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L53 i9
AUTHORS: Bukat, G. M., SlIv, L. A., Bogomonoial
TITLE. Residual pair forces In the,light nuclei 0 18 andF 18
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentall-noy I teoretioheskoy ffikit,v- 44.,
no. 1, 1963,' 316-325
18 18
TEXT: The nuclei of 0 and F are considered to be composed of the
magic core with filled shells (016) plus two nucleons moving in the
potential V = V + V + V . V is the averaged local potential of all
C S p C
nucleons of the nucleus, and has been determined by L.S. Sliv and
B. A. Volchok (ZhETF, 36, 539, 1959)- V is the potential caused by the@
quadrupole portion of interaction between an external nucleon and Ithe
nucleons of the core. It has been calculated by V.N. Guman-.(ZI iIETF, 4"1,
800, 1961). V occurs in the presence of external nucleons and is@
determined by the residual forces left over after averaging. These are-
mainly pair forces which become active at small nucleon' distances. They
'Card 1/ 4
Rosidual VaIr forces-in the light AW/3102
Independent of the ISOMPISO The transition -probabilities ?(A) between
the Indi-VIAmal levels show by 9 w4ars-Or magpitafto [Abstracterfe
notes 1014 abould read 104.) After ellaimattoo .of the energy depead*nce#
the values of the r*Uo*d proliability D(w X) champ by 3 orders *.f ma V*i-
tu4o. Despite the #mwId*rab1* wartations the a, .va2men oulaulated agroe
fairly lost 614b those observed". IM isteractiom b*1%d4m nuols"S ant
car# is strongest In 21SM rAC1916 as tb* Off"Sive surface temmuz C
Agereases fasm 2000 -to 150 In pilng tree rb"6 to. 14.
0 The ""Ottivit'y
of 4be regultipAo the parowters'tw md 4 Inareaseol the Valitts aalewl4ted
and observed fox bw a too - 2.0 mmis @ma&,mVv*w*t,, aboreas thaso
observed and calculated for Sw -a )j, 411f*r amsI40'rably. Ike results
obtsined for the speors is the prosealk paper aro, 4'we 49"tett M4 exact
then those obtained either ty 84, 911tatO and 3.14 Flowers (Praqs fty.
800*9 A20t 19"t 5)6) asime the sball WA*lt Or loy U*G& Redlich, (fte,
Rev. Ito$ Sq"V 469) using the model- of 0 deformed noolmAn, Tkere are 4
rip"a and 4 tables.
eard 514
"High-Lying Nuclear Isomeric States."
report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22
Feb 64.
FTI (Physico Technical Inst)
ACCESSION NR: AP4019253 S/0056/64/046/qO2/0811/0813
AWHOR: Sliv, L. A.I* Kharitonov, YU. 1.
TITLE: iesidual np interaction in heavy nuclei and high isomer
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46. no. 2, 1964, 811-813
TOPIC TAGS: np interaction, heavy nucleus, isomer state, high lying,
isomer state, transuranium element
ABSTRACT: In view of the large number of nuclear whichl
1 a vital part is played-by residual np interaction between the nucle-
ons of the overfilled neutron and proton 'shells, and analysis in
made of the matrix elements of the np forces in such interactional
for various neutron and proton configurations. it is found that so-'
mer4c levels caused by np forces can be both low and high lying with!,
re4'ect to.ihe-ground-state, and that high lying isomric states
L 27606_66_____P!T(m)
ACC NRs AP6018485 SOURCE CODE, uR/o367/65/001/006/ll29/-U311
AUTHORt Sliv, Le At; Kharitdnov# The Is!
ysi o-Techrd
ORG:- Ph cal Institute im. A. F. Ioffe,AN SSSR (Fitiko--tekhnichaskiy
institut AN SSSR-)
TIM i Isospin in heavy nuclei
SOURCE: Yadernaya Mika, ve 1, no* 6, 1965, 3129-1131
TOPIC TAGSt heavy nucleus, Coulomb interaction, quantum number, nuclear sping
light nucleus, cadmium, nucleon, nuclear resonance
ABSTRACT: Whether or not it is- possible to ascrl@e definite values of the
isospin T to states of heavy nuclei has become of current importance in con-
nection with the observation of analog states. Reasons have been given that
the isospin T may be.a good quantum number for large values of the-nuclear
charge Z. But it is of interest to find the fraction of the mixture of states
.with other T in the lowest value of the isospin To for the ground statel using
@the most realistic model of the nucleus and accurate approximatlofis for the
effect of Coulomb interaction.
1he paper gives a formula for the Coulomb potential of a particle in a
field of Z particles. The Coulomb part of the potential results in an admixtuiv-0
of states with other T; ortmore exactly* only the variable part of the Couloiub
pote tial mixes states with different To Accordinglyp in the potential for the'.
C&O 113
L 27606-66
ACC NRs AP6018485
.peIturbation in T it i-s necessaiy to include only the -term proportional -to-
rl - The resulting potential gives single-particle transitions to states
with the same spins j and the same parity but with different radical quantum
'Inumbers n, in which the isospin T of the nucleus may change by unity. A
formula is given for the fraction P of admixture of states with other T. 7he
:dependence of the fraction P an Z is expressed principally In the sum of n
terms in the formula for P, in which n increases with Z.
For light nuclei up to Z-20(Ca4O)9 for which To - 09 the admixture
fraction P increases with L 1he admixture of other T would increase approxi
_@mately linearly if the isospin To remained equal to zero. Then, for nuclei
theavier than Ca409 use of the Isospin as a quantum number would cease to hav6;-.
meaning. But for stable nuclei after Ca40 (actually the Ca4O nucleus does
:not lie on the stability curve) the Isospin To is greater than zero and
creasds with Increase In A. In other words, the admixture fraction P remains!
approximately.the same*for all stable nucleit i.e., 1-2%. This result may
-also be extended to all the- 1-ow exci ted states of --the nUcle I.. -A
The purity of the isospin T in heavy nuclei may be verified experl-
.mentally from the familiar selection rules. 1hus, the Fermi fl-transition
:0+ + 0+ which is permitted in the ordiniry spin will be forbidden In the
Oppn)B, which go through
I sospin. Nuclear charge exchange reactiorks A%
resonance states of the compound nucleus't will be forbidden in T.
The ground state corresponds to a potential well with the minimum
value To h(N -_Z)., -Excited states of the, Ve 11 correspond. to-higher Valusel
L Card 2/3
:@-L 26948-65
were calculated and tabulated th-
A1x: for ,E1 E2, M16. and M2 -transitions for the
iti y k 3cm tfw/m@2 K-@Jhell.-: Z
lowing values of the Atomic number and transit on energ
81, 84, 88, 92, O@20 !;-.k !5. 5.0, -'L-sh Iell.-:Z-= 49,* 57, 61, 65, 69# 731 77r-8.1@'
841 88, 92, 95, 980 0-05 i6K !@-O .70., The.algebr aid expressions-used for matrix
@t e matrix elements f6r',
lements are adduced. ."The
individual' numerical values for h
among those listed.above, can be obtained 1rom the :au-1'.--
any k, Z and multipolarity,
thors. It will be possible to order photoprints-or inicrofilms.of the-tables f rom-
the Institute of Scientific-Information-of.the Academy of Sciences of the SSSR.The:
authors are grateful to N.B.Brovtsina, K.I.Golovant, L.I@Fralentall and F.I.LA
len, who participated in compilation, of the.t4bles." fomulas,d--@
SUBMITrED: 00/--Jan65 ENCL: -00 @SUB CODE: GP
NR SW,R1W. 007 CFWR: 001 ATD PRESS: 3199;,
RIVKIN, Saamuji Simonovich; CS@T.@CYUKHOV, Ya.G., in--h., retusenzent;
SLIVP E-.I.j doktor tekhm. nauk, retsenzent; (;HhWl'r-.UV,
- R-11- - fiz-mat.. nauk, nauchn. red.: KLP@@111A, Ye.V.,
. y doktoi
['theory of gyroscopic devices] Teoriia giroskopicheskikh
ustroistv. Leningrad, "Sudostroenie.11 I-Pt.2. 1964. 5471 p.
