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INDENBOM, V.L.; SILIVESTROVA, I.M.; SIROTIN, Yu.I. M,4, Thermoslastic stresses in anisotropic plates. Kristallografiia 1 no.5:599-603 '56. (KRA 10:2) 1. Institut krietk1lografti, AN SSSR; ~bskovokiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. MoVe Lomonosovao (Crystallography) 14' G a bLcaEiTp--=d V. Uhmn!~4D7 Slate Umiv.. minp thAt ar, p. L-cf-,d t:y;i.'Ou SMIM heating Or couling a', 5tcauy citu_5 C.!~ C~._Icd. F-,plicit for-j riuLas for a wries of ~Ti~-iai 6i32/E260 AUTHCR: Sirotin,_Yu. I TITLE: Group Tensor Spaces PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 2, pp 171-179 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The principle of a new method for obtaining tensors of a given symmetry is explained depending on their expression as linear combinations of certain basic tensors. The numbers and symmetries of the necessary basic tensors are found and tables are given, fuller than those hitherto published, of the dimensionalities of group tensor spaces. Following Jahn (Acta Cryst., 30, 1949) tensors which have an intrinsic symmetry can be.represented, as regards their symmetry, by the symmetrised Kronecker power of a vector nV which trans- forms in the same viay as the tensor. V I V-1 and tVn) denote respectively simple, symmetrica and antisymmetrical powers of the vector represejtt~ i example dielectric constant transforms as V tion. For piezoelgctric constant as (Y232 and elastic constant as If these tensors describing material proper ies refer to a crystal then they must be invariant Card 1/2. with respect to the symmetry transformations of the S/070/60/005/02/001/003 E132/E260 Group Tensor Spaces point group of the crystal (crystallographic) symmetry tensor K. The tables show the num rs of independent components (dimensionality) of the products of each of the groups of internal symmetry P (property symmetry) with each crystallographic symmetry group (plus the groups oom, oo2, etc). 42 different powers of V are examined which should cover almost all conceivable physical properties. Instead of the usual method of taking a general low symmetry tensor and applying successive invariance conditions, the opposite process of taking a very symmetrical tensor and relaxing the conditions is followed. The required tensor is made up of a linear combination of certain basic tensors. The scheme by which the conditions are relaxed is illustrated. There are 1 figure, 2 tables and 23 references, 12 of which are Soviet, 2 German and 9 International. ASSOCIATTON: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonoso SUBMITTED: September 30, 1959 Card 2/2 AUTHOR-, Sirotin- TITLE.- AniaotropiQ Tensors S/020J60/133/02/19/068 Boig/Bo6o PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1960,, Vol. 133~ No. 2, pp~, 321-324 TEXT: By way of introduction5 the author gives a definition of the tenSGr vr as being a quantity which is transformed according to the r-th power (stepen') of the vector representation of the orthogonal group denominated after A. V. Shubnikov (Ref. 3). This tensor has the level r, is invariant to the K group, and spans the linear space L(K [Vr). The representation of the system of the producing elements of the space L(K% Vr) is briefly dealt with, and the bases (a) and (b) are given for the various syngonies of the crystals. Next, "selection rules" are given for the groups of the rhombic and cubic syngoniesq by which the rational bases of the space L(K xYr) can be determined. Theae are specified for some syngonies. The system of the produoing elements can be easily Card 1/2 Anisotropic TensorB S102016011331021191068 B019/bO60 constructed when knowing a rational tensor base. The effeot of the averaging tensor on the base consisting of multiplicative tensors in the space L(Vr) of all tensors of the rank r is discussed. It follows from the finally disoussed construction of the rational bases of the cr~ystallographic symmetry groups that it is easy to construct the anisotropic tensor of a given crystallographic symmetry by the method described here, The author thanks V. L., Indenbomj, V. A. Koptsik, and V. R. Regell for interest displayed and for their discussions. There a-re 8 references; 6 Soviet and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. Y. Lemonosova (Moscow State Univ~i~s:Ltj Meni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: March 17v 19601 by A. V. Shubnikovq Academician SUBMITTED~ March 8,~ 1960 AS Card 2/2 S~IIIOTINJ, YU.I. Construction of tensors of given symmetry. Kristallografist 6 no.3:331-340 14y-Je 161. (YJRA 14 8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet inieni H.V. Lomonosova. (Calculus of tensors) KOPTSIK V.A,; SMOTIN, Yu.I. .9 --.