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5/056/62/042/005/050/050 B108/3138 AUTHORS: Demidov, B. A., Skachkov, Yu. F., Fanchenko, S. D. TITLE: He. S. I. Andreyev's and M. P. Vanyukov's comment on the paper 1177idening of the channel of powarful miniature sparks" PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretich-askoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 5, 1962, 1427-1429 TZXT: Criticism levelled by S. I. Andreyev and M. ?. Vanyukov (ZhETF, 42, 3010, 19062) at a paper by the authors (Zh:-;TF, 40, 38j, 1961) is denied. The present authors had observed hydrod. vuamic widening of spark channels. On the basis of the results of R. F. Saxe (Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 7, 336, 19506), Andreyev and Vanyukov had asserted that the authors had only seen streamers by the observation slit. Here it is shown that such a thing was not possible since the duration of streamers is considerably less than the time resolution of the experiment. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: January 22, 1962 Card 1/1 PP(U)-2/DM(v)/tM Pe-;5/Po~4/Pa-4 IUM a,--( L 874645 EWT(1)A ftn go)/ D(t)/ASPOd)/AWRW(t) W P ACCESSION NRt 6/0L20/64" /000/004/0157/0 5 AUTHORz, Skschkovs Yus Ve ..................................... . -light 0- TITLEI Registration of individual quantAi by cooled phot multipliers 1SOURCE: Pribory* L takhnike eksperimeatas no.~4,, 1964, ISIM139.' TOPIC TAGS: photomultiplier'. cooled 'p'hotomultliplier, sensitive phoit multiplier, PEU 13 phoiomu1tiplier#..FZ0 14 phol:omultiplier.liow noise photomultiplLer ABSTRACT: Limiting possibilities of registration.and measurement of light by means of cooled FEU-13 and FRU-14 t,,ype-photoault1pl1ers.--- were experimentally investigated. By virtue. oil their photocathodes having a chromium- substrate, these phototubea :retain their sem9i`tiv-::,_, i t ~ when cooled down to liquid nitrogen tompe::ature. It. was . f oun'd possible by cooling the front wt of 'the tubea to reduce, t,hisir nor-, mal dark current (10-13 j0 lo- 4 a) by- three Wr four orders 9 thereby,.; improving the-signal-noise ratio correspondingly. ~Howevdr# -tt!LS re- [~ard L - 87h6.;65--- ACCESSION MR: AP4044688 sult was obt ined,w-ith'only 3 or 4:specimeng out of e ve ry~ hund ire d a tested. In the re"m"'ainder no improvement of signal-noise ratio could, be effected. It was further observed that by increasing the limput voltage beyond the normal working levelt the dark current jumps t its room- temperature magnitude at a certain point and'fails to dr:p-. toward normal with decreased voltage. A full warm-up of the tube_,~ to room temperature and a new cooling procedure were necessary to regain the increased sensitivity. The procedure for calibrating cooled phototubes is described and the sensitivity curves of cali--; brated specimens as functions of wavelength are presented. aThanks,.~'_ are extended to R. At VanetsLan for assistance and advice." 0 art. has:. 3 figures, ASSOCIATIONS Institut atomnoy energLL (Atomic Energy Iq* ti tute) ATD pRgss t 31 3 sjjcLj- _00 SUBMITTEDs 23Jul63 SUB CODES EN, OP. NO RMSOVt 005 OVHERI .,003 crd 2 2 n g t In eMa e) 1- 7 r-, 9 for stuJ y lnd~vidual at,:M5 Of gs-a 2, cm~.tted b, 5-0 164, Acassiox NR: A24031136 S/0056/61i/046/004/1188/1196 AUTHOR: Skachkov, Yu. P. TITLE: Investigation of the time correlation of photons emitted in the NoII spectral lines of separate neon atoms excited by electron impact SOURCE: Zh. ekspero I teor, fizo, vo 46, no, 4. 