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V. S.; SLIOM-1 -1 A. jrm ov~ Relati on of the Coefl-*-~-Jent of Diffusionto the Concentration afE the Diffusing I-fetal. ZhTF T, 1577, 1037; Tec~m. Phys. 4, 537, 1047 SIROTKIN, A.I. Possibility of the occurrence of ice in the Dnieper T--i-- of the Black Sea and in the Sea of Azov, Tnidy HIM no#12:50-56 161* (MA 14:101) (Dnieper Liman-Ice on rivers, lakes., etc.) (Azov$ Sea of-Sea ice) POLUSHKIN, K.K.; YEMELIYANOV, I.Ya.; DELENS, P.A.; ZVCFOV, N.V.; ALEKSENKO, Yu.I.; GROZDOV, I.I.; KUZNETSOV, S.P.; SIROTKIN, A.P.; TOKARhTp Yu.I.; LAVROVSKIY, K.P.; BRODSKIY, A.M.; BELOV, A.R.; BORISYUK, Ye.V.; GRYAZEV, V.D.;.POPCV, D.N.; KORYAKIN, Yu.I.; FILIPPOVp A.G.; PBTROCHUK, K.V.; KHOROSHAVIN, V.D.; SAVINOV, N.P.; MESHCHERYAKOT, M.k;.; PUSHKAREV, V.P.; SUROYEGIN, V.A.; GAVRILOV, P.A.; PODLAZOV, L.N.; ROGOWMIN, I.N.; TETYUKOVV.D. 1 "Arbus"'atomic power plant with organic heat transfer agent and moderator. Atom. energ. 17 no.6:439 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) L 24212-65 r;*-iT(M)/&PF(c)/EFF(r.)-2/.EPR Pr_4/Ps-4/Pu-4 D14 ACCESSION NR: AP5001265 S/0089/641017100610439/0448 AUTHOR: Polushkin, K. K.; Y Dejens, P. A ; Z.vonov, N-_V-,_- _1-I. * Kuznetsovi S. P. i %rs)tkin. A.- P. Aleksenko _I. ; GR;Ldo - Tokarev Yu-~T." LavroyE~ Belay,-A.-R. P., Brod!ftxA, M 13 Grv-.izev, __Y_j?_; Popov, D. N.; Korvakin, Yu. Filippov A. .: P21mcbuk_ X_ V_ Khor2sbikvlP. V,_D.; S&yju2y_jL_Z; Meahcheank M. N.; Pushkarev. V. P.; Stiroyegin- V. A.; lGavrilov- P. A,. PntnnzQv. 1- AL.~._ Rogozhkin, 1, N. TITLE: Atomic electric power installation "Arbus" with organic coolankand mnderator SOURCE. Atomnaya energiya. v. 17, no. 6, 1904, 439-448 TOPIC TAGS.- small nuclear reactor, organic coolantorganic moderator. react- or economy, nuclear reactor ABSTRACT: The paper is a summary of the SSSR 0 307 report at the Third Inter- Card 1/2 L 24212-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001265 national Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 1964. It describes an installation of a reactor in wiiiEtTo-iia7nfc-114-u-id-o-e-r-v-e-s--a-s-lHe-coolant, and an the moderator. The low-power recctors of about 5 Mw are expected to be economical In the remoto regiona whare the usual energy sources are not available. A regen- cration nyatom is described for the coolant which removes the product* of radio- lyals. Orig. art. has: 7 figurem ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 .'ENCL, 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV'- 000 OTHER: 000 Crd 212 SIROTKIN., A.V. Shoe industry in tne &vnanlan Feop2ata &-pub-liz. Kczh.-obu7.prom, 6 no.11236 N 164. (MIRA 18:4) 111; iR CIT " I ! 1* i -. . i 11 . ,'!7191 ~"TRCTKE"', -;. F. - Uluchshk3nic fLaboty Chesallnyldi llt~ashin. (Iz Opyta Fabriki Ii-.. B;Ap-:~hova). Tekst III . 11 r 0 ,~, ,- S t . 194~--,) No. 9, s. ~'"-35. SO: li-,tc is' 11'~-urnalln-,-hlh -Statey, Vol. 36, 1949. )IRC TTTIN , D. F. ) SIMAIC1, G. 11 - SFinning rachinery Return of air from the dusty pits to the stripping machines., Tekst. From. no. ly 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March -1951, Uncl. 2 1. SIROTKIMP D. F0 2. USSR (600) 4. Spinning Madhinery 7. Ram yarn clearer., Tekgt. prom. 12 no. 12 1952. 9. MjLnjWX Liat or "agglan AgeggsigaU Library of Comgressj6.~1953. Unclaesified. SIROTKIN, D.F.; FOFOV, I.V. Introducing research, inventions, and suggestiong on efficiency promotion. Tekst. prou. 18 no.11:40-43 N 158. (min 11:12) l.Ucheny7 sekretarl tekhniko-ekonomicheskogo sovets. Ivanovskogo sovnarkhoza (for Sir6bdn). 2. *Nachallnik proizvodstvenno-tekhni- cheskogo otdela eovnaikhoza (for Popov). (Textile research) SIROTKIN, D.F. - .- /11' For the introduction of new mithods and tnchnolo;V in cotton spinning. Takst. prom. IP no. 7:21-23 Jl '58. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Uchanyy sakretarl takhniko-okonomichookogo soveta Ivanovskogo a ov na rkb oza . (Cotton spinning) SIROTKIN, D.F. Technical and economic activities of the 3konomic Council. Tekst. prom. 19 no.11:94-95 N '59. (K[PA 13:2) (IvanoTo Arovince-Zeonomic councils) (Textile industry) ' - 4 ` u 0. R7; f 1) W S 1 6 1 1 1 to it 11 is If I? it to as 21 z? n " 11 11 " R . . . . m . . . . . 