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SIZENKO, S.P. Iffect of thyroidin and of 6-cwthylthioracil on the gowth of transplanted tumors. Nedych.zhur.24 no-3:32-35 '54.(MLHA, 8:10) 1. Klivelkiy rentgeno-radiologichniy I. onkologichnly institut. laboratoriya skeperimentallnogu raim. (NIMPLASMS, experimental, off. of thyroxin & mothylthicumcil) (THYROXIM. effects, on exper. cancer) (URACIL. DIRITATIM motbylthlouraell: off. on exper.cancer) SIZOUCO, S.P., AREM)AREVSKIY, L.F. "The Infljnqq of Phenamine on Radioactive Phosphorus Accumulated Normal and Tunmoroust', 'i~ the book Exverience in the Use of Radloactive_1sotgpea-In Medicine R. Te. KAVEMKIY AND I.T. SHEVCHEMM., published by the GOSMWIZDAT iu--blishing House of the LZRAnUAN SSR, KIEV 1955, represents medical transac- tions of a conference held in KIEV from 18-20 January 1954. So: 1100235 SIZENKO, S.P. AFMIDAREVSKIY, L.F. "Therapeutic Effect of Radioactive Phosphorus Applied to Iniertvined(Grafted) Tumors" p. 224, in the book Experience in the Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Medicine.R. Ye. ICAVETSKIY and I.T. M07CHM, publishirZcHouse of the U119EM SSR, KIEV 1955, represents medical transactions cf 3 conference held in KIEV from 18-20 January 1954. So: 1100235 J'. 1~. 3. P. "The Effects of Changes in the Internal Medimn of the Organism on the Develoment of Malignant Tumo-7s.ll (Dissertations For Degrees In Science and Eng:Lneering Defended at USIR Higher Educational Institutions)(30) Kiev Order Labor Red Banner Medical Inst imen-'- Academician A. A. Gogomolets, Kiev, 1955 SO: K..qZHNAYA LETOPISI No 30, 23 July 1955 P'or Vie Degree -f Candi-t-ite of Nedical Scienres. KCRINVSKIY, L.I.; SIZENKO. S.P. The nervous system in tomorous processes; materials of the session of the Kiev Scientific Research Institute of Roentganoradiclogy and Oncolog7. Fisiol.zhur. (Uirr.) 1 no.5.-129-135 S-0 155. (MLRA 9:11) (CANCIM-RBSIBARCH) (HIRYOUS SYSTEK) 19. Effect of X-mys on devul(:vaient of tramplanted. tumours in animah during the adminl4tratiqu of soporitics and phenstnine. S. E Sizunlw Viach- 1),b), 0.53, No. 7, 51,1 lecferal. Zb. TT-T-7777.7-M6, Abstr. 15776 -Thc7namilx irl doses of 0.02 mg., 0- IS mg. Rnd 0-3 n1g. admuo,tored dailly to r~r'~ from t1w day of tnmsphmtati~m of samonia XRROli'.5116, it-l al.4c) 1:,tidnital hi dos,s of 2. 10 or 20 mg &ilv. 511pprvi~,d thf! ab~arption ~f the ttimmir by X-ras~, '11W ~ltect of iia3 more ibitim-A Nvith !1mall, and Of ni,j7jb'--;0 with flusi.i. (Hil'isial") LiIZI,111110, S.P., luuiJ.nud.nank: IfidlIGIVICII, V.V.. Nffect of local and conduction novocuine block on the growth of transplanted tumors. Vrach.delo no.12:1271-1273 D '56. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimental'nogo raka (rilkovoe-itell - kand. mad.naiik 4-P-Sizenko) Kiyevskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo i onkologicheekogo instituta. (NOVOUINE) (TIR40its) slubao, S., k-snd.$GcI.n&uk (Kiyev) of a Belgian oncologist in Kiev. Trach.delo no.11:1221 M 1579 (MAISIN. JOSM) (ONCOLOGY) (KIFA 11:2) SIZF,NKO, S.P.,; NARKEVICII, V.V., Growth of transplAnted tumors in hypothern-is. VrAch.delo no.1:53-55 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Lnborntorlya eksperimentnllnogo raka (rukovoditell-starshiy nnuchMvy sotrudnik D.P.Sizanko) Kiyerskogo nauchno-iseledorptellskoLgo rantgeno-radiologlabeakogo i onkologicheskogo institutn. (TUMORS) (IIYPOTMMIA) SIZENKO, S.P., MARKRVICH, V.V. an intravenous injection of novocaine on the course of radistion sickness [with summary in English]. Ked.rad. 3 no.2:72-77 Mr-AP'58 (KIRA 11:5) 1. Is laboratorii eksperimentallnogo raka (rukovoditell nauk S.P. Sizenko) Kiyevskogo nauchno-issledovatel'Fikogo rentgeno- radiologicheakogo t onkologichenkogo instituta. (ROENTGIN RAYS, inj.eff. induction of radiation sickness in animals, off. of procaine on course of dis. & survival (Rua)) (PROCAIIM, eff. on course of x-ray & gamma ray induced radletion sickness in animals (Rua)) (GAKKA RAYS, eff induction of radistion sickness in animals, eff. of procaine on course of dis. & survivR1 (Rus)) SIZF,NKO, S.P.,; KARXXVICH, V-V., kmnd.ned.nauk X-ray therapy of primary tumors in hypothermiae* Yrach.d*lo no.91899-903 S158 (MM 11:20) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallney onkologil (rukovoditell - starshiy nauchnyy notrudnik S.Pe Sizenko) liyevskoge nauchno-inaledavatell skogo rentgano-radiologicheakogo i onkologichookogo institutao' (X RAYS-THMUPIMIC USE) (TUMORS) (HYPOTHIMMIA) SIZKNXO, S.P., kand. mod. nauk (Kiyev) Seventh International Oncological Congre8s. Vrgch. delo no.1:99-103 159. (MIRA 12:4) (LONDON--MCOU)GY-CONGRESSP.S) SIZMWO, S.P. (Kiyev) Problems in the organization of medical science. Trach.delo no.10: 1107-1109 0 159. (UMINE-PUBLIC HULTH) (KM 13:2) SIZINKO, S.P..,; KAMVICH, V.V. Ketaatatic spreading in the presence of the combined action of I rays and hypothermla. Trach.delo uo.1:7-11 160. (KIRA 13:6) 1. leLboratoriya eksperimentallnoy onimlogii (rakoyoditel' - S.P. Sixenko) Kiyerskogo nauchno-issledavatell- skogo rentgono-radiologichookogo 1, onkologichookogo lumtituta. (METASTASIS) (X RAYS-THARAPOUTIC MZ) (HYPOTHMMIA) 6:zl"l,lvo .1 S. P. nri thf,~ Effect Of K-raY il*rallat'orl Oft.val"L-)J:; " 5- -Ac) t E..l. f Brcwm~-Fl-,,a-r~-e :9-r~tjnotaq. Uch.zap. LEI,, 0 1 7 ~ C. 3, .,, pz a ad ing o g (I-MA 16.8) lj~L, ~- , . - Ic WE) , , uQ (. 