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SLINIKO, I., inzhener. Improved method of roof control. Hast.ugl. 6 no-5:10-11 MY '57, (MM 10:7) (Karaganda BAsin--Conl mines and mining) FOMAZANOVSKIY, Yu.; SLINIKO 1. Load the cutter-loader fully-. Sov. shakht. U no.6:10-11 Je 163. (KERA 16:9) (Donets Basin--Coal mining machinery) I.S., POPOV, N?F- Improved method,of roof control in the OTysheerednii,3 *Sloistyi" and "Shestifutovyi* seams. Nauch. trady KNrU1 no.2:28-55 158* (KIRA 13:8) (laragailda Basin-Coal mines and mining) ,,(Nine timbering) KVMSNIK@ OJ@5 -SLINIKO, I.S. Combi.vat-ion of :Lndustrial procesc-es in cutter-loader mined steep seam longwalls. Ugoll 40 no.3:51-54 Mr 1065. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Donetskily nauchno-iasledovatellskiy ugoliny-y institut. NR, SOURCE 0 E: UR/0125/66/666/W4-/106i-~7602:7-7,' AUTHORS: Malinochka, Ya. N.; Favlova, S. D.; Slin1ko, L. A. ORG: Dnepropetrovsk Institutoof Iron MetaljLirg (Daepropetrovskiy institut chernoy metallia;-g-ii) TITLEi Structure and properties of welded seams in low alloy steel pipes SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 4, 1966, 13-17 TOPIC TAGSt metal welding, seam welding, metal property, alloy steel / lLKhGS alloy steel, 17GS alloy steel, 14GN alloy steel ABSTRACT: The structure and properties Pf welded Joints we investigated before ant after heat treatment to determine the @asonj," Or crac 1@f welded joints in 1020- GN eel. Photographs of the . I mm. diameter steel pipes made of 14KhGS, 17GS, weld rderostructures are presented for various corAitions of heat treatment, and the strength properties of the base metal under various temperOure conditions were determined. A considerable amount of martensite is forme2n the seam, increasing its strength and hardness but decreasing its plasticity. racks are formed during expansion of the pipe under low temperature conditions, and these grow along interaxial dendrite portions of the weld. These cracks can be prevented by temperinE of the welded seam at 450-500C. N. M. Yan and E. & Novikov helped with ..,he experimental work. Orig. art. has.- figures* 4z CODE: 13 SUM DATE.- IBDec65/ ORIG REF:. (@Vrg 171 '7@ I=. C&-7Q'L-M)i-12!669.15-191L @' I _Aj k c , I- _. J, - USSR/Zooparasitology - Acarina and Insect--Vectors of Disease G-4 Pathogens. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, loo98 Author Nellzinal E.N., Slinko, L.I.. Kadrtskaya, K.P., Ivanov, K.A., Yamshchikova, i1'.G'_._',"`P_O'lt&vtsev, N.N., Skirda, G.I. Inst Title Ixodic Ticks (Parasitiformes, family Ixodidae) of Rodents in Northwestern Caspian Coast. Orig Pub : Sb. tr. Astrakhansk. protivochumn. st., 1955, No 1, 416- 433 Abstract : The fauna of ixodic ticks in the district studied is com- paratively sparse (5 species, more or less, are numerous); individual specimens may be regarded as of Kirgiz and European-Siberian origin. Closest biocenotic ties with rodents are found in Ixodes laguri laguri ancl Thipicepha- lus schulzei. 11he first of these (steppe species) is con- nected with rodents who build deep, comparatively Card 1/2 USSR/Zooparasitology - Acarina and Insect-Vectors of Disease G-4 Pathogens. Abs Jour - Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, loo98 permanent burrows (susliks, hamsters) and is surmised to play a substantial role in the epizoology of tularemia and some ricketsioses amng susliks, hamsters and field mice. Rh. schulzei inhabits semideserts; its principal hosts are the sTmll and yellow susliks. Card 2/2 GEYSBERG, S.M.; SLINIKO. L.Y. Ways of increasing the strength of staple fiber. Khim.volok. no.6:73-74 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Leningradgkir 2avod. (Rayon) #I 4 * IN [* 4 4 6 060 1 0 0 0 a 11 Is tt N 111 it v 11 w 16 m 11 It 11 13 it n " It 4@ 11 lie &A Of ILC W tj 0 -co Cakulations for a tubsta caslact apparatus for jM Gaidstim ad itadfur diazimle. G. K, IkwvAuv and 34. , ' Sfim ko. J. C Awxo. lad. (Stumow) 13. --,t-5. tftgW:@Thc b-t opcrating condinoms for a pjAwwd Itca, app. arc caled. 11. M. Leicester zoo coo 00 0 KoLl I S L a mlTALURI!KAL LITFqA?UOE CLASSIFICAtIC" ue* V6 tv 43 tv it MI N a 1 it It, Ali a ad 0 4 a T w- MI s Al aaa n i l a 3 . 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 a IS 0 9 0 0 IS 0 0 :::::::@ 000 so* 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0000000 ,Akf@j@-A 9A 1w n- smskaw -W 34 a Mob it.) 16, N6.9/10, it I- god is tb*lw elks. dw to know as MPP~ gCovai M. w@ m awww 4d dW VWCW, COMM" 8" &vmb " sabmb ce Avwbk-"- mob" is dwmi by dets. cd thO aM*ld mm K 4d cesums d d w w low it SITALLOSCALUTCOISTMCLAWICATME &i*.