41 a at EO a L A I r M J _4_L a m r Qa L I v f L?__A _-L-2 -M a EX m U4. k k 41 it (OtWOW&MIS. 1-P.V:iIIIuva ki~!TSOITIL 67 94z b F S 1947 . e o, . , , ' - r. fit " couts. Ptj() of metallic Pb, AI(No.).. KlCirA. 00 fill' 4nd NINCO, is 1110. with a N-111. d NU.011. The pist. is - oil ti ffri(A, i7likitIC(l, M-miled, and nialle itito tablets. The x eatairst is it-A-d ftwsunymitin 4 CO with sicut,, at jrit- 00 J~ to: I41r:.i l. " a S it S L APIETALLUPOICAt LITCRATLAIC CLAISIFICATOGO U Af 00 LI ~ W " t7 I? it 0#4 lilt 1111t KtIIt it of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 066066096 *J BIA141 04 4-1 All An I s It Md 0 0 1 W so 9 As a 1 7 40 n I Ift 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 coo zoo I ze 00 :;o ttoo FAOO M/ChandetrY - VanadIM conpowww' Nor 19W An Cat0jets Cbmistry - Sulfur Dioxide, Oxidation of "~Dfterioratlm on Service of a Tanadluit Catalyst f4r 4ftI&Izlng S02," G. D. Siratkin, Ivanowo Chen Techm" Mot, 4 pp wZltmr Prik Rhiml Vol M, No 3 ARM4zed sample obtained from the Chernorechansk ohm Iftl vorks, vhere sulrwlc &all is manufactured by the ccutact process. Sirotkin consIders the usual axp]A-, =tIons of vanadium catalyst detorloration (aresol.e.: . and excessive temperatures) to be inapplicable in Wo aws, and suggests that the trouble may be comactag TOTIA Una/chmistry - Vanadium Icoolounds, aw Am Gatal7sta (Oontd) vith physloochemloal transformations or silicon dioxide. Submitted 11 Jun 194T. 7M18 E-4 udft pwm w mw~ of "am, ww "am Q,vAkx*b,- J. Idn" CAM. U.S.S.R. r3aw!mo-.Imx "main"); x6m. A . Xhim. _u:Ft A" 6" she The U.PIL of uvww , aj is, L%. - whh.d Wy tdo. a OWL ::='= ' ;11; " 40!2'ldl 40 witb- M.P. of ow. mw (b) to 6:71;V 2 twk. of NW" Pw Mal. d H= P I 60 Im ol of ndh= Cbem?T bool lWamovsk). ZIM!'. 'Shia. Ap4l 1306-100961).-Trociag dw rftc- rate at CO witb sq. NoON ants. ym amu. of preformal HCO Nm indkules that odde. ofth~ 6ortimate to the 2. Came an h a to the reaction up to nain of 1: 1 (mWw) t kamew to N*OH. The wrtwatalyWa is co~ l wkbvftMftnsg l__j-imolCObyHCOJ(4iwNwOH thambypumNAM. Therawcown.jeorm wM71% ~ F ---*) worin but little, OJ"AM (Imt orderl. aftbough obvift* the rem"i" Is "me compkti. G. M. K SIROTKIN, Ot Do tuizAt on the uction Of-So--- Chemical Abstracts I-Ile lum format Ur I May 25, 1954 -C! Consts. oft)k tiacticin R~OH + CO = HCOON. Acids, Alialies and caled. by the relatiahaAWICapustinsUl and Vatsiminkil other Heavy 04 micals (C.A. 43. 1241t) abduddW.'data on the effect of the partial PrC35UM Of CO Upod4he rdte-of the reaction obtained by S. indicate that the reAc" -!, go to completion eveit with. the lowest CO pressur&. r -Th-- rdte becomes too low which, justifies the current industrial practice of allowing 30-40% of CO to escape with the tall gas". It is suggested that the wa%ted CO be absorbed in tL solif. of Cu +, stripped, and used to enrich the original,gas from the CO gener4tor...J-_B,- US SR /Ab5orptionoftiltrir oxide bympmous salts. D. Sirotkitiaud 1'. V. Staro;tin (Chim.-Tteclincl. Prikl~d. Klibir. 27, 1141-4(197-,.1).- Alisorlitlan tit X0 iii ati.voln-, of N~SO, and reCl, %ms dctd. I~llfl the C91111. covAt. K - 17(22.4 - 1,)P:I,) WAS Vilcil.; F litei, of NO almurbed ljy I mol. (if I't ' '. 'Max. at)-,iniptloii %v:1 I ol'taillol lit CI, 'Illd No - I 1101I.; lit RIO Cie entliplex jFvXOj,.' 6 timfabli: attif ifl-mvplion itn% 1mv. AIL-orptinit W:k~ III&'pelitivitt pf Ilir vimell. of and decrea4ed Willi jijellcl. (if 01( ll(.:It :t.od viuropy nf ;,I-nrp:i,w 111,~ 05975 5W SOV/78-4-11-28/50 AUTHOR: Sirotkin, G. D_ TITLE: The Equilibrium in the Melts of Sodium- and Potassium Nitrates and Nitrites PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11, pp 235a --25063 (USSR) ABSTRACT, The chemical transformation of alkali nitrates at high temper- atures has been dealt with several times, also by L. Osipoy and A. Yevin'sh(le-ving),., These investigations were mostly con- cerned with the qualitative determination of the thermal trans- formation. Therefore, the author investigated the equilibrium of the reaction MeNO 3 liqu fz~MeN02 liqu 4o 2 gas' The chemi- cally pure nitrates and nitrites were melted in a porcelain