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SKACHKOV, B.S., inzh. Suggestions for improving the hydromechanical reducer. Xeic.i tepl.tiaga 14 no-3:43 Wr 160. (MIU 13:7) (Diesel locomotives--Maintenance and repair) ,SKACHKOV. D. Reinforced concrete window mbeh. Sol'. stroi. 13 no- 9:18-19 s 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Tekhnoruk Usmanskogo mezhkolkhoznogo kirpichnogo zavoda Lipetakoy oblasti. (Windows) (Precast concrete construction) MLRLAMOV., Pavel Georgiyevich; SHCHERBACfMTICH, GeorgJy 'Stepanovich; HKOV,-Barip -JAC ___$q~7ggevich; MELINIKOV, V.Ye., red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Organization of technical and preventive inspection of diesel locomotives]Organizatsiia teldnicheskikh i profilakticheskikh osmotrov teplovozov. ~',oskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 51 P. 0,11IFA 15:12) (Diesel locomotives-Inspection) SKACHKOV, D. .... ..- Our experience in -,aking reinforced concrete p,319 braces. Sol atrol. 14 no.6:11 Je 159, NIRA 12: 9) ~, ). 1. Tek-bnoruk Usmanskogo mezhkolkbonnngo kombinata stroymaterialov Lipetskoy oblastI. (Concrete construct ion--1?brjwj*Y, I SKAGHKOV, D. Building materials combine in Usman. Sell. stroi. 15 noo 2:16-18 F 161. (MIRA 14:5) la Tekhnoruk Usmanskogo kombinata stroitellnykh materialov Lipetskoy oblasti. (Usman-Building-mtAridls industry) SKACHKOV, G. I-- The working out and application of conanlidated norms. Biul.nauch. inform.; trud i zar. Plata 3 no-1:32-36 160. (141R& 13:6) (Machine-tool industrv--Production standards) SKAGHKOV. G.G.. Developing and using consolidated norms. Mashin)atroitall no.8:31-12 Ag 161. (MIM 14:7) (Machinery industry-Production stmdards) KOGARXO, S.M., doktor tek-hn.nauki NOVIKOV, AI.S., inzh.; SERBINOV, A.I., kand-tokhn.nauk; SUCHKOV,- G.-I.,.inzh. Ignition of methane-air mixtures b.7 the hot products of combustion. Vzryv.delo no.44/1:122-132 160. (MIU 13-7) (Mine gases) (Blasting) KOZA(,'PENKO, L.S.; 5KACHKOV, G.I. Flame prTagati-)n in two- and tbree-component gaseous mixtures containing hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and nitrous oxide. PMTF no.2t93-99 R-AS 60. (IFlame) (KatA 14: 6) i-.! ~ VG . 1. tjyiria Li G-n ar, Qirj i n I dial ,, t~ftge of ---a- tion. t. 5 no.6-q",E-q75 .18:3) insti.tut khiiniclieskoy fiziki AN SSSR. L4 612-65 EW7!~m VvlEPF(c )/EWG(m)/,T- Pr_4___. RM ACCESSION NR: 5 13757 UIR/002C,/65/162/002/0366/0 AUTHOR: Borisov, A. A.; Kogarko, S. M.; Skachkov, G. I.- TITLE: Auteignition in systems with unbranched chain reactions SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no.*29 19659 366-369 TOPIC TAGS: ignition delay, autoignition, chain reac.-tion, combustion, reaction mechanism, unbranched chain ABSTRACT: The theory of autoignition deals with two areas i:i detail: adiabatic autoignition, in which the chemical reaction rate is governed by Arrhenius' law (thermal explosion), and isothermal chain-ignition (chain e 1losion). Most explo- sions, however, are governed by a mixed thermal-chain mechanism. It was of inter-i est to determine the reaction-rate constants from ignition dolay data, ~fhen the latter could be accurately determined, as e.g., in reactions with low ignition temperatures and high energies of activation. It was assumi-d that under adiabatic conditions, a simple unbranched chain causes thermal ignition; the rate of liber- ation of heat is determined by the rate of the chain reactiolt. Chlorination or bromination of hydrogen was chosen as the model reaction: Card 1/3 L 45612-65 ACCESdi6if-kR: AP5013757 XI + H--. 2X + M, us ko s) (X 01) WOMI 1: X + H. HX + H; u' k, (X) (Hs) (Mr W, ' ' 11. X11 + H HX + Xj us ks (X%) (H) (M)t WS (3) (M). qj! !Ill. HX + H X + H2, Us k3(HX)(H)(My =W3(HXL)(H)(bI), qs V. X + X + rd--* X, + M, NA k4 (X)t (M)I W4 (X)' (11), q4I ' V. H+ H + M- Hs + M, up kp (Hr (M)$ W# (H)9 (H), VI, H + X + M--* HX + M, u, ke (X) (H) (M)s - W, (X) (H) (M), q4 where H and X are hydrogen and halogen, respectively; M is any particle; ui and k. are rates an d constants of individual reactions; qi are the heats of, reaction. ~Ae following two apProximate expressions were obtained for ignition delay times: ir 112AVRTa'c(IVj +.Wt) lBo(q, + qt.) WGWtWS-. .,e -,r [I +2WsRTOc (WI + Ts),ffo(qj + Q Orig. art. has: 2 figures and -12 formulas., EVS Card 2/3 -62760-65 - ACCESSION NR: AP5018085 UR/0020/65/16:3/001/0129/0132 AUTHOR: Borisov, A. Ai SkachkoX, G I TITLE: Spontaneous thermal chain combustion in systems wit:3 energy branchings souRcE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v, 163, no. 1,.1965, 129-132 ,TOPIC TAGS* spontaneous combustion, chain combustion, energy branching, oscil-~ lationally excited molecule, hydrogen fluoride, halogen fluoride,,ignition delay) heat balance ABSTRACT- The possibility of ener,-,,f branchings duringthe fluorination of by-, drogen is well-known. Currently the reaction Rr* + F - 2F + HF (where HF*18 2 oscillationally excited energy-rich molecule of hydrogen fluoride) encounters vr~ theoretical objections and has been.reasonably confirmed by experiment, The possibility of a branching of this type in the system 112 +'C12, an the other hand, still has not beea investigated. Since the concentration and lifetime of ener rich molecules of HX* are small, their experimental detection is extremely diffirl, cult.' The effect of oscillationally excited molecules on the course of the reac tion im~st therefore be assessed according to the overall epfectg such as the ~Card ACCESSION NR: AP5018085 According to the author, iheacheme of the.,.;. ignition limits and ignition delays. chain reaction of the thermal chlorination or fluorination of hy4rogen is 0. X, + M 2X + At; uo - ko (X2) (M)% Wo PI); I. X + 112 IIX + H, 1;1 = ki (X) (Itj)(M)l -=! W1 (X) (At), q1 X2 + It HX*+ X-, us=k =TVj(fI)(M)-, I MA) (1901), q2- 2. X2 + It fix + X; tis, 1.11 (N2y (~). (M)2 - 111,41 (11) (H); q21. 3. HX*+X:- IIX'+2.X, k, (XI) (it V) (M), ~ Tyb (H XI) (111); 4. fix' + M " IIX + AI; fit - hi (Rx') (M)l IV, (,fix-) (INI); q,. _1-'_'_M T4i-an particle; X' are - aii:6 mis_'__ ro'gen a6d'fi o y where H and of-ftyid - a ge respect ve y; ui, qi, and ki are the rates, thermal effects, and rate constants of the elemen- tary reactions. Proceeding from a system of kinetic differetitial equations and the equation of energy conservation for the case of ignition4nder adiabatic con ditions, the author derives,equations of the total ignition delay and ignition limit. The accuracy of the analytic expression derived for the delay in sponta- neous thermal chain combustion in a system with energy branchings is verified by I means of a.numerical integration of the kinetic equations and,the equation of heat 1 balance. The obtained expression way be used to determine the ratios WlW?3/(WI + + W2 + W2' (W3 + WO i If Wl and, W2t are known, the.ratio WZW3/Vf4 maj be- Card 6487--66 EWT(m)/EPF (C)/EWP(j)LT/ETQ(M) RPL M.&INAM ACC NRI AP5026022 OUACE COM: ~JR/0405/65/000/00,1/0015/0024 AUTHOR: Borisov, A. A., Kogarko, S. M. Skachkov, G. 1. OAG: None methane chlorine mixtures TITLE: Self-ignition of SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnichesidye problemy gorenlya f vzryva, no. 1, 1965, 15-24 TOPIC TAGS: methane, clorine, Ignition, Ignition lag, ignition test, exothermic effect, heat of reaction, chemical reaction kinetics, reaction rate ABSTRACT: Studies of the kinetics of exothermic high temperature reaction"ften use methods related to the determination oTI-9ninon fielays. MMougn MUMXgM1u4e of such de- lays is easy to determine experimentally, the theoretical results yield only overall kinetic characteristics which may be used for qualitative estimates of the mechanism and the chem.- teal reaction rate. In certain cases relationships between the ignition lag and the chemical reaction rate constants may be Written down in the form of analytic expressions, which, however, must be analyzed as to their accuracy and applicability. The present authors carry out such an analysis on the example of the chlorination reaction of methane. Following the general formulation of the problem, the authors 1) investigate experimentally the relatively large ignition lags in the low and intermediate temperature regions, 2) describe the details of the chlorination process viewing it as a classical 11?, + Cl?, chain reaction (justified by the 1/2 L 6487-66 .'