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S/272/63/000/002/007/009 E032/El-14 AUTHOR: Sivenkov. G.F. TITLE: Radiometric signalling instrument for the control of contamination of clothing PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, otdellnyy vypusk, Metrologiya i izmeritelinaYa tekhnika, no.2, 1963, 123, abstract 2.32.815. (Sb. rabot po nekotorym vopr. dozimetrii i radiometrii ionizir. izlucheniy (Collection of works on certain problems of dosimetry and radiometry of ionizing radiations), no.20 M.1 Gosaiomizdat, 1961, 247-248) TEXT. A device is describe for the recording of p- contamination of the order of 109 P-particles over an area of 150 cm2 in 1-2 sec. The probes are in the form of 8 CTC-6 (STS-6) counters, four of which are placed on the door frarae (two on each side) and four are located in a cavity in the floor which is covered by a polythene film. The recording part of the device consists of a pulse-normalizer, a storage unit, a DC amplifier, a signalling circuit and rectifiers, one of which supplies the Card 1/2 Radiometric signalling instrument S/272/63/000/002/007/009 E032/EI14 counters and the other the signalling circuit. When the signalling device is brought into operation, a bell is rung and a red lamp flashes on the front panel of the device. CAbstractor's note: Complete translation Card 2/2 VOLOV-'E, A.A,, staral-ify nauchnyy sotrudnik; NIFITIN, Yu., mlpdrhiy nauchiriyy i3otrudriik; MILOSLAVOVA, T., mlad5hiy nauclinyy sotrudnik, SIVENKOVA, A., mladshiy nauchnyy so-..-udnllk ---- -- 1. Potato wart and nitrnfen preparation. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I ly)l. 9 no.8:42 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Natichno-issledovatellskiy Institut kartofellnogo khozyaystva. SIVENKOVA, A.B., nauchnyy sotrudnik; D'YAKOV, Yu.T., nauchnyy sotrudnik Systematic effict of the Bordeaux mixture substitutes. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.1:29 '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut kartofellnogo khozyaystva, p/o Kraskovo. - ' L -66 21067s AP6065102,1 `-40=d COD111 tfR/0324/65/PC0/04_w AUTHORI Dyakoyp YU.&.' T a; Sivenkove. As ORG.t.. 'AoVW 4~ '~-7J TITLEt' Chemical protection of potatoes from potato blight :3OURCEt Nsuchnyye doklady vyesbey shkolys Bicloglabeskiye naukipl-_ no. 40 19650 183-188 TOPIC TAGS: borticulturep plant disease control fungicide ABSTRACT: The effectiveness of fungicides, their application end d. 'r residual effects on Pbytophtbora infestans are discussed. Neither copper nor preparation AB have been effective. TMTD is more toxic to Pbytophtbora infestans spores then Ziremp Captan or Bordeaux mixture rbygon Is still better* Application with a blower-type sprayer onto the lower leaves and the undersides of the leaves in necessary to obtain: proper dispersion df the fungicide* Since Pbo infestane became,, acclimated to a fungicide in, I seasong alternate application in an Cmd 1/2 ACC NRI AP6005102 season is recommended, with consideration for the following factors, Bordeaux mixture depresses plant growth when used early in the season. Ph. Infestans develops resistance to organic fungicides more rapidly then to Inorganic fungicides* Zineb and Ziren have certain tberapeuil:a effects, and bane& can be used effectively after infestation. Ph*g6n.,.' and TMTDO although highly toxic to spores on the leaf surface, do n6t penetrate the plant and are readily wasbtd off. Application of,Zineb~."'. and then of Bordeaux mixture gives better results then their application in reverse order. Ph* infestans adapts more slowly to complex preparation, hence addition 6f copper oxychloride to Zineb or ziraz~ Is suggested* Orlga.artc basr tables.6. ZUB'CODE.6 06/ SM'DAT:Ri,-.!,2 OR16 7tV t 0071 OTH lkl*t 4Ju3L64/ .2/2 V: 4CWd . .. .... ..... 1~- V. Sivenkova, N. V. "Pediareed horse r~,,isin:7 in the subliz~~m regions of Lenilrrrrad Golast and methods of i-,rprovinl- it.', n Hi~lher Education USSR. LerfLngtad Af-ricultur-al Inst. LeninE;rzad, 1956. (Dis5ertation for t';;e Degree of Candidate in .'~'---ricultural Science) So: iLnizhnaya letopis', No. 27, 1956. I-Ioscow. Pagges -~14- 109; 11-1. VDO'Vit~', Yui iy i nauch'.Yy " , -1 1:, Shakuvovic-h, student; SIVENTSEVA Narienda Dmi,riye,.--:a, st,il-~-~rit-ka- diplomnitsa St,abilizer of avatage voltage value. 7 no.12:1499-1500 164. (MTRA 2. JnStL4-11~ f4Z lki metall,~v ~'Ul SSSR (for Vdc.,vin.". 2. Sv~irdllovskiy g-:~sudars Lvennyy in3 titut (fcr iullajcv, Siventsava). tf.:s ly ti-..e rethod, `ry -;-resdriC. Stem. IlLnufactare cif cerav;1c, ashlar, f'ficadr. p'. i ker. -,,, 7;c;. /;., A!-,ril 1`1-5,2. I'ontlilv List of Russian Accessions) Lilrar-,.- of Coni-ress AuL-ust 1~ ;,52 . U--Cl SIVER, L.Ya.; VIKUTAN, A.D. Considerable saving of fuel. Stak.1 ker.11 no.1:32 Ja '54. (MI-Rd 7:1) (fte generators) AUTHOR: Siver, L~ Ya. 72-F8 -5-12/18 TITLE: Adapting Heat Aggregates to Natural Gas Combustion (Perevod teplovykh agregatov na szhiganiye prirodnogo gaza) PERIODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958, Nr 5, P.P 37 - 39 CVSSR) ABSTRACT: In March 1957 all Aeat aggregates of the Khar1kov tile fac- tory were adapted natural gas from ihe Shebelinakly deposit. F"'rst it was necessary-to build a 900 m long main outside the factory, and gas distribution points, and 4,5 km of underground and open air gas pipes within the factory area. 9 tunnels kilns Ishat down alternately for 8 - 10 hours) , the heating of the drying drums and*of the tunnel drying plants, the boilers, as well as all supplementary heating devices were adapted. After adapting all plants to the new fuel the gas generators were switched off and deactivated. As a result of this change the gasifying of prcdictive in-Etallations was reduced and 45 laborers who did heavy work were free for other purposes. This change with the only short standstills was made possible only because of a number of technical aids by the staff and Card 1/2 the laborers. Provisionary manual regulators were produced which 72- 58 -5-12/18 Adapting Heat Aggregates to Natural Gas Combustion reduced the gas pressure from 0,5 to 0,05 atmospheres absolute pressure. Such a point,was erected on each of the 4 gas pipes for the kilris (figure 1). The air supply for the gaa burnete was directed through metal pipes and the gas burners were built according to figures 2 and 3. In tunnel kilns the existing burners were left because of technical difficulties; and only the jet openings of the burners GN-2 were reduced to 8 mm and those of the burner GN-3 to 9 mm; their jets were made longer by 2oo mm in order to save the refractory diffusor lining. There are 3 figures. . ASSOCIATION: Kharkovskiy plitochnyy zavod (Kharlkov Tile Factory) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress 1. Natural gas--.Applications 2. Industrial plants-.-Equipment Card 2/2 %YDEW)V. V.V., inzb.; SIVER, L.Ya., inzh.: Z;,VllkZHffY, I.M., inzh.; BORYA.K. A.T.. inzh.-, ROKU1011ENKC1, F.V., inzh. Semidry pressing of kaolin bricks. suggested by Y.Y. Naidenov and others. Rats.i izobr.predl.v stroi. no.11: 79-82 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Po materialam plitochnogo-zavoda, stantsiya Los ev66,! I Kharlkovskogo sovnarkhoza. (Kaolin) SIVER, L.Ya. Equipment for the glazing of ceramic pipe. 6-tek. i ker, 20 no.12~.23-24 D 163. OURA 17-1) Z.S.; IANIFILOV, A.V., proC., retsenzent; Ki-"AVFTS~ 1. P. P Prof., retsenzent;_~IVE~,_,F-Ya.) dots., retsenzent; GRITSEMD) A.F., dots., retsenzent; KOSM-07, A.!., prof., retsenzent; KOTUAaOV, Yu.L., red. [Structure of molecules] Stroenie molekul. LIvov, Izd-vo Llvolfskogo univ., 1962. 213 p. 18:6) 'd,me fdodom b odkw pbso MA p Va. sver (state Mod. I'L' 00' offs"k ~Ohiois. KUM. 240 nemill). Zh" FS' wL vd. T (It- kc (in oak trmc,j... X to.) VA i-'W s" me 14M, at 25 d- 0 03 .of S are in W"Isaa . (u) M%Ms. 1. (1131 "n tdW "d NSA. is in C" 490 a~ and 142.9. and in CHC16 W2 of 8 on: I-CC16 70.734. 60 ad 10.1. 1412. u7j; I_CHCIsSw.5",m.Mdl4O.l.JS7A IMS' C, M. T&L 735 ow IWAL 140.3.14DJ; 141 M.M. ?JS 7w 139,5,; U-CHC6 70.70L 06 wed Inh. 726. 7701. M a" M2. 187.0. t3e.5. 135.2; U-M 30 133.9; bmw=-CC16 M, 642. SOT mW 137,5. L34.1. 131.8; bumm-CHC16 372, 374, 661 amd 137.7. 1361. 33.4: &.%a CHC16.CCI. &16. Ul. W7 mW U13.4.133.1. 