1964P 1188-1196 TOPIO TAGS: noon, noon spectral line, noon II line, noon I line, noon photon emission, photon time correlation, excited noon &to=, electron impact excitation, neon optical tram.altion,, neon optical 1. cascade transition ABRrRACT: The measurements were made with the noon at a pressure 10 -3 __ 10-4 MM HZ'P so that the time between atomlo collisions (,,--5 x 10- 5 z 10"5 sso) greatly exceeded the lifetime of the it atoms In the excited states (10 sea) for the allowed transitiouse The measurewmt range was 3000 6500 and It was found Uat In Card, ACCESSION NR: AP4031136 the ultraviolet spectral re�Ion -300 --40o I the noon atoms excited by electron Impact radiate simultaneously" on the average of 2 0.2 photons in the NeII lines. Oalcilation based on the Inten- sity of the NeII cascade transition spectral 11-aes shows that on the average one atom can radiate "simultanenusly" at most 1.6 -- 1.7 photons. An upper limit of 16.9 (double photons) was obtained for the intensity of transitions in the case of double cascades. This value Increases to 32.3 (double photons).Lf the possible intermediate transitions are taken Into account. The discrepancy between theory and experiment necessitates a mare detailed research, "The author Is grateful to A. R. Striganov for :help In the inter- pretation of the spectral lines, and also to R. A. Vanstalan for useful advice and valuable ramak-ka, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: OTSOP63 SUB CODE: PH Buz AoQ: oTxay64 NO REP SOV: 001 SNOL: 02 OTMM: 013 Card' BOLOTIN, V.F.; DEMIDOV, B.A.; ZAVOYSKIY, Ye.K.,-- SKAC,HXOV, Yu.F.; SMOLKIN, G.Ye.; FANCHENKO, SeD. Further development of the method of electron optical chronography and its application for the physical analys!.s of plasma, Usp,nauch. fot. 9:175-183 164. (MIRA 18411) L 6436T-65 E',IT(l) 'AccEssioN NR: Ap5ol6542 %1005616 15 1 54, iAUTHOR: Skac mov YU. F.- TITLE: Investigation of lie time correlation of photons on separate groups of elL spectral lines SOURCE.- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizi1d) ve 46j no* 6p 1965) A 3-1541 153 .TOPIC TAGS: neon, photon correlation, spectral line, tiine correlation, electron .impact excitation ABSTRACT: This is a sequel of earlier work by the autho:~ (zhwF Y., 46, 1188, 1964) and is aimed at studying the correlations in individual :-egions of the emission .spectrum of neon II, so as to be able to separate the co':-relations due to cascade transitions from all other correlations which are not dui! to cascade processes. The,, :experimental set-up is illustrated in-Fig.-I of the.Enclosure, and.tbe experimental: procedure is described. It is shown that,when neon is encited by electron impact.* j time correlation of photons from separate groups of closi.-ly spaced and casc Iade- independent NeII lines occurs# The'correlation is about 3 times higher thanex- .pected from these spectral lines via cascade transitions from other lines of the spectrum. The results thus indicate that the primary part of the time correlation Card V3 "New methods o' gas nrotecti,)n of areas of welding ari--s." Proposed an injector dual -Jet -as protector, ~edlucing ex-penditure of argon by 35 per cent as cccmared with mono,)et; and a lowered nozzle reducing expenditure of argon by three times as comDared with the usual protection r.,.iethods. Pt~pov(. prusent.ed at. the rel'Ulal' o[' the Nl(.)se,-)w olty admInIstrafion NTO Mashprom, Apt-1.1 POO. JPRS24,651 - 1 May 01 KIRDO, I.V.; SKACHKO, -Yu.N.; POUIKHIN, V.V. High.-frequency welding of longitudinal seams in large diameter StA-el pipe. Avtom.svar. 18 no.1z75 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) L 11299-63 AFFT1C--PT:h--Jr,-/TJ1 '/000/007/0015/0016 ACCES81aff Iffl: AP3003635 81013516.1, AVMCRi Terentlyev., 1. *.i (Engineer); Skwlikov, Yu. No (Engineer) TITLE -. More effective am shielding during !