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I i I fT A,I, Y,@ , 1"':! ., c3c., Calculation of gas conditlon!3 In a &iack tube. S, -1 - r.),l c a,5 1@ no,1:14-24 16-5. 1. c3ubmittod February 18, 1454. Card 2/2 K MON 1'@ EF. 0 V Did im i r, 1 r, 2: @ @!:- @ Drsc- @ , 'SLE Pi @,; K "t , I! r el", @@ @ i n z. .@ Thermophlysi::al properties of gases at high temperatures and me@hods of determining them, Stroj cas lb no.2.119-121 165, 1. In3titine of Thermomechanics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Scinnce3, Prague, SLFPICK@1, Frantisek, inz. CSc, Sh:@ok tut-,-s and their application., Stroj cas 16 no.2:129- 139 165@ 1. Institute of 'herinomechanics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Submitted October 5, 1964. HOSTOMSKL, L.; KZPKOVA, V.; SLEPICKA, J. - -!'.'..'% -@ --- Observations in the weekend center for diabetic children In Frantiskovy Lazne. Fediat. list7 6 no.1:49-51 Jan-Feb 51. (CUM 20:7) 1. Of the Diabetic Department of the Second Children's Clinic of Prof. J. Brdlik in Prague. jLn",PICKit, j. "Narrow-Row Jodin,, t@l d ,,, One of the Methods for Hi ar yiel S." P. 330, (Kh'CIDdN1,jAGE ZUIJ,-DELjrVl,- Vol. 4, Nu. 17, joi)t. 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) 30: 1@,onthly Ust of &ist Eurape@ui 'Recessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 INo. 1, May 1955, Uncl. BUDINOVA-SIMU, J.; FRYNTOVA, A.; SLEPICKA, J. Roentgen therapy of painful joint syndrome in hemiplegic patients. GeBk.rentg. 13 no.6:397-399 D '59- 1. Oddeleni pro cevni onemocneni mozku, predn.dr. J. Budinova, oddeleni centr.rtg. Thomayerovy nemocnice v Krei, predn.dr. F. Bilek. (HIMIPLEGIA compl.) (JOINTS dis.) (RADIOTHMUPY) BUDINOVA-SMBLA,J.; FRYNTOVA,,L.; SISPICIA,J. Trophic changes in the extremities In hemiplegic patients. Part I. Changes in the soft tissues of the extremities. Cesk. neur. 23 no.1/2:43-47 A 160. 1. Thomayerova nemocnice v Praze 14-Krol; Oddeleni pro oevni nemoci mosku (vedouci dr. J. Budinova-Smala) ; Gentralai rtg oddeleni. vedouci dr. F. Bilek. (HIMIPLEGIA pathol.) (EXTRIDGMS pathol. BUDINOVA-SMELA, J.; FRYNTOVA, A.; SLEPICKA, J. Trophic changes in the extremities of hemiplegics. Cesk.neur. 23 no-3:176-181 Mr 160. 1. Thomayarova nemocnice v Praze 14-Krei, oddeleni pro aevni nemoci mozku, vedouci dr. J. Budinova-Smela. Centralni rtg.oddeleni, vedouci dr. F. Bilek,. (HEHIPLEGIA compl.) (VASCULAR DISEASES, PERIPEBRAL etiol.) BLAIIA) V1, ji-oin, "It ekar; CAKRTOVA, B.; -SLEPTCYA, J.; ZOUTALOVA, E.; VOLF, J. lfoi:@e haza-:ds in iror Prac. le'f'-. 17 no.1305-101 Ap'6-5. 1. Odbor hygieny prace , Krajska hygienicko-epi4eraiologicka stan-ice T Ostrave (vedouci V. Blaha, prom. lekai@j a Oddelmi chorob z povolani KrLjske nemocnice s prliklinikdti v Ostrave (-@.-edouci: MUDf. J. Rosmanith). CZEC110SLOVAIrLIA UDC 613. 61.L: 612. OV@. 11.81 Jiri; SLIVOVA, Anna; POCHINON, Otakar; ZAPLETALOVA, Ema; Depar-t-m-e-i~-t--o-1-7.rd'dunational Diseases (Oddeleni Chorob z Povolani) Chief (Prednosta) Dr L. EISLER, and Neurological Department (Neu- rologicke Oddeleni), Chief (Prednosta) Dr V. BARTOUSEK, Krajska Hospital (Nemocnice) with Polyclinic (s Poliklinilcou), Ostrava; Department of lfy@_,,iene of Work Krajska Station of Hyf,-,iene and Epid- emiology of the Northern Noravia Kraj (Odbor Hyr@ieny Prace KHES Severomoravskeho Kraje) Ostrava, Head (Vedouci) Dr Z. JIRAK "Effect of Electroma@,,netic Radiation in the Frequency Range of Meter Waves on Workers on Short-Wave Transmitters." Prague, Pracovni Lolcarstvi, Vol 19, No 1, Jan 67, Pp 5 Abstract ZA-uthors, English summary modified,.-7: 30 employees work- ing at short wave, and 19 working at medium wave transmitters were examined. The short wave transmitters exercise a str-)nger influence causing mainly a neurasthenic syndrome; 841-;o of abnormal findings were in the evaluation of the HFZ. Deviation3 in the glycemic curve and an increase in the gamma-globulin content were also found. Permanent tests of EEG should be introduced for the employees ex- posed to the wave hazard. 7 Figures, 3 Tables 10 Western, 2 Czech, 1/1 1 Polish reference, (Ms. ree, I DAM n,q)_ KYTLICOVA-JORDAVA, J., MUDr.; SLEPICKA L.; FARGASOVA, I., KUDr. Serologically typical cases of hemolytic disease of newborn with ABO incompatibility. Cesk. pediat. 12 no-7:619-623 5 July 57. 1. Fakultni transfusni stanice v Olomouci. prednosta prim. NUI)r Z. Mal;Lska Detska klinika PU v Olomouci, prednosta doc. KUDr A. Mores. (IRYTHROBIASTOSIS. MA4 etiol. & pathogen. ABO incompatibility, Berol. (Cz)) (BIDOD GROUPS ABO incompatibility cansing fetal erythroblastosis, serol. (Cz)) SLEPIGKA, L. Imz)ortance of hemolysin tests in prenatal examination. Cesk. z)ediat. 12 no-7:623-626 5 July 57. 1. Fakultni transfusni Btanice v Olomouci, prednosta prim. MUDr. Zd. Malaska. (LPRYTHROBLASTOSIS, FETAL, prev. & control prenatal hemolysin tests (Cz)) SLEPIKHIN, A.; VINOGRADOV, V. Problems Vhich disturb us. Zhil.-kam. khoz. 13 no.400-21 Ap 163. OaRA 16:@ 5) 1. Nachallnik dorozhno-ekspluatatsionnogo uchastka No.26 g. Noskvy (for Slepikhin). 2. Nachallnik dorozhno-ekspluatatsionnogo uchastka NO-15 9. Moskvy (for Vinogradov). (Moscow--Streets-Maintenance and repair) Wo'rk of Eank --riterpri--e-,! j,-,de-- the new Deli, i krel,. 2") no.6.@31,@38 Ja 162. 4aRA 15.--6) 1. Up.@-avlyarlshchiy Baahkirskoy respublikariskojr kontoroy Gosu- d-,i--,srvennozo banka (fo-- Kurmqvev). 2. Upravlptyushchiy Onslcoy obla@tncy lcoritorcy gosudarstvennogo banka (for Kotel9nikov)- 3. UprrivLrayushchly Udmurtskaj respublikanskoy kontoroy gomd@jrstvenncgo hanka (for Slepinin). (Ban]-s and banking) SLEPININ, Vladimir Aleksanclrovich; LEVINSON. Semen Yakovlevich; -'---'I D.S., - -a or6'IM4", D.G.,tekhnicheekiy redaktor [Collection of oroblems and exercises in lathe work] Sbornik zadanii i uprazhuenii no tokarnomu delu. Izd. 2-oe. perer. i don. Moskva, Voes. uchebno-pedagog. izd--vo Trudrezervizdat, 1956. 280 p. (MLRA 10:4) (Turning) BAKHILIN, 11. (Hoskva); SUPININ, V. Instruction in turning. Prof.