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The Interaction of Acoustic, Oscillations in Ion- S/18Y60/002/06/43/050
and Electron-ion Plasmas B006 B056
phononic thermal conductivity, which must be known in order to be able to
establish the validity of Bloch's assumption concerning the equilibrium
distribution of phonons when solving the equation 6f motion in the con-
ductivity problem. The effect produced by screening the electric field of
ions is treated as a result of the zero plasma OBOillationsAf the electr~,
gas (which are analogous to the optical oscillations in ion crystals). The
screening constant k0 of the Coulomb field is at first estimated~ and an
approximate expression for the velocity of sound in ion crystals is found.
Formula (3) gives the Hamiltonian H of the system of interacting ions; in
the latter the chaotic ion motion and its influence upon collective
vibrations may be neglected. The operators for the production and
annihilation of phonons (4) are defined and introduced into H. The non-
equilibrium distribution function N-* wave number) of the phonons
during the occurrence of a temperature gradient in the x-direction is
investigated for the case of a slight deviation from equilibrium. For the
mean path length of the phonons one obtains 1 ~24 2 n e2/k2
ph 0 xT 0 C
Card 2/3 X
AUTHOR: Skrotskaya,__Xe G
the e'! ectri cal conductivity of
TITLS: Temperature dependence oj.
metals In a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Fizika tactallov i Pi otal loved aniy e, v. 15, no. 2,
1963, 166 - 169
-T:EXT: Lifshits et al (ZhLTF, 1956, 31, no. 1, 7') h&ve reported
an expression for the resistance of a, metal in a magnetic field
which includes the parameter t -which is a oC the mean
siono. For lovir-teriparatures and static
time interval betifeen.colli s
f-i-elds the mean free time cannot be rigorously introduced and
it is therefore not clear whether the temperature dependence'of t 0
is the same as in the absence of the field. To elucidate this
problem the author determined the dependence of the conductivity
tensor on the to;-.iperature for a dispersion relation of the forri
e(p) = p /2m It is shown that the form of this tensor is such
that t 0 is of the saine order and has the same temperature depen-
dence as in the absence of the maGnetie fi-eld. Calculations have
Card 1/2
Tem.perature dependence .... E037 2 / E3 14
shoi-.,n that this conclusion remains in force even for a general
dispersion relation.
ASSOCIATION: '%fsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatells'LUy institut
fiziko-ta'A.Chnicheski1ch izmareniy (All-Union
Scientific Research Institute of Physicotochnical..
SUB111ITTED: July 10, 1962
L 16515-65
for magnetic fields which can be strongforthis calcu-
lation. Calculations aremade for both-quadratic (but.anisotropic)-1
and arbitrary dispersion laws, and it is shown that for'the latter
case an experimental investigation of the magnetic susceptibility
will.yield the field dependence of the energy and of the state
denwity at the ground state; in the case of a quadratic dispersion
lav., in strong magnetic fields, the total magnetic moment (diamag-
netic and paramagnetic) tends to saturation. The monotonic part
of the susceptibility is obtained by subtracting the oscillating
part (the deHaas--VanAlphen.effect). Itis concluded that in
strong,magnetic fields the magnetic rroment in the main approximation
does not depend on the temperature and is determined-only by the
magnetic-field-dependence of the ground state energy. In extremely.
strong magnetic fields, the magnetic moment is subject to a small
increment that depends linearly on the temperature; the proportion---
ality coefficient is determined by the density of states at the
ground state. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas.
Card 2/3
A713E 1, y~ I KROTS KA Y e , G
A- 3
C e T; r n
teor. fiz. 47 no . 19 5F- 19
f i 7 i koo-tekhri; ClleSIC4~ J rzadiotekhnicheskik izmereniy.
lnstitut --h i kh
Significance of spontaneous pneumothorax in pediatrics. Pediatriia
no.4:78-79 JI-Ag '55. (WaA 8-12)
1. Iz rentgonovskogo otdeleniya(zav. Ya.I.Pushchevoy) Detskoy
kllnicheskoy dorochnoy bollnitsy Odessko-Kishinev~koy zheleznoy
dorogi (nachallnik V.I.Guslkova)
(PIIMIOTHORAX, In infant and child)
ZD',CWTA M~PICA Sec.0 011 Neurology,e tc. Oct57
- d-
4497. SKROTSKIY A 1. and MILLER T. L. Clin. for Child. Dis. of the Med. Inst.,
Od-effqY.-v-7V-pp-I icat ion of mud packs to children in the
early stage of recovery from poliomyclitis.(RusBian text)
VRAlt. DELO 1956, 7 (709-714)
After using the method for periods up to I year, good results were obtained in
6416 of cases, but in patients whose illness was of 5 or more years' duration, only
1376 of successes was obtained, Concurrently the patients received massage,
exerciseq, vitamin 13, haemotherapy, dibazol etc. In all 385 children were under
observation. In 38 children the mud therapy was given in the subacute phase.
Usually after the first 2 or 3 treatments the pain in the limbs diminished or even
disappeared and recovery of movement took place in paralysed muscles. This re-
covery of function was irregular. Recovery was delayed longest in m. m. quadri-
ceps. peroneus brevis, peroneus longur and deltoid. It took up to I or 2 yr. The
course of mud therapy comprised from 15 to 30 treatments. All the children to-
lerated them well. The children were kept under observation after discharge from
the unit and long-term domiciliary treatment was arranged - massage, exercises
and orthopaedic measures. One month after discharge diathermy was given; sun
baths were also provided; after 3 months a course of dibazol; after 5 months a
course of galvanism and ultra-violet irradiation. The mud treatment was repeated
after one year or sometimes ELfter 6 months. The full course of treatment extend-
ed over 3-4 yr. One year ELfter the commencement of mud therapy. 10 children
had recovered, 24 had regained full movement, in 1 movement was stronger and
I child showed no change. Improvement was particularly marked in those children
having repeated mud therapy. Each further treatment gave benefit.
Belova - Leningrad'(XX,8 7)
r On the Influence of Gravity on the Propagation of Light. 20_.'-'_9,/64
MASS Mo. The approximate solutions for the gravitational field out-
side of the body aie given in their explicit form~The above-listed
MAn,'ELL-like equations are specialized also for periodical processes
W - ck, and are then solved. In zeroth approximation we obtain a ge--
neralize6 iconal equation, Also the equations of first approximation
are given in the paper tinder review, As a matter of fact, no rotation
dispersion exists in the gravitational field. At the propagation of
the wave in the direction parallel to the exis of rotation of the bo-
dy the ray of light suffers not only an EINSTEIN's curvature but it
also winds in the direction of rotation of the body.Additional de-
tails are listed in the paper under review,
(No reproduction).
ASSOCIATION Ural Polytechnic Institute "B.M.KIROV".
PRESENTED BY POK V.A.,Member of the Academy
SUBMITTED 26-7-1956
AVAILABLE Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
SUBJECTz USSR/Physics of Magnetic Phenomena 48-6-11/23
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy,_GL,Y~.__ai9,d Kurbatov, L.V.
TITLE: Thermodynamical Theory of Relaxation and Resonance Phenomena
in Two-Spin Systems (Termodinamicheakaya teoriya relakeatsion-
nykh i rezonan8nykh yavleniy v dvukhapinovykh sistemakh)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSR, Seriya Fizhicheskaya, 1957, Vol 21,
#6, pp 833-843 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Substances with pure spin magnetism are considered. They can
be represented as a combination of two spin-systems with dif-
ferent partial magnetizations and different gyromagnetic factors.
It is assumed that the spin-systems giving rise to magnetic pro-
perties of the substance and the lattice are quasi-independent.
In this case, the state of a magnetic substance can be charac-
terized by 3 temperatures; lattice temperature, T 0 , which is
assumed to be constant, and temperatures of spin-systems, T 1 and
T2' The kinetics of the processes proceeding in a magnetic ma-
terial is determined by the relaxation times within each of the
and 'C
1 the relaxation times between each
Card 0 22
of the systems and the lattice, T and '& 0, and the relaxation
10 2
In the article, "On the Influence of Gwit. on the Propa&tlon of light
G. N. Skrotakly of the Ural Poly-technical Institute imz~ai b. I':. i-t'i'j, ,
bbt~ins -an e.,.pression for the angle of rotation of the plane of polari-za-
tion of an electromagnetic wave which passes through the gravitational
field of a rotating spherical body. The electromagnetic field equations
are wr-+-n in thp form of Maxwell's eauations for a moving anisotroT)ic
mtd-ium. The properties of the metrical tensor determine the anisotropy.
(Dok1adY Akademii Nauk SSSR 'Vol 114, No 1, MaY 57, PP 73-76) (U)
Thermodynamic derivation of an epation of motion in the theory
of ferromagnetic resonance. Nauch. dokl. v7s. skoly; fix,-mat.
nauki n0.1:136-137 158. (MIRA 12:3)
l.Urallskiy politakhnichaskiy institut i Ural'skiy filial AN SSSR.
Thermod7namic theor7 of relaxations. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz.
no.2-138-143 158. WRA 11:6)
l.Urallski7 politekhnicheskiy institut i Urallski7 filial Akademii
nauk SSSR.
