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5 UV/9 7 -59 -.1 -Z/' blethods of Obtaining High-Strength Vibrated Cozqcreteos U5-;-.~" Heat Curing. When fine ground cement is not avaiiable standard hardening cement can be regrotzid. It is adlvoeatei t'--. vibro-grinder b1-400, with capacity of 0.5-0.7 should be used for this purpose. Tests have instead of vibro-grinding of cement, the cement-san:i could be ground on millstones for a period of 10 Good results are also achieved when concrete component,: are mixed in a vibro-mixer. This process activates the mix. It is advocated that factories should be suppliic~ with up-to-date grinding-mixing machines a-nd vibrating' machines. Increasing the proportlo2a of cement up to 800 kg/m3 results in concrete having the same str,~-n_,,rtl as when regrinding the cement, or with partial re-r4i~.': q of ordinary cement of high. activity: however, use of high content of cement is not advocated. A better via,'r is by lowering the water/cement ratio to 0.25-0.26 F_r,-4 improving the effectiveness of consolidation by us,-Lau stronger vibration. Experiment showed that when E-1 Card 3/6 yards are supplied with high quality finely ground SUV/97-6d-i-2/18 blethads of Obtaining High-Strength Vibrated Go,-lcr-.tes Usin~; SHcrt Heat Curing classified sands and fine aggregate the resulting con--rete acquires the required strength in a short time without regrinding of cement locally on concreting yards. Table 1 gives characteristic values of concretes. Table 2 Sives values of the strength of the sand and cement mi--,c (1 : 2) immediately after curing. The addition of calcium chloride was excluded owing to the corrosive effect on reinforcement of smaller diameter than 5 mm. Curing tests were carried out with cements partly, and fully, reground and also with cements ground separately, and together with sand. The cement was reground once or twice in a vibro-griader whIc-11 had the effect of increasin the total surface area of grains- in the first case to a degree of fineness o.f IP 800 cm~/g and in the second case by a flurther 600 (according to Tovarov). Results of these tests are 61:;,en in Table 3. Further tests were carried out witt. fine- aggregate (granite up to 10 mm in size) ccincrete, ead, sand concrete made from clinker oement manufactured by "G'LZ-ant". Card 4/6 Fig.1 gives diagram of the strengtJI-i, during compresz-f.3n, of SUV/9 ri-bg -1 Methods of Obtaining High-Strength Vibrated Concretes Us, Lirr.;rtl _Ji~' Heat Curing the cement/sand mix 1 : 2 after 3 hours curin..g at a temperature of IOOOC, related to degree of fix-i eneSs of cement. Table 4 gives strength values of cement/sazid mix 1 1 2 (reground cement) after 3 hours curing. Table 5 gives strength of the sand concrete after 3 hours curing. rli,,~.2 shows the effect of the cement content on the of oc. sand concrete after 3 hours curing at a temperature of lou Table 6 gives strength values of cement/oand mix 1 : ~_- In relation to the fineness of grinding of cement and quantity of cement (test carried out by N.I. hokuyeva). F-,a-ther tests were carried out (Ya.D, Ponasyuzhenko) with sa;Ld concrete based on "Tuchkov" sand, which Nyas su~,-.~j -atz-zd to 10 minutes grinding by millstones and cured for .'_7 at a temperature of 1000C. Especially effective ra')id- hardening cements used for short-time heat curing are high alumina cements with 56-60% of C33. Further investigations were made with three types of cement cor-- Card 5/6 taining varying amout-its of calcium aluminate. Fic-.3 C.; SOV/97-69-1-2/ 18 Methods of Obtaining High-Strength Vibrated Concretes UsinE z5hort Heat Curing. curing apparatus for concrete samples. There are 3 figures and 6 tables. Card 6/6 SIZOV, V., doktor tekbn.nauk, prof. Concrete hardening at freezing temperatures. Stroitell no.10:12 0 159. OGRA 13:2) (Frost resistant concrete) MIROMOV. S.A.. doktor tekhn.nauk prof., laureat Stalinskcy premii; SIZOV, T.H. , kand.takhn.nauk dote., laureat Stalimmkoy precii Using mortars with additives In plastering at freezing tempera- tures. Stroitel'styo no.11:46-0 N 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Plastering--Cold weather conditions) SIZOV, Vaniliy Nikolayevich, prof-, doktor takhn.nouk; MISSICR, Takov Iftviiiovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; VASILITRY, Aleksandr Petrovich, kand.takhn.nauk; ILIXNICK, Ivan XUrb ylovich, zuiuchnyy red.; NIKCLAYRVA, N.K., red.izd-va; OSMO, L.M., Naking precast reinforced-concrete construction elements in construction yards) Izgotovlenie sbornykh zhelfizobetonnykh konstruktaii na poligonakh. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.mBterialam, 1960. 250 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Precast concrete) SIZOV? V., kand.tekhn.nauk Proportioning "cold' concrete mixes. Stroitell no,1:11-15 Ja ~161. (MIRA 14:2) (Goncrete) SIZOV, V., kand.tekhn.nauk "Cold" concreting. Stroitell no.2:27-29 F 161. (M-4 14:7) (Concrete-Cold weather conditions) S/081/62/00/002/07T/307 B150/B101 AUTHORS; Mironov, S. A, Sizov, V. N,,, Malinina, L. 1,., Khvorost- yanskiy. V. F. TITLE: Investigation of the composition and processes of heat treatment of highly stable mortars and fine-grained concretes for prestressed reinforced concrete panels PERIODICAL: Referazivnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no. 2, 1962i 391 - 392, abstract 2K354 (Tr~ N..-.i. in-ta betona i zhelezobetona. Akad. str--va i arkh-.tekt. SSSR, no. 20, 1961, 52 - 69) TEXT4 The fundamental technological factors are considered for obtaining the requisite strength of vibrated and rolled concrete for restressed and To obtain a strength of 300 - 400 kg/,--my with preheating reinforced panels, for 2 to 4 hours a' iOO0C it is essential to apply fresh high-quality low-- aluminate alite cements containing C 3S '# 55~. and C3A < 6-8% with a specific surface of 3500 - 4000 cm 2/g. It is necessary to use classified sandq ~,13minating particles less than 0.6 mm and to introduce instead parts of sand (~P5-5cy/c) cf granitic rubbles with grains of 10 to 15 mm in size. The, Card '12 SIZOVp V.N.j prof.j Reinforcing conditions. doktor tekhn.nauk masonry work in seismic regions under winter Prom. stroi. 39 no. 1:55-56 161. (MIRAL 14:1) (Masonry-Cold weather conditions) (Earthquakes and building) SIZOV V N doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,laureat Gosudarstvennoy premii; ik&~LYANSKIY~ G.I., inzh., nauchn. red.; LYTKINA, L.S., red. izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M., tekhn. red. [Manual on building and assembling work in rural areas during the winter] Posobie po proizvodstvu stroitellno-montash- nykh rabot v sellskikh raionakh v zimnee vremia. Soot. V.N. Sizov. Moskva, Goastroiizdat, 1963. 247 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut sellskogo stroitellotya. (Building-Cold weather conditions) prcf., dolktlor i,~Iklhn. na-uk, laureat a rsT premi A . Iv, , pr~,f... retsenzent; Sli'-,CV, VJI~, Tr~ f,, dJf-,I~t,:r -,e-x'rx. ne-A, retsenzent~ MTN, F~M~ kand. ~ekhn. nauk, nau!