-tekh.obr. 13 no.2:21-22 F '56. (Aak 9; 5) 1. Direktor romenlennogo uchilishcha No. 10 (for Bakhiltn); 2. Prepodavatel' spetsiallnoy tekhnologii tokarnogo del& (for Slepinin). (Moscow-Turning-Study and teaching) SOV/27-59-3-19/37 22 (1) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL, ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 Slepinin, V-t Engineer-1kethodolOgist Cuttintr Instrument Angles Checkin,r the Sharpening, of 0 entov) t' uglov rezhushchikh instrum (Proverka zatochki skoye obrazovaniye, 1959, Nr 3, Professionallno-tekhniche pp 20 -.21 (USSR) importance of a well-sharpened The author emphasizes the cusses the problem of checking the cutting instrument and dis sharpening of cutters in training workshops. Practice has proved that it is difficult to check the sharpening of cutter angles with the available control gauges and gonio- meters. Thus an urgent necessity arose for a small device eliminating such shortcomings and permitting one to measure the angles of sharpening of such instruments as drills, countersinks, chisels, punches, etc. The author was successful in designing such a device, shown in Fig 1. It consists of a basic disk of 75 mm in diameter with a graduat- rle of ed dial from 25 to 1400, having a cutout at an ant. 1400. an incision from the reverse side of the disk for Iles SOV/27-59-_@ Checking the Sharpening Of Cutting Instrument ArI6 3-19/37 greater convenience, and a millimet By means Of the dial, -er dial Of 33 mm length. I the length Of the cutting edges of. twist drill is checked on sha@rpening. a 060 mm in diameter The rotating disk, has a concentric dead reces" s, a cut with a graduation line andan opening at 0 t an angle OF 1400. To explain the technique of measuring, Fig 2 shows examples of sharpeninrr on various instruments. The Main AdzinJstration 0 U 1 11 V_ of Labor Reserves has arranged that the device De manufactur- ed in a centralized manner. There are 2 sers of diagrams and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy metodicheskiy kabinet Glavrogo upravleniya trudovykh rezervov (Central Methodological Workshop of the Ylain Administration of Labor Reserves) Card 2/2 I SLEPINIF. Vladimir AlekafLndroviqh;- OBSHADKO, Boris Iosifovich; LEVINSON, , Y.ak.ovlevich [deceased]-; PASTUKHOV, V.M., nauchn. red.; GORYU- NOVA, L.K., red.; DORODNOVAi L.A., tekhn. red. (Collection of problems and laboratory exercises for studying machining on lathes] Sbornik zadanii i laboratorMkh rabot po tokarnomu delu. Izd.3.,, perer. i dop. Moskva, Vses. uchebno- pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1960. 226 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Turning-Stuctr and teaching) SLMPININ, V. Let's teach progressive methods to students. Prof.-tel&. obr. .7 no. l2tl5-17 D 160. (NMA 13:12) (keohine-s4p practioe) SLEPIAIN, V@ . mi-mtod@sf :j,8,'.ructAan3 on the productizon Lraining of turnera, Frof.-te-'-:. obr, .")2 rio.10@32-33 0, 161). 041RA l3s. 10'. 0 L kabinet prcfession,--Ilno@ @@Pkh-llchesk)kh uch,J- 1 @ s h ,@ 1, . SLEPKA141, Z.I. (Kiyev) quality of trigonometric computations. Mat. v shkole no.3;59-62 1 y-je 162. MJLA 15:7) m (Trigonometry--Study and teaching) GERSHGOP14, M.A.; SVIRIDEMKO, F.F.; KAZARNOVSKIY, D.S.; KRAITf'SOVA, I.P.; POPOVAY A.N.; FRADINA, 11-I.G.; Prinimali uchastiye: 11TfUS!!C!V @, G.G.; I( L: 1.7 - 17 .,UDOLISKIY, N.L.; N.F.; HiSK',@OVE-TY, S.T. v) Ya.S.; BULISKIY, M.T. [@_e@@ed); ARITANIGE-1,11EY, Y-u.1 SFUtRjW, B.A.; VISTOROVSKIY, N.T.; FAKHAPISKIY, B.I.; @APOI-HKOV'@' V.Ye*.; RYABININ, N.G.; KAFAKULINAY R.R.; FADEYEVA, A.M.; 21JEREVi P.A. Improving the production of high-strength rails by allo3,ing them with granulated ferrochromium in the ladle. Stall 25 no-5:408-411 W 165. (MIR"'t 18:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issl.edovatellskiy institut metallov i zavod "Azovstall". LEPORSKIY, V.V.; OSIPOV, A.I.; BULISKIY, M.T.; 1-UMOV, A.G.; SV1RIDENKU, F.F.; S" TSOV, A.M.; SL'KPK&nV, P.N. Radioactive tracer study of the refining of phosphorus-containing pig Iron. Stal' 16 no.1:19-22 156. (KLaA 9:5) 1. Zavod "Azovatall* I TSentral'nyy naiichno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii. (Iron--Metallurgy) (Phosphorus--Isotopes) SHIMEROV, Ta.A.; OYKS, G.N.; LEPORSKIT, V.Y.: SLADKOSHTRYEV, Y.G.; SUKACHKV, A. I. ; SLVKAJW,_Rjjj Oxygen blow In the bath during the open-hearth conversion of phosphorous cast iron. Stall 16 no-7:587-595 -11 156. (mLRA 9:9) 1. Ukrainskly Institut metallov. Moskovskiy inatitut stall I zavod "Azovetal'". (Cast bron--Metalluriy) (Oxygen--Industrial applications) A C "A , , I / @@ "Y' SIMMOV, Ya.A.; IZMCRSKIY, V.V.; 0YK5. G.H.; SLADKOSUB ME V.T.,- SUKACI.-EV, A.I.; KAPUSTIN, Ye.A.; BULISKIY, K.T.; SLWXANEY, P.N. Oxygen fed iato the fuel spray of large open-hearth furnaces during conversion of phosphorous cnat iron. Stall 16 no-10:875-882 0 156. (KLRA 10:9) 1. Ukrainskiy institut metsllov, znvod "Azovetall" i Moskovskiy ingtitUt Stali. (Q-.en-bearth furnAcns) (Oxygen--Industrinl aDbliCAtions) AUTHOR: leproskiy, V.V., Kapustin, E.A., Glinkov, G.M. and Slepkanev. P,N* 133-5-6/27 _TITLB: On the comparison of tilting and fixed open hearth furnaces. (0 ampmmii kachayushchikhsya, i statsionarnykh martenovskikh pechey.) PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel), 1957, No. 5, pp. 411-413 (U.S.S.R.) ADSTRACT: This paper is a comment on the paper by K.G. Trubin, "Stallif, 1956, No.q. The above subject is discussed in the light of the results of operating 250 ton tilting furnaces on the Azovstall Works. For comparison with fixed furnaces the results obtained on the Zaporozhstall Works are quoted. After indicating that the bottoms of tilting furnaces require more maintenance the authors compare the productivity of both types of furnaces. The dependence of the output per hour on the bottom surface (Fig, 1) and on furnace capacity (Fig.2) J-ndi- cates that for furuaces of the same bottom area and the same capacity the productivity of fixed fumaces is better. Ther- mal efficiency of tilting and fixed fumaces is compared on the basis of heat losses and the extent of preheating of gas and air (Fig. 3). The stability of roof refractories in tilt- ing furnaces is lower than in fixed ones; Azovstall - 29 kg/ton of steel while on the Makeydvsk Work.9 - 26 kg/ton. It Card 1/2 is concluded that technical-economical indices'of tiltin- 0 KOROLIV, A.I.; BLINOT, S.T.; IUBMTS, I.A.; KOBURNEYEV, I.M.; TURUBINXR, A.L.; VASIL'Yiff, S.V.; CHEMBEW, M.A.; BELOV, I.V.; TEISSOV, S.A.; MAZOT, V'Y.; NXDVZW-, V.A.; KA.LIXOV, T.G.; BULISKIY, K.T.; TRUBATSKOV, K.M.; SHUMOV, 'Tra.A.; SIADKOOT311AV, V.T.; PAI.Uff@ V.I.; KUROCHKIN. B.N.; ZBDANOV , A.M.; BILIKOV, K.N.; SABIliffs MeP.; GABBUZ, G.A,; FMCBETSOY, A.Ae; ALFIROV. K.S.; NOVOLCDSKIT. P.I.; MOROZOV, A.N.; VASILIT17, A.H.; MARAKH07SKIY, I.S.; MATA , A.Ve; VJMOVTSEV, N.V.; AGAPOV, V.7.; V3MM, N.A.; PASTUKHOT, A.I.; BORODULIN, A.I.; VAYNSHTWN, O.Ya.; ZHIGULIN, V.I.; DIKSHTNTN. Te.I.; KLD4ASXlWO, L.S.; KOTIX, A.S.; MOLOTKOV.. N.A.; SIVERSKIT, N.V.; ZHIDIUSKIY. D.P.; MIXIMURTS. N.S.; SLXPKA@W, P.N.; ZOODCHIM7. N.G.; GUDAMCHUK, V.A.; NAZAROV, P.M.; SAVOSIKIN, M.Te.; MK(ffAYN, A.S. Reports Obrief annotlebiona). Blu-7. TSNIICBM mo.:L8/19:3(-39 '57 (MIRA 11:4) 1. Hegnitogorskiy matallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Korolev, Belikovo Agapov,' MkBhteyn). 