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KOZAR, Zbigniew; SLADKI, Edward; ZOTIIIERKCYWA, Denuta ~ ---'...' ................." Clinical aspects of chronic trichinellosis in people. 1. Periodical examinations and therapeutic trials in patients with chronic trichinellosis in the light of recent patho- genetic considerations. Wiad. parazyt. 10 no.6z651-663 164 1. Laboratory of Antropozoonoses of the Department of Para- sitology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Department of Parasitology, Veterinary Faculty, Wroclaw, Poland. KOZAR, Zbigniew; SLADKI, Edward; ZAK, Edward Clinical aspects of chronic trichinellosis in people. 11. Studies in patients with chronic diseases of the motoric system. Viad. parazyt. 10 no.6t665-671 164 1. Laboratory of Antropozoonoses of the Department of Para- sitology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Department of Parasitology, Veterinary Faculty, Wroclaw, Poland. Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Model building Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 13/14 AID P - 4893 Author Sladki, I. Title Building of high-speed models for flights on guiding lines. Periodical Kryl. rod., 7, 21-22, Jl 1956 Abstract First installment of an article to be continued in the periodical's issue of August 1956: a highly specialized technical discussion on the choice of motor for high-speed aircraft models. 7 designs. Institution None Submitted No date Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Model Building Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 10/12 AID P - 49o4 Author SladkI, I. Title Building of high speed models for flights on guiding lines. Periodical Kryl. rod., 8, 16-18, Ag 1956 Abstract The second and last installment of an article begun In the periodical's July Issue. Practical advice is given: 1) on the choice of the form of propeller blades and on their fashioning; 2) on the form of fuel tanks'and the composition of fuel; and on 3) the construction of some parts of the fuselage of the models. 10 designs. Institution : None Submitted : No date IA its 0 we, M.", W?iwlfwo ~W;!Pjg v p;, a~l vi cl -RJR ti aij CrMr zr p n" 54 - R. Ig "-- j It F. F. A a q P W. '-E w 1"oZrol v r pr I Fiv, P.:j .r.'r 0 p 0 F. , " I ".- K,., lk Wl 0 3000-01 Sr 0, IL Of -i 'H On q N 9 -.v, o A; 3u RA ~r 0 83 lo q 1~ no- 1.1 11 :1 �4V? lit a R "-,; 1 g -. g 04 0 wo'. 4 0.0 t3 ro 0 0 MMMM -4-49M "0 f4 M.Iow%o 0 ooo~o (rNojwo M .,D a"~ ,I/ lr~-) ~ SHUYKIN,N.I.; TIMCFEMA.Ye.A.; SIADKIKH,V.M. Contact-catalytic conversions of 7L-pentans in presence of a chromium aluminum magnesium catalyst. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.khim. nsau no-3:567-569 My-Je 155. (MM 8:9) 1. Institut organicheakay khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akadenii nPlik SSSR. (Pentane) GOICHAROV, F.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; FRMLIH, G.I., inzh.; SLA.DKOIGMV, N.I., inzh. Asbestos-cement sewage stand pipes for industrial buildings and apartment bouses. Nov.tekh.mont,i spets.rab.v stroi. 21 no.9:21-22 S '59. NIRA 121: 11) 1. VSeaoyuzW nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhni- cheakikh i sanitarno-teldinicheskikh rabot (for Sladlcomedov). (Pipe, Asbestos-cement) -~C' I-re. UFOl `9 lv~. 5: SLAUK0kZDrWA, A. I. SIADIWIEDOVA, A. I. "On a Potato Disease (Virus) with Uaidenti-fied Etiology," in Virus Diseases-of Plants F-na Measures for 7heir Control Workd of the Con- ference on Viruu Disepses of Plants 1940, PuIblishing House of the Academy of Science USSR, Moscow 1941, D - 309-315. 464.32 So9 SO: bIRA 31 90-53- 15 Dec. 1953 SLADKOI-LEDOVA, A. 1. SLADMI-IDOVA., A- 1. "Tre.,Ament. of Carrot Se.-ds (with ZbarEkii's Bactericide) for Control of Diseanes," Selektsiis i Semenovodstvo vol. 17, no. 12, 1950, -P-0- 61-9 Se5 SO: SIPA SI 90-~53, 15 Dec. 1953 FIALKOVSKAYA, Ya.A. [FjRjk-nvg,ka, 0.0j; SLADKOMEDOVA, A.I. [Sladkomedova, 0.1.1; SHMATOVA, M.K.[Shmtdv&, M.M.] Formation of the resistance to rust and smuts in winter and spring wheat hybrids. Trudy Inst. gen. i sel. AN URSR 5:56-62 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Wheat--Disease and peat resistance) (Uredineas) (Sm-uts) 62 aiild Se I a C t ion LS UlkrSSF. -S mv. t of F C: x L a "I. M i I I d t if, in--tu gejle~* 1 (,458, 5 , 100-1011 ;W8TRAXT TU-3! specielizatiort OC ci--r'talll smut filr-17Zi t0 fox-tail miUet in analyzed. In Khar'kavokaya Oblast foxtail millet is heavily attack;-zd by istilago Crozevi (whiell alsv ilifecta hun-mari'an grass) doez lot atmaek Millet, ~qudangrass a'Lld the su;ut- of millet U.Par-ici x-iliw;e-4 ttf corn U.Reilieva do no', lpx-e-ct V030-ail Millet. in c. r, SLADKOPEVTSEV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk (Moskva) Designing frames 17ing 1009817 On elastic foundations. Issl. Tpo teor. sooruzh. no.8:427-436 '59. (YIU 12:12) (Girders) I, SLADKQPEVTSET S.A. Geomorphological conditions preserving bauxite deposits in central Xazakhatan. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 15 no.5:52-55 S-o 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kafedra. geomorfologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Bauxite) (Uzakhstan--Geology, Structural) SLADKOl%VTSEV.---S-.A.' Geomorphological studies in prospecting for bauxites in central Kazakhstan, Vopegeog. no.52256a t6le (MIRA 14:6) (Kazakhatan.-Bauxite) SUDKOPUTSEV, S A. Origin and types of central Kazakhstan depressions. IZV*AN SWRII Seregeog& nool:84-,W Ja-F 163, (MIRA 16s2) 1. Geograficheskiy fakul'tat Moskovskogo gosudarst7ennogo univer- siteta im. 14.V,. Iomonosovae (Kazakhstan-Geology., Structural) SLADKOPEV'rSEV, S.A. Paleogeographical methods for evaluating the prospects of finding bauxite in some regions of central kazakhstan. Vest.Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 17 no.1:14-19 Ja-F 162. (miRA 16:7) 1. Kafedra geomorfologii Moskovskogo urdversiteta. a (Prisarysuyskaya Depression-Paleogeography) (Prisarysuyskaya Depression-Bauxite) SLADKOFEVTSEV, S.A. Structure of reaches in the valleys of temporary channels in central Kazakhstan. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 95 no.5:449-450 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 7,A Of VOSKRESF&ISKIY, S.S.; FOSTOLENKO, G.A.; SINIONOV, Yu.G.; PATYK-KARA, N.G.; ANAIVYEV, G.S.; PIMENOVA, R.Ye.; YEVTEYEVA, I.S.; KUZNETSOVA, L.T.; SCROIXUA, Ye.P.: WRO, L.Y.; 41-7 ARISTAIRKROVA, L.B.; YEDVEDEVA, N.K.; SLADRQF~- -= _rMATIII'A L.I.,_r~d. (Geomcrphological atudlool work oxpdrionao in aouthwtora Transbaikalia, eastern Fergana.. central Kazakhstan, and the Caspian Lowland] Geomorfologicheskie issledovaniia; opyt rabot v IUgo-Vostochnom Zabaikalle, Vostochnoi Fergane, TSentrallnom Kazakhstane i Prikaspiiskoi nizmennosti. Mo- skva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1965. 275 P. (MIRA 18:7) I'i,~ f)Kc)f,vv,rsiv . s . ti - , A I .- f- 0 rigin of the 5--e - t- -4 "~ ' ackS ; ta scli cn '.':' ~- ' c- ',n't northe-stern f0as-,ja.1 So-q -regicn, ll'es-- Yn-sk. un. E*~:,. 5: t, ~ m - fR A ~' ;,z ., -~- I Geog. 20 no.";SO-54 Ja-F I61-0KOFEUTSEV, S.A. Origin of sand massifs in the Sub-Ural Plateau. Izv. Vses. geog, ob-va 97 no-3;-279-281 MY-je '65. (MIRA 18:8) 5(12 1 n, I s A 1 2 1 ro nn - J-.7. tdsto:,: nov,-tora. ,o 21, (261) 3:-A-10 91. 