1 ol-I A S, T IS i Q I(T ,l!Y2,TEERAPELri--, SIZENKOJ, S.P.; GORODYSKIY, V.I.; VESELAYA I.V.; IURILLOI*A,, VOSO Study of the antiblastic properties of polythionctes. Uch. zap. KRROI 7:192-197161. (MIU 16:8) (C'YTOTCRIC DRTGS) (THIONATES-THER&FELTI-IC USE) SIZENKO, S.P. [Syzenko, S.P.]; ISAYEV, M.S. [Isaiev, M.S.) Experimental model for studying the pathogen,~sis of ston-ach ULmors in rabbits. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.j 8 no.2:269-272 ~Ir-Ap 162. (IMIRA 15:5) 1. Otdel eksperimentallnoy onkologii i radiologii Kiyevskogo rentgeno- radiologicheskogo i onkologichedcogo instituta. (STOMACH-CANCER) VITTE, Wkolay KtArlovich; ,;IZFIIKO, S.F., red. (Development of medical science In the Ukraine] it(jzvytok medycht.oi. nauky na Ukraini. Kyiv, Zdorovlia 1965. 51 P. 41IRA 18:c)) . - - - - I - 0 LOZA, G.M.. professor; SIZENKO, Ye.I., qspirant. Organization and economic effectiveness of the use of electric combines. Izv.TSEhA no.1:187-199 '57. (MLRA 10:7) (Combines (Agriculturql mqchinei7)) (Blectricity in agriculture) IOZA, G.M., prof.; SIZENKO, Ye.I., aBuirant. Organization and economic effectiveness of harvesting grain in separate stages [with summary in Inglishl. Izv. TSKhA no.); 247-262 '57. (MIRA 11:3) (Grain--liarvesting) 135-50-6-14/20 AUT--TRS: Sizerov, L. K., -Engineer and Krylov, K. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLII: Lechanization of Seam. Trimming in Oil Squipment Construc- tion (A'~'ekhanizatisiya zachistki shvov v neftyanom appa- ratostroyenii) !"_,--,RjnDICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 11058, Nr 8, PP 42 - 43 (USSR) k2trole 'B"3-1 H ~WT The Losco,.- / institute imeni Acadenician I. Gubkin together with the, Stalingrad Flant imeni Petrov has de- velopod a spacJ_al rillin6 head for msc~iiring welds on sur- fqces of oil rrocessinG equipment (removinG surplus weld metal. from, lorUitudirnl s--!~uns on cjindrical work, fin- is.,,ing inner on heat exchangers, removing straps, etc). .~ sp.2cial attcchment for use on a welding stand is Card 1/~ described and illustrated. There are 2 diagrams. 135-58-8-14/20 Lechaniz,~!tion of Seam 7rimming in Oil Equipment Construction A;~!;GCIATIOT --"oskovskiy reftyanoy institut imeni akad. 1. 11.. Cubkina (14oscow Petroleum In.9titute imeni kcridemician I. !~. Gubkin) 1. Welds--Machining--Processes Card 212 ~AUTHORS: Rashkov S.'~,. Engineer V/1 22- -58-11-12/18 Pedorov: N.G., Eng~neeE Si I K, ~, Zenci'v- ij. _.Bngineer TITLE: The Y&, c.):iP_n:i. sat. ion of -"-Jextain AsEembly Operations (Mekhnizatsiya nekatorykh sboro,:1mykh operat-idy) PERIODICAL: Ve stn117. 1.iashinost.royeniya -'1qq'8, Wr pp 66-69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A semi -aut-,omatir- mach-ine to perform the assembly operat-JORS of pressing a flanged metal sleew over an Inte= -1. spi-got in a plasti(-,~ of pressing a plastic- false b-*!~tom mto tte same ~;o-ver together with a rubber sea I and f -; -rally. of se-rewing-in a hollow adaptor fi-tinG -Lnto the fahown in 2 and 3 Ls -~il lu5t, rated cliagrarmaatj-~,ally in Fig,4, I'd-anua-al labour i-s restri--ted to the loading of the coamonerits into the machilie and removal of the assembly, One of 4L-h-. operating heads, x9amely that for assemb.iing the false bot~--oia- is illusi:rated in cross- "n la broad. outline. the machine -ornaias -i-ritermi-%t-.te - Card '1/2 -atly irLdexed 0-initables which. feed SOV/122-58-11-12/18 The Mechanisation of Certain Assembly Operations the component parts into an mtomatic assembling mechanism., There are three assembling stations vhich may be operated jointly or inde- pendently. The prodnetivity of the machine is 5750 units per-8-hour shift. There are 5 diagrams. Card 2/2 SIZENOV, L.K., inzh. Mechanizing the assemblv of some plastic and rabber parts. Nashinostrottell no.3:1-3 Nr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Kachine-shop practice-Technological Innovations) SIZENOV, I.K. Mechanization of some finishing operations in the manufacture of instruments. Mashinostroitell no.9:9-10 S '60. (MIRA 13:9) (Instrument manufacture) --SIZKN_OV_, L. K_t_, inzh. Manufacturing parts by explosions. Mashinostroitell no.5:42 My 160c (MIRA 14:5) (United States-Metalwork) SIZENOV, L. Superhigh-speed meta-I cut-ting. Mash-inostroitell n0.1:45 Ja 162. (V,IW- 15:1) (Metal cutting) SIZENOV., L. The high-speed metal cutting. Ratsicnalizatsiia no.5:27 162. S/11.5/63/000/004/004/011 E140/B135 AUTHOR: Sizenov L.K. TITLE: Automation of data acquisition, recording and processing of information on the errors of dimensional measurements PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no,4, 1963, 16_A i TEXT: This work was undertaken in the laboratories of the Institute for machine research concerned with the scientific problems of automation, technology, econimics and the quality of mass production. The problem was the automation of data acquisition and recording on the dimensional errors of ball- bearing races in the course of production. Several alternati", systems were considered, among them: 1) recording punches, t'0 permit punched card analysis of the data; 2) magnetic tape recording, for analysis in special-purpose digital machines (correlators, spectral analyzers, integrators, etc); 3) pa&r tape punch for input to general-purpose digital computers. The article lists the parameters of the bali-bearing races i measured, and states that the system adopted permits Card 1/2 SIZMIOV, L.K., in2dl. Automatic iim.-stigation of the precision of technological processes on automatic lines. Nekh.i av-tcm.proiz7. 