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SAMBUR, Grigoriy Nikitovich [Sambur, H.M.); SkaIRIIK, _~.S. [S1cqpnyk, P.S.1, red.; KALASR.IIKOVA.,' O.G. Kalashnykova, O.H.J, tekhn. red. [Improvement and use of Solonets soils] Polipshennia ta vyko- rystannia solontgevylh hruntiv. Yyiv, Derzhsillhopvydav URSR 1962. 51 p. (MIRA 15:71 (Ukraino-Solonotz oolls) PROKAPAU) f.O., krtrid. nriuk; TREOBENFO, I-I.Ya. (Ti-obuljoriko, M-1/i. j , 1"firld . 'It'l I Hlo'. mul, j kl"Pumlov Y.r~., karid. -!g)l'kh,)Z. nfluk; WYACHKO, P.G.(Krinchko, P.H.], st. nauchn. sotr.; MAKODMBA, 1.0., kand. sell- khoz. nauk; SIDENKO, 1.0., kand. biol. nauk; SUSIDKO, P.I.) kand. biol. nauk; REFIN, A.MjRiepin, A.M.], kand. sellkhoz. nauk; LOGACHOV, M.I.[Lohachov, M.I.1, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; OSTAPOV, V.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZAFOROZHCHMKO, O.L., kand. sellkh.nauk,-FLYAGIN,A-.D.(Fliahin,A.D.], kand. ekon. nauk; KA1,111VETS', I.D.1 st. nauchn. sotr.; SKRIPNIK-, P.S.[Skrypnyk, P-S.1, red.; GULENKO, 0.1. [Hude'~ko, 0.1.1, tekhn. red. [Advanced practices in growing corn] Peredovi retody vy- roshchuvannia ku-1-urudzy. 2., perer. i dop. vyd. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav, UASH, 1962. 231 p. (MIRA 17:1) ROVLANOV . Vasiliy Ivanovich; ShddlRdi& P krypnyk, P.S.], red.; li_.S, LS GULENKO, O.I,[Hulenko, 0.1.11 tekhn. red. [Economic effectiveness of over-all mechanization of corn growing]Ekonomichna efektyvnist' kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii vyrobnytstva kukurudzy. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1961. 105 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Ukraine-Corn (Maize)) BUNTUSH, T.O., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MOISEYZVAj;V.P.(Moiseieva., V.P.)) kand. biol. nauk; ANISIKOVA, T.S., kand. biol. nauk; ROIAJITIK, V.M., agronom; SOIRUK, P.S.(Skrypnyk, P.S.), red. [Advanced methods of flax growing and processing] Peredovi metody wrosheluvannia i pererobky llonu. 2., perer. i dop. vyd. Kyiv., Derzhsillhospvydav UR&R, 1963. 133 p. (MIRA 17:4) e, fa MUKHITDIROY, B.N.; SKRIPNIK, T.N. _ X-ray clinic observations of patients with various forms of intestinal stasiB during treatment at the Khodzha-(Ybi-Garm health resort. PrelW- nary report. Zdrav. Tadzh. 6 no.5,21-24 '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz Yerevanskogo ine.tituta rentgenologii i onkologii i kurorta Khodzha-Obi-Garm. (OBI-G,AMf-MrNERAL WATERS) (CONSHPATION) PERIFNIK, V. sk These are the possibilities for lowering the coat of production! NeLuka i pered.op.v sel'khoz. 7 no-7:67-69 4 '57. (KLRA 10:6) l.Predsedatal' kolkhoza imeni Lanina, Khokhol'skogo rayona, Voronezhskojr oblasti. (Agriculture-Economic aspects) SKRIPNIK, V. Rural builders need stromig support. Bell. stroi. 13 no.4:7 Ap '59. (Y'ITU 12:6) l.Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Lanina, Khokhollakogo rayona, Voronezhekoy oblanti. (Khokhol District--Farm buildings) SKRIPNIK V Make use of each hectare of land wiB-,Iy. 7emledelie 25 no-4- 21-24 Ap 163. (MIRA 16.5) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Lenina, Khokhollskogo rayona Voronezhskoy oblasti. (Farm management) SKRIPNIKI V. For large gralili c--olp under aiy wea~h~,-.- cmdition3. Zem-ledelie 26 no.3:5,859 M-r 164. (!