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KO.-,OLEV, Aleknandr Ilikiforovich; POPOV, Aleksandr 1vanovich; SIZOV,- - K.P~, inzh,,retsenzent; YAKOVLEV, I.N., inzh., SATIANTAVY YU.S., inzh., red.; VOROTNIEGIVA, L.P.0 teUm. red. [Economics, organization,, and planning of railroad car opera- tion]Ekonomika, organizatsiia i planirovanie wgonnogo kho- ziaistva. ',Ioskva, Transzholdorizdat, 1962. 40 p. (IMIA 15:12) (Railroads-Rolling stock) KWANDIN, A.V.; SIZOV, L.I.; SHIMIT, B.D. (Moscow) Dielectric constant and dielectriz~ losses of o-hydroVbenzoic acid derivatives In the liquid state. 2hur. fiz. khim. 37 no.4:764-769 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarst-vennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. L 9903-63 EFF(c)/BW(.I)/LW(r.)/BDS/ES(s)-2 JEWG(k)--AFnC/ASD/SSD- Pr-~/PtZ,4-/Pz-4--RM/WW/NAY/IJP(C) ACCESSION RR: AP3000418 S/C076/63/037/005/1083/1088 AUMOR: Komandin, A. V6; Sizov, L. I.; Shimit, B. D. TIME: Themodynamics of dielectric relaxation processes in liquids. S(IMCE.- AN SSSR. Zhurnal fizicheigkoy kblmli, v. 37, no. 5, 1961 1083-10W TOPIC TAM: relaxation processes, phenyl O-hydroxybenzoate, phenyl o-acetoxybenzoate ABSTRACT: A previous study (A. V. Kmandin, L. I. Sizov and B. D. Shimit, Zh. Fiz. Kh1mii, 37, 764, 1963) Vas made on the dependence of temperature upon the penetration of phenyl o- zoate and pherkirl o-acetoxybenzoate at various frequencies of external electric field in a Uquid. and a supercooled media. The presentwork is concerned with the investigation of the dispersion penetrations of these compounds at several tempeeratwvs. Frcm the results Obtaineed in both investigations, the main thermDdynwdc functions charactenrizing the dielectric relaxation processes in the liquida a2e calculated. The diBpersioz: Of the dielectric constsnt of pheny.1 o-bydroxybenzoate at 10, 15 and 20C.. and Card 1/2 L 9903-63 ACCEMION NR: AP3000418 of phenyl o-scetoxybenzoate at 55 and 42C in the supercooled state has been determined. A linear relationship between log Tau and l/T has been established for bath ccupounds and their corresponding derived equations. A detailed explamation and calculations are given in the discusssion of results. Orig, art. has.- 7 equations, 7 tables and 3 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvemy*y universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMUMM: 07May62 DATE ACQ: 19Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB COIDE: 00 NR FM SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 L 451-17-66 1E-JT(m)/T DJ ACC NR:AP6025686 SOURCE CODE: uR/0413/66/000/013/0153/0153 DTENTDR: Privalov, A. I. Illichev, V. V. Kovalev, N. 1. Novikov, Ye. D. Sizov, M. A. ORG: none TITLE- Device for checking the working substance in a closed hydraulic system. Class 72, No. 183626 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pron7shlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 153 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic device, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic equipment ABSTRACT:A/ An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for checking the worki substanc6in a closed hydraulic system. It consists of a main pump, a booster tank, and pressure signaling devices mounted on the pressure and suction lines of the main pump and connected to IdLe ckrued Wstem. To automatically compensate for working- substance losses in the hydraulic system tne signaling device mounted on the pressure line actuates a hydraulic pumping cylinder to replace losses, and the signaling device mounted on the suction line turns it off. The pumping cylinder is equipped with a terminal switch which signals the annunt of liquid fed into the system. (SAI SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 19may64/ 1/1 mis uDc: 623.451.8 124- 1957- 1-4-11 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika 1957. Nr 1. p 50' (USSR) AUTHOR- Sizov. M.B. TITLED The Laws Governing the Outflow of a Liquid Through a Small Orifice From Containers Having the Shape of Bodies of Revolution (Zakony istecheniya zhidkosti cherez maloye otverstiye iz sosudov, imeyushchikh formu tel vrashcheniya) PERIODICAL: V sb.. Mekbanika (MVTU, Vol 50). Moscow, Oborongiz, 1956 pp 237-244 ABSTRACT. The usual formula v = ~L Vr2gz , containing the variable 3t height z and the cons ant oti ice velocity coefficient /a, is em- ployed to express the velocity of the outflow of a heavy liquid through a small orifice of arbitrary form, located near the bottom of a vessel, in the absence of any compensating inflow. Assuming incompressibility, the Author obtains the time t of complete dis- charge in the form of an integral, the evaluation of which is accom- plished by means of a relationship containing "' between t, z,. and the initial height of the liquid level for ce/tain special cases. There are no numerical examples. Card 1/1 1, Liquid s--F low- - Ve loci ty--Analys is D. Ye. Dolidze 13073-63 EWT(d)/FCC(w)/BDS AFFTC IjP(C) ACCESSION NR: AP3000956 5 AUTWR: Sizov, M. B. (Moscow) Solution of the Poincare linear system in the case of'& zero root of the characteristic equation ,SOURCE: IVUZ. Matematikag no, I 1963P 153-157 TOPIC TAGS: periodicity, differential equation., quasi-linemr system,, characteristic equation, zero characteristic root, pure imaginary root,, chiwacteristio.root ABSTRACT: The author obtedna an additional condition for periodicity, When this Is satisfie I -d there exists a periodic solution of the pseuct)-linear system (see Enclosure 1) in the presence or pure4 imagj=7 roots and -~ne zero root of the. characteristic equation of the system. This condition is sImple to verify since it can be expressed in terms of the coefficients of the giwn system, and it is convenient for practical computations. Orig. art. bas.