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TAIROV, II.P. kand. sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SIAVIN, A.M. Economic accountability on swine-fattening farms. Zhivotnovodstvo 21 no.1:12-16 Ja 159. (MIR& 12:2) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik sovkhoza "Belaya dacha." Moskovskoy oblasti. (Svine--Feeding and feeding stuffs) OBTDINNOV, V.A., dots; SLAVIN, A.M. zootekhnik; FIDOTOV, P.I. Penicillium rlycelium as swine food. Zhivotnovodstvo 21 no.6.*72-74 jo 159. (MIRA 12SS) 1. Mookovatcays. veterinernays Wmdimlya (for Obydennov).*_ '. Glav- my vetvraeb sovkhos "Bolaya dacha.* Ukhtomskogo, rayons, Mookovskoy oblastl (for Fodotov). (Swine-looding and feeding stuffs) (Ponicillium) 8LAVIN, A. Me --RPAYIV, le. U. -) IT)MAROV, N.M. arul Iy, U "Ventilation of pigsties with heating of flowing air." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 7, 196o, p. 75 C-,R T - 1) - jr, " -@- t" % KOMAROV, N.M., prof.; TORPAKOT, F.G., kand.veterin.nauk; SIA@A@ uchanyy zootekbnik Tentilation of pigsties with a heated air flow. V'eterinariia 37 no.7:75-78 JI 160. (MIRA 16s2) (9wine houses and equipment) (Farm buildingo-ibmting and ventilation) ,SJAV IN, B. Improving navigation metbods for vessels in the Rybinsk water reservoir. Nor. i rech.flot 14 no.12:14-16 D 15k (KLRA 8:1) (Rybiask Reservoir--Navigation) F-FSJZTEIj;A LID-Ti;bv, ldi,: SLIK117 B.A.; POSTIJ iV. YU.V.; .1 - t S01,'GLC-Vf--*'-hYAI, Ye.A.; TML,@,.OV, 'I.; BARGI-, V.A. Const-raction of vertica-1 draina-c-e in the Gclodnaya Steppe. Mat. po proizv. sil. Uzb. no.15:281-306 f60. (1-1114- 14:8) 1. Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki AN UzSSR; Uzbekskiy gidrogeologicheskiy trest i Glavgolodnostepstroy. (Mirzachull region-Drainage) BRAUN)@ I.I.P., doktor toklin. nauk; MIROVSKIY, E.I., inzh.; LEVITANUS, A.D., kand. te@hn. nauki KARAWIN, E.I., inzh,; @LAVJV,' B,A., Inzh. Using low-nickel and nickelless steels for pinions of tractor transmissions. Mashinostroenie no.2t85-87 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) SLAVIN, B. Ye. Cand Tech Sei -- "Study of the strength and deformations Wx ., r, of pylon-type subway,,,pi ars made of prefabricated reinforced concrete." Mos, 1961 (Min of Railways USSR. Mos Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Engineers of Railroad Transport im I. V. Stalin). (KL, 4-61, 200) -4- BESKOV, Sergey Dmitriyovicht prof.; BELOTSVETOV, Aleksey Vsevolodovich; KLYUCHNIKC-V., Nikolay Grigorlyevich; SLAVIN, David Osipoyich; METELISKAYA, G.S., red.; ZAYTSEVA, K.F., red. kart; MAKHOVA, N. N... tekhn. red [Principles of chemical technology]Osnovy khimicheekoi tekhnologii; posobie dlia studentov pedagogichookikh institutov. (By] S.D. Beskov i dr. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1962. 406 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Chemistry, Technical) DRDZDOV, Pavel Filaretovich;-LLAVIII. D.S., Otv.rad.; CHMMVSKATA, T.P.. -va; ILIIIISKATA,- -- -T red.izd G.M..; ITADEINSKATA. A.A., [Precast reinforced concrete construction elements in mines) Sbornya zhelezobstonnye konstniktaft v shakhtnom stroitel'stve. ?4oskva, Ugletekbizdat, 1958. 325 P. (14IR& 12:1) (Mining engineering) (Precast concrete construction) LIVOVSKIY, A.S., inzh.; SLAVIN. D.S.. inzh. Planning production centers of the constructioz IndustrT, Prom. stroi. 36 no.12:4-7 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Construction industry) RABKIN, Semen Llvovich; MURATOV, Igor' Vladimirovich; SUIRYAYEV, Grigoriy Anatollyevich; SLAVIN, D.S.,; PETRAKOVA, Te.P., red. izd-va. BMESLA [Sectional reinforced concrete constructions for mine support] Sbornye zhelezobetonnye konstruktsii shakhtnoi krepi. Moskra, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomn delu, 1959. 227 P. (MIRA 12:12) Wine timbering) (Precast concrete construction) __pL _4; (;HEKHOvsKHA, T.P.. red. izd SIkVIN, r,@y _$tepqnov:kc -va; NINSKER, L.I., tekhn. red. [Precast reinforced-concrete construction in mine building] Sber- nye zhelezobetonrqe konstruktsii v shakhtnom stroitellst-we. Mo- skva, Goo. nauobno-tekhn. izd.-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu,, 1961. 190 P. (MIU .14: 10) (Procast concrete construction) (Mime buildings) MARKOVICH, Mikhail Parmenovich; LIVSHITS, Ya.D., prof., retsenzent; SLAVIN,-R,9,., otv. red.; GIIECHKOV, L.V., red. izd-va; 14TS-DI&VA, V.V., tekbn. red. [Structural elements and construction work at the surface of mines) Stroitellrye konstruktsii i proizvodstvo stroitellnykh rabot na po- verkhnosti shakht. Moskva, Gosgortckhizdat@ 1962. 429 p. (MIU 15:12) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kaf6droy!*VzWkh konstruktsiy i mostov Riyevskogo avtodorozhnogo instituta (for Livshits). (Mine buildings) FLAKSE-.1,- Yakov Grigorlyeirich; 1712KKEL' Arkadiy Illich; NIKIT121KO, Vasiliy Rodionov-@ch; IOVIIKOV, Grigoriy Porfirlyevich; AfTODA, Ivan Ivanov-ich; MARKOVICHIM.P.,kand.teft.naukpdots., CRICOR, V.I. dots., retsenzent; NITROOIN,S.C., tseRzent VR,D.S.,,- CHERNEGOVA,E.M.,red.ind-val 14AKS V-,, [Principles of building and mining-engineering structures] Osnovy stroitellnogo dela i gornainzhenernye sooruzheniia. Izd.2., dop. i perer. [By] IA.G.Plaksin i dr. Moskva, Cosgortakhizdat, 1963. 463 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Building) (Mine buildings) @: @ " V T @; , f " . 1', . , , f '. i ;@ " I r', 4 KI- I, N@,@ @Ii`. , :% 1; k--- . - - i, - .11, V@. .11 - y - 11, Voltages During Fault Clearing an Long Transm,ssion Lines With Ileccvery - Series Capacitors", pauer presented at International Conference on large -,-IectrLc Systems (CIGIRV), 16th Session, Paris, 30 MaY-9 June 1956 135-6-4/13 TITLE& New Method of Semi-Automatic Hose-Welding with Non-Melting Electrodes in Argon (Novyi eposob poluaytomaticheskoy shlangovey svarki neplavyashchimaya elektrodom v srede argon&). to the direction of its own movement. The operator has only @o watch the accuracy of movement of the arc along the connec- t, tion,, The length of arc remains always independent of the work contour, Welding in possible on complex contours in various positions of space. The output is 3-5-fold as compared to manual welding, the process is stable, the quality of welds is same as in automatic welding and is less dependent of the operator's skill. The