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L -v152-63 ' CCESSION NR: AP3005835 A A" 2 he ps transition array in, PbI and,SnI;,.determined, by. the. au... -value ho ks -from th-'- experimental--f s 11 ab 1e''- iiere com &red -wit - ava theo fe tical data. It -Was lound' that Ai t e:lexperimental--line,st,rengtha @@or @Snl are good agreem. in ent with.t he theoretical values -dalculate&'r,-' @in jj coupling. In the cas --of PbI the.-, ex erimental-line strengths. 4 P dfff@r considerably from theoretical values@- for --botfi-,. JJ74nd LS - ling. A ccnsiderable deviation- co P -the suli :rii I from g : 1 1. . 1, 1- @ 11 -I f i @ I t dtca, @es t e presence of @con gura io h t, ns n eraction: between cad-. art. has: -J:@ figure.-; Atoms Orig. 1 4- -1 tab' e, and-- ormu as, S . , : ASSOCIATION; none -ACQ SuBilITTED: l3ftv62@ DATE' NCL:'-, @00'-@',. : 06Sep63' j S ; S NO REP UBICODE: PH _,009 OVI 00 OTHER'. - . J _ Cor i !'22 7 T-71 !tFz--`@.F ACCESSIM IM: AP4020950 s/0051/0t/016/003/0390/0393 AUTHOR: SlaVenaS, I. -YU* YU# TITIE: Oscillator strengt1w of the spectral lines of SII and OeI SOURCE: Optika I spektrookopLya,, v. 16, no- 3, 19%, 390-393 TOPIC TAGS: oscillator strength., f number, spectral line Intensity,, line stwength,, sil-Tcon(I), germanium(l), atomic transition, silicon, germanium ABSTMCT: The present work is a cmtinuation of an earlier study (N* Pe Penkin ana@ 1. -Yu. Yu. Slavenas, Opt* I spektro., 15,9L,1963) devoted to measurement of the oscillator strengths of the spectral lines of Group IV elementse The --wimental, .1 procedure b"ed ca the Romhdestvenskiy "hooks" method., vas described In the pap" cited. In the article at hand detexminatim Is maiie of the relative oscillator strengths of S1 I and Ge I lines associated vith p -*w transitions. Me resulU are tabulated. The line strengths, evaluated on the assumptions of IS and jj coupling, are ccmpared with the values calculated theoretically by M.-Zo MoMblor (Izv.Kry-xmskoy astrofizocbserwo.26,52,1961) ou the assamption of - coupling. For the moot part the agreement is goodL. The fulflUmnt at t1w J-grmj sun rules indicates that Card 1/2'. -ICC.NR: AP4020IJ50 configura@tion nixing in general is negligible. Agreement of the experimental and theoretical da-,;a indicates that predominantly IS coupling Is realized In the 9111-- con atom; however, in Vie case of the 4p2 and 4p5s configurations In germanium sys- tematic deviation from LS coupling Is evinced. 'In conclusion, the author expres- .ses his deep gratitude to N.P.Penkin for attentive guidance In the work." Orig. .art. has: 1 figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: none .SUBMITTED: 14May63 DATE AM O24pr64 ENCL:00 @.SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOW: 004 01MR: 004 2/2 Card t 267i3-6 EWT(M)/EWPW/ETI JJP(c) JD___ ACC NR: AP6611561 SOURCE CODE: UR /0051T66/090/C03/O485/O487- AUTHOR: Slavenas, I.-Yu. Yu. ORG: none TITLE: Oscillator strength of cerbain.lln6s of' WX and Ag SOURCE: Optilm i spektroskopiya, v.