$L& go a It Gov dac 144060 -4 lose 684411 do dw al -40 IV " w ff p w nIff m WE 19 01004 Gooloo 000 goo 00@60 0--o-0, 610,0@016 0 O's 00 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 olo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is oivlo-e@qm- A -A a 4a a ass 0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 Ito 0 0 0 00 .. 1 .9 BCR:,:@@YCV, t.. K.@-1711 $ T-i. @.-- MALVII X. K IURYM71 ". L. Sulfuric Acid "Production of sulfuric acid." Reviewed by D. A. Yepshteyn, Zhur.prikl.khim. 25 No. 4, 1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August -195@, Uncl. 2 0 USSR/Chemistry - Catalysts; Sulfuric I Sep 53 Acid "Catalytic Activity of Ketals and of Platinum- Gold Alloys in Respect to the Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide,* G. K. Boreskov, M. G. Slin1ko, and Ye. I. Volkova, DAN SSSR, Vol 92, No 1, pp 109,110 Studied the catalytic activity of Cr, Rh, Pd, Ag, W, Pt, Au, and of an alloy consisting of 5% Au and 95% Pt on the oxidation of S02- Most of the above aetals had a low activity due to their instability under the conditions of the reaction. At 5600 Pt 274TI2 is more active than Au, but the Pt-Au alloy has a lov activity. Refutes the conclusions of D. A. Dovden, Chem Soc, Issue 1, 245, 1950. Presented by Acad M. M. Dubinin 3 Jul 53. '15 1 IV 4 sib LCILIBY'Of l l @u@ d l respect to MAW,QfhydrggVA w ' ' . 61 G PH t; Wko @aad @ o 3 new,.type- bV fhethod,is@d@Zbcd, fdr -,:rate -of,hetercitead6w cathlytk reactions- aRowing for the -direct cm&@ SuretaciR @of ' - rate and maintainting a cow the reaction emp.. CA el- M@ t...t @ @ tic @of Ni actiAti The @Ipe ifie t l s l tic liymr t _ @ .. . ca a , e ca a c l y y Tem dead. by this mcihod for the'(Fild* Pd and N i -The catalytic- activity 1wrtwed wittac bicremse ii'tho_ ut@. wtt ofth w LURIYE,G.E., redaktor; BCRESKOV,G.K., redaktor; NABEREZ-9NM,M.Ye.. redaktor; PSHBZHETSKIT,S.Ya., redaktor; SLINtKO M.G., redaktor; TEMKIII,M.I., redaktor; CHRMNICHKNKO,V.M., redaktor-,- SHPAK,Ye.G., teldinicheskiy redaktor [Heterogeneous catalysis in the chemical industry; papers from the All-Union Conference, 1953] Geterogennyi katalis v khimicheskoi promyshlennosti; materialy Voesoiuznogo soveshchaniin 1953 god&. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-rY, 1955. 494 p. (KILPA 9:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo khimicheskq promyshlen- nosti. (Catalysis) 1721 USSR/Chemi.ctry - Cutalysis FD-1729- Card 1/1 : Pub. 50-5/18 Authors : Prof. Boreskov, G. K., Dr Chem Sci; Slin'ko, M. G., Cand Chem Sci Title : Experimental methods of determining catalytic activity Periodical : Xhim. prom., No 1, 19-26., Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract : On comparing the static methods, dynamic circulation methods, and stationary circulation methods for the laboratroy testing of catalysts, arrive at the conclusion that the stationary circulation methods are the most reliable. Point out that stationary circulation methods cannot be easily applied to the testing of catalysts on a large scale and should be replaced by simpler, although less exact circulation methods for that purpose. Describe all of these methods and the diaphragm method. Six figures. Twenty nine references; 25 USSR, 23 since 1940. AF701597 TREASURE ISLAND BOOK REVIEW AID 813 - S (Phys.-Chem. Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov) (Discussion). In Problemy kinetiki I kataliza (Problems of Kinetics and -da-talysis), vol. 8. Izdatellstvo Akademil Nauk SSSR, 1955. Section II: General problems of the theory of catalysis. p. 148-150. A study of kinetics and mechanism of the interaction between hydro- en and oxygen In order to establish the role of surface chains Laboratory of Technical Catalysis, Physico-Chemical Institute im. T L. Ya. Karpov) showed that at temperatures of 180CCand above the catalytic activity of Pt, in the presence of excess oxygen, is readily established and-does not change for a rolonged period of time (about 7 months). At low temperatures ( 1tOOC and below), the activity of Pt depends on the following: 1. The activity of Pt is high on rapid trans-ition from high to low temperatures; 2. After evacuation of air for a short time'or a prolonged break in work at low temperatures (560C), the activity of Pt is low; 3. The energy of activation in the region of high activity is @'-2400 cal and - 10,000 cal in the region of-"low activity. 4. Oxygen adsorbed on Pt does not react with hydrogen at low temperatures. 1/1 ) ':'@ "", .I.