,q%itn r,** or ~ ,I FIII, 1,11 1*,,* under 0a I, the 1, my.%.* to f~'~rd 3- be4'a Thor. are 2 ftgW.., 1 tables, -1-4 4 r.f.r.1-s: 5 1 -1 1 I~t.rwl.naj (CON). A3WCIATtGl: Ob-y.Itndn.yy tn.tit.t y.d..rj'lh STIBUITTED: Upt-b.r 5, 1959 Carl 3/3 C VOVENIKID A. Mr. A 1MV, B. A. T,TXT! MP MV, M. F. , L -t-LPRUM, L . 1, M41ML77XINNI) , %-11. $k. !1AV III, IA. V. S. ITITN-CHANG, r't - "Inf-Annt.1c Tnt~rartlnna of vith lfydrni,-~n" report prevented at the Intl. Conference on 111gh Energy ftyalen, Geneva, 4-11 Jitly 1962 Joint Institute for fluclear &-search Laboratory of Ifigh Energies, Dubna, 1962 U. A., LYUBUDY0 A. S., KM-'~!Dv, B. A. 'A- V0,1E A., S"a DV, nd STW,7INS-ry, +,,,.c,,On,, on HydroFen On the lEbo JUigle" "&JUStjC Scattering Of7f F5,port prese.nted at the Intl- Conference o-4 High Fnera PhYsIcG, Geneval -L1 july 1962 joint Institute for Nuclear pesearch Laboratory of High Energies, Dubnap 1962 lu,Awf, -:3. '%., LTFa7ACMx, M. F., MWIff-EHYD, Yu. A.. SAM, L. A., O'RITINOV, Ye. V. and STAVINSKIY, V. S. "Total CrcGs4:ecticrLs of Y~sons vith Hydrogen at the Amenta Freq 3, () to 5, 0 Gev/C" report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy FhYsics, Genova, 4-11 July 1962 Joint Inat. for Nuclear Research Lab. of 11i&h Energies, Dubna, 1962 L;A)5",/62/042/C03/01 1/0,19 B 104/B 102 A UVICAIS I Vovptjko, A. S., Golovnnov, 1- B., Kulakov, B. A,, Mamulonko, TU' A' I ';"V'nF 1. A., Smirnov,YoY. T IT LE i Total n--p interaction croan nootion,i at high energ(ca PERIODICILs Zhurnal eksperlmontalluoy I teareticheckoy rizikil v, 42t no. 3, 1962, 715 - 720 TEM dt(--t-, p) was determined for proton momenta of 3.4, 3.9f 4.n,, 7-Os and 9.2 Bell/c. The experimental arrangement is ahown In FJ The total interaction crons section decreased between 3-5 and 7 v/0- Mess-. urementu at higher energiL.,j have not clearly shown whether the decrcaae of dt(R-, p) is only characteristic if the range Investigated, or thv be- ha,iior is an asymptotic one (Table). k comparison with other results has shown that p) and (1,(n-, p) tire equal in the range of- 4-5 116-1 within the accuracy attained. Aunuming that cy /o - (IM 0/1;-.,k o2 the T1 Y 'Y charge exohange to eatimated with the aid of relation Card 1/3 Total it -p interaction crone ... B I OA/Jj 102 1~1). hall" -- (I Ij/r2)jjr(:t-, p) J!) I 0, . 0.012 and 0-003, rorpectively. AI)* ani A nre the nniplitutinq of the charge exeliange proceattes (Rop--~ 't n, it-P --~I; n) and of the claptic ncattering under the angle 0 0, IT, and (1, are the total chnrgo exchaugn crons ziection and the elantio ocattering crot3o at-etion. The two vqluco Or (I,, were obtained at fj',-~~.5-5 millibnrn with a (K-, p) - cit(RI, P) illibnrn, and (1 .1, m t(R P) - at(, p) - 2 millibarn, reppectively. The datit of other authorn (G. Yon Dardel at al., Fhys. R-w. Lptt., 1.1 127, 1961) are in good agreement with the renulte olitnined hore. I. Ya. Porior-; 7,1- nnchuk and L. B. Okuni are viontloned. There fire 2 figuron, I tnblo, anti 17 referencens 11 Soviet and 6- non-Soviet. Thf? four ciont recent reCnr- enos-,n to EntSliah-language publiontionn read an followsl V. 11. Gribov, N Nuc 1. Phyn . , 22 , 249, 1961 j C. . von D rde I a t al . , Phys . Rov . La t t . 333, lj6O; A. S. Vovenko at al., Proo. of tho 1960 Anti. Intirn. Conf a,., High Energy Physico at Rocheater, Univ. of Roolinster, 1960, it. 4,13; V. S. 13ornahenkoy et al,, Fucl. Phya., 1-1, 522, ig6o. Card 2/3 Total R -p interaction crona. .. D1011/11102 ASSOCIATIONt Ob"yedinennyy in atitut yndernykh lvel,~dayaniy (joint Ingtitute of Nuc lear Research) S UUMLITTED iOctober 10, 1361 Fla. 1. Exper iment al Fig. I a rra nt~ ement. Legend: (T) tfireet in the -synchrotron; 0,1-7 proton I ML-Mfour-pole lensee; ~L(1-57 (SP-57)) magnet; (S C) wx" ~:~ " .04 I IntI L ' concrete; (2) lead. Table Table. Measurement results. Lecend: (1) momenta of n- mesons, Bev/ 0; - ' - i i .1i 10, H 2,1 f n,2 ! ,, I , p), millibarn; (3) (2) at(n muon admixture t In the beam, 2"~ 1 t Card 3/3 - '2 L 2 2 nT,A,&E W' (k~T ~EWr(j)/EVq_(m)/EU1h)AM C%/ru~l Ell ~11 W P_ M ACTCNR, A MWO'AYi SOURCE CObE: UR/01 0 ao 1 01 9 014 EV,'P(v) IJP(c) AT/iWiH/DJ AUTHOR: Kozhukhov, I. V. , Muratov, Yu. V.; Raehevskiy, V. P.; Ryl'toev, P. I. Sarantsev, V. P.; Sjnj&n~ !. _Xq_ ~V. ORG: Joint Nuclear Research Institute (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh Issledovanii) TITLE: Use of a plasma gun for producing high electron-current peaks- S--~ SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1966. 139-143 TOPIC TAGS: plasma gun, pulse shape ABSTRACT: A new plasma-gun electron source (see figure) electrodes: discharge electrode 1, diaphragm 5, and extraction electrc)&~ 6 mounted on two stainless-steel disks. PlexiglasPbushiniN (active material) is fed by spri g 8 toward tf~e -gap ~s the bushing end in burned' up. ~The discharge electrode is insulated by porcelait bushipg 3. The tungaten diaphragm has a 1-mrp port. Insulated cathode 2 is intended for improving the extraction conditions and focusing. its insulation is consists of. thiee designed to withstand a working voltage of 30 kv. The plasma-gm- electron source Card I / 2 364.623 L 20722-66 ACC NR, AP666i6i-6 t--inlcs:;-ct.ccl cylindrical extraction elcctrode is grounded. "'hen 17-kV "'r.1g- atran" pulze is applied to the discharge electrode, a spark to the diaphragrr. evaporates some of thcpjLxjE ,jasr, and forms a plasma in chamber 7. An electric field extracto electrons from the plasma. An electron current of ZOO amp was produced In .0. 15-0.2-mocc peaks when a constant d-c voltage was used for extraction. Witha pulse extraction voltage (provided by a capacitor), an clectron-cur rent peak of I ka 10-6 sec has become possible. "In conclusion, the authors wish to thank Pe F. ChernyayTv. for his great contribution to the construction of ths experimental. outfit. Orig. art. has: IF figures. [031 SUB CODE: 09. SUBM DATEt 2lJul64 ORIG RE]rt 002/ -ATD PR=v/225 T TIj "Die-Block Steels and Methods of Heat Treatment," 42/48 in Modern Methods of Heat Treating Steel by Dom Inzhenera i Tekhnika imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskovo. Gosudarstvennoye Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoye Izdatel'stvo Mashinostroitel'noy Literatury, ?.