crucible for severA hours in a crucible furnace with the air passing through. In certain intervals, samples were taken and analyzed for N02 and NO 3- At the beginning of the experiments, the nitrate-nitrite ratio always changed rapidly and approached a constant composition characteristic of the respective temper- Card 1/3 ature in the course of the experiment. The dissociation process The Equilibrium in the Melts of Sodium- and Potassium Nitrates and Nitrites 05875 BOV/78-4-11-28/50 is given in tables 1,2. Tables 3,4 give the equilibrium con- stants of the thermal dissociation of the sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate at different temperatures. The reaction of- the thermal decomposition of the nitrates is accompanied by a thermal absorption amounting to 27 kcal/g-mol for NaN02 and t.p 26 kcal/&-mol for KNO 2' The equilibrium pressure of the oxygen over the melt considerably depends on the temperature and con- centration of the nitrite. For sodium salts, it is approximately GQmputed by e formula logP .11-11800/T+ NNO 31 0 210g TWO 21 ; for potassium salts, bIy the formula KNO~ LY logp 02 .10-113~O/T+21og LKNO - In which P0 denotes the, 2 2 oxygen pressure in atm,[ MeNOj and[IMeNO2](Me-Na, K) denote 3 the molar concentrations of the alkali nitrates and -nitrites, respectively. The high dependence of the oxygen pressure on Card 2/3 the temperature and nitric concentration accounts for the fact 05875 The Equilibrium in the Melts of Sodium- and SOV/78-4-11-28/50 Potassium Nitrates and Nitrites that the melts of potassium nitrate arrd -nitrite used as a thermostatic agent in industrial catalytic processes become gradually poorer in nitrite though they are protected from contact with air. The oxidation of the nitrite at .temDeratures below 4000 already occurs in the presence of oxygen traces. There are 2 figures, 5 tables, and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Ivanovskiy khimiko-teklinologicheak-Ly institat (Ivanovo In- stitute of Chemical Technology) SUBMITTED: July 11, 1958 Card 3/3 .-LLI 26821 S/56o/61/000/008/olo/olo E032/E514 AUTHORS: Kurnosova, L. V., Kolobyanina, T. N., Logachev, V.I., Razorenov, L.A., Sirotkin, I.A. and Fradkin, M.I. TITLE*. Detection of anomalies in the radiation above the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean at altitudes between 310-340 km PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR, Iskusatvennyye sputniki zenli, 1961, No.8, PP-90-93 TEXT: The second Soviet satellite carried a counter tele- scope desAgned to record the total cosmic ray intensity. This telescope was a part of a more complex device whose function was to record the nuclear cosmic ray component. A brief description of the apparatus was given by S. N. Vernov, V. L. Ginzburg, L, V. Kurnosova, L. A. Razorenov, M. 1. Fradkin (Ref.l: UFN, 63,, 131, 1957). The present paper in concerned only with the anomalously large counting rates obtained while the satellite was passing over certain regions of space. The telescope consisl ed. of two -roups of counters with effective areas of 120 and 25 cm - The distance between them was 35.8 cm. The 2amount of matter between the two groups of counters was about 4 g/cM (largely perspex). Card 1/4 26821 Detec7tion of anomalies in the S/56o/61/000/008/010/010 1032/E514 Thus, the telescope rec-ordecr electrons with energies > 8 MeV and protons with emrg:Ws '," 60 MeV. The particle flux recorded by the telescope was greater than the cosmic ray flux at all the points where the measurements were recorded.2 In-1he region , while of the equator the average flux was 1.2 particle ~m sec at high altitudes the figure was 3.3 particle cm- sec Another unexpected result was the discovery of regions with anomalously large intensities. Among these regions was that above the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean where on August 19, 1960 there was an increase in the counting rate every time the satellite passed through the region. This is indicated by Fig.1 which shows the counting rate as a function of local Moscow time. The three peaks (1,2,3) correspond to the passage of the satellite through the anomaly. The anomaly lies between 25 