2. KuznetBkiy m9tallurgicheekiy kombinat (for Blinov, rasillyev, A.N., Borc6ulplm, Klimasarko). 3. ChelyabinsVLy metallurgicheakiy zavod (for lmb@nel,.s, Vvynahteyn). 4. Zavod im. Dzherzhins'kogo (tar Kobumeyer). 5. ZavDd "Za'porozhatal " (for Tarubiner. Nazar, Pedgorettskiy, Ma---akhovsVLy, Savoolkin). 6. Kakey'evsldy retall-cirgicheskiy zw,-od (Alor Theillyev, S.V,, Kallkov, Zhide'uskiy, Aliferov). 7. Stallproyekt (for Chernemko, Zhdanov, Zavodchikov). 8. VNIIT (for Belov). 9. Stalinskiy metal- lurgicheskiy savod (for Tblesc7, M-@'@). (OontinuBd on next card) KCRCLIIT. A.I.-- (continued) Card 2. 10. Nizhne-Taell I sk,y metal!-uxg' ahealdy kombinat (for Nedvodev, Novolodakiy, Techer). 11. Zavod "Azo-votall" (for Dmilskly, Slepkanev). 12. Mantrallmyy nau6az-.c----?ssledovatel'skiy insti- tit chernoy me-';allurgii (x'ar T!nal-,stEPka-,,). 13. Ukrainokiy insti- tut matallov (for Slineye-roT. Ko-@,Jrz). 164. Zavocl "MmeW Ckty-.brgl" (for N, lant). 2,_';. Taeaayu-,,rqy nauchno-isoledo- vatellskiy institut met al'j'.=, giche sko-,- teplo-@Akhnild (for Murochkim). 16. Zavod im. Tbroshilova (for 17. Ghelyabinakiy po3i- tekhnicheskiy instItTe4 (for Moroz@yv). 18. GI-prostall (for Garbuz). 19. Urallskiy izatitie. cherri-k-h rw'.allo-,- (for Paslukhov). 20. Zavod im.Petrovskogo (foT' Zhigalft). 21. Mians-hrst-vo cherno7 metallurgil USSR (for Molo-.';kov, SivGrak-ly-). 22. Glavgpatss@all Mir-isterstva chernoy metallurgli SSSR (for Nik!)laye-v). (Cpan-lheaxth procssa) 137-58-6-110016 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 89 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sleplranev, P.N, ITLE: Remote Control of Steel-ladle Stoppers (Distantsionnoye uprav- leniye stoporami stale razlivoc hnykh kovshey) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn, o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Vol 18, -185 -489 ABSTRACT: A description is presented of a design for the hydraulic control of stoppers developed at Azovstal', making it possible to regulate the rate of motion of the rod within the range of 1-10 mm/sec and the pressure within the 5-50 kg/cmZ inter- val. Hydraulic control of the stopper is performed by one man. Tests of this hydraulic equipment on the stand and in the shop yielded favorable results. After some modifications (increase of the stroke of the hydraulic cylinder, enlargement of the range of speeds of the stopper rod to 25 mm/sec, simplifica- tion of the adjustment of the hydraulic system, and replace- ment of spindle oil by a , ioninf larnrn able liquid), this mechan- ism may be recommended for installation in open hearths. B.G. Card 1/1 1. Steel--Production 2. Steel (Liquid)--Handlina 3. Dipper's-7Equipment 4. Remote control systems--EquipiTient 5. Hydraulic system---Applica-uions 1-) (2) I Cl.--( S L "!io Usc of Dinas-chroiaite Dricks in th,-@ Checkers of, n. '-Iiltin@@. nd'- I trnace (Primenpniye dLna.,jo' " roriitp- v nasT re[;enorntorov kacholyitshcheysya martenovskoy pechi) P-,IiTci,r@ T(' ,*. J;: Cgneupory, 1910, @@.Tr 5, pp 222-225 0'3511) A P These axneriments were --arriei out Ln the "Azov-stal" Works where the '.Aartin furnaces are op@-r@z.'U-ai I)y the scrap-ore procoss with the use of highly phosphorous cast iron f") -1, P) - The furnac n- s are he ated wi th !i. mixture C. coke- Uni blast-furnace gas. Accordin.- to d-atri given by YuVECh.J (Footnote 1), the melting dust from the vertical cann1s of thr- Martin Purn.-ice has the follo,,!In-- chemical composition. in " durin- meltinc@: SiO I-CO Al 0 1 2' 2 3 78-50 Fe2 031 4.80' CaO; 2.07 :.,Ie,,O; 2.50 ','nO. Table 1 comp:,res the operation values of furnaces with different ref--actory material in the checkers. Tr@'hle P indicates the heat-inp te-,npern,tures of the upper ro-..,j of 'Dinas-ch-romitp- cheelkers. Car" i Pi-@ures 1 -@nd 2 show bhe state of til- Dina s-chromi to cheolcer, The Use of Dizias-chrcmitF- Bricks in the Checknrs S071/1 31 -59-5-71/112 of a Tiltinr, :.'artin Furnace of the right-hand air regener@itor .,nd of the right-hand gas regcnerator :E@.fter 286 melts. Table 3 inlicates the chemicsl composition of the Dinas-chromite bric,-,s f!nd of the !%eltin7, -i!*,,er n per cent rifter 2B." melts. The petrographic inve@@tig@'Iibn -!as carried out by L. I. Karyakin (Footnote 2). Conclusions: TIe Dinas-chromite bricks in ','ie checkers wcni- out by the doposition of a melting layer on their surfr,,ce- The positi_vt-@ results obtained with Dines-chromite brir,s in the checl-e-s of the tilting Llartin furnace permit the or-mc 1,o be desi@-Tiatr@,' promisLng refrictories, even under coniitions oil an inore,,ised dragr of dust- at a maximun tleml)erature Of 1350 . There are 2 figures, 3 tablef,,, and 1. Soviet ref'orences. ASSOCI'@TD-D'.': :Jet-@11urEicheskiy zavod IlAzovstd" (11A,,,stal@ll --Jetallurgic-@,,l nauchno-is :31edovant.Rl I ski y institut o:Tneuporov (Ul@r,-Wan:3cientific Rasearc',_ Inst-itute of --ictorie:,) Card 212 BOL'SilAKOV, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; BUIPSKIY, M.T., inzh.; TURCHITKOVA, Ye.K., inzh.; YIGNUS, R.M., izizh.; SVIRID-MO, F.F., inzh.; TARASOVA, I.P., inzh.; inzh.; GMIKOV, V.Z., inzh. &ficient design of large rail Ingot molds. Stall 20 no-9:793-797 S 160i (MIRA 13-9) 1. Zatrod "Azovstal!n i Zhdanovskiy- metallurgicheskiv institut. (Ingot molds) LEPORSKIY, V.V.; ARKHANCIELISKIY, Yu.N.; PODOLISKfiYA, G.A.; GLILMOV, G.M.; KAFUSTIN, Ye.A.; KALOSHIN, N.A.; KRIVENKO, P.T. Upera-don of large tilting open-hearth furnaces with natural gas. Stall 21 no.10:883-889 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Zavod "AzovatalsO i Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Open-hearth furnaces) SLLJI-jL'.ET, P.N.; BEY, G.V..; IMOIETS, I.I. Using solid magnesite chromite brick in constructing croims of t open-hearth furnaces. Ogneupor.1- 26 no.1:18-23 161. (MLA I. Zavod "Azovstalln (for SleiAanev). 