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SITNIK. M.D.. kand.tekhn.nauk Complex development of technical means, to provide for container transportation for the future. Trudy MIN no.146:93-133 162. (MIELA 15-12) (Railroads-Equipment and supplies) (Railroads--Freight) SITNIK., M.D, k&nd.tekhn.nauk The shipping and common carrier business is an important connecting link of the unified transportation system. Zhel. dor.transp. 44 no.803-37 Ag 162. (MA 15i8) (Freight and freightage) POVOROZHENKO, VladimJr Vasillyevich, prof.; SITNIX,, Mikhail Danilo-~-ich; SYTSKO, Petr Aleks. fCFV,, G.I., dote., red.; NEKHAY, V.T., red.; KISLYAKGVA, M.N., tekhn. red. (Problems of the improvement of carrying and forwarding services in the U.S.S.R.1 Voprosy sovershenstvovaniia transportno-ekspeditsionnogo obsluzhivaniia v SSSR; ma- terialy. Pod red. V.V.Povorozhenko, G.I.Mikhailova. Minsk, Izd-vo M-va vysshego, srednego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1963. 94 P. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye setevoye soveshchaniye v BIIZhT, Gomel', 1962. 2. Zaveduyushchiy sektcrom Instituta kom- plekspykh transportnykh problem Gosplana SSSR (for Sitnik). KARETNlKOV , A.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KOMM.'OV, A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SITNI~j, M.D._,_:ka;ld. tekhn. nauk,, red.; PREDE, V.Yu.p-IlizR., ed. [Coordination of the work of the various types of transporta- tion] Koordinatsiia raboty razlichrqkh vidov transporta. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Transport," 1964. 199 p. (MIRA 17:4) SOV/117-58-12-26/36 AUTffORS: Gavrilov, S.M., and Sytnik, N.A., Engineers TITLE: I.I. Chikarev, Fitter-Instrumentbuilder (Slesarl-instrumen- tal'shchik I.I. Chikarev) PERIODICAL: i'slashinostroitelf, 1958, Ur 12~ PP 37 - 38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information is given on the work of Ivan Ivanovich Chikarev, a Soviet machine builder who designed the following devices% 1) an improved design of a diamond polishing machine; 2) a special machine for twisting 6rills; 3) a centermeter-co- ordinator for determining the three-dimensional center in parts; 4) a machine tool for the production of single-digit stamps. At present Chikarev is occupied in designing an automatic self-clamping holde.- and in developing a method for the production of multi-digit hard-alloy stamps. There are 2 pliotos ana 1 set of dia,zrams. Card 1/1 RUNEV, Yuriy Kikhaylovich; SMIX. N.A., inzh.. -nid.; GORDRYNTA. L.P.. (Die stamping with the use of electromagnetic blocks] Shtempovka 13 primeneniam elaktromagnitnykh blokov. Moskya, Gos.neuchno-tekhn. ,zd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 57 P. (KM 14:1) (Shoot-metal work) (IlectromagnetO TAUM. Boris Abramovich, prof., doktor takhn.nBuk; GORA. V.Te.. inzh.. retsenzent; SYTNIK N A~j inzh., red.; CHMOVA, Z.I., [Grab machanisms; theory,.design, and construction] Greifernys mekhanimoy; teoriia, raschet i konstruktoli. Koskva, Gos.nauchno- tokhn.izd-vo mehinostrolt.lit-ry. 1960. 326 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Cranes, derricks, etc) (Ifteavating machinery) KAKSIMOT, M.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; BORDYUKOV, A.P.. inzh., retsenzent; SYTHIK, N.A., inzh. red.; UTAROTA, A.F.. tekhn. red. [Boiler units with a large evaporative capacity lesign and construction] Kotellnye agregaty bol'Bhoi'paroproizvoditallno- sti; raschat i konstraktirovents. 14oskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry,,1961. 