process is applicable for welding stainless, heat-resistant, and structural steels of OA-4 mm thicknesag aluminum and magnesium alloys of over 1.5 mm thickness. The semi-automatic hose-welder '117LU6-111, shown by a photograph and by mechanical and electrical diagrams, works with cur:@vnto of up to 400A and with tungsten electrodes of 1-6 mm in d-Jimeter. The welding kit ("ranets") comprises the wire spool with an '-,- electric motor mounted inside, the gear reductor of the flexible shaft drivag and is carried by the operator on his back, In Card 2/3 this way, the length of the flexible shaft is reduced and the 1315-6-8/13 TITLEt New Method of Semi--Auto_matJ@. flosp_-A',@Iding with Non-Melting Electrodes in Argon (Novyi aposob pcluavtomaticheakoy shlangavoy svarki neplavyashchimsya elektrodem v srede argon&). weight of hoses (6 meter) does not affect the welding process, The transportable control-gear is made in suitcase-form of 470x3OOx2OO min slze@ it is connected by electric wiring and removable hvses to the parts carried by the welder on his back. The devices works on alternate as well as on direct current with the same .,ontrol circuit, Detailed design and technology, as well as welding conditions for various welds are givenL. The article contains 4 photograph8q I mechanical scheme, 1 electrical scheme, 2 tables,, ASSOCIATION! INIAVI PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDi AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress, Card 3/3 -01,01h, G. A.; N. !@.; A. K.; N. P.; XuldAKOVA, A. I.; MLUMICHI I. M.; SOIIAJJJV, S. A.; POPiOV, V. I. Results of Some Researches, Carried out in the USSR on 600 kV long-distance Power Transmi55ions. paper submitted for presentation at the Intl. Conf. on Iarge Electric Systems (CIGRE) 17th Biennial Session, Paris, France, 4-14 June 1958. Electra No- 30, Nov 57, periodical news letter issued by the CIGRE, Paris France. 112100 3355o S/135/62/000/002/004/010 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Petrov.- A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Slavin, G.A., Engineer TIME- Automatic welding of thin steel sheetswith a pulsating are in argon atmosphere PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 2, 1962, 18 - 21 TEXT- Difficulties in welding thin steel sheets (less than 0.6 mm) are widely eliminated with the aid of a pulsating are combined with an "auxilikry" are in argon atmosphere. The peculiarity of this method is the maintenance of an-in- dependent 0.8 - 2 amp are between the tungsten electrode and the part to be welded. The pulsating are is superp, osed onto the auxiliary are. The continuous burning of the auxiliary are eliminates "straying" of the pulsating are during its repeated excitation and assures constant electric parameters of the process and stable spot dimensions. On the basis of special investigations, a power supply source and a technoloiy we're developed for welding-with a pulsating'arc-. The process is per- formed on a copper backing plate in pneumatic hose key-type clamps. The'backing plate has a longitudinal groove 0.15 --0"2 mm deep and 1.8 - 2.0 mm wide. T6 reduce warping of the edges, it is reco;;;nded to use "rijid!' welding conditions. However, an excessive reduction of the pulse duration may cause undercuttings on Card 111 -2, L 22643w65 ACCESSION NR.# AP5001170 creases.the effect of thernial variations on the shape of the seams Tft weldi so leads to looer residual.stread. Btirnlng'of,the@thln sh@ets-.,Was;@.ellminated... .using -a rotating welding -head. d Tfg-,i : Thd@ describe 461ding 66thod: ensures , @ d t h- dr ffg- ity seams when thin and'ma sive @i@ hal a parts. are-. joine oget er rt ures and 2 tables., ASSOG7MON: None'_ SUM11TTED. 00 "Slid OOD19-.@':--, _2 4, 19@ NO REP:SOV: 000 J@ A5w M g Card 2/2'. 2gwimjm.of-t operatiz his 0 1 and is connected. in swei4s with the ireld1mg trww ormwo control mind1mg Of the Choke LC -0 ct L 18,96-66 -EWT(m)/EWP(v)/-T/@vP (t)/a-@,P(k)/E0-(b)/EWA,(F) P/H14 13/0049/004i-, ACCESSION NR: AP50215T6 UR/0286/65/000/0 621.T91.89 trov, A. V.- Verbitskiy V. G.-I Slavin, G. A. AUTHOR: Pe yq, 5 TITLE: Congtricted are weldina ass 21, No. 1T2423 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreten?71 i tovarn3rkh znakov, no. 139 1965, 49 TOPIC TAGS: are welding, constricted are welding, thin sheet arc veldlug ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of constricted -ard, welding of thin sheet materials@ The welding is done with a closed constricted-,: arc using a miniature chamber pressed at a definite.presiure to the parts being. (Not welded and moved along the weld. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 19jah63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:,: IV ATD PIM: OTHER: 000 NO REF SOV: 000 cc, "j @3bAyrn, q.A. 4ffect of the of bus conductors and substation eQuir- - I r ment on voltage recoi@ery durina Vne el-5-mination of short circu-Itsj Trudy LPI no.242@159-164 165. 0 (MIRA 18:8) SbAVIII, LI.A., ke-nrj.tekI)n.wAkj PETROV, A.V., kand.t-3kh,.-,.nauk,- SMIPNOVA, S.V., inzh.; KOWTKOVA, G.M., inzb. Autcoatic welding with a nonconsumblo eiect-rode of zhdn-ahe-at alundnum allo7s using a pulsating arc. Svar.proizv. no.21-2s!8-20 D 165 (MIRA 18312) .'@ a SLAVIN) G.A. (Moskva); PETROV A.V. (Mosk-va); Kl,)Iiv)'I'KOV,',, G.M. (ffizhcv); FILIPPOV, M.A. (Rzhev@ Feed source of a direct current pulsation arc. Av*--.