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SITJMXO. Y.M.. prof. (Leningrad, ul. Lebedeva, d.10-b, kV. 2) Certain hazards in the use of bjrpothermia in surgics-J operations [with summsa7 In Inglish]. Vest.khir. 82 no.1:17-21.. Ja '59. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Is fakulttetskay khtrurgicheskoy kliniki lo.1 (wtch. - prof. VeN. Shamov) Toyenno-seditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. lirova. (HTPOTFMMA hazards (Rua)) SITE1410, V.M., prof.; VLASOV, V.S. Evaluation of the lumbar ganglionectomy operation ir endarteritis obliterans in the light of late results. Khirurgiia no.11:65-70 161o (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitetskoy khirurgii imeni S.P. Feclorova (nach. - prof. V.M. Siteiiko) Voyemo-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii S.M. Kirova. (ARTERIES-DISEASES) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, SUTATHETIC-SURGERY) SITENKO,-,--V.M., prof. (Leningrad, ul.Lebedeva,d.10-g,kv.2)'; 11ECHAY, A.I. Stenosis of the terminal segbent of the comon bile duct of noncancerous origin. Veat.khir. 89 no.907-62 S 16;!. --4-b~16- 4un4k4 izmi i'MTPa IC.1-2) 1. Iz fWall'tetakor ---- -IF S,.?.F9darwM (nachaltnik - prof. V.M.Sit'mko.)-.Voyanno-moditainakoy ordena, Lenina akademil imeni S.M.Kirova. (BILE DUCTS-DISEASES) ARIYEV, T.Ya., prof.(Leningrad); BABCHIN, I.S., prof.(Leuixq;rad); VAYNSHTEYN,- V.G., prof. (Leningrad); GORODETSKIY, Ye.M.,, kand. med. nauk (Moskva); GRATSIANSKIY, V.P., prof,- (Leningrad); KORNEEV, P.G., prof.(Leningrad); KAPLAN, AA,prof. (Moskva); LEVIT, V.S., zasl. deyatell nauki, prof.,*deceased); PSHENICHNIKOV, V.I., praf.(MDskva); RUFANOV, I.G., prof. (Moskva); SITENKO, V.M., prof.(Leningrad); SMIRNOV, Ye.V,,, prof. (Leningradr; FRIDLAND, M.O., zasl. deyatell nauki, prof. Moskva); SHEYNIS, V.N., doktor med. nauk,(Leningrad); SHLAPJBERSKIY, V.Ya., prof.(Moskva); VISHNEVSKIY, A.A., prof., red.; GOLIDGAMMER, K.K., red.; BELIGHIXOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. [Specialized surger7l Chastnaia khirurgiia; rukovodstvo dlia vra- chei v trekh tomakh. Pad red. AA.Pshnevskogo i V.S.Levita. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.3.[The extremities) Konechnosti. 1963. 670 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Deystvitellnyy chien Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kornev, Rufanov). (EXTREMITIES (ANATOMY))--SURGEHY) ZERNOV, A.I.; LISITSIN M.S. [deceased]; POPOV, V.I., prokhodtsev, I.I.-, RESHETIOV, A.I.; RYZHKOV, S.V.; SITEN HIS TOVI CH, A.N. ~KQ Results in the treatment of cancer patients with samicarbazide and cadmium. Vop. onk. 9 no.6--.LI4-116 '63. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Iz Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova (na,,,hallnik - prof. P.P. Goncharov). Adres avtoro7: Leningrad, K-Q I u-1. Lebodeva, 6 Voyenno.-meditsinslrzya ordena Lenina 1. 1 akademiya imeni Kirova. SITZNKO V 14 prof. (Leningrad, K-9, ul. Lebedeva, d.10-b, kv.2); _Pz ~1-1&6hitl NOVA, L.Ye. Large cystic duct stump and its significance in the occurrence of the so-called postcholecystectomy syndromia. Vest. -Oiir. 91 no.10: 12-18 0 '63. (MIIU 17:7) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki imeni S.P. Fedorova (nachaltnik - prof. V.M. Sitenko) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova, Leningrad. !!~J",,-71 :o',s J.%,:- th Wlc- (hict d-uring 'my -f-rl Vo 1 -Li r,,, 1 c i I (nr, c hal r i k re, f o I arteriosclerosis (KRA 18:4) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nachallnik prof. V.M. Sitenko) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenira. aka6em--*i imeni Kirrr a. Adres avtorov: Leningrad, K-9, Pirogovskaya naberezhnaya, 3, klinika fakulltetskoy khirurgii Voyennc-meditsinskoy ordena. lAnina akadejali imni Kirova. SITENKO, V.114., prof.; SAYOKHVALOV, V.I., kand. med. nauk; B-ELOUSOV, A.G. Multiple recurrences of peptic ulcers (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). Vest. khir. no.10:14-20 164. (MIRA 39:1) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nachallnik - prof. V.14. Sitenko) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova i voyennogo gospitalya. SITENKOV, V.T. Determination of the critical velocity of solid particles in horizontal pneumatic pipelines. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.9:51-54 S 163- ~, Offn 16:11) 1. Novokuybyahevskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo inutituta po proyektirovarii7u zavodov kauchukovoy pronyshlennosti. POSZLER, Laszlo, dr.; VAS, Imre, dr.; technikai munkatara:..SITERI, Antalne Contribution to a simple functional diagnosis of tuberculosis. Tuberku- lozis 14 no.1:4-6 A 161. 