~hxi. re-J. zy :.T rn-ret,6 und reLnf-r--ed concrete products] ber,:~mVvkh :i zheli~zobetorerykch izdelii. Moskva., C, S rc, zd a t:,I t, 5, ~1.:IRA .184,8) T wyazhushzhikh veshchestv mern -9trolteilnogo instAtuta iin. Vc,~zhz-nskiy-). 2. Pukrvcdi.tell kafedry izdei-yal' Vsesoya o u zao---hnogo po-- r- i t ~3:,: n zr, g -ril--sl.. gy~ i r S i z,.-, v ') . SIZOV, VtA;jiliy Ntlolmytwlch, prof, , doktor tekhn.nau, I RTlDLNKO-t%QltGUN,- -lv-a'ii Ynkovlovicli, dotj I kand. textin. ll-Fiuk; TKHILOZZE, Georeiy '-"orlionovich, inzb.; USE2J-.(j, Vasiliy Mit.rofanovich, kar-d. tekhn. nauk; SINIDENIKO, V,N.y Prof., retsenzerit; DANILEVSKIY, A,S., in-zh., retsenzent; KUPERSINIDT, L., red, [Teclinology of construction] Tekhnologiia strcitellnogo proizvodstva. [By V.I.Sizov i dr. Moskva, Vysshata shkola, 1964. 623 p. (MIRA 19,-l) SIZOV. V.P. -, . inzhener. I.A.Kireenko's new method of planning the composit'~.on of concrete. Stroi.prom-31 no.12:33-34 D '53. (NI-DA 7:1) (Concrete) SIZOV, V.P., inzhener. Fallacious theory for selection of components of cowrote, based on fine sands. Bet.i shol.-bet. 20-3:109-112 Jo 155. (Concrete) (NLBA 9:1) V AID P - 2597 Subject USSR/Hydraulic Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 20/20 Author Sizov, V. P. Eng. Title On planning the concrete mix Period~cal Gidr stroi, 4, 46-48, Ap 1955 Abstract Prof. I. A. Kireyenko published the book Proyektirovaniye sostava betona bez ucheta vodotsementnogo btnosheniya(Planning concrete mixes disregarding the water cement ratio) in 1950. The author of this article criticizes Kireyenko's theory and his conclusions and proves, with tables, errors made in computing concrete mixes. The savings of concrete are achieved owing . to an increase in the water cement ratio, which decreases the strength of the concrete. Institution None Submitted No date I I-.' - i.II/ SIZOV, V.P., knnd.tekhn.nauk gravel sand mix Instead of crushed stone and sand. Tranap.stroi. 7 no.5:22-23 MY '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Concrete) (Railroads-ConstructLon) P7-10-6/14 A'U'-'HOT-',: SiZOV, 7- "n. ot Mchanical Sciences. TITLE: 'Use of ArT-reEaLes 'Content of Impurities. (Primener-ii,lre zaPolnitele',Ir s pov-Tshennym soderzhani7em ITIRIOJICjIL:BeIL-,on i Zhelezo')etun, 1-;5-, 1"Ir-10. pf- 404 - 406. (USR). % Uo rO"'2 norms the impurities in sand should not ABSTRACT: Accordi J- Ij U exceed 55/~, in aj~-,,regate 'I/',' .--.n,,l in sandy aff,7-regates 2-5% according, to wei,rht. The majority o'L sands and aggregates possuss 2 - 12;-~~' of impurities. These impurities lo'ler the strength of the concrete. Sands and gra-v&- -.-rith high impurit,r content -*!Inich a-re used instead of crus'-,ed aggre- 44~tes flor reducinE the content of cement, are described in ot-roitel 'naya Promyshlennost" No.1 Vol. (1955). A fac- LOry USIr.F local sand and -ravel carried out a test of rOCr, t'nese M-Lt-eri-als and found that they complied .-,"ith standr, -cd in ref.-ard to the content of impurities, but 11-h,at impuritiaz cover t:ie gr-nins of sana and i-ravei in the form of a fine layeT.,. TI-ie strenE.;th of concrete made -from ~+ese 7.-L~P-rials '7as very low due to the small adhesion bet--:een ".'-e cer..-ient and the --ggreCAte. To j prove the quality of the concrete ei-,her more cement had to be added, or the aggreFate had to be washed, but as Card 1/3 neitl-ier of t!le.-:,---. wa s )racti-cable author advocated IL Use of Ar rec-Ltes -il-li Excessive Content of Impurities. 97-10-6/14 FF variation of ("he order of mixing-Pormerly, water was poured into a mixer, then coarse aggregate, and finally cement and sand, but thi3 did not always remove the layer of impurities from the grains. The order of mixing was chanr the vrater was ,ed, therefore, as follows: Pirst, poured into the ini:cer, then sand and .7 ravel vras added, and the mix at-itatued for 20 to 30 seconds, during which Linte the, layers of impurities riere aashed off the grains. Finally, ce~~,,ent nras added and agitation continued for a L further 50 to 70 seconds. In the case of very light layers of impurities, gravel was added after the water and agitated tor 20 to 30 seconds, then cement was added, and the mix agitated for a further 50 to 70 seconds. Table 1 gives values obtained from tests of both these methods. When the same amount of sand was used the concrete mix prepared according to TU standards had a lower strength than that prepared by the new mixing method. The quantity of ce- ment used when washed aggregate is employed is smaller, but the concrete so prepared has high water permeability. Where impure local sand and gravel aro used, the savings 11"'7' de by the application of this method are quite consider- Card 2/3 able. Table 2 Fives values obtained by testing cubes 97-10-6/14 Use of Aggregates r~ith -Excessive Content of Impurities. prepared from impure agf;regates. These mixing methods can also be used when preparing concrete for pre-tensioned structures, in which case the mixing of the concrete com- ponents is carried out in two stages as described above. In the case of very poor quality aggregate, the water used for-.',rashine, is changed once or twice. There are two Tables. AVAILABLE: Ubrnry of Con6ress. ~:Lrd 3/,3 1. Concrete-Contamination 2. Concrete-Preparation SIZOV. V.P., kand.telihn.nauk Methods for selecting concrete mixes made with gravel and eand. Transp.stroi. 9 no-5:46-48 My '59- (MIRk 12:12) (concrete) SIZOV, V.P., kund.tokhu.nauk Efff3etivenons of ijaing saria in Transp. stroi. 9 no-7:40-44' JI 159. (1419A 12:12) (Sand) (Concrete-Testing) -:-SIUV,_V.P._,_kand.tekhn.nauk; KOSTTAYFV, P.S., iazh. Making, laying and tLking care of "cold" concre-,e. Trausp. stroi. 10 n0-11-31-35 N 160. (MMA 13: 111) Ofrost resistant concrete) 7- Sizov, V. P. S/194/62/000/002/053/096 D273/D301 ILITLE: Apparatus and method for measuring eamping and velo- city of propagation of longitudinal and transverse 0 ultrasonic waves in solids in the frequency range 5 to 80 Nc/s P zHIL 0 1) 1 CAL Referativnyy zhL,rnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronilca, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-5-13f (Sb. Statey Vses. za- ochn. Politekhn. in-ta, 19060, no. 24, 99-110) 1,177n: 1~'easurement of the damping and velocity cf ultrasound in so- lids is carried out in a 'Liquid bath. The sample, partly immersed _n 'Uh.e liquid, is placed exactly above the source of ultrasonic impulses, situated at -Lhe bottom of the bath. The damping is deter- Mined by observing on the screen of a cathode-ray oscilloscope a series of reflected pulses with the signals which pass through a calibrated attenuator. The velocity of propagation is also deter- m4ned on 'he basis of measuring the distance between pulses on the Card 1/2 '? -~T~Ovp V.P.yjand.tekhn.nauk Viscosimeter for determining the most efficient placing qualities of concrete mixes. Bet. i zhel-bet. no. 1:36-38 Ja 161. (1%MU 14:2) (Viscosimeter) (Concrete) SIZOV) V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Some results of using sand concrete in construc-Aon. Bet. i shel.