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*BTCbEV--,K1Y, A. USSR/Mediolne - Botany, History Madi.eine - Algas Jan/Feb 49 OReview of V. I. Yesyrevs,35 'Algal Flora of the Volga River From Rybinsk to Gor~kiy,'" A. Skabichev- skiyj Med Inst, Omsk, 2 pp "Botan Zhur" Vol XXXIV.. No 1 Collection of data obtained by mwV authors. Book .gives valuable information, but lacka Illustrations and tables. Suggests that book's value would be greatly increaaed if It contained a map showing locations from which water samples were obtained. LC h2/49T62' j n 42/49W --~ -- I - I . .. _ - ! A-, . 2. USSR (600) 4. A17ao - Tlaikal, Lake 7. Glaszifiration of LaL--- ?-aikal diatoms, Bot.mat.ntd.spor.rast. 0-1, 191~12. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953. Unclassified. - SKABIGHUSKIY, A.P.; P.&VLOV'SKIY, Ye.N., alcademik. Spore formation in Melosira islandica O.Wller. Dokl.AN SM 92 n0-3:671- 674 3 '53. (MLOA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Baikal Lake--Plankton) (Plankton--Baikal Lake) (Khanka Lake-- Plankton) (Plankton--Khanka lake) 17 V USSR/Biology - Hydrobiology Card 1 1/1 Authors t Skabichavskiy, A. P. Title Beds of planktonic seaweeds on the bottom of the Irtysfi River' Periodical Dokl. AN 53SR, 96, Ed. 4, 861 - 864, June 1954 Abstract i The formation of planktonic seaweed beds in the Irtysh River is dis- cussed. Eighteen references. Table. Institution The M. 1. Kalinin State Medical Institute, Omsk, USSR Presented by! Academician A. L. Kursanov., April 5, 1954 SKABICHKVSKIY,A.P. "t" -,!-. ~ New species of the genus Diatoma DC. (De specie nova e genere Diatoma DC.). Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast. 10:42-44 Ja 155. (Diatoms) (MLRA 8:7) YASNITSKIY, V.N. EdeceaGed]; SKABICHEVSKEY A.P. 14 Phytoplankton of Lake'Baikal. Trudy Baik. limnol. sta. 15:212-261 157. (NIBA 10:8) (Baikal, lake--Phytoplankton) SKABICHKVSKIY, A.P. Variability of some diatom F3pec!.es in pure cultures. Bot.mat. Otd.spor.rust. 12:46-57 Ja '59. 041 Ri, 12: 12 ) (Diatoms) SKABICIUI,VSKTY, LP. Ifew plankton organism from thn Irtysb River. Bot.mat.Otd. spor.rast. 12:57-60 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Irtyah Rivor--Diatm:3) SKA13IGHI,-V6,KIYI,- A.P. , prof. Some results of sanitary and hydrcbiological investigations of the Irtyah River and neighboring reservoirs in Omsk Province. Trudy OMI no.25:85--96 152. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey biologii Cmskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Kalinina, zav. kafedroy prof. A.P.stl4WIchevskiy. (OMSK PRM.UICE-WATjR--nCROBIW&) MCABICEIEVSEIY, Aleksandr Pavlovich; GORBIRIOVA, N.P.. red.-, GE:ORGIYL?VA. [Fresh-water plankton diatoms of the U.S.S.Re; taxonomyt ecologyp and distribution] Planktnonnys diatomovye vodorosli pragnykh vod SSSR; sistematiks. ekojogiia i rasprostrananie. Moskva. Izd-vo No'sk.univ., 1960. 347 P. (Katerialy k poznaniiu fauny i flory SSSR, izdavaemye Koskovskim obahchestvom isp~tatelei prirody. Novaia seriia, Otdel botanicheskii, ng.11 119 (MIRA 13:9) (Diatoms) ,-- SKABICfUVSKIY,__A,F. Phylogeny of colored flagellates and some other related organisms. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 65 no. 4:52-59 J1-Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (FLAGELLATA) (PHYLOGENY) SKABICHEVSKIYY A. (Omsk) "Desmidiaceae. Cryptogamic flora of the U.S.S.R,, Vol. 5 Gon- jugatae" by E.K.Kosinskaia. Reviewed by A.Skabichevskii. Bot.zhur. 47 no.2-.286-288 F 162. 