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SY-11-TVI-I UK , Fraz--, t -1 s ak.
Czechoslovak- geollo.--i-Sts in the second deepest chasm- o--P' the
worI4. Geol Pruzlam 57 n0.11:348 N 163.
SKRIVAIIEK, Fra~z~tis.ek
Exploration of a chaom. Geol pr-azk-om 5 na-1-2:3 of cover D 163.
Nyvi;r,J'.; SKRIVAIIEK, J.
Ch crys -tall izeuion. P"t.6. Coll Cz Chem 29 no.1910-23 ja 164
L. ForschuDgainotitut fur anorganische Chemie, Usti nad Labem.
New toroidal current-measuring transformers. Elektrot-echnik
17 no.12:335-338 D 1/02.
1. Zavody prumyslove automatizace, zavod Krizik Smichov.
SKRIVANEK, Jaroslav; MODDRY, Frantisek
Use of analogue computers in chemical engineering. Chem prum 12
no.8-.434-,437-Ag 162.
1. Vyzku=y ustav angorganicke chemie, Usti nad Iabem.
-UM--63- C
L 1 86 6 011TW/T I.JP(c)/BSI)/ASD(a)-5/AFMD(p)/ARt/SSD/ASD(d)/AFF,'rR/AFr '(b)/
ACCESSION NR: AT4046498 Z/2503/64/000/016/6303/612.
J. -(Skr nek
AUTHORs Janac, K. (Yanach, K Skrivanek zhiva
TITLFs An analog differential analyzer for solving probabiliatic problems
,SOURCE% Ceskoslovenska akademis ved. Vyzku=y.ustav matematickyuh stroju.
i Stroje na zpracovani informaci, no. 10, 196/+.o 303-312
TOPIC TAGSs analog computer, P-nalog differential analyzer' probabilistic
problem,, hybrid computer
ABSTRX"is A large analog differential analyz6r-whicli was developed in the
Institute of Information Theory and Adtomation of the Czechoslovak.Academy of
Sciences is described. This computer -is intended to solve probabilistic problems
encountered in science and teohno logy -and to:,meat-:.he--sp ecial requirements of.
such problems (use of long-tiEe integration ~ndwide frequency banda, the
possibility of.changing the-courae'of runn#g a problenj, the need
for determining distribution functions of random proa,es.98sp et cetera). The
solution of the signal-noise detection problem is an example. The
basic part of the computer has a first unit with 3 -nonlinear kunetion generators
ACCESSIal NR: Aar4046498
12 square function generators, 6 comparators, and 6 combined limiter-comparators;
comparators and limiters operate with silicon diodes and reserved computing
amplifiers. The frequency source Oj 5p 20 and 100 kc) has a stability.of better!--
than + 2 x 10-8 per day. The next two units have 30 computing amplifiers each t
with the following specifications:, gain :-1.5x 108 drift -c 100 U v per . 8' hr, - and
grid current < 5 X 10-.'11 amp. The reference voltage source of � 100 V0.8
a'MP h
a symmetry of + 1 m v and a long-time stability of � 10 mv. The accuracy of fun i
amental operations executed in. this t of the computer Is said to be b1i
(better than 0.1% for linear operationsrr The operator has 12 helipots for
'd change of coefficients and 6 function witches for changing computin
api S 9
schemes in the course of a problem. This computer can be coupled with other
equipment in the laboratory - random process generators$ probability trans-
Lormers, electronic counters, and reversible electronic counters. This permits
the use of hybrid techniques along with analog techniques. Orig. art. has: 5
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences . Prazue
Ca.rd-2 /3
T, 26371-65 EVT(M)/rMP(t)/VVP(b) DDAP/IJP(c')_ JD
Acnssma NR: AT4o49958 Z/25U/61/000/001/0081/19089
AUT110R.- Tehar F. (Legar, F.) (Prague); Paleckova, J (Palechkova, Y.) (Prague)-
Skrivane_:t~~ vanek, Y.) (Prague); Skriveakwra-Vesela, M. (Vesela) M.)
TITIE: Study of gamma-transitions during the inelastic scattering of neutrons-..
-SOURCE. Prague. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke. Prace. Ser. 6, no. 1,
1961, 81-89
TOPIC TAGS: gamma transition, fast neutron, nuclear reaction, aluminum nitride
target, deuterium charge, transition probability, ground state, metastable state..
cascade diagram
ABSTRACT: Gamma radiation generated during~the inelastic scattering oflkst neu-
trons by certain elements was studied in ring geometry. The neutrons were gene-
rated frcm the followiniz ~eacticns on a UJV*CSAV cascade accelerator: D(d,n)He3*
114(d,n)o15, and T(d,n)He . Deuteron energies were 200-800 kev. Several types
of L-~-zgets were used. Neutrons of an average energy of 3.1 Mey were generated'
from the 'D + D reaction on a gaseous deuterium Itarget, the deuterium charge being
separated from the vacuum ppace by a 1-it thicknickel foil. Part of the meez-
L 26371-65
urements were made using.a zirconium target.with adsorbed deuterium or tritium.
The N14(d,n)ol5 reaction was used~ or ener ies of around 4.3 Mev, in this case
The gamma radiation energy was
with a target of pressed aluminud* tridey meas-
ured by a single-crystal scinti icn spectrometer. The neutron flux was moai-,
tored by a scintillator detector with a scintillator from a mixture of ZnS(Ag) and
paraffin. It was determined by measurement that the 1,020 kev, 1220 kev, and 1380:,
kev lines given in the Nuclear Data Stieets as transitions for Te127 are, with%,-
great probability, transitions for Te-124 because they were detected evea at the
termination of radiation. From the point of view of energy it is not.,possible for
the lines to originate fromthe decay of Tel-7 f rom the - ound -state -or the
metastable state. The 1179 and 574 kev lines are particularly significant and.the
most accurately measured. Wherever possible it was attempted to construct cascade
diagrams. The amplitude analysis was,made in several ways: by a sinelc-,:hannel
amplitude analyzer with a range from 0 100 Y, by a single-claiaiel amplifier
for low-input pulses with a range frcr az-. -7~ C ; without a linear amplifier, by,
a gray-wedge amplitude analyzer, an,,- by a hundred-chaanel amplifier. -Orig. art.'
has: 9 figures&
Card 2/3
r g-v 377,
vo- no.
SO: Iont,,,ly List Of Ew3t ihvwleun A-_ce5,-'onsp LG, Vol. 110-
NOV. 1955, 'ulncl-
4 AbsMtfon of nitrogen 04W gases by sods ga (
W -A
Mmav BkHv&tltk, Chm"Pratityll O.An
A p on e1 bi res.1dans jA5es by uAis ooln.
studied for the purpose of proctucing nitrite from th4 mother
liquor after ab:sorpflon. TILe- exptl. results indkz' c that
for the production of nitratta Malualw4s system of packed
colittuns seems suitable. The ~ecMed-, gAn. In the last
:j column should contain 3% w&, which cc-,respoads to the
highest value of the ahsorptiou coeff. For nitrite Produc-
tion on the other hand the cold. withdrawn should contain.
only a,win. of soda. Conseq4eutly for the production of
nitrite ek hatch
syitem seema more appropduttunless a plate
column vOtIlIjIlt recycling is de!iigned, L' A. ~UjwA
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technolog7,. Chemical Products ani Their H-8
Application. Elements. OxAdes. b1ineral Acids.