-bet. 8 no.2:65-68 F 162. (MIRA 16:5) (concrete) sizov, V. P. USSR/Physics - Resonance Oscillations 21 Har 53 "Investigations ofAE-Effect and Damping of Elastic Waves in Polycrystalline Nickel by the Acoustic Method," V. P. Sizov; Sci-Res Inst of Phys, Moscow State U imeni Lomonosov DAN SSSR Vol 89, No 3, pp 427-430 Outlines experimental results of effect of magnetic field and elastic tensions in polycrystalline nickel on A E effect and on damping of elastic waves. Pre- sented by Acad B. A. Vvedenskiy. 29 Nov 52. 272T78 LOVTSOV, D.P., SIZOV, V.P.; SPASSKIY, A.G. Effect OFca's-ting conditions on ultrasonic wave damping in metals.. Izv.vyg, ucheb. zav.; tevet. met. no.3:127-131 ' 58. (MIRA 11:11) f 1. Moskovskly institut tovetnykh metalloy t zolota. Kafedra liteynogo proizvodetva. (Founding) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial application) 0 BXNDRIKOV, G.A.; KRASNUSHKIN, P.Ye.; RRIKHRUDEL'. S.M.; POTAMU. V.V.: MUSTSGI, Ye.R.; RZHUKIN, K.S.; ITANOT. I.T.; EiAErAKOV. A.A.; TIKHONOV, Tu.V.; SER OVA, L.P.; KAFTSOV, L.N.; OEMNOTICH, A.Te.; KHOKHLOVI R.Y.; VORONIN. B.S.; BARESTOTEKIY. G.H.; KRASKOPMSEW. Tu.V.; MINAKOVA, I.I.; YASTRENSEVA, T.N.; SMJOY, A.A.; YINO- GRAWVA, H.B.: KARPZYRV, G.A.; DRACHEV, L.A.; TIMPINOTA, N.B.; ,SIZOV,-V.P.;,RZHZVKIN, S.N.; VELIZHANINA, K.A.; NWAROV. V.S.; SPIVAK, G.V., red.; MOSTREVA, I.A., red.; GEORG*EYWA, G.I., tekhn. red. [Special practical manual in physics] Spetsiallnyi fizicheskii praktikam. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ. Vol.l. [3adiophysics and electronics] Hadiofizika i elektronika. 1960. 600 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Professorsko-prepodevatellskiy sostav otdelwaiya radiofiziki fizicheskogo fakulitate Moskovskogo gosudarstva-anogo universitsta (for all, except Spivak. Nosyreva. Georgiyeva). (RBdioactivity) (Blectronics) 86210 S/049/60/0OO/Oo8/oo7/ol5 E201/E191 AUTHORS: Volarovich, M.P., VP _bevyRjn4__A__L. I and ajzDjx,_,_, TITLE; A Study of Attenuation of Sastic..Way-1-.'~L in Rock Sa_jnpl~e PERIODICAL; Izvestiya kkademii nauk SSSR~ Seriya geofizicheskayal 196o) No. 8, pp,1198-1203 (+ 1 plate) TEXT: The authors used 1 Mc/s ultrasonic pulses7 reflected many times between the working surfaces of a eylindrical rock sample, to study attenuation of elastic waves. The diameter of the sample was 6-10 times greater than the wavelength of elastic waves7 i.e. the sample could be regarded as massive for the purpose of these experiments. The block circuit of the apparatus is shown in FigJ. A standard generator (1 in Fig,l) 26_ 1,A, (26-1) produced square modulating pulses of 100 V amplitude and 10 jisec duration. These pulses were fed to a generator of r.f. pulses'(2 in Fig.1). The pulse repetition frequency and the duration of pulses was governed by the generator 26-1. A pulse of 1 Mc/s frequency and 10 usec duration obtained with this apparatus is shown in Fig.2 (plate). From the output cathode follower of the generator 2 (Fig.1) the pulses travelled along a coaxial ctable to a piezo- electric quartz plate 3, which served as a solirce of ultrasonic Card 1/3 86210 S/049/60/000/OOE.'/007/01 5 R201/B191 A Study of Attenuation of Elast~c Waves in Rock Samples pulses. The ultrasonic pulses travelled along a rock sample 4, and were detected with a piezoelectric quartz plato 5. The pulses were then amplified with a wide-band amplifier 6, and were applied to the vertical plates of an oscillograph 8 (this oscillograph is marked by a square box to distinguish it from a coil, also numbered 8). The oscillograph sweep was synchronized with pulses from the generator 1, To obtain the optimum energy transfer between the quartz transducers and the rock sample, matching circuits, consisting of coils 7 and 8 and capacitances of the quartz plates, were used. Fig.3 (plate) shows a typical oscillo- gram obtained in a sample of gabbro. Figs 1+ and 5 (plate) ive oscillograms recorded in gabbrog diorite and granite (Fig,l+~, in aluminium and marble (Fig.5). Figs 6 and 7 give the dependence of the amplitude of the ultrasonic pulses on the distance along the various rock samples (Fig.6) or along aluminium, brass9 Plexiglas and granite (Fig,7). A table on page 1200 gives the amplitude attenuation factor for longibidinal ultrasonic waves travelling in basalt, gabbrog marble, gabbrodiorite, quartz sandstone, syenite, granite, lab-Aadorite. aluminium., bras5 and P"Iexiglas. Card 2/3 ACC NR; iT7013157 SOURCE CODE, UR/0101J/67/022/001,'0032i0036 AUTHOR: Sizov, V.-1_,P.-.__.', ORG: none TITLE: Phasal autonatic -frequency-coittrol sYsteM with the phase shifter in the feedback network SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 22, 'n00 1, 1967, 32-36 TOPIC TAGS: autoniatic frequency control, phase detectorphase shifter, electronic feedback, autoinatic gain control, radio noise SUB CODE: 09 ABSTRACT: The article describes.a phasal AFC system which differs from other :known ones by having an electronic phase shifter inserted in the feedback net- work. In addition, the system consists of a controled oscillator and a phase detector with a low-frequency filter. An error signal coming from that filtdr. drives the phase shifter, as a result of which the dynamic performance of the the system is improved and the noise band is reduced. The differential equa- tion for this system is derived in order to analyze the filter action and it is shown that the excellent noiseproof feature is obtained by making the*phase. shifter gain large without.changing the gain of the other components of the Card 172 __IMC: 621.396.668 0933 0570- SIZOVI V.S., imb. Autowtic welding under flux of girth Joints In thick-valled vessels of heat-resistant steel. Svar. proizv. no.1.22-24 J'a 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Izhorskiy zavod im. A.A. Zhdanova. L 22660-66 1!NT(m)/EWA(d)/D1P(y ITIM(t)~WP(k) JDlfkl,IHW J( ACC NR: AF6006185 SOU CE CODE: LAV0135/66/000/002/0027/0029 (/0 AUTHOR: Sharapov, Yu. V. (Engineer); Sizov, V. S. (Engineer); Trofimov, I. F. (Technician) ORG: none TITLE: Properties of the metal seam and heat affect'ed zone in electroslag welding -of l5Kh2MF steel SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 2, 1966, 27-29 TOPIC TAGS: electroslag welding, alloy steel, mechanical property, metallographic examination flux.~.Tubes of 650 and 250 mm thickness were preheated, welded and heat treated by oil quenching from 10000C and tempering at 7000C. The tubcs were cut by oxygen for property and metallography studies. Mechanical properties such as strength, ducti-,.