-.osco,,r (1954) 4o4 pp. Evaluation B-&:_),350~ 30 Jun 55 133-8-18/28 AUTHORS:Pridantsev, M.V. (Dr.Tech.Sc.) and SmirnovqYe-V. (Eng.) TITLE: The cause of local brittleness in technical iron sheets and methods of its elimination. (Ustraneniye mestnoy khrupkosti v listovom tekhnicheskom zheleze). PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel), No.81 19579 pp.736-740 (USSR). ABSTIUCT: In iron sheets (Armco type) produced by "Serp i Molot" Works localised brittleness was occasionally observed. The investigation described was carried out in order to establish causes of such brittleness and methods of its revention. In the experimental part of the work, V.N. rubarova, Z.P.Solovlyeva, R.M.Rozenblyum, E.M.Chistya- K kova and R.E.Grabarovskaya participated. Chemical compo- sition and the content of gases in brittle and ductile specimens of technical iron (Table 1) did not show any substantial differences. Microphotographs of the above two types of specimens (Fig.2) indicated some differences in grain boundaries which in brittle specimens were more strongly etched and somewhat thicker. Electron micropho-o- graphs (Figs. 3 and 4) indicated that thickening of grain bmindaries of brittle specimens represents accumulations of some kind of inclusions. The nature of the brittle Card 1/3 fracture (Figs. 5 and 6) indicated that this takes place along the grain boundaries. Annealing in asbestos and in 133-8-18/28 The cause of local brittleness in technical iron sheets and methods of its elimination. (Cont.) a vacuum of'ductile specimens at various temperatures was carried out. In all specimens annealed above the critical point (900 C) brittleness was found while in those annealed below the critical point (870 C) brittleness was absent. Oil the assumption that brittleness is caused by oxide segregation annealing of specimens in a dry and wet f.Wdro- gen or dissociated a onia atmosphere was tested. Anneal- ing in a dry hydrogen atmosphere removed brittleness and considerably decreased the value of the coercive force while annealing in wet hydrogen did not remove 'brittle- ness (Table 2). The influence of annealing in a dry hydrogen atmosphere on the oxygen content and the value of coercive force was additionally tested on samples from a few melts (Table 3). Sheet specimens from some melts were cut in two parts and carbon, sulphur and oxygen contents in one part of the specimen were determined in the init- ial state and in another part after annealing in a reduc- j.Dg or oxidising medium and from the difference, changes in chemical COM30sition were determined. The results ob- Card 2/3 tained (Table 4 indicated that the removal of brittleness by annealing in dry hydrogen or dissociated ammonia C, MRSHCHERINOVA, O.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRIPONOVA, T.N., lnzh.; TORPANOVA, G,A,,, kand.tekhn.nauk;._.~MIRNGTq Te,,V,,_ inzh.-, BABAKOT, A.A., kand.telchn.-nank; XMITA, U.N., lnzh.; ZHADAN, T.A., insh.; TALOV, N.P., lnzh.-, TSTPKINA, Te.D., kand.takhn.nank; WROWIN, V,14,, insh.; DAVYWVj~ L.N., lnzh.; PRIDANTSKT, N.V., prof.9 doktor tekhu.nauk, red.; LIMITS, G.L., kamd.tekhn.naxLk. red.; BXRLIN, Te.N., red.izd-mal W1KRJnWA,,Y-V., [Steele with low 'aicksi content, a handbook] Stali s ponizhen- nym maderzhaniam nikela; spravochnik. Pod red. N.V.Pridantseva i G.L.Livehitea. X&akva, Gos.nauchno-tskhn.izd-vo lit-ry 13o chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1961. 200 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Direktor Institnta kachestvennykh staley TSentralOnogo nauchno-Issledo-istel9skogo Institute. chernoy metallurgii im. I.P.Bardina (for Pridautsav). (Nickel steel) 8MIRNOV, Ye.V., NEFEDOV,P. I., and 1VANOV, V. M. "On the Behavior of Liquid Drops in Immavable Highly Heated Gas Medium." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, june 1961. V7U (4 S/129/61/000/002/007/014 E193/E483 .AUTHOR: Smirno ngineer t ~TITLE: Die Steels for Hot Extrusion of Deformation-Resistant -h -70 S 1: ~t:L A ipERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1961, No.'2, PP-31-35 )TEXT: The object of the present investigation was development of a new steel, more suitable for the fabrication of tools (dies)NIfor 'hot extrusion of tough alloys, with particular reference to the :determination of the optimum carbon/alloying elements' ratio in this: type of steel. Three*varieties of steel, differing in their tungsten content (2, 5 and 10% W), were used in the experiments. ,The chemical composition of these steels and some other data, TI established in the course of preliminary experiments,are tabulated (Table 1). (Melts No.3 and listed in this table represent 13 2 heat-resistant steels used in the USA; Rockwell hardness (C), .heat-trea'ted under optimum conditions as given in the table, was .45 to 50.) The results of the first series of experiments are given in the form of a histogram reproduced in Fig.2, showing .hardness (Rockwell C) of all the alloys studied (vertical axis) Card 1/_~ 82674 S/129/6i/000/002/007/014 E193/E483 Die Steels for Flot rxtrusion of Deformation-Resistant Alloys after quenching from temperatures indicated underneath the horizontal axis and tempering at 600'C for 2 h (part I of the histogram) or for 100 h at 6000C (part II). The mechanical 'properties of steels at room temperature are given in Table 2. The temperature dependence of and ak of sonic of the experimental steels is illustrated in Fig.3- (Numbers given by the curves in this figure indicate the number of melt.) In the next series of tests, the wear resistance of the experimentaL steels was studied. At room temperature, a Skoda-Savin testing machine was used for this purpose. The test pieces (cooled with an 0.5% solution of sodium chromate) were pressed under a load of 15 kg against a tungsten carbide-titanium carbide disc, rotating at 675 rpm,and after 3000 revs the volume'of the groove formed in the specimen was determined and used as a comparative measure of .resistance to wear. At 5000C, a Suzuki testing machine, equipped 'with a tubular furnace, was used, In this case, ring-shaped specimens of *experimental steels were rotated aga inst similar rings _ made of a heat-resistant alloy 30 617 (E1617) , loss of weight after , Card 2/9 uY04 S/129/61/000/002/007/ol4 E193/E483 ~Die Steels for Hot Extrusion of Deformation-Resistant Alloys 20000 revs being taken as the comparative measure of wear resistance. ~The results indicated that in this respect, steels of group I and III are better at room temperature, steels of groups II and III ,,being more wear-resistant at 5000C. Since low thermal expansion !coefficient is a desirable property of a die steel, this characteristic was also determined and found to be lower in steels :%%rith a reduced carbon content (melts No-2, 3, 8, 13, 14). -.Regarding the heat conductivity (determined at both room and ,elevated temperatures)', it was highest in steels containing 5" W, lower in steels with 8 to 10% W and still lower in those containing, 20A W and 5% Cr, their heat conductivity being 0.082 to o.o98, ;0.064 to 0.077 and 0.055 to 0.077 callcm sec OC, respectively. Finally, the temperature dependence of hardness of the steels ,studied was determined. The results are given in Table 3. On the basis of4the results of the presqnt investigation, two die steels 4X5B20Cj (4Kh5V2FS) and 4X21352_M)N4Kh2V5F,%1) were recommended for full-scale industrial trials and subsequently used at a large number of Soviet plants. Their composition is given (Table 4). Card -.3/ 89674 S/129/61/000/002/00"f/014 E193/E483 Die Steels for Hot Extrusion of Deformation-Resistant Alloys The mechanical properties and recommended heat treatment of these two ste.els are given in the handbook of-,%Machine-Building 'Materials (Vol.1, Mashgiz, 1959). Acknowledgments are made to Z.P.Solovlvevg, who participated in this work. There are 3 figures and 4 tables. .ASSOCIATION: TsNTTChM A,-) L' r D F101 P.