04IRA 15:3) (Algae) (Kosinskal.a, E.K.) S c KABIGH FVSKIY, A.P. Alaae of some bodies of wr. -1~2- in tll- ll,k-,Ult -~I, -4 c,. . Trudy Lim. -- ___-! I Lnst. 2 pt. 2:42-62 (K- RA 17:3) SKABICHEVSKIY, A.P. A new spe-clezi olf the genlas Melosiva Ag. from Western Siberia. Bot. mat. Otd. spx-. rast. 1602-35 163. (MIRA 16:10) SKABIGHEVSKIY. A. P (Omsk) "Systematical list of planktonic alfae of Lake Baikal and some data on the biology of mass flor a by 0. M. Koxhova. P&viewed by 1. P. Skabichavskii. Bat. shur. 48 no.3: 61-464 Mr 163. ~MIRA 16SO (Baikal, Lake--Algae) (Koshova, 0. M.) SKABICIFTSKIY, A.P.; ANDRE'YrT, G.P. Btief review of research on algal veptation and florpk in the Irtyah RIver. Tridy TrNIBS no.80-12 164. NIKOLISKIY, B.F.; MATEROVA, Ye.A.; SKABICHEVSKIY, P.A. Ion exchange and the electrochemical properties of zirconyl phosphates. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6:1360-11162 0 163. (MIRA 16:1-1) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstverinyy universitet j-?-. A.A. Zhdanova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nikollskiy). I ACCESSICK MIR: AP404JL835 8/0D54/04/000/002/000/mI3 AUTHOR: l4aterovap Ye. A.; Skabichevskiy, P, A, TITIE: Ion ezcban~e properties of sirconyl phosphate. is investigation or the dependence of lou exchmge properUes or sirvanyl pboopb&te on the conditions or Ito production* SOURCS; Im4narad. Univeraltet, Yestafto Berlya fizlki I 'kh'-41p noo 2, 296hp 65-73 TWIC TAOS: zirconyl phosphate, ion exchwW property., production condltlm,, preparation method, t1tration curve,, Lou exchoxkge capacity,, dryings, precipitation condltlonj, comqKwent ratio ABSMCT: The effects of the precipitation conditions (concentrations,' &Cid:Ltyj, ZrO W 0 5 ratio,. teMerature) In the prepamtIon of zirconyl phosphate an its cam- Poofi& and ion exch properties vere studied. From the potentlametric t1tra-, tion curves. of siromWI. phosphates vhich differ In their pi rtles It was shwm that the Ice exchange cqWlty or zlreaWl pbospbalm Is a rmoctiam'.or the swipU campositleno Saqpbw beivIng a molar mt1o. of ZiOdP20~ mwb gmater tbm I bm a 1A 2/3 ACCLSUCH NR: AP"1835 smaller number of functional strongly acid Ionogen groups with a reduced ability ?to dissociate and hence a lower Ion exchange capacity. The coriditions for obtain- Ing zirconyl pbosphate samples having maximuis Ion exchange capacity, I.e... Zro2/ P 0 closest to 1, Include the use of freshly prepeavd zirconium salt solutions (83-0.5K) containing 4-5m MR03 or HM., and 0.2-1K 113M. More concentrated zircon- ium solution or higher acidity causes formation of a precipitate which Is hud to i filter. The rate and order of pouring the solutions-does not affect the properties of the precipitated zirconyl phosphate. Increasing the temperature of drying the zirconyl phosphate precipitate up to 300C has no effect on the ion exchange proper- ties., but drying at higher temperatures (500-8500 causes Irreversible changes (probably forwtion of -P-0-P- bonds) which sharply reduce the ion exchange capwl-' ty of zirconyl phosphate. "In conclusion the authors express their sincere appreciation to AN SWR associate member B. P, Nikallsk for valuable advice In the courae of the work and in preparing the manuscript for printing." Orig. &As ban'. 