Bases. Salts.
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - KhUtiya., No 5., 1959., No. 15951
Author : Skrivanek, J.
Inst Tot-gTv-d-n
Title Absorption of NO Gas by Caustic Solution in the.Pressure
of Gaseous Oxygen
Orig Pub Chem. prumyel, 1957, 7, No 3,, 113-118
Abstract In the previous work (Ref zhur - xhimiya.. 1958., 8224o)
the absorption of NO gas was investigated for the condi-
tions when the oxidation of NO with gaseous 02 could be
neglected. In this work the author proposes a theory of
the process in which the above reaction is of importance@
Based on the asmurption that absorption of NO gas by
Card lp
2, c
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technolw~;y - Chendcal Products and H-2
Their Application. Processes anA Apparatus for
Chemical Technology.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khi,-dya, No 3, 1958, 8213
Alithor Skrivanek Jaroslav
Title Usc of Statistical Methods in the Processing of Experi-
mental Data.
Orig Pub Chem. prurrysl, 1957, 7j iio 61 289-292
Abstract r1o abstract.
Card 1/1
CzBC1_10SL0VAKIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-8
Application. Elements. Omides. Idneral Acids.
Bases. 3alts.
Abs Jou:7 Pef Zhur - Khimiya, No 5, 1959, No. 15943
Author Skrivanek. J.; Cada, V.
Inst Not given
Title Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide in a Venturi Tube
Orig Pub Chem- Pinilwal, 1957) 7, No 7., 34o-343
Abstract In experiy.-~Dnts involving the abearption of S02 by caustic
solution (at 002'A 302 concentration in the gas).. the
relationship between the degree Of S02 absorption and the
pressare lose was detexmLined. The results were in
agreeLmnt with the theoretical expression f-L`g(Yo/YA7AL/T)
2 Akgz),where yo ard y, are mol fractions of S02 in the
gaseZ5us miz--ture., L and V are volunes of liquid and gas,
A is a constant (that Is directly proportional to the
Card 1/2
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / CheLtical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-8
Application. Elementsi Oxides. Mineral Acids.
BaBe,q. Saltss
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyaj No 51 1959, No- 15943
volume of equipment), and k9 is the absorption velocity
constant. Urder optimum co~Aitions,, a 68% degree of
absorption was obtained while the decrease in pressure
constituted 610 mm of water.
Cexd 2/2
AUFJORS Skr'ivAnek, J. and Kuzmiak, m. cz/37-58-5-12/19
TITLE: Local Sensitivity of Photomultiplier Photocathodes
(LokAlni citlivost fotokatod fotonasobic"A)
PERIODICAL: 6eskoslovensk~ Coasopis pro Fysiku, 1958, Nr 5,
pp 602-607 + 1 plate (Czech)
ABSTRACT: One of the factors causing distorted conversion of the
light flashes from a scintillation counter into electric
pulses is an inhomogeneous photo-cathode. This is
discussed here. Statistical fluctuations in the
photo-multiplier are neglected. We define j(x,y) as
the local sensitivity of the photocathode. It is the
product of the local conversion efficiency f(x,y), the
local dynode collecting efficiency g(x,y), the mean
amplification factor of the multiplier and some electrical
parameters, such that the peak- voltage of the pulse
collected at the anode will be
V = S71,
where S is the number of photons in the light pulse.
The distributionfunction of q is F(-n) and that of
Card 1/4 S is G(S). The distribution,of V is then given by:
Local Sensitivity of Photomultiplier Photocathodes
(V) == G F(TI) G(S) F ') d3 (3)
(-n ) (S)
Two extreme cases must be considered.
a) The light pulses illuminate the photocathode locally
only. Eq.(3) then applies.
b) The photocathode is evenly illuminated by each pulse.
Then the fluctuations of sensitivity are unimportant.
Real processes always lie between the two extreme cases.
a) is simulated by a thin ZnS layer in optioal coi-,.taet
with the photocathode, b) by a crystalline scintillator
possibly with a suitable light guide. Mapping of the
local sensitivity was carried out by the following
arrangement. The photocathode is illuminated point by
point by a steady source of illumination. The resulting
current in the photomultiplier is amplified and used to
modulate the intensity of a second light source which
is recorded photographically. 'While the first light
Card 2/4 source scans the photocathode, the second scans the
Local Sensitivity of Photomultiplier Photocathodes
photographic plate. Some such plates are reproduced in
the article. The distribution function F(n) was measured
by a similar arran-ement. The photomultiplier current was
now registered by a recording microammeter. The chart
movement of the raeter was synchronized with the horizontal
scanning of the photocathode. Each recording is a record
of the sensitivity for one vertical position of the light
source. From such recordings the distribution function
was constructed. It can be approximated by:
In 2 TIO)2
F(j) exp (6)
2T - half width of curve,
F(-q 0) = max,,
K - normalization constant.
Results for an RCA 6342 photomultiplier are given. The
distribution can be considerably narrowed by a suitable
choice of potentials? mainly between cathode and first
Card 3/4 dynode. This shovis that the collecting efficiency g(x,y)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemical Technology. Chefiical Products H
and Their Applibation. Frocesses and
Apparatus of Chemical Techrology.
Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khiniiya, Nd 9j 1959, 31610,
Author i Sktivanek, T.
Ins t
Title Absorption of Chlorine by a Solution of Sodium
Carbonate and a Suspension of Calcium Hydroxide,
Orig Pub: Chent. prumysl, 1958, 82 No 3, 113-116.
Abstract: Under laboratory conditions, according to a meth-.~
od by Stephens and bilorris, measurements were
taken of the speed of the absorption of 012 by
a solution of Na2C03 and a suspension of Ca(OH)2
in a disc column. It was established that the
absorption speed in the first case is considerably
higher than in the second one; in both cases, Kg
Card 1/2
CZr,CHoSLO'l.~KIA/El-ect-,-~~,.-ic-, - Fnotocells and Somicoi-Auctor Device.
;~bf-, Jom:.z P,~~f Zili- - Fizika, No 'j', 1-959~ 15";)f3'1
It u ("! I -) 1 -SIxivaituk, Kuzi.dakl 'McuLas
I;,.stit,-Itc! of 11-aclea, Ph-y,.7-ies, Czuc'ia~,-Iovak 1"cadeny of
Seic~--ces, Prv.~-;ua, Czeehos-,-ov-akia
Title Lical Sensitivity of Cathodes -)f PIiotocloctronic ltalti-
Orif~ Pub Ceskcsl. casop., fys., 1.-)"-,13, 8, 5. 602-6o'-,'
Ab5-cract iilvestipttiDn was 1:1-~Cle of t'he affoct of t!--e L111orz-
S-,-encit.y of the sensitivity, of photocatimdes of FEU-19
i;.d Ral-6342 DhotozaultiplierG on the distribution of the
a~aplitudes in the spectr,,~:-a of t'Lie out-mat pulses of ti-le
scintillatio7i detector.
Card 1/1
96 -
Distribution curves in a longitudinal fluidized bed reactor. P. 407.
CHENUCKY PRUW'iL. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 9, no. ~, Aug. 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960.