- -- Symmetry of piezoelectric and elastic tenso-s and of the physical properties of crystals. Kristallograftia 6 no.5:766-768 S-0 'O'1. (14IRA 14-10) 1. 1,bskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Calculus of tensors) (Crystallography) S/070/62/007/001/008/022 E132/E46o AUTHOR~ Sirotin, Yu.I. TITLE,~ The magnetic symmetry of tensors and the energy of magnetic anisotropy PERIODICAL- Kvistallografiya, v-7, no.1, 1962. 89-96 TEXT~ There are four types of magnetic symmetry for tensors, field and physical properties being described by tensors of easb of these types,, The transformation properties of these generalized tensors are deduced with simple tablos from the properties of normal tensors. By means of these tables, the energy of the magnetic anisotropy of crystals of all the magnetic Classes can be calculated with any desired accuracy. There are 3 tables, ASSOCIATION. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V,Lomonosov) SUBMITTED4 December 12, 1960 Card 1/1 6iFtOTINY YU.I. Possible variatuicno, in tt"~ point raagrl!~.tic symm--t--P~v of cT75tals in ferroL,.-ajqretio transitions of t,;e siconi kirid. Fristallo- grafila ~~ no.2:259-260 Mr-Ap 1630 (.*-'IHA I'l-.8) 1. Mot;'k-,vtAi-, gosud,,.trjrwwiT! imiversitet trenl SIROTIN, YU. 1. Dissertation defended for the degree of OwOldate of Phy8Iq2math9Etjr&1 Sciences at the Institute of Crystallography In 1962: "Several Applications of Symmetry Methods In Tensor Crystal Physics.1i Vest. Akad. NauSSSR. No. 4. Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 KOFTSIK, V. A.; S-IROTIN, Yu. -I. "Space magnetic symmetry of tensors." report submitted for 6th Gen Assembly, Intl Union of Crystallography, Rome, 9 Sep 63- Moscow State Univ. SIROTIN, Yu.I.; KOPTSIN, V.A. Magnetic space symmetry of tensors. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.2:328-331 il 1633. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy,universitet im. M.V.LomonoBova. Prodstavleno akademikom A,V.jPpbnikovym. (Calculus'of tensors) (Crystallograpy) SIROTIN, Yu.I. Integral rational bases of tensor invariants of crystallographic groups. Dokl. AN SSM 151 no.3064-566 J11 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy gonlidarstvannyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom L.I.Sedovym. (Groups, Theory of) (Crystallography, Mathematical) /1, 21817-65 EVIT(d) Pa-4 AFIUMD/lip(c) -11/00 ACCFZSION NR: AP500" 40/6h/028/WV0653/0663 ALITHORs Sirotin. Yu. 1. *acow) TITLEs Tensor functions of a polar and axial vector oampatible with structuia SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,, ve 26j, no, 4# 1964* 653-663 TOPIC TAGS: tensor analysisj. vector Abstract: A general form of tensor functions of a polar and axial vector. compatible with structural symmetry is derived. The derived functions (scalar, polar and axial vectors, symmetric and skew-symmetric, and gen- eral tensor.of the second rank) are shown as expansions into a system of linearly -independent tensors,___w_a_d_e- up of -argumentr,,,,-and-'sa--~caUed.-geo- - ,and-dontractions The ca-w metric tensors obtained by multip~icati6-n efficients of expansion are arbitraryj, univalent-scalar functions made up .of those quantities. In practice the expansions obtained satisfy two Ill- portant conditions: 1) If the compoaents of a tensor-function are Integral-retional functions of the_eomponentts of.the tensar-argumentep then the coefftaieats Card 113 ------------------- ------------ -L-21817-65 ACMMION- KM AP5004468 of expansion are also olynomials of their arguments; p 2) The expression of each tensor functiodia unique: Leapthe tea-i sor function vanishes if and only if all coefficients of expansion are' identically equal to zero when considered as functions of their argumentsa-,,. -The author afso considers a special case of such runctions the pa- tential functions. The formulas are derived for a vector argument and an' ,anisotropic medium by means Of' the Hamilton-Cayley formula, if we con- sider the latter as a general form wr a tensor function of a tensor argu- menti compatible with the isotropy of the mediun. In,paragraph 1 fundamental concepts are introduced and the problem I formulated)'while in paragraphs 2 and 3 a general method of the solution is given. Paragraphs 4 and 5 contain thetensor fuacti6na ofthe-vector and axial vector which are compatible with structural synte-try. Paragraph., --------- 6--cons iders. -the -potenti 1 functions., while in pardiraph 7 - is given the derivation of tenror-functions-UdLid-to-obtalh-invw lant--tensors; Ustlyp Paragraph 8 relates the.resulta "The authoi express'e's- bis'cieep grattili and V V#,- ihin,n Orig. art. has 37 formulas. Card 2/3 =77 7. 