~6C NR- AP5026 022 results of photochemical and thermal chlorination studies), and discuss (on the basis of data from the literature) various problems concerning molecular dissociation, 3) emphasize the need for the establishment of a quantum mechanical model of the decay of diatomic molecules which would explain the magnitudes of pre-exponents which exceed by many Umes the number of collisions, and 4) discuss the origin and magnitude of the various components of the experi- mental error during reaction rate determinations. At high temperatures the values of the chlorine decomposition constant obtained by various indirect and direct methods are in good mutual agreement. This is not the case in the low temperature region where the ignition lag theory should be most accurate, and no satisfactory comparison of the theoretical and exper- imental data has yet been achieved. The recombinqtion coefficient, kr, of chlorine within the 600 - 1500K Interval Is given by kr = 1034.17 +asoc/T. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas and 7. figures. L 1 262-66 LvT(m,)/EpF.(n)-2/T/EWP(t)/EWP(b) . IJP(c) JD/WW/JW/JWD ACC NR: AP6004425 SOURCE CODE: UR/0414/65/000/003/0010/00199 VI:k AUT1iOR: Borisov, A. A. (Moscow); Kogarko, S. M. (Moscow); Skachkov, 0. 1. (Mosco;;jr! ORG: none TITIX: Composite thermal and branched-chaln autoigniti n in hydrogen-chlorine six-,i! tures SOURCE: Fizika goredya i vzryva, no. 3, 1965, 10-19 TOPIC TAGS: combustion kinetics, hydrogen, chlorine, argon, gas dissociation, dissociation constant ABSTRACT: The atiqors udied delays in combustion as a function of temperature in! chlorine-hydrogefit'argon~;xtures in the 600-14000K range. Mixtures of equal amounts 611 of hydrogen and cfilo were studied with additions of 50% and 80% argon. Curves are given showing combustion delay as a function of temperature. An analytical ex- pression Is given for the rate constant of chlorine dissociationjin terms of the various characteristics of branched-chain and thermal combustionl'in a mixed gas sys- tem. A comparison of the rate constants for thermal disi-o-c-i-a-tiron of molecular chlo- UDC: 536.46 Card 1/2 I L 15269-66 ACC NR: AP6004425 rine calculated from this formula with respect to the hydrogen-chlorine and methane- chlorine interactions shows satisfactory agreement at high temperatures. At lower . .- temperatures, the rate constant for chlorine decay is considerably higher when cal-~ culations are made with respect to the hydrogen reaction than when the methane in- - teraction is used. It is shown that the divergence in the rate constants calculated from data on thermal chlorination of methane and hydrogen cannot be explained by experimental error nor by errors in calculation. Two theoretical mechanisms are pro,~ posed to explain the contradiction. These two schemes are reduced to a single sys-! 'tem. The heat balance equation for the process in adiabatic conditions is given. Analytical expressions are derived for calculating combustion delays. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 9 formulas. StM COM; 21/ SUBN DATE., 15Jan65/ ORIG REP: 006/ OTH IREF: 002 tard 2/2 T p: ACC NR: -2 AP6030700 -rA SOURCE CODE: LTR/0195/66/007/004/0589/0596 AUTHOR: Borisov, A. A.; Kogarko, S. M.; Skachkov, G. I. ORG: Institute of Chemical PhysicpMl SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR) A TITLE: Thermal decomposition of nitromethanel\ SOURCE: Kinetika i kataliz, v. 7, no. 4, 1961, 589-596 TOPIC TAGS: nitromethane, thermal decomposition, combustion, chemical kinetics t 3STII.WT: An exper-Imental. investigation of tile ,lutoi,gnition of argon-diluted niLro- methanc vapors has beezz carrie,l out In the LcuiryeraLtire rango 700-1.300K. The purpose 0t the investigation was Lo determine the consLaat of nitromethane decomposition in as wide a temperature range as possible without resorting to far-out e;ctrnpolation, on the assumption that the dissociation of the initial nitromethane molecule along the C-11 bond plays the governing role In tile iaTliLtion was found 1~hat tbe 11 the.rujal. decomposi~fon of' niLroi,,icthane is a flr5t-ordcr reaction. An annlytlcal enpression was derived, which relates the autoiguitLon Jelav with kinetic and thermal parameters of Lhr system. and From this expression thi-, constant of thr monomolecular decomposition was calculated. This constant, k=1 61112 exp RT jGec L Card _ 112 UDC: 541.124+542.921.4 ACC NR: AP6030700 perimental data in the 700-1200K range. At proved to be in good agreement wLth ex above NOOK, however, a deviation from experimental data was found, the possible reasons for which are analyzed in the original artLcle. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. r-. [SM] .4. 6,P-7 !SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: llFeb65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OPI REF: 012/ i rl~ DOBROVOLOSKIY, A.V., redaktor; fSKKAGWWL.J&~.. inzhener, redaktor; CHKRKLSOV, N.A., redaktor; VCRTW,-'2.Ta., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Structural_SRLamicq; a catalog and handbook] StroitelInaia keramika; katalog-spravochnik. Pod red. A.V.Dobrovollskogo i I.A.Skachkova. Izd. 2-e. Kiev, Goo. izd-vo tekh. lit-ry USSR, 1954. 119 p. (nu 8:3) 1. Ukraine. Upravlonlye po delam arkhitektury i strottelletva. 2, Chlen-korrespondent Akademii arkhitelctury SSSR. (for Dobrovoll skiy) 3. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akadenti arkhttaktur7 USSR (for Dobrovol'skly) (Ceramic materials) - - " , .;-' '~ - ' ~~' ,I . . i -. 7 1 e nl~ :- . .D , - -, _: !"J- '~`- Screw grqb. StroUe'-' no.5.9 Ag '57. ~ 4,; a.A 10 ; 9 '1 ~-Iloisting machinery) MIKHAYLOV. V.A.; SKACHKOV. I.A. ; YAYORSKIY, G.A.; GINZBURG, S.M.; PALLVSKIY, S.A., lnzh., nauchnyy rod.; SUORTSOVA, I.P., re~..izd-va; TOK1431, A.M., [Building apartment houses with large brick blocks; practices of tho Main Kiev Building Administration] Stroitelletvo zhilykh domov iz krupnykh kirpichnykh blokov.- opyt Glavklevetrola. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhtt.. 1958. 6s p. (nRA 11:5) (Building, Brick) DARalY, Mikhail Hironovich; SKACHKOY, I.A., red.; MARTSEIMM, Ta., red.; GARSHA OV, A., -- (Building cranes] Stroitellnye krany. Pod red. I.A.6kachkova. Kiev, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit.USSP, 1959. 100 p. OGRA 13:3) (Cranes, derrick, etc.) ALABY.Iii ,K.S,Cdeceasedl; BL*CK)UN, P.N.; BOTVIITKO, M.Ye.; D'EVYATKOV,G.V.;D11ITRIYW. A.D.; Y-','TISHOY, P.N.; ZAYTS:!V, A.G.; KIBIREV, S..F.; KoSTYUKOVSKIY, M.G.; KUZN:3TSO7, B.T.; LIVOV, G.N.; MOGIL'NYY, A.I.; CRLOV, G.M., OVSYAN- SCLOF- NIKOV, K.L.; PROMYSLOV, V.F.; WIRNOV, N.N.; g;.A. 301K0, N.A.; SUSNIKOV, A.A.: CHAGIN, D.A.; MIORENKO, V.A., obahchiy red.; GRIE*UUTOV, I.A., obshchiy red.; SVhTLICHEYY, V.I., obahchiy red.; RTIBAITM-TKO, B.R., obshchiy red.; BARSKOV, I.M., red.: UDOD. V.Ta., red.i2d-va; YUDIITA, L.A., red.izd-va; GOLOVKINA. A.A., tekhn. red. (Building practices in foreign countries; Northern Airope and Germn Federal Republic] Opyt stroitellstva za rubezhom; v stranakh Se- vernoi Evropy i FRG. Po materialam otchetov delegataii sovetskikh spetsialistov-stroitelei. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 598 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Predsedate'Ll Gosetroya SS!iEt (for Kucherenko). 2. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosstroya SSSR (for Svetlichnyy). (Europe, Western-Building) GRUTMAN,M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; RIVKIN, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SKAC.H.&OVS-Ith.or inzh. Reinforced-concrete shell of precast elements for the roof of a circus in Kiev. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.4:180-184 Ap ,61. (MIRA 14:6) (Reinforced concrete construction) (Kiev--Arena theatre) (Roofs, Shell) PLEKHOV, N.D.; LUPAN, A.M.; ABRA140V, L.S.; BOGDANOVSKIY, V.S.; REZNICHENKO, V.I.; GREKOVA, Z.I.; GOLUB, P.I.; ENDRZHEYEVSKIY, Ye.V.; LfE1A)SFffURSKIY, P.I.; PODDJBNAYA, N.A.; MIROSHNIKOV, P.P.; KORNEYEVA, L.P.; ZLOTNIKOV " G.Z.; PAVLIS, G.F.; SKACMQV,,,;..A.; SEDELEVA, Ye.P.; POLTORATSKAYA, E.A., red.; LEUSHCHE24KO, 11.L., [Three-dimensional apartment house construction] Ob"emnoe domostroenie. Kiev, Gosstroiizdat USSR, 1963. *165 P. (MIRA .17:2) 1. hauclmo-issledovatellskiy institut stroitel?gTkb kon- struktsiy. tj F.A:'Hirl"ov, 1 . ~ . prorr--.6-ive mt',no~a on linotyne rrmcnines. Yoskvq, ls',aisatvo, 19~1-4. 49 p. (Peredovoi opyt Doli,-rafichus~ci (55-16535 ) ZO::: ~ . S;--, c 7 SKACHKOV, I.A. 'k, - [Grassland agriculture] Travopollnaia sistem zemledelits. Moskva. Gos. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1951. 47 P. (MIA' 16:4) (Trekhletnie agrozootekhnichaskie kursy. lat year of study. no. 4-a) (Agriculture) 1. SKACFSOV, 1. .'1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Afforestation 7. Spot seeding forest belts according to Academician T. D. Lysenko's method. Dost. sellkhoz.. no. 5 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January, -1953. Unclassified. 1. SF,.CHKOV, I.A. 2. UM (600) 4. Afforestation 7. Achievements of science for socialist agricultural production. Dost. sellkhoz 5 no. 10: 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January. -1953. Unclassified. SKACHKOV, I. Agricultural Experiment Stations Dokuchaev Agricultural Institutik. Kolkh. proizv. 12, No. 3, 1952. Monthly List oL Russian Accessions,, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. SKANKOV, I. Agricultural Research Achievements of science for collective farm production. Kolkh. proizv.,, 12, No. 7,, 1952. ZMt= List of Russian Accessions, Library of "ongress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SUCHNN, 1. "Irrigation In the ',entral Plack Earth Pelt" thrch 21 Pravda. Mtp:Z, 1953. Condensed text in Cur. Digest Sov Press May .2, 1953. SKACHKOV, 1. '.. Construction of greenhouse-hotbed combines of collective farms of Moscow Province. Sel'.stroi.8 no.6:3-5 N-D '5). (ML&A 6:11) 1. Umestitell predesdatelya Ispolkons Noskovskogi) oblastnogo Soveta dqpua- tatow trudyashchikhaya. (Koscow Province--Grosenhauses) (Greenhouse*-- Moscow Province) (Moscow Province--Hotbeds) (Hotbeds--Moscow Province) BAYKO, V.P.; XONW, P.I.; SIAMKOV, I.A. Fundamental problems concerning the system of ag-riculture in the central Chernozem zone. Zonledelie 4 no.7:14-24 Jl 156. (KLRA 9:9) l.Inatitut sellskogo khoxyzystva tsentrallno-chornozennoy polosy Imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. (Chernosem soils) (Agriculture) -J~- SKACHKOV, I.A.; SUCHAIKINA, M.I. Soil cultivation practices for controlling erosion in the Central Black Earth region. Zemledelis 7 no-8:34-39 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) I.Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut sellskogo khozyaystya TSentral'no-chernozemnoy polosy Imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva. (Central Black Barth region--Soil conservation) -SKA(,HKOV.-I.A..Jand.sellakhokhoz.nauk Farming practices in the Central Black Earth region. Zemledelie 7 no.9:21-28 S 159. (KMA 12:11) 1. Nanchno-issledovatellakly institut sel'skogo, khozyajvftva TSentrall- no-chernozemnoy polosy imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva. (Central Black Earth region-Agriculture) KOTOY. P.F., kind.sellskokhoz.nauk. glavnyy red.; MY-S-MMOYS H-P-0 kand.sellskokhoz.nouk, red.; KARPENKO, Y.P., red.; KTASNIKOV, Y.V., prof., doktor sellskokhoz.nBuk. red.; KOROLIKOV. V.I., prof.. red.; PODGORNTY, P.I., prof.. red.; SKAMOT, I.A., kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk, red.; ZAPITAKHIH, ~KMASMKOVA, V.S., red.; GURZTICH, K.K., [Farm management system in the Central Black Faarth Region] Siatema vedeniia sellakogo khoziaistva v TSantral'no-cherno- zemnoi polose. Koskva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1961. 470 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Tsesoyuznaya akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennyl:h nauk imeni Y.I.Lenina. 2. Zemsetitell direktora Institute sellskogo kho- zyaystva imeni T.T.Dokuchaveva (for Kotov). 3. Direktor fili8la po TSentrallno-chernozemoy polose Tsesovuznogo nauchno-isaledove- tel'skogo inatituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyay3tva (for Aleksandrov). 4. Chlen-korrespondent VseBoyusnoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk im. Y.I.Lenina (for Kvasnikov). 5. Toronezhakiy zoovetin5titut (for Koroilkov). 6. Toronezhakiyt sell skokhozyvystvennyy institut (for Podgornyy). 