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,Z - 7, scm-s i, th~! FnEice ~:slnvnn- cc,-l ,.basin. Vol. ro. I, P-1'57 CT~ -1 Lu ion, ',0. -a- IQ-7 31 1 s . I . --.- "On the The-orf of Tiscontinuities in 11.'agnetic 'r7y,3ro!'-ynamics.,' Cand Phys-!,.ai.h Sci, Physics instu imeni F. N. Lebedev, Act-id, Sci U~S'71R, 24 7ec 54. (101, 16 Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical lissertations lefended at USSR Higher Educatio-aal Institutions (12) SO: SiLn. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 i H-17 :)..a~.-Au ry Yu;,.7os_Lavia C a t os -_; r 390685 Jour. tut', .,r Sirovical A. Illstitut. !given it I- Li,-;ted in the Contemporary Pharmacopoias 7: umi, e rot Gountries of A "o Arkhi-,,, .7 irmats, p,,-je P-utijor di -~-,usses a numoer of substances used in the pharmacon,~j_a_~. Of various countries as bases for ointments with a view t-) their introduction in Yki~-oslsv pharmaceutic vlatveyev ology. Vitarains. Anti- -YUGOSLAIfIA CheMical Techn biotiCS& 1958, 74950- 1,,bs JOur: 'Ref Zhur-Xhimiyal No 229 j3,uthor 14:LICrovich, Sirogites. odicii - Inst Not given. n of Si u errosi I Title Stabilizatio 7, 7, No. 3, 157-162. orig Pub Acta pliarmac. 3ugo5l't 195 .ed out, it Was eS_ bhe -investigations carri diffiCUlties -Frora I , f or the Fer- Abstract: tabliShed that tile reasOr.atiOrl Of sirupus ntered in the prepal of Yugoslavian encOu jodidi (1) by the Method oxidation of star'.- rosi Lacopeja 2 is the surface duct-, pharr laterials: Ferrum Pulver. and Ferrum re ing D their prolonged storage- after Card 1/2 SIROVSKIT. B.A. ... The fortheming festival. Geog. v shkole 20 no,2:67-68 Nr-Ap 157. (KLRA io-.4) 1. Shredny"a shkola no. 248 goroda Noskv7. (Moscow-Youth-Congresses) SIROVSXIY, I.A.; FMIN, Ae, redaktor. --I- [Valuable experience of the wholesale issue branch office of the Main 7cotwear Trading Corporation of the Oftrio ComrummO 7actory] Mnjwi opyt optovoi vykhodnoi bazy glavebuvItorga pri fabrike OParishakRia konxuna,w Koskva, Gos.izd-vO torgovoi lit-ry, 1955. 39 P. (MM 6:5) (Shoo industry) SIROVY, Vladimir, Inz. Mt. Characteristics of the clay fraction of soils on loesses ,,Vst vyroba 10 no-V6055-566 MY-Je '64. and loess loams. R 1. Central Research Institute of Plant Production, Prague- Ruzyne. ;orlk. in---a vnerolo:iii i to- pis I~hunnal I nykh j ta "o. SIROVSKIY., M. (Norillsk); FOMIGHEV, Yu., slesa-rl-mekhanik ...... . I I . I-,., "I can not keep silent." Za rul. 21 no.7:14 J1 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Moskovskoye konstruktorskoye by4o kinoapparatury (for Fomich3v). (Automobile drivers) SIROZHDINOV, S.M.; MAWOV~ M. Local theorem for densities. DAL AN SM 142 no,5:1036-1037 F 162. (141RA 15:2) 1. Tashkentakiy gosudarstvenW universitet im. W.r.Ionina. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Kolmogorovym. (Sequences(Mathematics)) SIRTS, A. i. Intestines - 'Wounds and Injuries Enterovenous fistula due to gun-shot wounds. Khirurgiia. no. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 195# - - - , Uncl. 2 SIRTS, A. I. Modification of Babcock's operation. lhirurgiia no.6;el 82 Je 154. (MLRA 7:9) 1. Ix khtrurgicheakogo otdelentya (say.,otdelenlyan A.I.Sirts) Slavutskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy lamenste-Podollskoy oblastl (glawayy vrach T.M.Gutovskly) (VARICOSI VIINS. surgery, *Babcock's operation, modified) SMS, k.l. (g.Slavuta, Khmellnitskoy oblasti, u1. Budennogo. d.27) ;";,. -7 .: -- -7~ Application of the Pavlovian doctrine In surgery. Test.khir- 77 no.6:114-120 Je 156. (KISA 9:8) (SURGICRY, Pavlovian theory in (R")) SIFTS, A.P. Skin plastics in large wounds. Sov. mad. 20 no.1:6B-71 Ja '56 (MM 9:5) 1. Iz Slavutakcy rayonnoybolluitsy Kmenets-Podallskq7 oblasti. (SKIN TRaNSPLARATICK in large wde.) (WOUNDS ADD IUJMINS, surg. skin transpl. in large wde.) Sl RTS, L . I. Acute perforating diverticulities. Kbirurglia no.7:76-77 '55. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdolenlya Slavutskoy bollnitsy Kamnets- Podollskoy oblasti. (ILYIN-SURGERT) SIRUCEF" J. Experiences in preparing standard industrial designs. p. 164 Vol. 5, no. 4, 1955 ZA SOCIALISTICKOU VEDU A TECHNIKU Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: Monthly List of East European Accesions, (EEAL), LC, VOL. 5, no. 2 Februar.y 1956, Uncl. .'any mc), -.,-4 nil ng Q G.S t vy. oba 11 no rF, c- c a z ~-),t ch 2- MA--T, c e or k) 7vanovsl-y, ecul.27.ent used ir. subsurface P. Pr.,'-,., Vol. no. 3, 1955. SG: ;'onthly .'J,-7,t oo :'Air-opean Accessions, LICy Vol. 4, no. 10, ct. 1955, Uricl. SIRURYAJI, A.N.;,.-ZAI?MfAN, N.I. .04, , -r- .. I -- 1. w - . RS*Ults of teviing a remote dynamometric installation in the field No.4 of the Oil Yield Administration of the "Ordzhonikidze Petroleum" Trust. Azerb. neft. khoz. 38 no-5:28-29 Xy 159. (Dymnometer) (Remote control) SIRVIALSP A. P. Cand Bio Sci, Dias -- "on the problem of temperature and heat exchange of plants". (Vilinyus, 1961. 17 pp, 20 em (Min of Higher and Inter Spec Educ CTSSR. Viltnyus State U imeni V. Kapsukas), 250 copies, Not for sale (KL, No 9, 1961, p 180, No 24317). Z61-503477 3AZONOV, A.M.; SIMPAS, V.I. Energy distribution of gaip-ma radiation in --c'id medium. Atom. energ, 15 no.5:420-422 N 163. (IMIRA 16:12) RN 104ROV 31 . ye ant L.- 18 I i L LF-.-,, ngrad. T,IS m e ny SLAVOROSOV, Aleksey Kharitonovi,-,h; BUTYLINA, A.I, retBenzent,-) f3UKRINSKIY, V.A., retsenzent- SlRYACfMKb, F.14. ved. red. r 04ine surveyors and their assistants] Marksheiderskii rabochii i s"emshchik. lzd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, (MIRA 17s12) Nedra, 1964. 267, p. BABOXIN, I.A., redaktor, IIALBACIIA11, Ta.I, rodaktor; BARAWWOV, F.A., re-daktor; BUCHIOV, V.K., redaktor: VUDI?11ItSXIY, V.V., reduktor; GILIGORIYN,, S. Ye., redaktor, DDKUKIII, A.Y., redaktor; ZHABO, Y.Y. reidnktor-. ZAD7311DKO, A.N., radaktor; ZAITSEV, A.P., redaktor; IMICHIV, A.S., redaktor; KAGAN, V.Ya., redaktor; KRASNIKOVSKIY, G.V., redaktor; KRASOZOV, I.P., rodaktor-, KRIVONOGN, K.K., rodaktor; LALAYANTS, A.M., redaktor; WGILEVSKIT, N.H., redaktor; ONIKA, D.G., redaktor; 03TROVSKIY, S.B., radaktor; OSTROVSKIT, S.M., redaktor; PETSAKHOVICH, G.I., redaktor; POCBM4KOV, K.I., redaktor; SIIMACHMIKO, F.N.;redaktor. SKOCHINSKIT,A.A., redaktor; STUG,~RW, W-6'r`_-'-3KOHKIN, K.I.; SKURAT, V.K., redaktor-, SO'BOL.W. G.G.P redaktor ;TERPITOREV, A.M., redaktor; KHtWCOVTSU, Y.M., r"daktor; TSTPKIN, V.S., rjdaktor; SHE7YAKOV, L.D., red-ktor; 19IRLKOV, A.A., radaktor;AITDRZM, G.G., tekhnichaskiy redaktcr. [Safety rules in coal and shale mines] Fravila bezopasnosti v ugoltnykh i slantsevykh shakhtakh. 4oskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1951. -1307 P. (MLRA 9:1) I. Russia (1921- U.S.S.R) Hinisterstva ugol'noy promyshlonnosti. (Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) siRnmirumm, F.~J. For minerH. Sov. prof notizzy 7 no.9:63 My 159. (IAIRA 12:8) 1. Zameqtitel' glavnego redal-tora Uglatekbizdata. (Bibliography-Mining englneerirAg) V DODIN, A.Ya., inzh.; KRTUKOV, I.I., dotsent; ]PROITIN, A.I., inzh.; SIRYACHENKO, K.P., inzh.; STOVAS, 14.V., dotsent; IIPSM%YN, M.M., dotsent- Nngineering and geodetic observations on deformations in transport- and-dumping bridges. Ugol' Ukr- 3 no-7:24-27 Jl 159. (MIRA J38, 10 1.Dnepropetrovskly gorWy Institut. (Mine surveying) KRYUXOV, I.I., dotsent; SIRYACHENKO, K.P., irlzh.; STOVAS, M.V... dotsent Using an engineering geodetic method to determine deformation of :rwsporter bridges. Izv.vys.uche,b.zav.; gor.zhur, 5 no.2:82-85 162. (KRA 15:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena. Trudovogo Krasnogo, Znam ni gornyy instituta imni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy geodeziie (Transporter bridges) GOhYl,`CV, 1-I., inzh.; KMYUKOV, I.I., dotiont; SMAG11KRO, K.P., inzll.; ST-OVAS) M.V.., dotsent New iwthod of determining, corrections, for bonds in the riaLal con- struc.tion oftransporter bridges. Izv. vyu. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no,'1:87-90 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy o-l-dona Trudovogo Krasnogo Znw.--eni gornyy in- stitut imoni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy geodf,-zii Dnepropetrovs- koge instituta. (Transporter bridges) RYA;~FTS, N.P,,- SIFiYACHEMC), .*,fiil,:!-~p,--e--j r;nc-lxnatic turn tablp. n,~.4i13 Ap 165. (MIU 18-5) BELYAVSKAYA, L. I.; SIRYAK, A. I. "Cone~erning the effect of ga irradiation on the electroconductance of milkAline silicate glasses in intensive electric fields." report subilltted for 4th AU-Union Couf on Structure of G.Lams, Leningrad, 16-21 mar 64. L 4990--~ ACC M's EWP(e)/EYIT(ni)/EPF(c)/EWP(i)/EPF(n)-2/t~IA(h,' 5027434 SOU HCE OODE, IA(1) AUMOR: Belyavske 1~6 ya, L ak A. I..f ry ORG: Tomsk State Unive omskiy gosudarstvanr*7 universitet) TITLE; Some characteristics of magnetoresistance of alkali silicate glasses after gamma-irradiati25,and t'aermal treatment 19 1Tq 807JRCE: Fizika tverdo,go tela, V. 7, no. 11, 1965, 3427-3428 TOPIC TAGS: irradiation, gamma irradiation, mechanical heat treatment, magnetoresist~' ance, silicate glass ABSTRACT: TD obtain more information on the character of the transverse effect of magnetoresistance (E-L III specimens of sodium silicate glasses of different si tion. were investigated in a magnetic field (from 0.5 to 1.9 weber/m2) after ation with doses of 106 to 10, r at an intensity of 20 r/sec at room temperature. COGO with a quantum energy hv = 1.25 Mev was the irradiation source. The content of Na20 in the specimens (10 x 2 x (0. 3-1. 1) M) was 16, 20, 26, 33, 36, and 50 mol The synallest specimen was adjusted in the direction of the magnetic field and the largest, in the direction of the electric field. All measurements were carried out for the direct and reverse directions of the magnetic field. The direction of iria-' diation corresponded to the direction of the magnetic field. The following results were obtained: 1) The previously detected effect of transverse magnetoresistance iji~ Card 1/2 A 2 L G%,76-67 AC~ A~R603254G SOURCE CODE: UR/0139/66/0001004/003110035 AUT11011: Sirynk, A. 1. OP,G: Siberian Physicotcchnical Institute imcni V. D. Kuznetsoy (Sibirskiy L'izil.zo-tek~ii-ii-c-li--c-s--kiy-"i"n-s-ti-t-u-t-)- TITLE: Characteris tics of tile electrical conductivity of alkali silicate glass in strong electric fields after exposure to gamma radiation SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizikd. no. 4, 1966, 31-35 TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, electric field, silicate glass, gamma radiation, alkali silicate glass, volume charge, high voltage polarization ABSTRACT: An explanation is given of the stable radiational variations in electrical conductivity in strong electric fields in sodium alkali silicate glass. The concept of the accumulation of volume charge, produces high-voltage polariza- tion in the presence of electrons induced by gamma radiation, is applied. It is assumed that the r,~combination of electrons and sodium cations and their dissocia- tion are controlled by a strong electric field. [Author's abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 07Mar65/ ORIG REF: 009/ !Card REZNICHENKO, V.A.; TKACIMIKO, KOZLOV, V.M.; - SIDORENKOY G.D. Reduction of ilmnite concentrates in a fluidized bed. TItan i ago splavy no.5:60-61* 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Titanium-Metallurgy) (Fluidization) HIMUCILION V."I.; SDL'Y'~pOv. G.V.. SO~Ovf V. I. .4 111 Two-stage smelting of ilmenito concenturatos. Titan i ego splavy no.9-.96-104 163. (HIRA 16:9) (Titanium-Blectrometallurgy) Country Abs, jour. 3. Ins t itilt "ailed 0o Titlo D C C 111 f i C11 C C' tG V, .3 Cor- ro T-. -3 02C~ 041 t-ot.".1 ~!Ir);3C Of 2 70 pt,_tientl (-7 ~,od t1lat t,1.-,O of col- OcIcr--a of' ti,c. tolznt.-, lowars tcnpor,~`Ure c~-nd in-1 c-rcasoc thc motion rariSe. Also obs.-rvod icro dj_r1i_m,ti.