(MMA .17.7)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Farn Aniruils - Honey Boo Q-7
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, No 26269
Inst On the Widoning of Nosts by Surplus Gonbs rnd Lrtificirl
Comb Foundttion (0 rnashiranii gnozd znp:@snyrni sotuA i
Iskusstvonnoy voshchinoy)
Orig Pub : Vcolarstvi, 19571 100 No 3, 4()_41
Abstract % The Author considers rs incorrect the currently used method
of widening the nest first by putting surplus coubs and then
using the crtificial comb foundation only aftcr the building
instinct iz-Awnkonod in the bees. He quotas a number of ex-
mplas wherein the boas prefer the artificial comb foundation.
The use of surplus conbs is justified only when the colony
lags behind in its development in the Adverse weather which
continues until the and of March or the beginning of April,
and when aftarwards, suddenly warp-or weather sots in, end con-
tributes a good honey crop.
Jesonrch Tnstitute
Zd. ; It 56GEK, armacii a BiO-
D, 'ILZ, ;,Z.;
caemi.stry (VyZicuitiny USbav iiro F
(5f 16y and Bio
C1,011J.i), pr.,@;-ae.
Lon Distribution, and Excretion of Activity After the
"Absor@)t. I C; I 4-Kc-opj@ to Rats-"
r,d@@jir.z strat@ oil Of -onylbutazone
Vo! 15, Uo 5) Sep 66, P-P
407 -r-izolidin-3,5-dion was
.M,1_1@etobuty -py
Abstract: 7.,?-d 4:,
rd carbon in the fpjrazolidin ring- The
Ta_g@,e_6=witii radjoacGive C on the 3 ividual organs
rate of adsorbtion and excretion and the affinity Of ind
high affinity for 'he brainy
rz bed. The drug has a I U
for the drug are de5c j- . It has a low affinity for
and stimulatles the npophysj3 adrenal glands
.f levels in bones are law.
blood and is transported by the blool. The
2 Western, 3 Czech references. 1 Figure. Submitted at lb Days Of
Pharmacology at Smole-nice, 16 Feb 66.
in the adrenal region in the compound treatment of
GRIGOR7YEVA, T.G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GIZBOV, M.A., starshiy
nauchnyy sotrudnik; PERSIN, S.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
PETRUKHA, GJ., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SLIVA, I.K._'
Practices in effective control of the sugar beet weevil.
Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 4 no.5:23-25 8@0 '59. (MM 16:1)
1. VsesoyuzrV-y institut zashchity rasteniy (for Grigorlyeva,
Glebov, Persin). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy
institut sakharnoy svekly (for Petrukha). 3. Glavnyy agronom
inspekisii po sel'skomu khozyaystvu Smelyanskogo rayon4-'.
Cherkasskoy- oblasti (for Sliva).
(Smela District-Sugar beets-Diseases and pests)
(Smela Distriet--Weevils--Extermination)
PRIAND/Cultivated Plants. Fruits. Berries. M
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol -, No 5, 1958, 2o47i.
Author J. Sliva
Title The Effect of Pruning Slightly Frozen Trames on the Restoration
of Dead Tissue. (V3.iyaniye obrezki podmerzsbikh derev'yev
na vosstanovleniye otmirayushchikh tkaney).
Orig Pub: Przegl. ogrodn., 1956, 33, wo il, 6.
Abstract: During the winter of 1955/56 frosts zt-mtgly a-rfactsd
Poland's fruit orchards, in particular, the poorly fer-
tilized and ti-Iled ones, as well as those bearing large
quantities of fruit in 1955. Tn the tests conducted with
plums and nut trees not one of the methods of fan pi-in-
ing yielded positive results. In orcbards- suffering from
Card VP
GONSKIYY G.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SLIVA, O.K., inzh.
Designing an elastic plunger coupling with a limiting mment.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.6:71-80 165. (MIRA 16-10)
1. KharIkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
L IOFY,7-()'t I kM I/ r_%Vk'%KJ/QVVr kWj/"Ilr@V Iw A
AR60311733 SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/66/000/008/VO52/VO52
AUTHOR-' Sliva, 0. K.
TITLE: Specific features in calculating th@ natural frequencies of bending of the
operating blades of turbine machines with the use of discrete models
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs.- BV422
REF SOURCE: Dinamika,. i prochnost' mashin. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn.
sb., vyp. 1, 1965, 26-31
TOPIC TAGS: turbine blade, shaft, natural vibration, natural frequency, bending
vibration, mass distribution, bending oscillation
ABSTRACT- An investigation has been made of the effect on the design values by
natural frequencies of bending oscillations of a shaft and on the methods of sub-
stituting its distributed mass with several concentrated masses. Two methods are
analyzed for the distribution of mass of the shaft: the mass of the section is con-
centrated at its center of gravity and the mass of the section is spread over its
ends. It is shown that with an even divi-;on into sections the first method yields
exe es sively- high natural frequency values, while the second produces underrated
ca@d 1 / 2
ACC NRt AT6034467 SOURCE CODE: UR/oooo/66/ooo/ooo/oii6/oi22
1AUMOR; Zhuravleva, A. M. (Khartkov); Slivat 0. K. (Khartkov)
ORG. none
1ITIZ: Vibration of rotors of a disc-drmn construction
';SOURCE: HharIkov. Politakhnichoskiy institut. Dinamika i prochnost' mashin
I(Dynamics and strength of machines), no. 3, Rharkov, Izd-vo Kharskovskogo unive, 1966,'
ITOPIC TAGS: vibration analysis, rotor blade, turbine rotor
ABSTRACT; in a drimi-like rotor, the rigidity of the discs and that of the shell
connecting theun is of the same order of magnitude, so that the condition of a rigid
disc clanping (along a certain radius) is not fulfilled. Zle vibrations of one disc
!are transmitted ',:rrough the shell to other discs. A rotor of this type must be
considered as a single dynamic system with a complex spectrum of resonance-states
excited by forces originated in any of the parts of the rotor. The authors developed
a method for the calculation of the vibrations of this system by using a discrete model
of a shell consisting of massive rings without thickness connected by massless portions
of the shell. The matrix equations of such a model are obtained by exprqssing the
displacements of the shen along the axes x. y, z in spherio coordinates. Zia
GONSKIY, G.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SLIVA, O.K., inzh.
Investigation of the performance of a plung-ar coupling and
the determination of the optimum value of its basic para-
meters. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; maBhinostr. no.2:101-114
163. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
SLIVA, Faig [deoeased], dotsent
Some eomplications inniyocardial infarct and their treatmeirtv
Khirurgiia 37 no.1:58-61 A 161. (MIRA 14t2)
1. Iz TSentrallnoy polikliniki Ministerstva idravookhranemiya
RSFSR (Moskva).
out I I 1 4 It 6 1 A I It
0 It 11 Ij Id Is 17 a us 100 MU loan at
a Is
L 441 do 0;
00 @
ONOCIIIIIII AND 01100111fli 0.010
0 00
oo C
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Pro "91H AND Y-.5AAYA,, COIM-tillx C:eCAk 110".
Pffatlw Of 3-fthIl"ladec"O. S. U
I -00
oo a @
77,- -The olt-thod of I)fepg. this
CAwm. Con"I"Riefidn"s 4,.1,114-42(1932); cf. C.',I- 26; .00
0 I'lanclud-Chaill hydrocarbon 11 analogous to that Plvvionsly tvpmcd.
d W
: r an
VIttircatiol (1) was obtained in 99% rkld front Ft Itdmitate an
g 41
0 tirrpll. of its urethan. PthydrvItion of 1 to rthylottaderrRe Mi by Invans of vacumn .