-I 14- :3-c) no.5"e' 161& li ---, - -- , . . - f f ~,fv ; VC-1 . ( o- ( ; 021 . I ANTIPOVI B.V. G;~LIP RIII, Yu.M.; T-JUIAKOVA, NI.M.; PERESTORONIII, S.A.; S M I Effect of cardioplegic substances and artificial blood circulation re;:,incs on the restoration of heart activity after prolonged aneinia. Grud. khir. 2 no.4*108-113 J'l-Ag 100'. (MI:J, 15-6), 1. kdres avtorov: 'Noskva, 3-ya 11-11eshchanskaya, d.61/2p Noskovskiy oblastnoy nauchno-iosledovatel'--kiy klinichoskiy institut imeni I.I.F. Vladimirskogo. (HEART FAILURE) (UMAC RESUSCITATION) (CARDIOVASCUIAR AGENT3) ANTII-OV., B.V.; GALIPERIN, Yu.M.; YERMAYOVA, N.M.; P=-STORONIN, S.A; SLYdRI-lov, Restoration of cardiac activity after prolonged arrest and anemia of the heart in a surgically prepared experiment. Vest. khir. 85 no. 7:9-17 Je 160. (MIRA 14:1) (HEART FAILURE) S ffmov, Yu. "Wonder alloy." Metallurg ,.no./,:29 Ap 263. (MIRA 1633) (Zubakin,'Vasilii Nikolavvich) (Iron and steel workers) ZARELUA, A.; SMIRNOV, Tu. Essential and zero-dimensional mappings. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5:1017-1019 F 163. (MM 16:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Aleksandrovym. topology) f 0 TATARINOV, P.M.; ARTEMOV, V.R.; MIKHAYLOV, N.P.; RUMYANTSEVA, N.A.; SERGIYEVSKIY, V.M.; SMIRNOV Yu, . L=--- Basic and ultrabasic rock formations in the Urals; critical observations on an article by S.V. Moskaleva. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 30 no-5:135-143 My 165. (MIRA -18:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. L 44568-66 EWT(l) SCTB DD/RD ACC NR, AP6030912 SOURCE CODE: UR/0209/66/000/009/0068/0070 AUTHOR: lo4eliani, K. (Lieutenant colonel, Medical corps);_aTj_rqqx., 1yu. ~Iajor, Medical corps) 3Y ~ORG: none 'TITLE: Overcoming unfavorable emotions [Psychological training for !pilots and cosmonauts) iSOURCE: Aviatsiya i kosmonavtika, no. 9, 1966, 68-70 TOPIC TAGS: flight psychology, flight physiology a ABSTRACT: Methods of controlling the emotional states of pilots in flight are discussed and their importance is emphasized in view of the 1great nervous and emotional strain associated with piloting modern aircraft and spacecraft. Acquiring the ability to control emotional experiences is an important part of pilot and cosmonaut training, i jPsychological preparation must be conducted throughout the training 1period, since many of the unfavorable emotions associated with flight Idevelop into conditioned reflexes and are hard to eradicate. Several imethods for self-regulation of emotional states in flight conditions I lare recommended, including such elementary devices as listening to 1pleasant sounds and encouraging oneself with phrases like "I can," Card L L 44568-66- ACC NR: AP6030912 "I must," etc. Physical exercises, selected for their effect on the Jmuscle groups most fatigued by prolonged static stress, have proved I !very effective. Each group of exercises is practiced before the flight 4 hr during flight. Special muscle-relaxing and repeated every 3- exercises, consisting of a combination of stretching exercises, turns ,of the torso, exercises of various leg joints and breathing exercises, jare used to remove emotional tension on complicated long:flights. Pilots should be familiar with all varieties of breathing exercises, and the physiological and psychological effect of each on the organism (for instance, breathing deeply and exhaling slowly has a calming ;effect). Pilots should be trained to shift their thoughts at will to :pleasant and successful flying experiences, thus overcoming unfavorable emotions arising during flight. LJSJ SUB CODE: 05, 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 5080 -Card 2 1. 07008-67 EWT( 1) GW ACC NR: ALN7001063 - - , , I SOURCE CODE: UR/9009/66/000/140/0004/0004 AUTHOR: Smi mov, Yu, 17 ORG: none TITLE: Automatic telescope SOURCE: Loningradskaya pravda, 15 Jun 66, p. 4, col. 2-4 Topic TAGS: astronomic telescope, TV telescope AZT-11 astronomic telescope ABSTRACT: The Astronomical instruments Design Bureau of the Leningrad 02tical- 14echanical Plant (bureau chief 0. V. Vasil'yev) is working on the new AZT-11 Itelescope. Specialists under the direction of the chief designer P. V. !Dobyc~LiLn now are working on the project. (AZT = astronomicheskiy zerkal'nyy ;~,teleskop = astronomical mirror telescope) Two such instruments will be con- structed: one for the Crimean Observatory and one for the Abastumani Ob- :servatory. The mirror diameter is 1.25 m. It will be used in making photo- !electric measurements of starlight. The AZT-11 is completely automated. 'Me observer will not be near the instrument, but at a central control panel ,.within a glassed-in, air-conditioned room; the air conditioning is required ~to ensure reliable operation of electronic instruments. In most cases the i: AZT-11 will operate in accordance with a preformulated program on magnetic 1/2 Card L 09977-67 0--3' (1 XCr-99--AT6026763 SOURCE CODES AMOR: S-Mirnov, Yu. ORG: none 1/0'29/0113/0117 TITLE: A graphical method of solving the transcendental equation obtained in the study of wave interference in a waveguide with a dielectric that is loaded by an attenuator SOURCE- Kuybyshev. Gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. Uchenyye zapiski, no. 29, 1959. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki (Physical and mathematical sciences), 113-117 TOPIC TAGS: graphic technique, electromagnetic wave interference, dielectric. waveguide, dielectric constant$ dielectric loss, microwave attenuator, successive approximation ABSTRACT: A graphical method is proposed for solving the transcendptal equation for wave interference in a waveguide filled with a dielectric and term1bating in an attenuator. The expression for the reflection coefficient in iI'R =. . .1*12 . ...I - . To2+y*'+2Te7ich1d.7.1*~ The reflection coefficient is assumed to be a eomplex number R A + iB. After simple algebraic traneformations, Card i fit ACC NR3 AT6026763 if C C, - C 2-t0 (A + iB) D=ToI[I-(A-j-iB)j; E='I~FA'+iB,I then tgTit ic, D-TA2E which can be solved graphically for the propagation constant in the dielectric under study. A graph of the function tan -(11 is constructed (see Fig. 1)1 L 05,1977-67 ACC NR, AT6026763 and the values of the constants C1, D, and E are determined experimentally. Then a second-order curve is constructed. The points of intersection of this curve with the graph of the function will be the roots of the transcendental equation. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant are determined. The method is valid for dielectrics with negligible losses. The author thanks Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya. N. Kolli for consultation. Orig. art. hasi 12 formulas and 1 graph. SUB CODEt 09, 12/ SUBM DAM none/ ORIG RUi 008/ OM RUs 004 Card 3/3'~P ~ 1.40 -1 1 1RIKITUINSKAYA, stll"Id:W) ~U.A.-, TIKHONITKO, KIS'"," F.L. PurificatiOn and concentration of Sendai V-J ,,3 by grtiphy oil TRAE-cellulole. Acta virol. (Praha) L-url-,.] 