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, " / - T ", ! "! !~, (k.. f - .I ~! : I i... AKRIYEZER, 0.1.; SITEIIKO _La"nko, O.H.] Diffraction nuclear processes at high energieB. Ukr.fiz.zh,2r. no.l.-16-34 Ja-F '58. (PIRL 11:4) l.Fiziko-tekhnichnir institut All MISR. (Colligione (Nuclear 1)hysice) 7-1 S - Al-hi~-ezcr, ~_. I. '~'iterko A. G. SO';/56- 3 5- 1 - 16159 TITLE: Or, t',.e Theory of t,.e Excitation of H~ydro.7an.netic Waves (K teorii vozbuzhden_Jya gidroma:,nit1nykh Voln) L PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekspc-rimentallnoy i teo.,:etic'.---ieskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol, 35, Nr 1, pp. 116 - 12o (U.SR) ABSTRACT; In conductive liquids located i.% an external magnetic field hydromagnetic and magneto--acoustic waves are able to propa.-ate (Ref 1). Lundquist (Lundkvist) (Ref 2) investicated. the behavior of hydromagnetic waves in a liquid (Hg) durinC,; the mechanical excitation of waves by means of a revolving disk. it is, finally, possible to excite hydromajnetic waves ly -means of external variable currents. in the present paper the latter possibilit,y is theoretically investi.-lated, anei the intensity of excitaticn is compared . U (I with that attained by mechanical means. First, a perfectly conductive compressible liquid is assumed to exist, which is located in an external magn~7-tic field and is subjected to the action of external currE!nts. The initial equations for the following deliberation* are the hydrodynamic basic Card 11 2 equations as well as 1-ilaxwell's (Maksvell) equations. On the Theory of the Excitation of Hydromagnetic Waves SOV/56-35-1-16/59 '7(l,t) is here set up -is Fotwier(Furlye) integral, and also for the current density j, rk,Lo) the Fourier components are written down; the wave e 0ation in the perfect liquid W-1 and, further, an expression for the intensity are derived. Furthermore, an expression is also derived for the intensity of excitation as well as for the velocity of the propagation of the hydromagnetic waves in consideration of a damping, by basing on the assumption that the liquid possesses only finite conductivity and is viscous. There are 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AP:ademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physico-Technical Institute AS Ukrainskaya 99R) 7 SUBMITTED: January 29, 1958 Card 2/2 3 CV5 ~', -3 51- 5 - 33/56 AT!TIIORS Sitenko, ~.. G. , Borezhnoy, Yu. J- TITI,h: On the Diffraction Spallation of Light Nuclei (0 diffraktsion- nom rasshchoplenii leukikh yader' PZ- LI 0 D T1, Z"itirrial eksperimentallnoy i tcor:!ticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, I?Ir 5, pp 1289-1291 (IJSSR' B~.'TRACT: In the present paper the integra:. crosz; sections of various proces.~es of the diffraction intaraction. between a deuteron and a black nucleus is calculatel for any ratios R /R. Here Rd denotes Mae radius o-, the deu-;eron and R the ragius of the nucleus. The Coulomb (Kulon)-irteraction was neglected. For the Iourpose of simplifying calcu'-ations a Gaussian function was used as a deuteron wave func-.ion. The comparatively eL~sily obt,:ined expressions for -;he total cross section a t of all processe2, fol. the cross 3eCtions a n and a p of neutron an~] proton otrippiin,. ' respectivel.-(, and for the cross section oe of elastic scattering are exi,,Licitl-7 written down. The cross lard 112 sections 0 of diffraction 91,allation and the absorption d u n V :. e D i f f r,,!. c t i o r, I a t i o n o fLi,-,,Iit Nuclei SOV/56-35-5-31/r;() cross section G of the deuteron can be calculated from the relations 0 d + S e = LTt/2, a a + a n + a P ~ CTt/2. Irext, approximat- ed formulae 'or the limiting cases q >> 1 ani q ~~ 1 ara --iver_ Fo,- tlie parameter q i4 11olAs that q = 4R/_~T R d' As a r-esult of liffraction tne total cruss iaection of pion-leuteron in- teraction is less t1laii tile sun of the total cross sections of the interaction between a rion ain,,' a neutron and a proton. Diffraction also is Aue to the f~ict that s1rallation of the flauteron is caused by the scatterinj~~ of a pion by a deuteron in the ~,rourid state (ad >> Ce in tite domain R < 'Rd the inte- ,ral cro:~n ~;ectiono depoud in a I.A.-h de:-,re- on the selection of the vl~,ve function of the deutercn Crc-Ain.l stato. '"here are 2 fi~-,,res a-rid 4 references, 1 of Ythich is Soviet. KharI!,.o-!skiy ~rosudarstvennyy tlniVE~rsitet (Kharlkov State JTn ivers i by) 31! BM ITTED Ji?ne 2111, 1950 Card 2/2 sov/58-59-8-18374 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, N'r 8# p 194 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sitenko, A.G., Stepanov, K.N. TITLE: On the Interaction Between a Charged Particle and an Electronic Plasma PERIODICAL: Uch, zap. Khar'kovsk. un-t, 1958, Vol 93, Tr. Fiz. otd. fiz.-matem. Cak., Nr 7, pp 5-13 ABSTRACT.: The article computes the energy losses of a charged particle moving in a plasma with velocity V. In the computations allowance is made for the thermal motion of both electrons arid ions. If V>R- Se (Se is the average velocity of the thermal motion of the electrons), then the losses are principally caused by the Ji%teraction of the particle with '> Si the contribution of interaction with the electrons. When Se~P V > ions becomes substantial, if V3 S 3 M (m and M are the masses of tfie electron and ion respectively). The determination of the magnitude of the losses is also given for the case Card 1/2 of highly degenerated electronic gas and for the case where the plasma sov/58-59-8-18374 On the Interaction Between a Charged Particle and an E2ectronic Plasma moves as a whole. Neither the thermal ions is taken into consideration in the being present. In this case the energy Cherenkov radiation. The bibliography motion of the electrons nor the effect of the case of an external permanent magnetic field losses due to iistant interactions represent has 9 titles. B.N. Gershman Card 2/2 SIMTKO, A. G., Doe Pbys-YAth Set (diss) -- "Direct processes in the interaction of mcleons with nuclei". KharIkov, 1959. 14 pp (Min Higher Educ Ulw SSRO KharIkov order of Labor lied Banner State U im A. M. Gorlkiy), 150 copies M., 170 22, 1959, 107) %A. 21(l.8); 24(5) pnAss 1 Dom sewrianow 507/3369 Tamsoymmaya owzhvuzovskaya konferentaiya po kvantovoY toorli poloy I tooril. elmental-nykh chasti to. Uzhgorod, 1958 Prabl, savromennoT.taorli slementernyUh chftBtit&. No. 2: Trudy roblew In the Modern Theory or Elementary ll t a ... konforen tartlel*3. Mr. 2; Transactions of the All-UnIon Inter-Vuz Conference art the Quantum Pi eId Theory and the Theory Of n Particles) Uzhgorod, 7-karpatakaye ablastnoye Izd-ro, tW T P. 5,COO copies printed. ZI 19 . 26.t Ta. Lonsadve, Docent; Tech. Xd.z M. Beloun. FURPOStj This book is intended,ror physicists, particularly those concerned with problemB In the field of elementary particle& and the quantum theory. COVKKAG1: ThIs book contains articles on elementary pKrticloo originally read at the All-Unlon Inter-Vuz Conference hold at orod State University on October 26, 1958. Among the topics Uzh 4 discussed are: the spinor field theory, the fusion theory, 14rents contractions, parity 3tUdl*S. nucleon-nucleon scattering, etc. ftalish abstracts Accompany each article. References each article. SokO4~, O.A. 11" Formulation or Fusion Theory 26 I 14IL3'LdzO YutN~ And B.I. XAUAIAQ~~Appllcatlon of ' _ Schw1hgoile Variatjaln--M~ thod to the Pair Theory 30 fokollk, G.A. GentrallxattM Of the Lorent. Group 37 1vanIt&kaM_ ' C?P~ Generalized r-julvalent potential an, ` tX4 3e4iiinZW-6 f inrinitea1=1 LOreatz contractions Und,. Notary Motion MOkOlLk. G.A. ROPrOaWnt,dtiOn Or the complete 14fenta GMUp 52 Sokolik, G.A. Connection B&tween the 'Anomal" Representation of the Spsze-TIM. Inversion Group and the Pau.11 Transformations 56 and A.'?. Mdik DOn-C01011412tiOn of Parlty In Rag 58 And R.N. RYndIn. Determination or rarity Pirclc2ez- 63 L am'sadze YU M T P ' he - - , assible Versions or the jr Decay 7b#or7 69 V~M3hIn-_2W!k_-zquations or the Second Order for Spinor 'Vivo rFai-ations 80 -X01OtZ1?v V-0. Conservation Of the Combined parity, se & run"maOtml IF of the 3y=atr7 in Mature 83 Ge~t*mn_yn" B'V' Polarization Of EldatrOns Of the Txwer C onvormlon Subbequon't to -0 -- r)&Cay- Taking Into Account t he Xl*ctrIc ft*ld of tbe Nucleus 89 "PizetiOn Or the Nucleons Under the .