AUTHORS: Sk'riva'nek, Ji.~~!, Vesela, Marie
TITLE: Temperature Dependence of Scintillation Detector, ff
PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovensky casopis pro fysiku, ig6o, No 4,
PP 312-315
ABSTRACT: The temperature dependence of the efficiency was
measured on detectors with organic and inorganic
scintillatovs between +5 and +400C. The entire
detector, 1.e. the crystal, a type RCA 6655 photo-
multiplier and the pre-amplifier,were all enclosed in
a thermostat with a water containing shell. The
temperature was maintained with an accuracy of + 0.5*C.
In the case of Nal(TI), the change in the efficiency was
determined from the change in the position of the photo-
line, whilst in the case of organic scintillators it was
determined from the Compton edge of the appropriate
mono-energy gamma radiation. The spectra were measured
by a single channel amplitude analyser, whereby the long
duration stability of the spectrometer was better than
Card 1/2 1%. The measured temperature dependence of various
Research Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
(Forschungsinstitut fUr anorganische Chemie),
Osti nad Labem (for all)
Prague, Collectionpff 0 00 slovak Chemical
No 5, May 196b, PP 2127-213
"Crystallization.,Part 19: Influence of,agitation
on the latitude of metastable zones*0
ACC NR. AP6032763 SOURCE CODE: CZ/Oda[6-CtOOO/00'9/0'239/024-2-
AUTHOR: Havel, J. (Engineer, Candidate of sciences); Skrivanek, J. (Engineer)
ORG: Institute of Information Theory and Automation-, CSAV, Prague (Ustav teorie
informace a automatizace CSAV)
TITLE: Certain probability problems and their solution by modeling
SOURCE: Automatizace, no. 9, 1966, 239-242
TOPIC T~GS: probabilistic automaton, analog computer, analog differential analyzer,
mathematic model, model theory, Monte Carlo method
ABSTRACT: . After a brief discussion of numerical modeling for the solution of prob-
ability problems, the ADAPP computer is*described (Analog Differential Analyzer for
solving Probability Problems) develdped at UIIA of CSAV, which is employed with sec-
tional equipment for modeling random processes. It has enough integrators to model
the input.filters and form continuous random processes, also quadrators to find mean
values and divergences. A activated by a compensation current controlled
by a potentiometer. Integrators are controlled independently to govern computing
.circuits, memory cells, numerical voltmeter, and printer in order to record partial
and conLtulative results. The computer has both times-and leveled relaases. Other
equipment models random processes, such as a-succession of independent variables with
two values, stipulated probability, successive timed variables with a given mean
Card. 1/2 UDC: 519.2 62.001.57
ACC NR: AP6032763
value and divergence) continuous Gaussian distribution with a given mean value and
autocorrelative functions. An example is given of solving problem in automobile
spring suspension involving six variables: wheel acceleration, body acceleration,
vertical and lateral forces on spring hangers, and interrelation of these with driver
acceleration. These processes were solved by the Monte Carlo method as appl.ied to
te;ts with model cars, tires, road surfaces, and strain on the driver. A second
type of problem was solved irivolving.tirhing of operations along an industrial
assembly line. The third type of modeling problem is illustrated by determining the
time lag from a sharp increase in voltage in a reverse current circuit to the point
where it.causes a line breakdown. Orig. art. has:: 1 formula and 7 figures.
SUB*CODE: 09, 12/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007
AUTHORS: Musilek, PrAna;; David, Lubomir; Kac'ena, Vladimir
and SkrvivAnek, Jit"'i
TITLE: The VVR-S nuclear reactor and its application
PERIODICAL: JadernA energie, no, 10, 1961, 343-348
TEXT: This article lists only reactor data essential for experi-
ments and evaluates experience obtained during reactor operation.
The reactor has a system of horizontal experimental channels
(60 and 100 mm. in diameter) and vertical irridiation channels
(60, 45 and 40 mm in diameter). Adjacent to the active zone is a
movable thermal column, made of graphite, which contains one
horizontal and four vertical channels. Three special channels
in the reactor shielding are destined for biological research.
Laboratories located beneath the reactor are equipped for handl-
ing highly-active isotopes. The reactor itself is an intensive
source of neutrons and gamma-radiation. The neutron, resulting
Card 1/5
The VV-S nuclear reactor
from the fission-chain reaction, can be divided into: (a) fast
(fission) neutrons with energies above 104 ev; (b) resonance
(medium) neutrons; and (c) slow (thermal) neutrons with energies
less than 0.1 ev. At a maximum reactor output of 2,000 kw, the
average neutron flux in the first part of the core life is ap-
proximately 1013n/cm2/sec. The gamma radiation can be divided
according to its origin into: (a) prompt (fission) radiation
which has a total energy of 7.827 mev and an average energy of
1.1 mev; and (b) radiation emitted by fission products. The to-
tal gamma radiation on the boundary of the active reactor zone
reaches up to 108 tissue rads/hr. The operations performed with
the aid of the reactor can be divided into (a) technical irra-
diation service; (b) production of radioisotopes; (c) physical
experiments; and (d) experiments in the field of reactor tech-
niques. Technical irradiations to determine the behavior of va-
rious materials or test animals are made in cooperation with
other Czechoslovak research institutes. Targets are irradiated
either directly in the active zone or on the periphery of the
reactor. More than 50% of the time of reactor operation have so
Card 2/5
The VVR-S nuclear reactor ...
far been used for producing radioisotopes~ Successful clinical
tests were made with Na-24, K-42 and J-131. Regular deliveries
of radio-isotopes were started in 1960. The institute produces
Na-24 in form of NaCl, NaHC03 and Na2CO3 with specific activi-
ties up to 100 mc/g Na; corresponding K-42 compounds with spec-
ific activities up to 40 mc/ K; Cu-64 in form of the metal or
or CUS04; P-32 with carrier fspecific activity 1.2 mc/mg P),
without'carrier (specific activity 1.0 mc/mg P), in form of
H3PO 49 Na2HPO 4' NaH2PO 4' KH2PO 4' and K2HFO4solutions, and as
red P; and S-35 in form of H SO . BaSO , Na . and elementary
2 V 4 2S
S. The production of J-131 and Au-193, which is presently di.9-
continued, will be resumed after completion of the new radio-
chemical building. Major areas of physical experiments performed
at the Nuclear Research Institute are study of nuclear reactions
with slow electrode5 (radiative capture) and reactor-physical
measurements. Individual papers deal with the influence of
photomultiplier resolution on the total resolution of a scin~,
tillation spectrometer; the basic design of a Compton gamma-ray
Card -3/
The VVR-S nuclear reactor
scintillation spextrometer, eto~ Spectrometric investigation .'?f
radiative capture by the nuclei of various elements delivered
more precise data in the low-energy part of decay schemes and
revealed new gamma-transition lines. Studies of gamma-radiation
double cascades (which have a total energy equal to the binding
energy of neutrons) are important for precise determination of
decay schemes and were conducted on compound nuclei Cl-36,
Hg-200 and Co-60. Information on spin conditions in compound
nuclei can be obtained from angle correlations of two-cascade
connected gamma lines, An instrument for measuring such angle
correlations, lately installed at the Institute, consists of
two sointilaation spectromQters, a coincidence system with high
time discrimination (5-10-!~sec), and a multichannel time ana-
lyzer, The neutron spectrometer used at the VVR-S reactor
employs a mechanical separator, consisting of a steel d:tum,
200 mm in diamter with a system of radial slots, performing
!5,000 rpms, Neutrons are registered by a series of boron coun-
ters and liquid neutron.-scintilla,tion detectors, developed by
the Institute. A special gas fission detector was developed
Card 4/5
The VVR-S nuclear reactor
for measuring effective fission cross-sections. Distribution of
the neutron flux in rod-shaped fuel elements was investigated
in the thermal column of the reactor. The irradiated fuel speci-
mens are provided with Au, In and Dy foils, serving as activa-
tion detectors, and the flux distribution of thermal and reso-
nance neutrons inside the fuel element is derived from the re-
gistered 3 and)~-activity. The same method is used to determine
the diffusion length in moderators containing hydrogen. There
are 4 figures and 14 references: 13 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-So-
viet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication
reads as follows: K, Way - E.P, Wigner: Phys.Rev.70 (1946),
p. 130.