9 no-1: 92 Ja 165 U.S.S.7, A,.ademw cf 1. The I-,.railovsly Tristitute Of Virolc;9:1~ I Medical Sciences, I'IOSCO~'F* SMrRNOV, Yu.A. Burning milled peat in boilers with limited heating surface. Torf.prom.33 no,2:34-35 '56. (MLRA 9:6) l.Komsom6l'skiy torfotranaport. (Peat) (Boilers) 17(6) SOV/177-58-3-24/29 AUTHOR: Smirnov, Yu.A., Captain of Medical Service TITLE: The Use of Disinfecting Showers on Truck DDA-53 for Deactivating, Degassing, and Disinfecting Military Equipment PERIODICAL: Voyenno-ldeditsinskiy Zhurnal , 1958, Nr 3, pp 87-89 (USSR) ABSTRACT! With simple adaptation the disinfection showers on truck DDA-53 can be used for deactivating, degassing and disinfecting arms, equipment and transport. For this purpose a transition coupling is used to join the collector of the deactivating unit of a mobile spray station type ARS-12D to the pressure hose of DDA-53. The coupling has a thread at one end and a female screw at the other, the thread being similar to that on the distribution pipe of ARS-lM Three sketches of the coupling are shown. The coupling is fastened by a screw to the eight-nozzle collector of ARS-12D. Rubber washers are placed at the screw junc- Card 1/3 tion. The nozzles of the collector are joined by V ao , , ?? 00 SOV/112-M-6,856 Translation from: Referativny-y zhurna-1 Elektrotekhnika, 1960, Nr 2, p 327 (USSR) AUTHOR-,, Smirnov. Yu.A. TITLE- On a Possible Modification of the "Blackbody" in a Waveguid PERIODICAL. Uch. zap, Kuybyshevsk, gos. ped. in-t, 1958, Nr 21, pp 203 - 207 ABSTRACT: The essence of the proposed method for determining the electric characteristics of dielectric^s follows: two thin-dielectric plates, one of which has a direct contact with the short-circuiting pis-ton, are placed in a waveguide. At a certain distance between the plates travelling wave conditions are established, and an ex- pression for the propagati onstant in a dielectric can be found. The accuracy of the method is in aiinverse relation to the thick- ness of the plates. The advantages of the proposed method com- pared with others are the speed and the simplicity of measurements and calculations, Card 1/1 I.F,D~ IUC 7 pq 113 7/ :r Z r z fl e.;z C-f f im.; of n f r r 71Y f h,i i- J :i:r L -n z 3 1 S/194/61/000/001/031/038 /300 '0~110'/D304 i'WTHOR: Smirnov, Yu. TITLE: Graphical method of Sol i _#,lie transcendental equation as obtained in the study of the interfer.- ence of waves in a waveguide filled ,Ath a dielec- tric and loaded by an attenuator PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 1, 1961, 44, abstract 1 1350 (Uch. zap. Kuyby- shevsk. gos. ped. in-ta. no, 29, 1959, 113-117) TEXT: The equation is solved graphically for the case of a dielec tric having tan ~ e, 0.1, the variables in the equation of the com- plex propagation constant are separated ~-dth a small error and the system thus obtained of two equations is solved by the method of consecutive approximations. 12 references, Card 1/1 m I R" ~)1117 Yu. 15'. of the overations of.chromate, solution pickling in the .1raduction. of sodium dichrorate. Faiim.pram. 41 no.7:540-542 J-1 165. (MIRA 16:8) VARSHAVSKIY, S. L.; TGMILOV, A. P.; SMIRN , Yu. D. Electrochemical method for preparing trialkyl phosphates. Zhur. VMO 7 no-5:598-599 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Phosphoric acid) (Electrochemistry) FEOKTJSTOV, L.G.; TU.IlLaV, A.P.; SMI,IlPlQV.,. Xu,.D.; GOLIDIN, M.M. Nature of the cathodl-c breaking of the carbon-halogen Elektul-o- kidmila. 1 no.8.887-,893 Ag 165. (MITRA 18:9) 1. Institut elektroki-dmiia AN SSSR. TOMILOV, A.P., SMIRNOV, Yu.r),,,- KALITINA, M.I. I '~Iectrochemical chlorination of ethylene in anhydrous metbyl alcohol., Zhur,pr'Lkl.khim. 38 no.9a2123-2125 S 165,, (MIRA l8sll) CHERHOV, Griguriy Iosifovich; S,1IRNOV, Yuriy Dmitriyevich; SVFf, Ye.u., red.; KU ZNET-5OVA,' O'.Y~-. Y' -'tekhn. red. .. I [Production of semikilled steel] Proiz-vodstvo poluspo- koinoi stali. Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskoe krizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 59 P. (MIRA 17:3) ALYM, L.A. Yinzh.; VAYNSHIEYN, O.Ya., in*.; KEYS, N.V., inzh.; LUBF3ETS, I.A., inzh.; SMMIOV). Yq~!?.2 inzh.; FIRSOV, S.G., inzh. Production of ISt. 5ps semikilled steel for concrete reinforcements. Stalt 23 no.4:320-321 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Steol, SU-uctural-MoLaAtirgy) (Concrete reinforcements) KGLO.~V,.' 't-likhri-J-1 STROGAINOV, Anatcliy Illicl.; a-'E"OV Ym-iy bmitriyA~vich; SVEi , Ye.b., red. [Selectin,L- a method of steel pouring] Vybor sposoba raz- 'iv'~-i sr -a'iabinsk, Cheliabinskoe kn-izhnoe izd-vo - -a- Ch ~ I 96.~. 5, (IMIRA 17:2) TOMILOV, A.P.; VARSHAVSKIY, S.L.; KULIKOVI M.T.; SMIRNOV, Yu.D. Electrochemical synthesis of hexamethy-lendiamine and amino capronitrile. Khim. prom. 41 no.5,.329-333 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) If-'r f~-tatAvt~-tro-,I-ic anc, t."eir (~:-.namlcs entral 11-1-s" or Sna rn e o f arl c1 -' d a t p- L disorders in radiciiltis _M. C I-ex lureatrient :L-ifit-encp al batins." "in Health ~S~ It ~u d J. e s i- ';'e 'i cal C -c-Lence !L-i; zhuna-.-a letlori-s t77o 2~~ 191~6 SMfRN0V' Yu.1). Vogetative trophic disorders in the clinical picture of lumbosacral. radiculitis [with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 57 no.10: 1258-1263 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. 14evrologicheskoye otdeleniye (ZaV. - prof. N.S.Chetverikov) TSentrallnogo institute Kurortologii (dir. - kandidat meditsinsk-ikli nauk G.N.Pospelova) (10MVES. SPINAL. diseases, lumbosacral radiculitis causing autonomic trophic disord. (Rua)) (AUTONOMIC WRVOUS SYSTRM, diseases, trophic disord. caused by lumbosacral radiculitis (Rus)) SMIRNOV, Yu.D. ". - Vegetative disorders in Lumbosacral radiculitis and their res,)Onf;e to compound trentment empl(rjing mud applications and hydrogen sulfide baths. Vop.kur. fizioter. i lech.fiz. kul't. 23 no.6:553-554 N-D 158 (MIRA 11:12) (irgms, spiNAr.-DISEASES) (BATHS, MOOR AND MUD) (HYDROGMT SULFIDF,-=FRAPEUTIC USE) SMIRNOV, Yix.D.; SHPIW~3XRG, B.M. Pulseless disease or Takayasuls Syndrome (progressive Danarteritis obliterans) Zhur. nevr. i ppikh. 59 no.1:58-60 159. JOEM 12:3 ) 1. NeviologicheskDye otdelenlye (nauchnyy rukovoditell (prof. Z.L. Lurlye '4-y gorodnkoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy, Moskva. (AORTA, dis. .. aortic arch synd., Takayasu (Rue)) (ARTNRIM, same) SMIRNOV. Yu.D..; 'IEGOROVA, M.S. (Moskca) Rrognosis of aubarachnoid hemorrhage. Yop.nairokhir. 21. no,,6*0 29-35 N-D 260. (MIRA 14-,l) 1. Nev-rologicbeakoye otdeleniye 4-T gorodskoy klinicheskoy b6ilnitsy. (BPJUN-HEMORRHAGE) S Y- Ci i,n-,' aon~- ts and rjf anc'ur""SmL of '-,he, ce "hl~r ne vr. 6 5 nc. 2,: 508- 5 15 1. Kafedra nervnvkh bclemey 'k zavi~~illr.13.,-..