-~On In the 1119h Mnergy Region 99 n!g_1Ma~_RL-_M4vo l9quatlona r., Xle.~nt.,7 Partial*& log Ditrashankov; V.S., and ILXt _j=XPshO,. Some Remarks on the Xamer Structure of the Nual"n Solovoy"' 7a' on the SUPOrrIU14 State of an Atom gual 117 ou, 226 j)0, IJU 1 54 'Jim NA" Igo A 1113 1 MIP0,13-Z 5 Art .44 a -k S tj 31 N,M 1 A Iflo 04 -ja 3061r. lull 13111 jr ilk- ~Ijj ilu m SITINKO, A.G. [Sytenko, O.H.] Theory of nuclear reactions involving complex particles. Ukr. fis. zhur. 4 no.2:152-163 Mr-AP 159- (MIRL 13:1) l.Kharikovskiy gosuniversitet i FizIko-tekhnioh*skIy Institut AN USSR. (*aclear reactions) [Tartakovslkyi, Kharskovskiy gosudarstvermyy universitet im. A.14.Gorlkogo. (Dentcro as--Diffrac tion) SITENKOP A. G. "On the Polarization of Nucleons in High Energy 3tripping Reactions, .Nuclear Fbysics, 9, No. 3, Jon 1959, 412-419 (North BDUArd Publ. Co., Amsterdam) Abstract: Polarization of Nucleons stripped from deuterons in high energy encounters with nuclei Is determined on the basis of i;he generalized diffraction method in which account is taken of spin-orbit interaction. Physico-Tech. Inst, Ukr SSR Aced. Sci., Khar1kov 21M SOV/56-'36-3-20/71 AM90R: Sitenko, A. G. TITLE: On the Fission of Nonspherical Nuclei (0 delenii nesfericheski"h yader) PERIODICIIL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, vol 36, Nr 3, pp 793-797 (USSR) A13STRACT: The bombardment of stable nuclei with fast particles may, if the excitation entergy of the compound nucleus is greater than the critical fission energy, lead to fission. In a non- spherical nucleus with rotational de:qree of freedom the centri- fugal force occurring in consequence of a rotation of the nucleus may lead to nuclear fission. The fission of a non- spherical nucleus caused by the abso:7ption of a particle with great momentum may occur directly without the intermediate stage of the formation of a compound nucleus. It may theoreti- cally also be treated as a direct fission process. In the present paper the author theorelically investigates this direct fission as a consequence of a transfer of a large , ular momentum of the nucleus by "he absorbed particle. First, anr I the fission conditions of a rotatini-: nonsphericnI nucl.euc) Card 1/2 (excentricity E2 = 1 - b2/a2, a >, '.1) are investigated. Ex- On the Fission of Nonspherical Nuclei SCV/505-36-3-20/71 previsions are given for the total energy, Coulomb (nion) ener.-Y,rotation energy, the variation of energy as a result of deformati n, and for the critical value for the square of the torque L?, which leads to fission for L2 >z L2. Further, the energy o? the nucleon impinging uy3n the nucTeus is in- vestigated and a formula ic derived fc.r the cross section of direct fission in the absorption of a fast nucleon. For high energies of the impin-ing nucleon this expression coincides with the total absoE -Ption cross section: 0 a b ( _Vr1 __F_2+Iarc sin F, E ~>> Em 2 E In conclusion, the direct fission of nonspherical nuclei in the case of the stripping of neutrons ins investigated. The author finally thanks A. I. Akhiyezer,,, K. A. Ter-Martirosyan for discussions, and H. A. Khizhnyak for valuable remarks. There are 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovsl:iy -,osudarstvennyy universit:!t (Khar1kov State University) SUBMITTED: June 12, 1958 Card 2/2 21M AUTTIORS: Vysotskiy, G, L,, Sitent"o, A. G. SOV/56-36-4-20/70 TITLE: On the Theory of Direct Nuclear Reactions With the Participa- tion of Polarized Particles (F teorii pryamykh yadernykh reaktsiy s uchastiyem polyarizovannykh chastits) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, '959,, Vol 36, Hr 4, PP 1143-1153 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction, the authors dincuss the subjects and the results of a number of English pape.cs (Refs 1-111) dealing with similar problems. The present paper was intended to work out a theory of direct nuclear reactions (strippino reaction and deuteron formation) in which polarized particles participate; such reactions are widely used in nuclear spectroscopy. For their investigations the authors use the method of Derturbed waves; the spin-orbit interaction is neglected because it makes a comparatively small contri':.ution to the cross section. Also Coulomb effects are net-lected because they are insig- nificant in the case of sufficiently hiCh eneri-ies,, The paper deal's with a mathematical investiCation of the angular dis- tributiorl and polarization of the -' )roducts of stripl;ing- and Card 1/3 capture reactions during- the actio:-i of polarized particles On the Theory of Direct lNuclear Reactions dith SO'1/56-36-4-28/70 the Participation of Polarized Particles 'ion of pon arbitrarily oriented nuclei. Vie angular Olistribut u protons J.-;roduced in the casp of stripping relations under the influence of polarized deuterons haE azimuthal asymmetry~ An investigation of this asymmetry offers the possibility of det- ermining the spin of the residual niieleus in the final state, Also other possibilities of usin.r- s-rippino reactions with polarized detiterons for the purpose of obtaining additional data on nuclear structure are investi-ated, In detail, it was found possible to determine the reduced widths for states with different values of the orbital momentum of an absorbaHe neutron. The formation of deuteron3 on nuclei by polarized protons is also characterized by the angular distribution -with azimuthal asymmetry, The deuterons produced on thhie --iccasion are polarized, The capture reaction under the influence of polarized nucleons can be neglected- in order to obtain polarized deuterons. The various chapters of this paper deal with the following subjects: The (d,p) strippina reaction with polarized particles. After the problein has been dealt with in a general manner, a special investiCation is carried out of three simple Card 2/3 cases: a) nucleus and deuterons are not polarized, b) the On the Theory of Direct Nuclear Reactions With SOV/56-36-4-28/70 the Participation of Polarized Particles nucleus is not polarized and deuterons are polarized, c) the nucleus is polarized and the deuterons are not. The next part deals with (d,p)- capturing reactions with polarized particles, Again the cases a,b, and c are deaLt with specially after a general investigation.. In the lasi; chapter the angular dis- tribution and the polarization of protons are finally calculated for the concrete case of the react-4on B11(d,p)B12 by using the given parameter values. The resul-;s obtained are shown by a diagram. The authors thank Yu. BerezhnV and V. Kharchenko for their help in carrying out numerical computations. There are 1 figure and 15 references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SSR) Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kharikov State University) SUBMITTED; October 2, 1958 Card 3/3 21(7) AUTHOR: Sitenko, A. G. sov/56-36-5-i6/76 TITLE: On the Scattering of Fast ir-Mesons on Deuterons (0 rasseyanii bystrykh IY-mezonov na deytronakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 369 Nr 5, PP 1419-1422 (USSR) ABSTRACT. Experimental data concerning (ir p) scattering show that elastic collisions have diffraction character at E,>1 Bev, i.e. that scattering occurs mainly at small angles (Refs 1-4). BeleAiy Refs 5, 6) succeeded in carrying out a theoretical analysis'of qr 9p)-scattering on a general basisq Grishin and Saytov(Ref 7) ~ investigated (p,p) scattering at high energies in a similar manner; further investigations of (jr9p)-scattering were carried out by Blokhintsevv Barashenkov and Grishin (Ref 8) andfurnished results concerning the proton radius and nucleon structure. The author of the present paper investigates (Tr,cl)-scattering; at high pion energies it is also d-iffraction scatter-Ing at which the shadow effects must be taken into account, the existence of which was pointed out for the first time by Glauber. The Card 1/2 investigation was carried out by `L-he author in accordance with On the Scattering of Past fr-Mesons on Deuterons sov/56-36-5-16/76 the method developed by Belenkiy. Expressions are given for the total-, the scattering-, and the absorption cross section, and further also for the corresponding angular distributions. The equations obtained are evaluated by means of experimental data in references I and 2 for Eir - 1.4 Bevq and results are shown by two diagrams. The integral (-q-,d) scattering cross section is found to be equal to the double elastic (Tr p) scattering cross section. In the (Tr1d) absorption cross section the shadow effect is distinctly marked. Figure 1 shows the course of angular distribution in the case of (Tr,p)-scattering and figure 2 shows that in the case of (irld) scattering. The author thanks A. I. Akh-iyezer for discussing the results obtained. There are 2 figures and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet* ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy =dversitet (Khartkovstate University) SUBMITTED: October 30, 1958 Card 2/2 211(5), 21(7) SOV/53-67-3-1/4 .'UT-ZOR Sitenko. A. G. T V17" U The Interaction of Deuterons With Nuclei (Vzaimodeystviye deytonov s yadrami) PERIODICAL: Us,~ekhi fizicrv!skikh nauk, 1959, '701 '67, Nr 3, PP 377-444 (USSR) .',T!STRACT: The present paper gives a very detailed survey of the important field of deuteron-nucleus interaction; the survey is essential- ly theoretical. In the introduction the problem as such is i., discussed in short. Cha-,)ter I deals vith 4.,e interaction be- tween deuterons and nuclei within the ranr--c of low and medium ener '-ies. First, the elastic scattering of deuterons is inves- ti~;ated, and the part ~.'