and 50* S and 0 and 55* W. A further anomaly was discovered between 50 and 659 S and 30* W and 400 E. A thir4 anomaly was found in the northern-hemisphere between 60 and 9.50 N and 137 and 170*E. It is suggested that the northern anomaly' may be assoc'iated with the outer radiation belt and is affected by solar flares. The South Atlantic and Southern anomalies may be associated with the existence in the southern Card 2/4 20821 Detection of anomalies in the ... S/56o/ft/ooo/oo8/m/olo E032/Z514 hemisphere of large negative magnetic anomalies (Ref.4: B. M. Yanovskiy. Zemnoy magnetizm. M., GTTI, 1953), i.e. r e~~ no in which the magnetic field strength is lower than the nor.. field strength. A. J. Dessler (Ref-51 J. Geoph. Res., 64, 7l 1959) has suggested that negative anomalies may act an sinks for the charged particles in radiation belts. V. L. Ginzburg has pointed out to the present authors that T. D. Carr, A. G. Smith and H. Bollhagen (Ref.6: Phys. Rev. Lett., 5, 418, ig6o) have discussed the variation in the intensity of radio-waves of Jupiter and have pointed out that the longitude dependence of this inten- sity becomes understandable if it is assumed that there are magnetic field anomalies on Jupiter. In such regions the charged particle concentration will be onhanced and there will be an. Incvease in the vadio emission. This effect may be analogous to the increase in the intensity of radiation in the region of magnetic anomalies reported in the present paper. Acknowledgments are expresse,' to Professor V. L. Ginzburg and Professor N *A. Dobro'r-r/I for their advice. There are 2 figures and 6 references. 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 27, 1960 Card 3/4 32719 6 ls-D 3/560/61/000/009/009/009 21 (0000 1)045/DI14 AWI'MORS: Dra,~;un, G. S. , rurnosova, L. V. , Lo,,achev, T. 1. , Ya-zorenov, L.A Strotkin, 1. A., and Fradkin, I.T. 1. TITLE: Equipment for invostlGating the nuclear componentn of cosmic rays ir.3talled on apace rockets and artificial earth satellites SOURCE: Al-ademiya nauk 1.33R. IskusntvcnnTye zputniki Zemli. No. 9, Moscow, 1961, 86-110 TEXT- Equipment installne. on the third Soviet artificial Earth natellite and an sprice ro,:ketso for inv(!stiL;atinG the nuclear components of cocmIc -P.y,j, is described. The results of the measurementa carried out with the aid of the described devices have already been previous issues of the journal. All the devices consist of the followinr, basic ele=entst a char&od particle detector (-~ntogral Cheren3cov counter); an electronic system for a=plifying signals, for eeloctin~ the required ionizini; events and for storinG them; and elemento for matchine the photomultiplier output with the innut of the electronic circuit and the output of this circuit with the radiot;lemetric system. A block diagram of a unit for recordine the nuclei Card 1113 32719 S/560/61/000/009/e,og/009 F(pillinonL for ifiv,ititiC;afin; the ... D045/DI14 (it' vonmic rayo iu (,iven in fi(7. 1. The Cherenkov crunter can Le uned for tompornry 01fing-in in th,~ tntori.-~Ity of the niielear component and th, -1 of thin Intennity on dintrince from the Earth. 111i adv. n- tit,,i!; of th(j counter are tmtt the radiotechnical devicP ~infjd to relativ-tly aiia aat a nufriciontiy lnr,,,e number of partiplet; can bo ro:t,~Ll'!!rej pLr unit of time. The dioadvantare of its use in that the quantity of licht, divided in the detector, and the number of photoclectronn taken from th'-3 cathode of the photomultiplier is small, and consequently the value of the output pulse is small and large statistical fluctuations occur. A device for measu'rinG the characteristics of Cherenkov coun;ers and several aspects of calibration are described and illustrated. It is stated that the instru- i,ents for measuring the nuclear components of cosmic radiation installed an the first and second space rockets had an additional channel desiCned for reCistering radiation in an area of increased radiation intensity. A sharp increase in intensity was observed at distances of 27-103 km (first -rockot) and 17-103 km (second rocket) in an area later called the inner radiatior belt. A block dial;ram of one version of the electronic system is shown in f J C--, 17. An can be seen from the fitgure, information on the condition of Card 03 32719 S/,:;6q/61/OOO/OOq/G09/00q Zc,uip,,,Pnt for invontlgatin,; the ... zC-45/zl-_-4 tho tri,;4;era of the accunulalinf, systgn can be transmitted throuGh the radiotelenntric synt.c~n. The followinj parts of the radio system are den- c_,-ibed and illuatratedt omittor follo-,,,or; flip-flop-colls; and ourn-ation calls. The deocribod parts -,cre used in desiGninG dovicen for measurinc; nucloi boyond the edge of thc atmosplw.