-hiv - prcf, 133-9-14/23 AUTHOR: Tageyev, V.M., Candidate of Tedhnical Sciences and Smirnov, Yu.D., Engineer. TITLE- Preveiitio:~ of the Formation of "Whiskers" during Crysta- llization of Steel Using Additions of Rare Earth Elements. (P--edotvrashcheniye obrazovaniya "usov" pri kristallizatsii stali s pomoshchlyu redkozemellnykh elementov) M,RIODICAL. Stall, 1957, ho.9, 823 - 82a (USSR). ABSTRACT: The influence of admixtures of rare earth elements on non- uniformity of the distribution of sulphur and other admixtures during cry3tallization of steel was investigated. Experimental J-ngots of H40 steel melted in acid-induction furnaces were cast in sand moulds. The dimensions and composition of experimental ingots is given in Table 1. fVhe rare earth alloy containing up to 43,06 of cerium, about 5% of iron (remaining lanthanum and other rare earth metal) was added in a proportion of 0.01-- - 0.2% either to the ladle or placed in pieces on the bottom of the mould. Simultaneously, a control ingot without the alloying addition was cast from -the same melt. For the determination of the distribution of inclusions radio-active isotopes of S35 and p32 were used in addition to the usual chemical and metallographic analyses. Radio-active elements were added as Cardl/3 elemental sulphur and red phosphorous in sealed steel tubes and ~33-9-14/ 2 OJ3 Prevention of the Formation of "Whiskers" during Crystall zatlori Steel Using Additions of Rare Earth Elements. in such amounts that their activity at the time of exposure was 0.1 and 0.01 m Curies/kg, respectively. The fixation of the distribution,of radio-active elements radiograms of longitudinal and transverse cross-sections of ingots were made. The eyposure time varied between 15-20 days. The radio-active phosphorous was added to all ingots, sulphur only to some of them. Character- istic data on the macrostructure of the experimental ingots are given in Table 2. Xegatives of some of the radiograms obl;ained are shown in Figs. 1 - 7. It was established that alloying of 0.1 - 0.2% of rare earth elements with deoxidised steel prevents or decreases the segregation of sulphur and other admixtures (possessing different solubilities in solid and liquid phases) in the form of whiskers., This is due to precipitation of the sulphide phase at an earlier stage of crystallisation, thus sharply decreasing the diffusion redistribution of sulphur in the two-phase zone of ingots. During the crystallisation, a consid- erable proportion of sulphur in the form of sulphide inclusions is distributed along the axis of dendrites with the corresponding decrease of its concentration in inter-axial spaces with a sub- uard2/3 sequent decrease in the dendritic non-uniformity of steel (more SOV/ 137-58-7- 14457 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Nletallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 75 (USSR) AUTHORS: Markaryants, A.A., Solntsev, P.I., Smirnov, Yu.D. TITLE: Degasification of Steel Under Va-t-u'umin -th, Manufa"ctre' of Forgings (Degazatsiya stali pod razrezheniyern pri proiz- vodstve pokovok) PERIODICAL: Trudy Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva chernoy metal- lurgii, 1957, Vol 18, pp 58Z-591 ABSTRACT: The degasification of 34KhN3MF steel was accomplished by means of pouring the molten metal from one ladle into another under vacuum; 6 to 7.5 minutes were required to transfer 20-2Z tons of metal. The vacuum apparatus was composed of a cham- ber with an intermediate casting device, a heat exchanger equipped with a filter, three vacuum pumps, and three reserve containers for the creation of preliminary vacuum as well as for accelerated removal of gases. Ingots weighing 18.9 and 13.4 tons, made of steel the properties of which it was desired to investigate, were converted into rotor-type forgings. The inacrostructure of the latter exhibited no peculiarities what- Card 1/2 ever. Compared with stock prepared from regular ingots, the SOV/ 137-58-7-14457 Degasification of Steel Under Vacuum in the I'vianufacture of Forgings overall quality of the plastic properties of metal in the internal zones of forgings prepared from vacuum-treated ingots was significantly higher. The influence of the vacuum is most apparent in the magnitude of relative shrink- age. Vacuum degasification of steel reduces the harmful effects of hydrogen, and its en-iployment is advisable when it is desired to effect a leveling of plastic properties of the metal without resorting to protracted periods of tempering. Ye.K. Steel--Forging 2. Steel--Degasification 3. Vacuum systems--Applications Card 2/2 X MOKARYANIS, A. A. and SIEMNOV, -Yu. , D. "Some Questions of the Theory and Practice of Steel Degassing," paper presented at Second Symposium on the Application of Vacuum Metallurgy. L . - SMrCIT"Ovy Yu. '!~). : 1%jaste-'. T-5-ch Sci (diss) -- "Invest-~.-,at-or o-~' t'- -ro~,,ess- o-f producin,,,-, and dovclopin~rz zonal chemical non-hornogl0mit-,~- in st-eel in8cts and cm3tinf~:i". 13. m. (un'tien'-U.T~.-d), 19"'. 27 pp, Y."O corico (IM, ITO '), 1059, 151) I u -1 L I- SOV/123-59-15-60471 Translation from: Referativnylj zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, p 223 (USSR) AUTHORS: Tageyev, V.M., Smirnov, Yu.D. TITLE: Investigations of the Process of Non-Axial Heterogeneity Formation in Steel Bars and Castings PERIODICAL- V sb.: Zatverdevaniye metallov. Moscow. Mashgiz, 1958, PP 352 - 373 ABSTRACT: Tests with bars (B) of grade 40 steel were carried out. Two B solidified in the crucible of a 1-ton induction furnace after its having been switched off, while one of the furnaces was tilted through an angle of 450. Eight B of 1.8 - 6 tons weight were cast into sand molds from the same ,3teel charge, smelted in a 25-ton acid open-hearth furnace. One of the B was case in a horizontal position, the rest vertically. In some cases diaphragms of a molding mixture were put across the B with an opening of 150 mm in diameter in order to obtain an increased shifting of the steel in the region of the diaphragm; a rarefication was created in the interior of the head section of B in order to obtain an intensified gas liberation of air pressure on th B u t 3.5 at. For the examination of the metal flow radioactive Card 1/2 w195, s~5 'and p32 were from time to time introduced into it. 3ased on the ,_Z tt ChOlar.TBA CM111 K.c nm.... p........... ............. : ..... ..... .9.5 a.r.rpy... AC.B.G.- . ........a O.r,K,-,, CM.r "- : H.M. H.M.T- Do b.n.K.-- -port ~bml tt*4 for th. 5th Phy.1c.1 Ch"l-i Coof."_. - at"I Prloottoo, . 1 30 _ 959. 18,3200, 18-5200 7761,v) SO V/1333 -60-2 -155/25 AUTHORS: Markaryants, A. A., S!n,lz,r,,ov, Yu. D., Men'shikov, A. D., Yemel 'yanav, B. F. TITLEi Production of Rotor Shaft For--InO*3 From Vacuum-Cast Ingots PERIODICALi Stall, JcjC_, Mr 2, pp 148-152 (USSR) ABSTRACTz In light of attempts to minimize the hydroL_-en content In of lar;;-e forcrings "or critIcal parts, the aiu'Lhors It-ivestigated TV-0 rotor foegin-s made from vacuum-cast Ingots, and by waY of comparison, from regularly produced in-ots. Acid open-hearth 34K911,13WA steel was 1-1sed. The followinlo.