1. A Szabadsaghegyi Allami Tudossanatorium (igazgato: Vas Imre dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. (TUBIMULOSIS diag) STTFS, Bchumil, inz, CSc, Study of some problem-- of' "~& organization cf the dairy industry production. Frwr potravin 11' no. 7:315-318 JI 164, 1. Institute of Dairy !,,es6arch, Prague. SM041 M. V, AID P - 1448 Subject USSR/meteorology and Hydrology Card 1/12 Pub. 71-a - 22/23 Authors Various Title Chronicles Periodical Met. i gidro., 1, 66-67, Ja - F 1955 Abstract 1) 3rd scientific conference of geophy!3icists of the Lithuanian SSR in May 1954 in Villnyus, reviewed by M. V. Sitich-and A. I. Buz 2) C-o-fiferen-ce on questions of aeroclimatology in October 1954 in Tashkent, reviewed by 0. B. Mertsalova 3) The IVth All-Union Scientific and Technl-cal Conference of Hydro Electric Engineers on 26-29 October 1954 in Lenin- grad, reviewed by N. V. Somov. 4) A letter by Dr. of Agric. Sci. F. F. Davitaya to the editor mentioning a correction to be made In a previous issue of this periodical. Met. i gidro., 1, 66-67, Ja- P 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 71-a - 22/23 An p - 1448 Institution: Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service at the Council of Ministers of the USSR Submitted : No date SITINSKIY, N.M. Introducing the system of defectless manufacture of Eaticles at the "Sardizell" Plant. Mashinostroitell no.9-9-10 S 164. (MIRA 17., 10) 1. Starshiy kon"rollnyy master Saratovskogo zavoda "Sardizell". Gy. Operative c~rditicns ci trz~ctcr enEines with different load's. I. (To be c ntd.) p. P~O (Jarnniwk Ytezogazdznsacli Gepek. Vol. h, no. h, Srept. 1957~ 1 - Budapest, 'iunr---ar~y) Ncrt~ily Index of --,--st Acces:ijc--.s 7". Vcl. 7, -i,. 2, Februard- a958, SITIM, Gyorgy Operational conditions of tractor engines in case of fluctuating loads. Pt.2. Jarmu mezo geP 4 no.5:221-227 NT 157. N-101PECSITIJ, I.I.;[Tlakonechnyy.. 1.1.1; AVGr,,_'JEV, E.B. [Avdeyev,ll.B.]; SITKEI, Gyorgy [translator); Designing harvester-thresher variators. Jarmu mezo geP 5 no.2:58-3 of cover Ap 1. Moskovshiy institut mekhaiij.zatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khoz3aystva nor -,Wdeyev). SITKEI, Gyorgy Some problems relating to the experimental testing of two-stroke engines. Jarmu mezo gep 6 no-5:142-146 t59. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Mezogeptan Tanszeke. ,ST"i'KEI, ,Y. The theory of jet atornization. In German. p.87. ACTA TECKNICA. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 25, no. 1/2, 1959- Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (7-EAII, LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 19,19 Uncl. RAZSO,I.; SITKEI, G. Operational conditions of hauling motors during changeable loading. Periodica polytechn eng 4 no.4:349-365 '60. (Ew 1o:6) 1. Lehrstuhl nr Landmaschinen, Technische Universitit, Budapest. (Motor vehicles) SITKEI,,Gyorgy Effect of the rilative volume of the crankshafts on the suction process. Muszaki koz1 XTA 25 no.1/4:241-248 160. (EEAI 9:7) 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem, Mezogazdasagi Gepek Tanszeke. (Ci-anks and crankshafts) SITKEI, Cyorgy -------- - --- --- - --- Combustion processes of motors with a carburetor. Muszaki kozl MTA 25 no.1/4:249-280 160. (EEAI 9:7) 1. Budapestl Muszaki, Egyeten, Mezogazdasagi Gepek Tanszeke (Gas and oil engines) -ql~ SITKEI, Gyorgy The process of combustion in diesel motors. Iquszaki koil MTA 25 no.1/4:281-311 6o. (EEAI 9:7) 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetera, Mezogazdasagi Gepek Tanszeke. (Diesel engine) SITKr;IJ, G. (Budapest., XI. Bertalan Lajos U.1-3, Hungary.) The kinetic interpretation of the new "Mzm-br procedure. Periodic& polytechn eng 5 no.1:49-63 161. 1. Department of Agricultural Machinery, Poly-technical University., Budapest. Presented by Prof. Dr. I. Razso. (Germany, East-Diesel motor) BOUIIISZYJJ, V.N. [Boltin~!kiy, V.!"-. ), SI'1' I, Gyorgy, dr., a musza-ki tudomanyok kandidawsa [translator) Effect of the fluctuatina load on the indicator :-ndexes of 0 tractor engines. Jarmu mozo gEp 10 no.7:241-24.3 Ill 163. SHITKEIJI G.L. (Sitkei,, Gyj New similarity equations for calculating ribbed surfaces of air-cooled engines. Trakt. i sellkhozmsh. 33 no.4sl4-16 Ap 163. (MIM l6xlO) 1. Budapeshlfty politekhnicheskiy universitet. (Engines--Cooling) IS z SITKEVICH, I.G. Improving cotton ginning. Teket. prom. 18 no.2:34-35 7 '58. (MIRA 13:3) (cotton gins and ginning) YRRMOLENKO, A.I., Prof., FAR!3-10MM, V.I.,, SITKEVICH, V-Yu, Cur-ent picture of the pittionts in a uol)tic nurgery depnrtment and polyclinic, Sov.mede 22 nooll:109-113 N'58 WRA il:n) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.T. Smiruov) Loningradakogo sanitarno-gigiyonicheakogo instituta. (HOSPITALS, septic surg., department (Rus)) (OMPATUNTS SMVICES, Burge (Rlis)) KEREE-SUCS) I , 3c:l a 9 -1 r a ,r.,ezc)g a-z d a ingi. yok "' e-rdes-ze L 33k. Lora ~IITKEY, Janos Second cfjn_le---nce a,-ranged by the PprmanenL ;.4rjrk-ing Group cf Forestry, Council of that.ual Fconomix Assis~,qnce. Erdo 13 no.7. 297-29r) JI 164. 