- .1 Z-I1 11 11 1@ . '. i BORESKOV, G.K., doktor khim.nnuk, prof.; SLIWK0, M.G., knnd.khim.nauk. Applying the fluidized bed method to heterogeneous cntalysis processes. Khim.prom. no.6:321-330 S 157. (MIRA 11:1) l.Fiziko-khimichaskiy institut imeni L.YFI. Karpova. (Catalysis) (Fluidization) AVDIUNKO, M.A. BOB KOV, G.K.; SLIN'KO, M.G. Catalytic activity of metals in respect to hosomolecular isotopic exchange of hydrogen. Probl. kin. i kat. 9:61-75 '57. (MIRA 11:3) (Catalysis) (Radioactive tracers) DYKE=, N.M., kand.khim.nauk; CHERITYSHEV, B.A., inzh., SLINIKO, M.G., kand.khim.nauk. Removal of argon from oxygen by means of catalytic h,7drogenatuion. Kislorod 10 no.4:14-24 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Argon) (Oxygen) (Hydrogenation) .-V " 14 @," I , , @ SLINIKO, M.G. -. . Georgii Konstantinovich Boreskov; on ihe occasion of birthday. Zhurfis.khim-31 no.7.'1670-1671 JI '57. (Boreskov, Georgii Konstantinovich, his 50th (MIRA 10:12) 1907-) The Effect of the Processes of Mass and Heat 64-58-3-3/2o Transfer on the Reaction Velocity of the Ethylene Oxidation kinetics were thoroughly investigated by A. 1. Kurilenko, It. A. Rybakova, 1-1. V. Kullkova and 14. 1. Temkin (Reference 9) --ho p ointed to the kinetics at stationary and standard compo- sition of the catalyst. The computation equations as obtained by t@,e.%i are given as -;,,ell as mathematical deviations for the influence of the process of the transfer to the external surface of the catalyst grains. For that purpose the value RT2 - 0 is used which was introduced by D. A. Frank-Yamerietakiy E (Reference 2) and it was stated that with a difference between Vie temperatures of the catalyst surface and of the gas which is smaller than the mentioned value the conditions of the kinetic range are given. The publications of Mazzolini (Refer- ence lo), T. I. Adrianova and 0. M. Todes (Reference 7) con- tain virong propositions as they assumed a diffusion range instead of a kinetic range. In the explanations of the influence of the process of transfer to the internal surfaces of the cata- Card 2/3 lyst grains among other things an equation is obtained ana- Effect of the Processes of Mass and Heat 64-58-3-3/2o Transfer on the Aeaction Velocity of the Ethylene Oxidation lo@ous to that of G. K. Boreskov (Reference 3) with sulfuric acid catalysts, and it is stated - as was done in the experi- nental investi-lition (Reference 9) - that the catalyst acti- bI vity up to 300 io independent of the grain size. It was statea that in order tG guarantee a stationary process in the kinetic range t"ie difference between the temperatures of the center of the reaction pipe and of the pipe surface must not exceed 2 1,37 RTQ_ and that the difference between the E tem;)eraturas of the reacting .---s and of the cooling liquid must 2 be s;naller than Te, The individual experimental results E which are @iven in tabular and in Graphical form refer to ex- peri@-ientaal conditions nainly at 2180C. There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 11 relerences, 8 of which are Soviet. 1. Ethylene--Oxidation 2. Silver catalvsts--Performance 3. Catalysts--Tempez-ature factors 4. Chemical reactions--Feat -transfer SLINIKO, M.G. - --I.-,----Bffcidt of mass and heat transfer processes on the velocity of the oxidation of ethylene. Khim. prom. no.3:138-146 k-D-MY(I 58. (Nthylene) (Oxidation) MIRA 11:6) AUTHOR: G. 76-32-4-36/43 Slin1ko M . , TITLE: On filr@@ed by Mass and Heat Transfer in the Production of Ethylene Oxide (0 roli masso- i teploperedachi Y protsesse polucheniya okisi etilena) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 4, PP. 943--944 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equation formed by Mazzolini (Refs 1,2) according to which the reaction velocity of ethylene oxidation is equal to the velocity of the mass transfer of ethylene to the catalyst's surface is insufficient, as it has to be taken into account that the velocity of mass transfer and1heat 'transfer are very similar. Two equations of the material balances an*eat ba- lances are given which can furnish one or three solutions. One solution always corresponds to the field of external diffus- ion, while the three solutions correspond: one to the regime of the kinetic field, the second to the regime of external diffusion and the third to an unstable regime which once pass- es over to the first and another time to the third. At a con- tent of 3% ethylene of the air and a 6oc/a selectivity the adia- batic combustion amounts to 6450C and the surface temperature of the calalyst to 8450C (at a gas temperature of 2ooOC).At Card 1/2 this temperature ethylene oxide oxidizes to carbon dioxide and On the Part Played by Mass and Heat Transfer in the Production 76-32-4-36/43 of Ethylene Oxide water so that the temperature of the catalyst still rises further, from which fact is concluded that the assumptions by Mazzolini are incorrect. It is proved by data