77 77. L Nonlinear formilation of the laws of phenomenollogical crystal physics. Kristallografiia 10 no.hl~~-20 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 1823) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy urliversitet imeid L=onosova. L 30372-66-- SIT(d)JI IjP(.C) ACC NRs AP6012545 SOURCE CODEs UR ,(Moscow) AUTHORS: Pleshakov, V. F.(Iloscow); Sirotin,_Xu. I! ORG; Moscow State University (Moskovskiy universitet) TITLE: Anisotropic vector functions with vector arguments - 511 13 SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika. i mekhanika, v. 30, no. 2, 1966, 243-251 TOPIC TAGS: vector function, crystal anisotropy, group theory ABSTRACT: Generalized anisotropic vector functions with vector arguments are derived, which are compatible with crystal symmetries. These vector functions V1 =',O (A'). I satisfy the conditions of uniqueness and multinomial correspondence. The desired function is represented in the form M aw M vi I& yfi, f, ~YJ Ww'A.) where W is some fixed polynomial whose exact form depends on the particular class of symmetry in the crystal and f is an arbitrary function of three functionally /k independent, invariant vectors A of apoint group. For each class of symmetry an expansion of the type IF 6),f, + - + amt. Card 1/2 L 30379-66 ACC NR: Ap6012543 is carried out, and the condition of uniqueness and correspondence is proved. The first of these shows that for a given polynomial W(,,) the function fis uniquely i 1A determined from the functions V. The second shows that f is multinomial in its 1 14 arguments if V is multinomial in the components of the vector A. A class 42m example is given to illustrate these points. The authors express their deep gratitude to L. I. Sedov and V. V. Lokhin for their interest in this work and for their critical remarks. Orig. art. has: 57 equations. SUB CODEs 12, 201 SUBM DATE: 1OFeb65/ ORIG REFs 005/ OTH REPs 006 ..-.d A", r Sci I Z-Z 'I.:;" y u M~;. itc :Al-,or cfl, et A-A. of 3ci im. All-Union Anx- Sci Rris- Inct of I va SIROTIN, Yn.P.; DANKOVA, N.V. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on perennial grasses. Zemledelie 6 U'o.10:46-51 0 158. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Viesoyuznyy Institut udobrenly i agropochyovedenlya. (Grasses--Fertilizers and --urea) S , kand. sallkhoz.nauk; VENOVA, Ye.S., red.; SOKOIDVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Phosphate meal and its use]Fosforitnaia muka i ee primenenie. Moskva., Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 85F6 (MIRA 16:1) (Phosphates) (Fertilizer's and manures) SIROTIN, Yu.P., kand.sel'skokhozyaystvennykb nauk Possibilities of using phosphate meal in the U.S.S.R. Zemledelie 24 no.1:59-63 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut udobreniy i agropochvovedeniya. (Phosphates) SIROTIN, Yu.P.,, kand.sellslcokhoz. nauk; STARCYV, M.V., agronoml PITZONIN, M.Ye.v prof.; KOSTROV, K.A., kand.sellskokhoz. nauk; KLOCITOV, A.M., kand. sellskokh6z. naijc Fall supplementary fertilizers for winter crops. Zemledelie 25 no.9: 16-34 S 163, (MIRA 16:9) 1. Vsosoyuznyy nauclino-issladovatellskiy inatitut udobreniy i agro- pochvovedeniya (for Sirotin). 2. Zaveduyushchiy Mikhaylovskim agro- tekhnicheskim oWtouchastkom Stavropollskogo kraya (for Starov). 3. VoronazlisIdy sellskokliozyaystvennyy institut (for Pronin), 4. Mor- dovskaya gosudarstveanaya O%Iskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Kostrov,, Klochkov), (Wheat-Fertilizers and manures) (Rye-Fertilizers and manures) . r '- !'i 0- -1---.1 Yu.P., kand. i3ell -,z. nauk TJa---t,- phosphate slags phoSphorus fertilizer. BJLiL. tekh.- ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch. i tekh. 17 no.2,63-64 1r.)4. ( ',J.-IF -', 1-7: 6 ) I I SIROTIM) G., kand.toklin.nauk Prospects for the use of winged propellers on inland navigation ships. Rech. transp. 21 no.6:28-32 Je 162. OURA 15:7) (Propellers) (Inland navigation) SIROTINA, G.N., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. I - -",-~ " Determining the effective forces in turns by rotor ships. Trudy GIIVT no.12:96-105 154. (MLU 10:2) (liotor ships) SIROTINA Galina Nikolayevna; YERLYKIIIA, Irina Semenova; KALTIMMAN. L.Ye., Lre-~senzent; SOLCDKIN. Y.K., redaktor; VINOGRADOVA, N.M., redaktor izdatelvetva; KRASNAYA, A.K.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Book of problems in hydromechanics] Zadachnik po gidromekhanike. Moskva, Izd;-vo wRechnoi transport.* 1956. 