I.An. resiclacd only Wj`o but by heating equal paAs of I and 1111hyd. ZuCI, at 115 -25*
400 1171,', was dt-bydrated. The remaining ale. was sepil. by distri. In thr prewnce of IS. Na
Oo 3U to40g.oIcrudcprcmIuct. 0410
of the ethyl.
d'.0.8WO. gives all addrs. corultd. with IIg(OAc): in McOll. Thepynition
00 0 'nic linkage Was established at 2 through isolation of Et twntadecyl ketone aftrr oxida.
0 tion with cold satd. KNInO. and prulm. of its oxime, 110 g. of H mixed with rrd&vd coo
o Ni was treated for U, min. With III 2t 145' and an initial pmmure of I'Wattn. Thrfil-
1 terrd product was distd. at 1'21 mm. Pure 3-ethylmttadecupie (M) is a coloclem, O"Iess
00 Col.
.951, heat efcombustion 11.152
, ho 21YV. b.:;4I 1.4476. dto 0.
liquid m- --3
00 Ab%. Vi%Coltity VAIUVS front n* to W, are given for U and M. Ai%-Fc R. Wnrv, 000
9-' SOO
$joys SIV,vil..
solo.,) .11 C.. as( NO*
0 Ua AV NO 1%; -44 1. 111 -C.KC.. 00
i V 0 a IP to IS a It 11 If a a it OR ad 0 0 a I Is
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of 14 V a .0 . x; 11 u M 34 n It V Is n w
@j e is V u 1) .2
A I L a -L-1. _L .
ji. L i. a r, r Q A I T V Y L_ a a DD "It-A t I I a I -tie*
The analysis of cokes.
00 Veda 13, Ckrw. Obwr 12, Abirracis I 111.- -
00 S. presents cnmplete analyses of zoltes _prcpd. of the
l diff
C -00
00 zec
Prarm munkirtal ovens from severa
slovakian coals, completc snalyses of many sArs left i
00 from the analyzed crikes, restilts front ccirributtion tests,
and detus. to show the capacity of the cokes to form dw.
00 Frank Maresh
00 Z j ao@ 0
00 '00
7 0*
A S 0 1 L A
, j'_T j- i j 5 As a
K ff rt it x imb A i ia 3 2 V 43
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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it n it ot ii a a
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00 0000 0
4 000 0 90 96 00 0 0 0 4 0 9 41 0 4 06 a 0 0 4 0 * 0 0
0 a 0 0 0 0 0 11111 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 -0-0 0 0 0 4 0 a of 0000 000 0
0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 a a 0 0-4-0-4 a a a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0
, r, . A It It to 11 J, 1I It )I m 0 111 1? If to &1 11 At 11 14 As 1,,0
a I. It it 0. Is I's a N
s L 0 fl. l, 11 11, ILI Be LIP tt it t A I A A 4
00 41 , I
F., to A I I
Determination of the bfotnW@ number and Olt tin.
saturated hydrocarbons in bvitzene. %'it,.4,sjj% $1(%ij
00 I'Ivn. Llwwtni ifelt. 17, is 120%17i;
1437. 11,31.'M-A moAlifivation of the metliM cif Kiamicr
00 4r, Vind Spilker f,,r the Alvin. ,f ths, fir tw. I, givcsi. fit a
00 ei -Aml-cr. Iku%k Iiitrd with tirtpping funnt-I 2nif gla- stopp,sr
I% placed 2 cc. ticrizette (the mm. mixt.) wfivit I lie fir no. i@
00 4)vt-t (4), cr.5 ce. whcn it is 45 SO), or III cc. uhcn it i@-; Ics, -00
00 th,111,45. 'ro the Im-mene, i.@ added in the fir%t :ac iml,
and i th" otlivr caw@ 41), cc. bromitic-bromale @An. (10 g
oo &I', Kllrll@ 2.71NI7 it. KHr0j per 1. of walcr@, I'lic air i,
0 It i partially rxhau@tA,d from the IlAsk, 211 cc. ijf 1:5 If2SO, goo
I jild"I. art,] the JI&,k 4takcn 1., 30 - its th,, c;&- of
04P J@, 1,crizi,ite Is. tip to 1411' or 7. 15 @cc. for higher-ImAling =00
00 isims. loittivdiaw1v III cc. I0Cr KI %oln. I, added mul e OA 0
Ilie siltation CaFric;l 41111 Willi 11.1 N thift,111fair d)raill'I =*O
oo MAIVII .)III. 'list' Illethutl L4 MOM UCCUralt' 111411 111.
usethoti for the dvtn. of clefinq in lk-im-sic.
W. A.
@!i xoo
000 @Imgo ej-'r .00
00 :;goo
00 40
00 t;00
0 200
It U S% AV so r.- - -49
F - ' -' A All -L S -0 W-0- ti - I IN IN I A3 a 3 6
SI "fill ISMOn 114 Ono
IT P rr It 61 ME VE it
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a I a 0 0 0
1* 0 o 0 o sto 0 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o a 0 & 0 0 & 0 o o 4 0 0 0 o a
A. j it L a it --Z- AA M M9P ZEx -01 -1.1
The compmsitlo@. IST"Apion &84 amit 9WAMJMY
mpoirt"t Properdes of cad tar. PIV%.
l'oda sdrasmors T"A. 17. J.'"I (19r,); Chrm.Zewr. 1937.
a 101,21W17.-The compa. of tars frorn horizontal and ve"kall
retorts in Ciechoduvallia is reported, including the content
:0 a in neutral oils, ImAmrs. phcnob, Or. Ilethods are given
0 a (or the dem. of ftre C in the tat, of surface tensixt, wetting
"Irl its.adhesionandviscosityalthetar. Thefollow-
in fil-nula is givtn for cakx. the viscollity of tile tar at
go any di-Ared trutp, front that known at anrrth@r temp.: w**
o a log rt - (lot 9-2) + IN (101 h - 4 W, in which t) NO 11
@ositits at the temps. It &W 4 mW m is
am the abs. visL =941
90 a the. jerap. exponent of the d--se in viLwity with ill-
-f the tar
Cleo in temp. The chana ill Viscosity
at is represented by chmamns.
with change in W colatcl C'. Moore
11@111 CK a.. Is,
P WJb U fS AV M3 1%
EP ar 61 it III a PIa a a9 1
000 0 00 0 0 91 to 0 00 9 006 00600*000
0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
'A 11. L
f A
A fa It If &III n A .4 a a 1, A b v I[ u 13 Ad 0 M V is I, A, I a
a R
r Q R I At 1!0
to -
- -
- -
- IAA N (X Or U
to -.00
The dirUntainabon of hyd.ogs sullide in illununsUM
i 7
V1 -00
:0 1 -m
1938, 11, 9Ks P. A vintable
app. isdrocribed for thv don. of small antiq. of 11,S MAX)l
III illuminating cat with the ue of I -00
0 4 paper. By means of art app. similar to A shortened ma-
of 8 nometerthc gas is pirsird oivr filter paper impregnated with
III% Pb(OAr), at the ratv of 1511 I-111r. In the pfv,.tAv
,A d
f 0
f -00
per Co. in. o
fe pap.
nitcly colored anti the -ricu. of iliv 11,;eantwesid. flum 9
j the inten4ity (A coltir. Whcn larger anits. of 11,9 ar-
Inevent in & gas. a gas PiIxt of 1. capacit? is zoo
filled with the gas, the tenip. and prcs@urr dctd., and then
25cc.TTfa5% soln. olCtIMAOlintrolucedinto the pipet.
1 After thorough shaking. the pipet is emptied into a i1a!-k
anti 3 drops conctt. HOAr. 25-50 cc. 0.01 N I soln. anti
I() cc. dil. lf,!4), TIMM. After life "n. has stmA for
oo 8 mm. it is litruted with 0.01 X Nat:S(4. W. A. Moire
;! zoo
t:* 0
- -
2 L
59 1 AL L UR
".0 0
- .)till !A C.. III
-- -
a AV go It 19 4W
It d At Is a,
1'ZL An
tm 1
' 0 0
:10 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 : o o o
000 00 o04 of 181
00 fee 009 00
- - . - 0
.0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
10111:11tillm IIIII v 41 U '1 0 O@co
A A m m j a L -A_'jL 1-1--g-J. WAX ;Q M@@_l _A A -
40 41 13 Coots$ t'
bC( t S@t SAC k
00 ji DhIed 4"ft of crude am pa at 68 am "d Me is-
oo swam 40 I;M=ma fmW SOM107 d ammak
PIV., Vo& gairerami Tork. 21.
slow. Vit - Y.