7- r.,.- _~ , U~',nz~!ll v l'Or!tU-- So: K.-i Le topis Vo 1 . 1 . 1.0 1;_5 SLADKOFIffTSMA, G.Te., khimik. Dyeing yarn with sulfur dyes in centrifugal apparatus. Tekst. prom. 14 no.5:45-46 My '54. (MT-RA 7:6) (Dyes and dyeing) USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products J-10 and Their Application Dyeing and chemical treatment of textiles Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32200 Author : Yushkov N.A:., Sladkopevtseva G. Ye., Shubina N.A., Shumarina A V. Title : Decreasing the Expenditure of Sodium Sulfide in Dyeing Cotton. Orig Pub: Tekstillnaya prom-st', 1956, No 7, 37-39 Abstract: The formulas for dyeing cottom with sulfur dyes (D) have been revised in order to decrease the expenditure of D and Na2S. The optimal amounts of Na?S have been determined for dyeing with Sulfur Black, Brown Zh, Blue Z and their mixtures, C ard 1/3 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-19 and Their Application Dyeing and chemical treatment of texti-1--s Abs Jour: Referat, Zhur - KhImIya, No 9, 1957, 32200 continuous dyeing apparatus it is not expedient to use NaCl with a con-tent of thiosulfates, in the dye bath, amounting to 2'r-30 &/Iiter. The new formulns Increase e_xhaustion of the D'. de- crease Its losses during rinsLn-g ani, canse- quently, result in large savings (about '309) of D and Na2S. C a rd 3 Al' SHITBINA, N.A. ; SLADKGPEVTUVA. Me. khimik Improving the spinning properties of d"d cotton, Takate prom. 18 no.8:56-58 Ag '58. Wu 11-- 10) 1.Zaveduyushchi.r khimicheskDy laboratoriev Ivanovskogo mel&nshe- vogo kombinata (for Shubina). 2.1himicheskaya laboratoriya Ivanovskogo melanzlievogo kombinata (for Sladkopevtseva). (cotton spinning) LYUBIMOV, N.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; MrILNUKHIN, A.S., st-arshiv nauchiny7 -~c-r-udnlk, kand.tekhn.nauk; SHUMAIRINA, A.V., inzh.; SL , KAIR 0- A S1 i . L . JV i n ah . : Yj S H -C- TK~( TL T- a , S . Reviews and bibliograplLy. Tekst.prcm. 25 no.11:90-94 N 165. (MIRA 18~12) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii. TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledov--ell- skogo instituta khlopchatobumaziinoy promyshlennosii, Moskia,,(for Ly-ubimov). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insti'~Lut khlopchatobumazhnoy proEVahlennosti, Moskva (for MantLkhin). 3. Khimicheskaya laboratoriya Ivanovskogo melanzhevego Rombina--a (for Sladkopevtseva, Shumarina, Harkunas). 4. Nachallnik tkatskogo proizvodstva Novo-Noginskoy tkatskogo-otdalochno-y fabriki (for Mishketkull). SLADKOPEV--rS--VA: L...-. Sosn,,, (V -M, ~z 0foxygen ,m o,pwmbeal~m' fumces nmal high-'- u si) ng,on 4/-hRtdLAM iron mi -A~ ueer v G.151 1.~~ Le W , `-=teez MEMO e conducud t* tin fur P . Wer, -0 lutm the wa dL~ bath -j tailed stddy-'of tk factori inw4id, to thed of 0 -bat4is~abmt-2,51 a uction wwt e effertivi thao adding the. s&tpc Atuount oU it"to the -lacreh-sed adda. of the gas leads to aL roj~tkgw Shortruirl AhL-W~v -ht~ktai -W of affiX T~- 7~ 7 " - ~ - M0 7 obmrved when bloiklujIt t"jied 60 fulat. C611d - 4 Sted: and WX jill -Xialitzbeforprthak-Of Opp-Oteels. i:f IIRLN , YI.,A. ; I-11PORSKIY, V.V.; OYYS, G.N.; SIADK05!a]JXZV.~,L SUKAG.,EV, A.I.; KAPUSTIN, Ye.A.; BULOSKIT, M.T.; SIMPUNEV, P.I~. j2- -jx~.-Kcon fed into tha fuel snray of 1*r" cpen-hearth fwmtces durir.. convqroion cf rhosiihorous crist irn;. Stall 16 no"10:875-882 0 Ii6~ (MLRA 10:9) 1. UL-rainskiy inctitut metplIov, zqvod "Azovstall" i Moskovskiy ivistitut stali. (LIcon-henrth furnnces) (Qxypan--IndustrinI apDlicAtions) 130-8-8/20 AUTHOR: Sl&dkoshteyev, V.T. and Podollskaya G.A., Engineers. TITLE: Thermal Conditions Of Open-hearth Melting with Oxygen- blowing of the Bath (Te~lovoy rezhim martenovskoy plavki pri produvke vanny kislorodom) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 195?, No.8, pp. 21 - 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give an account of experience at the "Azov- stal"' Works in the development of optimal conditions for oxygen-blowing of the open-hearth bath. Oxygen-blowing secured a more rapid rise in metal temperature (Fig.1) and, as shown in experimental heats, coke-oven gas consumption could then be reduced by 257o without affecting melt-down or decarburisation speeds and with beneficial effect on dephosphorisation. The authors also give results (Table 1) of two groups of experi- mental heats in one of which oxygen was added to the flame as well as the bath; this gave no benefits. Experiments showed that an excess-air coefficient of 1.6'S'ecured complete com- bustion of carbon monoxide produced by oxygen blowing. b*or the finishing period it was found necessary when oxygen-blowing of a bath with 0.8 - 2.0116 C to add ore to prevent overheating; coke-oven gas consumption was reduced by at least 2576 and excess of air was increased; there was no oxygenation of the flame. Cardl/2 There are 2 figures and 3 tables. KOROLIV. A.I.; BLIKOT, S.T.; ILTBIMTS, I.A.; KCBURNETV, LM,; TURUBINHR, A.L.; VASILlYlV, S.V.; CHXRN3NW, M.A.; BBWTt I.V*; TBISSOV. S.A.; XUOV, V.P.; MXDVXW, V.A.; HALIKKOV. V.G.-, BULISKIT, X.T.; TRUBBTSKOV, K.M.; SMMOV, SLMG V.I.; KUROCHKIN, B.N.; ZHDANOY , A.M.; BELIKOV, K.N.; SA13IUffg M.P.; GARBUZ, G.A.; PMGORBTSKIT, A.A.; ALF]OW, K.S.; NOVOLMSKIT. P.I.; MOROZOV, A.N.; VASILITAV, A.N.; KARAKHOVSKIY. I.S.; MA 9 A.V.; VJMOVTS]ff, AGAPOV. T.Y.; VACHAR. N.A.; PAS'lq=07. A.I.; BORODULIN, A.I.; VAYNSHTEM. O.Ya.; ZHIGULIN, V.I.; DIKSILTIrN, Te.l.-, KIDUSMO, L.S.; KOTIN, A.S.; MOLOTKOV, N.A.; SITJlRSKIT, M.T.; ZHID3TS1IY, D.P.; MIXHAYLRTS. W.S.; SLXPKANIV, P.N.; ZAVODCHIKOV. N.G.; GUDIKCHUX, V.A.; WAZAROV, P.M.; SAVOSIKIN, M.Te.; NIKOLkYBV, A.S. Reports (brief annotations). Blul. TSXII0M no.3.8/19:36-39 '57- WAA 11 tO 1. Mag~itogorskiy matallurgichesldy kambinat (for Koraler, Belikov, AgELpov' Dikahteyn). 2. Khznatskiy m'elballurgicheskiy kombiuat (for Blinov: Vasiltyevp A;*N.1 Boro LP-, Klimaserko)- 3- Chelyabinskiy metallurg-lahegkiy za-vod (for Ufj~-~na'-s, Vkvnsh4.eyn). 4. 7,avod im. Dzharzhinskogo (for XDburneye-v)* Zavod "Za'porozhatall" (for Turabiner, Maza7, Fodgoretakiy, Ma--akhavskiy, Savoalk-in). 6. Makeyevsldy metallurgichaskiy zavod (for V'asillyev, S.V., Mallkov, Zhida--Jskiy, Allferov). 7. Stallproyekt (for Charneako, Zhdanov, Zavodchikov). 8. VNIIT (for Belov). 9. Stalinakiy metal- lurgichaskiy zavod (for Talesc7, )Walch). (Continued on next card) KCRCLIT, A.I.--(continuedl) 10. Nizhxne-Tze"Ilzl:~~- Loxl.;Ltat Ksil-,adev, Novolodskiy, Ve6har). 1A. Zav-od "Asovatal (fe? Dal I skiy, Slepkanev). 12. TSW-,ral8i~yy i3isti- tit cherwy me,*.-alh=g'L! T---ub.)tskov-). 1,1. %re-inakir irsti- tut metallov (fo:,-- MeZ-'malhteyev, 71-4. Zaxod "Krasnyy (f!:,:.- N, 15. Tsesoyu=Uy vauch,--o-isslado- vatellskiy instilm~. mata",-Lvglz4,,-azkoy teplotekhm-fld (for Kurochkin). 16. Zavod im. (fj:.- Sq:%.'Yov). 1-,v. CE.lybi,,ki, poli- tekhnichaskly Moroz~-7). 18. Rpran't-all (for Garb=,). 