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SUORTSOV, V. V. Frozen Ground.; Pile-Driving Self--nronelled nile ciriver for breaking uD frozen ground. 31ek. sta., No. 1., 1952. So: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress.. larch 1952 x%W, Uncl. SKVORTSOVY V.V. (Kazanl) Possibility for the introduction of the ugallery method" of operating oil fields. Izv.Afi SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i awhinostr. no.3.-299-201 to-.Te 161. (MIU 1146) (Petroleum engineering) SKVORTSOV, V. V. Cand Phys-Iflath Sci - (diss) "Solution of several tasks of underground hydromechanics with -the aid of electronic computers." Kazan', 1961. ? pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Kazan' Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin); 120 copies; price not given; (KL, ?-Gl sup, 220) v K V, PRAVDYUK, N. F., ASTR&MWnSEV, S. M KARPUKM, V. J.,.ULOET~S~ NIIMLAYENE; V. A., "Investigation of Certain Processes in UOp Dispersed in akatrix" Report submitted for the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology including Non-Yetallic Fuel ElerAnto (IAEA), Prague, 1-5 july 1963 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3572 Nebeesnyy., Andrey Danilovich, Engineer, Vasiliy Vasillyevich Skvortsov, Engineer, and Daitriy Vladimirovich Sokolov, E-ngffe-er Mekhanizatsiya i industrializatsiya elektromontazhnykh rabot (Ifechanization and Industrialization in Electrical Assembly Work) Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1959. 218 p. 1,000 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing Eouse: G. M. Shirokova; 5ech. Ed.: L. M. Osenko. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel engaged in electrical as- sembly work. COVERAGE: The book presents the fundam ntals of installation practices of power- generating and distributing equipment. Devices used in the installation jobs and problems of mechanization are surveyed. Methods applied te such operations are described and evaluated. The material presented in this book reflects the most advanced practices as applied, for exwTle)by the Glavelektro- montazh (Main Administration for Power-Equipment Installation) of the Ministry for Civil Engineering and Industrial Construction of the RSFSR and by the Card- GUMANSKIY., G.A.; STWORTSOV, V.V Pulsed high-frequency ion source with impact excitation. Nauch. 0 trudy TashGu no.221.Fiz. nauki no.21:180-183 163. (MMA 17:4) V. V. (Kazall') Effect of the rancom o.-tentation of -4moermeable sections on the average hydraulic conductivity of a stratum. Izv. AN S.SSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no-3:178-182 My-Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) SKVORTSGV,__-V..V.; OSADCHIYEVA, A.L.; EYDINOVA, G.G.; ABRAMOVA, N.I.; I------- -.-I IIVANOV, V.M.; SMIRNOV, V.D. Reviews, criticism and bibliography. Zhur. mikrobiol.,, epid. i immun. 33 no.7:145-152 Jl 162. (NIRA 17:1) DAIJILOV, V.L. (Moskva); SKVORTSOV, V.V. (Kazan') Calculating displacements of the water-oil contact and the time of water flooding of wells with an electronic digital cDmputer. Izv. All SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.4-182-1.34 Jl-Ag 160. (MIR& 13:8) (Oil field flooding) S/194/62/000/007/023/160 D222/D309 AUTHOR: Skvortsov, M.y. TITtB: Investigation oil profiles PERIODICAL: Referativnyy no. 7, 1962, no. 11, 31 - of the regularities in the movement of using electronic computers zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, abstract 7-1-123 m (Neft. Kh-vo, 1961t 35) TEXT: Using the example of solving hydrodynamic problems, the pos- sibility and the advantaGes of using digital,computers both for the theoretical investigation of Problems of underground hydromechanics C, and also for the planning of the exploitation of oil deposits are shown. An infinite horizontal layer of constant permeability w1th a given thickness and porosity in a water-pressure regime and linear filtration law is considered. The flow is assumed to be laminar and the boundar dividing the oil and the water, i.e. the oil deposit contour-(OK~, is assumed to be a straight line. The displacement of OK for three infinite series of hydrodynamically produced wells for various ratios between the viscosity of water and oil Ii = 1AVIIIN is Card 1/2 SKVORTSPV,-V.-V-(Kazan I ) Use of an electronic computer in calculating the movement Of a nearly oircular oil-water interface. FMTF no.2*.139-141 Mr-Ap 162,, (MIRA 16:1) (Petroleum geology) L 2761-~66.. .~W'T (d)/F5S4/EWT (1 )/EEC (k)-2 GW/AST 1ACCESSION NR: AP5022261 UR/0293/6,5/o63/0d4/o66o/o662 551-508.94:629,192.2;55013. jAUTHOR: Shyarts, Yl&!-M.; Markehey. H,.M.; Petunin, A. N.: Rudakov .. V. P. Skvortsor, V. V. L14055 TITLE: Testing of rocket electrostatic flu=eter SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye isaledovaniya, v. 3, no. 4, 1965, 66o-662 TOPIC TAGS: electric field, spaceborne ionization measurement, ionization detectors radiation detection A ABSTRACT: Laboratory tests of an electrostatic fluxmeter of the rotary type with thin wire meshes and a synchronous detector are reported. The meter is designe for measuring the electric field intensity at the surface of a probing rocket and, indirectly, the external electric-1ibld of the upper atmosphere. The sensor was f 10-4 placed in a chamber under vacuum o _10-5 mm 11g and subjected to bombardment of argon ions with energies wr 1000 ev or less. Determipations were made of mesh per- meability for streams bf charged particles and of the effectiveness of the screen 1 plates and synchronous detector as noise suppressors. The coefficient of optical- t: transparency of-the screen was 0.87i while tfie electrical perniesbility for an ion Card. 1/2 L 2761-66 iACCESSION NR; 05M461 i !flux of 10-9-10-7 ainp/cm2 was 0.82-0.86. The noise suppressing capabilities of the device are such that a noise current density of 1.1 x 10-7 gMp/CM2 and an elee'l.. Itric field intensity of 8 vlam are needed to make the signal to noise ratio 1. Orig. art. has: 1 :rIgure. [BD) IASSOCIATION: none ISUBYaTrED: IBMar65 kNCL: 00 SUB CODE., EMI up INO REF SOV: 005 OTHERt 000 ATD PRESS:, Card 2/2. SKVOITLS07~1, 4 -n stratas. 'n 17:10) ~:o a nl; t i tilt SKVORTSOVI V.V. Conditions for modeling banded pools and the dependence of gallery production on the location of nonuniform sections. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.24:54-57 164. NIHA 17;10) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Xazaaskogo, filiala AN S8SR. SKVORTSOVI MI., inzh.; STEPM1121KOV, I.I., inzh. Placing of reinforcad concrete spans by a GEK-80 crane with transverse movement of blocks by joint expanders* Transp. stroi. 