ASSOCIATION; 'astav jadern6ho v'zkumu CSAV (Nuclear Research
Institute, Czechoslovak AS)
Card 5/5
` tit 1 d,
P-ppro-cLmate sc~ . --~n of sh-rt--ima ' -f f us lor, in- a spber I -,P-l
body. Chem pru-rn !-,,. no.? :351-353 J-' 164.
1. Resear,~'Ii inst4tute of Inorganic Ciie.Tistry, L13ti nad Lab-=..
JANAC, Karel, SKRIVANEK, J-4 r-i
The anallog dlfferen-t4al anLlyzer -fcz,
Stroj n& zprac inf 10,30-3-312 164.
.If 0:,-Ma, or,
4 1, Theory anC Aulrmiation, 'Szzec--,-,o~~Iom-
Acarle.-Yry of Sciarmes, Prague.
SKRIVANEK, Jiri, inz,
llpthod of programming *,h;-- ~T)App compiter, Automatizace -/
no. 6:144-148 Je '64.
1. institutp of Information Theory F-tn,,l Automation, Czecho-
sl,)vak Academy of Sciences, Prague.
AZ7 p- or.~L-J.!olu~on Ier-
.. Mb.1,= 1 .4,_
M )4.
227-WIM).-FraWy pptd. WIPO, in the substrate
(cems a adiment witich permits easy and satisfactory filtra.
tioa, For monommxharides and their oxidation products
add 1-5 cc. of 70% H&M to a 1. of substrate. keep at 50*
for 10 min.. neutralize with freshly pptd. C&CO.. and filter
with any accepted filtration. For polymechaMes which
are hydrolyzed by acids, add I g, of stacked time or the
milk o( lime to a 1. of the substrate, keep at SO' for 10 min..
and neutralize with H&PO, "d. 1: 1. The niethod wwks
well for fruit.juices. Frank hfaresh
Modernizing production equipment in the USSR. P. 145o
STROJIRENSKAL VYROBA., Praha, Czechoslovakia., Vol. 7, no. 3. 1959
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol, 8, no. 7,
July 1959
NEK, Miroslav
Increasing efficiency of electric equipment repair. Elektrdtechnik
18 no-4:93-94 Ap .163.
1. Vyzkunme stredisko pro hospodareni zakladnimi prostrefty, Technicko-
organizacni vyzkumny ustav strojirensky.
STICHA, Vladimtr; SKRIVANEK, Miroslav
Suitability of the design of machine tools for their maintenance
and repair. Podn org 19 no.3:106-109 Mr '65.
1. Ppsearch Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Economics,
HAASEY Zdenek; SKRIV,'L%,'E.K, Mirosliv
'-'---'---- ----.-'-'-'-""U- -1'
Information on the study tr ~ to the German Democratic Republic.
Elektrotechnik 20 no.4:2 of cover Ap 165.
SKRIV!'N--;:'K, lUro3lav,
proble= Te~-.-- pra~:a 16 -:17.
0 164.
.E:-rl-, e-f ma-intenanne and repairs. Ibid.: 7.2-774
Rethods and managel- 17
1. Center of Fixed 'e.anagement., Eesfiarch Ins"At.ute. of Mechanical
Engineering and Bn-)nomics, Prague.
Coauthor, with Maj Dr Jiri NOVOTNY and Maj, Dr Vladimir PLACHT, Hradec
Kralove Military Medical Academy, of article, "Hernia of the Infant's
Diaphragm," dealing with five cases of major hernia of the kidphragm treated
in early sta es by surgery.
(VZL, Dee 541
SO: Sum. 436, 30 March 1955
Ota; RUZICKA, Xaral
Clinical evaluation of sPlenoPortograPI7- Cas.lek.cesk. 94 no.14:
359-365 1 Apr 5.5 -
1. Z radiolcgicke kliniky klinicks n8MOCnICe VLL a z chirurgicke
klini~7 klinicia namocnice ~IA v Hradct Kralove.
(SPLMI, radiograph7.'
splenoportography, clin. evaluation)
Roentgenographic cinematogNiphy of the digestive tube. Cesk.rentg.
15 ;fio.1:1-9 F 161.
1. Radiologicka klinika LF KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof.
Dr. Sc.dr. Jan Bastecky.
KOVAR, Jiri; SKRIVANF-K, Otakar.
Endobroncbial obondrohmartoma. Sborn.ved.prac.lokofak.Karlova
Univ. (Hrad.Kra-l,) 6 no,3:259-268 163,
1. Chirurgicka klinika (prednosta: prof., HUDr. J.Procha2dca)
a Radiologicka klinika (prednosta: DrSc, prof., MUDr.J*Bastecky),
Universita Karlova.
Antonin; KRCH, Vaclav.
Roentgen picture of the lungs in Wegener's granulomatosis.
Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.2-.249-256
1 65.
1. Radiologicka klinika (prednorta - prof. MUDr. J. Bastecky,
DrSc.); 1. interni klinika (prodnosta - prof. MUDr. F. Cemik);
Patol. anat. ustav (prednostat prof. MUDr. A. Fingerland,
DrSc.) Lekarske fakulty Karlovy Universit7 v Hradei Kralove.
L .] 0 ~1'4' 7 - ~66 - - ---. _ ____ - ____ --- _ -_- - - ~f
ACC NR: A N~02 3 15 2 SOMCII!, CODE: CZ/0060/65/000/66/615 4~~
70,1 ivanok, Otalcar- ~'a~shivanolc, 0. (Major; Graduate physician); Svacina, !
I ~U S) _%;
Jaroslay-4-i tor of mdicine; Candidate of sciences);
'_'Vaicliina, I. (Lieutenant colonel; Doc
Dra1iozal iypolit--Dragozal, G. (Major; Doctor of modicine _~~e~nWk, Doctor of
naodicina; Carflidate of sciences) ZI
0-RG: !~curologpical Department /headed by Colonel, Doctor of -medicine Zcantis~pleskoi/
TIN, Prague (fleurologicke oddeloni-UM); NeuromLrgical Clinic /headed by Hajor general,
rofessor Zdenok Kunc, Doctor of medicine, Doctor of sciences/p,KUg Prague (14euro-
cl-drurgicka klinilcA 1W)
TITL,: Remarks concerning some similarities of clinical and x-ray findings in
,lumbar discopathies
SOMIC.'~]: Vojenske zdravotnicke listy, no. 4, 1965, 15)-154
TOPIC TAGS: bone disease, radiography, ol.1nical medicine, ranb surgery, diagnostic
ABST,b%CT-. X-ray findings are very variable and not reliable for making a diagnosis.