_mm see
001 j_6(j%jr,-XWW.-FA-mW. 1941.1.3466--water requim-
meat for ways in the ps 011-4ake Ans is 3-3 to 5 1. ptir
CU. m. IN 00ang pa Imm about OW down to
This vd. al water woold not be mt&*nt if it Nei not for loo
the bat of About U.4 kg. of wat- ptr cu.
0 z M. at "S or 10,7, at the wittel'. 6 rwykil away, A
dbsdvgmW of the an of NU& Hq- I- thim purpme Is
am IM is ftaA, md tin NUs content Of the ps inc- zoo
0 a f to 2- or 34ald. We overlooft the NIL -bb-, 90 tbst
NM content of the
tm gigamonk-fiquor Comm. Wk and the
Howe the NH,
Puriw Sm cum& pmmWbie fimift.
jjq&WF hM Wd p dmW be kept -p- f-
the water WMYW into Ole Ove" Offtske- Bad Sk tOOk"
00 :8 Shomm be NOW to kamp thg va. dwo, and thm hm"aw zoo
the NH, camcm. Caudellame IWO the W usaks died the
dmM be addkd to tM qmay water. Operatins
daita far tvam. mW vabomm a# Nffs liquor we -p-d
R. W. Ryan
Witb Calm. vab".
-iom oominv 110*
0 3 7 IA An I S rM 0 p; W I V a 0
b U a AT to it.; to TV IT it 4 a a 9 Pt It It 1, Kill, 1 14 9 v
00 0 0 0 Oto Of 0 00 * 0 0 0 0 00 @lo
vvmmg@ A-P PPOFIRTM* MCA a
J@- FOR THE GAS- MAN(WACTURIM BPAMH (Paliva a - vadt: '20 Mum -
19/.6, 26, 90-92)
Rerort on the foundation of the Inetlt@ite and on its-statutes,
The Institute has an'tudependent managemant,nom-Anatedp according
to statutory regulations, * the Ciechoolovak Water,, Gas ,and
Sanitary Engineering Association in Prague.which corporation is
the founder of the Institute. The Institute should start activities
0- :0146 4@ 4111i ii i i
0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 di 0
411 111?f l
ilt* f,
l 11 . A k It
d 6 L 1; L t k A J 1 1. '1 if ra 4 i
1 1 1A 1* 1) j 4 t of
@uthor outlines the
Voda, Feb. 1948, vol. 28. 34-44). Tii@
history of underground gasification, doisrribos fo-jr
00 gasification methods, and indicates how they may be combihed.
oo He diGOU3863 technical difficulties in boring. motiiods of "40
doterniniar, to perstures ftnd the situation of firs, the -00
041 Loohotviour of acilinj and of rift i jjibou ritz,- layers. loq:@es of
4141 )SOUL Lo th,j sio1rhbourbood wid tho pozaihilltv of' enrich-nant 09
zi of the ingaing air by oxygon. A IisL of, refor"Yiens Is 00
appended. 0 0
U i x4
(I r, K a a K a It 41 at
0 0
0 0
0 0 0 Mi 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 & 0
si 0 0 0 00 00
&A-AL-o Is 41 : : : 0
00 00 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a - 0
t; - @. " , @, " 1, JU 11 It 5 n 13 M 17 1. Aj it c &I N 0
Ii f, i. o .1 1 :4 . I ? j V .
Of L Z 9 Cc It, u
Iteform,,tim of natural ps. Viti-z4av SIIV4, I'llift-i 4 i .00
riclonvot of natural or cTuckett rctitwt-Y rkws high if'
00 Al .A - -
fictif,winoductionotti,liqui(Ituris.orNlit. Thecrack-
00 10wer-west retorts is give" in druil.
l in V
ng Illet
s am wrt"I and mnlail, coke. A mist. of ras
l .1tvaln is leci over heated coke 121W) and tim
Illyn.: 7.2 M, 0.6 0,
resulting jr- IL'I thE fOllOwitim cQI
Ig.o CO, WI.2 11. 4.() CII,, and 7-0'.@,; N',- The heat v:lIoe
i., :M7,5 to 294K) kcal. Conversion its Ow retort%
Joseph Le
-14- U-4. -10 UST
itp IT "bit agm Ku Ru Icci-11, at
e .21 12-i
n I An L S 0
r. =00
:;0 0
@A 'V-M -51 -4 32 so Is 16 a a V 41 a a a 0
L--r rL 1- 1 1L
Vat;k.s .... ...
(@aliys a Voda, May-Juns 1949, vol. 29, 167-175). Natural
Ond liquefied gas (propane and butano) have been used in
foreign gas industry for some time. In Czechoslovakia a-
field exists for their utilization especially in samller
towns nearthe souroom of the gam. The proportion of
hydrocarbon gases and their applications both In the original
*0 state and mixed with air or gases of' low calorific value,
00 or after partial pyrolysis, are deezribed. (L).
$*Joao .1* 0MV oac !.na,
9 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a0 Goo 0 *fool
0 Fe 009 006006 0 ov o A-AAL&A
am G"V 1%0
in L a ad a a
06000 0, 0 .0 0 a 0 0 .0.10 a
A-*--*-o o 0 1)--* W'0-o:0je-'W4
3847. Got= F
er IZIM 11 Wa I OAS
W.Z n
am Houbdar, L F". voL 31, 20-33).
S @m yr. M31.
Is alvw at a PMPAWM,r elftuft ps pro*nw- r"
prodmr c3n MUO is 084 with Alkht t"IfftattaN6 for bLUUI*lr W
prowne-amnw fmntuglY b=910 00 clukift- Uw aOLbws otwillu"
vint flaporunoe to tho armAlft at Ives fba"Clym clztvm in arftr to.
achim ck blgb 4-ttom
wn d =mid IL
or ow
dw um
-wmm@wumY uwEatwO am my be
gwo a bisbw cahwibc WWOW. MA
t,T @ "*, ! -
Hed3 , R. ; Eliva, 'v . "New Eethods for Stcring larEe Amounts cf @2as." P. 154
(Paliva-, Vol. 33, no. 7/8, july g. 19-53, i:raha)
. /Au
1-! int of East Furovear Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 12, Library of Congress,
130: lorithl L
Feb. 1954, Uncl.
SLIVA, V. - Faliva - Vol, 35, no. 2, Feb. 1955.
Udo Becher's Handbook of Gas Utilization; a review. p. 64.
SO: Monthly list of East European Accessione, (EM), LC, Vol. 4. No. 9, Sept. 1955
POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Kinetiesp Combustionp B
Explosionsj Topochemistryp Catalysis.
Abs Jour: Re'f Zhur-Khimiyaj No l6p 1958# 53014-
Author : Tshebyatovskyp Kubitskaya, Sliva.
Inst : Not given.
Title : The Structure and Magnetic Properties of Palladium
Contacts with W-A1203 as a Carriers
Orig Pub: Roczn. chemap 1957P 31P No 2, 497-515,
Abstract: Pd-contacts were prepared which did not contain
even traces of ferromagnetic substances. Their
palladium concentration was 0.45-9.1%. As a
carrier, a dimagnetio X -A1203 Vlas usede Their
magnetic contacts susceptibility (at temperatures
Card 1/2
Main trends in the development of the preparation arxi coking sector. p. 249.
PALIVA. (Ministerstvo paliv a Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka. spolecnost pro
vyuziti paliv pri Ceskoslovenske akadem:Li ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 39,
no. 8, August 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11,
November 1959.
SLIVA V. doe. , dr.inz.; WC*ALA., inze
. I I
Evaluation of resources from the viewpoint of the gas industx7
development. Faliva 43 no.88233-237 Ag'63.
SLIVA V., inz. dr., doc.