(Thermodymamics) (Statistical mechanics)
Thermodynamical Derivation of Dynamic Susceptibility
equilibrium, usins the linear approximation and accordir_L~
to (2)
TTa + (a - ao) = ~4T-a ),(T - TO) + ~_)T(A - A0) (3)
( .1a
where -the equilibrium values of the derivatives are
found from 'the equation of state for the subsystem and
TT L(~'A-a)Tj -1 is the time of isothermic internal
relaxation. In this approximation
4 = oc(T - TO)
where a is -the coefficient of thermal conductivity
between the subsystem and the thermostati and Q is the
heat given by the subsystem to the thermostat. Using
well knovm thermodynamic relations and the linear
Card 3/5 approximation we find that
TherLaodynanical Derivation of Dynamic Susceptibility
using (3) and (5) that the dynamic "susceptibility" is
~Jven by:
(RA), ~~A) 1 + iwTa
.A; 1 + iw(T T+Y-C a)-w IraTT
There are 3 Soviet references.
(VOTE: This is a complete translation)
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut~Urallskiy
filial AN SSSR (Ural Polytechnical Institute)Ural Branch
of the Ac.3c. USSR)
SUBI-ilITTED; April 16t 1956
Card 5/5 1. Thermodynainics-Mathematical. analysis
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. Shmatov, V. T. SOV/56-34-3-32/55
TITLE: On the Thermodynamical Theory of Resonance and Relaxation
Phenomena in Ferromagnetics
(K termodinamicheskoy teorii rezonansnykh i relaksatsionnykh
yavleniy v ferromagnetikakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki,
1958, Vol. 34y Nr 3y PP- 740-745 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present work shows the following: Using the thermo-
dynamical method of irreversible processes equations for
the time change of the magnetization taking into account
the spin-spin relaxation and the spin-lattice relaxation
can be obtained on very general and simple conditions .
Furthermore the influence of the spin-lattice relaxation
on the phenomena of ferromagnetic resonance are discussed.
The system of spin-moments responsible for the magnetic
properties of the ferromagnetic substances can, from the
thermodynamical point of view of be separated into on own
sub-system with the temperature T(spin-system). The
Card 1/4 residual degrees of freedom of the complete system are
On the Thermodynamical Theory of Resonance and Relaxation
Phenomena in Ferromagnetics SOV/56-34-3-32/55
he t f the vector of spontaneous magnetization
amiln buot only its direction. The ferromagnetic
resonance is in weak fields very insensitive to the detailed
form of the equations used for its description. The one or
other form of the equations must only then be preferred
when non-linear effects are observed.
There are 11 references, 7 of -ahich are Slavic,
Uralfskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(Ural Polytechnical Institute)
October 18, 1957
Card 4/4
On the Theory of the Anisotropy of the Width of SOV/56-35-1-29/59
the Lines of Ferromagnetic Resonance Absorption
This is the equation by Landau and Lifshits, with the aid of
which the deDendence of the width of the absorption lines on
4- ~,
the field is derived. For oc =~, M one obtains for zhe con-
nection of spin-spin relaxation time"t, with
1 2 11 2/v-44
CA, 1. _L ((1V1H) = MH) and for -A M 7.11H)
For manganese ferrite with slight zinc impurities(investigated
in paper (Ref 1)) at 9100 megacycles and an anisotropy K/M at
room temperature of (-71 t 1) Oe) as well as for manganese
ferrite Mmo,98 Fe, 86 04 (Ref 7, 9300 megacycles (-79 3) Oe)
the values of Hres' a H, lol~j and 1 /t_ are in the following
compiled in a table in accordance with the derived formulae~
Id,j j,9 of the order 10-3and 1 rL.:108sec- 1.
There are I table and 7 referer~ces, 2 of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politeklinicheskiy institut(Ural Polytechnic
Card 2A
The Equations of Motion for a System Which Consists of 2 Sorts of Inter-
acting Spine
(2) 21 22 ~2))
M L (H - H(1)) + L (H H
k ik i i ik i
10 ) -~(2
,ifliere H and ) are conn,$ t d it4 t~e magnetizations of
the subsystems of the spins M 1 and M( by the relations
;(o I -b),( 2Xo2 ~(2). The coefficients Lik
satisfy the relations of Onsager (Onzager). The initially
given equations are specialized for the case in which the
medium is isotropic in the absence of a field. These equations
can be reduced to
= Xo2 H if there is no transverse
radiofrequency field in the steady state. For parallel fields
= 0 this system of equations agrees with the equa-
tions deduced by Solomon. If there is no second subsystem,
the equations may be reduced to an equation of the form
+ -XO/-r)-H' + T[M 1] . Equations are deduced also for
and 4(2) . The equations deduced in this paper
constant M M
Card 2/3 may be applied to relaxation and resonance processes in anti-
24 (3 )'
'1/56-35-6-22 'A
so / f'i
"-!JT:-r6RS Skrotskiy, r;. 7. , X,71-yozio'l, P. S., T., G,
TITLE: The Influence of P_-raraa,,~n;~tic Electron Resonance on the
Optical Effect of Faraday at Low Temperatures (Vliyaniye
elektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa, na opticheskiy effekt
Fara,l:~ya pri nizkikh ter..ineratura,:h)
PEPIOPICAL: Zhurnal eI:sverimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1953,
Vol 35, Nr 6, PP 1471-1474 (USSR)
.'ABSTRACT: Daniels and Wasemeyer (Daniyels, Vezacieyer)(Ref 1) experimen-
tally investigated the influence exercised by magnetic
resonance on the optical Faraday (Faradey) effect The~ rorked
with neodymium. ethylene sulfate single crystals a; 1.5 K,
1060 megacycles, and 5461 2. Kastler (Ref 2) was the first
to investigate the connection between Faraday effect and
paramagnetic resonance, and Opechowski (Opekhovskiy) (Ref 3)
carried out the respective quantum-mechanical calculations.
The results obtained are discussed in the introduction. The
authors of the present paper investigated these phenomena on
the basic of the usual macroscopical theory; an explicit ex-
pression is derived for the angle of rotation of the polariza-
Card 1/1 tion plane of a light wave near paramagnetic resonance in a
T~he Influence of Farama,~netic E'lectron Pesonance on the rj,-.tical Effect of
Faraday at Low Temperatures
radio-frequency field which is weak in comparison to the con-
stant magnetic field 11 . The influence of paramagnetic re-
sonance on the opticalooffect is based upon spin-orbit inter-
actions. The dielectric constant characterizes the optical
properties, and as the otate of the spin system varies con-
siderably within ran-e of paramagnetic resonance, a change
of the state of the spin system (in consideration of spin-
orbit coupling.) leads to a variation of the dielectric con-
stant, which fact explains the influence exercised upon opti--
cal properties. Theoretically, the problem was dealt with ac-
cording to the method outlined in reference 4. The ansatz for
the specific angle of rotation of the polarization plane is,
according to VolIkenshteyn (Ref 5) the following:
2 _ 2
(W/4c) (n- n+)/In, v7here the refraction index n+ i s c k/Cc
for right-h~anded and left-handed circularly polarized waves
respectiwly. The following approximated solution is obtained:
9 = (2ny/c)nIT 0. (see figure). For strong radio-frequency
fields there is only qual4tative ar- r j
greement between this fo mla
Card 2/i and the experiment s. There are 1 f ig-ure and 5 ref erences,
240) SOV//56-35-6-24/44
AUTFORS: Skrotskiy, G. V., Alimov, Yu. I.
TITLE: Ferromagnetic Resonance in a Circularly Polarized Electro-
magnetic Field of Arbitrary Amplitude (Ferromapnitnyy
rezonans v polyarizovannom Do krugu elektromarnitnom pole
proizvollnoy amplitudy)
PEPIODICAL: :,,'hurnal eksperimentallrioy i teoreticheskoy f-iziki, 1,058,
Vol 35, Nr 6, PI) 1401-1484 (USSR)
I.BSTRACT: It is the aim of the present paper to analyze the exact
solutions of the equations of motion of magnetization, viz.
of the equation of the Bloch (Blokh)-type
4 = r_..J (xo"* -.0.
+ H MVT as well as of the Landau-Lifshits
eqDations (Ref 1 7'Mffi+ aLmiEj , a < 0, 'where m = M/M.
and 0 + _~. In the introduction, the re3pective experimen-
tal inveotigations carried out by Damon (Demon) (Ref 2),
Bloember~en and 'Mang (Blumbercen and Vang) (Ref 3), as well
as the theoretical investigation by Suhl (Sul) (Ref 1) are
diacussed in short. IThe present paper investigates the solu-
Card 1/2 tio,is of the aforementimedequations in a circularly polarized
I : 3 3 - 3;
SKROTSKIY, G.V. [Skrots;kyi., H.V.]; TALUTS, G.G. (Taluts, H.H.]