14 nc..9219-20 S 161+ (MIRA 18:1) .1 SXVCRTSOV, V.V.; SRATROV, I.I.; OSADGHIMA, A.L.; IYDINOVA, G.G.; 99mmW', M. I. Rev-law of' Tourse in epldemiologyg by T.T. Skyortsor and others. Zhur.milcrobiol.,epid.j immun- 30 no.12:131-133 D 159. (KIU 13:5) (XnDMIOLOGY) SKVORTSOV. Vit Ii _Ya#~Iyevich, KIKMKO, Vasiliy Sillvestrovich; -1 1 --- __~a_.y _ KIJUTMKO, Vasiliy Dorofiyevich; ROZHDESTVETISKIY, V.M.., red.; SEDICHILO, K.K., tekhn. red. [Viability and detection of pathogenic microbes in an external medium]Vyzhivaer.ost' i indikatsiia patogennykh mikrobov-vo vneshnei srede. Moskva, Medgiz, 1960. 348 P. (MIRA 16:1) (BACTERIA., PATHOGEVIC) - SOORTSOV , V.V. J, prof. First All-Union Congress of Epiderdologists, Microbiologists and Infectious Disease Specialists. Biul. Uch. med. sov. 2 no.6:33-36 N-D 161. QfIiA 15:1) (EPIDEK1OLOGY_CONGH?,-SSES) (MICROBIOLOGY-CONGRESLES) (COMMUhICABLE DISEA&S.-CONGRESSES) SKVORT.Sav-,-- V.V.,-P-rof. Interepideftle 'period is an important phase in the control of dfentery. 25 n0'.3:13-16 Mr 161. (MIA 14: 3 (DYSENTERr) SKIffiff2SOV., V VEYDINOVA, G.G.; LUPINA, I.I.I.;AAKUBOVA, G.R.; SURAY, A.Ya.; T.V.; MIKHAYLOVA, A.M.; KRASITOVA, F.M.; KOBEIITSSOVA, A.D. ZpideraioloEy of intestinal infections in children's institutions. Zhur. rukrobiol. epid. i i-mun. 32 no.6-47-51 Je '61. (1,aRA 15'-5) 3~ Iz II Moskovskogo medit"sinskogo instituta Lmeni Pirogova i swiitarno-epide,-u,dologicheskoy stabtsii Leningkogo rayorul Moskvy. (INTEMINES-DISEASSS) SKVOHTSOVI, V.V.; OSADCIIIYEVA, A.L.; EYDINOVA, G.G.; SOLNTSEVA, L.Ya. Increased attention to the prevention of intestinal infections in children. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no.3:3-5 Mr 162. (KRA 15'-5) 1. Is kafedry epidemiologii II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova i sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii Oktyabrlskogo rayona Moskv7. (INTESTB-ES--DTSEASES) (CHILDREN--DISEASES) -SKVORTSOV, V.V., prof. First All-Russiah Congress of the Scientific Society of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Infectious Disease Specialisto (may 23-29., 1961 in Kazan). 25 no.1:148-152 Ja 162. (Mlitk 15:4) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya pravleniya Vaerossiyskogo nauchnogo bbshchestva dpidemiologov, mikrobiolog6v i infektsionis-tov. Sov. med. 25 no.1:148-152 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:4) (COMMUNICABLE DISEASES-CONGRESSES) SKVORTSOV, V.V. First All-Russian Congress of the Scientific Society of Epidemiolo- gists, Microbiologists and Infectious Disease Specialists. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.4:157-160 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:10) (EPIDEMIOLOGY-CONGRESSES) (MEDICAL MIGROBIOLOGY__CONGRESSES) -3?:VC-RT.7,rV,V.V. (Kazan') "Phe derendence of the Inf1cw or the r9ndo.-m Position of areas -ith essentially difl'erent permeabilities" Ber.ort uresented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Aprlied riechanIcs, M;oscow 20 Jan - 5 Feb 64. ------ --------- v S-700R.'60V- Y,,:;.) Cr~rm: Tezh Sci -- !'C- ion of c S'hipls heelil.- in 4~ circule-l'-d3n. on the brzis of tlie. &pciiezition of di-continued-c-irculction theory 0A, & viin". of Wem*ljewQlw, pernis'silde Len, 19611, (Len Inst of lVallar 0 Tr!i r, s.-m tOCL, 1-61, 197) -244- SKVORTS(YV, V.Ye.(g.Chkalov) ZffIcient method of combating snowdrifts. Zhel.dor.trafflip-37 no.n: 55-59 19 '55. (MM 9: 2) 1.Glavu" Inshener slushby putt Orenburgskoy dorogi. (Railroads--$now protection and removal) 3.-9P,7 3/64 1/6 1 /000/000/01. 4103; BI 041BI02 Bonyu3hkin. YA.. K, . Zanyatia . Yu - 3, , Fir,:-,I t!:,rtyniv, P., skvortno-j, Ye. A , 112hatsk,.y, V N V- 2-15 .,, .1 3 6 Fraj;ment yinldn of Not nnutron fiselon of U el U 5 0 j R C Krupchitskiy~ P. A- ed. Neytronnnym fizika; aborn!k 6tat'~,.V' Woscow, 1961 , 224-22j,' T E'. X T ;Results of fragment yield measurements carripd out in '.953-1955 ar'! dealt wItIl. U235 and U23,9 were fissioned by 14.5-Mev neutrons and fission neutropss The relative fragment yield with respot tc, th- Vo99 yield and the absolute yield in mo" -ore determined. Pre 9 a ed 10 - 5 0 6 U3 0Ij tablets were put into a hermetically sealed container, A U235 mu Itiplication system without a moderatorp and a conve=ter which transformed thermal neutrons into fission neutrons were used ns 'ission neutrGn sources. The specimen was bombarded by an integral neutrqrk flux of 2-1013. A tritium-saturated zirconium target which was bombarded with Card I yle]145 0.1 rivot. B104/B102 150-kev protcnn r,.3rved as 14-5-14k~v noutron aours", The integrai ccutron .1 flux '~llt-) the w%3 2 101 Thq irradiatiin time was & -o '.0 hri fiarion fragments here separated from the irradiated sample3 by Tlie tnpo ~J!,.ztion. The 'raC;riqnt y4olds w-~re detormined from 'heir 5--activ- tj by o:oi indo. cQ-in-.-ra with a !5-20 IL thick MICA -xinao-4 hv;-ig :', diam-il.ov of 20 cim Th-) re,itilts aro xurimarizod in Table 2. T"-; I a ~ I -. e probability of tL Symmetrical fisalon larrely dependa on ~h- ~neri;y c-C th-~ compound. For U255 tile ratio r t--!tw--r the a zYMI-letri-Al flasion and the maximum yie 14 O,OV~.- -n-as~tron iisslo.'a 'o 0,052 in fissloy indu-" and to G 2 In the with '.4 1-"L*i neutroitu AD of tile comp.,)Und nucl'Piz; te 14,5 1'.v- jr,?bal,ility cf , ey.:)&-trical fi;alor' by a .3.' 1-` r~~3 -,-,I 255 2 15 f; 234 239 f r f U U U and PU is stufli-11 R;; a fun~t;.cn d42tri~ufiozi ' rbe f-a,-=~nt y1elde of th~sc- -'sotopeo B.9 a funs'Lir*l t~ Qf 17 ajyrnr.-r~tric Th,, aulh~ro thank A. A Vo, 1 *~ r. k,~ n 1, il-~znor, L. 13. Foretskiy and T;~- T, Sirotinin f--r *rrrvtzF.--t.-i; the with n~utvona, V If SplAtor iro' L S. AvJ-,e,,,eja f~:'- ta th- .,urcceatj, Lh-!akc G a r d 3 7 S/6 11 161 ;'OI&/0r-,Dj 101,11'033 Fr~'--ant jields of faa'~ ... 3 1 0~' /3 -. C'2' cninn- ova 7. R. :;r.- .1 - Z _iwk. 11. 7. ShuvanovL, S. Ye. Sanina and Kon.1r,"va fov th~~ sepa,':itior- A. IN. Protopopov (Atomnaya uncrf:-;,-1. 5, vip. 2_19~,U) 4:; nentioAud. ~neri~ are 6 fit;ures, 2 tables, ars-I 1) 5 30vict ;'~'vl 14 The four moot recent r~,feroncea to publicationzi rcad ao follows: Fon" V. Fhyr. Rev., 1(',)2, 434 (1956); Katcoff :;., Nucleonics, 16, 4 (1956); Bun-cy L. H., Scadden E. M., Abriam J., Ballou 11. 0., report no. 643, held at the Second International Conference on the Pencoful Une.; of Ato.mic EnerGy, Geneva, 1958; IlemmendInCer A., report no. 663, field at the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958- Table 2. Total fraj;ment yield, Le(;und: (1) luotopol (2) fission spectrum, (3) 14.5 Mev- Card 314' BONYUSHKIN, Ye.K.; ZAMYATNIN, Yu.S.;.KL-IIN, I.S.; WRTYNOV, N.F.; SMIORTSOV, Ye.A.; USHATSK.TY, V.N.; [Yields of fragments of U235 and U238 fission fast, neutrons] Vykhody oskolkov deleniia U235 i U 241 bystrymi neitronami. Moskva, Glav. upr. po ispolIzaraniiu atomnoi energii, 1960. 