1. Director, Scientific Institute of Forestry, Budapest; Mitor, "Az Erdc" (for Keresztesi). 2. Head, Department of Forest Management, Natlonal Main Direc:torate of' Porestry, Budapest (for Sitkev). SITKEY, Janos Timber production development in state forestries during the past 10 years. Erdo 13 no.10:45?-458 0 164. SITKHINA. D.Ye.. kandidat ekonomicheskikh nauk. . , Improving the organization of labor on assembly conveyers. Der. i lesokhim.prom. 3 no.10:27-29 0 '54. (MLRA 7:11) 1. Leningradakaya ordena Lenim lesotakhaicheskaya akademiya im. S.K.Kirova. (Furniture industry) PXTROV', 'Boris Sergeyevich, professor; KITIN, Alsksay Grigerlyevich, deteent; -31TI[HIM, Diam. Yof imoyma, dotsext; SAMKNULO, Grigerly Mikheyeitch. dot a sa t. ;.'prsfemmer~ retegazoat; DI93FEW, T.S., $Lsshoxor, rotmensent;XOFTOV, G.Yl., rodaktor; ARNOLIDOFA, K.S., rodak- ter; SHITS, V.P., tekhaichookiy redektor. (KM 9:4) (OrgaRization and planning of production In wood processing enterprises] OrgaRizatatia I planlrovanis preizvedetva no derwvoobrabatyvaiushchikh prodprliatliakh. Moskva, Golembumisdat, 1955. 407 P. (Woodworking Industries) SITKHIIIA. Dine Yefimovna-, dots.kand.ekon.nauk; DBLIMOV, A.I., kand.ekon. nauk, retsenzent; BOYTSOV, X.P., kand.ekon.nouk, retsenzent; PIVROV, B.S., prof., doktor ekon.nauk, otvetstvenayy red.; BRUK, A.Ya., red. [Organization arid planning of production at enterprises of the wood pulp and wood chemical industries; manual on planning for students in engineering and economics departments] Organtratalia i planirovanie proizvodetva na uredpriiatiiakh tselliulozno- bumazhnoi i lesokhtmicheskoi promyshlennosti; rukovodstvo k kursovomu proektiroyaniiu dlia studentov inzhenerno-okonomichs- skogo fakullteta. Leningrad, Izd. VZLTI, 1.956. 86 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Wood-using industries) SITXHIN kandidat skenomicheskikh nauk. Iliminating less of workers' time. Der.prom.5 as.6:17 Je '56. (MIRA 9:9) l.Laningradakaya ordena Lenina lesetakhnicheekaya akademiya imeni S.M.Kireva. (Woodworking industries) (Labor productivity) SITKHINA, Dina Yefimovna; BARSKIY, A.A., red.; VALLAKH, T.G., red. L.V. , [Increasing the labor productivity in furniture enterprises] Puti povysheniia proizvoditellnosti truda na mebellnykh prodpriiatiiakh. KoBkva, Goelesbumizdat. 1958. 54 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Furniture industry) PETROV9 Boris Sergeyevich, prof., doktor ekon. nauk; VOLKOV9 N.Ta.p rcitsen- zqvt;'SJT~~, ~Dje. red.; POLUNICHEV, I.A., red. izd-va; PARAKHINA, N.L., tekhn. red. [Production organization and planning in the woodw:)rking industri"] Organizataiia i planirovanie proizvodetva na derevDobrabatyvaiuabohm predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1960. 3L2 p. (MM WO 1. Starshiy ipzhener sektora derevoobrabotki lesno-o otdola Gosplana SSSR (for Volkov) (Woodworking induBtries--Management) pRoKjjoRCj!UK, I.S., iirof.; SANLITULO, G.M., dots.; BGYTSOV, 'U., dots.; NECRJYATOVA, 1I.P.J. dots.; POPOV, N.I., dots.;, SITK-jlNA*-JLYe-.,- MITIN, A.G., dots.; SUCITILINIKOV, N.G., red.; GOSMDARSKAYA, T.N., red. izd-va; GRECHISHCIEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. [Econorics of the woodworking industry] Ek-onor.ika lesoobrabaty- vaiushchei prm-yshlennosti. ~'oskva, Goslesibimizdat, 1961. 309 p. (KIRA 15:3) LeLeningradskaya '-esotclkhriicheskaya akaderi-.iya im. SJE.Kirova (for Frol-,, Boytsov, liechuyatova, Popov, Sitkhina, Mitin). 2. VsesoyuzrK,~y ~-,aochr*-:: lesotekhnicheski~,- institut (for Samimulo). (Woodworki,.Ia industries) SITKIIINA, Dina Yefimovna; PETROV, B.S., red.; GOSPODARSKAYA, T.N., red.izd-va; AKOPOVA, V.M., tekhn. red. [Establishing technical work norms in woodworking industry enterprises] Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie truda na predpri- iatiiakh lesoobrabatyvaiustichei promysb-lennosti. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 362 p. (MIRA 17:3) r~v L) red, [G~-ganiz.-,,tl,~n d-iiz: planning of in, woodworking enterpri 3RE, 4 71l t2,~ i i,-Ianivowanle uroizvad-tva na preap-iia~3L.1a'71n. 2., perer. i-d. e " 1 C! ~l ~-j 3 87 - 3 SITUIVIA, Dina Yefimovna; ZAKHAROV, Zakhar Nikolayevich, retsenzent; KIRPICHEV, Sergey Stepanovich, retsenzent; LIKHOVIDOV, N.K., red. [Establishing technical norms in woodworking industries) Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie derevoobrabatyvaiushchehro proizvodstva. Moskvas Lesnaia promyshlennost's 1965- 182 p. (MIRA 19:7) POLAND/Safety En,rineering. Sanitation Engineering. Sanitation. L CD (D Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1957, lo,(43 Author Sitli[iewicz, J. Inst Not g_I_v-en- Title The Enforcement of Fire Safety Regulations During the Polymerization of Oils Orig Pub: Przegl. Pozarn., 1956, Vol 35, No 4, 1o-16 (in Polish) Abstract: The greatest fire hazards in the processing of vegetable Oils (VO) used in the manufacture