17 no.l: 10-13 Ja c63. (MIn 16:2) (Machineryg Automatic-Testing) SIZHW, A. (g. Zaporozhlye); BABICH. K. (g. Zaperozh'79) Teams compete in multiple-event meats. Voen. zaan. 34 no.8:18 Ag 158. (MM 11-.12) 1.Zameatitall predeedatel*a oblastnege kemitet4 i Bobrove"."r. obahchastvo sodeystviya armli. aviateii i flotu (for Sighko struktor oblastnoge komiteta bobrov*llnego obs'.ichostva nodaystviya armii, aviataii i fletu (for Babich). (Sports) (Military educati,3n) SIZHUK, A.G. Index to articles on geology and hydrogeology -?ublished by the Academv, of Sciences of the Tajik S.S.R. in 1956. Trudy AN Tadzh. SSR 77-365-366 '57. (MIRA 11:9) (Bibliography--Geology) SIZHUK) A.G,y starBldy bibliograf Literature on the geology, geomorphology and hydrogeology of TaJikistan, 1951-1955. Trudy AN Tadzh.SSR 104. no.1:163-177 '59. (MMA 15:4) 1. TSentraltnaya nauchnaya biblioteka AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Tajikistan-goology--,Bibliography) (Bibliography~--Tajiki-stan-Geology) SIZHUK,-A.G.-- Index to geological and hrrogeological litera'.ure published by the Academy of Sciences of th Tajik S. S- R- in 1957-1958. TrudY 0 Tadsh. SSR 118:207-210 '59. (KIRA 13:10) (BIbItography-Geology) -Slzrrov, n.i. Drief ou',l_-.-,,e of thr- historv of the TrrunsbaiIkalian Secti an o' the GeoFraphical Society of the U.S.S.R. during the F- past 70 yea-s (1894-1964). Zap. Zabaik. oti. Geog. 6b-va SSSR no. 24:3-14 164 (MURA 19:1) Report and elections of the administrative persornel of the TransbaikFLlian Section of the Geog-raphicall Society of the II.S.S.R. lbid.:141-1-42. SM-KO7, A.T. In mrmory of Nikalal Nikolaevich Barripovnkil, 1881-1963. Zap. Zaltialk. otd. Geng. ob-va SSSR no. 24112e-129 161, Prominent civic worker and scimtist; in memory of D.!,',. Golovachev; 180"6-1911,. Ibid. :129-134. 0 nth- Prc)i;I,,m ~S !j.,,fricultural dc-velopment of the Ghita I north in conne-,:~tlion wi. th tha f,)rthconiing development uf the mining industry. Zap.Zaba-ik. otd, Geog. ob-va SSSR no. 18: 11: - I R~ 1 62. A.I.K'Limov,3 peiagogical, sclentif ic and, public wcrl,-; on the annLvaraary of i,~is hdi-thday. ibid..95-96 (KIR-A 17-6) 1. ?redsedaisll reiakTsi~it-inc,,-izdateilsiogo ! A.A~ .,. vlashinostroitel~ Ii,,iproving the feAtelling C.0 dies on press(!- I no.,/:15 Ap 162. (Fastenings) 01IRA 15-5) 1. KFU9.211T, V. D. ; 31ZIN, P. H. ; OUKHOV, A. I. 2. U35R (600) 4. Combustion 7. Improving the combustion of anthracite culum, Engs. V.D. Krigmont, P.R. Sizin, A.I. Sukhov, Elek sta. 24 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. , - , . .. ; " -,. - . ;-, r! r , 3r , " ~.~! , .-. %, - *~ * - -1 - - I ': : I. - .'- - - - - - k 'A . -., , - ": ~ " ,, -; ... - t~, :, - ` : : * ~-- '. z . . : 1~ - !,-I , I :-. ~ - . -I ~. .,- I - - - - -- ) - '. . '- I . I I- - - !,:. ~. 1 :-'. -) ;c I - - " . I.K., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk.;RUBIN, M.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.;SIZIN, N.R., inshener.;SHAMRAYBVSKIT, I.M.; inshoner.;SHMV, V.L. in%he_ner_.'_,IrXKDI*ffO, A.A., inshener. Adjustment and investigation of 17-230-3 bollers with slag-tap furnaces. Ilek. sta 27 no.10:4-12 0 156. (NMA 9:12) (Boilers) 30YKO, V.I.. lnzh: ZUS14AITOVICH, L.B., inzh; $.jZ11T,.P.R., inzh Setup for cleaning, turbine condensers by means cf rubber balls. Alsk.ota. 29 no.9;20-24 B 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Condensers(steam) .-Maintenance and repair) ZUSKANOVICH, Mark Abramovich [2usmanovych, M.A.]; LEVIN, Genrikh Yefimovich tLevin, H.I3.j; SIZIN, Petr RomDnovich fsyzin, P.R.]; KOVALICHUK, 0., red.; GORKAVANKO, L. jHork-a-v-5-ffkc,,-L-.]. [From the experience in the o ration of the Mironovka State Regional Electric Power Plantr Z donvidu ekspluatateii Kiro- nivslkoi DRES. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo takhn.lit-ry URSR. 1960. 50 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Ukraine--Electric power plants) r VORONINY N.I.; KWOTKINA R.I.; KULIK,, A.I,; KARMANOVIL,, T.S,; LFIVINO G.Ye.; Sizillp POR* Refractory materials xnd ramming mixtures for hlRh-pressure oteam-boiler furnaces. Ognsupory 28 no,5:212-21:1 163. (MERA 16%6) 1. Vessoyuznyy institut ogneupo3~ov (for Voronin, Krasotldna)~ 2. Chasov-Yarskiy komftnat agneupornykh izdeliy (for Kulik, Karmanova) 3. Mironoveltaya gosudaretvannaya m3ronnaya elektro- stantaiya ~for lavin, Sizin). (Refractory materials) (Boilers-DesiRn and constiruotion) 10millIK, Yu.L., inzh.; SIZIN, P.R., inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, inzh.; PSHEITO, V.A., inzh.; KHXR'TIW.-YiY. -k.--, inzh. Adjustment and operation of t4he TP-23G-6 boiler with vertical cyclone preliminary furnaces operating on anthracite culm. Elek. sta. 34 no. 6:17-22 Je 163. (1-URA 16:9) (Boilers) (Electric Ar.plants) I SMIRSIN, ':I'. 'I. Winlibreuks, Snalter-celts,. :"Jtc. r 41 Regulate trip- rt4 Li 0--l of -, -in ~f~ L -3 -; t - -, i 0", Les i ste-O' 5, No. 2, 1953 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953, Uncl. SIZINTSEV, V.I., iazh.; SE14MIOV, M.A., inzh. A useful book. Trans-.stroi. 