- perjons particIpated In the study: S. Ye. Rabkin, A. P. Morozov, A. N. Solomin _' B. A. Lavrentlyev, et al. I L (1) Vacuumin.g. a special installation consisted o' 2 vacuum chamber,5, 17 and 36 in-), arc! 3VIN-16G-type p, ijnp,,; MiniiwAm presslire of 1 t13 3mercur-,,~ Card 1/6 Cast Inoots -c-l-imn ;-,raz3 ruaiv-~aLried at tide lzlilt--, s~---- and o" towar~t th~~ -'N.tial rierlod ol' dezassii-,,:~,~. A A j 1 f, e 1"'w~ diate, la"Ile vja~-t pl,--~ed on tiie t',hLv0)f* L, lid.A dlarti riibber cord seel).lred b~- tween cl-.~amber Ild and ladle bottom. To splashin-, by the hot. metall jet fro,ii t'he it,,termediavy labile, a mm diam, 30'U, '1L'11 lon-ii- tube -V.'as attached to the lid apertuire. Splaz3hing war; further reduced by increasing the in-ot diam,. -1114 L . c 1 as i to prevent, attention w given to the r ser llnino,- lInIn,--.-r pieces from entrapment in the: inSrot. Th, e authors recommetid accelerated teeutln.- wiiich also reduces ingot defects. (2) Characteristic (--,f rol;or f o rg i nc, s Originally the workpier-es were for-ed b-i- two uDsettir-S operations and tlvro intermediate j - annealings followed by n~70 a~,-Id firm ~' -'f 860o C ~'ind final annealin~y' and tempprin~, '.:) remove 6 LI hvdt:,c)!,~en. T:-v-~ ,w-,thoei (,-)L' caz;tirit- Inc-ot-i under vacuum Card 2/6 tv)t only removes hydrogen but. decreaseo, the munber Production ot' fj,:)tc)r Sj~ILL~,t 7, 6 1.15 Ca 0 t I.~ 0 t S of' Sequence of tests: Dlple;~inlg~ in 25 ton basic and 25 ton acid open-hearth 0 Larnaces. Four 1--~.4-ton tez~t lr~-ots were ca3t. Comoositioll 01, mne-us, numte-1-3 and 9,066 in %: C ml-', Sl P S 0.'5 , D, .4 0 C) . 0 1 J '3 0 1,2 2 C. . 1 Caotlnc- a.,,d Melt ri~v!iber,,) I Ot S Ti;,,ie, s,, c a s t 1 n,: ~; until I-Iser total Cast.!-[I,,, degasslrL~- Cr IN 1. v CU 1.42 -.22 3c~ 0 , 1 _31 0.15 .2 4 0. 1~~ 0.14 "j C~, j- _a! id' 2 1)-40 5-00 11-1(, 8 _ ~7 8-00 - 0_30 5-30 "- -11 0 - 2 C) ~4 v '17-4~) 7-35 3, () ~rj p 17 (,"a Rm j)-popni,tiez.; as de "a.; A.n~'- "on 3 Imp.1-- p r oc w o operations rollowed by .4uel-I [I a_nd' wittl ollilosioll of twO LVOI a 1 A A - - - - - L in, c W'.,Ieallil. (.~ L IJ - 17- 1-) Ua- L. av CX j~i i 1, V C prodaction ot' Vaclaujil-Cast u1 , /2 s ov/1 f tl 6V -T7 CL !aa ~11 Tr T III IT A d,'a(: :il roto, va To Cavi E, d u~. J1 All s, e .3 ~%~uf d that pla.,,,i:'-, prcuperties ci a u I t j i,,,) z, c) I -s made fv-~)m iii, -,u! L:~ ly eildowed wit!, e,,~Cellent p, L prope r' 1 and i,:--,~-, th Ne it her m L ro v r~ i o t, i ive i a p d e I --a-) o I ~ un - -a i'L c a were mp.-alred illont, with rocomiiendJ n~r I-Lew ot t~ie m, I o I ia fo-f, tile p., I r po S, 'o i tic, -,, va n c e s, rel noval 1) a only very 0 1, 1 1 ~t s 1-JTlove L"I ~o~ie f-,; J- c jr% al ................ Pig NO rl P6 Ig I i/6c-o/bv-6/bc,5/o 1, 7 A0510129 AU'FhOR: SmIrnov. Yu. D. T -TTLE News in brief FERIODTCAL- Stal', no. 6, 1961, 518 TEXT,~ The Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii fChelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) in cooperation with the Chelyabinsk metall-urgicheskly zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant) has carried out testS to insulate the riser of 2.6- and 4.5-ton ingots by means of light- weight f-ireclay bricks. When the simplest of test methods was applied, by inzulating the dozzle with light-weight bricks, the yield of flawless Ingots of ball-bearing steel increased by 2%, that of stainless steel by 4%. A new struc- ture for f.he dozzle and a new, more economical shape of bricks to be used for ingats of various weights have been designed. Card 1/1 VORONOV) F.D., prof.; MORCIZOV, A.N., prof., doktor teklin.nauk; SELIVADOV, II.M., kandetekhn.nauk; kand.te=n.nftUX; RABINOVICH, Ye.I., kand.tekhn.naiik; CMERTTOV, G.I., inzh.; M HEITKO I.A., inzh.; BUTAGIROV, K.K., inzh.; FILIPPOV, V.M., TRAC I inzh.; KUSTOBAYEV, G.G., inzh. MaIdng St. 3ps capped steel in Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine open-hearth furnaces. Stall 22 no.8:716-718 Ag 162. (MDU 15:7) 1. 1-tagnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellakdy institut metallurgii. (Ilagnitogorsk-Open-bearth process) S/133/62/000/007/006/014 A054/A127 AWHORS: Smirnov, Yu.D.; Chernov, G.I. TITLE: At the Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, metallurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) PERIODICAL: Stal', no. 7, 1962, 620 In cc-peration with the Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) a technology for semi-killed steel I-as been developed, in which reduction is effected only by silicon added in the furnace or the ladle. High-quality 7-ton ingots of (_'T - 3- (St.3Ps) stebl can be pro- duced by this technology. As to chemical composition, the new grade is similar to !,:illed steel; the surface of rolled sections is satisfactory and requires less finishing than the -3c:n (St.3sP) killed steel. The yield of service - able product for rolled sections increased by 9%, the production costs were cut by 2.55 rubles/ton. In rolled sections with diameters under 30 mm tl~e strength and ductility are in accordance with)-OCT 380-60 (GOST 380-60) for killed steel, at sub-zero temperatures and after mechanical aging, however, the notch toughness values are not equal to those of killed steel. Tterefore, the new Card 1/2 S/133/62/000/007/007/014 A054/A127 AUrfUlOS: SmIrnov, Yu.D.; Bogatenkov, V.P. TITU': At the Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatefskiy institut metallurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) PERIODICAL: Stal', no. 7, 1962, 620 - 621 rrEXT: In cooperation with the Chelyabinskly metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabill3k Metallurgical Plant) and Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute) the conditions were studied of blowing oxy- gen into open-hearth furnace baths through tuyeres in the crown with 6 orifices during smelting. When oxygen was blown through in amount:s of 5.8 - ?.4 m3/ton, at a rate of 1,000 - 1,200 m3/h, the smelting time was reduced by 45 - 49'min, the specific fuel consumption by 4.7 - 9.2%, the total specific oxygen consump-* tion by 1.2 - 4.5 m3/ton. The hourly output of the furnace 6.2 - 9%. Card 1/1 S/ 13316 2/0()0/007/008/014 A054/A i 27 AMORS: Smirnov, Yu.D,; Bokov, I.I. TITLE: At the Chelyabinskly nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metallurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) PERIODICAL: Stal' , no. 7, 1962, 621 TIEXT: Tests were carried out to determine the effects of the,phosphorus content and the smelting technology applied by various metallurgical plants on the quality of cables produced atthe Beloretskiy meta Ilurgiche skiy kombinat (Beloretsk Metallurgical Combine). A sulfur content of 0.007 - 0.045% and a phosphorus con- L(,~nt ol' 0.012 - 0.026% (lid not affect the properties of the' wire and service life of the cable. An increase ot' the phoriphovus content oC the steel -to 0.042% re- duced the wear resistance of the wire and the aervice lit'(-, of the cable by 30 - 110 '11he rupture of wives during drawing is caused by surface defects, axial porosl~ ty, combined with liquation and local heating. Card 1/1 P ACC NR- AR6000433 SOURCE CODE: UH/613"7'/6V06&/669/VO4Q% AUTHORSt ed, F, I.; Smirnov, Yu. D.; Khasinj 00 A4 TITLE: Segregation