of paints and lacquers is encountered during the polymerization operation, which is usually carried out at temperatures near the flashpoint of the oils. The heating of VO to tempera- tures higher than 3200 is prohibited; the temperature is lowered by addition of cold polymerized oil. The temperature of the VO must be reduced to 1200 before they may be pumped into the storage tai-ks. The poly- merization of the VO is carrieq6ut under a C02 blanket or vacuum. The kettles must bd filled to less than 2/3 Card 1/2 POLAI,TD,/,Safety Engineering. Sanitation Engineering. Sanitation. L Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 10743 Abstract; to 3/4 capacity because of the tendency of the VO to foam. In order to avoid violent oaming, the heating of the VO to 1000 must be carrUut in slow stages with constant stirring' . Among the fi e hazard control measures the author lists the location of storage tanks away from the production areas, at a minimum distance of 15-20 m; the grounding of the storage tanks; and the purification of the VO from volatile constituents. Card 2/2 ,POLAND / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Pesticides. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 62038. Author larzy Ri flei our' -7 Inst Not given. Title the Combustibility of Chemical Insecti- cides. Orig Pub: Przegl. pozarn., 1957, 36, No 12, 12, - 15. Abstract: The capacity to explode the toxicity of some in- secticides M Z:DDT M, Cyanofume (II), dich- loroethane (III)/ are discussed from the point of view of fire hazard and possible poisoning at work with them, their storage an(~ fire ex- tinguishing. The penetration of moisture into the packing of II is the most frequent cause of fires. The powder-like preparation with 5 to Card 1/3 64 POLAND Chemical Technology, Chemical Product3 and H Their Application, Part 3. - Pesticides. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 62038. Abstract: lq~, of I is safe from the point of view of fire hazard. 25 to 45%-ual solutions of I in naptha- solvent are the most dangerous. III is fire hazardous in the process of productf.on in con- sequence of the separation of C2H4, which pro- duce explosive mixtures with air within the range from 3 to 34%. A number of rules must be observed at storing I-s. The temperature in 'Ae premises must not be below 50, various I-s must be stored in different premises, the rows of boxes with I-s must be at least 1.3 m away from the store walls. The heating is allowed only with coal from outside the premises with I-s. Corresponding gas masks must be used in Card 2/3 Card 3/3 65 Of '-,'orld Ou" 1 o~--y n the 5"r -irj~, contd. A4, n;' in "ne t'V- 7- ri i T 00.7" -o !;, rv~ Ell,"O T1 SrrIUN~, B. S. SITKIN, B. S.--l'Investigation of the Problem of Increasing the Effectiveness of Wood Processing Operations wit,in Construction Organizations (The Ministries o, Construction Enterprises and the Metallurgical and Chemical Industriest.0 Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Insb imeni V. V. Kuybyshev* Moscow.. 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical SJence) So Knizhanay letopis' No 2,9 1956 SITKIN, M.N. podpolkovaik meditainskoy ijluzhby Treating dystrophic (benign) polyarthritis at the Kho:sta Sanatoriun. Voen.-med, shur. no.5:55-60 my 156. (MIRA 9:9) (JOINTS--DISAASIS) (KHOSTA-MINARAL VATIMS, SUIYIMOUS) SITKIN, M.N., podpolkovnik me-ditsinskoy sluzhby Effect of health resort therapy at the Khost sanatorium on the temperature regulation of patients with dystrophic polyarthritio. Voen*-med, zhure no. 6:45-48 Je 160, (MIM 13:7) (ARTHRITIS) (BODY TEMPERATURE) (KHOSTA-THERAPEUTICS, PHYSIOLOGICAL) 4 AUTHORS: Mitlkun, -N.X., and 3itkin, S.M., -Er-~-Jneers 28-58-2-31/41 TITLE: Galculat`on of -,';he ~,c(;nom-ic E~`R-ct4veneSs --,,StandwdSPeCi- fJcatJ.ons (--laschdt ekoiom-icheskoy ef-`EktiVn0Sti normali) PERIODICAL: Standarbizatsiya., 1951-11, i~v 2, p T5-747 (U-S11) ABSPRACT: There is no generally-accep~,-ed method for calculating the economic effect cf e. "normal" in the process of work on projects for standard3 and "ncrmalsl', and every organization bases the caloulations on its own prLiciples. The authors dc-scri'ce ihe calculation method usec at their prolect and desig.3 bu~ceau and Ulu--~rate-- -;t by a practical example (the econoE:ic eff~-,cL c-' intru6,icin-- tnq "normal" "Manhole, deck, rourd" --nto rea'- .n~ and infr, production). it, is mentioned' t?,--' sucn dt?o'v Z,:tru;,,t-,;res v,ere for- meriy prc-d-ucod ly ~~;G, th,? z=dvction will be -o ic- au'her3 th-nk thet the centrali,Aed, at or-,y . Ti L L in-formation msy be a~ pracb.,*~cal i-~Iei-est "o normalization workers. AVAILABLE: --~brayy of -on-ress Card 1/1 GC,Pect .2. Standardization.