10 no.2:58 F 160. OGRA 13:5) (Railroads--Stations) SIZINTSUVA. V.P.; ISTYUK, I.Y. - Interprovince conference on practical problems of epidemic hepatitis. (Botkin's disease)* VOP*VirUSe 1 nCo4:61-62 Jl-Ag 156. (KLRA 10:1) (HBPATITIS, INFBCTIOUS) KORSHAMDVA, A.S.; BOIXYRRV, T.Te.; AIJK4ANTAN, A.B.; SHATROV, I.I.; LRYTKAN, L.V.; FROLOV, V.I.; SIMINA, N.A.; DIVOYNO, L.7.; SIZINTSIVA, V.P.; BATURINA, L.M.; ABAKAROV, U.A.; GRINUTSEVA, V.P.; MIDZHIDOV, V.; KORSHUNDVA. N.A. Studies on the reactogenle properties of Gamleia IFM polyvaccins. Zhur.mikrobiol.,epid.i Immu. 30 no.11:37-43. N 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. lz Instituta epidemlologil I (DYSnMT BACILL&IT (TMOID lmnml. ) (PARATYPROID YXTUS (TSTANUS lmmnol. (VAGGINATIOW) wilcrabiologii imeni Gamajej ANN SSSR. Immunol.) immunel.) KOVALEVSKAYA, I.L.; EPSHMIT-LITVAK, R.V.; DMITRIYEVA-RAVIKOVICH, Ye.M.; IMRITOSOVA, N.A.; SHCHEEGLOVA, Ye.S.; FERDIMMID, Ya.M.; KHCMIK, S.R.; MAYMIN011-MY, L.P.; PEETROVA, S.S.; GOLUBOVA, Ye.Ye.; GONCHAROVA, Z.I.; SAFMANEYEV, A.P.; 51ZIDITSEVA.. V.P#,- Prinimali uchastiye: MEDYUKHA, G.A.; .'OSGKlffl~.~-1;,'A-.'i-RACHKOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; OSOVTSEVA, 0.1.; DEDUSEITKO,A.I.; KOVALEVA, P.S.; KARASHEVICH, V.P.; CHEBOTAREVICH, N.D.; CHIGIRI, T.R.; SYULISKAYA, S.D.; KECHETZHIYEV, B.A.; DWINA, A.S.; ZUSIMO, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.I.; SYSOYEVA, Z.A.; ZINOVIYEVA, I.S.; FALICHEVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA, B.D.; TIMOFELEVA, R.G.; SYRKASOVA, A.V.; LYANTSTWI, S. G. Reactivity and immunological and epidemiological effectiveness of alcoholic typhoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.7:72-77 JI 162. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iz Mloskovskogo, Rostovskogo, Omskogo iristitutov epidemio- logii i mikrobiologii, Stavropoltskogo instituta vaktsin i syvorotok i Mlinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. 2. Rostovskiy in.stitut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavropollskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok (for Sysoyeva). 4. Kuybjshevskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Zinov'yeva). 5. Saratovskaya gorodskaya szinitarno-epidemiolo- gicheskaya stantsiya (for Lyan-tsman). SIZO) Ch. B. (Veterinary Doctor, Lazarevskii Meat and Dairy Sovkhoz, Krasnodar -TeTTTtGry) -. "Effectiveness of operative treatment of cattle in caees of traumatic reticulitis and pericarditis"... Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 8, August 1962 Pp. 50 T.' 't ; I -- . , I-- , -I .- . "Tisslie T-'-,--rany of Certain GynecoloEical Diseases ii COWE." Cand I Vot Sci, I,Ivov Zoovetrrinar~f Tnst, Min Hi.rher Education 'JS-Sp, Llvav, 1955) -(Y1, :To 12, Yar 55) SO: SiLm. 71o. 6,70, 29 Sep 55-Surve,v of Scientific and T~~chnical T)~,~:s~)rtal,-inns -)eferided at TISSR. Hir-her Educational Instititions (15) ACt 11637--66 EW(M) 1ETC(F)/EWG(M)/T/rWP(t)/EWP(b) W -R 1MJ/JD URcE CODE, UR?0-2f. AUTHOR52 Bogrets G N.; - --f ~OL.Lf UUf fluo? Sizonenko G A ORGI none--i~~,) - - L - ~"4~ TITLE- Device for e ectrol ic 0 A I ~00 11 ~sh: I n~of !fetal IshIng of sheet metal C.lass S'U"CE-- iBYulletent izobreteniy i tovarnyk 11Y) h8.9 0 1 61 d h &0~61~d TOPIC TAGS: sheet me znakov, no. 21, R9650 77 C deposition tal, electroplati n9 equipment, electroplating, electrolytic ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for the electrolytic pol. Of sheet metal consisting Of a receiving rack 3-1 installation, 'a, rack for delivery of the finis j, a polishing ishing MI mechanism, TO insure a continuous process, th hed pro ) 'lashing., and 0 duct, azxt a sheet di dry"W C~ e polls of two statiO--ly rectangular copper-rod-cathodes a made up cavities and Ope fling installation i 3placement nings drilled in the directio 0 The cathodes ha sheets to be polished n Of the surface VO longitudinal to the sheets onto the Move between these cathodes s to be treated. The cathode surface through thl whi-le the electrolyte I OPenings from where it is transported 0 'longitudinal cavities is conveyed it forms an to the lnt8relectrode rellion nto the n which the double-aided polshj,;~ O(Bee Fig. 1), if f the sheet is ere 11631-66 "Itt A?60W36 orig- hast figaree acoajup3ls salt JArtt joyeb6l 13/ So CODS' rgthodslP fig. C1,1vitiest 2 66et 4 FAISECIIENKC, V.Ya.; SISETSKIY A.GjSisets'kyi A 11 1- fazomumo r, S. [Syzonenko, if S DASIME1,IICH, KOVA-LICHAYI) -u:I: [1--oval Ichak, E.!.]; KOVAL', F T., red.; j~~1,IFIYAKEIjIG I :; CHUGAYOVY 1" I.P.[Ya-yrliakeyych, I.P.1, red V. P. [Chu.'haiov, V.11.1, red.; DERIUCH, I., red.; BUMUTOVSKAYA, TS. [Burkatovstka, TS], tekJm. red. [Condition of Lvov workers, 1917-3.9393Stanmyshche trudia- shcIWI:h LIvova, 1917-1939; dokumenty ta materialy. Liviv, Knyzhkovo-zhurnallue vyd-vo, 1961. 143 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Ukraine. Arkhivnoye upravleniye. (Lvov--Labor and laboring classes) ST',"(;', ""'C, T. .) 1:-.1 .7 &.~-rl-encv aid giver at tlle ai(i to ~atler.ts sufi'erinv, .`rm "'-e effect of lo--.- -ue:-i::e7aT-1n~s. ..1, P-f-,,l.-.ed. zhlur. n-. 1:(,-1-63 Ja 1 ~-.6 (,;1-"I -~,C):l) BLANK, A.B.; BULGAKOVA, A.M.; SIZON-EMO, IT.T. Consecutive extraction-photometric determination of traces of aopper, nickel, iron, and manganese. Zhur.anal,khim, 16 no.6:715-719 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Monocrystals Scintillators and Highly Pure Materials, Kbarkov. 'I (Meta.Is-Analysis) BLANK, A.B.; SIZONENKO, N.T.; BULGAKOVA, A.M. Extraction-photometric vmthod for determining the iYum of heavy metals by means of sodium dilethy1dithiocarbamats. Zhur. anal. khim. 18 no.Q,:3.046-1050 S 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Monocrystals, Scintillating Materials and Highly Pure Chemical Substances,, Khartkov. r rr4 LEOROVICH, A.L.; SIZOIZNKO, T.F. Hemato-encephalic barrier in disseminated sclerosis following endolumbar injections of vitamin-B12. Dokl. AN BSSR 6 no.5:337-339 my 62. (HIRA 15: 6) 1. Belorusskiy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut nevrologii, neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR D.A. '-Larkor.,m. (SCMCSIS) (CYAEOCOBAIAMIN) SIZONENW), T.P. Permeability of the hemato-encephalic barrier in tuberculous menigitis in children. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no-5:23-25 My 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz Belorusskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta nevrologiit neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii (dir. instituts, - Ye.F.Kalitovskiy, naucbnyy rukovoditell - akademik AN BSSR D.A. Markov). (MENINGES--TUBERCULOSIS) (ffiAIN) A31TONOVY I.P.; SIZO11,04KO, T.P. Some data on the state of the hematoencephalic barrier in cerebral cysticercosis. Zhur. nevr. i ps1kh. 63 no.2:213-216 f63 (MIRA 161l-1) l.Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. D.A.Markov) Be- lorusskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Bela.- russkiy nauchno-dssledovatellskiy institut nevrologii, ney- r-okhirurgii i fizioterapii (dir. - dotsent I.P. Antonov-), Minsk. Bl-,')I&NKO, V. From the U.S.S.R. to Japan and from Japan to the U.S.S.R. Vnesh.torg. 30 no.8:36-37 160. (KIBA 13:8) (Russia--Relations (General) with Japan) (Japan--Relations (General) with Rissia) L NT (1)/ii'N(f ) /E?F -2/ ','G_ (n) K W TJe(Q~ AT ACC NRI AP6016666 SOURCE CODE: URfL-056/65/049/004/1197/12iO AUTHOR! Sizonenko, V. L.; Stepanov, K. N. ~3 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, AN U`krSSR iziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR) TITIE: Quasi-linear relaxations of longitudinal plasma os8.llations SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperirentallno'y i teoreticheskoy fizikig v. 49., no. 4, .19650 1197-1210 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, distribution function, magnetic field ABSTRACTL: Numerous researchers (see, e.g.9 the survey by B. Bo !K'ADOMT'SEV, Voprosy teoril plazmy I-Symp. Problems i3f Plasma Theory.101 Using the quasi-linear theory have i3tudied th 149 188t a re- ilaxation of the *background" function of oases in which the osoll-.~ ~latlon spectrum represents a one-dimensional wave packet, They ishowed that the reverse Influence of plasma oscillations on partjw~`: .oleo led to a distribution function plateau* The present paper .Investigates ohanges In the "background" dietrIbultvlon function for.! ithe case of a non-one-dimennional oeolllation speotrus, On the basis of the quaol-linear theory equations It to iihown that for a VDIateau appears again In the diatributlon function of rtioles Under the aotlon of three a -dlzenelonal Card 1/2 L 25933-66 ACC NRt AP6016666 tudinal oscillations* Relaxation of the distribitio'n-funation of electrons moving with respect to Ions under the actIon of un- :-4 ~Stuble,lon-aooustlo oscillations Is also considered. It in shown.4 ~7 :that If the electron velocity to close to the critical value aboy#) .which the oscillations are unstableg the resonance electrons will ~be slowed down auring the first stage of relaxation to a veloolty:'I, ,on the order of the velocity of' sound. Subsequentlyg a,ftplateau".,~, :is formed along the direction of the beam, and the oscillation 6 eotrum becomes one-diaensionals The paper concludes with a P ~detalled discussion of the quaoi-linear relaxation urAer the ao- '.tion Pf.-one-dimensional itave. pa;~Xe to, propagating_ a,t a given angle to the magnetic field. The authors thank A.. 1. Akhiyezer, A...A. Vedenov and V. P. Silin for their discussions of the resets and thei fielpful suggp-stions. Orig. ar-FTYa-s: .37 formulas# [JPRS) SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 24Apr65" 'ORI(7n REF: .008 OTH REF- 002 Ca d 2/2 f0) L 1316-65 WT-2/EPA(W~'-VETNAW-2 Pd-l/po-n5/pir-4/ps-4/pab.~lo-.-, ACMSSION M: AP56094 S/02o7/6~/=/W6/602~/(# '.AUTHOR:, Sizoneako, VL,. (Kharlkov); Stepanq~,~ K.~ N. (Khar1kov), s in pa Lics. T3310 The stability of tangential. discontinuAle etob L SOURCE: Zhurnalrikladwy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fizil-d., nc. 6. 19641V 2~-30- TOPIC TAGS: tangential discontinuity, stability, ideally condtoting f luid,, com- pressible fluid, strong magnetic field, stabilit region, soun&: velocity., la-ag- netohydrodynamics ABSTRACT. The authors investigate the stability of the -tangen:;ial.discontinuity of an ideally conducting, ccmpressible flul.-din a strong magnehic,field.when the Alfven velocity along both sides of the surface of discontinuity.Val 2 is con siderably greater than the velocity of sound. It is shown tbrA the tangential discontinuity is unstable If the magnetic fielA does not change In direction rotate7s by 2.80*) in passing through the surface of discontinuJby and if the veloc- ity jump of the fluid v is not collin ar to the magnetic fiell. If the velocity v is collin ar to the magnetic field, or if the angle between tl:.e magm tic fie Ids along both sides of the surface of discontinuity is not close~to zero, then the .Card -~A L 12782-66 EiVT(I)/EEC(k)-2/ETC(F)/EPF(n)-2/EW(3(m)/T/EWP(k)/EWA(m)-2 I.JP(c) F-ATC N_Rt_!~_50 2-6613 SOURCE CODE: U11/0056/6_5TCV970_0_V/1 i_q~l 21~L, < AUTHORS: Sizonenko, V. L!