19. Urallskiy izatitiz~ --ha=4-ldm- ml.allo-- (f-a-2 20. Zavod in Petrovskogo (f c,:~, Mi-11gulln). -21. Min~isters' 5-7.) uhe=07 me'vallurgii USSR (for Molo-,kcrv, 22. Glavspetos all Maal.6ra';,va chernoy metallurgii SSSR kfc~:~ Nikolayev) (Opm-hear' h prom e.3) 137-58-6-11697 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 67 (USSR) AUTHORS, Shneyerov, Ya.A., Sladkoshteyev, V.T. TITLE, Oxygen Applications in Open-hearth Steelmaking (Primeneniye 0 kisloroda v martenovskom proizvodstve) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Vol 18, pp 315-324 ABSTRACT A presentation of the results of an investigation on the use of 02 in the 350-t tilting open-hearth furnaces of the Azovstal' plant, which are heated by a mixture of gases and processing phosphorus ores by the scrap-and-ore process. Combined use of 02 in the flame through water-cooled tuyeres and an in- jector, and in the bath by Fe lances through a hole in the back- wall is the most efficient procedure. The average degree of enrichment of the air by 02 (24%) makes it possible to increase furnace output by 17% measured in calendar time and to reduce unit fuel consumption bv 6.50/0. Reduction in heat time by de- livery of 02 into the bath was 0.75 hour in experimental cam- paigns per 1000 m3 pure 0?. 0-2 is effective with a corribination Card 1/2 of basic roofs, reduction in charging and heating time, and 137- 58-6- 11687 Oxygen Applications in Open-hearth Steelmaking elimination of delays in tapping. The use of 02 increases the dust content of the combustion products by 2.5-3 times during the heating and addition times, and by 5-10 times during the blow. To reduce dust formation during the 0 blow it is deemed necessary to conduct experiments in blowing the bath with a mixture of steam and oxygen. Ref. also RzhIMet, 1957, Nr 3, abstract 3802. V. G. 1 Doen hearth f 7_Lrnaces--Perforriance 2. Oxygen--Applications .3. Steel--Production Card 2/2 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPL41TATION SOV/2132 K1YQv. Ukrainskly Mauchno-issledovatellskly Institut metallov Takhnologlya proizvodstva I svoyatva chernykh n*tallov; abornik (The Manufacture and Characteristics of Ferrous Metals; a collection 0f articles) Kharlkov, Kharlkovskiy gos.unly. in. A.M. Gor'kogo, 1958. 27 p (Series; Itai Trudy, v7p. 4) E. slip In I . -rata sorted. 1,000 copies printed. Editorial Staff Or this books ?,A. Aleksandroy, U.S. Kazarnovskly, X.I. Xurmanov, M.P. Lave, V.P. Onoprlyerkn. V.A. T-.khovbkiy and , Ya. A. Shneyerovi Ed.t B.S. Liberiman, Tech. Zd.z X.O. Our- PURPOSEs The book is intended for the scientific personnel of Institute$ and for engineers and technicians or notaiiurgicai enterprises and other branches of the Industry . COVXRAG33 The collection or articles reviews the warx carried an at the Institute of Metals on the technology of blast furnaces, open- hearth furnace$, and rolled stock production. It &'.so deals with problems In metallography, heat treatment or ferrous metals and methods forthair study. Pnrticular attention 19 devoted tol the preparation of, charges and blast furnace practice with Increased gas pressure, Open-hearth production with oxygen blast and rollIng of IIght profiles. No personalities are mentioned. narerencea accompany each article. TABLE OF COXTENTSt SLAST FURNACE PRODUCT-109 Soldatkin, A.I. Preparation or a High Pluxad Sinter from Manganese - Or* 49 Drusov, L.P. Method of Estimating the Reducing and Thermal Gas ,,ork* In a Blast Furnace W!th Dirrarent charges 71 Goncharov, S.F. Study of Processes In th* Hearth of the Blast Viirnice-With Increased Blast Purnpce Can Pressure Steel Raking 77 Sladkoahteyov, V.?, Slag-forming In an Open-hearth Furnace With ft-F-alff-wra-d r- 105 Zaytarv. I.A. Zrrect of Smelting Temperature Regime on the Dephon- 06*r1s.tIon Process IIg Rablnovich, A.T. Erfect of the Technology or the Working Period br-ir-BasZ4FOpen--hearth Smelting an the Hydrogen Content In Metal 135 Kowraynkly. V. B. and P.P. Svirldenko. Effect of the Working Period f Phosphorous Cast Iron Reduction on Hairline Cracks : ~d Seams 10 Halls 155 ROLLINO Almics-A ov, . P.A. Structure and Mechanical Proportion of Rolled Steel In Blooming Ingots A5 Ounin, I.V. New Light I-Beams 179 Dolthankov, Fj,_Yo. Forward Slip In Rolling Heavy Strip lag Vilippoy, I.N. Comprehensive Investigation, Generalization, and Irit-roductIoncirProgr*sGive Methods And Innovators- Foremost Working Methods on Section Mille 203 Card 4/6 (IV SHNEYEROV, Ya.A.; LEPORSKIYy V.V.; KAZARNOVSKU, D.S.; KOTIN9 A.G.) NUMANOV, H. I. ; SUKkCHZV 9 A. 1. ; S&LmADKO . UL'SKIY 9 M.T.; SVIRIDENKO, F.F.; SIDEL#KDVSYLIYv' M.P.; EDZHgVNIKGVI I.Yu., red.; BORODkVKIKj M.L., red. izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. [Converting phosphorous cast iron in open-hearth furnaces] Peredel fos- foristykh chugunov v -rtenovskikh pechakh. Moskvaq Goo. nauebao- tekhn. izd-vo po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgiip 1961. 256 p. (KERA 14:8) (Ope7n--hearth process) S/137/62/000/002/02 1/14 1; AOo6/Atoi AU,jv~qORS. Sladkoshteyev, V. T,, Potanin, R. V., Akhtyrskiy, V. I., Kuritskly, M ga_~* Yu. I, 4 LE; Experimental industrial unit for the continuous teeming of steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 47, abstract 2V282 C'Sb. tr. URr. n.-i. in-t metallov", 1961, no. 7, 143-150) TFXIP~ The authors describe an experimental industrial continuous steel- teeming unit constructed at the Ukrainian Institute of Metals, The design of this -unit provides for the casting of round and square blanks, 60 - 200 mm in diameter. On the teeming platform located at 11.5 m height from the shop floor, there are: an assembled water-cooled Cu-crystallizer with a mechanism for its reciprocal displacement, and an intermediate teeming device without a stopper and with a metering zirconium nozzle of 14 - 19 mm In diameter. Directly underneath the crystallizer on a 3 m long section there are the secondary cooling sprayer unit and the guide rolls. To pull the blanks an electric-driven drawing stand is used, which makes it possible to regulate the speed of drawing the blanks within a wide range. The roll pressure on the blank may also vary from 1.0 to ~-ard 11/2 3/137/62/000/002/021/144 industrial unit ... A0061AI01 5.0 tons by adjusting the springs. Below the drawing stand there iz the gas- cutting cabin, which moves during the blank cutting process along vertical guides at 3.2 m pace. The cut-off blank pieces drop into the collecting device pocket where they are accumulated. The metal intended to be teemed on the unit Is cast In a 1.0-ton electric furnace and is supplied to the unit in a ladle without a stopper. The ladle is lifted to the unit with the aid of a telpher line. The unit is controlled from a desk located on the teeming platform; the gas cutter and the collecting device are controlled from a second desk located 1n the gas cutting cabin. The unit Is equipped with a control-measuring mechanism. There is a templet shop near the unit. I. Granat - "Abs-racter's note: Complete translation] L 47ard Z/2 Structure of steel ingots ... S/137/62/000/001/015/237 A060/A101 trimming of 3.6 - 6.0%. it is noted that central friability and porosity are remarkably developed in the billets, the formation of which is related to the rise of "bridges" and to settling crystallization. It is demonsti-ated that coarse axial porostty increases as the pouring rate is increased arid as the C content in the metal Is raised. Chemical analysis has established the absence of notable l1quation of t-he elements over the oross-section and the length of billets of mild and medium-carbon steel, whereas in tool steel the liquation of C and S is more pronounced. I. Granat [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 3/137/62/0C)0/001/014/237 A060/A101 AUTHORS: Glazkov, P. G., Sladkoshteyev, V. T., Telesov, S. A., Ofengenden, A. M., Strelets,-V:--M.