~Mon i we SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvcdatvo,, no- 7.. 1963., 15-11; TOPIC TAGS: are welding, gas-shielded an veldingt IVIG welding- aluninunv aluminum alloy, double shielding, extended-nozzle shielding ABSTRACT; Tvo nev, improved shielding methods have been developed for use in TIG velding of aluminum and its alloys, The first me s'use of an suxiliary'~ stream of argon in addi-tion to the main stream, the former preventing incidental air currents from deflecting the latter. The main nozzle Is.cylindrical (see Fig. 1 of Enclosure), which, as found earlier, giveg. better shielding than a conical nozzle. The auodUexy nozzle is conical; it produces a diverging strenm e-round the main stream. Preliminary experimtnts shaied that optimum shielding is obtained by increasing the diameter of the main nozZle fran 8 to 12 mm without changing the argon consumption. The efffect of the.auxlliary stream was found to depend an the conicity of the &xciliarl nozzle, angle a, and the argon coas=ption...At a constant argon consumptioa of 6-5 Ilmin in Card 12-99-63 ------- A ArI.MSION HR: AP3003635 the malt, stream and with a -5-mm space between the nozzle andL the part, the best shielding was obtained with an argon consumption in the auxiliary z;Vream. of 13-5 1/min and an angle a of 20 or 50 degrees. Double shielding pr(ned to "be 35% more effective than single shielding. The secmd method also uses a nozzle with a cylindrical inner surface, but it is extended beyond the elec- trode tip so that it almost toaches the work. This method provided the most efficient shielding with the lowest argon conamption. Poi instance, for making welds up to 12 mm wide the required cons=ption of argon for ordinary single- stream shielding is 12 ljmin;'for double stream., 9.5 .1/min; and for extended- nozzle shielding, 3.8 I/min. ASSOCIATICN: none SaMUMM: 00 DATE AM: 02Aug63 MICL: 01 SUB CME: ML NO MW SOV: 001 am: 001 Ca'd -.1 Cpne 0 Proper~ioo of ailoy:i of sys'Let-, lewkikh STlaVOV (NOtEd- GURCE 1,31 Ins tit uL m o a L~ lography oC li,,~hlt-, I-d-VO 11,wda, 1~!65, "IM11C VOLIS : alloy phase d iagran, , me tal ci~~= aLloy / D18 alloy, V65 alloy, D1 alloy, D16 alloy, 1,10, alloy, VD17 alloy, D19 alloy The strongth relatuive elongation, corrosion stability, fatigue i i-imit, an6 the tandoncy towards crack form-ition during welding of the alloys formed i by the -stam 1d-43 u-11Z;---Mn were studied. The s pecimens were prepared in a graphite Cruc, a I Iblet t 680-690C and were homogenizod at 46OG 'or 24 hr. The coefficient of crack formation during welding was calculated accordin,,, to the formula K c weld Where DO is the total -length of cracks and zr_-~ is the total len(;th oil cr wold weld. i7he e..-,)E) riment a 1 results. are shown Graphically (see Fij-. 1), The e-,merix-aental L-3c/IM4-6-6, ACC NR; LT601C 413 points Fig, 1. Curves connec-L.- limit (k(,,/nnm2) for alloys of the Al-Cu-,Kg-,~n in the tenpered and nat-urally aged state at nonial temperature. Card Ac(- ~Ihi: wc ~-c) ("Prin- -"C'6 nn"i L - '0, 4~ (I;-, (I o-L. moro ';h0W06 LIIQ c 71 n Thi3 c,).--. o- J 1 j, 1 r(iepondout. of their zon stabill-'f'y ca* allcy corl LI ining Gu tint 3 phase position, i.e., c< -f- GiVl -1- 0-" c~ -- S. corrosion 2 o h nature of the i -;h i c hresults from short-tirme hea-ing to 150C 6cos doPen~'i n ' c pliase composition. Orig. art. ha3: -L table and 7 'LiFuren. SUB COLE: ll/ SUBM DATE: l6SSep65/ ORIG: IUF: 011/ Mill RIT: 002 Card 3/3 ACC NRI AT6024924 N 110 SOURCE CODEt UR/2981/66/000/004/0152/0158 AUTHOR: Fridlyander, I.