.ilayed by Coulomb (Kulon) interaction, deuter-on structure and its influence upon. elastic scattering,, the effect of tunneliri~~ throu--h the barrier and the scatterin,-3 (Ruther!~ord (PezerfOlrd) of nean ener,- y deuterons on heavy nuclei , scatterin~~) are subjected to a short mathematical treatment. lie 4 11 I followinF jz:,.r2c-raph deals -,-ilth tne strip-inj reactions (,J,p) and(d,n); `-e t,.o-atep -Procesz A + d --w C ---b B + p (formation of a cor-M,~n,1 nucleus) and -the iirect .11 + d - 3 + 7D process are discussed in s'iort, an-! in the following, the Card 1/4 energy relations, the an,,Tular dis tribut ions in the case of The I-:teraction of Deuterono '%I/ith lluclei S C) V/'- A such strip.Anc,", reactions, consideration of spins, the plane wave apzoroximation method, transition to 'the Serber model, and consideration of the finite nuclear mash are discussed and a s:,.ort com:,aricon wit, exDerimental results is made (7iE.-s 4-6). Further, the consideration of deuteron- and -,proton waves is investi -ated an,_'~ comillared with experiT.-,ental data; in t-e fol- loviine it is shown in what way such stripi.Ang reactions may render an investigation of nuclear structure po'--sible. Further, this rara.-I-aph leals with the effects ezercised by polariza- _7ul~r correla!.iona in tion in strippin- reactions., with anj - (LI,py) and (d,n,) reactions, with deuteron production in nucleon-nucleus collisions, as well as with other direct pro- cesf;es develonin ~~ with the narticination of deuterons. Para- 'Lrral)h 4 teals with (d,p) and (d,n) reactions connected vith the formation of a compound nucleus. The follo-uinC subjects are discussed in detail: determination of reaction az~.plitudes, and the croos sections of such reactions. llara!,'Taph 5 deals with the inelastic scattering of leiterons. First, the pos- -ible 1inds of processes are discussed in short, after which tile excitation of' the nucleus in t*.-,,:~ scatterin-, of deuterons and deuteron disintegration in scatterinc, are dealt with. Card 2/4 Para-raph " deals with the interaction between deuterons and U - The Interaction of Deuterons With Nuclei SOV/53-67-3-11/4 heavy nuclei. The individual sections of this paragraph in- vestigate deuteron reactions in the Coulomb field, the (d,p) reaction on heavy nuclei, and deuteron disintegration in the nuclear Coulomb field. Part II of thio paper deals with tile interaction between deuterons and nuclei in the high energy ran,,2;e. ParajTaph 7 deals with the diffraction interaction of deuteron3 and nuclei, and in the individual subsections the author discusses general problems of nuclear diffraction, the diffraction scatterin.- and diffraction disintegration of deu- terons, the stripping reactions at high energies, the total deuteron-nucleus diffraction cross sections, and the inter- action between fast nucleons with deuterons. Paragraph 8 deals with the disintegration of fast deuterons in the nuclear Coulomb field and, specifically, with electric and magnetic deuteron disirite,-ration, and with neutron polarization in electromat,netic deuteron disintegration. In paragraph 9 the author finally investigates deuteron proluction in the case of collisions between fast nucleons and nuclei and discusses the methods of deuteron production and direct as well as in- direct capture. In cliapter III mathematical problems con- cernin,-~ an integral and the poseudopotential are discussed Card 3/4 in Short. '-here are 18 fijures and 125 references, 25 of Th I Deuterons Witil 'Tuclei SOV/5-z-'-7-3-1/'4 e Tlit eraction of ') t) which are Soviet. Card 4/4 SITENKO., A.G.[Sytenko, O.H.]; TARTAKOVSKIY, V.K. (Tartakovslkyi, V.K.] Polarization and quadrupolarization of deuterons in elastic scattering on nuclei. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no. 5:581-50.0 S-0 160. (MIRA 14;4) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, AN USSR i Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Deuterons--Scattering) 88456 A*~61'00 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/056/60/039/006/048/063 B006/BO63 Sitenko, A; G., Gurlyev, V. N. Inelastic Scattering of High-energy Electrons by Nuclei Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960-1 Vol. 39, No. 6(12), Pp. 1760-1765 TEXT: A theoretical study has been made of inelastic scattering of fast electrons by nuclei, which is accompanied by ejection of nucleons from the nucleus. Such investigations furnish data on the dynamic properties of nuclei. There are two types of inelastic scattering; inelastic electron scattering may be accompanied by excitation of higher energy levels of the nucleus and furnishes data on the nuclear levels. On the other hand, it may also lead to an electrodisintegration (emission of protons or neutrons) and thus gives direct information on the momentum distribution of nucleons in the nucleus, which depends on their spatial correlation. These data are important to the further development of the theory of nuclear structure, especially for the mode of two-particle interaction between 'the nucleons. The electromagnetic interaction between a fast electron and a nuclear Card 1'/4 88456 Inelastic Scattering of High-energy Electrons by Nuclei S/056/60/039/006/048/063' B006/BO63 proton, which is considered a non-relativistic oarticle, is discussed, and the ejection probability for this proton is calculated in a perturbation-theoretical manner. An expression is derived for the matrix element of tho interaction energy, in which only the two-particle cor- relation is taken into account. For the limiting case of a high momentum of the ejected proton one obtains 4e4 dc Z (A- 1) Sg(q K) 6 (AE - s, -..)E,) dkdK, (9) rAe g (q K) dr, dr,e(q-K)r-,p.,, (ri, r(10) 1) (2:t)a S (I + 2x)) fl 2 + -L (q 2K + i (I + x) JqaJ),rJ U I:'.I 2M the function K is further studied. This function has a sharp maximum for q (i.e., when the momentum -of the ejected proton is.equal to the momentum loss of the electron). -q - 1~ - ~' and ~E - E-El are the momentum and energy, respectively, transferred from the electron to the Card 2/4 Inelastic Scattering of High-energy Electrons by Nuclei 88456 S/0516/60/039/006/04-8/063- B006/BO63 proton. e, hi and V-are the char e, mass, and wiomalous magnetic moment of the proton c = 1. 7 r )T r r r ap( Vi~ 21:_ a( 11 PU2) -'~ap 2), Tk( exp(iir~) Ta(r) and 7P(r) are the proton and t.ieutron single-part:lale functions, respectively. One obtains g SL 1 ~ d' exD(i(` - ~/2)r where S is a quantity a K -(17 j ) r q-K+ y ~'P 2n averaged over all momentum values of and F. F)r the distribution function one obtains sin % r. %-'A'. sin V r, + os xr, X2 cos % r, rc orM x X2 +,,2 (17) This relation is graphically compared with the empirical distribution function obtained for C12: g R - 3/2 a-3exp (_,,_2/cL2) , a2/2A1. 14 K'ev. Card 3/4 -inelastic Scattering of High-energy S/O 5 6/68Q%~569/00 6/048/0 6 3 Electrons by Nuclei B0061BO6 Also other functions (e.-Ir., a2/2M = 18 Yev) are compared herewith. 12 Calculation of or C on the basis of the shell model yields g(x) ~ . 