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Isolated chromophoric systems. Part 27. Color phenomena in arylamides of
~ -[4-nitrophenyll-buty-ric acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 25 no.4:802-809 Ap 155.
(MLRA 8:7)
1. Moskovskiy neftyano7 institut. (Butyric acid) (Chromophores)
Us9R/ Chemistry M--]-::,i.,_!.;~1. B:-nd,, B-1~
Abst Journal: Referat Zh,.xr N.~. 19~ 195,6,~ 607L8
Author: Smlrnov, Yi:~. A.
Title: Individual Ch!l4f4* S,~*,_ms. XXVIII.. Comparative Study of
Absorptl-c--n, SpM;tra i-f p-nitr,,_-.phenylac;etJ_c.., p-rnitrc-
hydrocInnam-1 c- ~
_p-n'_t7-~phen_yl)-bu+,y_c:jc and p-nitrobenz,,d1-_ acids
01 ~, 11~, 5, 1014-1 21
Periodical: Zh. obstich. ~�,2 1955 - Cr
Abq#act: Measured were the ultrav-_?,-_.1,5t ab3orptlan spectra )AS) of arylamides
of p-nitrophenylacetic (I p-nitrohydrocinnamic (II), 'r-(p-nitro-
phenyl)-but-yr-L-, and p-nitrabenzolc (11V) acids containing
in para- and :1' the aryl residue the groups N(CH )2)
OCH3 and 09, and alga:. the AS rd' p-nitrctDluene and arylamides o? the
correspoiqdL2g _4"at.y a_-'-As. AS of thajjjnj~ratives I, II and III
containj& substituents practically coincide and show the
2154-260 mu,- p-OH 2r-B-26o and
-N (i' 'U3)2
Card 1/3
UC-SR/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bc)nd, B-)+
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 060748
Abstract: 274-278. All the compounds show moreover an inflexion in the 340 mu
region, while the N (CH3)2 derivatives have also a small appendage
in the long wave region. Shortwave maxima of all these compounds
coincide in position and intensity with the sum of the separately
measured AS of p-nitrotoluene and the corresponding substituted
arylamide of acetic acid, i.e., are determined by -the absorption
of the not mutually interacting nitrotoluene and arylamide elec-
tronic systems. The derivatives IV have 2 well *-fined bands:
250-256 and 326-327; OH ?~2-254 and 333-336"and N(CH. )2 270
and 380 mu and differ apprecia~jy from the sum of AS af t-
dividual. components, The m-derivatives show the same regularities
but the shortwave maximum is divided in 2 in accordance with the
AS of the sum of individual components. Occurrence of the long-
wave band in the derivatives IV is associated with isomerization
of the amide group to -- C(OH) = N --, which makes possible inter-
action of electron systems of both portions of the molecule which
is confined by the absence of this band in the AS of the N-methyl
derivative of p-(4-nitrobenzoyl)-aminophenol in which ismerization
is impossible. The concentrated solutions of all the ccmpolunds
Card 2/3
- - ------------------
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
5 ~, Ye,.A-."
Isolated chromo-Dhoric systems. Part 29. Comparative spectroscopic
studies of 4-nitrobenzylidene and 4-nitrobenzyl derivatives of
aromatic amines. Zhur.ob.khim.25 no.7:1400-1412 Jl'55- ?
(MLRA 8:12)
1. Moskovskiy gorodskoy pedagogicheskiy institut Imeni V.P.Potemkina
i Moskovskiy neftyannoy Institut imeni I.M.Gubkina.
hatedIchromaphore systems. XXX- Phenomena of
.11.410 la arylomides Of,-y-(2,4-dWLrvphenyl)butyric VCW.;
H. A. Smirnow-7(lactrul. lust.,' Nitisciaw) Zhur. 01ashchel,
C.A. 50, 2481a, 5403h.-I
Nitr.,ttii)n*ofPli(Cli,~CO~llwitli mixud aciii Ott a %vater bath's
2 lirs. gitv6-2.4-(O,NW.11,(Cllt)~COill, in-97.0; with
PCII this gave the acyl chloride which treated with tht cor- .
,arylatuideshown): m-JIr0C4J`1j,in.k AfeO Cal& an.
:n-110QII,, in. 177'. p-IIOC,11,. in. 163-41;
1:12.5*. P~AretNCffj. in. 126*.- -Ail
thesL initiates were colored, must deeply colored one being
the last one fisted. - While thL W-derivs. ure somewhat less
colored than the pisauners, the-cialur is invariably present.
inn =fa of the substances reproduced. ~ The
=ft)r in the solid state ties in direct interuction.of
the clectr6philic and electron-donor groups through exo-
aunt. fields of forces. i.e. thtx-.L~ responsible fair formation of
complexes Of nitro cunilads. with aroinatic amities and
Pheitals. 0 1. Wl. KosoLkl)oR
ais Of
y of p'henoiae'"" 4 for" th
AtWe stud
~.;'4~~,IVOJNC&Hic lT = 1 0
C am
tra Of reffe, CHO dab
S OV-7177
5403h.~ he Wi~~drlso'll O~ Y llal.rde~ ~W~6i;Atid
and absorption specuuof
NV-TTX' And.
thine'trbup cannot be regarded as the in
at the a=xue 414
~t_ chrolatophore,'contrary I:o~ihe,vlcws. reo OW0113'su !~,I.
41-7600.- ~A theo"caV.
Of, tht -plienorn6a'-of colors W such'compda I$
-ptornudi hased.ou bat~oochromlc camal 6y
pruO, Of elcctro4 d
tron displaquients by. wbstitudit gri onor
~ypw--- The--c6riipds. we regatcled-at'singic..'-. A
or accpptor.A
DnJugated chromb Ig ~Ystitns~ ivith 2 cofitai0d syst
~t cacll~end of the-.1. lt is also suggest'ift. that
Van bf the azow4h, amd ups'with th6i4rb ti
Inc azo grol
-the- 'dm' lectron
inksihayminvolve eoni 2 -dotiblet,of,theNatom
in ithe-Fa .se of the presence 6f'.Ycry Strong clecti phille,
-jiou~s such as NO,. I- This zisult is coa4ruxed by glLphil
l0',6pCClM:bf P-02NC TH%;4nd-b6 id flitio.-_
t 4N
g cqmp&.'
aniffineil Thd hill win a ter.catelLifpur
areel w1 Urn I
id,-, 211 d
at., Ber -1239(1=));
(6L'GtiyotAnd Giandeiye,"CWHPI;~_.'
tronn. Inei
rend. 134 -;59
4114t. of cq6I atuts,
CHO and P:~Ql TCqTliLqR ted 14
CGH tyas lica A hr.. at
Tn; 202
pe ding 414pohyd
wbichAs readily tiydrolyzt~d aq..soWents.- G. Nt K
't:-cyl -erivatlves of n-
p ro _v ci~ n - lk
q ri u vc 'k ii dip,, to! nykh
i.! I 10, e r e,
ok Ia i ',SR , I .-O1 . 1210, jTr -0.
-14 1
The authov proved f 1 4 4n !..e :1 J I L
C, t Vi C) d i, f fe T , rl L 73 t e t,_-cn, oonorc A 1._*
ZC'.'T" i I e I I
,~!A 0~, on -Itec trono:~-J) 4"", SY L c C,
d --; i t 11 '4't o fin-t lbv a cLain of ccinji,;_,,gl.~ t e d d o z i
~2 connou --r! `1 :-, some cases c:-n be obtained in the _l*,_-,!.m of t-~--u
Z! i I' `,~ r e n t I ycolored va-rianLa. The exist-_-nco was
c ~;- zi 1 a i n,-- d by tide fact th t -mi iranediate int-craction o"
f o rc; 0
Od r1lealls of
act;-, r t ay s v t ~r. e r v ~i p n il n t e. r,,.c a v ,-he
nz~v j! 01
s-rotem -~iitn the elt~ctron-rlr_ By
Ali:. tl-.e corli.c.-,ulds
of '!--Le A-n-trobenzoic- or of the 7,5-di_nitrob-nn013 -~i ia
ard I ,i-re;~s the electcon-donor s-rs4-enq it, -L; reDresnited
j I
,;,,-,IV /2 0- 12, 0-
On t1he 7(11or ;honum,na in the Diac.-71 '~rivat---ve-- of
b I mi 3 1 e C, f Un i t i n -p 1, e n o _i -i a cy 1 id L e a c v 0
h Y, I i 0 a i kDTacts Es the elect ron-.cnor syste-~
moy he Seen from fulble t"Ia, almost all d i a r v a r
--k,+ 1)') cnta,'uin,- .