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUEMITTED: 07MaY63 ENCL., 00 Card 2/3 MATEROVA, Ye.A.j SKtWlC;!lh-VSKlY, P.A. (Leningr,.d) Electrochemical properties of zircony:. phosphate. Part 1. Zhur. fiz. khim, 38 no-3-.676-680 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Loningrad.3kiy gasudarstveunyy anivorsitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova. ACCESSION NR: A24034585 S/0076/64/036/004/0985/0989 AUTHORS: MaLerova, Ye.A.; Skabichevskiy, P.A. TITLE; Electrochemical properties of zirconyl phosphate, !I. Rela- tionship between the electric conductivity of' zirconyl phosphate samples and their composition. SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimit, V. 38, no. 4, 1964, 985-989 TOPIC TAGS: zirconyl phosphate, composition , Zr02 P20 ratio, ..ty, lec Ic conductivitV, ~electrochemical property, ion exchanGe capao~ e ~r !water sorption, zirconyl phosphate IV* form, :;Irconyl phosphate Na* form, energy of activation, hydrogen ion mobility ABSTRACT: The dependence of the electric conductivity of zirconyl ;phosphate on the sample composition was inve3tigated. The electric conductivity of the granular ionite was determined by finding the .point at which it was equal to the conduct&noe of a solution In ,equilibrium with the ion exchanger, and measaring the electric con- .ductivity of the zirconyl phosphate-solvent system. Work was done ;at 25C, pH = 3, using and HCl solution and silver chloride electrodes; n the Na+ form the solution con- ,for determinations on the Ionite I Card-.. 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4034585 taining 0.1 equivalents/liter of Na+ was buffered to pil 4.94 with acetic acid and sodium acetate. It was found the electric conduo- tivity, of zirconyl phosphate decreased as the amount of phosphorus in the samT)le decreased (i.e., as the Zr02/2 0 ratio k Increased). As the valu-e of k approached 1, the number oi Rtrongly acid ionogen ZrOuPG increased; Increasing the ZrO2 content decreased the ability of the phosphate groups to dissociate. Water sorption by different samples of zlrconyl~ phosphate was a factor which, in addition to the composition of the sample, determined the electric conductivity. The greater the ability to absorb water the greater the electric conductivity. However, samples with anomalously-high conductivity did not have greater exchange capacity, so the dissociation of the phosphate groups was not Increased; the electric conductivity was therefore caused by the greater mobility of the hydrogen Ions In the samples containing more water. The mobility of the sodium Ion in zirconyl phosphate was considerably less than of the hydrogen Ions: the condu4tance of zirconyl phosp4ate 4 the Na+ form (k = 1.11) was 0.7 x 10- compared to 2.29 x 10-J ohm-' cm 1 for the H* form. The enjg~ of ~?~~vatijn of thA altetrXe co:Qductivity calultte me 0 Ham en, J. Blec rochemo boo;, log, ~, 7 1992~T fthre 2/3 Card ;~z ACCESISION NR: AP4034585 samples where k = 1.20, 1.65 and 1.07 was 2.6, 2-5t and 0.9 kcal/ mol. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy gosudarstve=y*y univeraltat Im. A.A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: 15Apr63 SUB CODE:- IC NR REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 003 3/3 ArC- IgWi- AP6020377 SCURCE CODEt U,1/o0?8/66/O1i/oo3/o675/o677 AUTHOR: Skabichovskiy, P. A. ORG: none TITLEt The systems (NH4)2TiF6 (NH4)21qbOF5 - H20 (2% HF) and (NH4)2139F4 044)2W6 _ H20 (2% HF) at 25 and 500C SOURCEI Zhurnal noorganicheskoy khimilp ve Ily no, 39 1966t 675-677 TOPIC TAGS: titanium compound, niobium compound, beryllium compoundq silicon com- pound, phase diagram, solubilityg fluoride ABSTRACT: The solubility