-'I-PA 17:4) 1. Predseda4- el' kolkhcz-- Lmeni. Lenina. Ehokhollskogo proi~vcdqt-~mno.go upravleniya Voroneznskoy oblast-J. XOPYTOV, A.V.; SKRIPNIK, V.A, Exploitation of 6-as condensate fields in Bashkiria. Nefteprom. delo no.3.-13-16 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. SKRIPNIK, V.F. (Irkutsk) Calculation of the steady operation of electrical systen-iri. Izv. Ali SSSR.Energ. i transp. no.3:63-67 My-Je '65. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted March 12, 1965. VENIKOV, V.A. ; SKRIFNIK, V.F.; T-SOVIYANOVp A,N. Use of digitall computers in studying zuransients in electrical systeno. Izv. AN SSSR. Energ. i transp. no-4'.448-465 J1-Ag 163. (KMA 16:11) 2FRiHI-Ay Yu,A,, kand, tekhn, nauk; '~KKFNIK,, V.L Hfghly stable quadrature phase irdicalt"or, Avtorn. i- Drib, no.3,,44~47 J1-2- 164. (MIR!, SOUjIC7' CC:)E UR/3232/66/000'003/0022/3027 A C C N R. A'2603' 6k~2 r i pL -. i 'k , VS k r i p n ik , Y u GRG. T=L~--' T"Ie effecL of a-mpliLude inequaliry or, tho accuracy of antiphase zero :~CaLurs S G'OR CZ :L'vov. Politekhnicheskiy instituC. '.~o-,iLroi'no-izrrer-Ltel'-,iaya tek-anika, no. 31, 1-966, 22-27 TOPIC TAGS: -ohase measurer.-Lent, phase shift, phase meter / /4-~ 71-a -,zchod o--' com-paring amplitude unstable voltages does not provide t-,-Ie necessary 7--aasurement accuracy of the 180' phase shift. Tkie article discusses t.-e princi-pal cf operation and describes an accurate antiphase measuring 6evicc ir, zhe --~roc:.sion measuremants of the 180' phase shift in the relatively broad rango fs reached using the phase sens-itive circuit with periodic co=ut:a- ~fons of co=,ared voltages. The equipment has the following parameters: 1) the ~r,~:cuanc-, ran~;a -s --rom, lkc to 1 mc. 2) The effective values of input: volta-es c,- z ro r, to 20 v; 3) the uva-drium readinc- error uffien the coefficient of --orlinear c:.'szorzion, not hig:aer than 211 is 0.1* for frequencies of 1-100.kc, 0.20 zor c~ 100-300 kc and 0.3* 'or frequencies of 300kc-l mc. Orig. art. A. ,-as: L3 formulas. 1. '.,res and - 03D%: S 09/ SUKI DATE: nc-.-.e/ OKC REF: 007 Card PRIKHODGMTKO) V.G.; SKRIPNIK, V.A.; KORA., O.K. --------------- Electrodeposition of small amounts of Iron on mercur-r.- 2hur.prikl.khim. 36 no,21344-350 F 163o 1 (N* 16:3) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (.Txon plating~ I (Electrodes., Mercury) cl U. 31U' oF* -_'ec,rode:~osition -on on :,1,3, ca-y c,--- t,Lode. Do-,;. ii: P 22 0 o 3-7:5) 1. ldyevokiy polituldmi che skiv in:;titat. F.-edotav'ono zukudf;mikom A'T, K1.YAROV.':',K1Y, GJ~-~ SKRIPUK, V~A~ Develop'-ng a pool with water driye of gdsec-js oj.1 based on a study c1f the Eolina oll field. Nef1t. . ga~. pronic noj.~ 4 39-41. Jl=,q 164. (MIRA 17,112) SKRIPNIK, V.A.; PASECfRUK, B.N. Methods for developing the Lel:Fuki oil field. Neaft. i gaz. prom. 3:40-42 Jl-S 165. (MIRA 18:11) L 46197-66 EWT (1 )/T JK ACC NR: AR6o11862 SOURPE CODE: UR/0299/65/000/0022/BO37/BO37,,-- AUTHOR: Illarionova, R. P ; Skripnik, L. I.: Rowozbina., A. F.; .iCbernomordik,, A. Lukacb,_I. G. :TITLE: Isolation and properties of a new.pigmented 'ptiblotid SOURGE: Ref. zh. Biologi-ye, Abs. 22B2 .53 IREF SOURCE: Sb. Antibiotiki. Kiev, ZdorWya, 1965, 76-8Q 1TOPIC TAGS: antibiotic, bacteriology, soil bacteriology ,ABSTRACT: An actinomyce.te producing the new P-125 antibiotic as been lisolated from t66 chernozem soils of Poltavsk Oblast. The producer Iculture forms a gray aerial mycelium and a violet substrate