G' 'C cvstem,
fc-rm two colons' v:.- r ri s co1srod
1 %
~wr~- intensively c o I ore a i'orm b I!oth
.-L t J on f or 'n i-
nof'om into %Cinch Other in" crystz'lliz
T'; E. s s 'u Om c K i ~i a vi o --- e p c, -r I', i I e 1 ec IL
.1 e n is. -on r:;,
f wi
jl~-. Z; y '~ t Z-. p
9 tiot conju-ate,, to the s.,-ste.,: 3K,
-nto,.ractlon o' thas" syste-ms. ;,hic-H -!!e more
. , 'c I . L
n on "v 1) c r: r),7; h o (1,
forces. The ex-,.utence of' a '.-C-1-oring, howcvu--
-n vhich only prosocs one
"em nd s t tlta~ the e Ei! c a 1 u; 0 ri to-,
-o i -.T: a 1,si L e m . T 11 e f, i m -i 1 -- r .'. t coloring- -' n
lrii 0 U Ild --7h 1 c h p-ossesE,, only one AX with that ~t
s c. s -~-.-h J c r ~ o s s e -.3 s b o t h e n. - don C-1, 3."r 2 -., e ~r
tnzl~t- t"v: coloring of th,~ -~:e~ikiy colored
of tiic- litter is al:so 2nused by the irteractioa betwe-~r. the
-2K. and A-K, tli,~ interaction -o~-tvreon BK an-I A1,
T- i nve nt -t -a. t id c oinpound s a-, v d v-, de:!
T" ow r s tKE:! --v--ilren.,t e c t vV- c, -p lhi 1cpro per-
11 C! 1 e
Ual~tfi ~11c- ~-TAIIO For t1le
T 3 "'he _-"Ystells
dc, not r-1-11j,ATy with rcl:,-~ecL Ito t he i in the
grolirs. arc. a'-.A 5 veferew---1"' h i c h
DC k f t noy t I t-,) c ~:-jltk * na 'knd~-I.-.; npulk
Petroleum Instittrte Imen:L I.M. Nbkin, ,AS USSR)
T "D 7, n , k i v v , Ar-- ~Iql e-my ~,f
1. Aminophenols-Color 2. Aminophenols-Electrochemistry
At FIT OR S ri i r r -;,v , i'e SOV/
.:olcr 1-henompna in i.N--`henylply(.y"_, Derivatives of Amino-
,,,il H~_--aqoin an o (0 yri-lon iyakh tsve tnosti u 1-1- fort.i ts i I ~nykh
i-oiz,.,3dny0i i-tmj.nor-.rtrakhinana)
;jakladv -kade.,a4i p
7191~8; Vot. 't"o, fir A,, rp,
u ,, s';"'
The der_;-at4vps m ~~ n t 4-1 o rv~d Paper may be c1
jr, this assified
among comoourlds of :) -,lectronic -donor syrtemsz Arart from
t',,e '_~.Lectronophilic chromorhorcois systeu-~ 2 a~ld?-rional nor,
-(!Onjunted electron donor systerp.3 exi3t. It is trup that
der-ivat-ives, with I substituent in an c- or C-nosition were
jrive,z~tig-a.ted (!e-Ps 1 8), the cumr)ounds, however, formed
t o p e 1 (.see 3~;heme) nre not deser bed ~n publ,
1,Tn.._ike the r~om-jc-unda wil-vi '~ elpetrorl doncor systens
inv5isti~_-e-l by the a_;.irhcr ,,vilose elect~hillc syctems are
by riit.-o-bi~fizoic I
m- or -,.) acil d (Ref 9) or 3,5 -di-
nitro-benzoic ncid (.Ref 10 in the case of the compounds
of the mentioned type ~P. anth-raoui-rone molecule t:_-kes the
nln:~e o' tr.-e -:,lectronor)hi_iic P-%,stem (Bv". Thiq mol-e-cule forms
Card 1,/4 r~ mrr,-~ eff,~ctivp ihrcmoichorous s:,stem lhp-n the a-_-yis of the
Sov/ 2 e - 4 - 32 /67
CO I or ~Ilenom-n a In N -Phen,y I I !)er: (D: i n,?ne
11 ~ . .,
2 menT. 4. oned ,ac i d c. The !r, -, no Pcv3 -rcu p t oge ther 1ri t i ti, -
aollblt~ ~~l cr~ of th- n~iclni may be
'vnoide -d ~-ts thr- firFz donnr S'.'stern.
nuc .! i~v c onf: e,,- -- -d thl I- i-.o? r.--rri.po acY I group i S a t the same
i-m i-- a part c.,f th-, --c. System sc, th-al- Eft ~ I
r a.!
the 00, -11A in th,-c~ -%Y-t~ of one P!-.d the
n!oro~- ri-romophorou- sy~,,tem. Such compounded m4-ght urder certain
oondltif~n3 be con*lder-d. as ' cuperimpcF,-?d
t v
chrornorhorow,j gy-,! The seeond s. stem
Sffraratod. from th;~ ele~!'rinoviii-I i~~ sy,~tem bl,r severe-.!. groups
(4- thus fcrms a "sc-par---Ored chroi-nophorous syst,~m-.
p AK -s7 only
vev.~~, -!.-eak elf-?f.~trorlc donor. A 'K i" ron!-iderably strongs:r
thiff! th;-- fOrIfter, -'rom table I ci~n 'Lie seen that all com,:ounds
conttcininv, ;,'!' arp rrvich more inte.-sively colc-ro(J than the
.thich contains only oin this a hasic
conc-1w3ion, rnay be dvawri, a relatl'.r('-Ly More 2.ntensive color...
in=-~ the mf--ntioned oorp.-ounds is due to the interaction
01, -w"d BF 'vst~-Ms'. :!inca thes-~ zy;~:tems ;Lre not esnX.Hrate
to v~;-IcL other 1'~iw place to exc'mole--
.-liar ~Vrces i'riof ""ne a-Xisten-cF, of -he
p in,
Card 2! r It ~j raCjU 4
~' .,none nu,:1-pus is ltnf-v
4 -rcrable ~o nhenomena~
'I .- ~)21/ 6 7
Color -1henomena in 1"-PhPny-"Fi.vcyj- 1Jerivatives c.'f t- raou 4~ none
To some extent it reduces the electronophilic properties
of the BK syNtem and, thus leads to an increase of coloring
of the compounds. Therefore it may- ue expected that the
COW.Dounds formed according to type II (see scheme) which
are similar to nitro-berizene derivatives already earlier
mentioned by the author (with the same AIK system but with~
out amino acyl group) will have a more intensive coloring
than the comDounds under discussion. There are 2 figures,
1 table, and 14 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
AS,I;OCIATION: Yioskovskir neftvanov institu-~ im.. M. 1. Gubkina
(Moscow Petroleum Institute .4meni M. T. Gubkin)
PRESENTED: January-2?, lq5b, by r--. bazanskiy, Llember, Academy of
Sciences, US3R
SUBMITTED: January 22, 1958
Card 3/4
sOV/ ~'o- I_-'o-4-52/67
Color Phenomena in N,theny1f.71',vcyi Jez,ivazives of -,*.mirioanthraquinone
1. Cyclic compounds--color 2~ Cyclic 3. Ketones
-..Chemical properties
Card 4.114
Y,~,.A' , I,"- nd 3ci Lli:-:--) IT I i~~ i of rii:~c ill
cu~ ~iu!.I.
41 i)~o
i ~, i c) f-hor -iduentio.-I USSR. OC (:rLI r of T, ,,ill
0 lo Chem-'20chnol Inst
ir--i D.I. I-endele-ev) 150 coT)J of nutl-or's -:-orkc -,t c~nd of
te--ct (14 titles) i"L, 38-5,0~~ 114")
TITLE: Comparison of Color, Reflection- and Absorption Spectra of
Aryl Amides of 3,5- and 2,4-Dinitro Benzoic Acids(Sopos-
tavleniye okraski, spektrov otrazheniya i spektrov
pogloshcheniya sveta u arilamidov 3,5- i 2,4-dinitrobenzoynykh
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 1, pp 287-297 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In continuation of earlier papers (Refs 1,2) the author com-
pares in the present paper the colors of aryl amides of 3,5-
dinitro benzoic acid with the general formula
3,5-(02 N)2C6113 CONHC 6114A with that of the corresponding aryl
amides of 2,4-dinitro benzoic acid and showsthat in cases with
A=m-OCH 3 p-OH,m-N(C11 3)2 a more intensive color is found in the
former and in other cases with A=m-OH,p-N(CH 3)2 'p-OCH3 it holds
for the latter. The reflection spectra of the solid compounds
confirm the visual observations and furnish details. A compar-
Card 1/3 ison .between the absorption spectra of these and other com-
Comparison of Color, Reflection- and Absorption Spectra of Aryl Amides of
3,5- and 2,4-Dinitro Benzoic Acid
pounds shows that all representatives of the 3,5-dinitro
benzoic acid series have a less intensive color than the car-
responding representatives of 2,4-dinitro benzoic acid. This
difference of the comvounds with respect to color in solid
state and in solution may serve as a confirmation of the fact
that in the case of reaction between electrophilic. and nucleo-
philic systems,which is the main factor to cause the color of
the compounds, intermolecular powers play a part which, however,
develop completely only in the case of solid bodies. The
similarity with respect to color between 3,5 dinitro benzoyl
derivatives and the complex compounds obtained from components
of the same electrophilic system [3,5-(02 N)2C6H3CONH2] and the
same nucleophilic system (CH 3CONHC6H 4A) as in the case of di-
nitro benzoyl derivatives seems to prove the fact that inter-
molecular reactions like this are also possible in the case
of dinitro benzo,Y1 derivatives. The comparative absorption
curves plotted are a confirmation of the fact that in the case
Card 2/3 of 3,5-dinitro benzoyl derivatives the reaction between elec-
Compariscn of Color, Reflection- and Absorption Spectra of Aryl Amides of
3,5- and 2,4-Dinitro Benzoic Acid .
