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'~ 4 I ~~ E . L 0000, t uS7,/ n I R N 0 v P-6 SMIRNOV, P.M., inzh. Using the method of two points in determining heat-insulation properties oftextile fabrics. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.6:52-62 '58. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy meldianiki i optiki. . (Textile fabrics-Testing) A11WOV, P. M. , InzIn. Tnermorej.-ulator of dryers for lacquer coverings. Energetlk 8 no.5:26-27 Ily 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Drying apparatus) Chemical Abstracts Vol. A No. 5 Mar. 10, 1954 Soils and Fertilizers The decomposition of crop residues from perennial grosses; ind the inthience of nitrogen fertilizers on the yield of~ slirini,, whem in relation to the time of plowing under the: sl)(I j l ij!N dKiii.11'. M. Sinirtiov, M. Khallo~, V. ri.,k.' qrid'-Y. P. K-,ir-likina. Izvest. d'ifniryozeil. .1 ~ f2. 2f:0. 11-5MI95:3)). -It is show that~ 14. lt~ I' I L~ Iuldt r t ~"-l cro-D ill tile c3riv fall Supplies more N Ot., i it under in late fall. In the latter! with (7orilrylex tinhYdralyvible f-m_ 1) tt;i :it,, pro--itted ~hnwing tile increxse in vield o 5._'Ioffc uS,,cR/ Agriculture Books Card 1/1 Pub. 124 39140 Authors a Peterburgskiya A. Vs. Dr, of Agrioult. So.$ Smirnov. P. Me; and Asarov, Khe Ke MOMPANIPF-b I Title I Popular scientific publications as an aid to agriculture Periodical i Vest. AN SSW Is 132-135, Tan 1955 Abstract I Announcement is made by the AcadevW of Sciences. USM concerning the publication of popular scientific books an an aid to agricultures Three USSR references (1954)- Institution s Submitted S. *fees 'methods of plying -1W for'llie Influence of a supplementary fertilizer ingre2fents .Sugrph.0111.2 of I phosphorus by plants. 1. V. Gulyakiu, P. M Smit~nov B. AGP. Pleshkov, and T. V. Sjjmyreva (K. Acad., Moscow Fochvopedenie 1955, No. 7,23-30~plut Vu-cted with oats and potatoes to study the in-4- fluence of superphosphate, coutg. togged P mixed with ma- nure an4limestone. on the intake of P by plants. Deepin--; corporation of the phosphates is utill" more efficiently than shallow Incorporation. The latter method gives better utilization of Pin.the early stages of growth, whereas the' former method gives better utilization in the later stages of growth. The best method of supplying R is some raw ap- plication and deep incorporation of phosphates. Mixed with manures, the P application gives better results in the - later stages of growth than without manure. Limestone re~ duces the intake of P. Addris. of ILTH#XO~ when placed in the row decreases the intake of P in the early stnge~s of growth and increases it in the later stages. a2references. J. S. joqe SMIJLNOV, P.M., kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. "Using fertilizers on soddy and pcdzol soils (based on experience in Kaliningrad Province).* V.V.Tserling, I.G.Vazhenin. Reviewed by P.M.Smirnov. Vest. AN SSSR 25 no.1:133-134 Ja 155. (MLRA 8:3) (Fertilizers and manures)(Tearling, V.V.)(Vazhenin, I.G.) Y16RNo(,., ~'.IA41 I I . 1,1 -:: "-.I USSR/Soil Cultivation. Mineral Fertilizers. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1958, 1255- J-3 and nitrogen on chestnut soils, but potassium is not effective at &U. Full mineral fertilization with 45 kg./hectare of N, P, and K is equal to the average strength of mynire. The great- est effect is obtained when fertilizer is spread two-thirds in the autumn at ploughing and 1/3 before sowing. Card : 2/2 -25- US)SR / Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers. IT Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958, 294-94. Author Gulyakin, I.V., Smirnov, P.Ii. Pl,;shkov, B.P., Shmyreva, T.V. Inst Not given. Title Plant Phosphorous Uptake in Relation to the Math- ods of Application of Superphosphate and Accom- panyina Fertilizers. (Postupleniye fosfora v rastenlya v zavisimosti ot sposobov vneseni a superfosfata i soputstvuyushchikh udobreniy~. Orig Pub: Dokl. !,.