The spine undergoes certain changes caused by advancing age, and these can influence
the x-ray evaluation. The authors investigated 250 patients treated by conservative
means and 240 who underwent surgery. Forty-six percent of the discopathies occurred
beti-reon the ages of 30 and 40. Irritation symptomatology prevails in young patients;
L 30947-66
ACC NR.. AP6023152
after the ago of 50, it was found in only 8,1%. The period of anamosis influences .1
the x-ray findings. The age of +.he patient and the clinical state also have a bearing
on the x-ray pictures The seriousness of the clinical picture is not a function of !
the period of anamnosis. Orig. art. has; 2 tables* fi-PR-S7
SUB CODS: 06 / SUEN DATE: none , I
NR1 AP6023153 SOURCE CODJ-'-:
AUTHOR- - Syacina. Jaroslav--Svachina, Io (Lto colonel; Doctor of medicine; -Candidate
of sciences); I-Jalzy. Zdenek (Doctor of medicine; Candidate of sciences),,'
Otalcar---SIcrshivanek, 0. (I-1aJor; Graduate physician); Drahosal,
boater of medicine)
ORG: Nourosurgical Clinic /headed by Major general, Professor Zo Kunco Doctor of )6~
medicine, Doctor of sciencosl, WL-10-Prague-Stresovice (NouroddrurgicFw klinika
FVL-KU); Neurological Department /headed by Colonel, Doctor of-medicine Fro Pleskot/.
UVII, Prague Norvovo oddelani UVN)
T-rfi~;: Value of x-ray examination for indication of surgical treatment of lumbar
SOURCE: VoJenske zdravotnicke listy,,no. 4, 1965, 154-156
TOPIC TAGS: x ray investigation, clinical medicine, bone disease, 81Xr gory
ABSTRACT: Clinical and x-ray findings in 240 patients who underwent surgery in a
period of 2 years at t1ie clinic and the hospitalwhere the authors. '1 work is discussed
PnoumoperlrUelography gives more reliable data than x-rays; in 50%, localizations
were found by this method. Clinical findings am the most reliable; in disc L5,
surgery confirmed 91.20 of the findings; in disc L4, 70% were confirmed. Origo art.
has: 3 tables. fi-P in -s7
SUB CODE: 06 / SU13M DA*rr,: none / ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 006
r-"4 I /-1 0 & nnri 616.?21.ir4,A -r,7-n-7-A--7c-ma
T 3094~_,-4-6
ACC NR. P6023154 SOL RICE CODE: CZ/0060/65/000/00N,/0156/0157 1:
AUTI;G~,: Drahozal, Rypolit--Dracozal, G. (Major; Doctor of medicine); Skrivanek.
enek Doctor of medicine;
LOt lQr-31cranivanek, 06 (Major, Doctor of medicine); H&Jy _Z4
iCandidate of sciences); Svacina, Jaroslav--Svach:Lna, I. (Lt. Colonel, Doctor of
medicine; Candidate of sciences)
ORG: Neurological Department /headed by Doctor of medicine Fro Pleskot/, UYN. Praguel
(nervove oddoleni, UVIT), Neurosurgical Clinic /headed by Protessor, Doctor Z. Jtmc,
Doctor of sciencos/.EL-0, Pragve-Stresovice (nourochirurgicka klinika FVL-KU)
TITLE: Evaluation of x-ray findings in patients suffering from lumbosciatic syndr
SOURCS: Vojenske zdravotnicke listy, no. 4, 1965, 156-157
TOPIC TAGS- man, x ray -investigation, nervous system disease
A135TWLCT: 250 patients treated conservatively for lumbago and lumbosciatic
were investigated. In 24%, the X-ray findings were norml, in 44.4% the chaz-q~'Ow':Sere
not specific, and only in 31,6p~ of the patients was there an indication of the loca-
does not correspond to clinical findings*
tion of spina-1 damage* Of these,
The x-ray examination can be considered only a help, but it dhould not be overrated.
Orig. art. has: 1 table, fmf
SuB COD.,3: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / CRIG REF: 004 / SDV REF: 001
OTH REF: 001
Card 1/1 0 6, uDc.. 616.7n.6..617.5527-o-ig.9-07-1.75---L-
SKRIVANEK, V. Preparing the KU-2 ccnb.*ne for harvesting corn. P. 367
Vol. 6., No. 19, Oct - 1956
Praha, Czechoslovakia
SO; East European Accession, Vol. 6, N,- 3, March 2fj*fix 1957
BENFS, Milan, inz., C.Sc.; KLEIN, Fetr; SKRIVANEK, Vaclav, inz.
Operaticnal determination of barite by the methcd of mathematical
statistics. Rudy 10 no. 4:120-124. Ap 162
1. Ustav pro vyzkum rud, Praha.
sKmmEK, V., inz.; KIE321, P.
Some devices for improver-.nt and speeding the work in ore
laboratories. Rudy 10 no-5:172-174 My 162.
SKRIVANEK, Vaclav, inz.; KLEIN, Petr
An economical analysis of low-copper ores. Rudy 10 no.61-
Suppl.iPrace vysk ust no.5:34-36 Je 162.
1. Ustav pro vyzkum rud, Praha.
SKRIVAIEK, Vaclav, inz.; KIEM-1, Petr
- Analytical conference of the Ore Research Institute. Rudy 10
no.12:420 D 162.
Complexometric determination of silver in the AgI101-
Chem prum 12 no.7:359-361 JI 162.
1. 'Ustav pro vyzkum rud.
SKRIMEN, Vaclav, inz.; KLEINp Petr
Analysis of zirconium sand. Rudy 11 no.3:89-92 Mr 163.
1. Ustav pro vyzk= rud, Praha.
KIII.Aii, I*oLr; Vaclav
Detennination of small amounT,3 of galliur.. Chem pmrri 13 no.5:
250-251 INY 163.
1. Ustav pro rud, Praha.
----- ------
Prophylaxis and therapy of rachitis. Lijec.vjes. 72 no.2:74-75
F '50. (C14M 19:2 )
1. Of the Pediatric Clinic in Beograd (Director -- Prof. M.Ambro-
zic, M.D.).
SKRIVANELI. N., dr.; " , P., dr.; KALAFATIC, Z., dr.; POTKONJAK, M., dr.
Clinical aspects, pathogenesis and therap7 of acuto polioqrelitin.
Lijec. vjes- 76 no.5-06:195-208 1954.
1. Iz Djeeje klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
(POLIOMYELITIS, etiol. & pathogen.)
SnIV?.NM,I, H.dr; PARSINI, K. dr; PASINI. D. dr.
ACTH and "c"ortl sone in the treatment of meniWal tuberculosis.
Lijec.vJos.76 no.9-10:450-460 1954.
1. Iz Djocje klinike Medicinakog fakalteta u Zagrebu.
AGTH & cortisone, results(Ser))
(ACTH. tber.use
tuberc.meningeal, results(Ser))
tuberc.,meningeal, resultB(Ser))
TMOSLAVIA/Human and Animal Physiology - Metabolism. T-2
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 314o4
Author S
__~ ~i~~ansini, K., Fiser-Herman, M., Tiefenbacit,
A., Librenjak, K., Petrovacki, M., Majnaric, D., Svel, 1.
