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2h85h s/jo6/61/ooo/oo5/w2/006 New methods for evaluating distortions ... A055/A133 wh ere F0 = Fo (t) is the modulating communication, F 0 = F0 (t + 'r ) and [Abstracter'ts note: no reference is made in this article as to tAe meaninig of A* Assuming that T is sufficiently small and that F., _-- Fo, expression (29) may be written as follows: a n V \1 KIKISI 2J--j AF AM -- 2 (FO + -1) 1=1 1=1+1 2 M 2 K,% If only two paths exist (with parameters Kl = 1, Y,2 K, cr 1 0, Cr2 4), formula (30) becomes: 21csin-2 AF AM= (F,+ I ) ~1+ 2 M, In the case of phase modulation, the author-arrives at the general formula card 8A0 ~1,154 0 S/106/61/000/005/002/006 New methods for evaluating distortions ... A055/A!3_"j .6., KI Sin (IfEj + bl) FPIl 1=1 -64) n E. .1 Cos K Sig (11'fE + 4) -AFPI%% arc tg AT + AC Cos (aTe + id - (35) for two paths only. In these.formulae, a is the modulation Index, and 0 (t + V) F(t). The corresponding formulae for'the case oi freQuency modulation are: ft n E K, Cos jrf F, E; vt COSfj +X, 31 n Tj My an To AFFM= ic, sin.,fl), +E 'C, Cos ~Fi (36) Card 9/10 12-ILUMV V.A. kand-. tekhn. ratd-; SHKM~UV, Ye-P.. red.; FETildKOVA, -n-1-1. ---3y L.I., tekhn. red. [Amplid~nes]El~ktromashdnnye usiliteli. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 72 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Rotating amplifiers) a KOLOSOV, S.P., doktor tekan. nauk; SMIRNOV, V.A., inzh. Statis characteristtas of a hydraulic amplifier with a Jet pipe and standard load. Trudy MAI n0.155.,60-7-1 264. (IAjRA 17:11) KOLOSOV, S.P., doktor Lekhn. nauk; pUTINSIEV, V~A, Irmh.; SIMIRNOV, V.A., inzh.; SHELENKOV, V.14.1. :Lnzh. Calculation of revqrsive networks 01,h Fi.c. power aupply. Trudy MAI no.155:90-109 161.. (MIRA 17:11) S.P., dokto- teklin nauk- OSTRYAKOV, I.A., i-nzh.; T-11RNOV, V.A., inzh.; KOLOSOVP ShELENKOV, V.M.. inzh. Calculation of circuits with current conducti-ng polymers. T'rudy KJ no.155~120-131 164. (.NaRA 17 ~ J-1) 6 u 10,11., V.A,, dok-,.or Leklin. naukp retsenzent; GA17IN, 1.K., rea. rprobiems of radio communicat-ion in ouler spare' IT-)rurosy L kosmicheskoi radiosviazi. J,,,osk-va, Sow-tskoe radios 1965. (MT 312 p. IFA 1E:2) t~ejr activation. urig. am. oo, 621 032 UDC REF: 28Mar66 / ORIG i -, cilin t,.nnv t 09 / SUB74 DP~ -- n=-M=-L- 7-1- U-~len ~-ical Dipes -L i:uv BUROV, Yu.G.; SMIRNOV,_ . Ketitin8l of the International Coordination Commitee on the Properties of Steam. Inzh.-fiz* zhur, no. 9:128-130 S '58. (91RA 11:10) (Steam) KUMSKOV, V.T., doteent, k-and.tekhn.nauk; SMNOV, V.A., Starshiy nauchnyy sotruinik, kand-tekhn.n~,& Theory of similitutde and its application in heat engineering. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.4:142-144 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Dimeasional analysis) (Heat engineering) AUTHORS; Kumskov V., T_ PSkal~uk TITLE: Intercollegiate Conferi-,nce and its Application in PERIODICAL. Inzhenerno~fizicheskiy pp~ 120-124 S/170/60/003/011/016/016 B019/3056 A. I, Smirnov, V. A. on the Principle of Similarity Heat Engineerin% zhurnal 1~0,60, Vol~ 3, No, 11. TEXTS From June 6 to June 10, 1060, the mezhxuzclvskaya konferentsiya pa teorl4i podobiya i yey-3 pr-imenen:Lyu v teplotekhniki (Intercollegiate Con- ference on the Principle ef Simikarity and Its Application in Heat Engineering) was held at the Moskovskiy ~nstitut inzhenerov transporta (MIT) (IMoscow Institute of Transportation Engineers). The Conference was attended by roughly 500 scientific workers.. 68 lectures were delivered. After the opening words spoken by the President of the Organization Ccmmittee Deputy Chief of the MIIT, Professor A. I., Ioarinisyan. Professor P. K. Konakov (MIIT) began his lecture cn "The Pre3ent Stage of the Pr;,nr,lple of Similarity and the Perspectives of its Appli-,,~ation in Heat Englneeringll,, Academician of the AS BSSR., A., V,. Lykov of the Institut Card / !0 Interc-c1legiate Conference on the Prin-,iple S/1,70/60/003/011/0!6/016 of Similarity and Its Applic-ation in Heat BO!9/BO56 Ea.gin,~ering kjL AN DSSR (Institute of Power EngInearing of the AS BSSR) inves- igated problems of the inteeral tran8furmations and operator methods and *In-~i-- re-'ations to the principle of simil-ni-tty., Prof'es.-;or V.~ A.. Venikov th~ NTeskcvskiy energetichesk~y Lnstitut 'Mcscow Institute of PoweF- Engi.neeiing), holder of the Lenin Pri-.P, inv~;stigated problems concerning T,he relations between investigations carried out on models iin nature, and analytical investigations. Professor S. G, Teletov of the Institut atomnoy energii AN SSSR im, I., V.- Kurchatova ~Institute of Atomic Energy of thp AS USSR imeni I, V, Kurchatov) in his lp:Z~ture -studied the planning cf experimental investigations in correspondence with the demands made by the principle cf similarity. According to the opinion of Professor A. A, Gukhman of the Moskovskiy inst.-tut khimi-1heskogo mash inos troyeniya CTY~O-szowlnstizute of Machine Construction), the most -important problem is the development of methods by means of which it is possible to bLi,T up the --haracteristic variables of a physic-al problem. Professor ye~ V., KujL~Layt2jey of the ENIN AS USSR attached great importance to the principle of similarity in.the investigaticn of heat exchange Processes. Prcfi~asor L. I, Kudryashchev of the Kuybyshevskly aviatsionn-yy instuitut Card 2/~O Intercolleaiate Conference on the PrincipIq 3/'70/60/003/011/0!6/016 0 Cf Similarity and Its Applli~ation In Hear BO'9/BOc)6 Enginaer,ng (Kuybyshev A-iation Institute and Candidate cf Technical Sciences AT-T -Temkin of the Kaliningradskiy tekhnicheskiy institut rybnoy promyshlenno5ti i khozyaystva (Kal-Aningrad Technical Institute cf the and EconGmics) also deiivered fe,~tures which are not dealt with ir detail,, The theoretical sect-~on of the Ccnference was under the chair- manship cf Professcr Konakov, Here. '7 lecTures xere delivered, The lecture by B, V Kantorovich of the Institbt goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR (Institute of Fuel Minerals of the AS U;SR) had the title "The Application of the Princ,,ple of Similarity in lnv~;,gtigat-ns cf Ccmbustion ProceAses". The lectures delivqred by V, A., Shvab bl~ Ye.. Dogin of the Tomskiy elektromekhanichesk-4 institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnyy transporta (Tomsk Electromechanical Institute fcr Ra_,Iroad Engineers) and by Z. M. Kudryavtseva of the TsNlIchermer dealt the application of the prLriciple of sirailarity in investigatlons cf the motions of drop-gas mixtures in pipelines,. The lectures delivered by Professor L, I. K,adryashov (Kuybyshev Aviation inStttlAtS) and Professor A. cf the Voy-ennaya akademiya tyla l t;ansporTa (Military Academy fo Supplies and Transportaticn.) dealt with the gq~, dynamical simulat.icn of Card 5/ -0 1 10 Inter;;ollegiate ConfeTen-ce on the Pr.