-.,osk. s.-kh, akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva, 1956, vyp. 22, 304-314. kbstract: The effect of the methods and depth of applica- tion on plant P absorption and the role of or- ganic substances, lime and other fertilizers when applied togethr;r with P. were studied in Card 1/3 23 V,. Ooli ~Jclrjnco. Minoral Furtllizora. 3 ;`Lbs Jour: Bef Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 24731. ..ut In r~) rPeterburgskiy, '..V.; j',s, arov, Ph. K.; S!Arnov, P.M.; Yudin, F ------ T 1,, F, t Title Effectiveness of Fertilization in the Unirrir,ated A."riculture of the South-East. Ori ,~ Pub: Dokl. Mosk, s.-kh. akad. im. K.A. Timiryazeva, 1956, vyp. 23, 65-73. Abstract: Data -f experimental stations and kolkhozes in the s)uth-eastern regions of the USSR on the effectiveness of manure and mineral fertilizers in unirrigated aC,,riculture is given. Manure ap- plied in bare fallow under winter crops in doses of -ao-W t./ha. increases the harvest of the Srair. Card 1/2 15 SMIRR-W, P.M., kl!n-i.rf-.Ilnkokhozvaystvnnnykh nauk - - . soil moisture on thq assi-miDition of Dhosphorus by -plants. Izv. TSKhA no.4:9Q-11L, '58. Omia,~- 11:10) (Soil moisture) (PI!tnts-Assimilotion) (Phosphorus) SMIRNOV,. P.M., Vand. sell skokhozyaystve#ir_1rkb rlutsent-, K,*RK'tGR.V, G., student Effect of nutrition on the development of oat radialea and the intGnsiveness of their phosphorus absorption [with summar7 in English]. Izv. TSKhA. no.5:4~-55 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Plants--Nutrition) (Gats) SM I RNOV, I .'M., klmd . .-e, k 1: (,,f P, met hotill .-,u I j.n. ~;n, 16' on rutrooen, crnent. TS~HA no,~.,93-101 'M i R.~ 1~7 u S) S~~'T',~I,;OV doLsent kand. sellskokhoz. naak; 71- 2 -.7 kand. sellsk;-D.,choz. nau.~-, Effectiveness of riLneral fertiiizers in spot Izv. TSKHA nc,.1:34-4? 161, 1. Kafedra agrck'-.--*m-'i sell~;kokhozyaystvennoy akadeaii inleni mi L no. 2-85 161, a v! ev a . 1 i K . T MAI,"EVICH, A.Z.; ZHOROV, V.I.; SMIRNOV, P.E'. Experimental and clinicall basis for the rational use of anesthesia equipment in fluothane anesthesia and ane.-btkdeia with an azeotropic mixture. Mcsper. khir. i vmnt. 74-78T63. (MIRA 16:10) 1. 1z Icafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.S. Zhorov) sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakullteta I Moskovska- go ordena Lenian meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova i Onk-ologicheskogo instituta imeni F A.Gertsena (dire--,~-.)rof. A.R.NovIkOv). (AFESTHESIA) (11ALOTHAIJ.,E) (AZEOTROPES) L 14461-66 EWT(m)/E'WP(j) RX ACC NR: AP6002969 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/024/0140/0 INVENTOR., Volkov, Yu. N. Smirnov, P.. N.; Plotnikova, G. P. ORG: none TITLE: A device for applying finishing compounds to paper. Class 55, No. 177273- [announced by the Central Scientific Research Institute oT Furniture and Plywood (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fanery i mebeli)] SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no.,24, 1965, 140 TOPIC TAGS: paper industry machinery, finishing machine, paper ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for applying finishing com- pounds based an water dispersion polymers to paper. The-device contains a bo bbin fbr unwinding the roll of paper a tension roller, a takeup roller for the paper,webl pand a wiper blade. The thickness of the coatingis controlled by mounting a.feeder..-,.