that the latter carried out his experiments under conditions where the velocity of mass transfer of ethylene had no effect on the general re- action velocity. Similar errors wore committed by T. 1. And- rianova and 0. X. Todes (Ref 3) in their worka. There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova, Moskva (Moscow Physico-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: October 19, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Ethylene--Oxidation 2. Ethylene--Catalysis Card 2/2 5W AUTHOR: Slinlk:), M. Go, SOV/76-32-12-28/32 TITLE- -The Ulse-@@,,is@q-Liquid Layer for Heating and Cooling in Laboratory Investigations (Primeneniye psevdoozhizhenjiog0(a.1oya dlya obogTeva i okhlazhdeniya pri laboratornykh issledovaniyaKh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 12, pp 2841-2842 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of tube furnaces and liquid baths is inconvenient and often not appropriate. It is difficult to effect transitions to other temperatures. These difficulties can be avoided by using the pseudo-liquid layer of an inert, nonvolatile, noncaking material such as aluminum oxide, silica gel, carborundum, sand, aluminum silicates, etc. as heat transferring agents. A figure illustrates such an apparatus. Advantages: 1. no temDerature differences throughout the furnace; 2. intensive heat exchange; 3- fast and continuous temperature changes are pessible; 4. there is no danger of inflammation or of poisoning by organic compounds which are otherwise used as heat transferring agents. There are 2 fig-ares. Card 1/2 5W SOV/20-127-1-39/65 AUTHORS3 Khartkovskaya, Ye. N., Boreskov# G, X., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Slin1ko, M. G. TITLEt The Kinetics of Interaction Between Hydrogen and Oxygen on Platinum (Kinetika reaktaii vzaimodeystviya vodoroda a kislorodom na platine) PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959, Vol 127, Ur Ig PP 145-148 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The measuring results hitherto supplied by publications concerning the interaction mentioned in the title are contra- dietory (Refs 1-5)- Ibcpariments were made within too narrow concentration ranges or under conditions that did not allow accurate measurements. The mentioned internotion was therefore carried out at temperatures of from 20 to 1800, pressure of from 50 to 750 torr and different compositions of the reaction mixtures in a circulation system, Investigations were made on hydrogeng nitrogen-hydrogen mixturesp nitrogen-oxygen mixtures and oxygen. FlatiAum, was used in the torm of 0,1 mm gauge wire, The circulation rate varied between 400 and 1100 1/h. The reaction rate proved to be independent of the circulation rate Card 1/4 and of the nitrogen partial pressurel it depended only on the The Kinetics of Interaction Between Hydrogen OOV/20-127-1-39/65 and Oxygen on Platinum partial pressure of hydrogen and oxygen, Pigs 1-3 show the miasuiing results for the different concentrations and temperatures as well as the influence of the pre-treatment of platinum with hydrogen at inoreaeed temperatureng figure 4 the dependence of the reaction rate on the H2_ and 02 concentration at 1800. Experimental data are indicative of a complicated catalytic process. In mixtures with hydrogen excess, the reaction of the first order (referred to 0 2) and its being little dependant on the pressure of H2 , permit the conclusion to be drawn that here the interaction between chemically sorbed atomic hydrogen, which covers the platinum surface, and molecular oxygen, forms the limiting stage. The oxygen reaction is made easier by interaction with the d-electrons of the catalyst (adsorption type C according to Dowden, Ref 11). If the oxygen is not altogether removed from the platinum surface, O-atoms remain adsorbed to the surface by means of the d-electrons of the metal (type B)j and the activity of platinum Card 2/4 drops. When passing over to stoiohiometric 92-0 2-mixtures, The Kinetics of Interaction Between Hydrogen SOV/20.;127-1-39/65 and Oxygen on Platinum the platinum surface is freed from hydrogen, and a chemical sorption of the oxygen with dissociation into atoms is made possible. (Type A). In this range the reaction proceeds by interaction of the atomically adsorbed oxygen Yrith H 2; this requires less activating energy, and causes an increased reaction rate. In the case of oxygen excess, two stationary conditions are possibler which differ by the reaction rate and dependence on concentration of the components. The readily occurring reaction is likely to be related with a chain process, in which high-energy endothermal products participater which are