-re; dopendin.- on the problaMO Set and the actiuntl conditions, a final aeloction of the parameters rao made and 002,critial cttanGos in individu_l elerrionts carried out. Tvo diabgrnmo are in- cl4dod ohowin,- t.-.o arranaer,ent of doviceD for roGistorinj; nuclei' nith (:L) Z > 5 and Z >,15, and (2) Z P,2& Thu authors thank Zadio technician Vo ,'..'arovakiy, laboratory workor 1". Razhin and designer 0. YeGorov for their Co- operation. There arc 29 fiGurca and 7 Soviet references. 01:1BLUTTED: April, 17, 1961 C-1 3113 33305 7, 0 ("/n 3/560/61/000/010/003/016 D299/D302 AUTHORS: Ginzburg, V. L., Kurnooova, L. V., Logachev, V. I. Razorenov L. A., Sirotkin, I. A., and TITLE: Study of charged-partiCle Intensity during th,i flight of the 2nd and 3rd Sputniks SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 22-33 TUT: During the flight of the 2nd and 3rd Sputniks, the flow oi charged particles at g1titudee between 187 and 339 km and latitudes of -65 to +65 was recorded by means of a telescope consisting of 2 rows of gas-discharge counters; the telescope was part of measuring equipment for cosmic rays. As a result of the measuremento, the intensity of the charged particles and its latitude dependence were determined. The counting rate N c and Cards 3 3 `0 5 S~560/61/000/010/003/016 Study of charged-particlee; ... D299/D302 the Global intennity J gl at various latitudes are listed in a tabled It was found that at all latitudes the recorded intensity was i;everal times higher than the intensity of cosmic raya re- corded in the stratosphere and in free space beyond the earth's magnetic field. This difference in particularly noticeable in the region of the geomagnetic equator, where the measured inten- sity was six times that ol cosmic rays. Several regional anoma- lies of intensity were observed, apparently related to the anoma- lies of the earth's magnetic field. Por the entire track of the space-ohips, detailed graphs were made of the time dependence of the inten;ity and hence of its dependence on geographical ccor- dinates and altitude of the space-ship, From these graphs, maps V"ere made of the intenaity distribution on the earth's surface, it io noted that; with repeated pasoat-e of the space-ship above the oame terrestrial point and almo3t same altitude, the recorded intensity differed sometimen from that on' the first passage; in some caoea, the intensity was almost double. This difference Card 2/7. 5 S/590,/61/000/010/003/016 Study of charged-P.Lrticles ... D299/D302 ,wua particularly noticeable at high latitudes. As the orienta- tion of the apraratus changes during the second passage, this difference in intensity may not be real. The obtained equi- Intensity lines for the south-Atlantic and southern anomalies constitude a slight refinement to the earlier obtained data (in the references); the maximum number of counts in the southern anomaly was 60 per second, and in the eouth-Atlantic anomaly it was 70 per second, The anomalieB are particularly greru in the Southern Hemisphere, The intensity distributions in tne anomaly regions, recorded at altitudes of 306 - 339 kin and at altitudes of 187 - 265 kin during the two flights, differ from each other. This difference is apparently due to the different flight- altitudes. The connection between the anomalous structurf; of' the radiation belts and the anomalies of the earth's magnetic field is evident; it would be premature, however, to assume that the regional anomalies of the magnetic field on the earth's surface have a substantial influence on charged-particle flow up to altitudes of 200 - 3MI km. The many anomalies in the South- and Card 3/7 333G5 