- 28 fcr=Llas. ASSOCIATION: none .SUBMITTED: l70ct6O DATE ACq: 12Jun63 ENCL: 01 ,SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 663 OTHER: 000 -V,ard Ilk - ---------- 1 1, ,)T-('V, 11. 1. IIII-iriat,ions -)I* I,he JermibiliLy of' the Vi3lial Jentr-~rs Under the i~rfect of ;.-;uscular lork", Arkhiv Nauk, Vol. 41, lst ed, 1936. SIZOV, M.I. Effect of temperature and storage time of meat on the physico- chemical properties of its salt-soluble orotein. (with English ummar7 in insert]. Biokhimiia 21 no.3:317-321 My-Je 156. (MIRA 9:9) Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademii aaulc SSSR, Moskva (MAT, off. of temperature & time of preserv. on myosin (Rus)) (MUSCLE PROTEINS, myosin, off. of temperature & time of preserv. of meat on myosin (Rue)) SIZOV, N, Lever-cable clamp. Stroitell no.6:30 Je '58. (MIRA 11:7) Puilding--Tools and implements) Sizov, N. Lir,bt gypsum nixer. Stroltel' no.11:21 N '59- (MIR& 13:3) 1. Starohiy instruktor Bywro takhnicheshoy informatsii Minatroya Kirgizekoy SSR. (Mixing machinory) 1. ~;T-j:)V, ~.`. 2. UI-1'3R (600) 4. F-Iducation of Children 7. Assistance to laborers and white-collar workers in training children, Prof. soiuzy 8 no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,- APRIL 1953, Uncl. BUDKOOSTOV., V.A., mayor tekhaicheskoy sluzhby; SIZOV, N.I., inzhener-kapitan - Combat equipment of foreign press data). J1 161, (Antimissile missiles) an antimissile miisile (&a re"aled by Vest. protivovozd. obor. no.7:21-24 (MIRA 34:8) LEBEDEVAY L.P.; SZZW,-UI,_ Annealing products of iron base antifriction ceramic metals. Forosh, met. 5 no.6-.79-82 Je 165. (~CIRA 18:8) SIZOV, N.T. 4quipment for the automatic welding of ring joints on metal drums. Svar.proizv. no.9:41-42 S 160. (MIRA. 13:8) 1. Frunzenskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod. (Electric welding-lquipment and supplies) SANDLER, M.S.; CIIIRKOV, A.1.; -SIZOV, N.T. Concerning A.B.Topolianskii's article "Problems of safety in electrical systems of the construction industry." Prom.energ. 19 no. 4:59-60 Ap '64- (MIRA 17:5) 1. Obukhovskiy domostroitel'nyy kombinat Glavnog,3 upravleniya po zhilishchnomv. v-azhdvnsIknmn i nromy stile nnonu stroitellstvu Laningradskog, gorodskogo 1spolnitellnogo komiteta (for Sandler, Chirkov). 2. Noginskaya eleltroset'Moskovskogo -3blastnogo ekspluatatsionno-etiergeticheskogo upravleniya (f:)r Sizov). SIZOV, N.V. .- - - ----------- Machine for making gypsum-sawdust mastics. Suggested by N.Y. Sizov. Rats.i izobr.predl.v strot. no.16:115-117 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Po materialam Ministerstva stroitellstva Kirgizskoy SSR. Frunze, ul.Krasnoarmeyskaya, d.99. (Mlxlvg machinery) iz- ~ ion o,,' tr--e ir, ti- -,-an T-2kst,. pronil. 2' no, SIZGVP P P making control points in afforested areas. Geod. i kart. no. 12:32-33 D 160o (MIRA 24:1) (Sur"Ang) A 1 11 A Flj" B.I.I.; MISYMIA"), -I.].; KAVMINIKOVA, S.V.; SIZOVip P.T. Work of a ~--oup --',n charge of the dosage control, i-n 1-0-1ge focuS gimma t1herapy. Med. rad. 10 no. 12213-21 D 165 (MTRA 19--1) L. REntgeno-radiologicheskiy otdel ( zav. - prcf. I.1. Tager) Tnstltuta eksperimentallnoy i UinIcheskoy onkologii A12-T SSSR 4~ 62-ya Gorodskaya kliniche.-ka7a onkolog-ichesk~-.yp- bollnitsa, Moskva. ~, f '11,10 *1 11 .I . Zw &!, ~,. '7. Aboi-tions irl -3 3, S; - -,- due ;qu colAOaci L osi So: Veterinariy~.; 22; (1): January 19h5-; Lrcl. T P r- C J, 11 I* 'B's 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIZ-01VI P. 11. SIZOV, ?. V. A case of atypical antnrax. So: Veterimarija 23; 7; Jul,; 1946; Uncl. TABCOM 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 YAMZIN., I.I.; SIZOV, R.A. -.1 -------- Double coordinate neutron d-iffractomeLer. Existal2ograffila 9 rio.6:946-948 N-D 164. (141 -P! 19:2) 1. Inotitat kristallografii AN SS5R. 1)A'--?'/-66 E- 71T /P'! T 7P T[ --U-Yj~ / ~ I N tj - - . ACC*-NR: AP6010980 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/003/0595/0604',-/; le~01 AUTHORS: Yamzin, I. I.. Sizov R. ''A Zheludev, 1. S.1 Perekalina, T. M.; Zale A-- T, s ORG: Institute of Cryst~~lo&rAphy ,-_A2ademy of Sciences SSSR (Institut kristallografii Akademii nauk 38mq- TITLE: Spin ordering and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in single -crystalolof BaCoxFe 18-x 027 ferrites SOURCE: "hurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, n0. 3, 1966, 595-604 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, single crystal, magnetic ani3otropy, neutron diffraction, nuclear spin, Curie point,jemperatura, dependence, spin wave theory ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work ':)y the authors (ZhETF v. 46, 1985, 1964). In this paper new data are presented on the magnetic anisotropy energy of the ferrite system under discussion.' The crystals were grown by the Verneull method and were the same as Card 1/2 ACC NR: Ap6olog8o .used in the earlier investigation. In view of the fact that the fer-, rites investigated exhibit various types of magnetic anisotropy at low temperatures, the authors used a neutron diffraction'method to investigate the ihfluence of the cobalt ions on the positions of the spin ordering axis in these crystals in the temperature range from 77K to the Curie temperature. The temperature dependence of the mag-* netic anisotropy constants was investigated in the same range of temperatures and compared with the theory. The same samples were used to obtain neutron diffraction patterns as were used in the in- .vestigation of the magnetic anisotropy. The results show that the spin directions coincide with the directions of the total magnetiza- tion vectors of the crystals. The data also indicate that the experi-, -mental results can be fully reconciled with a theoretical formula deduced by _Nroy from the phenomenological theory of spin waves (Fizicheskiye svoystva-magnitouporyadochennykh kristallov [Physical ,Properties of Mangetically Ordered Crystals), AN SSSR, 1963), without' 7 need to make allowance for any particular structure model. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 3 formulas, and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:-250ct65/ ORIG MP: 0031 OTH REP: 009 Card 2/2 L 5~-367-65 ~&IA(h) Pf -4/13u-4 J D ACCESSION NR: AP5013724 UR/0070/65/010/003/0423/V2 548.7 :AUTHOR: Sizov, R. A.; Yamzin, I. I. :TITLE: The efiect of particle size on extinction in neutron di:F-fraction. SOURCE: Kristallografiya, V. 10, no. 3, 3,965,423-424 TOPIC TAGS: powder metallurgy,.particle si ze, neutron diffraction 0 pow tinc;-ion was determined 'AB'TRACT: The effect of dpir' size on the magnitude of ex experimentally. The sample consisted of BaCol., Pe 1 02+Fe 16 3+()21ferrite powder, pressed in-to a thin-walled aluminum cylinder with a'diameter of 15 mm and 30 mm high. The powder was obtained by the mechanical grinding of crfstals and subse- quent sieving with screens of different mesh. A total of six samples of different ~particle size were prepared. The two most intense reflections [1010 and 1120) were: used. The first is basically of-magnetic or' in while-the secajad is both magnetic ig :and nuclear. The exposure was made at room temperature using a.:two-coordinate neu- 'tron diffractometer installed on the radial channel of the reactor. The variation :in the intensity of reflections was due to extinction. The effiMt of other factors' ~is estimated as less than 1%. The experimental-data were used -to plot curves which'. Cord 1/2 _J! L 29785-66 rM(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NR: AP6015089 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/168/001/0090/0093 S AUTHOR: Sizov, R. A.; Yamzin, I. I. r ORG: Institute of CrvstallojxraDhv. Academy of St-i,*nvpq- qqqR (Institut kristallogra~' fii Aka emii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Neutron diffraction- study of the magnetic structure of hexagonal ferrites of the CoxW system SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 1, 1966j 90-93 TOPIC TAGS: neutron diffraction, ferrite, cobalt compound, barium compound, iron compound, magnetic 4mmqWnft 4"al"whA/ m"#, ABSTRACT: In order to determine the spin ordering in ferrites of the Co W system + X (BaC0,2~FC2--X2 Fem"+Oa), the authors carried out a neutron diffraction analysis on single and polycrystals with compositions x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 1.75, in the range from 77 to 7700K. The correct values of the magnetic contributions to the diffraction pattern and absolute values of the saturation magnetization were ob- tained. The model of spin ordering in its general features and the angle between Card 1/2 UDC: 539 L 29785-66 ACC NR: AP6015089 S) the spin axes and axis c were determined by analyzing the neutron diffraction pat- terns of polycrystalline specimens. Additional information was obtained from ob- servations of the tjImperature dependence of the intensity of magnetic reflections from single crystal)'specimens. The paper was presented by Academician Belov, N. V 20 Sep 65. Authors thank T. M. Perekalina and R. A. Vaskanyan for providing the specimens, Yu. Z. Nozik f6r constant interest in the work and useful suggestions, and Prof. Jo Bacon for a helpful discussion of the results. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 table SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 07Sep65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH FTF: 007 Card 2/2 17-0 V USSR/ Engineering - Casehardening Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 20/34 Authors ITellnov, G. M., and Sizov, S. N. Title The casehardening of large crankshaft Journals with high-frequency current heating at low power Periodical :Vest. mash. 12, 66-68, Dee 1954 Abstract :Methods for casehardening crankshaft journals made of the OKhM,, OWIMY 40Kh and 45G2 steels are discussed, and the indlividual casehardening operations are described. Table; drawing. Institution :...... Submitted 2...... --7 Heat Tricatmen , * k b VAJov M r 07 ar. IVA P: 32-W. , -Acc,~n-m~rxled fir2wencies, heating time, cooling condit and the like in t ftiduction hesting qnd hardening of-tuctoc . cams and camitafts. Dqath and strilogr (iuarterisjtc~tjonstlte- rte it and t tit bi f T b1 di e-ser a- a ns roos cpse, e, c zones) o d d~ grams, photograph. 3 ref- q. SIZOV, S.N., inzhpner. Control 97stems using higb-frequenc7 circuits in hardening equipment. Prom.energ. 11 no-7:5-6 J1 '56. (.MLEL4. 9: 10) (Electric generators) (Furnaces. Heat-treating) A~TTNOR: S_izo.V'._S._N! 3OV-113-58-8-12/21 TITLE: Heating Camshafts for Tempering by ifighar I.Frequency Currents (Nagrev pod zakalku raspredelitellnykh valov tokami povysh- ennoy chastoty) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, N~r 6, PP 37-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the induction heating of camshafts for tempering, fre- quencies of 8,000 - 10,000 c instead of the normal 2,000 - 3,600 c offer distinct advantages. The 2,000 c, 200 kw ge- nerator usually feeds two tempering machines with a total production of 36 shafts per/hour and a power consumption of 3.25 kw hrs a shaft, The 3,600 c, 200 kw generator has a capacity of up to 60 shafts p/hr and a power consumption per shaft of 1.9 kw/hr. An 8,000 C' 175 kw generator, however, has a capacity of up to 80 shafts p/hr and a power consump- tion of 1.6 kw hrs per shaft, The normal water-screened inductor can not be used with 8,000 c generators since un- even heating of the cams occurs. InsteEd, an inductor with electro-magnetic scre,~riing is used, pro~.uced by the Ural- Card 1/2 skiy and ?.,'oskovskiy avtozavody (Ural and 11,11oscow IMotor Vehicle SOV-113-58-8-12/2 1 Heating