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S/123/62/000/006/015/018 AGO4/A10l AUTHORS: Gulyayev, G. I., Sitkovskiy. I. S., Khabarov, N. D.,Ba3,kova, T. P., Bratenkova, Ye. V. TITLE-. The practice of pressing converted tubes from the steel grades 846 (EnS46). 847 (EI847), 'Z!,: 702 (E1702), X 12?1 1,Khl2Fl), 2 (SN2) and "JX 18, j9T (OKhl&~)T) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, r4ashinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1962, 25-26, abstract 6V119 (V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". no. 4, Khar'kov. Metallurg- izdat, 1961, 5-8) TEXT: Tests were carried out to press converted tubes from t:-ie difficult to pierce steel grades EI~P~7 and Khl2Fl and FI846, E1702 and SV12 which cannot be pierced on machines with oblique-positioned rolls. For a comparison, the MIN 9T grade steel ~--ras used which is well-introduced in tube production. Pressing was carried out on a 600-ton vertical hydraulic press. The blanks in the form of turned and drilled sleeves of 83 mm outer diameter and 24 mm wall thickness were heated in a horizontal Induction furnace with electromechanical pusher up to the following temperatures; ET846 - 1,2000C, EI847 - 1,220 - 1,230 0C, E1702 Card 1/2 3/1 2,1/62/bc)o,/0o6/0 Wo 18 The practice of pressing converted tubes A004/A101 11,15C0C, KhI2Fl - i,16o - 1,1700C. SN 2 - 1.220 - 1.2500C, 010i18N9T - 1,170 - 1,190oC. The heated blanks ~-,ere wrapped in a 0.27 mm thick glass fabric while the inner surface of the blanks %.,ras sprayed with glass powder. The dies, spikes and container bushes were lubricated with a graphite-mineral oil mixture. The pressed tubes of 39.0 - 41-5 x 3.75 - 410 X 1,000 - 1.700 mm size showed a satis- factory quality: The transverse nonuniformity in wall thickness amounted to 0 - 19 - 0.56 mm. which does not exceed 6.0 - 7.5% of the wall thickness. The pressure gauge readings were recorded, characterizing the pressing stresses which for the different steel grades amounted to 180 - 450 tons. The die service life made of 3Y2*,8 (3Kh20V8) grade steel was not satisfactory in pressing tubes of the steel grades EI846, EI8417, !Cril2Fl and E1702. Already after the first pressing, scratches and adhering metal particles showed on the die working surface, while after two subsequent pressings the die had to be cleaned, since considerable lines and scratches would have appeared on the tubes if they had been used furthermore. The life of the spikes from 3Kh2V8 steel was satisfac- tory. 14 tubes were pressed with one spike. There are 3 figures. V. Pavlyuchenko FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 L 41313-65 EV#T(m)AwP(t)AViP(k)/EWP(b) Pf-4 JD ACCESSION NR. AP5007361 S/0286/65/000/004/0016/0016 iAUTHOR: Sitkovskiy, 11. S.; Furs, B. A.; Kovalevskiy, N. G ; Arkha:3gellskiy, A. H.-~ Zgy.~aj A. V. P. -. 2Lazimkoj_V. A.; MedyinskLy, M. D. JITLE: An installation for-heativg pipes on cold rolling-reeling_tube mills. !Class 7, No. 168242 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnyM znakov, no. 4, 1965, 16 JOPIC TAGS: rolling mill, heater, cold rolling, tube mill ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introducesan installation fcr heating pipes !on cold rolling-reeling tube mills. Two tubular electric resistance furnaces are -.,.Ibuilt into the spindle in the movable working stand of the mill to increase the- enter of deformation during rolling;. The input fur-; ~ductility of the metal at the c i - - I -t__ nace has a jacket for a liquid or gaseous coolant. none ~ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 04Apr62 ENCL: 01- SUB CODE, Card I/J -1 SITKOVSKIY, M.B. [Sy-tkovslkyi, M.B.], Atresia of the anus and rectum withfLatulas into the sexual system In girls. Pod., akush. I gin. 23 ro.3:45-47 161. (MIRA 13:4) 1. K~Inika detskoy khirargil (zav. - prof. A.R.Shurinok (Shurynok, A.R.]) na bdze gor6dakoy detskoy spetsializirovannoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - T.P. Novikova [Novykava, T.P.D. (ANUS-ABNOF24ITIES AND DEFORMITIES) (FISTUIA, ANAL) (GENERATIVE ORGANS, FEMAU) S,ITKOVS,KI-Y,M.B. [Sytkovslkyi,M.B.); RADGHMO, V.OP Diagnosis and therapy of acute paraproctitis in chi-ldren& Ped., akush. i gin. 25 no.1:20-,21 163. (MnU 160) 1. Kafedra khirurgii dityachogo viku (zav.-prof. A.R.Shurinak) Kiivslko o medichnogo institutu (rektor - dotsent V.D*Bratust)o tPROCTOLOGY) (CHILDREN DISFMES) Pi SIWOVSKIT, N.B., kandidat meditsinskikb nauk, (11yev) Case of bilateral osteochondropathy of the tarsal first cunei- form bone. Ortop.travn. t protes. no-3:61 My-Je '55.(MLRA 8:10) (ANKLE, diseases, onteachondropathy of cuneiform bone, bilateral) (OSTMMONDRITIS, cuneiform bone of ankle. bilateral) SITKOVSKIY, N.B., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, kandidat meditsinskikh I Diagnosis of abscesses of the omental bursa. Voen.-.medozhur. no,71 85-86 i1 156. (MLT?A 9:11) (BURSA OMERfALIS-ABSCBSS) SITKOVSKIY, U.B. Wounds of the pericardium and heart. Nov.khir.arkh. nool:70 J&-F 158 (mru i-i I ii) 1. Xhirurgiche-;kojre otdelenlya Shevchens~-ovskoy rayonnoy belt- nitay Kiyevae (HEART-WOUEDS AND INJURIES) ,,, Surgical symptoms maskinp, true myocardial infarct. Vrach.delo no.11:1157-1159 N 159 (MIRA 12:1) 1, Ihirurgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - Ta.T*' Polonchuk) Ityevskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy Shevchenkovskogo rayona. (HEART-WARCTION) SITKOVSKIT, K.B.. (Klyev) 1-1 ------ Abscesses of the bursa omentalls. Trach.delo no.7:123-1?5 JI 160. (MIRk 13:7) 1. Xhlrurgicheskoye otdolenlys, (mayodulushchiy - Th.l. Polon- chuk) Go=odskoy klinicheakoy bolluitsy Shevehankovskogo rayon&. (BURSA OXOTALIS--DISSASRS) SITKOVSKIY9 N.B., Atresia of the anus and the rectiza with riatulas into the urina-ry system. Vrac"'. delo no.2.1104-10? F '61. (MUIA 14-3) 1. Klinika khirurgii Oetskogo vozrasta (za-v. - p~cf.A.R,Shurinok) Kiyevskogo meditainstogo instituta na baze Goroc*'-Any4ei;skoy spptsializirovannoy bollnitsy. (ANUS, -DISEAS?,S) (RECTUK .