Extending Frenells formulae to the case of absorbing uniaxial
crystals. Wkr.fiz.zhur, 4 no.64?24.-?28 11-D 159. OAMA 14:10)
1. Ural-skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. Kirova.
(Crystals-Optical properties)
6 5 5
Zyryanov, P.S., Izyumova, T. G and Ski7_ptskiy, G.V.
Electrical Cond!!ctivitzAf Ferromagnetic Metalsilln
a Radio-Frequcney Field
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, vol 8, Nr 6,
pp 8ol-8o6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is well known that ferromagnetic metals have an
additional resistivity due 'to the interaction of
conduction electrons with thermal fluctuations in the
magnetization. In the case of ferromagnetic resonance,
the character of the magnetization fluctuations may be
altered quite considerably. The resistivity of a
metallic ferromagnetic may be looked upon as consisting
of three components, namely those due to the interaction
of the conduction electrons with phonons and ferromagnons,
and a further component due to the change in the
magnetization in a radio frequency field. The temperature
dependence and the order of magnitude of the first of the
above three components is well known. The second
component has been calculated by Turov (Ref 1) for the
low temperature region, using the spin wave niodel; the
Card 1/3 temperature dependence of this component is in a
Electrical Conductivity of Ferromagnet�c Metals in a Radio-Frequency
qualitative agreement with experiment. The present
authors attempt to set up a quantitative theory of the
increase in the resistivity of ferromagnetics in a
radio-frequency field. Near the ferromagnetic resonances
the energy of the radio-frequency field is transferred to
s[jin waves having a wave number close to zero and this
corresponds to an increase in the precession angle,of'-the
magnetization vector. Since in this case the
magnetization remains uniform, there is no additional
contribution to resistivity. However, in the case of a
ferromagnetic metal in a radio-frequency field, the
magnetization in the skin-layer x~ill no longer be uniform
and the radio-frequency field will tend to increase this
nonuniformity and excite a spin wave with a'wave number
k,.v,l/6, where 16 is the depth of the skin-layer. This
increase in thenonuniformity of the magnetization in the
skin-layer near resonance will give rise to an additional
interaction of conduction electrons with the metal and
hence the resistance of the skin-layer has a resonance
Card 2/3 character. The effect can be observed in thin films
.1 0
AUTHORS; Skrotskiy, G. V,, Kokin, A. I.- SOV/56-36-1-23/62
TITLE: A System of Magnetic Moments ir a Weak Variable Plagretic
Field (Sistema magnitnykh momentov v slabom peremennom
magnitnom pole)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentall-noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 1, pp J"9_17
0 15 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors investigate a system of magnetic moments with
electric exchange interactions and with magnetic
divole-dipole irteractions, which is located in the external
magne-,-.ic field 1~ 1(t). By employing the method of Kubo
and Tomi.ta (Ref 5), they deduce the equation of motion of the
magnetization vactor for a system of magneti,:; moments which
are ccnnected with electric exchange interactions and also
with weak magnetle dipole-(iipole interac t 4ons. The coefficients
figuring J'Ln these equations can be calculated for concrete
cases. First, ann expression is defined -for the componenv of
the magneti,zation vector, The caleulations are given step by
step. For calculating th-, Mc((t) of the magnetization
Card 1/2 it is sufficient to determine.- -.-.he com-ocnents cf the tenscr
A System of Magnetic Momenta in a Weak Variablj~, SOV56-36-11 -2,-162
Magnetic Field
function G of relaxation. Foz- cal~~,jlating the components
,of G Cn/3 A ( , .
the expression for the operator M., ~t) --s expanded
into a suries. The expression found for the magnetizatior If
determi,nes its time dependerce in weac varlable fields.
Finally, the authors deduce thp differential equation for the
eojuiVon,3nt3 of the magnetization vector. There are 8 references,
I of ile. 'Ooviell-.
ASSOCIATION- Urallsk-iy- politekhnicheskiy J.r-stit-al ~Llral Polytechnic
inst-i but =)
SUBMITTED: Juna 23, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. V., Kokin, A. A. SOV/56-36-2-20/63
TITLE: On the Theory of Nuclear Paramagnetic Resonance in Liquids
(K teorii yadernogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa v zhilkostyakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599
Vol 36, Nr 2, Pp 481-487 (USSR)
ABSTIUCT: The quantum theory bf magnetic resonance absorption in radio-
frequency fields developed by Kubo and Tomita (Ref 1) is used
by the authors of this paper for the purpose of describing
nuclear paramagnetie'resbnance in liquids; the thermal motion
of the molecules, which leads to narrowing of the absorption
line is taken into account on the basis of the diffusion theory.
Already in reference 2 the influence exercised by the anisotropy
of the g-factor upon li-ne'shape Iwas investigated by means of
,this method, and in reference 3 this was done with respect to
the influence of exchange interaction on hyperfine structure in
electronic paramagnetic resonance. A. K. Chirkov and A.A. Kokin
by this method determined the line shape of electronic
resonance absorption in powders of free radicals (Ref 4).
Card 1/3 G.. V.-Skrotskiy and.Kokin (Ref 5) introduced an equation of
On the Theory of Nuclear SOV/56-36-2-20/63
Paramagnetic Resonance in.-LiqLui4s
motion forthe magnetization vector. Thermal motion was taken
into account by reference 6 (as intransiatory-reference 1)
0), which describes the Braun and
by f(t) - exp(- Itl /T-
rotational motion. The correlation time V is for rotational
motion a function of temperaturep motion, and dimensions of
molecule.e.,for translatory motion it depends on the mutual
position'of'the "paramagnetic molecules or ions. Basing upon
these assumptions and by using the results of the previous
paper_(Ref 5),*the authors in the following investigate the
transversal and longitudinal relaxation time in liquids on the
basis of the diffusion theory, assuming that the sample is
located in a constant magnetic field He a H z and in a weak
radio*frequency field h(t). For the relaxation times T, and T-L
e.g. for water at 200C with a - 1.45.10 8om, b = 1.54-10-8 cm,
Vo - 0-32.10- 11 see and V/N - 30-10-' 4CM3 (Ref 8), one obtains
with (36) 1 g4 4 jk-2 -V +b-6
c(~Ir N a-3 V 4) 41,
Card 2/3 T Ti Tj 2 ?o S V 0 0
On the Theory of Nuclear SOV/56-36-2-20/63
Paramagnetic Resonance in Liquids
which differs from the formula obtained in reference 6 only
by numerical coefficientat T = T II ~TI = 3 sec, which is in
agreement with the experimentally determined times
T, - T.L = (3.6 t 0-4) see. There are 2 figures and 9 references,
3 of which are Soviet.
SUMIETTED: June 23, 1958 (initially) and October 28, 1958 (after revision)
Card 3/3
24(3) SOV/56-36-3-49/71
AUTHORS: _.~,krotskiy, G_ V., Kokin, A. A.
TITLE: On the Disordered Free Precession of the Magnetic Moments
of Atomic Nuclei (0 neuporyadochennoy svobodnoy pretsessii
magnitnykh momentov atomnykh yader)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 3, Pp 932 - 933 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors of the present paper ("Letter to the Editor")
theoretically investigated the precession motion of magnetic
nuclear moments in a sample that was subjected to the action
of a magnetic field H . The sample was assumed to be in a
. In the case
pick-up coil and to b8 magnetized vertical to H
of a sufficient homogeneity of the H
-field signal damping
(increase of noise in the circuit) causes fluctuations of the
voltage at the end of the pick-up coil; these fluctuations
are determined, on the one hand, by the thermal noise and,
on the other, by magnetization fluctuations of the sample.
Whereas a formula was already derived (Ref 1) for the spectral
Card 1/2 density of the Itean voltage square V2, caused by the thermal
On the Disordered Free Precession of the Magnetic Moments SOV/56-36-3-49/71
of Atomic Nuclei
noise in the pick-up circuit, the authors in the present
paper derive analogous formulae 'describing vo Itage fluctua-
tions caused by magnetization fluctuations (VM). It was
found possible, in the case of conditions being favorable,
to separate the signal of disordered free precession of
magnetic nuclear moments from the thermal noise spectrum.
The ratio
(V2) /(V2) is found to be proportional to (yH ) 2.
M Y T Y 0
There are 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (UralsPolytechnic In-
SUBMITTED: October 28, 1958
Card 2/2
2 .4
ALT TfiORS Skrotskiy, G. V Z41 Alimov, Yu. I. SOV/56-36-4-44/70
TITLE: The Influence of the Shape of the Specimen on
Ferromagnetic Resonance in a Strong Radio-Frequency Field
(Vliyaniye formy obreztsana ferromagnitnyy rezonans v
sillnom radiochastotnom pole)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiche8koy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1267-1271 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Experiaentally (Refs 1, 2) it was shown that the
magnetization component Mz decreases slowly in the direction
of the constant field Ho with growing microwave power. This
effect was theoretically investigated by Suhl (Refs 3, 4)
and derived by using the Landau-Lifshits equation (1).
r44 ef] + a ['-), t
+r m al . 0,
m [~H M/M, , cc>O, f>O, for an
r.f. field h the amplitudes of which are great compared
to the threshold field h c: hc -A H(3-08A H/41,Ms)
Card 1/3 The authors of the present paper analyze the exact solutions
The Influence of the Shape of the Specimen on SOV/56-36-4-44/70
Perromagnetic Resonance in a Strong Radio-Frequency Field
of (1) for nonspherical ferromagnetic specimens in an
r.f, field of arbitrary amplitude (they had already
derived the solutions in a previous paper (Ref 5), It is
found that above a certain value of h the motion of the
magnetization vector becomes unstable? The slow decrease
of the magnetization component and the shift of the
resonance field for field strengths ho> h. are explained.