I,evel and effectiveness of gas consumption in households
and public buildings. Paliva 43 no. 12: 361-364 D 163.
L 34430-66 T/ENP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD
SOURCE CODE: CZ/0034/65/000/011/0789/0795
AUTHOR: Dedek, Vladimir (Engineer); Michl, Vladimir--Mikhl', V. (Engineer);
Sliva, Milan (Engine-erj-
ORG: VZKG, n.p., Ostrava
TITIE: Reheating conditions of process and intermediate anneali d their effect
on the deep-drawing properties of low-carbon strip steels-
SOURCE: Hutnicke listy, no. U, 1965, 789-795
70PIC TAGS: low carbon steel, annealing, cold rolling, metal drawing
ABSTRACT: The article reports on an investigation of cold rolled annealed deep-
drawing strip steels regarding the feasibility of improving their structural and
plastic properties by arrangement of the reheating conditions in the final process
annealing as well as by internodiate annealing during the cold rolling. Orig. art.
has: 2 figures and 8 tables. [Based on authors' Eng. abstract] EJPRS: 33g7321
SUB COIDE: 13 / SUBM DAM norm / ORIG REP: 0Q3 / OM IREFs 001
SOURCE; CODE: CZ70057/65/000/01210533/0537
AUTHORz Sliva, Mian (Engineer); Zidok, Mlan (Docent; Engineer; Candidate of science
ORG: Klement Gottwald Vitkovice Iron Works,- Ostrava (Vitkovickg ze 2
TITIZ: Influence of the diameter of rolls upon the mechanical
properties of cold
rolled steel belts
SOURCE: Hutnik, no. 12, 1965, 533-537
TOPIC TAGS: mechanical property, cold rolling, carbon steel, metal deformation
ABSTRACT: The mechanical strength of th t 1 increases
with' increasing diameter or the gee di
rollers e fference is
greater in steels containing higher amounts or carbon, and I
increases also with increasitg degree of deformation* When the
.diameter of the rollers changes in the ratio of 8 lip the dif-
ference in the strength varies by 4-.5,000 kg / ram ; the differ-
ce in steels with high carbon content is approximatel-y twice
that. A substantial increase in strength is achieved by in-
creasing the rolling pressures in cases where 'high carbon cont-
ent steels have deformation on the'order of _40-56%k' Orige alt-0 _@_is:
4 figures and 4 t;Lbles. fJ-PRS: 34,512T
SUB CODE;: 3.1, 20 SUBM DATEs none / ORIG REFj 002
Analysis of the mineralogical composition of fused protland-
cement clinkers. Trudy Giprotsement no.24t26-35 162.
(KM 1624)
(Cement c3.inkers--Analysis)
KOZLOVSKIY., G.I. [Kozlovslkvi, H.T.J; NOVIKOVA, Z.M. [Novykova, Z.M.];
GOLUBCHIK, S.A. (Holubchyk, S.A.]; SLTVA, Yu.D. [Slyva, IU.D.]
Processing of nonmalt products with high protein content
in the brewing industry. Khar.prom. no.1:41-" Ja-Mr 162.
(MM 15:8)
1. UkrNDIKhP (for Kozlovskiy, Novikova). 2. Kharlkovskiy
pivovarenyy zavod No.1 (for Golubchik, Sliva).
SLIVAK, 1. 1-1.
Slivak, i. M'
"Planning the Limits of the Region of Attraction of Automobile Roads."
IlLn Higher Education USSR. KharIkov Automobile and Road Inst. -Kharlkov,
1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science)
So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 27, 2 July 1955
Organizing automobile traffic ourveys. Avt.dor. 20 no.8:21-22
Ag '57. (MIRA 12:4)
(Traffic surveys)
SLIVAK, I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk
Actual and calculated traffic intensity. A%,t.dor. 21 no.11:28-29
X '58. NIRA 11:12)
(Traffic erWineering)
SLIVAK, I., kand. tekhn. nauk
Methods and results of inspecting intercity transportation.
Avt. transp. 36:6-7 D '58. (MIRA 11:12)
(Transportation, Automotive)
SLIVAK, I., kand.takhn.nauk
Motorbus transportation in districts of the mining industry.
Avt.tranf;P. 38 no.1:14-15 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5)
(Donato Basin-Notorbus lines)
(Lvov-Volyn' Basin-Motorbus linea)
_SLIVAK I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk
Economic efficiency of motorbus traffic in mining regions.
Trudy MIEI no.16:85-90 161. (MMA 14:12)
(Motorbus lines-Cost of operation)
SLIVAK, I.M., kand.takhn.nauk; SHEYNIS, G.I.
District planning and design of roai network. Avt.dor. 26 no.9:
21 S 163. (MIRA 16:10)
.3 -A. -n. n
3 LIVAK I N. ; k - e V-1a viuk
Coordinate th--@ work of road constructors and city builders.
Avt.dor. 26 no.10:31-32 0 163. (MMA 16:U)
1. (J-hen-pi @iekretarl liwkt.-AA av-tumobl'L'nykh dorog Soveta po ko-
ordl-matsit na-w--hriykh rabct Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury
TiV-,ARUTYUNYAJ-1TS, G.O., zam. glav.
red.; WGORI@D, D.I, red.:
'W-A:3 L-',,@
I @ x -'r,. red t MWL@21 Ku:@ f red.;
i piri, " . "@T'a 7@
IME I, EN, T SE111 , I V. red ..I., red.; 1-112YUBIN,
K.P., red..- O.,-"-'WFOV, V @M' reo. ; FOG;H-EBOV, S.N. , red,
SLIVAK- I'M , kand. tekhn@ naulk., red.; ST111ISLAVSKIY,
'IT 17 SKR' . G @ 1-11 ----d SOL01,1114 ENKO , 11 . A. , red.
an,, efig:met)rlrz@; ties of cities; an
-C. Ciesi'@@nerd Tran:,,poi" i 1nzhQn(-!rnoe oborudovanie go-
v Kiev, Budivelvnyk,
1964. -100 F. (MIRA 18:5)
1, t1knairls-k3y Ano-titnt Droyektirovaniya
gorodcvt 2. "')SR (for Kaplan. Orekhov). 3. Gosstroy
USSR (for Fo-rebo--;'@ 4. Klyevski7
insLiTutl (for Slivak). 5. Y-li-ye-Lskiy,,Gos,,idai~-6tvennyyinstitiru
P'*'j/@-;kt1r'3VM1-@';- IN@rodov (1-or Uspeniikiy, Ter-Arutyunyants,
Hlalys@enko, 1-',P:,en-Lsev, Dondarenko). 6. Leyiing-radskiy Gosudar-
.1; 1:' i: pr uy ro-,r i@L, yrL
SJ'Vennyy ill grorod-ov (for Nelyubin).
7. "Scnt-rc@@ proyektw insti-
tut po 1-11,-,@kva- (for Solo-fnenko).A.Kiyevskoye
k-, -ani,
upra-.rleniye po pr-,yed, -ni, @ -1i zililist,,ehr-.c-.grazlidanskogo i
kommuna-11"no.-F, S-_'@--i----@.!Istva (for 31ut-sk.iy).
"Results of Introducing the Immeditte System of ODeration in Interurban
Telephone Cor-munications," Ves-'E,. svyazi, No.6, p. 20, 1953
Chief, Production Control Service of TsMTS,
Translation No. 5U, 30 Apr 56
Approximte calculation of' the -standard-Aambar freq.. energies n
formatio*n of selanates. Zhur. neorg.. Ichimn. S no.8zl82&-1830
Ag t630 (MM 16:8)
(Selenates-Iffiermodyuamic properties)
(Heat, of formtion)
SLIVANSKAYA.A.G., kandidat takhnicheakh nauk; CHUBIUIIN,A.A., dotsent,
- "tk*gigi-idiA-;~'ii,khnichookikh nauk
Calculation of the dynmic tractive characteristic of the direct-
current electromagnet. Trudy KNI no.15:188-207 '55. (KLRA 8:11)
1. Kafedra elaktricheakikh apparataw Moskovskogo ordena lenina
energeticheskogo instituts, imeni V.M.Molotova
Rolling electrical steel slabs prepared by continuous casting on
strip mills with hot reelers. Biul.TSIICHM no./+:38-1+0 161.