Camshafts for Tempering by Higher Frequency Currents Plants). Soviet industry does not produce 10,000 c high frequency generators, so the upper frequency limit at pre- sent is 8,000 c, at 100 kw power. The use of tube genera- tors is not advisable since they cause uneven heating. There is 1 table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy avtozavod (Gorlkiy Motor Vehicle Plant) 1. Camshafts--Induction heating 2- Generators--Applications Card 212 I'OZDEIIV, V.V.; S17OV, S.Yu.; SVETWV, Yu. A. Vork of the Central Factory laboratory fulfilling tae decisions of the 2~d Congress of the CPSU. Zav.lab. 28 no.10:1265 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Chemical laboratories) 64 ol: R i tW"f; 1 s"Inlif, LUKIYAMWO, I.. inzh*ner; SIZOV, V., inzhon*r. Contribution by off Icloncy workers of the Loninsk mine. Hast.,ugl. 5 no.9:20-22 5 156. (xM 9:10) (Kuznetsk B"ln--C*al mining machinery) SIZOV, V. (UB500 (g.Zaporozh'ye) Propagation of radio waves durinp a full solar'exlipse. Radio no.~:23 Jl 161. (Radio, Shortwave) (MM 14:10) ,I -SIZOV, vG,.kand.tekhn.nauk Raise the quality of winter masonry work. Stroitell 8 no.12 14-15 Ja 162. (MM 16:2) (Masonry--Cold weather conditions) ' SIZOV, V. A. Differential diagnosis of pathological states concomitant with elongation of the vertebral bodies. Vracb. delo, no.3:13-16 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Mfedra rentganologii (zav. - prof. A. Ye. Rutesheva) Kiyevskogo instituta ueovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (VERTEBRAE-DISEASES) SIZOV, V.A_.-(Kiyev, Delegatskiy per. d.12,kv.3) ...................... Changes in the ribs in tuberculous spondyl-itis.. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 n0-3:43-46 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii (zav. - prof. A.Ye, Rubasheva) Kiyevskogo instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrac.Jey (rektor - dotsent M.N. Umovist) i III Kiyevskoy gorod~ko:r detskc~y bollnitsy kostnogo tuberkuleza. SIZOV, V.A.. Inzhener. Standardized matching parts for the Mass Production of fiznIture. Nr.prom-5 no-7:3-5 Jl 156. (MW 9:9) l.TsM Glavmebellproma. (Furniture industry) SIZOV, V.A., inzhener.*,POLIMEIEV, N.M., inzhener. - - ~ -~' 0; P. ~'k " - Furniture made by the method of bending and krrlizig. Dar nrom. 6 no.2:3-4 F '57. 1 (MTj.U 10:4) 1. TSentrallno7e nroyektno-konstruktorskaye byuro Glavmebell prona. (Furniture industry) (Veneers and veneering) SIZOT, V.A., inzh, _Hnea of furniture made up from standard elemuts. Der. prom. 6 no.9: 3-5 5 '57. (Kim 10.011) 1, TSentraVnoys byuro Minbundrsvprom RSYn. (N ru I t ur a SIZOV, V.A., inzh. Now furniture designs. Der. prom. 7 no.4:6-7 Ap 1.58. (MIRA 11:5) l.TSentrallnoye proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro Upravleniya meballnoy promyshleanosti Mosgorsovnarkhoza. (Furniture--Models) SIZOV, V.A., inzh.; BLKKHMAN, A.B.. insh. Standardization of units and parts used for making frame furniture. Der. Prom. 7 no-8:1-3 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1. TSmntrallnoys proyektnoye konstruktorskoye byuro Upravlaniya mebellnoy promyshlennostl l4begorsovnarkhoza. (Furniture) SIZOV. V.A. , inzh. Selection of sectional combination furniture. Der.prom. 9 no-1:3-5 Ja '60. (M.-U 13: 4) 1. TSentrallnoye proyaktno-V--onstruktorskoye b7uro Upravleniya mebellnoy promyshlennosti Mosgorsovnarkhoza. (Moscow-Furniture) SIZOV, V.A., inzh. Standardization of subassemblies and specialization of production in the furniture industr7. Der.prom. 9 no-7:---4 J3. 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. TSentrallnoye proyektno-konstruktorskoye b7wo Upravleniya mebellnoy promyshlennosti-~losgorsovnarkhoza. Oliiim4 WaVince-Furniture industry) SIZOV, V.A. Strength ;f furniture construction and garanteed lifetime. ber.prom. 11 no.] -I) Ja '62. (MIRA 1.~: 1) (Furniture--Quality control) J~ SIZOV, V.A.; IVANOV, N.A. Method of finishing particle boards with plastics. Der.prom. 11 no.10:1-3 0 162. (KRA 15:9) (Wood finishing) (Plastics) SIZOVY V.A.; IVPJIOV, ,N.A.; LEM, Miroslav [tranislator] Finishing particle boards and prqducts byplastic materials. Drava 17 no.7:209-211 JI 162. 1. Tsentrallnoya proyektno-konstruktorokoye byuro, Moskva (for Sizov and Ivanov). - I PETROV, Bc)i'.I,. S-3rgeyevir;--,, ~~- . I AJ.eksnndrcvich, inzh.-. NIKIFC:IL-17, A -~ . -1. -:~.;'~`IPGDARMAYA, T.N., red. i zd-va -, SHIBIKC VA I ?, Y.,- .' -le-jf?~:' '. red., (Specializatiun aii~ bf furniture enterprises) Spetsializatsiin i kooperirovanie mebellnykh predpriiatil. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 91 p. (MIRA 16:10) (nirnirmre indust-y) MISHCHENKO, G.L.; SIZOV, V.A. Mechanizing the finishing of furniture. Der. prom. 12 no.5-. 4-6 My 263. (MIRA 16:7) 1. TSentrallnoye proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro mebeli. (Furniture industry) (Wood finishing) sizov, V.11. Improve the introduction of new woodworking mchinery. Der. prom. 14 r:o.10:1-2 0 165. 