- lity, static bending, impact resistance and microhardness were obtained from cylin- 4rical specimens cut longitudinally and transversely to the welding direction. Data UDC: 621.791.'19:669.15-194 Card 1/2 ABSTR*'r: The electroslag welding was done with SV-l3Kh2MT1' welding wire and 48-OF-6 L 22660-66 !ACC NR: AP6006185 ishowed that the weld (42.5-46.3 kg/mm2) was stronger than the base metal (40 kg/MM2) ,and ductility was greater (d = 16.1-19.2%, 71.4-74.4%) than in the base metal !"(6 = 15.9-16.3%, ~ = 63.8-72.8%). The properties in the transverse direction to the iweld were about 6-10% lower. For static bend testing, load was measured as a func- I ition of deflection on V-notched samples. The base metal was stronger in this test 1than the weld as a result of higher Cr content; chemical analysis of the samples as I :a function of distance from the weld showed about a 10-15% decrease in Cr content ,:in the weld. Impact testing was done by notching the center of the weld and the ~boundary of the heat affected zone. After welding and tempering at 7000C for 40 hr the heat affected zone bad an impact energy of 16.3 kg/cm2 against 9.6 kg/cm2 for 2 ,the weld, but the properties equalized to about 24 kg/crn after quenching from 10000C, band tempe ing at 7000C for 40 hr; these were higher than the base metal (16.8-17.1 kg/cm2).I Metallographic examination of the welded metal showed that the seam and ,surrounding zone after quenching ~n-d tempering had a small grained ferritic-soibitic structure of No. 7-8 (GOST 5639-62) grain size. orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 itables. ;SUB CODE: 13,11/ SUBM DATE: 00/ Card 2/2,4~ L ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 SIZOV, v ~V. -- Revording winds by the u5e of a photographic recarder. 25.65-~8 162. (winds) Trudy PUI (MIRA 15:2) RCE CODES UR/03, 02 2 2103/ AP7002396 SOU 2109 ACC NR. /01 AUTHORI Shelimova, L. Ye.; Abrikosovp N. Kh.; Zhdanovaj, V, V.; Sizov, V. V. ORG Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykovp Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut metallurgii Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE1 Study of the systems PbSe-GeSe and GeSe-GeTe SOURCE: Mi SSSR. Izvestlya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 12, 1966, m3- 2JO9 TOPIC TAGS: lead compound, selenide, telluride, germanium compound, phase transition ABSTRACT: The phase equilibria and solid solutions in the systems PbSe-G,)Se and GeSe-GeTe were studied by thermal, microstructural, x-ray and dilatometric. analyses in the 20-6200C range. It was found that the PbSe-GeSe system is not a quasi-binary sec- tion of the ternary system Go-Pb-Se. The polythermal section of GeSe-GeTle showed the existence of a continuous series of solid solutions at temperatures near "he solidus. Phase transfomations at low temperatures connected with the polymor-ohism of GeSe and GeTe were investigated, and the boundaries of solid solutions were determined in both systems. Orig, art. hass 7 figures and 2 tables. SUB COM 07/ SUBM DAM 25D"5/ ORIG RUS 003/ OTH M'.Fl 007 ,46.8151231-~~.2891231 r 1/1 mcs rA6.289ont-wA6.289#24i SIZOV, V.V., PETHISSH, G.G.; TIKHOMIROV, N.S. Method for rhe realization of an accurate rectil-inear-ity of dis- .15 1 i,~- 6r,. (MIRA 18:5) placements up to 500 mm. Izm. tekh. no.3. -17 L 2454-66 EWT(1)/EEC(k-~-2/EED-2/FCS('k)/~V14L(h) LJP(c) WR ACCESSION NR: AP5016395 Volga 0200 UR/012D/65/0)0/00 3/0198 . 535-853-4 1AU t HOR h : Po ras T , 0. 0. 1 Qizovi V, V I TITM System for accurate translation of the mirror In a WWAgn jAtgrjqjqMtW for 500 mm I SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 19650' 198-200 TOPIC TAGS- interferometer two beam interferometer 'ABSTRACT, The interferometer mirror is fastened to a bridge which is supported br two floats in two parallel li uid-filled channels The latter are mounted on a . q I 1OOOx15OO-ma true platen. Four guide rails ensure straight translational movement-. ~ iof the mirror. Tests have shown that the mirror can travel for 500 mm with an l error in its plane of 0 2-0-311. The system resolution is 0.01 per cm for the ! thank.-:- to entire spectrum (for X ; lo i the resolution is 106)."The authors wish i . . P, A. and B. A. Tdyto fot their constant attention to the work Bazhuliu ' --- " V - W 6 0 for the3x ver7 valuable advice re the uystew ' and . S # T d A is V 1 Mal� ' _ZV' design, and A. A. Kat~~ 53d S. Kurayev - for assembling ard adjusting the tem." 'Origi art, ~t if i gure ays . l 1 /2 bard _ . L 2454-66 IACCESSION KRI AP5016395-:" .IASSOCIATIONt Fisicheakir ~wtitut,AN SSSR9 Moacow.:(Inatituto of Pbraical All am) 15Apr64': iSUBMITTED.- ENCM 00 MB (WW op t: ON REF-SOVs 003 L k Card 912 KHOTNTOV, L.V., insh.; NFWYPIN, A.M.. Insh., v"dushctity red.; SIZOV. V.T*., red.; PONDMAREV, V.A., [Organization of technical information and exchange of Information on advanced practices; collection of reviews] organizatells. tekbnichnskol informntelt i obmena porodovyz opyton; rpfer4ativnyl abornik. Moskva, 1958. 11 p. (Peredovol nauchno-tekhnicheskil 1 proizvodetvannyl opyt. Tem 51. no.19/1) (KRA 12:1) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy institut nauchnoy i t0chnicheskoy infor- matall. (Technology--Information servicas) SIZO-V Te 0 -.0 - In reliable hands. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh- 3 no.6:26-27 Je 160. (MIRL 13-'7) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelys, savkom khizzavoda imeni Prunze, Ivanovskaya, oblast'. g.Zavolshok. (Zavolshok-Chemical industries-*gienic aspects) ,41 L 44297-.65 E1N(d)/EWT(m WA (d)/jEW I t)/tWP(k)/t WP'(h)/EED-2 V1P(z)/bAi?(b)/ ' " T 7 X U ~ % NP Pf-4) /Pk--4 ,DIA Cc) -74y G ~/G (1 ) /HW ACCESSION NR: AT5011606 UR/0000/64/01)0/000/0264/0270 'ITT AUTHOR: Sizav Yi~. A. TITLE, es in the micron thickness rang -for d. ices'used in 6oraputertechnology T~p e ev - 16(/ oye soves magn _n :e1ementam aitomatild telemek- SOURCE: vsosoyuzn hchaniya po It YIn - - _ ani tellno i chisl1toln0,Vtekhniki. M a iki, lzmerl ED giN FYYO LVov, ME - avtomatiki, teleme mmeritelf-a 6-YY i6~&fililft~Aliia_~_tekhnikl J?4agnetic elements of automatic control, remote control, measurement and computer imgineering); trudy soveshchaniya. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 19649- 264- 270 TOPIC TAGS: thin metal tape, thin tape processing, thin tape malptetic'property, thin., L: tape magnetic core, tape rollin magnetic memo 9 ry ABSTRACT: A semi-industrial multiroller mill and adjusted for the rolling-, -is-descrlbed. The fundamentxl pecullarity-of this of tapes up to 0.003 mm in.thickness kind of rolling consists of tho use of rollers whose ratio of roller d,"Ameter to the thickness of the product is extraordinarily high*: The paper outlineii the product technology developed for the production of sufficient quanUties of s~,ltch extremely thin the magnetic properties and the final thermal tapes. A relationship is found between . Card 1/2 ACC N11, Al"(005637 SOURCE CODE: L)II/01413/67/000/OOL'JI!00-91/0091 INVENTOR: Sizov, Ye. A.; Aptekar', I. L. :ORG- None I ;TITLE: A magnetically soft iron-nickel alloy. Class 40, No. 190584 (announced by the !Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy im. I. P. Bardin ~(Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy-.-#stitut chernoy metallurgii)] LOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye'obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1967, 91 EPIC TAGS: iron nickel alloy, magnetic alloy I IABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a magnetically soft iron-nickel alloy. The material has a rectangular hysteresis loop, high coercive force and short magnetic -ieversal time. The alloy has the following chemical composition (in %): nickel--50-80, 'Aluminum--1-4, boron--less than 0.1, the remainder iron. CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: 2ODec65 1/1 tmc; 669.24-71:669.o18 SEOVY YeA. Selection of an efficient pace for "ling alluvial sediments in prcs-pecting in dispersion -ims. R--zvid. i okh. nedr 26 no./+:48-r,O Ap 160. (MIRA .15:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyj, nauchno-Issledovatel'ski7 institut razvedochnoy geofiziki. (Prospecting) -A MESSION Nil: AP4033690 S/0193/64/()00/004/0005/0007 AUTHOR: Sizov, Ye. A.; Lyubenko, E. A. TITLE: Experimental use of hard alloy rolls for volling ultra thin strips SOU11CE: Byulleten? tekhniko-okonomicheskoy inforinatsiij, no. 4, 1964, 5-7 TOPIC TAGS! metal strip, metal strip thicImess (D-0015 mil) I rolling mill, stool roll, tungsten carbido roll, hard alloy roll, VK_8 tungatcn carbide, hiGh polish finl3hp carbide roll wear ru3istance ABSTRACT: Mot-al strip thickno~-s has been reduced from 0.003 mm to 0.0015 mm in oxnoriiTtents at the Central Sciontific-Rescv.-:-ca Institute of Ferrous 11-11ot-a-Ilurgy by replacing the stool rolls (3 ill:-, (~,Iamotor) in all 20 rollf~ ol' a rolling mill with -V-E-_-8 tungsten carbide rolls (4-5 and inna dlanotor3). Tho number of pasios is reducec. by half and trio hii7,'hly polished strip surface resulting requires no aaditional finl3hinC. Tungsten carbide rolls have to be made to more exact 3pocifications than steel rolls due to greater hardness and less L 55332-65 EPA (s)-2/EWT (m)/EWIP (i )/EWA (d)/EW'P W/EWP(ZWEW~P(b) -wi- ACCESSION NR: AT5014631 UR/0000/65/000/000/OISOJO185 .101 ,1, - 681.142.324 AUTHOR: Sizov, Ye. A.; 4ttgauxen, 0. N.; Artaishevskiy,. If* AV TIM: Magnetic properties of extremely thin films,from mignetically soft.alloyi SOURCE: Vaesouznoy saveshchantye maginithym e ementamaytomiattki i uchis- litel'noy tekhniki, 9tht Yereva;, 19big Magnitnyve a e elemenLy,(Nag- netic analog elements); deklady aoveshchaniya. Moscow, Izei-vo Nauka, 1965,180- 185 TOPIC TAGS: thin magnetic film, magnetic film production, alloy magnetic proper-t ty, neutron irradiation, Mgnetically soft allot,, alloy cold rolling ABSTRACT: In view of the widespread incorporaiion of maonetic films into elec- tronic devices, the personnel oUthe Institut pretsiziontiykh splavov Ts1RX1ChK (Institute for Precision Al a of T9KIIChM) developed the technology ofthe mass production ot magneticalLy sott alLoy Mms using tiie'20-roller stand TsKEHM-90 with a 3-35 mm roller diameter. Cold rolling produces films 0.02r, t 0.003 m thick and 30-40 mm wide without'heat treatment., The r .pape describes in considerable detail the production of filma, the geneXal magnetic propelpties [Card--1/2. VLASOV, A.M.; SIZOV, Ye.I. Machine tools manufactured in plants of the Vla-?iWr PrOvInW. Fconomic Council in 196o-196i. Biul.tekb.-ekon.inform. no.9:33-35 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Vladimir Province-Machine to)1s) S/147/60/000/01/017/018 E191/E581 AUTHORS: Yershov, A.G. and Sizov. Ye i S TITLE: Analysis of the Process of Bending, with Simultaneous Bevelling, of Extruded Profiles by Forcing Through a Die PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, PP 149-158 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Simultaneous bending and bevelling of profiles in a single die has been introduced to avoid the need for large dies otherwise required to calibrate the diameter and bevel the flange in making_E~rames from profiles with large sizes of the cross-section. This process is theoretically and experimentally investigated by the authors. Aluminium, alloy unequal angles of 75 x 50 x 12 nm were bent about the short flange, whilst the long flange was bevelled. The forcing load is first found theoretic- ally on the assumption that plastic deformation arises at a relatively small flexure of an element. A power relation is assumed between stress and strain in the process of elasto-plastic bending. The total forcing load is the sum of the load to carry out the bending of the Card 1/3 profile, the load to twist the flange to be bevelled, the S/147/60/001)/01/017/ol8 E191/E58i Analysis of the Process of Bending, with Simultaneous Bevelling, of Extruded Profiles by Forcing Through a Die load to bend the bevelled flange in its root section and the load due to friction. The separate contributions are evaluated, making use, in part, of some well-known formulae of Nadal. The design of the die facilitates the separation of the load components which largely arise in different sections of the die. The experimental work was carried out on an "Amsler" tensLle testing machine where the diagram of the forcing loads was recorded. The comparison with analysis shows that, on the assumption of a friction coefficient of 0.15, the total measured load at 7,500 kg was 12.5)6 larger than the total predicted load. The largest error of the theory arose in the zone of bevelling in the die. The process of bending of a profile, for example an angle, by the thinning or upsetting of the flange edge can also be accomplished by forcing through a die with Card 2/3 suitable inserts. Such an insert is shcwn in Fig 5 and Ll~ S/147/60/0,30/01/017/018 E191/E581 Analysis of the Process of Bending, with Simultaneous Bevelling, of Extruded Profiles by Forcing Through a Die a brief analysis is given to determine the forcing load in this type of die from the basic geometry of the profile deformation. There are 6 figures, I table and 6 Soviet references. SUBMIITED: October 22, 1959 Card 3/3 S/019/60/000/016/002/134 A 15P,/L029 AUTHORS: Sizov, Ye.S.; Kozlov, I.V.; Khrenkov, V.V. TITLE: A Method of Making Flexible Metal Pipes With a Spiral Corrugation and a Machine for This Purpose 1~9 PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, No. 16, P. 7 TEXT: Class 7a, 4. No. 13o865 (645994/22 of December 4, 1959). 1) This method is distinguished by the following special feature: i1i order to reduce ironing of the tube billet during the forming process and eliminate harmful fric- tional forces when the billet is moved in relation to the fovming tool, the feed of material into the spiral corrugation is effected by the pulsating sectors of external and internal split worms. 