-..svar. 18 no.11:63-67 N 165. (MIPA 18:12) 1. Submitted April 29, 1965. I;"" " f T/ &Z,-- A Z!'t' AP600617'@ SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/002/0001/0004 AUTHOR: Petrov, A. V. (Candidate of technical sciences)- Slavin G. A. (Candidate of techni@al sde-nces) ORG: none TITLE: A study of the tachnical potential of the pulse are SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 2, 1965, 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: arc welding, pulse welding., alloy steel, mechanical strengt1h, welding equipment ABSTRACT: The pulse are welding method was evaluated by studying certain process parameters, the character of the welded seam and the heat affected zone. Equations for the heat flow rate q and the welding current I as a function o impulse time 2, r t. and pause time t are given. Experiments were done on IKhlBNgTlsteel of 3.0 mm thickness and the efificiency was-given as a function of cycle stability G--- t It j V welding current I r (tbis was calculated from I r = II(l + t It wheree I is p se cur- rent) and pulse vs continuous arc. The temperature field @as obtained from the UDC: 621.791.8.004.12 Card 1/3 T 2265L, -60 ACC NR: AP6006178 ifollowing equation: VX V q P ;-a Ivr V, z) m (r, z) e Ko 2 vxb The field was plotted as a function of x-y coordinates for G 0, 1, 3. The pulse ,method is deemed better than continuous welding since it melted the metal more ef- ficiently with a smaller heat affected zone. Residual stresses were found to be much lower in pulse welded samples and mechanical properties and seam dinsities high- er. The therinal cycle at various points from the seam axis is given as a function of time (again calculated by the above equation) for continuous and pulse welding. For pulse welding, -the metal was much hotter at equivalent distances (0 to 6 mm); the solidification time U to 3 sec) was given as a function of G for pulse cycles of 0.35 and 0.48 sec and a maximum was reached at G fiO.5 (3 sec fo 0.36 sec,and 1.7 sec for 0.48 secd. The maximum density of welds made from AMg 1@aluiminum 0 ls occurred at G = 0'51", Mechanical property data are given for pulse and contini 'U's welding of MGSNA@steel (1.0 mm thick) as a function of the process rameters. .The maximun strength (119.5 kg/MM2) was obtained for pulse arc weldingfIK! at 240 a, tP 6.00 sec, t 0.38 sec and G 16. Seam dimensions are given for Nalgss Card 2/3 ACC NR: AP6006178 steel as a function of metal thickness (0.2 to 0.6 mm(, displacement, and dimensions of the fusion zone. Orig. art. has; 8 figures, 2 tables, 5 fonnulas. SUB CODE: 13,11/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH RFF: 000 Card L 52689-6t) h;WTk M)/EWP (v)/T/EWP(t)/E'dP(k) IJP(c) JD'HM ACC NR- AP6012284 SOURCE CODE: UR/0125/65/000/011/0063/0067 AUTHOR: Slavin@,_q!, k.; Petrov, A. V.; Korotkova, G. M.; Filippov, M, A. ORG: none TITLE: Power source for pulsed DC arc SOURCE: Avtmaticheakaya ovarke, no 11, 1965, pp 63-67 TOPIC TAM electric power source, electric arc, are molding, pule* welding. circuit design ABSTRACT: The pulsed DC arc welding method is a variation of shielded arc welding with a nonconsumable electrode, which can be used to weld stainless and high- temperature steels with wall thickness of 0.3-2.5 mm. It requires a power source that must assure the required range of the control of pulse time t and pause time , the required extent of current reg5@ation, the ionization Of the are gap during tk pauses and a definite front of curytnt rise during the pulse. In this connection, the authors determined experimentally-,Ve optimal parameters*of a power source of this kind by welding specimens of 1Khl8N9T1Jteel 0.4, 0.8, 1.0 and 3.0 mm thick, the criterion used being the melting power of the pulsed arc, characterized by its therisal Card 1/2 UDC: 621.791.03:621.311.6 L 32689-66 ACC NR- AP6012284 efficiency. On the basis of experimentally plotted curves of thermal efficiency as a function of current-pulse time it is established that the power source must assure a pulse time of 0.06-0.4 see and hence also a pause time of 0.06-0.4 sec; the pulse shape must be rectangular and hence the approximate current rising and drooping time may not exceed 0.02 sec. Accordingly, the power source should assure the regulation of current within the range of from 15 to 350 a. The circuit of the power source should include a welding-current rectifier, a three-phase power transformer and a thyratron-type breaker designed to turn on and off the current in the primary winding of the transformer, to which it is connected in series, and to regulate the current- pulse time. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATZ: 29Apr65/ ORIG RU: 001 Card 2/2 T -2696-bb ii@ T(m)/r,,,',4?(v'/ c,@,Fk t j/'j'k ACC NRt AP6015104 00 SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/005/0018/0019 AUIVOR: Petrov, A. V. (Candidate of technical acfences@; Slavin', G. A, (Candidate of technical scienc-es)- ORG: none TITLE: Warping of thin sheet edges during.Helding SOURCE: Svarachnoye proizvodgtvo, no. 5, 1966, 18-19 TOPIC TAGS: arc welding, argon shielded arc, thin sheet welding, thin sheet warping, warping prevention, stainless steel sheet, aluminum alloy sheet ABSTRACT: A serious problem in arc welding of thin (less than 0.6 mm thick) sheets is the warping of sheet edges which unavoidably leads to burned through holes in the weld. A special gage has been devised for measuring the it d of warpleg. The with this device indicated that in lKhl8N9Tm)%n165u41tand SN-3 tainless- data obtainej( 9 - ;-steel sheets\'0.3-0.5 mm thick, warping begins ah_e_aT_oT_the7r_cat a distance of 16-20 mm and reaches a maximum at a distance of 3-5 mm. The magnitude of the warping increases with decreasing sheet thickness and in 0.3-0.5 mm thick sheets, is about I mm. Cold-rolled sheets, as a rule, preserve the direction of warping (up or down) in which they have warped at the beginning of welding. On the basis of these observations, several methods for preventing warpage or for minimizing its negative effects have been developed. One method is based on the use of clamping devices. Card 1/2 L 32696-66 ACC NRt AP6015104 fFig. 1. d 7'-M irection bar (a) a Setup for welding with control of warping by angular backing dr by flanging the sheets (b) Since the distance between the clamps must be very short for sheets 0.1-0.5 mm thick (4-8 mm) and Is consequently impractical, a traveling clamping device has been designed which moves at a certain fixed distance from the arc, pressing the sheet edges to the.backing bar. Another method (see Fig. 1) is based on the tendency of sheets to warp in the direction of the initial warping. This method is especially( effective with materials whi ,@h have a-relatively low yield strength, such as AMtslor AMg aluminum alloys. AMg6lalloy tanks with a wall thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm were successfully welded by tFi-amethod. Helium added to the shielding argon increases the depth of penetrati reduces the width of the weld and heat-affected zone, and thus reduces warping.r26--i d b u se -power arc welding br constricted-arc weldXn reduces warping by 40 or 43% @espectively compared