--DISUSFZ) (URIUR,r Op ,WjS__aL-;USESI (FISTWA) - SITKOVSKIY, N.B.; GROFTAYOV, Ye.A. Taro obsez-7ations of pathology in 1-feckel's diverticulum in children. Eov. khir.ark-h. no.4:80 162. 1'1=,L 15: 5) 1. Stavishchenskaya rayonnaya bolinitsa Kiyevskoy oblast.-L'. (II,EUM.-.-DISEASES) SITKOVSKIY N.B. kandoned.=O,, (Kiydv, per. Machnikova, d-4, kv,,7); FELIDUAN, .-RW.T-.-, Cysts of the mesentery of the small intestine in children. Vest. ]-hir. no.8:92-94 161, (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki detskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.R. Shurinok) Kiyevskogo meditsinnkogo Instituta na baze gorodskoy detzkoy spetsializirovannoy bolinitsy (g1. vrach - T.P.Novikova). (MESENTERY-TWORS) GROPYANOV, Ye.A.; SIT-KOVSKIY, N.B. Perforation of peptic ulcer in association with hemorr W e. Vrach. delo no.8:124,-125 Ag 161. (WRA 15:3) 1. IG-drurgicheskoye otdeleniye Stavishchan3koy rayonnoy bollnitsy Kiyevskoy oblasti. (STOMCH-ULGERS) (HEMORRHAGE) SITKOVSKTY, N*Ba, kandmedonauk Two-stage abdominal and perineal plastic surgery in atersia of the anus with vaginal fistula in a child. Yest.khir. 87 no.11:117- 119 N 161. (MIRA 15,11) 1. Iz k3i3niki detskoy khirurgii (say. - prof, A.R. Sharlmok) Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta na bmw gorodskoy detskoy spetsializdrovatmoy bollnitay (91. vrach - T.I. Novikova). (ANUS-AMORMIES AND DEFORMITIES) (Fisvu) Y kand. mod. nauk -_, N. B. P Congenital atenosis of the anua and rectum in children. Pediatriia no-4:84-85 '62. (K= 15:4) 1. Iz kliniki khirurgii 4stskogo vosrasta, (zav. - prof. A. P. Shurinok) Kiyevikogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent V. D. Bratus') na baze Gorodskoy detskoT spetsializirawannoy bollnit3y (glavnyy vrach T. P. Novikoval (RECTUM-ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) (ANUS--ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) SKRIPNICHENKO, D.F., prof., red.; ShURIVOK, A.R., prof., red.; GABAY, A.V., Prof., red.; DMITRIYEV, 1,%L., prof., red.; KHRISTICH, A.D., prof., red.; 7XICPOHO, !.L., prof., red.; SITKOV-SKIY, N.B.' kand. med. nauk, red.; FAaKHOMENKO, V.11.p red. [Problems in pediatric surgery; transactions] Problemy khi- rurgii detskogo vozrasta; trudy. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1963. 257 p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ukrainskaya nauchno-pi-akticheskaya konferentsiya khirurgov detskogo vozrasta. 1st, SITKOWSIMP 14B., 'r*,~k.ri~-~d.nalik Gongenital fistula between the rect-m and the vaginal v-as- tibule in case of a normal anus. Akush. i gin. no.2:137-138163. (MIRA 16:10) (FISTUIA, RECTOVA31VAL) SITKOVS1HY) N.B. [Sytkovs11cyi, M.B.1. kand.ined.nauk; ConGenital fistula between the rectum and vestibule of the vagina in case of a normal anus. Fed., akush. i gin. 25 no.2:55-57163. 0411-1 16:9) 1. Klii-Lika khirurgii dityachnogo viku (zav. - prof. A.R. Shurinok (Skyrynok, A.R.]) n& bazi mis1koi spetsializovanoi dityachoi likarni (glovniy likar T.P.Novikova (Novykova, T.P.J) (FISTULA, RECTOVAGINAL) TK 1173 K I y , N . a. 'j . 1%,~,d kv.7) Atresin of the 6nus and -n perineal area. IT--St. ','.elPA DO) 1. Tz khi-m-rCI:-'-(,skoy k' iyAk I ,3~ ..,~zr I , A.Ttl Sbiritink) Fiyevsko;;n, 4r~ t; tul.;. rr.,kl,or dof.sent V.P. Br:-, 4 -uol) nit y rL)V:Irlrl(-Jy ly-01,11tsy (j , 1: 1 ~n,v POLISHIN, V.A. Cherkqsskoy oblasti, ul. Shevahenko, d,52), SITKGVSKIY, Cherkasskoy ob-lasti, ul. S~,svr-henko, -d,- 52) AbdEminal syndrome in rwfo:~axdial infarcr-lon. VeBt. khir. 92 no.1; 93-94 Ja 164. (ICRA 1?sll) I ~. Iz khiz-argicheskogo -,tdeleniya Koreuxi'Shaveheakovskoy bialtnitsy (glavnyy vrach - V.A. Pavlishin) Cherkasskoy oblasti. SITKOVSKIY, II.I. . D-411 Bulldozer. 9troi. i dor. mehinostr. 2 no.11:26-27 X 157* . (Bulldozers) (Nnu lia) SITKOVSIM . P.A.;S1JDAREV, I.M., red.; ELAUOD, A.I., tekhn. red. (Organization and performance of bydraulic engineerim-Y ., opera- tions for land Improvement purposes] Organizataiia i 'Droi2- vodstvo gidroreliorativrqkh rabot. Moskva, Gos. izd,~o sell- khoz. lit-ry, 1950. 279 p. (MIRI 15:10 (Hydraulic engineering) ITK 0 ok-759.: Sitkovskil, P. A.j odited by, Dictionary for Ird. gatiort and dralk9D. engineers [$1040f.splavochnik gidratelthniko-J-1 I- M03COW, SeJkhdZSjZ, 19551 500 pp. $5.00. l i!5 tcch6kal encycl4caia is interhiridjor engineers and aid3 i In variaus fields of hydrautlc~ eftgineczing. - Orer 6000 terms are 'i explained In at articieli compilcd 6y ~2 authors and 8 editors. T, S. Kolup~i a~, U=SA: i A SITKOVSKIT', P.A.; KOKAROV, G.V.; BRUSENTSEV, V.P.; KREMENETSKIY. N.H.; KMTZr; M.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; SMIRNOV, A.V., kand.takhn.nauk; APANASIYEV, I.V.; VOLOD'KO, I.F.. Itand-tekhn.nauk; BEGUAROV, S.A.; KONDRATIYEV, V.V.; KARLINSKAYA, K.I.; NIKOLAYEV, N.I., kand.tekhn. nauk; DOROKHOV. S.M.; PISHCWROV, P.V.; KLI1CWOVA. A.V.-, ROZUBLAT, Zh.I.; FANDSYEV, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KULIKOV, P.Ye.; SHIKMOVICH, S.V.; DKLITSIN, N.V.. retsenzent; BRAUDE, I.D., retsenzent; BARTSIM. A.M.i retsenzent; GRIGORYANTS, A.S., retsenzent; IGNATMX, G.L., reteenzent; KAT-A UGIN, A.Ya., retsenzent; KR3)CMTSKIT. N.D., retsenzent; POPOV, X.Y., retsenzent; ORLOVA, V.P., red.; LATIM, V.Ta., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N.,; FADOTOVA, A.?,, (Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik gidrotekhnika melioratora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 766 p. (MIRA 120) (Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural ergineering) .