2. Mmiinskiy nauchmo-issledo- -tateltsk-Ly institut ogneuporov (for Bey, Hemets). (Open-hearth furnaces) (Firebrick) LEPORSKIYJ, V.V... inzh.; jn4N5v,-P-.N.., inzh.; KATSMAN, Ye.R., inzh. @L, Operation of industrial equipment for the treatment of cast iron in ladles. Stall 23 no.8:715 Ag 163. (141RA 16:9) (Cast iron-Mletallurgy) (Open-hearth furnaces-Equipment and supplies) LEPORSKIY V V inzh - SLEPKANEV E.L.@ inzh.; BULISKIY, M.T., inzh. (de;.;S'ed]; it6@, @. .' __Ijiiih.; SVIRIDENKO, F.F., inzh.; PEREKRESTOV, V.I., inzh. Improving individual elements of high-capacity, tilting open- hearth furnaces. Stall 23 no,8:716-717 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Metallurgicheskiy zavod "Azovstall". (Open-hearth furnaces-Design and construction) YAKOVLEV, V.A.; VOROB'YEV, L.V.; LEVCHENKC, L.A.; LINDE, V.R.; SLEPYIOP G.I.; SYRTISOVA, L.A. Stui@r of fhtq biological fixation of molecular nitrojen jq@ ) Blokhimiia 30 no.6:1167-1178 N-D 165. pj@l .1 1. Filial In5tdtuta k-himicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted january 19, 1965. SISHOV, S.I. fvli@; res-!Cstivity of hydrogeological wells. Razved. i okh.nedr 23 no.8:54-57 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. "Kuzbassuglegeologlys' (Water, Underground) @ I L 1@ F K -OV y '! , ; . . , - - - -... I .... -- @---- -- --- of the deviation of borehcles in the Leninsk regicn of the '-',uznet--k Basin. Razved. no.5:125-129 165. (MTRA 18;9) SLEPKOV, v., inzh. Construction of the model of a coaxial helicopter. Lryl.rod. 12 no.10:29-'30 0 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Pelicopters--Models) 6 @ID Nr- 989-1 13 June DETERMINING FORCED VIBRATIONS IN NONLINEAR STABILIZING SYSTEMS (USSR) Eljo@anskiy, Yu. M. ,P. A. Severov, and V__ S. Slepkov. Izvestiya vysshikh uchq'bnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, v..6, no. 2, 1963, 63-73. $/146/63/0061002/007/010 An approximate methbd based on the use of logarithmic frequency- character- yro- istics has been used for determining forced vibrations in nonlinearg stabilizing systems. The method, which consists in subdividing the linear part of a system into a number of standard.units for which logarithmic fre- quency characteristics are well known, makes it,possible to reduce the Vol- ume of computation considerably. The forced vibrations are- assumed to oc- cur at the frequency of external excitation. A numerical solution has been obtained for a stabilizing system with a stabilization motor having a limited torque. The'results were checked by means of an electronic model and found to be in good qualitative agreement, the numerical difference between the two results not exceeding 1.5 db. The study was the Leningrad Insti- tute of Aviation Instruments, [AS] Card 1/1 L -4709.4=6,6- JD/Na AL'C'yq It SOURCE CODE: UR/027l'/66/000/00l/A048/A048 AUTHOR-' Khovanskiy, Yu. M.; Severov, L. A.; Slepkov, V. S. TITLE: Forced oscillations of a uniaxial system of gyroscopic stabilization with a dead zone SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat. telemekh. i vychisl. tekhn,) Abs. IA338 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. , vyp. 44, 1964, 36-42 TOPIC TAGS: oscillation, gyroscope system, gyroscope ABSTRACT: A specific problem has been analyzed for finding the forced oscillations of a 0yroscopic stabilization syste with a limited moment of the stabilizer motor in the presence of a dead zone of an angle-data transmiqer of precession. [Trans- lation of abstract] INT] SUB CODE: 17 Card 1 / 1 hs UDC: 6 2- 5:6 23. 13:6 21. 3 96.- 988. 6 N t 00846--67 EWT (d)/FSS_2/EWT(1 )/EEC(k)-2/EYV_@m 1 CC NR: AR6014105 SOME CODES UR/9272/65/000/on 9 [-AUTHORS: -Khovanskiyj lue Mo; Severov, L. A Slepkov, V. 5 TIMES Forced oscillations of a uniaxial system of gyroscop, stabilization with a. zone of insensitivity SOURCEs Ref. sho Metrologiya i iameritellnap takhnika,, Abs. ll,,32*1712 REF SOURCES Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostre, vypo 44, 1964v 364&2 TOPIC TAGSt ystemi, oscillation, approximate solution,.mathematic model gyroscope s ABSTRACT: The forced oscillations of a uniaxial system of gyroscopic stabilization with a zone of insensitivity of the progression-angle pickup.are analyzed by an approximate method based on harmonic linearization. It is shown that nonlinearity of the type in question increases the amplitude of forced oscillationss as coWared with the osc:111ation amplitude in a linear system. In addition, a zone of insensi- tivity narrows the,passband of the closed system. The results of the analytic solution are confirmed by modeling. 5 illustrations. Bibliography of 3 citations., F. Agaletskiy jransution of abstracg SUB CODES 17 pb Card 1A UDGs 389,531,383 ST,FPYOV, Yuriy Tvanoviob Meciptical? (retseptornyy) Apparitus of the Abdominal Aorta Concerning Hy-ertonlcal Dise-ses T)isserta+ion for candidate of a `@!-dical Science degree. Chair of Hospital Theranf-u'ics Olead, Prof. L.3. Shvarts) and Laboratory of Morphology Institut@-- I of Physiology "AN" 11S.S.S.R." (r-'.) I.P. Pavlova (head, Prof. N.G. Yolosov) Defending in Soviet Institute of Physiology (r'.) I.P. Pavlova "AN" 11S.S.S.R.", 1952 SLICPKOV, Yu. I. Sensory innervation of the vase, vasorus of the thoracic aorta in man. Doklady Akad nauk SSSR 85 no. 5:1173-1176 11 Aug 1952. (CLKL 23:3) 1. Presented by Academician K. X. Bykov 4 June 1952. 2. Insti- tute of Physiology iment I. P. Pavlov, AcadeaW of Sciences USSR. SIAPKOV, YU.I. Sensory innervation of the descending aorta in man. Doklady AkadF nank 86 no. 4:841-844 1 Oct 1952. (CIRL 23:3) 1. Presented by Academician K. X. Bykov 28 July 1952. 2. Institute of Physiology Imenij. P. Pavlov. AcadeNq. of Sciences MO. SuPKOV, Yu. 1. Sensory terminals of local origin in the inferior mosenteric ganglion of man. Dokl.AN SSSR 94 no-2:349-352 A '54. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Institut fiziologii Is. I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR. (Nerves) SIi:PKOV. YU. 1. " %@-:;, Sensory innervation of the intramural gan.mlia of certain internal organs of man. Dokl.AN SSSR 94 no.3:569-572 Ja '54. (MLRA 7-1) 1. Institnt fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom X.M.Bykovym. (Nerves) ZAYTSEV, Pavel Petrovich; SLEPNER, B.K., inzh., retsenzent; DUGINA, N.A., te . MCI. [Hydraulic duplicating devices of machine tools]Gidro- kopirovalInye ustroistva metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, r4ashgiz, 1962. 