- 20, no- �66, 485 487 TOPIC TAGS: iodide, copper.compound, silver compound, oscillator strength, dv spectrum ABSTRACT: The oscillator strengths were measured by the Rozbdestvenskly hook method using a large Interferometer setup.described elsewhere (Opt I spektr.,v. 15, 155, 1963), and-modified to operate In the ultraviolet region of the dpectrum. The measured oscillator strengths and the trans- Itions corresponding to them tabulated. In the case of silver, the measurempnt is a continuation of earlier work by the author-(Opt. i.. ' Spektr. V.' 15P 9, 1963). In both cases, the strengths were expressed In absolute form by using known observed values of the oscillator stren th 9 for the short-wave c*omponent-of the resonant 'doublet of the correspondirg metal. In the case of silver, the agreement between the experimental and theoretical data is not satisfactory and the connection between-the rd 539-184 IT 1 J. @,@CT-- NCE FERTOD'CA7: DARWJ. SERIJA B. TRUDY. SERII.A. B. No. 2, 1958 Slavenas, J. Practical application of phytoncides of Sinaois alba and Brassica juncea. p. 183. "Aonthly 1i5t of East European Ac@-essions (EKAJ) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclass.'dics of phytorwi-des of white a.,-i: Indian their ve,-etut.Lon period. 0. 189 Lietuvos TSR 11.okslu adademija. Biologijos instituatas. DPEiiI. Villius Volume 3, 19 -,-) L#huanian, Poland '-'onthly List of East European Accession (EMU) LC) Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. 1, SLAVENAS., J.; RAZINSKAITEE, D, Dynamics of the concentration of phytoncides and Juniper oil in Juniperus communis L. Liet. TSH Moksl. akad. darb. (Bioll 1:1.15-134, ,62. (PLANTS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (OILS) SIAVENAS, P.V. Astronomy in schools of higher learning in Lithuania from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Ist.-astron.isalno.1:49-84 '55. (Lithuania--Astronomy--History) (MLRA 9:12) SIAVEN&S, P.V. - Katerial on the history of Lithuanian astronomy and cartography. Trudy takh. 5:331-336 '55. Mak 9:5) (Lithuania--Astronomy) (Lithuania--Cartography) SLAMMS, F.. prof., red.; LEMCMAS, Ch., red.; CECYTE, V., tekhn. ---red-.- [Y.V.Loyonosov] V.Lomonosova. Redagavo P.Slavenas. Vi2nius, Tolstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidyklap 1961. 81 P. WIRA 15:3) 1. Lietuvos T91 Mokslu akidemija. Vilna. Gamtos makslu ir technikos istorijos komisija. (Lor.onosov, Mdkhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) AZUSIENIS, A.; JASEVICIUS, V.; JUODOKAS, A.; JUSKA, A.; I-IASNAUSKAS,J.: PUCINSKAS, A.; STRANYS, V.; ZDMIAVICIUS, K.; ZITKE-VIClUS, V.; SIAMAS, P., prof., red.; PABREZIRIE, A., red.; CECYTE, V., t'd@. rgd-.-- - [Stellar sky] Zvaigzdetasis dangus. Vilnius, tines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla, 1961. Valstybine poli- 113 p. (MM 15:3) (Constellations) SOV/94-58--10-13/'?O r)c-herJko, G.Ya., Engineer 1, Q !ir c-. L .usl , , . &.- ic: -Engineer Slavenchi Ly--4- J-TT E. Me: @,_anisatior. of Making Fixint@ Holes for Electrical Eq-aipment (MekLs-r,-i--ats--'ya probivnyki-, rabot pri eleiit-l-omontazhe) P.rK1-,LI(J1DIC-"L-, Promyshle.-=,aya Energeti-k-a 1958, h1r 10; pp 30-34 (USSR) -'-STILI,CT@ 1954-57 a Sood deal cf viork was done on the mee,-Yianisaticn of making fixing holes for electrical ,,-q,,Jpment and an &rticle was published by G.i.a.KLLromcklenk-o end L.A. Komissarov ir. P-romyshlennaya Enereetika 1956-, Nr 7. The main considerations in seleotiEg tools and methods for making fixing holes are, listed; the principal ones are: tools tipped with tungsten cobalt alloys are used for chipping and dTilli-%,, holes in brick. Il' dTillin@-, is used witticut zmpact, alloys of low cobalt content. a-re used. if L impact is used; the cobalt content is higher. It is most important, to remove the ohippings effi-liently. Drilling processes are then analyzed. Brick and plaster o 'lied with tools runnin6 at normial speed ar-d ..