At h0/ hc the height of the absorption peak decreases and
its width increases. The results agree essentially with
those obtained by Suhl. The dependence of m.z on at ~ N= 10
for different values of a is shown by figure 1; figure 2
shows the influence exercised by the nonsphericity of the
specimen upon mZ in dependence on a2 with ~ N = 100;
the diagram for comparison contains the curve mZ(a2)
for a homogeneously magnetized spherical specimen. The
denotations apply to a system of coordinates rotating
Card 2/3 round H. = Hz with the frequencyu, where (1) has the form
The Influence of the Shape of the Specimen on SOV/56-36-4-44/70
Ferromagnetic Resonance in a Strong Radio-Frequency Field
lef I
m [_M[`m.'ajj - 0, with f-H -UJ)/aW,
+ 14-
0 N. -N.L M
a W a W
There are 2 figures and 6 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic
SUBMITTED: October 28, 1958
Card 3/3
?4'(3) SOT/56-37-2-23/56
'AUTHORS: Kokin, A. A., Skrotskiy Go V.
TITLE: The Theory of Paramagnetic Resonance in Systems Containing
Two Kinds of Magnetic Moments
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 37, Nr 2(8), PP 462-489 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors develop a better and more complete (escompared
to that of G. V. Skrotskiy, Ref 4) thermodynamical and micro-
scopical theory of systems containing two kinds of magnetic
moments. This theory is developed for weak alt6rnating fields,
includ4ng the..,.deduction of equations,for the partial magnetiza-
tions 1 and M 2* The thermodynamical theory of the systems
under consideration can be developed.on the basis of the
thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The paramagnetic
sample is considered to be in a constant mtgnetic field
H=H and in an alternating magnetic field (t), which is
a slight disturbance to the thezmodynamical equilibrium. In
this case the partial magnetiza-w-;.ons M.=11.(t) (j=192) of the
a j k),
subsystems satisfy the equations IM 1j - ~-_ Llm' jk(h MW - h m
1,m~ x,y,z; j,k = 1;2, which are 1-inear with respeetto the
Card 1/3 variable field. In these equationag
The Theory of Paramagnetic Resonance in Systems Containing Two Kinds of
Magnetic Moments
h denoting the partial magnetiza-
k % A, k-
tions of the magnetic subsystems~ After several steps the
system of the linear equations of motion for the partial
magnetizations are founds The static susceptibilities entering
these equations depend upon the thermodynAmic temperatures of
the subsystems which in the geneml case will be d4fferent from
the temperaturi-of the remaining degrees of freedom of the
magnetic substance - the equilibrium temperature of the lattice.
The variation of the temperature of the subsystems is ignoredp
and is arbitrarily assumed to be equal to the temperature of
the sample. The free precession of the magnetization *~ t)vO
in the constant magnetic field Ito is investigated. In the
sequel the solutions of the above linear equations of motion
for the partial magnetizations are determined and written down.
The microscopical theory of the relaxation and resonance pheno-
mena in systems with two kinds of magnetic moments can be
devel oped on the basis of the method due to R. Kubo and K.
Tomita (Ref 6) in a manner similar to that employed by the
authors for the case of one kind of spin (Ref 7). The g-factors
Card 2/3 of the particles are assumed to be isotropic. By a suitable
The Theory of Paramagnetic Resonance in Systems Containing Two Kinds of
Magnetic Moments
choice of the Hamiltonian it is possible to account for the
quadrupole moments of the nuc1eA_,_.&toma._and_,_1ons and their
intera-~,tion with the local inhomogan-p-oun-and generally fluc-
tuating electric field. Moreover, it is.pQasible by these
means to account for the weak direct-and indirect exchange
interactions (which lead to a hyperfine.structure). The relaxa-
tion functions are determined for a homogeneous and isotropic
medium. The relaxation time and the displaaement of the resonance
frequency of one subsystem are intexmlated -with the relaxation
time and the resonance frequency of the.other subsystem. This
means that a general relationship exista.analogous to that
of Kramers-Kronig. The real and imaginary part of the suscepti-
bility are interrelated through these relations.There are
9 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic~~..
SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959
Card 3/3
240) SOV/56- 37- 3-32/62
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. V., Kokin, A.A.
TITLE: On the Influence of the Coherent Magnetic Dipole Radiation on
Magnetic Resonance
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
vol 37, Nr 3(9), pp 802-804 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: L. I. h1andel'shtam (Ref 3) was the first to find out that
coherence phenomena occur during the emission of electromag-
netic quanta caused by a spin system, if the wavelength is
greater than the dimensions of the system; these phenomena
lead to a considerable increase of the radiation width of the
line (cf. also Refs 1,2,4). V. M. Fayn (Ref 5) found that
taking spin interaction into account by means of a general
radiation field in the radio frequency range leads to a shift
of resonance frequency. In the present paper the authors
calculate the corrections to the relaxation time and calculate
the additional resonance frequency shift caused by the coherent
radiation field. As expected, the quantum theory, within the
approximation investigated, leads to the same results as the
,,-t.vd 1/4 classical one. The classical equation of motion for a magnetic
On the Influence of the Coherent Magnetic Dipole Radiation on Magnetic
moment ~k of a homogeneously magnetized sample that is small
compared to the wave length of the radiation, is set up ac-
) as follo _ 4YL)m [~LC] +
cording to Ginzburg (Ref 6 WS: y[ttH'j 31tv3 L
3V5 V = CIVEt( is the phase velocity of light in sample
matter, and W.~Z~ cv-1/3. Classical equations describing the
magnetization M = &(/V are derived. The quantum-theoretical
treatment of this phenomenon is carried out (for weak radio-
frequency fields) by means of the method developed by Kubo an&
Tomita (Ref 7). The time-independent part of the Hamiltonian is
A 4 .4 A A
written down in the form X 1 + 92 =;go +P_f , where
A N A A + A
M and 9 a a tvk;'91 describes the
2 ' 0,A 0,, +
Ijo k.X
interaction of the magnetic moments with the external constant
Card 2/4 magnetic field, ~e2 - the Ham .iltonian of the radiation field,
On the Influence of the Coherent Magnetic Dipole Radiation on Magnetic
'A-= �1 corresponds to the two possible values of the polariza-
tion. The Hamiltonian of the interaction of the magnetic moments
with the radiation field is, if the dimensions of the system
are considerably smaller than the wave lengtIA obtained as
N a A +
:X1 iyt V247rtvk/V >(-1) 1 &~ ). Relaxa-
ja ja k-k-a 0, k
tion time and resonance frequency shift may be found in an
analogous manner as shown by one of the authors' previous pa-
pers (Ref 8). In conclusion, the case is briefly discussed in
which the sample is assume& not to be in free space but in a
resonator, and the hereby caused change of signal characteris-
tic is investigated. If 9.1(cj0) is the quality of an ideal
resonator with magnetic field, and QOWO ) that of a real
resonator without a magnetic field, and Q((j 0) that of a real
resonator with magnetic field, QI(L5,,) QOWO) holds;
3/4 o((,b)/Q(&JO
Q-n the Influence of the Coherent Magnetic Dipole Radiation on Magnetic
Qo/q and qo could be measured directly, and thus the frequency
dependence of the relaxation time could be determined. There
are 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic Insti-
SUBMITTED: April 17, 1959
Card 4/4
7d 0
AIJUMORS: Skrotskiy, G.V., Kokin, A.A.
TITLE- On radiaticn effects in magnetic resonance
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika. no. 1.0, 1961, 159, abstract JOV326 (V
sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans", Kazan', Kazansk. un-t, 1960, 46-50)
TEXT? The authors calculate corrections to the times of longitudinal Tf,
and transversal Tj relaxation, due to radiation effects, for the case when a
raramagnetic specimen is placed into a resonator of arbitrary shape, possessing
a high Q-factor. The role of radiation phenomena is disq.ussed for the case when
the. specimen is in the resonator and resonance frequency Wo 71 Ho is consid-
erably greater than inverse relaxation times caused by intramolecular'mechanisms.
V. Avvakumov
fAl~;~Yacter's n3te; Complete translation]
Card 1/1
S/058/6 I/t)00/0 10/t27/100
AUTHORS: Kokin, A.A,,'~~ cots JX,_G.Y.
TITLE- On the role of self-diffusion process in the theory of magnetic re-
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.Fizika, no.10 1961.1 153, Abstract 1OV269 (V
sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans Kazan(, Kazansk. un-t, 1960, 171-176)
TEXT- The authors discuss the role of-translational Brown motion in the
magnetic resonance theory.. This type of motion is essential at determination of
the.shape of absorption line in the case of electronic or nuclear.magnetio re-
Sanance in liquids, solutions,-gases and some solids, The correlation function
for scalar and dipole-dipole magnetic interactions is calculated for:the case~,of
proton resonance in a paramagnetic solution.