135 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Machine tools) (Oil--Hydraulic machinery) SHYARTSBURD, B.I.. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; qLEPM. B.N., inzhener. Surface finish of hydraulic machinery parts and application of the All-Union State Standax!d.-2789-45. Trudy TIGN no.13.'88-134 '51. (Metals--Finishing) (KW 10:8) SUPIM, A.A. Efficient planning for a small foundry. Lit.proizv. no-5:13 Ag 154. (Foundries) (MLRA 7:8) SI&PNEV,A.A. The use of aluminum shells for aluminum part casting. Lit. proixy. no.8:29-30 Ag'55- (KLRA 8:11) (Aluminum founding) SLEPNEV, A.A., inzheaer. Drying the mold in sand casting. Lit.proizv. no.10:30 0 '56. (Sand. Foundry) (MLRA 9:11) SIEFTEV) A.N. , kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby Instruction on sanitation and health education on a ship. Voen.-med. zhur. no.4:69-70 Ap 161. -O@M 15;6) (NAVAI HYGIEIqE) -,-,9 IAPNZV, 1. Some economic and accounting problems in garment vorkshops. Sov. torg. no.4:32-34 Ap 157. WaA lo:4) (Clothing indastry) MIKOYAYI, AT. ; MA RIffMO, A.Ya., inzh.; RAPPOPOBT, A.M., inzh.; SLMZV, K.V., inzh.; SYROVOY, P.Ye.. inzh.. Prinimali uchastiye: BORODIN, D.D., inzh.; 2HMOV, N.A., inzh.; SHIPUNOV, B.G., inzh.; KUIRAKOV, Y.Ta., tekhnik. STRAKHOV, L.G.,; KOMPANT&W, N.N.,; KRASILINIKOV. S.D.. red.; ZUDAKIN, I.M.. [The MI(1-1?PF and HIG-17F airplanes; instructions for operation and maintenance] Samolety NiG-17PY i HiG-17y; instruktsiia po teklinicheskoi ekspluatatsii i obsluzhivaniiu. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo obor.promyshl., 1957. 143 p. diagra. 1. kassia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo oborony. (Fighter planes) (Jet planes, Military) 8(6) SOV/112-59-?-2540 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 37 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zykov, S. A., Gusakovskiy, K.. B_ Kraemer, Yu., Slepnev, L. N., and Shtregober, V. TITLE: Some Problems in Designing Super-Power Turbine Units (Nekotoryye voprosy proyektirovaniya sverkhmoshchnykh turboagregatov) PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 9, pp 38-45 ABSTRACT: As a result of calculations made, recommendations aire offered for designing the lower-pressure part of high-power turbines; these recommenda- tions allow for the effect of steam the cop-denser and for.the effect of the end area of the last stages on economical operation of the turbine. The turbine-unit maximum power vs. the heat -power -cycle parameters is presented. The expediency of using several exhausts, ?-7tier blades, and 2-shaft turbine units is considered. M. A. T. Card Ill T T liT t;2 rr: vrlac Ply in7,:!s--';on of c'r II-Ij Lt" t t-@! for tov v ;;ii rlovt@.C-- u,--liastok, RroLn-iskoic) r a y c) na :--@-oy objlas t for 1w; F@aYk@ov 4 t-Tclkolryz;A'i,v ve-,erirarnyy "-@jj-ev, "a-ub;tskaya, 1@are-,cheriko, Sinkev-cY, I I NF v " @) . - I the process of" beet pulp pressing, Trudy MTIPP no @20, !;-14 16?. (ZE RA 1 7, s 4' ) @nr k-t- V 9f( 1/1wnAra1&'4. the rinkite grpicip. cm., and CrAtal C-1 ell )7 7 O.S.S.R., Srr. Gc&l, 1957. NNO. a. 637-75;-& UW of the, pmbtem of the rel@aticni among yir@tr lr??@ rin kfitp- hjvcbnrrfti-- and vud'@. IN tit, -M M"i 4@ t -att(k; 0: --.-a th Pid-Imi -C t1j. e" "Pz' te'.gMP' in' udelv- dvtka nd p- ru. A- Interplanar distancess for sarnples calcined S@7 temps., chem. analyses of the minerals and their 4teratida Qf. products, relative and abs. amts, of crementsi thc Ce@@ and Y groups. iritefplanar d6-tauce3 (if vud'yaviii@_h= 4,1 to temps. of 500', SW', and M% and at. ratios. ia the .i;@O-W7 f - k MrL te;1G1 te; ant Pyg b ' @FTW 0 F j SLEPNEV, Yu.S. Geochemical features of lovehorrite-rinkolite pegmatites of the Xhibiny alkaline massif. Geo".1miia no-5:408-416 ' 57. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Institute of Mineralogr, Geochamistr7 and Crystallochemistry of Rare Elements, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moncow. (Khibiny Mountain region--Pegmatites) (Lovcborrite) (Rinkolite) SLVN,77, Yu.S. Distribution of lithium and rabidium in some granitoid rocks of Yakutia [with summary in English]. Geokhimlia no.2:115-117 '56. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Orystallochemistry of Rare Nlements, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Yakatia-Granite) (Lithium) (Rubidium) 3 (8 ) AUTHOR: Slepnev? Yu. S. SOV/7-59-3--6/13 TITLE: of the Distribution :)f Some Rare Elements in Metamorphic R7,*z. Granites, and Rara.-Metal Pegmatites of the Sayany /0sQtarnoa4'A_ rasprnstraneniya nakotorykh redkikh el-men`.-C.7 v metame-1-fir-heskikh p-,,rodakh, ra its. i re(ikometall- & n kh nykh p-egmat-i-takh Sayan) PERIODICAL: le-.)kh-m@7a. 1959, Nr 3v PP 252-2q8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: TYa lithium.., ;?ub_-d_-i-.5m-, Cea4llm-, an' ba.-,,llium zontents were investigazed. Lfth4llam, beryllilum, and ceBium were determined flarne-phot-omet-@Qally by G. N. Pop@-rs,.,, and beryllium was determined b@ means of sp---?otra1 analysis by N. N. Rodionova. Table ' g-.ves the o-.-)ntents of v_,bidium.. cesium, sodium$ potassium, an! bezvilli-am. Table 2 showg all the alkali metal ccritante. Desi-des, ths 1-ithi,.im-, -_ubidium-, and cesium con- +-Pr.ts cf the vari-Lus are graphically represented (Fig). The and cesium @ortents are parallel . popatilles, J, "v) 5-fole... In the later + --ruation i f c..: . the ::ontent of rare alkal-s ate :)f pSg_ Card '1/2 de@reas,@s, whe-.-a._,n be_-yl14.u:a zimaia-s The rubidium- Peculiarities of the Distribution of Some Pare SOV/7-59-3-6/13 Elements in Metamorphic Rocks, Granites, and Rare- Metal Pegmatites of the Sayany and cesium content increases in the following order: slate, amphibolite, granite@ pegmatite. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut mineralogii, geokbimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov All SSSR, LIcskva (Institute for Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal-chemistry of Rare Elements AS USSR Moscow) SUBMITTED: November 24, 1958 Card 2/2 Smpm...-YU.S. Age relations of rocks in the Xhibiny alkaline massif. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geol. 25 no.4:89-95 Ap 160. (NIRA 13:11) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov AN SSSR, Moskva. (Zhibiny Mountains-Petrology) --SLEPNEVFI- Yu@s.; SHA*lvp L.L. Absolute age of rare-metal pegmatites from the Eastern Sayans. Geokhimiia no.1:56-59 161. (MIU 14:3) 1. Institute of Mineralogy, Geocb@uistry and Crystal Chemistz7 of Rare Elementg, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Sayan Mountains-Pegx*tites) (Geological time) S/007/61/000/004/003/004 B107/B207 AUTHOR: Slepnev, Yu. S. TITLE: The thallium-rubidium and cesium-Potassium ratios in metamorphic rocks, granites and rare metal pegmatites of the Sayany mountains PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, no. 4, 1961, 359-361 TEXT: In a previous study the author dealt with the behavior of lithium, rubidium, cesium, potassium, sodium, and beryllium in the metamorphites, granites and rare metal pegmatites of the Sayany mountains (Ref. 1: Yu. S. Slepnev. Geokhimiya, no. 3, 1959). The present paper provides data on the thallium contents in samples used for previous studies, The analysts Ye. M. Zakharova, Z. M. Piskova, and A. V. Larionova determined thallium in the chemical laboratory of the IMGRE AN SSSR (Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystallochemistry of Rare Elements of the Academy of Sciences USSR). The accuracy is t 10 - 20 %@ The following rules were observed: The thallium content rises from older rocks - gneisses, paraamphibolites (0.0002 % Tl) - to granites (0.0003@-"OT!) and pe-matites Z7 tD Card 1/3 S/007/61/000/004/003/004 The thallium-rubidium... B107/B207 (0-0003 -o.oooa %). The absolute thallium content in microoline and muscovite increases considerably as the pegmatitic process proceeds: Early generation - microcline 0.0005 %, muscovite 0.0004 %, late genera- tion - microcline 0.0017 %, muscovite 0.0018 %. Among pegmatites, the microcline- and quartz muscovite complexes (0-0005 %) contain a higher percentage of thallium. The highest amounts (0.0007 -0.0008) occur, where microcline and muscovite belong to the late generation., In sodium metasomatosis, thallium is not separated in contrast to potassium, rubidium, and cesium; it is distributed over aibite (0.003 %) and the microcline and muscovite of the late generation. The Tl/K ratio does not remain constant in the rocks investigated; in metamorphic sediments it is between 1:2500 and 1:8150, in granites 1:11000, in Degmatites from 1:1000 to 1:6500. The Tl/Rb ratio decreases from schists (1:50) over granites (1:83) to pegmatites (1:150) (average). The Tl1Cs ratio does not remain constant in pegmatites: it is between 1:6 and 1:60. The Tl/Rb ratio changes in muscovite from 1:120 (early generation) to 1:1025 (late generation) and in microcline from 1:290 (early generation) to 1:350 (late generation). Accordingly, the Tl/Cs ratio in muscovite Card 2/3 S/007/61/000/004/003/004 The thallium-rubidium... B107/B207 changes from 1:40 to 1:55 and in microcline from 1:10 to 1:13. There are 1 table and 2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystallochemistry of Rare Elements of the Academy of Sciences USSRt Moscow) SUBMITTED: September 16, 1960 Card 3/3 SLEPNEV, Yuriy S rgeyevich GERASIMOVSKIY1 V.I.,; VLASOV, K.A., glavnyy red., SHLEPOV, V.K., red.izd-va; RYLINA, Yu.V.,; SUSHKOVA, L.A., [Lovehorrite-rinkol.ite pegmatiteal Lavchorrit-rinkolitovye pegmatity. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 149 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhiraii redkikh elementov. Trudy,, no.13). (MIRA 16:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vlasov). (Lovchorrite) (Rinkolite) (Pegmatites) SLEPNEV, Yu.S.; MELENTIYEV, G.B. DistrSbution of tantalum and niobium in rare earth granite pegmatites of the Sayan Mountains. Geokhimiia no-3s280-284 162. (KRA 1524) 1. Institut mineralogii gookhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov AN SSSR, Moskva. (Sayan Mountains-Tantalum) (Sayan Mountains-Niobium) SIEPYLV., __il@S.S, Gallium content in granite pegmtites of the Sayan Mountains. Geokhimiia no.7:637-639 162a (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov AN SSSR, Mosk7a. (Sayan Mountains--Gallium) (Sayan Mountains-Fogmatites) SLEFNEV, Yu.S. Process of replacement in rare-metal granite pegmatites, Trudy IMGRE no.8sl33-146 162, (MM 16:1) (Pegmatites) (Metals,, Rare and minor) KOGAN, B.I.; KALIZHANOVA, Ye.G.; SAL'TINA, L.V.; SOLODOV, N.A.; DMITRIYEVA., O.P.; Prinimali uchastiye.- UKHANOVA, N.I.; PERVUKHINA, A.Ye.; KAZANTSEVA, V.G.; ULANOVSKAYA, V.D.; VLASOV) K.A., glav. red.; LIZUNOV, N.V., otv. red.; PYATENKO, Yu.A., otv. red.; SALTYKOVA, V.S., otv. red.; _S.JtK@@Yu.S., otv. red.; FABRIKOVA, le.A., otv. red. PODOSEK, V.A., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.I., tekhn. red. [Rare alkali metals (lithium, rubidium, and sesium); a bibliography on their geochemistry, mineralogy, crystal chemistry, geology, the analytic methods of their determi- nation, and their economics]Redkie shcholochnye metally (litii, rubidii I tsezii); bibliografiia po, geckhimii, mineralogii, kristallokhimii, geologii, analitichaskim metodam. opredeleniia i ekonomike. Sost. B.I.Kogan i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad uk SSSR, 1962. 327 p. -_ i (KIRA I F 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kri- stallokhimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Bibliography-Alkali metals) SIZFNEV, YU.S. Genesis -and classification of loveharrite-rinkolite pegmatites. Trudy Min. muz. no.11:114-122 t6l. (miRA 16:7) (Pegmatites) SLEPNEV, Yu,S.; MELENTIYEV, G.B.; FILIPPOTIA, Yu.j. Processes of mineral formation in rare-metal granite pegma- tites in tectonic regions. Trudy IMGRE no.16:76-106 t63. (MIRA 16:8) a in ---,s -ne:E7, L 11 1C.-r"li:@. Ln.. TrF"-: Library of C=ress, :Decerlirer !@.-'52. ccessicns, SUPNEVA, A. S.: J@@aster Tech Sci (else) -- "Jnjestigj@ Uion of the effect of h7drotherma@L tre.atment of buckwheat on the quality of the -qr0a-us D-roduced". 1.1103cmTy 19%. 14 pp (Min Trade JoSp, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Ilatiorvil Econor4y im G. V. Plekhanov), 100 copies (KL, ITO -9, 1959, 151) The effect of steam on the p)7tin phosphorus content of buckwheat Cwith summary in English]. iop.pit-. 