1 32.2. l2w salms. m .. rquiw .. in to bob ody. AM Ir. Ths wely. wee dotd. by =-Wim 8 to a vol. W ashmost &ad mosswims The tocal Val.; the ob~wW a Mob wbm the oak. becomme mod. J. ZANANSKIVY. L.N.; SIVER, P.Ta. Yeture of crys~l~ in microbe cultures., 4:264-2-66 '52. WRA 11:4) 1 1. Kafedre biolaocheakay kh1mii Chernovitakogo Gogmedinatitutae (BACTIMIOWY-CULMURES ABT CULTURE MEDIA) (CRYSTALS), R_j F Y4 USSR/Biolof~:r - Exrerimental mor,:,holo ff, Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 46/47 Authors : Zamanshiy, L. N.; Lopushanskiy, A., I.; and Siver, P. Ya. Title : Rejuvenation of albumina in a regenerating tissue under effect of urea investi.pated by moans of methionine marked with s35 Periodical : Dok. AN 53SIZ 99/1, 177-179, Nov 1, 1954 Abstract i The study of albumina rejuvenation in regenerating tissues under the effect of urea by nnans of s35 marked methionine, is described. Tables showing dis-!. tribution and content of s35 in the reienerating brain tissues of an animal, are included. Eleven refer6nces: 9-USSR and 2-USA (1939-1953). -Tables.' Institution : State Medical Institute, Chernovtsy Presented by : Academician A. D. Sreranskiy, 4uly 12, 1954 USSR/Medicine Pharmacology, radiology Card 1/1 17, 11119 FD-2809 Author Siver, P. Ya., Zamanskiy, L. N. and Lopushanskiy, A. I. Title Effect of certain vitamins on the absorption of !131 by the thyroid gland. Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 6, 43-45, June 1955 Abstract Authors investigated the effect of vitamins, Bl, B21 C and nicotinic acid on the absorption of iodine 1131 by the thy--oid glands of rabbits and white rats. Results of the experiments demonstrate that when the capacity of the gland to take up iodine is lcwered during malfunction, added vitamins can increase this activity. No re-ferencer~ are given. The results are presented on three charts. Institution Chair of Biological Chemistry (Head: Docent L. N. Zamanskiy) Chernovitsy Medical Institute (Dir: Docent N. B. Manlkovskiy) Submitted 10 Dee 1954 SIVIR, F.Ya.; GRWHISHKIN. D.K.; ZAMANSKIT, L.N.; LOPUSHANSKIT, A.I.; ------ZXPRALOVA, Te.V. Distribution of P32-labeled Stapbylococcus aureus in acute experimental sepsis in rabbits. 2 no.1:29-31 Ja-F 156 (MLRA 9:9) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii. biokhimii i fakulftetskoy khirurgii Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo instituta (MICROCOCCAL ININCTIONS, experimental, aepticemia. distribution of radiophoaphorus labeled staph. (Rus ) ) (SIPTIGIMIA AND BACTMMIA, experimeutal, Staph. aureus, distribution of radiophosphorus labeled Staph. (Rue)) ZAKANSKIY, L.N.; LOPUSHANSKIY, A.I.; SIVER, P.Ya.; KAPRADDVA. Ye.V. Affect of urea on the incorporation of inorganic phosphorus into re.g.onerating tissue [with. summary in Inglishl 2 no-5: 346-349 S-0 156. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Eafedra biologicheskoy khimii Chernovitakogo maditsinskogo instituts (PHOSPHORUS, metabolism. regenerating tissue. off. of urea on inclusion (Rus)) RIGNMERATION, metabolism in. phosphoruc inclusion in regenerating tissue, off. of ures (Rua)) (URKA. effects. on-reggenerating tissue inclusion of phosphorus (Rua)) usm/iiuman and Animal Fhysiolo~sY - i4ctabolism. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 3i447 Author Zakrividoroga, S.P.) Zamnskiy, L.P., Lopushanskiy, Siver, P.Ya. Inst - ------------- Title Spread of Radioactive Thiamin in Tissues of Animals During Emaciation of Organism and during Restoration of the OrGinal Wei&it. Orig Pub Byul. eksperim. biol. i medintsiny, 1956, 42, No 12, 43-45 Abstract A Aistinct degree of alimentary dystrophy was caused in rabbits; then some of the rabbits were fattened to their original weight, while another group of the animals con- tinucd. to be fed without limitation for the course of 2 or 4 weeks. After this, radioactive thiamin was introdu- ccd to the rabbits hyperdermically and they were stopped uo for 24 hours. In the healthy control animals (HCA), maximum radioactivity (PA) was found in the tissue of the Card 1/3 USSR/Human Abs Jour and r'hysic)109Y - Metabolism. T-2 Pee Zhur - Biol., 110 7, 1958, 31447 kidneysi then (in decreasing order) in the tissue of the heart, liver, in the brain) lungs) muselec., and a minimum In the blord. In the starved rabbits, a rharp increase of RA was noted in the UGSUC of the liver, kidneys, ltinito and musclesj and an insiLM . ificant increase in the brain and sPleCn. A distilict drop Of RA -was found in the tissue of the heart and marrow. After fattening to restoration of the original weight Of the body, HA in all tissues 1~as low er than in HCA. Was noted During further fattening an increase of RA ', it approached that observed in HCA* Daily CX_ aretion of radioactive thiamin in the urine one day after its introduction hyperdermically in HCA, the RmOllnt introduced) and in the starve comprised 71.5% of In the starved animals, the presence is d anirzis 41.7%. vitam.n. insufficiency that, presumed of a 'long with a greater P-CCUML"Ja- t!Oa Of thiamin in the organs, conditions its lesser ex- Card 2/3 cretion in urine* During recovery from the condition of 14 USS-'/L[UMn and Anim, .1 Ph'Vsjoj.O'zV 5W Sul// 76- 3.15 - 5-17/33 AUTHOR: Siver, P. Ia. (Chernovtsy) TITLE: Self-Diffusion of the Diphosphate ion in t?,e Syste,-i; 't','ator - Electrolyte - 'Non-electrolyte (Samodiffuz-4ja 'Lor-a difosfata v sisteme voda -- ~lcktrolit - neelektroolit) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizi4cheskoy khiiaii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 5, pp 1o65 - 1070 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This -aper giv-_~s data on -the coefficients -:~f tht2 sulf- 0 diffusion of the ion HP320 i" in the systeiii water - zodium diphoophate - nox.--_-1cctrolyte a', 290 and 0.20C. Urea, 61acose, or lactose were used as non-eler-trolytcs. Thp. phosphate content was ;Ueasurudby meansof an e1ectrophoto-calorimeter, the rate of the self -diffusion by the capillary 32 equal solutions were prepared; one, 1L1oaeve_-,,, contaiilc;d P The testing period amounted to 7 - 10 hours at 250 and 40 hours ant 0.2r. The measuring rcsul-7s are 4 tables 1 and 2. The coefficient of self-diffv.~i:)n does no t de-.end on the thermodynamic propErtics of thz_ Card 1/2 o:: the properties of tht; cnvironiaent on'r. Self-Diffusion of the Diphosphate Ion in the System SOV/76-3/5-5-171133 Water - Electrolyte - Non-electrolyte of self-diffusion of the marked phosphate ion decreased in all solutions by addition of the non-electrolytes as well as by addition of phosphate and a constant concentration of the nonelectrolytes of 0.05 mol. This decrease is greater than would correspond to viscosity increase. A linear relation with a limit of error of 61~a' is derived from the data: D 1.44 . 8.16 + 0-5. This formula can be used for calculating tL self-diffu7sion of the diphosphate ion in solutions of known viscosity. The author thanks Professor 1. R. Krichevskiy for his help and advice in connection with the investigation. There are 2 tables and 20 references, 5 of which are Soviet. kSSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy in3titut Chernovtsy (State Institute of Medicine, Chernovtsy) SUBMITTED; October 19, 1957 Card 2/2 5(4) SOV/20-127-5-36/58 AUTHOR: Siver, P, Ya. TITLE: The Mutual Influencing of Diffusion Flows in Multicomponents Systems PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, "to! 127, Nr 5, pp 1062-1065 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The quantitative determination of the phenomenon mentioned in the title was carried out in the simultaneous diffusion of the 1 32 2- and HP 3102- in the system waLer-sodiva diphosphate- o r., i HP 0 nonelectrolyte. As acnelectrolyte, ,area, glucosep lactose or' glyzerin were used. Whereas the concentration of the nonelectro- lyte was kept constant, the urmarked phosphate had a con- centration gradient which v&ried In the ccur~_-e of the expe-1- ments. In this way it was intended, according to a paper by I. R. Krichevskiy and Yu. V. Tsekhanskava (Ref 12) to find out in what way the diffusion flow of the nonmarked phosphate acts upon that of the marked one. Besides,, it was posaible, by extrapolation of the diffusion ~osfficient of the marked phosphate to zerog to find the coefficient of self-diffusion. Card 1/2 Figures 1-4 show the experimental results and make distinatly SOV/20-127-5-36/58 The Mutual Influencing of Diffusion Flows in Multicomponenta Systems linear interrelations appear discernible. The extrapolated value of the diffusion coefficient of the marked phosphate agreed with the coefficient of self-diffusion measured in a preceding paper. All experiments were carried out with equally directed diffusion flows. At present, the author works on oppositely directed flows. He thanks Professor I. R. Krichevskiy for his valuable advice. There are 4 figures and 13 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut (Chernovtsy State Institute of Medicine) PRESENTED: March 21, 1959 by S. 1. VolPfkovich, Academician SUBMITTED: March 14, 1959 Card 212 31VER, r'-.YA., "M.D., ZJIIIA, Y13.5., ZA.