19 p. (MIRA 17:3) a i L J1 1i 3 PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 37 Call No.: AF596897 BOOK Author: The Late Prof. SKVORTSOV, YE. F. Full Title! ASTRONOMY Transliterated Title: Astronomiya Publishing Data Originating Agency: Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R. Publishing House: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education, R.S.F.S.R. Date: 1952 No. PP.: 301 No. copies: 25,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Prof. Parenago, P. P. Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: Committee: Appraiser: None Mikhaylov, A. A., Corr. Mem., Acad. of Sci., USSR Vorontsov-Vellyaminov, B. A., Corr. Mem., Acad. of Pedagog. Sci., R.S.F.S.R. and Prof. Dubrovskly, K. K. Others: Shorygin, S. A. compiled the references and bibliography and made the greater part of the diagrams and figures. Text Data Coverage: The table of 3ontents completely covers the text. The items which cDuld not be found in English texts, such as R. H. Baker's Astronomy (1950) and J. C. Duncan's Astronomy (194b) and others, or which have been given 1/8 Astronomiya AID 373 - I PAGES geographic longitude. Determination of equatorial coordinates of stars. "Service of Time" in USSRA) Astronomical clock ("Nonius")(IOMaksutov's meniscus telescope* Derivation of the basic formula of spherical trigonometry. Methods of determining the latitude and time. Ch. VI The Earth 89-105 Sphericity. Distance and dip of the horizon. The first measurements of the radius of the earth. Triangulation. Elements of the terrestrial spheroid. Geoid. Geographical and geocentric latitudes. Rotation of the earth. Deflection of falling bodies t6kards the East. Foucault's pendulum. Deflection of moving bodies. Effect of the earth's rotation on gravity. Gravimetry. Ch. VII Determination of Astronomical Distances lo6-121 Determination of the distances to inaccessible objects A. Distances in the limits of the solar system. Daily parallax. Determination of the horizontal parallax anu the parallax of the sun. Determina- tion of the size of celestial bodies. 4/8 Astronomiya AID 373 - I PAGES Explanation of the motion of planets according to the Ptolemaic system. Heliocentric Copernican system. Explanation of the motion of an outer and an inner planet according to Copernicus. Equation of synodic motion. Kepler's laws. B. The contest for a Y,?liocentric conception of the universe. The age of Copernicus. Giordano Bruno. Galileo Calilel. Ch. X Universal Gravitation 157-171 Basic laws of motion. Newton's inferences from Kepler's laws. Problem of two bodies. Identity of the force of gravitation and the force of gravity. Determination of the masses of celestial bodies. Perturbations in planet motions. Stability of the solar system. Disnovery of Neptune and Pluto. Precession and nutatiom Tides. Exercises. Ch. XI The Sun 172-190 Size, mass, density of the sun. Significance of the sun in life on earth. Radiation, tempera- ture, constitution. Contemporary methods of the 6/8 Astronomiya Hypotheses of Laplace, Jeans, Darwin. gonic hypothesis of 0. Yu. Shmidt and V. G. Fesenkov.(4)Meteorite hypothesis origin of comets of S. V. Orlov.(*) B. Origin of Stars. Cosmogony of the Metagalaxy. Age and of the sun. Infinity of the Universe and space. Appendices Bibliography Index of Names Index of Objects Maps of the Stellar Sky (attached) AID 373 - I PAGES New cosmo- of the evolution in time 277-285 286-293 294 296 Purpose: Approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of SSSR as a textbook in geographical departments of pedagogical institutes. Facilities: Pedagogical Institute, Crimea No. of Russian and Slavic References: 165, after 1939. Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress. 8/8 ACC N l-.pipeline5 2--control elemeat,, 3-actuator; 4-different SUB:,CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE:' 14Feb64 Card 2/2 KOMAROVA, Ye. S., SKV09.TSO , Ye. S. Grapes Early Zolotistyi is a valuable variety for production of dessert wines. Vin. SSSR 12 no. 8, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December, 1952. UNCLASS=. \j USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Fermentation Industry, 1-27 Abst icurnal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 63591 Author: Skvor-tsov, lv_~ - Inst,if.utioi3: NC'De Tit..Le: 1hpioving (duality of Wine from 1~ybrids Original Periodical: Byul. nauch.-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t vinogradarstva i vino- deliya, 1955, No 1, 14-17 Abstract: For the beat hybrid grapes Zeybell No 1, 14, 128, looo, 4986 (Zolotoy luch), Kuderk No 7120, Gayyar No 157, Bako No 1, Terras No 20Y Kastell No 120J. Noa, Lidiya, Izabella, are reported-the aspects of each variety and procedures for producing table and fortified irine products and vines. Card 1/1 1. SKVORTSOV, YU. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Sedimentation and Deposition-Tien Shan 7. Geomorphology and the Quaternary deposits of western Tien 9,han and the neighboring foothills (history of the development of the relief durin-- .1 the Cenozoic ara). [AbstracQ Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. No. 2, 1947 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. March 1953, Unclassified. 11,1111C yu. A. S, T -ta analysIs nd, ma n SvVOIfT.----'Oll Yu. A. lt,-lptho,-,s e- f, g, 'I p 2 -'173. -I.-nauk issue 3~, 1~11EY SO: U-30U, 11 'I'arch 53, (i,ot(-,pis "hurnal Inykh Statey, No. 7 191.9). SKVORTSOV, Yu.A., professor, dektor goologe-mineralegicheakikh *auk; UKOOV. U. rodaktor; KORZHMMSKIY, N.L., rodaktor. Memento of the most recent tectonic movements is. Uxbokistax.; geo- morphological structure and Cenozoic deposits in the mountains and pieftental Ilementy aevoishikh tektomichookM dvizheall Usbakistana; goomerfologichookee strosaie i kalaossiskis otlozhealz garnet I pri&- gervoi chastei. Tashkent, Izd. Srodneastatsksgo gosi umIv.. 1949. J2 p. (Tashkent. Uxitersitst. Trudy Brodneasiatakege Oeudarstyeasigo universitsta. s9.12, Geologe-geogrof ichookle aanki. se.1) -(NLRA 'j-.2) l.Doystvitellmyy chlea All UzSSR (for AN UsWR (f or Kersheneirskiy) (Uzbekistan--Geology, Stratigrsphic) Umarev).2.Chles-korrowpoadewt (Uzbekistan--PhyuicaI geography) SUORTM.-Yu.A., otvetstveanyy redaktor; SHIPUKRIN. A.Ya., redaktor izdatel'stva; SRIPBLIKOV, A.T.. takhnichaskiy redaktor (Transactions of the all-Unioa working congress on the results of the study of the Quaternary Period, in Tashkent in 19481 Trudy voasoiuznogo rabochego soveshchanita po itogam izuehenita chetvertichnogo periods v gor. Tashkente v 1948 g. Tashkent, 1953e 283 p. (KLRA q..10) 1. 