43o P. (miRA 14:5) (Boilers) ... . .'r RADYUCHENKO, YuriiSergeyevich; BRYUKHANOV) A.N.., kand. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; SYTNIK,, N.A., Izzh~,,, red.; alIRNOVA, G.V.p tekbu. red. [Rotary forging; shaping parts on rotary-and radial-forming machines] Rotatoionnaia kovka; obrabotka detalei na rotatsiommo- i radial 'no-obahimriykh mashinakh. Poskva, Mashgizq 1962. 185 P. .(Forging) (MIRA 15:3) GERASIMOV, N.I., inzh.;_qITNIK__A~.,A., Plesart-naladchik univ-ersalino-sbornykh prisposobleniy Use of universal assembling devices in ship repair. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Tekh. upr. Min. aw. flota 7 no.3:57-76 162. (JURA 16:5) 1. Kanonerskiy sudorezontnyy zavod (for Gerasimov). (Ships-Maintenance and repair) BOIWAZKMI S.R.. inshener (g.lovocharkaosk); SITNIK, N.1h., inshener.(g.lovo- chark"sk); SMOMISHCHIM, V.A., lnsho"n"e'r'--'(~'g'.~1'4iiochorksask). Single-phase IndustrW freqaency electric locamotives.Zhel.dor. transp. 37 no.1l:S-14 1 055. (KMA 9:2) (Ilectric locomotives) 8(0) SOV/1 12-59 -4-6955 Translaticr. from: Refera"wnyy zhu:rnzi. Elek' ek i 1959, Nr 4, p ?6 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sitnik, N. Kh. TITLE: Mathematica! Simulation of Commutatoriess AC Machinery PERIODICAL: lzv. V-Yssh. uch-ebn. zaveden-;,f. Elektrcmekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 35-49 ABSTRACT: The complexity of piv - raica! simuip-tion switches one's attention to a mathematical simulation of electrical rnachinery. To simulate a -physical phenomenon mathematically, an analytical connection between the quantities determining the phenomenon is to be found. Analytical relationships are expressed as a block diagram of a mather-riatical model which serves as a structural scheme of the latter. The black diagram components represented by computers carry out certada mathematical operations. The -mathematical simulation of AC machinery is complicatea by the fact that both self-inductance and mutual lmductan-ce rotary-machiae windings depend on. time; as a result, Card 1/2 SOVI I 12.-_59 -4-6955 Mathematical Simulation cof Commuta-zorless AC MacIdnery variable coefficients appea_r in the diffe-rential equations that describe the electromagnetic phenomena in the machine. Two methods of constructing mathematical model are possible; (1) e. dircct use of differential equations; here, the variable coefficients require introduction of special computing r com-ponents; (2) transformation of the dliferential equations of z-11 -oha-ge windings to the sarne machine axes (e. g. , stMor axes) which permits clearing the eqt1ations of variable caefficie-_-ts; the blocks of components of all quartitaes alcng the axes selected are intrcduced in the niodel. Both metbodl are cons4-dered. for the case of a capac.;A or -type motor which represents a simple asymmetrical machine. A compariso.~, of -the block diagrams revezLIG the expedie:_-~cy cf the second six-n-ulation method; it h-as P_ lower error. P. N. P. Card 2/2 SITNIK, Nikolay Kharitonovich, inzh. _*~~ ~tod f~�r=signing asynchronous *.phase splittere and their para- meters. Izv.vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 1 n0-3:75-89 '58. (xm iltO 1. Novocherkasekly elektrovozostroitellnyy zavod. (Electric machinery-Alternating current) 110-2-7/22 AUTHORS: Zolotarev, P.A. (Digineer), Kozorezov, M.A. (Engineor) & Sitnik, N.111, (aigineer) TfTLE: The drive of auxiliary equipment in a.c. electric locomotives. (Privod vspomogatelluykh meldianizmov alektrovozov peremennogo toka.) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshleraiosti, 1958, No.2, pp.24-28. (USSR) ABSTRACT: With the increasing development of 30 c/s locomotives, more attention must be paid to the drive of auxiliaries. The main auxiliaries are compressors, fans, pumps and low voltutge d.c. generators, all being constant-speed mud-torque machines except the compressor. In addition to the usual requirements, such as reliability and simplicity of servicing, they must withstand ambient temperatures ranging between +40 and -500C. and supply-voltage variations of +10 and -30%. The starting torque required of the driving motor of a compressor type ~-500 and the ambient temperature are related in Fig.1, based on the experimental data by Engineer G.G. Rekus of the Moscow Higher Technical College. Auxiliary equipment is supplied from a special single-phase winding on the locomotive power transformer. The first Soviet main- line a.c. 50 c/s locomotive type OP-22, constructed in 1938, used 3-phase induction motors supplied by a synchronous phase-splitter for auxiliary drive. In 1954 the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Works produced 50 c/9 locomotives type 110 in which the auxiliaries are Card 1/3 driven by capacitor-start induction motors. Abroad, extensive use is The drive of auxiliary equipment in a.c. electric locomotives. llo-2-7,122 made of induction motors. The use of capacitor-start induction motors is then further considered,, The motors may be ordinary 3-phase machines in which the main winding consists of two phases of the three-phase winding connected in -teries, the third phase forming the capacitor winding. Various special features are then discussed. The torque curve of the pump motor used in locomotive typo 110 is given in Fig~'_'. A trough in tho curve, tit one-fifth synchronous speed, makes the motor un3uitable for practical purposes. The system has a number of other disadvantages in rolling stock, although it (toes give a high power-factoi . The system using three- phase induction motors supplied by a phase-splitter is then discussed. The latter is described; its circuit is given in Fig.3 and vector diagram in Fig.4. Graphs of the mechanical characteristics of induction-motor type AC81-6 with a number of variants of supply are given in Fig.5. The influence of the leakage reactance of the phase- splitter windings on the starting characteristics of the motor will be noticed. In further discussing characteristics of phase-splitters it is claimed that motors so supplied have better starting characteristics than capacitor motors, and do not involve disconnection of starting capacitances. Operating experience shows that failure to disconnect burns out the motor winding. In capacitor motor schemes the cost of auxiliary drives is about dotible that Card 2/3 obtaining when a phase-splitter is used. The latter is, therefore, The drive of auxiliary equipment in a.c. electric locomotives. 110-2-7/22 recommended, particularly for rectifier locomotives in which the power-factor can be improved by installing synchronous compensators on the locomotive and combining the phase-splitter and compensator in one machine. A series d.c. motor sup.Plied through a rectifier or alternatively a single-phase commutator motor is advised for the compressor drive. There are 5 figures, 3 literature references (2 Russian). SUBMITTED: July, 1, 1957 ASSOCIATION: The Wovocherkassk Electric Locomotive WoAs (Novocherkasskiy