to,conventlional TIG weldillS.,erig. art. has: 6 figures. IDVI SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 67,4-2 3 2/2 LC'_ L _4_5584-@,b E,IJ (d @/F.'JT (,-n)1i:V!;(w) 41 v-/-,/;, ACC NR: AP6031410 SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/0'6/000/009/0018/0020 JDAY"VE (Candidate of technical sciences); Sekretareva AUTHOR: Slavin; A, 'E. S. (Enpineer); Savchuk, V. P. (Engineer) ORG: none \b TITIAP: Automatic TIC welding of aluminum alloys in a vertical position. @SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1966, 18-20 TOPIC TAGS: a4r@zn-tmt@-.I=y welding, aluminum alloy TIC welding, alloy 'pulsed power welding, vertical position alloy weldi@hg / AMg6 aluminum !alloy ABSTRACT: _A',,-lg6 aluminum alloy specimens 3-20 mm thick were TIG welded. @in vertical position with a conventional conttnuous-power welder or wit] an.t@IPDI-1@9_U e,perimental pulsed-power10W_,ej_d_%_r, -producing pulse currents ,up to 900 amp. Results showed that pulsed-powdr welding offers a inumber of advantages: metal parts up to 6-8 mm thick can be welded @wtthout preparation of edges (for heavier parts at least one side shoull ibe beveled);10-mm thick parts can be joined in one pass with satisfac-@ tory weld formation; parts over 10 mm thick can be joined with a satiss--T ifactory penetration of the root weld. Pulsed-power welding yieldsITJ Idense, fine-grained welds with no porosity and a tensile strength of 1 2 2 i29-35.6 kg/mm vs. 35.7 kg/mm of the base metal. The advantages of Card 1/ 2 UDC: 621.791.754:546.29:669.715 ACC NR: AP6031410 .pulsed-power welding are especially marked in welding horizontal joints (in vertical position). However, these joints have a much narrower iregion of optimal conditions than vertically welded joints. Orig. art,. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. -'pp IND) SUB CODE: 13, ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF:. 002/ ATD PRESS. 5082 :.Card 2/2 FISHMAN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, dotaent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk: VAMOVSKIY, I.M., retsenzent; SIMONOV. K.A.. retsenzent; suyj&-. G.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. reteenzent; MARGOLIN. I.Z.. tb d a.ktor; YAZDOKOVA, M.L., redaktor izdatelstva; BIRLOV, A.?., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Principles of ore dressing] Osnovy obogashcheniia polezaykh isko- paemykh. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi C tBvetnot metallurgii, 1956. 279 P- (MIRA 9:11) (Ore dressing) SLAVIN, G.P. @,_: -41 Third conference of ore dressing BPecialists in Czechoslovakia. U901' 32 no.8:48 Ag 157. (KLn 10:9) (Czechoslovakia--Ore dressing) z MTE%ory : USSR/Acoustics - Noise J-3 Abr. Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 2123 Author : Slavin, I.F. Title :-C5m-b-MIHg-_H_oIse in Machinery Spaces of Ships Orig Pub : Tr. nauch. sesli Vses. n-i in-ta okhrany truda, 1955, Vyp- 3. L., 1955, 52-81 Abstract The excessive noise of hi@b-speed marine diesel engines not only fatigues the command but reduces the seagoing safety. The article describes the basic methods de-veloped by the LIOT to combat noise in ships. The source of noise in ships IB analyzed in detail, and measurements of noise levels in 36 diesel and steam ship installations of various types are given along with noise levels in the machinery spaces of 31 ships; an approximate esti- mate of the intelligibility of speech is given for the above ships. It is shown that noise is lowest in ships provided with steam piston engines and that turbines are noisier, principally owing to the noise in tbereduction gear. The noisiest are diesels. The principal means for reduction of marine engine noise are given, and a relationship is established between the n6ise level of mechan- ical origin and the technical parameters of the engim L = (30 log n + 12 log N - 9), where L is the noise level in phons, N the engine horsepoyer, and n the shaft rpm. A nomogram is given for the a:Fove equation. A detailed anW1- ysis is made of methods for soundproofing the engines, and &-method is given C Card -.-l 2 SLAVINY I.L. . - --- - - - -- ----- The first experience in using auxiUary brushes in the traction motors of electric locomotives. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 7 no.239 F 163. (PCMA 16t2) 1. Zamestitell nachallnik@-depo Nizhnedneprovsk-Uzel Pridneprovskoy dorogi. (Electric railway motors) (Brushes, Electric) FODCLI SKIT, Leonid Romanovich; PAPCHENKO. Nikolay Ivanovich; __IL'yq_Llvov,ich* AKOYM. D.Y., inzh., red.; KHITROV, P.A., - ___j [Electric networks of the VL23 electric locomotive] Blektri- chaskie akhemy elektrovosa VL23. Moskva. Vess.izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenia N-va putei soobahchaniia, 1960. 147 p. (Electric locomotives) (KIM 13:11) PODOLISKIY, Leonid Romanovich; PAPCIUKO, Nikolay Ivanovich;,XAVIN, Illya LIvovich; KAZACIZIN V.I., Inzh., retsenzent; YAKOVLEV) D.T., inzh-,-,--- P P i@e-t7s6hnienf;--bOBROVA, Ye.N., tekhn, red* [Detecting and eliminating defects in the VI23 electric locomotive] Qbnaruzhenie i ustranenie neispravnostei elektrovoza VL23- Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia., 1961. 143 p. (MI:@A 14:10) (Electric locomotives--Maint-enance and repair) neft. 7-as"'rlcs- "-C, 1-7: 12) S T . @l V J- @ 14 ,@.' '?,. M@ @- k 1 1 : :- --- - - 2 ---- 7 - -. . - i - " 1: . - , - .; I - - , , ll,, @ 7, . - @ - @-' I .- - @ c - - , - y 1 ::D 1 - , , @ SLAVIN, LA.; SPASOV, S.; BASAN, IA. UProducing synthetic tanning extracts from native coke tar." LEKA PROI-IISHLENOST., SoMa, Bulgaria., Vol. 8, No. 2, 1959 Monthly list of EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959, Unclas CHERNYSFEV, M.P.; ROZHKOV, L.P.; SIRJLIGINA, Ye.F.; IGNATOVICH A.F.; LABUNSKAYA, L.S.; FOMINA, T.V.; CHERNYAKOVA, A.P.; SjAiOVA, L.N.; TARASOVAP M.K.; ANFILATOVA, A.I.; qLAVIR,-L.-B..; BARYSHEVSKAYA, G.I.; DERIGLAZOVA, N.V.; MATUSHEVSKIY, G.V.; ALITMAN, E.N.; KROPACfEV, L.N.; CHEREDILOV, B.F.; POTAPOV, A.T.; DUDCHIK, M.K.; REGENTOVSKIY, V.S.; YERMAKOVA, L.F.; SaTINOVA, Ye.A.; KULIKOVSKIY, I.I.; KIRYUKHIN, V.G.; AKSENOV, A.A., red.; NEDOSHIVINA, T.G., red.; SERGEYEV, A.N., tekhn. red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red. [Hydrometeorological- handbook of the Sea of Azov] Gidrometeoro- logicheskii spravochnik Azovskogo moria. Pod red. A.A.Aksenova. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962. 855 p. (MIRA 16-.7) 1. Gidrometeorologicheskaya observatoriya Chernogo i Asovskogo morey. (Azov, Sea of-Hydrometeorology) L 05024-67 EWT(1 GW ACC NRr AT60-07099 SOURCE CODE: UR/3 AUTHOR: Slavin, L. B. ORG: none V TITLE: Heat balance and thermal economy of the Azov Sea SOURCE: Basseynovaya gidrometeorologicheskaya obse morey. SWMIR-rabot, no. 3, 1965, TL-4L TOPIC TAGS: heat balance, ocean dynamics, thermal process ) 0-c-c-ftl- L _1_q9 7 ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to analyze all components of the heat balance and on the basis of calculations to refine the heat balance, determine the magnitude of the annual thermal economy in various regions of the Azov Sea, and to establish the dependence of thermal economy on the depth of the sea and on other factors. The analysis revealed that the basic causes for the characteristics of thermal processes in the Azov Sea are the geographic location and atmospheric processes occurring over it and the smallness and shallowness of the sea. The main source of beat arriving at the surface of the sea is solar radiation which amounts to 95-100 kcal/cm2 year. The bulk of the heat (from 45 kcal/cmz year in the central region of the se'a to 60 kcal/cm2 year in the south-western part of the sea and in t e southern part of the Taganrog Bay) is expended for evaporation, about 35 kcal/cm year for effective radiation, and least of all for contact' heat transfer (5-10 kcal/cM2 year). Heat loss to evaporation and beat transfer with the atmosphere have the greatest spatial L 05004-67 ACC NRt AT6007099 I variation of all the camp-aents of the beat balance. The heat balance and thermal economy are substantially affected during the winter and spring by the ice cover and thermal effect during the formation and thawing of ice. Both the external add internal thermal economy in the Azov Sea depend directly on its depth. There to no well-pronouncerl &Awarejon nF hoot In-the Azov Sea. Heat transport If-AmqrpAii. being determined by variable currents arising under the effect of the winds pro- vallIng over the sea. OrIg. art, bass 9 tables and 7 figures. ;SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: acme/ ORIC REF: Oll A i,Prinimali uchastiye: SUVIN, L.D., SLAVIN, David Os'povich (deceasedl ' lnzh.; ZUSKAN, I.G., inzh., red.; TATURA, G.L.. @re. @ (Technology of metals and other materials) Takhaologiia metallov i drugikh materialov. Moskva, Gos.uche'6no-pedagog.i%d-Yo K-ve prosv.RUSR. 1960, 414 p. (KIRA 13:10) (Ketallurgy) (Metalwork) (Nonmetallic uterials) ACCESSION NR: AP4010074 S/0129/64/000/001/0040/0044 AUTHORS: Pogodina-Alekseyeva, K. M.; Biront V. S.; Slavin, Le Do' TITLE: The effect of ultrasonics on the mechanical properties of R18 steel. SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 1964, 40-44 TOPIC TAGS: R18 steel, mechanical propertyl ultrasonication, high speed R18 steel, hardness, microhardness, heat resistance, hardening#;."-. annealing, tempering, ultrasonic hardening, ultrasonic temperingj A.- steel structure conversion mechanism, cutting instrument..-, heat treatment, austenitic steelg martensitev precipitation hardening ABSTRACT: The effect of ultrasonics on the properties of high speed R18 steel with respect to heat treating is qualitatively the aiiie regardless of the time or duration of its introduction; generally) the hardness, microhardness and heat resistance of the ultrasonically'.- treated steel is higher than that of conventionally treated steel~ Ultrasonics intensify the transitions which take place on heat treat- Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4010074 ing. Residual austenite is reduced to 18% by hardening with soni- cation for 1 hour as compared with 25 hours for conventional har- dening. Hardness increases with prolonged ultrasonics treatment, and microhardness is also higher. This is explained by the increased amount of carbide precipitates and their hardening. The effect of ultrasonics during tempering is identical to the effect during an- nealing. It is possible to obtain the same conversion of residual austenite in a two-stage (to 0.3%) or even in a single stage (to 3%) tempering that requires three-stage tempering by conventional methods. The heat resistance of ultrasonically treated steels, during annealing, tempering, or both is also higher with 1 hour of treatment being optimum. It is proposed that ultrasonics prepare the structure of the steel for further conversion, accelerate the break-down of residual austenite and thereby form intermediate phases (not strengthening martensite-austenite mixtures) which are apparently strengtheneds especially by second tempering. Increased microhardness due to ultrasonic tempering is explained by the forma- tion of submicroscopic separated carbidest io *a, precipitation hardening of the martensites Ultrasonic heat treatmento especially 2/3 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4010074 1 hour ultrasonic temperingj is recommended for simple cutting instruments. Orig. art. has: 3 Figures. ASSOCIATION: Vseso zny*y zaochny*y politekhnicheskiy institut (All-Vnion Correspondence Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 07Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; ML NR REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 .--)I-, -,, I - SIAVI --A Treating acute stages of sciatica. 21 Supplement:4-5 '57- (KIPA 11:2) 1. Iz ob"yediaennoy bollnitsy No.18 imeni Oktyabrlskoy revolyutsit Moskvy. (SCIATICA) 1 . 1111. Viii" V. 2. U32A (600) 4. Labor and the Laboring Classes-1/edical Care 7. Persistenly eliminate shortcomings. V pom. profakti-ru 14 no. 6, 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. AUTHORS: Slavin, M., Belen'kiy, S. SOV/107-58-10-48/55 TITLE: Prolonging the Life of Radiv Valves (Prodleniye sroka sluzhby V radiolamp) PERIODICAL: Radio, 191.38, Nr 10, P 57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors su,-.,,est a way of renewing valves and cathode- ray tubes which have lost their emission. A voltage 1.6 times greater than normal is applied to the filament for 5-6 minutes. Card 1/1 SLAVIN, M. Restoration of electric vacuum devices with oxide cathodes. Radio no.1:54 Ja '62. (KM 15:1) (Electron tubes) SLAVIN M. High-frequency generator for reconditioning electron-tube devicem. Radio no,7z48 J'1 962, (MIRA j6s6) (Oscillators, Electron-tube) GALTYMIN, 11.14.; SLAVIN, M.B.; Prinimali uchastiye: LERNER, B.N. ; SECHENOVA. R.A. Automation of safety and control systems of heating in automated heating boilers. Nov. tekh. zhil.