-W';.-KIY, I.N , I - icilt-r R A I (:VA~L, YE% v., yjl,s, 13, j . , LOT I! 42'fxly, A. I. "Some Data on the Biochemistry of the Riliancement of Regeneration." Report presented at the r:th Int'l. Biochemistr-j Congress, Ynscow, 1(~-16 Aug 1.-,61 S/021/62/000/002/010/010 D299/D304 AUTHOR: Si TITLE: Diffusion in ternary systems in parallel and opposite diffusion streams PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrRSR. Dopovidi. no. 2, 1962, 218-22! TEXT: The results are given of an experimental verification of On- Sager's theory in ternary systems. The interaction was studied of diffusion streams in 24 ternary systems of water-sodium diabasic phosphate - nonelectrolyte (urea, glucose, lactose and glycerine), in parallel and opposite directions. In the parallel diffusion streams, the diffusion of the labelled and unlabelled phosphate ions took place from a capillary to a glass tube. In the case of opposite diffusion streams, the labelled ion migrated from the V tube to the capillary, and the unlabelled from the capillary to the - tube (as before). The diffusion coefficient of the labelled ion was determined; that of the unlabelled ion was not determined, but it can be assumed that it did not appreciably differ from the ob- Card 1/3 3/021/62/000/002/010/010 Diffusion in ternary ... D299/D304 tained coefficient (as the solutions were mixed). The results of the measurements are plotted as graphs of the diffusion coefficient versus the log of the activity gradient of the nonlabelled phospha- te. The activity of the phosphate in the solutions was determined by cryoscopic data. As could be foreseen, in the parallel directiong VO the labelled-ion flow was strengthened by the unlabelled one, whe- reas in opposite streams the diffusion of the labelled phosphate is weakened through Its interaction with the unlabelled. The ob- served effect was roughly equal for both parallel and opposite streams. The considerable inclination of the lines (graphs) in all the 24 investigated ternary systems is proof of a noticeable inter- action of diffusion streams. This effect is beyond doubt; it merely requires further quantitative analysis. The above method for veri- fying Onsager's theory was found to be fairly simple and expedient. There are 4 figures and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-So- viet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: D. G. Miller, Chem. Rev., 60, 15, 1960; J. Anderson, K. Saddigton, J. Chem. Soc., 381, 1949; J. H. Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 510, 1951; W. A. Johnson, A. L. Blabb, J. Phys. Chem., 60) 14 1956. Card 2~3 SIVER) P.Ya. Determination of salting-out constants and activitieB in ternary solutions from freezing point depression data. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.8rl?69-1775 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Chernovitskiy meditsinskiy institut. (Salting-out) (Systems (Chemistry)) (Cryoseopy) SlVllt, P.Ya. Experimental verification of the Zhur. f I z. Idiim. 36 no.9.-1947-1951 5 162. (,'.,jRA 17:6) U, 1. Cher-novitskiy gosudar5tvenny-y Tiiedits-rskiy institut 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & .1 a It .1.4 MI, I;u ''I It V V. Ij L L I f. n j I L AA 04 cr W U t the 100fi'litude of tile houllinit cultrot oil A 101,111111t fire. tmdv. I'll t.. Siver JOW W N. KAIAllov flll%l~ Phy'. A,%lul. Sri. U.S.S.R., Nfcpwtjw), 1. p*Y,. R ) 22. M-70948)(in Ru~,iaw- I-c-on (C'.A. 39,.11944) the thickne- 4.f the diflu. 'im) )A)rvr' wbich dris. the rate of Traction at a folming =00 014 rlrclrc~lr. 6 1 -021 DYWI-- 1) being tile 41ijilloon 00 v tlI& kinetnatic vi~u%icy' and w - 2 -M. m N-ulmr he no Of Cc-TOIU60M per sec. This cquath)n i, 00 liV mr"uritki; I he vctitage-current curves for tile re'loction 00 4 (h to 110h in ll.WS I ls~i( Aiat ait ainalzanutell Cit C.kt it - zoo -wir. The limiting current i, prol,ottiottal tit tween on - 111.5 jo4 40. Similir rrmjh~jlv -,bfjjjwJ x A 00 IVOO re4h AC circtrimic. After a j,r,J,mgvd jth,.b,- tion ot a Ag di%k, (-N b, mitued to 1110m A01 .1% to li'o'. '400 900 00 so 00 I P c I =00 *0 Asm, st aWALWrICAL LITIER-lilill CkASSIFICATION 00 kool 1- An IL S a a- 40na 0 0:0 00 0 0 0 000006000 0 0 000906409,110000 00000*00 If to 0- 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0000000 a 0 00010 091111 a 00 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 'J~-* - m T I I 0" 44 too. ONWIS VU go; A of 00 It and If. .14. KAImmv- go bar. Fig. Mae. U. M-3110M); d. C.A. 42. S-11h. 'Ietd go . 00 *#?Jktlt 11(t)l WIN N IICI 1 411 It K ill$ 1 00 f ill! . 1 1 ~ 11.4L). + 0.00 U '4448~14)' (ill). Ill All ill op W11.111A sunces the Willits i lor If I disclsvp WAI Iff tvailatims per sec., between 1.5.4114 to MI/I (a - no. of I In Oda. 1. both A for If * dis- 11 tbe 12). ! :M1c . if we" found t . cIWge and is for by&- 6- 00 a and the equation of Levich (C.A. 30. 319P) idii - :9.W 00 a P. and D, Iwinig diffa4ion twedl. at It mad 0.. resp.. confirmed. For the other milm. lite tm ' 00 ,i thcwy; it w,4* 4.1 )o litiown A win caled. from Levich a 10 'And 2.8 X 10-1 cm.2/sec. fac 11 And 111, resp. Tha. method olcak-S. D is mareconvenitnt than by the eqtULion of IlkoviE And yields D values witkin3-4 Anequation i, ileriv~l for r m I(i) which contains 2 empirical con~ts. .4n41 agrees with Capt.; Coat" (C-1. 40. 194) U~'l ms equAkul rtmits. imily I empirie'll mcall. arul Could 11"t IlIker'" I'l 011ALLUGGACAL LITINAINt CLASWKATlft 1114iij "it OmV dill U a AT 10 "1 an 4P.. Of 0 It 1P a a ar At it a' Ig ar n' lll v I&A All A 0 rM 0 6 3 1 T OR 1 11111 0 a I ]ff m 5 a 2 00 *0 0' -00 0 %0 %o goo NO 0 woo 010 :10 0 0 0 go 0000 0 : : : :1: : 0 000000000000 00000000000060000 69,96966066000604 5W SOV/76-33-11-37/47 AUTHOR: Sivery Yu. G. TITLE: Nonateady Electrode Processes in Stirred Media. I. Voltage Verms Current Measurements at Constant Potential PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiip 1959P Vol 33, Nr 11, pp 25t36-26oo (USSR) ABSTRACTt The main task of the voltage-current measurements at constant potential is the determination of the dependence of the current density (of the current passing through the cell) from the duration of the electrolysis at constant potential of the polarized electrode. For immobile solutions this problem has already been solved by studies of A. I. Sokolov (Ref 1)t Smutek (Ref 2) , Delahay (Ref 3) 9 and others. For 6tirred solutions only inadequate data are available (Refs 4,5)- Equat-lons are derived, which can be applied without limitations for both reversible and irreversible processes and also for general cases with any desired degree of reversibility of the electrode reaction. The equations were derived under the as- sumption that there is a larger excess of indifferent electro- lyte in the solution and that the course of the diffusion is Card 1/2 linear. The derivations are presented in the following sectionst SOV/76-33-11-37/47 Nonsteady Electrode Processes in Stirreli- Media. I. Vol tage-Te rsus- Current Measuremeftts at Constant Potential the general case, the completely irreversible processes, the completely reversible processes, the stationary equation (mentioning papers of V. G. Levich), several general equations and experimental determination of the values of E and k thickness of the diffusion layer); the criterion of ir- reversibility; the distance totho front of diffusion; esti- mating the error of calculation in the equations derivel. Be- sides the above equations, there also are some for the quanti- ties which, in the general case of nonsteady processes, charac- terize the liquid layer of the side-electrode (which contains already little of the reacting substance). There are I table and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIGN: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isel-edovatellskiy inatitut istochnikoy toka (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Current Sources) SUBMITTED: April 8, 1958 Card 2/2 SIVER, Yu.G. (Moscow) ~,; ` -.