17 no.2:73-77 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kafedry tovarovedeniya pishchevykh produktov (zav. - prof. V.S.Smirnov) InBtituta narodnogo khozysystva imeni G.V.Plekhanova, Hoskva . (FLOUR, buckwheat, phytin phosphate content, eff. of steam (Rue)) (INOSITOL. related compounds phytia phosphate coatent of buckwheat, eff. of steam (Rua)) (STRAM, effects, on phytin phosphate content of buckwheat (Rua)) L pROSKURNIN, K.A.; MDMLINITMIT,, Tu.L,; BAYaMo Te.T.; SEXPIMVA, A.T. )W31HONOVA, I.I. influence of gama-roys on th* oxidation of cetans. Dokl. Al SM 112 no.5:886-889 7 '57. (02A 10:4) 1. Neachno-Iselsdavatol'skly fisiko-khisleMakir Institut in* L.Te. Urpvv&. Prodstavlono Wmdsikom A.N* Frumkiva. (Game rarsY (Nexadocans) EMLINITSM, Yu.L.; bM&MVA, A.T.jL NWZUJONOVA, I.I. Oxidation of industrial paraffin under g%mma radiation. Xhim. i takh.topl, I masel 4 no,1:25-27 -Ta '59- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Vaeaov-uznyy nauchno-issledovatell6kiy institut neftyanoy promyshlennosti. (Paraffins) (OR=% rays) PHASE I BOOK UPIDITATION SOV/6246 Soveshchaniye po taeolitam. lat, Leningrad, 1961. Sinteticheakiye tseolity; polucheniye, issledovanlye I primenaniye (Synthetic Zeolites: Production, InvestIgation,and Use). Mos- cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 p. (Series: Its: Dokladj) Errata slip Inserted. 2500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdelaniye khWahookikh nauk. Komislya po toeolitam. Rasp. Ede.: M. M.elDubinln, Academician and V. V. Serpinskly, Doctor of Chemical-Solences; Bd.t Ye. 0. Zhukovskaya; Tech. Ed.: S. F. Golub'. PURPME: ThIs book Is Intended for solentista and engineers engaged In the production of synthetIc z*olIt** (molecular slov*s),--and for chemists In general. Card Synthetic Zeolites; (Cont.) sov/6246 COVERAGE: The book is a collection of reports presented at the First Conference on Zeolites, held In.Leningrad 16 through 19 YALrah 1961 at the'Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet, and In purportedly the first monograph on this subject. The reports are grouped into 3 subject areas: 1) theoretical problem of adsorp- tion on various types of zoolitea and methods for their Investi- gation, 2) the production or zoolites, and 3) application of zeolites. No personalities are mentioned. Ref*reno*s follow In- dividual articles. TABLE OF COMM: Foreword 3 Dubinin, X. M. Introduction. Card 2/49 :5- Synthatio Zeolites: (Cont.) SOV/15246 Misin, M. 3.0 L. H. Vaksimova, V. A. Litvinova, and L. B. Khandros. Produotion and Adoorption Properties of NaA, WaP. CaA and CaP Zeolites 135 Misin, M. S., L. -&-Naksimova, V. A. Litvinova, L. B. Khandroo, G-.-k. Poly-alcova) and L. S. Urin. Production l lh of Na.- -CRG-and AgX Zoolites and Adso;p 143 Rtguzova, L. I.,.A. V. Agafonov,1A. S. Vitukhlna, V.--F. - - lo arid N. X. i, -ir;i A. T. Slepnegz V,.-Am-Bvr@Ll r-o-v-,- Synthesis con Ions and Thermal Stability .Chppu - of rivpe X Zoolites 152 -.Nirskiy, Ya. V., X,G. Mtrofanov ind-T. NiL Bredlkh:Lna.,7 Ion EEwlabn-ge--df Ki for Ca In Type A Syvithetre Zed 16T YArskly, Ya. V., N. 0. Mitrofanov, B. X. Popkov, L. T., --Bolotov, and A. I. Nezhlumova. -Production-6f Synthetic Zoolffes Under IndUs @ra @Itlons 3.69 Card j^& Synthetic Zoolltes: (Cont.) Belotoorkovakiy, 0. M., K. 0. Ione, and T. 0. Plaahenov. Production of Granular Synthetic Zeolitex and Study of Their Porous Structure Plachenov M. Belotserkovskly, V. F., Karel'- skaya,@ @4 _', and L. I. Piguzova. InvestIga- tion of the Secoodary Porous Structure of Synthetla Zeolites and Their Drying Properties V. A. Burylov, 3. V. Kapatsinmkiy. vA Slepneva. Granulation of a Synthetic Zoo3lte MIMI= Ranavets, P. I.# A. B. Sporius, P. N. Nelentlyov, A. I. Mzun, 0. A. Bokuchava, V. I. Chernykh, and L. B. Khandros. Production of Strong 3pherloal Qmnules of Cryats.131ne ZOolit* Powders Card /V BOVA246 174 182 491 195 L SOVA246 Synthetic Zeolites: (Cont.) Kelltsev, N. V., I. P. Ogloblina, and N. S. Torochashnikov. Regeneration of Zeolites in a Gas Stream 203 0. V. Astaf'yev, Ye. Ya. Oiyenko, No I. Lulova, and To 3lepply Methods of Plant " Qualit U @ y Control of ucts DUring Manufacture of Zooxlto p 4-Typo AGeorbents 212 APPLICATION OF ZZO1aTZS Kiselev. A. V., Yu. A. 911tekov, and V. No Semenovs. Ad- sorption of a Mixtur6 of Thlophene and Keptane on z9olits R&A 218 Pavlova, L. F. Adsorption From n-Rexane-Densene Solutions with 3ynthetio Zoolite CaA 225 cam XI SLE-FiZIVA, N. N. USSR/Medicine - Tularemia Jun 53 "Periods of Reinoculation of Subjects Inoculated Against Tularemia and Persistence of the Reaction to Tuberculin in Those Who Have Been Inoculated," M. V. Vasillyeva, G. E. Afrvmova., V. A. Strigin, N. 11. Slepneva, G. A. Dashkina, Ufa Inst of Epid and Microbiol im 1. 1* Mechnikov; Republic ATashkir ASSR San-Epidemiol Sta L.;- 27 Zhur Mikro, Epid, i Immun, No 6, pp 50-51 After inoculation, 90.4% of subjects in areas exposed to tularemia gave a positive reaction to tularin within 2 mos, 81.3% within 6 mos, 79.6% within 1 yr, and 74% within 2 yrs. After reinoculation, the figures were 91.8% in 2 mos, and 91.31% in 1 yr. Reinoculation was carried out 1 yr after original inoculation. 267TP-l USSR/Disoason of Firm Animnlo. Diseases Caused R-2 by Dncterla and Nngl, libs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 1. 19599 2834 Author : Vasillyeve, M. Tazetdinova, S. Z., Kyrchikov, B. A. Inst : Ufa Scientific Pesearch Institute of Vaccines and Sera Ti'"c : The Significance of Serological E@camina- tions of Farm Animals for 6ontrolling Natural Tularemia Foci Orig Pub: Tr. Ufimsk. n,-i. in-ta. vaktsin i syvorotok, 15157j, vyp. 4., 35@-43 Lbstract: No abstract Card 1A 15 SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1256 k .1OR MINAEV, P.F., SLEPOV; A.A. TITLE The Influence 'rX--er-c-js`e`a--Ty- the Local Irradiation of the Nervous System with X-Rays on the Composition Of Peripheral Blood. PERIODICAL Dokl-Akad.Nauk, 109, fasc,.2, 303-1004 (1956) Publ. 7 / 11056 reviewed 9 / 1956 The cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum of white Leghorn hens were irradi- ated by the directed X-rays (total dose 7000-9000 Roentgen) of a tube of 180 10 millampgre with a series-conneoted filter of 1 mm Al + 0,5 mm Cu- The kV, -30 cm from the tube and the dose was irradiated Parts were at a distance of 2o e irradiation of the 85-114 Roentgen per minute. Both on the occasion of th cerebral hemispheres and also of the cerebellum all phases of cariokinesis of the limboblasts are noticeably in the peripheric blood, viz.: a distinct con- fusion of dependent reflectory activity, the fact that the clinical degenera- - and considerable modi- tions of nervous activity are strongest after 3-5 days, fication of the metabolism of the nerve tissue itself. At the same time, the oxidation