-kom. khoz.;Zhil. khoz. no.2: 71-85 163. (MIPA 18: 6) SIAVINP M.B. Evaluation and specifications of automatically controlled boiler safety systems. Avtomatiz. otop. kot. no.3:148-AP 163. (MERA 16:10) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva. (Automatic control) (Boilers) TSIKEfNPJI, L.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk; SLAlliq, M.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKISIMOV, M.P.,, 1nzh. Electronic-acoustical methods for finding the locations of water leakages from underground pipelines. Vod. i san. tekh. no.11:1-3 N '64. (MIRA 1812) SLAVIN, M.B., kand. tekhn. nauk Economic efficiency of the general automatic control of boilers operating on gas fuel. Vid. i san. tekh. no.2; 25-28 F 165. (MIRA 1814) L 14066-66, EWT (d)/EWt~,1)/EWP(V)/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/E~P(1)/EWA"h) TG ACC NR:, AP6002407(A) SOURCE- CODE: UR/0103/65/026/012/22�@/@285 012; AUTHOI@: Slavin, M. B. (Moscow); Taikerman, L. Ya. (Moscow) ORG: None TITLE: Some unique features of the method of evaluating automatic control system reliability SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika v 26 no. 12$ 1965, 2281-2285 TOPIC TAGS: automatic contro1 s tem, system reliability, circuit reliability ABSTRACT: The authors examine 'a rfiethod of evaluating automatic control system reliability which takes into: account the properties of the controlled object. An express-@:.'@, ion is derived for the determination of error probability in the control of the more common cases of exponential and normal time distribution of the appearance of hidden defects in a system, as well as for a Weibull distribution case. It is assumed that the time of the elimination of the defects as well as of the reasons causing intolerable deviation of the controlled parameters is extremely small compared to the operational period investigated. Oirg. art. has; 5 figures and 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar65/ ORIG REP: 011/ OTH REP: 003. Card 1/1 UDC: 62-501.7:621.3.019.3 '@'-CC AJ160i70j-L SOURCE CODE: I "0372/65/000/012/G006/G006 AUTHOR: Slavin IAL B. TITLE: Rational margins of redundancy and chiplication in automatic control and regulation systems @SOURCE: Ref. zli. Kibernetika, Abs.12G36 RE'F SOURCE: Nauchn. tr, Akad. koininun. kh-va, vyp. 34, 1965, 3-17 TOPIC 'FAGS: control Vieory, system reliability, characteristic function il' iTRACT- Probh-ms of LILe classification and conditions for employment of (Aiplicat Jon (D) aiid reduodancy (R), represenLincr two fundamentally similar niethods of enhancing )-eliability, are Considered. R is pointed out tbat the type of R and D nit,st be selected so as to Wke into aCCQL111f thC Sp0(-ifjC ;)r0perties of Lbe autoniatioi) system by determining the least reliable and :11oils"Olf-clieckilig elcluents as Nvell as the distribtition Ruictioti characteristic of the conceriled 1SYSteDi or of its indtvicittal parts. 'Dic corresponding inadieniatical functions servii-xg to esti- n1ate Lhe effectiveness of R and D and to select the most expedient method are pre ented, ilhistrations, Dibliography )Mxact]@ of 2 B. C. [Translation o. ay. !,SUB CODE: 09, 12/ 1Card BOROVIKOV, Vas 'My Aleksandrovich; KOSAREV, Vladimir Kuzlmich; KHODOT, Georgiy Aleksandrovich; SLAVI 4-A I., And. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; DOROKHOVA,-X-.T.-, 2 z retse - t GESSENI V.Yu., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; Apiz ", ; VA fef-I., tekhn. red. .1 . (Electrical networks and systems] Elektricheskie seti i si- stemy. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 459 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric lines-Overhead) BBIN, L.Te.; GANILIM, A.K.; GILINSKIY, A.M.; GORNOVESOV, G.V.; ZIATKOVSKIT, A.P.; KAUFMAN, B.M.; KISELEV, N.A.; KULIKOV, P.Ye.; LEVIN. H.S.; SHIRNOV, B.V.; SHIRNOV, V.I., SHIRSOVA. I.S.; TARASOTA V.1e.; GEMOTARBY, V.I.; SEATS, Te.L.; FMIN. I.A.; IOSIPTAN: S-G,i redaktor; SARK STA , A.M.. redaktor; SHIR IY. K,D., redaktor; TAPLITSKIY, U.S. redaktor; KOKAROVA. V.K., redaktor; GURIVICH, N.M.. tekhnichookly redaktor. [FAiles for the operation of electric Installations in rural axes*] Pravila takhnichaskol ekepluatatsil sellskikh elektroustanovok. Hookvit, Goo. izd-vo sellkhov. lit-ry. 1957. 183 P. (XLHA 10:4) 1.'Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glvanoye upravlenlye sel'skikh elektro- stanteii. (Electric power plants) (Electricity in agriculture) LASHCHENKO, M.N.,-dotsent, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; SLAVIN, M.Ta., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, doteent, ot.vetstvennyy redaktOr," AISTOT, N.N., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, professor, reteenzent: BIDA, P.K., inzheiner. retsenzent; KAPLAN. M.Ta.. redaktor; PULIKINA. Te.A.. takhnichaskly redaktor [Reinforcing natal structural elemental Usilenele metallichaskikh konstruktail. Leningrad, Goo. Isd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu 1 arkh1takture, 1954. 154 p. (NUM 7:10) (Building. Iron and steel) SOV/1 24- 57-4-4621 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 108 (USSR) AUTHOR: Stavin, M. Ya. TITLE: Contribution to the Calculation of Prismatic Hipped Systems Accord- ing to the "No-moment" Theory (K voprosu o raschete prizmatiches- kikh skladchatykh sistern po "bezmomentnoy" teorii) PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr. Leningr. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, 1954, Nr 17, pp 159-171 ABSTRACT: The author offers a graphic method for the calculation of hipped systems with two-sided joints and with linear hinges on the ribs under any desired simultaneous loading of all sides. A specific numerical calculation example is adduced. A. K. Mroshchinskiy Card I/l SOV/1 24-57-3-- 3578 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 137 (USSR) AUTHOR: Slavin, M. Ya. TITLE; On a Graphical Solution of Statically Indeterminate Systems (K graficheskomu raschetu staticheski neopredelimykh sistem) PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr. Leningr. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 23, pp 84 - 101 ABSTRACT: The method proposed for the graphical solution of statically indeter- minate systems is based on the utilization of Oroperties of angular (zero-slope ) fixed points. This approach is also one of the graphical methods of solving the trinomial canonic equations to which a number of problems in structural mechanics may be reduced. Essentially, the method involves the graphical determination of the angles through .which various joints of the frame are rotated; once these angles a-re known ' fbrce diagrams may be constructed with th46 aid of the well- known formulas. By utilizing the group unknowns of the slope-d'splace- ment method, the author obtains a number of relationships perm'it-'ng an analytical solution of framework systems containing no closed cor- Card 1/1 tours. Illustrative examples are given. P. B. Antonevich 8(2) SOVI 112 -59 -1-615 Translati,on from: Referativn1yy zhurna-1. Elektrotekb-nika, 1959, Nr 1, p 81 {USSR) A LIT HOR;_@@@@ TITLE: Operating EjTerience and Increasing Insulation Level and improving a Overvoltage Protection in the "Uzbekenergo" Power System PERIODICAL: V sb.: Materialy 1-y Uzb. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po izolyatsii i zashc-hite ot perep-apryazhen-iy. Farkhadges-Kayrak-Kumges, 1957, pp 5-55 ABSTRACT: It is recommended that substation insulators be washed before the autumn rain period. in the 35-kv system, internal overvoltages were observed whose amplitudes reached 4-6 times the phase-to-neutral voltage; they could have been caused by asymmetrical short-circuits, by ferroresonance phenomena, or by parametric resonances. Stator insulation of generators that were ir, repair for a long time is tested with a double rated AG v-.)ltage and w1th 3.5--rated DC voltage. Rotor insLlation is tested with 2-3-kv AC voltage at their rated speed. Failures of MKP-76-D circuit breakers are described in Card 1/2 SOV/112-59-1-615 Operating Experience and Increasing Insulation Level and Improving Overvoltage . . . detail. Operating axpqrience with bushings, pin-type insulators, and line insulators is reported. Good qualities of SP-110 insulators are noted. V. V. K. -D. Card 212 SLAVIN, Vaum r-addeyevich [In the struggle for commmiBt laborIV borlbe za kom- munisticheskii trud. Petrozavodsk,, Gos.izd-vo Yarellskoi ASSR, 1961. 86 p. (MIRA -15:9) (Karelia-.Labor and laboring classes) (Karelia--Socialist competition) , 1, . - . . . I --ardi-a lDs::_7-Jei IT.-airZ_,n[_7 an' testimg tratuters-1. I I @7)., L, 1@-f:2. 2'-'-_r, P. SO: @.Ianthl List af Russ-an Accessica__S, Voi 6 No 4, JulY 1953 SLA`Tri'l , ". ". U -ness ?:-cing -5'1 Useful book ("Tr,@J-ning -nd trials of trotters.") Re-viewed by L. Ye Khosrayev. Konevodstvo, 22, no. 3, 10,-52 Mont'lly 1!@ g_f Rugsian Accessi@ns, Library of Congress, Noveimber 110,52 UNCI-AMI-FIED. XULEBAKIN, V.S.. akadamik, redaktor; BUDZICO, !.A., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, redektor; GANELIN, A.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; GLIBOVICH, A.A.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redalctor; DRIIVS, G.T., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor, LUMNSON. D.Ya.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SIAVIN P.K, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; SOUDENIXOT, V.N., Icandida khnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SHUMILOVSKIY, N.N., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KURDYUKOV, K.P.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KLIMOV, V.A., redaktor izdatel'stva; MOSKVICHRVA, N.I.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Automatization of work in agriculture; papers deliverecl at the conference November 25 - December 2, 1954] Avtomatizatslia poroiz- vodsivennykh protsessov v sellskom khoziaistve; materialy soveshcha- niia. 25 noiabria - 2 dekabria. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 452 p. (MIRA 9:12) 1. Soveshchanlyepo avtomatizatsii proizvodstyenuykh protseseov v sel'skom khozyaystve. 1954. 2. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki AN SSSR (for Xulebakin). 3. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut alektrifikataii sel'skogo khOZyayBtVa (for Glebovich, Solodenikov) (Automatic control) (Agriculture) f- I , % ; 7,, - -'@) @,_' I/ ,iii 11@,::I I KOVDA.Y.A.; SLAVINt-F.S.; SOKOLOV,V.A., professor, redaktor; KARKOV,V.Ta. redaktor_.TTSTXW',,A.J.. tekhnicheakiy red&ktor [Boil and geochemical characteristics of oil-bearing areas] Pochvwmo- geokhimicheakie pokazatell neftenosnosti nedr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademli nauk SSSR. 1951. 68 p. Oflu 9:1) (Petroleum geology) 15-57-5-6681 Translation from: Referativny zhurnalp Geolo,-iya, 19571, Nr 'i p 143 (USSR@ AUTHOR: Slavin, P. S. TITLE: Investigation of Oxidizing and Reducing Potential of Soils for Petroleum-Prospecting Purposes (Ob issledovanii okislitellno-vosstanovitellnogo potentsiala pochvoc-,runtov dlya neftepoiskovykh tseley) PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. in-ta a-eofiz. i goekhim. metodov razvedki, C@ 1954, Nr 2, pp 103-110 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 RONO@ A-6. t 3 Cbs-.@I.1. - J'.1 U.@.n C-f-r .... on -d R.di-t=t' uf'3 -th -1 pr'.;-ting f., IV= .' ww'. I a Us o: its (Khrerilka - Yessayusnoye eotocil'e pe I red toast rl.keeki met .10-T ralv*01 moftya"lib A Ssseqkh astorsoMall)"Im" I 1950, or i, it 4@0 - #11 (VISA) "A. -.0010TOM.14 IA411 JIGA4 it 906049 flu~ Aptil 21 to AFril, Z -, Aq!t rr- A 9@!opo.,Al of tk% O@ot.kt-4kk '. the AS USSR. 60 verq rcyrottatoa by about 240 members of the AS 11812, its branches, the Anadsziss of the Isrublica of ths Vilon. of a tusler of high onhoole, of ~India inatit- .tt0. =4 protwIllol cre"Lls-lons of ". Mi.tot.rolve a.. I okbrpay asdz (N--Blotjy of 1-@5cr ant FroteOlso at ftIts*. noto%X-40), d !',- GO-11or flu ant PSY32, of %A. Q#vrA@mo2-.yv rxv0ont4bhni,bo@x1r k4olles Sales& "L'I atta, asup. 1.81'.14 U.i..tifi. .'@ T-hat..1 C@itto* of U. C.-it @f st'@.t- of th. 95311). .4! C. ... it. or I I and the, Other "%I.