-I - - Unsteady electrode processes In stirred media. Part 2. Zhur. f1se khIm. 34 no.3:577-584 Mr 160o (MIRA 13:11) 1. Yeesoyuznyy nauchno-Iseledavatel'skiy, institut istochnikov toka. (Zlectrachomistr7) TRUBNIKOV, G.R.; SITRGllq, Yu.M.; GREBI,"TIMIKOV, B~S~ "-I.-..- -------- Progiamcontrolled thermostat. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.6:150-- 151 11-D 161. (1,1IRA 14--11) 1. Institut khimicheskoy V.ziki AN SSSR, (Thermostat-) SIVERGIN, Yu., nauchnyy sotrudnik-, VONSYATSKIY, V., nauchnyy sotrudnik Simultaneous creation of the material and part. Izobr. i rats. no.12:4 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 13,004-65 -EWW/EPF ~WEPRAWPOWT Pc-h/Fr-4/Pa-4 RPL RM/WW ACCESSION NR: AP5000715 S/0191/64/000/012/0006/0009 AUTHOR: Berlin, A. A. Kefell T. Ya., Sivergin. Yu. M Fil _1jpp2y�kays,'1u. M. , Ivakina. 1. P.- --wishkova, V.T. TITLE: Properties of curc-,~ polyester acrylates with varying polymerization ~-eeffi'~Fe-n~-- SOURCE: Plastielieskiye massy*, no. 12, 1964, 6-9 TOPIC TAGS: polyacrylic resin, polyesteracryl ate, cured polytter, polymer mechanic property, polymerization coefficient, polymerization initiator, polymethacrylate ABSTRACT. llomologs of dimethaerylate-bis--!(diethyleneglycol) phtnaiate QVIDF) wt *th a coefficient of polymerization Gf L-5 were homopolymerized or col)ol3,m(.f ized with a free radical initiator; the solids obtained showed a monotonous decrease in hardness and increase in relative elongation anti impact toughness with increasing length and flexibility of the olig- omer block, while the tensile strength reached a maximum at a polymerization coefficient of 2. The liquid homologs with a polymerization coefficient 1-5, 8, and 20, a viscosity of 60-8000 centistokes a molecular weight of 500-5000, and having the general formula H2C:C(CI13)C(:O)OCII C1120CI12CH20- ECOO) C(;H4C(:O)OCH-IC1190-CI12CH20-In-C(:O) C(CH )-CH (n being Xc coefficient of polymerization) ere obiained by a previously pub- lish~2 ' Old of condensation from phthalic M~ydrid FI m _e ~ diethylene glycol, and methacrylic acid. Thehomo-andO.5:0.5c r~ were glassytor elastomeric solids, depending on Card (11/2 L 19004-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5000745 the coefficient of polymerization, and the mechanical strength of the copolymers was slightly improved as compared with the properties of the homopolymers. The increase in tensile strength with a decrease in the coefficient of polymerization from 5 to 2 is ascribed to an increase in crosslinking, while the lower strength at a coefficient of 1 is ascribed to struc- tural stress and a decrease in orientation capability. Swelling tests in acetone vapor proved that swelling increased with the magnitude of the oligomer block, as expected from the theory, along with increases in water absorption and combustibility. The polymers were resistant to aqueous solution of 1 and 10% NaOH, 3 and 30% H2SO 10% NaC 1, 5%. CH3COOH, and to ethane and heptane, but not to dichloroethane, 5% pheno or concentrated H2SO4- Orig. art. has: 3 tables, 3 figures and 1 chemical formula. ASSOCLITION: None SUBMIT TED: 00 NO REF SOV: 008 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 005 SUB CODE: MT Card 2/2 IL 40988-65 EVrr )/EPF(c)AwP(J)/T ;ACCESSION NR: ARS005645 iSYGMQ81/64/000/022/905519055 IROURCE: Ref. zh. IChimiya. Abs. 223373 AUTHOR: Sivergin, Yu. M.; Frolov, P.V. TITLE: DeterminWthe hardness of eril materials polym- CITED SOURCE: Vestn. tekhn. I ekon. inform. K.-i in-t tekhn-ekon. fatted. Goof kom-ta khim. I neft. prom-sti pri Gosplane SSSR, no: 1, 1964, 27-28 TOPIC TAGS: hardness measurement, hardness meter, polymer hardness, polymerization control, static load TRANSLATION: The principle on which the operation of the TP-1 hardnes.3 mete.~r is based is that an indentor. is pressed into a sample of the material to =esMlal ~aconstant- rate of deformation of 0. 04 mm/sec. until the stress on the material becomes equal to the selected load. At that moment, the drive gear Is automatically disconnected, the gradual movement of the indentor Is stopped, and the sample remains under the influence of a static load. The sample Is subjected to this load for a given period of time. The device permits the use of loads varying from 0. 5 to 48.5 kg at intervals of 0. 5 lcg. Numer- ical data are presented for the hardness of various polymeric materials (thickness 6.5-12 Card 1/2 L 40988-165 ACCESSION NR: AR5005645 mm) as determined with the aid of the TP-1 device with a static load acting for 3 minutes.i This device permits materials to be studied which have a broad range of hardness. For materials in which the hardness Is < 10 kg/mM2, the duration of action of the static load should be>N3 minutes, while with a hardness > 10 k- M in te is uf en This g/m 2 1 m u 9 flcl t. method of determining the hardness can also be used for controlling the conditions of polymerization and for preparing polymers with optfmwn properUes. Z. Ivanava ENCI.: 00 SUB CODS.- MT, 1E Cora l'O A(Xh;S6 N Nil: AP1,043305 S/0032/64/030oa/102iAo2i AUTHORSt Sivergin, Yu. M.; Russiyan, Ye. K.; Frolov, P. V.; Bukolov, Yu. Ye. TITLE: Apparatus for determining the hardness of plastics SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 30, no. 8, 1964, 1021 TOPIC TAGS: poly-mer plastic, plastic hardness, hardness determination, motor RD 09, hardness tester ABSTRACT; An apparatus was,designed for testing the hardness of polymer'Tiastica under identical conditions (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure). It delivers loads of 0,5-46,5 kg in 0,5-kg intervals and produces plastic deformation at the rate of 0.04 m1sec. Its activating mechanism 2, consisting of a reversing motor RD--09 V and a reducer, activates the spindle 3 carrying indenter 4. Lever 5 bears against ~2ol=i 6. Loads 7 are suspended above the long arm of the lever and are lowered or --aisod by handles 9. Shaft 10 bear,- through prism 1-1 against the short am of 1,iver. This shaft, carrying the object table 15, is moved vertically by an' olactronagnet under the influence of the applied load. Spindle movement is aau,ged by indicator 16 and..shaft movemont by indicator 17. The motor is connected and disconnected by handles 18 and 19. in operation, shaft 20 is lowered when 113. C ".;, J J AGIGESSION NR: AP4043305 necessary loading is applied. 'The test specimen reiting on table 15 is brought into contact with the.indenter by nut 21, and the actuating-machanism,is -started with switch 22. The indenter Is then impressed into thespecimen at-a constant rate until the strei~;in the material becomes equal to the applied load.- At this moment the apparatus is autom .stically swit&ed off and the table in freed iby the electromagnet. Shaft 20 is next lifted and the motor in reversed. Orig. j,art. has: 1 figure. !.'ASSOGIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademfi niuk SSSR (I6stiiiate of i Chemical Phyi~icb, Acadengr of Sciences SSS R~. !i]SUBMITTED:, 00 F.NGL t 01 suB CODE;: IE MT NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 2/3 Card - ----------------- - - - ------ ACCESSIM NRs AP4043305 Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of hardness tester Card 313 ENCLOSUREtol ;A! LAHTENSETED4, G.I.; STVFRG714, Xu.M.; BERLIN, A.A. tpplicatior. of the adiabatic method for the determinaticr, of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of processes, Teoret. 1 eksper. khim. 1 no. 5:690-694 S-0 165 (MIRA 19,al) 1. Institut kbiruicheskoy fizi.k1j. AN SSSR, ',Ioskva. Submitted Ifarch 8, 1965. SIVERGRI, Yu.M.; FROLOV, P.V.; RUSSIYAN, Ye. K. Standardize the method for determining the hardneBs of antics. Standartizatsiia 29 no. 11251-52 N 065 (MIRA 19tl ~A -L--21222-66 - EWT(m)/&WP(J)/T/ETG(M)-6 W-WIRK C NRI AP6008397 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 037 4/66/1000/001/0003/0006--- 'AU1_'.-HOR: Babich, V. F.; Sjyp~rin, Yu. M.; Be lin, A. A.; Rabinovich, A. L. JORC: institute of Chemical Physics AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki IAN S11SR, Moskva) ITITLE: Correlation between the equilibrium modulus of high elasticity and the number jof cross-links in rigid network structure polymers SOURCE: Mekhanika polimerov, no. 1, 1966, 3-6 TOPIC TAGS: crosslinking, polymer structure, elastic modulus, temperature dependenceo temperature effect, equilibrium ABSTRACT: The dependence o e the equilibrium modulus of the high elasticity of Poly- mers of olyg2esteracrylatU on temperature was investigated. The modulus was shown to increase with the raising temperature. Itw&s determined that the higher the extent'of cross-linking, the lower the correlation of experiment with theory concerned. Orig. art. has: 4-figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table. [Based on authors' abstract.] INT) SUB CODE: U,:20AUBM DATE: l7jul65/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REP: 003/ Card 1/1 8Lqr ubc: 6T8:539.32 --- - - - - - - - - - - --- L 3Z69-66.