- ,table in front ofthe wiper blade and using a 'flexible, plate with one end connected,.--,. ;to the feeder table and the other end ridi!lg on the paper web. 'Card 1/2 UDC: 676.51.051 c,'L --he physical development of womer. studen~_s of the first yrUrs at, the Kalanin Medical Jnstiuut,~. Trud-,- KUJI no.!C-~ (MIRLA 1S L. LL ka"--dry fizi,-fieskogo vosspianilya (z-av. krifF~ -0Y P.- Umbbdicine - Admis, Preparation Medicine - Pharmacopoeia jul 48 "Adonis Herb (Adonle- Vernalis)," Prof P. S. Smirncrvl 3 pp, "Felldsher i Akusherka" Do 7 General discussion on subject plant with special reference to its medicinal properties. SM11-mv, P.S. Effect of' sowing imiature seed on the variability in su.-ar beet plants. Agroblologia 5:788-789 S-0 164- (MIRA 17:11) 1. Chuvashskiy gosudarstvenny-y pidagogicheakiy institut, Cheboksary. SMIRNOV, 11.3, Effect of an at,~mic explosion on the state of the atmosphere. Izv.All SSSR Ser.geolliz. no.10:122?-1-731 0 156. (MLRA 10!1) (Atomic bomb) (Atmospherin) nteract.lor, of varluu:3 crg.- ns pliaiiLs. Fiziol.rast. 12 no.1:120-12.4 ia-F 1. K-lp~--dlra usnov sellsk--IdiozvaystvernogO instttuta imenl 'fakovleva, ;,laetl-Oksary. S14IRNOV. P.T. Using oscillograph-sweep oscillators in scaling dovn frequencies. Izm.tekh. no.2:89 Mr-Ap '58. (MIRA 11-3) (Oscillators, Electron-tube) LIBEROV, Boris Isaakovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; VASILICHENKO, Z.N., inzh., vedushchiy red.; SMIRNOV, P.V., inzh., red.; PONAMAREV, V.A., [Using high-viscosity cracking residue and cracking gas in furnaces of cracking instllations] Ispol'zovania vysokoviazkikh kreking-ostatkov i kreking-gaza v pechakh krekin-ustanovok. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta nauchnoi i tekhn.inform., 1956. 23 P. (Informatsiia o nauchno-issledovatellsk-ikh rabotakh. Tema 28, no.i-56-198) (MIRA 10:12) (Cracking process--Waste products) ZMTYAKOV, Boris Stepanovich; TREBELEV, Aron Markovich; BURLAKOV, Vla- dimir Tevgonlyevich; POLIVANOV, Vasiliy Fedorovich; MANZON. Eduard Abramovich; DUNATEV,,Tuxiy Andreyevich; UDALITSOV, A.E., glavnyy red.; MALOV, A.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; TUCHINSKIY, N.V., inzh., red.; ZASUVSKIY, M.L., inzh., red.; SMIRNOV, P.V., inzh., red.; NLIUSYPIN, A.M.. inzh., red. [New method of preparing aluminum alloys in electric furnaces; Efforts to avoid losses in brass smelting; Use of rolled metal with variable cross section for the manufacture of truck trailer axles; liew design of rotor blades for low capacity hydraulic turbines; Lubricant collection in settling basins Novyi spooob prigotovleniia aliuminievykh splavov v elaktricheskikh pechakh; Bor'ba s poteriami pri plavke latuni; Primenenie prokata peremennogo secheniia dlia izgotovleniia osei avtopritsepa; Novaia konstraktaiia lopastei rabochikh koles gidroturbin maloi moahchnosti; Sbor masla v otstoinikakh. Moskva, 1956. 12 p. (Peredovoi proizvodstvenno- tekhnicheakii opyt. Ser.19. Ekonomiia materialov i novye materialy, primeniaemye v mashinostroenii. No.T-56-363/6). (MIRA 13:3) 1. Akademiya nauk 53SR. Institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy in- formataii. (Technological innovations) KRINETSKIYY Ivan Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MORDVINOVA, N.P., inzh., ved. red.; SMIRNOV, P.V,_~nzh., red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. [Stand for testing electrical automatic angular velocity control- lers]Stend dlia ispytaniia avtomaticheskikh reguliatorov skorosti vrashcheniia elektricheskogo tipa. Moskva, Filial nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 10 p. (Peredovoi nauchno- tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 42. No.P-58-71/8) (MIRA 16:2) (Automatic control) (Electric controllers--Testing) -_qMM "0v -ES, Economical innovation with a great potential. Iwbr.i rate. no.2:11 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Bryanskogo sDvnarkhoza. (Bi-yansk Province-Toxtile machinery-Technologicalinnovations) 3/057/62/032/009/001/014 B125/B186 AUTHORS: Popov, A. V., Smirnov, P. V., and Shukeylo; I. A. .TITLE: Magnetic deflector PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, Y. 32, no. 9, 1962, 1037 - 1039, TEXT: The authors constructed and tested a magnetic deflector which can be used in the injection systems of cyciic accelerators or in strong- focusing cyclotrons for inflecting the beam into the toroidal chamber. This magnetic deflector (Fig. 1) is 30 cm long and consists of an iron core and of two plane parallel rails. These are flown through by currents of equal strength but opposite direction and constitute a winding connected to the power source. The beam'is deflected through a given angle withinthe Z,f/ space enclosed by the horizontal rails and the vertical plane surfaces of v the core. The iron core renders the field within the deflector homogeneous .if Vd,~;_1. b is the height of the central current-carrying part of the rail. The outer rail has '-he same effect even if this condition is not fulfilldd. The scattered ;ield of the inner current is compensated by thel field of the current in the outer rail. The deflector is cooled by water flowiny,through pipes. An 600-a current in the rails induces a magnetic Card 1 SMIRNOV, P.V. Soma data on the distribution of fascioliasis of swine and 'ts therapy in the northern districts of Sverdlovsk Province. Trudy Gellm. lab. 9;294-295 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (SVEqD1OVSK PROVINCF-LIVER FLUKE) (PARASITES-SWINE) (ANTHELMINTICS) I S~IM40V, _P,V. - BELETSIUYA, L.V.; BORODIYUIK, N.A.- (Moskva) Morphological changes in experimental polyarthritis induced in white rats by /3-hemoly-tic Streptococe-as A. Arkh. pat. 21 no.9: 16-21 159. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Iz laboratorii kokkovykh infektsiy-Otdela ranevykh infektsiy (zav. - deystvitelinyy chlen AMN SSSR prqf. d.V.Vygodchikov) Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F.GarAlei AMN SSSR (dir. - Prof. S.N.Muromtsev). (STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (ARTHRITIS) SmIIwOV,_ Patr Vfisil'yavich; ZI[ITOIIIIILXIY. Emmanuil Grigor'yovich; KOASUNT, A..; POGODIN, Yu., red.izd-va; T.MEGINA. T., tekhn. red. [Finances of supply and sale organizations] Finansy snsbzhen- chesko-sbytovykh or.-anizatsii. Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1959. 130 P. (MI-RA 13:3) t (Finance) SM10OV, Petr Vasillyevich; TARAS'YARTS, Ruben Bogdanovich; FURDUYEV, -- - - - P~.- V. , re, d.--;- VOR -0_9-,-0-V-, V.V., rod.; P0140MAREVA, A.A., [Organization and planning of the marketing of industrial products in the U.S.S.R.] Organizataiia i planirovanie sbyta promyshleanoi produktsii v SSSR. Pod obahchei red. P.V.Furdueva. Moskva, Gosplanizdat. 1960. 391 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Karketing) LOKSHIT-1, E,Yu., dck! -or ekon. nauk~ ANDPOZEVA, 0.1., kand. ekon. nau-k.. Cio'L- T.S. kand. ekon. nauk dots.; SAD~-'.TSEV, k-nd. ekon. nauk, dots.; &KI.-UXV, F.V., kand. ekon. nauk-, dots.; TARASIYANTS, R.B., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; FASOLYAK, E.D., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; LOZOV, Ya.D., st. prepod.; SINELEVA, Z.S., st. prepod.; NOVIKOV) D.T., aspirant-, PORA-LEONOVICH, B.N.i ALEKSANDiLOVSKU, V,V.; BUIRS11TEYN, I.I.; EYDEL'BkN, B.I., red,,-, MONALEVSKAYA, S.A., mlad. red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., teklin. ved ~ (14anual for the supplying and selling of materials and equipment) Spravochnik po materiallno-tekhnicheskonu snabzheniiu i sbytu. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 344 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Nachallnik ekonur~iches_kogo otdela Upravleniya materia-11no- tekhnicheskogo snabzheriya Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Mo- skovskooo gorodskovo ekonomicheskogo rayona (for Fora-Leonovich). 2. Nac-allnik otdela snabzheniya 1-go Gosudarstvennogo podship- rikovogo zavoda (for Aleksandrovskiy). CHELNOKOV, l'tr Aleksandrovich;MORDVINOVA, N.P., inzh., ved. red.; -- SMIRNOV, Pj., inzh., red.; SOROKINA, T.M-, tekhn. red. [Pu*Lse programming device for the automatic control of foundry processeslImpulsnyi komandoapp&rat dlia avtomatiza- tali tekhnologicheskikh protsessov liteinogo proizvodstva. Mos*va, Filial Vses. in-ta nanchn-i tekhn. informatsii,1958. 10 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskil I proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 42. No.P-58-85,/10) (MIRA 16:3) (Founding) (Programming (Electronic computers)) SKIRMOV I II.V. Capron inslilation ror tools. Mushinostroitell no.10;17 0 16). (MIRA 16~12) SI'mic"J" 1,.V. I I of --.rno-!---- -=s a t !~ e ' eni ner -a d ' a-, *-tzre ~ . - P" a t . - z I - - - - ~ L 0 -n Mash Mostrol tE~ --I no.`11~11 12 ~`, 1104. (MJRA 17; 10) IACCESSION NR: AP4034912 S/0181/64/006/005A343/135;5 AUTHORS: Fridrikhov., S. A.; Smirnovj Ps Vo; Serebrov, Lo A& TITLE: Some peculiarities of electron excited conductivity in dielectrics SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telaj ve 6, no. 5o 1964t 1343-1355 TOPIC TAGS: electron excited conductivityj dielectric# electron contact methods electric contact methcxI j;; ABSTRAM The specific features involved in two principal methods of experimental investigation of electron-excited conductivity in dielectrics were examined. It isl shown that these features substantially affect the recorded valhes of excited ,currents. The electron-contact method does not permit direct observations,and the coefficient of excited conductivity must be deter-mined ifidirectlyj such as by the change in surface charge of the target. But measurements are dependent on secondary factorsj, such as field strength in the sample and the dark ~current (which cannot be measured independently of the excited current), The electrical-contact method is free from the inadequacies of the electron-contact method, but by this method the original current of electrons acting on the sample and erTors may result from this. In using the latter method, it is i'4~~1,q2wn SMIRNOV, P.V. Deviose for repairing sleetric equipment. Mashinostroitell no.2tlO-ll F 165, (MIRA 180) VYALITSEVI A.N.; K-OROV, B.M.; KONDRATIYEVA, N.A., aspirant; RODINITI) N.I SI-IIRIJOV P.Y,, aspirant; Ch"MIAVSKIY, S-Ya-, aspirant; T911MV', A.G., red. [Contradictions in the development of natural science) Frotivorechiia v razvitii estestvoznaniia. Moskva., Nauka) 1965. 351 p. OMIRA 18:9) 1. Akaden~'iya naul- SSSR. Tnstitut istorii yestestwznaniya i tekhniki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kedrov). SMIRNOV, P.Ya., inzh,; VINARSKIY, A.P., inzh. Modernization of the URKr.S-4 flux feeder and simplification of the diagram for the cxy-flux cutting equipment. Svar. proizv. no.7:32 J1 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Svarochnaya laboratoriya tresta "Zaporozhmetallurgomontazhil. YASTUBOV, F.V., inzl,.; SMIRNOV, P-7a. we-,ding braS-, wlth the LKBO 62-02-004-05 Ee~nf-fluziru~ Svar.;:.rOizv- no.10:35-36 0 16,'. oc, Rk 1811) 1. Trest "Zar.,.rc;zlhrietal.lti-rgmontazh". ME=. ~.G., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; GOVORKOV, N.A., inzhoner, retuenzent; YMI.MNKO, N.T., irizhenar, retsenzent; SMIRIJOY, P,iw inzhoner. redaktor; MODEV. B.O., tokhnicheakly redaktor [Electric equipment for hoisting and transporting machinary] Elektro- oborudovante pod"emno-transT)ortnykh mashin. Mosikv-a, Goa. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroitellnoi Ut-T7, 1954. 372 p. (K[aA 8:4) (Electric machinery) (Hoisting machinery) F. ". - i . I tj~~I,, -. -.: -. ;~; ~.. t ~: A 1, 1 7::;~ i r., , U!~, , r- - - - - - S' ~; -~ ~ t ~ -.- -, i -- - ~ -, I I . ~ '- -4 - -1- -1 1 -7r) r'~ -, -~ -. - '~ ;7~ -, ~ ~ -.-, , ' -,*.4 '-~j 7 , - - ~- * - " ~~ -- i z . 1 ", ~: r~ (). ~jont 1 List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Acr-11 !~,-52 -JIXPPO,~ Uncl. SMIRNOV, P.Z. [Green fodder plan] Zelenyi konveier. [Saratov] Saratovskoe kn-vo, 1954. 41 p. (MLRA 9:11) (Pastures and meadows) (Forage plants) T-' 1 171 us C, -.,n of a -o.3-29-33 A I rkzh~, , DAYLE , IN . A-i.nzl~ ..- SUTIMOV lt,A A method -~f sh~,,r~- --'germ f orec~as ts of' a rise in the L.. ~ .. 4 -r leuel. Gidr S"Ol, 32 nc~7LT7-39 J3 s62~ uOund -, c L (1~7LHA 15:7) (Water, Underground) 164, 10: ?-13 5 u, i0 s-anto-iya omi a po vcndvorai . .'L ~,.,'- . -. -. : -I . :., - ---.- - - I .- . - ~.-.I .I I -,-, " , , " , . . . . " * i . ,- - -::~- , - r .,-: : -, . -," - -- -- . ~ 1. 4 ! I.. --l e;~. ! L ' ', r- nr, , -: -I- I i . , ARUSHIK, A.F.; 11.71,1'SKAYA, A.I.-, POMM. V.14.: SfINI-17DER, G.F.; TILIUNA. K.F.; SIAMDVA, R.B.; S119RI10V R.F.- POLENOVA, Yo.N.; MhNDEL I Slim- fiJ4. 1"I.; LYUBPT)VA, P. s. New gmpra and species of Ostracoda. Trudy VNIGRI no-115:232-299 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Ostracoda. Fossil) KAZARINIOV, Yu.M.; KOLOMTSKIY, Yu.A., assistent; SPITUMV, R.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik Efftlct of fluctuation noises on the precision of al;to-tracking s!rste-ms having astaticism of first order and a rass band controlled by inout signals. Izv. vys. ucheb.zav.-, prib. no.2:3-12 158. WIRA 11:7) 1.Leningradski5r elektrotakhnictioakiy institut im. V.I. Ullyanova (Lenina). (Hemote control-Ifoise) SMIRNOV.1 R.11. Use of aerial photographl,:~ materials in investigating the tran&- Volga region for land improvement puxpr,,ses,, Poch-,rovedenie n0.4' 0 78-80 Ap '62. (MEL4. 15~~4) I. Yuzhayy gosudarstvemayy institut po proyektirovaniyu vodnogo khozy--ystva. (Ifolga ValleyL-Re-lamation of land) (Aerial photo gramme try) - ~ ;,I ! ,1~ .11 - ) I I F?!'TRN0Vj It. N. -- "Chemical Struct.ure of Moscow LIr-nif.e Acoordinr to Daf,11 Obta'ned b,,,, Oxidation and Nitration with Nitr-ic Acid." ~ub 30 Dec 52, Inst of !-!ineral Fuels, Acad Sci USSR. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). SO; Vecherna~ra Moskva January-December 1952 5MjRLAJC)V (;-,.N mon/ Mining Chemical technology C&rd 1/2 Pub. 22 35/51 Authore t Titov, N. G.; Khrisanfova, A. I.; Kanavets, P. I.;.and:Sinirnov, R. N. Title I Certain properties of coal., dan,jerous.on account of sudde disc NrUdical I Dok. A14 SSSR 101/2, 327-329, Mar 11, 1955 Abetract I Certain chemical characteristics of coal considered dangerous*,on account-~.Of . sudden discharges of coal and gas are analyzed. Chemical and I thermographid.-- investigations showed that not all coal layers hava a high peroxide nitab6i:', and exothermal effects characteristic~for the decomposition of peroxides, Considered dangerous are such',coal. layers as contain large amounts of per--,w oxides. Institution Presented by: Academician A. A. Skochinskiy, December 3, 1~54 Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 101/2., 327-329, Mar 11, 1955: Card 2/2 Pub. 22 - 35/51 Abstract The heatiliberated duringdecomposition of labile peroiddes as' well as. C02) CO and H'O cause inteinsive desorption of gases absorbed by the