* Card 1/4 1:rlltloln@lpanto v^rT ociint'-ste free the Corzan Democratic B.kchurin spoke about the movement of deep subterran- ....... A. a. a.... port.4 on ::,.:Its d-liag-i-M-M diet-ib.tio. of org..i. -"be- 1. the M.&I...1-Y -k. of %no I .. I" PI-tf--- Malk.d., one. -1. the amajoet f the f.11..Ig a.A. loglievokLy - The present stage of the problest of nwaU of gas ba.torls, no& a*bi. method rw its T.. it._ love - hydr-h-mi-I I .. sticati-M In prosp..ting f- xaA tgtaraj Sent I. A. golds am 3,11swin -- s*11 pook"Ical fessares fair thi-pold of - -4 ..t-.l a.. to 10. ..P..t.46 T. a. ILLOro.skeye -6Imainiscon-s-bitmainological sashed for the Investigation "-preeps.tind Of "twat gas "a Iop.@t%.j T. A.Jgkol- - 968-&IYtL-&l -a qiy ... I am& ..We %. *_plot* thest &ad *there. The so, of 4996healeal methods IS varls.s regions .9 The 1351 was also treated, Tlamme-1posberskaws provioJOLIS (A. 1,@..KEMO %.1161votev), cmd 3/4 ftratavsko's 1pevelsh"O 1".: :: SLAVIN, P. S. V.A. Kovda and P.S. Slavin "Geochemical soil data concerning the mineral oil and gas content" rerort T)rescnted lit"IS con! 'erance in the DeT - - pt. of Geologice-2, and Geosraph-"C-Al Sci., 3-r' and M3+lhod!@ Cf Search and Prospecting for Deposits, 21-26 APrii 1958- (Vest. A'--, Nauj@: SSSR, 3.958, 110, 7, pp. 125-2;.,-,) SIAVINY P.S. Types of oxidation-reduction media in Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits of Turkmenia. Izv.AN SSSR.S*.geol. 26 no.7:88-100 j:L 161. (MMA 14:7) 1. Vsesoyaznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochmyy neftyanoy institut, Moskva. (i@rkmenistan--Sediments (Geology)) (Oxidationo-reduction reaction) @P@ Methods for compiling geochemical maps in connection with the s*dy of oil and gas potentials. Savogeol. 5 no.11:88-97 N 162. (MM 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy geologorazvedochnyy neftya4cy institut. (Geochemistry---Maps) ' SLAVIN.,--F-S,; KLYACHKINA, F.G.; NEVEROVA, V.I. Relations between the disseminated bitumen and gas composition and the oxidation-reduction characteristics of enclosing rocks. Geol.nefti i gaze 6 no.8:50-52 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy naucbno-issledovateliskiy institut yadernoy geofizlki i geokhimii Ministerstva,geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel skiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy institut. (Organic matter) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) "I SIAVIIII) P.S.; NIKITINA, Ye. A. Practice of goechemical regionalization for purposes of petroleum prospecting. Sov. geol. 6 no.6:65-71+ Je 163. (mifu 16:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, yadernoy geofizi3d i geokbimii. (Turlmenistan-Geochemica.1 prospecting) DIKENSHTEYN, G.Kh.; KUTUZOVA, V.V.; RA5HIYKOV, K.K.; BABAYEV, A.G.; FOLISTERY L.A.; YUFEREV, R.F.; SHISHnVA, A.I.; BAKEYEV, R.A.; MAKAROVA, L.N.; YIURADOV, K.; FYALNOVSKAYA, I.A.; SEZIIIOV, V.N.; SIROTDTA, Ye.A.; TURKRIA, I.S.; FELIDILAY, S.L.; KHON, A.V.; KUNITSKAYA, T.N.; GOLENKOVA, N.P.; ROSHINA, V.M.; FARTUKOVj, M.M.; SHCHUTSKAYA, Ye.K.; ALTAYEVA, N.V.; BYKADOROV, V.A.; KOTOVA, M.S.; SAIRNOV, L.M.; IBRAGIMOV, M.S.; KRAVCHENKO, M.F.; MARKOVA, L.P.; ROZYYEVA, T.R.; UZAKOV, 0.; S;4VTN, F.S.; NIKITINA, Ye.A.; MILOGRADOVA, M.V.; BARTASHEVICH, O.V.; STAROBINETS, I.S.; KARIMOV, A.K. [Splicing of the wires of overhead power transmission lines] Soedinenie provodov vozdushnykh linii elektroperedachi. Mo- skva, Energiia, 1964. 69 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no.132) (MIRA 17:9) - -1 @ ' , ) L-@ II .I, Slavin, a. Y.. - Elp-ctronics arid automatization of ari ionic electric drive," Trudy Sti-.dench. nauch.-t@@khr. o-va @Mlosk. enera,et. in-t im. Molotova), Issue 3, 1949., p. 20-28 ykh Statey, T:o. 15, 1949) SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letoois 'Zhurnal In- I SLAVIN, R.M. Control station for automatic water pumps with electric drive. Biul. nauch.-takh. inform. po el*k. fiellkhox. no.1 056. (Paving machinery) (Automatic control) ' (KLU l0r9) SIAVIN, R.M. Protecting electric motors from overload resulting from loss of phase. Biul. nauch.-tekh. inform. po elek. sellkhoz. no.1:34-37 156. (KLRA 10-0) (Ilectric motors) SLAV III, R.M., kandidpt t elch niche skikh nauk. - Operation of electric traeUw-aotors in connection with the instsbili- ty of supply voltageXauch.trudy VIRDKq 2:3-28 '56. (MLRA 10:1) @Tractors--Xnigines) (Rlectric motors. Induction) SLAVIN, R.M.. kand.tekhn.nauk Performnce of the electric drive of tractors under continuous unsteady load. [Nauch.trudy] VIBSKH 3:4P,-66 '53. (14IRk 13:4) (Tractors--Blectric driving) I. SLAVIN, R.?4.. kand.tokhn.mutc; 14URjiDYAI?, A.Ye.. lmnd.telthn.nauk How static characteri8tics of tho electric drive affect the prodri-.t4ity of tractors. [Ifaucb.trudyl VINSKH 3:67-80 '58. (14M 13:4) (Tractors--Electric driving) SLAVIN, RJI..knnd.tekhn.nnuk; FADEYEV, N.N.,inzh.; CHINILOV, Ye.P.,inzh. Automatic stock waterer with electric henting and forced circulation of wnter. Mekh. i elk. sots. sellkhoz. 15 no.2:31-36 158. (MM 11:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut elektrifikptsii sel'skogo khozynystva. (Cattle-Wntering) SLAVIN, R.M., kand.tekbn.Dauk; LEV, N.A., inzh. Protection for the electric motors of incubators. Ptitsevod- stvo 9 no.10:22-27 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellsk-iy institut alektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Lay). (Incubators) (Blectric ralays) LISTOT, P.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GANELIN, A.M.; GRICHffSKIT, E.Ya.; L3TIN, U.S.; HURADTAII, A.Te.; SLATIN, R.M.; TAKOBS, A.I.; DEMINA, G.A., red.; TCKIR. A.K., (Electrician for rural electric power systems] Blektromonter ael'skoi elektrifikataii. Pod red. P.N.Listova. Moskva. Vaes. uchobno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat. 1960. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Yeesoyusnoy akademii sel'skokhoz.nauk (TASKhNIL) (for Listov). (Electricians--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) (Electricity in agriculture) - SLAUN, Radiy Mikhaylovich; GANELIN, Aleksandr Koiseyevich; ZKIJMTSKAYA, L.D., [Automatic water onpply on livestock farms] Avtomatizatsiia vodosaabzheniis zhivotnovadeboakikh form. Moskva, Izd-vo X-va sel'.khoz.RSP-qR, 1961. 95 P. (MIRA 14:4) (Cattle-Watering) (Famping machinery)