1kademiya nauk Usbakskoy SSR, Tashkent. Inatitut geologit. (Soviet Gentral Asia--.Geology, StratiSraphic) SKVORTSKOV. Tu.A.; RATSIK, V.I.; RYABGHIKOV, A.M. Role of N.L.Korzhenevskii in the exploration of Central Asia 05th birthday). Izv.Vses.geog.ot~-va 86 no.4:359-362 JI-Ag 154. NLRA 7:9) (Korshenevskil. Nikolal Imeopolldovich, 1879- (Soviet Central Asia--Description and travel) SKVORTSOV, Yu.A. ',- Genetic types of CtLmternary formations in river valleys. Izv. Uzb. fil. Geog; ob-va 2:11-34 156. (MIRA 11:4) (Uzbekistan-Geolog7, Stratigraphic) ,~ 0.4 ~-;. ~", I CAUGORY AB03. JOUR. I RZ3101., -To. 1959, NO- 87,134 TITLE The Problem of Putting to Use Golcdnaya btep~-R . GRIG. PUD Izv. Ali -UzSSR user. bipi.1 1957, No 11 7-14 A T Mk CT Discussion of the ;,robler-, of evolving a set 01~' measures for the control of secondary salination. and of a system of agricultural technolo~gy for cotton an'd other fam. crops. CARD: ~1// Vacuum Devices in Machine Building. PA - 3615 The introduction of such vacuum devices offers new posjibilities for the mechanization of working processes. (With 7 Illustrationm). ASSOCIATICU; Not given PRESENTED BY: SMITTED: AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 SOV112-91-1 -15/22 A."_'THORS-. Ryabchikov, A.1,1.,~,Skvortsov, Yu.A.,__Ratsek, V.I. TITLE- N.L. Korzhenevskiy: In Memoriam (Pamyati Nikolaya Leopolldo- vicha Korzhenevskogo) P.]RIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, Vol 91, Nr 1, pP 91-93 (USSR),i'j~~'l ABSTRACT: This is an obituary on Professor N.L. Korzhenevskiy, scien- tist and explorer of polar regions and Central A3ian deserts, Honorary 1'ember of the Geo raficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR (USSR Geographical Society~ and President of its Uzbek branch, Corresponding Member of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, and Head of the Kafedra fizicheskoy geografii Sredne4ziatskogo universiteta im. V.I. Lenina (Department of Physical Geo- graphy of the Central Asian University imeni V.I. Lenin) Card 1/1 GUSSAK) Veniamin Borisovich; NASYROV, Yakhlya Minaidovicb; . SKVORTSOV,Yuriy Aleksandrovich;BOYN, A.N., red.; SOROKIIIA, T-I., (Soil formation on loess accumulations of various ages and the fertility of Sierozems) Pochvoobrazovanie na lessovvkh akkumuliataliakh raznogo vozrasta i plodorodie serozemov. Tashkent, In-t pochvovedeniia, 1961. 159 P. (MIRA 15-7) (Uzbekistan-Sierozem soils) (Uzbekistan-Loess) SOORTSOV,_Xu.A~ Mdtvrials on the preliminary stratigraphic scheme of Quaternary sediments in Uzbekistan. Sovogeol. 5 no.1.146-155 ja 162. (MIRA 15,2) (Uzbekistan--Geology, Stratigraphic) KORZHENEVSKIY, N.L.; DONTSOVA, Z.N.; KHASANOV, Kh.Kh., dots.; VASIL'KOVSKIT, N.P.l--LkclU=OV-L&-A.; POSIAVSKAYA, 0.1u.; KOGAY, N.A., dots.; MAHWV,,"--h'.-m'.4'-AKULOV, V.V.; BABUSHKIN, L.N., prof.; SHULITS, V.L.,, prof.j GORBUNOV, BJ.; GRANITOV., I.I.; KOSTIN, V.P.; SMIRNOV, N.V., dots.; TSAPENKO, N.G., dots.; DEGTYARI, V.I.; CHERNOV, P.N.; HUICMINOV, F.G.; SELIYEVSKATA, A.A.; RTABCHIKOV9 A.M.; DALIMV, N.D., dots.; LOBACH, Kh.S.; TADZHIMOV, T,; ARKADIYEVA, A.N.; GALIKOV, Ch.V.; SHTARKLOVA., 8.1,; BESSONOV, M., red.; BAKHTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. (The Uzbek S.S.R.] Uzbekskaia SSR. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo UzSSR, 1963. 483.p. (MIRA 16:8) (Uzbekistan) SKVORTSOV, Yu.A. Geomorphology of the Angren valley. Nauch. trudy TashGU no.236 Geog. nauk-i no.28:289-309 164. (MIRA 18:7) SKVORTSOV, Yu.I.; KOROLEV, Ya.G. JCffect of iron ore additions on the properties of coke obtained from fat coal. Trudy NMI no.28:79-83 159. (HEU 13:11) (Coke) (Iron) NE=e: I ~Yu * ~M Dissertation: Obtaining formed metallurgical coke from -tbe poorly sinter- ing coals of the Irkutsk Basin Degree: Cand Tech Sci Acad Sci USSR, Inst of Mineral Fuels "~te, Place: 1956, Moscow Source: Knizhnaya Ietopis', No 47, 1956 SPMNSIFAYA, G.V., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; SKYOP230Y. Yu.N. - lx~-.k"~,~_m- a" Now coking method for producing metallurgical fuel from coals with low caking power of the Cheremkhavo deposits. Koks i khim. no-7:3-6 156. (NW 9:12) 1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayevM Akadenii nauk S=. (Coal--Carbonization) SPBRAITSKAYA, G.V.; SKYORTSOV, Yu.M. Use of a now coking method for the preparation of metallurgical fuel from Uheremkhovo deposit low-coking coals. Trudy IGI 10:51-59 '59. (MIRA 12:12) kCheremkhovo-Coal) kGoke) SHOSTkKOVSKIY, M.F.~ VLASOV, V.M~; SKVORTSOV, Yu.M.,; LIVOV, A.I, Synthesis of vinyl ethers of acetylenic alcohols by irdirect vinylation. Zhur, org. khIm. I no.8~1514-1515 Ag 165. (MIPA 18;1!) 1. Irkutskiy instit-ut organicheakoy khimil Sibirskogo otdel-enlya AN SS--`-R. MOSUM, V.A.; FILWPOV. M*F.; SKORIXOT, A.G.; blVMTSOV, Yn.K. High-current pulme stereobetatron,, Izv. vysuchebosave; fize A4.5:35-" '59. (MIRA 13:4) i 1. Tomskiiy politakhnichaskV Institut imeni S&K.Kirova. (Betatron) MOSKALEV, V.A.,-_ SKVORTSOV, Yu.M. Two-chamber bttatron for medicinal use, Med. rad. 6 no.1.62-64 ?61, (NIRA 1483) (BETATRON) KAISCHITS, I.V.; STRAKHOVA, K.A.; SKVORTSOV, Yu.M. Composition of the products of destructive hydrogenation of benzene In presence of high-temperature catalysto. Trudy Vost.-31b.fil.AN S&%. no.3:88-93 155. (MLRA 9:4) (Ben2ene) (Hydrogenation) KOSOLAPOVY V.I.- SYNORTSOV Yu.M.; DE1,11YANCHUK, A,.S.; KISELEVA, K.V..; 14DUIALEN .1 Exchange of experience, Za:,r.--iab. 2-9 no-21 :1388-1389 162. 'HaA 151") 1. Institut khLrnii. Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Kosol-apov, Skvort,gov). 2. inatitat elektrosvarki Imeni Ye.O.Patorla All lPkrSSR (for DemtYanohnic). 