-aia be drd +he pres-,;-ore ean. be @@Lpplied manu,-lly. For drillIrL -L. S011/94-5 8-1-0-13/2 0 if I ca lbking Fixin,' Holes for Elect i -1 Equipment C;' - (:oii--rete witli abrasive fillers, such as granite and &,und, po1,,ierf`ul drill.Jng mar.,hiner, must be used and L me(.Lullical means Of applyinL pressure provided. Re.-ommended drillin,-(I machine ratinEs, speeds and pressures derived from an -American publication &re ,@-Jveyi in Table 1. A device for applyin,;,- pressure is ill.iistrated diagrammatically in Fig.l. Data required fo't, the selection of equipment for dr-illirg holes in in concrete with brick filler and in similar Triaterials is given ir Table 2. The construction of a drift head is illustrated in Fig.2. By way of example in drilling a Kole X drillLr6 deep holes in briok; 500 mma deep the drift head 60 mm diameter was run at a plean dzillinLi- speed of 100 mm per minute with an P -pe 1-27 ancl at 200 ,Ief7tri,@@ drill ty mm per minute with --pe I-291A.. The tool was slightly wor-n after 30 such holes. Impac-.t methods of hole making tlien analysed. A combined impact and rotary motion p;lrticularly suitable for concrete and results in lens wear on the tool and greater outplit without the us a SoV/94-58-10--13/?O L ble;'-1hanisation of Making Fixing Holes for Electrical Equipment of special devices to apply pressure. Until recently good ele--tric or pneumatic hand tools for this purpose ,,,@era not available but now Engineer N.M. Batuyev has developed an electric hammer, type S-494,, which should be manufactured in 1958 by the "Blectro-Instrument" works in Daugavpils. This hammer, illustrated in Fig.4, has a three-phase ':19-0 V, 50 c/s motor, it has an impact energy of 0.4 k&/m, an impact frequency of 2,600 per minute and the tool rotates at 130 rpm. The hammer weighs 8 kg. The construction of the equipment is described, the recommended type of tool is illustrated in Fig.5. Data required for the selection of mectianisms and tools for making holes in concrete and brick are given in Table 4 and data showing tile effectiveness of this method of making holes 20-30 mm diameter in reinforced concrete with granite filler Card 3/4 are given in Fig.5. Information is then given about BOV/94-58-10-13/?O Mechanisation of Making Fixing Holes for Electrical Equipment tool operation; in particular, detailed instructions are given for tool sharpening. There are 5 figures. 4 tables and ? literature references of which 1 is Soviet and 1 English. Card 4/4 @t-" @0.; MOMOHEITKO, Grigoriy Yefimovich; jpIlkji0low1@0y, DEMKOV, Ya.D., red.; VURkIN. K.P.. [Making holes and grooves in concrete] Probivka otverstii i borozd v batons. Moskva, Gas.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 39 P. (Bibliotaka elektromontere, no-5) (MIRA 12:11) (Drilling and boring machinery) SLAVENCH111SKIY, Iona Solomonovich; KMROMCHRIKO, Grigoriy Yefimovich; . BRARD-FT'BURGSKAYA, E.Ya., red. [Cutting holes and grooves in concrete] Probivka otverstii i bot,ozd v betone. Izd.2. Mookvat Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 40 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no,126) (MIRA 17:6) ZOTXIN, Igor' Yurlyevich, inzh.; @LAVENTSOV, P.M., inzh.; VAGIN, V.I. [Vahin, V.I.], inzh.; KOLDA., O.P., inzh.; LEVITSKAYA, G.P. [Levy-ts1ka, H.P.1, red.; OLEFIREWO, G.Yu.