Title Jlinical and Biochemical Data Concerning Rickets.
nrig Pub Acta med. jugosl-, 1956, 10, No 3, 337-359
Abstract Tw.2nty children aged 4 months to 2 years and ill with
rickets were placed under observation. The triple intro-
duction into the miscle of 15 mg of calciferol (I) in all
the children gave a positive results; however, the rate
with which X-ray and clinical symtoms discipeared in dif-
ferent children varied significantly. A different thera-
peutic effect did not depend on the gravity of the clini-
cal and biological symptoms. The content of Ca in the
serum before the beginning of the treatment was < 9 mep
in more than half of the children; after the first
Card 1/2
TAJDER,Y;iro.glav, dr.; SKRIVAMIC, Ante -,,.
Dr. Stanko Miholic2 1891-1960; obituary. Oteol vjes Hrv 14:
423-428 160 (publ.161).
1. Clan Urednickog odbora, referent, "Geoloski vjesnik" (for
v 6 L n k o v ATrousil, Z.
Experience with semi-conducting detectors
PE-~IiiODICAL: Ro~'erativnyy zhurnal: Fizika, no. 5. 1962, 8, abstract 5B67
~ Chekhosl. fiz. zh.", 1961, B 11, no. 10, 755-763, English;
Russian summar-j)
T-7,=': The authors investigated spectrometric characteristics of silicon
semi-conducting detectors with surface barrier. n-silicon with specific resis-
tiV4~ 2 to 2 x 104 ohm . cm was used for manufacturing detectors.
ty of 2 x 10 t
2 - -)-mm thick plates cut out of n-type silicon single crystals were carefully
polished, pickled in the mixture of sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids and washed.
r.I surface barrier was formed by dust-spraying a thin gold film onto one of tho,
faces. Side-by-side with detectors was used a wide-band amplifier with low
level of intrinsic noise (10jj-v). The time of pulse growth in the amplifier
a-mounted. to 80 nsec. A 100-channel amplitude pulse analyzer was connected to 2
~-e amplifier output. Best energy resolution attained with detectors of 50- m
area amounts to 0.&,55 for OL-particles of ThC1. It is pointed out that energy
Card 1//2
AUTHORSt Skfivinkovig M.9 Trousilq Ze
TITLE: Czechoslovak semiconductor detectors
of charged particles
PERIODIGAM -Jaderna Knergie, no, 91 1962, 326
TEXT; In the article the preparation of detectors with surface potential'.
barrier on n-type silicon is described. Using these detectors some
measurements were carried out, namely of energy rooolution which is
~,093 %'in the beat case for alpha particles* the measurement of the
effective layer depth which is in good agreement with calculated value,
further the measurement of rbsolution dependence on the biasq on.
temperature and on the collimation of incident alpha particle beam*
Also the use of this detector as a spectrometer of 695 MeV protons was
examined, The second part of the article describes the arrangement-of
the detector enabling to reach the double effective layer on the same
silicon and at the same bias* This arrangement may be used As a
Card 1/2
Conference on semiconduting detectors In Dubna. Jaderna energie
8 no.7:258-259 Jl 162.
ACCESSION NR: AP3003622 Z/0055/63/013/005/0396/0398
AUTHOR: Kremenek, J.; Skrivankova, H.; Simkova, J.
TITLE: Measurement of angular distribution of elastically scattered
protons from aluminum atoms with mass number 27
SOURCE: Chekhoslovatskiy fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 13, no. 5, 1963,
TOPIC TAGS: proton scattering, proton elastic scattering, proton
inelastic scattering, proton scattering spectrum, proton scattering
ABSTRACT: The angular distribtuion of elastically scattered protons
and five groups of inelastically scattered protons from Al has been
measured with the help of a Sc detector with a barrier corresponding
to a proton energy of 7.0 Mev and protected with a 16-p-thick Al foil
to absorb the a particles produced at the target. The range of meas-
rements was 30-170* at an incident proton energy of 6.5 Mev. The
measured groups correspond to -Q values of 0.842, 1.015, 2.21, 2.73,
2.98 and 3.00 Mev, of which the first three groups were resolved.
Card 1/2
The angular distribtuion of inelastically scattered protons obtained
in measurements repeated several times for each angle are given in a
table. The continuation of the studies of inelastic processes on
aluminum is announced. Orig. art. has: 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Ustav jadernehe vyzkumu CSAV, Prague (Institute of
Nuclear Physics, CSAV), Katedra fyziky fakulty strojni, CVUT (Facillty
of Machinery, Physics Department, CVUT)
SUBMITTED: 27Aug62 DATE ACQ: 12Jun63 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
n f~
r I': g tu ed r -ai
ACCESSION NRz APW15893 Z/0038/64/000/001/0032/0033
AUTFORt Skrivanko
TITLE: Conference on semiconductor detectors at roseendorf
SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 1, 1964* 32-33
TOPIC TAGS: Ge-based semiconductors, gamma spectrometry, semiconductor defectors.,;
Si detectors, lithium-diffused germaniVh detettorp lithium-diffused silicon de-
ABSTRACT: The author reports on a conference on semiconductor detectors held
at Rossendorf in East Germany on 23-28 September 1963. Altogether 50 scientists
attended from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, China, Korea, Hungary,, East Germany,
Rumania, and Soviet Russia. 50 lectures were given ont the technology of semi-
conductor detectors; use of semiconductor detectors in nuclear physics; tech- i
nicA uses of semiconductor detectors; and electronics. Considered best.was the
lecture by 0. Matveyev from Leningrad describing a new type of detector, suitable
for gamma spectrometry and made of Ge into which Li was diffused.. It is beat
for gamma application as Ge has a higher atomic usight than the generally u8ed
Card Vy,"~
Si compounds. ng 1 of the Enclosure shows the peak obtained with Cs-137. The
Ge detector has stperior analytical calYacity c6mpared to scintillation spectro-
meters, but its pbotoeffect is not yet~,Tully ufiderstood. Improvement will pro-
bably be obtaine& when deeper layers are used;.'the present layer was only j MM
thick. However, 'to prevent U leakage"it will, probably be necessary to main-
tain the detectox"constantly at a law Umperatfire. Other lectures covered Si
detectors with a potential barrier and?~a detector with a surface potential
barrier protected by a ring electrode. Silicon detectors with diffused U in-
cited much interest. A device for a cohtinous''control of a cyclotron to prevent
a simultaneous production of protons and deuterons and spectrometric detectors
for measurements of foil thicknesses wer'e described. Orig. art. has 2 figures.
Card 2/~!
onmi 000
AUTHOR: SkHvhnkov6L-Vesel&, Marie
T.IrLE.- New detector type for nuclear spectrometry
PERIODICAL: Jaderna energie, no. 3, 1961, 79 - 84
TEXT; The article describes three types of semiconductor detectors with p-n
junction, their properties, and potential uses in nuclear spectrometry. The use
of semiconductor detectors in nuclear spectrometry is based on the following prin-
ciple: When a ionizing particle passes through a semiconductor, the number of cri-
ginating electron-hole pail?s is proportional to the particle energy. When the par-
ticle passes through the p-n junction, and its range is not greater than the effec-
tive transition region, the height of the current pulse on an external load is a--so
proportional to the particle energy, Consequently, a semiconductor detector can,
in appropriate arrangement, be used as a spectrometer of ionizing particles. The
artticle lists the following three typei of Western semiconductor detectors: (1)
Detectors with a junction between n-type germanium and germanium oxide formed-on
the surface of the germanium crystal beneath a vapor-deposited Au layer, as dessr:t~
ed by J. M. McKenzie and D. A. Bromley [Ref. 5: AECL 887 (1959)) and j. I. Fan',-
Card 1P
Institute of Physiology of the Czechoslovak Academy
of Sciences, Fra,~~ue (for both)
Pragrue, Collection of Czec1ioployak Chemical Communicationav
No 8, 1963, pp 22o7-2214
"Fictors Influencin,:,r 'Une Conversion of the Inactive Form
of Liver Tryptophan Pyrrolase into the Active Form."