1, TE -t 2/!'2)exp(_1,2/z~2). -10-13 cm, 12 /2M = 5 Mev. 0, -3 (1 A For R = 3.07 3 Assuming 1 2/21.1 = 9.1 Idev, one obtains good agre,~ment with the empirical curve. The energy distribution of electrons inelastically scattered on C12 is briefly discussed. A. 1. '-khiyezer is thankei for discussions. There are 2 figures and 9 references: 1 Soviet, 7 US, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics and Techno".ogy, Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBLTITTED: July 13, 19060 Card 4/4 ABELISHVILIA T.L.; SITENKO, A.G. [Sytenko, 0. If.j Electric polarization of deuterons due t:) scattering by a Colulomb field. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.1:3-11 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Rhartkovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gor1kogo. (Deuterons) (Polarization (El(ictricity)) SITENKO, A.G. [Sytenko., O.H.1; TARTAKOVSKIY, V.K. (Tartakovslkyi, V.K.] Diffraction interaction of deuterons having semitransparent nuclei with diffuse edges. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.1:12-19 Ja-F 161, (14IRA 14: 6) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. GorIkogo, (Deuterons-Diffraction) (Nuclei, Atomic) SITE,NKO,,_A.q. [Sytenko, O'~H.],- KRARCHEDIKO, V,F. I Possibility of meastiring the polarization arising in the scattering of a neutron by a neutron. Okr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.1:20-24 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR i Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. GorIkogo. (Neutrons-Scattering) (Polarization (Electricity)) S/185/62/007/004/003/018 D407/D301 A U T H "-"IR S Sytenko, 'q. iL, and Drobachenko, IQ. V. T,-ITLE: &n the influence of nucleon correlation on the photo-effect I PERIODICAL; Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhtxrnal, v. 7, no. 4, J1_1 1962, 357-359 \)I In the Dresent article, the effects due to nucleon correlation are taken into account. The interaction between nucleons leads to a replacement of the rectangular momentum- disLribution of a Permi-gas by a distribution in which the com- r,onents aith large momenta are present. It was shown by S. .. ;near 1939) that to the ground. au babe (Ref. 4: Zs. Phys., 113, 4829 ztate of a nucleus with large mass number corresponds a momentum distribution of the nucleonic~Fermi-gas at a temperature corre- sponding to energies of 5 or 8 Pilev. One obtains the following formula for the integral cross-section of dipole photon- Card 1/4 S/la5/62/007/004/003/018 Or, the influence of... D407/D301 absorption by the nucleus: Bx O(Vl*)(Ivl 0.015A(l + 00 10 -24 Mev - cm2 8 TT 2M 4 B - - 7 -~(r)v(r)r dr. (2) 3 0 Assuming that the temperature e of the nucleus is low as com- pared to 'he temperature of degeneration (909 the correlation function assumes the form: 1 2 1 V (r) = - - 2 TI 4nr2 ~r sh(l-r Card 2/4 Or. the ini"'luence of... S/185/62/007/004/003/018 D407/D301 P 0 = V2 711 a 0 ~Po (4) where n is the-mean nucleon-density. For the coefficient B, one obtains the formula 1 2 sin by 2 3 A2 2 B L! S 0 b a y sh(TrAby) dy. (6) 3 ) 0 Numerical values of B, obtained by means of data given in the references, are listed in a table. Anaiogously, it is possible Card 3/4 S/185/62/007/004/003/018 On the influence of.... D407/D301 to determine the mean energy of photon absorption, allowance being made for thermal correlation betaeen nucleons. One obtains T lor the mean energy of absorption 71 = 66 7..ev. Thus, taking 4nto account thermal correlalions leads to an increase in the mean energy of photon absorption. There are 1 table and 6 C~ - - references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references L U to the Ensrlish-language publications read as follows: J. Levinc-er, H. Bethe, Phys. Rev., 7b, 115, 1950; K. Okamoto, Phys. Rev., 116, 428, 1959. A 0,1 T ~'-ATION: Khark-JvsIkyy CErzhuniversytet im. A. M. GorIkogo (Kharkiv State University im. A. M. GorIkiy) S U 3 Y I ' T T ----'D August 24, 1961 Card 4/4 2720k S/056/61/041/002/026/028 Contribution to the theory of... B125/BI36 functions of particle systems undergoing electromagnetic interaction. V. D. Shafranov calculated the correlation functions of microcurrents from the equations of motion. F. G. Bass, M. I. Kaganov, and V. P. Silin investigated plasma fluctuations, taking spatial dispersion into consideration. The Fourier components of the correlatore of charge transverse current density in a plasma read r k' Im 81 I,. = i.- -j- TiI r (0k), e -26 + pe 4 yi-i- I I + (ak)' - q, (z) - q) (P411 + 0/4) Z, (e + I. 1- (in, 1), IM of b& 1112 - e, P To (I - (4) 10), 0 - fl / I's - 2T (Z)I. + This indicates that at ka>,,l low-frequency oacilla tiona are the moot important factor in fluctuation spectra of q and J. The correlation Card 2/9 27204 B/056/61/041/002/026/028 Contribution to the theory of... B125/BI38 function of the charge density reads r/a, 2 1 1?- -6~ . .611 f q,.~ - 2e no L6 2 r r r' -P M- 4xa, The spectral distributions of fluctuations of tho electric and magnetic fields read: Ime -+2 I Tv (9) IM et k. respectively. The resulting correlation functions for the field strengths read: -r/a ln(T /T and AW-W (q) i 2 4 e(1 +, 2 e k T 08 0) d e t6 (AW- 6J (q)) +6 (33). O 2 2 16R(mc (k2+q2 e Card 8/9 G 00 06.1 tte OIA c 0 TI IV" v~o 31 f 5 9erI 'A 01, -0sorv*-, ~ 0 t Va e -be r a iov B.'r t10,06 to 7a -011 *.,Ile sx1r, L, 17 -r~NXT t A . aeTea bel -be 110. 5t-aal to 'be COIC'S3. 3'D- -,Oes to Wned Ir AS "YIell oteD 9 C-r,.u . ,5e0, 0.55 e C . ae a A-5 -.%~s 9.11 itj t 0,11 je'as T telltjo'l . t,rLe -roS ell s c I. e 10 . jtxI ox r",- e fLe . tyle I e '20 te0- i: eoll tr,e 111a of u V.-a T 11 V,(I scav ji'l .7,e . .bIe . D )* . the I e0,, t e-r SI 'fl Vj 0 n-,Ic te The 0 a nsl scat ca %I Q 6 'S.116 tre s eLls .,T 6 t ea- st-a I as I the ts ~ - 'b"I of 11 rar er, - . stTI ose 11', cl e -rMS e e Ci r, C - -rl~ 01 PILIC9 j t'ae -. te Oce- 0 a, .01 sp Ile OT 0 + t 5 e Ile teaL %Z-j ~30 yo~c e5 01 e-rj lo t%je el 91C 2 O-as -J~n 'Z I or, t Ita 0 'bllt 1 st-rl ap s'pec", 06 a ev to Calculate the nucleOn L: a nuClear matter, the latter being considered :,~ , /7 eas at -absolute zero. Subsequently,the f S/05 62./043/'001/043/050" 3102 0 tic i)ot'n'lial t""eory Y3104 r, 4:i~eruction on E is investigated, nuclear matter be'n- u z; o i- e ;-; to be a --upercondouctin- nucleon gas. Then the assumption of ~'C' .'C 1t0l"- a-M:) L 1-10 f(k,,Kl) bein- constant is dropped and the I-: con:3i.~cre6 o:; the basis of the Fermi fluid (Landau) oodel. -n Ithat the ,L~resence of a --ap in the densit fluctuation spectru-n I-) vc.i nuclei leads to a diminution of the 'VI of these nuclei evc!'.-e wit.,-, zhe W of odd nuclei. There are 5 fi6ures- .%-'10" -ak. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kharikov SV -e University) T'" - ~D I'arch 4, !962 I-SITZNKO-,-k,G ~-SZYANI YU-TAY (Ghien Yu-tlafl Coefficients of dynamic friction and diffusion in a plasma. Zbur. tekh. fiz. 32 no.Usl324-1332 N 162. (MIRA 15M) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ineni A.M.Gorlkogo. (Plasm (Ionized gases)) s/i4l/63,/O06/Oo1/oo5/o18 Z14O/E135 AUTHORS: Sitenko A.G., and Simenog I.V. TITLE: on fluctuations in a degenerate electron gas PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, v.6, no.1, 1963, 54-64 TEXT: The authors believe that the space-time correlations of fluctuations in an ideal Fermi gas have not previously been considered, in spite of their importance-for the study of diffraction processes in such gases, e.g. the diffraction of light or electrons in metals, dIffraction-of nucleons in nuclear material, etc. A further point of interest is to connect the macroscopic parameters, e.g. dielectric constant of an electron gas, with the microscopic theory through the fluctuation- dissipation theorem. The simplest approach to such a study is through the method of secondary quantisaticon. The authors first derive the formulas 2 2 2 0 m2T I + IL/T-(w-k /2m) m/2k 'T ~6 n > In 2 2 12 c t h (12) kw 2TCk 1 + elt/T-(w+k /2m) m/2k T 2T Card 1/3 On fluctuations in a degenerate St. S/141/63/oo6/ool/oo.5/o18 E14CIE135 .2 0 MT, (w k2)2 m kw 7Ck T 2m k2TI .~i k2 2 m -I a + I)c t h (13) 2m 2k2T j 2T for the spectral distributions of density :fluctuations and the transverse current in ap ideal Fermi gas at arbitrary temperature T, where 00 X+t W1 (e + tdt. (x) 0 This is then applied to obtain the dielectric constant of a degenerate electron gas,-obtaining the well-known-formula usually derived in the chaotic-gas approximation. The dispeksion of q plasma oscillations, and the fluctuations of &'completely degenerate electron gas are also found. rhere are 5 figures. Card 2/3 297-63 E~n(l),Yg~G(k)/BDS/dC(b)-2/FS(w)-2 'AnTcAsDAm.