5/560/61/000/010/003/016 Study of charged-particles ... D299/D302 North-Pole regions, their disposition and variation, suggest that these anomalies are the edges of tile outer radiation belt of the earth. The latitude dependence of the intensity is shown in a graph (for the Northern Hemisphere); it is noted that,at high latitudes, the increase in intensity ceases. The obtained dnta on the intensity distribution give evidence of the edge effects of the radiation belts at 200 - 300 kn altitude and of certain peculiar features not observed previously. In particular, tno great temporal anomalies are noted; thus, the "northern ano- maly" recorded on August 20, 1960, at 7 hr. 40 min. (world time) and the nouth-polar anomaly recorded on December 1, 1960, at 14 hr,. 22 min. These anomallen(are apparently due to solar activity. The line of least intensity the "radiation equator") Is shown in a figure. With regard to the composition of the radiation, it is likely that the increase in the counting rate (as compared to that from primary cosm1c rays) is due to protons with E P "I 60 Mov; although no definite conclusion is possible as yet, it Card 4/7 33305, S/560,/61/000/010/003/016 Study of charged-particlen ... D299/D302 is acsumed (as a working model) that the inner radiation belt if formed by protons and that the number of electrons of energies higher than -2 Mev is small. The above results confirm the existence of a hiGh-intensity region dovin to 200 km altitude (from 1000 km). On the other hand, the radiation at 50 - 150 km is practically independent of altitude. The altitude dependence of the intensity (for 200 - 2000 km) is shown in a figure. Tentatively, the altitude h and the atmospheric density p can. be expressed ty the values: . h, km 100 150 200 300 400 500 (11 gm- cm-3 10-9 10-11 10- 12 10-13 2 x 10-14 2 x 10-15 h, km 600 700 800 900 1000 , gm- cm -3 6 x 10- 16 2 x 10- 16 6 x 10-17 3 x 10-17 10-17 Card 5/7 33' '05 3/560/61/000/010/003/016 Study of charged-particles.,. D299/D302 On thu baoin of the incomplete data available, the internal radiation-belt in tho equatorial region for altitudes above 400 600 km can be approximated by a very simple model, where only ionization losses are taken into account, At higher latitudes, the pattern is more complicated; it becomes necessary to render more precise the composition, spectrum and altitude-variation of the charged particles. At altitudes below 400 600 km, considerable deviations from the formula J occur. This is due to diffusion of the narticles in a d rection transverse to the magnetic field; this diffusion mechanism is related to collisions between particles~ A second diffusion mechanism exists, related to the presence of clectrid fields B which car3e particle-drift, The diffusion processes require further investigaiion. Finally, the radiation dose is eatimated beneath a layer of maibter of the order of 4 gm/cm7 2 at an altitude of 200 - 300 km. Assuming recorded proton energies (in the equa- Card 6/7 2/560/61/000/010/003/016 Study of charged-part1clec... D299/D302 torial region) of E P;~ 60 ?Jcv, the daily radiation dose conati- tuten approximately 30~ of the permissible dose. In the region of the south-Atlantic anomaly at 300 km altitude, the radiation dose 13 by an order of magnitude higher than At the equator. There are 10 figures, I table and 10 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo (including 2 translations). The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: S. Yoshida, G. H. Ludwig, J. A. Van Allen, J. Geophys. Res., 65, 807, 1960. SUBMITTED: May 15, 1961 Card 7/7 5 (3) SOV/79-29-3-- 20j/61 AUTHORS: Yesafov--, V. I., Stashkov; L. I., S--:~rotkin~ L. B.; Suvorov, A. L., Novikov, Ye. G. TITLE; On the Characteristics of the a,P-Unsaturated Ket:)nes. VII (K kharakteristike a;p-nepredel~nykh ketonov. VII) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol, 29, Nr 3, PP 845-849 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper is issued as first publication of experimental data on the hydrolytic cleavage of the aliphatic aromatic a,p-unsaturated ketones containing an aryl radical. which is directly combined vith the carbonyl group. Ketones of thiB type were obtained by dehydration of the P.