-ncicie S/170/6 /003/0'1/016/016 ct Similarity and Its Applicati.on ir. He-at B019/B056 Engineering municipai gas lines,, V,, M,~ Golovin (Kuybysh;--,- Aviat~*on Institute) dealt with the estimatit~-n cT the dissipaticr, c-f mechanical energy .n mctions f liquids. V. 0 Fo ge Icif the Muskcvskiy .nstitut tonkoy khlmicheskiy (Moscow Institute cf Chemleal Terhriology) investigated the appl-~~:atoon of the principle ~;f similarity and the elecric simullation for the investigation of vulcanization prccesses. A. V.. T-2mikov (Kuybyshev Aviation Inscitute) delivered a lectur,3 cr. "The Similarity of Ph-3n,omena of Nonsready Heat Ccnduction in Metals",. G. P, Ivantsov (TsNIIchermez) dealt with the applic,ation of gauge transfcrmat~ions to problems c-f mathematical phy5ics and heat engineering. A., M. Kulik (InsTilute of Atomic Energy ef'-the'AS USSR imeni T. V.. Kurchatc-7~-:Z`v`p5tigated the applicat-en of the P:FinGlpii~ C,f similarity cc. nonst-gady temp-~rature fle'-d8., Yu. N. Zakharov rf the Novesiblrsk--y institut inzhenercv vod-(go zransj?orta (Novosibirsk lnstitutefcr Water-transportation Engineers) investigated the rules gc~,erning the functioning of jets. The -applir-atic-n of the principle of sim-.1arity for the purpose of in-sqtigatiing the aonsteady temperature fields In -.cmp.,ix bod;es was dealt with by A., G., Temk~,nt, A,. M, Shedrin of the NT~--hn: issled,~,-4atel skiy institut sel sk,:,g,:, stroitel~stva (S,:~~iantific Cat-Cl ~/ C) 111 eg'. ate Corif ere nc E, on the Pri-n( ;.p "A S/,7o/6o/003/0'1/o16/oi6 c" Simiarity and Its Applic-aricn zn 11--ar BO~01'/BO56 Engint"ering Research Institute for Rural Constru----~cn,;' ln%--st-g-ated -,he application of the principle of similar-ityz effesTs, The sectionfor heat- mass ex-1hange was under the chairmarship of Academician of the AS BSSR A., V. Lykcv,, Yu, A., Mikhaylov of the lnstitut energetiki i elektrotekhniki AN Lai~r., SSR (Inst--tute cf Power Engin~er-rig and- Ele-strotechnics of the AS Lat~,-,yskaya SSR) investigated heat-ma&s &xchanges in disperse media, A, V. Ralkc of -he Kiyevskiy politekhriich~skiy -astitut (Kiyev Polytechnic the simulati-on of Ins u ti n7estigated lowirg processes. G,, ff, Sizov c:f the Tsentral-nyy nauchro-i-ssiedovalel sk.-.y institut ekonomiki i eksp"'tuatat3li -,rcdnogo rransporta (Cen-,ral S~:iet,tific Research Institute fCr the Prcdu:-r.----itv and Exploitat--cn :f Wa-ber Transports) lpvestigated the smulati.,-n ---f the turbulent hea--~ P--x.~hang--, Z, M Miropci sk-ty of the Mcz,kovskiy le3ctekhnich~sskiy inst--,tU- iLMosc-cw Institute of Fcres'ry) in-- vestigated the heat exchange in the ocndensation of high irens,-on steam. B, I. Kolbascv- (Institute of Atomic Energy of the AS USSR imeni Kurchatov sroke abcut the results cf ar, ,nve-st;-igation of the heat -exchange in the critical region in the flow cf ~.tarbonis a,-id in tubes. Most of the lectures w"rE in the secticn. fc- heat exchange., The secti:an was supervised C.a:-a 1:1 0 I , - t r!'~, 1: t o ;/.1,10 (;0/C)0 ',/(I 1 '/0'(1/0 16 -r q i; a teC, ri n f p r e nnt 11 e. Pt v zn -1 7 -, 5n I t ion, t J 1" 0 5 6 Eng in-2er ing by Pr~~f ess.:;r F~ N,.Pomanenkcz Prcfz-ssc~r A IL, Gurvich of the TsKTI imeni Pol itim. -, repci-ted cr, research worit Ir! the Labcra-criya luchistogo teploc-bm~-n~ T~KTI (Laboratory of Rad lat i(,zi Heal Exchange of the TsKTI) carr,ed ~ ~-At in t~e -.cursa cf recent year3,. Ye . P. Kara-s-efr of the Lenin- gradsk--ye vyssheye vcyenno-morskoye inztienizrnoye uchilishche im, Dz~irzhinsk(:gc (,Leningrad Higher Nalral Engineerin:., School imeni Dzerzhinskiy) dealt. with 'he ,;imulaticn of steam qggregates P , Pomanenko investigat7- ed the r5sistan-e and the heat exchange cf a turbulent gas flc-w in diffu-. s~r Vl~ P.. Motullevich cf 'he ENIN AS USSR oeal-, with the heat eychartoge and t-~e- in -a gas flow. B. S., D vachenko cf The Nikolayevskiy korablestrcitel nyy institut im. admirala Makarova Mikclayev Shipbuilding 1"ati-rut -meni Admirai Afakarcv) dealt with 'he stimaticn -f heat ex~~hangers cf gas turbines 1~, shipbuild g. V~ G~ D,:rcfeyet cf zhe Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy Lristlrut (Novocherkassk Polytechnic inst-Itute) gave the results of an investigation cf the heat exchange Cf eiectrolocomcti;~a -esiszcls.. P,. M, 3rdlik G. Ye. Verevochkin, and V, A, Smirnov (MIIT ENIN AS USSR) ex.-hange bstw~en )et.5 and plates, Ya., V Kudryav-,sev and K N., Kachalev ~ENIIN IS Card 6/ 0 ~nt I! egi a z z Cor:fe_~-an- ~ --n ~ he Pr,.rc 7 0 t-:,0 0 0 6 /0 -, 6) cf S,,,milar ity and '.-' ts Appli --a tion in Heat -Io Engirke~lr ing USSR) in-asrigated the operation cf an ele,.,Ercnc universal calorimeter. K, F, Aksencv ef the Vsesoyuznyy zac-chrivy inzhenerov trans- p cL I, I it ( All I If n i o n Co r r o s o r d e n,, -.4 Ins t -~. I. u. zfc r T r a rk s p o r t a t i c ri Erig i nee r s o V I, Q 11 9 x)) Q V 1111 o 11 t:j ~t I,.,j o~ t1( o r u I r p. h et t 6- *(~- It A n g ar., S 3 , F I I i mo no v and B A.. 'Khrustale-~~ (ENIN AS USSR) rop(_:rtud cii ticn _r'-U64-fT_o_w__cT a liquid ;hrough '.ub-3i:., A.. 1, Leontlyev Moucow In- sritu,re cf Forestry) N_ Ye. Nlinua rf !he Gruz,,rskiy politekhnicheskly in5titut (Georgian Polytechn,~ lnsz-.tu~-!, G. P Bc--ykov (Tomsk Polytechnic Inst itute I~, S, Konherc~r and G. Ye, Mcrcz,: j 'Institute of Atomic Energy c~f the AS USSR imenL 1,, V., Kurcha*:c,;.~) A, A, Smirnov (Ku ,vbyshev Aviation Trist.itute), and V, G, Ushpkou- of the No_v_c_cT_-,r_R_asskiY poll tekhril,--heakiy institut (Novorherkassk Pclytechnic- institute) delivered le:rures which are mentioned in pass~~ng cnly,, The last day was devoted to the works in the SimuLation Labora-1cry .:,f the Kafed_ra "Ter-losilovyye usta- no,- k L IlTa (Chair of "Thermal Powir Plat~zs' of ~he MIIT)~ A lecture de- livered by P, K. Konako-, was on "The Rules ~f the Ccmplex Heat Exchange". V . T, Kumskov (MlIT) del lvered the lec ture "Art investigation of the Com- in Ccmbas-ticn Chamb-:-sl' V-~ I- Lebedev reported cn ard 7/'0 Int~rcollegiala Conferenc~e on the Princ_pe S11 I 70/601003/0~ 1/07-6/0 16 o" Similaritv and Its Applica-Lon in Heat B019/BO56 En,,,.neerlng `Ari -,n-z,!igat,.~.)n of the Action of thtF Degr.~e ?f Blacken)na Upon the Hea-, Exrharige in Combustion Chambers" - The secticn for thermal power ma~h,nes was under the supervisicri -f Prcfessor V V. Lakhanin (Novo- sabirsk instItu- fcr `ffa-er Transrcrtation Engineers), in his lecture he dea-t with a detailed analys.