132 p. (MLRA 9:10) (Fluid mechanics--Problems, exercises, etc.) SOV/124-58-5-5417 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 65 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sirotina, G.N. TITLE-. -----1!7ravitational Test-basin Instrumentation (Apparatura opytovogo basseyna gravitalsionnogo tipa) PERIODICAL. Tr. Gor'kovsk. in-ta inzh. vodn. transp., 1957, Nr 14, pp 152-170 ABSTRACT: A description is given of a test basin for measuring the speed of ship models. The basin is of the gravitational type designed by the Gor'kovskiy institut inzhenerov vodnogo trans- porta (Gor'kiy Institute of Water Transportation Engineers). D.A. Churnak 1. Mbdel basins--Design 2. Model basins--Inszr=mentazion 3. Ship models--Velocity Card I/ I VAGANOV, Gennadiy Ivanovich., dots.p kand. tekhn. nauk; SlIANCIiUROVA, Valentina Konstantinovna, kand. tekhn. nauk; SHERSTINSKIY, Efraim. Khaimavich, inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: SLIZOTINA, G.P. dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; POSTIAWl A.V., kand. tekbn. nauk; LESYUKOV, V.A.t inzh. vodnogo transportaj, dots., kand. tekhn. nruk, retsenzent; FOI-MINSKIYp L.I., starshiy nauchxqy sotr.,' retsenzent; A.I.I., red. izd-va; RIDNAYA, I.V., telchn. red. (Ship propulsion; methods and examples for carrying out ship propulsion calculations]Tiaga sudov; metodika i primery vy- polneniia sudovykh tiagovykh raschetov. Moskva Rechnoi transport, 1962. 241 p. tMIRA 15:8) 1. Kafedra organizatsii dvizheniya GorIkovskogo instituta in- zhenerov vodnogo tranporta (for Lesyukov). 2. TSentralfrvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki i ekspluatatsii vodnogo transports. (for Fomkinskiy). (Ship propulsion) _~~IN~,.R.,,.dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; POLOVINKIN, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; UKHOVA, E.P... red. [Theory and the arrangement of a ship and its propellers; manual for the mechanical branch of a correspondence course] Teoriia, ustroistvo korablia i dvizhiteli; uchebnoe posobie dlia mekhanicheskoi spetsiallnosti zaochnogo fakullteta. GorIkii, GorIkovskii in-t inzhenerov vodnogo transp. Pt.l. 1963. 75 P. (MIRA 17:4) ACC INRI A26019855 SOURCE CODE: UR/03q8/66/0o3/G0lAOll/A0l1 iAUTHOR: Sirotina, G. N. ;TITIZ: Analysis of the hull shapes for ships in tne inland waterway cargo fleet SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 1A50 IRZF SOLRCE: Tr. GorIkovsk. in-ta inzh. vodn. transp., vyp. 63, 1965, 3-35 iTOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, cargo ship, ship component, inland waterway !transportation IABSTIRACT: The characteristics of the hull shapes for push tugs, dry cargo ships, Itankers, and sectional units are given. The proje;ts for 15 150 to 2200 hp push tugs lare reviewed. The fact that the coefficient of di'splacement is within the limits 0.55 to 0.60, and that the coefficient of fineness of waterline fA- = 0.76 to 0.87 !is established. The bow frames are V-shaped, while the stern is semi-tunnel shaped, with the s,mi-tunnel extending along 20 to 251,64 the length of the ship. In the absence -On is 0.993 to 0.995; lof dihedral the coefficient of fineness of the midship secti if there is dihedral of from 4 to 8*, 0 = 0.85 to 0.86. The length of the cylindrical ! insert is 0.1 to 0.2 the length of the ship. Characteristic values for 'the position i :of the center of buoyancy, and the limits of the specific resistance for the push tug :at various underway speeds, are cited. Self-propelled cargo ships with cargo capaci- ities above 2,000 tons have 6 = 0.85 to 0.87, P = o.996 to o.999, 0~ = o.88 to o.98, Card 112 UDC: 629.121. 011.1 31,90TIM4) i. A. TOROPOVA, V.F.; SIROTIIIA. I.A.; ROTANOVA, Y.B. Copper and silver sul-fite complexes. Uch.zap.Laz.un. 115 no-3:53-60 '55. (KLRA 10:5) l.Kafedra analiticheekoy khimii. (Copper sulfite) (Silver sulfite) (complex ions) Ntermination of univalent thration with sodium tejUph, and 1. P-jaiauda (Y--L-Ya iudicator. To a VAJ. 'UntE. T1NO4 and Indicator was added the tit;.Lnt. The so n. vras then drawn by rueaus of a syringe thmuRf, a '-nicrrFlIter into a glass tube for rneasuring r~e rzidiractiviyv ,-,be h.,d an -f)11arVLj partj-. intr wh~~' ~,h~ , ~i .11" 'hich W-a's fa'nug sr'. -.1, Ll:l V. 1. Vern-~dskly ."0 ,f leochet~llotcy &,.,-Ld A-naiytical Chenis~ USSR) Radiometric Titration of Rare Elements" 01' lla!w~xl; --f cn C., Rn-dtoac~tive anti, is, carl nud S-zl~nn--R lica-zow A:11 54-"iR, I I A -1 _ Cl. OA~ Cl I n AUTHORS: Ajlmz:~.a, I.P., Simllina,.-T-A. jov/ 78-3-7-!0/44 TITLE; Investiga-blon of Co-Precipitatiom by the Metlwd of Radiamet3~lc Titration (Ituch.,~nAye aowashden-Va s powshch'yu mttoda rudlom-el,r-Itchemkogo ti~rvmniya) PERIODICAL., Z bax khf,16.i, 1958r, Vol. 3 , N r 7 p pp, 1709-17*13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tbt maej&t-Aam --y--pr-polpitel.ons was investigatea by the mathad of maiamatric titrat-lon. Precipitations of ailvar, tballiun, and lead with aniarpo a3- Chlorine, iodine, thiocyanat,59 Ul 't,' A le .Z'"Vat-e~ &U11 3 d '-' -S'Ligw. d by means of 'th-- radioac- % M ;&n'4 T?l 04 - ani TbB. A *i7a izoiopea TI 2 g The appIL-ation of nm-imoiopio indicators in radiometric titxa- tior, La pos-sible not on),v in thm- --ase of preollpitatio"t in which L5cur)rphia ax~i f.