trophilic and nucleophilic systems takes place also within the
molecule, i.e. on the chain of the double bonds. This chain is
formed by tautomeric transformation:
C - N C = N
0 H Uti
There are 10 figures, 2 tables, and 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy neftyanoy institut imeni 1. M. Gubkina (Moscow Pet-
ra-lem lutitate imeni I. M. Gubkin)
SUBMITTED; October 15, 1957
Card 3/3
Yaasuring partial vapor pressures of zircLuium and zirconium-tin
alloys. Thermodynamic characteristics of z-':,conium and its
alloys. Yet. i metalloved. chist. met. no.3:34-42 161.
(AURA 15!6)
(Zirconium-Thermal properties) (Vapor pressure)
B.M.; OZOLIN, L.'T.; Prinimali uchastlye-- CHRKOVA, K.I.; ASHITXOV,
Outlook for introducing the flotation of ferrous metal ores.
Gor. zhur. no.907-62 S 162. (KRA 15:9)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut
makhanicheskoy obrabotki poleznykh iskopayemykh, Leningrad.
(Flotation) (Iron ores) (Manganese ores)
concentration of sylviniLte AT -"I
no,,S: 530-533 Ag 161 (,MIRA 1'1-1-~ 11
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii 'N BSSR i
soF,iznyy nauchno.-issledovatellskiy institut galurgii, Preds.,tv-
leno akademiko,,IL AN BSSR M.M. Pavlyuchenko.
L 00510-6 (t )/1-T-I-IJV
ACC NRc AT6023738 A) N
AU111ORt Fedorov, G. B.; Smirnov, Yo. A.;
IORG: none
SOURCE CODES' UR/2755/66/000/005/0092/0098:i
Autodiffusion in alpha uranium ---I
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy Institut. Motallurgiya i metallovedeniya
chistykh metallov, no--5.-
TOPIC TAGS: metal diffusion, uranium
ABSTRACT: Polycrystalline samples of electrolytic uranium with a purity of 99-87%
were used in the tests. The samples were in the form of cylinders 10-12 mm in diamete:
and 6-3 mm high. Before the diffusion study, the samples were placed in evacuated and
sealed quartz ampoules, and were subjected to water quenching from 8000C and
stabili ' nnealing for 4 hours at 6)OOC. Radioactive uranium, enriched up to 90%
in the P55 asotope, was used as an indicator in the diffusion tests. A rod of
enriched uranium was suspended in a tungsten heater and was sprayed in a vacuum onto
the end surfaces of the samples, which had been specially prepared by polishing. The
samples were then placed in quartz ampoules which were evacuated to a pressure of
10 -) mm Hg and sealed, Diffusion &nnealing was carried out at emperatures of 630,
590, 550. and 5000C foe 434, 1455, 1827, and 1835 hours, respectively. After the
Card- - -1/2
L 09510-67
ACC NRi AT6023738
diffusion annealing, the samples were subjected to a layer-wise radiographic
The depth of penetration of the active material into the samples was found to be only
10-20 microns. On the basis of the experimental data, calculations were made of the
coefficients of autodiffusion for alpha uranium. A curve shows the dependence of
these coefficients on temperature. Overall conclusions were as follows; 1) at the
temperatures at which the alpha phase of uranium exists, autodiffusion proceeds
predominantly along the intergrain boundaries; 2) measurements were made of the
coefficients of boundary and volumetric autodiffusion of uranium in the alpha phase.
It was established that the level of diffusion mobility along the grain boundaries in
considerably (by 4-5 orders of magnitude) greater than volumetric diffusion. The
temperature dependences of the-autodiffusion coefficients have the following fom
DVol = 4.5 x 10-4 exP (-4z,2oo/RT) cm3 see,
1.6 x lo5 exp (-44.300/RT) cm~lsec.
Orig. ar . hast 4 figures and 2 tables.
SUB CODEt 11, 20/ SUBM DATEz none/ ORIG REFt 004/ MH REFs 004
Card 2
Compounds with two separate electrodonating systems. Part 3:
Color phenomena in nitroaeyl derivatives of4~.-amino-4,4-bis
(dimethylamino)- and -amino-l+-dimethyLuainodiphenylmethane.
Zhur.ob.lchim. 32 no.2:581-587 F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Moskovskiy tekst3*.llnyy institut.
(Nitro compounds)
j,TCi',1 Ye.A.; KORBUI 1, 1--
I ~
Phenomena Gf
.1cit.hylaminonnilide or
-,tjv,2 of p-(1j., I]-phenyl-
chromaticLty ilerlv
ac-id. 1:/V. VVs. ucheb. zav.; Ithim. i khim.
st3+ A kafecirn organicheskoy khLT-ii.
,y --u
Oompounds with electron-donor systems. Part 7s Chromaticity of the
derivqtives of N-(p~enylglycyl)-(~-Wt-nitr -obenzoyl)-4,41-amino-
hydroxydlphenyl.-Zhur~ org. khim. 1 no.6tlO82-1087 Je 165. (14IRA 18t7)
I..Meskovskly tekstIlInyyAnstitut.
Ln :,-,;o elec~rcn-dcnor sysLe=-=. -ar*
er- z
in th,-, deriva',41ves of I.-(,pheny
'-,hur. ob. kh-im. 3Z. no.31:3,u"72 -G~'-7
SMHtNOV, Yx-! . k., AG? l',CHFV ~ ~
impounds witr-, ~,.;c clectron-donor system. !'art 7-1 Fharionsena
Cr . .
of the chrovviuliity of' N-(phfnylglycyl'j-O-(I,.-nitrGcinnamoyl).,
1,11,-.-am~nonaphthr-,I., Zhur. ob, kIllm. 3' rio.1,;559-563 Mr 165,
(MTPA 18:4)
1, Mr)rjk,-wsk-f.y U.3katilinyy llnst.ltv~t,
h. -trorl-donor
_a_e e~cc
IRA 12,:2)
1. Moskovskiy tekstillIny-i institlit. &-ibm'L-,ed Ii' 14.
Ye.A.; ~GRACHEV!-, ve.B.
the (Ierivatlve3 ~~f N-phenyla:mz-c~-t':~-- -er --
acid. '-,'nu-r.ob.khim. 35 nr,.12:Zll5-'-'119 D 165. ONIIRA 19.1)
1. Mr-~,kuu.Aiv- tekstillpyy institut. SubmiLtee Detember 4-5),
Finishing concentrates at the Novosibirsk tin plant, Blul. TSIIN
tsvet. met. no.4:14-18 '58. (MM 11:5)
(Novosibirsk-Ore dressing) (Tin)
::AUTHORS: -Fedorov, G.B., Smirnov, Ye.A.
NITLE: Measurement of-the partial vapor pressure of zirconiurn in its allo s
with tin. Thermodynamic cha-racte ris ties of ir6onium and its allo
`SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. M tallurgiya i metallo
deniye chistykh metalloy. no.3. 1961, 34-4
TEXT: The saturation vapor pressure of Zr was measured and several thlimo-
.dynamic characteristics of Zr and its Sn alloys were calculated therefrom. TIfe dif-
.~ferential version of M.Knudse'n's effusion method (The Kinetic Theoryof Gasel.