3. Fizl~~heskJy instiuut imeni P,N,LBbedeva (for Fdoeleva, Rikhalenko). (Scientific apparatus and instruments) ACCESSION NR: AR4022437 S/0058/64/000/001/AO36/AO37 SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 1A331 AUTHORS: Moskalev, V. A.; Okulov, B. V.; Otrubyanhikov, Yu. A.; Skvortsov, Yu. M.; Skorikov, A. G.; Shestakov, V. G. TITLE: Results of starting a pulsed two-chamber stereo betatron for 25 MeV CITED SOURCE: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 122, 1962, 50-53 TOPIC TAGS: stereo betatron, pulsed stereo betatron, two channel stereo betatron, ionization measurement, radiation dose power, optimal gar,=a ray intensity, stereo betatron radiation yield, bremsstrahlung pulse TRANSLATION: A two-channel pulsed stereo-betatron for 25 MeY with increased radiation intensity was started 'and put in operation,at L Caid 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4022437 the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute in 1960. The electromagnet,of the apparatus was fed with 2760 A current pulses at 7.5 kV and at a repetition frequency of 0.2 cps. The injection voltage and current were 300--400 kV and 1.6 A. A special system for dropping the elec- trons on the target made it possible to obtain bremsstrahlung pulses not exceeding 0.2 microsecond in duration. (For details see RZhFiz, 1963, 1A381, 382.) To register the radiation pulses, a standard "Kaktus" x-ray meter was used with an aluminum one-liter DIG-1 ionization chamber. It was impossible, however, to measure the ra- diation-dose with the available instrunents. Consequently,-a rough qualitative estimate of the radiation dose power per pulse was made 'using a method in which a radiation pulse was transmitted through a lead layer of maximum possible thickness. it was found that at op- timal gamma-radiatiQn intensity a pulse from one accelerator cham- ber can pass through a lead 14-cm layer located 1 meter away from the 'accelerator target. This corresponds to an approximate dose of 50 roentgens. If it is assumed that during one acceleration cycle the Card 2/3' ACCESSIOU NR: AR4022437 dose ii. the stereo-betatron beam amounts to only 5 roentgens, then tl~e radiation yield of the stereo-betatron is 250--300 times larger than in existing betatrons of the same energy. The dimensions of ,the focus spot did not exceed 4 x 2 mm in the right-hand accelerator chamber, and 10 x 1 mm in the left. The number of accelerated elec- trons is -5 x 1011. V. Voronin. DATE ACO: 03Mar64 SUB CODE; PHj, SD ENCL: 00 Caid 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041009 s/olzo/64/000/003/0032/0033 AUTHOR: Moskalev, V. A.; Shestakov, V. G.; Okulov, B. V.; Skvorts ov, Yu. M., TITLE: Method for measuring accelerated charge in a betatron SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1964, 32-33 TOPIC TAGS: betatron, betatron measurements, betatron accelerated charge ABSTRACT: A combined - direct and indirect - method for measuring a charge i developed by the authors (registration no. 34311, priority of OlFeb63) is briefly described. The target current pulse is recorded simultaneously with a signal induced in a special "indicating electrode. 11 At an energy under I Mev, the electrode signal is calibrated directly and then the ciffil~ration is used for measuring the charge with any energy. Two oBcillograrns taken at 0.5 and 25 Mev; illustrate the method. Orig. art. has: 2 figures*. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEM 07jun63' ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 ,Card 1/1 AUTHOR: A11TONOV,YU.N., VAVILOV,YU.N., ZATSEPIN,G.T., PA - 2665 KUTUZOV,A.A., SKVORTSOV YU.V., KHRISTIANSEN,G.B. TITLE: Structure of t-R-eTeriphery of Extensive Atmospheric Cosmic Ray Showers. (Struktura periferii shirokikh atmosfernykh livney kosmi- ohoskikh lucheyy Russian)- PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32f Hr 2g pp 227-240, Russian) Received; 5 / 1957 Reviewed: 6 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the spatial distribution of the different components of a broad atmospheric cosmic ray shower at great distances from its axis (200 - 800 m). For a detailed study of this problem the Pamir-Expedition of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. (sujkmer and autumn 1950 and 1951) used a new method: In different places of the observation plain the flux density of all charged particles (and separate from it that of penetrating particles) was simultanously determined with hoaoscopic devices. (Method of correlated hodoscopes). Summary of results; The shower domain investigated here consists of an electron-photon component andefapenetrating component (apparently myons).With increasing distance from the shower axis the relative share of the penetrating component increases oonsiaer- ably and at a distance r - 800 m. the flux density of penetrating Card 1/2 particles and of electrons is equal. The spatial distribution of the Structure of the Periphery of Extensive Atmo-- PA - 2665 spheric Cosmic Ray Showers. total flux density of electrons and of penetrating particles is determined by the formul4 (r) , 1/r" with n -j2,0. On account of the relatively slow decrease of flux densities of shower particles the periphery of the shower plays an essential part in the general balance of the flux of the shower particles. The mechanism of the transition of electrons to the periphery of the shower is reduced to the Coulomb scattering of these electrons by the nuclei of air atoms. The transition of Myons to the periphery of the shower Is effected by their Coulomb scattering and also apparently at the expense of the emission angle in the elementary acts of the nucleus cascade process of the positive and negative myons pro- duoing these myons. Finallyq data on the intensity ?f primary ifov cosmic particles with extremely high energies of 10 up to 10 are given. (10 illustrations) ASSOCIATION: Physical Institute 11P.N~Lebedevll of th,-. Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. PRESLWTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress., Card 2/2 Yu. V. SK)IGRT-)Cllj (V.O-, Korrelkov), Yu. S. Nesterikin) "CRE.'..TING OF STROjj'G DISCHkCiES IN DEUTERIUM" IF AP. 1 mi 1 13 1 g 11jis 1!10 1! ~ -Is- M Ps 148 1 v I t3v fSAI ..ij IML 'till I lab gill 11 z~ V 11.(" // 1) / C. "2 CC 0 4=W_1 68157 AUTHORS: Komellkov, V_ S., Skvortsov, iu. V. BOV20-129-6-20/'69 "" TITLE: in a Liquid The Widening of the Channel. of a Po wer ful Spark PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 12P,; Ur 6~ pP 1273 - 1276 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the primary stages of the widening of a spark channel in a liquid (first period of current passage), for it is just at this stage that high pressures and tempera- tures may be determined. The discharge occurred in water alone the axis of a cylindrical transparent glass vessel, The circuit had a capacity of from 2.7 to 260 Af, a voltage of U 20 to _'6 -,7 40 kv, and an inductance of, L = 7.'0 to 10 . henries. Am- perage and vc1tage at the spark- chazinel were recorded by means of a pulsed oscilloscope of the type OK-17 M. The aML- plitudes attained 720 ka, and the greatest steepness was 1 2.1.10 11 a/sec. The motion of the shock-wave front in correspond- inaly weak discharges could be observed only if the chamber was illuminated by the light of an air di3charger~ In powerful dis- _ Card 1/3 charGes the motion of shock waves is distinctly -visible, The ~" K 6 8 15 7 The 71ideninG of the Channel of a Powerful Spark in a Liquid SOV/20-129-06-20/60 j .1 spark channel widens considerably more slowly than the fton.' of the shock wave. In the initial sta.fre repeated breakdowns apd the formation of from 2 to 4 parallel channels may be observed. Be- hind the wave front relatively weak disturbances aro obser-!ecl, which, for a Certain time, move with the front of thr, main. sh,,,ck wave. A characteristic foattirc is ";be constan:_,y -.f th(- vel-:Aty vsh of the shock waves durIna Mae time of observation T/2. Tlj,~ sah,e holds also for the 3park channel, -idens -with nearl,,- y dnrinE; the firet semiperi~,d. The constancy constant velocit of the shock.