regenerated in the course of reaction. On lowering the temperature and temporarily evacuating the system, these unstable products vanish, and there only remains a relatively tightly platinum-adsorbed oxygen which reacts with hydrogen slowly and with increased energy demand. The decreased Card 3/4 The Kinetics of Interaction Between Hydrogen SOY/20-127-1-39/65 and Oxygen on Platinum reaction rate at increased oxygen pressure is probably due to a partial blocking of the platinum surface by tightly adsorbed oxygen. There are 4 figures and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-@-isoledovateltskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Research Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1959 Card 4/4 S/064/60/000/01/04/024 3022/B008 AUTHOR: Slintko, K, TITLE: On the Role of lase-transfer Processes In the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalenelto Phthalic Phydride.lRemarks on the Paper bX 1. 1. Ioff-e and 1. F. Grigorov "K teorii skorostey reakteiy v pseydoozhizhennom sloye katalizatora" ("On the Theory of Reaction Rates in a Pseudo-liquid Layer of the Catalyst") PERIODICAL- Xhimicheskaya promyshlennostIq 1960, No. 1, pp. 24 - 25 TEXT: It is stated in the paper by I. I. Ioffe and A. F. Grigorov, which is critically examined, that the reaction rate mentioned in the title is determined by the rate of mass transfer of naphthalene from the gas cur- rent to the surface of the catalyfit grains and that with a low rate of thez gas currenty external diffusion and the transition range are characteristic of the processes concerned. These statements are refuted by the author. The dependence of the mass-transfer coefficient on the diameter of the particles and the rate of the gas current, is mentioned (Table). There are 1 table and 12 references., 3 of which are Soviet. Card 1/1 Computation of Catalytic Processes in S/064/60/000/03/03/022 Industrial Reaction Apparatus BO1O/BO08 stroyeniya (Institute of Computer Construction)p as well aa -3r-csponding diagrams a@plying the data by M. I. 7emkin et 1. (Ref. 3) are -hown (Figs. 798 . Computatione for the application of apparatu, with pseudo- liquid layer in exothermic processes are also mentioned. Uumputations of the limit of stable working conditions of contact apparatus are explained for heterog6neous catalyses by means of pseudoliquid catalyst layers, the method by A. M. Lyapunov (Ref- 5) applied in mechanics as well as a paper by D. A. Frank-Kamenetskiy (Ref. 8) are ment-;oned, andan explanation of the critical conditions is given. It is finally pointed out that electronic computers permit the solution of complicated computations of the course of catalytic procesBesq such as multi-stage processes with reactions developing parallel and successively, catalyses in which the activity of the catalyst drops quicklyg etc. There are 10 figures, 1 tableg and 8 references: 7 Soviet and 1 American. Card 2/2 ,@SLINIXO, M.G. Determination of stability conditions for exothermal contact processes in a fluidized bed. Kin. i kat. 1 no.1:153-161 Ny-Je 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR. (Heat-Transmission) (Catalysis) BOiWKOV, G.K.; SLINIKO. M.G. Second European Symposium on Chemical Technological Processes. Kin. i kat. 1 no. 3:483-487 B-0 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Europe--Chemistry, Technical--Congresses) I I- -SLINIKO, M.G. Methods of generalizing the experimental data on the rates of contact processes. Khim.prom. no-4:265-267 Ap 161. (Imu 14:4) (Catalysis) CHESNOIKOV, B.B.; SLINIKO, M.G.; JERNENW, V.Sh. Determination of the crftical velocity of gas fluidizaticin under pressure. Khim.prom. no.11:767-768 N 161. UaRi 15a) (Fluidization) SLIN2KO, M.G.; BESKOV, V.S. Design of contact apparatus with adia ic beds of catalysts for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide (design of contact apparatus with intermdiate boa exche ars). Khlm.prcmi. no.22-.826-831 D 161. NIFLA 15 -.1) (Sulfur dioxide) (Chemical engineering-Equipment and supplies) SLINIKO, M.G. All-Union Conference on methods for determining the activity of catalysts. Khim.prom. no.12:870-871 D 161. (MIRA l5c-1) (Catalysis-Congresses) S/195/61/002/003/009/009 E030/E433 AUTHORS: Slinlko, M.G., Muler, A.L. TITLE. On the stability of adiabatic contact plant iviLh licat exchange PERIODICAL:Kinetilta i kataliz, v.2, no.3, ig6i, 467-1,78 TEXT: A theory is developed for the stability of apparatus consisting of a heat exchanger with a bypass recirculator and a reactor. ifithin the reactor, external diffusion holds if the velocity of the process exceeds that of introducing the reacting gases (as in oxidation of methyl alcohol to formaldehyde) and otherwise internal diffusion holds (as in oxidation of ethylene -to thylene-oxide, the oxidation of sulphur dioxide etc); both cases .are treated. Using inass balance and heat flow equations, for general order of reaction a series of equations are developed using the Frank-Kamenetskiy method (Ref.5: D.A.Frank-KaiaenetsRiy, Diffusion and heat transfer in chemical kinetics, Izd-vo AN SSSR, M.