(HERA 14:10)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut chernoy
metallurgii (for Lapotyshkin, Slivchanskaya). 2. Novolipetskiy
metallurgicheskly zavod (for Pravdina).
(Rolling (Metalwork))
A U"! Dipotygh?in, 11. M., Boychenko, M. S., Candidates of Technical Sci-
ences, Leyten, A. V., Akimova, Ye, I., Slivchencl-aya, V. V., :r:nggi-
neers ------
1,111": SpecUd featuros of cr@.,.qtalllzation In continuous casting
Pi-R U'DICAL; no. 1, 1@62, 30 - '31,
7 io :-.o dc2nita opinion concerninS the effect of the cr-istal-
i 1.7 Lcn rat.@ on the z@rain structure mnd chemnical composition of contimmis
To solve this prob1cm, tests were carried out at the T!:N11CWI and a
n&w rc-tlicd, was applied to detenninn the crystalliz3tion rate, which is based an
Inc- 1.c.w(,cn the derdrite axes: when the solidification rate Is increa5ed,
tho di:,tanc@7,ia@Ewmloii ftnuIrItes decreasc:;. The tests were
cari,P,d cnt. wl..h carbon stc-21 and transformer steel. To obtain a clear picture
of the dendritic structure, the carbon steels were water-hardened at 950 - 1,0500C
:@nd amicaled (in water) at 650'C. The crystallization rate at various depths was
also chocked by Introducing the radioactive Isotope of sulfur (05), for "45" and
CT .3 (St.3) steels, 'poured at a 0.7 rq/min rate in er7stallizers, 200 x 200
Card 1/4
S '3-V,'21OCA1Or,11Ctj@jC,10
. . . AC,541A 1 -n
I ng) 4,@re also stud@pd. In theze tests, 4 heats of "45" :51 eel and Y 7
1:;i) vere Investigated. The Increase in temperature during, the pouring OC
;Vt' 7ii@, r@,rjuced the cr-jstallizatlon rate. An increase in the pouriag
I'M-@: .111:ri U.5 to 0.7 M/nin) de-eased the solidification rale by about 0.3 cra/mln.
li:o inttjultty of secondary cooling, it w3a established that if 2 1/.3cc rool-
(0.5 1 Per 1 kr steeL) were con--umed, the solidification rate som,?.whal.
11),@P. -'-i, while up,)n ralsing thf, water connumption to 5 I/sec, this had no eff-O.
,@:i @.v,@ragn solidification rate. The relation beLwt)cn the crystallization rate
cron,:'. niectilon or the ingot, the structure and the distribution of non-
inclusions was studied In 200 x 200 mm con-tinuour castings. The disf,ri-
of Inclusions depended In the first place on the arrangement of structural
z,-,rv The sraalle3t --=ount of inclusions was found in the fine-grained zone o"
_o nkhn, while the ,mount of Inclusionn Increased In the zone of acicular grains
t I I rilor-@ fr. the transient zone between acicular and spheroidal grains.
i,., 119iiation was studied in continuous and standarxi castings of trans-
i -,tpel with 11.2 - 11.4% 51. content, by comparing the microhardness of the
,i-!i0rile axen and of the interaxial zones. Greater hardness was observed for the
Zones than for the axial parts. The differences In A% indicated the
of dendritic liquation. which was higher for the standard castings than
CanL 11/4
S/ 1 33/6@/OWAO ll(;Z)2Jo 1, 0
J i AG5,4/A127
;,j,- tr@t: ones, The r@"B "lues gradually decreased starting from a d,.p,h
-.:-i Lr.'a ' ii ou c ir;
nurface to tile central sections. In cont lu 3 Z.Gt iz'5'
dt-ridrif@_!c non-homagnricity was lo er than in the SUTdard
@11-17@:J trA 11 ref,@renccz: 7 Soviet-bloc arxi It non-Sovio*@ -bloc. Ir.:
E-L,11-gh-language publication reads an follows: D, M. 1.
I! P,@Ylcws, 1956, v. 1, pt. 1.
-A-,*CMSW4 Na:- AP4014250
AUTHORS: Slivchanskaya, V. V.; ItskoVich.,'G.@,M.; Sautkin,, N. 1.
TITLE: Structural characteristics of:A continuous ingot made of low carbon
boiling steel
SOURCE: Stall, no. 2, 1964, 128-131
TOPIC TAGS: steel, melting nrocess, pouring process, continuous pouring, ingot
structure, steel ingot surface crust, bubble zone in ingot) ingot central zone
ABSTRACT: This study of continuous steel ingots made of low-carbon boiling steel
showed that their structure was characterized by the presence of three zones: the
external crust, the bubble zone, and ihe inte4-nal core. The zone 4f the secondary
bubbles and the transition zone were ibsent. "It was established that: 1) different
structure of;the crust could be obtained by regulating the intensity of metal boil-
ing in the crystallizer; 2) gas bubbles were formed at the border of solid and
liquid phases; 3) the channels were formed as the result of liquid movement away
from the interdendritic spaces and toward the gas bubble during its emerging; 4)
the structure in the region of gas likuefaction proved the periodical nature of
crysta@lization; 5) the layered structure observed in the bubble zone consisted of
Card 1/2
VENKO:. 11.
Giazht, av, -5:
",ekre tar korn-i te ta vsesoyumiogro Len-Ir skogo ko�rptin "IS tichp. skogo
soy,,,z-a molodezhl YLizhno-':4lkahllinakogo aeroporta.
9 no, 10t 36-37
(MIRA 18il,,-,-l
SLIVETS, D.P.; KO"'ACHENKO, A.D., inzh. (Dnepropetrovsk)
Frogs have to be rectilinear. Put' i put. khoz. 9 no-12:12 165,
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Nachallnik puteobsledovatellskoy stantsii, Dnepropetrovsk
(for Slivets).
DOBRE, Gh., ing.; CEIMSA, C., ing.;,jSLIVI=C'I, M., ing-
Aspects- of the coal industry in Poland recorded during the
visit of a group of,bmsnicm specialists. Rev min 13
no.9:429-436 S 162. 7--
GRI13KOV, VaLfintin AInk-seyevich; GRIGORMT. Pavel Vesil'yovich; SARIII,
Valeriy Ivanovich; SLIVIN- G Ludr*XWqhj CHHRj,,?ASMt,'IWS,
R.G., inzb., red.;MMW@-VA, TP.H.,'-
[Narrow-gage TIJ2 dionel locomotive] Uzkokoleinyi teplovoz TU2.
Monkvrt, Cros. transp. zhnl-dor. tzrl-vo, 1958. 222 p. (KIRA 1211)
TRMII,%ITOV, L.L., konstruktor; SLIVIII, G.A.., konstruktor
Kiminating the -malfunction of three-rotor snow plows. Put'
i put.khoz. 4 no.2:38-39 F 16o. (1-U-U 13;5)
(Railroads-Snow plows)
SJ,IV.ih, 1 Freezer riant
Sovnarkhoz USSR Discusses Specialization in Machine Tool Production
The following persons participated in the discussion of the reports:
P Slivin, Director of the Freezer Plant in Moscow
(Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, 6 Jul 63)
SO: CIA, FDDS #480, Survey of the Soviet Press (319), 22 Jul 63, OFFICIAL USE ONLYr.
Method for precise determination of pendulum oscillation
periods. Trudy TSNIIGAIK no.139:89-101 160.. (MIRA 14:7)
GERZ11BURG) L.A.; SLIVIN, Yu.A.; ',-i-Y6-
4.ri c
Expeditionary quartz chronometer =mufactured at the Gravime w -
Diboretory of the Central Scientific Research Institute of
Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography. Trudy
T3!,'IIGAIK no.139:121-134 16o. (MIRA 14:7)
st'Yemki-i kartografii. -,-ir-udy, - :.-,Idsledo-va-n:'LyaI-po -- g.rIavimetrfchol@k
J - --% cl@.ics :,
AUTHOR: Kheyfeto, Me!Yee, Slivin,,_Yu. A.