* Stepanov,; _JK. N. 41111'~ 1q, ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, Academy-of Sciences j~irSSR (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut Akademli nauk UkrSSR) '2 1 f .11# ~ ; -~_ -- I , q 11 , '5 r- TITLE: Concerning quasilinear relaTation of longitudinal plasma- oseLlIations SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy *fiziki, v. 49, no. 4, 1965, 1197-1210 TOPIC TAGS: plasma electron oscillation, relaxation process, dis- tribution function, ion interaction, plasma resonance ABSTRACT: It is shown on the basis of the equations of quaBilinear theory that the time variation of the background velocity distribution function of plasma particles is such that the system reaches an equi- librium state at infinite time, manifest by the formation of a plateau on the distribution function of the resonant particles under the 'in- fluence of three-dimensional longitudinal oscillations. The authors consider the relaxation of the distribution function of electrons moving relative to the ions under the influence of unstable Ion-sound WGIAT L 12782-66 ACC NR: AP502 oscillations. It is shown that if the electron velocity approaches a critical value, above which the oscillations are unstable, then the resonant electrons are decelerated during the initial stage of relax- ation to velocities on the order of that of sound, after which a - plateau is produced along the beam direction. The oscillation spectri then becomes one-dimensional. Whether a one-dimenstonal or three- dimensional spectrum is produced depends on the volume occupied in velocity space by the electrons at the initial and final Instants of* time. The variation of the distribution function under the influence of longitudinal oscillations in a magnetic field iE, also considered. The equations derived are used to investigate the deformation of the case of -dinie distribution function in the %rrqV,,, .nsional wave packets. Authors thank eq,1I5.TAkhiyezei, Vedenov,, and V. P Silin for a discussion of the results and useful ailvice. Orig. art. has: 37 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE; 24Apr65/ NR REP SOV.- 008/ OTH REP: 002 2/2 .___L 23096-66 . __EYiT(1)/ETC(-f)/EPF(n)-2/El.~G(m) IJP(c) AT C NRt AP6007079 UFV0057/66/036/002/0304/0312 AUTHOR: Dushin,L.A.; Kononeuko,V.I.; Sizonenko,V.L.; Sklbenko,,A.I.; Stepanov,X.N4 OHG: None TITLE: Determination of plasma density distribution by microwave refraction SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fIzIkI, v. 36, no. 2, 304-312 TOPIC TAGS: plasma diagnostics, plasma density, plasma decay, microwave, ~electro- magnetic wave refraction ,ABSTRACT: Fermat's principle is employed to calculate the path of a microwave bean in a cylindrical plasma in which the density decreases monotoaically with Increasing !distance from the axis for the two cases in which the beam lies in a plane containing the axis of the plasma cylinder or in a plane perpendicular to the axis. For each case there is derived an equation that gives the plasma density as a function of the dist- ance from the axis implicitely in terms of the position at which the microwave beam leaves the plasma as a function of the angle of incidence. It is proposed that these equations be used to determine plasma density distributions from microwave refraction measurements. The proposed techniques were tested by measuring density distributions in decaying hydrogen plasmas at. 5 x 10-2 am Hg in a 2 m long 10 cm diameter quartz tuber The apparatus is described in more detail elsewhere by I%Adamov, L.Dushin, V.Kononenko,;L_ Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L 2::Oc6-66 ACC Ni.__kP6 WT079 and O.Pavlichenko (Atomnaya energiya, 16, No. 2, 99, 1964). Microwaves of 8 MW wave- I-ength were employed, and the radiating and receiving horns were provided with dielec- tric lenses that rendered the beam nearly parallel. For each run the antennas were held in fixed positions and the time after excitation of the plasma at which the re- 'fracted wave was received by the receiving antenna was recorded with an oscilloscope. Many such runs were made with the antennas in different positions and inclined at different angles, and from the accumulated data curves were constructed giving the position of the antenna as a function of the incidence angle for different times.* From these curves the electron density 'of the plasma was calculated as a function of time and die'tance from the axis. Measurements were made both with the beam in a plane containing the axis of the plasma cylinder and with the beam in a plans perpendicular to the axis. Good agreement was obtained between the different measurements, and It is concluded that'the proposed techniques are satisfactory. The techniques can be Improved by employing narrower microwave beams and shorter wavelengths. It is also possible to vary the*wavelength instead of the incidence angle. Orig.-art. has, 14 formulas and 12 figures. SUB CCDZ: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22Feb65/ ORIG MW: 002/ OM REr: 0021 rward 2/2 7ACC tm! j\P6032-179 SOURCL COIDE: U11/003t;/66/051/003/0858/C;i,67 AUTHOR: Sizoaenko,-V~,. !