~~rmedv but also in tha fonkit:Lou of *f A-it-L'miming ,5i3:Ter --nJ thallUm aB -~odldes ani o&' lcm3 anA 1~y mearz of rudiometxlo titrs- t,lox, vit?-n Wan, mvxxUmad. Th-tra ar-a Card 1/2 5 flgijzvj~3, 5 t'Ctblle-~, am-ld 9 r-3ferences!, 5 of which are So-elet. Investigation of Co--Pretdip~-,tatlow by tkhe Method :'OV/ 78--3-7--4,1/44 of Radiometric TIAration ASSOCIATION~ Ins-UU,~ g-jrAbLimill. i malitiolhankey kh1mii lin. V.I.Vezrnadakogov nq.,~ei SSSR of Gaobhmistxy and Analytiml Ch-wiaet-," V.1.VA;:x.AdAkJLy, AS USSR) I 'IV SOMUTED: Jviwgi 1-5,, '19151 1. Metals-Precipitation 2. Metals-Ti-trat'Lan 3. Ions effects 4. Isotopes(Radioactive')--App~lications 5. Titration .... Test results Card 2/2 I.; SIRMINA, M- Problem of immunogenesis in malignant neoplasms. Medych.zhur. 20 no.2:71-76 150i (MIRA 11:1) 1. Z kafedri patologichnoi fiziologii K.Vivslkogo ordena Trudovogo Ghervonogo Frapors medichnogo institutu im. akad. O.O.Bobomolltaya (zav. kafedri - chl-k3r. All URSR zasluzheniy ciyach nauki, prof. Ye.O.Tatarinov [deceased]) (CANCIM) (IMMUNITY) &IROTINA. M.F. Changes in the composition of peripheral blood upon conditioned reflex stimulation. Nedych. zhur. 23 no-3:18-22 153* (14MA 8:2) 1. Institut eksperimentallnol biologit ta patologit is. aW, O.O.Bogomolitaya. (BLOOD) (CONDITIOM RISPONSI) SYROTINA, "I. F. Viability of Ehrlich carcinoma in mice following administration of a small number of cancer calls. Hadych.zhur.24 no-3:83-85 '54. (9T-RA 8: 10) 1. Inatitut fisiologii Is. 0.0. Bogonoltalya Akademft nauk URSR (NEOPLASMS, experimental, 1hrlich carcinoma, transpl.after admin. of small number of cancer c*119) SIROTINA, M.F. [Sy-rotina, M.F.1 Fefituran of the change in the composition of peripheral blood in animalB after unconclitioned food stimulation. [with summar7 in Anglish]. Fiziol.zhur. [Ukr.] 3 no.6:77-82 D 157. (HIM 11:2) 1. Institut fiziologii im. O.O.Bogomolltsys Akedenii muk URSR, fiziologii krovoobign i dikhaniya. (LJCUKOGYTJCS) SIROTINA, M.F. [SYROTINA, M.F.] On the alimentary laucocytic reaction in animRls with experimental hypertension [with summm7 In Znglishl. Fixiol.xhur. [Ukr.1 4 n0.3:356-362 NY-Je 158 (KIlU 11:7) 1. Institut fiziologii im. 0.0. Bogomolltsyn AN URSR, laboratorlya fiziologii krovobigy I dikhannyas (id-MOCYTES) (HYPERMSION) MAKARCHMO, A.F. [Nakarchenko, O.Yol; SIROTINA, M.F. [Syrotina, N.Y.]; ZLATIN, R.S. - ---- - -------- Changes in the morphological composition of the peripheral blood In dogs of different types of higher nervous activity as affected by long-term external irradiation with suall doses of gamw rays 00 0). Fiziol.shur. [Ulcr.] 5 no.6t769-774 N-D 159. (NIZA 13:4) 1. Institut fiziologil in. A.A. 38908011tea, Alademii nauk USSR. (BLOM--ANALYSIS AND CHIMISTRT) (GANKA RATS--PHTSIOLOGICAL ]MOT) SIROTINA, M.F. (Kiyev) Characteristics of vascular permeability in experimental hypertension. Pat.fiziol.i eksp. terap. 4 no.4:39m4l. Jl-Ag 160. -(MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz labQratorii fiziologii kravoobrashcheniya i dykhaniya (rakovoditell - deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.N.Gorev) Instituta fiziologii imeni A.A.Bogomolttsa AN USSR. (H)TERTENSION) (CAPILIARIES-PEEMILITY) G .YUREVICH, M.I. [Ekirevych, M.I.J; SIROTINA, M.F. [Syrotina, M.P.] 11ffect of ultrasonic vibrations on the blood. Yiziol.zhur. 6 no.1:73-78 Ja-P 160. (MrRA 13:5) 1. Institut fiziologil im. A.A. Bogomolitsa AN USSR. labora- torlya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya i dykhanlya. (ULTRASONIC WAVIS--PHYSIOLOGirAL xmm) (BLOOD) SIROTINA, M.F. (Syrotinat M.F.] Changes in the composition of blood proteins caused by ionizing radiations in 401mal with experimental hypertermion. kisiol. zhur. [Ukr.] 6 no.6009-814 N-D 160. (KER& 3-4: 1) 1. LabSratory of the Physiology of Circulation and Respiration of t4e A.A.Bbkomoletz Institute of Physiology of the loadwy of Sciences of the Ukrainian 8 3 R Kiev, (PLOOD ;ZOMi5 (HYPEGMI(M) (I. RM-w-PHYSIOLOGIGAL MWECT) SIR0TIXAj_L1j._jSyrotina, M.F.] Effect of ultrasonic vibrations qji the morphological and protein composition of'the blood. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 7 no.2:271-276 Ap 161, (MIRA 14'./,) 1. Laboratory of Circulatory Physiology of the A.A4Bogcmoletz Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.1 Kiev. (ULTRASONIC WAVES-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (BLOOD--ANALYSIS AND CM4IST]ff) MAKARCHMKO, A.F.; ZLATIN, R.S.;_SIR-0TINA, Change in higher nervous activity and in the peripheral blood picture during prolonged gamma-ray irradiation (GW) of dogs. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 11 no-5:895-901 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiyev. (GA101A RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (BLOOD) 1-0,70 S/23092/008/005/001/001 7, D267ZU308 _'WTHORS: Zlatin, R.S., Makarchenko, O.F. and Sirotina, I.I.F. TITIL: Characteristics of physiological and biochemical shifts associated with the protracted action of small doses of Co60 gamma-rdys on organisms ZI"IOD1CiVL: Fiziologiclinyy zhurnal, ve 8, no, 5, 1962,-567-571 V711- L 'T: to carry out this - The authors have been )3rompLed rescarch by their carlier results relitting to neurological and hematological changes observed in ipersonn 'e1 working under. condi- tions of chronic exposure to ionizing radiation.. The higher ner- ary secretion met od) the coaiposi- vous activity (using the-aliment h tion of peripheral blood and some biochemical factors were stujdied*~ in six dogs (4 experiment aninials and 2 controls), the experiment animals being subjected to chronic whole-body irradiation with ver-.r small doses (0.05 r during 6 hours) of.the C060 gamma radia- tion. -The experiment lasted 3 years. Three characteristic stages could be found in the changes of higher nervous activity: (1Ythe G ard 1/3 I .-I S/238/62/003/005/001/001 Characteristics of D267/D308 first starre lasts 1-~- to 2-1- months and is characterized in the case U 2 Z of strong-typo dogs by the variation of positive condition d re- 'Llc.-:ces within the standard limits, the lower limit being steadily a,.)proached, and by a certcain extension of the latent period of these reflexes; for the weak-tylie does the positive conditioned reflexes first increase and then revert to the initial value, while the latent period is shortened;. (2) the second stage lasts from 7 to 18 nonths and is characterized by the decrease of posi- tive conditioncd reflexes and by further extension of the latent period; (3) the third stage (which las'L.2d to the end of the experi- ment) is characterized by the low level of rcfle-.,-es, their latent period being longer than the initial value. Internal inhibition was enhanced in the second stage, and manifestly disturbed in the third stage. During the period after irradiation the experiment animals disclosed a persistent increase of positive reflexes and further disturbauce of internal inhibition (in 2 dogs out of 3 surviving dogs, one having died from pneumonia).; The hematologi- cal changes are characterized by a drop of leucocyte count the the lower limit of the norm during the last 8 months of irradiation, Card 2/3 S/238/62/008/005/001/001 Characteristics of D267/D308 by a polycythemic reaction, an increase in the number of thrombo- cytes from the 5th to the 30th month of irradiation, and by the absence of degenerative changes. The beta activity of the whole blood decreas es durin,-f irradiation. Desoxy:ribonuclease was found in the urine of the irradiated dogs, but not in control dogs. There are I figure and I table.. A3SGC1,,V.r1ON: 1-nstytut fiziologii im. 0.0. Bohomolltsya Akademii nauk URSR, Kiev (Institute of Physiology im. 0.0. Bohomolets Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, Kiev) SUBMITTED: July 15, 1961 6ard 3/3 SIHOTHIA, II.I.F oriterit of renin in the kidneys in e)Terimental increase of the blood pressure. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 55 no.1335-40 Js,163- (MIIU 16:7) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziolocJ-i krovoobrashcheniya (rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen A141 SSSR N.N.Gorev) Institua fiziologii imeni A.A.Bogomoltsa (dir. - akademik P11 UkrSSR A.F.14akarchenko) AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. Predstavlens, deystvitelInym chlenom A14N SSSF. N.11.Gorevym. (HYPERTENSION) (RENIN) ACCESSION NR: AR4027236 S/0299/64/ooo/002/PO37/PO37 SOURCE: RZh. Biologiya, Abs. 2P232 AUTHOR: Sirotin.a, M. F. TITLE: (2P232) Morphological changes in the blood of athletes submerged under water CITED SOURCE: Sb. Golovn. rrozg 1 req;.1jtjtiiya lfunk~siy. Klyev, AN USSR, 1963, 245-246 TOPIC TAGS: blood picture, blood morphology, water immersion, skin diving, blood ,coagulation ABSTRACT: Eleven skin divers'were examined. in half of the exper.iments, there,was, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 2-5 mm1hr. Acceleration of blood coagulation was also observed in 7 out of 9. In dogs submerged W meters underwater while under nembutal anesthesia, there was no change in the hemoglobin ..content, the erythrocyte count was only slightly altered, but there was a distinct increase in the number of leukocytes. .--DAT--= ACQ: 14Feb64 SUB CODE: LS ENCL: 00 CC, rd I /J SIROTINA, MJ. (Syrotina., M.F.] Chanaes in the renin content of the kidneys in the dynamics of development of reflexorenic h7pertenskon. Fiziol. zhur. 10 no.ls68-74 16,4. (MIRA 17s8) 1. Laboratorlya. fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya Instituta fizio- log!.i im. Bogomolltsa MI UkrSSR., Kiyev. MATIN, R.S.; MAKARCHENKO, A.F. [Makarchenko, O.F. 1; SIROTINA, M.F. (Syrotina, M.F. j . .....