--- EWF(j)0jWT(m)/j IJP(c) R" ACC NR,AP6012139 (AY SOURCE COM U1VO4lW66/0O0f007/O057/OO5? ru IN-VaTORs Berlin, A. A.; Kqfeli, T. I&.; rilip"Ta1we, Ta. M.; ~q Korolev, V. Vj Makholl1m, L. Ij LOOMM'We a. I. ORG s . mono TITLES Preparation of polyacrylate enters. Clams 399 No. 1 5 SOURCES Isobrateniya, promyshlennyye oitirastay,, towarnyye anaki, no. 7, 19669 57 TOPIC TAGSs polyester, acrylatep polymerisation ABSTRLCTt An Author Certificate has been Issued describing a method of preparing pnlyacx7late eaters by low-teqnratum polynierizationyin bulk of sommieric and oligomeric acrylate esters in the presence of pe A initiators. To speed up the process the system benzene roxido plus polyasophonylem plum.fillor with a developed surface such as PK-395-407in suggested an the initiatori The polynerise- tion is carried out in the presence or an Inhibitor of sedium potency, for instance benaoquinons or diphanyludne. [LID] SUB CODES 11,07j6uBm DATE, 22Aug62 .67A, 1210 k 1 t !71 ACC HR: jv6or272?5 SOURCE CODES UR/0191/66/000/008100113/~321- AUTHORS Bey Ip linp A. Ao; �tr!kx_ A. G. Kefeli, T. Ta.; Sellskaya, 0. G.; Siverging Yu. M,; Komleva, L. K. ORGI none TITLEt Kirlitol. oligooster acrylates/and some properties of their polymers SOURCES PlaatichoskJ," massyp noe B. t9669 18-21 TOPIC TAG31 acrv'late, xylitol, polycondensation, adipic acidl sebacle acid, plithalic anhydride ABSTRACTS The synthesis and polymerization of oligooster acrylates (OEA) based on .Vlitol~and norto properties of products of their curing were studiod. The synthesis was carr rjrizat-*1011~10thod flod out by the condensation tolon and involved the reaction of, xylitol with adinic acid, sobacie ac1d or plithalic afflWdrIde, with mathacrylic acid -as 1 tho monofunciJorml tologen, 112SOI, or p-toluensulfonic acid as the catalyst and hydro- quinone as the inhlbl~or. As Indicated by the amount of water formed by the reaction :and by the analysIs of physicochemical proportles of the synthesized OEA, the polyes- torification reaction in toluene does not involve xylitol itself, but its 1,4-monoan-I hydride (xylitan). The degree of dehydration of xylitol depends on the natnM of the ,catalysti it was much greater In the presence of 1123Q~ than In the presence of p-tolu-i enasulfonic acid. The conditions of synthesis of the Droduct of -the reaction W-1th Card 1/2 uDc, 6?,13.674,65'52'28.01:539.2 bard 2/2 AIMUDMOVO V.A. (MwL-W)j S17MIKOVAM, Ijo. Ukxsk-m) PadiWwapj of aLlIgawt tumro of the modiWttmm6 TrALv MentZ. ==h.4sal. Inst. mft. L rad. 32 00,18183-190 964. (MM-1 28sU) f.-&LITAAENKOv L.M. (Maekva); MERKMA, 14.A. (Monkva)j Vr S.MR1XCVA* 1074. (koekvv) ATURI,'~A, V.P. (Nnskv&), Problem of Me causes of errors in the diotgrnsis ef chronic radiation sickness, Trudy TSentr. rauoh.-issj, !Lst, rebt rad, 11 no,107C-278 064, (HIFLk 18:1116 SrIL-Riii" V. V. "The Problem of Utj i i zing Layers of Peremlial Grasses," Dok. V-5 Ak- Se khoz. Nauk. 11o. 2, 1949. I-Ibr., Sara Agricultural Expertnental Sta., -cl949-. SIVM, A.P., redaktor. [RAdAr station equipment) Priemniki radiolokatsionnykh stantsii. Perevad a angliigkogo, pod red. A.P.Siverea. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio." Vol. 2. 1949. 354 p. (MIRA 8:2) 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Radiation Laboratory. (Radar) 'I -J, T'r. Vt Si*"'ERS) A.r.) ed. Threshold sigmals. 1,bskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1952. 402 P. (53-19526) TK6553.1-3917 PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 395 - I BOOK Call No.:' AP618536 Author: SIVERS, A. P. Full Title: RADAR RECEIVERS Transliterated Title: Radiolokatsionny-ye priyeaniki Publishing Data Originating Agency: as None House: oviet Radion Publishing House Publish4 Date: 1953 (second edition) No. PP.: 359 No. of copies: Not given Editorial Staff Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None Editor-In-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: The author expresses his gratitude to Prof. V. I. Siforov, A. A. Savellyev, and V. N. Ivanov for their contribution to the writing of the manuscript. Mention was made that A. P. Belousov, V. I. Siforov, and A. A. Kolosov have carried on research in the field of pulse-type receivers. Text Data Coverage: T4is book is an attempt to fill the gap in radio literature In the fiel'd*of radar signal reception: it is, therefore, presented as a comprehensive exposition of the methods of computation and de- sign of pulse-type superheterodyne receivers for radio detecting and ranging work. The text is based on materials published in open 1/3 Radiolokatsionnyye priyemniki AID 395 - I domestic and foreign literature. The introduction contains a brief history of Russian radio development, listing a fair number of key personalities in this field. The extensive mathematical treatment of the text is paralleled by descriptions, diagrams, and drawings of components many of which identified by designation markings. The value of this work lies In the treatment of this subject, whereby each key component of various types of ra4ar receivers In covered separately in considerable detail, somewhat In a manner of a hand- book: data for the analysis and design of sub-assemblies of each component are, for the most part, based on technical specifications of manufactured equipment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Ch. 1. General Data on Radar Receivers and Their Basic Requirements it 2. Designing a Schematic Diagram of the Principal Components of it a Radar Superheterodyne Receiver 3. Analysis and Design of a High-Frequency Block for Centimeter- Wave Receivers 4. Analysis and Design of a High-Frequency Block for Meter- and Decimeter- wavelength Receivers 5. Analysis and Design IF Amplifiers 6. Analysis and Design of Detector 7. Analysis and Design of the Video Block 2/3 Radlolokatsionnyye pr1yenmiki AID 395 - I Ch. 8. Design and Analysis of Automatic Frequency-Control Systems for Radar Receivers it 9. Diagrams and Components of Anti-Interference Protection Systems for Radar Receivers Abpendix: An Example of an Analysis For a Centimeter-Wave Radar Receiver Bibliography Purpose: Intended primarily for higher technical schools, and also for radio engineers and technicians Facilities: None No. of Russian and Slavic References: 16 (including 8 non-Soviet) Available: A.I.D.,Library of Congress 3/3 BULOVSXIT, P.I.; MRS'KIN, V."S., O'tvetstvennyy redaktor; AKSFWOV, D.D., red.; BLOOV, V.I., red.; VORONOVSKATA, Te.V., red.; GOLOVCHANSKIT, P.M.,red.; ZAVALISHI11, D.A., red.; EPSH7NTN, M.O., red.; BORKHVARDT, G.K., red.; PAVLOV, V.A., red.; POVALTAT9V, I.V., red.; Z1U&L.AP-, red.; FILIPPOV, P.I., red.; MISHIN, V.I., red.; RLIKIN, Te.G., [Theoretical bases for the technology of assembling aeronautical instruments] TeoreticheBkie osnovy tekhnologii sborki aviatsionnvkh priborov. Leningrad, 1956. 122 p. (Leningrad. Institut aviAtsionnogo priborostroeniia. Trudy no.15) (MIRA 10:11) (Aeronautical instruments) SIV3M, Arkadiy Petrovich; SUSLOV, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; ATS ANDROVA, -... I... 11-1 A. , eA kktor; KCRUZEV, N.N., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Fundwentals of radarl Osnoryy radiolokataii. Mosbil lzd-vo *Sovetakoe radio, 1956. z46 p. (Km 9: 5) (Radar) -L"ft (V-51 7 SOV/112-59-22-46703 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 22, p 196 (USSR) 6 -44 00 AUTHORS. Klyachkin, L.Z., Sivers, A.P. TITLE, The Selection of Optimum Pass-Bands of Stages of a Broad-Band Radio- receiving~'Devlce PERIODICAL: Tr.,,Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr., 1958, Nr 18, pp 48 - 53 ABSTRACT: Determined are the optimum values of pass-bands of stages of a receiver, consisting of single-type and different-type stages. The following types of stages are considered: 1) with a single tuned circuit; 2) with a pair of coupled circuits with an optimum coupling; 3) a pair of stages with single detuned circuits with a flat frequency characteristic; 4) resistive amplifier stage without the frequency characteristic correction. The results obtained make it possible to determine the minimum necessary number of amplifier stages of a receiver and-the pass-band of :individual stages. x V,M.L. Card 1/1 7 ( ' S(,),I/'2850 PHASE T 3'--,CK E~OLOITATI~~-,'F Slv~rs, Arkadiy Petrovic~h, Nikolay Aleksandrovich -Su5tov, and "e , e 1 1 s ki y O:zno,,,rY ratl---~Iokatsii (Fundcmertlals of Radar) Leningrad. Sudpromgiz. 