-s cf -zhe hear cal,:ulation c.f viston machines. In this B. Kh. Dragancu- of the Ukrcainsikalya akddemiya sel - skc,khczy-_-ystvennykft nauk (.Ukra-,n,3 Academy Ec.~.rlomics) is menticn,~d, The r~c,__1l-abcrator_:; cf the Central R.~sear,-b. institute of Economics j n3 Exz:.'0itat.,cr_ c-f Water TransocrT:at!-~r: -arried out, experiments cn the , -q- 1:~ ple cf simi a-ity fc:r ~rsnz~pcrt calculations, _' _*,*,cr, .-f the prince S_ N . 1-t3hkov Military AradeW, :cr Su-p;-Lies and Transportation Spoke about the applicat-_cn cf the princip` '5 -.f s-im-,Ia~-ity --r. the.calculation ..f jhct,-rcar eng.,rips. M. C. Krugl-_v and N. P,, K(-z'-ov cf the MVTU imeai Bauman gave a report on Me apf7_T,at.,Cn ~ F !r.8 principle of -sim-liqrity ~r, the investigation of proresses -,n cml, --s-c-ri engines., L,, I. Foakinskiy (Cectral Scienti-fil- Resear,:.h Irks,itute ~f Ecc~ncmics and the ExTicitation e r d 5 -ating river Water Transpor tat , cr~ in~. i-,~ red Z h, M th - 7-' calz~ul i!, a t i c n.. V rm,:r~lkrconcye f B, I. '0 4 1 *Iegl, 003/011/016/016 In ' er--L, -1 ate Conf-~-rence on the Principle S/170/60 of Similarity and Its Application in [feat B019/BO5~ Engin-3ering uchilishche (Murmansk Higher College cf Navigation) investigated the op-Imum operation conditions for steam engines for ships. Ye. A- Nikitin of the Kalomenskiy teplovozostroitei~nyy zavod im. Kuybysheva (Kalomensk Steam Locomotive Factory imeni Kuybyshev) spoke about investigations of compressorisss Diesel engines by means of the principle of similarity. M P. Aleksandro-q of the MVTU imeni Bauman applied the principle of similarity tc the determination of the heating of braking systems. V. D. Zinevich of the Leningradskiy gornyy ins-titut (LenIngrad Vining Institute) i.wrest-Igated pneumatic motors produced by the factory "Pnevmatika'! of the Lengorsovnarkhoz on the basis of the pr-,n-,iple of similarity. B.. Kh. Draganov (Ukraine Academy of Economics ') and K., Ye-'Ucheshko (Nikolayev Shipbuilding Institute imeni Admiral Makarov) studied the application c-f the principle cf similarityto steam-pcwer engines,. The section made decisions concerning the further develc-pment ,~f ihe application of the principle of similarity, which are summarized in form of three pGints~ Furthermore the senior editor of the "Inzhenexic- fizicheskiy -zhurnal". A-,ademic-'an, Q~f the AS BSSR A, V, Lykc,,~- ~s reques,~ed to publish works cr -.he T)rinciple cf similarity regularly, zequsster~ ,?1/ -0 S/649/61/000/139/101 ill 1018 AUTHORS: Brdlik, P. M., Verevochkin, G. E. and Smirnov, V. A. TITLE: Heat exchange between a jet and .-i plate placed normal to the stream SOL) RCE Moscow. Institut inzhenciov zheleznodorozImogo transporta. Trudy. no. 1A l9ol. T;9riya podobiva i ycyc primcneniye v teploickhnike; trudv pelvOi MC7hVUZ0VSk0V lonferentsii, 182-192 TEXT: The paper describes tho results of tit) investigation of heat exchange between a heatt:d watei jet and a plate normal to it. The study of Perry and Thuylow is tot) restricted in scope. their conclusions being valid oidy within a narro%46 range of variation of the basic parameters Re. d. h!d (d = nozzle diameter, h = distance from the nozzle to the plate). In the present work, the ranSeof variation of these paramciers uas d = 2.5 30.0 mm. Red = 50 - 31000, h1d = 0.04 -- 8.0. The experimental data suggests the existence of three different zones, according to the value of h 'Id: a) for h1d :5 0.5, the experimental data obtained satisfy relationship (4), b) for 0.5 < h1d < 10. the empirical relationship (7) is derived from the experimental data: c) for h1d > 10, formula (8) is proposed, with some reservations due to insufficient data, bv extrapolation Card 1,12 Note: 'to' S/649/61/0001139iOi7/018 11) 2 8! Q " 8 AUTHORS: Konakov. P. K.. Smirnov. V. A. and Verevochkin. G. E. TITLE: Criteria for the tliermal process of obtaining ingots by Chokral'skiN *s method SOURCE: Moscow. Institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transpoita- Trudy, no. 139. 1961. TeoriNa podobiva i yeve primenenive v Wplotekhnike: trudy pervoi m,-zhvuzovskoy konferentsii, 210-217 TEXT: The paper describes a heat process for ingot growth and determines its craerial relationihips. In the Chokral'skly niethod, a priming fastened to a rotating shaft that can also move along the vertical is in- troduced into a melt contained in a vacuum furnace. an ingot is thereby extracted from the melt. passing during its growth through zones of different temperatures. The extraction of the ingot is described by its equa- tions for continuity, motion and heat propagation of the melt, and the equation for heat propagation in the ingot.The conditions of single-valuedness are added to these equations. (a) At the boundary between the solid and liquid phases, the equations of matter and heat balance connect the magnitudes appearing in the equations. (b) This process is non-stationar), (c) The physical constants of the meltand the ingot depend on temperature of the melt and the ingot and criterial equations ate determined as a results. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut inzhenerciv zlielezriodorozhuogo transporta (Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers). Card III KUMSKOV, Viktor Timcfeyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKHANIKO, Mikhail Grigorlyevich; BARTOSE, Ye.T., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ~NIIOIOV, V.A., kand. tolchii. nank, red. 1 130BROV, Ye.B., tekhn. red. [Fundamentals of heat engineering] Osnovy teplotekhniki. 14o- s1cva, TrariszheldovI7.dat, 1962.- 231 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Heat wigitieering) GUREVICH., I.L.; LTVOVA, A.I.; 61,MNOV, V.A. Products of deasphalting as a catallytic c-racking stock. tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.8:32-35 Ag 162. (.'