2) The machine for carrying out the method described in Point 1 is distinguished by the following special feature; in order to form the tube billet and move it in the forming head, the sectors of the ex- ternal and the internal split worms carry out a pulsating motion in a radial di- rection in such a way that upon counter motion of the secto:,s the billet is form- ed in accordance with the work surfaces of the worms, while upon movement of the Card 1/2 3/019/60/000/016/002/134 A152/AO29 A Method of Making Flexible Metal Pipes With a Spiral Corrugation and a Machine for This Purpose sectors in opposite directions the tube billet is moved along its axis and turned round by a certain angle. 3) A form of the machine described in Point 2, dis- tinguished by the following special feature: in order to reduce the dimensions of the machine and reduce the labor consumed in the production of flexible metal pipes of great length after forming of the tube billet in the forming head, its turns are brought closer together with the aid of a guide and a closing nut, the distance between which is adjusted. Card 2/2 ACC NR% AP6025582 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/013/0011/0011 JINVENTOR: Sizov, Ye. S-i Sizova, K. G.; Strunin, N. M.; Razumilov, V. D. ;ORG: None ~TITLE: A die for drawing sheet metal parts. Class 7, No. 183173 !SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 11 TAGS: sheet metal, metal drawing, die ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a die for drawing sheet metal parts by using hydraulic pressure. The unit contains a punch, a fluid-filled female die and a clamping device. The unit is designed for hydrodynamic lubricating conditions and blocking off the section of the blank subject to damage. The die is equipped with an annular reservoir with a bottom flush with the female die surface. A knockout tool is placed in the working area with a diameter greater than that of the finished part. This knockout tool has apertures for transmitting fluid from the female the area to the annular reservoir, which are connected by a pipeline. 1/2 uDc; 621,983 ACC NR, AP6025582 1-t-blanki 2-punch; 3-female die; 4--amular reservoir SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 12Ju163 LCI.d. 2/2 ACC NR% AP6029013 SOURCE CODE; uR/o4l3/66/ooo/ol4/00l3/o0l4 INVENTOR: Sizov, Ye. S.; Strunin, N. M.; Hazumilov, V. D.; Kozlov, I. V.; Sizova !K. G. jORG: None ITITLE: Double action hydraulic press. Class 7, No. 183709 ;SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 13-14 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic equipment, hydraulic cylinder, die, metal drawing ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a double action hydraulic press equipped with a hydraulic cylinder control system with distribution valves. These hy- draulic cylinders transmit power both to the punch and the clamping jig. The unit is designed for transmitting pulsaiing movements with a given force and pulsation ampli- tude to the clamping device to provide deeper drawing. The hydraulic cylinder which transmits power to the clamping device has a hollow piston rod. This rod is mounted on the rod of a piston connected to the punch and is located in a hydraulic cylinder interacting with the distribution valves by means of an electrPcontact pressure gauge in the hydraulic system and a terminal circuit breaker rigidly mounted on the press frame. The distribution valves switch fluid delivery between the cavities in the Card 1/2 UDc; 62i.283.,32.G6;621 i ACC NRt AP6029013 nVraulic cylinder above and below the piston. The ratio between the piston areas is !calculated to provide pressure for the clamping jig which is several times the punch -pressure. 8UB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 25Mar63 Card ACC NR: AP6035820 ---'-----'SOURCE CODE:-- -Ul,,/0413/66/000/020/0020/0021 INVENTOR: Sizov, Ye. S.; Polyakov, S. I.; Sizova, K. G.; Strunin, N. M. ORG: none TITLE: Sheet metal forming unit. Class 7, No. 186957. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye tnaki, no. 20, 1966, 20-21 TOKC TAGS: metal forming, sheet metal ft=jing. hydrostat,*.c metal roi-m ing vTri-t ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a unit for sheet metal forming. The unit has a chamber which can be evacuated or filled with inert gas, a die, and a pressure container (Fig. 1). To form low-ductility metals, the unit is provided with an attachment for heating the female die, the blank, and the material which plays thi part of the male die, all of which are moved into the convalner by the rod of a hydraulic cylinder installed in the housing coaxially with the container. In a variant, the heating equipment is located outside the container and consists of two semicylinders with heaters enveloping the dies and the blank during the pre- Card 1/2 UDC: 621.983.32.0,5 AC-C_tqk,_AF60358 uz IA Fig. 1. Metal forming unit 1 - Male die; 2 - blank; 3 - female die; 4 - container; 5 attachments; 6 hydraulic cylin&r rod. 1; heating and opening, when dies and blank.are pushed into'the container. Orig.. -art. has: I figure. [ND] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 06Jan64/ ATD PRESS: 5109 1 Card 2/2 ACC -N R. AP~O 2-17-69 - SOURCE CODE: UR/o4l3/66/000/012/0023/OOZ3 INVENTOR: Rodionov, A. A.; Sizov, ~e. S. ORG: None TITLE: A method for flaring the ends of thin-walled tubes. Class 7, No- 182673 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 23 TOPIC TAGS: pipe, metal forming, metal deformation ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for flaring the ends of thin-walled tubes by setting up pressure on the edge of the blank. Controlled cpunter-pressure is applied to the zone under deformation both before and during the application of end pressure to increase ductility and eliminute lose of stability in the metal. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE:* 26Aug63 1/1 uDc; 621,,774..7,.o6 ACC NRI AP6021770 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/OOOJ'012/0023/0024 ;INVENMR: Rodionov, A. A.; Sizov, Ye. S. ORG: None TITLE: A unit for flanging the ends of thin-walled tubes. Clase T, No. 1826T4 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 23-24 TOPIC TAGS: pipe, metal forming, hydraulic equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certifica~e introduces a unit for flanging the ends of thin- walled tubes. The unit consists ot a housing with a built in conical split collar mechanism for squeezing the blank, and an upsetting mechanism. Controllable counter- pressure in the deformation zone is provided by boring the inside of the housing and placing a plastic material vithin this aperture. This material is compressed by the piston rod of the hydraulic cylinder which is attached to the housing and equipped with a throttle. 