= in tao absolute P-nd rciat-dvo mmiber ef casilnonhils, siov-irr- of V-ic ex-jtn-rocyto ze- rate arnd an Li the xvxn~bcll of -Ind in nrothrombin content. Card: PSEBZHSTSKIY, S.Ya..; KAMENETSMA, S.A.; GRIBOVA, Ye.I.; PANKUTOV, A.Y.; MORDZOV, N.M.; POSPIWVA. I.N.; APIN, A.Ta.; SIIUATSUYA# T.N.; STAVIMSKAYA, N.A.; CHR DETCHRIKO. V.M. Kinetics of' the decomposition and explosion of ozone. Probl.fiz.khim. no.2:27-38 159. (KIRA 13:7) 1. raboratoriya kinetiki gazovykh reaktsiy Nauchno-iBBIedovatell- skogo fiziko-khimichoskogo instituta im. L.Ta.Karpova. (ozone) (Bxplosions) 05833 5M SOV/76-55-10-31/45 AUTHORS: Pahezhetskiy, S. Ya., Morozov, N,. Ij., Kamenetskaya, 5~ A,, Sir- yatskaya, V. 11., Gribova, Ye. I. TITLE: Kinf-tics of the Thermal Decomposition of Ozone PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheatKoy khiaiii, 1959, Vol 55, RE, 10, pp 2306 - 2315 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to A, V. Pankratov and S. Ya. Pshezhetskiy (Ref 1), the quantum yield of photochemical ozone decomposition in li- quid phase attains a value of 20. Investigations of the kinetics of thermal ozone decomposition have not fully explained this problem. Thus, values of 23-31 kcal were given for the activa- tion energy in various publications, Further investigations of this problem were made by L.,S, Kassel, (Ref 2), Benson, and Axworthy (Ref 3). In this article, the authors measured the reaction kinetics of thermal ozone decomposition at small, medium, and high ozone concentrations and various reaction sur- faces . iithin a wide temperrature Experimnerts were made under ;static and dynamic conditions (at low concentration), The decomposition rate of ozone was determined at a pressure of Card 1/3 30-760mm Hg and various initial ozone-hydrogen ratios within Kinetics of the Thermal DecomDosition of Ozone Card 2/3 5833 SOV/760-33-10-51/45 0 the temperature rangre 70-170 .The results of some typical experiments are listed (Tables 1-3), The velocity constant of de- composition, calculated according to the equation of second order, varies in dependence on the ratio 0 2:03 as well as the #?actual" activation energy which rises from 18 (95-97~- 0 ) up to 27 kcal (2-No 0 ). At very high and low ozone conceAtrations, the equation of secona order holds with sufficient approxima- tion. Extension of the reaction surface by 4.7 times does not change the reaction rate (Table 4). The factor before the ex- porient also varies with the composition of the gas mixture 2 (Table 5). In concentrated mixtureso it is smaller by 10-10 than the number of double collisions, and 102_104 times greater than the latter in dilute mixtares. An eqation for the reaction rate was set up by the method of constant concentration which was suggested by Schumacher and Glissmann (Ref 10)., The factors before the exponents and the activation energies were calculated for the four elementary reactions of the process (Table 6). The decomposition of ozone at the surface sec,,:.s to be heteroueneous and of first order as confirmed by data by Markevich (Refs 6,7). There are 3 figures, 6 tables, and 24 references, 8 of which are Soviet. -.. Q --, 8 8 J700 D S0v/(9-Y"-1 -49111 '8 AUTHORS: Zhigach, A. F., Siryatskaya, V. N., Antono-.,, I. S., Makayeva, S. Z. -------- - TITLE: Concerning the Mechanism oC Diborane Reaction 1-lith Olefins PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimil, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1, pp 227- 0 230 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Diborane reacts with excess olefins, and form.~ succes- sively,allcy1diboranes (RB 2 H-; R 2 B2 H,1 ; R 3 B 2 H6 etc.) according to the reactions: 112110 ;-~! 21111:1 (IV), lyid + 11113 ---. 1,311" M. 11:111t, + CnII2, -B11:1 + (VI), 111111(,-0611 + B113 --)- 133118C~112-+l B3111(;- 112.,1 + C.112. ~ B 11:1 + 132114(C-1 1'4~,02 (" 11) B3114(C-[12-+1),,+C-112- - B11, j-2B(Cj1,.tj, (IX) Card 1/3 Concerning the Mechanism of Diborane Reaction With Olefins 77388 SOV/79-30-1-49/78 Theoretically, a B atom can join either of the C=C carbon atoms and form isomers. According to D. Hurd diborane gave with olefins equal amounts of isomers (X~ and (XI); Col. '.'4alliple: B2116 + 6 ":,\,C=c 112 (X) C113,3 \C~_C'12 - 2B (C 3\ (1.11-C11 (X 1) 13,110 + 6C::, C a C Card 2/3 It was also reported (J. Am. Chem. 30c., 1956, Vol 78, P 5694; Chem. Eng. News, 1957, Vol 6, Nr 28) that the olefins, on reduction with sodilun borohydride in the presence of AlCl 3' gave the corresponding primary alco- hols. Inview of the contradictory data on the order of diborane addition to olefins, the authors investigated the mechanism of this reaction. Propylene with diborane on heating to 230-2500 C gave tripropylboron in 91% AP6001497 ( /U SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/65/000/012/0019/0021 AUTHORS: Shapatin, A. S.; Golubtsov, S. A.; Soloviyev, A. A.; ach. A. F,; Siryatskaya, V. N. ORG: none s TITLE: Addition of hydrides of silicon chlorides to alk!gj carboraw SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 12,, 1965j. 19-21 TOPIC TAGS: silane:, organic synthetic process, catalysis,, silicon compound, catalyst, ferric chloride ABSTRACT- A simplified method for synthesizing carborane siliconorrAnig_zauQWs is offered. It consists of adding chlorosilicon hydrides to alkenyl carboranee, according to the equation: 4L.. -- CI.SiH 4- CH.= C -._-C11 CjSi--(C'H') C-~~Cli \-4 , * B10HID The following reactions were studied: methy1dichlorosilane with carborane derive- tives containin vinyl, isopropenyl, propenyl, or butenyl groups; trichlorosilane and dimethyl chlorosilane with vinyl and isopropenyl carborane; ethyl dichlorosilane and phanyldichlorosilane with isoproperqlcarborane. Elementary analysis and r~-j 1/2 UDC: 678.84 2- ACC NRr Ap6001497 0 physical properties of the resulting 10 compounds are reported. In the absence of the catalyst the reaction occurs only above 200C and results in very low yields. The yields increase to 801% and more, and the required temperatures are lowered by the addition of chloroplatinic acid or ferric chloride as catalysts. OrIg. art. has: 2 tables and 1 equation, SUB COIDE-. 07/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF.- 001/ OTH REF: 004 fil k_W m o~W(J)ITIEWA(c) RPL WW/JW/JWDAM '--AC U -~L. AP6002477 SOURCE CODES UR101911661000100110021~ AUTHORSt Sobolevskiy. A.-!.; Zhimch- 2-A.