coal 2 thus initiating a gas discharge. A-method of neutralizing dangerous coal layers underground is reconmended. Eight references: 5 USSR and 3 English (1897-1953)., Table graphse USSRIIIChem4-!:~al. Te-::hrjc1,--gy - Chemical Products and Their Application. TreaLment of Solid Mineral Fuels., 1-12 Abst ibuzmal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62509 Authgr: TJ.tov) N. G., Ehrisanfova, A. I., Kanavets, P. I., 9mirnov, R. N. Institution ., None Title: Characteristics of Coal Involving Potential Hazards of Sudden Flareback Original Per-Alrdical; KUmiya i teklmologiya topliva, 11056, No 1, 43-49 Abstract: investigation of coal samples from 16 seams of the Donets fields was conducted by thermographic analysis, determination of microhardness andheat of damping and also of peroxide number. It is shown that c,:,al from different blocks of the same seam differs in physical chemical and physicochemical properties as well as in composition and content of peroxides (P). On heating of P containing coal there is observed occurrence of exothermic effects at relatively low temperatures (even at 369, which is due to decompositi,)n of P, Card V2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Card 2/2 as. F WMIM44MA Ul S Of (ZA., PrA. KA~wi 1056,29, c Z _."'40n 11 -,Con iAd`pctw~ oxygen w" taken ag 20 hie arplyms are H d ' I dc given, y roxy groups were, b 4 rap Sa -Bautimann 'method, : sba%ing, ~ that saponiii I -otten A od icts. ire. of lo~rii maLstructura than untrea .~1-13 ted coal "CO -ciulis present had to boreducccl to Oljogfoupq beloro'viriylatir gs V;'nylition. took placo -at, 170-176* tho deta6d incthod Is-give n, re found In tho coal'and 6% "60latile W. .8% Vinyl gro~lps we o -rAol. 10 -etherc Up. to - 40019 'of, the, organic. inais. disiahh~s irl, alcoholy.,~~- tl b toWcn~, acetorsi and I R. e iers, crizenc, /V C-V- - - r-7; SMIMdir. wid R.~N j. ppl.7 Chiln. A Nf R I - - L . . . . . . . . . . . .............. R. IT Smirnov, I m r'~T :.Ievcuri'zaI-io_n_'of Gr--ohite (0 :.nerkur1rovanii p E 111 Tj IAL Z' h u it 1 f- i z i cr, I - o yi im i i9:' 0"1 1 T i o po 21o-, - 2111 (Tjs-R) C121 I r"I Tlrlree sorts of -raphi to, r%~ acetate and radical vinei~,ar v., e i, eb_r,ouf',-nt to reactlor-, in ampLilez; _~It 1~32 +lu C, Sam;)Ies viere tal:en L:.t re,-fl,ular intervals. Tli-~ re~uits of the che-.-Lical analysis are to be seen on t,.o taole and fi-ru_-e 1. 11,A-ptistovalova C, 1) -1) C. t The thermo- granhic analysis was carried out it., accordance with Kurnakov's method. X-ray analysis was carried out by V.S. Shortstkina, T. i ~,.V.Luk.lln ( i deby i-, fi~, -e 4) T'-e res,,ilj-, is t'-,at there are two tyDes of CH g-roups in ,raphitez aromatic and olefinic. Considerable ~1'.zcrez--ney exists- ~!et-;;-Pen t*,.e hy',4vo.-en conten't in t~~e :)ri~~inai -ra2'r~ i"t e and t' i~ cort ent of me roury in t,.e i:Ier(-,I-,ry dcri vate T'-i s s to t`;~ exi ence of a t~'-ii _-d sort of an inact ive >. CH TI-.e lleoi.i_ (,f ~',e -:a--er ic t'e L-d 1, 2 it L :. L ic:,. f t t Ll r 0'. hw~!n ria vy t n L e r, t 1, v e mod 1 0 (1 2,) 0. S o v i s _-d i -Ira u1 s -_UC 4 !:h L -1 S~~ien-es U~iSR In ~A i t ut e f or Bunnable "i c._--al S 1 - 3.~ i l'27 E'D A I Ca---d 2/2 SMIRNOV, R.H. Mercurization of polvetyrane. Dokl. AN SSSR 119 no-3:508-510 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1.Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.V. Topchiyevym. (Sty-rene) (Mercur7 organic compounds) SMIRNOV, H.N. Aydrolytic dissociation of mercury organic compounds of oxidized coal. Trudy IGI 8:172-182 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Coal) (Mercury organic compounds) 5 X'3 5 Ov/74 -2 E3-7 -2/5 JT H j R S!l1irriciv, R. 1", TITLi~: of Co-11 Str.cttre loavreuicnnyye prAntavl~niiya o Struktil-f-- U-1ya) FEU6L TCAL Uspekhi khi:-aii, 1)59, Vol 28, N" 7, np e.26 - 8,',9 (USSR) .1. L -1 - A BSTHACT Though the present ;aner is i.