PIT',:A, Vaclav; V i:SIKOV.-'-, Zdenim; Z,;enel.; L-DL*S.~,
Electrical r=-spc~nses of deer zerebr-.' st=uc~ures ~o ~'-e
alministration o-f !SD 25 in c-nts. Sborn. --ac. lek. 1c.
Karlov, imiv. Olxa~i Kr,~,I) 4 zio.4:1~69-480 160.
1. 'lle-,Lrologickm Idinika v Plzr-i; prodnosta prof. .-Mr. V. Fitha.
GUT X plimmiocol) (BlLkjT;T pharm;icol)
(LYSEI-LIC ACID pharmacol)
MENSIKOVAY Z.; POLAK, 0.; VRBIK, J. ; Technicka spolupraca KARLICKOVA, H.;
- ,
The clinleal and. allatmencopkMa0paphic picture of brain abscesses.
Acta univ. carol.[Modl no.1:89-110 '61.
1. Neurologicka klinika fakulty vseobeoneho lekarstvi, University
Karlovy se sidlem v Plzni, pre&nosta prof. dr. V. Pitha.
Z,,icn,,m; POLA. Ota,"car; pi, i;li, Vaclav; MiisIll , Zdeliek; L ':)I'
t,o,.ImL(-,Ica zq~olujiraca: KA:~LICKOVA, iii.; 3Kl'JVA'iiOVk S.
.Uectrical activity ol- cortical ~md` zitructurc.-
to :,.ffer.-,-nt sti'milli) !;trychmino an.! otlior drugo in calus,
Sborr. vcd. prac, 1~,k. fak. Karlov. univ. ('11-rad Kral) 4 no..14.:44',-
467 ' 61.
1, Illeurologickc klinika L-TU v Plzni; precinosta prof. ~JjDr. V. Pitila.
physiol) physiol)
(STRYCIDII11- ph,-,r.-,i.-col)
-M'SIKOVA, Mcnka; IIRBIK, Jan. Technicka spoluprace: KARLICKOVA, H.;
Clinical picture and electroencephalogram of cerebral hemor-
rhages. Acta Uriv. Carol. [med-I (Praha) 9 no.5:453-482 163
1. 11'eurologicka I:linika lekarske fakulty University Karlovy
v Plzni.
IMSIKOVA, Z.; POLAK.O.; VRBIK,J. Tecbnicka spoluprace: KARLICKOVA, H.;
Clinical and electroencephalographic picture of thrombosis
and stenosis of the carotid arteries. Acta Univ. Carol. [med.]
(Praha) 9 no.8:673-701 1063
1. Neurologicka klinika lekarske fak-ulty University Karlovy v
MENSIKOVA, Zdenka; VRBIK, Jan;Tocbnicka spolupracel. KARLICKOTA, H.2*
Clinical and electroencephalographic picture of encephale-
malacia. Act& Univ. Carol. [med.] (Praha) 10 no.2tlO9-137 16/+
1. Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakult7 University Karlovy r
Plmi a Neurochinirgicka klinika lekarske fakulty University
Karlovy v Hradci Kralove, (prednosta: prof. MUDr. R.Petr.)
SKRIZHALIN, I., kapitan-nastavnik
Passenger traffic on the Kuybyshev - Melekess line.
Rech. transp. 21 no.12:48 D 162. (MA 15:12)
(Merchant marine-Passenger traffic)
(Cheremshan Rivier-Inland water transportation)
KAZAKOV, V.I., dots.; MOLOIDTSOVA, A.A., ordinator; SnIZHEVSKIY, V.K,,
ordinator; CH)WOVA, S.V., ordinator
Material on a study of photoprotective and photosensitizing properties
ov various drugs for external application. Vest.derm. i van. 31 no.2:
47 Mr-Ap '57. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskilth boleney Starropol'skogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
Metbods of determining small amounts of niobium and tanta-
lum in raw ores. Zav.lab. 26 no.5.1523-529 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Ysesoyuznyy geologicheskiy instituto
(Niobium--Analysis) (Tantalum--Analysis)
S/1081 621000103~1022/112
B /~; ~
A U C. T! S Kukh,-~;ren'~-o, A. A. , 5krizn'inska,,,a, 11. 1. , Vayn3htj~!n, i~. Yo.
T Il"L E': of niobium and tantalum in the complexes of
u1traba:;-*Lc-,-L1kali roc'r-.s
PE'i 10 DI L Refera-~iv:-,-7y ZnUrnai. Khimiya, no. 5, 1,Q0'2, 122-1217
abstract (Zap. Vses. mineralog. o-va, v. QO, n,~. 2,
1961, 172-192)
.-XT: Certain reCularities of Nb and Ta behavior in the formation process
of t-,,e 1-,ltrabasic-alkali intrusions of the Kola Peninsula are considered.
"u.- v
.. iErous che-.-,-*cal and spectral analyses of rocks and minerals ha e
establis'-ed that Nb and Ta are characteristic elements of the giver,
comzlexes. The averac~e contents of these ir the massifs of the Kola
Peninsula fluctuate within the range: 1-34-5-118'10- 2 :/0 Nb and
-.3 ,
1.,--2-5-96-10 ;~~ Ta. The character of 'jb and Ta distribution and the
forms o~ their occurrence are different for various stages of macs4'
Card 1/2
S/05 1 /-62/G00/'00=: 1 22 '1 1, 2
-/3,101 ~/O
leochemistry of niobium and tantalum in... 3149
.:.o rmna' ion. Da~-a are sun--lied regarding- the contents of Nb 0and Ta 0
k, - 0 2 5 2 5
138 s-jecimens of minerals from these rocks (pyroxene, hornblende,
Dhlogol)ite, melanite, schorlomille, sphene, titanoma6netite, perovskite,
baddeleyitle, pyrochlore, zirkelite, natroniobite, dysanalyte). DurinE the
init-ial s-.aJes of the mass--*--~sl rmation Nb and Ta do not form
individual minerals, but F-re endocryptically seized by the rockforming
silicates and cc:rDcurd oxides of T-*L; the process of minerogenesis Ta
orecedes Nb. in ;.he products of residual crystallization (ppegmatites) '0~
a n-iven Eamma, t-1-ese elements form individual minerals pyrochlore) or
a,~~ear as components of comoound oxides o-P Zr and Ti 'baddeley-ite,
jo st -ma;~ma Var40US
d-sanalite). Durint- the tic sta-e the metasomatic
,processes bring about their local concentrations. Greater mobility of
:,"-, t-an :~a is established. The sepa-ration. of Nb and Ta is conditIoned y
t'-e factor of crz.,st-nilo-cliem-ical selection resulting in selective
endocr-~:)tic --osition of Ta in struc-,.ures of Zr-minerals, and collection
in the complex oxides -,-.ith reduced coordination ratic. LAbstracter's
nott~: Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
SYJtLA, J066f
Classification Of part3 aild its uso for toclixiology titandurdization.