-ketols which had been synthesized according to the method of Grignard: V. and Colonge, I. (Ref 2). CH CH 1 3 C6HCJI(CH3)Mgj I (CH ) U-L;=-U + un COAr (CH ) C-C-CH,COAr 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 OH Experiments with respect tc the hydrolytic cleavaga of the P-ketols were carried out as well. The data of table 2 show Card 1/2 that the 0-ketols are far more unstable than the -.orrespond--ng SOV/79-29-3-20/6i On the Characteristics of the a,P-Unsaturated Ket~Dnes. VII a2p-unsaturatled ketones and prove to be more sensitive to very weak hydrolysj*s reagents. Besides, the behavior of the P-ketols in the hydrolysis differs from that of the a&-unsaturated ketones by the fact that a change of the NaOH-concentration exerts a slight influence upon the cleavage intensity of the P-ketols whereas the hydrolytic cleavage of the a,0-unsaturated ketones is considerably influenced. The rate of hydrolysis of the aliphatic aromatic ketones investigated increases sign-ifi- cantly when the NaOH concentration is increased from 0.01 to 0.1 n. 8 13--ketols hitherto unknown were synthesized and de- scribed. It was determined how far the hydrolytic cleavage of the P-ketols and at the same time that of the a,P--unsaturated ketones develops and it was proved that the latter separate but little HBr on bromination. There are 2 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universite-t (Ural State Un 4 versity) SUBMITTED: February 18, 1958 Card 2/2 SIROTKIN, L.M, Change in the design of rectification column plates. Neftianik 6 m.3:21 Mr 161. (KIRA 14:10) 1. Nachallnik remontno-mekhanicheskogo taekha Khersonskogo nef'f.Opererabatyuvayushchego zavoda. (Plate towers) AUTHOR: Sirotkin, L.N. 113-5P-6-A/16 TITLE: Modernized Trucks of the Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant (Modernizirovannyye avtomobili Yaroslavskogo avtozavoda) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 6, P 7-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant has modernized the serial pro- duction of the YaAZ-210, YaAZ-210D and YaAZ-210E trucks and pro- duced a new mode1jaAZ-214. After the modernization, the three automobiles were renamed YaAZ-219, YaAZ-221 and YaAZ-222 re- spectively. The effected chanpes are described in detail. There are 5 drawings and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Yaroslavskiy Avtozavod (The Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant) Card 1/1 1. Automobile industry--USSR 2. Truck models-Revision 6IACYPFIN? L.:i. I L'achino 'or tho manufacturo of laFer bags 2or tha packaging, of bitumen. Nefteper. i noftelkhim. no.9:31-32 16/~. (I-M-,,A 17:10) 1. *,-~Iliersonskiy neftepererabatyvayushcIdy zavod. SIROTKIN, M.P., doteent, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Determination of flood-line limits in a terrain for reservoir geod. no.6:49-51 154. (KLaA 9:6) (Reservoirs) (Sur*'eying) SIROTKIII,M.P., dotsent kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk Tasks of geodesy in connection vith the construction of large hydrotechnical installations.,po gdod. n0-7:43-48 '54. (Geodesy) (Water resources development) (MLRA 8:11) SIROTKIII.- Mikhail Pavlovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; FLOROVSKIT, ; KLIZZIMIN, G.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Gaodatic work in geological and hydrological investigations for hydraulic construction] Proodezicheskis raboty pri geologicheskikil i g1drologichemkikh izyskaniiakh dlia gidrostroitalletva. Moskva, Izd-vo geodezicheskoi lit-ry, 1955. 3.25 P. (MIRA 8:6) (Geodesy) (Hydraulic enginmering) SIROTKIN, M.P., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. ------------ Errors in computing capacities of reservoirs on the basis of topographic maps. Geod.i kart. no.7:44-49 3 156. (KLM 9:11) (Topographical surveying) (Reservoirs) J L 12 r tro -010. ic~,! 