elektrovolostroiteltnyy zavod) AVAILABLE- Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Sitnik, N.Kh., Engineer SOV/144-58-8-4/18 TITLE: Mathematical Analogues of Unsymmetrical Asynchronous Machines (Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye nes-immetrichnvkh asinkhronnykh mashin) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vyssh2ti Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Blektromekhanika, igr-8, Nir 8, pp 28 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is the first of two articles in which only stationary machines are considered. A single-phase asynchronous induction motor with an unsymmetrically wound stator is -~,on3irlered (unsymmetrical st.-a-r system) in the first section. The starting conditions in such motors are considered with the circuits used. The next se--~ticn deals with the principles that must be used in lesigning electronic analogues, in particular, the structural s~~,hemes that are most suitable. The need to avoid exc~essive use of integrators, which drift, is stressed. The necessary conditions to be ensured in --cupling the analogues for *the various windings together are stressed. The need to avoid inexact cancelling of positive and negative feedbacks (which can lead to Cardl/2 SOV/144-58-8-4/18 1-ilatilematical Anaial-a;,ues of Unsymmetrical Asynchronous Eachines oscillation) is pointed out. The proper scales that use the facilities o! the computer best are then considered (Eqs 3, 4), The third section deals with the equations be used in operating the analogues; the fourth with a numerical example; it is shown that the error in finding the current by calculation is some %, whiie the starting torque may be in error by 1011o. The transients in the starting torque and the optimum parameters for the staxting circuits are presented in Figures 10-14. There are 14 fiEures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: 1,1ovocherkasskiy elektrovozostroitellnyy zavod ~Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive ',Works) SUBMITTED: JulY 30, 1958 card 2/2 ,,~,tur C,-c,)il t- c I or (~-,nd Te~cll -,y of Anon Of '~;l' 'b Chin- Lon Of ct -..II chin -12 pp "ith I of ('rd--.r of -lj;.boi- ted Brailicr roiyt-:..c,,i I-tl:-t i- s. ll-,O conicr, ("I", 313-5~1 105) AUTHOR: Sitnik N h-h , Engineer SOV/11+4-59-8-11+/1,4 i=~~ TITLE: The Manufacture and Application of Silicon Power Rectifiers PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromek-hanikag 1959, Nr 8, pp 112-111+ (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a report by the author on his visit to the three firms of Siemens-Schuckert, Siemens & Halske and Krupp in the Federal German Republic and West Berlin in May, 1959. It is a general description of Siemens practice in the manufacture and use oif-' silicon Power rectifiers. There are no figuresq tables or literature references. ASSOCIATION: Novocherkasskiy elektro-,fozostroitellnyy zavod (Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Works) Card 1/1 KUROCMU, A. L. P kand. tekhn. nauk; _ � - kand.tekhn.nauk; POSIROBKO, A.A., iush. (Poskrobko) Prospective a.c.locomotive. Zhel.dor.tranap. 42 n0-7: 13-20 Jl 160. (NM 13:7) (Blectric locomotives) -S-IrITIr, '" Tb -,. . eLaotric locomotive produced b3r the firm *EngliBb Electric." Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; slektromekh. 4 no,10:120-124 161. (MM lip.11) (Great Britain-Electric locomotives) SITNIK, NJh., kand,,tekhr,nauk Electric locomotives with semiconductor rectifiers, Vest, elektroprom, 32 no,,5t7-13 MY 161. (MIRA 15-5) (Electric locomotives) WVCHENKO, A.I.; SITNIK X.M. Ways of creating main-line electric locomotives on tho two of dimensional series and standardization. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:72-93 162. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric locomotives--Design and construction) ZOLOTAREV, P,A., inzh. (Novocherkasak); POSYROBKO~ A~~-, inzh. (Novocherkassk)l SITNIK, N.M., kand,teklin.naiLk (Novocherk-assk) Selecting the method of voltage regu3ation on ' a,c.electric locomotives. Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no-1:38-43 Ja 162. (JIMA 14:.12) (Electric locomoti-na) (Voltage regulators) SITNIK, NT.Kh., kand. tekhn, nauk Autonornous stabilized inverter using p-n-p-rn devices. Elektro- n teklinika 35 no.iO:22-23 0 164. ("111RA 17: 11) i -f L 04436-67 EWTW ACC NR: P 014 94 SOURCE CODE: UR 0105 1 AUTHOR: (Candidate of technical sciences); Bogryy, V. S.(~~Meer) ;ORG: Mordovian Scientific Research Electrotechnical Inst! ute (Mordovoldy nauchno- isaledovatel'skiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut) -3 t?' ITITLE: Switching a mad control devices designed with symmetrical thyristors .3 4- 1SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 5, 1966, 55-57 TOPIC TAGS: thyristor, semiconductor device STRACT: New "symmetrical" power thyristors have been developed in the SSSR; such a thyristor can be turned on at any supply- voltage polarity; it is turned off like a conventional thyristor. A symmetrical- thyristor 3witching circuit (see figure) using a VKDUS-100 thyristor requires, for its control, only 400 ma at 6 v, i.e. , the control -electrode dissipated power is only 2. 5 w. An emitter- feedback transistor is used to d-c control the 17~0 symmetrical-thyristor circuit. Nonlinear distortion inserted by the thyristor switch is T it\ negligible; turn-on and turn-off angles are with- Card 12 UDC: 621.382.233 To protection and -switching circuit 04436-6? ACC NRs AP601469-1 jin Za and 6', respectively. A 3-phase circuit swAching 29 kw caused a lose of only 240 w (or 0. 8%); the turn-off -state thyristor current was I ma. Also, a circuit for the a-c control of a rectifier (described by one of the authors elsewhere) is discusal This circuit is particularly suitable for the cases when at > 600 ; it directs the ener toward the load at all times (conventional rectifiers send energy back to the supply within certain portions of the a-c period) and, hen ce, has lower ripple and ~source higher efficiency. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: ZOApr65 / ORIG REF. M / OTH REF: 001 aw.-n Co,d-2/?- ACC NR: AP7009073 SOURCE CODE: uii/o4l3/0'7,1000/GC)3/00li9/0049 ~INVEENTOR: Sakovich, A. A.; Sitnik, N. Kh.; Abramovich, M. I.; Antonov, B. M.; ;Bogryy, V. S. IORG: None iTITLE: A reversible static converter. Class 21, No. 190974 (announced by the All- ~Union Electrical Engineering Institute im. V. I. Lenin (Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhni- cheskiy institut)] SOURCE: Izobreteniye, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1967, 49 TOPIC TAGS: nonrotaxy electric power converter, voltage regulator, phase shifter ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A reversible static converter with controllable cutput voltage. The unit contains a phase shifter and controlled ~ rectifier. The output voltage control range is e-Tanded and operational reliability is improved by making the device in the form of individual unified cells connected to ~operate in parallel depending on the load. 2. A modification of this converter in which each cell is made in the form of a single-phase commutator inverter connected to' ithe input of the corresponding phase shifter. 