TITLEs A method for determininZ the amplitude of pendulum oscillations and a device
for carrying out this method* Class 42, ZD* 162329
SOURCEs Byul. izobr. i tovar. znskov, no* 9, 1964& 79
TOPIC TAGSt pendulun, oscillation, pendulum oscillation, oscillation amplitude,
ppndulum oscillation amplitudes amplitude determination, oscillation amplitude
dttermination, pendulum oscillation amplitude determination
ABSTRACTs 1. This author's certificate introduces a method for determination of
-the amplitude of pendulft oscillations with the use of a photocell which fi=s the
moments of passage of the pendulum in various elongation angles, the linear or angu-
lar differences of which are known. The commands for closing the relay -which moves
the shutter which opens the slots corresponding to the known elongation angles ate
transmitted when the pendulum passes through the equilibrium position.
2* A device for carrying out the described method* In order to make ':jle to
measure the amplitude photoelectrically with the photoelectric determinatio, :of the
Card 1/2
pendulum oscillation periods, two additional slots are out in the diaphragm which
covers the phototube cathode, symmetrical with the slots which are used for deter-
mination of the pendulum oscillation period*
SUBMITTEDs .16kpr63
EXCLs 00
Card 2/2
I . YI)SA.
Concerning the constancy of the period of a single oscillation of
a gravimetric pendulum. Trudy TSNIIGAIK no.159t79-84 164,
(MMA 17zl2)
I 628@j 5-
L 3541-66 EWT(1) GY1
ACCESSION.,NRt AP5024410 UR/0286/6 0090,
AL1THORSt Kheyfets,M.Ye.; Tere ov,_,V. P,* Slivin, lu ye*
A* Zdobnikov.-
I Ivanoval A. A j Rerezin, E. M YFI 900"
TITLE: Device for measurinp, the gravitational force. Class 42, No. 173435 -v)
t SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 15, 1965, 89-90
TOPIC TAGS: gravimeter, submari
I-ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for measuring the gravitation-
al force from submarines and drifting ice. The device contains three quartz-metal
pendulums mounted on the base plate of a thermostated support placed in an
arrested Cardan suspension, arresting and locking devices for the pendulums.,
thermometers, a hygrometer, a triggering lover for each pendulum, a device for
applying time marks to the photorecord of-the pendulum oscillations, a control
panel, and perturbing acceleration ddtbctors. To increase the accuracy of the
measurements and to simplify their processing, additional mirrors are mounted on,
the support plate so that the images of the transmitting diaphragms reflected
from the outer pendulums are produced in the focal plane of the objective (see
Fig. 1 on the Enclosure), To insure the uniform setting of the pendulums on the
Card 113
L 3541-66
axis of the arresting devicej -a template is installed which imparts a forward
motion to a stop spring, The spring is kinematically coupled to the template
and presses the end part of the pendulum knife edge onto a fixed support rigidly
coupled to the support plate. For remote control of the pendulums., electric
drives are mounted on the support., which are controlled from the panel and are
kinematically coupled to the arresting and locking devices and the stop spring.
To control the initial amplitudes and phases of the oscillation of the middle
pendulum, an additional triggering lover with a driving frame is installed. To
maintain the position of the center of gravity of the device when rewinding the
film, a compensator is installed, The compensator is in the form of a weight
moving with film feed along a screw which is kinematically aoupled to the We
of the film spool. To simplify the arresting of the,Gardan suspension, the
arrestor in the fom of a screw with a control wheel clamps the outer ring of the
Cardan suspension through a plate of the inner ring to thd support on the stands
To record the readings of a mercury thermometer on the comon photorecord., an
anamorphic adaptor is mounted on the support, Origb arts hass 1 diagrm,
suBmiTTED: 1qFeb63 EML 1 01 SUB OC093 93
Card - 2 /-3
- - ---------
BABIKOV, Maksim Adekseyevich, doktor tekhaicheskikh nauk; �LIYIO@@YA. A.G.,
redaktor; FRIDKIN. A.M.. tekhnicheskiy reclaktor
Cj@lectric apparatus) Blektrichaskie apparaty. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo.
Ft. 2.. [Lo-d-voltage apparatus] Apparaty nizkogo napriazheniia. 1956.
376 p. (MLRA 10:1)
(61ectric apparatus and appliances)
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957,
Nr 3, P. 9 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Slivinskaya, A.G.
TITLE: Permeability of Cylinders and Prisms as a Function
yemost' formy tsilindrov I
of Their Shape (Pronitsa
PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1956, Nr 16, pp. 67-81
ABSTRACT: The values of the coefficient.of demagnetization
available in literature pertain to comparatively
long rods. The search for materials possessing a
high value of coercive force made it necessary to
conduct Investigations of magnetic permeability as
a function of shape, or of the coefficient of
demagnetization of cylindrical and prismatic rods
and hollow cylinders for the value�Cs-@-- 3
length; cross-sectiona area).
Cy ndrical and prismatic rods and hollow cylinders
were investigated. The experimental technique is
described, and a formula is given for computing the
coefficient of demagnetization on the basis of the
Card 1/2 experimental data, whIch.are presented in tables
14r 31
-aef eratlv'n'y Zhurnal Bie@ctrot exchn1wa)
Translation from% Formed bY
pjr oaps -ledovanlye
meance Of xOnicheswim
PeT Surface Vh
the aZovann
tigatiOn 0 -ated Con-jea obr ostjalll@
-Inves d Trunp t, !zaZOrovt
cal an vodlInOs esy overwIln
T-ITLE coni jtnO'Y Pro Vonlch jm-1 P jr 16, PP. one
magn eCtennri 1956) 1 cated-c
I US -In-ta jeal and trun Me cha-
rnagpet'-p- ypes
1405@c. energ' con jectrol -both t
Tr- coa%@Ja I DY Jn e @ esent5 Tile
Oj)-jcAL* . formed tered swetch Pr , inarltings' is the
?F'R1 r gaP . often exir-Ou'n PL 1 -jette'r air SaP tro-
P,11 ar reed.
rfaces Pluniger 5 .-Iven in of an of elee
ABSVtAcT su v, Ith a dimension rmeance -r-Isticp rat e are
nj5%5 Vii-th r the pe aaracte lite . ur
I cones he Change 0 the ei found in
of Of t Mining
nature t dp_ter yormulae
j. fac Or A
bas- mechanisms
card 1/3 ---@vrOkimated
a Point having an
Card Of 0 75. The fOllOWing
relative p;r1neance Of a conical
Investigation of the Permeance of Air Gaps Formed by Conical and
Truncated Conical Surfaces (Con't.)
0. 766 _ 0- 15
@Bln2cx sin2(x + 0.75
There are 5 bibliographic entries.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow Institute of Pow'er Engineerin*g (Moak. energ. In-t)
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Slivinskaya, Alla Georgiyevna, Candidate SOV//161-5,9-2-19/3o
_@_fTechK_i-c_aT_Sciences, Docert at the Chair for Industrial
Electrical Eqnipnent of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute
TITLE: Graphical Method for the Determination of the Permeability
of Axialsymmetric Air Gaps (Graficheskiy metod opredeleniya
ma,-,nitnykh provodimostey vozdushnykh zazorov s osevoy simm-etriy-
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. El@-ktromekhaanika i avtomatika,
1958, Nr 2, pp 153 - 160 (US"R)