~3AWL/ L7 ~ up :ACCESSIONNR: AP3004833 S/0141-/63/00i!-'/00!;/0469/0479 i AUTHOR: Sitenko, A. G.; Kirochkin, Yu. A. TITLE: Dispersion of electromagnetic waves by fluctuati.ons in plasma in the J I presence of a magnetic field i'SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 6, no. 3. 1963, 469-479 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave, plasma, plasma fluctuations, thermal I fluctuations ABSTRACT: The present work, based on the theory of flactuations deve loped ~y A. Akhiezer, et al. (ZhTF, 41, 644, 1961), considers st:-attering of electrornag- netic waves by fluctuations in nonisothermal plasma in the presence of a magnetic! field; specifically, scattering by low-frequency Aliven ani magnetoacoustical fluctuations. Both electron-density and electron-velocity- fluctuations are taken 1 into account, as well as magnetic -field fluctuations. Spe ctral distribution of L-Card 1/2 L 17297-63 `7] ACCESSION NR: AP3004833 scattered radiation is determined. Neglecting the, motion of Lone, the electro- _J. magnetic field in plasma is described by a set of differeiaial equations. This set, i is reduced to a wave ~-quation which Is solved and Investigated. Correlation func- tions of electron-density, electron-velocity, and magnetic-field fluctuations are expressed interms of correlators of electron and total i:urrents with the use of Maxwell equations. It is noted that in a strongly nonisothermal plasma, the funda-; mental line in the spectrum of scattered radiation is spLit into four lines asso-. ciated with the wave scattering by magnetoacoustical fluctuations. Orig. ar t. 41 formulas. has: ASSOCIATION: Xhaikovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet (Y[hirkov State iversitv) n U SUBMITTED: 07jul62 DATE ACQ: 27Aug6 3 ENCL: 00 :SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 004' Card 2/2 I IL SITEROY A.G. (Sytenko, O.H.]; KHARCHMKO, V.F. Polarization phenomena in direct nuclear reactions taking spin- orbital interaction into account. TJkr.fiz.ztur. 7 no,11:1149- 1159 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Khar?kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet,, (Nuclear reactions) 3/185/63/008/0011/001/024. ~0 D234/D308 AUTHORS: Sytenko, 0. H. and Drobachenko, O.~ V. TITLE: Theory of non-local potential PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal,..v..8, no. 10 19639 5-10 TEXT: The authors consider proton scattering by protons assuming,- that the interaction is described by a non-local potential and-i;-:, taking into account the Coulomb repulsion. The equation of the ra- dial function of the 8 state is solved..The effective radius-and the form parameter are expressed in terms of the coefficients of the expansion of the exact solution u and the a8-ymptotic one u, assuming small energies. The:scattering length to, the limit k = 0 is obtained in terms of integrals of Bessel functions, then u 09 u are determined. The-scattering parameters expanded in 19 uot 1 powers of 1/BR are Card 1/ 3 b (1 - 4 (25) 3 SR The potential parameters and the effective radius are tabulated and compared with those for the proton-neutron system. The diffe- rences are small. but exceed experimental errorij; coulombic repul- sion decreases S and b. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kharkivslkyy derzhuniversytet im. 0. M. Hor1koho (Kharkiv State University im. A. M. Gorlkiy)- Khar- kivalkyy aviatsiynyy instytut (Kharkiv Institute of Aviation) SUBDII TTED: July 25, 1962 ,--bard 3/3 SITENRO, A.G. [Sytenko, O.H. ; STMENOG, I.V. [Symenoh, I.V.] Theor7 of fluctuations in superconductors. Ukx. fiz. zhur. 8 noo5;537-548 My t63v. (MIPA 16:8) 1. Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. SITENKO, A.G. [Sy-tenko, O.H.]; DROBACHEDIKO, O.V. Effect of nonlocal nucleon-nucleon interactt.on on the cross section of the photoeffect. Ukr. fiz. zhur., 8 no.7.-728-731 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Kharvkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. GorIkogo i KharIkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. (Nuclear reactions) (Photoelectricity) SITENKO, A.G.; KIROCHKIN, Yn.A. Scattering and transformations of waves dur to thermal fluctuations in magnetohydrodynamics. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.11:1354-1365 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR i Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. SITENKO, A. G. ; BEIREZHNOY~ Yu. A. "Concernin.- the Diffrattion Break.LD of Deuterons." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. Inst Physics, AS UkSSR SITEDIKO, A. G. Y K tev "Ine-:.-.stic scattering of electrons by nuclei and pair correlations in nuclei." report submitted for Intl Conf on Low & Medium Energies Nuclear Physicsy Paris, 2-6 jul 64. L 1593-66 94T(l)/EPF(n)-2/EZ(m)/EPA(W)-2 IJP(c) AT AW5067590 BOOK EXPLOITATION UR/ ~kO A. G..; StwNw- Akhiyezer, A. L; Akhiyezer, 1. A.; Polovins R.-V.; RIM Owl P1 004 (Wfiektivnyye Collective kolebaniyar plazme) Nbse Atomizdats 1964. o162 p. illus.., biblio- 1,700 copies printeil. ~Z -Zll MM 'kto T71 TOPIC TAGS: plasma physics, plasma oscillation, charged paiticlep. magnetic field plasma stability,,particle distribution, particle scatter PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is a presentation of the thleory of linear A oscillations in "Collisiouless" plasma in which paired collii3ious do not exert significant influence on its oscillations properties. Three basic problems we :'j presented in the book; 'natural oscillations spectra,, stabilLty and instability of various particle distributions, end fluctuations in homogmeous plasma. Me book will be of interest to scientists working izr-the fields of physical and technological problems such as: diffusion of radio waves in the ionosphere end other plaBmasj stellar"radiomissions microrediowave w*:Lificstion and generem tion with the aid of plasma, acceleration of charged perticla-s in plasma, 'rel&X- ation in iDla-a. iDlasma dimmosis. etc. Card 1/2 AP4010286 S/0048/641/028/001/0041/0045 AVMOR: Sitenko, A.G.; Kharchenko, V.F. TITLE: Bound state of three nucleons and scattering of a nucleon by two others in a bound state geport, Thirteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy held In Xiev)25 Jan to 2 Fab 19837 SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izveattya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.1, 1964, 41-45 TOPIC TAGS., three-nucleon motion, nucleon scattering, Yamagunhi potential, nucleon- nucleon scattering, bound nucleon states, scattering length ABSTRACT: Investigation of the problem of motion of three nucleons can yield addi- tional Information on the interaction between nucleons. In contrast to the problem of two-nucleon motion in the range of low energies, the problem of the notion of three nucleons proves to he more sensitive to the form of the two-particle potentiaL Henco the question of selecting the interaction potential to be used for the calcu- lations in very important. In the present study there Is considered the problem of the notion of three nucleons on the assumption that theinteraCtiOn between then In t deFcribed by a nonlocal potential with separable variables (Y.Yamaguchl,Phys*Rev., I 9&'1628,1954). The problem of the motion of two nucleons can be solved precisely CqM 1/2 Y AP4010288 'In using this type of nonlocal potential. In the case of the problem of three nucl- :ebna this potential leads to a system of two Integral equations for the total spin .W-w 1/2 and one Integral equation for S = 3/2. On the basis of the general equa- lti'ons there are considered the particular cases of the tritium nucleus and elastic ~scattorlng of a slow neutron by a deuteron. For the latter case there are written .tho expressions for the amplitudes of elmistic'ocattering of the neutron by the dou- toron in the doublet and quartet states. The results of the nalculations of the scattering length are compared with experimental datao The agreement in good for the quartet casel but poor for the doublet came. 26 formulas and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet, (Dar' 1cov State Univeraity); Inatitute fisiki AkademLl nauk SSSR UnstLtute of ftsice, Acuideaq of SciencespSSSR) SUBMITTEDs 00 DATE AM 1OFeb64 EMCM OD stm CW91 SR REP NOV: 008 OWRI 006 Card 2/2 L~ITEIIKC, Grigorlyevich; 6HESTOPALOV, V.P., P'CC,, :,4"f. red . ; 'Y IVI-7N, KC , L. I . p re -6 [Electromagnetic fluctuations in a plasma] Ele'.Ctrom-i~;nitllye fluk-tuatsii v plazrre. KharIkov, Izd-vo Kharlkwskogo univ., i965. 