-USSR 61TKIII, V., , kapitan 2- Go rruiga; BUTOV, S. , Icapitan 3-(,,o rani;a Lectures fcnr voluntar7 propagandists. Ko.,mu.Vooruzh.Si:L 2 .1 ( Mid, 15:7) no.15.55-56 Ag 162. (Russia-Navy-Political activity) --3 N `~ ITKWO, L Mnft. L.; TABAROMAYA, S. A proposal which leads to a weakening of financial control. Fin.S= 16 no.3:58 * 155. MU 8: 2) (Budget) SITKO, A-Ya., inzh. Designing railroad Installations in connection with surface haulage in open-pit coal mining regions. Trudy KIIT no.118:85-97 '58. (MIRA 12:2) (Railroads--yards) (Loading and unloading) (Coal-.-Transportation) SITKO, A. Ya.: Mastcr Tach Sc," (diss) -- "Fhe ceriplex planning of juncti-on stations in regions of open-pLt coal workings based on unit technological processes". Moscow, 1959. 14 pp (Moscow Order of Lenin ard order of Labor R.--d Banner Inst of Railroad Transport Engineers im 1. V. Stalin), 150 copies (FL, No IL, 1951), 120) V,V,- "l-r1w, 1.L. VA:'~MIYEVI ' * ' t- vFI Use of ultrasound f,t,) !jc,-ejerat(,- the qwtnti -At- , pricipjtation Of calcium, magnesium, and bar!WM. Vr~sf. LGU 19 no.-:165-167 164. :3) (RIFU 17. Tcn~t6, prof, MVI""- SITK(,, M.-, promovany voti5rInarn-I lp-kar Iniz oll =-wine in the llgh,~ of exam~.nnticns 'let, fne-4!.-Ina 8 nr,,0';431-436 D 16". "hair of ln'.,?rnal Diseascs of Even-'T'oe~ ',-'ng'ulatu:! of tha a--ulty o,' Ve-.n:-nary Mealcline. of the RIgher School c:r K Cs : Head of the Chair; [Prof. Mw)T"ll lonae Gdov-L'n. Voterinary 2-acuj--.Y, Kos,- - (Voteri-narsica ":u a In Cattle." o- "0 10, oct p-) b'03-0'11 Veto In-', Vol 11 , titration anc u 7: le d -od of pe-"- in cat Trd-* rect -U.-ictuz,, Of o as-In,- a e r 'n-In7. tAese 7~-Emds ob- a, L . ; -1 1 . Iso used. --as as anc~ - ins Inr- z, vL dur2 nf:- sc-2ved d.--,~- . . I - LL 12 rn, -zec-- refer- ai-c~ ~ 16 ances. -:ar bo" SlTtKCI, P. 0. U3.106diedne - 171103 ik),Uclre - Heredity, Doe 47 "Phitation In D-roanhila- Vro: ch the Aati;m of td&-lor1,-2at1Whra1-h1dvq14 S. Gornhenzo.-, R. I-,. Z111bermils, f,. L. invoctildroa, A. 71. Pashkovskiy, 0. Sit'lxis, E. Tarm skills, Granotico Irst Zool, Acad SICS 'USSTI, 2 pp OrMk Almd i"CILIL '143,111. Now Ser" Vol LVIII,, r1b 7 Cheraica atl-mulat-lor of mmutatim waa begun before war. In post-aur poriod yr-erite InC1,4101i --*Li o-K.~arimcnta. Observed tj--at this aubstance bcd bleh mut ti,.,n garasis quBlity _cts ddlractl- cn chrc!~roa.--os Wt does not eau= any. biolo-icnil ch~,.s in cytoplaw ~;ubaittod ty Amdo-miclan P. V. PLAJa1-4r, V Jun 194% A W' ,A 153 SITIKO, P.O. 4250F RazvedenJye Dubovogo Shelkom , 7ads v yestestvennoy srede. Ap-obioloriya, 1?481 No., 5 S. 13~,46. SIT#XO, P.O. Ua'M/4AIaiM !b"dIt7v -~UebarJ= JurApr he I ~110~lw gind4--t1w.1 of Mzatlw, !n 7*"."CG0izUA bv Acid*,, So ru livrobana0% .0.0 10 Z119bomwu 6o Le Lavichki-Ag 11, ja 3-30kog 'Ue ;','. -.-a-.mvvkIjv, 3ool Itintg Acat.' Sal 05ap 20 pp 102hur A)abah UaI0 Vol Ila Ib 2 i1rawn-.a rasulL!,, oblaln,,' by nax-turing, Varva of tv* lime af madu I 80 md V;~ sodu;A th7u-nuclaunte. t4orpbwia (prinelpally wW, Wzntavlo wara fre-In-itIV o1~9avvqd. in rewa,.ant tba V-17 arl7wr vato aW. or-- I ., an-in or ~povth parlode I.- this fjol(I a-.v,-, al, nifloatum of ruaL.I-,,a in r-aution to am" ~~Maral pv0;jI;za 041. 3u).nIt,-*d- 28 jul 47 A MO.& 63 SIT I KO,P. 0. Methods of raising selected species of Antheraca. pernyi. Trudy Ingt.sool AN URSR no.7:61-85 '52. (MLRA 8:12) (Silkworms) SITIKORP.Q. Problems in breading Anthernea pernyi. Trudy Inst.zool. AV URSR no.?:105-125 '52. (KLRA 8:12) (Silkworms) SITIKO, Pantoloymou0nufriyovicli --- [Principles and methods of selectiot and breeding In tiericulturej . y ta metody selaktail I pleminnoi epravy v s~ioOdvnYtotvi. Prynts-p- Ky-iv, Jkl~w-deriiia nauk Wrainskoi FM 1958. 82 p. (MIRA 11:10) (Sllkworms~ SIT 'K0# P10. - --- Controlled (bioanthropic) selection. Zhur.ob.biol. 20 no-5:398-404 S-0 '59. (mrRA 13: 1) 1. Institut zoologii Akademii nauk USSR, Xiyev. (ADAPTATION (BIOIDff)) 0., Doc --3tol. Scl tdiss~ metirlod5 af an~ br,~?erlir- in s-,Ik prod,v~tior". Y"0 - 30 PP (Acad Scl -'kr SM, Dept of 30iol sci), 200 Cop4 .S SITIZO.P.O. [Sytlko, P.O.] Relation between the sexual dimorphism of the Chinese peri7i moth. Pratsi Inat.sool.AN UM 16:68-73 160. (MM 13:7) (Silkworms) SITIKO, P.O. [Syttko. P.O.] features of the emergence, flight and mating of the pernyl moth (Antberaea perqri G.-M.). Pratei Inst.sool.AN ULU 16:81-90 160. (MIRA 13M (Silkworm@) ?" 1 8 4 SITYC, F. r)' in ?Iul~t-vn. p. 0". Or)T,--.%7-'TC'lrWA, . 11 , No. r,, Sf)pt.. 11)51~, Kr,-&r,,,i, Pol-ind) SO: Yonthly Ll~;t of East Furope,-n Arcessl-ns, ("Al, , Ul, 7(,1. -,~, ~-'. 1". , !M!,. 