18:12) 4r SIZOVf V.D., inzh. (st.Petelino, ~bskovskoy dorogi) Assume greater responsibility for the given asBignment. Fut' i put.khoz. 6 no.llt2-3 162. (MIRA 1631) (Railroads-Employees) ACCESSION NR: AP4040295 S/0057/64/034/01)6/0961/0964 AUTHOR: b9itsuk, V.Ye.; Sizov, V.D. TITLE: Application of a microwave method for measuting electron concentrations ex- ceeding the critical concentration SOURCE: Zhurnal Tekhnicheiskoy fiziki, v.34, no.6,, 1964, 961-964 !TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma physics-, microwave plasma, electron concentration, re- copbination phenomena, neon 'ABSTRACT: The authors describe the microwave method for measuring electron concen-%, ttrations exceeding the critical concentration m(A/4ite2 employed by L.Goldstein and '!.T.Sekiguchi (Phys.Rov.109,625,1958), T.Sekiguchi and R.C.Herndon (lbid.112,1,1958), :and S.Takeda and M.Roux (J.Phys.Soe.japan 16,No.7,1961), and discussed by S.J.Buchs- . baum and S.C.Brown (Phys.Ilev.106,196,1957). This consists in measuriEg the attenua-; :tion and phase shift of TE10 waves in a rectangular waveguide traversed in the di- Irection of the electric field by a small tube containing the plasma. The applicaticn ,of this method is limited by the skin effect. This diagnostic technique was employed :to investigate recomination in neon plasma. The plaoma was contained In a 3 an dia-; Card I/ iACCESSION NR: AP4040295 i ;meter tube at a pressure of 3.3 mm Hg and was excited by 10 microsec current pulses of 3 or 4 amp. Microwaves of 3.2 cm wavelength were employed in I micr,38ec pulses. ;'The attentuation was measured by a substitution method, and the phase :;hift ob- Itained from the shift in the position of standing wave nodes., How the nodes wa:e located during the I microsec pulses is not disclosed. The r1ecombination was foundl I !to take place considerably more slowly than calculated by the theory ot V.L.Granov-1 1skiy (ZhETH 13,123,1943). Similar results have been obtained by G.N.Zalitenker and 'YeF.Gubochkina (Voprosy* radioelektroniki, GKRE, No.6,1961). The discrepancy ls as- ,cribed to rapid loss of electron energy by collisions of the first kind. The agree-, ;ment with theory was improved by calculating the energy lost by the electrons to ~gas molecules from the experimental values of E/p and employing this in the theore- calculations of electron densities and temperature. 7 formulas,. i3 figures and 1 table. !ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im.M.V.Lomonosova, Flsicheskly! Ifakulltet (Physics Department, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 03Jun63 DATE ACQ: lWun64 ZNCW 00 SUB CODE: ME NR REF SOV: 004 OTUR:005 Card 2/2 N \1 SIZOVIP V.G. Calculating forces acting on a body in an unsteady periodic flow. Sudorem. i sudostr. no.2:66-71 16". (MJRA 17:4) 1. Odesskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishene. SIZOV, V.G. (Odessa) ~~ - Parametric resonance phenonem in rolling of ships. InzIL. sbor. 20-. 21-24 154. 09M 8:7) (Stability of ships) SIZOV, Y.G. On small uaequal-voluse inclinations of ships. Isv. AN SSSR. Otd. takh.sauk &e.8:60-66 Ag 155. (KILIA 9: 1) (Stability of ships) SIZOV, V.G.. kand. tekhn. muk Stability of ships carrying bulk cargoes. Sudostroenie 24 no. 6:7-11 Je 158. (MIRA 1J.-8) (Stability of shios) (Ships--Cargo) S 12OV, V. G. "'Me Theory of Ship Resistance under ordinary Swell Conditions." report presented at the llth Annual Scientific Technical Conference on Ship Theory, organized by t~e Central Adninistration of the 6cientific-Technical Society of the Shipbuilding Industry, 13-15 December 1960. SIZOV) V. G. and !ME-M, M. G. (Odessa) "On Ship Contoias having minimum total drag values." Me Method of a amall pare ter in the problem of wave resistance os ships" noco-aut report-,presented, at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mec*ics, jinscow, 27 jan - 3 Feb 60 3IZOVq V.G. (Odessa) Theory of the wave-making resistance of a ship in smooth water. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh.nauk.Mekh. i mashinostr. no. 1:75-85 Ja- F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Hydrodynamics) (Wave mechanics) i h If D 11 , lilad imir N aks irio vic h; I U. iLYC red. [The Donbas s-2r` coal cu-,] Ugollnyi ko-- badn "Danbass--, -onetsk. Ponetskoe krizlmoe izd-voy 28 (11-11IRA 17:E) si-,()V, V. Ii. 422L~O. S111"OV, V. i'.. Haschat ruzhima vydevzI0.v,-inVia betow pri peremennoy temperature. Brilleten' stroit. Tekhniki, 1943, No. 22, c. 24-25. So: Letopis' Zhurnal'nykh Statey, Vol. 47, 1948. Oit. "av, (LLO SIZOV, V. N. SIZOVII V. N. 35260. Betonnye i zhelezobetonnye raboty v zimikh jsleviyak~_ Trudy IV Vsesoyuz. Konf-'.sii Fo Beton i Zhetezobeton. Ronstruktsiyam. CH. I. 1949, S. 271-79 SO: letopis'Zhur-nallnykh Statey Vol. 34, 1949 MO skva C 11 . , iA. Tlw freezing Go GW"dmw bAT4 adeditteras a# "Unt c6jwide V %, ~Qlov Pro". 21, so. fl, 1) 9 of "StiructUrW "ns.- (for -M,nt. ctc~ i i4 depremed by the adda. of NaCl And(ur) CACII. Tim tabilit y of the concrete Is not affect "t. Nut W. II.I.Cruln Sj lzCv I.VASTLTY 11MLAYMCH Technology Construction work under winter conditions. 2. izd., dop. 1 perer. Xoskva, Goa izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu i arkhitekture, 1951. Red. Tarasevich, A. P. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongrEss, June - 1951, Uncl. 2 sizoV, V.N. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REPORT AID 144 - I BOOK Call No.: TH153.S67 Author: SIZOV, V. N., Laureate of Stalin Prize, Bach. Eng. Sci. Full Title: ACCOMPLISHMNTS OF SOVIET ENGINEERING IN THE FIELD (F CONSTRUCTION UNDER WINTER CONDITIONS. Transliterated Title: Dostizheniya sovetskoy tekhniki v oblasti stroitellstva v zimnikh usloviyakh Publishing Data Originating Agency: All-Union Society for Dis3emination of Political and Scientific Knowledge Publishing House: "Manie" ("Knowledge") Date: 1952 No. pp.: 31 No. of copies: 90,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Mironov, S. A., Prof. Fiditor-in-Chief: None Text Data Tech. Ed.t None Appraiser: None Coverage: This lecture is a popular presentation of some of the material covered more extensively in the same author's 1951 book Construction Works under Winter Conditions. Purpose: Popular dissemination of practical knowledge on winter construction. 1/2 SIZOI!, V. t". 12 Dostizheniya sovetskoy tekhniki v oblasti stroitel'stva AID 144 - I v zimnikh usloviyakh Facilities: TsNIPS -- Central Scientific Research Institute for Industrial Construction; VNIOMS -- All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Organization and Mechanization of Construction; TsNIIEPS- -Central Scientific Research Laboratory for the Electrification of industrial Construction. No. of Russian and Slavic References: 2 Available: Library of Congress. 