.ERA 15:8) 1. I-bskovskiy institut neftekbimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennostli im. akad. Gubkina. (Cracking process) AUTHORS, Zhuravlev, N.N. and Smirnov I f?,X/7o-4-4-10/34 TITLE. X-ray Determination of the Structure of Cs 3B-i PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, Pp 534-537 (USSR) ABSTUACT CS13i 21 which is a super-conductor at 4.75 0K, is known to havo a Cu,Mg-type structure with a = 9.746 + 0.005 A and minimwii interatomic distances of Bi-Bi = 3.44, Bi-Cs = 4.04, Cs-Cs = 4.22 X . New data on Cs 3Bi is now presented. Cs 3Bi was prepared under vacuum or under decalin by alloying the two elements. The alloy heated to 90 0 could be broken up with a pestle and shaken tlLrough a Ni grid into a capillary tube, where it was sealed off. Powder photographs in an 86 nun dia camera showed a cubic cell with a 9.305 + 0.006 J? Cs-Bi was seen to be isomo.rphous with Cs3Sb", the structure of which is known. The space group is Fd3m - 07 and there are Cs atoms h SOV/70-4-4-10/34 X-ray Determination of the Structure of Cs 3Bi in 8(a) positions and 4Cs + 4Sb in the 8(b) positions. Observed and calculated values of the intensities for Cs-)Bi were compared and agreed satisfactorily. dCale ~ 5.01 s/cm The minimum Bi-Bi distance in Cs 3Bi is 4.o3 Ar, which is outside the limits within which super-conductivity is found. In both Cs 3Bi and CsBi., 8 Cs atoms lie in a diamond net in the interstices of which the other atonis are found: in CsBi 2 . there are tetrahedra of B! atoms and in C-,.i.Bi astatistical arrangement of 4Bi + 4Cs. In both structures the Cs-Bi distances are 4.03 R but the Bi-Bi distance in CsBi is only 3.43 against 4.03 i in Cs-Bi. 2 The change frow semiconductivity to super-conductivity can be followed in the series KB!2, RbB:L 21 CsBi.;, Card2/3 SUY/70-4-4-10/34 X-ray DeternMination of the Structurc- Cil"' CH,3i .11 as the Bi-B! distances change. Aclmowledgments are wade to G.S. Zhdanov. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 8 references, of which 6 are Soviet and 2 English. ASSocixrim Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univer5itet imeni M. V. Lomozzosova (,Njoscow State University imeni M~ V. Lomonosov) SUDMITTED: December 4, 1958 C. a r d 5/5 78111 SOV/70-5-1-20/30 AUTHORS~ Zh~;~rav_lev, NT, N,, Smirn ov, V. A., Mingazin, T. A. T -IT [,E X-Ray lrvestigation of Compounds Rb 3Bi and Rb 3Sb PERIODICAL~ Iya. 190"G, '101 5, Nr 1, PP 1311-137 ABSTRACT-~ RbBi~)j a superconductor , has been known to form cubic r ,' 7!31:ct'ks wiUi a = 9.609 A and bond lengths Bi-to-Bi 3.40A; Rb-to-Bi 3.98 A; Rb-to- Rb 4.16 A. Sem1conductors Rb 3 Bi and Rb3Sb were produced by melting the mixtures of the respective metals. The ob+l,*ained products were pure Rb 3Bi and a mixture of Rb 3Sb crystals with those of RbSb. All are dark-gray, brittle, and chemically more active than merallic Rb. The X-ray data proved the hexagonal symmetry Rb Bi, whose identit y periods were a = 6.42 + 0.02 A Uard 1/3 3 and c = lii._46 + 0.05 A; Rb3Sb proved also to be-hexagonal A 0." P 7'7- f NI, "T Lo c. ac, z, c, Mc s - i .'n e i M V SIAIRNOV V.A., ANTROPOV L.I~, 20-5-43/6-f TITLE 'Z_er_o__P_6_i_n_'fs__of Diluted Sodium Amalgams. (Nulevyye tochki razbavlennykh amal'gam natriya -Russian) kRIODICAL Doklady Akademii Hauk SSSR,1957,Vol 113,Nr 5,PP lo98-1101(U.S.S.R.) Received 7/1957 Reviewed 8/1957 ABSTRACT In the course of the past ten years the J,iportant part played by the potential of the zero charge or the metal zero point MeEq-0 in connection with various electrochemical processes has been reco- gnized.Tberefore the determination of the zero point of diluted a- malgams is of considerable interest. Many amalgams have been used for the reduction of organic and anorganic substances. The finding of zero points is rendered difficult in the case of the amalgams of alkali metals by their relatively easy oxidizability and by the rather rapid decomposition of electrolytes by aqueous solution.Be- sides, the exchange currents between the amalgams and the solution which contain ions of the respective metal, are usually great,and therefore current consumption is necessarily rather high in order that a noticeable potential shift from the equilibrium- or steady value be obtained.This, however, may lead to a change of the up- per amalgam layer and to a wrong representation of results.The e- lectrocapillary curves for sodium amalgam in a 1.0 n NaOH solution are shown in table 2. They have a marked maximum which must corres.- pond to the potential of the zero charge of the amalgam of this Card 1/3 composition.The position of the maximum of the amalgam is shifted composition change in the course of the process of-decompost1on. A marked change of zero point of mercury on the occasion of going Card 2/3 over to diluted amalgams 1ead5 us to suppose that also the zero Zero Points or Diluted Sodium Amal_-aLis, 2c-.5-43/67 points of other metals will change in the course of electroly- sis in alkali solutions if they are able to form sodium-metallic surface compounds (lead, zinc, etc.). This circumstance may ap- parently exercise a certain influence on the development and the direction of electrochemical hydration in alkaline solutions. (With 3 illustrations, 1 table, 19 Slavic references)- ASSOCIATION Polytechnical Institute "Sergo Ordzhonikidze" Novocherkask PRESENTED BY FRUMKIN A.N., Member of the Academy SUBMITTED 17-9-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 3/3 0 1 V D.istrs 4E2b(b)/4E2b(v)/4E~ei(m)/41~~'~(b)/4t2d(v~)/4Eja(tr*)/4Fjc:~-,-C'~,'6 C omes & equA6~ of 6V 'E~Iov (kc. cit. r 12 V.* Cx+l~ Kinetici of thwdewliFoAtion Y gams of sodium aqd.~ f d a presence of some organic com---o- C,1,1(VU-K+ - VCU4), where r time 0 e- A -22La--l- in th, ii UnTs- ' 'K 01. of amalgam compn. of amalgam 41 2L~!IgMna, r,-- A. Ushkova. M. 0. Smirnovu. :.dus-V. r'r'- in see..- V.- - v u Rob -Xhim.-Tekhnol.-TaT.-I. x1de, CIR. -s surface conch. of' ch. oly Stud. Cu+ - conen. of metal hydro 111,kh rnl~. Ila -,7, Qrdih ikurm Org. COMpd., and Kdoemps. -rateconstofthedecompii.ofthe4 MovocherkasikiT P-0 4 on !. 1959,i' NO. 7. 31-8; cf. Trudy Novocherkassk~ Folitekh, [n l9sa amalgam, Kd.m - (I/F)expJ(F/2RT)(A,w.~ - V.)L 9 or, No. 05, 140.-Mixts. coiitg.,NaOH or KOFIj Ahe corre~_, where A reda, ~ redn. potentW of the org. compd. on H sponding metal amalgam, and a reducible org. compd. am amalgam electrode at DA - 1.0 amp;/sq. cm., measured iw studied to det. the effect of the nature of the orgy compd.-.. A LONsoln. of lonsof the metal forming the amalgam, which' soln. also contains I mole/l.* of org. compd., and V.. and the effect of the nature of the metall of the amalgam on the rate const, for the Process of the decompn. of them 4.8445 v. for Na AaWgam and 1.8099 v. far K. Rate amalgam e 32.5 X: t;"-, Glucose, HCHO, and McCOEtaresttidicd. In, lecinsts. caled. from exptl. data for Na amalgam ar 10-7 for HCHO, 1.78.IX 10-T fdFglucose, and I X 10-1 for: all cases a straight line is obtained when V-C (C - concn. of ~Mp _COBt. For-K amalgam, these consts. are 53.3 X 10-,' amalgam in motes of metalA. Fig is plotted against time, in sec. Deviation from the straight line occurs at -3.86 X 10-7, and 2.44 X 10-, resp. The increase in rate the end ~ :consts., e.g., on goingfrom Na to Karnalgarn with thesame of the reaction. Into a closed jacketed glass b6ttle, cooled org. compd. is detd. by the equation (KKd*9MpM./NaKd~PS.) by circulating H20, 250 nil. LON alkali hydroxide contg. - p((F/2R7J(1ce..