1P54, Vncl. SITKO, Romunp mgr wFoundry Dietionaryw by Bader Olivier and Theretp Wchel. Reviewed by Rcman Sitko. Przegl odlew 1.1 no.11:351 161. SIT I KO,R.YA. ZHELUDEV,I-S - "The Behavior of Domains of Seignette Salt in Alternating Elec-, _Tns titute of tric Fields," by I._~. ZI~Cjud v and R. Ya.,.Sit'ko, Crystallography, Academy of Sciences USSR, Kristallografiya, Vol 1, No 6, Nov/Dec 56, pp 669-691 On the basis of individual frames of motion pictures, the behavior of the domains of Seignette salt in alternating electric fields with a potential gradient of 50 volts per centimeter has been stu&ed at fre- quencies of 32 and 1,000 cycles. The hysteresis of the reorientation of domains in alternating fields was investigated. SUN. 1267 AUTHORS: Zheludev, I.S. and Sit1ko, R.Ya. TITLE: Character of Change in the Domain Structure of Seignette's Salt in Alternate Elec Fio*-ds (Kharaktor izmenoniya domennoy struktury segnetovoy Boli v peremonnykh electricheskikh polyakh). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. M, #2, pp 286- 288, 1957, USSR, Seriya fizicheskaya ABSTRACT: In order to clear up the role of domaias in the' process of re-polarization of ferroelo.,,trics, the domain structure of Seignette's salt was filmed at frequencies of 32 and 1,000 hertz at various intensities of the elec field applied. The filming method used was the conventional one with st-rabo3copic illumination. The photos shown in the article picture the change of domain structure at a frequency of 32 hertz and voltages of 36 and 56 v/cm and a frequency of 1,000 Card 1/2 hertz and voltages of 56 and 76 v/cM. TITLE: Character of Change in the Domain Structure of Seignette'B Salt in Alternate Elec Fields (Kharakter izmeneniya domennoy struktury segnetovoy soli v peremennykh electricheskikh polyakh). The most important conclusion drawn from these pliotos is the fact that the domain structure appears dif- ferent at equal field voltages depending upon whether this field voltage is arrived at by increasing or decreasing the field intensily. This phenomenon is a manifestation of hysteresis of domain structure changes during application of elec fields. The hysteresis of domain re-orientation is more clearly expressed with increase in field intensity. 2 photos are given, I Russian reference is listed. INSTITUTION: Institute of Ci-jstallography of the USSR Academy of Sciences PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date AVAILABLE. At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 1- :.'. '11~ -~ 11101 ! ~ 5 ARTYUSHMA, A. N., DlIff axi; d. . '~ - !'I I.j ---' - KOMTOVICH, Ye. G., AND MAYEVSKIY, A. D. 5 1 -r r, c-, V, F "Simultaneous prevention of cattle against ixode ticks aml blood-sucking insects." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No. 4, ig6o, p. 81 - VJ &A,-,-It SITKO, Wojoieoh; WOZNIAK, Czeslaw; WYRA, Szozepan- Methods of computing the influence numbers for self ro"nsating pipelines. Budown Gliwice no.12:63-77 164. 1. Department or Mechanics and Strength of Materials of the Silesian Technical University,, Gliwice. SITKO~ Wojalech A cox-tain method of speeding the. convergen~.e of iterative series* Budown Gliwice no,1205-62 164. 1. Department, of Machanios and Stmngth of Materials, of the Silesian Technical UniTersity., Gliwice. S ITKOV, A. P. The way we carr7 out the decisions of the June Plenwa of the Central Comittee of the CPSU. Bux.prom. 35 no.6:6-8 je 6o. (mI" 13:7) 1. Direktor BaUkhninskago tsellymlozno-bumazhnogo kombinata. (2alakhna-Paper Industry) SITKOV, A.P. -------- - For the fulfilLnent of third year of the seven-year plan ahead of schedule. Bum.prom. 36 no-3:8 lfx "al. OMIFA 14:4) 1. Direktor Balakhninskogo 4ombinata. (Balakhna-Paper industry) SITKOVY N.F. Training of voluntary inspectors. Bezop.truda v prom. 6 noe5;27-28 Mr 162. OILU 15:3) 1. Obshchestvennyy inspektor shakhtoupravl,~aiya No.9-10, g. Chistya- kovo Donetskoy oblaBti. (Chistiakovo-Mne inspection) Z-ation of GROMEV9 1,A., inub.; WIN, E.I., inzh.; RABINOVICHp G.A., insh,; SITKOVSKIYP A.Ya.f inzh.; TSIBMV5M, A.I., insh. Mswsw~' Automatic conveyor line. Makh. i avtom. proixv. 17 no.5:5-6 My 163- WRA *.6.*6) (Balaklava-Convoying machinery) (Electronic control) KOV,'-K D JTTT K M rio. Uontr-- (for Rabinovi Kihar I kovs M na I ed ol:at E; 154. e I el u ue kinni chic. o k Lv inr, L u i. ( for Be r i c,v-,l k iy y Gt SITKOVSKIY. I.N.; ABDULAYEV, G.K. Morphological characteristics of pyrite cr7st&Is of the Bitti- Bulakhak field. Zap. Tses. min. ob-va 86 no.4-481-485 '57. (KEU U: 1) (Kedabsk District--]Pyrites) ABDULLAYEV, R.N.; AZIZBEKOV, Sh.A.; BATRAMALIESYLI, KASHYAY, M.A.; KERI140T. A.D.; KE11114OV, G.I.; MUSTAFABEYLI. M.A.; SITKOVSKIT, I.N.; SHIRVANZAIN, I.A.; SHIKFIALIBETLI, E.Sh.; E-721TDIYB S' I I Principal metallogenetic characteristics of Azerbaijan [with summary in English]. Sov. geol. 1 no.4:98-110 Ap t58. (min 11:6) l.Goologicheaki7 inatitut AN AzerSSR. (Azerbaijan--Ore deposits) ABDMIAYEV, R.N.; AZIZBEKOV, Sh.A.; KASHKAY,M.A.; KL,;RIK)V,G.I.; MMSTAFAREYLI,M.A.; SITKOVSKIY I N SHIKIIALIBEYLI, E.Sh.; DOLUOY) V., red. i V, Kh., tekhn. red. (Metallogeny of Azerbaijan]Metallogeniia Azerbaidzhan&. Baku, lzd-vo Akad.nauk AzerbaidzhanskoiSSR, 1962. 115 P. (PiRA 16:2) 1. Institut.geologii Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (for Abdullayev, Azizbekov, Kashkay, Kerimov, Shikhalibeyli-). 