mechanism of the glycosis is interrupted. On the occasion of the irradiation of the cerebellum the composition of red blood changes, nucleus partitions become noticeable in the mother cells, and even binuclear erythro- cyts occur. On the occasion of the irradiation of the cerebrum such changes have as yet not been noticed. The changes in peripheral blood on the occasion of the irradiation of the cerebral hemispheres and of the cerebellum are in a certain degree similar mwj-.Yres as iation of all parts of the brain. On the ()Cc Occur on the occasion of the leukOPenia occurs. asion of the irradiation Of cerebral hemispheres leukozytosis, and with irradiation of the cerebellum Also irradiation of other parts of the body Of an animal with the same doses and with the same bundles Of X-ray changes structural cOmPOsitionq Lut none Of these nhnn.... __ as strong as after the irradiation of parts of the brain, 4nG Z"ey also vanish quickly, nerefrom as well as from other works the most i _t follows that the nervous M'nnrf_.Rn+. part in the case of all damage caused by irradiation. Changes in blood have secondary character. Perhaps the main c system plays blood diseases caused by irradiation is to be found less in the blood itself than in the nervous system, Such changes taking Pla ause of all scribed here are most distinctl ce in blood as are de- .0 y marked in the case of animals suffering _Lrom strong disturbances of the higher nerve functions. Cytological, hematol- ogical and histological examinations of the bone Marrow and Of the blood will contribute towards explaining the mechanism Of the changes discussed here. INSTITUTION: Institute for Biological PhL the USSR. Ysics of the Academy of Science in S/024/62/00o/oo6/016/020 E140/E135 AUTHOR: SlepoYiI__A.,_P,.L@_Kalinin) TlTLE: on the preparedness factor and optimal checking period for standby control systems PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Energetika i avtomatika, no.6, 1962, 150-155 TEXT. The system is assumed to consist of series-connected elements, the fault of any one of which faults the system. Individual faults are subject to a Poisson distribution. marginal checking is carried out periodically according toa fixed programme, unt@,il a fault is detected. At this point-the check is interrupted, the@ fault eliminated, a *nd the system ifi then checked again from the beginning, by the full programme. The conditions for finding period are found in the article. the -optimal checking SUBMITTED: January 17, 1962 Card 1/1 @, " -F.. - @! p @ , - @ @ :.. [@ '- r t Dezemin-lnz the titers of virus ne-utralizinv amtilbcdiec in guinea cuzed of foct-&nd -mcuth dleep-se. lleter@*narjja 41 nc.2@,19-21 F 164. (%MTFk 17"121 ,. Vsen-ov-uznyy institut eksperimentallnoy veterinari!, BRUIN. Vasiliy Favlovich; SLXPOV,-B,,.I, , otvetstvennyy redektor; OSVIMSKAYA, -- - A.A., radBktor; KONf takhnichookiy re(laktor [Behavior of dock plating after buckling] Rabora elomentov palubnykh perskrytii posle poteri ustoichivosti. Leningrad. Goo. ooiuznoe izd-yo sudostroit. promyshlennosti, 1956. 286 p. (MLRA 10:3) (Blastic plates and shells) (Ships) SHIMAITSKIT, Tu.A., Pkademik, red.; SLEPOV B I red.; WKSHIII, A.Z., - :'_@k 1- rod.; TAUBIN, G.O., red.; G.S., red.; CHUVIKOVSKIT, V.S., rod.; LUCHINIMV, S.T., otv.r,3(l.,- OSVTWSKATA, A.A., red.; KONTOPDVICH, A.I., tekhn.rod. [Handbook on structural mechanics of ships] Spravochnik po stroitellnoi makhanike korablin. Leningrad, Gos. sciuznoe izd-vo sudostrolt. promyshl. Vol.2. 1958. 528 p. WIRA 12:1) (Shipbuilding) (Strains and stresses) J1, B.OmMu--, P. V. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION BOV16 206 Konferentsiya po teorii plastin I obolochek. Kazan', 1960. Trudy Konferentsii po tearii plastin I' obolochek; 24-29 oktyabr7a. of.the Co F 1960. (Transadtions nference.on the Theory ofl.lates and Shells Held in Kazan', 24 to 29 October-1960 . Kazanl, . " (Izd-vo Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo uniiersiteta 1961. 426 p. 1000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlyn nauk SSSR. Kazanakiy-fill-al.' Kazanskly gosudarstvonnyy universiteWim. V. I. Ullyanova-Lenina. Editorial Board: Kh. M. Mushtarl, Editor; F. S. I6anbayeva, Secretary; N. A. Alumyae, V. V. Bolotin,.A. S. Vollmit, N.tS.-Ganiyev, A. L. Golidehveyzer, N. A. Kilichevskiy, M@ S. Kornishin@ A. I. Lux;1ye, G. N. Savin, A. V. Sachenko;,-.1 V,. Svirskly, R. G. Surkiii, and A. P. Filippov. Ed.- 'V. *1:. klekaaalii, Tech. Ed.-:- Yu. P. Semenov. PURP.OSE, The oolle.etion of articles Is iiitended'for isc1entistaand engineers who are interested In the analysis of strength ind stability of shells. - Card 1/14 Transactions of the Conference (Pont.) SOV/6206 at the COVERAGE: The book is a collection of articles delivered Conference on Plates and Shells held in Kazan' from 24 to 2� October 1960. The articles deal with the mathematical thaory of plates and shells and its.application to the solution, in both linoar and nonlinear formulations, of.prob@@=s,of banding, static and dynamic stability, and vibration,of rogular,azad, sandwich plates and shellD 6f Vbxioua shapes under various loading3 in-the elastic and plastic regions'.. ArLilyalz*il; made of the behavior of plates and shells in fluidsj;and the effec@ of crQep of the material'Is comaiderco. A: humboi- of,papers discuss.probleme associated.with the devolopmont of effective mathematical.-mothod3-for.solving problems in-tho theory of-shelli. Some of the reports propose algoritbibs for-the solution of,probleme withthe aid of*electronie computers. A total hundredi reports and notes were presented and discussed during the con- ference. The reports are arranged alphabetlcally.(Russian).by the author's name. Card 2/14 Transactions of the Conference (Cont.) Selezov, 1. T. Investigation of the Propagation of M@ic Waves in Flates-and Shells Slepov B Dynamic Stability of a Circular Cylindri- -@@E @Sh@ll Under Wave-Tmpact Loading Sochinakiy, S. V., and V. S. Chuvikovskiy. On Nonlinear Dynamic Deformations of Rectangular Plates and Cylindrical Shells Surkin,,R. G., and L. A. Kuznetqova. On the Flexural Problem of a Shallow Square Spherical Panel With a Nonlinear Stress-Strain'Relationship Teregulov, I. G. On the Theory of Plates of Medium Thickness* Tkachuk, G. I. Integral-Differential Equations of the Theory of Thin Elastic Shells of Revolution SOV/6206 347 3@3 358 362 367 376 Card 12/14