4 l,cplastic material; 3-hydraulic cylinder; 4-throttle L.64182-,65 ACC NR- AP6035835 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0038/0038 'INVLNTOR: Knunyants, 1. L.; Bykhovskaya, E. G.; Froain, V. N.; Sizov, Yu. A. IORG: none !TITLE: Preparation of fluorIne-containing isoxazolidines. Class 12, No. il87020' (announced by Military Academy for Chemical Protection (Voyennaya !alcademiya Ichimicheskoy zashchity)) ISOURCE: Izobre'veniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 11966j38 ITOPIC TAGS: fLluoroisoxazolidine, nitrone, olefint, potassium fluoride, i 0 ro C'0 -P, -~4 / &L'. Z'4 1ABSTRACT: 1, the proposed method, fluorine-containing isoxazolidines are obtained by treating nitrones with CI-C. 4-Glefins in an organic solvent, e.g., benzene, in the presence of potassium fluoride in an autoclave at %200C. (WA-50; CBE No. 14~ 1 SUB CODE; 07/ SUB14 DATE: 2OSep0"5 r-A UDC:547-7861221-07 ACC NRt AP6025587 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/013/0020/0020 fjjLt Ilynt, t fj , 1. 1.. ;, Bykilovs kaya , E. G. ; Fros I n, V. N. ; S L zov, Yu. A. 0 R Gr n on e TITLE: 'Icthod of preparation of 2-(tl-alkoxy-li-alkyl)aminoethyle mercap- tans. Class 12, r1o. 1,8320h. (announced by Miliatry Academy for Chemical i Protection (Voyennaya akademiya khImicheakoy zashchity)] SOURC17: IzobreLonlyn, promyahlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znakil no, 13, 1966, 20 TOPIC TAGS: alkoxyalkylaminoethyl merca tan, ethylene aulfide, dialkylliydroxylamine . ,,Axa/0iA-,, 4-Y ;JL, ABSTRACT: In the proposed method, 2-(N-alkoxy-N-alkyl)aniinoeti~y1 mercaptans are obtained by the reaction of ethylene sulfide with N,O-diallcylhydroxylamine at 90-100*C in an organic Bolvent. .(W.As. E 50; CBE No. _10 SUB CODE! 07/ SUBM DATE: 20Sep651 Card I/ I UDC1 547.269,11233.07 KVYATKOVSKIY,l A.N.; YESIN, O.A.; SIZOV, Yu.M.; ABBEYEV, M.A. Reducing copper losses in lead production slags by electrochemical met:~ods. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. Ms---t.i topl. no.4:40-43 Jl-Ag 162. (KRJ% 15:8) (Copper) (Electrocapillary phenomena) a - , Yu.M.; VERS1111,11INA, V.V.; PLATONOV, 0 ABDEYEV, M.A.; BUTENKO, N.S.;_4IZOV MIKILAYLOV, SIDORLIZO, T.A.; DYUYSEKIN, Ya.K.; PREUL.'TGV, M.D.; HUAKWI-ETOV, E.I.; GANCIELIO, V.M.; SHISHKIN, V.I.; CHIllufflVA, N.P.; WINA, Ij.; BERDUS, Yu.M. Two-stage method of treating slag and sinter cake in electric furnaces. Trudy Alt. ag-III All Kazakh. SSR 14:4-13 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Nonferrous nzet~tls-Electremetallurgy) xVYATh(JVL;iJ,j,, .~L,Ov, N.M.; Yi-;SILN', C.A.; A13b:;Yf;V, M.A. Elactrsch-~~tical ez,Llraction of' copp-~r fro,~ slag witi, the fumlng process equipment of tne lead industry. Trudy Alt. GI-1111I All Kazakh. SSR 14: 52-58 '63. (MIRA li-,:9) (Laad indtiatry-By-products) (Copper-Electrometallurgy) SIZOV, Yu.M.; IP1.WOi;L)V, G.".; ABDI,;Yi!;V, M.A.; N.C. 1- , I . I - Refining ar4 use o--:' cas-, iron o*.b.-sa-ined &L:-ing the sneiting of zinc slags and sinter cake. Trudy A-1t. G:,2---.Ii *,-', Kazakh. .35IR 14:123-128 163. OIOAA 16:9) (Nonferrous metal industries--By-products) (Cast iron-41atallurgy) SIZOV, Yu.N., inzh. Invostigating direct current tractors. [Nauch.trudyj VISSM 3: 161-187 '58. (14ML 13.4) (Tractors-Itlectric driving) LEPESEIKIN, A.A.. tekhnik; SIZOV, Yu.P., takhnik For three-shift work. Shakht. stroi. no.8:25-26 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Normativno-issledovatellskaya stantsiya NO-7 kombinata lusbasshakh- tostroyi (Mining engineering) (frours of labor) SIZOVA, A. Ways of eliminating seasonal production. Mitte.ind. SS,.',R 33 no.3:30-31 162,9 (MIRA 15:7) 1. Volgogradskiy sovnarkhoz. (Poultry plants) 04 Go41*11$ 4 :::6060*0990 * a 0 0 4 40 a J, 0 of p 9 a I I Is 11 ! 11 A 7 1 AA A-C-7- a IV-4- -W -g- -4- A- _W _P 31 31 13 ad S as v w pp a 4, A) as t , Ckarmicial Cam"altieft 04 fies CW& It. 11, 41-Anuir and A P 7 72 3 B 14 N o uismas tom, waya . . . 1 090 X, -Four awsarnple-w of d" chaff were silted thrwgb M15 1 iw,t f 4 irv" .( difirrent na-h. pying 2.2, IS.817. bam fitwr, 21.4,62.0~' , ccarm and % fuw cbitff assul -M~ZLI% du.,t. The swiples anif their fracti-tis w"r anslys,A and ctx*rd. The rmiar rpd fisie fraawiiuvs~ ~4 00 817", chaff sit 01 Similar Cumlin. The 1--t gracti.sis cuutaius~ 00 thr Smairst pirrectitass, tit rrllssh~. The arreastri pairt til she du-t ctmsi%t% tit Imarig. atafter. Ttj obtain unifwiti pulp, it is ntvrs-asty to wrinuva, th~ dust 11A.M11 thr C11611 Mail so 3, in -rp, thr Im,st Chg.. Blanc 00 400 *0 ti Ostia' W .4, -0- I J-7; S la I a I a 4 ) 0 9 r, u 0 (a 1, it so a a a R w Or C1 it it 7,DO;44 0 0 60164 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 o0 *0 *1 00000 0 0 004 P A_ 0 9 0 a 00 000o10 00 0 0 ims so* 0 0 a * 0 0 0 * e 4 a a E :00 .00 =0 zeo~ a, *0 ! 1400 MILINICHMKO, Ye.L.; KAGAN, I.S.; GOLIDIRIBERG, M.Ta.; KAMNEVA, Z.P.; SIZOVA64;.G. Am Flow diagram of the manufacture of fruit juices. Kons.i ov-prom. 15 no.11:14-15 N 160o (MMA 13: 10) l.' Ukrainskly nauchno-jagledovatellskiy institut konservnoy provVsh- lennosti. (Prult.juices) WRATOV, A.D., red,, V redaktirovanii prinimali uchastiye: SWA OV, K.K.; FFJ)OROVA, N.A.; OVCHINNIKOV, , SIGEL', M.G.; KARVA'TSKIY, A.V.; KULICHKIN. A.V.: NIKOLAUVI, Z.A,; SMANOVA, V.P.; RYZHOVA. Y.K.; MMIKOVA, V.N.. THFMIN, N.I., redo; KHAXHAM, Ya.M., (Economy of Ullyanovsk Province; a concise statie,tical manual] Narodnoe khoslaistvo U111anovskol oblasti; kratkii statiaticheakii abornik. Ullianovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1958. 199 Pe (MIRA 12:)) 1. Ulyanovsk (Province). Oblastneye statisticheskoye upravleniye. 2. Nachallnik Statiaticheakogo upravleniya Ullyanovskoy oblesti (for Sknratov). (Ullyanovsk Province--Statistics) prof., ti-)kt-r r i t --) ~-v zasluzhennyy cinvatell nauk' 1 of cettcn blends with synthetic f~.bers and c: varns produced from these blends. Tekst. prom. 125 T (M: -A !P- 5) Mr 165. Fa`e~rri mekn,,~in-,chr..,3koy tt~khn7,ln~,Ii vololrnistyk,-, matertalov -c t'- I nog -.ns ti tu ta (l"cr Si -,c ia'l . SIZOVAI A. P. "The Bacteriological Characteristics of Local Strains of the Microorganisms Which Cause Paratyphoid in Calves." Gand Biol Sci, Omsk Veterinary Inst; Kurganskiy Agricultural Inst, Min Higher Education, Cmskp 1954- (KL, No 3j. Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 2h Jun 55 :~. V. USSR/rIedicine - Jrucellosis Diarons-is, Iethods Jun 5'0 I'Varlation of Wright'- I'leacti on for tl,.e Diagnosis of Bru-eilosis in An-Limals.11 V. iiunin, C%nd Vot Sci, A. V. Si7.011a, Dr Vet Med, Chelyabinsk Oblast 'let Bacteriol Iah, 11 Op I'Ve*erinariyall No 6 Discusses met~iod of increasin,~ terminal titer of Wright's agglutination reaction. Plethod use of neutral salt as electrolyte which contains I)ivalent ion, thus causirv coa,-,ulation of colloids in weaker concentrations. Tabulates data on results of testing method. P.,. 161T79 "Tlir~ 1--v cf`r-crlve ~:r ar-*r:ai bm,- 4 n, VrtE-rir:.,ri,,a, Voi. lio. f". si/ova.v A. V. -Can of FloloFical scirl-icrF K -an ',-ric-, 1+-,:- 1 Tr.Stitute 'lu rp - - .1 ~n. ARAVIYSKIY, A. N., pror.; SIZOVA, A. V.; ITWHAYEVA-PUGACHEVA, ye. V. Practical importance of the phenomenon of luminescence in the diagnosis of favus of the hair. Vest. derm. i ven. 36 no.7: 37-38 J1 162. (MIRA' 15:7) (FAVUS) (LUMINESCENCE) I- i - Y0Z-LGVA, 'Ye.".; ~tA'T~TCIYUIK, SIZOVA, A.V.; A.'