-xE*-)J. The theoretical value of .0.25 mole/I. of org. compd, is poured. Three samples are 'this ratio of rateconsts. is 1.05 The exptl. values are 1.64 withdrawn, 20 nil. amalgam (concn- 3 mole mewA. Hg) is added, and electromagnetic stirring for HCHO, 2.18 for glucose. ana 1.71 for McC:OEt. at 250 r.p.m. begun., Eurilla May 1, At intervals alkali samples are titrated with LON 111SO4. Amalgams are prcpd. electrochem. From a preytous article. --d ,3M'IqNOV, V.A.; DI'MCHIM, L.A.; AUTROPOV, L.I. Eet!!rmination of the zero points of rtiluttd modium amalgams by the uimthod oC "zero golution." Report No.j. Trudy !Ipl 133:95-111 162. (141RA 17:2) 0 is si 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o1 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 1 u cy 31 32 13 14 a 16 17 a W a 61 a c 0 er Q m A L 0PC s.T W 61 0 -1 . I'll CP MY s71 - "Fit o;6 .01IT311diss.1) 0114.413M owl - V ,%I ,aldwm j-A .1.11inq 1: SV - plip j,uv Ju!py ' JI101 I'll 'a allI 0 0, at, .1. -itilij alit' d alp pum Isqs,jj-j se 11) so- jiluu, j 'f.L par nopvtoola i 00" at ft It 11 ON Ili is n I; IN 4 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 p., p stj l "u~lA njumpatu 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 p Aqmj,m! 1! 1,1mot , , , Al i . , W l 1 4 d Ir 00 ' i 1 ."Ja 'loll 5-J4 1 qj P 11 l 1 -Ujluz aq) 131-q-, qz p 10 All, _ i C, 0t )I, 1knioul -q] Aq A(jr.4jl4Tup.,j.,, qj~% Ino pqsvill, C~JC IVAA 3AJ~j 00 III n pli.. 114111 )IJA% 1.) 1,1111vi pqTj, 09 Ix'Itil t1lim I.Al. .'Idulm ik.1131,11.1 J,, kidu aill u! .1.. ' ' 00 10111111iv~-10,31VA -V.) 60L Ak?Z 'ZIP O)JV3 01 0 UJ -JA JO 13!pqf Oq) lip 0,01 alp ua&Aqaq volliqal sq.L go 00 00 00 I I v n 4 W IF T_ -7 -T- 7 00 a 91 V of ct 64 fill "t."Ifi rlif al 0 1 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __4 0 0 a A 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0 "k 0 0 0 0 0 vp -a, -t ttf L L L I C, JS 1, It I r %t Y AA fir PP It t L A - Cimbination of 46 It I A. tassesh Athim.-Fekkwd- bw. 3 4. W.) ' t f t d i l f h a l 00 s i 'W rts it. if aci rvi ys- rcilu I I s( im-The ail y ic tarch And its subsequent neutrablAtioct were studied (tit t 00 12 samples of corn and potato starches in itiluch the 09 9! aint. -.1 acid combined by phosphates, N substance,, . ~afti of org. acids. etc.. and the effect of the fill 00 un the prtict-4 were detd. The quality of starch greatly 00 itlect% the atnt. of combined acid. The %witsus samph's ' 4 star, Is were shown to bavv combined 1ICI front a U- 43% v4u. in percrutaKe by wt. on anhydrous starch: OAXII-hi when hydrolyzed under atin. prestturt for (5 firs.. WU4-5 under ~A attn. for I hr., under 2.5 atut. for Lt? -00 00 min. and 0.(727-W of 0.73% HC1 when hydrolyzed under *0 j 2-5 aim. for hr. The anst. of combined lJpW# in per- l on anhydrous starch ctmittincil front a UAls- ventage by Wi 00 J; ')A5 -10 %oln. ~itbin ti I.$. was between O.WS and 0.917.. z i 0011 Exact detts. of the amt. of combined acid is recortitnendcd 42rvfcr- e 0 OO Go T. G. TAU," 0 be WOO It S L t1.LtWrK .L t Tf*ATtAf CL SSIFIC t G -414, , A A N I C'Z- s t rv 4, l , 0 1. 41 of tr of If rt It It it dc 4 1 it ti A3 a It v v 0 0 V 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 1? 21 29 x V 13 V 13, k It it 0 11 41 41 "1:6 ~P f--P, 41 Predpitatiou of potato match depeadilms upon the Coo Contrattrim, of hydre a ions. V. A. ,~kairnov. trud) , je Kki l 00 , A m- , Am.4. ln,l. 3 4, 119 lixpl, ill which I)Ptll. of starch and r"uhills clartlicati"ll of its 2.3% suspension were indicated by a pbotoclec. cell 0 revralcil the highest rate of pptn. at pit 2. at which it cx : cre,k .1 time-k that M 1,116. The optimal pit at whid; 0 1lie 1),itain priadits arc nut yet timijulated. With higher P11, contArninaliots by protein and a remdual acidity of i1 h h ibl h -e 40 t e larc are pam e. At t the rate of pptu. will 6 p lye 1.2 times that at pil fl~ G. Tolpin 00 00 00 00 ZOO 00 ZOO 00 40 lee ze 0 08 00 00 -100 W -tu~KAL UtER&TUAt CLtWFtCAT%Gk I Z 0 0 .S. R: ZL T% :T :1 It M I, OF a PC :X4 An I 1 6 Id 0 '1 1 V 01 1 A] a St rt er n It Ot MID a I 4 ~ ooo*Oofo* .04 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 oeoeoeo*ooeo00000;000000004000000 0 0000000*00000000:0000ogoooooosso 0osis ooool A ItsW 0 0 0 L Cellophaw and methods for testing it. Va. A. Freldlin and V. A. Smiroov. Ifumathosaya llrvm. too, No. I I. ;'A N d 4:1 o. ur. 4. . FbequAlity of CV11ophalle 6 detd. by the contents of olui- 00 t4 r and X1vvv W. by the titer ("t. of sq. in.). by its W -90 -Ipwvncy and by Its h Kr upwity. The kentent of . 1 ::n - 0 . !c1 c o:thwf (extn. and litts- itlyerrill was deld. fly th 00 t1101 of [Ile Solu. with MOU'S iiah). the tensile strength slid clongation on &,Sch(vper elyttitroonicter and the rcsistaticr tit twucting by the tuctl.od tued for paper. The air still witIrr pertucability ikvce testedou atitubinationapp.tis"I Gw i-ting fabrics. and the trau,ptiretwe wai &td. with 00, the Tsvctkov color tucter. W. R. Hello 00 1 ;coo f joO 001 96" 603 t1- $1 a, j 0 14 0 0 41 0 0 0 ~ f ItRClKit .3 ii "I "L3 n1 1. :100 700 0 0 04 0 & a 0 & 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91* 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 * 0 0 isio 00-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :! W W__W_W_OqW__OqW_W7_ 0 11 U 11 14 Is t4 17 Is 17 a X a A V WX 20 36 V A N 4 41 Q U M ad A L-f _U ~M' W cc M A , J_ it I L, -!-0 1.0-Pia"SS _4 Stop .~R Preparation of the decolorijing carbon Collitelitill. 1'. A, Sjuituataw. 0. A. I)ijlmi%lj, end V. S. Mynirikovii I Voi: Mae A Chein.-Technol. lost.). J. Applird Ckeet. t S.S.R.) 19, W51-8, 19-14i)(io Ru-ian).-Samples were -041 first prepal. by treating 2 g. air-dry Lellolignin, at 150', wi(h IW, sp. gr, I.Al NO)'-, (if arthyd. wt.) fix 5 inin., 0 filtering 013.1 "'hing 6 limes .1111 a total "I 5110W; 160. Varookm of the%r faaact,~ gave the lt,lln-inj restAt,: The 0 activity a. dead. collorimetricadly on a Oc;, -An. of C."t. 00 xylose. is little affectrd by the moisture content o(the initial material up to IV; but fall, rapidly with further increwing 00 1 jol moisture, It failing tit ;I for 411, ; litO. Increaed particle izr, from 0. 1 to Lh man., reulls in a sharp drop of a but 00 U this can he fully offset by %ulyw(luent comminution. Fur. of j W 1 zoo ther. a increaws with I he cameo. of lf.,S(), 6p. Jr. I M to ti,.N)). with ita~ amt. (W to 4(m)"- ). maid with it~ temp. (Lil age W)"). the inc-M&W is la't 4 to ,Iowvr beyond 00,3 that. The unit. of water used for washing has relatively little effect up to WWI'; but a falls drastically wheat the OOW zoo amt. in increased to 30W; and then remains at a canst. low. Jewel. VWi"" Wors. addub., Jig. Cut), li'110" coo Coso" K'SO' (51"'). Increase a by !1-3#)%: 0.51": Zoo, increase3aby30%. On drying (at I:N)*) a falls (approx. hyperbolicatly) with increasing length of drying. In storage in closed vessels at room temp., water-washegi Collactivit lows its a fiLitead. dricii more slowly. acid-weig very slowly. Collactivit made from sawdust (pine. X60 birch) is inore active Own that inade front relloliguill but use yields are lower. Adsorption on Callactivit fits Freund- lich*s istatherm. with P - 1.24. a - 2.4. as against O.t4, 00 100.6 for active coal of t lie marite type. N. Thant a 0 So As*.