2. Azer- baydzhariskoye gwlogichaskoye upravleniye (for Miustafribeyli, Sitkovskly). (Azerbaijan-Ore deposit3) 91-TKOVSKI11Y, I.N. Small intrusions of the Caucasus and their metallogenic 'role. Zakonom.razm.polezn.iskop. "-.19,7-200 164. (KRA 17-.6) 1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. SITKOVSKlY, I.P. Plastic parts. Zhol.dor.tranap. 37 no.12:75-76 D t55. (KLU 9:5) (Plastic materials) ALFIROV. A.A.; ARTEKKIN, A.A.; ASMNAZI, Ye.A.; VINOGRADOV, G.P.; GALEYET. A.U.; GRIGORIYXV, A.N.; DIYACHANKO, P.Ye.; ZALIT, N.N.; ZAKHAROV, P.K.; ZCBNIN, N.P.; IVANOV, I.I.; WIN. I.P.; XMIX, P.I.; KUDRYA- SHOT. A.T.; IAPSHIN. V.A.; MOLYARCHUK, V.S.; PLWSOVSKIY, L.K.; POGODIN, A.M.: RUDOY, K.L.; SAVIN, K-D.; SIMONOT, K.S.;1ARAW-wil I TBREV. B.K.; TSITT.91111, I.Ye.; TSUZAUOV, P.P.; .ag.u; SITNIK, M.D.; Tl' SHADIXTAN. V.3.; ADSLUNG. U.N., retsenzent; AFArASIYEV, Te.V, reteen- zent; VIASOV. V.L. reteenzent; VOROBIYEV, I.Ta., retseazent; VORO- NOV, N.M., retsenzent; GRITCEUNKO, V.A., retsenzent; ZEMBIN, M.N.. retsenzent; IVLIYlV, I.Y., reteenzent; KAPORTSEV, N.V., reisenzent'. KOCHUROV. P.M.. retsenzent-, KRIVORUCHKO, N.%.. retsenzent; KucffKO, A.P.. retseazent; LOBANOV. V.V., retsenzent; MOROZOV, A.S., retsen- zent; ORLOV, S.F., retsenzent, PAVWSHKOV. E.D.. retsenzent; POPOV. A.N., reteenzent; PROK(WIYXV. F.F.. retsenzent; RAKOV, V.A., retaeu- zent; SIBEGUBOV, U.I., retsenzent; TPMNIN. D.F., reteen28nt; TIKH(>- KIROV. I.G.. retseazent; URBAN, I.V., retser-t~nt; FIALKOVSKIT, I.A.. retsenzent. CBSPYZH3V, B.F., reteenzent; SHEBYAKIN, O.S., reteenzent, SHCR9HBAXOV. P.D.. retsenzent; GARNYK. V.A., redaktor; LOKAGIN, N.A. redaktor; KCRI)VINK111, N.A., redaktor; NAUMOV, A.N., redaktor; PON- DIN, V.F.. redaktor; RYAZANTSEV. B.S.. redaktor; TVERSKOT, K.N., redaktor; CHMVATYY. U.S., redaktor; ARSHINOV. I.M., redaktor; BABPbLYAN, V.B.. redaktor; BERNGARD, K.A., re"Laktor; VMHIRSKIT, S.V.. redaktor; GAMBURG, Ye.Tu.. redaktor; DXRIBAS, A.T.. redaktor; DOMOVSKIY, K.I., redaktor; KORNMV, A.I., redaktar; MIMYXV, A.F., redaktor (Gontinued on next card.) AIYXROV, A.-A., ---- (continued) Card 2. XOSKVIN, G.N., radaktor. RUBINSHTEYN, S.A., radaktor; TSYPI11, G.S., redaktor; CHIRNYAVSKIY, V.Ya., redaktor; CHERNYSUV, V.I., redaktor; CEXR11YSH1V, M.A., redaktor; SUDUR, L.A.. redaktor; SHISHKIN, K.A.. redaktor (Railroad handboo1c] Spravochnaia knizhka zheleznodorozhnika, 1zd. 3-e, Ispr. i dop. Pod obahchat red. V.A.Gernyka. Moskva. Goa. tranap.zhol-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 1103 p. (Mm 9:10) 1. Nauchno-takhnichaskoys obahchostvo zhelaznodorozhrtogo trwasporta. (Railroads) SITXO I-Opi, ~ -v4xlT#,, Parts of transportation equipment made of plastics. Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no.8:64-66 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) l.Glavnyy inzh. Lyuberetskogo zavocla plasticheakikh inass Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (Railroads--Rqiiipment and supplies) Mastics) LUKIYANCHIKOV, I.K.. inzh.; SITKOVSKIY, I.P., inzh.; GUBAREVA,, N.T., red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N., tekhu-.-md7.-'-_____ - [Uae of plastics in foreiga railroad equipment; collection of translated articles] Plasticheskie massy na zarubezhn,)m zhelezno- dorozhnom trans-Dorte; abornik perevodov. Mosk7a, Vsei.izdatellsko- poligr.ob"edinenie X-va putei soobshcheniia, 1960. 103 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Plastics) (Railroads,Equipment, and suppliea) SITKOVSKIY7,-Illya_Pav.l.ovicb;~9ROKItl, G.Ye., retsenzent; GURAF.IY, M.G., retsenzent; KOLTUNGVA, M.P., red.; KHITROVA, N.A.'. te,khn. red. [Use of plastics for railroad equipment] Plastiche3kie massy v zheleznodorozhnom dele. MosIcva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edi- nenie M-va putei soobahcheniia, 1961. 180 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Railroads--Equipment and supplies) (Plastics) SITKOVSKIY, I.P., inzh.; BYZHOVA, Z.A., kand. tekbn. nauk Plastic locomotive parts. Trudy TSNII NPS no.2 :102-LI-I 162, fMIRA 16:6) (Plastics) (Locomotives) LUKIYANCHIKOV., I.K.; Use of polymers in railroad transporto-tion. Zhel. dor. transp. 45 no-3:21-26 Mr 16Y. (MIRA 16:6) 1. F92kovoditell otdoleniya pol1wrov Vessoyuznogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo irzatituta zhelesnodoroshnogo tranaportA Ministerstva putey sodbahcheniya (for Diklyanchikov). 2. Ruko-- vodifell laboratorii otdoleniya polimerov VBenoyuznogo rauchno- isaledavatellskogo inatituta shelesnodgrozbnogo transporta Ministerstva putey goobahcheniya (for Sitkovskly). (Railroads-E~uipwent and supplies) (Plastics) VEDENKIN, Sergey Grigorlyevich, prof.; vINITSKIY, Lazarl Yefimc-vich kand. teklin. nauk; LUKIYANICHIKOV, lvan Kuzl-ich, inzh.l: RYZHOVA, Zinaida Alekseyevna, kand. tekhr,. nau-k; 31TKOVSKE, Illya Pavlovich, inzh.; BRATCHIK, Ye.I., red. y zheleznodorozh- [Polymers in railroad transportation] Foliffei- nomu transportu. (By] S.G.Vedenkin i dr. Moskva) Transport, 1964. 