2/2 MMONOV, S. A.; SIZOV, V. N.; BUZ;MIC'I, G. A. Precast Concrete Construction "Concentrated" system of steaming reinforced and slag concrete objects in the plant. Stroi, prom. 30J. No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of R,-ssian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLA551FIED. I I 1. 114TAC"Ov, j. ;"jTZ'0V'_ V.- 2. us.;.q (6oo) 4. I'll as te r i ng 7. Doing :)Ip-ster work under freezing conditions. Sell. stroi. 0', No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - , Lay 1953. Unclassified. SIZOV, V. N, 243 Primeneniya, Khimichrlskikh 'obavok Pri. Zminikh hamennykh, Beto!n~h I Shtukaturnykh Raborkhq Pod Red. P. N. Grigorlyeva. M., Goa. Izd t. pe Stroitellatu I Arkhitekture, 1954. 80S Sill. 20 SM. (M-vo) StroitelAstva Predpriyatiy i'letallurgich. I Khim. Prom-sti. Soar. lakhn Upr. Tsentr. Nauch.-Issled. In-t Prom. Sogoruzheniy TSNIPS. Mauch. Soobshchaniye. V7P- 16). 4.000 EZZ. 2r. 95 K-(54-14490 Zh) 691.5 t 693":24" SO: Knizhnaya, Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 SIZOV, V.N., laureat Stalinskoy premii. Affect of early freezing on the durability of high-grade concretes. Stroi.prom.32 no.1:44-46 Ja '54. (M12A 7:2) 1. TSentrallayy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut mashinostroyeniya i metalloobrabotki. (Concrete construction--Cold weather conditions) Strength of concrete setting lit cold weather. S. A. milimov mid V. N. Sizov. Stpo'lel. Prow. 3". Nu, 9, !~-12 (1951); Cf. illl%! t%,, %V101 `i-::O'i'u CACIi :;r 5-20% Nacl Were be)(I lit -10' En -n, for up 16 )'. SMItZLIS and tLiud l4ter a 6~7-11r. thavilig rit I.'. wmam! it ith time of!i:dt-be:,6n7 cmicrt~tu-~ ii slower than ill MiveialmiA mucretc. Salt concit. umt ba itijinted tfa te'llit.; .01mvi5c the Sottilli, ii StowcA (,twn. &,tting at -2 -20', -15',and 19, 1.1, 8, -ind 31,','0 CaO. in conit~;nat~~n with 5-7t/o NaCl- -qtwh cotwmte,,; reach ,it tlti~~d tctnpi~ 25~,O of I I C, ill"" ~I-i 7da,i awl tM -601,:dtcr 2.1 ill,". '11w ,11A)IIH Ilk. held lit O.-i5-o.7G, b!,illg thall in vWu D..Gat VASIL'YEV.A.P., kandidat tekhnic;-teskikh nauk; SIZOV.T.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; ARORKLIM,G.A., inanener; uTtfiwxV,A.A., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nank; laureat StalLnoloy pre- m1i, redaktor; IWOV,A.Ye., professor, doirtor tekbalcheakikh nauk, laureat Stalinskoy premit. [Kaking precast concrete and reinforced concrete elements In construction yards.] Isgotoylenie abornykh betoWkh I shlezo- betonnykh konstraktaii na poligonakh. Moskva, Goa. isd-vo lit- ry po otroit. I arkhitekture. 1955. 90 P. (Moscow. ?Sentrallnyi nauchno-lusledovatel'skit Institut promyshlannykh soorushonit. Nauchnon sonbahchenie, no.17) (MLOA 8:9) (Precast concrete) (Reinforced concrete) SIZOV, V.1,1..Jaureat Stalinskoy premii Effect of various antifreezing chemical additives. Biul.stroi. tekh. 12 no.10:3-5 0 '55. (MIRA 12:1) 1e TSentral'nyy nauchno-iseledovatellakiy institut promyshlennykh sooruzheniy. (Building-Cold weather conditions) VASIL'YEV, A.P,, kandidat takhnichookikh uauk; SIZOV, V.J., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; AROMII=, G.A.. fffffe-ffirr~.'- Building yards for the production of precast concrote construction elements. Stroi.proz- 33 no.1:22-26 J&155- (MLRA 8:3) 1. TSentralln" nauchno-iseledoTatellskir institut proVehlennykh sooruzheni.v (for Arobelidze) (Precast concrete construction) Co I c1crate VellihiI In thi cold. V. N. %ov. Sit 33. No. 9, 3G-3(J,955).--8ifiR slGeujIN increase of -concrete Is greater at -20* when a mist. of CaCh and NaCl' Is used, "pts. were conducted In which the tot2I arnt. of salt added was the same but the proportions of the components werevartrA. More titan 9% NLLCI Is not desirable. N%Cl. helps,the setting at low temps. while CaCls Improves the. strength of concrete on 0 thaunt roportions rec- ommt:nded for usewere CTI&Ii+ aC17%~~.O+N.06. and CaClj 15 + NaCl 5% if the lowtat temp. during the first ten days might be -10, - 15,or-20', resp. Theundesimble effect of large salt addu. can be reduced by replacing CaCls witli NO, KOH, CaC(h, or NaNO3 which can replace. about the double amount of CaCls when combined with 5%. NaCt and even larger proportions when more NaCI Is used, particularly In combination with X%F. For pouring. concrete at freezing temps. while using preheated materials. addn. of NaF 1.5 + NaCt 5, NkF 2 + NaCl 7, and Z(aF; 2.6 + NaCl 9% Is recommended for - 10, - 15, and -20' rest). 4 4. in Construction of E-nterl-.riEea forLhe i%etailurgical and ~,hamical industries ir:cliinical w1minist ration. "'entral Ecli ies ~nst of -industrial Str.ctures SIZOV3 V.N.: "Investi,ration of concrete and solutions for winter work." Lin Gonstruction of interprises for the Eetallurgical and Cher-ical L-idustries USSR. Tedhnical Adminis-L ation. Central _`ci Res Inst of -industrial Structures (TsNiFs). Loscow, 1956. (L~.ssertation for the Degree of Doctor in Technical Sciences) SO: Kri:,-zhna5,-a Letopis', INo. 20, 1956 MIRONOV, S.A., doktor tek-hnicheskikh kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; nauk; PXVZNRR, A.S., redak-tor cheekty redaktor nauk, professor; ADOBNLIDZE. G.A., SIZQV, V.N., kandidat tel,,hnichaskikh izdatellstvii; GUSXVA, S.S., tekhni- [Instructions for steaming concrete and reinforced concrete elements in plants and yards (I 206-55/MSPHI[hP)l Instruktstia po proparive- niiu betonnykh i zhelazobetonnykh izdelii na zavodalch i poligonakh. (I 206-55/KSPMKhP) Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 17 P. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo stroitel'stva ordpriyatiy metallurgichaskoy i khimicheskoy promyshlennosti. Tokhnicheskaye upravleniye. 