defects in ingots of are yacuum,_�~n2j~~i_ SOUME: Ref. zh. Metalltirgiya, Abs. 9V302 REF SOURCE: Sb. Teoriya i praktika metallurgiya. VYP. 7. Chelyabinsk., 196h, 59-68 TOPIC TAGSi arc furnacep vacuum arc furnace, metal melting ABSTRACT: On the basis of literature and experimental data, an explanation is given for the appearance of segregation defects in ingots derived from vacuum are smelting. The degree of deadritic segregation in one or the other ingot zone depends on the conditions of liquid metal supply to the 2-phase region. During worsening of foodiiig, the dendritic inhomogonsity may increase. Lfter decrease of power during arc molting, the width and branching of the 2-phase region rapidly increases and the I metal supply to the depths of this region is interrupted. In difforont regions of 2-phase, different conditions arise, giving rise to heterogeneity. During the formation process of different heterogeneity form, an important role is played by shrinkage displacements of the enriched liquid of the 2-phase region which are determined by the character and extent of the 2-phase zono, feeding cond-itioas., magnitude of alloy shrinkage, as well as the liquid metal composition of the 2-phase i I ICard 1/2 UDC.- 669.18-412621.U6.6soo ACC NR: AR6000433 zone. For segregation of nonaxial heterogeneity, the smelting of a metal that tends towards segregation mst be carried out at nj-nim= current strength. It is necessary to program the electric current strength which insures the maintenance of a maxiimim possible temperature gradient in a liquid vat during the whole smelting /M--anslation of abstraeg process. 5 illuatrations. D. Kashayeva L-&r SUB CODE: 11 .Cord _2/_?__ 1;1 SY,IRNOV, Yu.D. Minor intrusions of basic and ultrabasic rocks of the diamord-tear- ing regions in the western slope o' the Central Urals. Inforn.sbor. j VSEGEI no.16:75-85 '59. (MIRA 15-3) (Ural Mountains-Rocks, Igneous) SNIRNOV., Yu.D.; KUKUSHKIN, A.I* RelationBhip between the mute strata of the Bashkir anticlinori= and those in the zones of the Ural-1.1au. Mat.VSKE1.0b.ser, no.28., 9-18 160. (MRA 14:6) (Bashkiria--Geology, Stratigraphic) KUKHkRENKO 3 A.A.;_�kURNOV,,__XR!~P. Stratigraphy and condiLlons of formation of the lower Paleozoic 1~9 of the western slope of the Central Urals. Hat.VSEGEI.Ob.ser. no,28:51-66 160. (MMA 14;6) (Ural Mountains-Geology, Stratigraphic) SMMNOT, Tu.D.. KUMARRINO. A.& Perldotites from the basin of the DI-A RiTer (Nc-nherz Yf-alsl --A- their relation to the )dmberlite group. Uch. zaD. TGU no.291:6,~'~* 160. (MIRK 13-7) (Uls Valley-Peridotite) &IMOV, Yu,D. Pre-Cambrina and Faleozoic intrus-iQns in the -waste--m sloDw of the Northerw, Central, and Southern Urals. Mat. VSXM no.67t 1 57 0 (FIP,'- 15:12) - tM, (Ur;d Mountlilns-Roaka, 14-no-Ous) /17 '10 JV !,ii)() 'Civ loa.M., 'Iuc-lei Levels CalcillatiOll," tlic L 9 f on "-c'ear Rencti r.5 j c., 1, C u c _~,j t j at t1jr,, l-T-Tn - S 1, 7- 7 lic'; 5 icS, 2, "~t~fc Tj 5 AUTHC :~3 N e i n G 2 2, TITLE: The Gerealogical Coefficie:-,ts in -,he Generalized Nuclear Model ( Grenea-log-4-chesk-i Ye koe-f fi. t,~7,j yorty -,r obobshchennoy modeli yadra) PERIODICAL: Z hurna 1 ek sp eri n, e-Z t, a- I I no v i te c; re c he qk oy z --;k.*L. 5 9, Vol 36, N'r 1 , 7,p s6-'. t)? "USSR) ABSTR-'-CT: 'I'lie present parer describes a -eneral in7eStigation of the croblo.:i and deermines a general formila -for the calculation of the grenealDgical -,oefficien'. The fi--st part of thi s paper deals th the "-m-ber of i-nd9pendent- s t-ptes. A nucleon in the iiuf~;leus -J s charac-erized by the char,--- nn-a, in addit'IC-9 by 4 quart-a-mm, numlbei-s, e. g. Iry n11;2, whe-re~2derotes the pro4ectio--. of the angular moment,.= of the -_-Juxlecr on to the sy=etry axis of the s~ The ac- ual shape of this set of ijuantum n-umbers is not W' essential --importance for the - i here discussed -pro'--le"r s he-re denoted by 11). First, the case is -investigaled 4n a:-~ N. are differe2', Next, a A. U pair vilith eq-4-al N.. is as3une-4. Finally, the case v7it-q k Card 1/ 2 tomcgenecu s pa--** ro N con " ained J--. t-- t,~ t sl r,*-,-,ber ,,. > 2k i s The Genealogical Coeff 4 ci ent s the SOV/5--`- 36-1-25/62 Nuclear Model ASSOCIATION, SUBMITTED: ir-vestigated. The second par'. of tllie present paper deals with the geneal ogica-1 ccofficients a:id their calcalation. By means ~,f the genealogical _-oelfficiazltzi it- Is possi*_-19 to exnress the c~Dm-,,lete ar-tis-=etric walre cf r, nucleons in form of a of S11 tric wav-3 Fanctions of n particl-_3 az-a connected with the on 0~ the n-th paarticlz by way of the isobaric spin). cal coef f are oal-c-alated by the method develo-ved b-v _T~. IT, Red,'.r,~~r:d ~'ReP 6'1. The calculation is descri.1-led ste.- st-ep. A tab-,_= co~ta~ra the gen-ealoi- ~ 0 gical C-~fff_c4ents fo-' n = 3 and n There are 2 zables and Tn-StjtU~ yadernny f2z_Jk-.:. Mloskn-vsk-0.3c 3osudarst-lennogo un-1ve2siteta (Instit-,_,te of Nuclear P.Vsics of Moscow State Jun--~ 24, 1955 Card 2/2 16.8300,24.6ooo AUTHORS: Neudachin, V. TITLE: Clustering of PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy 1959, vol 37, 76996 SOV/56-37-6-36/55 G., Smirnov, Yu. F., Yudin, N. P. Nucleons in Light Nuclei I teoreticheskoy fizilci, Nr 6, PP 1781-1783 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equivalence of wave functions of the shell theory with LS-coupling for states with a higher symmetry of the orbital part and the antisymmetrized wave func- tions composed of wave functions of nucleon clusters, was demonstrated with the aid of the perrr,~ utation group theory. The total wave function ([00 LST) for the system with whole orbital momentum L, spin S, isobaric spin T, and Young's scheme for orbital part of the wave function - Ct j was [a] = [Gtl, a2"... M expressed as follows: LST) = A(D (L [(z] r);t (ST f(~j Card 1/4 Clustering of Nucleons in Light Nuclei 76996 SOV/56-3T-6-36/55 (where A is antisymmetrization operator; r is symbol allowed a given [a] ; HO and V are symbols analogous to [CC] and r, but for conjugated concept). The above equation is equivalent to the usual expression: (1-1 LST) (1) (L [al (ST (2) (cf. H. A. Jahn, H. van WierIngen, Proc. Roy. Soc., A69, 6oo, 1956). The following relation was obtained for the spin-orbital functions corresponding to Young's scheme with maximal symmetry (in which only a m can be < 4): y (ST Fa]7~) (S, = OT, = 0 [~11 1234) X (S,T, 5678)... x x 7 (S.T. fn - a., n - ot, + 1, n)= YC- X (STFaIT). (4) 7 Card 2/4 Clustering of Nucleons in Light Nuclei 76996 sov/56-37-6-36/55 From these relations the following expression was obtained for the equivalence of wave functions with LS-coupling: ~(fa-ILST)=A(D(L);((S,'l'lloclli234)X(S27"Ila2i5678) ... x x (S.T. oc,,, + n). This relation was applied to the calculagion of,8he wave function of the ground states in Be and B . There are 8 references, 2 Soviet, 4 U.K., 1 3-aiss, 1 U.S. The U.S. and U.K. references are: J. K. Perring, T. H. Sk-yrine, Proc. Phys. Soc., A69, Coo (1556);K. Wildemuth, Th. Kannelopoulos, Nucl. Phys., 7, 150 (1958)' 9 4119 (1959); H. Jahn, Proc. Roy. Soc., A209, 502 (1~511; S. J. Biel, Proc *Phys. SOC., A70, 866 (1957); G. Raeah, Phys. Rev., 63, 367 (1943). Card 3/4 Clustering of Nucleons in Light Nuclei 76596 so-v/56-37-6--?6/5- ASSOCIATION: Institute Nuclear Physics at the Moscow State Uriversity, USSR (Institut yadernoy fi-,;-Ilci Mo3lcovakogo gosudar3twn- nogo universiteta, SSSR) SUBMITTED: JulY 18, 1959 Card 4/4 S/048/61/025/002/001/016 B117/B212 AUTHORS: Balashov, V. V., Neudachin, V. G., and Smirnov, Yu. F. TITLE: Structure of light nuclei PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 1961, 170-188 TEXT: The present paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectrosccpy (Moscow, 1960), and also at the 11th Annual Conference on Nucle- ar Spectroscopy (Riga, January 25 tcFEbbiuary 2, 1961). The authors sum- marize tho progress in the development, concerning the theory of light nualei and mainly deal with two aspects which underly their description of the theory of light nuclei: 1) Utilization of a modern shell model to calculate the characteristics of ground states and least excited states; 2) The ques- tion of consistency of various models of light nuclei. The first chapter deals with the manybody aspects of the shell theory. A theoretical argu- mentation of the shell model is not given; the model is only treated as a semi-empirical method providing a simple explanation of experimental data, and at the same time furnishing a means for predicting lower-excited nuclear Card 1/5 S/046/61/025/002/001/016 Structure of light nuclei B117/B212 states. The authors discuss various elementary questions concerning the formalism of the sl,ell model, i.e., introducing concepts and symbols which are generally in publications c.- this subjectj-P but have not yet entered the Russian The first chapter deals with the following ques- tions: Construction of wave functions belonging to the shell theory (Refs. 2-7), application of the shell model to calculate energy spectra of light nuclei (Refs. 5-8); electromagnetic moments and transitions in light nuclei (Refs. 16-22). The second chapter deals with the alpha association arid shell model,(Refs. 2,23-28); it is shown that the alpha-particle model of nucleus and the shell,model are much closer interrelated than has hither- to been assumed, and that they do not exclude each other. In chapter three ~'Collective m.otion and *hell Model"), the authors mention papers (Refs. 29- 40) which deal with the creation of new and more complicated models. They had to be developed from the collection model (drop model) and the shell model, since the range of application of the two aforementioned models alone is rather narrow. Finally, the authors deal with a number of experi- mental problems. The solution of such problems has become urgent since the theory of light nuclei develops steadily and rapidly. In order to clarify the characteristics of nucleon interactions it is, above all, necessary to Card 2/5 S/048/61/025/002/00i./c)16 Structure of light nuclei B117/B212 per-form a systematic investigation of light nuclei. This is necessary for a precise explanation of the shell model and a determination of its rellatIon. to other models. At first, such an investigation might be limited to a small number of nuclei, but the results obtained should be very com-alete. From a theoretical point of view, and regArding the present experimental pc~i- sibilities0he nuclei at the end of the p-shell with A = 13, 14 and 15, and also the B nuclei, up to now already thoroughly enojeh studied, are of According to 'he authors, the following special pro 1e special interest. ms seeri to be promising: 1) Levels in.Li7; 2) calculation of levelsin Li 12 16 20 3) nature of the excited 0' levels in C , 0 , Ne and other nuclei; 4) investigations of D2-transitions near Mg when T is chanjed; 5) experiment tal spectrometric pi-oblems which are of interest for the theory of Dhoto- nuclear reactions (Ref. 44): a) stripping (d,p) and (d,n) -,eactions formin.3 sinEle-body level.s of the final nucleus; b) inverse stripping'(p,d) reac- tions durinfr which the nucleon is "pulled out" from the inner'shell of the nucleus, e. , ITZ24 etc.; c) elastic proton scattering on up to 8-Mev nuclei. Ref. 45 brings an example for such experiments. G. Lipkin, Yu. 14. Shirokov, K. A. Tumanov, V. Yu. Gonchar, Ye. V. Ino-Din, and S. P. Tsytko are men- tioned. There are 2 tables and 45 references: 11 Soviet-bloc. Card 3/5 Structure of litpht nuclei 3/048/61/025/002/o01 /016 B117/B212 ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki kloskovskogo gos. univerbiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nucl ar Physics of Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov~ J. T PO 1 J. T witi a cxeme zi~ft 11 x 9 eye .3 Legend to Table 1: Iles 3,,, it pf 1 1:12P.I. 312 11, P.I., B11 311. 11, pl[431:11P 1) Nucleus; 2) class- flea 0,1 p%121:3'So p~%:01 C12 0,0 p8[44):1130 p%-.00 ification in the LS- 1,16 .1,0 p212)-.13S, 9-1,-10 C13 111. 112~ p9[441j,."P% Aii"11 '11, scheme; 3) classifi- LF 112. 11, pl[31:12P.I. p.31.:31, 11, N11 1,0 p10[41j2j-.1aSj g1,: 10 cation in the jj- 1303 0,0 P41411:11s, :00 P,'/ N's 1/t. 11, p"j-143J.-P.1, 9.1.1121/2 scheme 11119 312. * 'It p 14 1 1,.il P-1 . P all '12 Oil 0,0 p'2[4441:12so p,8,.p,./,:00 Belo 3,1) . p6[421:13Dj P.,/,:30 V1- Card. 4/5 S/04S/62/026/ooa/oI7/028 B104/-~102 Neudachin, V. G., and Smirnov Yu. F. -:attkhiz, Z. 17 17 The lo-,.rer levels of 0 and F in the Y_ -nuclear model ~-kade:,-.iya naulk S-3JR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26,. no. 6, 196~2, iou'o - ioal'q -7 '-!he 0 nucleus is considered to be a tetrahedron having rk-particles in it-- lz),.;r corners there and with the last neutron moving in its field. 0 4 1 -z o n. i a nof t3afts sv_-tem, has the fora, H = H + H + Ii + H rot vibr '0 V-P 2 ) is the rotation energy-of 'he nucleus, j "he L -0t 2Y an~-~u~ar momentumlin the Eiven state, j the angular momentLim of th e L the mean an~7ular momentum of the F vibrations of the ce-particles 2 ol~, Core; ~4 V L.or is the vibration energy of the core, H 'D the single- --a--ticle 'Hamiltonian. V,6 (r - Ro) Qp,,Yp~p (0, p) (A) gives the I 1o,.,.-,er levels cf 0 7 nd ... -::/O,t' 816 2/02 6/008/017/0 28 3104/3102 bet!z:eon nucleons and vibratin- core. A miclear level dia~rx-, is -)lotted,, an~` t'he level shifts due to core vibratons are examin-ezi. 17 -u~-td~--,:.oole- moment of ti-~e 0 rround ~-7 is deter:-.~J-necl -~o lcm- -0.02~ barn. 10 e. s 0 sec. `2'-ese 1~ S'-I t S, love, Kam-= et al., Proc. 2hys. Soc. - 4 ~! ~he core. There coupled .'.'.Lh k' state wit'-- a counlin constant The lifetime of the ffirst. excited' data ae-ree we-Ill with ex-oerimental T. 'Uauritsen,..,Nucl. Phys., 11, 1"V-5c.' A A., 70, 897 (1957)). The nucleon is are 1 figure and 1 table. C I AT 1 ON institut yadernoy fizilki :~.OE;o GO-'. Universiteta im. 141. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Res*--rc"I institute of Nucloar.Physies of trie il.osco-;.- ;State v 11 Univeroity ILrrl'arAl .7d. V. Lomonosov) Car'.