~tcpanov, K. N. ORG: Physicotechnical. Institute, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko- tckhnichesf~jy insLitut TITLE: Cerenkov quasilinear theory and cyclotron attenuation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma SOURCE:- Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i Leoreticheskoy fizilci, v. 51, no. 3, 1966, 858-867 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave, cyclotron, plasma density, linear approximation, electron, external magnetic field, ion distribution, Cerenkov theory, magnetoacoustic wave ABSTRACT: The Cerenkov absorption of Alfven and fast nn 'agnetoacoustic waves in ("JIMOT / IA 1) is investigated in a plasma with a high gas-kinetic pressure a quasilinear approximation. The cyclotronic absorption of fast magnetoacoustic N-.,aves is also investigated in a quasilinear approximation by ions and by ordinary and extraordinary waves of electrons in a plasma with a low gas-kinetic pressure Cord 1 / 2 L 05226-67 ACC~NR-- AP6032479 (4Lcri,T I If,' is the plasma density, T is temperature, nd . where no 1-10 is the external rnagnetic-field strength. It is shown that the various components; of the field amplitude of Alfven waves and fast magnetoacoustic waves, propagating almost parallel to the external magnetic field, possess different damping decre- ments. The decrement difference is of the order of the inverse ion-diffusion time on waves in a velocity space. It is also shown that the appearance of a11plateau" in the ion distribution function may lead to a strong increase of the Cerenkov absorption of Alfven waves (in comparison with the linear theory). In a plasma with a low gas-kinctic pressure, the appearance of a "plateau" would always result in a decrease of the damping constant. The cyclotron decrements of a fast magnetoacoustic wave and of the ordinary and extraordinary waves may also increase with increased field amplitude due to the "plateau" formation. The authors thank A. 1. Akhiezer for his attention to the work and valuable remarks. Orig. art. hash: 33 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Mar66/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 002/ Card 2/2 L ACC NR. AP6014040 SOURCE CODE: Ui),/0056/66/050/004/0994/1004 A71:111OR: Roulands. Dzh., !~LLqnenko p 7 Y7 ORG: Physicotechnical Institute, AN UkrSSR (Fiziko-telfhnicheskiy institut AIN USSR) TITLE: Quasilinear theory of attenuation of electroma?,netic waves in a magnecoactive ).Lasma SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticlies-Koy fiziki, v. 50, no. 4, 1966, 994-1004 TOPIC TAGS: magnetoactive plasma, linear approximation, cyclotron resonance) magnetic field, wave attenuation, electromagnetic wave ABSTRACT: A quasilinear approximation has been studied for Cherenkov and cyclotron attenuation of electromagnetic waves in a homogeneous magnetoactive plasma Dy taking! into account collisions between resonance particles responsible for the absorption of waves and the remaining plasma particles. The velocity of resonance particles along the magnetic field may be of the order of or less than the thermal velocity. For three-dimensional wave packets in the absence of collisions, the system finally reaches a steady state in which either the oscillation energy vanishes or the distribution function has a plateau. In the case of Cherenkov resonance, diffrusion I of particles on the waves in the velocity space occurs only along the Magnetic field,!- whereas in the case of the cyclotron resonance diffusion takes place along aad Card 1/2 L 36388-66 !--ACC quasista-I across the magnetic field. The distribution function is determined in the tionary state when particle diffusion on waves is counterbalanced by collislons, The nonlinear decay decrement is determined. The authors thank A. I. Akhivezer for his atLention and useful comments. Author Dzh. Roulands thanks GKIAE and FTI, ALN UkrSSR for their hospitality. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas. (Based on author' s L 07410-67 - OWT (1) IJF(c) A NRt AT6020572 CC ( N SOURCE CODE: AUTINOR: Sizonenko. V. L.. St=angy. K. N_ ORG: UR/0000/65/000/000/0109/01 17 none ITITLE: Determination of density distribution and temperature of plasma using refrac- tion and attenuation of the beam SOURCE: All UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of Plasma). Yiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 109-117 TOPIC TAGS: plasma density, plasma temperature, plasma beam interaction,,Plassa diag- nostics 7- 'ABSTRACT: Propagation of a microwave beam through a nonhomogeneous plasma is consider ,ed as a diagnostic method for determination of the density distribution and electr*n emperature in the plasma. Fermat's principle is employed to obtain a general expres- !tion for the trajectory of the beam in a refracting medium as a function of frequency and angle of incidence. Detailed computation for the case of semi-infinite plasma is considered and the distance between points of beam entry and exit is found, as well as the inverse relationship for the density coordinates. This approach is extended to a ~laboratory plasma of cylindrical geometry. The temperature of the plasma electrons is !shown to be obtainable by observing the beam attenuation. The coefficient of attenua- 1/2 L 074lo-67 :-A CC-R 1~_AWOIV512 1 0 Ition as a function of radius is derived for the plama with electron-ion and electron- neutral collision frequencies lower than beam frequency. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, i2_5 formulas. CODE: 20/ SEMM DATE: l9Nov65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REr: 002 i Card 2/2 ORLOV, G.; NILOV, G.; SIZONOV,L; LOBZA, A. We suggest study and confer... Sov.profoo.Luzy 17 no.lltU-26 Ap 161,, (KEU 1415) 1. Inopektor Zbeleznodorozhnogo upravleniya rabochego onabzbwdya Odeaskoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Orlov). 2. Starahiy inapektor zhilishchno-bytovogo otdela Vaesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzo (for Zilo 3. Zaveduyushchiy Welom oblastnoy gazety "Kranoye mangran, g.