-F.; Grinevich, K. P.; SAtishvili,, 1. G.; S~ryats~~, V. N. -, Kozyr 3irg, Ye, - M. ORG: none TITLES Synthesis of tjWcarborawfii I 0XIMPA VOW SOURCE: Planticheakiye mesay, no. 1, 1966, 21-22 TOPIC TAGSt polymer, boron compound# Noranso orgenosilican compoundp organoboron compound ABSTRACTS To extend the available data on the froperties of carboranesiloxans polymers de8cribed in J. PDlymer Sci., 1964); 2 No. 7 (1964)o the following po4&lk,T1c&rboranesiloz,ane polymers were synthesized. R R 11' 0- Card 1/2 RqL 678-A 21 L 13357-& ACC NRt AP6002477 where R: C",, r,",. i~,% The effects of pressurep temperature, and reaction time on the degree of reaction were studied. The weight less of the polymers at 140C and 210C was deterained an a Anction of tinev and the results are shown graphically in Fig. 1. Time, hourt Fig. 1. Dependence of tho degree of conversion on the reaction time for the reaction between polyethy1hydrosilcmane and isopropen.Vlcarborane at 250C- 1 polyetbyl)Wdro- polyethylearboranesiloxane!; 2 - polyethylcarboranesiloxane. It is noted that polyethyl.carboranesiloxane has a greater thermal stability thity, polyethylhydropolyethylcai-boraneeiloxane and the initial polyethylbydrosiloxane. Orig. aA. has: 4 graphs and 2 equations. SUBPODE: 11/ SVjjM DATE:! none/. ORIG REPt 0021 OTH REP.- 003 _10_1~2_16616_07166 i ACC NR, AP7001492 SOURCE CODE: UR 6/6883/08857 AUTHOR; Vilkov,, L. V.; Mastryukov, V. S.; Zhigach, A. F.; Siryatskaya, V. N. ORG: Moscow State University Im. M. V. Lomonooov (Moskovskiy gosu- darstvennyy univeraltet) TITLE: Electron diffraction study of the neocarborane molecule SOURCE: Zhurnal strukturnoy khImii, v. 7, no. 6, 1966, 883-885 TAGS: neocarborane, molecular structure, electron diffraction, icosahedron, loosahedral model ABSTRACT: The structure of the neocarborane molecule Bj0C2Hj2 has been studied by the electron diffraction method In the gaseous phase. Neo- carborane was prepared by thermal isomerization of ortho-carborane at 480C for 30 hr. Experimental curves of the molecular scattering com- ponent sM(s) and of -;he radial distribution f(r), and a table of the positions of maxima on the f(r) curve are given in the source. Ex- perimental data were compared with the respective data for a model of a regular icosahedron with carbon atoms meta to each other. This model was in accordance with earlier assumptions on the structure of neocarborane, and the chemical and physical properties of the compound.~ Card 1/2 UDC: 539.2 CC-WR A7 7001492 N A It was shown that thi:3 1cosahedral model is in complete agreement with electron diffraction data. The basic parameters of the neocarborang molecule are: r(BB) - r(BC) - 1.775 * 0.01 A; r(BH) - 1.21 -k 0.03 A; (r(CH) - 1.10 Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. (W. A. 77] j (BO suB coDE: SvjBM DATE: 16Mar66/ oRia REF: oo5/ OTH REF: 012 Card 2/2 SHALIMIN, S., inzh.; SIRYAISKIY, 'A., inzh.; SENNIKGV, Yu., inzh. Stand for assembling reducing gears. Avt. trarap. 43 no.12i 30v 35 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) SIRYK, GeV. Conformal mapIdug of close regions. Dope ta pevo L'vIv*un. no*6 pt 2: 113-119 '55. (MM 10:3) (Conformal mapping) SIRYK, G.V. -, 11 pproximate method of conformal mapping. Dop. ta pov. Llviv.uA. no.6 A 2zll9-122 155. (MLRA 10:3) (Conformal mapping) SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Theory of functions CARD 1/1 PG - 520 AU TH OR _SIRYK G.~V. TITLE On he coCformal mapping of little different regions one onto another. PERIODICAL UBpechi mat.Nauk 11 5, 57-60 (1956) reviwed 1/1957 Por the determination of the conformal mapping of the circle, the halfplane, the strip and a ring on an "almost-circle", an "almost-halfplane" etc., for simply connected regions the formulas of Schwarz (for the halfp1ane e.g. F(z) jooRe F(t ) dt )v for ring regions a formula of Villat (Rend.d. t-z -00 Circ.Mat. Palermo JIL (1912)) are used and after certain limit proceests singular integral equations are obtained the solutions of which are the sought mapping functions. The investigation is of formal character because the existence of the solutions of the mentioned integral equations is guaranteed under additional conditions only which are not considered by the author. Some of the obtained integral equations can be solved by successive approximation. INSTITUTIONAGOROD. 86i89 S/14C~60/000/005/016/021 /6-3000 C111/C222 AUTHORt Siryk, G.V. TTTLE. The Generalization of the Variation Formula of M.A. Lavrently .0t;' for the Conformal MappindPof Little Different Simply Connected Regions to the Case of Doubly Connected Regions PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1960, No. 5, pp. 152 - 159 TEXT: At first the author considers an annulus I /T, jz( 4 1 from which a little lune is separated the corners of which lie on jz( - I or on Izi By a number of elementary conformal mappings the cut annulus is mapped at first onto a rectangle with a missing small semicir~_le, then on- to a halfplane with a missing semicircle, then onto the whole halfplane, then onto a rectangle and finally onto a whole annulus. By neglecting the terms being small of higher order with respect to the area of the lune, the author ohtains explicitly the function which performs the total mapping. If we have a doubly connected region being little different Card 1/ 3 862.8,9 S/14 601000100510161021 C1 1 IYC222 The Generalization of the Variation Formula of M.A. Lavrentlyev for the Conformal Mapping of Little Diff%~,rent Simply Connected Regions to the Case of Doubly Connected Regions from an annulus and bounded by (23) r, (y) r2(tf) 2(y)) , 0 2 7t. where (24) W1 < E < Cj (y) < 1 192 then for the mapping onto an annulus the variation formula IL K K W z + Z, i In z P) d P It. 2 Z, (i In ~c z + !~ 1P) dy ;72 2 Card 2/3 3/14 "~O/")00/005/016/021 C I 11 YC 22'2 The Generalization of the Variation Formula of M.A. Lavrentlyev for the Conformal Mapping of Little Different Simply Connected Regions to the Case of Doubly Connected Regions can be given which was already published by the author in (Ref- 4). Here ZI(u) is the Jacobian function, and K is a constant. The author thanks Professor L.I. Volkovyski for the leading. There are 5 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Uzhgorod State University) SUBMITTEDs October 21, 1958 Card 3/3 SIRYK, IG. V. Cand Phys-Math Sol "On the approximate conformal td~Mm of and doubly-L~~.;~~ Uzhgorod, 1961 (Joint Academic Council of Insts of Phys, Math, and Metal Phys, Acad Sci UkSSR). (KL, 4-61,186) -39- 5/044/62/000/008/069/073 C111/C333 AUVHOR: Si k, G. Y. TITLE: on the progvam for the approximative conformal mapping of double connected domains PE,RI0D7_G:_T: Referativny- zhurnal, Matematika,-no. 8, 1962, 65, Y abstract 8V580. ("Dokl. i soobshch.'Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1~61, no- 4, 111-112) TEXT: One propose3 an operator schdme for the putting up of the program for the solution of the non-linear algebraic equation system, which is obtained in an approximative conformal mapping of the circular ring on a double connected domain. EAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 MARKO, M.F.,, SIJIYK~ G.V4 Standard Tjr,:;g-,ajn for approxImate ccnfonral mnppllne.~4 ot' dcubly connected regions. UAL i socbt Uzhrf', Ser~ flz.-mat, i ist. nauk no.5il0l-103 162. (WRA 17.9) SIRYK, 1. Brief news. lov. vys. ur-heb. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no-3:18 42954P 84.62.94102,108p114 162. (MIRA 16:85 1. Zamestitell direktora Sakbalinakogokompleksnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo Instituta Sibirskogo otdalen-lya AN SSM. STASENKOV., V.V.; SIRYKI, LM.; RAZUPIOV., N.V. Oil and gas potenti3ls of the western ed--,-e of the centrel Sak-ha-1-in synclinorium. Geol.i geofiz. no,12.7-13 ;61. OUHA 15-5) 1. Sakhaliriskiy kompieksnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, g. Novo-Aleksandrovsk. (Sakhalin- --Petroleum geology) (Sakhalin-Gas, Natural--Geology) SIRYK,, I.M. Mud Volcanoes in scathern Sakhalin as probable satellites of oil and natural gas fields. Geol. i geofiz. no.7:66-75 162, (KIRA 16: 7) 1. Sakhalinskiy kompleksnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniYa AN SSSRI Novo-Aleksandrovsk. (Sakhalin-Mud volcanoes) (Sakhalin-Petroleum geology) (Sakhalin-Gas, Natural-Geology) 4 4I a It Q Is w 11 16 U 48 n 2t a it a Illvx I L I Ilk, 116' J-14MV-SW-li 114MV-411hr K K. It. 41 0.1.1 N%.'R. 734 %." NJ 4.0 "J,j il.cumo o Ow ~~Ulj' by 11.1"I e"'ok C Of .1 $m WfikIl life clerl": ,I see 01 8 Is ~18 00 4 f W-%~ alp ,ail moo All I S 8 OW 0 0 0 9 A 9 2 0 9 u AV -0 4% It (t ;*49:n no gluts 49 a n I Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~001v" to I 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 USSR/ Chemistry - Spectroscopy Card 1/1 Pub. 43 37/62 Authors lZimina, K. I.; logansan,, A. V.; and Siryuk A, G. Title lApplication of infrarod spectroscopy to the study of petroleum products Periodical iIzv. AN SSSR. Ser, fin. 18/6, page 707,- Nov-Dec 1954 Abstrtot lExperiments were conducted to determine the applicability of the group .atruc- tural analysis to infrared absorption spectra to the study of gaso- lines, kerosenes, oilu and tarry substances (petroleum.products). It was determined that infrm-ed spectroscopy can find broad application in the analysis of petroleums in a wide range of molecular weights. Spectroscopy offers greater perspectives in the study of simple hydrocarbon mixtures than the quantitative analysis method. Institution : Central Institute of Aviation Fuels and Lubricants Submitted : eft '~2 4. 27~- The stmelural smVsk- of tGUOU'Um I-- - inim-ved Aid. pUan x1mcfts, _A--Y-Igg~ri and I G. Siryuk. R~FRT ~5y -23 5 ~ Rrf Zhur 14,56. It-,-r N~) U1,217-Several u-t; L-,f mita red sp~rtr,zc-py are, discu~14t4. In liarticular m)wn mat. ,i the sarnFles of re-~mr-as sub ) ? ?;tatv os izom that wm,) studied, a ch i lit, of > C-0 groups, It, th,-, ~ ff, anou c ItIlation m5~ -i kerosene by direct diAt te L-i rn p,,trolcum with urea, both n. and z~)p- Ifin hydrcizarbuns aTo olitainLul; in the deparaflinisat;or. cf kctroszme from thcrmal emcking ~ttl urea nz) removal of ex-olefins takes pl4,,cG; U's satuiated hvdmcartons of varinus types ar(3 d ;n 1he L'~3mp' proportions D,* ill the original I)roduct, it. PetTol from ing types of axmiturat~4 hydrocarbons have been frans-RM-01 R' and c I IRT: C1 C. D. Ifonnq NOR POM 24M PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 507/1365 L'vov. Univeraytet MAtCAM17 X VaedrYU=090 mavashchara7a pa spaktroakopil. t. It Xolekulyarnaya apekt--,)s~-.ipjy& (Papers of the 10th All-Union Conforonce On Speetrsisorpy. ILIvoy) lad Vol. 1: Molecular Spectroscopy) -vo Llvovskogo univ-ts, 195T. 499 P- 4 COO copies printed. (Series: Itai Plzjchnyy zbi Mk, v7p. JX) Additional Sponsoring Agency. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Konia3lya p0 spektroakopli. Ed.t lazer, S.L:; Tech. Ed,t Saranyuk, T.V.1 Editorial Boardt Landaterg, G.3 , Academic an (Reap. Ed .' Deaeas"), Reporont. B.S., Doctor or Physical and Vathematical Sciences, Fabollnekly, I.L., Doctor of Physical and Mathe=atlaftl Sollences, 7atxlkant. V.A.. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Kornit.uI7, T.O., Candidate of Tech-.xical Sciences, R&Yskiy, S-M-, Candidate of Prqslcal ani Mathe=atical Science lainovskly, L.X., Candidate or Phys'-cal and MathemAtical Soienaa:: Kiliyanchuk, V.3., Candidate of Phjrsioaa and XatherAtical Scientago and Glauberwamp A. Y&., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical 301*A046. Card 1/30 S&TlAOT, B.G. Use of lnfraz~d Absorption Spectra In DatervInlAg the Characteristics of the Produats of Vitamin It synthesis 20 Belyy, N.U. Optical Method for the Detarzinatiom of the Composition of Complozoo In Solutions 267 R0gOa0IOV. 3.D., M.P. Grebeashchikows, and 1. Ta. Liplawk. Analysis of Phenol-naphth"ans Mixture* by Mean* or Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 270 Zinina, X.I., and A.G. Sirrak. Group Detorwlmtion or the Naphthalene 14rdro*arbons by Means of Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra 2T2 ftabadash, A.R., V.P. rahenitsyna, " V.M. KUsMva. Speatrophotometrio riethods of Phase Control In Processing Acetic Achydr1do 275 Usporent, B.S.. X.P. Vasilevskly, and N.A. Lapim. cy.alitative Absorption by ftans or Water yWr Is Near Infraw Region Card I8A0 mino " Particular features of the ultraviolet spectra of certain types of aromatic