in the systems (NH4)2TiF6 - (NH4)2NbOF5 - H20 (2% HF) and (NH4)2BOF4 - (NH4)2SiF6 - H20 (2% HF) was-Rudled by isotherffial dissolutipp in order to determine whether titanium rn be s"rated from niobiu4l-W berylliud,/from silic, by fractional crystallAzatiod The systems are of si-mle eutonic t-ypet where no now solid phases or solid s6ol-ufli-ons are formed (see Fig. 1). In the first system, the (NH4)pTiF6 content was determined approximately to be less than 1% in the range of saturated solutions of the composition 0-1.1.~. Microscopic analysis showed that in this range the bottom phase is (NH4)2NbOF 0W4) Tif~ c stallizes over a wide ran of solution compositions. The ratio % (;Z):?T`1F6 I % 11472NbOF5 in the eutonte Boll tion is 0.048 at 25 and 0.052 at 506Cj which in favorable to separation. In the Card 1/3 uDe, 54i.i23i546.t61 17 ACC NRv AP6020377 to Al 9 70 fil to to (NR,);r(FI (NH412SVl Fig- I- Solubility at 25 and 500C in the system (2% fffl~ IGO (2% HIP) seeond system, (Mh)2BiF6 is the equilibrium solid -phase for the major part of the solution coorpositions. The ratio'% (NRI,)23iF6 / % (NH4)2Belrh in the eutonic solution HID(Z%HF) ACC NR AF6020377 is much higher than in the preceding case, and increaswwith rising temperature. Orig. art. hast 1 figure and 2 tables. SUB OODSs 07/ SUR4 DATE: 2BMay65/ ORIG REF: 00,14/ OTH REF: 003 3/3 af for :A-e S31ection --,f 3s-..silc V-~)r -ransportless a,-,(, Co7il)j-,,.E;d Systp--,-s ?f rl-i,,d ~cj, Acad ,.-if the -,oal Indiis'n,, 'in of the CO,711 Tn(!L.3tt-' Feb 55) SO: St-Trq. "o. 631, 26 Aug 5~,-Survev ~-f Scit-ntific and Teclulical Disserta"ions TD-311',,~nded at 713.9~ "ichar 'E'luc-ational Insf.itutions (14) SKABICHEVSKIY, Yu.G., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk Conditions for using systems without trans-:)ortation in strip mining in the Moscow Basin. Nail-ch. trudy 'Na. gor. inst. no.4:91-104 161. (MIRA 16:8) (Moscow Basin-Excavating machinery) SKABITSKIY 1. N. USSR/Astronomy - Stellar Dynamics 1950 Application of the Kinetic Equation to Stellar Systems," I. N. Skabitskiy "Uchenye Zapiski, Ser Matemat Nauk" No 2-2, PP 10-32 Author considers his-work the lst takfng into account star encounters. Principles of stellar statistics are based on Anbartaumiafi'ss lectures. Kinetic eq is solved approximately and applied to computation of changes of shape of globular clusters with time and of "time of re:.axation.11 LC ! 18176 1FlT6 SKABLAITOVICH,_.4 __[Skabalanovch, I.A.1; LUB"TAITOY, M.P. [Lublianyi. M.P.] ,_,A.M. Underground water level along the coastal line of the Kakhovka Reservoir during the first two 7ears. Greol. zhur. 19 n0-3:78-84 '59- (MIRA 12:10) (Kakhovka Reservoir--Water, Underground) SKABLTN, V. Lt. "The Air Force Engineering Academy Im. Prof. N. Ye. Zhukovskiy," a report representing a translation of an article entitled Nconference of the Academy's Inventors and Mationalizers." Krasnaya Zvesda, No.90, p.2, Col.4. 18 apr 56. Of This artcile informs about the considerable expansion/work of the Academy's inventors and rationalizers and mentions some of their inventions. D 5251-15 S/194/61/000/009/051/053 D271/D302 AUTHOR; Skabovsk TITLE: Investigating the excitation system of a klystron frequency multiplier PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 9, 1961, 3. abstract 9 K17 (Nauchno-tekhn. in- form. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, 29-32) TEXT: The possibility of developing excitation systems for klystron multipliers with metal-ceramic triodes or beam triodes is clarified. The system of uninterrupted frequency multiplication is assumed, i.e. without intermediate multipliers. The construction and parameters of the input circuit of klystron multiplier were Stu- died. The input circuit of the klystron is constructed as a co-axi- al resonator. Constructional sketch is given. Basic considerations in the design of the oscillating system are indicated. The depend- ence is given of the triode equivalent load resistance for 460) Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR; AP4024492 AUTHOR: Skabovskiy, M..S. S/0142/64/007/001/0097/0098 TITLE:, Sensitivity of circuit for direct detection of microwave oscillator amplitude fluctuations SOURCE: TVUZ A. . Radiotekhnika, v. 7, no. 1, 1964, 97-98 TOPIC TAGS: microwave oscillator, microwave generator, microwave oscillator frequency fluctuation, semiconductor diode, germanium diode, amplitude fluctuation detector, amplitude fluctuation detectoi~ sensitivity, microwave oscillator noise ABSTRACT: The sensitivity is defined as the minimum power at which beatB between the tested oscillator and a slightly detuned auxiliary' oscillator are still distinguishable, and Is characterized by the ratio y = F /F where P is the high-frequency detector signal po-1; 5 nfJ s wer and Pnf is the spectral density of the minimal observed fluctu- ations. The beat pattern displayed on the oscilloscope is stabilized by frequency-modulating the auxiliary oscillator with the oaclUoacope ,ard l#' 4CCESSION NR: AP4024492 sweep. voltage.. Several different silicon and germanium diodes were tested, and ecial selection of low-noise diodes made a sensitivity, up to 132 dB7cps feasible. Tests have shown that there are optimal values of the input power (0.6 -- 1.0 mW) and of the positive diode bias (0.2-0.3 V) for which the sensitivity is highest. The effect of the noise spectrum and the sources of error are briefly discussedl The possible random visual errors In setting the pattern for maximum; sensitivity are estimated at + 1.5 dB. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: None J SUBMITTED: 27Dec62 DATE ACQ: 15Apr64' ENCL: 02 GE,_SD ,SUB CODE: dard -2/~ NO REF SOV. 001 OTHER: 001 e ACCESSION NR: AP4024725 S/0109/64/009/003/0434/0438 AUTHOR: Skabovskiy, M. S. TITLE: Superheterodyne circuit for measuring SHF fluctuations SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i clektronika, v. 9, no. 3, 1964, 434-438 TOPIC TAGS: superheterodyne, microwave, SHF. microwave fluctuations, SHF fluctuations, superheterodyne SHF fluctuation meter ABSTRACT: A two-channel correlation superheterodyne circuit is described which is intended to measure the noise of very low-power SHF oscillators where the direct-detection method is inapplicable. The method suggested by V. N. Nikonov (IVUZ. Radiofizilca, 1959, v. 2. no. 6. p. 1915) involves two independed heterodyne oscillators. The o s c illat or power is divided by a slot bridge amid fed into two identical channels, each consisting of-a heterodyne, & mixer, a broadband IF amplifier, and an LF amplifier. The cl-nnel output voltages are !Card ACCESSIONNR: AP40Z47Z5 combined in-phase or counter-phaee and applied to a spectrum analyzer. The noise ofthe circuit proper is separated from the fluctuations (noise) being measured. The spectral density of minimum detectable fluctuations is about 4x 10 -22w/cps. It is believed that the circuit will be capable of testing SHF sources as weak as 10-7 w having an amplitude -fluctuation level of 144 db/cps'. "Finishing the article, the author feels it him duty to thank S. A. Kornilov for Me gl"dance and constant interest in the project and for the principal idea of the circuit. 