194 P. (MIRA 18:5) L 23014-66 odr(M)/t ACC NR: Ap6o14825 SOURCE CODE: UA/0367/65/ool/oo6/0994/1001, AUTHOR: Sitenko, A. G.; KharchenkoL V. F. ORG: Institute of Physics, AN UkrSSR (Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR) "and the three-nucleon bound state TITLE: 'Neutron-deutron doublet--spatte-ing lengt taking tensor forces into account SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 994-1001 TOPIC TAGS: nucleon, neutron acattering, neutron, deuteron, integral equation ABSTRACT: The motion of three nucleons is considered, the inter- ,action between which is described by-the Yamaguchi potentialg taking tensor forces Into account. The problem of three nucleons in the bound state and the seattering of a zero-erergy neutron on -dim .a deuteron are reduced to the solution of a systex. of one en- .sional Integral equations. The doublet neutron-deuteron scat- tering length, binding energy, And wave function of three nuoleons~ An the bound state are determined.from a numerical solution of--,rJ has: 2 figures and 18 forinulas.- (tased on authors' Eng. abst.] [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 17Aug64 ORIG REF: 010 OTH REF: 007 .17 SITENYOS, O.G.; 'STICLOG, I.V. f", 1% Rule cf suma and twc-mc-lLor) in nuclel. nr,.4:603-613 0 165. /k m ~ R A I ?, -. ,~. " ~ .... Institut fizi.M. &K UrSSR, . C .. i. ] , i*.![;, R(7fif al, t t !-;~ , -I- . I " t f C, v I - 'C' V.F. I of the of three nucle-OnF, taking tensor forces Ant* account. Ukr. liz. zhur. 10 .5;469--48D My 165. L L no (YjIFA 18 t 5) 1. L,stttut ftzikl AN Ukr33',17 Kivev. -------------- L 60332-65 RtT (I )1E PF(n) _21EWG (m)/M (w) - 2Pz-~/k-4/Pi-4 I'TP(C) 'AT~ ACCESSION NRz AP5018291 uR/(o57/65/03S/0O7A165/W6 .5334,9 AUTHOR% Sitenkoj A. G.; R-adziyevskiy, Ve N6 ;-~:' . 1/3 TITLE.- On the fluctuations in a ma that is not In equilibrium SOURCEt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikil ve 35, no* 7, 1965~ 1165-1176 TOPIC TAGS.- magnetoactive plasma, fluctuationj plasiaa beaminteraction, plas charged particlep plasma electromagnetic wave ABSTRACT: The author4 discuss the electric field and current fluctuations in a uniform rarefied plasma: in a unifona magnetic field* The plasma is assumed to. be in a quasi-equilibrium state in which the ion and':electron velocity distrib tions are different and non-Maxwellian., so that the fLuctuation-dissipation theorem is not applicable. The electron and ion fluctVations.are first treated. as independent and their coupling through the action.of the self-consistent _7 field is sub-3equently taken into account Collisidnsl~between the ions and elec- The general-equations derived for the-current trons are neglected throughout* and field fluctuations are rewritten for the specific,case of aplasma thatiis" A= traversed by a neutral beam of charged particles moving parallel to the applied A Card 1/3 AcassioN NR-. kp5oi8291 magnetic field, Simple approximate express tions of this system that are associated with 1"gmuir waves and witfi'magnetic sound, The interaction Pf different kinds of waves Oith the fluctuations is discus3eds There is possible not only incoherent scIfItering but-also a-quasi- coherent scattering with frequency changes associated with Langmuir and Alfven . waves and with magnetic sound. It is-also possible, for waves of one kind to give rise to waves of another kind by-interaction with the fluctuations* Equa- tions describing these processes are derived. The i~iteraction of a moving charged particle with the fluctuations of a (not necossarily magnetized) plasma is discussed. When the velocity of the particle is Less than the thermal veloc- I:' ities in the plasma the fluctuations accelerate the particle* A more rapidly moving particle loses energy,to the fluctuationsp and these energy losses can become anomalously large under certain eircumstances,p which are discussed in. some detail* "In conclusion.. we express our gratitude to A*I&Atg_yezer and 77 L 156Q-" EWT(1)/ETC(F)!WF(n)-2/EWG(a)./T- _IJP(0) -AT 00'' - .:ACC NR: AP6000219 SOURCE CODE:*Ul~/0056/6~/045/005/-1591/16 1AUTHORS: Sitenko, A. G.; Gurin, A. A. 3/91 ,;ORG: Ins-titute of Physics, Academy of Sciences,UkrSSR (Institut fiziki Akademii nauk UkrSSR) rz iTITLE: Ef*fect of paz'ticle collisions on plasma f uctuations !SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskcy fiziki, v. 49, ino. 5, 1965, 1591-1600 iTOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, particle collisicn, temperature ':dependence, plasma temperature, plasma density, k~Vekk, evcj~io", JABSTRACT: The authors studied the effect of binary collisions on fluctuations, using a kinetic equation witt a model collision iintegral in which the energy and momentum of the particles are con- ~served.- The introduction of a model collision integral makes it ipossible to study plasma fluctuations for arbitrary values of the I.effective binary collision frequency, and not merely limiting low or-I -ibigh values, as in the past. A single component non-isothermal plas-11-- Card__ L 15661-66 ACC NR: AP6000219 CL is investigated. The fluctuation-dissipation t*;.ieorem is used to find a general expression for the correlation function of the random 'forces. Allowance for the binary collisions between particles leads ito additional correlation of the random forces in velocity space. General expressions are obtained for the spectral distribution of the particle density fluctuations and for the temperature fluctua- tions and for the dependence of the fluctuation spectrum on the particle density, temperature, and binary collision frequency. The relation between fluctuations Inji collisionless plasma and fluctua-. tions in hydrodynamics is also studie4 as is the scattering of electromagnetic waves by fluctuations of density and temperature It is shown that the temperature fluctuations exer-IL-1 an appreciabie influence on the scattering with small change of frequency in the case of long wavelengths. Orig. art. has: 2 figurea and 26 formulas. L 27472-66 ACC M AT6oo8416 SOURCE CODE: MV31YI~6510WIAW000310018 AUTHOR-.' Sitenkop A, G.; S~~j is Y. ------------------- -,' ORG: N okle! 'TITLE: Sum rules and two-micleon correlations in nuclei SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fiziko-tekhnicheskly ingstitut. Doklady.. no. 142IT-016, 1~6 DvuMnuklomWe korrelyataii v yadran, 3o-]V TOPIC TAGS: inelastic scattering, scattering crone section, electron scatteringp.. correlation statistics, spectral distributionp nuclear shell Model., even even nucleus, spin orbit coupling ABSTRACT: The authors establish a general relation between Vie cross section for inelastic scattering of electrons and the spectral distributions of two-nucleon correlation functions in the nucleus. The cross section for inelastic scattering of a fast electron by an individual nucleon of the nucleus in first calculated on the basis of perturbation theory under the aammption that thiv nucleon is non- relstivistic* This cross section is then expressed in terms of the spectral dis'm Card .1/ .1 27479.46 Acc m: AT6ooUi6 tributions of the space-time correlation functions for the nucleons In the nuclon in terms of the current density., spin density,, and spin currerit operators of the, nucleons. This is followed by calculation of the two-particle correlation func- tions for the nucleons in the nucleus on the basis of the shell model of the nucleus. The angular and energy distribution of the electrons in inealstic scat-,., tering by even-even nuclei can then be determined on the basis of the obtained relations. The equations are simplified noticeably if spin-o3~bit interaction ls~ neglected. Byway of an example) some rules for the correlation functions*are established for the nuclei He,, OIL6,j and-C440j and the influence of the motion of the center of mass on the correlation functions is considered-with-He4 as. an ex=ple. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 43 formalas. SUB CODE: JIUM DATE: 00 AM Mw.