-'~,ondon. 1934) war, employed. The equipmentused was described in the seniorp-
4hor's paper in no.2 of the subject sbornik, Atomizdat, 1960, 141. The test sub4tance
,~vas plzced in a Mo crucible heated in a resistance furnace and evaporate int%a
high vacuum through an aperture. Condensation of. the particles of the atomickji~eam.
iwas accomplished on cooled traps Weight determination was done by'the radtqchem.;,
r'ical method, using radioactive Zr9-5. Foil alloys were tested: Pu're Zr, and with
1. 5, 6, and 10% Sn, with 2016 of the Zr in each alloy made up of the radioactivei-- iso
tope. The tempe rature-pres sure relationships for two aperture diameters wese ob-
tained from the experimental data by means of the leas" square method, whe "
the Rossman-Yarwood formula (J. Chem:'Phys., v.21,1953, 1406) yielded the equation
for the saturation vapor pressure of Zr: Ig p=1.58-1.28-104.1/T. From the slope
of the straight line thus determined the heat of sublimation L is obtained. The
Card 1/2
Measurement of the partial vapor pressure of S/755161/0001003/004/027
enthalpy and entropy are determined from the Landau-Lifshits expression for the
chemical potential of a monoatomic ideal gas (Statisticheskaya fizika. Gostekhii---
dat. 1951). Equating the chemical potential of a monoatomic gas to.the chemical
potential of solid Zr, expressions are found for the determination of the enthalpy
and the entropy per g-at.Zr. The partial vapor pressure of Zr in its Sn alloys was
also determined (tabulated and graphed). From these partial-pres sure data the
thermod amic activity of Zro az 0 was found from the ratio P.Ir of a given alloy
to the p r of pure Zr (all referred to a effusion apertur4 The results
Zhr y
are grap ed for 1,300' and 1,4000C vs. Zr content in each alloy. From the activit
values thus obtained the changes of the *partial thermodynamic 'functions (free energy,,-,:
entropy, and enthalpy) of Zr in its Sn alloys are analytically obtained (expressions
provided). The data obtained here yield a heat of sublimation that agrees fairly:weu-.:
with those of Zwikker (Physika, Nederland, v.8, 19Z8, 241). With respect to entropy
and enthalpy, best agreement is obtained with respect to Zwikker's work also' The
changes in the heat of sublimation* (HS) of Zr in Sn alloys suggest the deduction. that
the addition of Sn increases the coupling energy of the atoms of the crystalline lattice,.--
The effect of the quantity of Sn added an the increase in HS is analogous to its effect
on the activation energy of Zr selldiffusion per Fedorov, G. V.j Gulyakin, V. D. (in
no.1 of the same sbornik, 1959, 170,). There are 4 figures, 5 tables,,and 16 references~:.
(9 Rus siaril- language Soviet, 7 English-language).
ASSbCIATION: MIFI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Fedorov, G. B., Rayetskiy, V. M., Smirnov, Ife. A.
TITLE: Diffusional and thermodyna m-ic characteristics' of nickel.
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Metallurgiya imetalloye-
deniye chistykh metallov. no.3. .1961, 203-zbg.
TEXT: The paper reports on the first part of an investigation concerned wfth
the diffusional and thermodynamic characteristics of Ni and its alloys. Its especial
objective are the properties of pure Ni. Artificial radioactive Ni63 was utiliz%d in
all experiments. The radioactivity was measured by mJeans of an end-window,,
conter with a 1 mg1cm2 mica window. In addition to the soft P-radiation of X'he
Ni 3
isotope a harder P-radiation of about 0.5 Mev was detected. The 70-da half-
life of the second isotope identified it as Co58. A method was developed to p ,r4orm
the simultaneous but separate determination of the diffusion coefficients (DC)1of the
metals emanating P-radiation of differing energy. The specimens were measured
twice: Once without filter and again with an Al filter, for which the -absorptioa.~_~
coefficients had been found to be - ~N- = 2, 300, tic = 100 cm-1. . The Al filter
selected had a thickness h- 0.01 mm which is 3x thicker than a 5016-absorptlon-...
layer, but 0.4x as thick as the layer ~f total absorption of Ni radiation. This filter_~_
reduced the Co radiation by no more than 10%. The two integral-flux equations .
Card 1/3
Diffusional and thermodynamic characteristics S/755/61/000/003/021/02T
yield the numerical values for the two unknown Ili and.1 fluxes upon substitution
N Co
of 14 , and h therein. The'diffusion specimens were made of electrolytical
Ni, 99.9% pure, remelted in an induction furnace and forged. The milled nd
ground specimens were 25x8x8 mm, in size. The radioac tive Ni 63 wa a vacuum -
sprayed onto one face, Activity: 5,000 pulses/min., The paired specimens were
tied together and placed in Ar-filled quartz ampoules-., Anneals in tubular furnaces.
at 900-1,2500C lasted from 16.5 to-400 hrs. Measurements of the radioactivity
were performed by the layerwise-r4moval inte gral- radioactivity method of
(cf. Gruzin, P. L., et al., Fizika m6tallov imetallovedeniye, v.IV,.no.1, Moscow,
1957). The concentration of the soft P-radiation of the Ni was assumed to be pro-
portional to the integral radioactivity. The specific radioactivity of the Co was
determined from the integral radioactivity, its depthwise. gradient in the diffusion
layer, and the P-radiation absorption coefficient of Co in Ni. The self-DC of -Ni
is found to be DNi = 1.0 exp(-66,700/RT) cmz. sec- 1, the Co-in-Ni DC D
1.4 exp( sec' findi gs
-66,200/RT) cm These n -are, compared briefly with. those
of R.E. Hoffman, et al., J. Metals,- V.8,1956, 5; and J. R. MacEwan,, et al., Canad.
J. dhem., v.37, 1959, 10. Thuapor pressure, of Ni was measured by Knudsen's
method, using radioactive Ni 1~quipment and methods.us6d have.been described
by the senior author alone and by the senior and junior author, respectively, in
Card 2/3
Industrial flotation tests of oxidized Krivoy Rog iron ores. Ubog,
rud 6 no.4:13-18 '61 (MIRA 15: 1)
(Krivoy Rog Basin--Flotation)
ACCESSION NR: AT4005963 S/2755/63/000/004/0110/0121
AUTHOR: Fedorov, G. D.; Smirnov, Ye.__A.; Zhomov, F. 1.
TITLE: Diffusion and thermodynamic properties of nickel-chromium alloys
SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Metallurgiya i metallovsdeniye~
chisty*kh metallov, no. 4, 1963, 110-121
TOPIC TAGS: nickel chromium alloy, nickel diffusion, chromium diffusion,
thermodynamic property, nickel vapor pressure, chromium vapor pressure,
activation energy, thermodynamic factor, tagged atom method
ABSTRACT: In a continuation of earlier work, radioactive Cr and N163 were
employed in an investigation of the diffusion characteristics and thermodynamic
properties of binary nickel-chromium alloys with 4.9 - 19.7 wt. % Cr. For
temperatures up to 950-1150C, the authors report an increase in the activation
energy of diffusion of chromium with a decrease in that of nickel, along with a.
decrease in the diffusion coefficents of chromium and an increase in the
diffusion coefficients of nickel, due to admitture of Cr. The thermodynamic
properties of nickel in the Mi-Cr alloys were studied by vapor pressure
ACC NRa AP6032403
AUTHOR: Fedorov, G. B.;,Smirnovp Ye. A.
!ORG: none
souRcE com
TITLE: Thermodynamic properties of the y phase of the uraniua-zirconium system
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, Y. 21, no. 3, 1966, 189-192
TOPIC TAGS: uranium alloy, zirconium alloy, thermodynamic property, react6r fuel
element, physical diffusion, electrochemistry, phase transition
ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that alloying vith-.zirconium has been to increase the
corrosion resistance and improve other mechanical properties of uranium fuel elements,
the authors have investigated the thermodynamic and diffusion properties of uraniun:-'-
zirconium alloys at temperatures above 750C, where the mutual solubility of these
metals is unlimited. The thermodynamic properties were determined by measuring the
emf of an electrochemical cell based on the reaction U (solid)l U+3 + (KC1_NaCf)l U
Zr (alloy). The preparation of the cell is described in detail. The emf 'was measured
for 100 - 200 hours by a known method in the temperature interval 750 - 910C. The
diffusion of the components in'the uranium-zirconium system was investigated by
tracing the radioactive isotopes U235 and Zr95 deposited on the surfaces of the sam-
ples. The radioactivity was recorded with scintillation counters. Tables of the emf,~-
1/2 UDC: 621.039.542.32:536-7T
,af,d 2/2
"'OURGE cobi~: UR/z755/66/ooo/005/0099/0104
it. I. (Doctor of technical scioncos); F~~dorov,__q,,_Pt;
ly,ot, I.; S.Arnov, Yo. it.; Zhomov
F, I.; Zaluzhnyy, A. G.
T 113 : Study of t1he structural diagram of uranium carbide-tungston alloys, and the
diffusion of uranium from its monocarbido into tungsten
SOU-2-7: Noscow. Inzhenorno-fizichoskiy institut. Motallurgiya i metallovedeniye
c'-'s-U'ykh niotallov, no. 5. 1966, 99-
TOPT TAGS: metal diffusion, uranium compound, tungsten metal
IGSTRACT: In the present article the structural diagram of uranium carbide-tungsten
alloys was studied by determination of the temperature of the start of melting of the
.alloys, and by X ray and metallographic analyses. The alloys were prepared by
iquo' inn x lo3 kg/cm,,
uranium carbide and tungsten powders at a pressure of about 5
.:it;,q doscouent sintering in a furnace with a graphito,iheater at 20000C and a pressure!