[Olefirenko, H.A.1, red.; VAYNSHENER, Y.M.(Vainshener, tekhn. red. [Labor safety In agriculturel Okhorona pratsi v sillsikomu --laospodarstvi. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1962. 258 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Ukraine--Agricultural machinery--Safety measures) SLAVENZJN, L. 0. SLAVENZ@Niy L. D.: "Some problems of the structure and ,unction of the lymphatic nodes". Leningrad, 1955. Min Health RSFSR. Leningrad Sanitary-Hygienic Medical Inst. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 52, 211 December, 1955. Moscow. RUMANDI/Farm Animals . Cattle - Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No .17, 1953, 78743. Author Lunen, N.; Ionescu, C.; Slavescu, E.; Eger, E. Inst Title Res"ts Obtained in Several Stations for Artificial Insemination in Cluj Region. Orig Pub: Probl. zootechn., 1957, No 6, 55-57. Abstract: Artificial insemination of cows was conducted for the first time in the rayons of Dzhilau, Zhibou and Zalets. Dulls 2 to 8-9 years old served as sires. The percentage of fertiliza- tion for three years comprised on the avLrage 74.5, 66-73 and 69.770. Fertility of cows under artifi- cial insenination equaled 78-735a'; the litter was Card 1/2 Q 28 SLAVESCU, M., ing.; COSMA, Gh., ing.5 STOEMESCU, S. I Investigations on the possibilities rf improving the afficienoy of high power centrifugal fans, Energetics. Rum 12 no.12:610-618 D 164. DINGULESCU, Tr. , prof .; BINSTOO, 0. , dr.; SDIC, L. , dr.; DM4ITI MICU, St. , dr. ; TELEKI, N.J. dr.; SLAVESCU, Vl., dr. Considerations on balneo-physical therapy of vertebral lumbosciatica. Med. intern. .14 no.7:865-869 11 162. 1. Institutul de Balneolcaie, Bucuresti. (SCIATICA) (LMIBOSACRAL IUGION) (BAMEOLOGY) (PHYSICAL T,9FJWY) BINSTO(;, 06; @'@LAIMGU, V16; 141HAESCU, Rodica, Resoarch on the action of microwaves on some aspecto of the dynamics of serum proteins. Stud. cerce-b. firiole 10 97-104 165. POLANIA, Ed., KUDr.- SLAVETINSKY, Milan. Dr. Effect of smoking on gingivitis. Prakt. zub. lek.. Praha 2 no. 10:223-225 1954. 1. Ze Stomatologiskeho oddelent PN v Olomouct (GINGIVITIS, etiology wid pathogenesis smoking) (SMOKING. injurious effect@ gingivitis) SLAVITINSKT, M.Dr., Olomouc Improved type of laboratory record. Prakt. zub lek., Praha 2 no. 10:228 1954. (TIMOLOGY, MMAL laboratory records, Improved form) D18trt 4E2d Zatoc"O and Vladimir SlavWnskfr, Czech. 87,715, t. 15, 10M. in i ire dekcribed app. the liquid, possibI w th ficatalyst, is sprayed by means im'A'i'the form of a ne mist by the force of the gas re4,;. for the Fraction. D. S. Wijc- - KOZIIOVY F.V.; KOZIYDUY O.P.; VAN NAY-CHAII [Wang Nai-chlang]; SIAVETSFAYA, P.A.; CHZHOU EN-LO [Chou E14-lo] Crystallization of cellulose tribenzoata. Dokl, AN SSSR -139 no-5:1149-13-52 Ag., 161. (MMA- 14:8) .1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. MV, Lomonosova ii Institut vyookomolskulyarnykh soyedinenLy AN SSSR. Predstavlano akademikom V.A Karginym. (Cellulose) (Crystalli2ation@ r- KOZIMINA, O.P.i Prinimali uchastive: FUIRLYANKINA, V.I.; ALEKSANDROVICH, M.K.; PRO.WIRYANUVA, E.F.; @ @11ETS@K-Y-, KOZLOV, M.P. Mechanism of oxidation of cellulose ethers ty oxygen. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.12:2226-2233 D 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Cellulose ethers) (Oxidation) iN" "." . , ;, '' @ ; :,i " i I I- ... . 0-. .. " ' ' V-t-LSUVETSKAYA, P.A. I..,*;,r and oxi-la-t-fon cf r,-th,,r.1 rylarl. Vpokom. soed. 7 no.6@,0,58- C. *1 1 e. % , tv- - @ 65. (MIRA 18@@q) 1. ln.;tltut v-vsokrmolekuL3,ar-nykh soyedireniy AN SSSR. L 16oo6-66 EWP(J)/1FfflT(M) RM ACC NR: AP6005517 (A) SOURCE: CODE:- UR/0080/66/039/00]L/0164/0170 AUTHOR. -5umtkin, V. N.; aVetskavaq P. A.; Kozimina. 0. P.; Danilov, S'. ,N. - ---------- 1;1@ ORG: none Al 43 7@TLE: Synthesis and properties of mixed aXanoetbyl cellulose estersland ethers'- SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 1. 19669 164-170 TOPIC TAGS- ether,, ester, cellulose ABSTRACT: Cellulose ethers were cyanoethylated by introducing cyanoethoxyl groups. Methyl-, ethyl-, benzyl-, trityl-, and allyleyanoethylcellulose with different de-_@. grees of substitution were thus obtained. To produce esters, acylation of incom- plete cyanoethyl etherdAwas carried out by using acid chlorides in pyridine. The @introduction of functional groups which differ in size and structure into the cellu-; lose molecule widens the choice of solvents which can be used and causes a change of-,.- ,the glass point. During the synthesis of mixed cyanoethyl cellulose ethers and es-,. ters, no appreciable degradation of the cellulose macromolecule takes place, as in dicated by intrinsic viscosity data. Infrared spectra of the mixed ethers and .Card 1/2 UDC: ULM L 16oo6--66 ACC NR: AP6005517 .esters and their main electrical characteristics C',.tan 6, and p. were analyzed !"Authors thank A. I. LjLukhov and K. K. Kalnin'sh for measuring the electric PMP..;: :erties and taki7ng -IR spectra of the mixed cyano-e-fRyl cellulose'ethers and esters.'I fOrig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 tables. iSUB CODE: 071. SUBM DATE: 23Jul65/ ORIG REr: 005/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2-1 ------ SLAVEV., S. From the Danube to the Valley of hoses. p. 7. 7ol. 5, no. 7, 1955 CEOajiFIIA ',,ofiya, Bulgaria 6o: Lastern huropean -@ccession Vol. 5 No. 1 Jan. 1956 f@7 SLAYb-v, S. SI-WEV, S. The old Tryavna, p. 4. Vol. 6'. No. 7, 1956 GEC)GR,41,IIA GEOGFA@IIY & GECL'@'-GY Sofiia, Bulgaria So: East Luropean Accession, Vol. 6) No. 2, February 1957 SLAVEV, S. To the coke furnaces near the Plachkovtsi Railroad Station. P. 4. (Geograftia, Vol. 7, no. 4, 1-357. Sofiia, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAQ LC, Vol. 6. no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. SLAM, S. Gorha Oryakhovitsa District as the cradle of Bulgarian gardening. P. 5, (Geografiia) Vol 7, no. 6, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No.11 November 1957 Sur-L"'.A1.2, Giv3n Countr-j: Academic DeCrce3: not given ,j@Lir.'Lor -1cientific Collaborator at the Geographic institute of the Affiliation: @ -cadjTri-yoY--:'@-c-@-(Geograf ski Institut pri BAII), lences ,-Ac.iber of the staff of -co,@rafiya Source: ;.a G, o@-rafiya, 14o 4, 1,)ol, pp 6-11 I @-!:, Data: " litjL4c rhtj '.cown of Lovech. GPQ 9616'$3 SLAVGORQDSKAY-A, Ye.A. Unfired dinas brick. Ogneupory 27 no.9:428 162. (14IRA 15:8) 1. Trest "Ogneupornerud". (Firebrick) LEVINTOVICH., E.V.; SHARTIN, D.M.; KULIK, A.I.; LOGACHEV, M.S.; MIROSHNICHENKOP V.Ya.; SLAVGORODSKAYA, Ye.Ya. Determining the weight by volume and density variations of a glass bar by the absorption of gama r .ays. Cgneupory 28 no.l: 17-21 1630 (MIRA 16ti) 1.0kra inskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov (for Levintovich, Shakhtin). 