-On er~ Inc.-, 0 Tj -a ,.,o-n,an, nrl 3 n'! 1- P-,~ o4' ~;as~ Etu-c-e---i Irces.-Ion T,- i - - ~ ) - , -,r, j_ '7 5, 1958 AUTHOR: Sitkowski, Jan S/263/621000/017/0061011 1011/1211. TITLE: The use of a "laminary" flowmeter for the measurement of fuel flow in internal combustion engines PERIODICAL; Reforativnyy zhurnal. Otdel'nyy vypusk, Izmeritet'naya tekhnika, no. 17, 1962, 33, abstract 32.17.218. "Techn. motoryz.", 1961, v. H, no. 6, 192-192, (in Polish) TEXT: A flowmeter to be used in laboratory measurements of the flow of a pulsating current of hot mixture has bcen developed at the Gdan'sk polytechnic institute. Its operating principle is based on the linear depe- dence (in laminary flow) or the pressure drop in a narrowing structure on the mean flow velocity. A mounting with long narrow ducts serves as the narrowing structure. The ducts axes are parallel to t1e axis of the tubing. The ducts are made of a brass tape which enables the formation of a cross-section in the form of an isosceles triangle of approximately I mm height. The ducts length is 75 mm. The mounting is designed so that at the maximum flow velocity the Re coefficients is not higher than 100. The fuel flow Q which ilows with a velocity of V m/sec through n ducts of h mm height is Q = 6h2nv x 10-5 M31rnin. The relation between the flow velocity and loss in pressure head I is determined by the formula I = ~P_ = C 11 W, I ghz Card 112 p ro -- ~ r -,-, t- 5 -) -1 a I"I~~l I. ocpa-ILMcrit 1" ,rd;-n9k. PWCKER, L.;SITKOWSKI,.W.,,i,,,~. %~. Effect of morphine on radiologic picture and fancticn of the stomach and duodenum. Polski tygod. lek.. 8 no-31:1065-1073 3 Aug 1953. (GIKL 25.4) 1. Of the Gastrological Glinic (Head-Prof. L. Plocker, M.D.) of War- saw Medical Academy and of the Radiological Laboratory (Head--W. Sit- kowski, M.D.) of Warsaw *micipal Hospital No.6. MMUFFEL-SZOEGE, Leoni SITKOWUI, Vaclay Jr. Plastic surgery of the upper part of the stomch with a portion of the largo Intestine. Polski tyg*d. lek. 10 no.51:1653-1655 19 Dw 55. 1. 2 OddzialvL Chir. Instytuttk GruslIcy; ordynator. prof. dr. I~Nm- tauffol-Szoege. Warszaw&, Instutut Gmzlicy, ul. Plocak 26. (INMTINB. MRS, transplantation, stomisch reconstruction (Pol)) (TRMPIANTATION, intestine, large, atonsch reconstruction (Pol)) SITKOWSKI, W. Jun. - Recent theories on treatment of cancer of penis. Postepy chir. 3:151-155 1956. (PMIIS, neoplasms radiother. & surg. (Pol)) (RO,OTHML4W, in various die. cancer of penis (Pol)) POLAND / IlLuirui ind .',nii.rl Morphaloj&y, -,ad R,.tholo,,jer~l.S Di,-,estive System. Ab s Jo ur Ref Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1958, NO 35929 Author Inst Not Given Title Me Mobile Duodenum. Orig Pub Polski lirzegl. radiol., 1956, 20~ No. 5y 281-287 I.bstract In 47 studied cases of the mobile duodanizi of various kinds, 13 exhibited ulcerated lQsions,, 8 revealed diverti- culn. The combination of the mobile duodenum with its di- varticulan were not noted tri) to the present time. E. B. Brunshtcyi. Card 1/1 SITKOWSKI, Daodenal diverticula. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.27:1032-1037 1 JulY 57. 1. Z prac. radiologicsnej Sipitala Niejskiego nr 6 w Varszawjo; kierownik W. Sitkovski. Adres: Warsxawa; al. Nispodleglosci 881. (DUODEM, diverticula, (Pol)) ' SITKOWSKI, WsclAw (Warszawa, al. Niepodleglosci 88 m 11) Ventricular diverticulitis. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.4tl32-134 27 jan 58. 1. Z Prac. radiolog. Sspit. Kiejokiego Rr 6 w Warazawie; kier. W. St fl-owski. (GASTROINTISTINAL SYSTMv diverticula (POI)) SITKOWSKI, Wnclnw (Wnrnznwn, Al. IfieDO(IlOPlOB(Ii 88 M. 11.) A ghort common bile dict. Polski tygod. lek, 13 no,,6:213-218 10 Feb 58. 1. Z Pracownj I?adiologicznej Szr)itala Miejskiego ru- 6 w Warszawie: kierownik: W. Stikowski. (BILE DUGT, COMMON. abnorm. broLchycholedochus, case reports (Po:.)) SITKOVSKI. Waclaw. TURSKI. Cxeslaw: MICHALOWSKI. Jacek Attempted characterization of anatomical changes in the mitral valve. Foalki tygod.lek. 15 no-30:1140-ii42 25 J1 16o. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy w Varazavie; ordynator: prof. dr med. L.Nanteuffel; dyrektor In3tytutu Gruxl1cy: prof. dr med. W.Jaroozewicz (MITRAL STINOSIS pathol) IULSKI, Czeslaw; SITKOWSKI, Waclavi Jr.; MICHALOWSKI. Jacek Bronchopleural fistula as a complication of pulmonary resection: its causes and Prevention. Gruzlica 28 ao.8:661-664 Ag 160. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgleznego Instytutu Gruzlicy litirownik: prof. dr mod. L.Kanteuffel I z Sanatorium 111rzec1wgrnzl1czego w Radce Dyrektor: dr mad. Z.51&dkowski (BRONCHIAL FISTUIA stiole) (PNEUMOIMCTClff compl.) SITKOWSHIp Waclaw; T-URSKI, Czeslaw; -MIC14AWWSKI, Jacek Jantrwuntal commlesurotow in m1tral stanomis. Polski przogl. chlr. 32 no.12:1183-1186 160. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirargicuego Instytutu Gruslicy Ordynator: prof. dr L. Mantsuffel-Dyrektor Inst. CTu2licy: prof. dr W. Taroazowics. (MITRAL STENOSIS surg) KOSZAHOWSKI, Tadeusz; SITKOWSKI, Waclaw Remote results and effectiveness of surgical theraFy in pulmom-ry cancer. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.49:1892-1895 4 D 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie; kieroimik: prof. dr med. L. Manteuffel i z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Onkologii; kierownik: prof. dr med. T.Koszarowski; dyrektor Instytutu Onkol6gii: rof dr med. J. Laskowski. (LUNG NEOPLASMS surg) MFE~~61EECTOMY) SITKOWSKI, Waclaw Effect of morphine an the stomach and duedenm according to 1200 studies. Polski przegl. radiol. 25 no.1:71--80 161. 1. Z pracowni radiologicznej Sspitala Miejskiege ir Warazavie Kierwmik W. Sitkovski. (MORPHINE pharmeol) (STMACH pharmcol) (DUODERM pharmacol) SITKOWSKI, Waclaw Radiological picture of cancer of the stomach. Polskd przegl. chir. 33 no.?/9:685-694 161. (STOMACH NEOPLASMS radiog) JUV'DA, M lieczyvlaw; 1-11GRALOWSKI, Jacek; WASNIL,"13U) 'Clarla; WARDA, Barbara;G-'X:ITDII;WLJ, Jorzy; NOWICKI, Jail; SM-GLY Leo;- Exl)c-i kricc with heart ourgery with the use oC extracorporcEd circula- tion. Poiski przegi. chir. 33 no. 7/�:104J,1047 161. 1. Z Oadzialu ChIrm-gicznogo Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warsm-Ae Kierownik: prof. dr L. ManteuL',_-I--Szocge (::-,'ART 1EIMMICAL) MANTEUFAL-SZOEGE, Leon; NOWICKI, Jan; MICHALMSKI, Jacek, GRUNDMI, Jerzy; TURSKII Gzeslaw; PACOCHA, WIeslaw; SITKOWSKI, Waclaw; SZAGINSKI, Walerian Observations on hemodynamics in moderate and deep hypothermia. Polbki przegl. chir. 33 no.-U:1273-1283 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgiczncgo Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warzawie Kierownik: I, prof. dr L.Manteuffel. (BLOOD PFMSUP.E) (HYPOTHEPNIA INDUCED) SITKOWSKI,_Waclaw; PLOMR, Leon; SZ)HANOWSKI, Jan Successful x-ray treatment in ulcerative colitis. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.52:2040-2043 25 D 162. 1. Z Pracowni Radiologicznej Szpitala, Miejskiego Nr 6, kierownik: dr med. I. Pronaszko, konsultant; W. Sitkowski; z Kliniki.Gastrologicznej, kierownik: prof. dr med. L. Flocker i z II r iniki Ghirurgicznej Studium. Doskonalenia Lekarzy: kierownik: prof. dr med. T. DryjsId. (COLITIS, ULCERATIVE) GHWALIBOG, Barbara; POTWOL~OWSKA, Maria; Af=ZKILWICZ, Wlodzimiers; SITKOWSKI,.--Waclaw Puln,onavf resection in the treatment of tuberculosis. Gruzlica 30 no.3:225-238 162. 1. Z Oddzialu IX In:3tytutu Gruzlicy Dyrektor; prof. dr med. W. Jaroszowicz. (PILUM01,20TOMY statist) TUASKI, Czes2av; SITKUJOKI, 1,4aclaw, Jr.; ~UCHALO`43KI, Jacek Longitulli.~-,,. section of the stern!-m and vascular cannullation technic in open hcart aurgery. Polski chir. 34 r-o.3:227-233 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Cilirurl_,iczncLro Insty-tutu Gruzlicy Kierownik: prof. dr. L. llant~uffel. (I- SURGERY) (STERNMI surg) J*,;--.-. C. -uc,,:-Trzl, u 1;--j~ cat.4,v 1 (!1 ,L~, Ti. "n'. !!-'L,r 0. I.J un .nd~ cz; Ai I TURSKI, C.;-SITKOWSKI, W.i Jr.; MICHALOWSKI, J. Recurrence of mitral stanosis. Kardiol. pol. 6 no.2:7*7-79 163. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie Kierowniks Prof. dr L. Manteuffel, (MITRAL STENOSIS) (HEART SURGERY) SITKOWSKI, Waclaw, Jr. Results of the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in a sanatorium in Stanleyville (Congo). Gruzlica 31 no-5:397-403 t63. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (STATISTICS) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS) TURSKI., fteslav; ~T7WSK,Ip Vaelilv, Jr.; MIGHAUWSKI, Jacek Air spaces following pneumonectomye Their causes and pre- ventive methods. Gruzlica 31 no.12:1223-1230 D163. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy (kieraw- n1k: prof.dr mod. L.Mantsuffel) i z Sanatoriia 1.2rzeciw- gruzliczego w Rudce (dyrektor: dr med. R.Sladkouski.) 41r CHODKCWSKA, Stefania; ~~ITPOWSKI, Vaclaw; PAWIJCKA, Lilin Bronchial cancer and anpergilloma in bronchiectAiois. Grtlzlica 31 no.12:1243-1246 D163. 1. Z Ukladu Patologii (kierowniks prof.dr med. S.Chodkovska) i z Kliniki Chirurgii (kierownik: prof.dr med. L.Mantouffel) oraz z Zakladu Radiologil, (kierowniks profedr meds K.Ossovoka) Insty-tutu Gruzlicy. 4- SERAFIN, Roman; TURSKI, Czeslaw; SITKOWSKI, #&claw; CMIALIBOG, Barbara; POTWOROWSKA, Mari, Post-resection broncho-pleural fistula. Gruzlica 30 no.8: 717-723 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego, Instytuft Gruzlicy w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. L. Manteaffel Z Oddzialu Il Insty- tutu Gruzlicy v Warszavie Kierownik: doe. dr mad. J. Maday i z Sanatorium Przeciwgruxliczego w Rudee Dyrektort dr med. Z. Sladkowski. (PNEUMONECTOMY) (POSTOPERATIVE CWLICATIONS) (BRONCHIAL FISTULA) (PLEURA) (FISIULA) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) SlTKCjWS-K'.! , Waclaw Radiological picture of ulcerative colltis. Ful. orzegi. radial. 28 no.4t361-368 Jl-Ag 164. 1. Z Pracowni fladiolag!cne] cjzp-ltala Mls-skiego 6 w Warazawle j (Me-own!k: dr med. 1. Pronaszko, Konsultantl W, Sitkawski", 1. ?~ KlInixi GastrologlCmej! (Kierawnik3 prof. dr, L. Plocker). I Tac law; DRESHII, Stefan SITUMI; v "I .iporitaneous bi-iiary-Intestinal fistulae, and preumatization or ,-,~ bile tract. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.25.927-929 21 Je t65. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii SzpItala Mejskiego Nr. 6 w Warszawie M'_Prownik: dr. med. -1. Pronaszko). SITKOI,,ISKI, Waclaw Removal of foreign body fl.o;n the Interventric,.-Jar septum. Pol. Prze,-l. chir. 37 na.3:268-269 Rr 165. 1. '7 Kliniki Chirurgicznej iris tytu b-, tw Warnawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Manteuffel). 5 k*-\ ~ ~ S I TTLYJA;!, I.D., Inzb. Kwable sugar beet loader and piler. 114ekh.s'.1'.bosp. IG no.7:23-24 J1 '59. (141RA 12:12) (Sul,mr beets) (Loading and unloadf';ng) II ;_ :.f I ZXMCEIUK, Te.;.- SITLIVYY, I._~D - Means of minor mechanization used in transportation of farm produce.. Avt.transp. 