-L., 19117) and are expressed as a dimensionless form: Card 1/4 S/195/61/002/003/009/009 On the stability of adiabatic ... E030/7-433 Type of Form of Equation (13) Parameter rimction function of C 20 b -C 0 I/ 0.5th. order C0.5 A .+i 1+4e' e O L el = k,,,r 0 1 lst order C AOjA 0 1 + Cle Ob.+L El = k@j 2nd order C2 - -L I e- Ob.+i 61 + 6 I --tC CL - -jj@ i'A ,, , Ob.+I Ob'.+l ele- Go- +10 1 Limited by CT 0 reaction products + ele AO@A eL k,,T 20 + + E2e 0604-1 -1 2e, (a + 1) e I r Ob.+i Card 2/4 S/195/61/002/003/009/009 On the stability of adiabatic E030/E433 C is concentration of reacting gas, Llgaft is the change in temperature on adsorption of the gas on the,catalyst and' 0 the mean temperature expressed dimensionlessly as 2 T = 0RTO + To E where T is the initial gas temperature,, x is the time of contact. a is a constant, as is bo, Co is the initial gas concentration and' kH the velocity constant of the reaction, Eq@(13) is the general form of @a = El@ bo)o The. transitions between thi diffusion regions are determined by Ej, n- which equals 1/kHTCO and its- magnitude relative to the coefficient of mass tra smission P and the dimensionless ,n-1. to - parameter E2 = P/kH 0 Acknowledgments are expressed - zhz Corresponding Member of AS USSR G.K.Boreskov for discussing @_hs results of the present work. There are 9 figures and 6 references-. 3 Soviet-bloc, 1 Russian translation from non-Sov-J&v authors and 2 non-Soviet-bloc, The two references to Enilish language publications read as follows- Card'3/4 S/195/61/002/003/009/009 On the stability of adiabatic ... E03O/E433 Ref.2: C. van Heerden, Ind. Eng. Chem., v.45, 1242,, 1953i Ref.3'. C. van Heerden, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 1, Pergammon Press, N.Y., 1957, P@133- ASSOCIATIONS,. Institut kataliza SO.AN SSSR (Institute of Catalysis, SO AS USSR) F!ziko-kh!m!cheskiy institut im, L,Ya,Karpova (Physicochemical Institute imeni L.Ya.Kar-pova) SUBMITTED5 April 8, ig6i Card 4/4 SLINfKO, M.G.; YEPIELIYANOV, I.D. t--- - - - - Stability of reversible exothermic processes in a fluidized bed. Kin.i kat. 2 no,4:622-625 J1-P9 '61- (KMA 14:10) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR. (Fluidization) SOKOLY D.; SLINIKO, M.G. First International Conference In Prague on Fluidization Techniques. KinA kat. .2 m.4:637-638 31-Ag 761. (@aRA 14:10) (Fluidization-Congresses) LELZAHINEVA, K.A.; BORISOVA, T.I.; SLINIXO, M.G. Anodic oxidation of sulfui-dkiid@@on gold and platinum-gold alloys. Kin.i kat. 2 no.0':854-861 N-D 161. (MA 14-12) 1. Fiz@ko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova. (Sulfur dioxide) (Oxidation) (Platinum-gold alloys) SLINIKO, M.G., kand.khimicheskikh nauk Use of electronic calculating machines for the design of contact apparatus. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.5:544-548 161. (IMA 14:10) (Electronic calculating machines) (Chemical apparatus) BORESKOV, G.K.; SLINIKO, M.G., -kand.khim.nauk Modeling of catalytic processes. Vest. AN SSSR 31 no.10:29-35 I 0 '(11. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Boreskov). (Catalysis) S/06J/62/000/003/001/007 'B 110/3101 AUTHORS: Slinlko_, Ostrovskiy, G. It. TITLE: Use of computers for controlling contact processes PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 3, 1962, 1 - 7 TEXT: As re.-ards computer control, contact processes fall into the following groups: (A) steady processes in the stable region, using catalysts of long-sustained effect, requiring either (a) maintenance of the optimum made that corresponds to given initial conditions, or (b) optimum conditions close to the permissible limit. (B) steady processes in the unstable region with catalysts of long-sustained effect, (C) un- steady processes with decreasing catalyst activity, (D) contact processes with variable composition of the reaction mixture. The following are cases corresponding to each of these groupsi (A) (a) reversible exothermal pro- cesses (sulfur dioxide oxidation, NH3 synthesis, reaction of CO with H 20 va.por etc.). Here the optimum conditions can be.tabulated with the aid of computers. (b) Irreversible exothermal processes (partial hydrocarbon oxidation; production of ethylene oxide, maleic anhydride, phthalic. Card 1/2 S/195/62/003/001/008/010 E071/E136 AUTHO'R,S