3. A modification of this converter in 1which the single-phase commutator inverter is made up of silicon-controlled rectifiers !connected in a bridge circuit with two series-connected rectifiers in each arm of the Card 1/2 um; 621.314-58 :-;kc Ct4C.-kp- l6b Vob ibridge. 1-phase shifters; 2-contro lled rectifier; 3-unified cells; 4-inverter; 5--controlled rectifiers in the inverter BUB'CODE: Fal SUBM DATE: 26Feb64 ard 2/2 USSR/ tivated Pl~As - Fruits and Berries. M-5 tj Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., 110 3; 1958o 100 Author : S;tnik, N.P. Ins'. Title The Peach in Northern Moldavia. Orig Pub Sadovodstvo, vinogradarstvo, i vimdeliye Moldavii, 1956, no 6, 23-25 Abstract In 1953 in the village of Tsaull, Tyrnovskiy rayon, a variety test plot was set up out cf 38 varieties of peach on the following rootstocks: -Dlum (Prunus diva- ricata) I almnd and peach. All varieties took root at the rate of 90.4. The wood did riot get frostbitten althougla -the temperatures dropped to -200- -260 (winter 1953/1954). In 1954 some isolated fruits were noticed., and in 1955 al st all the trees gave fruit. The highest yields were given by Otechestvennyi 2 (89 centners), Card 1/2 iVAVIIIN, kand. tuk fin. nauk; GAYF)e)fi, B.I., Inzh.; MIRONOV, I.M., inzh.; F inzh. 1-1 -.11'. r,f-. P.J4 Use of synthetic materials in high-voltage Insulators. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.2.-37-38 Ap-Je 165. NIRA 18:8) SITNIK., S.Kh. [Sytnyk, S.Kh.] Protection of electric motors equipp3d with a maune-tic starter. Kharch. . prom. no-4:75 O-D 163. (WRA 17: 1) , i" 1~ t - SYVIIK2 V. A. G ii j F, L 2rA- 74CCE55ES -V FZCFE.I.Iss ~E~ -it and 0 0 0 0 , _T, u id a it v a js to 11 u Ij il:%T 06 at it n 60 t, ly 6 L 0 a 0 N -A--A .,t-,- f . I - _4 -!t, - ~ ----- - ILE. ..D X~p #"4- -0 t. coal.$ - it pit f 113014411#110 Tit %v Fir" sip 0 IRA SON G. N., OW PyWkV. L.-VISLUArlom or it oft I-Illiliffit WASTO IN SLAI;IIPJCX pRopt,Cjj()N. Prom St"'llel JbIlerill, z 11*.'I ,,# ,,#I ^ w-14 mill-tifilt"I fiw AlAkni lil~ir; The jr.1111 treat. mult"lit"I C, Oft so OW J 041- 7 800 too fee 09-! ;i47. 44. 41111.711114 Sao IT 0 it m K t, a tfg It a of 111 0 a cc it 41 it It ff It it A IS a 0 0 0 0 40 0o 'J"Ou" , ; ; 0 .16te 0 0 0 0 * a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIZ, tit" CHERNYAVSKIY, N.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; SYTNI-K.Jk., inzh. Panels made of the new IISK" material to be used in buildizk-, prefabricated houses. Stroi.prom. 17 no.10:17-18 0 149. (MIRA 13:2) (Building mterials) (Buildings. Prefabricated) S/194/62/000/005/103/157 D230/D308 .~'..UTH'CRS: Sta.-ovoytova, R.P. , an~_Sy_t_4~~_ TITLE: kiatural oscillations in a metval trough with a laminated filling I &D I C,'t L~~efcrrativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika? no. 5, 1962, 21 abstract 5zh151 (Tr. Sibirsk. fiz*.- tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, 1960, no. 39, 66-71) T7"-','T: 'The authors; consider oscillations in a reAangular metal zrough of infinite dimensions with two dielectric slabs placed pa- raliel to its bottom. The characteristic equatian for determining the 1.