myc6lium in syntbetic media, and in organic-mediupt.No. 2 the culture develops a violet-brown substrate mycelium tR-at c6lors the medlum slightly brown; the spore carriers are straight. This strain is classified with the Violaceus series on the basis of culture and morpbological indices; species idantification has not been established, Liquid organic modium, No. 2 is fa*orable for the formation of P-125. The culture liquid was saturated Uitb sodium chloride and acidified to PH 3,0 to 4solate F-125a IThen a seJtaent was obtained containing myoelium anti antibiotia UDC: 619.7?9,931. L re cipitat*d fl,~6ft the culture liquid.. Tho sediment was extracted thrSOA-I'A.. Mes Vith maetoina and boiled down. P-125 was extracted with chloroform.-- 'T fj~om the aquoous-aaetone solution. The extroot was concentrated "d precipitated with petroleum other or benzene. The preparetion-in ~ippearance ia. a dark-red amorphous powder. P-125- has .1nder-propertiff"a #,:.*7 .the UV ~Pbsorption spectrum is 230 and 495 millirmicrons in inethanol and"- 315, 415 amd 490 millimicrons in butanol. P-125 can be differentiated from violarin, litmocidin and antibiotic 770-M by its abroma-tograpbic properties &nd UV spectra. P-125 closely resembles rubidine. P-125 is' lGlassiflecl sz a rjew chemical compound of the rubromycin-gr'iseorodine 1group. It is active in relation to gram positive bacteria and acid rasistant bacteria. T. Maksimova. t7- I LTranslation of gbatrao- ISUB CODE: 06 2/2 273n 3/199/61/002/004/007/007 B112/BIOP AUTHORt Skripnik, V. P. TITLEt Some criteria for the boundedness of solutions of systems of nonlinear and linear differential equations PERIODICALt Sibirskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v. 2, no. 4, 1961, 582 -599 TEXT: The author derives some criteria for the boundedness of the salutione of(sVems of differential equations having the form A0 t x" + A 1(t)xl + A 2(t)x + F(t,x,xl) - 0. AO, A,, A 2 are square matrices, x and F are vectors. The behavior of the eigenvalues X of A 01 A19 A2 'a essential for the boundedness of solutions of such systems. Among other criteria, the following two are givent If the vector function F(t,f ) is continuous and if it satisfies the inequality PF(t' ~ ) 1 :6 g(t)11 f I forlif k S ~>O, tapO, if max*X + g(t);&:-h(t), h(t) is a continuous (A+A ) 2 function, and Card 1/2 S/03 61/054/004/002/002 C1 1 1YC333 AUTHOR: Skripnik, V. P. (Moscow) TITLE: Somb criteria for the boundedness of the solutions of systems of nonlinear differential equations PERIODICAL: Matematicheskiy sbornik, v. 54, no. 4, 1961, 469-488 TEXT: The author considers the system A0(t) x" + F(t,x,x') - 0 (1) where A0 (t) is a quadratic symmetric matrix, F(t,x,xl) an n-dimensional vector, F(t,0,0)=- 0 for t -~,O. Criteria for the boundedness of the solutions of (1), and of the solutions of (1) and of their derivatives, respectively are given. n The following notations are used: N~ is the scalar product of the vectoist and 71 i 11 A 4 norm of the matrix Ij Card 1/7 S/03 61/054/004/002/002 Some criteria for the boundodneso ... C1 1 IYC333 F(t,~,~ is assumed to pos 8ess a partial derivative with respect to for r- 0 and III < 7 0 p and a partial derivative with re- A 2 2 2. spect to for + 3-) Let a symmetric and differentiable matrix R(t), minA Lill exist such that, if the arbitrary 2n.2+ 1 vectors satisfy the inequalities (i,j)l)