2. Leboratortya betonov i vyazhushchilch TSentrallnogo nauchno-iBsledovatel'skogo instituta promyshlennykh sooruzhenly (for Mironov, Arobelidze, Sizov) (Concrete) SIZOV, V.N., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk: KOROTKOV, S.N. Rapid-hardening concrete for monolithic elements produced in winter. Biul.stroi.tekh. 13 no.4!4.6 Ap '56. (NLRA 9:8) 1. TSentrallnvy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut pronyahlennykh sooruzheniy. (Concrete) ON, te (j 00 ,-I C.C. 5 C.-f o 31) (I 3 to -ca e st. atAl 3 ,.f~e'. cj arT, 0 e 713- -2p - t 0 a~ t .b 0 t --I%! w, ' ~1~ 'I tq, T I~t - tb ~ 0 ,,,te t " 0 " '. ON" b-q 0 S:a, ~To~. 7.yoje e -V~ f VC-1: Ocv ax's t v - IV1 0- 0 -r-r, OAI 0-ris -30to otty~e t 7,-Cvll y~e a, O-C -9k, ca-rl- - o or-, Awc 0 .1 ete r ~~AJD 0 VI 0 ol 5RI -re t~,V.Coc 0,1~ 0:.~_ A,)Il , cof, Ot f0 Ves bO tl~.c ,~ C - 'I Go CV. at D-a to -re-, %~ ec OLL aL 0 C: 0 e ~ OT t 0 t e to to tcl~ ),t i0e, ,,,t %T,r- -ar"Ae Jyjel~ ~a" r0 4 tyl 9 O-f~ 119 r 06-C -5xjl~ e. tve 0 e se ,.e , A .4e-C ctl- 6e 51 0 f~ect % 5 str Tee svfl)~ ~Les`l- "'t )to 0 1-ti f& 0 Ot ,:aa C,15&. e to ,~e t .00 te _ _f, _~j, r0 ~O 86 'ar ,,,,Ce T -re of~ 0 , ,:~6 0.1. ty,e gle-f 10 o-ftil ta aL e 5tr SeV., -Cvo~:, -1 --rete act ,r 06 , S r~. 'T - - & , , V,- oa -ty,e cl, 00 i~~to.6e Ote lf~ - e5s ~~y%e J.C~ .as e (8. C~ 1 1 . 'ClIDS 50 cte .10 -.06r, e 0,11 - -2 tce .r 'I- 0 _~ 15010 T _dd The Correct "IlaY of Concreting in 'linter. 97-57-9-1/17 concrete articles are steam-cured no clinker or pozzolana cement should be used. Nor should these two types of cement be used when, during concreting, the temperatures of the soil is higher than that of the surrounding air. ~'Iith steam-curing at a temper~.ture not lower than 600CP ,and especially at 35/900C, these tTTo types of cement can be more effectively used in reinforced concrete construc- L I' tions than Portland cement. The mineralogical content (e.g. the content of tri-calcium silicate and of tri- calcium naluminate), activity, and speed of hardening of the cement, are of primary importance. Cements with a content of more than 45-55% of c36 form the bulk of cement production today. Acceleration of the hardening of concrete can be achieved by the addition of calcium chloride, by the reduction of the water/cement ratic, by increasing the rypsum content, by re-grinding of the cement, and finally by heat-curinp. Of great importance --or the rationalisation of building during winter is the wide application of pre-fabricated reinforced units. Experience C-ained by Zaporozhstroy, Krivorozhstroy and other buildinp, or~:sLnLzat ions shoas that pre-cast units can be manufactured quite conveniently on concrete yards Card 2 5 duri-rf- winter. 'EaCnitostroy and Chelyabrietallurgstroy The Correct ','lay of Concreting ir 97-57-9.1,/17 6 e a-','Dunt cf pre-:~azt ~ h.ave manuf~:,ciu`uroj a foundations and other structural -lement-s durinc, the winter by the use of electrical heating. When usinf,, rap 'Ld -hardening cement and concrete the temperature o:~" the heating may be lower and of scorteT- duration. A ;iandboolx covering the pro-'esses of steani-cu-,,~In- of pre-ca-st constructions is: "Instructions on 6teami-durine Concre-te and Re- inforced Concreta 1'roducts in I'actories and %joncrete Yards" (1 206-55 t:SPL11CIP). In comparison ~%rith the steam- curinp of concrete without CaClp, steam-iuring of rein- forced concrete with 2/':~'_; add-I'Live of cal-lium chloride somewhat increases corrosion of the rein. forcement. This increased corrosion does not affect the load-bearing capacity of the reinforcemert if the protective layer of concrete is at least 1r- rivl. Cal c I """ .Luw, chloride should not be used aher. the heat-cured concrete constructions are from clin'cer or alag, as the danper of corrosion aris ilnrg from poorly burn-'ed cLirker is ,considerably in- creased. The ad-Iitlon of oaicium chloride to a concrete mix at a tegiperature not exceedin[7 200C increases the plasticity of the mix, as CaC12 1,-.5 a plastifying agent. Card 3/5 The assembly of pre-cast units during winter conditions The Correct Way of Concreting In Winter. 97-57-9-1/17 depends on the via7 the joints are made. Grouting of joints by concrete mix or gr6ut, and their heat-curing, is extremely ,,omplicated and difficult; therefore, the use of -Lrost-recistant and ant i- corrosive mixture appears tc be the best solution of forminE joints in heav Lrost. A handbook describing ;,-,routing of Joints is: wInstructions on Assembly of Reinforced Concrete Units",published 1957. It is advisablo to form concrete foundations by usinp concrete of high relative strength and by pre-hea-tin[~'(~'lectricalli) for 0-10 hours up to a temperature of 40 - 500C. Z ectrical heating or pre- heatinf-r is generally "one by --- current of 50-110 V, but 120 - 220 V'(Q-t"-ndard voltage) may also be used. The electrical heatting should follo7,~ the instructions given in "Instructions Elentro-heating, of Reinforced Con- crete and 1,lazonry' (1 94-54 MSPM1_','hP)- Of considerable practical interest is the suocessful solution of the problem of' concrete hardeninC at lo- temperatures by the use of ant;i-frozt add1_'k-,1:v e s. These concretes are usually prepareO by using pre-he.,ated material (aggregata sand), C~ and after Conoretin- the heatinE. is kept on for one or Card 4/5 two days. The hardeninF tall-ces place at a temperature The Correct Way of "oncretinx- in -11inte-r. of up to -10"j without loas of-' final strength. Con- C, crete maD rith increased additiveS of various salts (up to 200 ) is prepar-ed from naterials (aggregate ,,and) and hardened at a temperature of up to _200C. 17hen. =~nj- -1,-ariou,~j additives of sal(--:3 tho instructions 4:1,; on in "llita following publication, 1-hould 'be observed: m lemporary Instructions for ne Preparation of Concrete L 6 with Additives, and 11ts Hardrnim- During Frost (I !1p). U K he Academy of 3uildinF and Archi- tecture of D33'71, (Akademii stroltel'stva 1 arkhttektury SSSR) ' toeether with the Institute for Concrete and 41 inforced oncrete (Institut betona I zhelezobetona),. Is carrying out research and tests on the behaviour of concrete during various climatic conditions. AVAILABLE.