Slinlko, j%I.G., Buzhdan, Ya.!,'., Beskov, V.S., and Yemellyanov, I.D. TITLE: Optii;@al conditions for the production of ethylene oxide 1@-",,IODICAL: Kitietika i kata'liz, v.3, no.1, 1()()2, 145-1511 TEXT: The use of coi,,iputers in the design of multilayer contact Dlants is illustrated on an example of determining the optilralm technolo.gical conditions for the process of oxidation of ethylene in consecutive layers of a catalyst w-ith an ideal mixing and in a stationary layer at ideal displacement. It was shoun that for two parallel reactions in which the energy of activation of the side reaction is higher than that of useful reaction, the temperature should increase with an increasing degree of conversion. The necessary arrount of catalyst for various outputs of ethylene oxide was calculated. There are 6 figures and 4 tables. Card 1/2 BORESKOV.0 G,K.; VASILEVICH., L@A.; CURIYANOVAp R.N,,; KERNERMAN) V.Sh.; SLINIKOIV M.G.; FILIPPOVA, A.G.; CHESNOKOV, B.B. Oxidation of ethylene in a fluidized bed of a catalyst. Kin.i kat. 3 no.2-214-220 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15'.11) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR i Fiziko-khimi- cheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova. (Ethylene) (Oxidation) (Fluidization) SLINtKO, M.G.; OSTROVSKIY, G.M. Use of calculating -a hines in the control of catalytic processes. Khim.prom. no.3:153-159 Mr 162. (MIRA 1514) (Catalysis) (Calculating machines) SLINIKOP M.G.; TYURY-AYEV, I.Ya.; KUZNETSOV, Yu.1. Optim= operating conditions for hydrocarbon dehydrogenation columns. Khim.prom. no.4:253-259 A 162 (MIM 15:5) (Hydrocarbons) (Dehydrogenation@ (Ca;alyisis) BORESKOV, G.K.; SLINIK@@ Theory of similitude principles applied to heterogeneous catalysis. Khim.prom. no.6:418-421+ le 162. (KFA 15:11) (Catalysis) (Chemical models) SLINIKOY M.G.; BESKOV, V.S.; SKOMOROKHOV, V.B. Stability of contact apparatus having internal heat exchange. Khim.prom. no.9t641-647 S 163- (MERA l6s12) BF3KOV, 710,3.:, BUZ-.qDkN,. Y&.M.w 3LIN'KO,, M.G.,@ P-'-J.TllM8.l' -W@Ilastlye AKIMUTINP . N. IM @ 1 -1-1 .. @ I Design of @:ontttct with beeds of a Zatalyab for tlif3 oxiliation of' sulfur diaxide. Khim. prom. no.10i.-721-724 0 163. (MIRA 1'7 a 6) VOLIN@ Yu.M.; OSTROVSKIY, G.M.; ST,INIKO, M.G. Principle of the maximum in deteraining the optJ-rnum conditionis of' exothermic processes. KInJ kat. 4 no.5:7604-767 S-O 163. (MIRA 16@-12) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskil institut imeri L.Ya.Karpova i Institut kataliza Sibirskogo ofdeleriiya AN SSSR. BORESKOVI G.K.; SLINKO, M.G. (Slintko, M.G.] Application of the methods of s itVe theory in heterogenous 'T L7 189 Ap-je 63. catalysis. Analele chimie 18 no k I I BORESKOV, G.K.; SLIWKO@.M.G. Basic principles of the modeling and optimalization of chemical reactors, Khim.prom. no.lt22-29 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) BESKOV, V.S.; LIBEAZON@ L.M.; 44P@'-Koo M.G.; Prinimali uchastiye. A&XTIN,, N.M. BURYAK, K.A.; SHINDEROVAO T.A. Determining the static characteristics of a contact apparatus for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide in order to achieve the optimiza- tion of the process. Khim. prom. 40 no.9:678-680 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Akimutin). 2. Nauchnyy instAtut udobreniy i insektofungisidov imeni professora Ya.V. Samoylov@# (for Shinderova). KAGAN, Yu.B.; ROZOVSEY, A.Ya.; SLINIKO, M.G.; PONOMAREUKO, A.T. Kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions as a function of ignition conditions. Part 2; Reaction of an arbitrary order. Kin.1 kat. 5 no.6:1111-1114 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Iritititub neVtekhImichesIcogo :iinteza Lmeni Topchiyeva AN SSSR i Institut kataliza Sib:Lrckof,,o otdolenlya AN SSSRO NEDUMOVAI Ye.S.; BOUSKOV, G.K.; SLINIKOY M.G. Kinetics of isotope exchange between hydrogen and water vapors on nickel catalysts. Part 1: Effect of transport processes on the reaction rate. Kin. i kat. 6 no.1:65-73 Ja-F 165. (14W 18: 6) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyevs. i Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. -- . ...I --, -@ - *,,-,- , , , ',@-UZIII, V.,_9 . . '0, @ C,- t --s' .. @ Is 11.1 @ - @ -ne bed Of a ca.-aij-@. ical ill t, " - -1 . - I - chem- - . -_:t:o, 0@, 1@,r -. 41 no - 1: L-9 Ja P-r"j" j L 8495-66 94T(.m)/FWP(J)/T/]W.P(.t)/94P('?). JDAM ACC NR: AP5026478 SOFRCE CODE- UR/0195/65/006/005/0909/0915 AUTHOR: Yermakov, Yu. I.; Boreskov , G KSlinsko M G ; Skomorokhov, V. B. ne- ORG: 7institute of Catalysis, SO AN SSSR (Institut kataliza, SO AN SSSR) TITLE: Kinetics and mathematical modeling of the process of suspension polymerization of ethylenegon a chromium trio.