91 P. (MIlLh 1. Vsesoyuzwjy nauchno-isslodovaLellakiy institut zhelimno- dorozhnogo transporta, otdeleniye polimerov (for Ryzho-fa). 2. Glavnyy konstruktor Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatf)ll- skogo inst4tuta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Sitkovski4). 3. Rukovoditell otdeleniya polimerov Vsesoyuz- nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta zheleznodor(:,,Ilnogo transporta (for Luklyanchikov). 4. Rukovoditell labora7wrii korrozii otdeleniya ispytaniya materialov i konstrukts-Ly Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issiedovatellskogo instituta zhelf-zno- dorozhnogo transporta (for Vedenkin). 5. Ruko-ioditell labo- ratorii reziny otdeleniya polimerov Vse3oyuznogo naucizac- issledovatellskogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transp3rta (for Vinitskiy). 137-58-3-5115 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallu-rgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 92 (USSR) AUTHORS: Tayts, N . Yu. Sitkovskiy, I - S - , Minayev, A. N. TJTLE~ High-speed Heating of Stock in Sectional Furnaces (Skorostnoy nagrev zagotovok v seIrtsionnykh pechakh) PERIODICAL: Byul . nauchno-tekhn. inforin . Vses . n i - t rubnyy in-t' 1957, Nr 3, pp 75-85 ABSTRACT: A report on the results of an investigation carried out in a twin-cliamber furnace of VNITI design, intended to establish thermal parameters essential in design of sectional furnaces, employed for continuous, high-speed heating of rcund stock(S) prior to broaching. S of steel 10, 15KhM, and lKhl8N9T was subjected to heating. It is established that, when the operating region of the furnace is at a temperature of 1450o, the specific time required for the heating of round S 80- 110 rr-..m in dia- meter amounts to 0.95-1.15 min/cm. Compared with the stan- dard continuous method the high-speed heating m,!thod reduces fume losses of metal by 47-60 percent and pronactes a good uni- formity of heatiniz; the temperature difference th:-oughout the Card 112 cross section of ~he specimen does not exceed 100 at the time 137-58-3-5115 High-speed Heating of Stock in Sectional Furnaces of completion of the heating process. The mechanical properties of finished pipes obtained from S subjected to rapid heating exceed the GOST specifi- cations and are comparable to the properties of pipes which wer4Q heated continuously. V.F. Card 212 SOV/l 37-59-3-6965 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 291 (USSR) AUTHORS Tayts, N - Yu.I Sitkovskiy, I - S. TITLE: On the Problem of Redesigning Old Tube-welding Furnaces IK voprosu o rekonstruktsii trubosvarochnykh pechey staroy konstruktsii) PERIODICAL. Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Vses. n~i. trubnyy in-t, 1958, Nr 4-5, pp 135-142 ABSTRACT: The process of heating of skelps (S) in furnaces (F) of older design ac- counts for a considerable portion of the time requir~ad for the manu- facture of one welded gas pipe. Nonuniformity in temperature throughout the length of the hearth constitutes the major drawback of the existing F's. Because heat is introduced at the front of the F and because the combustion products become cooler as they pass along the hearth, the rear of the F has a lower temperature. The temper- ature drop throughout the length of the F may vary from 60 to 2800C. In order to achieve uniform temperature of the S, it is necessary that its rear section be heated first before the enti--.e S is charged into the F. To increase the productivity of the F's of butt-welding Card 1/2 machines with stationary stands, the following measures are Oil the Problem of Redesignin.g Old Tube-weldin=c, Furnaces SOV/137-59-3-6965 essential: 1) Elimination of nonuniformity of temperature in the F by means of ir, stalling appropriate numbers of burners or spray burner nozzles cn both sides of tile F in order to ensure adequate Supply of heat throughoilt its entire length; 2) increase the temperature of the F s to the maximum permissible value under 15500; 3) illechanization of operations of charging of S's into the F by means of installing a cliarging device at the rear of the F; tile S s should be transported by means of a crane or a telpher, while their cliarging into the F should be accomplished with the aid of magnetic rollers; 4) installation of individual gas producer-4 (1-2 per each F) Supplying crude heated gases into the F; if available, natural gas should be utilized for heating of the F-s; 5) utilization of heat from the wastt:- gases in heat- ing of air which is consumed during combustion and in production cf steam with technologically acceptable parameters; 6 ) installation of inspection and measuring devices, gages, and control instruments on the F's M- K. Card 2/2