-Ill.; Vlasova, T. A.; ~kachkov,.',.'u. I.; Shiryayevap No V.; 5urkova, Yu. I.; Gorokhova, T, A,; Fed's As As; Gurly9y, I, I,; Dzyubenkop M. V. Z/ ORG; none TITLE: Weldability of high-strength alloys of the Al-Zri-Mg-Cu system SOURCE: Alyuminiyevyye splavy, no. 4, 1966. Zharopr- - ,/FIT- vysokoprochnyye splavy (Heat resistant and high-strength alloys), 152-158 ocl;nyye i TOPIC TAGS1 aluminum zinc alloy, aluminum alloy property, weldability / V96 aluminum zinc alloy ABSTRA : The object of the work was to study the weld&.bility in the fusion welding of VqAilloy, and also to determine whether the weldability of this alloy can be irr!- pr6-v-ed by changing the chemical composition of the base metal and filler wire. Sheet of I V96 alloy 2.5 mm thick of the chemical composition 8.44% Zn, 2.72% It', 2.2% Cu, 0.06% Mn, 0.13% Zr, 0.29% Fe, and 0.13% Si were useein the experiments. In order to decrease the tendency toward crystalliza on cracksj'~the welding should be carried 6u with Al-.Vjg alloy f iLlers (of type A~4fJ6 K~ , The content of the main alloying elementp i the base metal should be kept within the following limits: 6.5-7.5% Zn; 2.7-3.5% 119; 1.6-2.0% Cu; 0.15-0.22% Zr. However, even then the tendency of V96-type alloys to form cracks during welding remains higher than in commonly used alloys of the Al-Vig C.,4___ 1/2 ACC-N-k. AT6,04924 system (AN~3 ~MgQ. A considerable softening of the metal occurs in the heat-af- fected t-d-ne. The modulus of resistance of welded butt joints made by argon-arc we Ing is 0-5-0.6 of that of the base medal immediately aftor welding or after agi-ng, T'e blower banding anglo than those of other 18 joints of V96-type alloys have a weldable aluminum alloys. The low plasticity~of the joints may cause a lo;,; structural stren gt~ In welded structures. Orig. art. hast 4 tables. SUB CODE: 11/ SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REFt 0021 OTH W: 001 Card 2/2 6025631- SOURCE- CODE:--M/0413/6'/000/013/0083/0084' ACC NR. APS 0 1,WE',1r1OR: Telyayev, N. I.; Pulenets, M. L.; Kryukov, A. N.; Hbrsakov, N. S.; Skachkov, Yu. P.; Felisov, B. V.; Gritsay, N. I. OIRG: None TITLE: A hydrological unit for operations under ice. Class L2, No. 183412 (an- nounced by the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute (Arkticheskiy i Antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsyl tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 83-84 TOPIC TAGS: sea ice, hydrologic instrument, marine equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A hydrologic unit for operations under ice. The installation contains hydroacoustic transmitting equipment mounted on a ship and a submarine unit consisting of hydroacoustic re.-:!iving equipment placed within an instrument buoy connected to an anchor cable which holds the automatic re- cordin-- equipment at the level being studied. To improve reliability in using this f floating equipment under icy conditions, the hydroacoustic transmitting apparatus is equipped with a modulator and a coding unit connected in the pulse generator circuit, while the receiving equipment has tvo code frequency filters and a logical coinci- dence circuit connected to the actuating mechanism vhich releases the buoy. 2. A i Cord 1/2 UDC; 534.632 __ ACC-NR AP-602-5631 modification of this unit in which a calendar clock mechanism i3 used for switching on the power supply according to a given program. 3. A modification of this unit in which location of the buoy after surfacing is facilitated by providing a radio transmitter with an antenna which is automatically raised, and a smoke marker. 1-emitter; 2--mechanism for lowering the emitter; 3-- ---------j----------------- 4 5 j pulse generator; 4--modulator; 5--coding unit; 6--power supply; 7--hydrostatic switch; 8-visual signal; 9- mechanism for raising the antenna; 10-power supply; ff 11-radio transmitter; 12--reel with cable; 13-antenna LL shaft; 14---:nydrophone; 15-carrier frequency amplifier; ft 16--car~rier frequency band-pass filter; 17--detector; ................ 