-,-MU-rz-cV,--K~ P. TITLE: Study of the operation of a multi-jet casting unit fcr continuous pouring of steel PMUODICAL: Refererivnyy zhur-nal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 62, abstract IV392 ("Sb. tr. U-kr. n.-i. in-t metallov", 1961, no. 7, 133-142) TEXT On the basis o f temperature measurements of steel in kthe b4mace, in the ladle of 140-ton capacity, and also in a 2-stopper"intermediate oastIng unit, and in the jets from the ladle and the easting-unit, the heat'losses'_6'f' molten steel in the process of tapping and founding were determined. It wa~ established that the first 18 - 20 tons of steel proceeding from the ladle and the'casting unit have a relatively low temperature, which then itnereases- and remains stable practically to the end of the founding. Taking into account that the low temperature of the first portions of the metal is the result of heat losses expended upon the heating up of the lining of the ladle and the casting unit and leads to a rapid obstruction of the channels of the steel-pouring Card 1/3 8/137/62/000/001/014/237 Study of the operation of a multi-jet ... A0601AI01 by zirconium and high-alumina bushings. Computational formulae aro given for determining the channel diameter of the nozzle in the casting unit, which ensures a given flow of rimmed or killed steel. I. Granat [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 SLADKOSHTEYEV, V.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; POLIJUN, RN., Inzh.; AKHTYRSKIY, V.I.1 inzh.; XURITSKIY, M.A., inzh.; BAT', Yu.I., inzh. Pilot plant for the continuous casting of steel. Trudy Ukr.nauch.- issl. inst. met. no.7:143-150 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Continuous casting) S/193/6 I/000'/0 10/00 21OC8 Aoo4/Aio_1 AUTHORS: Sladkoshteyev, V.T., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kuri-r.skiy, M A_,_,_SR_atagin, O,A, T:TLE Continuous bronze casting on the horizontal Y1111HINI (UNTIM) machine PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy inforTnatsii, no 10, 1915-1, 11-12 TEXT~ Since the methods of producing blanks from bronze and bra5S, cas" in chills and on vacuum suction inetallations yield an in5UffiCient outvut of service- able castings (75-80%) and are of low efficiency, the Ukrainskly institut metallov (Ukrainian Institute of Metals) in cooperation with the Khar'kovskiy zavod-ts"ret- nykh metallov (Khar'kov Non-Ferrous Metal Plant) has developed an entirelj new technology and designed the horizontal UNIIM machine for the continuous casting of bronze, yielding an output of serviceable blanks of 98-99%. The new technolo- gical process is characterized by the foilowingi a graphite crystallizer heated on one end and cooled on the other is connected to the metal container and to the chamber of secondary cooling, this assembly being set into reciprocating motions ty a special mechanism, The reciprocating motion prevents the blanks being cast from disrupting. To cool the blanks being cast down tc 120-1500C the water flow Card 1/2 SIADKOSHTEYEV, V.T., kand. tekhn. nauk - ~ Conditions and proMmato for the expansion or continuous steel casting. Not. i gornorad, prom. no.1:12-16 -Ta-Y '62. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ukrainmkiy- naucbno-looledovatellaki institut zwtallor. (Continuous castjZ L.. ,5LADKOSHTEYEVI V.T., kand. tekhn. nauk; VARTAZAROV, M.A., inzb.; KRUTITSKIY, M.A., inzh.; SHATAGIN, O.A., inzh. Horizontal continufts-casting of nonferrous metals. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:47-50 Ja-F:.,.162. (MIRA 16s6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallay (for Sladkoshteyev). 2. Kbarlkovskiy zavod alyuminiyevfth i bronzovykh aplavov (for Vartazarov, Krutitskiy, Shatagin). (Nonferrous ingots) (continuous casting) J5 713 S/136/62/000/003/005/008 E021/E435 AUTHORS: S Kuritskiy, M.A. , Shatagin, O.A., Vartazarov, M.A. TITLE: Continuous casting of bronze on the horizontal Y '-.~IVIN (UNID,I) machine PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye inetally, no.3, 1962, 67-74 TEXT: Production of bronze and brass billets by casting in a mould by norinal means has the disadvantages of low production rates and inability to produce billets less than 60 nim in diameter or more than 1000 nim in length. Vertical continuous casting seemed unfavourable for bronze and brass with small cross sectional areas and therefore experiments were carried out on a horizontal continuous casting machine developed by the Ukrainskiy institut metallov (Ukrainian Metals Institute) and the Kharlkovskiy zavod alyuminevykh i bronzovykh splavov (Kharlkov Aluminium and Bronze AlloysWorks). The method used is based on a graphite crystallization mould, induction heated at one end and cooled at the other, connected with a metal-reservoir and a chamber for secondary cooling. The whole is capable of reciprocating motion. Card 1/2 SLADKOSHTEYEV., V.T.J. kand.tekhn-.nauk,- SHATAGIN, O.A., inzh.; KURITSKIY, I- - M;A,. P" Ih ih. Horizontal continuous steel casting for electric slag refining. Met.i gornorud.prom. no.5s20-23 S-0 162. (MIRAL 16sl) 1. Ukrainskiy institut metallov. (Continuous casting) (Zone melting) GLAZKOV, P.G... inzh.; GRIGORIYEV, F.N., inzh.; KJRZOV, K.',, inzh.; ST,AP!Inr,[fTFY-PV,,V,T.., inz?j.; Prinimall uchastiye: MALAKHA, A.V.; ~,6 �~_,-LIM.; DRUMPTIN, I.I.; OSIPOV, V.G.; KONDRATTYUK, A.M.; POLYA.',,,jV, I.V.; GOi-MYENKO, M.S.; PAVLOV, M.T.; KOPYTIN, A.V.; PARASHCHENKO, R.A.; POTANIN, R.V.,- AKHTYRSKIY, V.I.; BRUK, S.M.; YFVTUSHFNKO, V.V.; LPYTES, A.V.; STRELETS, V.M. Continuous casting of 140-ton steel heatp with four-channel equipment. Stall 22 no. 6:501-504 Je 162. (MIRA 16:7) ML BOOK EULOITATION S/ , -017063 fi Sladkoshteyev. Vladimir Timofelmvich; Akhty*rskiy, Vladimir Ivanovich; Potanin, Ru~14i~l Vasillyevich Quality of continuously cast steel (Kachestvo stali pri neprery*vnoy razlivke) MOSCOW, Metallurgizdat, 1963,, 173 p, illus... biblio. Errata slip inserted. 1)250 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: quality control, cast steel, rimmed steel,, killed steel., continuous casting PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: Metallurgical plants and research institutes in our country and abroad haie accumulated a great deal of experience in the continuous casting of various grades of steel into castings of diverse cross section. In C;eneralizing$' this experience., the authors of*the book consider the problems of the qualitycf the metal in continuous casting giving special attention to the nature of the de- fects, their origin, and methods of eliminating them. The book is intendedJor enaineers and technicians in metallurgical shops and plants. TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged): Card 1/2 Al-IL-017083 Foreword 4 Assortment of continuously cast ingots and equipment for casting them Solidification mechanism of a continuously cast ingot 23 Quality of killed steel - - 32 Quality of rimmed steel - - 123 Quality of semi-killed steel - 158 .Metal quality control 162 Bibliography 172 SUB CODE: I'M SUBIMITTED: 23 Mar 63 NR REF SOV: 059 OTHER: 000 DATE ACQ: 10 Mar 64 Card 2/2 LADKOSHTEYE7, -I,T~ , kand~ tetfl-n. nauik- i S X, . K.P.2 i Fl, - FOTL,41-1.' I-!:, i ~ V. , ~-rr' I Y , !,,T- 1 . - DR; JZ'. P - P: , ! I. Contirunus -mstin of low-~arbrjn 3-teeli inta wide slab Lrigots, 9 Sbor. trud. UNIIll-I no.9.,135--145 1 6c. (KIYU 1831) SUDKOSHTOTEV, V.T., kpmd. teklm. naul- AKHTYRSKIY V.I.; POTANJI4, R.V. ---- , - ........ I Ex-ternal hot. cra~,,ks itaring the continuous casting of oteel. Sbot. trud~ UNIDI no.9t!46-1152 ~64 (MIRA 18!1.) ` ~ f2 T' !`KG0)PTE--,.EV, T. , karid, teklm ~ flaUll ; jLai,' - an t I-n ,, - t T .1 1 z9n. !A.1 c rm I ! r, t) o", FI -; Fqu ~ 1; , or, h C, . .1 ~ ~ -:~ p i -, r y V, I. a .11 1 ~~ - z a I c. n (MIPA 12,e 1 ) mell ~ " ban . t,--ud ~ U NTIM ri o .9 -.15 3-:159 ~64 '[Y y Exp-rlmernt a broi,;~c-. castj!li~- GORDIYVIXO,j M.So; SLADESHTEM, p V.T* - Formation of a continwunly cast iMot Wdn an f3at and curvilinear wal1s. Sbor.trud. UNnM nc.3-IdC%~--= 165a (MIRA 32sn) SLADKOSHTEYEV, V.T.; AHVIFSKIT, V~11t.,, R.V., KUCfff4TNSKIY, Yu.M,,; SLINIKO., A.N.; Prinimali GR11GORIYEV, F.N.; DRUZHININ, I.I.; OSIPOV. V.G.; PARASIACHEINK,-J. FR.A.; KOFYTIN, A.V.; KOLESNIK, A.Ye.; KHAVALADZHI, V.1.,, Material balance of w-4',b ont-Inuous casting. Sbor.trud. C) UNIIM no.11:124-130 165. (MIRA 18s11) S IL Mj-, (Chief of the Frogobych Interraion Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory) and SOOLOVA, V. I. (Veterinapy Surgeon). "Treatment of chicken pullorum disease vith quinosol, [potassium oxyquinoline sulfate]" Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 4, 4ril 1962 p. 49 r, s Z in cn cf.~ n Et c li~ 49 7 SIADKOSHTOYEV.. M. M. Chuma svinei i borlba a nei (Hog cholera and its control), Drogobych, 1958, 14 pages with illustrations. (Drogobych Oblast, Agricultural Administration, State Agricultural Experimental Station and Oblast' Association on the Spread of PoLitical and Scientific Knowledge) Free, 1,,000 copies. In the Ukrainian languages ANANIYKV, P.P., red.; RYBIN, N.A., red.; CHUMAKOV, M.F., red., red.; GALITSKIY, B., tekbn. red. (Correct and full utilization of land is An important factor in developing the economy of collective and state farms] Fravillnoe i poliwe ispolIzovanie zemli - vazbnoe uslovie pod"ema ekonomiki kol- khozov i sovkhozov; sbornik materialov oblastnoi okonomicheskoi kon- ferentsii. Kaluga, Kaluzhskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 193 p. (MIRA 14910) (Kaluga Province-Agriculture-Economic aspects) AUTHORS: Kartsev, A. A., Sladkov, A. I. 2D-41&-5:-42/59 TITLE: organic Phosphorus in Petroleum (Organicheskiy fosfor v neftyakh) PERIODICAL'.' Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 51 PP- 998-999 (USSR) ABSIRACT: The problem of the presence of organic phosphorus compounds in petroleum is not yet settled. Phosphorus has been determined several times (references I - 5 and others) in petroleum ashes, which may also contain phosphates which form mechanical admixtures in petroleum. According to V. I. Vernadskiy the presence of phos- phorus,proves the biogenic origin of petroleum. The authors are of opinion that this may refer only to organic phosphorus. In or- der to isolate this latter kind of phosphorus it was determined in fractional distillation. For this four samplea of crude oil were used. two with rich and two with poor sulfur content. The method is briefly explained. PO 4-ions were determined according to refe- rence 8. As can be seen from table I in all samples distillate- phosphorus could be detected. As it is absolutely-impossible that Card l/.3 phosphates get into the distillate and as there are no other inorn Organic Phosphorus in Petroleum ganic phosphorus compounds known in nature, the distillate phoa= phorus necessarily belongs to organic compounds. This determina- tion,, apparently, has been conducted for the first time. If the distillate phosphorus must entirely be of organic nature, then the residual phosphorus can be as well of organic as of mineral (phos= phate) origin. According to table 1 the ratio of quantities of the total and the distillate phosphorus differ strongly for the diffew rent kinds of petroleum. Secondly, the content in distillate phosa phorusi is approximately everywhere of the same order of magnitude, whereas the content of total phosphorus is rather different in various types of petroleum. The highest quantities of total phoss phorus- are characteristic for the types of petroleum very rich in aulfur, The distillate phosphorus shows no relation what-so-ever with the sulfur content. The relation of the total phosphorus with sulfur leads to the following assumptions on the phosphorus genesis and on the nature of the organic phosphorus compounds in petroleum: at present it is assumed that the largest part of sulfur is: of sea condary origin and penetrates into the petroleum as a result of the sulfate-reduction,(reference 9), at which microorganisms are in- volved. The increased total phosphorus:content in types of petroleum very rich in sulfur obviously demonstrates) that the concentration of sulfur is accompanied by the penetration of a certain quantity Card 2/3, of phosphorus into the petroleum. As there is no basis for the organic Phosphorus in Petroleum ~0-1.18-5-42 59 assumption that phosphates penetrated, a considerable part of this secondary phosphorus has to be taken as organic. Its source may well be microorganisms. The lacking of a relation between the sulfur content and the distillate-phosphorus is a sign for the independence of the latter from micro-biological processes and for its primary nature. The distillate-phosphorus, therefore, can be considered as originating from the-original petroleum-forming organisms. This is one essential proof more for the biogenic ori- gin of petroleum. From the above listed data it can also be conclu- ded that the secondary phosphorus in petroleum is represented by more stable compounds, as the increasing content of total phosphorus is not accompanied by an increase of distillate phosphorus. There are 9 references, 2 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: October 9. 11057, by A. Ye. Arbuzov, Academician. SUBMITTED: July 4, 1957. Card 313 SIADXOV, A. 1-1. "invest i:~at4 on in the Field of the Synthesis of 001,'Tlex Vinyl Esters." Sub 25 Jun 51, Mosco~ Or-der of Lenin Chemicotechaoio~-ical Inst imeni D. I. Mendele-yev Dissertations presented for science and engineering deerees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55 SLAI-)XOV. A.M. On 4telomerization'" reaction. Xhin.pron. no.2:123-124 Mr 154. (NLU 7:6) (Polymers and polywrization) Subject Card Authors Title Periodical Abstract Institution : Submitted : AID P - 271 USSR/Chemistry 1/1 Sosin, S. L. and Sladkov, A. M. (Moscow) Catalytic oxidation of homologs of benzene Usp. khim. 23, No. 3, 377-396, 1954 Review of the oxidation of alkyl homologs of benzene in liquid and gaseous media, with and without catalysts, at atmospheric pressure and under high pressures. One dia ram. One table. 