G f Ix 10-4 im Hg, and then molting in a Type L4~Ti7t9- iarc furnace.')Starting
-at.0-zials wore technical grade Vanium with a pa_r~ of, 99.8~
z7o,~ctrcscopically pare graphitel~dn the form of -r-&(Is 51=n in diameter. A table shows
U.Io compositions of the starting alloys. The tungsten content varied from 1 to
Card 1/2
,:34 9
7 s/o33/60/037/005/018/024
L/bo E032/E314
V_ 1r-s-
AUTHORS.. Smirnov Ye.I., Stepano and Tavchigrechko. S.S.
TITLE:; A Solar-sidereal Synchronous Motor Type (SZSD,-.I)
PERIODICAL.-, Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Val. 37, No. 5,
pp. 927 - 930
TKXT~ A des,~,ription is given of the construction of a
synchronous motor working in conjuncti-.)n with a quartz clock,
which can be used to obtain simultaneou:31y one-second pulses
of both solar and sidereal time s.19The principle of the motor
i-s shown in F-Lg. 1. The -stator of the motor is supplied from a
.1 000 c.p.s. source and brings into motion the shaft I of the
rotor, This motion is transmitted to the second-shaft through
a 1zlO gear. The latter executes 86 400 revs. per average solar
day. The rotation of the shaft .3 is transmitted to the minute-
shaft 4 through a 1.60 gear. With the aid of the-cam 6 ,
t-ontact 7 : the gears 8r 9 and the adjusting knob 10 , it', is
possible to obtain second-pulses of the mean solar time and also
to phase them in the required fashion. The minute pulses of the
mr-an solar t-ime can be obtained with a similar arrangement shown
at _11. . Another mechanical device coupled to the main shaft 3
Card 1/2
A Sol-ar-5idereal Synchronous Motor Type (SZSD,-.-I)
gC-nerates second- pulses f he :i;idereal. time., Tests carried out
cj. OE C i
In 1959 show that quartz control.led synchronous motors of the
above type hai-etbe following properties.~ second of both
and sidereal time ha-ve a spread of about
10 S: '- the di-urnal rate of the sidereal pulses L-z
0.007 sec4 mean quadratic variation in the d1urnal rate iF.
10 e4~.. There are 2 figures.
*55OCTAXION. Vsesoyuzn,.Y-.y naur;bno-issl.edo-at el. -ski y Insti.tut
metrologi.i imenx D.I. Mendeleve-a (AII -'Union
Scient-i.fic Research Insti.t.uve of 1-1,etri.-Yogy imeni--
D.I. Mende.Ievev)
SUBMITTED June 9, 1.959, initially,
January .10, .1960, afi,er revi-s-ion
Card 2/2
SMIRNOV, Yo.l., in zh.; SHLAIN, I.B., Imnd. tekhn. nauk.
Averaging bloedite at the Krasnousollskiy plant. Ti-udy VNIIStekla
no.37:27-31 157. (MIRA 11:1)
(Krasnousoltakiy--Glass manufacture)
jOV1,12 - '/8 -6- 2/ 1 7
-r V . 0 V a
Industrial Experiment in Repla6ing Sodiumsulphate by Astrachanite
A n tile i iie, ci k; romy.-h t ennyy opyr, zamen.,! oul 'fati
.;Lek]- H. rp,,
D. 'Ptie ncs< L es Llz-~ nq as irp, in the mpltiiig, of
were a n,,, 7- t. tu t
S t e Ml-
An 1940 '953; as well as at the
-in. 1-o',.rt rchni-s' poli--khni-
r he n b if~ Bezideo, the
n a n n S t
Z,-- 2 11yy 4 n s t i tut ga I u r -
c- Ha Iii-gy A
g C %, r L ris e~n the vork.-i-ag -up of astra-
e, a
c t! P. r. i e rr~.m ;9d-~ t D 9.5 Z, .. The gret.--t atteiLion -~.'h.LA waz
.attracted by r., i s jun~-ral- may be ex*lained by the fact "hat
a ~- d 0 0 F t m --,v be in tht- area c.4" the ,,rai and Ca.~pian
S r oy e
O.Ve M,-,r,,, a) ower Vc-1 ga
a:-- p -LIr S k
ard 1 a Volga~
find at, a nilmi-r cf other places. The ffo'-,
5 y
SOV/T~-56-8-?/ 17
Industrial Experiment in Replacing Sodiumsulphate by Astrachanit6 in the Melting
of Glass
lowing Pormula holds for the composition of astrachanite;
12 -,7 8 X~C,10 + B); wh-cre x denotes the percentage c" Mg-0
~in4 B thi:- oercent,-ige ol' H,(.~, il;~:trller D-,pers shoeied that
astrachanite may be used inly after Its homogeneiti had been
U 0
improved ;k;~ef* i), At, the end of 19'~d :3 working team of the
.,nst,.*1uLe or Glass togethrr rith the collective of the Kras-
nouEol'ek glass factory carried out a continuous experiment
_. in a tank furnace -~oith astrachanite. )JOre
of glass melting
thkn A00 t of tiii~: mineral were used~ Its chemical comDosi-
tion and the sample tak-Ing are given !nd described. 11ts work-
in -11
,q up was carried out according to zcheirie (-g.), and this
procoss is then described in detail, By the introductiwi of
!isrrach~triite into the ciiargr the propertlee of" glass melting
,ire r,(:.i- ctlanged. The comparative data concerning work may
be ~ieen frum Tvble '21. T. C. Druzhinin (Iief 2) showed in his
i)aper chat !;&traf~hanite at a 6700.
C one I us 1 cris ~
A..~;trachaniLe male.., 'Ic uspd to rej..!~-,ce sodiums:11fat.-
'Phis 'nereases --!. little,--the cci~-~s oC the
To u:3e -his su-3CeSSfL1-1!LY 11
Card 2i 3 mu~3t be orgar.-ized :-t iti~ nclace
If ?w Ta.,; 1: s a i i d a ffew Orientia'Uion of Our 11criodical SOV/72-~8-6-11/17
.lass and ce_-ami:;s. Firially it is stated that tile reor_-ar:lzation
and improvei,lent of the periodical cannot be solved by the editors
alone. It needs the active participation of collaborators in tile
61--se-and cera-mic industry.
1. Glass industry--USSR 2. Ceramic materials--USSR 3. Periodicals
Card 5/3
15(6) SOV/72---9-4-7/21
AUTHGI`iS: Shlain, I. B., Smirnov, Ye. I.
TITL:,": On the Estimation of the Heterogeneity of Raw Material
(Ob otseyLke neodnorodnosti syrtya)
PEI'LIG-TICAL Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 4, pp 25 - 29 (US~tR)
ABLST_-,,,ACT: The heterogeneity of ray., materials is characterized by
various index numbers. In some glass works the tolerated
deviations are used for this purpose. Furthermore, the
authors of this article mention the computation formulae
by N. Ye~ Pestov for fertilizers (Ref 2), by V. V. Kafarov
for liquid mixtures (Ref 3), by A. A~ Lapshin -for victuals.
A~ M. Lastovtsev, N. V. Baryshev, K. L. Pozharitskiy (Ref 4)
assume the mean square deviation of all samples which may
be calculated from a given formula or the per cent deviation
or the variation coefficient for the d,~6ree of heterogeneity,
In a table the computation indices according to all these
formulae are given with the method of t,,e me-an scua-re
deviation and of the variation coefl~icient being re~-arded
Card 1/2 as the most suited ones. In order to determine IUI-at the
On the Estimation of the flet.-rogeneity of Raw Material 02-;7~-4-7;21
theoretically computed deviations correspond to the
practical ones a histogram is mentioned which characterizes
the distribution of the SiO2 content in sand used in the
Bytosh' Glass Work. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 5
Soviet referojices.
Card 2/12
15(6) SOV/72-59-6-8/18
AUTHOR: Smirnov, Ye. I.
TITLE: The Calculation of the Selection of Average Samples of Loose
Material (Raschet otbora srednikh prob sypuchikh materialov)
PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 35 - 38 (USSR)
ABSTR.ACT: Many calculation formulae have hitherto been suggested for the
combined solution of the weight of a partial sample of the hetero-
geneity of the chemical composition, of the maximum particle
weight, of the particle shape, etc. In order to ascertain the
possibility of employing these formulae for practical calculation,
the author of this article made special laboratory experiments.