-i_-ve-number of the surface waves is obtained. It is shown, that in the case of longitudinal magnetic waves, trio types of oscilla- tions can take place, owing to the presence of the two slabs. For sufficiently large distances between the slabs (1;,~- 0.5 ),) the wave-numbers of these waves can be calculated using simpler formu- !as- LAbstractor's note: Complete translation]. Ceird 1/1 KOROVIN, F.T.; BELOKHVC)STOV, S.D.; SUVOROV, V.S.; YURLiEMKO, M.M.; SYTNIK,_V.A. Poom disinfection by means of chemical sublinmLtion of formaldehyde and chlorine. Voen.-med. zhur. no.6:49-51 Je '61. (141BA 14:8) (DISIWECTIO4 AND DISRIFECTANT) (FOEMMEHIDE) (CHLOIZIII-E) IMIOSHKOVSKIY, N.F., inzh.; SYTNIK, V.A., in-zh,.; YAREMENKO, D.S., inzh. On the road of mechanization and automation of industrial pro- cesses. Stroi. mat. 7 no-10:30-33 0 '61. (YJRA 14:10) j. Kiyevskiy kombinat asbestotsementnykh izdeliy. (Kiev--Building materials industz7f--Technolopical innovations) GMWi, G.I., inzh., KOZLOV, V.Sb., Inzh.; SITNIK, V.I., innh. Open standard crane trestles. Prom.fitrol- 38 no.1:25-27 16o. (141RA 13:5) (Granes, derricksp etc.) (Trestlea) (f 9 c 0 IN c OA L a 0 0 pw a 5 1 w s, on AT is TS t, 642 000 eo!r 00- 040- V!-f a "Z AND .1. V.Ders P. .."J's It 001"ASIVI.1 54110AWNIA11 19,V1,4011vin 1,11-9119 map NPA Roo 00 -C, 00 amp" A i- *0 A, 0 0 MIN 'amp lose 4-- I d4 z; AALA-6000 801 91 0000000066 -L-A- 00000060 4r7wm-qp:wv1R k all? 4 I u V JLJL- A I , 0..q 6!pq ~s ON I I'll ~.rj. 00 dNWL ASK &ad ill if :,#A4 ..,I) 0 igoo". ywm). od *P. A S VV t L 4 .1 1 -t I W till *.I ~t tL -%%kFK-f1C- 2 U It AT W3 AS' r V-W-f - 4- 1" of 0 0 0 01 o D6660619 606 000 0000*0 w a w "o o0 o 0 0 0 0- o "4`6- XIN VAII Namp B)FA It OW41 mope ~ I - kr t, the 3--T-v-n- see J1004 1450 SOO ! 1 16 If u u 66 is b it is 0 lo u " o A A 0 A it A a L A-l - _ g _&~ - ~ o I-JI-A 's _0 0 4 - ost A )"so-"Riolt I -- , 4 ~ ~ -..I-- ~ - . I It - jF ege"rCH. M 0" c"C" . melo 4l.) ax n t -040 00 a ; ollebl" IWA lowmdow" No so Cll,,CMCH(OM-), .00 a 4*4~14. S. MIAmew J, A l Ipwwo I 0 M SMIS-1011 flim C"Cb) Iwg X -00 0 a j -P IIII "vessia I*WI) ( ow We -- at the Vol k --at- - h- i A 1 . Cj4,llwCIkMeC:HtOM#4, 440 of n 71sort - V pu W Formallbe . zi- awwo Immo w at 010119111. by Me),. (do Nib Oak - lWNHCH;CM4rcH(0 046 9"ll 7 laka CA th- 5 6 Wkb r(w wolk KtOCH:C WI N Nib (sows) (11) A __49 m Sk. in I for dy" we" Imelml 1~1) ldl 41 'o A I 4*0 R T JU ah A INS losdal"ll 14.1141. r1w,111141 p Of) clionpArl th likolumirtWilwhirs -4 l1w tb 0 in win; (2) ' 2-2 - diort byl 3.4.3'. 4' dif most i x APO so nto be dull of a- "Wol", " U:1%; iw i 7 IIP Ili A 10 n ow w' (3) 4L_~:CH C:CH-C:Ce- goo rj li 9lb u 0 AV 10 As . . . . . . . . 0:60: wbcft X H 4n Me 41 do Me- .'his, am Goov All in ad a 0 0 1 w a I 0 0 0 a 000 1 0 0 0 D. ~0000 001 oo 0 00000000000 0 0 101 aidanine derivative Pro 1. f,.,.,# of I. ethyl art 0 5-4 V, '11 it C:pt I j etr larnsuchimattal a. 311 thisiolonal Z. P. hylusk, 1. 1. J.rYL-, at.1 M. l 1). 1, hismiall,r Mll Ull:oa cilic-I'll'ou I.Craingri'll. /h4' (Pbah'A'I A 4 Gc,t. Chvin. I ZI. 7as %% lis.1.1 1. J.xf it. mi'l Lial g. .1 apiwity1ruir 11. 1 tile an 15 till. Aco) I lit. grava: 711'i j1a)IX.-S, (L. y0low jitrall". Ili. z'141 ~.- (froin Emil i. J- ga%a: tile 3-Ale drrh-. (11). lilatc,. 11;. 11;,; - .1%* (from EtOll /. licaling U..'k; g. 1, 0.67 g. I: t I, im I It) Ili I. I, yri. I kite 0, min. to COP gAve I I.. I: I till). ~mlet. :.;t;' Umm '1:11' AN. pm%. ~0) all,,. 11 IrA,e '4 W;. x3l, dt"r. (IV I ml lict-illm 'Itcollip. (from Ettill), .11m. 52,21. Mg. Wat ills I I.tA X. III ill 10 till. Lit A I N 1111111. oil a itrall I liath %%till 11.16 g. KOJI ullil 0.4, K. Ii-'%Ivc4II'Nu'NI.