$ A "TALLURGICAL UTERATLAI CLAMPICATIC110 be* 1130M woo Sit .... NIL121 CK Gaav M 0 i ZA 9 A a 3 a V Aft I S a rid 0 A 2 1 If N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 "a a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 00 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 : : 41 'a '0 , -00 000 9 1k allt 00 00 0 0 alla # 0000 0 ~- A I Retractometric datemination o( dry matter in v4tias" concentrat". V. A. Smirnov and A. N. Dond4renka (Voroneth Chem.-Technot. Inst.). Zov4skuw Lab. 13, Pil-4(1047).-The technique o( this dctn. with a L4)we -Mractatneter is described, M. flab - I - A~, ~lr I Z~ ak . a Soft ! 0 0 0 V - . - ~ - - 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 1P 07, F-411 * i 6 i q 0 a 0 W 0 * All * 0 0 PIP WKWAT ~ii so 0 t 4 is 16 1? IS f!"r7jr-134 . I a , SO If a 31 M a I, it is x a 41 Q a 44 _JL. A.. A if, Y_ L. Ak v CC pp LE 4 1 ! k C___A 00 00 00 I'llysiclichenfical propertiva of colicallitates of allitile 1-00 alcohol rinsidues. V, A. Stith-tiov and A. N. l1otad,ttci%L.i Vorlint-A Chein. Triliffffl7lnm.). J. A iftl Ch,.v (U.S.S.R.) 20, 97-104(19.17)(i11 Rtj,%Ltu).-~erhe rrsidur of tile ~Ulfite Cellulose proctm, after fermentation of the to - i I llrxo,e~, ilisin. of the Me- Anti istilicatinit of tile lvcnto,c~ I,w file culture of tile vct,f .11-tilits mftrfttm~,j, i,, tt~tmllv ou'd 111fough -11. .1,11 7o" I Sir ;evil . fly my 121AI'l fill- 4 ligo-tillooArt) of thi , Alout "it , .4rr titc 00 iflors.; the Alut. of rethicing matter t~ al~n&t N ill" pli 5.S-6.3. The av. d. of the dry ni.tttcr, carat"at sea from thit of the toncentratc. i~ 1.7261; at LNI'-. the it. of the lye with a dry inaller content a ii d U.7,'_'tkM6s) Front tile vurve of n ;tKiiiirlt a, the dry 0001 1 z inattcr has nV - IMA13. "rhe vic-s,it y (q) 'live' "K.tin%t 00 k a are identical for siinsples of different oriftins; exurnple of z of 00 a - S. W. .3.5. 50%. at :W; 1.2. 2.5, 12.5, 515 centijllij~e_q-, at 60% v - 0-0, L:,% :1.7, 13. 'rite ,tu- ;-!zoo 00 , i Uve tell'too -Y Ltlls lineariv With inctv'ssitlK I: the ;41". ZOO valom of -Y vary avelmling to the twiffits. rite fixtotoig Ability decrt-ws with incrr."ittigo; it t0kith 41- cs-r-tsing -y and depends istore off ly the higher a; higher teinp. favors focuning but has a neg. effect on the stability of the Gum: AlLdinimtioti has it sinidir effect while see teldific..tion ll.ei no influence. X~ Thon in! A $1, L If WALLURGIC.S. LITIMATURE CLAISIFICATION 19 via I is woo It I- _,W o4 W Its IS 42 j 3 0 V EfU U AV SO it!.' L, of a Sit if it it K 111 0 0 *1* 4111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 009 0 0 Z: 004 IM ANO INVQMPF l " ( Ad on a co or 0 marp V - A. Suilt twv atid -AltwuhKa"mak" (Vut"It Cliet". I I-limil: lisol ). .1 Jpj4W (*Almv Ill 418 R, 20 "0- l &I IU47)(111 14t k rt ) A l- il i ' ; litin "A. drid, ivilit the Stamnive culuriumiscr on Wail, 00 a 0% 141111. Of tech. RYIOW, d. 1.03, "id VdW A m"Pl4 . m l"ef treated with 0-25 1. Collikolvite (Mmb *W L flima liytfrwyfk- Micilliguln) at 80' for I hr. Addlimtka he soln, decreased the collor which mu spAn reetared 01 1 . . 1 uIralijadmi- ficove. the 4-olorintrambetance lis a weak - I I J 'Acid " l k" t ogrd (VOlow) atilon, furtned In t1w do. two t l C ll i l d l b d h t.e. eutition. li o iaxt te ity v eco ur e T e neutral M.111. by 74~2"-. It, devolivrishim Oka diminimbed with 0 041.4. tivitr eall lit 04mvivirtwd 0 it. 1W a If, AV-M'. 11 1 with Ow catioUS 4 the oAlRit,it od-,imwt m"t t t. ctitivrriiart the ciAmed e 4nim. bito ibe un,16-A", Liss. wilb. The tie~mluriLitig efluct of Ccillactivite Liss behind that of Noritel e.j.,with i-, 13.66% of either carbon (per wt. 00, of the dry itmttcr tbf themilts.). the decularization attained 00 A was, with Nmitc, AL 4, 90-7. U8.1. PSA%, with (:oil- tivite "-X. (M.M. 7.1.0. 711.2. TIW .11Wt of Callactlitha mover AL&.! J dmOmittation. thAt &A Narlis does Militia timot rcommuk-al aman.'are, for MWI for "Ctivitc 8-lu'70 (per wt. of dry am faiturthm of thur of contact, after 10 JID , M i A 3 te Im.halmal w SA, N7.2, 04.7. 11111 % Atactivire 28 2 40.2 58.2. &).0%, Le., mtabbdkX"t Of 0 ' I "; . Is ;V;; with the letter. Adsviniltion adiftieptloss eq~kl wfth C.Ractivite Is fu Y reve!able. N. Tbou TALLURGICAL LAVERATURO CLAISOPKAINO via- r 1*9 Ill 1W, I; 0 r e & 0 two$ 9 a 6 4 e 0 w 00 00 00 =00 ZOO -00 00 coo '54111111111 1400 Igoe %gee t$649 AA I s Is ad 0 a Q I IF a 9 All 0 1 1 goo*** SMIRNOV, V. A. PA 64/49T3 ItIM/Chenditry Emile13.1ulose Jul/Avg 48' YAnuf4ctire Chemistry Resicellulose Uses "Progress in thd Use of HadoeUulose," V. A. -cW=ov) Vor~onezh., 18 pp Ouspekh xhW vol mi, No 4 Describes use of henicollulose in the paper in..; dustry, its manufacture by acid hydrolysis, use of sulfite liquors, aud products ol?tsined from hydrogenation and oxidation of bydrocarbons. 64/49T3 "AAA I r-M RIP1017ATIM OM/341yr q 1--tWlt I.. q.K. F,ftl.,q _r"tall .1wrJOA 0AA-W, II.M. C~,htd-.komu (P-4.1- or ft r F, I tj r'.1s'AW to A- 4m.dol- W..-. .151. 011 11. Zll." *lip LA..,"4. 2,500 yvint.4. IRS, at P~'bumhLgvx Mod-t A.D. At-hln, P.Y. DIM-, P.t. rj,l,k,., -t I . i fi.)L Wvbs; TAnh. 24.1 T.A. Slit.'W P-Ml A.I. In ~Ar, A-6-m- ( 017"ll 1, V.r. hwh- (A.-P. 2.1.) PUA, AC.0.w of (LAO. Y.I. Vyt., A.01. llty~, Cftmlrfb~, W.P. C-41At. of T.1W..I Xp-l-, LY. ce.d.tut. of Towu-l tini-aA., N.M. LAb.4-, C-41A.t. of T-J,.~Jo.j UL-oA-, mad I.A. MOUV112i Thl. "3A.etl- of IA I.L.nUd L~tbk. t. ti. -wry of A"4.dcL_ O.M. cayZAAM Th. -1 *I.Otlm _W.. I.ty -%WA. ~'j f~r t.Unt. -4 co~vrk.m *I tb* 4-.'4 Acmt..ddlan. ~',A artlWAs ~te~ vitle I'mWA-1 of a wide rsaeo of mtbjAet4 ta th4 Ciolit of rr~r owl.,oorb,41 i-:bL- of " miJ*m^j a-l~;-t of .!Aetrl-1 -4 tl--l p-r go Jr&_lLtjflg pawAr ongin-rl" %-hoojgy,~d ti~ of *-b~tjm, arjj! al- r" -t Augti- r 0-t 1. 1 O-t~ b-tbA- of VIA P--t Th-ly l,r P.t O-)-W. .t on k25 1 ,A6jrtA- 470 X.A., 1. gh. arr-t of t6 of 4.1"Ciltyoe b.11- W. 40) T,. 1W. of In tb. 1~ .. Jo~,Aat .1 &,,JAt VJ.d th. r.r in tt~ te.11ability -4 N-oay of ---L 9~-%rle il-r sttloo. 1. %). p.t.- 5;1, Z.F. A..!~ rrlAAtpl- or fl,-r ft"61- or t?,A of n-1 L--J.-Ition 744 ~n"lco of t" Pr-o of &"rAtl- Y'lattlo WAlu dub.t-t" r- ik'lld lm~t. lyu.h.7y, r.JF. of B.Jti ft.]