35 no.9:6-7 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) I.Ministerstvo avtomobillnogo transport& I shoveeMkh dorog USSR. (?arm produce--Transportation) ZELEITCRUK. Ye.V. [Zelenchuk, IE.V.1. irzh.; AjZ4a;T4,I.D. [Svtlyvyi, I.D.], inzh. Truck for cattle transportation. Mekh. oil'. hoe. 9 no.4:25-26 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Motortrucks) (Cattle--Trantiportation) ZZMCHUK. To.; SITAVYT, 1. 9 - Increase the efficiency of motortrucks used for sugar-beet transportation. Ayto transp. 36 no.9!16-17 S 158. (MITIA 11:10) l.Ministeretvo avtomobillnogo transports, i shoasaynykh dorog USSR. (Sugar beets--Transportation) SITLIVY-Y, I.D. [Sytlyvyi, I.D.], inzh. Device for loading and unloading sugar beets. Mekh. sill. hosp. 11 no.9:18-20 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Loading and unloading) (Sugar beei;E - Transportation) SITLIVYY I- Ukrainian automotive transportation urdte mechanize the loading.and unloading of agricultural products. Av-t.transp. 41 no.4:17-19 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Upravleniya garazkuio-tekhnicheakoy sluzhby Anisterstva aytomobillnogo transporta i shosseynykh dorog UkrSSR. (Ukraine--Farm produce-Transportation) ~-~ITN-,il, Oto Laboratory pyrolysis reactor. Ropa a u:,-^Lte 6 no.2,-5:-53 F 1~4. 1. SIUVIIRfL. n.p., Vyskiimny ustav pro ropu a ahlovodikove plyny, Bralli-olava. i(1,79243 AFFTC/ASD Pf-4 JD/HW 442 A CE~SION NR: AP3001?8.1' Zj'004?/63/000/006/"/0 AUTHOR: (Enemeer) j%,itniansky, R. (Engineer)" Hronec, J. TITLE: New method of forming metals SOURCE: TechnJckapraca,~po. 6, 1963, 438-442 TOPIC TAGS: new rotary forming machine Holub rotary hot-forming autonatic,. Holub A13STRACT: The highest.production of formed metal ptrts can be obtained by the "Holub" hot transverse rollinwmethod described in figures 1, 2, and 3 of En- closure 1. This now method 6vered by Czechoslovak Patent No 100161 requires I much less machining of fir 19d parts and :`Ls highly suitable for automation. The forming surfaces are weilge-shaped and the workp!Lece has a diameter eq~uiva- lant to the maximum diameter of the finished part- Various cross-sectional and transverse shapes can be obtained. The angle of f6iming can range from 5 and 10 degrees. To avoid flaws in the workpiece. the operating temperature, and speed and roller diameters have to be controlled;- : ftrts up -to 30 = Jn -dJAL imeter are produced with a tolerance of plus-or-miza~-; 0.1 mm; those 4 to.50:= ---------- ACCESSION NR: AP3001781 with a tolerance of plu-or-minus 1 mm. The use of~tho Holub autcmatic cuts materials input by 33 percent. The following tables show saivings resultiqg from the use of the Holub hot-rolling forming autc=tias: (1) Old Methodology Machine tools 23 hP Production snace 330 sq meters Production w-orkers 18 per "Shift A [Auxiliary workers 4 per sltlft 1. Manufacturing time per single Piece 6.94 mi=tes (2) New Methodology Metalworking machine 6hp Production space 75 sq meters Production workers 4 per shift il~~acturing time per 910 pioce 1.29 minutes SOBOLEV, A.V., inzheuer; SITNICHMO A.I., inviiener. ;1-1; --~ ~- ;-- ~-- - %z- -1 t ~, : ~ Increasing the heat resistance of sold boxes and cqrburizing boxes. Strei. i der.mashinestr. no-7:29-30 JI '56- (mu 9: 10) (Powiding) (CementAtion (Metallurgy)) 7 V I DTLOITA--IC:i X1/1~976 Shk',, Yet. I., A. V. Baranov, V. 11. Ivanov, S. A. P. S. KurclL=n It. N, Lynolichenko, P, A. Mu-u.11di, G. K. 111litnin, V. A. Sitnichenko, It. Ya. Tolin, and It. L. Kl,-)nldn ,) (Iflningrad] LIL'yo no vyj)1.qvlyfkyn7ym rrodalyrin (bivn:,.tmf~nt GnitinF L196,11 455 P. (Snrlott pa llt,,jn=~l Pro1zVQd.1tVU) Errat.a. allp Inserted. 6000 coplan printid. No. (Titlo prigo)s Ya. 1. Shklonnik end V. A. Oz,-)ro,,a; It. D. Titov, -n~l .~-or; Fd. : Yu. L. 1,trkiz, Candidato of Technical Scionaeop and A. 1. Klau-nen, E Fln-gLioor; Tech. Ms.: A. Ya. Tikh,-mov, Z. 1. Ghorno-.a r-,id V. D. Zll~cind; Men- aging, Ed. for lAtorature on ilot-Working of Notalai 3. Ti. Gol-Inp Eliginuar. PUM~Ossl This book is intended for onginearing and toohnl-,-al pornomnol in tho vatalworking induntry and for scientific research workarij. It =y also be used by students specializing in foundrl work. COUHUG3i The book reviews the most imp,-)rtant problomo in investment casting. A=ng the topics considered are the follavingt mechanical properties of caatingsi Card 1/~D Irrvestment Casting X-V/5976 thq manufacture of castings; precision surface quality; materials tnd mothoda of makIng patterns and molds; the molting of metals and alJoya; pouring, cloanllngp boat trontmont, and Inspection of castings; economic aal-ects In the production of ca3tingo; organizati 'on of production; and modern c=opta relating to pro- ceases taking place in Ue manufacture of Investment caiitings. No personalities are montionod. There are 180 rWrarences, mostly Sovipt.. TABLE OF CONTENTS# Introduction 5 ~Ch. 1. Designing Cast Parts Properties of castings Dimensional precision Surface quality Mochanical properties of cast metal Uonign elemsn~i of castingo Card Z/40 12 13 13 16 'I RASKATOV, V.14., inzh.; KOKETEV, A.A.; LELYANOV, V.A.;-ffZSONOVAp N.F.; VEIB, D.A.; KARABANOVA, L.T.; SILANTITEV, M.G.; Nkb, A.L[deceased]; I S_ITNICHE __PHTENKOV, V.S.; YARKOV, A.M., insh., retsenzent; GARANKINA, S.F., red.124-va; TIMNOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. [Brief handbook on materials used in the nachinery industry] Kratkii Apravochnik po mashinostroitellayT2 materialam. Pod obshcbey red, V.M.Raskatova. Moskva, Moslcgiz, 1963~ 440 p. (W RA 