*"rlkoy (for Sizonov). 4, Instruktor reepublikan- skogo soveta profooyuzov ffor lAbza). I (Auditing) SIZOIJOV, N.; ISLIKSKYA11, A. In order not to apply Article 148 of the Labor Code... Okh.truda i sote.strakh. no.1;37-39 Ja 160. (MM 13!5) 1. Predsedatell dorozhnogo komiteta professionallnogo soy=& rabotnikov zheleznodorozhnogo transport& Severo-4vkazekoy zheleznoy dorogi, Rostov-na-Dona (for Sizonov). 2. Glavny7 tekhnicheskiy inspektor Severo-Navkazakor zheleznoy dorogi Rostov- na-Donu (for Meliksetyan.) (Factoriea-Design and construction) SIZONOV) P. K. and CHUB, G. G. ,cholera In Ghort. 4 do es." "CryuUalvlolc~ vacc-Liia of hog Q 0 Veterinarlya, Vol. 37, 11(,. io, i,96o, p. 40 r- 1 411. .4 VJ- P r ~~kikc-Lmk "-j I '01 t ~ % SIZONOV, P.K., veterinarnyy vrach; CHUB, G.G., veter*.narny vrac f h Reduced doses of crystal violet vaccine agaf.nst hog cholera. Veterinariia 37 no.10:40 0 160. (AURA 15:4) 1. Galeshchinskaya biofabrika. (Hog cholera) (Vaccination) KORKISHKO, N., gvardii polkovnik; SIWROV, A., podpolkovnik; dpolkvnik; MINAYEV, I., podpolkovaik. Work of small unit commandeers in organizing for battle; discussion of an article published in No. 5. Voen.vest- 37 no.10:43-47 0 '57. (MIU 10: 12) (Infantry drill and tactics) SIZOV, A.A.. CHXU9VKOV'v K.P., redaktor. I [Mixed crows for Introducing now building techniques] Komplekanys brigady po vnedrenliu novol takhniki no strolkaft. Leningrad. Gas. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I architekture, 1933o 46 P- MIA 7:8) (Building) SIZOV, A.A. Housing construction in Switzerland. Biul.tskh.inform- 3 no.2:26-31 F 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Upravl]r&yushchijv stroytrastom No. 19. (Svitzerland-Building) VASILIKOVSKIY, S.V.; YEFIMOV. A.D.; KLJSKOV, I.N., arkhitektor; SIZOV, A.A., inzh. Plans for an experimental. large-panel apartment house with lightweight structural components. Biul. tekh. inform. 3 no.120-9 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitelletya i arkhitektury (for Vasil Ikovskly, Tefimov). (Apartment houses) (Architecture--Designs and plans) --j-;A;!A-~=h - House with Mr 158. economical a-Dartnents. Biul. tekh. inform. no.3.-I-4 (KM 11:3) (leningrad-Apartment houses) SIZOV, A.A., inzh. New design for parquet floors. Blul. tekh. inform. 4 no-5-*3 of cover My 158. (NMA 11:8) (Parquet floors) SIZOV, A.; POPOV, B. For a wide-ranging expansion of housing construction combines. Zhil. stroi. no.8:2-6 '59. (MIRA 12:12) l.Upravl7a7ushchi3r trestom No.19 Glavlaningradetro3ra (for Sizov). 2.Nachallnik proizvodstvanno-takhnichaskogo otdela tresta No.19 (for Popov). (Leningrad--Precast concrete construction) SIZOV, A.A., inzh. Poliustrovo housing construction combine. Biul. tekh. inform. 5 no.3:1-2 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:7) (Leningrad--Construction industrr) SIZOV, A.A., inzh.; GALIPERIN, L.Tu., arkhItektor Technical and economic efficiency of buildings constructed b7 ,. Bjul.tekh.inform.po stroi. 5 no.12; the mithod of lifting 3-4 59. (MIRA 13:4) (Leningrad--Apartment housps) POPOV. B.D.; SLIVUR, S.L~~; KORZHE~ZVICH, F.G.; SIZOV, A.A., inzh., red.; YEAPLASs M.Tass redeizd-va; PULIKINA, Te.A., *takhnred. (On-the-job training of workers on construction sites; practices of the Main Administration for Housing and Public Construction in the City of Leningrad] Proizvodetvaiino-takhaicheskoe obuchenis rabochikh na stroitalletva; is opyta Glavleningradstroia. Leningrad. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1960. 15) P. (MIRA 13:6) (Leningrad--Building trades--Study and teaching) GALIPERIT, L.Yu.; ZUSSEH, A.P.; IOFFE, M.I.; MINTS, V.M.; !~IZQ_V,_,kA,-, STAROVOYTOV, I.F., red. izd-va; PULIKMA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Experience in the design and erection of bruildings by elevat- ing the stories]Oprt proektirovaniia i montazha zdanii meto- dom 11od"ema etazhei. Leningrad) Gosstroiizdat, 1962 147 (MIIH~ 15:4* (Precast concrete construction) (Hoisting machinery) UM/EngEneering - Stamping machine Card 1/1 Pub. 12 - 10/16 Authors Sizovs k. A. -------------- Title An automatic stamping machine for winufacturing buhinp Periodical : kvto trakto prom. 7, 31-32, July 19!54 Abstract : A description is presented of an aui;omatic stmping machine capable of producing l5x15 = buBh:bige in lots of i60j'O-00 units per work shift, The machine vas deoigned by engLnew 7. Khorwins employed in the Chelyabinsk Forging and Pressing Combine, Diagraw* Institution t &too* Submitted : L 20350-65 EuT (m)/EpF(c)/E7jYP(t)/EVP(b) Pr-4 IJF(C)/AFWL JD -ACCESSION NR: AP4041007 S/0120/64/000/003/0005/')OZ5 AUTHOR: Kliger, G. K.; 1~olp~oyt_ V. Z.; Lebeday, A. V.; U Smolyankin,.V. T.; Sokolov, A. P._ TITLE: Problems of designing liguid-~ydrogen bubble chambers. (A review) SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1964, 5-25 TOPIC TAGS: bubble chamber, liquid hydrogen bubble chamber, bubble chamber de'sign ABSTRACT: Based on 1946-63 Soviet sources and :'~952-63 W.estern (mostly American) sources, the review covers these -points: invention and development of the chamber; principal parts and their arrangement (round, rectangular, ccnical chambers); trans illu mination at small angles; metzls used for chamber housing and their low-temperature characteristics; illuminators, their expansion- contraction conditions, and gaukote used to meet th-~m; thermostatic controls; Card 1/2