. (nAt-rd-4 A. P. 1~%.nltty of r-ttag. fluAl. -1 r-tr'l ~r th. or T..Ir -_-1 1>~--ltlno Th-r7 of C--l-t'- -4 of W-ifl-tt-4 M- Ploc-s- of Plrnlll,~ Y.S. ly-l-, T.I. An_yt" tAlt~v~lrn". N'utng -ze Trb'lot 5'r- G uqLr._*FI_7-X St--, ..I 14. 9. r,.p Cbukit-,", Z.F., A.V~ 1PLIH-tI.- or C.t Fl- of C.. D'-IN 1K.Itt- G-"Lw. 13.1"wl vl~' atmc-- or In . rll~t 74~ A.S. W,.~tlon of C-~-%S- Z-1 793 K0tr.4 NLbrl-4 Yo-lAl Y- f- lll-tl~ _rft~i~ut. 017 A.LP. Pt-7--l-) -1 C'-.-I-l Fm;-Mt-- F~ ~~'Anlc 0.1.!a 833 3,"~ IV VA . -Slid- V-, -~:ro jir~b V 'K Omw fn bn~4" a thp teal of tbe; ~ M - - R Lj , -1. " i- 14stith d - 0 Wr eskii t rjd , ~Ak Ow ri a e ko t na di fiche g k A r mli rnu - s o ~ ~v A p , 'O f th& bt 1 i ifi a i i on, o su ro t c c ms n c 3 bgs., 3 tables.) DLC-,-WsInvma -~mes-up:tbe fol!o~lnj ~kments;WAM ridiati - . ' , aIvetI-4 elved by,. alopes - diatlon 'of the -atnlospher~ rec ttered radiation,-2) l6ng-w irgITC: I sca - radiation of the-slopi;s. The ob,~~rvations were tikea 4id 3) nocturnal outgoing long waVe H4.6e Batu m, botaniegarden on'the slbkaof Mount "Frida" in Scj~t.~-Om 193,~And in Alarch- deWls 1) jOj*S,')) Intensity of th radiatibdOom 6n diffaient6- itt d jr 7 ~a end xullitroldlatittit riadichno oA4ntW1z:ux1Vkh skliinaV po n44 Smirnov, V. A., Cisobow IN Merently oriented &lopes according to observatiods trinde it Gutd hl' likhAsta) during i Ps i ' d A- -dromete the winter 1934-193S.] (lit -Leal -1 Instilly, , Materially agroklimatitheskoma talonlrovanitu subtitiplRov, b1stilt-' - r LIViateriats on the agro-climatle isification of the subtroples In the U.S.S.R.] - ningrad, t Gidrometliclat.. 1U& -2:51-57.- 2 figi.j 5 tables.). MC-AlicrodimatIc . carried outAdrins jao.-~Man:h - WW description of 1935 In the Sulthum, regfim In order to find the diffixent.iii6pis. De fruitrumentit, netho& uvtd and.lilaces of cbservation am pre M-fed. - Residtit given in ialiks and graphs. Coarluidons outline the awn" differences. The greatest diffirences. Io air temperature are found In the air layer clowst to the surface;' they macw 10T. The lapsit rate [a Mitch greater on the tatithern. slope; It reached 8* lit the (ir5t meter~above On surfwA. ' The differen pat lit air temperature between the w "tern and eastern slope are sniall during the the ground suria-M day time-andgr"t ln,tfie morning and evening hours, reaciiing . No difTannLes Inhuip.14y were found In the layer of 25-150 cin.1 The surface layer Is greatly ~'i Al sffi~tedlij.thei conditlo;t of sat Ots moisture and temperature) and therefore great variations i Were observW.' The highest eod temperatures at a depth of O.OS in were observed (a touthers 'A*s aW kM lowest on northern ones, the djffcrenc~ reached JPC at tmw of the Maxim um temperature. Sat temperatures an western drid eastern s Ilopes are.-ery different at and In the morning, bat am almost equal in the day time hours. Subjed HOddiNit. 1. CHMAtelogy 2. Vet*wo12dSjd aments 3. Topographic efrect3 4. Subtroplc zone, U. Lj -N.A:S. ~ SMIRN(N V.A. Simplification of meteorological observations. Meteor.i gidrol. no-5:31-35 My '53. - (KLRA 8:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut rasteniyevodstva, Leningrad. (Meteorology--Observations) i "-4 I C, "", , 7.,".. . S;--r-l-ification of 110. ~, 1953, ri, 35-3? Tlic til,".hor the obscTnrarl-on- of te~rerature at mets.orolo,-Lc-!l stations an accl.:rir,--.,- up 'o w*r1ole-nizater de-;7rees, ~he USE. tl-.F; -'elynnino,, met-orcdo~Acal stall and, Of the rai-P. :-ati,:-e with m- ce livi n,- 5:-,irfaces 20'~ and lt nnO; the I'D square cer:timeteri v-11-lout sEeld, orteninr- of ~,he o~ olicerva+ i.onF 'Lo 'V,hrce (at lntuerval-- of 7, -n,, t,-., (RZhGeol., one in u -'o 5, 19514) SO: Slzm. ',c.. 56,11, 6 Jul 7 5 SMIRNOV, V.'i. IfCollective-farm agrometeorological station." I.I.Giavoronakii. I.M.Petunin. Reviewed by V.A.Smirnov. Izv.Vses.geog.ob-va 86 no.1:108-109 Ja-F '54. (MIRA 7.-2) (Gaivoronakil, I.I.) (Petunia, I.M.) (Meteorology, Agricultural) AID P - 1994 Subject USSR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 18/20 Author Smirnov, V., Lt. Col. of the Tech. Serv. Title A modern textbook on aviation meteorology is needed Periodical Vest. voz. flota, 5, 92, MY 1955 Abstract This is a letter to the editor in which the author complains that the textbook in present use, Aviation Meteorology, by Babikov, M. A., 1951, is not-Na'a"e-q-ula-fe. D-ue to the enormous progress of present-day all- weather flying, a new textbook should be issued. Institution: None Submitted : No date SMIRNVOL, A Aboveground meteorological observations in determining moisture reserves in the soil and moisture discharge in an irrigated spring wheatfi4ld. Trudy GGI no.48:61-65 155. (MLRA 9:7) l.Vsesoyuznyy institut rasteniyevodstva. (Soil moisture) SMIRNOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk. Investigating the performance of stowing machines with curved belts. Trudy TSNIIN7 no.11:22-43 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Cargo handling) (Mechanical movements) SMIRINOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.-nauk. Precise method of determining the power of a belt conveyer drive. Trudy TSITIIMF no.11:44-54 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Conveying machinery-Electric driving) (Cargo handling) J- -, 51 1 SOV/122-58 6 2 rr~,.r. I& -d AUTHORS: D.I., Docent, IRLU':in; V. V. , Smi Butenko, G.A. , En.-c- ineers _Z__~~ TITLE: A 1,1eebanical Vibrator -1-ith Iiidependent Adjustr-~-~',t of A--Ej 1 i- tude and Frequency ~Mekh~.inichesilcliy Vibrator s nezavisincy regulirovkoy amDlituudy i chastoty) JC~178' j~4r (D' ~0_ ~S7_G41 (U~1- PERIODICAL: Vestnik z 11 OSR ABSTRACT: An experimental vibratin,-- sav de-S-4--ned and tested at-, the vibra-tion_-cuttinf~ labor at o r.,f of the Is' VoVS1:i.-" cheskiY institut ~Llvov Lumbcriiig TechnoloM Institute) is described -,.:-iith the 1nel-a of a cross-sectional drawin,-;. A sin-le shaft rotates in bearinas inside a sleeve, itusel-f rotatinG in two plummer bi3ctcs. The central !:-;!-aft carries the cutlu-in,- disc sa~- at ore end and isz di, *Lven by a V-belt f;ulley at t.',-e crid.. The rot~,-'Cina sleeve i-- driven bv anol;her V-belt- -)ulle- 0 Due to ~.t cc.-entric U 'I a ti,' hJs oscill ji2- at a o0sition" I f r e qu e _nc,-,,, i n d e p e nd c n t -3 f t h, e s -, e e d o Ir t_', -_ e c u t ' i r- I--- s p I The rdatin,,- sleeve is ilaside a set ~'L double Card 1/2 SOV/122-58-6-25/37 A Mechanical Vibrator Irade_,~,er_dent _-'djust_~7e_r_;t 01" tude Frequency eccentrics. The maximwm frr~oue-.ricy of vibrat-Lo",u-, is 14 OOG cpm. A device is dJLaL-,r;_~m-_, ati-,~E 11L, illustr.-ted alt zorbs `Lhe vibrat oaL T C)nC and tr-ansmits t';_cst~ at ri I t an,-les. Viere are 3 fi~_-ur;~__- 2 Siviet- ref~_,.