Stroj vyr L11 no.8.082-385 Ag. 163.
1. Ceskomoravska-Zolben-Danek Blansko, nopo;, Blansko,
SKRI,-., jos5f
Struo,tural and technological classifieation,, a way of technical
and organizational progress in piece production. Podn org 17
no-98398-402 S163
1. Geskomoravoka-Kolben-Danek Mansko.
"Economical handling of materials" by Jan Vrablik.
Reviewed by Josef Skrla. Stroj vyr 12 no-3:232 164.
Evaluation of results after Rryntachak's prostatectomy. Rozhl.
chir. 39 no.8:569-574 Ag 16o.
1. Urologicka klinika. university v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr.
Uombination of surgical treatment with im-plantat-lon of
granules of Au-198 in cancer of the urinary bladder.
Rozhl. chir. 44 no.6:413-417 Je 165.
1. (!r(,i,ogj.cktj oddolenl nemocnico v Praze 8-IM-1olika (71A(Airl
(1cw. dr. V. Paces) a Onkologicky ustav v Praze 8 (reditel
F. Vadura).
PAIGHL, Premysl; SK
~IiT~. 1~~s; SYKORA, Jindrich. Technicka spoluprace
Fever caused by inhalation of metal fumes from brass welding.
Plzen. lek. sborn. 23:115-118 164
1. Klinika vnitrnich chorob lekarske fakulty University Karlovy
se sidlem v Plzni (prednosta: prof. Mr. K. Bobek); Oddeleni
chorob z povolani t prumyslove toxikologie Statni fakultni ne-
mocnice v Plzni (prednostat prim. MUDr, F. Huzl, CSc.).
1--) -,
.~ i) A'i -~ t.,/./ --i 1-i-,
- ~ - -
New organization and administration of regional health services.
Cesk. zdravot. 6 no.1:6-9 1958.
1. Vyzlumny ustav organisace zdravotnictvi.
in Czech., organiz. & admin. of regional health serv. (Cz))
LANGER, Sedrich; SKRNA, Vaclav
Nollow floors for dwellinp, houses, Poz stavby 13 no,1:2Z-27
1. Pozemni stavby, Usti nad Labem.
1"' OL AN'D
And jil lor, nct
f f t
py . ...
1 1 E
P 18 Fnb
1 '1 "0 frnl e an. d
c T- h S t, !I,!+. of
~i iol t al s in s t hf-, :r
-15 1 r d dQ
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,r are
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CZECUSLOVAKIA Human and Animal Physiology (Kormi anu
Pathological). Effects of Physical Factors.
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60914
Author :Raskova, H.; Skrobal, D.; Dionstbier, Z.
Ins t :Not given -
Titlo :The Antitoxic Effect of the ATP
Orig Pub :Coskosl. fysiol., 1956, 5, No 4, 456-459
Abstract :ATP was used for the treatment of radiation sickness,
produced in mice by irradiation with 400 - 800 r. doses.
A single intravenous injection of 5 mg.1k;g. of ATP on
the 5th day after irradiation did not reduce the mortality
of the animals. A single or double injection of the same
dose on the 5 - 26th day after the irradiation lavered the
mortality only with higher doses of irradiation. It is
thought that the lowering of the ATP level in the blood
and the rise in the level of the ATP-ase in radiation
Card 1/2
The action of glucose on protamine hyperlipaemia. Rev. Czech. M. 4 no.l:
12-19 1958.
1. Pliarmacoloi-,ical Institute of the Medical Faculty, Charles University,
Prague. Director: Dr. M. Wenke, Institute for Human Nutrition, Prague.
Director: Doc. J. Masek.
(LIPIDS, in blood
hyperlipemia induced by protamine sulfnte, eff. of glucose
in rats)
(GLUCOS3, eff.
on hyperlipemia induced by protamine sulfate in rats)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Tiarm AniTals. Honeybee.
Abs Jour
A u th or
Orig Pub
Card 112
Y,,.ef 7 jr - Biol., Yo. 22, 195~7 101283
SkrobP15 D.
The Froblem of Artificial Fertilization.
Veelarstvi, 1958, 11, 1,10. 19 4-5
Attempts to stimulate the queen to mate in
closed premises were unsuccessful.. Methods
of direct Contacts Or of introducing portions
of the dronets sexual organs appen-r to be very
promising. In laboratory conditions the injec-
tion method proved to be successful. however,
its installation is -nade difficult by the com-
plicated instruments which have to be used, and
by insufficient knowledge of anatomy and function
L 00056-66
ACCESSION NR-. A?50?3869 cz/0049/64/000/on/C)869/0870
AUTHOR: Macko, Vladimir (Matsko., Vladimir)(Ivanka pri Dunaji),, Novacky, Anton
(Novatskil Anton)(Ivanka pri Dunaji)) 61crobal.0 Mirko (Shk376bal, Mirko)(Bratislava--
TITLE-' Inhibition in "slide germination test" caused by tilletia controversa
spores extract
SOURCE! Biologia., no. 11, 196h, 869-870
TOPIC TAG8: plant diseasej fungus
A13STRACT: Tilletia controversa has an incubation period of 4~6
~Weelcs. Tilletia caries, and Tilletia foetida, spores germinate
in a few days, Spore extracbs-did not inhibit growth test of
wheat colooptile. Wie extract from the spores of T. controver-
;sa inhibited germination of conidiap while the extracts from
To caries, and T, foetida di%A`not.;'vThe author .s acknow ledye vith thanks
the technical assistance of J-Hassler and A. Peknikova.0
Card 1/2
A-HezacHFdro emene an Pe enzene as
wheat stink-smut preventives. Miroslavjo ian. Mirko
98kro~al~nIlendor Magdolen, Jan BeEka, jurai Synak Sigan
tg_ arfith, Anton Italy, and lozef Marcinek. Pol'no-
ho-~poddrslro 3, 218-2,3(1950)(Russiau and German sum-
initries.)-A brief survey is presented of the literature dc-
scribing tbe chem. and fungicidal pruperties of hexachloro-
beHMIC (1) U11d of pent achl oronit robe. nzene (11), It was.
sliown that in diAcs of 20 g. ative comp(l. t)cr 200 g. of dis-
iliNctant Per 11dillUd Of gritill I iS SlIPCHOC tO 11 ILS U f1111.4i
cildc against Til,!rlia focCula, B, 5. 1, ville
Czechoslovakia/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application.
Pesticides, 1-7
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19; 1956, 62149
Author: Toman, Miroslav; Stota, Zdenek;_~~robal, Mirko
Institution: None
Title: On the Procedure of Testing Soil Fungicides
Periodical: Prispevek k metodice zkousek pudnich fungicidu, Biologia, 1956,
11, No 1, 12-21; Czech; Russian and German resumes
Abstract: A simple method has been worked out for testing the activity of
soil fungicides (SF), using cauliflower (C) and Rhizoctonia solani
fungi which cause damping-off of C seedlings. The compounds under
study in the form of a 20% dust are introduced into the soil to-
gether with the C seed., applying the dust at a rate of 6.3-63 g/M2.
Graphs of ge=ination and damping-off of C seedlings shov the
fungicidal and herbicidal action of the compounds under study. A
comparative study has been made of the activity of the following SF:
Card 1/2