- Characteristics of the physiological and biochemical changes in 6() prolonged action on the body of small doses of gamma radiatiorL. CO Fiziol. zhur. [ukr.] 8 no.5:567-573 S-0 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiyev. SIROTINA, M.F. [Sy-rotina, M.F.) Changes in the morphological composition of the blood in under- water submersions of athletes. F1ziol.zhur.[Ukr.j 9 no.1277-81 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 180) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii krovoobrashchaniya Instituta fiziologii im, A,A,Bogomolitsa AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. SIROT119A, N.16., kandidat biologicheakikh nauk. Color reaction In the blood of the tuseah moth as an early sympton of grasseris. Nouch.trudy Inst.ent.1 fit. 2:338-349 050. (Silkworw--Diseases) (NM 9:2) SIROTINA, M. I. "Diseases of the oak worm (silkworm) and the measures of fight against tbW 1951, 56 pages with illustrations. Publication of Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR. SO: Yet., January 1952, Unclassified. Ukrainian SSR, Council of Scientific-Technical PropWoft SIROTYLA. M.1.; TITOVA, O.K.; YUKHIKETS'. M.I, Selection of healthy silk-need for Increasing the productivity of tusesh moths. Visnyir AN UJUM 26 no.10:42-46 0 -155. (WAA 9: 1) (Sericulture) SIROTINA, M.I.; CHALAYA, M.F. I Oak-feeding silkworms as virus carriers. Dop. UN URSR no-2.-477- 180 156, WaA 9:10 1. Institut entomologii ta fitopatologii Akademii nauk URSR, lRival- kiy institut epidemiologii ta mikrobiologii N M . - (Silkworms-Diseases) U L~ .'-')R" /1 1- - a r m A n i m a i o Ab6 Xour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40580. Author : Sir~Q~~,' . I. Inst :-ITO--tgiven- Title On the Latent Polyhedral Sickness in Oak- Feeding Silkworm. orig Pub: Dopovidi AN URSR, 1956, No 6, 598-601. Abstract: The study of the hemolymph of larvae and moths of the oak-feeding silkworm with the aid of a phase-contrast microscope showed that in the obvious form of jaundice the pathological changes of the nuclei can be observed in 40- ?5% of the cells of the hemolymph, and in the latent form of the infection, not causing a fatal outcome, in 10-20%. From the moths in Card 1/2 S IROT 13AIN. I. Histological method of estimating the viability of the Chinese tusoah moth [with summary in Bngliahj. 1001.2hur. 36 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Institut entonologii I fiterpatologit AN USSR. (Silkworms-Diseases and posts) ,SIRQTINA-, .. M,.1. Hematological tests in developing microbiological methods for the control of the Colorado beetle. Dokl. ASFSSSR 140 no.3:720-7Z3 S '61. (MIEUt 14:9) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zashchity rastenly. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Pavlovskim. (Potato beetle--Biological control) (Hemolymph) SIROTINA M I. ~ . Working out methods of forecasting the reproduction of the Colorado beetle. Vop. ekol. 4s143-144 162. NM 15:n) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zashchity rasteniy, Kiyev. (Potato beetle) V., ab, i n L, a n, -- C~ f or no . M-,d rat o be i~ (!rj R" 17 - iya y tjj r. :,i ml t--f I ki., Pl-v I cv 5k tm -ifiv r DANDERS Ya.; YATSEVICHUS, I. [Jacevicius, I.]; GOLIDENBEW, A.; KHARIN B., inzh. (Leningrad); 140VA, N., inzh.; VINNIKOV.. F. (Gomelf); XAMYKIN, I.-(Gomel'); BENDEPSKIY, A. , starshiy inzh. (pos. Igra, Udmurtskoy ASSR); CHEIMTSOV, V.; OSIPOV, I.; SUOTITTIN, M.I. Exchange of news and experience. Izobr.i rats. no-4:25-26 Ap 162. (MMA 15:4) 1. Sekretarl Respublikanskogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorv, g. Riga (for Danders). 2. Glavnyy inzh. mezhdugorodnoy telefonnoy stantsii, g. Villnyus (for Yatsevichus). 3. Predsedatell oblastnogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva, izobretateley i ratsionalizdtorov g. Ufa (for Golldenberg). 4. Krayevoy sovet Vaesoyuznogo obahchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov, g. Krasnodar (for Nova). 5. Igrinskiy lespromkhoz kombinata "Udmurtles". (for Benderskiy). 