~.; L.',%; !-!U?AVff.,--VA, M.F. Experience with 4-~- epi-'.,;n plaster in tho treatmert of scalp mycosis. Vest. derm. i v..3n. 37 no.4:73 iip 163. (-MIM.-I 17-5) I- , n 1. Detskaya ko:=naya bollnitsa leningraia (nau(-~Ln.,,rr rukovoai-t 11 -prof. A.N. Araviyslr-.iy). tI*,F~;r!..*,, Ye.V.;3IjkWh, ' Ex,,erience with th~ use of gr-Lseofulvin :'c..r ~wients witr, dermatomycosis of the s2ELIp in a pedlatr:.c dermatological hospital. Vest. dorm. i ven. 37 no.9:8-1-82 S 163. 0:, -, -, -"t 0:6) 1. Detskaya kozhnnya bol'altsa (nauchnyy - prof'. I.i.141. "travi.ysj~~.y), lonIngrnal. GR:-,SiiN'fA.KOV, G.I.; SIZOV--. G.A. Norms for furniture blanks. Der.rrom. 9 no.3;20 14r 16o. (xii~- 1): 6) (Yurniture industry-Standards) AITLAMOVAI kanci.sellskokhoz.nauk; Slit! INIVENKOV, Yu.B.; PON1014ARCOK, V.I. (Uzfigorod); OTODYI-TV, N.G., agronom (Ustl-labinskiy rayon, Y,rasnodarskogo kraya); Yj,.SUI.',OV, nauchnyy sotrudnik; PROKOFIYEV, M.A.; SNOVA G.S. -- ---j - - Brief information. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i tol. 9 no. 4:48-50 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. L--ningradskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Abramova). 2. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyeir zashchity ras,teniy Kurganskoy oblastnoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy staritsii (for Shurovenkov). 3. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut zashchity rasterAy (for Kasumov). 4. Altayskaya opytnaya stantsiya sadovodstva (for Prokoflyev, Sizova). ------ ---- ACC NRi IT6025582 & SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/013/0011/0011 W INVZNTOR: Sizov, Ye. S.; Sizova, K. G.; Strunin, X. M.; Razumilov, V. D. V., 'ORG: none TITLE: A die for drawing sheet metal parts. Class 7, Nc. 163173 ;SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, ii C TAGS: sheet metal, metal drawing, die ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a die for drawing sheet metal parts by using hydraulic pressure. The unit contains a punch, a fluid-filled female die and a clamping device. The unit is designed for hydrodynamic lubricating conditions and blocking off the section of the blank subject to damage. The die is equipped with an annular reservoir with a bottom flush with the female die surface. A knockout tool is placed in the working area with a diameter greater than that of the finished part. This knockout tool has apertures for transmitting fluid from the female die area to the annular reservoir, which are connected by a pipeline. 1/2 uDc; 621,983 !ACC NRt SUB CODE 1.rblanki 2-punch; 3-female die; 4-annular reservoir 13/ SUBM DATE: 12jul63 Cc d ACC NRI AP6029013 SOURCE CODE: UR/04l3/66/ooo/ol4/0013/ool4 INVENTOR: Sizov, Ye. S.; Strunin, N. M.; Razumilov, V. D.; Kozlov, I. V.; Sizo a, T K. G. ORG: None TITLE: Double action hydraulic pre8s. Class 7, No. 183709 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 13-14 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic equipment, hydraulic cylinder, die, metal drawing ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a double action hydraulic press equipped with a hydraulic cylinder control system with distribution valves. The3e hy- draulic cylinders transmit power both to the punch and the clamping jig. The unit is designed for transmitting pulsating movements with a given force and pulsation ampli- tude to the clamping device to provide deeper drawing. The hydraulic cylinder which transmits power to the clamping device has a hollow piston rod. This rod is mounted on the rod of a piston connected to the punch and is located in a hydraulic cylinder interacting with the distribution valves by means of an electrocontact pressure gauge in the hydraulic system and a terminal circuit breaker rigidly mounted on the press frame. The distribution valves svitch fluid delivery between the cavities in the Card UDC; 621-283.32.o6;621 iACC NRi AP6029013 I ,itydraulic cylinder above and below the piston. The ratio between the piston areas is 'calculated to provide pressure for the clamping jig which is several times the punch 6ressure. CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 25M&r63 a Card ACC NR; AP6035820 CODE-.- UR/0413/66/000/020/002ri/0021 INVENTOR: Sizov, Ye. S.; Polyakov, S. I.; Sizova, K. G.; Strunin, N. M. ORG: none TITLE: Sheet metal forming unit. Class 7, No. 186957. SOURCE: izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 20-21 TOPIC TAGS: metal forming, sheet metal to g. hydrostaticmlem fetal 40~ming vnirt ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a unit for sheet metal forming. The unit has a chamber which can be evacuated or filled with inert gas, a die, and a pressure container (Fig. 1). To form low-ductility metals, the unit is provided with, an attachment for heating the female die, the blank, and the material which plays thei 'I part of the male die, all of which are moved into the container by the rod of a hydraulic cylinder installed in the housing coaxially with the container. In a variant, the heating equipment is located outside the container and consists of two semicylinders with heaters enveloping the dies and the blank during the pre- Card 1/2 UDC: 621-983.32.06 .- ACC NR: AP603582 Fig. 1. Metal forming unit 1 - Male die; 2 - blank; 3 - female die; 4 - container; 5 - attachments; 6 - hydraulic cylindbr rod. heating and opening, when dies and blank-are pushed into*the container. Orig.- art. has: I figure. [ND] SUB CODE; 13/ SUBM DATE: 06Jan64/ ATD FRESS: 5109 Card 2/2 64 L 64182-65 (T)/ T 019,0( UR/0296/65/000/013/aCO7/0007 ACCESSION NR: AP5021546 621.983.3 AUTHOR: Gizova, K. G.; Sizov, Ye. So TITLE: A method for punch-dravin parts from Meat metal, Class 7# No. 172265 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobretenly I tovarnykh zmakov, no. 13, 1965, 7 n TOPIC TAGS: metal,drawing, metal fatuin ress. sheet metal ch-drawing parts. .ABSTRACT: This (Uthor's Certificate introduces: 1. A method for pun *rom sheet meiaA n.presses. The sheet metal is placed over a defolmable material ;and is formed Fy- a rigid die. The method Is dei~igwd for deep drawing with a single ,y of the finished produidt. A soft metal press operation and for improving the qualit b.g. lead, Is placed In an C-Pen bex beneath'the-sl~eet metal workpiece. 2. A~modlfi- Lation of this method in which the,orIgInal 'state of the soft metal can be restored after each operation so Thai., It can, b;* wed r4peatedikyo After each articlehas beet! la stamped and removed from,the pre et. the soft rAtal lit squeezed flat by a p te di- ectly on the pressi Card 1/3 1 64182-65 CCESSION NR: APS021546 , SOCIATION,: none TI i v -T; IlFeb59 EltcLi 016 UB NO REF SOV: 000 olmmt: 000 7, Card 2/3 NO -65 , ACCESStON NRI-- AP5dft546 ENCMUREI~~Ol Z-1x T t.. -.2 t Im.-S r4 I -&~i, *piece. - Car 3/3