1959. 350 p. Errata slip inserted. 25,500 copies printed. S,' I --! 1`1 -1- Ed. : L. D. Gol I dshteyn; Ed. : Ye. 11. V. Eras-tova. This book is intended for radio sj.'.)t-cialists 5tt;dying radar. It wa3 approved by Eo-1,1cation, USSR., as a textbook for radio CT V-111ze's. N. Shauralk; Te-ch. Ed. and students of the Ministry of Higher engineering departments COVERAGE: The authors discuss basic principles of radar. They describe pulse, frequency and phase methods of ranging and -~xpiain mnethods of determining azimuth and elevation of objects. ... hpy also analyze errors in measuring coordinates by means of radar and discuss factors determining the operating range of Fundamr--rt.a-13 of Radar S 0,/2 8 5 0 radar sy5tems. They dis3uss counter-radar measures and describe methods of transmitting rada-- infor7natiort. Use ot' radar beacons,' identification sysl-'ems and 3ystems for selepting moving ob ects are also discussed. Chapteifs 11 (ex~lept Se,--tion3 14 and 151,, VT, VT1 and Sz~~t~tion 4--, cf Chapter IV III (exoept Section '37), were written by IN. A. Suslov; Chapter VIII, Se3tion 37 of Jfj' T Chapter Lntroductlon and Conclusion by A. P. Sivers; Cliapter IX by V. 1. i and J'--,,,-tjOjj 13 of Chapter III by A. P. 3ivers and N. A. Suslov; Sections 14 and 15 of Chapter II, Chanter IV (ex,--ept Section 45) and Chapter V by A. P. Sivers ana V. I. Metellskiy. The material Is based largely on lectures delivered by the autHors in 1950-1957. The ho rs thank V. V. Tikhomirov, Corresponding Member of the .~""~~.ademy of Scien-3es, USSR, for his help In preparing the riiawi-s,~ript. They also thank L. D. Golldsht-eyn for reviewing ti-le text. There are 99 references. all Soviet (in3luding 52 translation3). "ard '- V9 6(4); 7(7); 9D) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3414 Sivers, Arkadiy Petrovich Radiolokatsionnyye priyemniki (Radar Receivers), 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1959. 533 p. Errata slip inserted. No. of copies printed not given. Ed.: N.G. Zabolotskiy; Tech. Ed.: B. V. Smurov. PURPOSE: This book has been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, USSR, as a textbook for schools of higher educa- tion and for departments of radio engineering. It may also be of use to radio specialists. COVERAGE: The author discusses problems In the theory of radar reception and outlines methods of designing and calculating the parameters of radar receivers. He formu- lates requirements of radar receivers and analyzes basic problems of raception, such as the reception of weak Card 1/11 SIVERS, F. Writing and reading in today's France. P.69 TULLMULD (Eesti PEN-klubi, Valismaine EEsto Kirjunike Uit, Ulemasilmne Eesti Kirjanduse Selts) Lund. Estonia. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.8, no.12, Dec-1959 Uncl. S S -11. "*KorolAin Ya. J', LokiiiiLA'7-, i Siveru N L ligib 1 1 sl-ffe-.-~- - foln-V '~7_sft&l 11 _ste7rE_e_vTl us 0. fie mehanilua kvraMya.) CBenditig and Mabillit)r of bewns and beam nyMems. (Structural mechanict; of ships.)j Gosudarstv. Na-_-Mn-Tchn. lzdat. Matii1165troitel. i Swlo- stroitel. Lit., Mozcow-Lcningrad, 1.953. 519 pli. 1.3.40. rubles. In eight, chapters the authori prescnt the theory of StrUCtUrcs, formulated with special consideration being given to ship design. Intended as a textbook for students~ and reference book for practising engineers, the book de- velops the various known metho& for solving the differ- entia-1 equations referring to beams, grids of beams, frames, arches. Special consideration is given to beams on elastic foundations and to problems of stability. Numerical ex- arnplc3 illustrate the methods throughout and.most nf the results pertaining to beams are stmimarizLd conveniendy at the end of the book. The chapter headings are: 1) Applicition of the principle' of virtual work to thp study ol the equilibrium of elastic bodicq; 11) flending of qtraiqh~' 01) Mane fralues, (7011sistimr ofstinight Ucoms; IV) Otrvvit frarn"t V1, B~nd- wq ~"l I -ti- ov 0.;!;1 ic Plilmlatim-4; VI) -4 -'F 1. q. of 111r. Al. KOR)TKTII, Yakov Isayelvicl,; LOKSHT11. Aleksandr Zinov'yevicb; Slum- Mikolav I17ovicb-, XURDYPIOV, A.A., redaktor; OSVEIISKAYA, A.A., rdRWF.VR". '"MrMA, V.11., tokhnicheakiy reduktor. [Bonding and resistance of plates and cylindrical shells structural mechanics of ships] IzbIg t ustoichivost' plastin i krugovylr.h toilindricbeekikh obolochek; stroitellnuta nekhanika korablin. Leningrad. GoB.sot~jznoe izd-vo sudoistroitel'not promyshl., 1955. 30? P. (HLRA 8:11) (Elastic plates and shells) SOV/ 124-58-5-5957 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal,Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 143 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sivers, N_L__, TITLE: Investigation of the Reciprocal Influence of the Aggregate Flex- ure of a Ship and Its Inner and Outer Bottom Floors and the Part Played Therein by the Bottom Covering and the Inner Bottom Flooring (Issledovaniye vzaimnogo vliyaniya obshchego izgiba korablya i izgiba dnishchevykh florov na uchastiye v nikh dnishchevoy obshivki i nastila vtorogo dna) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 18, pp 23-3,11, ABSTRACT: The stress condition of the outer bottom covering and the inner bottom floor of a ship is examined considering that these elements of the hull serve as chord members not only of the floors but also of the equivalent framework and that they ex- perience an in-plane sf'.'ressed condition. The problem is solved on the assumption that the deformations in a transverse cross section of a ship are subject to the hypothesis of plane cross sections. 1. Ship hulls--Stresses 2- Stress A.A. Kurdyumov Card 1/1 analysis 3. Mathematics SIVERS. N.L., kand. t ekhn. nauk Calculations for bottom span structural components in connection with docking ships. Sudostroenia 24 no. 6:1-7 JO 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Hulle(Naval architecture)) (Docks) EZLKTN, V.P., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; ISLIGOVA, M.A., kand.takhn.nauk; KOVALNVSKIY, G.V., kand.takhn.nauk: MASYAGIN, A.V., kand.takhn.nauk; IIZBYIDV. V.N., kcand.tekhn,nauk; RYABOV, L.T., kand.takhn.nauk; SIVIRS N L., kand.tokhn.nauk; SOKOLOVA, A.S., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; kand.takhn.nauk; KONTOROVTCH, B.M., inzh. "Designing ships' hulls" by A.A. Pi-avdin. Revievect by V.P. BelkiaL , - and others. Sudostroenle 24 no.8:78-79 Ag 158. (MIRA W-10) (Hulle(Naval architecture)) KOZIYAKOV, Titaliy Vasil 'yevich; KOROTKIN, Yakov Isayqvich; KUFJ)YUMOV., Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; LOKSHIN, Aleksandr Zinovtyevich; POSTROV, Valeriy Aleksandrovich; SIVERS Nikolay LIvovich:._YEKIV'OV, V.V., doktor tekhn. na . Prof., retsenzent; SEGAL, V.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., re- tsenzent; SMOLEV, B.V., red.; ERASTOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Book of problems on the structural mechani" of ships] Zadachnik po stroitellnoi mekhanike korablia. [By] V.V. Kozliakov i dr. Leningrad, Sudpramgiz , 1962. 254 P. (1,11IL4 15:6) (Naval architecture-Problems, exercises, etc.) SIVERS, N.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Calculating bottom plating with several cross-pieces in docking a ship on a keel-block. Sudostroenie 30 n0-1:9-10 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) .jovl~ll; lilt uk, Y"Filluv V V 1~ in. na,uk, retsenzent; retsen:,.en-L; !i L. , nau,:hn. real. ree.. Of Slli-~ PILI Le3 arvi span Inade of glass- 'I I-einforced plqni~lsj Ustoic-l"i-vc-st? .9u.(i,-,-j:;kh plastf-yi i pere- kr7,rt4-i iz steklopltastiknv. Leningrad, Sudostroeite, 1964. Q0 P. kMiiill- 17:11 KHOMYAKOV. N.M.; SORNEVSKIY, B.I., retsenzent; SIVERS, F.L., redaktor; VOLCHOK, K.M., tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Selection of electric motors for powered dock machiner7l Vybor elektrodvigatelsi palubnyi-.h elektroprivodov. Leningrad. Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1955. 267 P. (MLRA 9:7) Ollectric motors) .