18-code frequency amplifier; 19-first code frequency 21 filter; 20-second code frequency filter; 21-co."IU.&- dence circuit; 22-actuating mechanism; 23-release mechanism; 24-power supply; 25--clock mechanism; 26--anchor; 27-buoy cable; 28- automatic recording instruments; I-surface section-, II-signma. buoy; III-main buoy SUB CODE: 13, 68, 091 SUBM DATE: O7Sep63 -A C~:.Nkt_ SOURCE CODE: UR/041:1/66/000/020/0154/0154 INVENTOR: Losev, Yu. A.; Hatushkin, ~G.; t94;1n, A. Ye.; Tki!okhLn, S.-A.; Yu.,,Yik. '. Shcke &r ev~sA-A,?L_ Skachkova& L.I.; _~k~qhk ORG: none TITLE: A special-pu ose computer for determining characteristics of random proces Class 42. No. 187406. (announced by the Institute. -of-Automatioik.-and-gloclxqmokUl.._ Siberian Branch,_AN_S.SSR (Institut evotmattki L elektrometrii..Siberskogo otdelanlys AN SSSR)j SOURCE; Izobreteniyat promyshlennyye obtaztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 154 TOPIC TAGS: computer, electronic computer, special purpose computer ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a special-purpose computer for determining the characteristics of random processes (see Fig. 1). The computer includes a read-in unit, a storage unit, an arithmetic unit, and a control unit. To increase speed and simplify operation, a read-only memory unit to provided whose input registers are connected to the amplifiers of the imediste-access storage and whose output amplifiers are In turn connected to the input registers of the arith- metic unit. The Ismediate-access storage unit consists of two OeCtifte, 000 Of Which ACC NR. AP6035910 Special-purpose computer 1 - Block of analog-to-digital converters; 2 - tubes; 3 - memory unit; 4 - amplifiers; 5 - arithmetic unit; 6 - read-only memory unit; 7 - control unit; 8 - address regis- ters; 9 - address decoders; 10 - =mory and digit transfer unit; 11 - trigger; 12 - dal lines; 13 - address ~yetem of the read-only memory unit. is connected to an analog-to-digital converter of the function consideredp and the other to a kernal read-in unit. A single shifter is ea~ted between the code converters and the tubes which form partial derivatives. Orige'arte Met I figure.. SUB ODDES 09/ SUIN DATZI IGOctGS/ ATO PM881 5105 AKULINICHIV, I.T.; BABSKIY, Ye.B.; GELISHTETN, G.G.; P3TROV, G.M.; SKAGHKOVA, A.I.; N.I.; USHAKOV, V~B. 71,lectronic modeling of the electricactivity of the heart. 3iofizikR. 4 no-3054-360 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Nnuchno-issledovatel'skly institut schetnogo mashinostroyeniya, Institut grudnoy khtrargii Agg SM, Moskva I Institut normalluoy natologicheskoy fiziologii AM SSSR, Moskva. (URCTROCARDIOGRAPHT9 electronic model of electric activity of heart (Rua)) AKULINIGHEV, I.T.; BABSKIY, Ye.B.; GEL'SHTEYN, G.G.; PPETROV, G.M.; SKACHKOVAY A.I.. UTEYY N.I.; USMOV, V.B. Reproduction of the electrocardiogram by an electronic model system. Biofizika 4 no.5:589-594 '59. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz otdela elektrornodelirovaniya Nauchno-issledo-vatel'skogo instituta schetnogo mashinostroyeniya, Instituta grudnoy khirurgii V-21 SSSR i labor-atorii klinicheskoy fiziologii Institute. normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii ANN SWR, Moskva. (ELECTROCARDIOGIAPHY) BABSKIY, Ye.B.; KARFMAN, V.L.; PETROV, G.M.; SK~ICHKOVA, A.I. Use of an electronic differentiating unit in physiological research. Biofizika 4 no. 6:743-749 159'-w (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moskva. (ELECTRONIC APPARATUS AND APPLIAINCES) (PHYSIOLOGY-11ESEARCH) -.