3. a -c.. n -;t 11u,--t -i,-.n i L J L- t 1219 illus. t~--.bles. "Ispoilzo-varimlya tu.. .111 -1- 1-24 3M AUTHOR: Biro kin, M- P., 0 ndidate of SOV/6-58-12-8/14 Technical Sciences TITLE: Choosing the Scale of a Topographical Survey for the Projection of a Drainage System (0 vybore masshtaba topograficheskoy s"yemki dlya proyektirovaniya osushitellnoy seti) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1958, Nr 12, PP 45-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/1 This is a comment an the paper "Choosing the Scale of a Topographical S,-,rvey and the Height of the Relief Section for the Projection of a Drainage System" by S. M. Dvoryankov in the Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1957, Nr 2. The comment was written on request of the editors who demanded a discussion on the subject. it is pointed out that.choosing the scale is a task of land surveyors and architects9 but primarily it is to be considered as a geodetical problem., The paper by Dvoryankov is discussed and various discrepancies are pointed out. In a summary it is stated that the.pre:3ent paper is a valuable contribution, its principal value lying in the selection of the survey scale by way of experiment,which is the only proper way to solve the problem set up. 3W SOV/154-5972-22/22 AUTHORS: Sirotkin, M. P., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Florovskiy, L.%S., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Books on Geodesy Required by Civil Engineers and Students (0 knige po geodezii, neobkhodimoy dlya irzhenerov i studentov stroiteley) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka, 1959, Nr 2, PP 155-157 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Seven books which were published in 1956; 1957 and 1958 are dis- cussed. Although this represents a greater number of books published on surveying than before, none of them can be recom- mended to a civil engineer or student in civil engineering. The demand is great and many of the books mentioned are alreadj sold out. All these books are one-sided and do not correspond to their titles. The main deficiency of all of them is theab- sence of calculations to coordinate the accuracy of the recom- mended surveying methods with the standards laid down in civil engineering. Card 1/2 SOV/154-59-2-22/22 Books on Geodesy Required by Civil Epjineers and Students ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut gorodskogo stroitel'stva (Moscow InstiLute for Town Planning) Card 2/2 UXOIQI-DC-6-1-363 BELIKOV, Tevgeniy Fedorovich, doteent; VORONIN, Viktor Aleksandrovich, inzh.; GLOTOV, Georgiy Yedorovich. dotsent; ZRI-RUKOV, Ynriy Vloclimirovich, inzh.; IVANOV, Leonid Fedorovich, Inxh.; KOREW, Glob gergeyevich, inmh. [deceased]; R&SLMIKOV, Anatoliy Stepanovich, Insh.; "=-IN, Mikhail Pavlov ah,-dotsent; ULITIN, Andrey Illich, inzhef URUSOV. A Nikita Turlyevich, insh.; noRoYSKIT, Turly Sergeyevich, lnzh.; SHA IDZHUYAN, Grand Alaksandrovich, inzh.; NMIT. Vitaliy Ivanovich, inzh.; VASIL'YEVA, V.L. red.izd-va; ROKANOVA, V.V., [Guidebook on principles of engineering geodesy used in planning and building hydroelectric power stations] Spravochnoe rukovodetya po inzhene rno-goode siche skin Izyakaniiam pri proektirovanii i stroi- tel'stva gidroalektrostar-tsii. Pod obahchei red. I.F.Belikova. Koskva, Izd-vo geodes.lit-ry, 1960. 447 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Geodesy) SMOTKIN M.P. kand.tekhn.nauk computing topographical volumes by methods of approximate integra- tion. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; geod.i aerof. no.0':39-46 161. (MIRA 15 :3) 1. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. (Surveying) STROTKIN Mikhail Pavlovich; BELIKOV, Ye.F.., retsenzent; FT-OROVSKIY, ------ j' LOT r, V~1'5 ; OV, F., red,; VASIL"-MIA, red. izd-va; ROVIVIOVA, V.V.., tekhn. red. rHandbook on geodesy for bui-Iders'Spravochnik po geodezii dlia stroitelei. Moskva., Gecdezizdat, 1962. 279 p. (14TRA 15:9) (Surveying) (Building) SIROTKIN', Mikhail Yakovlevich (Chuvash Pedagogical Itist) Academicdogree of Doctor of Bhilological Sciences, based on his defense, 1 April 1953, in the Council of the In3t of World Liter- ature imeni Gorlkiy, Acad Sci USSR, of his dissertation entitled: "Chuvash Soviet Literature." Academic degree and/or title: D6ctor of Sciences jO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 222, 12 Nov 55, Byulltte~i' M'10 SS,R. No. 19, Oct 56, Mosoow, pp. 13-24, Uncl. JF'HJPIY-536 197