11 Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: zsjan63 SUB CODE: GE Card ::.12 DATE ACQ: 10Apr64 NO REF SOV: 006 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 004 ACCESSION NR: AP4024735 S/0109/6,4/009/0031OS46/0547 AUTHOR: Skabovskiy, M. S.. Chugayeva, V. L TITLE: Experimental investigation of transfer-'Coastant nuctuatione in & crystal mixer SOUR'--E: Radiotekhnika i clektronika, v. 9, no. 3. 1964, 546-547 TOPIC TAGS: crystal mixer, crystal diode, cryot&l mixer fluctuation flicker I effect, crystal diode flicker effect ABSTRACT: The noise spectrum of DK-11, DX-I2, DK-S!. DK-S3, and DG-S4 crystal diodes having a high flicker effect was tested within 3-100 kc in a detector -IF --amplifier -spectrum-analyzer circuit. The diodes were excited by a! 3-cm reflex-klystron oscillator. Within the above frequency band, the amplitude-; fluctuation spectral density was found to be about 10-"r and independent of the frequency. Next, the fluctuation spectrum of & superheterodyne built with the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4024735 same crystal diodes was investigated. It was found ChLat, within a 3-100-kc band, the fluctuations of the mixers and, consequently, the sensitivity of the super- heterodyne circuit (with a reflex klystron as a heterodyne) were completely determined by the flicker effect. Orig. art. has: Z figures and I formula.. ASSOCIATION:' none SUBMITTED: 21.Tan63 SUB CODE: GE Card DATE ACQ: 10Apr64 NO REF SOY: 004 ENCL:. 00 OTHER: 002 SK&CEL,,4.,,;p3BEST&, K. bmerieneaq with unacol B; phenolformaldsltyde glue. Pracoyni lok. 4 no.5:365-372 )ct 1952. (OLM 23:4) 1. Of the IndInsbrial Health Center AM Oleadr-Head Fhysician--:B. Mracel, M. D.), Prague. GARA, V;SKACKL J;SA13ATA. J. Treatment of eye diseases by refrigerated patient's blood. Cesk. ofth. 6 no.3:155-165 1950, (CIJG 20:1) 1. Of the Bye Department of the State Regional Hospital in Uh. Hradisce (Head--J. Sabsta). 'GAGA, V.; SKAGEL', J.; SABATA. J. Treatment Of e7e disaaaes with refrigerated autogenous blood. Cesk. ofth. 7no.4:271-286 1951. (CIJIL 21:1) 1. Of the lye Department of the State Regional Hospital in Uh. 11radisce (Read -- J. Salbata, M.D.). n 'he J Vol. 4, `~O- ral-I C 0 - I evc kia ~C: .6stu vrc:,---en --cn, Vol 3, --rcIr, of ~he corlf'~xt o,* ters~~rij j,,acicn, ;,nk, t'i~-, D~-vonian Qt the Vrbno sr:ries be~',T-en Zla-e nory and Ka-lova St-udanka.ll A,SC r3 j;~,~, '-f7::~ ,L j-_ ~ZCL(_GTI. ,Praha, Czechn-slovakii., Vol. G I - - U.. -IS ( I;st of !~,,~~T 7 7-uFEA:, ArC- SSX --LAI), Lc,, Vol. F), No. 7, JulY 1959, ulclas SKAGULL, Jaroslav Carboniferous limestone in the culm formations in Osoblaha area. Frir cas slezsky 22 no.4:459-464 '61. SKAGEL, "A=als of Silesia". Reviewed by J. Skacel. Prir cas slezsky 22 no./+:580 161. 71- e~ KROUTILIK., V.; SKACEL,--..J. I, OF "Mineralogical and petrographic ccgditions in the Strambert vxee by Josef Sekaninas Reviewed by V. Kroutilik and J. Skacele Prid cas slezaky 23 ho.3:310 162. SKACEI,j Jaroslav; MAREK, Miloslav; MIKUS, Miloslav; KNEZ, Jaroalav; .. T-Omas; EARTAS, FrantiBek; OREL, Petr; VYBIRAL, Josef; BARTH, Vojtech; YJIMING, Petr; FOJT, Bohuslav; DVCRW,,. Jarozilay; KOCIAN, Jar The 9jid Regional Geological Conference In Opava. Prir cas slezoky 23 no.1:133-143 162. S~kC~_, kandidat ved. "JAhn-Dill" type iron ore deposits in tile Devonian of Tburingia and their comparison with the deposits in Czechoslovakia. Geolog pruzkum 5 no.1:3-4~Ja 163, - 1. Ceskoslovenska 4kademie ved, Slezaky, ustav, Oprava. SKkCEL, Jaroslav-... The 60th birthday of Professor Karel ZaPletualo Gas min geol 8 no.3-.321-323 Jl t639 7 ,- ),, I r~, -. ~ . ~ - , r, r - 1 i 7,.,7:n (4 !