94 references (27 Russian): 1909-1952. None No date USSR/ Chezaistry'- Synthesis CArd 1/1 Pub. 151 - 10/37 Authors Sladkov, A. M., and Petrov, G. S. Title Acylation. of the enol form of acetaldehyde Periodical Zhuro ob, Mime 24/3., 450-454., Mar 1954 Abstract The results described in this report confirm that acetaldehyde in them presence of enolating substances does react in its tautomerie formp i- O*jo in the form of vinyl alcoholo The properties of the newly synthesiz:;, vinyl ethers of enenthic,, undecylic.9 alpha, beta and _gamvvi~chlorobuty#c . ..... bromoacetic, iodoacetic, methacrylid, undecylenia, sebacic,. ~~ic IW.1eic and orthophthalic acids are tabulated. The method-employo in thP'SY117- thesis of above mentioned ethers was also found to be very.applicable for the derivation of enol acetates and other aldehydeso Nineteen references: 9-USA; 5-German; 2-English; 2-USSR and 1-Japanese (1858-1952). Tables* Institution *,sea Submitted May 14, 1953 SLADKOV, A.M.; VITT, S.V. Synthesis based on 1,4-diacetylbenzene. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no.4: 1130-1133 Ap '56. (NLHA 9:8) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut sintstichookikh spirtov i organicheakikh produktov. (Benzene) SLADKOV, A.M.; BERLIN, A.A.; SERGETEV, P.G. [deceased-], SLADKOVA, T.A. Reaction of the telomerization of propylene -odth carbon tetrachloride. Khim.nauka i prom. 2 no.5:669 157. (MIRA 10:12) l.Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov. (Propene) (Carbon tetrachloride) (Polymerization) L AUTHORS: 79-2-56/53 Sergeyev, P. G. and Sladkov, A. I TITLE: Autooxidation of Substituted Alkyl Homologues of 3enzene, Part 1. Derivation of Hydrogen Peroxide of p-Nitrocumene (Avtookisleniye zameshchen- nykh alkilgomologov benzola. I. Polucheniye gidroperekisi p-nitrokumola) PERIODICAL: Zhurnpl Obshchey Khimii, 1997, vol 27, No 2, pp~- 538-540 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Investigation was made to separate primary products of p-nitrocumene auto- oxidation and to identify these products by the conversion of the hydrogen peroxides Into Imown products according to certain reaction'processes. The basic p-nitrocumene was obtained by titrating isopropylbenzene with a mix- ture of*nitric and sulfuric acids, Separation of the hydrogen peroxide was accomplished by adding an equal amount of n-pentane to the reaction mixture S[ after oxidation. The part of the p-nitrocumene not dissolved in the pentane is describes as a bright yellowish oil which crysta-Uizes gradually. AV, lodometric titration showed 98.% of hydrogen peroxide in the crystals, Card 1/2 When exposed to light under ordinary conditions, the hydrogen peroxide Car, gradually turns yellow and the crystals conglomerate. When heated to AOTHORS: Sergeyev, P. G., and Sladkov, A. M. 79-2-57/58 TITLE: Abt6oxidation of Substituted Alkyl Homologues of Benzene. Part 2, Derivation of Hydrogen Peroxide of p-Acety1cumene (Avtookisleniye zameshchennykh alkilgomologov benzola. II Polucheniye aidroperekisi p-atsetilkumola) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1957, vol 27 No 2t pp. 540-542 (U.S.S.R.) A13STRACT: Experiments were conducted with p-acetyleumene because the presence of the isopropyl group bound with the benzene ring would allow the establishment of the presence of hydrogen peroxide comparatively more stable than in the S1 case of p-methyl-or p-ethylacetophenone. It is shown, in contrast to available literature data, that the presence of the acetyl group in para- AV position relative to the alkyl group in the benzene ring does not produce an inhibiting effect on the autooxidation reaction, but rather accelerates Car the process of hydrogen peroxide formation. The hydrogen peroxide of p-acetylcumene obtained during the oxidation was separated and converted Card 1/2 into p-acetyphenol and p-dlacetylbenzene for the purpose of identification. SERGVEV, P.G.-, SIADKOV, A.M. Autooxidation of substituted benzene allqrl homologues. Part 3: F~rsPa- ration of n-acetylbenzoic acid. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.3:817-819 Wr 157. (KIRA 10:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organicheakikh produktov. (Benzoic acid) MGMYEV. P.G.; SLADIMIr - 0,11 O-Ow"WO100 Autooxidation of a methylene group combined with the aromatic nucleus. Preparation of phanylglyoxylic acid eBters. ZhLr. ob. khim. 27 n0.3: 819-821 Mr '57, (KNU 10:6) 1. Nauchno-isslednvatel'skiy institut sintetichaskikh spirtov i organicheskikh produktov. (Glyoxylic acid) .%UTHORS: Sergeyev, P. G., Sladkov, A. M. 79-12-34/43 T ITLE: The Synthesis and the Conversion of tht IiT-di-ethylbenzene- peroxide (Polucheniye i prevrashcheniye gidroperekisi 5[~-dietilbenzola) - P ERIO_~ IC AL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii 1957, Vol.27, Nr 12, pp. 3349-3353 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present investigation aimed at the conduction of the auto-oxidation reaction of the p-di-ethylbenzene subject to conditions, which permitted the production of a substantial amount of the peroxide at a great intensity of oxidation. The p-di-ethylbenzene was preferred, because it is the most easily accessible of the three isomers of the di-ethylbenzene (as to its synthesis see the formulae!). The auto-oxidation of the p-di-e-thylbenzene proceeds very quickly. The reaction substance after the oxidation consists of p-di-ethylbenzeneperoxide, p-ethylacetophenone and of the not oxidesid original product (as to the reaction processes see the schematic surveys!). The p-di-ethylbenzeneperoxide was separated from the reaction substance in the form of sodium salt. For the purpose of establishing its structure, the concentrated peroxide synthesiz- Card 1/2 ed in this way (92,8 ;/.) was reduced to the The Synthesis and the Conversion of the f~-di-ethylbenzene- 79-12-34/43 peroxide. methyl-rL7ethylphenyl-carbinole and dehydrated by heating. (see formulae!). It is of interest to note the fact, that under the action of the catalytic amount of concentrated sulphuric acid the p-di-ethylberizeneperoxide decomposes into acetaldehyde and p-ethylphenole with a production of heat, analogous to the decomposition of the isopropylbenzeneper- oxide into phenole and acetone. There are 1 table and 6 references. SUBMITTED: December 8, 1956 AVAIU.BLE: Library of Congress 1. Ir-di-ethylbenzeneperoxide - Synthesis 2. Ir-di-ethylbenzeneperoxide - Autoxidation reaction Card 2/2 A U M- 1 'IS: 31,-,dkov, A-.7., Luneva, L.K. IT L,--, Pro-~-.;ction of Primary Camphenyl Alcohol (Po1Lch-?--iYe Per- vichno-o kamfenilo-Toeo spirta) U 'IE:'-IODICAL: Khimichoska a nauka i promyshlennost', 1958, Vol III, Ur 6, I PP 835-C36 I~USSR) ABLTRACT: From technical camphene the pure substance was separated by freezing and distillation. In reaction (1) 330 g of camphene were transformed to 100 g of n-octane. After oxidUtion and hydrolysis 115 g of camphenyl alcohol were obtained with a boiling temperature of 1260C at 25 mm. From the alcohol the acid phthalate and n-nitrobenzoate were also produced. There is 1 diag-ram and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 German, and 1 English. ~--C-CI,'~TION: 11auchno-i3sledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i or.ranicheskikh produktov (Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products) 3 't,- B LI T'l E DApril 25, 1958 Card 1/1 v AU211ORS: P. G. (Doceascd) , 31--;T:~Dv, A. T 1 T LE Ur tlic Autoxidation of the 11'ethylune Group Connected '-.74-, 11 h the Aromatic Yucleu.3 (K awtocl:isieniYu nelilenovoy jiuppy, svyazarno,r s aromatichez':irm y--drom) H. -2111ie Autoxidaticn of ii.