2. Chas6v-Yarskiy koubinat ognfiupornykh izdeliy (for Kulik, Logachev, Wroshnichenko, Slavgorodskaya). (Refractory materials-Testing) (Gamma rays-Industrial applications) SLAVGORODSKAYA, Ye.Ya.; RADCHENKO, S.T.; ODPINS-KIY, V.N. Manufacture of lightweight refractories from semidry materials. Ogneupory 29 no.4:151-153 '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Opornaya tekhnologicheskaya laboratoriya tresta IlOgneupornerud". SLAV@@ @F @Ya- GURSKIY, P.A., red.; SALENKO, S.V., red.; - nrulnuws, r..M.p tekhn. red. (Experimental locomotives] Opytnye lokomotivy. Moskyaq Transzheldorizdat, 1949. 241 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Locomotives--Design and construction) R 0 vky N BF,74M 00 @277- FEWAMN, V.A.; SLAVGCRCDSKIY. M.V. m"ftalowsmufflam WN&M Operation of coke arvens of the PK-211 system without recirculation. Koko i khts. no.5:29-30 156. (KLU 9:10) (coke ovens) SLLAVGORODSKIY Mj.;, SKCMAK(W, A,N. Loudspeaker communication between coke machines. Iroks i khim. no.5: 34-35 '56. (KM 9:10) (Loudspeakers) (Coke-industry-Squipment and supplies) SOV/68-59-9-8/22 AILPTI-W@IGS; Lilkhogub, Ye.p., and S TITLZ: Comparative Characteristics of Coke Ovens of the I'PK__2K_ S,@,rstem with Various Design fdodificauions f-@&LiIODIUAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Hr 9j pp 24 - 27 (MS_11) AE-6Tv,ACT Variou,3 modifications in the heating of cok-e ovens of the PK-2K system viere introduced in order to obtain a uniform heating of the charge along the he-i&I--t 6f the ovens. The introduction of recirculation of the (-.nmbustion products L solved this problem for the Southern works operating with coals of a low vertical shrinkare, but, 'or Eastern works I tj L op@rutinE on the Kuznetsk coals with a large shrinkage probler. of the most rational method of heating has not yet been solved. As the future developments, in the iron and steel industi-j will be concentrated in this region, the solution of tde corrected design of ovens is urgent. Fo r -this purpose a comparison of batteries operating with and without recirculation and Drocessing the same blend vias carried out. The experimental resultus are given in Tables and Graphs. it is concluded that the best design of 2PK-r_"'-r ovens for processing Kuznetsk coals are ovens Card 1/2 without recirculaticn of the combustion products with the SOV/6c--59-9-8/22 Comparati-kre Characteristuics of Coke Ovens of the PK-2Y, System vd-Uh. Various -Des-JL7.i Mic di ficat ions level of heating (burners) 800 mm- above the oven sole. Theie are 4 figures and @L.V&6geH 7; ASi,,WlATIONS: Teplotekhstantsiya Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgiches- ki- y kombinat (Nizhniy 'Tagil iitetallurgical Combine) (Slavgorodskiy) Ca-rd e2,12 MUSTAFIN, F.A.;,SLAVGORODSKIY, M.Y.; BURSHTEM, M.D. Automation of the feeding of air into the heating system of coke batterieer. Koko i khim. no.1;28-33 161. (MM 14:1) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Mustafib and Slavgorodskiy). 