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BOB33 .149/60/000103/03/009 rnol or~ .%ene es ol 0 0 Into IPTO ,Sr 5-4 ettlay StIS86 tj,011 pefirLeaent Vve(jetIAS 9 -In-je critalaluul )de ti.0 Bri if 'Joy"! tile -Ilyfti-11 J.IE)6 -41 99 Or metal on pre (, b'J t~je .11,~Jest tge JiC86te rystals. OPW aea cf0o 0 110 3 P pp t roMp lormis's 0 arrieaL alI.T.86 t4_13- 86 cle I Of qXjdL 0 1.- 0.,C e tho 1--3 e1 the s a0e TA.C, wer Oa tanluo the 08, surr 019 Tile a, ijN stlid~Les f ti. Vam Oil & on tbLe tal-tv fecl. 4,0n SlIoN Of evnel't 0 r t1tat, lopiv f iaelt5 GOrL emplo! 3.1.a dellce ref U1 tjol, 0 (Jele :),1 0 ao, 6 '4 I's i0t" dePe" I'Ytlc tall-jza reaetj.01'repIar8tj,4 Ref's 5 OTL 811 The on the ears electro GrIs P U1 jDje - trolite it app (,, ogoil t, 3T.ICI-o, & the rjbed j.Tje ta a t4 ele .earcll- ,6:te . desc Of px"v -.qe wyls. Ar j,,,jes are ', tae f ilia, f Fri to -ICI 3 thor I- jae4alo (14"Un set 0 a-j%Is aa 'the jae imelits tjon Of t re Ttle - ses. ormea eXPer POSA. a. bi a melt coti Out analy ArT S of the t., COM rP,TeseTII,' cai re P - It glcl jDec" A. tra N" Res'Llj,jenci t e00OG 'is bt -FIVX~e 1. t ef I s ~ A-1 iel,011 's The arrell t -tyle, a rel, t effe, -q 01'ame CNIV t ,,Tell ode it wa e 5. The the e, eB Of experiments. conseq 2 contained in the volume of 0,,d 1/3 a "8tant composition. A., a Card 21- -11Z density wa revealed. whose Optimum value SEMENKO, Yuriy Lukich; KOROIXV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BYKOV, V.A., inzh.j retsenzentj S-IT~kOV_,_V.V.j kand. tekhn. nauko dots.9 red.; GOLYATIK71A, A.G., x~ed. izd-va-I KLEY14WI, M.R., tekhn. red. [Machines for the straightening of rolled products] Mashiry dlia pravki prokata. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1961. 207 p. (MIRA 14-.11) (Rolling mills-Equipment and supplies) IMANY G.A.; -- S~L O_V_, _V._V.__ Investigating the system of automatic control of a single-stage crushing cycle. TSvet. met. 34 no.6:1-9 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Crushing machinery) (Automatic control) PIIA5Z I ECOH ESWITATION S07/5935 Rokotyan, Ye. S., Doctor of Technical Scicnees, cd. Prokntnoye prolvodstvo; opravochnik (Rolling Industry; Handbook) v. 1. Moscow, - Motallurgizdat, 1962. 743 p. Errata slip ins-orted. 9250 copies printed. Authors of this B. S. Azaronko, Camlidato of Technical Scicncc3; V. D. Afanaslyov, Candidate of TochnAcal Scicnon; 14. Ya. Brmrrnn, Engincer; M, P. Vavilcm, Engineer; A. .33. Vernik, Er,,1nenr; K. A. Golubkov, Engineer; S. I. Gubkin, Academician, AcaderV of L;ci,mcon BSSR; A. Ye. Gurovich, Sngglnocr; V. 1. Davydov, Candidate of Tochn.1cal Scirmcos; V. G. Dro.-,d, Enginaer; N. F. Yormolayov, Engineer; Yo. A. Zhuko7ich-Stoiha, Enginoor; It'. 1-1. Kirilin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; cf. V. Kmrynzu~t, Enrjnoor; A. M. Kof,03,-Z'naincor; A. A. Korolov, Profenzor; 14. Yo. Ku,-ay-2-nlko, EnL-Incor; A. V. Lackin, L-Anoor; B. A. Lovitanskly, Engineer; V. It. F-i-inoor; 1. M. Moyarovich, Gnndidate of Technical Sciencen; M. S. V. 1. Pastorwilk, Engineer; 1. L. Perlin, Doctor of Technical Science3; 1. S. Pobadin, Candidnto of Technical Sciences; Ye. S. Rokotyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences; P1, I '1. S3flymn, Cnndi- date of Technical Sciences; V. V. Smirnov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; V. S. Smirnov, Corresponding Vember, Academy of Sciences USSR; 0. P. Sokola7skly, Card 1/%) Rolling Industry; Handbook 5011/599 5 Fni-Anoor; 0. P. Solov'yov, Enginuor; M. A. Sidorkivich, Englnaor; Ye. 14. Ti,,)0yakov, Failinnor; 1. 