V. Avvakumov
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Zyryanov, P.S., Izyumova, T.G r kly, G.V.
TITLE-. Effect of Electron Magnetic Resonance7on the Optical
Properties of Ferromagnetic and Para-magnetic Bodies
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika,
1960, Nr 3, PP 32 -- 38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Using a system of macroscopic equations, taking into
account spin orbit interactions, a calculation is made
of tile refractive index of a gyrotropic medium under
tile conditions of magnetic resonance, An expression is
obtained for the rotation of the plane of polarisation of
a light wave as a function of amplitude and frequency
of the rf field for transparent paramagnetic and ferro-
magnetic bodies. A study is made of the effect of ferro-
magnetic resonance on tile optical Kerr effect and the
results obtained are compared with experiment. The
macroscopic equations are taken in the form given by
Eqs M-0), which must be supplemented by the equation
of motion for the magnetisation M . In paramagnetic
media, the latter is chosen in the Bloch form (Eq 4).
Cardl/3 For ferromagnetic materials the Land&u Li-vshits form given
Effect of Electron Magnetic Resonance'OOPAR18ptical Properties of
Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Bodies
by Eq (5) is employed. It was shown in a previous paper
(Ref 3) that Eqs (1)-.(3) together with Eq (4) or Eq (5)
take into account spin orbit interactions. In fact, the
self-consistent field H i is due to spin-spin and
spin-orbit interactions. Eq (1) does not include the
damping terai but this has no fundamental effect on the
final results~ The change in the optical properties of
solids in magnetic resonance,and in particular the
resonance Faraday effectmay in the case of paramagnetic
media be used to determine the longitudinal and transverse
relaxation times and -t.
L . It is shown that the
relative change in the rotation of the plane of polar�-
sation is gj-,.,en by Eq (25). while the width of the
absorption line can be determined from Eq (26). Eq (25)
is the same as the expression.obtained by Daniels and
Wesemeyer (Ref 6) by another method. Using experimental
valuai for at resonance (Aco ~ 0) and H one
Card2/3 can calculate Y, and (H is the constant magnetic
Effect of Electron Magnetic Resonance a e Properties of
Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Bodies
field). The effect
resonance on the optical
modulation of beams
of the rf field.
There are 2 figures
French, 1 German, 5
of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic
Faraday effect can be us3d in fast
of light by varying the amplitude
and 11 references, of which I is
English and 4 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION! Ural.'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni
S.M. Kirova (Ural Polytc-~;hnical Institute imeni
S.M. Kirov) -
SUBMITTED. March 16, 1959
Card 3/3
410 0 E032/E514
AUTHORS: Korshunov, V.A. and Skrotskiy, G_-V-
TITLE- On the Doppler Effec in the Theory of Vairilng-
ChereiTkov Radiation \A
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniy, Fizika,
ig6o, No.4, pp.56-59
TEXT: It is well known that an electric charge moving
through a medium with a velocity which is greater than the phase
velocity of light in the medium loses energy by radiation even
when the velocity is constant. The classical theory of this
phenomenon (Vavilov-Cherenkov effect) admits of a simple geometrical
interpretation. The electromagnetic field due to a charge moving
along the z-axis with a constant velocity v = 0c in an infinite
medium having a refractive index n can be derived from a scalar
potential ~p, since x and y components of the vector potential
are zero and the z-component is given by
A pn 21P and V ~Ip -,- a(P = 0.
az Ot
This result is used to obtain an explicit expression for the
Card 1/2
On the Doppler Effect in the Theory of Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation
potential y in a non-dispersive medium. The results obtained
are then used to investigate the Doppler effect in the above case.
The final formulas are well known and the present paper presents
a different way of deriving them. There are 1 figure and
6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova
(Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M.Kirov)
SUBMITTED: August 24, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy,-G, V.~ Izyumova, T. G.
TITLE: The Magneto-optical Kerr Effect, in Ferromagnetic
Substances Placed in a Radio-frequericy Field
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1739-?740
TEXT: In an earlier work (Ref. 1) the authors have developed a
mar.-.roscopic theory to explain the observed effect of electron para-
magnetic resonance on the optical Faraday effect. The method developed in
Ref. 1 for the determination of the refractive index of non-conducting
paramagnetic media in the presence of a radio-frequency field is. In fhe
present work, extended to coaducting ferromagnetic substances. This
enable8 one to make an estimate of the effect of ferromagneti-6 resonance
on the magnitude of the magneto-optical Kerr effect. This happens for the
special case when the direction of propagation of the 'Ainearly polarized
light wave, hitting perpendicularly the ferromagnetic mirror magnetized
to saturation, coincides with the diTection of the magnetizing field.
Card 1/2
The Magneto-.optical Kerr Effect in S/181 60/002/008/009/04::
Ferromagnetic Substance3 Placed in a Boo6/BO70
Radio-frequency Field
Starting froirt the system cf equations (1) - (4), a dispersion equattion is
obtained and from this an expression (in the first approximation) for the
refractive index of the polarized light wave is derived. Further, an
expression for the angle cf rotation of the phase of polarization of
lighton reflention at a ferromagnetic -is given. It is shcwn that in the
region of ferromagaetic resonance this angle is diminished. Also an
expression is cbtained for the depth of penetration of the radio
frequency waves in the dielectric, which is essentially greater than that
for lightwaves. There are 5 references: 3 Soviet, 1 Caradian, and 1 US.
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politehhn,,:~heskiy institut SverdLov-3k
Iniatitute, S-werdlovsk)
SUBMITTED: December 30, 19~~8 (initially.) and August 30., 1950, (after
Card 2/2
Izyumov, Yu. A., Skrotskiy, G. V.
Spin Resonance on Conduction Electrons in FerromMnetic
Metals V
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1766-1772
TEXT: The spin resonance of conduction electrons in alkali metals has
been already investigated both theoretically and experimentally. It is
found that the diffusion of conduction electrons in the skin layer leads
to a strong asymmetry of the absorption lines. For very fine metallic
particles, which are smaller in size than the thickness of the skin, the
symmetry of the absorption lines is retained. In this case the line-
width amounts to some ten oersteds and depends linearly on temperature,
and tends to a definite value for T-),OOK. It was shown that for alkali
metals the resonance takes place at the Larmor frequency. Now, the
problem the authors posed for themselves was to investigate the
conditions for the resonance absorption on conduction electrons in
ferromagnetic metals. Since in this case there exists a spontaneous
Card 1/3
Spin Resonance on Conduction Electrons S/181/60/002/008/012/045
in Ferromagnetic Metals B006/BO70
magnetic moment, the energy of the conduction electrons must depend on
the orientation of the spin relative to the magnetization vector, and
for the simplest case it may be assumed that the energy of an electron
E6' 4s a function of both the quantum numbers ~ and 0' (quasimomentum
t -
and spin). The form of the magnetic resonance absirption lines is
calculated on the assumption that the effective mass of conduction
electrons depends on the orientation of the spin relative to the
spontaneous magnetic moment. The interaction of the electrps with one
another and with the lattice is described by the operator Kntp in terms
of which the energy of the system of conduction electrons in the second
quantization representation is represented by the Hamiltonian
cr + A is the spin operator of the electron
k 0" f9 a~oa~, + lint - If Sa
system, the operator of the magne t4C moment may be put aSMa = 21,OS
(/AO-Bohr magneton). The s-i (i = x,y,z) are given by formula (13), the
Card 2/3
Spin Resonance on Conduction E'Lectrons S/lai/60/002/008/012/045
in Ferromagnetic Metals B006/BO7O
commutators (regardless of lint) by (14). Finally the special
case is investigated, where 6 I_ is independent of ko., The
calculations are carried out in the zeroth approximation in relation to
'X int, i.e., the interaction among the elementary excitations is not
taken into account. There are 13 references: 5 Soviet, 7 US, and 1
osudarstvennyy universitet (Ural State
. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut
~Urai Polytechnic In5titute, Sverdlovsk)
SUBMITTED. May 7, 1959 (initially) and February 27, 1960 (after
Card 3/3
41 310 06 //6 6)
~, V 7L?O
AUTHORS. Skrotakiy, G. V. and Izyum VU, T. G.
TITLE: The Theory of the Optical Faraday-Effect in Ferrimagnetic
Garnet Single Crystals in a Radiofrequency Field
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 2458-2460
TEXT: The authors first show that by increasing the amplitude of the
highfrequency field up to values that correspond to the line width allo
of the ferrimagnetic resonance absorptiong the angle of rotation 9 of the
plane of polarization of the light waves may be made zero. This would
make possible a quick modulation of light intensity by changing the
amplitude of the radiofrequency field. The paper by Dillon (Ref. 1) is
then discussed, in which the rotation of the plane of polarization 0 f
light in thin plates made of rare earth ferrites was investigated. It is VX/
shown that here demagnetization must be taken into account, that is to
say., in the equation for the magnetization of ferrimagnetics H. must be
replaced by 110 - 4TEM., There are 1 figure and 6 references: 2 Soviet,
2 US, 1 Canadian, and I Australian.
Card 1/1/ A9SN: Ural Polytechnic Inst.