-at',iyl-9-Piienyl,,uidecann-u'e (II. A-vtook-isleniYe m--ntilovo,-;C efira 9-fenilu-ridekanoVo- ~-jSlaty PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obolachey Maimii, 1058,Vol.20, 1!r 1, pp.244-246(USSR) ABSTRACT: '.'he alltuhOr3 earlier (reference 1) 01,10',.'ed that the autoxidat-ion of the compounds in which the:.ethYlene Croup subject to the oxidizing action is simultaneously also subject to the acti- n" uence of tfa ]phenyl and carbor;letloxyl gvcup pl:c-- 4. 1 coeds very rapidly. In the case of simple compounds of this type, e.3. phanylacetates, esters of phenylglyoxalic acid U d -~,,ith hi;,`,, yields result. It vias of interest to perfora an autoxi1ation of compoundS iri which a phenyl- and a coop-ound ester-~;roup oinultanecusly exist, but in a sufficient distance. Card 1/3 so that they do not Jointly influence '61-Le -roup subjectu to -[--1 -52/63 On the Autoxidation of the Methylene Group Connected With the Aromatic 17,u- cleus. H. The Autoxilation of Mathyl-g-Phenylundecanate oxidation. In order to invouticated Wila reaction, 9-phenyl- undecanate syntheoized by the authoru aao usad, since it two active centers in the molecule, nmely the CH-grroup in ,i a n N-position to the 'phenyl nucleus and the CH 2 -,-,roup in an 0(--i)osition to -the ca~bomethoxyl group. 1.1orewrer the distance bct,.-Ilen the activatin- -roups with 9 carbon atcwis seems to bu sufficient to prevent their mutual influence. The initial products for-qin- in the reaction proceso, hydror-en peroxides, ,.,,,ere converted to simpler ones, which facilitated their li- bera'ion and identification. The possible directioir-of re- action in the autoicidation and the conversion of'primarily re- sultina peroxides are shown in three schemes. The final re- sult was: The autoxidation takes place accordinG to schene I, w'ierc tertiary peroxide forns -which is then under _e influence of acids decomposed to phenol and methyl-9-!~et-o- L If undecanate. Other oxidation and conversion products weru not dict.,rn.ined %-thich indicates that the activa-tine influence of tiie phcnyl -roup is considerably st'ronGer than that of the co:nPound ester Sroup, There are 3 references, 1 of which is Card 213 Slavic. AUTHOR: Sla(11-ov, A. L:~ S Ov /7 9 - 20 -6, 6 TITLE: On the Use of Benzene --a Solvent in t-.1-le Acetylation Reaction According to Friedel-Crafts (K primeneniyu benzola kak rast- voritelya v reaktsii atsetilirovaniya po Fridelyu-Kraftsu) PERIODICAL: Zhttrnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr 7, PP 1742 - 1745 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From data in papers (Refs 1-8) may be seen that with respect to tile relatively heterolytic reaction velocities in the homolog series that the reactivity of benzene is considerably inferior to that of its alkyl derivatives (Table 1). From this table may be concluded that the greatest difference in the reaction velocities of the alkyl homologs of benzene, as compared to benzene, is observed in the bromination, chlorination and chloro- methylation. In the nitration, sulfonation, mereurization. and acetylation this difference is sn.~ller,, The decrease of the relative reaction velocity in this homolog series depends on the alkyl substituent in tile follo-wrin.- order CH 3> C2H5'\ iso-C3H7 > tert.-C4H 9' It is consideiably hi,-',.er in Card 1/3 the bromirustion and chlorination t'han in nitration- In the On t',,e Use of Benzene as Solve-it in t-he SJV/79- 20 -7-6/64 Reaction Accordinre- to Friedel-Crafts mercurization the acetylation- and in t,,,e sulfo.,i--tion reactions of toluene its reactivity does not differ from that in the nitration reactions. As far as no pertinent data were found in papers on the acetylation reaction in Vlle alkyl homoloc; series of benzene it was of interest to find out villether it would be possible to car-ry out its selective acetylation in the prooence of benzene according to Friedel-Crafts. This could also be less danderous and be more convenient in preparative respects as compared to existinG methods. Concluding; it is stated thn't in tl~e acetylation of benzene and of its hoffolog sc_r_ies according to Friodel-Crafts its reactivity is consideratl,, higher iber, that of benzene. This dif4'erence makes it Dossible to use ben~~eiu Pis u - solvent in the acetylation accordin.- to Friedel-Craflls~ Table 2 Gives,the properties and yields of the obtained acetyl:,.tion products. There are 2 tables and 12 references, 2 of which are Sov-_~et. Car:! 2/13 On tie Uce of Ben-_e,-.e as Sol-,,rent, in t".o Acet~-l~,ti-jn Reaction to Friedel-C-ai,ts ASSOCIATION: Ifauchno-issledovatellski-Y institut siriteticheckikh spirtov i orf5-anicheskikh produktov (Scientific Research Iri~;titute for Synthetic Alcohols and Or.--anic Products) SUBMITTED: May 27, 1957 1. Benzenes--Solvent action 2. Benzenes--Acetylation 3. Friedel--Crafts reactions Card 3/ 13 _7TLE (1'0 " ~:c' en-iye -id- of Hydratl'~.-,--icohol zl .-ZrC:.1ov--O :~virta) PERT~)DTCAL: ZhUrnll obs-hchey khim-ii, 1956, Vol 28, Er lo, pp 2394 - 2898 (USSR) A-QS'2R'LCT; 2-Phenyl propanol, or hydratropalcohol, is a aromatic substance of great interest, especially as a basis for modern perfune compositions (Ref 1). Its synthesis has so far not been publis'-ed, althouGh it can be assuned that it is alrc~~-3y beinS~ carried out by means of a reduction of hydrat-ropaldeh.-de. Some years ajo, (Tssi~ler) and collaborators (Ref E) achieved the synthesis of t-e -.)ri:i.--.ry alcohols by me-ans of an oxid!-.tion of the aluminium trialkyls.followed by hydrolysis of t".e resuitii-C alwminiiim alcoholates ~Refs 6,7). The application of this reaction to the synt*~Qsis of the above alcohol M on Pattern 1 suS-ested itself to ',.'-e authors, as it promised Sood yields and a. technically Card 1/3 simple oper,-.-tion, and as basic a-methyl styrol served as an Synthes-'s of Hydratrapalcohol SOV/79-28-10-58/060 initial product. ZIel-lor points to the possibility of conducting the reaction at one or two development sta6res, which induced the authors to test this pogsibility in their particular It -.-,as L'Lat ill a onc-st:~.,--e ro.-,.ction the yield of the above '11cohol wnp, lower t1u:n t'iat of t!.e corre pondi..IC, dimer of a-methyl styrol. "~es~ideo thio .9tyroll i5opropyl benzei:e was always formed ac a by-product. It can be assumed that the dimer of a-met'.yl styrol corresponds to the formula (H), and differs from the dimer (III) synthesized by Schtaitdin4pr(Sht.