hydrocarbons. KhimA tekh.topl.i masel 7 no-5:23,- 26 * 962. (MDU 15:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po, pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu. iskasstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Hydrocarbons--Spqctra) S/048/62/026/010/005/013 S117/B186 AUTHOIRS: Kusakov, M. M., Shimanko, N. A., Shishkina, Me yet Zimina, K. I., and Siryuk, A. G. TITLE: Ultraviolet absorption spectra of aromatics PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 26, no. 10, 1962, 1249-1252 TEXT: This paper deals with the rules goverhi~ng the effect of saturated substituting groups on the absorption spectra of a number of,mono- and bic clic aromatics. It has been found that, according to the number and position of substitutes, the absorption spectru*m of alkyl benzenes is sh2fted towards the long-wave region, and the absorption intensity maxims are intensified. In the case of cycloalkyl-bengenes (naphthene-aromatic hydrocarbons) with a similar spectrum this shift is related to the sub- stitution'of cyclopentyl groups for the alkyl groups. The structure of indanes (hydrindenes), which show absorption spectra'and which absorb 2-3 times more strongly than benzene, can be determin4d by comparing their spectra kith those of corresponding alkyl-substituted~bensenss and simple homologs of indane. The ultrayiolet spectra of tatrahydronsphthalones Cird I/P S/04PJ62/026/010/005/0-13- Ultraviolet absorption spectra... B117/B186 (tetralines) follow the same laws as alkyl benzenes,,cycloalkyl benzenes, and indanes. Diphenyls and,benzenes have different,spectra. Most m- and p-substituted diphenyl homologs are characterized by-strong absorption and by the absence of a fine structure'in'the bands. Tjiq spectra of ortho- substituted diphenyl are subject to considerable changes. Diphenyl alkanes and alkyl diphenyl alkanes: The absorption,spectra of several diphenyl methanes are similar to those of benzene. The spectra of aromatic$ with condensed rinEo show a specific character. Naphthalene has an absorption spectrum covering the range 2100-3300 R and is characteristic of all naphthalene homologs. As the absorption spectra characteristic of polycyclic aromatics are hardly affected by substituting groups these are suitable'for analytical purposes. An atlas (M. M. Kusakovp N. A. Shimankog M. V. Shishkina, Ulltravioletovyye spektry pogloshcheniya aromaticheskikh uglevodorodov (Ultraviolet absorption spectra of aromatics), Izd. AN SSSR, 1962) was compiled for the practical application of ultraviolet spectroscopy. The ultraviolet spiactra of mono- and bicyolic aromatics, graphicall represented on the swae scale and in terms of t - f(?,) or loge_ . f(_'~, were partly recorded by the present autfiors and partly taken from publications (!,-nerican Petroleum Institute Rese'rch Projec't 44, Ultraviolet Spectral Data, 1958). Card 212 s/o65/63/000/002/006/oo8 E075/E436 ,WT11ORS: Siryt1k, A.G., Zimina, K.I. TITLE: Quantitative determination of some aromatic hydro- carbons by ultraviolet absorption spectra PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekbnologiya topliv i masel, no.2, 1963, 52-56 TEXT: Naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracene structural groups were determined in petroleum vacuum distillates boiling up to 350 to 4000C by ultraviolet spectroscopy. The concentration of the analyzed structural groups Cstr in a given oil is determined from its specific extinction coefficient. For an oil containing naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracene hydrocarbons the specific extinction coefficient is given by k = Kn-Can + Kph'Cagh + Ka-caa where Can, Caph and Caa the weight percents a nap thalene, phenanthrene and anthracerte structural groups in the oil, and Kij - the extinction coefficient of a structural group for wavelength Xj. The absorption bands chosen i.fere: 225 to 230 m), .k. for naphthalenes, 225 mil 'or phenanthrenes and 375 M11 for anthracenes. The content of each aromatic hydrocarbon in an oil product can be thus approximately calculated if its mean molecular Card 1/2 s/o65/63/000/OO2/Oo6/oo8 Quantitative determination ... E075/E436 weight is known. The method is unsuitable for the determination of benzene rings (mono-aror-atics). The most accurate results are obtained for complex mixtures such as lubricating oils. Tetracyclic aromatics interfere in the determination, but little interference is caused by sulfides, thiophenes, mercaptans, disulfides and thioindanes. It is expected that benzothiophenes will interfere. The method requires only 0.1 g of sample and the analysis can be completed in 30 minutes. There are 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: VNII NP Card 2/2 SIRYUK, A.G.; ZIMINA, K.I. Quantitative determinati,3n of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Trudy Kom.anal.khirn. 13:359-366 163. (MIRA 1625) 1. Vsesoyuznyy 4z4zchno-:LssledovatsI'akiy institut po pererabotke opfti i gaza i polucheni- iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. Yu (Hydrocarbons) (Cyclic compounds-Absorption spectra) I SIRYUK. A.-Q~.~ IOGANSEN, A.V. Qwmtitative determination of aromatic rings in heavy petraleum products according to the infrared absorption spectrum. (14IRA 16:5) Trudy Kom.ane-l.kidm. 13:393-399 163. 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-13sledovateliskiy institut. po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyi iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Aromatic compounds-Kasorption spectra) (Petrole= products) SIRWKI A.G.; ZIMITNA, K,I. Quantitative determination of some aromatic hydrocarbons from their ultraviolet absorption spE!ctra. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel, 8 no.2: 52-56 F 103, (MIRA 16ao) 1. Vsesofuznyy nauchrio-isoledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheni:ru iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. SIRYUK, A.G.; ZIMINA, K.I. Spectral-chromatographic determination of hydrocarLons with con- densed aromatic rings in potroleum products. Neftekhimia 4 no,3:501-506 My-Je 164. (MIFLA_ 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iss-.Ledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti. SIRYY, I.S-.., -kand.tekhn.nauk Selecting methods of measuring in machiner7 repair. Mekh. sil'.hosp. 11 no.8:22-23 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Agricultural ma,,hinery--Maintenance and repair) 105-58-6-2/33 AUTHORS: Glebov, I.A., Candidate of the Tec1mical Sciences Kashtelyan, V,Ye., Engineer, Siryy, J.3., Engineer - - ----------- TITLE: Electrical Braking ofSynchronous lenerators Connected to Longdistance Transmission Lines (Elektricheskoye tormozheniye sinkhronnykh generatorov, rabotayushchikh na daltniye linii elektroperedach) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 6, pp- 7-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the results of the investigation of the electrodynamic model of a trunk line of the type water- -power plant Kuybyshev-Moscow, are shown. The model generator had a rapidly effective ex3itation system and a powerful regulator. It was possible to connect the load resistances with the types of the generator ~_s well as with the high-voltage lines. In order to be able to regulate the connecting and disconnecting of these resistances a special wiring diagram has been constructed. Card 1/3 It could operate depending on time as we2l as . depending 105-58-6-2/33 Electrical Braking ofSynchronous. Generators Connected to Longdistance Transmission Lines on the slip. In this case above all the electrical braking was investigated for the case of a shortest lagging time for the connecting of loading resistances in the existence of an automatic excitation control with small degree (k = 1,5). It is shown that a proper selection of the moments of connecting and disconnecting (of the loading resistances) guarantees a higher effectiveness of the electrical braking, even in the case of unknown amount of resistances and small degree of excitation. Such a control mechanism for connecting and disconnecting of the loading resistances can be realized according to the rotorslip of the synchronous generators, the size of which is determined by the character of the emergency conditions. The connectinE; takes place at a certain slip-value and the disconnecting in the case of a slip equal to zero, which corresponds to the moment when the rotor reaches the first maximal deviation. The followinm conclusions are drawn, based upon the investigation. 1) The electrical Card 2/3 braking is most effective in combinution with an automatic Ele.--trical Braking of Syncronous Generators 105-58-6-2/33 Connected to Lorgdistance Transmission Lines control of the excitation. No considerable degree of excitation is needed for the increase of the dynanic itability of distant transmission tVtitbelevel of-HW"c stability The automatic excitation-control consists in th.Ls case essentially in securing the static stability. 2.) The regulation-machanism proposed in this case, in connecting and disconnecting of the load resistances allows load resistances of conitwt to"r ', and thus guarantees the increase of the dynamic stabilityup to the level of static stability 3.) Taking into consideration that the application of both the electrical and mechanical braking of synchronous motors consists in the uptake of the surplus Output Of their rotors in the case of emergency condition, the consequences Card 3/3 mentioned here also essentially apply to mechanical braking. There are 6 figux-es and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektromekhaniki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Electromechanics of the AS USSR) 3UBMITTED: July 18, 1957 1. Poger plants--Equipment 2. Generators--Contr--)l systems 3. Generators--Wiring diagrams BOBROV, V.K.; VORONOV, A.A.; (UMOV, I.A.; IYAHOY, V.I.; KARFOY, G-V.; KAWTELTAN, T.Te.; SKMvOY, Y.T.; SIROTKO, V.K.; 5jATr,-.N.S..- SUKHANOT, L.A.; URUSOT, I.D.; F&ISOT, T.T.; FOHINA, Te.11.; KOSUNKO, M.P., akademik, red.; DCLMATOT, P.S., red.izd-va; SKIRNOYA, A.Y., (Blectrodynamic modeling of power engineering systems] Elektro- din,amichaskoe modelirovartie energeticlieskikh sistem. Pod red. H.P.Kostenko. Moskva, 1959. 406 p. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elektromakhaniki. (Electric networks-Electromechanical analogies) v" if I leg au V0.9 *0 as &I ', I; % A 1 1 is j Mat , 11 i all v 0 all Collected Papers ift&x) Sbornik robot po voprossm elektromekhMi4172 vyp. 3: Finergeticheskiye eistemy, elektromashinoetroyeniye, elektricheokayi_tjigg, avtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod, avtomaticheaklye i telemakhognicheakiye sistemy, elektroavaroc q e oborudovaniye . ~~oscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 196o . 314p. POWE --~ubI____:rf6iE_BstItut elektromekkaniki Glebovq I.A. operation of the Electronic Self-Excitation System of a Synchr nous Generator in the Presence of Isymeft1cal Faults LShort Circuits] 3 The author deals with single-L.~ncl two-phase short circuits and two-phase shorts; he describes experimental tGstJ-ng of voltage balancing, the operation of an electronic converter under asymmetrical voltage conditions, and the special design features of a Synchronous generator with electronic self-exci- tation for both steady and transient conditions. Glebov, I.A., V.Ye. Kashtelyan, arLd N-S-A!EYI_- improving the Dynamic Stabili- ty of Long-Range Electric Transmission by Means of Electric Braking of Syn- chronous Generators 15 The author describes tests on electric braking of Synchronous generators using a model of the Vo1zhskaya GES-MOSCOW transmission line. They conclude that electrical braking is most efficient when combined vith au- tomatic control of the excitationo Card 2113 It id lop A qj t 3 -SIM., N. S.) GERISENMG, G. R., fKASITELYAN, V. E.) and OSTENKOJI M. P. "Intense Field Control and New Stability Problems,of Electric Favor Sjratezw." paper presented at the International Federation of Automatic Control Congress, Moscow, 25 Jun - 5 Jul 60. GLYBOV, I.A.; KASHTILTAN, V.Ye.; SIRYY, H.S. Increase in the d7namic stabilit7 of long-distance electric trans- mission by, electric braking of symchronous generators. Sbor.rab. po vop.elektromekii. no-3:1~-35 '60. (MIU 13:8) (Electric generators) Mectric power distribution) GLFABOV, I.A. (Leningrad); KASHTSLYAH, V.Ye.