#Tenetration of elements Into the ceatrAl nervous M y5tem ~SSkachkova- Trudy Primexen. Padioakli~v. V:1 I-POV Refer I.Zhur. Xh M ledgiz) 1953, 53-77; Referal. Zhur. I.,, ,I)IDN.I: Khoimscow,,'55, No. 3294~RAbbits were injected in. travenously, subcutaneously. and stiboccipitally with lso,- topic solos. of Wa.HP"O, and of salts cconq. NO' and Sr".! No direct contact was discerned between the blood and the: cerebrosp!tW fluid. P finds Its way Into that medium via the brain tissue. Permeating slowly through the walls of; the brairc capillaries P becomes fixed in the brain tissues in .1 large quantities. B. S. Levint- ........................ 3(7) PHASE I BOOK M[PLOITATION .,SOT/2249 Glavnsys geofizicheskays, observatoriya Voprosy rasrabotki motoorologicheakikh priborov (Problemis in the Development of Meteorological Instruments) Leningrad, Gidrcmeteoizdat, 1958. 48 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 83). 1,350 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Glavnoye uprayleniye, gidrcmeteorologicheakoy sluzhby. Ed. (Title page): M.S. Sternzat, Candidate of Physical and Mathimmatical Sciences; Ed. (Inside book): M.N. Yasnogorodsk"a; Tech. Ed.: A.N. Sergaiv. PURPWZ: This collection of articles in intended for specialists in the aeteoroli~ "a S1 cal instrument-making industry an vell as for personnel engaged in observ- Ing and measuring meteorological phencaens. COVERAUt This collection of articles describes various instruments used in ob- serving and measuring neteorological. phenomena. Individual articles describe Instruments used to measure air temperature and hmidity.. and the concentration *f radioactive material in the atmosphere. It also describes the instruments used in cloud observations. One article explains the procedure for choosing the proper time interval in determining average vind velocity. There we 24 refer- Card 1/2 SKACHKOVA, I.F.; SHVARTS, M.Y. Dew measurement. Meteor. i gidrel. ne.4:55-58 Ap 158. (MIR& 12:5) (Dew) 3(7) AUTHORS: Skachkova, I. F., Shvarts, k". V. SOV/50-59-4- 4/21 TITLE: Measurement of Dew (0b izmereriii rosy) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Ur 4, PP 55-58 (USSR) AMTRACT: The dew recorder by Kessler (Ref 3) and the method of measuring dew by Duvdevani (Ref 4) are pointed out and described here. Up to date, there were no such apparatus available in the U = . Up to now, the dew recorder by Yaroshevsk.iy was used for tests. But the latter is very inconvenient in use. The author describes here a new device for measuring dew. The weight principle was used for it. As many standardized parts as possible were used for the construction. The device is descriled here. A picture, a sectional view and a record of the dew are shown. The dew recorder was tested in summer and fall 1957~ The tests were carried out in the village of Koltue-1--'... at the meteorological station of Voyeykovo and on Lake Sevan. The device proved to be convenient and reliable in operation, the few shortcomings have been eliminated so that the device can be used at the meteorological stations. There are 3 figures and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. Card 1/1 BRATANOV, B.; SKACIiOKOVA,,K.;,SWIOV, Z.; MARKOVA, It. Apropos of cytogenetics of Langdon Down's disease and report of a case. Suvr. med. (Sofiia) 15 no.11:12-20 164. ACOINR, AP6035910 SOURCE CODE: UR,10413/66/000/020/0154/0154 INVENTOR: Losev, Yu. A.; Matushkin, G. Q.; j~p#inj A. Ye~.' TiTokhin, S. A., Skachkova, L. S.; Skachkov _-tk qi~b aqtLep~oA-&-X -OR.*G -:I -non, _e__ TITLE: A special-purpose computer for determining characteristics of random processes Class 42, No. 187406. [announced by the Ins titute. -of -Auto.