~.udinr~er)(Ref 9). In I? addition to the compounds obtained in the reaction, small quantity of 2-phenyl heptene-l could be detected (Pattern 2). There are 13 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIAT ION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut sinteticl.eslkikh spirtov i organiches'-ikh produktov (Scientific Research Institute of Synt'-.etic Alcohols and 01,4-1'anic ?rodilcts) Card 2/ 3 of HZrdratropalcohol S Tj BMITTED: Au,-,ast 12, 1957 SOV/79-28-10-56/6o Card 3/3 2o-119-6-29/56 AUTHORS: _~SladkDy_. A. M., Markovich, V. A., Yavioh$ I. A., Luneva, L.K., Chernov, V. N. TITLE: The Production of Some Primary Alcohols by Means of Organo- aluminum Compounds (Polucheniye nekotorykh pervichnykh spirtov cherez alyuminiyorganicheskiye soyedineniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol. 119, Nr 6, pp-1159-1161 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with references in publications (Ref 1) concern- ing the possibility mentioned in the title the authors in- vestigated a complex of reactions which render possible the conversion of a-olefins into primary alcohols according to the following schemes: 1) R - CH - CH2 + al + H 0 R - CH 2 - CH2 al (I) 2) (1) + 02 CH202 - 0 - al (II) 3) (11) + H20 31 RCH2CH20H + al(OH) Card 1/3 where al - 1/3 Al. 2o-119-6-29/56 The Production of 3ome Primary Alcohols by Means of Organoaluminum Compounds This reaction was performed by examples of 2-methylpentene-1 and 2-ethylhexene-1, which were produced by means of dimeri- zation of propylene and n-butylene. The aluminum-trialkyls produced of these olefins, as well as trialkyl-aluminilm synthesized by another method were oxydized into alcoholates by means of air, which then were hydrolyzed into the cor- responding alcohols. By means of specially performed experi- ments with oxidation of tridecylaluminum at low temperature it was proved that the reaction passes a stage of forming a peroxide compound, which, according to a molecular regrouping, apparently is transformed into aluminum alcoholate. It has been proved "hat the production mentioned in -the title is relatively simple and that it is possible in sufficiently good yields (6o - 65 %). Hydration products of olefins always are produced as secondary products. According to the finely disperse iron, which is present in the active aluminum and which plays the part of a specific catalyzer of the type of the skeleton metals of the eighth group of the periodic system of elements, hydration takes place. The iron content amounted to uP to 12 - 15 %. The temperature necessary for the butenyl Card 2/3 dimerization is by loooC higher than in the case of propylene. KORSHLK, V.V.; KROTTGAUZ, Te.S.; SUDKOV, A.M.; SHRINA,; WRUA, L.K. Coordination chain pol7mers. Part 1: Preparation of polymers of bis-( A-Aiketones) and metals. Vysokom.sood. 1 no.12: 1764-1771 D '59- (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Ketones) (Organometallic compounds) (Polymers) 86324 2 :Zri 9 .9/190/60/002/012/011/019 114 aJ.-,o I I Li 4111 ~ 0 3017/3078 AUTHORS: Korshak, V. V., Sladkov, A. M., Kudryavtsev,Yu. P. TITLE: Synthesis of Acetylide Polymers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 1824 - 1827 TEXT: The electrophysical properties of acetylide polymers have been studied by means of spectra of electron paramagnetic resonance. The produc- tion of acetylide polymers of bivalent copper from acetylene and diethynyl benzene is described in detail. The spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance of polyacetylides from P-diethynyl benzene and acetylene are shown in a figure. The electron paramagnetic resonance of copper polyacety- lide is particularly strong. The epr spectra were evaluated by N. N. Bubnov. There are 1 figure and 8 references: 5 Soviet, 1 US, 1 British, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy All SSSR (Institute of Organometallic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 112 Synthesis of Acetylide Polymers S "" 7 ~ TE D -. May 21, 1960 86324 S11901601002101210111019 B017/BO78 Card 212 S/06 60/005/005/016/021 0;~ i YA029 a '. " AUTHORSt Golovanenkc, B.I., -S1adkov.,__.A,,M.,, Ivanov~ L~L.j Kalashnikova, Z.S. Menyaylo, A.T, TITLE: The Synthesis of Primary Fatty-4romatic Alcohols Using TrJisobutyl- aluminum PERIODICAL8 Zhurnal Vseooyuzncgo Khimicheskogo Obshchestva im. D.I. Mendeleyeva, -960., Nc. 5, Vol, 5? P, 594 TEXT: The possibility of realky'latlion of trilsobutyla1uminum, acuording to the reaction: CH3 CH3 al - CH Un + Un CH - R -!4al CH, - CH - R - CH C 2 1 2 2 2 ' I Uh 13 where al 3A1 based on a stipulation made by Ziegler (Ref.2) was inves. tigated by the authors, It --'3 asswned that triisobutylaluminum will be- Card 1/4 - S/063/60/005/005/Oi6/021 A05II/AO29 The Synthesis of Pr4 mary Fatty -Arcmat ~_z Al:-oholls Using Tr-_'isobuty-'aluminium. come an industrial product in the L-ca_r futv_re due to the iomparatiVe 3iM- plicity of production of the laster by the dirp~~t syn-.heais from isobutylene, aluminum and hydroge'n and also due To its high :atalytic acti'v_-'ty in combiu-_ tion with titanium halides fcr the polymerizati-_-n of unsaturated hydrocar- bons (Ref.3,4). The authors als-1- determined t.',-Le optimum -conditions for the synthesis and the effect of certain additllcn~! on the yield of the specific products. Several experiments were carried out -in order to determine the effect of finely-dispersed nickel on the realkylation reaction in view of the fact known from Ref.;I that finely-dispersed nickel brings about the dis- placement reaction of less active alkyl groups in the form of olefines from the aluminum trialkyls by the react, olefines, The experimental pro- cedure w *as as follows: the mixture or d_-olefine and triisobutylaluminum was heated in-a circular-bottom flask with a reversible cooler to 120-1400C, The isobutylene formed was collected in the gasometer., The reaction lasted 3-6 hours, After the formation of isobutylene stopped, the obtained pro- duct was acidified by air oxygen in the flask with a mixer at 400C. After the acidification was completed th-~-: obtained product was subjected to hydro- Card 2/4 1 S/063/60/005/005/016/021 A051 A029 The Synthesis of Primary Patty-Aromatic Al,,-chols Using Triisobutylaluminum lysis with an aqueous solution of NaOH or HCl, then this was dried and dis- tilled. In order to obtain finoly-dinpornod nickel, in some experiments, prior to the reaction nickel acetylacetonate was added to the mixture In quantities of 150 ml/mole of the olefine previously dissolved in dTy octane. The alcohol yields were estimated from the initial triisobutylaluminum. The greatest yield was obtained from o~,-methylstyrene, somewhat less from vinyl- toluene, vinylethylbenzene and styrene, The presence of nickel in the case of d,.-methylstyrene was found to increase the yield; in the case of styrene the yield dropped, The experimentai. results showed that there is a practic- al possibility of synthesizing primary alcohols by the simple method, with- out using increased pre:3sure and special equipment. There is 11 table and 5 references: 1, "; German.. - Rumanian. Card 3/4 ~z / ~ /, / 100=10,61021 /C63 cc/oo;~ &051~02-9 The Synthes'. --f Primary U~~4ng T2~iisob-vy1alumjnum ASSOCIATIONx Nat~~;hn,--- spirtcv i ozgan'- Re-:zearc-h Institute of SynthA-';---. and Ozga:,-4~7- Fzz-2a3tz-) SUBMITTED: April 29, .160 Card 4/4 S.V.; I III; i u i~ . V,. v G D ce~~,irnijnrlf7, YT I L r Ol hoaklkh -ar- fv~ or forshak)~ "di ISSSR f cRipol lid, z-: ZILIBE.RMLN, Ya.N.; SLADKOV, A.M. Interaction between aitrileal tertiary &Icoholot and hydrogen chloride. Zhur. ob. Ichim. 31 no.1:245-249 JA 161. (MIFA Up 1) (Nitriles) (Alcohols) (Hydrochloric acid)