-wave velocity may be explain~_d by the -nerLV trans. fer from the channel to the front bY mearis of t-1,e small d i s ti -1 r - bances, the velocity of which, by '.h-2 way., exceeds -! 311' th I increasing maximiLin amperage I In the following quantitles i-'sr;~, q s e 1) Damping of amperagre in the di3char6e circ-jit. 2) The mean -rad-ents in the channel in 'the first and second. quarter of the I U L, The current density i't)~ 4) The en-e-rgy libz-.ra*ed r- period. "~) - the channel during the first semiperiod. The enerey t-._an_=po-rted away by the radiation of the channel in the visible --cart o" the spectrum may be neglected for the here discussed estimations. Card 2/3 The channel temperature is proportional to the energy of 6 8 1 -Z ! The -,'Iidenin;- of the Channe' of a Powerful Spark in a Liquid SOV /20-1 29-6-20 /,lei unit of volume. In the stronG sparks produced by the authors -61-he temperature is at least 3.7 times as hiGh as ir- the weak ones, Between the hot and the cold re-ion there is apparent!.y a 'Layer of rather large excited particles, and the regions ~~f conduct.- vity differ noticeably from one another. The authors thank 11. M. Kuznetso-.f for a useful discussion. and for his ad-i~~e. Reference is made to S, L. Mandel-shtam and 11. K. Sukhodrev in this paper. There are 4 ficures, I table, and 5 referenoes, 4 of which are Soviet. P R E 3 EjNTED August 2, 1959, by L. A, Artsimovich, Academici-3"- SUMITTED: JulY 10, 1959 Card 3/3 VASIL'YEV, V-I-, KOMELIKOV, V.S., SKVCRTSOV, Yu.V., TSEREVITINGF, S.S. Stable dynamic current flux. Zhur. tekh. fiz- 30 no-7:756-768 il 16o. (MIRA 13:8) (Electrical discharges in Cases) AUTHORS% 84725 S/057/60/030/010/004/019 B015/ '~o6 3 Skvortsov, Yu. V', Komellkov, V. S., and Kuznetsov, N. M,, TITLE, Expansion of a Spark Channel in a Liquid 1~i PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol, 30, No, 104 pp~ 1!65-1177 TEXT: The work reported on here was conducted in the years from 1956 to 1958 and dealt with initial stages of expansion of a strong spark channel after breakdowns The electric circuit of the experimental setup (Fig. 2) is shown in Figz 1, its design has been described in Ref. 6. Figs. 3 and 4 provide examples of oscillograms of voltage and discharge current.. Some of the results obtained from the oscillograms are collected in Table 1. Oscillograms of current I(t) and voltage V t) permit calculat - ing the energy W liberated at a given instant: W(t) I(t)V(t)dt, Results obtained by such a calculation are given in Fig - 5 a,b; Fig, 6 illustrates the dependence of the initial rate of energy liberation Wn on the initial gradient I of the current., Fig 7 shows the time dependence Card 1/3 84725 Expansion of a Spark Channel in a Liquid S/057/60/030/010/004/019 B013/B063 of current density j (a/cm2)1 Fig. 8 that of conductivity. The discharge pictures of Figs. 9 and 10 show three characteristic sections, namely, the spark channel, the shock wave front, and an intermediate region, Minor perturbations propagating from the channel to the shock wave front are distinctly discernible in the latter. The dependence of the channel radius rk on time is shown in Figs. 9 and 11, while the modification of the radius of the shock wave front rf in time is shown in Fig. 12. Table 2 contains values of Vk (expansion of discharge channel) and D (rate of motion of shock wave'front) for various growths of current. A striking aspect is the little dependence of these quantities on the initial con- ditions in the discharge chain. Experiments have shown that the energy liberated in the spark channelg the pressure and the expansion rate of the channel, the velocity of the shock wave arising on a discharge in a liquid, mainly depend on the parameters of the discharge chain. The initial gradients in the channel attain 104 v/cm. EnerF liberation i3 protracted over the whole half-period, and attains 2 5.10 joules at f - 2.10 a/sec and t =-Z~ At a steeper growth of current, the energy maximum in the unit 4 volume of the channel shifts with time toward the beginning of spark Card 2/3 A A 'I V-4 q I%T jlq r-n" 17'.."u-i d I :L V.,:) flL Z-77 --z-j'77 "Ciff !t u q Ql:-, a PL vy -i o I --- 77-7 T 1 ;7.7 L 9885-63 EFRAPA(b)Ak(l)/~EC(b) -213S(W) _2/BDS--AFFTC/ASD/ SSD--Ps-4/Pd-4/Pab-4...WA4W(G) ACCESSION KR: AP3001332 S/0057/63/033/006/0719/()723 i AUTHOR: Komellkov, V. S.; Skvortsov, Yu. V.; TereshcLenkaj V. N.:. -------------------- TITLE: Directed shock waves in powerful sparks SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 6, 1963, 719-723 TOPIC TAGS: shock waves from sparks,:directed plasma shock waves,. plasma stream, shock waves, plasma shock-wave generation ABSTRACT: Dischar of 600 kamp-current. in the air at atmospheric pressure was investigated in order to create a directed movement of gas formeil by a plasma "piston!' in the required direction*, The plasma piston in'this case was realized by the use of rod-and-ringlelectrodes. A 130-micrafarad condenser battery at, 30 to 35'kv served,as the energy source.: The current-- period was 30 microseconds. Themaxim= diameter of the hot part of the.' plasma beam was about 6 am; the coincidence of the shock wave front and the plasma was observed at about 15 cm from the electrodes. The maximum s;eed in the direction of the axis of the electrodes was 1.38 x 10 sup 6 cm/sec during the first half-period. Separation of the shock wave occurred at a front velocity of 5.5 x 10 sup 5 cm/sec. The gas temperature behind the front was- estimated Card 1/2 L 9885-63 ACCESSION RR: AP3001332 roughly at 8000K. During the second half-period the speed of the liminescent front reached 1.8 x 10 sup 6 cm/sec. Analysis of the results indicates that-the speed attenuation is much smaller in the axial than in the tr--~nsverse direction. and that the length of the beam exceeds the diameter of the ring electrode by 2 to 3 times prior to the separation of the.shock wave. The intensities of the shock vaves'and the power from the input circuit can be increased substantially 'by the use of simple adapters to make the electrodes axially longek. Adapters 5 to 15 CM long, for instance, eliminated the radial bulging of the atream and concentrated the entire energy on acceleration and heating in the iLxial direction, while increasing the average current density in the stream. With.5--cm adapters, the speed of the shock front increased 1.5 to 2 times, while the length of the stream rea-ched 36 cm. At a shock velocity of 9 x 10 sup 5 cm/sec the pressure and temperature in the front of the wave reached the values of 1W) atz and 14,000K. "The authors take this opportunity to express. their gratitude to AP. TO Shevtsov for help in the experiments," orig.'