('Lieningrad); SIIffY, N.S. (Leningrad) Effect of hydrogenerator parmeters on the stability of loDg- distance electric transmission. Izv.AU SSSR. Otd.tekh.nslu . Energ. i avtom. no-5:3-14 S-0 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Hydroelectric power stat:Lons) (Electric power transmission) I* GEPTSEIMM'I, G.R.; GLII;TEM7IK, S.R.; VOIIITSKIY, V.G.; S~'IRYY, N.S. Study of the parallel operation of electric current generators feeding two electric power systems via a.c. and d.c. power transmission lines. Sbor. rab. po Yop. elektromekh. no.6:17-30' 1/1, 0 (MIRA 14:9) (Electric power distribution) (Electric generatora) KASHTELYAN, V.Ye.; SIRYY, N.S. Study of the mutual villwations of synchroncuB generators in parallel operation. Sbor. rab. po vop. elektromekh. no.6:69-U 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Electric generators) (Electric power distribution) BOBROVJ, V.14, inzh.; GLEBOV, I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; FASHTZLIYbII, V.Ye., inz,,h.; SIRYY, N.S., inz-h.; GERTSERIBERG, G.R., kand.tekhn.nauk Effect of excitation systems on the stability of the parallel operation of large turbagenerators. Flektrichestvo no.7:7-13 i1 161. MTRA 14:9) 1. InDtitut elektromekhaniki AN SSSR (for Bobrov, Glebov, Kashtelp.n, Siryy). 2. Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicbeskiy institut (for Gertsenberg), (Turbogenerators) KOSTENKOY M.P., akademik,- NEYMAN, L.R.; GLINTERNIK, S.R., kand.tekhn. nauk; KASHTELYAN, V.Ye., inzh.; NOVITSKIY, V.G.t inzh.; kjRYY S. nzh.; GERTSENBERG,, G.R.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic control and stability during parallel operation of the generators of an electric power plant feeding a.c. and d.c. power transmission lines. Elektrichestvo no.10.-I-9 0 162. (MIRA 15zl2) 1. Institut elektromekhanilri AN SSSR (for Kostenko, Neyman, Glintern-1k., Kashtelyan,, Noi-itskiy,, Siryy). 2. Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut (for Gertsenberg). 3. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Neyman). (Electric power distribution) SIRYY, N.S. 1~1~ of synchronous generators with Regulation of the excitation consideration of frequency, S*-)orerab.po 11 163. (MIRA 1W) (Electric generators) (Electric power distribution) N.S.; OSTROUMDV, E.Ye.; SNITKC, L.P. Effect of T0 and Tdo time conBtants on the dynamic stabilil.1 of an electric power transmission systems Sbor.rabepo vopeelektromakh.soo 8:161-167 163. (MIRA 1615) (Electric power distribution) KASHMIAN, V.Ye.; SIRYY, Study, of tria parallel eperaticn of long-distance power trans- mission linGs with a common receiving system. Sbor. rab. po vop. elaktromekh. no.10'.137.-145 163. (MIRA 17:8) SIRYY, N~S. , -~ #~ r-- 0 11 -1 t4 " f p , f - f ~ , , - - ~ t - r , r! j j!~:~ -a ti. r,:-, cf treq e w~y 1. ~ - . .- I ~l I , . , ~ . -1 . - -' .1-7 r(-, 1, ~ 1, 1 ane'le ot tr.~- rab, pr vr-;:. el-ormekt. 't,3. (MIRI j7-.8) iRAKdFfiYZV, A.A.; RCMIN, S.F.; BILYAVSKIT. V.A.; KOIDTILOV, A.N.; MOWXANOV, S.I.; NMASCV, A.K.; LAVRIXENTO. K.D.; POIRNTSBY, M.K.; ItOZHTXSTVIMIT, A.P.; SATAMVSKIT. A.Te.; Si 0 -P.Q.; SPIRIMMV. K.A.; CHEWSHIT, F.S.; SHUBMO-SMIN, Savva Mikhailovich Zherbin; obituary. Blek,'3ta. 30 no.2:96 7 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Zherbins Savva Mil-hailovich. 1903-1958) Yu. Y TATSANKO, Valentin SemenovichI_SIRYr, u.. red.; SXRKO. G.S., red. izd-va; IAVIMOWA, N.B., tekhn. [Design of marine shafting and wa7s of improving it]'Kionstruktoiia sudovy~kh valoprovoaoy I puti so ulur-hahentia. Nomkwa, Izd-vo "Norskol transport," 1958. 38 It. (MM 11.07) (Shafting) (Marine engins~) SUSHKOV, B.B., inzh.; SIRTY, Yu.Tu., in::h. Train ferr7 to be used an the Oasplan Sea. Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.4:56-57 Ap 159. WRA 12:6) (Caspian Sea-Train ferries) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4931 Koetyamin, Boris Nikolayevich, Illya Illich Kichkin, Yuriy Turlyevich Siryy, and Borio Borlsovich Sushkov. Primeneniye ul'trazvuka na morskom -ransporte (Use of Ultrasound in Marine Transportation) Moscow, Izd-vo "Morskoy transport," 196o. 6o P. 3,200 copies printed. - Ed.: V. Ye. Kazakevich; Ed. of Fuj)'Lishing House: Z. D. Ivanova; Tech. Ed.: B. A. Sarayev. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for those Interested in the application of-ultrasonics to the metallurgical and mechanical -engineering aspects of shipbuilding. COVERAGZ: The booklet presents the fundamentals of the theory of ultrasonics and the use of ultra3onics in shipbuilding and marine maintenance. No personalities are mentioned. There are 21 references: 19 Soviet, and 2 English. 51 R 7- E M S KITS---. mirACMUM. M. ,Black still" RM an 11""JOURIN of CHO Dral"PAV, Inlin wakainlk iftudrilcrito hroJu", (lospodarlin P 0 L wodna, Noo 3, 1054, pp. 40-4Y, Dif form tin Ilan between humim pippor find ,blqck xall" of murmhy orlaln, The aulhrir, referring to 1hp 1rovowt involvod In the forM41100 vil ,block Poll", mphasisca the tort thot the Oren n1 ouch gall hill, In Polund, wbottintlally Invrewd (the IlichitcArw ,Iolink Thlo In not in much tho effect ot mollorntion works jui pr itho Invicofiliolf drynvw ,it Poland'A climate, A PliplInr phenorrorart Im nbcorved in lho Drimilen. hura provAnco at Germany, Art unduly roptil InwerIng of the lovoll all uoil waters - givaiii Tige to Irregularille4 in U10 soil form4tion Proms, ultimately leadfrix to it varijildcritblo dimInutian lit mricultur4l Value. it 1.4 therefore essentlal In concentrate efforts on the -.ontroi of woter condillons nnd the re-eshblinhmpnt er hydrultigival C-~Illlibrltjm. RARG,It~ ~. [deceased]; SISAK, E.; POPA, 0. Plane network of NHT 8406 thin profiles. Pt.l. Studii tahn Timisoara ? no.3/1+:1?9-185 J1-D 960. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiai R.P.R. (for Barglazan). BARGLAZAN, A. [deceased]; FREDA, I.; SISAK, E., BUDISAN, N. Automatic hydroelectric apparatus for the microhydroelectric- power plant of Megoiu. Studii tehn Tim4soara 8 no.3A:195-22109 JI-D 161.