- Library of Congress. 1. Concrete-Construction 2. Construction analysis 3, Weather factors-Applications Card 5/5 S OV/2 9 2 3 V') ; 1 1 ly Sciences, zimnikh usloviya.,&j (Gonqtruction Work Under Winter Conditions) 3d ed., rev. and en-'.. I'Moscow.1 klusatroyizdat, 1-958. '51-,8 P. 10,000 copies printed. I.-- , % - ~'. Edelv. ;"andida'e cl*- TechrIcal Sciences; Ed. of EJ. i. P. SI-int-toova; Tech. Ecs. : E. MI. El'kina, Pi-!*~Pu"D'E; This ~,,c)ck' is interi.AJ,~j for engineers and technicians of A-ndiu;triai and planning organizations as well as for personnel 3c.11.ovtIfI,- rec-earch ln',tti"Ilutes and -laboratories. C VIER.", G E :Thlo 1,-)ok contains scientific data ani practical infor- mation on building sites, building materials, and different :'ypes of construction work. It discusses in datall concreting and masonry work under cold weather condition3, giving specific Card 1/19 SIZOV. V., doktor toklin. nauk. 116W to imcure strength and durability of winter bricklaying in npring. Stroitell no.3-7-8-,14 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Bricklaying) AUTHOR: Besser, Xa. R. Cand. Tech. Sci.; S~~ ~.Doctor of Tech. Sci., Professor- TITLE: -15-ook Review (Kritika i BibliografiyiL) PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958, Wr.11, p.440 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following book is reviewed: A.G. Sarapin, "Production of Large-L->cale Reinforced Concrete Constructions and Details Using "Stand" Method, published by Gosstroyizdat, 1958. It deals with Russian and Foreign problems of and research into the production of large precast reinforced concrete units. There is an interesting chapter compiled by the author in conjunction with_operatives of the laboratory for reinforced concrete produot3 of the Institute of Buiiiiing Technique of the Academy of Architecture of USSR (Institut stroitellnoy tekhniki Akademii arkhitektury SSSR). Curing methods are criticised. In general the review is favourable. Card 1/1 SIZOV, V.11., dnktor takhn. nauk. Using chemical admixtures for mortare and concretes. Biul. strol. tekh. 15 no.1:6-9 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut betona i zhelezobetona.Almder-tit stroitelletva i arkhitekturv SSSR. (Concrete) (Mortar) SIZOV, V.N., doktor takhn.nauk. nareasing the strength and durability of brick stractures laid under winter conditions. flov.takh. i pered. op. v stroi. 20 no.1:13-17 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Bricklaying--Cold weather conditions) MIHONUV, S.A., prof., doktor tokhn.nauk; SIZOV, V.11., prof., dektor taklin. nauk; EHAVIN, B.N., red.izd-va; TDTIN.A, Te.L., [Instruction ai 42-59 for using concrete with chloride 5alt additives hardening at freezing temperatures] Instruktaiia po primeneniiu betone a dobavkami solei, tverdsiushchego na moroze SN 42-59. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1959. 34 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. 2. Lnborstoriya yacheistvkh, legkikh i usko- rennogo tvardeniya betonov Nanchno-issledovatel'skogo institute betona i zhalezobetona (NIIM-iB) Akademii stroitellstva i arkhi- taktury SSSR (for Hironov. Sizov). (concrete) Corresponding SOV/97-59-1-2/18 AUTHORS: Mironov, S.A.,/X-ember, ASiA SSSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Sizov.. V.N-., Doctor of Tec-'--nical Sciences.. and Khvorostyan skiy, V.F., Engineer TITLE: Methods of Obtaining High-Strength Vibrated Concretes Using Short Heat Curing (Sposoby polucheniya vysokoprochnykh betonov dlya vibroprokata pri kratkovremennoy teplovoy obrabotke) PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1959, Nr 1, pp 4-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: N.Ya. Kozlov, together with collectives SKB, NIlMosstroy and the Kalibrovskiy erperimmtal plant investigated and solved problems in the manufacture of panels using ordinary reinforcement. Complications arise in the manufacture of prestressed panels when vibration is used for consolidation. The Giprostroyindustriya, under the leadership of Engineer A.A. Susnikov, put forward to Gosstroy of USSR and the Institute for Concrete and Reinforced Concrete ASiA SSSR (Instituta betona i zhelezobetona.ASiA ESR), a programme to work out Card 1/6 compositions of concrete and ways of heat curing for ,S11.,~'V/~1-i 'I -o'd -1b Methods of Obtaining High-Strength Vibrate(f bsing Sho::-t Heat Curing. prestressed reinforced c-,nevete punels usin-Y, vibration for Consolidation* i,'or the manufacture of panels rein- forced with ordinary i-uinforcement and consolidated by vibration, a comont.-sand mix of 1 : 2 (by weight) should be used and panels rured for 2 hours on the conveyor belt or in forms at a temperature of 1000C. Special treatme4it is required in the case of prestressed reinforcement wher, the minimal strength of concrete must not be lower than 210 kg/cm2 for the release of tensioned reinforoament. Portland cement used should be of hig-h alLarina ccnt~arir_ ground to 3 500-5 000 Cm2/g (ae3ording to Tovarov). Classified or coarse pure sand should. be 'u-3oril wit-.~i the- addition of granite aggregate up to 10 mm in size. Curing should be carried out at a tei-aperatuve of a period of 3 hours (including the per1od of ra_fs~_-.,; lowering of temperature). It is nr,-,ezE!ai-y th:~ Curing to preserve the degree of h=idity. Rapid Card 2/6 cements of a strength of .300 k&/cm" are being