- 001/' OTH 1w: OWL',- 20/ 2/2 C,rd LG TITLE: inelastic scatteri of electrons by nuclei and two-Varticle correlatims in nuclei -SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Fiziko-tekhnicheskir institut. 3pokladrv no. 142/T-3.o6, 19650 Dvukhnukro_nEWye korrelyatsii v yadrakh, 19-31 TOPIC TAGS: inelastic scatteringp scattering cross section., electron scatteriMp correlation statistics, spectral distribution, Fermi gas ABSTRACT: The authors establish a general relation between the cross section for the Inelastic scattering of fast-,'electrons by nuclei and the spectral d1stribu-., tions of two-nucleon correlation functions in the nucleus in the case vhen the inelastic scattering is accompanied by a transfer of a definLte momentum and a definite energy from the electron to the nucleus. The expre3sion shows that In- elastic scattering of electrons by nuclei is connected both with fluctuations of CQd 1/2 NRs AP6019335 SOURCE CODE: TF, AUTHOR: Sitenko, A. G.- Berezbn!)Z, Yu. A. ORG: PNr~~~~~~~iziko-tel&nicheskiy institut A11 UkrSSI) TITIE: Effect of the deutero4 Internal structure on diffraction scattering SOURCC-i Yadernaya fizika, v- 3, no- 3. 1966, 521-525 TOPIC TAGSj deuteron, partiole diffraction, neutron interaction, proton interaction, deuteron scattering ABSTRACT: The influence of the finite radius of the neutron-proton nuclear interact Ge- the in the deuteron and of the deuteron internal structure on the magnitud . of integral cross-sections of various diffraction interactions between deuterons and nuclei and on-the differential cross-section.for elastic deuteron scattering is considerede The authors express thanks to V. A. Yamnitskiv for assistance in pro- gramming the numerical calculations on an electric co t~j t 4, Origs art* has: 5 figures and 13 forrmUas. fBased on authors' Engs abs, 7._T~~f SUB CODEs 20 SUBM DATE-' 281TAY65 / oRiG Rriwi oo4 y' oTH REF: ool Card 1/1 AP6019627 A W SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/1;6/030/002/0328/0330 Sitenko, A.G.; Kharchenko,V.F. ~ORG: Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of tho VkrSSR (Institut fiziki ,Akadeniii nauk UkrSSR) ~TITLE: Taking tensor forces into account in the three-nucleon problem /Report, wPifteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, hold at :Minsk, 25 January to 2 February 19637 :SOLVRCE: AN, SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 2, 1966, 328-330 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear structure, nuclear force, nucleon interaci;ion, three body problemx tritium XBSIRACT: The authors (Izv. AIN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 28, 41 C1964); Nucl. Phys., 49, 15 11963)) have previously treated the three-nucleon problem with the assumption of non- Ilocal central two-body forces. In the present paper they exteD-d their previous I ~calculations with the aid of the potential of Yoshio Yamaguchi and Yoriko Yamaguchi ~(Phys.Rov. 95, 1635 (1954)) to take tonsor forces into account. The calculation of ~the zero-momentum neutron-deuteron scattering length and the triton binding'onergy ois reduced in the case of tensor forces, as previously In the case of central forces,: ~to the solution of a set of linear integral equations. The integral equations were ~solves numerically with the aid of a computer, using values of -.-.he parameters in the Card 1/2 I card ACC NRI AP7004570 SOURCE CODES UR/0056/6!i/049/003/1591/1600 AUTHORt _51tenkojLA.._9.;.GUr1n, A. A. ORGs los-t-ituto of Mysics 1Jk_i9S~K_(Inst1tut f iziki AN UkrSSR) TITLE1 Effect of pArticle collisions on fluctuations in a alAsma t.- -~f -_ SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoyA teore I ieskoy fiziki v. 49, no, 5, 1965, 1591-1600 TOPIC TAGSt particle collision, plasma physics ABSTRACTt The authors use the kinetic equation with the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook collision Integral model as the basis for an Inveattgntion of the effect of pair collisions between particles on fluctuations In a plasma. The Introduction of the model collision integral makes it possible to investigate plasma fluctuations for an arbitrary value of the effective pair collision frequency. The article Investigates the case of a single-component, nontsothermal plaima. The fluctua- tion-dissipation relation is used to find a general expression for the correlation function of random forces. It Is shown that allowance for pair collisions between particles leads to an additional correlation of random forces In the velocity space. General formulas are obtained for the spectral distribu- tions of particle density fluctuations and temperature fluctuations. These formulas are used to investigate the effect of the magnitude oj! the effective pair collision frequency on the shapo of the spectrum of particle density and temperature fluctuations, from the collisionless case to hydrodynamics. Orig. art. hass 2 figures and 26 formulas. (4~RS: 341,65V SUB QODE: 20 / SUBM DATEI 08Jun65 / ORIG REFS 003 / OTH REF; 003 L 10241-67 bOT/0258 ACC NRi AP602B553 SOURCE CODZI I%% W09 AUTM: Sitenko, Ae'Ge ONG: Institute of 1AWsleop M UkrSSRj, Xlev (Institut.risild M MOM) nnz: seetteriag aW transformation or waves In a magnetosclive plasma SOURCE: Uspekhi fisiche~kM nm*p ve 89p no. 2v 106,, 22T-4,58 TOPIC TAGS: magnetoactive plasma, plasma wave propagation, electromegaetic wave scattering, dispersion equation, plassia interaction I AB8270=: This is a review paper devoted to a theolletical 11mestigatlon of the *loc- trodynamic properties of a homogeneous magnetoactive plasm The propagation of waves and excitation of waves by external currents In such a plAsw6 are anelpod on the basis of kinetic theory. The fluctuations or different ybysical, quantities character- izing the state of the sagnetoactive plasms. are Investlgatedj as mv processes of tbA scattering of waves and their mutual transformation by fluct%stions In the plasm. The section headings are: 1. Zlectrodynamle propez iss of a magnetoactive plasma. (the dielectric tensor and Its connection with the particle dIstributionp the dispersion equation,, wave polarizationv and energy flux density). 2. Wives In a magnstosetive Plasm (hIgh-frerjency and low%-frequeMY maves)- 3- Naltation of wMes In a 00900to- active plasm by eztcr=Ll cwrm . 4. Fluctustlons In a maWntoactive plasma (eol- lective cobazen fluctuations and their correlation faft Ionti, effective temperature, fluctustlon In equMbrims and wellibrIum plammNi)e 5. 1"tterift Wd trensfMom- UM!2 VRA L 3.0241-67 ACC Nits Ajp6D26553 tion or electrawWwtIc veyes In a wpetowtive plasms. (excitatlon or Mgh-hvq==T vayesp scattering and trawranation (if', mic wwes by luc&srent fluctua-- . - scattering and trawrormation by edierent f2metuations,, scattering and trans- formation by UwpuJLr fluctuationsp &W scattering and trawformetlan bF lcw-fkSqv=w N fluctuations). 6. scattering wd trawrormstion or wasnui wwas in a 10111;1111~~*r plasm (by Inedberent and a -h= M f2wtuations). T. TonzisfiffustlM at IMf 9w vayes by Imagwir rlue4vations In In mognstoactivi p2smle. Ofti* wt 'b" f.. In fOrIWAIAS. v D", on-, SM CMS 2D/ Cold SITFNKO, M., brigadir On the right track. Avt.transp. 42 no.1:7 Ja 161.. (NIRA 17:2) 1. BrIgada shoferov 1-go Rizhskogo taksomotornogo park&. 's rT E ri j< C ) -(, -j - SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1876 AUTHOR LJASENKO,V I.V_PYT~ TITLE The Electric Suri-f-ace Conductivity of Germanium. PERIODICAL lurn.eksp.i teor.fis,jl,fasc-5,905-907 (19~,6) Issued: 1 / 1957 Here the exterior electric field was used as a medium for the reversible modification of the surface charge. A monocrystalline Germanium plate (with soldered-on contacts for measuring the Hall effect and eonductivity) was pasted onto thin mica foils (30 to 50et) by means of polysterol varnish. A metal plate was pasted onto the reversed side of the inica foil. The Hall effect and conductivity were measured in the presence of an electric field(at + V and at - V on the metal plate) and also without such a field. From the re- sults of these measur ements the effective value of the mobility ue was de- termined. The results of these computations are shown for some samples in a table. Measurements were repeated several times and were found to be absolu- tely reproducible. Under the effect of the exterior electric field the resistances of the simples with electronic as well as with own conductivity increased at + V and di- minished at - V on the metal plate. Also Hall's electrcmotoric force V x and the mobility ue were measured. At -V on the metal plate they increased and at +V they diminished. If a surface zone of electric condt.otivity exists, the mo- bility of the electrons on the surface is lower than in the interior of the sample LYASHENKO, V.I. [Liashenko, M.]; SITENKO. TAT. [Sytezko, T.N.] Conductivity of a Ge surface. Ukr.fiz. zhux. I no.1:64-70 JA-F '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1.Institut fiziki URSR. (Germanium--Electric properties) (Hall affect) SITENKO, T.N. [Sytenko, T.M.] Effect of an electric field on Hall effect in Go at various temperatures [wItb summary In English]. Ukr.fiz.zbxir. 