-dde catalyst SOURCE: tika i kataliz, v. 6, no. 5, 19651 909-915 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization rate, ethylene, mathematic model, chromium oxide ABSTRACT: The IdnetiqXelationships obtained by studying the suspension polymerization so of ethylene on a chromiuN trioNide catalyst are considered mathematically. The proce was simulated on an MN-14 a-ha-Mi-e'voinputer. The experimental curves of the polymeri- zation rate versus catalyst concentration and ethylene pressure are compared with the curves obtained by the computer, and it is shown that the mathematical description correctly expresses the relationships found experimentally. The proposed mathematical description may be used for calculating the optimum conditions of the reactor unit in an industrial application of the process of suspension polymerization. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 14 formulas. Ca,d 1/2 UDC 541.124:542.952.6:547.313.2 Card V2 SLIMO, M-G- B (DR-E, 5 1@ nV of che,,I-cal reactors. -139 a A. gt65, la&3ei Io no.9:30--33 ya AN SSSR. S!bsAr:3.k!)90 oldeler,11 zelnh. tOP @EFJ-, SLIN'KO.,-N.F.-;--FEDQHENKO,, G.I. Increasing the durability of tapping hole and trough,rqfractorios. Metallurg 6 no,-5:7-9 114y 161. MPU 14-- 5) 1. Zamestitell nachalinika domennogo tsekha Krivorqp@skogo meta.Uur- gicheskogo zavoda (for Slinlko). 2. Master domennoy pechi Krivorozh- .5kcgo metallurgicheskogo zavoda (for Fedorenko). (Blast furnaces-EquIpment andai lies) (Apfractox-y materialT ZAGYL,,,BA, A.V.; SLINKIKO, N.F.; FlaORENKO, G.I. Calculation and correction of the burden during the blast furnace process. Metallurg 6 no.10:1-7 0 '61. (14IRA 14:9) 1. Yrivorozhskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. 2. Nachallnik domennogo tsekhaAkivorozhskogo metallurgicheskogo zavoda, (for Zagreba). 3. Zamestitell nachallnika domennogo tsekha Krivorozhskogo metallurgicheskogo zavoda (for Sliniko). 4. Master Krivorozhskogo metallurgicheskogo zavoda (for Fedor- enk,o). (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) ZAGRE-EA, AN.; SLI"I'K3, FLLQUM@O, -.!. Bi.-3winu-out and the, ouerations of a blast furnace with a 20CC m3 - - I Ja '62, (Y-ULA 1':l) capacity, eleta,Ilur@: 7 no,1:8-13 -1 (Bl2st furnaces) Distr: 4E2c/4E4j 4T - -4,7j. -I trfc det=tfau o ul U a WA S e i5 e cjutscPj.theTl, Thedetn.issmde. %vith the afd Of sulf0salicYlic acid ir. an ammonjacal medium io that the Ti is fixed in a ,olortL-_- complex 4-Tf,@jZVA, L@LINKO V. G CHLAI !jOV I . A. Bu; "%li.31@'J. J, $ "Characteristics of the Course and Early Dermal Plastic Surgery of Thied Degree Thermal Burns in Animals Affected by Penetrating Radiation," p. 44 Military 1,L-dicine 1956 lecture delivered at a conference of Soviet military physicians at the Military Medical AcadeMi, im. S.M. Kirov, Leningrad, 29-Octuolber - 2 Nov 56. BURMISTROV, VA.. (Lenitigrnd, ul. PetrP Lnvrorn, d.48, kr.1) SLINKO, V.G., Necrectomy and dermoplasty in third-degrea thermal burns in the latent period of radiation sickness [with nummar-i in English]. Vest.1rhir, 80 no.6:74-78 Je 158 (MLU 11:7). 1. Iz Voyenno-meditninakoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (RADIATION, eff. on skin trnnspl. after third degree erper. burns in animals (Rus)) (BURNS. exper. eff. of radintions on skin trnnspl. in e:roer. third. degree burns in animals (Rue)) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION, exper. eff. of x-irradistions on auto & homogrRftn in exper. third degree burns in animals (Rus)) BURMISTROV, V.M., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby,; PMTKO, V.G., Local course of third degree burns in radiation sickness. 703M.-med. zh-dr. no.8212-16 Ag'58. (MIRA 16-.'7) (BURNS AND SCALDS) (RADIATION SICEMS) ?F7-', A., :iau(,@inyy setrudnik; V11116S, Ya.A., nauclinyy Sy@jl(jj.j (;f' the autcmatic --On'ur,,jl of -1o,E- frame saws. Trudy rio.8:-,-13 163. 18:11) 1. flai-Jiallnirk lahoraturli elektrotekhriikli i avtoinntiki riaitclirio-is--Ieclovatellskogo i proyektnogo In-s', leninoy i (ioi-,)voobi-aLxit.yvayiiri,,ci,~:!y proillyshle-luosti (for To"fe). 2. Laborariya elektro-teklinikli i avtornatAki iiaucr~no--Lssledovatellskogo i proyektnogo irist@tuta lesnoy i,.ey promyshlennosti (fo- -*:'!;,nk,)-,i-, Fur;gs). Cq) TFe -ro1O-f-S-T1--U-C-C 0 an'larpow's In n,, L- 0 T - - -, ! , @. - I i, I . mittography. 1. r . ,,, IVA., =. , - I Ciit-vucal bstr: etf, IssfedlVairlya K IVIU. ' ' - ' ~iji,ejhclztiiii)-,zKhroijiiilop .1 u-30pic. ,ail. Nuak S.S.S.R l , , Vol- 48 (R). 5 11 Oldd. Khhu- Xank 1950, US-10-16 Mar. 10 1954 of CH, from Ans. in heptatte by SiO., gc-I specimens it , higil or lo%v degrees of poroiity showed that SCICI'LiVv G