.3,g o (3 2-0 3,, /o q_3 S/141/60/003/004/009/019
AUTHORS,~ Skrotskiy, G.V. and Koking A.A.
TITLE- '__0n _th__e__P_0_s-s`ib_1_e___R'o_le of Coherent Effects in-Magnetic
PERIODICAL-, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiofizika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 650 - 655
TEXT., In magnetic-resonance experiments the specimen is placed
in a coil included in a resonance circuit or in a resonator,
and this has an important effect on radiative corrections.
Consider a specimen placed in a resonator of volume V p of
arbitrary form, placed in an external magnetic field H 0 = Hz
If the Q-factor of the resonator is very much greater than
unity, the natural frequencies Wn of the resonator and the
proper functions 'yXn (r) are not very different from the
nal~ural frequenzies and tl-.e proper functions of the resonator
when there are no losses, The latter are determined by Eq. (1)
and the boundary conditions for an ideal resonator. The
parameter n(ni, n V n3 in Eq., (1) assumes discrete values
Card 1/4
On the Possible RS'le of Coherent Effects in Magnetic Resonance
and the two values of the subscript i.e. + I correspond
to the two possible states of polarisation. The proper-
functions v Xn are looked upon as orthogonal, i.e. they
satisfy Eq,, (2). where cc represents the components of the
vector Ykn in circular variables~ i.e.
r2 (V vy vo = vz Q
The damping in the resonator can be taken into account by complex frequencies, as indizated by Eq. (3).
The radiation field in the resonator containing a small
specimen volume V can be found from Eq. (4), whose solution
is gi-en by Eqs. (5) and (6). Beginning with a certain value
of n = nm I when the change in v kn (r) takes place over
distances which are small in comparison with the dimensions of
the specimen, i.e.
Card 2/4
On the Possible Role of Coherent Effects in Magnetic Resonance
C/W < Vl/3 = C/W m
zones with n > n M can be neglected so that
(n< n.), M(r,,t) = M(O,t)
Xkn(r)'w XXn(O)
Bearing in mind Eq. (7),the radiation field is given by
Eqs. (8) and (9). In steady state (frequency w) the
magnetisation is given by Eq. (10),which for small deviations
from the equilibrium state, Mcc ( t ) e,-_~ - - -... . I I. -1
'~~ x 0H06(X0 , - may be replaced by Eq. (11). If the
exlernal magnetic field h(t) has a"leff polarisation. in the
plane perpendicular to the constant mgnetic field H0(Eq.12).
then neglecting radiative reaction, the rmgnetisation is
given by Eq. (13). Substituting this expression into Eq. (8),
it is found that the magnetic field is given by Eq. (14).
Card 3/4
On the Possible R^0le of Coherent Effects in Magjietic Resonance
The latter equation represents the main result of the present
work, Using Eq. (11), the analysis can be extended to a
system of equations which can be used to determine M.(t),
taking into account the reaction due to the radiation. This
system of equations assumes a very simple form in two special
~-ases, which are considered at the end of the present paper.whwe
e--cpressions are derived for the relaxation time and the shift
in the resonance frequenc*ue to radiative corrections.
Acknowledgments are expressed to V.L. Ginzburg for valuable
advice, There are 11 references: 4 Soviet, 1 French and
6 English.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(Ural Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTED: August 28, 1959, originally;
March 10, 1960, after revision.
Card 4/4
6 7 8 95,
AUTHORS; Skrotskiy, G.V. and Kurbatov, L.V.
TITLE.- The Effect of Magnetic Long-range Order Fluctuations
on the Temperature Dependence :p the Width of a
Ferromagnetic Resonance Absorption Line
PERIODICAL- Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, ig6o, vol. lo,
No. 3, pp. 335 - 340
TEXT- A simple statistical-mechanics calculation is given
which leads to an explicit expression for broadening of a
ferromagnetic resonance absorption line due to magnetisat�on
fluctuations, without any necessity for knowledge of the sample
microstructure. It is shown that for any one sampled
Hf(G;(a5) . L = const, (14)
where GI(a a 2
aS is the spontaneous magnetisation in relative unitsi
Cardl/3(S" is the Curie temperature,
The Effect of Magnetic Long-range Order Fluctuations on the
Temperature Dependence aF_I'le Width of a Ferromagnetic
Resonance Absorption Line
T i_~ the absolute temperature of the sample,
A Hf is the line broadening .
A table on P. 339 gives the values of the quantities
occurring in Eq. (14) for a monocrystal of yttrium ferrite
garnet (Curie temperature of 56o OK)- Eqz (14) can be seen
to be obeyed within the temperature range 494-556,c OK~ The
authors discuss also ferromagnetic resonan-, e line broadening
in polycrystalline samples, when anisotropy broadening and
broadening due to air pores occur in addition to broadening
due to magnetisation fluctuations, The paper ends with a
brief discussion of ferrite garnets with a ~:ompensation
point; this point is a temperature at which spontaneous
magnetisation of sublattices caiicel cut ea-h other and the
Card 2/-)
The Effect of Magnetic Long-range Order Fluctuations on the
Temperature Dependence ,j= the Width of a Ferromagnetic
Resonance Absorption Linc
resonance line broadens quite strongly. Acknowledgments are
made to A.G. Gurevich and I.Ye. Gubler for communicating their
results before publication.
There are 1 table and 22 references: 5 Soviet and
17 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institute imeni
S.M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute
imeni S.M. Kirov)
SUBMITTED: May 10, 1960
Card 3/3
A"UT'111ORS: Ryzhkov, V. M., Skro:~skjy._ G. V.
TITLE: Some special features of the free precessiOlL of atomic nuclei
PERIODICAL: R,eferativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1962, 37, abstract _OV284
("Tr. Ural'skogo politeRchn. in-ta", 1961, v. 111, 45-62)
TEVI': The cutoff process of polarizing magnetic fields in experiments on
the free precession of nuclear magnetic moments is examined. It is sho-wrn that if
the time in which the magnetic field changes direction is shorter than half the
period of the Larmer precession of the nuclear magnetic moments, the nuclear
magnetization vector does not manage to keep up with the field (anadiabatic case).
In the case of slower rotations of the field, the nuclear magnetization vector
does keep up with the field and free precession is not observed(adiabatic case).
The effect of magnetic-field inhomogeneities on the amplitude of free precession
is examined. It is sho,4m that in the case of a constant gradient and a cylindri-
cal specimen, the envelope of the oscillations of the free-preceSsion signal can
be expressed by a Bessel function of 'the first order, which corresponds to the
appearance of well pronounced beats. Calculation results were substantiated
Card 1/g/
~ . - .....0
Uses of free precession methods. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst.
no.3-11:63-70 t61. (MIRA 16:6)
(Nuclei, Atomic)
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. V., Izyumova, T. G.
TTTLE; Optical orientation of atoms
PLRIOD.rc;'1L: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 16, abstract 05VIO1
"Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta',' 1961, sb. 111, 71 - 84)
TIXF; Review. Some details of the process of the optical urientation of
at,;)ms 1.n alkali metal vapors are described. The following problems are con-
sid~-,red: the energy spectrum of alkali metalatoms, the principle of the optical
orientation of atoms, the optical detection of atomic polarization, the calcula-
tion of the effect of relaxation processes on the degree of optical pumping of
atoms, and the role of buffer gases.
Abstracter's note-. Complete translation]
Card 1/1
7 - sii/lip(c)
ACC-ESSION NR: AR3006959 S/0058/63/000/008/BO14/BO14..
SOURCE: RZh. Fizika,'Abs. '8B131
AUTHOR: Skrotskiv, G. V.
TITLE: Gravitational field cf a homogeneous uniformly moving sphere
j_q_polite'Ahn_. in-ta-, sb. 123, 1962, 85-88
CITED SOURCE: Tr. Urallsj~oc
TOPIC TAGS: gravitational field, spherical symmetry, Schwarzschild
solution, special relativity theory
TRAINSLATION: The spherically-syinmetrical gravitational field deter-
mined by the Schviarzschild solution has been calculated in a coor-
dinate system that moves uniformly relative to the source. The
Lorentz transformations are applied %to the components of the metric
tensor in the calculations.' The momentum of the field in the new -
coordinates, calculated in accordance with the known formulas, co-.
Card 1/2
L 19373-63
incides with the usual expression for the momentum of a particle
Within the framework of special relativity. Ya. Pugachev.
Card 2/2
- -
Use of the phenomenon of optical orientation of atoms in
the measurement of weak magnetic fields. Trudy Ural.
tekh. inst. no.111--85-88 261. (MIRA 16:6)
(Atoms) (Magnetic fields-Measurement)
AUTHORS: Rotshteyn, A.Ya., and Skrotskiye G.V.