--~~IRS Pavel LIvovich; TIKHONOV, V.V., dots., red.; GOaAkISKIY, - - - Yu.V-.,* r~Y.Ik-va; KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., tekhn. red. [Course on electric drives on ships]Kurs sudovykh elektropri- vodov. Leningrad, Izd-vo I'Morskoi transport," 1962. 475 P. (MIRA 15:12) (Electricity on ships) 1A SOV177-58-9-1/51 AUTHOR: Sivers, S.G., Colonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: Some Problems of the Co-operation of the I'ledical Corps and Public Health Services PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp 3-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on the co-operation of the bledical Corps and the Public Health Services during 7,11 11 and now. In the Soviet Union, there exists a continuously- extending State network of medical-prophylactic in- stitutions employing more than 300,000 physicians and 2.5 million medical workers. In the past years, twice as many physicians have been graduated in the USSR as have been in the USA. The Soviet Public Health Service is a system of State and public mea- sures, based on scientific principles. The author stresses the important role of the Organizatsiya mestnoy protivovQzdushnoy oborony (MPVO) (Organization of Local Anti-Ai--craft Defense). There are 2 Soviet Card 1/1 references. S I tj~r:t~,, [3i,.rf.rg. VA4, I of light scattering in -a medium with time-dependent optical Jkr, f:Lz. zhuar. 10 no.la8l-86 ja 165. (MIRA 13,,4) 1. Astrnnomicheskayi ob5ervatorlya Llvovskcgo gosiidarstvennogo ,- - -4 teta im, I.Franko. . T. i .- : - - 0 AUTHOR',"): A. , K1, Im 1-:;Ii Ln, T. V. 11. ~,, of Lh-:ht, In 1,41th ri Vir, i i icr A Th-w , RA 1' : PF: I i 10 D 'P pp 9-11 Vol Nr 1 j -Y)O , t ,()t i0m Lc, ht, Acly dim-nal i A , - ~ ' , , . , . , , ABISTRACT: Wht2ti iAw ni,~Alon of' a und(~-r co,; !onc1L1*.1m,-i-.-_; Js coiiL;j-c1c,red, U, Is froquently ncces:~at-y to tak(~ into accollmi, It:3 triteractIon vilth ra(liation. Usually, tile problem is ,-,,tudi(,d by combining the equations of motion with thc.~ equations of' radiative transfer; moreover, only tile ca,,,,P- of t ;tcady boundary is corisid~-.-,c-d, wthile - -!i:illy th(~ seatteri -- o-e or after t c. t _ng o,~curs either bef I the llf':ht qUantum passe.,-~ throuc.,li a mov1njr boundary. Conscocluent-ly, before any modern thpory of light scatter- Ing, is applied to hydrodynamic problems It I.; necesSary to develop a theory of scattering In a medium i..,ith lnovini,, boundarie.,~. This 1.3 the, problem of the- prt:~3ent, C a rd a u t i I o r-1. .The., follo,-Inc, notations are ' , ~-h~ A Theory of Light Scattering In a MedILUn 78002 With a Moving Boundary SOV/33-37-~-2/31 This integral eqUation is rewritten as; (T) t:. + 0 5) -0 -1 oil -- 0 fere X is an arbitrary constavnt. In the secondease we P e- p (-c'- v I -r - r'j) dr'. and P I I k -P- M (20) 2 0 - Card 3/11 (X kh"Ill, 111 a "0 It :i fvlt)v htj~ B,-mn d ~'i v.v 0 V/33-37-1 -~21131 AISSOC"EATION: HF4ITTED: EcIlmitiom (16) and (20) give th,-- sol-Au-ions fo-- the two Tnr?rc are 5 Soviet references. Lvov A~Aronomlcal Observatory (Llvovslcaya astrononilch,--;3- lcaya oboorvatlorlya) JuiY I - 1959 Card 4/4 S/033/60/037/005/005/024 E032/E514 The General Problem of Light Scattering in a One-Dimensional Medium with a Moving Boundary only the final formulae obtained are quoted. There are 2 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION4 Llvovskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya (Llvov Astronomical Observatory) SUBMITTED, January 22, 1960 Card 2/2 V.Sl rj-; of the c lhe C',,' ILL n F I %~,'-F-A 17&5 t rr, I SIV-Z;-aI;,T V.S. Characteristics of i-1,;,:~rfecti in the rumar, con-t-ants of i. cattle. 'I-Ukrobiol. zhur. 25 no.2-:26-31 163. (IMU 17: 10) 1. Institut mikxobiologii All UkrSSR. 137~58-6-11747 Franslation from: Reff-rativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 77 (USSR) AUTHORS: Molotkov, N.A.! Sive ., Zhidetskiy, D.P. TITLE: A New Organization Chart for Modern Open-hearth Depart- nients (Organizatsiya upravleniya sovremennymi martenov- skimi tsekliami) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Vol 18, pp 532-537 ABSTRACT: The present organization of open-hearth departments (OHD) suffers from extreme decentralization of branches of the op- eration resulting in a long chain of management, an increase in the numbers of managerial, engineering, and technical personnel, and complications in production management. The writers propose the compilation of unified standard organiza- tion charts for OHD envisaging elimination of unnecessary links in management by combining small OHD and doing away with the present practice of excluding the slag dump and the mold-car -preparation shop's from the purview of the OHD, and also of separating furnaces within a department into blocks Card 1/2 and groups. The number of furnaces in a department should 0 137-58-6-11747 A New Organization Chart for Modern Open-hearth Departments be the decisive factor in determining the organizational pattern of manage- ment. Recommendations are advanced on standards for numbers of tech- nical personnel relative to the volume of work of an OHD. A.D. 1. enalneering--USSR 2. Gpen hearth furnaces--Operation 3. plin U-Organiza Lion Card 2/2 KCROIAV, A.I.; BLINOT, S.T.; IUBMUTS, I.A,; KCIBURNPbY&7, I.N.; TURIJBINER, A.L.; USILIYN7, S.V.; CHERNIM, N.A.; BELOV, I.V.; TZLISOV, S.A.; MAZOve V.P.; MMVZW, V.A.; MALIXOV, V.G.; BULISKIY, M.T.; TRUBITSKOV, K.M.; SHNIMOV, Ta.A.; SIADKOSRTNM, V.T.; PALM, V.I.; KUROCHnN, B.N.; ZEMNOT , A.X,; BILIKOV. K.N.; SABITW9 M.P.; GARRUZ, G.A.; P=CRXTfXlY. A.A.; ALYJUW. K.S.; NOVOICDSKIY, P.I.; MOROZOV, A.N.; VASILITU, A.N.; MARAKHOTSKIT. I.S.; NAIMM. A.V.; VIU"OVTSW, N.V.; AGAPOV. V.7.; 739M. N.A.; PASTUKHOF, A~I.; BOROIXJLINg, A.I.; TAYNSHT310, O.Ya.; ZHIGULIN, V.I.; DIISHTWI, Te.l.-, KLDlASWffO, L.S.; KOTIN, A.S.: MOLMKOV, N.A.; SIWXdSKIT# M*T*; ZHIDIrEKIY, D.P.; MIKEAURTS. N.S.; SUPKAN17, P.N.; ZAVODCHIKOV. N.G.; GUDIMCHUK, V.A.; NAZAROV, P.M.; UVOSIKIN, N.Te.; NIKCLikTBV, A,S, Reports (lb?ief annotpe-ionz). Bl-ra. TSNIICHK mo.18/19:36-39 '57 (mikA. 11;4) 1. Magnitagorsldy wtallurgichesk-ly kombinat (for Korolev, Belikov, Agapov,* Mkshteyn). 2. Kwmetsk-17 metallurgicheakiy kombinat (for Blinov, rasillyev, A,.N., Boro(adin, Kllimaserko). 3. Chelyabineld.7 metallurgichesMiy za-vaii (for Imbene'.a. Taymshteyn). 4. Zavod in. Dzherzhinakigo (kor Xob-mrueyar). ~',. Zavod "Za'porozhs-liall" (for Tarubiner, Nazar, Podgoretakly, Marakhovskiy, Savoalkin). 6. makey'evsldy metallurgiclieskiy za7zod (for Vasillyev, S.V.. Malikov, Zhidetskiy, Allferov). 7. Stallproyekt (for Clhernenko. Zhdanov. Zavodchikov). �._PIIT (fo. Belov). 9. Stalinskiy metal- lurgicheskiy zavod (for Ys-1680~79 Kclakh). k0outinued on next card) KMaLZT, A.I.--(continued) Card 2. 10. matallurgichaskiy hombinat (for Kedv9dev, Novolodskiy, Vecher). 11. Zavod "A-so-vatall" (for Bullskiy, Slepkanev). 12. TSentrallnyy mau4--'=-c-'-rjsledor.-ateliskiy insti- tit chernoy mr,-.-allurg-Li (fo:~ Tz-a-ilbko-7). 13. Ukrainskiy insti- tut metallov (for Shneys=c%-T, K010-ki). 314. Zarod "Krasnyy Ckctyabrl", (for Palm),). TsesaywrVy rAuchno-looledo- vatellskiy inatit-ut teplo'jekhniki (for Khrochkin). 16. Zavod im. rbroshilava (fo.,! I",. %.elyabinokiy poll- tekhnicheskiy invAlt-do (for Koro--,~M. 16. Rprostall (for Garbuz). 19. Urallskiy Lnstitie, chervjI& maliallo-:- (for Paeukhov). 20. Zavod im.Petrovskogo (ftnr Zhigulim). 211. che=o7 melvallurgii USSR (for Kolo-,-ko-r, Slvenfldy). 22. Glavapetse.,all Ministerstva chernoy metlallnrgli SSSR (fo-~ Mk!Aayev-). (Cpar-A6arth pronBs) I T 7 F (0) - h~ ACC NR1 AP6001513 SOURCE CODE: UR/0302/65/0001004/0023/0025 AUTHOR: Kondalev, A. I. (Candidate of technical sciences); Semeshko, Ye. A.; Siverskiz, P. M. ORG: none*:.,K TITLE: Analog-to-digital converter for magnetic-tape signal coding and entry Into a digital computer SOURCE: Avtomatika i priborostroyeniye, no. 4, 1965, 23-25 TOPIC TAGS: analog digital converter, analog digital encoder ABSTRACT: ~16e Institute of Cybernetics of the AaadgMy_Q~L as developed a printed-circuit transistorized A/D converter with the following characteristics: analog input range, from -2.54 to +2.54 v; digital word length, 7 bits for input signals at 200 cps-18 kc and 8 bits for signals at 0-200 cps; sampling rate, variablo from 500 kc up to.fractions of cps; input resistance, 100 kohm; t6reshold sensitivity, 10 mv; conversion-time, 0.5-1 psec; power consumption, 100 w; and operating tempera- ture range, 18-30C. The principle of operation is as follows: A null circuit con- tinuously compares the input analog u(t) and quantized reference voltage Uref and in case of nonagreement sends pulses to one of two inputs of the reversible counter. The counter in turn changes the reference voltage in the direction of diminishing non- agreement. The counter contents (representing the digital equivalent of the analog Card 1 /7 UDC: 681.142.621 w0 ::-A~4, Ll L -0 C.0021 ..a 4-1. C 01 loll g gi Sim kWabom G. B. PaGvLxTMl AND A. P. -00 Ov. j. GM. ChM. (U. & & R.) 3, "1902).