-lainly dcvoted. 'o Vhe evaluation of modern theorics and hypotheses on thc strictare and pro- pertii~s of cr_~-anic ccal, dat-a from other ~;ciences and disQiplines Aad to bc taken into acr-ou.i.t. Ch Acally s-eaking, ccal is an extrur.tely co.-,11;1~,.x ~;eolo_ricsl 2ubstance co.-.s7istizig of ar or3aric and an itior--anic part. Generally, concepts on coal str.;cture consist of M,.-ret: hj-putheses: low -molecular, hi gh -molecular, ELrld ~;olloidal '-,v,)othcz;es The aro,.,atic polyccon(icnst-~d hydrocar- b --) n, s , 'thr stracturc of ccal 3re rc-arded as its main consti- tuent i- ach of tht, 'hr-e liypot'~ie'~E:s_. In the saine way, the e:.i~Ac,-Ce of IryCroL-,en, ox.-L-en, -alf,~r, and nitro7cr. atoms at Vie nurither,' of the iaole,_~ule is 1,en.:-ra'ly recognized. The low- mo'l -_-.c Ilia r in the -:.airi, the basic scientific ~:onc-~pts of ccal. Tl:c ;-ifpotlicsis or, tlae hi~;h-iol=cUlar ztr_ct.1re of c r~;a til. c ~;o-A 1 is !.,a ~3 L d 3n the a.~, c~ ui:.rA ion tl-tat cc. al i'S in a n 1~ L uv i f b 1 i_-~` 1- v 4o ~ a n.y o I j o n n ~- e rc~-.inL- t'..-- ;nt of the B- ind carir.- tne C-phas e Thau-h th-3 ly C. ims Lo be ta~:vn ic-ric~isll! it '-10 n t f u t Tir-, o t i cs i s! on U, c o 11 o da I ~-,tr.i,~tjre of ~.,i IL i ffir::ily -:dvo, by ~-Uite a f t '~~ e r e s u I t of various t t~ ts ~hu tr~;L~d t, i i. t. t S 0 -ray 1:~ s i- ti~ col_i-.,~. fro.. point of -.iew of ol 1 o _i~ c~- is t rv Hc, i. E r all V) fact-3 --ould, also be ot, ~;r Cons-ecr4n:7 '.1-c prt~--i)t star-e norE~ cf hL can be r~~-%~iiized a L; ~-i th-o-,y ;ince tl~(~., Jo riot Furnish and- definite kncwLec_~;c or nor any r,,vi, unknorn ~~ro:lt~rtitaa o f cc)al~ Thi.,~, is tl-le i~lain ch...r-IcLeristic of -all C j. t i C t I ~e,:-24 t~S fdof 1012). Vie eevelo7~.nrnt Gf coil-chei!iistry o-, tie o.-,.e 1,_ard -~rd tll~it of inda~-tr.v or. the ot',:ur hao :ilsj _7-IIIj-i;,,i it ellfcct_- of t*-e I-Ievelo:)~ent of che:nical Ti-is can be -,)roved by a nx-.iber of outstarciIL; CcC,.rr,_--z,,ct~L. e-trinfr the lfLt few year:7 Knowler-Sc Of _~C'_' 1-3 tr_iCtL!I*C JLS 3 'Lill 2_1 t pr~.-ent an'd Ch _~. mi,:-ts rc~ as L ,y~_t u-.,-,able to ust2`)lisIn 'or u-~--- for z-,tr_I,_t of C31-d cc_il, Of -:~oald t-,~ ~cl-ati~n t'- :)rcbl~- C, n C S:. concc-.-;ir.~ 'U';ie -,tr-_~ctaral -.~rinc_i7ole of the car.)or, of t- -Cs of coal i .0. 1 a cLarac-~_,ri-,tic of t.'s t1% ;c of or,-a~_ic ,%oald hav )roblc~f~zf: coz~cc-rning diff(rences -'.nd of dif!'crent typs of coal could bE 6 and 113 r-fc-rencE's, 53 of to he found. Only tiler the neculiaritit~-s Of tht-, str,rture solveC,. Thl~re are 4 fi.~ures, which are Soviet. ASO"GICIATIO.'11: In-t zLoryuchikh iokupay~.-mykh AN SSSR (1.1o, '3!cva ) (j_13tj_tLIt_~ Of Mii;ural Fu~.Lu, A" ,j Carka' .2/3 SMIRNOY-1- -Roman- - Niki ti ch; KAR-AVATEV, N.M.,; NEICRASOV, A.S., red.izd-va; GUSEVA, A.P., (Investigating the structure of coals by the oxidation and nitration method] Isaledovanie struktury uglei metodom okisle- niia i nitrovaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 88 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Karavayev). (Goal--Analysis) M52 4 q, 14 1-16 60/002/004/015/020 B004YB056 AUTHOR: TITLE: Mercurized Rubbers. I. Mercurized Butadiene-rubbers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, 110. 4, pp. 558-562 TEXT: The author speaks about mercurizipv~ rubber samples produced by N. A. Klauzen. There were 1) CKOM (SKBM)\' butadiene -rubber with 65% polymerization of the butadiene molecules in 1.4-Position and 32~.' in 1.2-position; 2) 0