7. Dilrektor Hauchno-issladovatel'skogo instituta sel'Bkogo khozyaystva ~Sentrallno-chernozemnoy polosy imeni Y.T. Dokuchayeva (for Skachkov). (Central Black Earth Region--Agriculture) SEACHKOV, I.A.; TREGUBOV, F S. Effect of various tillage practices on slopes on soil moisture, nutrient content, and barley y4elds. Pochvovecenie no.11:37-43 11 61. (FdR,- 14:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. (Soil moisture) (Barley) (Tillage) SKACHKGV,--I.A. -- - ------ Basic agricultural problems in the Central Black Earth provinces. Zemledelie 24 no.7:3-12 J1 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Direktor Instituta sel'skogo khozyaysAva TSentrallno-chernozemnoy polosy imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva. (Central Black Earth region-Agriculture) SKACHKOV, I.A.; 'YELAGIIJ, I.N.; KOCHERGIN, F.V.; POLESHCHIJK, Yu.M.; BOLDYRET, M.D.; MOKSHIN, P.N.; GOMENYUK, L.I.j, red. fMillet production on leading farms] Proizvodstvo prosa v peredovykh khoziaistvakh. Moskva, Ko108, 1965. 134 P. (M.IRA 18:7) 1. Direktor Nauchno-issledovatellskoao instituta sellskogo khozyaystva tsentrallno-chernozemnoy polooy im. V.V.Doku- chayeva (for Skachkov). 2. Glavnyy spetsialist po zerno- bobovym i krupyanym kullturam Ministerstva sellskorro khozyaystva SSSR (for Yelagin). 3. Nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut sellskogo kho2yaystva toentrallno- chernozemnoy polosy im, MOokuchayeva (for Kochergin, Poleshchuk, Boldyrev, Mokshin). -,.A, Z &- '-- 11 L I :; 1: ~,, r ryy a c-, -I - L-., no r i F.") " "s H I Consei-)-ation cf rio-sture as the maiii fac~wor in tL6 systrm of agriculture. Zemledelie 27 no.5:22-28 "It, 165. (MULI 18:6) 1. Direktc-. Hauchno-issledxiatell-skogo instituta seltzL-og3 It.,.1entrallno-chernozeimoy polosy imeni Dokuc~zyeva, tiACEEKOV, I.Ye. Kechanized pipe trucks. Bezop.truda v prom. 1 no-3:30 Nr '579 (KLlRA 10: 4) (Kotor trucks) (Pipe, Steel--tranaportatioz~ . SKACHKOV, I.Ye., inzhener. " : Drilling foreman as an eduemtor of workers, Besop.truds v prow. 1 no- 7:34 J1 157. (KW 10:7) 1. Kolomenskty teplovasostrottelOrwy savod In. T.T. Kuybyshev&. (Aserbaijan--Oll well drilling, submarine) SKAGHKOV, I-Ye. inzh.; DVORYANINOV, G.I., inzh. ---- -- We need dependable elevators. Neftianik 5 no.10:14 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Goegortekhnadzor AzerSSB- (Hoisting machinery) S~,' I ', , r I ILI, - I I.- . -I " . I .- Saf -. '- -bul'- ~ - - -ida v pro,:. j .- . ).) - , ~ ( .- -. 7 , -?N 12. ~ ~ -:Lc ~--u*rjutl I SOV/130-59-1-10/21 AUTHORS: Polyakov M.M., Skachkov L.N. and Pindyurin N.I. TITLE; Improvement in Pass Design for R-5 Rails (Usovershenst- vovaniye kalibrovki rellsov R-5) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1959, Nr 1, pp 22-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: R-5 rails (Fig 1) are rolled frcm 150 mm square billets, 1.35 m long weighing 237 kg. The authors describe a former roll-pass design (Fig 2) with which a meari hourly productivity of 15.57 tonnes per hour and a reject rate of 2.2% were obtained in 1953. They go on to discuss a later design (Fig 3) which gave a 17% increase in produc- tivity and a reduction of reject rate from 2.9 to 0.66%. The later system has 4 instead of 5 rail passes and 1 less preparatory pass and only one pass per stand is used in the finishing line. In a newer design (Fig 1~) two passes Card 1/2 SOV/1-30-59-1-10/21 Improvement in Pass Design for R-5 Rails have bean eliminated and the mean hourly productivity raised to 20.78 tonnes per hour; roll turning has been facilitated and -roll consumption 3,educed from 10 to 6 rolls a year. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Yenakiyevskiy Metallurgicheskiy Zavod (Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Works) Card 2/2 MINAY3VA, A.F., inzh.; MWIDOV, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; TBWSIIKIN, N.V., insh; TIRMINOSYAN, N.S., inzh.; WRILOV, A.I., inzh.;-6AkGHKOT, L.N., inzh.; FOLYAKOV, M.M., inzh; LIPOVWSKIY, I.A.., Inzh. Double-groove rolling with guides, of ribbed concrete reinforcing bars. Stall 20 n0-3:234-243 Mr '60. (MIU 13:6) 1. Yenakiyevskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod i Aaeprodzerzhinskiy vecherniy metallurgicheekly institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Reinforcing barts) NISHCHENKOY N.M., inzh.; BERDICHEVSKIY, Ye.Ye., inzh.; TERMINOSYAN, N.S., inzh.; KURILOV, A.I., inzh.; POLYAKOV, M.M., 4;nzh.; DEMIDOVICH, Ye.A., inzh.; PINDYURINY N.I.J. inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: MALINOVSKIY, V.G.; MOLCHANOV, I.V.; MASHISHINA, M.P.; WXHEITKO, Ye.K.; CHEREDNICHENKOY A.A.; STEPANOV, V.A.; ")KAGHKOV, L.N. T4eceased]; KOSHMAN, A.I.; SHCHEKLIN, V.V.; KHITOVAJ- Ye.Ye.; KOROBOVA, G.Z.; ROTMISTIOVSKY, B.M.; VEYSBEYN, A.D. Increasing the efficiency of section tandem mJ'Us by the use of repeaters. Stall 23 no.3:236-241 Mr '63. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Yenakiyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Rol-ling mills-Equipment and supplies) 1 . " i , . '-. , " 1, : I . U ~' ,: ' . 2. U:~,~t (0-0) 4. ".':i-ce --ol'SOS 7. ~'%jr worl-, Ln tlv! If. ,I.t (jC T. 11. ;-,I-ivlk)vlc, cloctr-Ine. Korlevods',vo No. 3, 1953. g. Monthl List of RU53ian Accessions, Library of Congress, -iL'ril 1953, Uncl. SKAGHKOV. K., inzh. - Nev tool for painting. Mekh.stroi. 14 no.8:21-22 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Painting, Industrial) 3/852/62/000/000/01T/020 B106/BlOi AUTHORSe Bodritakiy, N. A., Balkind, F. L, Veshenkova, M. S., Vanoteova, A. M., Ovirta R A., Zavolov, G. L', kaobkov, TITUa Use of polymer materials and nonmetallic protective coatings in petrochemical Industry SOURCE# 'Prim*neniye polimeror v antikarrosionnoy takhoike. Ed. by 1. To. Klinov, and P. G. Udysa, Moscow, Mashgis, 1962, Voss. sovet nauchno-tokko. obeho'hosty. 125 - 00 TEXT3 With a view to introducing plastics &a-& constructional material for machines used in the petroleum industry, equipment developed by %he Gipro-1-.Z.- neftemaah was examined and sane mechanical plants were Inspected. Pc~linorl'-.- material* have boon found suitable for units and components of petroleum- -installations. Plastics have boon recommended for components and fittings of pumps, in accordance with plans'worked out. The naterials best suited are Ar -43 (AO-4V) and A r -4c (AG-43) glass-reintorced plastics-i Cements based on furyl reeine have 4son developed for reaction vessel liners In Card*1/3 S/852/62/000/000/017/020 Use of polymer materials ... M6/Bioi petroleum industry. Varnish colors on the basis of modified furyl resins, and Bakelite varnish with fillers on a metallized base, proved suitable as anticorrosive coatings. Copolymers of polyethylene with polypropylene and fluoroplast-3 are most suitable for coatings based on powdered plastics.' A coating made u of a etalliz*d aluminum and zinc layer covered with a Xg -77 (KhV-77119perchmiorvinyl" varnish has been developed to protect the, springs of safety valves from oorrosionthereby lengthening the life of these springs approximately 7 times. This varnish is used also for prod tective coats on the inner surfaces of vessels for petroleum and petroleum products containing sulfur. As such coatings are easily destroyed by steaming, it in recommended to replace this by a mechanical wash, using an 11.1-3 (UM-3) machine. The Giproneftemash and neftekhisiabookiy kombinat (Petrochemical Combine) developed a now anti-corrosion treatment forIeles- copiagasbcUm. For this purpose a liquid cement based on industrial oil 12, petroleum bitumen, or the extract obtained by aircraft oil refining-have- been used in combination with polyisobutylen*s or synthetic rubber. light brands of this protective liquid bay* been developed, which is not tnjurlom- to health. Its~application is such lose expensive than that of protective:.. coatin a usimV."porchlorvinyl" varnIshes. Finally Is I* recommended that Card M 7 .Mj'T J~' 3/852/62/000/060/017/020 Use of polymer materials ... B1061BIO1 the production of the protective liquid for telescopic gas holders in Donets Basin, along the Volga, and in Baku should be organitedl also that steel tubes baying their flanges protected against corrosion,by 0 -10 (?-10) furyl varnish should be produced in 6ie of the tube-rollibg will* and that their delivery to the petroleum and--chemical industries, should- be~ organised., Furthermore. it is recommended that coatings-combining Bakelite.varnish witk- inert fillers on a metallized bast should ~e.ussd to protect parts of the equipment and apparatus in petro-chemical and petroleum processing 5'. '- --.. industries. large plants are to be equipped with Installations for,, am and processing nonmetallic saforial. Card 3/5 GOSTEV, V.S.; SAAKOV, A.K.; AZIETSKAYA, A.Ye.; PEUWIFff, A.A.; NAZARENKO, N.A.; MAZINA, N.M.; KULAGIN, A.N.; ZYKOV, Yli.V.; NIKITENKO, A.A.; SVLGHKOV, N.I. Comparative immunochemical study of anti-sera to tissue homogenates and the mixtures of their nonprotein fractions. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.4:94-97 Ap 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Laboratoriya, immunokhimii (zav. - prof. V.S. Gostev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted May 17, 1963. L 62495-65 EWA Q /MIA (b) -21MIT(l) RO ACCESSION NR: AP50200891/ UR/0016/65/000/008/0027/0031 614.48 629.118.6 AUTHOR: Vashkov, V. I.; $kachkov N. I. TITLE: A disinfectioR a"pparatus (sprayer duster) on a motorcycle SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 8, 1965, 27-31 TOPIC TAGS: disinfection apparatus, insect control, sanitation, light motor vehicl ABSTRACT: The authors designed a small, efficient disinfection unit mounted on a motorcycle. It consists of a sprayer and duster which operate separately and have a single independent drive--a compact 3-bp internal-combustion engine of the "Druzh ba" type. It can be used for spraying the breealng places of flies and the outside of buildings'. It is particularly valuable in rural localities for exhaustive disin. fection after a person with an infectious disease is hospitalized (the disinfectantl is supplied through a hose placed in a window or air vent of the place to be treat- ed). The apparatus, scheduled to go into production in 1964-1965, can be used for disinfection' and insect eradication in hospitals, sanatoria, and especially in c~ for contin'u6us routine and teminal disinfections. If necessary, the spraying-dust-i Lcardl -2 114BER) F.; SKAGHKOV, P. Using extra-wide lug-type tires. Ay.transp. 40 no.7:21-22 Jl 162. 04IRA 15:8) (Tires., Rubber) SKAGHKOVI F. Achievements of the beat workers ahould be the rsferOnft point for a2l. Avt. transp. 41 no.12:3-.4 D 163. (KMA 17:1) 1. Predsedatell Sakhalinakogo oblastnog-,o komiteta. pro- feasionalinogo soyaza rabotnikov avyazi, raboahikh ayto- transporta i shosoeyrqkh doroge . I1110i I Faddey Il'ich;_SKAqkkQy, Petr I-yanovich; FIL11-161,10VII, D.S., red.; MELEMMVA-1 L.S., t-ekhr4 red. (Maintenance and repair of machines and mechanisms in fe-Uing areas]Tt)khnicheskoe obsluzhivanie i remont meshin i me-khanizmov na lesoscke. Arl-hangellsk, Arkhangellskoe krizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 65 P. MRA 15:12) (Lumbering-Machinery) li;BER, Fad&ly Illich; SKAGIIIIDOV, h,.Ir lvanoviQh; lESiTl:.iK'L)V, red . [Op~--raticr, of triv3h-- wl--Lh exLra-wida lag-t~-pe tires in log- Fjrl~; camps] EkSj-,lLlaVltS.Jia avtor.cbilei s aroc~mymi shin=i %, le2pr-)rlhozakh. N,,)--~kva, Guolp.-bumizdat, 1963. 46 p. (MIRA 17:7) 'Ntjili Faddey Illich; ,Kl".CIIK0V, Fetr Ivanovich; Slff,=, A.V., red. I P [Repair and maintenance of skidding tractors in the fel- lin- area] Rerontno-profilakticheskoe obsluzhivanie tre- 0 levochrUkh traktorov na lesoseke. Moskva, lzd-vo I'lles- naia promyshlennostl," 1964. 95 p. (MI"i'AA 17:7) L-32883-65 7Tocissiom HR, Ap5oo5533 'AUTHORt Wachkov, Fe S. 1ITLEs On the prpblem of increasing the vibration stabA Ut of struct SUMSt IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya takhnikas no 4 1965,, 46-53 .TOPID TAGSs -vibration stability conditions structural element, shock absorbers 'elastic materials damping f actors harmonic oscillation AWrRWT: Experimental and analytical studies were made with shock absorption devices on composiyp elastic rods as shown in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure. The variods sections are assumied to have different rigidities,, and the rod is assumed to be 1h.' ,bending vibration under the kinematics harmonic.dispIqcement Y C T sin (A) t. Par simplicity,, the amplitude of damped oscillations is studied for the. first resonaMe only. The differential equations of bending vibrations are written In the form wyrwr+ q, and the solution is carried out in the complex planes A net of &iqreesions is Card 113 Card 313 ,., ~ ~Izl, , J . ,.I -,~ ", ~i n0-10:14 'tAl - . Li!-U-, of ,,4:,~hiueo, Te.U).mol. 29 (1,11111;~A 1.4 -7 -0) IA-tutoTvtt-.-! conLrol) (Machinery in industlzy) SKAGIIKOV, S. Wonderful fishaB. Zi2an.-sila 37 no.7:30-31 JI 162. (MIRA 15:(,-) Uuwi)