3 no.4:473-M JI-Ag 158. (MIRA 11M) 1. Institut fisiki All USSR. (Hall effect) (Germanium) (Ilectric fields) 2 A4 S/181/~,1/003/004/010/030 //CIO //&"d) B102/B214 7 1,J6 (// " / Z AUTHC.,z;: Sytenko, T. N. and Koshell, 0. N. TITLE: Effect of the surface condition on the Hall effect and the magnetic resistance of germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 4, 1961, '079-1084 TEXT: It has been shown by the authors in earlier papers that the Hall effect and the magnetic resistance depend essentially on the condition of the surface of a semiconductor. The mechanism of the scattering of excess carriers is important for the interpretation of a number of surface- sensitivity effects. Therefore, the authors carried out further investiga- tions of these effects for different treatments of the surface and are reporting on the results in the present paper. The samples were cut from, a p-type Ge single crystal; they had a resistivity 42 and L, volume lifetime 300 Psec. After etching with C-'~'-4 (SR-4) they had a size of 0.4s 1-0~ 0.017 cm (12-1) and 0.4x 1.?A 0.0165 cm (11-I). The measurements were made at a constant temperature, (+ 20.5 + 0-5)oc, in the field of 3000 oe, and at a pressure of 10-6 mm Hg 15 se7c after the Card 1/6 :! '2104111 S/1 8- 16 1/003/004/CI-:D/030 Effect of the surface ... B102/B214 field had been applied. The conductivity of the samples was measured alon- with the Hall potential difference. The maximum of the Hall con- stant nearly coincided with the minimum of conductivity. The results obtained proved to be well reproducible. By a short action of an electric field only the filling of the surface states was altered. To influence the energetic structure of the surface, samples 11-I and 12-1 were etched once more in boilin;, H 0,, but no essential chcn-es occurred. Under the U 2 1 U action of the electric field, a-i electric char.-e ic induced in the semi- conductor, which is captured in part by surface levels. The dependence of the conductivity of the space-chargo layer or. "he ban! curvature of the surface for different volume-carrie.~. concentrations, found theoretical- ly by Schrieffer (:'Ily-';, Izev- '21 '1 and Garrett and Brattain (Phys. Rev. 22, 376, 1)55), a.-rees '::eil Lith the ex,)erimental results. The observed increase in the chan;-e of conductivity relative to the -minimum, occurring under tlie action of the electric field after etching in 92029 leads to the conclusion t-put the che-,_ical treatment affects the concentration of surface levels and their Position. This is also i-d! icated by the fact that the form of the dependence of thc constant on the Card 2/6 22044 Effect of the surface S/181/61/003/004/010/030 B102/B-214 electric field is altered after etching in H202- The results relating to the measurement of the Hall constant R and (4 are compared with X theoretical results of Petritz and Zemel, and those obtained for (,6 P/P)JI with results of G. Ye. Pikus (ZhTF, XXVI, 22, 1956). Results of the comparison are shown in Figs. 2 and 3- It is seen that a consideration of the light holes slightly improves the agreement between theory (Pe.tritz, Zemel) and experiment. The authors carried out the calculations for light holes of the following parameters: r = 2.25-10- 2 , b - 7-5 (r is the concentration and b the mobility ratio of light and heavy holes). The theory of Petritz and Zemel is discussed in detail. The comparison of the results with the theory of Pikus showed that the effect of surface recombination on Z-\?/OH2was insignificant under the present experimental conditions. It was found further that the different chE.racter of the dependence of 6?/Y on the external electric field for two different orientations of the sample in the magnetic field at t continued to exist even in the absence of any band curvature. The authors Card 3/6 Effect of the surface ... 22o44 S/181/61/003/004/010/030 B102/B214 thank Professor V. I. Lyashenko, Doctor of Physical and Llathematioal Sciences, for suggesting the topic and guiding the work; and 0. V. Snitko, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, for advice and a discussion. There are 3 figures and 14 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics, AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SUBMITTED: July 28, 1960 (initially) and November 3C,1960 (after revision) Card 4/6 Um/nOticu,* - Rosatem IW70 Jul 1947 Medicine - Pleurisy OX-reLy Ismalm tion or Pleurisy Nodul*~ vith PassW 2hrough Fistulas of Contrasting Nateri&l,O V. N. X. X. Shatkovskly, Imingrad, 4 VP 'Traabebnwe Delow No 7 3h the process of trestsient or necrotic pleurisy mi ahrmic amovem it In met Inortant to locate'tbe area affecied, the degree of the Infection, and thO Almensimn of the affected area. 7or this x-ray. am- smInations are conducted. Short description or z-m7 samination procedure. UperAwnts vere conducted at the Clinic of Practical Surgery inani S. P. r*dorw. - ]Roentgen EVe (Contd) Jul 107 (Chief of Research: Prof V. N. Mwmwv), U111tary Jbdioal Academy imeni S. M. Kirov., 1C SITENKO, V. M. Mil. Med. Acad. im. S. M. Kirov (Docent, lst Faculty Surgical Clinic, -c1948-; I-Ibr., Chair Facultative Surgery, -cl94-9-; Mbr., Chair Physiology-, -c:1.90-). "Determination of the Vascular Condition in Endarteritis GblitAwans," Vop. Neyrokhirurgii, 12, No. 3. 1948; S.7 I PEI. 1"0 )V.1'. 2f~273, 3~M.?'O, V-'-- Obliteriruyushchiy Endarterilt I Obliter-*Lruyushii osy '-eyrok',! urgH, '94';j i4o. 4, c. 5-11 - .. Y I - ..-r - I l--rt,-,riosklero2 Eryushno-, ~Ortv- VOPT i 30. letonis' I'lo. 33, 1949 STtENKOJS V. M. Sitenko, V. M. - "On a particular functional condition of the arterial vessels of the extremities in obliterating endarteritis," In the symposiim: V. N. Shamov, Kiev, 1949, P. 137-44 SO: U-4355v 14 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No- 15p 1949) SITENKO, V. M. Sitenko, V. M. - "Experimental data on hemoplastic transplantatIons of the egg," In the symposium: V. ". Shamov, Kiev, 191.9, p. 2-19-36 SO: U-4355, U~ August 53, (Letopis 1,7hwnal Inyk-h 3tatay, No. :-5, 19,49) SITWW, T.M. low data on the mechwden of the effect of sylgathectaW on blood circulation In andarteritis obliterans. Test. khir. 71 no.1:26-31 1951, . (CIML 20:8) 1. Of the Departmient of Faculty Surgery lo I Imeni S.P. Pedorow (Head-V.N. Shamy), Military Medical Academy imni S.M. Kirov. 1. SITENKO, V. M. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Arteries - Diseases 7* Painful syndrome in endarteritis obliterans. Vop. neirokhir, 16, Noe 5o 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, J""17 -1953. Unclassified. SITMITO, V.M., do-ktcr melitsinskikh nauk ( Isming rad.ul. Lebo deva, d. 10-g. Kv. 2 ) Diagnostic errors in endarteritis obliterans. Vest.khir. 75 no-3-98- 102 AP 155- ()MRA 8-7) 1. Iz kliniki 1-Y fakulltetskoy khirurgil (nach.-prof. V.N.Shamov) Tcyermo-medttsinskoy ordena Lenina ak-ademii im. S.M.Kirova. (JNDARMITIS CBLITIWS. diagnosis, errors) SI M KO. Y.M.. doktor meditainakikh nauk Surgical ligation of iliac veins In decompensated heart failure [with oumary in Inglish. P-1551 Yest.khir. 77 no-3:23-25 Mr '56. (MLRA 9:7) 1. Iz 1-y fakulltatskoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (nach. - prof. V.N.qb--ov) Voyenno-seditainakoy ordena Lenina akadenii imeni S.M.1irova. (CAR IOVASCULAR DISMAS . Burg. ligation of iliac veins) (VAINS, ILIAC, surg. ligation In cardlovase. dis.) SITrkNKO, V.M., doktor moditaLnoicikh nauk I - -- ~- -.- 7 , ~ *Acute arterial obstruction". Z.V.Ogloblina. Revieved by V.N. Sitenko. Vest.khir. 77 no.4-133-134 Ap 156. (KIRA 9:8) (IMOLISM) (OGLOBLINA. Z.V.)