-Tbe hVit at Sis= baysib- MMQ ad cmdo" al 0% 1-- wd &bowl 6% of 1 .00 of anhydrWel 107-84 .d. 0,9M& (GID 139.23". whkh doselY reK!jbi" '00 64 "M Oil ;i;D COUtaillhill 0-6% d a high-codd- ulb~. [all, 25.16 A& BL"c 41 get, 0*4 age a** go go S I L A ftALLUPGK4L UtIRAY"E CLASSIFICATIck 9-Z" u A; oo AV 1A A I It Od 0 IF I v w I A a 3 9 v oole 0 O's 1 0 es 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 # 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 010 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0000&000000 * 0 00 *0 0 ~ T, 0*00*0:: r 03 s I I A ~ A 1 0 9 IV 11 11 14 11 5. If it ItII if A A JL-AL--L-..f -6 X.J. A, -,L 00 Nr91T vI LO, I IL. AA pe It 11' tl A 0o.. V. A. roPh- 4. 67.1~-?( jM),-,tvjmsm shal, gu~Hne anslrVi4 y the KettwMkof LI,t the ollilitte.1%villt M,,thmi, ji,,, 0 ckwd-* PW%4*~ 18,11. (Affitiv f17A, wvirnt-k 6.4 and *]I- : Th~P"K*dllfrillh-,,-Hl*d and the 0 CMOPIAW With thtW ObIlliflCil 'AlIll -4r,lt,'h Alds elk, A~ V 0-vNitirrk 00 0 1- 0o 0 c 0 : 00 0 00 b# 0 too - U.f 7 U 4AV 00 It V I Al It n R at( ft it 0( t I i 7A MLO n:44 L I acm It 0 1 gr 0 1 a a 3a o VP It p II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9:0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 A-94 AL-Al. 14-0 6 6 I& O-Al *-* 0-0*-- ! : : : : : : : : : : : , : I vi 0 & : 0 0 0 o * W I I 1 4 11 17 If u1$ 4 b . to it 1 r 7 ~&-Ai--A 1- 4, j 0 p9 a1 11 1 I , - , AA n CC M U's -00 00 ^ Y 00 I nw w"W"t of show Gaf 'k "f a o. y 1. Budt A-Pv &WWO"'S"d S' iell, of tefined 0 y 2w*) from the dWti"te 'Litet ft SCh t i 0 - w ent was 3D-~;5% and w&j raivil to tL,,% by dUs. e l! ttral, Ihe diuillstc with MeOH before treatment. The S Lva- kertylvacyieI& Th -00 Z l e lent wall lowtied from 0.67 to0.13%. I 6 rp.t rt~v)tniucndv~i for d 00 a -i uK were mho too low.. Thi, me A. A. 11ichtlingit ` 1 .. 3111011 oflt-1 0001 coo 00 =so 00 see 0 : 9 see coo goo , too t METALLUNGKAL LITIN&TURE CLAISWKATICH No s too", t WORD .1., j., gill I 4D I liti0 9 a 'a 13 it It t 0 n t l t n " e o 0 00 e so 00 000 * 0 p * o o 0 4 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 W4 G 0 i G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a *WWW740 00 0 0 0o0 I A y A I if it to Is t4 11 14 1? 1# ZZ a A 13 h "A 29 x11 12 u id mis or a IF lu &1 41 it a a r A A C It -J--L-L A it F QA II 1. 1 -It-L- L-L-M N Cc cc k I A -2 fl A A I A r from 4:111111 allomale-gair wauw ammod tuethools (OC inve 0: V. A. Units. A-F--$vcrtzcy, S. 1. 00 N Bud&'ko T. A. Yurwa. Kbim. Trvrdj~ Tapism 6, (105).-Aams the phustsId, in the tar water from 1-00 00 .1 GdQv (afteg Itorta-tault. carbmisiatiun). the di- hrdruzy varkty pmvaik. bdoin geprejant,otl Ity (jimethyl. -00 00 dilsytifustyborumm amd probaNy 2.t)-diniethvlhydftxiui- -00 none. Cutupdo. contog. methusty groups we mimcwt b- ment. The steam-distd. Plocnals coos be detd. with jk),tj,, -00 A.-Culawy I!Y the "Pemb"r methw (Z. a..& CAW.W see so 1 15, UJOH46)). 1U CoWillbetric nitthud Isocksa proper standard miths. 111stutsh which comomott be ili%t,l. with 00 0 ittetul, coos I)c Pptd. with formaidebytic Its midw v4u 000 0 0 The Piss. is wei4hed, with fitim smousniflit-s that all phem-1 zoo "Ittlo are ci,sulmovd. Twentv-sim irleiruccb. A. A. If,% Its hull, go 0 0 : a- zoo 00 s are 0 00 MOO Soo 411111141 it. ties woo 6 18 - S L AMETALLUNGKAL LITIMPATURI CLAMPKATIC111 9-Z .1j, .0.0, too a~ q;-.- a., AV ta As 4 do a 3 6 1 u onottivas ad its R Is cc it KW A I Jim O's oooroooooooooooooooioooopoooooooeo*oe*ee 0 : 0 :,: : : : -,* 0 0 00sees 0 t0 00 so 41 * *1@ 000 0 00 0004600 00000 0 Tw ONO IF V v 00 00 00 00 oo.t Ul so 00 00 Ll o0w 001 01110C111191 AND 0140611f.11 INDIO 6466606060600060 a 11, .--A-* I 4t-"k- 1D A. 13 - T- f 1-00 -so so f P1 00 nio_ Nw &z swim. C no p1mad "me" b =1 0 % 16y- (of 4 hr. mm 04 ma. of C960 &ad go ii*L d w Hkm at'IAA at Ak 48 a. of p6bb SaW&AM of BgOOg. IL T. 4 its .4 1111 40-3 WOO 0.1 44t u AV la UI; a, ar a, WW a, 6. In 1. 0 1000000000000000000000 * TOO 000000000000 "97 coo -00 -100 lose 130', woo ties low 00. n. Lis -- All I1 8 MW 0 0 9 1 OF 86 9 a a 3 1 1-0 411A 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 AA I& -.00 00. l 00 ay 14"Olloal Of tb* COMPOWHOU of Gdow shale gasotint. 00 A A . 00 z mol wt.. fit flo.. AM (he ou'Ald ImIrwall"" ""Oil, III of tile ff'selimlo th* efill M Chg. K-Alm' wried'.14V Ill the frutillf" Illwitt"It the F%"mbilttv,.( Ill, !-00 Mr(clid.01-01" c11. mI 09 releforme'. -00 00 00 13 00 00, 00 00 00 90 Z!oo -.09 -.041 '00 tool 4,1140, %one , a antl q M 'I it ti 11 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 : : 066006041111104if *ego$ qq~k w1A cattv a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 gi 11 1) If " It 4 it 4 IT a If R IS If a to IF a IV If it it U 14 a 1, v ft A; it - or* I A 00 V I i4$ 1 -.00 0* A w 61"1 mad correwwo "Wur In lukkat, A. P. Nvertar- awl IC. A. Ut-ram. lamdjk.ys 00 -0o &WWMPWYTbe Wilm. Antiressit, Witten 00 isn't 041wr "Virtbada al deq. tow 8 in hawkwirs Gib Were 64L cfwckM &W lowd to be umtWwtwy. oood remits -re_ab1ai-d by bwaWS the amph its a tabe, abliffirbingg b-ku Wompets in ads poW. aW tftmti" with -rN-;CI. TbedmaAws"him latbinuarthadcon- .00 id,,rstim sboldid to tbir i; , - til a, prmwe of unall 1 .00 of Ph adts =0-11" ContpdlL Wbk-b may intmIlice rit,we. To del. i he awrovive S dwhe the mill& With .00 Ifil. orp.. filtirr. atm MCI to t1w ppl'. vxpel l1w 11.4 with 0 i --0q a stiraou tal M awl atiank, tbr IjV,4 in C,1CIl u4n. Filtv, a She Cd.14 m0 tilrale, kielovilruic-ailly... H. Z. Kamk-h 0:0 00 00 30* Des, MTALLV-GK.L U71111-T681! CLASSIVICATICil 4 '00 SM L 9 ad 0 0 1 is of I a a AV so Kw is 0:0 011 0* 040 0 see* 0 00 0 ~ I,:, V 1 7. t,. IllEomtriz;~t4-c,n Zl=. Obshch, !'him- 10, !lo. Q ic' 0 _F TnF 6n-ion Scicntif c "tf, 't. of Gasts ami Liqui-i lue~-~ort U-1~.)27, 11 Jan. 5 2 A A A- x a 1_1 M- r a 4 :0 : Detmmi"ti" of wlacolitY of oh at low ts.-P-MCBM Ao~- J F O 0 . nion. f A. F. I)ohryanskif. A. Sim twy ¬ 1. plia Chow. (U. S. S. R 13, 1165 x6n Fvvtwh. 1169) (10W)~A tww torskm viscorneter is de-nibed. ThIS t! irmte app. dL%n from similar app. by having a Yrry m fret the piston and the "Under. The tween 75 and .71 I i i :7 = 0 . me w(m ty 1. dein. of v 0 can ON) poisrs. The viicoailies of %everal ~awnjwlr% of 1111irklit- 0 "a an wrm cktd. at variottl lrnlj~. (a X-eml tellip mirrval 25 to -.'W)'). The ii~ of th~ app. t,",v.1 it t-, t~ 0 '-wi%ritirtil. A. A. P,.Ijj,wuv A METALLU*"AL LITIRATM CLASWKATMN wee- Ila. Ano.-3 -, I a.. oat 00 '00 .00 a** 0 coo 0: see see b u 0 tw to Ls If An L 1 4 IW 0 N T .T.:: ::::1:; 00000000600 wee 0 , - stal- 1 1 .AI L 4 1 41 1 1 10 11 It IS R if 16 it III a It a a b IF 10 it V U $4 113 it VM L 91 Z.-I A-A-A-L-L, a 0 F0 R. J-1- . M. OR It t 9 if (T 00 4 W - ------ FROCIMS ANO Pec'FroyAll ~Vl. l 4910. DETEMINAIION OF OIL VISMTT AT LOW TD-PERATURZ5. 0 Al Dobryonakii, A FAF jIYert"v,,AP od Friften, 1 Is. (57m. - Visa. Lt.-juide ani Ltctilolda, Aced Sel U a 6 R, 1941, 1, 173-180; me it ' J Inst patrol 1945, 31, 3214). i1i description of a now rotating v1scometer actuated by falling weights. The oil film is of small 1.00 thickness (approx. 1-2m.) and only 2-3 al. of' oil is required, as g W It Is recommended that the time per revolution@ should be 50- ee 250 sec. It is claimed that the Instrument has a repeatability of lik and that it in effective In tht range 50-14,OW poises ver coo the ten-,srature interval 0 to -50 C. Calibration was by a 40 resin soltuton in caster oil, those viscosity was determined Coo by the Ming sphere method. Asong exosples given of the use ;;90 of the viscometer, to the investigation of the cooling super compounded oil$. it ASM.SL. WALLUKKAL LITEIIAT It CLAUIPPICAMN U 16 IT cr IF Val air Ogg 090ft It* St 0 0 0 St 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 41 9 0 0 0 a -TA0400 9*40100*0 *0000*00*004 too Ito* An A I a 'M 0 1 if 91 13 "a 3 a 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 41, 0 0 0 0 0 01D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, Is *0 * 00 goiss, 06 fiIIII 4-K 0-1 lit