He employed theoretical formulae derived from statistical laws
which indicated the dependence of the weight of the partial sample
on the hoterogeneity of the material$ on the percentage of the
component under investigation and on the sum of the remaining
components as well as on the grain weight of the individual com-
ponents., The author determined the degree of heterogeneity 9"
according to formula 3b and experimental values, which ars both
contained in the table, The table indicates that good agreement
Card 1/2 of the values t,-' could be determined only with particles larger
The Calculation of the Selection of Average Samples of Loose SOY/72-59-6-8/18
than 0.3 mm. Por the purpose of illustrating the afore-mentioned
data. the author computes the minimum weight of the partial samples
of some crushed raw materials according to formula 5. These
materials were used in the Bytosh' Glass-Works. Conclusions: the
minimum weight of the partial sample is best computed according
to the simplified formula
G t opoqo)(
R2 -
The number of partial samples necessary for the determination
of an average sample is computed according to the formula
n = t 2 (7~2
R 2 o
There is 1 table.
Card 2/2
The SZSD-l solar-sidereal synchronous engine. ABtron.zhur. 37 no-5:
927-930 S-0 16o. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnoA-issledovatellskiy institut metrologii im.
(Solar engines)
Calculating the degree of homogeneity of the glass batch
in tank furnaces. Stek.1 ker. 17 no-5:24-28
Mir 160. (141IL" 13: 8)
(Glass mnufacture-Chemistry)
SMIRNOV, Ye. I. --
Calculating some parameters of tank furnaces. Stek. i ker. 17 no.12:
12-15 D 160. (MIRA 13:11)
(Glass furnaces)
Methods of' con'--rolling raw materials in ',he manufacture of glass
.L - %I
for the detection of chromite. Stek. i ker. 22 no.11:36-38 IN 164.
SMUINOV, Yefim Iyunovich, 19047-
rSoviet medical officern in the Patriotic War] Sovetskie voennzre vrachi, v
Otechestyennulu voinit. Moskva, 1916. 99, -p. " 11.11A 6: 7 )
(World War 1939-1945--Madical and sanitary affairs)
"Soviet Military Doctors in World War II,11 published by Sovetskaya Nauka, M scowy 1946.
U .0
U-1318 24 A
., c pr 51
USSR/YAd ic ihe Public Realthp P;rdb1sw Aep- 48
Medic1he Medicine, State
"Medical Industry and Frobleme of Public Health,"
Ye. I. Smirnov, Min Pub Health USSR; 7 PP
"Mad Prom SSSR* go 3
Abridged shorthand notes of speech made 20 May 48
give general account of tasks facing medical
Industry. Discusses reasons forncnfulfillment
of certain parts of the 1947 plan.
DSWI~Ivdlclze - Tubewculable.. fterapy JUI/Ang 48
- Public lealth
"All-Union Cmference on Tuberculosis" 1/8 p
ftoblemy Tuberkuleza" No 4
C11.Fifth All-Union Conference on problem of tuber-
culosis will be hold in Moscow 21-25 Sep 48.
Ye, I. Min of Pub Health USSR, vill
speak on priority tasks in tuberculosis coatrol.
MKIn items on the agenda are: early form of
tuberculosis, collapeotherapy of tuberculosis of
the lung@, antituberculosis vaccination, treatment
of tuberculosis vith antibiotics" work of dis-
p*nsers, ate. Address of Orgbyro: Moscow 2A,
1W 2i*MnO
USSR/Medicine - Tuberculosis, Therapy Tui/Aus 48
Yazunskiy Bullyar, 9. ./tox-plete translatica~_J
4OW 21/49T63
Medicine Public Health, Administration
'J"Ic Problem -in the Work of Public Health LeadersO
ff,iading articl-97, Ye - I - Oftirnov, 113 Pp
"Bov Zdravookhran" No
.04h*ral suz-vey of problems confronting public health
14,aders. State of medical industry is unsatisfa4~ry-
Oc"Wral practitioners should be abolished. Critiolzes
Ibloruselan Public Health Service.
Ye. i., E(N! &-, PUB H-"All-i'll USSi
USSR/1%ledicine - Acadenry of I-Iledical Sciences
Medicine - Crtorhinclaryngology
Fov/Dec 46,
"Fourth SesEion of the AcaderV of Medical Sciences USSR," Prof V.-F. Undrits, Corr
Mem, Acad Med Sci L11,33H. 2 PP
"Vest Oto-rinc-laringol" No 6, li4-?
The 24 - 28 Jan 4~- session was opened in Leningrad by Acad N.N. Anichkov, Chrl, Acad tied
Sci USIR. A report on Soviet scientific successes included an ippeal for improved
personnel and ideology. More effective measures were demanded against influenza,
cancer, hypertonia, and tuberculosis. Reports on hypertonia and malignant diseases
vere read and discussed. Session was closed by Ye. I. Srarnov, Min of Pub Health
USM/kedicine - Public Health Aug 48
Medicine - Antibiotics
"The Medical Industry in Connection With the Care of
Public Health," Ye. I. amirnor, Min 11'ab Health USSR,
5 pp
"Sor Mod" No 8
In general, the medical industry has kept pace -with
derelopments in public health. Primary aim of public
health is to overGome "arervorldng the physiciam."
Urges more production of sulfamide-tlype preparations,
and other antibiotics such as penicillin and strep-
tomycin. There is a serious shortage of laboratory
glassware arLd medical and surgical instruments.
SKE-11107, .,. 1.
3750-4. XXX Leet ':ovetsko-.-o Zdravookhranenlya. V Sb: XII 'Isesoyuz.
SIIyezd U,--iyenistov, Epidemiblo,ov, Mikrobiolo.,ov i Infektsionistuov.
T.I.X., 1949, c. 10-14.
SO: Letopist ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 7, 1949
._SMIRNOV, Ye.I., general-polkovnik meditsinskoy altzzhby) glav. red.; GIRGOLAV,
'-----S-S-.-T-gi-neral-leytenant meditsinskoy sluzhbyg otv. red.; ANICHKOV, N.N.,
general-leytenant =--ditsinskoy sl-uzhby, red.3 YELANSKr(p N.N., red.;
LVIT, V.S., red.4 PRIOROV, N.N., zasluzhennyy deyazel? naiLki.4 profsp
red.; RUFANOV, I.G., red.; SHAMOV, V.N.9 general-leytenant meditsinskay
sluzhby, red.; ARIYEV, T.Ya., red.; SAMOTKIN, B.A., kand. med. nauk,
podpolkovnik med. sluzhby, red.
[Soviet meaicine in the Great Patriotic War 1941-19451 Opyt sovetskoi
meditsiny v Velikoi Ote-~heatvennoi voine 1941-1945 g9. Moskva, Medgiz.
Vol.4. 1949. 547 P. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Deystviteltnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Girgolav,
Shamov). 2. Doystvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk SSSR i Akademii i-editsin-
skikh nauk SSSR (for Anichkov)
SMIRNOV, Ye.I., general-polkovnik meditsinskoy sl-azhby, glav. red.; VOVSI,M.S.,
geh6f-al:-wmayor meditsinskoy sluzhby, otv. red.; VINOGRADOV, V.N., red.;
DAVIDENKOV, S.N., polkovnik meditsirskoy sluzhby, red.; LANG, G.F%y red.
[deceased); SHULITSEV, G.N., red.; GOROVOY-SHALTAN, V.A., prof., polkov-
nik meditsinskoy sluzhby, red.
[3oviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War 1941-19451 Opyt sovetskoi
meditsiny v Velikoi 0,6echestvennoi voine 1941-19-45 gg. Moskva, Med-
giz. Vol.26. 1949. 312 p. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Vovs.-I.,
Vinogradov, Da:videnkov)
4, -
, , 'L,
S11.11-diu-VI -.'. of Huulttii
II-,.7eterAn af Native 11-dcrdbioloL~~Yft (Izves t
EJ - Ourrent Do6est olt- tile 0-ovioat Press, 'Vol 1, lio 7, 1~4~, p 54 Unci
SMIlm"Ov, Ye. !.
1,14edical Science and Practice in the Department of Health," Sov. Med., No 9, 1949
"Pavlov's Teachings Put into Science and Practice," Mled. Ra-botnik, 1950.
GIRGOLAV, S.S., otv. red.; KUFRLTYANOV, P.A., general-leytengnt Wed.
sluzhby, red. razdela; LIBOV, S.L., kand. mad. nauk,, pod-
pnikovnik med, sluzhby, pozoshchnik red.;. SUMV, Ye I * kge-
zeral-polkovaik slushW, glav. red.; PAVIDV,A. .,,red.toma
[Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War 1941-19451 OPYt
sovetskoi meditsiny v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine 1941-
19,45 9g. Moskva, Medgiz, Vol.9- 1950. 530 P. W-RA 15:3)
l.Deystvitellnyy chlen Akaaemii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for
USSR/ Microbiology. General Microbiology F-1
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Blol, No 6, 1958, 221103
Author : Kormushkina, N. M.., Smirnov, I.