.art. has: 4 figureso ASSOCIATION none SUBMITTEDS 17May62 DATE ACQ: O1Jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REF SOW 009 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2f V/ ACCESSION NR: AP4040296 S/0057/64/034/006/0965/0973 AMHOR: Skvortsov, Yu.V.; Komellkov, V.S. Tserevitinov, S.S. TITLE: Structure of the magnetic fields in a plasma jet with internal currents SOURCE: Zhurmal tekhnicheskoy fizilti, v.34, no.6, 1964, 965-973 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma jet, plasma magnetic field interaction ABSTRACT: This paper reports resulis of investigations conducted from 1959 to 1961 concerning the magnetic fields and currents in plasma jets. The jots were produced by discharge of a 130-microfarad capacitor bank at 5 to 30 kv between two coaxial cylindrical electrodes 2 cm long, 3 cm in external diameter,,and IS cm in Inter-: nal diameter, respectively. The period of the electrical system was 22 microsec.The, electrodes were located at one* end of and coaxial with a glass tube 1 in long and 19 Cm in dtameter containing hydrogen at a pressure of 0.5 to 10 mm 11g. All throe compo- nents of the magnetic field were measured with movable probes, and higIrspeed frame and streak photographs were made. Extensive data were collected and are dis- cussed in considerable detail. The velocity of the plasma jets was about 7 x 106 cm/sec and did not vary greatly with changing gas pressure end discharge potential. 'Card_~/2 L 10743-65 ACCESSION NR:.AP4046338 V !photographs (time resolution 0.5 microseci recorded in IkS and Si 11 6347 and- ~6371 A light and in the neighboring continuum, The total luminous intensity- was. served photoelectrically and was displayed on an 6scillograph. -The x4adiatibn from different small regions was, recordea, both. photographically and by:mqanS of:a a cl n- - tillator...The experimental techniques are-discussed.briefly, and-thO,results are Many lines, of, neutral and - a ingly loored - Al - - 8 1 - Idiscussed in somewhat more-,detall.. 10 and other impurities were observed, The.impurity-Xines appeared Vto.i 5 ad later than the hydrogen-lines, and asthe burst moved,do*wthe tubeia PladMdj&_0 n , w a- ren parated in.which hydroee s predominant.- 1n. the, purity regi6h,--zidutral h 09 was concentrated at the walls of the chamber.-Temperature-of 105~~'UK'was deri-v added to the hydri7 from the width of the N~11 3995 A.1ine 0% - was Igen for-1hi a, und rpose) . The electron .temperature wits- iro' U -estimated to~be consider P 104 PK~ Two distinct. groups of x-rays were, -observedi The first ocow'VW ai't6 6 ginning of thedischarge, originated -af the I centrik t 1: e2ectrode,. and Las ed only 0 3 -to Imicroseo; the quanttim -energy of these x-,~-rays corresponded,-to the -pt eatlal.. .1the'eapacitor bankInd been chargedcThe-second id I wh group - q, x-rays appeart on y . en the current.'reached Its maximum-and-. las ted - for several micros so cadnii--The mea-w,ener,; 80, keV. d' t' gy of. these x-rays -was. an auan a df, -over 200 ~W -!~Qztergy.~.Welrs, present i~ - Thides. 12/3 ACC NRs AP6033415 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036,1010/1808/1815 AbTlYOR: Skvortsovtyu.v. ,ORG; none TITLE: Current distribution along the electrodes of a coaxial plasma injector !SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 10, 1966, 1808-1815 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen plasma, plasma gun, plasma acceleration, plasma magnetic field ABSTRACT: The author has measured with magnetic probes the azimuthal component of Ithe magnetic field between the electrodes of a coaxial plasma gun at different points i !along the axis and at different times after initiation of the discharge, The plasma igun was 39 cm Ion- and the radii of the annular space between the copper electrodes !were 5.5 and 2.5 cm. Hydrogen was admitted through a ring of openings in the inper Ielectrode located 14 cm.from the flange Lind 25 cm from the mouth of the gun. The Imagnetic probes were introduced through slots in the outer electrode. The gun was powered by the 20 IN discharge of a 33.5 microfarad capacitor; the short circuit inductance and resistance of the circuit were 230 cm and 0.01 ohm. The gun was ~operated under two different conditions: in the "high pressure regime" the hydrogen prossurG in the 1 cm3 chamber of the fast electrodynamic valve was 4 at-a and the 'discharge was delayed for 150 microsee after admission of the gas; in the "low pressure It regime these quantities were I atm and 50 microsec. The total discharge rd 1,~2 UDC: 533.9 ACC NR, AP6033,115 current was measured with a Rogovskiy belt, and the electrode potential differences was measured with the aid of an ohmic voltage divider, The results of the measure- Iments are presented graphically; in particular, the longitudinal distribution of the azimuthal magnetic field is given for each regime at seven different times, between 10.55 and 9 microsec after initiation of the discharge. The azimuthal magnetic field idistributions show that during acceleration of the plasma the current is not confined ,to a thin sheet, as is frequently assumed, but is distributed along the length of the Igun, and that closed current loops appear in the plasma in the early stages of accel- ieration. Possible reasons for the observed behavior of the accelerating plasma are Idiscussed at some,length. The author thanks M.V,Zol'nikov and V.N.Tereshchenko for assistance with the work and V.A.Strizhanova for preparing the illustrations. Orig. -art. has: 3 formulas and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 07Aug65 ORIG. REF: 008 OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 CHU, SHM-YU, SKVORT. ,50V--TATARM-T. [translator]; KHVOSTOVA, D.K., redaktor; RAKOV. S. nicheskiy redaktor [Always work creatively. Translated from the Chinese] Tsegla rabotatt tvorcheski. [Perevod a kitaiskogo T.Skvortsova-Tokarina] [Xoakva] 1z&-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1956. 