16:7) (MaterIwIB) SITNICUNKO, I.F., gornyy inzhener. Experience in lengthening the life of wire nettings on GUF-l vibrating screens. Ugoll 31 no.2:)6-)7 7 15-5. (MLRA 9.5) 1. Wentrallnaya obogatitellnaya fabrika 'Neavetay" kombinata Rostovugol,. (Coal preparation--Equipment and supplies) SITNICHRUKO, I.I., gornyy inzhener. Mechanizing the leveling of coal loaded in open railroad cars. Ugol' 31 no-3:32 My '56. (NLRA 9:8) 1. Teentral'nays obogatitel'nsys fabriks "Yeavetar" kombinsta. Rostovuaoll. (ComlAwAllng machinery) SILTINILCHENKO, M. G. and S~RTSENOVA, K. N. "Some Problems in Processing Pictures of Mountainous Regions on Stereometers". .3b. statey po geodezii. No. 7, pp 3-15, 1954. Applicability of topographic stereometers was established in processing photograrhs of mountainous regions. The required accuracy of element orientation may be attained. (RZhAstr, No. 1, 1956) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 BURMISTROVA, Z.V.; SlTNIGW4KO, .- I- ~ Z, Stereo topographic s urveying - ~,al es !:-" `~ y IJCO Sni -I.' -.!-' t h dilated leveling not. Good. 1. kart.. NI '63. 0'ra-RA -17:1) SITNICKI, ii. How to facilit8te the receint of lu.Tber. p. ?62. PRZFII4"fSij DRZE!q.'Y. (Centralne Zarzady Prze.-islow: Drzewnego, Reblarskiego, i Lesnego i Stowarzysenie Inzynxierow t Teclanikow Lesnictwa i Drzev-.Act-wa) Warzzawa, Poland. No. 5. May 1959- Monthly List of East European accession (MI), LO. Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. KOWARZYKOW, Hugon; KOWARZYKOWA, Zofia; KIJBISZ, Tadeusz-, SITNIUSKI, Stefan; GIERON-ZASADZIENIOWA, Malgorzata; LIPOWSKA, Ligia Reconstruction of the axonocardiogram in Einthovents triangle. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.26:981-984 26 Je 161. 1. Natedra Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadczalnej A.M. i Osrodek Kardialo- giczny przy P.S.K. Nr I we Wroclawiu. (VFLTORCARDIOGRAPHY) KOWARZYKCW, Hugon; KOWAR?,rKOWA, Zofia; KUBISZ, '~.adeusz; SITNIEWSKI,-,Stefan; GIERON-ZASADZIEZ-110WA. Malgorzata I Reconstruction of unipalar limb axonocardiograms and electrocardio- grams. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.32:1221-1224 7 Ag '61. 1. Utedra Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadezalnej A.M. i 0srodek Kardiolo- giczny przy P.S.K. nr I w, Vroclawiu. (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (VECTORCARDIOGRAPHY) SITfiu see SYTOX S--,-T-I.rIi,, A.A., - nd 2r,,ch, Sci--(di -- 11 ",udy of the procezo of I - .1 j t, A- cl.:rbcnJ- . t-ion 01,f, sodiun solutim in the :~i~nuf-ctuxa of puri- f4ed bic rbonatc." ;'_.(Dsg 8 -,, T) (11j..,j )f Higlier Iduention TISSR. Vos Opdc-r of Lr.-nizi Inst D.I. !-~cn- dele.,yev) , 120 co-des (1-1 ~, 2", ~:-58, 115) - ~ , e? .. 7";,: ;5 ~- AUTHORS: Sytnik, A. A., Shokin, 1. N., Krusheninnikov, S. A. 153 -58-1-16/29 TITLE% Investigation of the Process of Carbonization of the Soda Solution in the Production of Purified Bicarbonate (Issledovaniye protsessa karbonizataii sodovogo rastvora v proizvodstve ochishchennogo bikarbonata). Communication 1: Kinetics of Crystallization of Soaium-Bicarbonate in the Course of the Carbonization of Soda Solution (Soobahcheniye 1. Kinetika kristallizatsii bika:7bonata natriya v protsesse karbonizatsii sodovogo rastvora) PERIODICAL: Izvesti~ vysehikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp- 100-107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The crystallization of the salts from solutions can only begin and take place in the case of supersaturation of the latter with respect to the respective salt. The extent of initial supersaturation does not only cause the beginning of the crystallization-process, but it also determines its further course. With high values, of supersaturation, but low degrees of agitation of the solution, the born crystal Card 1/4 begins to grow so rapidly that it zone of concentration which Investigation of the Process of Carbonization of the Soda 153-56-1 -16/29 Solution in the Production of Purified Bicarbonate. Communication 1: Kinetics of Crystallization of Sodium-Bicarbonate in the Course of the Carbonization of Soda Solution Card 2/4 is lower than in the main mass of the liquid, is formed almost instantly around it. Under these conditions, the further growth of each crystal is determined by the diffusion-ratio of the dissolved substance toward the crystalline surface. It is assumed (references 1,2) that the process of crystallization is in this case within the range of diffusion and that its velocity is proportional to the let degree of saturation. With intense agitating of the solution the diffusion-ratio becomes so high that actually no weakening of the solution on the crystalline surfbLce takes place. The Velocity of crystallization is determined in this case by the slowest process taking place on the crystalline surface and depends on the degree of supersaturation which exceeds 1. This range is called the kinetic one (ref. 2). A survey o:a the works of the kinetics of crystallization is given (references 2 to 5,7). Works of this kind on the velocity of crystallization of sodium- -bicarbonate from soda solutions are lacking, however, 2 processes take place si=ultaneously in the crystallizing Investigation of the Process of Carbonization of the Soda 153 -58 -i-! 