Inst : Not given
Title : Effect of pH and Eh on the Growth of Aspergillus
Orig Pub: Sb. rabot stud. nauch. o-va. Leningr. tekhnol.
in-ta pishch. prom-sti, 1956, No 1, 46-50
Abstract: Germinating spores of A. niger were immersed for
50 minutes in a solution of KH2PO4. This brought
on an increase of dry weight in the mycelium
Card V1
SMIRNOV, Te.I.. general-polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhbv, glavAvy redaktor
[Experience of Soviet medicine during the Great Patriotic War.
1941-1945. Vol. 20, Pt.I. Surgery,] Card 2. (MLRA 7:12)
1. Daystvitelinyy chlen Akademii nauk SSSR i Akademii meditsinskikh
nauk SSSR (for Anichkov. Orbeli, Burdenko) 2. Clan-korrespondent
Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Boldyrev, Priorov. Maksimenkov)
3. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii, meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Vino-
gradov. Vovai, Girgolov. Davidenkov, Davydovskiy, Dzhanchidze.
Kratkov, Shamov)
E. T.
SKIRNOV, E.I., chief editor.
[Experience of Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War of
194i-19451 Opy-t sovetskoi meditsiny v velikoi otechestvennoi
voine 1941-1945 gg. Moskva, Medgiz. T01.5.1953. 392 p.;Vol. 15.
1952. 576 p.; Vol. 34. 1952. 544 p. (MLRA 7:5)
(Gunshot woundE)
6 wn r _7
z;s~ on 3 Of
i A o c
general polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, glavnyy redaktor;
GIRGOLM. S.S., otvetstvennyy redaktor; ANICHKOV, U.N.. redaktor;
YXLANSKIY, N.N.. redaktor; ISTIT, V.S.. redak-tor; PRICROV, N.N.,
redaktor; RUFANOV, I.G., redaktor; SHAKOV, V.N., redaktor; ARIYJIV,
T.Ya., redaktor; BAKULIV, A.N.. redaktor; ZHMUR, V.A., professor,
[Experience acquired by Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War,
1941-19451 Opyt sovetskoi meditsiny v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voins
1941-1945 gg. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo meditsinskoi lit-ry. Vol-11. 1952.
415 P. (MLRA 8:2)
1. DeystvitelInyy chlen Akademii nauk SSSR i Akademii meditainskikh
nauk SSSR (for Anichkov) 2. DeystvitellrWy chlen Akademii meditsin-
skikh nauk SSSR (for Bakulev)
(Spine-Wounde and injuries)
~ - ~ T:".. CI) F , '!" -
- th -'fth Five-v rtr Plan (1951-
11 `nasur~-s to ' ` Tnicen UrAPi P 7
I r- 1'r- - - e
- I - - -
icr,z;% , 11 Yn. ~mirnov
1-0: Ralrot, Tl~c r,,P (,11n5)., '.bscow, 4 ".ov 1-052.
Order of thc USSR Ministry of P~jblic Ha3lth, No.962. Zli.Navropat. Psilchiat.
'5z, 52, no.1, -11. 5:2)
(Ps,a 27, no.11:7504 '53)
Order of the USSR Ministry of Biblic Health, No.1083- Zh. Nevropat.
Fsikhiat., 112, 52, no.2. 3-8. (MLRA 5:2)
(rsA 27 no.10 :7273 '53)
SMIRNOV, Ye.l., general-polkovqik maditakinakoy eluzhby, redaktor; YZ-
zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki, professor, general-lay-
tenant meditainskoy sluzhby, redaktor-, AITICHKOV, H.N., general-leyte-
nant meditsinskoy sluzhby, redak-tor; BURIDMO, N.N., general-polkov-
nik meditsinskoy sluzhby, radaktor [deceased]; BOLDYRIV, T.Ye., go-
neral-mayor maditsinakoy sluzhby, redaktor; VINOGRLWV, V.W., redaktor;
VOVSI, M.S., general-mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby, redaktor; GIRGOLLV,S.S.,
geaeral-leytenant meditsinskoy siluzhby, redaktor; DAVIDMOV, S.N.,re-
daktor; DAVYDOVSKIY, I.V., redaktor; DZHABILIWA, Yu.Yu., general-
laytenant meditsinskoy sluzhby, redaktor [deceased]; ZAVALISHIN, N.I.,
general-leytenant meditsinskoy aluzhby, redaktor; KROTKOV, F.G., go-
neral-mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby. redaktor; ORIMI. L.A., general-
polkovnik meditBinsko3r aluzhb3r, redaktor; KUPRIYANOV, P.A., general-
leytenant meditsinskoy alu!zhby, redaktor; FRIOROV. N.N., redaktor;
SRMOV, V.N., general-leytenant meditsinskoy sluzhby, redaktor;
RAKSIMENKOV, A.N., polkovnik meditainakoy sluzhby; BABMCHIKOV, V.K.,
professor, polkovnik meditsinskoy aluzhby.
[Experience of Soviet ioedicine during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-
1945] Opyt sovetakoi meditsiny v velikoi otechestvannoi voine.
Moskva, Goa. izd-vo med. lit-ry. Vol. 16. 1954. 655 P, (HILRA 7:8)
1. De3rstvitellny7 chlen Akademii nauk SSSR i AMN SSSR (for Anich-
kov, Burdanko, Orbeli) 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Vi-
nogradov, Vovsi, Grigolav, DELvidenkov, Davydovskiy, Dzhanelidze,
Krotkov, Kupriyanov, Shamov)
(Extramities(Anatomy)-Wounde and injuries) (Gunshot wounds)
SMIRNOV, Yv.1, gonaral-polkovnik meditainakoy aluzhby, glavr*ry radak-tor
[Experierqe of Soviet medicine durirz the great patriotic wor,19UI--
19451 Opy-t sovetskoy meditsiny v velikoy o-tachestvennoy voyne 39ul-
1945 gg. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry. Vol-19. 1955. 462 p. -
[Microfilm] (MLRA 8:6)
SMIRNOVI Ye.I.L general-polkovnik med. sluzhby, glav. red.;
VISKOVSKlY, S.V,, prof., polkovnik med. sluzhby, red.
razdela (deceased]; TEODC)RI, M.I., kand. med. nauk,
polkovnik med, sluzhby, pom. red.; TKACHEV, F,G., kand.
med. nauk, podpolkovnik med. sluzhby, pom. red.;
GABERLAND., M.I., tekhn. red.
(Experience of Soviet medicine during the Great Patriotic
War, 1941-19451 Opyt sovetskoi meditsyny v Velikoi Ote-
chestvennoi voine, 1941-1945 gg. Moskva, Medgiz. V01.31-
1955. 315 P. (MIRA 16:7)
general-poll-ovnik TrLpe,. Rluzhby, alar. rpd..-,
DAV'---DOVSKIY, I.V., ERAYEVSKIY, N.A., professor;
N.A., prof.; GLAZUNOV, M.F., prof.p polkavzdk med. ~luzhby,
red.; SMOL'YA14NIKOV, A.V., prof., polkovnik med. sluzhby, red.;
APATENKO, A.K., kand. med. nauk, kapitan med. sluzhby, red. toma;
BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red.
[Soviet medicine during the Great Patriotic War; 1941-19451 OpYt
sovetskoi meditsinj v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine~ 1941-1945 gg.
%Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.35- 1955. 491 P. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Ghlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for
Krayevskiy., Glazunov).
BAKULEY, A.N., glavnYY redaktor; ANICHKOV, N.H., redaktor. BOLDYRIV, T.Te.,
redaktor; BRUSILOVSKIY, L.Ya., redaktor; BYKOV, K.K., redaktor;
N.L. rodaktor; DAVYDOVSKIT, I.Y., rodaktor; ZDRODOVSKIT. P.Y.,
redaktor; KAVITSKIY, R.Ys.. redaktor; KOCBERGIN. I.G., redaktor;
KROTKOV, F.G., redaktor; KUPRITANOV. P.A., redaktor; LIBIDINSKIY,
A.Y., redaktor; KALIHOVSKIY, H.S., redaktorr; MANIKOVSKIT, B.N.,
redaktor; HISTAROV. A.1., redaktor; ORBZLI, L.A. , redaktor;
PAVLOVSKIY, Te.N.. redaktor; SIMIN, S.Te., redaktor; SKRTABIH.
K.1., radaktor- SMIRNOV. Ye.I., redaktor; TIMAKOV, V.D., redairtor;
TUR. A.F., redaktoi;-SHABAITOV, A.H., redaktor
[Great Medical Bacyclopedial Bol9shaia meditsinaksia entalklopediia. A.N.Bakulev. Chleny red.kollegiiXNAnichkov L dr. Izd. 2-00.
Moskva. Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry. Vol. 1. A - Angiofibroma. 1956.