-ences. Card 212 1. Cutting tools--Design 2. Cutting tools--Performance 3. Vibration--Applications SMIR11OV, V.A., lawd.tolchn.nalllc Thnory of opiral vibratory hoists. Tr-mly TSIIID4F no.21:4.5-.56 lfm. OIMA 12.8) (Hoisting machinnry) SMEWOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.naiik Investigating the structural syBte-is of kinematic joints and establishing the poesible n7u!iber of mechanisms. Trudy TONI114F no.21:57-64 '58. (MIRA 12:8) (Universal joints 0-fechanics)) SMIRIJOV, V.A. Device for sorting instrument parts ae!cpz~ding to their thickness (experience of optical-mechanical plant). Opt.-mekh.prom. [25] no.3:54 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Sorting devices) r i - SMIRNOV, V.A., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; KREYNIN, Te.V. Percolation method of connecting bore holes b7 means of high pressure air fracturing of coal seams. Podzem.gazougl. no.4: 24-28 '57. WMA 11: 1) l.Vsesoyuzny7 -.-Iauchno-isaledovatellskiy- institut Podzemgaz. (Coal gasification, Underground) SMFUIOV, V..A. knnd.f iz.-mqt.nauk Shifting of the solid fuel fire-fnee. Podzen.gaz-og'.. no.1:12-15 '59 (MIRA 11:4) 1. Vsesoyu%nyy nnuchno-issledovntel'skiy i Droyektriyy institut podzennoy gnzifikAtsii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underpround) (Combustion, Theory of) AUTHOR: Smirnov, V. A. (1,10scorl). 24-1-12/26 TITL' :J: On si-aul-,-,ir-- on models of the processes of co-.:-.bustJ on, L, - - and Gasification of 2olid fuel. (0 imodeli-rovanii protsessov j~oreniya 1 ~,-azif ikatsii tverdo-o topliva) U 0 Pi~RICDICAL: Izvestuiya Akademii Nauk, Otdeler-iye Telkhniches-l"i-k-h Nauk, 1958, No.19 pp.95-90- (USSR). ABSTRACT: The methods of aanalo:~y in the field-s of physico- chemical trwisformations ai,a developed and applied primarily for stead,,- --tate processes -v,,,ith 1-li-iovin reaction mechanishis i~-,,hich taTll-c olace in the kinetic reE;ion as, for instance, synt'hesis of ari-imonia. and oy-idation of sulphu-uus L;as described by D'yakonov, G. X. (Ref.2). The conceptions on the diffusion zones of chemical reactions, expressed by Frank-Kamenetshiy, D.A.(Ref.3) and Zelldovich, Ya. B. (Ref.Ll-), as well as zones in which the chemical reactions -Droceerl much faster than the processes of transfer of the reacting substances, proved particularly useful for a nwber of proble-Is of che:2ical physics. In the work. described in this paper it is assumed that the processes of corr~bustuion and Lasification of solid fuel take place in 1-1- 14 ffusion Card 1/6 rF-n!~-e; it is found' thereby that for the i't-iffusion ran,~e I-) 24-1- -I-:'",':'-' On si:;,iulatinG on i:iodelsr of Gh~-~- processes of coiLil)usu-ion ~-I-,d f~asific-'~ion of solid fuel. the criteria of a-nalo,:y of t*,,,,e basic nherlo,:-Iena are coincident '-Gild it i~-I t~'Ierefor,-,, possible to si.-iulate on :iodels the colabustion -process 4:nd to verify experiLientally the initial assLLaption of 4- he dif"usion -aecl',ani I sra of reactionE. T-'r i e n o n - s t ed77 s-Uate process of co-bustion or gasification is U fully deter!ained for .'k given shape and d-i;..;ensions of t1ie -ap-oaratus and a -ivan initial distribution of a fuel -,,,ith initial properties and a ~--iven rate and composition of blast. Therefore, the DrOcess will be determined by - U t~o t-he initial Daraueters of tiie apparatus, of the fuel, -I- blast and time. The author considers Vie problem of aialogy of processes inside diffusion zoneE, n i.e. -v,,hen the soeed of c*',e.-Acal reactions are much .'.Li;,-her than the sT)eed of feeding- in and excha-,n[,,e of reactini:, substances. Unaer such conditions the lav-.,s of proGress of chemical reactions are not decisive arid for ensuring ai-ialo--.,r it is enoa,-,," C:) 0'. that the physical phenoaena,of the Drocess should be similar. There are seventeen independent parameters, five units of .-ieasurenient whic*; yield twelve diiaen-sionless coi.-qbinations, Eqs.(A) and (B), D.06. From these, t1iree Card 2/C-, relations aire derived 7.-ihich have to be taken into 24-1 -l-,121 r 0 On _qig1ulu,Liri,, on wodulL of Uie proces-cs of coiabustioll and ,--a~~ific,-tion of solid fuel. conL:iceraLion foi- esuablishinL; _Qi?lilari~y bet- ,,-e i~n ?, h e .7a o de 1 and the pheilo:11ena to be Giiaulabed, Eqs.(3), P.97. It follows frota these th-_,.t if the processes of co~.,,bustion and -as if ic ~ 0 e b, s julon of a solid fuel z,,,re charact ris d by the diffusion reaction iuechanisbi, the teiaperatLu,e wid the coaarjosition of the i~as componento in the respective models of various scales should be equal at equal instants of tijae. This asswaption was subjected Ito experimental verification. The main exj-)eriT:ients %-,;ere carried out for the followini, two schemes of the corabustion process: L~,asification of a cylindrical canal inside a cylindrical coal- body; of e rectanLular canal, one wall of which consists of coal (FiE.1). In the first variZant crushed coalwas mixed with 10% gypsum, vjhilst in the second variant natural coal blocks ivere used. In -the first variant the c,,zperi.-nients were faade -,-Ath ox-Yen blasts at the scales k = 1) 21 4 ,%--hereby the cocabustilon _Lapulse -,-..,as proauced fi~oai -the Side %,iiere the blast was fed in; the rate of blast ~,,_nd the durabion of the exDeriaents in models of various scales were chosen in accordance vvith Eq.(l), Card 3/6p.~,6, and the results are entered in the r--raph, Fi"*.~DIT).W. L.) LO - - I on simulatin,.- on, :!lodels of ;0he proces,,7es of colAbusuion and ,a~.ification of solid fuel. In t1he second vari.ant air blast 1...Fas used, the scale bein- k = 1, 7.5 and 15 with ---.-,odel len:--ths of 15, 2 and 1 m; the thic'emess of the co&l ;.ias 0.45 m on a 15 ra- iaodel the duration of t-he ex-oeriment 17--as sixty hours on the 1.5 1:1 moLlel nnd 16 minutor; on the 1 m ti-iodel. The co;iiposiLion of tho j-zis and it,_~ tei."perature woro, leasured at three points alon~~ the leni~,th of Lhe itiodel ind Lhe results of t,-hese :!1ea sure ~-.'ient s are entered in Fi, .3,p.()B. It is concluded from these and Othl,31' experiiiients that the si.,-.iil:arity of non-steady state processes of combustion and --asification of solid fuel is conserved only if all -the conditions of si-:iilariGy for.,aulated in the paper are observed. Two characteri-stic values of the reaction speed exist, na.iely, the jklinetic reaction sDeed v v~,hich deDends on the temuerature in accordance With the Arrenius law; the diffusion reaction sj -)eed u, representin6 the speed of feedings in one of the rea:~-ents to the solid surface or to the re_~:ion ~,.:hich contains the other rea.:-ent. The reaction speed. be equal to t1le q-,,,',aller of tulne tvio speeds; if u-'-'v the L~16 'process %,,,ill proceed in the diffusion ran6e, if v