--~ r- c ~ .- ~~ ~- .1 , ~~n --i, -- - - -,4 - I.- I G e o I I, :- -, 2, K ~-n 6 n - ~ ~ ~, -. -, - , , .- 'I -.. SKACEL, karel of trichomonlas Is in prascancerous states of the uterine cervix. Neuplasna, BratIal. 4 no.3:297-303 1957. 1. Obstetro-Gymqcological Clinic, PLoulty of Kedicine, Palacky University Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. (CIRM NBOPIASMS, compl. trichomonlasis in prec;mcorous states, incidence o$ pathol.) (VAGINITIS, TRICROMONAS, conpl. in precancerous states of uterine cervix. incidence & pathol.) SKACEL, K.: SEVELA, M. "Oxytccinasis during 7regnancy" Geskoslovenska Fysiclcgie. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 59, Uhclas VASKOVA, K.; SYAGAL, K.; TAIAS, M. Blood vessels of the bulbar conjunctiva in normal and pathological pregnancy. Cesk. ofth. 15 no.2:91-94 Apr 59. 1. Ocni klinika FU v Olomoucie prednosta prof. dr. V. Vejdovsky a porodnicko-gynekologicka. klinika PU v Olomouci, prednosta prof. dr. Jan Marsalek. (CONMNCTIVA, blood supply, vase. changes in pathol. & norma. pregn. (0s)) (PRIGUNCT, compl. conjunctival vase. maniftist., comparison with normal pregn. (Oz)) SKACEL, K.; STERLIKOVA, J. Relation of the reticulocytes in the blood of pregnant and parturient women to intrauterine fetal asphyxia. Cesk.gyn- 241381 no-10:761-766 D 159. 1. Por.-gyn. klinika PU v Olomoaci, prednosta prof.dr. J. Marsalek. (FARYTHROCYTES) (ASPHUIA NBCJKATCIR.TUM) (PREGNANCY blood) SKAGEL, Karel ~-- Colposcopic picture of cer7ical changes after the interruption. no-9:701-7o4 N 16o. 1. Gyn.por.klin.lek.fak. PU, Olomouc. (ABORTION TEERAPEUTIC compl) (CERVIX UTERI pathol) SKACEL, Farel; SCHWAiMA, ttiloslav; I&DUNA, Jan Experience with roentgenological sex determination by means of the study on ossification changes in fetal vertebral bodi,)s. Cesk. gyn. 26 no.3:195-196 Ap 161. 1. Gyn. por. klinika lek. fak. PU v Olomouci, Centralni rtg ustav KUNZ Olomouc, predn. MUDr. J. Doubravsky Gyn. por. odd OWIZ Olomouc, predn. IJITDr. J. Meduna. (Sil DETERMINATION) (SFIIIIFE embryol) (FETUS radiog) SKAGEL) K.; MEDUNA, J.; NEKUIA, J. I-- What is the position of the fundus uteri during lot fetal movements? Cesk. gynek. 26 no.9:64.9-657 N 161. 1. Gyn. por. klin. PU v Olomouci, OUNZ v Olamouci. (FETUS physiol) (UTERUS pbysiol) SNAJD, V., prof.; ANTOS, J.; LUKAS, V.; BOUDA, J.; BARDOS, A.; MANKA, J.; HAJEK, A.; PAGIN, Z.; SKACEL, K.; STIKSA, E.; SIKL, 0.; SKODA, V. Clinical aspects of carcinoma of the endometrium. Cesk. gynek. 27 no.3*173-177 Ap '62. 1. 1 gyn. klin. fak. mob. lek. KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. K. Klaus. (UTERUS NEOPLASMS) SKAGEL, Karel; SVUBODA, I.Iijoslv Trachelodiaphanoseopy and its use. Cesks gyn. 27(411 U6.4-276-279 my 162. 1. Gyn. por. klin. lek. fak. PU v Olomouci, zast. prednosta MUDr. E.Lindner., CSc. tENDOSCOPY) SKAGEL,K.; TALAS,M.; KRIKAL,Z. Comparison of vaginal cytology and the Smith test during preg- nancy with reference to determination of the time of labor. Cesk. gynek. 29 no.106-38 F164. 1. Gyn.