5. TrInhovakly, randidato of Technical Sciences; G. 14. Kh(inkin, Faigin3or; and A. 1. Tr,31II-,(r.,, Gurronpondinfr Ptimbar, Academy of 3claricea 113.ilt. Introchwtion: A. 1. Tr--Alkov, C(,)rrenpondIng Pomber, Academy of Salencos IJS~111; Yo. S Doctor of Toohnical Sciences; and L. S. Allahavokiy, Can- Scloncnq. d1drito of T. Eds. of Publishing Houz;oi V. M. Gorobinchonko, It. M, Golubehik, nnd V. A. Itymov; Tech. Ed.: L. V. Dobuzhinskaya. PURPOSE: This handbook Is intended for technical personnel of metallurgical and machine-building plants, scientific research Institutes, and planning and do- sibn organizations. It may also be useful to students at schools of higher education. COVE .RAGE. The fundamentals of plastic doformation of metals are discussed niong with the theory of rolling and drawing. Mothods of determining the power con- sumption and the forc6tf-irfrolllfij with plane surface or grooved rolls,aro Card %/Q Rolling Industry; Handbook SOV5985 1. Rolls 175 2, -Roll be-ariags 188 3. Mechanism and devices for roll adjustment 198 1 Housings 211 Ch. !I. Nechanisms and Parts Transmitting the Rotation to Rolls (A. I. T,peli-kov, V. V. Smirnov; revised by Ye. S. Rokotyan) 1. Connecting spindleg-- 218 2. Main and engine couplings 225 k Gears 227 14. Flywheels 234 Ch. 12. Accessories of Rolling Mills (I.'S. Trishevskiy) 236 Ch. 13. lux-iliary Machines and Mechanisms of Rolling Mills (A. I. Tselikov, V. V. Smirnov; revised by Ye. S. Rok4yan). 1. Classification 257 2. Ohears 257 Card 10A9 8/2 71/63/000/003/007/04i A o6p/A126 AUTHORS: Khan, G.A., Smirnov, M.G. V.V., Zaznobir TITLE: Method for the automaticturbidity contr,11 of decantation from co- .agiiiator (For discussion), PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika,-'telemekhanika. i vychislitel'naya tekhnika, no- 3, 1963,. 29, abstract 3A162 (Obogashcheniye rud, 1962, no. 2 (38), 39 - 42) Ta-T: The article cites dependence curves for the,capacitance of the transducer as a function of the turbidity of qu artz of various sizes, of the tur6 bidity of a suspension of various minerals, of the particle size at constant concentration, of the turbidity of decantation from coagulator under varying size of the solid phase (of a scheelite concentrate), and of the concentration of various reagents. A diagram and description is given of an electronic meter-, ing unit, as well as results of experimentsi according to which the turbidity meter with capacitance transducer may be . utilized in a system for automatic feed-, ing of coagulating agents supplied to a c oagulator, and for the control of the, Card 1/2 KHAN, G.A.; FEDIKOVSKIY, I.A.; SKRNOV, V.V. Oxidizability of molybdenite during flotation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 5 no.4:54-59 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut stall, kafodra obogashcheniya rud redkikh i radioaktivnykh metallov. (Flotation) (Molybdenite) KHAN, G.A.; GUIAN, M.; BAULOV, Testing automiatic photometric equipment for the continuous measurement of residual xanthate ion concentrations in flotation pulp. TSvet.met- 35 no.8:79-81 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Flotation-Equipment and supplies) (Photometers-Testing) KALMAKOV, A. A.; POLKIN, S. I.; KHAN, 0. A.; SMIRNOV, V. V. "The use of radioisotopes for the determination of the contents of dertain. metals in the Products of ore dressing.0 paper to be presented at the Sixth Ihternational Mineral Pr&cessing Congress, Cannes, France, 