6129 Solution in the Production of Purified Bicarbonate. Communication 1; Kinetics of Crystallization of Sodium-BicarbonaTe in the Course of the Carbonization of Soda Solution column with the industrial production of purified bicarbonates a) Absorption of C02 and b Crys;tallization of sodium bicarbonate. The process b~ must obviously influence the kinetics of carbonization in a certain way and viceversa. In the first communication the influence of supersaturation, of the temperature and of the agitation on the velocity of crystallization of sodium bicarbonate from the soda solution in the process of carbonization is investigated. A device developed for this purpose is given in figure 1. The test-method is described. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the precipitated quantity of bicarbonate on the period of carbonization of the solution and that for 2 numbers of revolutions of the stirrer (340 and 2000 revolutions per minute) at 200. It was proved that the velocity of crystallization of sodium bicarbonate in the range of diffusion, depends on the supe3'saturation of tat degree, whereas it is proportional to the 2nd degree of super- Card 3/4 saturation within the kinetic .7ange, A different dependence Investigation of the Process of Carbonization of the Soda .153 --58,"l-.1, 6/29 Solution in the Production of Purified Bicarbonate. Communication 1j Kinetics of Crystallization of Sodium-Bicarbonate in the Course of the Carbonization of Soda Solution of the velocity of crystallization on the temperature within the range of diffusion and kinetics was proved. Within the first range, this velocity decreases according to the increase in temperature with a given supersaturation, whereas it increases in the latter range. A method of calculation of the velocity of crystallization for the two ranges of the process of crystallization was proposed. There are 10 figures and 7 references, 7 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnolcgicheakiy institut imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva. Kafedra tekhnologii svyazannogo azotr, i shchelochey (Moscow Chemical Tachnological Institute imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, Chair for the Technology of Bound Nitrogen and Alkalies) SUBMITTED: September 9, 1957 Card 4/4 i rf tv Kras:ieninniiov , - n of tnt~ Carbonation i~rocP66 of %;h.;-, ~~oaa_ ~',o'utien 1-0 in tn~, Manufacture of ;~,urified Bicarbonniti! (T,SIedovr:iriy'P. prn'tsossa karbonizatsii sodovoeo ra3tvora v proizvodstve 3chishctienriogo bikarbonata) Communicai;ion 11. asorption ~jnptics of tne Carbonic Acid by 'joda Solutions (."Oobshch,~niye L. Kinetika absorbts.ii ugl-:~kisloty s(.)dovymi rastvo-ami) 1 D I C1, iyve6tiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicne!ikaya tokftnologiya, 19j8, Nr 2, pp 90-.93 (U,i1ift') 3 -Si RV.0 - ~.LtfiouSn the problem mentioned In the subtitLe has alrt~-ady bt~en treated in nurrerous papers (Refs 1-0"), the results of these investigations are so contradictory that no uniform con- ception can be achieved regarding these kinetics. 1% the pre- .,3c-nL paper, the action of the concentration of the sodium bi- carbonate solution and its degree of carbonation on the ab- sorotion rate of carbonic acid under various hydrodynamical condjtion~._* were studied. An abs orpt ion -c-ouipment of tne film- type was used for this purpose, the constTuction and mode of C function of which are described. First of all, it was to be in- Card S OV/ 1 -, --- --2 - I 6.i y) inv-sti,~7,aLion of --e C-;rr.=ation Procesc of tne ,.cda ~.;Clution -.:-, T.r-, far.- tur-.r- ofiur-ifiec', Bicarbonate. Communication .71. -'1 0 s o r L, TI i o n -n 1 .11 - '- I C k...lrbonic !.cid b,; :,'cda --3olutions vestigated ;.hetner the equation of the absorr)tion rate 11a~ 13 . K . 8P complicated by the chemical reac-,ion, applien for this case being the rate of' ab2orption, ~ - the chemical r)firam-~,r which shows by %-ihich amount the rate varies in tne Dr-s-frice c1' a chemically -ictilve component in the solution-, K - coefficient of' the absorption rate, AP the motive force of th, proce~-s which is P CO- PI COI PCO the partial pressure of CO 2 in tri;w~ 2 2 carbonating gas, Y1 for carbonation de-rees 100-15(Y- prac- CO2 .1.1 LI tically eaual to zero. The resuIr's for 2 differerat -.Ptting censitips: 0.5 0and 1.4 m3/m hour, gas velc,,city 0.54 mj,sec, temDerature 20 and carbonation degree 10',/- (Vig 1) nave d,:r- onstrared that e~.uation (1) applies for ti.e system ~o'i~ures 2 and -~ illustrate the deDend~-.-n,-e~ cf the CO, a U Ca rd SOV/1 5 3 -)F3 -2 -16/30 Investigation of' the Carbonation Process of the Soda Solution in the Manu- facture of Purified Bicarbonate. Communication II. Absorption Kinetics of' the Carbonic Acid by Soda Solutions tion rate on the concentration of the solution. It can be seen from this that the velocity mentioned exceeds a maximum at a change of concentration of the solution. The authors explain this by an increase of the degree of hydrolysis of the sodium carbonate rith the dilution of the solution. If, however, the soda concentration becomes insignificant because of further dilution, the rate of absorption drops and comes close to that of water. In order to investigate this, the pH was measured (Fig 4.). '.ccording to the results the T)H-curve during the dilu- tion is a reproduction of the course of the curves of the ab- sorption rate. Thus, this rate depends on the OH- ion con- centration. This was expressed by equation (2). The influence exercised by the carbonation degree of the solution upon the absorption rate was studied by means of an installation pre- viously described (Ref 9). Furthermore the authors apply the term "Degree of' transition" instead of"Degree of carbonation" of the solution. Figures 5 and 6 show the dependence of the Card 3/5 CO 2-absorption rate on the degree of transition for differept SOV/153 -r18-2 -16/30 