1216 columns. --- (Phonograph record and three-dimensional color
spectacles] Grammofonnaia plastinks i ochki-evetofilltry,,
BAKULEV, A.N. , glavnyy red.; ANICHKOV, N.N., red.; BOLDYREV, T.Ye., red.;
I.V., red.: ZDRODOVSKIY, P.7., red.: KAVETSKIY, R.Ye., red.;
KOCHOGIN, I.G., red.; KROTKOV, F.G., red.; KUPRIANOV, P.A., red.;
red.; NESTEROV, A.I., red.; ORBELI, L.A., red.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.,
red.; SEVERIN, S.Ye., red.; SKRYABIN, K.I., red.; SM11WOV,..Ye.I.,
red.; TIMAKOV, V.D., red.; TUR, A.F., red.; SHABANOV, A.H., red.
[The Great Medical Encyclopedia) Bol'shaia meditsinskaia
entsiklopediia. A.N.Bakulev. Chleny red.kollegii
N.N.Anichkov i dr. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol-3-
B - Bogolepova. Izd.2-oe. 1957.1176 columns. (MIRA 11:1)
SIERNO'll, E. Colonel-C---~nt-lral of the ";edical -~Prvice
L - I- M
Luthor of: "Porty Years of Soviet "ilita Zle,~!-
- I cine
in Voyenno Heditsinskiy Zlr-lu-nal, No. 10, 1957
BAKUUNW, A.N.,akad-,glavnyy red.; APTICHKOV, N.N.,red.; BOIJ)YREV, T. Ye.,red.;
BRUSILOVSKIY, L.Ya.,orof.,red.; BYKOV, K.M.,red.; VASILENKO,
V.Kh.,red.; GRA8HCF1WOV, N.I.,prof.,red.; DAVYDOVSKIY, I.Y.,red.;
KROTFOV, F.G.,red.;KUPRIYAIIOV, P.A., rad'f.;,~6_,~EDINSKIY, A.V.,red.;
SKRYABIN.K.I.,red.; red.; TIRAKOV, V.D.,prof.,red.;
TUR. A.F.,red.; SHABANOV. A.H.,prof.,red.
[Great Medical Encyclopedia] Bol'shaia meditainakaia entsiklopedia.
Izd. 2. Moskva, Gos. nguchnoe izd-vo "Bollshai-9 sovetBkaia
entsiklopediia." Vol. 7. [Gynatresia -burning. 1958. 1120 columns]
Ginatreziia-gorenie. [Phonograph record to accomoany the article
"Golos"(voice of laryngectomees)] Grammofonnaia plastinks k statle
"Golos"(golos liaringektomirovanrVvLrh boll Vkh).[Three-dimensional
viewer] Ochki-svetofilitry. (MIRA 11:12)
BAKULEV,IA.N., glavnyy red.; ANICHKOV, N.N., red.; BOLDYM, T.Te., red.;
BMJSIWVSKIT, L.Ya., red.; BYKOV. K.M., red.; VASILMiKO, V.Kh.,
red.; GR&SHCHIMKOV, N.I., red.; DAVYDOVSKIY, I.V.. red.;
ZDRODOVSKIT, P.F., red.; KAVBTSKIY, P.Ye., red.; KOC IN, N.G.9
red.; KROTKOV. F.G., red.; KUPRIYANOV, P.A.. red.; LORDINSKIY,
A.Y., red.; KALINOTSKIY, M.S., red.; MAN'KCVSKIY, B.N., red.;
NESTIEW, A.N., red.; CHBALI, L.A., red. PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., red.;
SEM11w, S.Te., red.; SKRYABIN, K.I., red.; SXIMY,_TaL., red.;
TIMAKOV, V.D., red.; TUR, A.F., red.; SHABANOV, A.N.. red.;
GRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red.
[Great Medical Encyclopedia] Glav. red. A.N. Bakulev. Chleny red.
kollegii N.N. Anichkov i dr. Mosk7a, Gos. izd-vo mad. lit-ry.
Tol.6. Vullva - Ginantrop. Izd.2. 1958. 1184 columns. (MIRA 11:9)
BAKULEV, A.N., glav. red.; ANICIfKOV, N.H., red.; BOILDTRF.V, T.Te., red.;
BRUSILOVSKIY, L.Ya., red.; BYY.OV, K.M., red.; VASIIXNKO, V.Kh.,red.;
I.G.. red.; KROTKOV, F.G., red.; KUPRIYANOV, P.A., red.; LEBEDINSKIT,
A.V., red.; MALIIDVSKIY, M.S., red.; MAN'KOVSKIT, B.N., red.;
NESTEIROV, A.I., red., ORBELI, L.A., red.; PAVLOVSKIT, Ye.N., red.;
SEVERIN, S.Ye., red.: SKRYABIN. K.I., red.; red.;
TIKkKOV, V.D., red., TUR, A,F.f red.; SIIABANOV.,A.N.. red.;
KALINICREV, V.A., tekhn. red.
[Great medical encyclopaedial Bol'shaia meditsnakaia entsiklopediia.
_[phonograph record to accompany the article on "Congenital heart
disease"] Grammofonnaia Dlastinka soderzhit zanis' zvukovykh iavle-
nit k statle "Vrozhdannye poroki sordtsa." Glav. red. A.N.Bakulsv.
Cbleny red. kollogil N.N. Anichkov i dr. Izd.2. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo
med. lit-ry, Vol.5, Vezikula - Vulkanizatsila. 1958. 1248 columns.
SMIRNOY, Ye.I., general-polkavnik meditainskoy sluzhby
Current significance of the basic principles of N.I. Pirogov in
military field surgery. Voen.-med.zhur. no.9:3-10 S '59.
(MIRA 13-1)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMU SSSR.
SMIRNOV, Te.I. (Moskva)
Ourrent significance of the basic concepts of N.I. Pirogov in military
field surgery. Vest.khir. 83 no.8:3-9 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:1)
1. Deystvitel'nyy chlen AMN SSSR.
GESELEVICH, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich; SMIRNOY,~. YC3,fiq,,l -novich
[Nikolai Iv,novich Pirogov; a biographical sketch)
Nikolai Ivnnovich Pirogov; nauchno-biograficheskii
ocherk. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry,, 1960. 177 p.
(MIRA 16:9)
SMIRNOV, Ye#I., prof* (Mbskva,, Yermolovksiy per., d. 9/11,, kv-3)
Present significance of N.I. Firogov's basic concepto of milkta2-j
field surgery. Test khir. 85 no.12:11-27 D 160. (mim 1,1 -. 1)
PIROGOV, Ilikolay Ivanovich; AKODUS, Ya.I., dotsent; KOCHERGIN, I.G.,,
retsenzent toma;.R~, retsenzent toma; RUFANOV,
I.G., otv. red.; BAKUI-EV, A.N., zam. otv. red.; YAKS-B;'-rIT.,GV.,
A.N., zam. otv. red.; PETROV, B.D., zam. otv. red.;
I.V., red.; KORNEYEV, V.14., red.; KOCHERGIN, I.G., red.;
IaOTKOV, F.G., red.; SHAKKA. S.A., ger-er,-d-mayor med.silizhby,
toma;RUSAIIOV,S.A.,; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red.
[Collected works in eight volumes) Sobranie sochinenii v vosImi
tomakh. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. Vol-5.[Principles of
general military field surgeryl Nachala obshchei voenno-polevoi
khirurgii. Pt.l. [Sevastopol letters] Sevastopollskie pisIma.
1961. 638 p. (MIRA 15:1)
1-Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for
Kochergin). 2. Deirstvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh
nauk SSSR (for Smirnov).
SMIRNOV, Ye.I., general-polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby
Some problems in military epidemiology. Voen-med.zhur. no.1:49--
58 Ja 161. (MIRL 14.1)
Ach'ievernents of the people. ZdorovIe 7 no.6:3-4 Je 161.
(MIRA 14: 7)
1. Dey!5t-%r-JteI'nyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR.
ALEKSANDAGV., Nikolay Ivanovich; GEFFII, Nina Yefiii-.ovna;
red.; TROITSKIY, D.I., polkovnik med. sl---zhby za-pasal red.;
SOU1,10NIK., R.L.59 tekhn. red.
(Active specific prevention of infectious diseases and ways for
improving it] Akti-vnaia spetsificheskaia profilaktika infektsion-
nykh zabolevanii i puti ee usovershenst-.rovaniia. Pod red. i a pre-
dial. E.I.Smirnova. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 387 p.
(MIRA 15:6)
1. Deyotvitellrjyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for
Problems of causality in medicine. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.
i immun. 42 no.10:125-131 0 165-
(MIRA 18:11)
1. SuIviitted March 2, 1965~
Observe state directives concerning wage payments strictly. Sots.
trud 5 no.2:65-69 F 160. (MIRA 13:6)
(Nonferrous metal industries--Production standards)