26 May 2 Jun 63 RDISKIY-.KORSAYOV, A.A.; alIRNOV, V.V. Dependence of the angular distribution of photoelectrons on the radiation energy. Izv. Alt SSSR. Ser. fiz. 20' no,9:1169-1171 r 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Photoelectricity) (Gamm-ray spectrometry) /Vt !AM4036546 BOOK UPIDITIATION iGernsinovx V. V.; Gromovag A. I.; Golovina, YE. S,j MoskVichey, 0. So; Pavlova, F. S.; Smirnov, V. V.; Shapovalov, So To S/ Corrosion and irradiation (Korroziya i obluchoniyo), Moscow, Goantomisdat, 1963, 267 p. illus., biblio. 3,000 copies printed. ;-TOPIC TAGSz corrosion, irradiation, nuclear reactor, nuclear reactor material, ,zatallurgy, stainless st6el, chrcmiwn steel, carbon steel, low alloy steel, aluminum alloy, protective coating, electrochemical behavior Rnt POSE AND COVEUCE: The basis of this monograph was the rosoarch conducted by ,the authors in recent years that has boon publiahod in the periodical literature :and the work of Soviet and foreign authors on the problems of the corrosion resia-I itance of structural materials. The monograph consists of ten ch~ptors in which corrosion and the protection of structural materials used in reactors, the inter- action. of radiation of the nuclear reactor with a substance and the effect of radia-_ tion on '.he corrosion and electrochemical behavior of metals am examined. The general and systematized material on the corrosion resistance of metals used in -reactors will be useful to a wide circle of d4sig"ra, researebars, and w4rtusrs :_Cord._113 AIW36546 concerned with problems of reactor construction. Chapters 1, VII, IXI and I were written by V. V. Garasimov, Chapters II, IV -o E. To Shapovalov, Chapter III A. I. Gromova, Chapter V - V. V. Sidrnov, Chapter VI -o Go So YoDkvichey, Chapter VIII - F. S. Pavloya and To. So Golovina. The authors exproso thoir gratitude to :1. Yo. Zimakov for assistance In writing Chapter IX and their associates who parti- :cipated in the research. TABLE OF COY1"MSs Ch. I. Fffect of the composition of the water on the resistance of structural I materials - 3 Ch. 11. Corrosion of stainless steels in water at high temperatures - 26 'Ch. III. Corrosion resistance of chromlimt steels - 47 -Ch. IV. Corrosion behavior of carbon and low pnoy stools In water at high temperatures - 73 Ch. V. Corrbsion of al=dn= and its alloys in water-cooled rozetors, - 89 Ch. V1. Corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel - 126 Ch. VII. Corrosion of structural materials In steam ducts, vapor channels, and boiling resotors 158 2/3 'AY4036546 Qn. VIII. Protective coatings in reactor cons4motion - 167 Ch. IX. Radiation of a =clear reactor - 199 Ch. X. Effect of riAiatloa ou the electrochemica babavior of matori4s 229 Sn COM HL, US SUBMITTEDs 14X&r63 VR IV SO7#M79 'mm 1 308 UTZ ACQs OTAaA Card 3 L 410?3-66 EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI/EWp(k) 1JP(0 JD/H'N/WB/DJ ACC NR: APb027299 SOURCE CODE: UR/0133/6 oO0T0Ob/0752/0755______,, AUMOR: Doronin, V. M.; Smirnov, V. V.; Klyuyev, M. M.; Alekseyenko, M. F.; Orekhov, d.- N._'__ ORG: none TITLE : Stainless heat-resistan 15Khl6N2M teel f~ 14 SOURCE: Stall, no. 8, 1966, 752-755 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, martensitic steel, -rk heat resistant steel, ~o-o mechanical property, .15Khl6N2M stainless steel ABSTRACT: A new stainless and heat-resistant steel designated 15Khl6N2M has been developed for use in parts operating under stresses at elevated temperatures up to 500C in marine or tropical