2. TSentrallnaya laboratorira avtomatiki. (for Burshteyn). (Coke ovens) KUPERMAN, P.I.; GRYAZNOV, NeS.; MOCRALOVY V.V.; FROLOV, V.V.; KJSTAFIN, F.A.; PUSHKASH, I.1.;,SLAVGORODSKIT,-,M.Y@; LAZAREV, B.-L.; BORISOV, V.I.; Prinimali ucha:stiye: CHERKASOV, N.Kh.; ZABRODSKIY, M.P.; RYTC-1-flMO, Aj.; RUTKOVSKAYA, Ye.N.; SAITBURGkNOVA, N.I.; SHTAGER, A.A.; SHISHLOVAY T.I.; BUDOLI, Z.P.; MNtSHIKOVA, R.I.; GORELOV, L.A.; AGARKOVA, M.M-; KOUROV, V.Ya.; KOGAN, L.A.; BEZDVERNYY, G.N.;' POKROVSKIY, BI Effect of the lengthening of the coking time on the coke quality and testing of coke in the blast furnace process. koks i khim. no.9: 23-28 163. OIRA 16:9) 1. Vostochnyy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Ruperman, Gryaznov, Mochalov, Kogan, Bezdvernyy, PokroVskiy). 2. Urallskiy institut chernykh metallov (for Frolov). 3. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Mustafin, Pushkash, Slavgorodskiy, -1azarevY Cherkasov., Zabrodskiy, Rjrtchenko, Rutkovskaya, Saitburganova, Shtager, Shishlo-@a, Budoll, @bnlwhikova). 4. Koksokhimstantsiya (for Borisov Gorelov, Agarkovaj Kourov). kCoke-Testing) PARSVINY M.A,; SLAMRODSM, V,B. Operational control of adhesive conditions Of pavements. Avt. dor. 28 no.9:6-7 S 165. (MIPA 18;10) SLAVIC I. C. YuFoslavia Ar:.-.':@:,L:: D-L;rccs: not given Physics, Institute of Nuclear Sciences iBoris Kidric_P-- BeL-rada-Vintc@ia, Bulletin of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrichop Vol 11, Mar 1961, 23-35- ITemperature Distribution in a Diffusion Cloud Ohamber.1 Co-authorv; J, _University of Lublin, Poland, 1: @-@C@HO.RSKA, D., Institute 'Badan Jadrawych', Krakow, Poland, !-qto JEVIC A D@4 p r a mont of Physics, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Doris lllidrick;i, ,WCACIG, V., Department of Physics, Institute of Nuclear Sciences --ft,76ris Kidricho. dipl. fiz. hem., saradnik (Pancevo, Dr Kasatinovica 27); STOJJC, 14iodrig, dipl. fiz. hem., saradnik Semiconductor detecLors with surface barrier. Tehnika Jug 19 no. 2:Suppl.:Padioizotopi zrac 3 no. 2:221,4231 F 164. 1. "Boris Kidric" Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade-Vinca. 4,; L 34671-66 ACC NRt AF6025848 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0017 AUTHOR: Slavic, Ivan (Engineer) ORG- Mining A'e'-s_e'_a-r_ch@Institute, Prievidza (Bansky vyskumny ustav) TITLE: Heating tests with electrical instruments for heavy currents SOURCE: Elektrotechnicky obzor, v- 55, no. 2, 1966, 83-86 TOPIC TAGS: alternating current, electric equipmento electric circuit, electronic transf ormer, heating ABSTRACTi The distribution of AC current into parallel circuits of thres-phaas instruments depends mainly on whether the instrument is fed by a single-phase or a three-phase AC current. For heating tests, therefore, it is inevitable that all three-phase instruments are actually fed by three-phase current. Dut three-phase current sources are heavy and expensive for high current values. Therefore it sometimes is advantageous to use three single-phase transformers which can be connected to mains through primary winding only, much like current transformers. The above mentioned tedting method is protected by Czechoslovak Patent No. 109202. This paper contains 'the experimental results and a simplified proposal for the transformer design. This paper was presented by Engineer, Doctor, Candidate of Sciences B. Novotny. Orig.'art. has: 6 figures, 3 formulas and 1 table. [B@sed on authorls Eng. abstract] [JFRS: 3593271 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 18Dsc64 / ORIG REF: 005 / SOV REF: 003 CZECHOSLOVAXIA CROSSO A.Dg SLAVIKg Je 1. 