- gave L%""; Z- :-- M. rnl-v~)Ict itectilt-,. 41. .witlN, 249-31* (from C411a). ala,. Ttux. 4LA mm: ill.- 1'1011 illsiol. twirtioti of the pmott. %,;k, identicil with IV; V fitrum lit 33.7",-~. yidif fartim 0.8 g. III. its 7 till. EtOlf colitic it 17, It. treatal 20 inin. at 01" with 0.31 It, ll~alujg O.M g. IV till] 11.37h K. Mv.-S(P. 15 mill. to 1311'. fillt-rillic. vartishing %till darv [Ito), :111.1 Wilillat %till Call, save '.k1% : vf1driteethylidepor l-#(.;Ii at (VI I, r"I' ~I- ,q;lilll. L1 1 -12% alvi, obtailml its 63~' vit-1.1 liv lic.4tilIK 11 9.; 9. Vwithl).376g. Mc._14).2hmat Ill)*: Vilu,ialimirlilitin Ina%. ⅈ mat. Boiling VI ill IIjU 2 litt. lpare nitit-h Mt-Nil all't till tlfallKv plat. of ,,mq, !.'17 9' Ormit Vitill), AN. mw.. 161 111.. Ill ,ud IV ,%-kiv wn,ilize All to Y'llo. Lll,l glmll: V 1, Ilk,wr arfIcctive. VI lowcrs ill, wlk'iti~ ity of tile cluill'it., USSR/Chemistry Photosensitisers San 52 "Nerocyanine Dyestuffs - Deriv&tives of Rhodanine. II. Properties of Dimethinemerocyanines With Dif- ferent Heterocyclic Nitrogen -Containing. Rad ic ",0 it M. V. Deychmeyster, Z. P. Sytn:Lk, E. B. Lifshits, All-Union Sci Res Cine-Matographic~ Inst "Zbur CYbshch Khim" Vol XXII, No 1, pp 166-175 Synthesized following derivs of rhodanine and 3- ethylrhodanine- 28 dimethinemerocyanines differ- ing by nature of heterocyclic N-contg radicals and 2 monomethineoxanine dyestuffs. Studied light' absorption. Found that hypsochromic displacement 207T31 TUISSR/Chemistry - Photos ens it izers (Contd) Jan 52 depends on nature of heterocyclic N-contg radicals. All merocyanines synthesized are sensitizers for Ag halide emulsions, most effective being dyestuffs 'with thiazole, thiazoline, and pyridine-(2) groupgj. SYTNTKI Z.P. USSR/Chemistry - Photographic Senaltirers Apr 52 "Merocyanine Dyestuffs (Derivatives of Rhodanine). III Dimethinemerocyaninea-Derivatives of 3-Aminorhodanine and 3-Diacetylaminorhodanines," Z. P. Sytnik, S. V. Natanson, M. V. Deychmeyster L. D. Zhilina, All-Union Sci Res Cine-Photo Inst Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXII, No 4, pp 705-711 Prepd representatives of a new group of dimethine- merocyanines and tested their optical and photo- graphic properties. 224T53 Aferecyadise Dyes of R---- D"11"ItIM.AV.- StingtOM dPMd*dS' of d Q6tensir Softs AL 1. Y-yraq M V. Mcw4wm and L-P-1 M&A. 4 Cieff, A952, 22, 1225-1-234 , Lhem. AM., iY.Nj, 47, 1511-1512.-Dyes which arc 'derivatives of 2:4-thiazolidinediahe arc formed whed thi quaternary sails of dimethinenterocyardries having the 2-methylmercapto4-thlazelidone residue tire decomposed In water or alcohol. No rupture of the ciirbonyl-carrying ring takes place, The action of beat em a dirricthintmeragat;int: with the 2:4- thiazolidinediant residue in alcoholic caustic potash does cause nsptuie of the carbortyl-curying ring with a loss of cubon dioYAde mid the formation of in ot-mercaptearaldc The tatter Is essify oxidized by (M passage of air to the disulphide, For examptc, t1dazolidine-2,thione4-cme was quatemiscd with ditaithyl rulphate and the salt heated in 50 per cent ethyl aWW In carbott diaxide-fite air for two hours until free from carbon dioxide. a yield of 87.6 per cent of 3-cthy1-5-(3-ethyI-2- b.-rizothlazolin iden"th ene)-2:4-thfamUdinedlow wis obtained. When the latter is rdluxed for Men minutes fit athartolie caustic potash the products include ethylamirm and potassium carbonate. The Mige of air through the mother liquor gave '66 per cent of A.M. -7~ syrly,"