41 p. (NLRA 9:10) 1. Zamestitell nachallulka tookhe turbinnykh lopatok Shankhayokogo gosudarstyennogo turbostroitallnogo zavoda (for Chu. Shun-yu) (Efficiency, Industrial) KOBRlNSKIY, A.Ye., red.; TAMM, B.G., red.; SKVORTSOVA, A., red.; TOWSALU, E.., tekhn. red. (Methods for treating information for program controUed machine tools] Metody podgotovki informatsii dlia stankov s programmiym upravleniem; sbornik statei. Tallinn, 1963. 183 p. (MnA 17:2) 1. Eesti NSV Teaduste Ak-adeemia. Kibernetika instituut. GERTSOVICH, G.; AnEQRTSOVA, A. Vigorous upsurge in the economy of the world socialist system. Vop. ekon. no..3:124,135 Mr 163. (mm 16:3) (Co=udst Countirea-4conomic conditions) VILLMAWN, Ch.I., red.; GRISHIN, N.I., red.; DIRIKIS, M.A., red.; ROSS, Yu.K., red.; KHVOSTIKOV, I.A., red.; SIKVORTSOVA, A., red.; - --------- TOOMSALU, E., tekhn. red. [Transi3etions of the Conference on Noctilucent Clouds]Trudy Soveshchaniia po serebristym oblakam. 3d, Tallinn, 1961. Tallinn,, Akad. nauk Estonskoi SSR, 1960. 139 P. (NIRA 15:12) 1. Soveshchanive po serebristym oblakam. 3d, Tallinn,, 1961. (Clouds) KAAR, E.; KOLLIST, P.;LING, Kh.[Iing H.]; MAAVARA, V.; MARGUS, h.- ~ILISONYA.[Vilson,A.J; PAFaAASTO,E.; REBANE, Kh.[Rebane,Elj; SEPP'l R.; VALK, U.; VEER-TTS, K.; SKVORTSOVA,A., red.; TOWSALU, E., tekhn. red. (Forestry research in the Estonian S.S.R.] Lesovodstvenrve is- ledovaniia v Estonskol. SSR. Tartu, 1960. 64 p. (KM 15:1) 1. Eesti NST Teaduste akademia. Zooloogia ja 'botaanika Jnstituut. (Estonia-Forestry research) NESTOR, Kheldur Eduardovich; KALIO, D.L.(Kaljo, D.1, I-od.; ORVIKIJ, K.K., akademik', red.; BAUKOV, S.S., kand. geol. nauk, red.; VYXIILI R. .[MUnnil, R.], kand. geol. nauk, red.; FALIMRB, Kh.G. [Palmre, H.], kand. geol. nauk, red.; SUORTSOVAIA,.) red. [Ordovician and Llandoverian Stromatoporoidea of Estonia] Stromatoporoidei ordovika i llandoveri Estonii. Tallinn, In-t geol. AN Estonskoi SSR, 196-/j- 111 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR (for O-viku). FOE'NA, A i ~-!;r- .7 - ~ i jr, aSe-rgeyteu-na.; POBUL . Lind, ~-*E G ~ E i i !,,', V A .. 2--naida Aleksandrovria; KIRHI~'i, O.,red.; SKVORTSOVA, A., red. [Ilaw,e of the kerogen of Baltic oil shale kukersite and I.t:3 cheinical properties a3 raw material] Priroda kerogena Priba-ltliiokogn goriuchepo sbantoa-kuker.,Ata i ego khimi- ohii-tklo ryi-:myo kn, lit int'lui. U111mi. MI Eptonakoi ~ZRY (mla '1818) AN Estonskoy MR (for Kirret). 2. sovet AN SSSR (for Skvortsova)'. OHVIKU, K.I,, akademik, red.; BAUKOV, S.S., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; KAL'O,D ;L'(Kal'o, D.], kand. geol.-miner, nauk, red.; M1811L , R.M11%nnil, R.], kand. geol.- minor. nauk, red.; FAL'MrZ, Kh.G. [Palmre, H.1, kand. geol.--:miner. nauk, red.; --red. (Lithology and stratigraphy of Quaternary sediments in Estonia; for the 7th Congress of the International Association on Quaternary Research held in the U.S.A., 19651 Litologiia i stratigrafiia chetve--tichnykh otlo- zhenii Estonii; k VII Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu INKVA v SShA, 1965. Tallirm, 1965. 147 p. (IM11RA 19:1) 1. Festi N9V Teaduste Akadeemia. Geoloo.air- instituut. 2. Akademiya nauk Estonskay SSR (for Orviku). 197ENSON, R.Ye.;SKVORTSOVk, A.A.;GBWINK, B.L. -, V- Effect of theranentic doses of sulfidine on function of the thyroid gland in normal children. Vow. z)ediat. 20 no.1:28-30 Jan-Feb 1952. (CLML 22:1) 1. Of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics, Sverdlovsk Medical Institute (Director -- Docent V. S. Serebrennikov). SMAT-SOVAt A. A. Equilibrium in solutions Temperatures of boiling at atmospheric pressure and composition of vapor o~ binary mixtures: dichloZoethpne-ethyle~e chlorohydri-p and dichloroethBne-ethylene oxide S.I. Keplen, N.-A. Grishin and`~A__A. Skyortsova. J. Gen. Chem. (U. S. S. R.) 7, 538-44(1937)--The procedure described previously (C.A. 30,-54899) was used to det. the b. p. at atm. pressure end the compn. of the vapor at the b. p. of the above 2 systems, which are shown to be normal azcotropic Mixte, ITT, W.Ollity and vaf)or pressure of solutions of rathylens oxide In water and dichloroethono. S. I. Kaplan ting A. S. Reformstaknya. Ibid. 545-9.-A methoa previously described (C. A. 29, 7157 ) was used for detg. the soly, and vapor pressure of ethylene oxide in E20 et 50, 100 and 200, and in dichloroethane, at 00. 100and 200, all under pressures up to 1 atm. S. L. Madorsky SKVORTSOVA, A.A. Reflex modifications of gas exchange in calves caused by changes in nutrition. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 4:166-17o 155. MRA 9:4) l.Laboratoriya fiziologii seliskokhozyaystvannvkh zhivotnvkh, zaver duyushchiy I.A.Baryshnikov, I Nauchnb-opytna7a Btantaiya po izucheniyu fiziologii se1'skokhozyay9tvennykh zhivotnykh, direktor I.F.Shullzhenko. (Calves--Feeding and feeding stuffs) (Respiration) SIVORTSOVA, A.A. 3ffect of lactation on blood circulation, gas exchange, and respiration in cows. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 4:217-229 155. (MA 9:4) l.Laboratoriya fiziologii sellskokhozvaystvannykh zhivotnykh, savedu- yushchiy I.A.Baryshnikov i Ilauchno-op7tnaya stantsiya po izUcheniYU fiziologii seltskokhozvaystvennvkh zhivotnvkh, direktor I.F.Shultzhonko. (Blood--Circulation) (Respiration) (Lactation) SIVORTSOVA, A.A. . 11 ~- , Changes in blood circulation, gas exchange and respiration during the calving period. Trud7 Inst.fiziol. 4:230-236 155. (ML'RA 9:4) l.Laboratoriy,a fiziologii sel'skokhozyaystvennVkh zhivotnykh, zave- duyushchiy I.A.Baryahnikov i Nauchno-opvtnaya stantsira po izucheniyu fiziologii sellskokhozyzvstvennykh zhivotnykh, director I.F.Shultzhenko. (Cove) (Blood--Circulation) (Respiration) USSR / Farm Animals'. Cattle. Abs Jour Rof ZhUi- &- 8iolbgiya~ 4o 2, 1959, No. 7360 Author Skvortsova, A. A. Inst Titlo The Effect of Planned Raising upon the Milk?s Pat Content Orig Pub V sb.: Vopr. fiziol. B.-kh. zhivotnykh. M.-L., AN SSSR, 1957, 130-137 Abstract As 10 heifers of the Ostfriesland breed were nursed with fatter milk and raised on rations with an increased fat content (30-40 percent higher than normal), a marked affect upon their milk1s,fat content and their develop- ment did not occur. -- A. D. Musin Card 1/1 S X 191REVOV, Ivan Ivanovich; -BARYSHNIKOV., I.A.J. prof., otv. red.; NATAROVA, N.V., red. izd-va; AREFIYEVA, G.P., tekhn. red. (Technique for studying blood circulation, gas and energy metabolism, and pulmonary respiration in farm animals; a practical guide] Tekbnika issledovaniia krovoobrashcheniia., gazoenergeticheskogo obmena i legochnogo dykhaniia u sel'sko- khoziaistvennykh zhivotrykh; prakticheskoe rukovodstvo. Mo5kval Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR~ 1961. 82 p. (MIRA 15-1) (IETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION) (RESPIRATION)