-natiQn--and-Ekecirqmq-kxy.,,_ Siberian Branch JL--AN._.SSSR (Institut avotmatiki i elektrometrii Siberskago otdeleniya AN SSSR)j SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obtaztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 154 TOPIC TAGS: computer, electronic computer, special purpose computer ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a special-purpose computer for determining the characteristics of random processes (see Fig. 1). The computer includes a read-in unit, a storage unit, an arithmetic unit, and a control unit. To increase speed and simplify operation, a read-only mer-kory unit is provided whose input registers are connected to the amplifiers of the itmnediate-access storage and whose output amplifiers are in turn connected to the inp,ut registers of the arith- metic unit. The immediate-access storage unit consists of two sections, one of which ; 681.142.07 .3" 16L. -30 controllirlg hog V.--t~rinarnogr) iipravieniya 1. r,'.avnyy vc,~,,-,H -T M-inlsterif,va ..21,kngo PASHOV9 T.V.,, kand. veter. nauk; SKACHKOVA, -I.I. Results of and prospects for contro-11-ing infectious atrophic rhinitis of swine. Veterinarija 42 no.12:31-34 D '65. (MIRA 19:1) .1. Poltavskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya veterinarnaya stantsiya (for Pashov). 2. G.IavnTy spetsialist po boleznyam sviney Glavnogo upravleniya vet~erinarl.i Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. SXACHKOVA, R.N. Cholinergic and adrenergic reactions In atherosclerosis. Vrach. delo no.1:93-95 '59. WRA 32:4) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (say. - prof. I-1. Sharlay) lecheb- nogo fakulltata Xharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ARMIOSCLEROSIS) DUBINSKIT, A.A.,; SKACHKOVA. R.N. Changes in the blood protein content during the treatment of patients with coronary sclerosis. Vrach.delo no.12:1259-1260 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Kafedry gospitallnoy terapit (zav. - prof. R.I. Sharlay) lechebnogo fak-ullteta Khartkovskogo maditsinakogo instituta. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (COROnRT VESSESL--DISPASES) SKA011KOVA, R.N. Change of neurchumoral indices in compound therapy of arterio- sclerosis. Trudy Khar. med. inst. no-52:109-117 '59. (MIRA 14-'11) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) ANDREMA, T.N.; MI&SHEVSKAYA, V.Ye.; SUCHKOVA, S.F. Apparatus for checidng aelenium lu=eters. Trudy Inat.loz.stand.,, mer i izz.prib. no-56t59-65 161. (MMA 15:12) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut netrologii im. D.I.Mendeleyeva. (Photometry) ACC HRi AT600.140-1 SOURCE' CODEj: Uil/'~1180/64~009~l)()'O~'01-7.-,~0183 AUTHOR- Bolot V. F.; Demidov, B. A.; Zfivoyakiy, Ye. IQ; Sk,,jchkova, Yu. F. - Synolkin, G. Ye. ; Fanchenko, S. D. ORG: none TITLE: nirther development of the electrooptical chronographic metliod and Its application to physical plasma investigations SOURCE: AN SSSR. Komissly hnoy ap0_.n.a4q_,. Uspekhinauchnoy fotogra-fil,_ stn aya fotografiya Ik! neniaItografiya (Iligh-speed photog- raphy and cinematography), 175-183 and insert facing page 169 TOPIC TAGS: time measurement, electric discLarge, electrooptic image intensifier, plasma diagnostics ABSTRACT, It was established earlier that the multistage electrooptic converter invented by Prof. IM. 111. Butslov has a limiting brightness amplification coefficient which allows it to regis photons. Tlicoretical discussions showed that simllax setups cui have a re- solving time down to 10-111 see and some spark radiation scanning experiment-, achieved a resolution of 3. 