TITLE: Radio-spectroscopic methods of measuring weak
magnetic fields
SOURCE: USSR. ~Jinisterstvo geologii i-okhrany nedr. Osoboye
konmtruktorskoye byuro. Geofizicheskoye
priborostroyeniye. 'no.8. 1961. 36-65
TEXT: The special features of mag~netometers based on free
nucmeax- precession are discussed. The frequency offree
precession is strictly proportional to the total'vector magnetic
field strength, and so field strength can-be assessed absolutely
and not as an increment over an unknown lovel as in permalloy
magnetometers. Given adequate signal-to-noise ratio, the accuracy,
depends on the accuracy with ~fhich the proton magneto/mechanical
ratio Yp Is known-far water or other-fluid, and.the measurements
Of this is discussed. Accuracy can be,.improved by increasing the
magneto/inechanical ratio, the duratibn of.measurements, the
signal-to-noise ratio, or the strength ofthe magnetic field being
measured. Similar considerations alsoapply to resonance methods
Card 1/.$
Radio-spectroscopic methods of 5/785/61/000/008/001/005
of measurement. Ways of reducing inaccuracies due to atmospheric
and industrial noise are briefly explained. Frequency is usually
measured by counting the cycles of free precession in a fixed time
interval. With one-second interval, the accuracy required is-
0.04 c/5. After describing methods of frequency measurement,
existing precession magnetometers are reviewed in three groups
according to method of frequency measurement. In some magneto-
meters the beat signal and standard frequency are recorded
together with time markers; others use vibration frequency meters.
However, the most widely used is the third group employing electron
counter frequency meters. A novel Soviet portable instrument is
described and so are the instruments used in the Vanguard
satellites. The foregoing relates to measuriament of the modulus
of the magnetic field vector. By combining the magnetometer and
Helmholz rings the direction of the vector in three-dimensional
space can also be measured; various methods are expla 'ined. The
free-precession method can also be used 'to measure magnetic field
gradients. Despite their-considerable advantages, 'free-precession
magnetometers have certain disadvantages--, particularly the small
Card 2/~~-/
Radio-spectroscopic metho'dm of ... S/785/61/ooo/oO/ool/005
amplitude of the output signals. This necessitates the use of
large pick-ups and powerful polarising sources. The sample must be
reinagnetised from time to time, which interrupts operation and
prevent.s the use of simple methods of.frequ4pney measurement and
limits the speed of the measurement.0 Because of the low frequency
of precession in the terrestrial magnetic fields, measurem'ent
times are unduly long. Accordingly, possible developments in radio
spectroscopic magnetometers for weak fi6ld measurements are
discussed. Magnetometers using the Oberhauser effect have been
suggested, but would require a suitable paramagnetic salt which,
when dissolved in a liquid containing protons, would give greater
signal strength without appreciably altering the relaxation time*
Oberhauser-effect magnetometers are more intricate than free-
precession magnetometers because they use complicated high-frequency
generators. Nuclear-preCeS5ion generators (with Maser-type feed-
back and flowing liquid) can provide a continuous undamped
precessional signal, whose frequency follows the magnetic field
intensity, but they cannot make continuous measurements.
Magnetometers may be characterised by their ability to record actual
Card 3/~i~
Radio-spectroscopic methods of S/785/61/000/008/001/005
magnetic anomalies. Precession aeromagnetonie'ter type A 311-49
(AEm-49) can record at a rate of 80 y/sec and anomalies which vary
as fast as 200 y/sec are recorded with considerable error. The
speed of measurement of nuclear generators may be increased by
.using several frequency-meters operating,dt successive time shifts.
Nuclear-precession magnetometers determine the total field strength
at each measurement and the field change'between measurt-nents does.
not exceed 0.10,0'. They thus 'give excess information which could in
principle be used to ensure greater speed and accuracy. Their
frequency meters may be more simple and interference-free than the
electron-counter type, but are less stable than those used in the
free precession method. Electron resonance and free precession
might be used in magnetometers, and work in this field is briefly
reviewed. Magnetometers based on the optical orientation of atoms
are briVfly described; they can determine bAh the magnitude and
-d-Ire ct io-ff-o f-tFd--ma-g-nF-f-1-c -rre- ld. -B`y-u-sI-n--g-h-e--IWm rather than
rubidium these magnetometers need no thermostatic control of the
absorption chamber and the helium need not be absolutely pure.
The helium magnetometer can detect changes of field of
Card 4/ 0_1 hundredths of --y- and can measure fields of a few
There are 17 figures-
AUTHORS: Izyumova, T. G., -Skrotskiy, G. V..
TITLE: Theory of double electron and nuclear resonance in systems
with hyperfine interaction
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40
no. 1 , 1961 , 133-142
TEXT: The method of double maGnetic resonance is applied to systems con-
taining two kinds of magnetic moments; here the specimen is exposed to a
constant magnetic field and two. variable magnetic fields, whose tequencies
are near the Larmor frequencies of the precession of the two types of mag-
netic moment. In interactions of the latter (e.g., hyperfine interaction)
a correspondence of resonances of two systems occurs. In the presence of
nuclear and electronic paramagnetism, the hyperfine interaction leads to a
number of effects, which may be subdivided into two groups. The first group
comprises effects due to the action of electron paramagnetic resonaice upon
nuclear resonance (e.g., Overhauser effect). The second comprises effects
that are due to the action of nuclear resonance upon electron resonance.
Card 1/4
Theory of double electron ... B102/3204
Such an effect was observed for the first time by Feher and was qualitative-
ly explained. (The saturation of the nuclear system leads to no noticeable
polarization of the electron spins, whereby the conditions for the satura-
tion of the electron system are changed and a change in the absorption of
the energy of an r.f. field is caused by the electron system). The present
paper gives a quantum-mechanical analysis of the effect produced by nuclear
magnetic resonance upon paramagnetic resonance. Such an analysis cannot be
carried out within the framework of the linear theory of magnetic resonance.
The authors operate by means of the method of the statistical perturbation
theory developed by Tomita.4 A system is studied which consists of non-
compensaled electron spins sk, which are near several nuclei with different
moments Il. Between electrons and nuclei a scalar interaction is a,,sumed,
and also an interaction between electrons and lattice. The magnetic field
in which the specimen is located, is assumed to be characterized by
H = H0+ hS(t) + hI(t), where h and h I are the strengths of the microwave
and the r.f. fields. These fields e~ assumed to be circularly polarized
in a plane that is perpendicular to . The Hamiltonian of the system
consisting of electrons and nuclei is set up as:
Card 2/6
Theory of double electron B102/B204
A A A A^ A
Sk4 1 1 -#k-1 #4
H _ Z 1*1 ZA X where'g and p, denote
-9sil .9,111 + Is I + OF F:
k 1,k
electron and nuclear magnet6n eapeatively, A denoting the hyperfine in-
teraction constant; the term,.sP takes electron-lattioe interaction
:0 -ok
(a . Ys ) into-accountt and X. is the operator of* lattice energy. By the
introduction of variables adaptedjo the problem, i: is transformed to
scalar representation. Mis further assumed that the energy of hyperfine
interaction is low compared to the Zeeman energy of the electrons, in which
case electron and nuclear spins preaess independently around the strong
constant field Ho, and the hyperfine interaction may be considered as a
perturbation. In this case, the hy'perfine interaction leads irregu
lar broadening of the epr lines (Ref. 6), which, as the spin system is not
in equilibrium, is also a function of time. On these assumptions, the
equation of motion for the magnetization vector of the electron.system is
determined which, in first approximation (taking account of the terms
linear inh.Q./kT) reads 'as follows:
Card 316
Theory of dbuble electron B102/B204
d- r
~:j 7t- <
This equation for vanidhing hyperf ine interaction goes' over into the .--.j1
equation given by-Tomita. ~By means of (40),.the.complex'suseeptibility
and the saturation factor of the electron system:are calculated:
In the steady state 1~ )(,Ih", M2 MT ~(.Hj 'holdsp
Y z
Card ..4/6
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. V., and Izyumova, T. G.
TITLE; Optical orientation of atoms and its applications
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 73, no. 3, 1961, 423-470
TEXT: The optical orientation of ions and atoms, which have magnetic
moments in the ground state, may arise with selective absorption and the
subsequent emission of light by these atoms and ions. This optical
orientation may arise not only in beams, but also in vapars at reduced
pressure. This opens a new way for the study of the structure of energy
levels in the ground state and also in the excited states. Studies
conducted later led on the one hand to the development of the method of
optical orientation and to the elaboration of a theory of the phenomena
accompanying the "optical pumping" (pompage optique). By this term one
understands the -following phenomenon: Irradiation of an assembly of atoms
by light with the resonant frequency changes the type of filling of
energy sublevels of the ground state of a.toms.: J. Brossel and A. Kastler
Card 1// 410
Optical orientation of atoms... B125/B201
of the ground state sublevels. Table V shows the resonant frequency
as a function of the buffer gas pressure. Theoretical studies by
R~ H, Dicke are pointed out. IV. Phenomenological theory of the optical
orientation of atoms. Equations for magnetization, effect of the radar
frequency field upon the process of the orientation of atoms. The case
of the "slon passage" according to Bloch is mentioned. V. Determination
of the radar frequency resonance with the optical method. Determination
of the constants of superfine structure_,_as well as of the g factors
of nuclei and electrons- The energy spectrum of the atoms of alkali
metals in a magnetic field, experiments on the study of radar frequency
resonance with optical methods, multiquantum transitions, determination
of the constants of hyperfine splitting. J. Brossel and F. Bitter were
the first to study the 63P1 state of mercury atoms by the optical method.