-por. klin.lek.fak. PU v Olomouci; prednostat doc.dr. F.Gazarek, CSc. SNACEL, Jaroslav ---, - I "! I.-'-1. Regional Conference on the Nizky Jesatik culm. Geol pruzkum 5 no. 5:157 14Y 163. '4iroslav, 11-flOr. -lxpert testiuony activity in a district. Cesk. zdravot. no.9--496-,Coo Sept 57 1. ukresni- ustav narodniho zdravi v Unerskew Brode. (Z,PERT 7ARSTIMONY, in Czech. (Cz)) SKACELIK, F.; ZABUKA, V. - Inzenyrske Stavby - Vol- 3, No. 4, Apr. 1955. Proceedings and resolution of the National Conference of ActivistB in Construction 'Kngineering held Mnrch 7-8. 1955. P. 133 Contribution to the solution of problems connected with over-all mechanization of the construction of concrete highways; the RB 750 concrete spreader. P. 155. SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4. No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. SUCH, A. Propagation of new work methods in track maintenance. p. 182. ZELEMICE, Prague, Vol. 4, no. 7, July-1954. '30: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEA), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, Jime 1956, Uncl. SUCH, A. Will continuous rail be successful? p. 116. ZELEZNICAR. (Ministerstvo dooravy) Praha, Czechoslovakia, No. 5, May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) D;, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 U14CL SKACH.l Antonin, inz.; VY,';l,OIJZII, I .",~ r, , J nz. Maintenance of non,-ontact rails, Zel d:7;p tech 12 no.5-Suppl. n0.5:1-8 164. FLUSSER, J; CRV0JKOVA, V; STASEK. V; SKACH, 11; ZABKA, J; BALIK, J. Mucous membrane manifeat&tions in iron deficienc7. Cas. lek. cesk. 89 no-50:1410-1414 15 Dee 50- (CLKL 20:4) 1. Of the Third Internal Clinic (Head--.Prof. Jofef Charv&t). 2. Of the Radiological Clinic (Head--Prof. Vaclay Svab). 3. Of the Second Stomalogical Clinic (Efe&d--Prof. Yr. Rewirt). 4. Of the Otolaryngologic&l Clinic (Hesd--Prof. A. Precechtel). 5. Of the First We Clinic (Acting Head~--Docent B. Dienstbler). 611_~' Gil , 1'. -ir BAZANT, Vrat., As.Dr; SUCH, Mir., As. Dr kanagement of infected root. Prakt. stb. lek. 2 no.1-2:6-31 1954. 1. II stomatologickaldinikEL, Praha. (ROOT CANAL THMIAPY, ) MUCH, Miroslav, MUDr, Praha 1-_'------'I'-- 1-- 11 '~ Focal infection in children. Prakt. zub. lek., Praha 2 no.8: .. 175-1-79 1954. (TRITH, diseases focal infect. in child., diag. Ac ther.) BEACH, Mlroslay, MUDr. aslatent kllnlky Glossitis. Cook. stomat. No 4:134-154 Aug 54. 1. Z Il. stomatologicke kliniky IU v Praze, prodnosta prof. NWr Y.Neuvirt (GLOSSITIS) SKACH, Miroslav, MUDr. Contribution to the diagnosis of some aching and burning sensations In the mouth of non-dental origin. Frakt. lek.. Prakha 34 no.17: 397-398 5 Sept 54. 1. Il atom. kl. KU, prednosta, prof. KUDr. Frant. Newirt (MOUTH, diseases pain & burning sensation of non-dental origin, diag.). Doc.Dr; SKACk, Hir.Dr.; JANOUSEK, J,,s. Dr. %~ZATNT, Vrat, Pmriapical excochleation; surgical treatment of apical perio- dontitis, develorment &nd present concepts. Ceek.stomat. no.4-5:110-116 JI '55. 1. Z II stomatologicke kliniku KU, prednosta prof. ar. Fr. Neuwirt. (PIKRIODONTIUM, diseases, surg.,excochleation, periapical) SKACII, Mironlav. WMr. KOSTLA. Jarmil Doc.Dr.; BOUCIK, Zdenek KUDr Studies on neurotrophic effects from the oral cavit7. Cask. stomat. no.4-5:136-154 JI 155. 1. Z 11. Stomatologicke kliniky KU a x Vyakumneho ustayu stomatologickeho v Prase. (NERVBS, TRIGIMIRAL, physioloa. eff. of irritation, dent.aspects) ..' ---'4PTA IC~DICA Sed.11 Vol.10/8 Oto-Hhino-Larynao AuF57 -" A 16 ~ 0',, - ) Y