3yntex Research Division, Palo Alto$ Californias USA (for Cross)% 29 Depaitment of i4edical Chemistry, Purkyne UnIversityO Beno - (for Slavik) Prague, Collection gf giScholloxat jW01cal is.1426 ca-tionag No March 110bb, pp 1426 "Glaucamine structure and relative atereochemlstry at two centers.9 VOLF, Sigmund, ing., nyilvanos rundos tanw,-_.4@AV1Q, Ladislav, (11*., tudomanyos fo::-.unkataris New calcium-carbonic acid process for diffusion juice purification. CWcor 18 no.1:1-3 Ja 165. 1. Chair of Technology of the University, Novi Sad (for Volf). 2. Sugar and Starch Division of the Research Institute of Food Industry, Bovi Sad (for Slavic). SLAVIC, LaLlislav, dr. (I!ori sf-d); VIjMOV, Konstantin [translator] Industrial application of grachial defecation-saturation (the Schneider-BMA process). II. OAor 13 no.7:193-197 ji t6o. 1. "Cukoripar" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vukov). rn of 5 11 n Bloc.] of' 96 -7,gi sumnaar- -cl-l' -c r a t en cis bloul' saruir- G.L A U. a @.i -.3 C. -e T y es obtained -wl to C@-Srlr t',je Val U U a In e e ua-- @Dr- 2 u se A C, U t n t h Lk -9 e Q to 1,13 anl %-;rks -.Cp, -,;nc,@ 39 YUCOSLAVL'i tn, o D:1-10VIC, Z. ; S !B;,LIC, S. and SLAVIqA.,,. @, I I.; Depar ent f Parasitoses of Veterinary College (Institut za inZione bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta,) Belgrade; and Veterinary Institute (Veterinarski zavod,) Zeulun. 11?rozecting Chickens from, Cecal Coccidiosis with Irradiated Oocysts.11 Belgrade, Vateri-narski Clasnik, Vol 20, No 7, 1966; pp 527-530. ;%Ostract [English sui-m-iary modifiedi: Inoculation of 5 to lOOM oocysts of Eineria cenella previously irradiated with 101.1 to 25M r, challenge with a 200M noi-mal oocysts: results inconclusive. Three tables; ms rec 23 I-lay 66. SLAVICEK, E. Theory of diffusion in sugar production. P. 527 Vol. 3, no. 6, 1955 SOVETSKA VEDA: POTRAVINARSTVI Praha SO: Montbly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), LO.0 VOL- 5,v no. 3 March 1956 L P@ V CRECHOSLOV,MA/Chemical Technology Carbohydrates and Their H. Processing. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiyar, No 16, 1958, 55423 Author : Slavichi@z Inst Title : Fundamentals of Technical Computations in Sugar Produc- tion. Orig Pub : Listy Cukrovarn., 1956, 72, No 11, Priloha, 26-28 Abstract : Computations for Vrpduct balance and energy. Card 1/1 O.w. a4. emmommomm odndimL RL IL Skw*k a Ioo-=-A:d SXWSANWVRVW, b.*b 41 bsw& is . acesom" is tww Md gal"" dws am adw exW&COM systmm R. Tauscon. 0 ef-se 0 0 0 0 0- 004 *00 961 IFic, oo.s C A got eon. 00 a Z sew vatkmw of Odbble yvank afamb 49T&LLWftCAL LWMIkM CLMWCATM T- I lam AV Wall., A %some walwafAlf 314 9, ,TO 0 0 41 0 0 _0 0 OAA-Ve 0-0 0 0 0, 0 0 lp 46 g.A, 0 a w wee is all V U -1-1. AA AIJX -M-U4-#- A ..f j.v 1.11(st 0411 00 00 The &sows, of I" ebw o(&E%W- Witt and Watu - arirtrecdon ot sugar. Hii-b-If 00 jfjtjq4 Ollie to" mukthitak kk Lilly 0,krm,". 65. U'-.1 -S It IIUW PlAtIMIS. Maiv,it Lit i Allit %&A CLAIlifickitch .#sail am 44. it a 'L, Ig I, Ail (,Olt W-t Wait "411 if It a( al 0: All 0 & Ida )so Umlaticatimasee -4 .C. I