VI. Practical applications of the method of optical orientation of atoms:
Measurement of weak magnetic fields, determination of orientation in the
space, standard of frequency deteriAned by atoms. H. G. Dehmelt, was the
first to point to the possible use of the optical orientation of atoms
Card 5/ItIII
ODtical orientation of atoms... B125/B201
and 75 non-Soviet-bloc. The three most recent references to English-
language publications read as follows: T. L. Skillman, Intern. Hydro-
graph. Rev.,ff, 107 (1960), F. D. Colegrove, P. A. Franken, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 1, 54 196o), T. 11. Maiman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 4, 564 (1960).
Card 5A4
4069~-65 EPP W /MIT
AUTHOR: Skrotskiy, 0. V; Pokazan1m, V. 0.
TITLE: Energy spectrum of the 23S state of He in an arbitrary et
SOURCE: I=. Radiofizika, v. 7, no. 6, io,64, no6-lilo
TOPIC TAGS: helium, en metastable state, transition frequencyp
ergy spectrum
Zeeman splitting
ABSTRAF: To facilitate the study of the atomic structure and spectrum of.He3
and He atoms by the method of optical orientations the authors investigate the,
energy spectrum of the metastable ground state of He3. The energy of the magnetic'
sublevels of the 238, state of the He3 atom in an:arbitrary magnetic field are
first calculated by etermining the roots.-Of the secular equation of the c'orres-
ponding Hamiltonian. The results are shown to agree with the expressions obtained
by X. F. RamsV (Molecular Be=s, (Russ.:Tranal.) The frequencies ~:
of the allowed transitions between neighboring Zeeman sublevels are dete=1ned ands
it Is-shown that the frequencies-of the transitions between the sublevels of the
;Card 1/2
- ---------- --
L 81i6_65 E~IT(I)/El-iT(m)/EPF(c)/T/E;i,.IP(t)/EFC (0-21EIVP(b) -4
Accmicu HR: AP5oo6O23
AUT M.: Skrortskiy,, G. V.; Pokazanlyev, V. G.
-n+ 43
TrHZ: Contribution to the theory of o
AicaL orie Aftom in X
SMMI r=6 RuUofizika,, v. no. 6t 1964,v iiii- un
TOPIC TAGS: _Aelium loptical orientatioup level transition,, resonant frequency
-magnetization intensityj oriented atcm
ANTPACT: This is a companion tom Mer by the same authors in the same source
(Izv. vyssh, uch. zav. - Radi.ofizika V. 7: U06p 1964; Accession AP5006022).
and is devoted to a discussip of some features of optical orientation of metal-
stable atous of He3 in the VS state* The henum is situated in an arbi ,trary
magnetic field. The relative probabilitige of transitions iuduced by light of
resonant freqtxency between the 218, and 2:T0.,lj,2 levels of orthohelium are de-
--termined ;1 andmagnetizaticn, of the opticaW oriented
helium atoms for both polarized aW =pd U06' -along-the
-stoma that--in the case.of lheloi~ 23V6
rection of ~he magnetizing field. It in
1.: X-4 .4 . ..... .
L 63104-65 ENT(l) IJP.(c.)
:ACCESSIOTI NR., AP50.19229 LWO056/65/09/001/oi63/0169
:AUTHOR: lokazanlyev., V. G.; Skrotskiyp G. V.
tomi I
iTITLE: Radiooptic resonance of a oms n strong etic
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v 49$ no. 1, 19651''
iTOPIC TAGS: radioo tic resonance, fluorescence intensity, double resonance,,, 1-1-
!cadmium atom, hyperfine structure, magnetic-field, rf field
[ABSTRACT: An expression is derived for the intensity of the fluorescence produced
ivhen microwave and radio-frequency fields are applied to a system of excited atoms I'-:11.1
a state of radiooptic resonance in a strong magnetic field. The time evolutioA.'.
J of the system is analyzed with.the interaction between the atom and the radiation
Ifield taken into account in the Hamiltonian of the system with first-order e
p rtur
:bation-theory accuracy. The analysis shows that the fluorescence intensity changes
iappreciably when the nuclear resonance frequency is approached, The results are
Icompared with experimental data on gaseous cadmium and it is shown'that radiooptic.~.,~_".
~resonance can be used to investigate experimentally the hyperfine structure of
~atoms. Orig.,art. has: 1 figure and 32 fozmmlas. 02):
f :
ASSOC' itut (Urg 1~ecl~niL
q. Insti~~jte
IATIONi Uraltskiy politeklinicheskiy inst T
- Improve work orgaAization in the construction of derricks.
Sots.trud 4 no.5:lk5-146 My '59. (MIRA 12:8)
(Cranes, derricks, ate.)
Work of the norm research station of the adudnistration of
"Stalingradneftegaz.11- Biul.nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plata
4 no.8:37-1+0 161. (ImA 14: 10)
(Volgograd Province-Petroleum industry-Production
(Volgograd Province-Gas industry-Itoduction standards)
Volgograd drillers' practice of introducing r-echanisms Which
speed up hoisting and lowering operations. Neft. khoz. 39 no.12;
60-63 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
(Volgograd Province--Oil well drilling--~Equipment and supplies)
SKROTSKIY, Sigizmund Stanislavovich; LOSEV, M.T., red.; KAYESHKOVA,
- .1 S'.M'.Jp Ved'., rbd;'-STAROSTINA, L.D., tekhn. red.
[Planning labor and wages in petroleum and gas producing
enterprises] Planirovanie truda i zarabotnoi platy na
predpriiatiiakh neftegazodobyvaiushchei profnishlennosti.
Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 150 p. (MIRA 17:3)
Evaluating.the work of an publicizing progressive drilling and
derrick building crews. Neft. khoz. 42 no.l:,Q,12 Ja164.
(14IRA 17:5)
-YEA" , G. C, S10,10"V , G. [Skrov, G.
Recent data charac-~erizir-g the fa-17 o~ tektltes (vltavinesl in
I -~ . I - . I
I AN SSSP "'I no-1, '3-6-5 1,1-- '64
Uzechoslo-vakia. Do'r-!. c J.
('~ITRA 16-3)
1. Komitet po meteori-tam AD! SSSR i Cheske-Budeyovitskaya astro-
- n I I U-
nomic' eskaya observatori-ra, CheiCnosio-va'skaya Sots-'alis' J chesk-qya
Pespublika. Submitted October cl, 1964.
34-atnc nal-I aiatvistov
A, with an ron core. p. 7 7
`,a-t "-urop~an Acce3~i,) ~--t L 5, no. 9, '-'loptember
6(4,6) CZECH/14-60-3-8/56
AUTHOR: Skrov6mek, Ambro"Z, Engineer
TITLE: oadcasting With a TV Receiver
LR e o f ~F;11 B ~r
PERIODICAL. Sd6lovaci technika, 1960, Nr 3, pp 87-88
ABSTRACT: TTle author describes various methods to receive fm
radio programs with a TV receiver and gives a de-
tailed description of the method employed in the
Soviet TV sets "Rubin" (diagram 1) and "Rekord"
(diagram 2). The Soviet receivers have superhet
functions, are equipped with an additional oscill-
lator for fm reception and use 2 frequency-mixing
stages. Upon the first mixing, an intermediate
frequency arises which is conform to the interme-
diate video frequency, a,-,d upon the second mixing,
a frequency of 6.5 mc is resulting, conform to the
original intermediate audio frequency. This stage
Card 1/2 is tuned with the same elements as used for TV
Reception of FM Broadcasting With a TV Receiver
tuning. The receivers are fed from 2 transformers
and the one, supplying the video circuits is dis-
connected during fm radio reception. The oscilla-
tor frequency is fed to the demodulating diode
either directly or thru the last stage of the inter-
mediate video-frequency amplifier. Mixing takes
place due to the non-linear characteristics of the V/
diode and a frequei--cy of 6.5 me results, same as in
TV reception. The audio stage, tuned to this fre-
quency, processes the fm signais the conventional
way up to the loudspeaker. The author gives then
a wiring diagram of the Czechoslovak TV receiver
"Athos" modified for fm radio reception (graph 3).
There are 3 diaGrams.
Card 2/2
SKROVA~MK, Ambroz, Inz,
Univars&l transistarIzed low-freans2ricy wrmli ler. Sde- tech Il
no.2:51-52 F 165.
SKROVANEK, Ambroz, i,-iz.
Preamplifier fDr electron tube toltmeters. Sdel tech U no.8.-
3C9-310 Ag 163.
SKROVAINIII,'K, Ambroz., 1.11-z.
Transistors in low-frequency engineering. Sdel tech 11 no.5:
172-175 L'4y 163.