ABSTRACT: At first, the principles of setting up axialsy-ametric fields
are given. A method of setting up the diagram of an axial-
symmetric field is then shown. The diagram of a homogeneous
axialsym,metric field is used in this connection. The equi-
potential surfaces become straight lines running parallel rith
the x-axis. The map of a heterogeneous field differs from
that of the homogeneous field in as much as the adjacent
lines of force and equipotential lines are no more parallel
to each other. The diagram of the heterogeneous fie1d, how-
Calrd 1/2 ever, must correspond, in any resoect, with that lattice
GraDhical Method for the Determination of the Permeability SOV/161-58-2-19/30
of Axialsymiaetric Air Gaps
representing the homogeneous field as the aspect ratio (of
tile box form) of the heterojeneous field must be eqtial to
the asoect ratio of the corresponding boxes of the homogeneous
field. That is, the curved rectangles must resemble those
the lattice of the homogeneous field. By means of this method
and of tile control lattice the field diagram of the gap being
formed by the flat ends of cylindrical poles was set up. The
author then shows the way of determining the value of the
permeability by the field diagram. The !,,iethod given herein
permits the determination with fair simplicity and precision,
of the permeability of the air gaps that are formed by the
axialsymmetric boundary surfaces. There are 7 figures and
2 Soviet references..
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektricheskikh apparatov Moskovskogo energeticheskogo
instituta (Chair for Electrical Apparatus of the Moscow Power
Engineering Institute)
SUBMUITTED: January 24, 1958
Card 2/2
Gordon., Andrey Vladimirovich, and All& Georglyevus, Slivinskays,
Elektromgnity postoyannogo toka 01rect-Current Electronsgasts) Moscow., Gas-
energoizdat, 1960. 446 p. Errata slip inserted. 13.,000 copies printed.
Ed.: Ye. N. Zeyn; Tech. Ed.: K. P. Voronin.
PUMS: This monograph is intended for electrical engEneers engaged in de-
sign, construction, and investigation of electromagnetic sechanim,, and for
personnel working in the field of autoeation. It my be also useful to
students of electrical ensdu ering schools of higher education and universt-
COVERAGE: The monograph describes theontical problems of qprati0ft WA 40AS
of direct current neutral electrmagnets. used as actwtors In elsotivmopetle
meebanisms. M)e authors discuss pbys$cal processes emse~wIth their
operations., and wthods of design of all varieties of e3wectramagnete
Chapters I., II, and XI were written jointly by both authm. Chapt*;S
V, V1, and X were written by A. G. Slivinsksys. Chapters rV,, -.V31,, VM#
Card 1/9
Direct-Current Electromagnets
IX were written by A. V. Gordon. The authors thank Docent No To Kmbsna
and Lt. Col. Ye. N. 7*yn, Engineer. f ro,
Candidate of %chnical Sciences 1b 0
ences follow each chapter.
Foreword 3
Introduction 9
Ch. I. General IAvs of Blectramagmet Operation 15
1. Elect t operating acle 15
2. Equations of electromagmet operating cycle 18
3. Transformation of electric energy Into msgwtlc energy 20
4. Strength of electrangnetle puU 25
5. 'Work produced during electrompetic pulking action 30
6. Time of operation
7. Power consumed by an electromagnet
8. Electromagaet basic features
Bibliography 38
Ca.rd 2/ 9
GORDON, Andrey Vladimirovich; SLIVINSKAYA. Aj1&,-,Georgiy_q
KOROBANI N.T., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ZEYN,
Ye.N., inzh.-podpolkovnik, red.
[Polarized electromagnets] Poliarizovannye elektromag-
nity. Moskva, Energiia, 1964. 119 p. (MIRA 17:1-1)
SLIVD"Z"K.i'iYA, Alla Georgiyevna; GORDOT,-', Andrey Vladimirovich-
karZ-. tekhr.. nauk, retsenzent; ZEYN,
Ye.N., in;h.-podpclkc-,rnlJk, rc-J.
[i@ermanent magnets] Postoiannye magnity. Moskva, Energiia,
1@)65. 127 p. (MIRA 18z5)
SLIVINSKAYA, Alla Geor"I-evna kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent
I Study of the dynamic traction ctaracteristics of d.c. electro-
magnets. Izv. qs. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 8 no.11:1275-1279
165. (MIRA 19:1)
Simplify the apparatus that manages Droduction. Sots.trud no.10:128-134
0 '57. (MIM 10: 11)
1. Nachallnik sborochnogo tsekha. Moskovskogo zavoda shlifovallnykh
stankov (for Nazarov). 2. Zamestitel' nachal'nika sborochnogo tsekhe
Moskovskogo zavoda shlifovallnykh stankov (for Farberov). 3. GlavW
inzhener zavoda "Selikhozdetall" (for Vikhman). 4. Glavn@w inzhener
Kishinevskay tabachno-fermentatsionnoy fabriki (for Slivinskiy).
5. Glavnyy inzhener Lidskogo zavoda metallicheskogo shirpotreba,
Grodnenskaya oblast' (for Zwjtsev).
(Industrial organization)
Shorten the way from the exhibition into production. Iriform.biul.
VDNKH no.1:18-19 Ja 165. (MIRA 18-3)
1. Predsedatell sektsii po stroitellstvu Komiteta Soveta Vystavki
dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR i zamestitell predsedatelya
Gosstroya SSSR (for Slivinskiy). 2. Otvetstvennyy sekretarl sektsii
po stroitellstvu Komiteta Soveta Vystavki dostizheniy narodnogo
khozyaystva SSSR (for Yeremeyev).
Experienco In manufacturing precast concrete and reinforced concrete
structural4iii, nents.for ferrous metallurgical construction in the
Ukraine. Bet. f3h-if:zbet. no.6:219-227 -76 157. (MLRA 10:11)
1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Aimdsmii stroitelletva I arkhttaktury USSR.
(Ukraine-Ketallurgical plants) (Precast concrete construction)
SOV/ 137-58-7-14254
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 43 (USSR)
AUTHOR: _ Slivinskiv [S@YYjrtrakfy-, -A-
TITLE: Construction of Metallurgical Industrial Establishments in USSR
(Stroitel'stvo predpriyatiy metallurgicheskoy promyshlennosti)
Budivnytstvo pidpryyemstv metalurhiynoyi prornyslovostii in
PERIODICAL: Bud-vo i arkhitektura. Str-vo i arkhitektura, 1957, Nr 12,
pp 3-6
ABSTRACT: A brief description of the development of the metalluraical
industry of the Ukraine from 1930 to date is offered. The begin-
ning of the introduction into the construction during the first
five-year plan of sectional reinforced concrete, welded metal-
lic structures, and their unification and standardization, also
the solution of the problems of construction on sagging and
loess-type soils is noted. The work of rebuilding of ruined fac-
tories and production units along with the complete reconstruc-
tion of production in a number of cases is described. A sub-
stantial achievement of the builders is the introduction of weld-
ing into all types of steel construction, which in 1949 led to the
Card 1/2 building of the first welded blast furnace in Europe at the
SOV/ 137-58-7- 142:54
Construction of Metallurgical Industrial Establishments in USSR
"Zaporozhstal' 11 steel plant. A powerful base for the production of building
niaterials and construction was created in the Ukraine. In a record-breaking
short period (less than 6 months) blast furnaces were built in a number of
plants. Construction of iron-ore mines and mineral dressing plants
(kombinats) is being carried out, A number of oxygen units is being built.
Work on the transfer of metallurgical plants to natural-gas heating is being
A. P.
1. Iron industry--USSR 2. Steel _;_nd-,:st_ry---jSSR T,.,dU,-tria1 Plants
Card 2/2
Constructing ferrous metallurgical enterprises in Krivoy Rog.
Stroi.prom. 35:22-26 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10)
l.Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury
(Krivoy Rog--Building)
SLIVINSKIY, A.I., inzhener; UMANSKIY. Z.M., inzhener.
4--.- - - !- -,@ @ - I. i, @ I
Using precast reinforced concrete in building casting yards and
operation areas of a blast furnare. Stroi.prom. 35 no.2:8-11
7 '57- MRA 10:3)
(Blast furncaces) (Precast concrete construction)
Organization of construction in the Dnepropetrovsk liconomic Cow%eil.
Stroit. prom. 36 no.6:10-14 Je 158. (NIBA 11:6)
1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Danpropetrovskogo Bovnarkhoza.
(Dnepropetrovsk Province-Precast concrete construction)