10 This led to the use of similar devices in electrooptical. chronography. This article surveys the principles of operation of electrooptical devices and the results of plasma investigations using electrooptical chronography. The authors cover .1) the method- olor,y. of clectrooptical chronography, Including power fi~eding and synchronization of multi- stage electrooptical converters and time scanning of converted Images; and 2) physical Card 1/2 SAt.()KIIVA.U)Vn, G.V.; SYACHKOVA, Z.A. Percentage Of larvae developed from grains as viability indi- cator for mulberry silhiorms. Agrobiologiia no-3:402-409 my-is 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenr7y universitet imeni, H.V.Loilonosova. (silkworms) SAMOK11VALOVA., G.V.; GI"ISPCWrKC, L.K.; OPMOVA, I.V.; SKAMEOVA, Z.A. Effect of atmospheric humidity and moisture contained in leaves ofi the devolor-,ment ond viability of .9ilki-rorm lezrv~4p (Bombyx mori L.~ U61. Aiw. 40 no.6:Uq2-12Ck4 Ag 161. . I (I,Ufu~ 14: S) 1. Department of Ettomcloa,, StaLe University of Moscow. (Silkwornia) (Humidity) I AW SUCHOK, S., gvardli polkovnik. Equipment maintenance day. Voen.vest-36 no.9:25-27 S '56. (mLRA 9:1o) (Rungia-Army-Supplies and stores) DASKALOV, A.; SKACHOKOVA, K. Cytodiagnosts of various diseases of tbo stomacb. Nauch. tr. ISUL, Sofia 2 no.l:M-259 1953. 1. Klinlkm po vutreshni bolesti sua stotiashno-chrevni i cbernodrobni zabollavaniia i lecbebno khranene i teentralna klinika 1, khematologichna laboratorita. Direktor: prof. T. A. Tashev. (STOMACH, diseases. diag.. cytol.) BULGARIA SKACH0KOVA.--Ks. Ziiffiliation not given7 "Chromosome Anoy.-,alies in Man." Sof ia, Suvremnna Meditsina, Vol Ili 7 i,~o 31 19GI3, pp 68-78. Abstract: The author first describes the nori,-2al chromo- sonc arnaratuc in man and then lists the casci3 of anoma- lies dc--cribcd thus far in scientific literature, the first such rerort having bten 3:ublislied in 1959 by Le- jeune, Gautier, and Turpin. Five illustrations, 79 references of recent date, all Western. Lill JANOUSFZ, St., Prof., Dr.; HMFORT, K., Doc., Dr.; SKACTIOVA, J., Dr. Correlation between gastric pepsin and se!rijrq pepsinogen. Cesk. gastroenter. 9 no.2:113-121 June 55. 1. Z fakultni polikliniky Karlovy unviersity. (GASTRIC JUICE pepsin. correlation with pepsl.nogens in blnod) (BLOOD popsinogans, correlation with gastric pepsin) (TWZYME PRECURSORS pepsinogens in blood, correlation with gastric pepsin) 1 VAJ,", VA I IUS I A J Health status of wA-',.ri 7rupuytren'S p~ll---- Sbom. lek. 66 no.'L?.'~57-362 Q. 1. Intern! oddele.-I pclikliniky fakulty rser-,be-c.-Ic 1 ekr n, tv 1 University Karlo-t-r -, ram (prednosta K. Hrewt, a Ustredni laborat-;r,:~ polikl-iniky fakulty --r-seobsuneho ll~iuarstvi University Karlovy v ':raze (vedoucl - prof. dr. r~rSc.) SKA ;HOVA, J. - Pepsinogen system ir the tissues. lek. 66 no.12a 363-368 D 1 64. Cathepsln system. in thin tissues. lbid.2"68-372 1. Ustredni blachemicka laborator polikliniky fakulty Inkarstvi University Karlovy v Praze ( vedouci prof* dre Jellomolka, DrSc.). Distr: hE2c Ige A New Method of Deciddat i a d nexti h ~ with Impmvement M w ffere5k,m ~Stal', 1957, (6), 521AF~. -D~.oii4izer tubes of --VCP-;rmntammg mattAn Al were compa" with ru&,i in -*tee[ treated with farramanganese in the lad.'--- Ste~el karn the tube mothod hdd greater dueWity and impact and tensile strength. Nitride formatian with produttion of One grafned structure ia advanced as the cause. Mth C and 8 were mduc~d and fn~luaions were aphero' al and within the grahis. v Ir, is recommended as a subatitu ror low AUOv ewela. &.1.z. Gfort*me,~! fcr Conerete. T T'rC'%r ND-) 4. Vegetables - 'Sforagre r, 7. Paising the qu~iifications of workers who Trocess and store. vogetable-:3. Sov. tor- Uo. 1 1957 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953, Uncl. -51