Investigation of the Carbonation Process of the Soda Solution in the lalanu- facture of' Purified Bicarbonate. Communication II. Absorption Kinetics of the Carbonic Acid by Soda Solutions concentrations of the solution and at a low and high degree of turbulence. According to a mathematical treatment of the re- sults it was evaluated that the CO -absorption rate is pro- -0,4 -0,25 2 portional to C and X , C being the concentration of the solution and X the degree of transition. The results of the calculations are seen in figure 7. The dispersion of the points does not exceed 5-r/- That means that for a given num- ber of revolutions of the mixer the absorption rate coefficient is kept constant for all degrees of transition and for all conce-,ttrations of the solution. It means further that with in- crea. ng number of revolutions of the mixer the coefficient meni --ncreases as well. It was found that within the range -0,4 -0,25 of the concentrations investicated the product C X V may be substituted for the chemical parameter in the equation Na ~ K.114P. The difference (P CO 2- P1 CO2) is the motive "force Card 4/j of the CO 2-absorption by scda solutions. The student R. 0. SOV/ 1 5~1-~-8-2 - 16,/30 lnv-~stigation of the Carbonation Process of the Soda Solution in the Yanu- V'actur~ of Purified Bicarbonate. Communication H. Absorotion Kinetics o~ tt- Carbonic kcid by Soda Solutions Koroleva took part in this study. There are 7 figures and 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. 1. Mendeieyev) Kafedra tekhnologii svyazannogo azota i shchelochey (Chair of Technolop ~y of Bound Nitrogen and Alkalies) SUBMITTED: September 9, 1957 Card SYTNIK, A.A.; SHOKIN, I.N.; KRASIMMIKOV, S.A. Investigating the process of carbonization of soda solution in the manufacture'of refined bicarbonate. Part 3: Inmatigating the equilibrium and nonequilibrium states of the 11cmid phase. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav; khim. i khIm.tekh. 4 no-5-.801-80~ 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut imeni, Mendeleyeva, kafedra, tekhnologii neorganicbeakikh veshchestv. (Sodium carbonate) ZX(71-:n-A ' ':DT',A 5ec 0 Vol 1~/10 3ur-,ery Oct. t;Q 5665. PREOPERATIVE si-ERILIZATION OF THE I.NTFSTINF WITH COLI- MYCIN (Russian text) - Sititik A. I'. - KIIIHMIGIYA 1958, 11 (61-65) A new antibiotic - colirnycin to 12 patients. Complete sterility of the intestinal content was obtained in 501. of the cis,!s at the moment of the operation. The sterilization was unsuccessful after inadequate inechanical intestin- at evacuation. It was found expedient to introduce colimvcin into the intestinal lumen during the operation for the prolongation tit the 13~riod of sterility. There were no complications in connection with dysbacteriosis. . - -- I ^^a 0 n*vnv.rcnvfvvv "WRAPY .STTNIX, A.F. Modern intratracheal anesthesia with use of muscle relaizants in operations on the esophagus and organs of the abdominal cavity* [with summary in linglish]. Jhlrurgiia 34 no.8:45-52 Ag '58 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Is 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki (sav. - prof, V.A~ Petrove) Institnta imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo (93-avMY khtrurg - prof. B.Ae Petrov, dir. zaslyzhenyy vrach USSR M.K. Tarasov). (ANESTHESIA, 1NDMRAMM, in esophagus & abdom. surg., with musc. relaxants (Rua)) (WISCLZ RXLAXANTS. ther. use in endotracheal anesth. in esophagus & abdom, surg* (Rug)) (ESOPHAGUS. surg. endotracheal anesth. with muse. relaxants (Rua)) (ABDOXWO burge (samq).) Sytnik, A. P.; Felr,t~v, 13. A. (Prof.) Moscow .- T "Artificial Esophagus in Cases of Strictures.' revort submitted for the 207th Congress of Surgeons of the USSR) 140scow) 23-28 &jy 196o. PETROV, B.A-., prof.1 SYTNIY,,-A.P- Retrosternal artificial esophagus in cical~rical stenobis. Vest. A1,21 SSSR 15 no-9:48-53 t6O. (MIRA 13-11) 1. Inatitut imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo (ESOPHAGUS--SURGV-RY) - jINTSSTINES.-~~URGERY) to, Lno uo-Ill trono, -rctor, r: s r US." -nd air os I ,U,.S,.ots on u- 4 17, ron. C, -0. -Y) tr -j - ca r 'ct SITNIK, G.F. Potientometric diagram for controlling the electricity In an in- candescent bulb as a source of radiant energy. Trudy GAISH 22:3-11 '53. (KLRA 7:5) (Potentiometer) Astrophysics, Astrophysical Instruments (1661) Soobshch. Gos. astronom. im-ta imwd P.K. Shternberg*, No 93, 1953, pp, 3-10 Sitnik, G.F. "Note on the Application of i Thermocou le to ~ontro' the Temperature in a Tubu- P lar furna~-e Heated by Lturnatin,, Current" Descr-lbes the Kuchinskiy electrovacuum furnace and the tungsteu-t-i,-italura thermocouple used for temperature control. SO: Referativnyy Zhurnal-Astronomiya i ~eodeziya, No 1, Jan 54; (71-307C5, .~6? July 1954) S',a.-.-,.Iard fcc Pbsolute and etri~~ zpresented rat the Corferenze C, nniss S-cro-cmic &I I o, n uon on A I n s t r,,. ne n ~ sc; is t -r- -1 c 'I i c r: o f te A s t r o i i o r,- ic a! C o Lu, cPZ 'j S 5 1 L2- T, eb 56). !-;-',7, Aug, SITNIK, G. F. SIINIK, G. F. --"The Absolute Pho'toelectric Photometry of a Continuous Spectrum of the Sun." Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Physicomathe-matical Sciences.) So.: Knizhnaya latopis', No 7, 1956. S ITN IK, G. F. Perfecting a model of a black body at high temperatures. Vest. Mook.un.Ser.mat.,mekh.,astron.,fiz.,khim.11 no.1:63-72 156. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Nuchinskaya astrofixicheakaya obser7atcriya i Gosudarstv~nW ,a Koskovskogo gosudar- astronomicheakiy Inatitut im. P.K.Shternberp stvennogo univeratteta. (Black body--Koeels)