6. Predsedatell Krasnoyarskogo krayevogo soveia Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva, izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov (for Sirotinin). (Technological innovations) SIROTINA.L. M.V.., . Leukocytic reaction in the development of experimental cancer in normal conditions and following application of hypnoties* Vopr.fiziol, no.81150-154 154* (MIRA 14t1) 1. Inatitut fiziologii AN 3M. (NBOPLAWJ, experimental, leakocyto countp eff* of hypnotice) (LZUKOGYTE COUNTp off* of bypnotics in exper. cancer) (HMOTICS AND SIDATIVBS,, offectap on laukocyte count in expere cancer) ZHINKIN, L.N.; CRWVA, G.N.; SIROTINA, M.Yu. InCIUBion of methionine in developing and regenerating somatic muscles [with summary in Finglish]. Arkh.anat.glat. i embre 36 no-1:32-38 Ja '59- O(IRA 12:3) 1. Laboratorlya gistologil (zav. - prof. L.N. Zhinlda) Instituta skoperimentallnoy meditoiny ANN SSSR. Adres avtora: Leningrad, 11rov- skly pr., 69/71-, Institut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny ANN MR. (MMOLIS, metab. methiouine. inclusion of prop. labeled by radio- sulfur during regen. & develop. (Rue)) (MMIONON, metab, musc., Inclusion of radionulfur-labeled uetnionine during regen. & develop. (Rua)) ZHINKINs L.N.; SIROTINA9 M. Dyrumics of in4iwion of S35 labelled methionine and sodium sulfate in the epithelium of the stamach of white mice. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 40 no. 1:32-/+0 Ja 161. (MIRA 144) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy gistologii (zav. - prof. V.P. Mikhaylov) Institute. eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR). Adres avtorov: Leningradt pr.VALklina, 329 Institut taitologii AN SSSR. (METHIONINE) (SULFUR METABOLISM) (STOMACH) INA, N.V. Ltrauslatorl; FIX, I.TS. [translator];-SIROTINA, W.Ye. P [translator]; MGOVANTSIV, B.V. [translst;irl; kO-ROZbV, 11. red.; ALEKSMROV.A, A.A., red.; SVESHNIKOV, A.A., (Questions of the reliability of electronic equipment. Collection of articles translated from,Ahs Inglishl Voprosy nadezhnosti radioalektronnoi apparatury; abornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio.* 1959. 185 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Blectranic apparatus and appliances) Oll lie. 10, 10. 1%q.0110.1 .A 11- MI. ROUW % ftlt.! jL ~ ~is A IL - ~AA 4 0911CISM Aso OINCrItrIll 1.0(4 It -00 1.00 1 8 *0 14; 'and A. P. P8606 makmd". C ; .00 00 X 00 3 .-Food Ise" li,%nil. 13. NC s P 1"goning cams are cited in which the I.W. 01 solAninte dctd it, the potato foods used w2s but 23-26 tnt-AW 9.t ie. "on,.OtTably below the usuAlty accclited TAIW Of G. M. KOOOLapoff AIM-SLA OCIALUJINICAL LITIMATUP1 CLASINICAT40 --mv 41-v 0- 4t 4.t SAL It AV 00 It P-9 a, 'a k bee zoo 41314414K 4WV III TTAftL send 0 0 V -t Iff so 0 a a OSTRUNNA , O.S. Neuronal strucLure of the cortical segm6rit of the acoustic analysor in human ontogene3is. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 12 no.4:606-612 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Chair of Nervous Diseases, Histology and Imbryology, State Uni-versity, Voronezh. SIROTINA, O.S. (Voronezh, 1E), kv.37.) MyelinizaUon of the cortex of, the supratemporal surface of the human gyrus temporalis superior during postnatal ontogenesis. AIM anat., gist. i embv. L~ no./+:73-& Ap 163. (MII,,A 17: DO 1. Kafedra nervnykh bo-leznlcy (zav.-prof. K.A. Kunakov [decaasedj) ,i 1-19dra gistologii i embri-ologii (zav.-chlen korrespondent AMN S89-11-prof. A.A. Voytkevir.-ij) Voronezhskrgo me-ditsiiiskoga inst.,ituta. 07ROTINA, O-S-; IIEZZ"- Y. D. ; i:~- m-.- - I - - - -- - ~ TAFINTSZ'7.~'~, !.A. alyE,s of the bra! Clirloe-I statistical a", ronezh polyr-.I-J.'Llcs- TrudY II'Dr. med. inst. according to data of Vo (MIRA 18t!0) 51:38-42 163o (A. r tlc~r. (IaA 18:10) 1,3 Vuj.c)rzj-1~3~,Ogo inudit--insl~,oglo instituta. MCHNIK, V.S., doktor tokhn.naiik~ REECHIN, V.D.; SIROTINA, R.I. Introduction of hydraulic coal mining in Kuznetsk Basin mines. Biiil.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gas.naucii -Issl.inst.nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no. 5113-14 Mq 164. (MIRA 1726) VOLYNSKIY, Aleksandr Yakovlevich; BAZILL7, N.P., nauchn. red.; SIROTIIIA, S.L., red.; IONOV, V.I., red. [Foundry molds and their assembly] Liteinye formy i ikh sborka. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 290 p. (MIRA 17:10) TELIS, 14,oisey Yalmvlevich; ZHEVTUNOV, P.P., nauchn. red.; SI:,011111A, 3.L.,-red.; AOOLTOV, V.P.~ red. (Melting of nonferrous trietals and alloys] Plavka tsvetnykh metallov i oplavov. Moskva, Vysshnia shkola, 1964. 316 p. (MIRA 17:5) SIROTIRA, T.V- LSYrotina, T,Vj Some data on oil reservoir properties of sandstones in oil fields of the Skibovaya zone in the Carpathians. Geol. zhur. 19 no.4:79-84 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Carpathian Mountains--Petroleum geology) ip:3 ry, ir wrosity of r e o .7 C; C'k;; 0 (MIRA 18.6) DIKENShTEYNY G.Kh.; KUTUZOVA, V.V.; MASHIYKOV, K.K.; BABAYEV, A.G.; FOLISTER, L.A.; YUFEREV, R.F.; sHjsHnVA, A.I.; BARLIEVY R.A.; I-IKAROVA, L.N.; MURADOV., K.; PYANOVSKAYA, I.A.; TURKINA, I.S.; FELIDMAN, SEYOV, V.N.;-SIR Jj2A S.L.; KHON, A.V.; KUNITSKAYA, T.N.; GOLE21KOVA, N.P.; ROSHINA, V.M.; FARTUKOV, M.M.; SHCHUTSKAYA, Ye.K.; ALTAYEVA, N.V.; SYKADOROV, V.A.; KOTOVA, M.S.; SMB11OV, L.I.I.; IBRAGIMOV, M.S.; KRAVCHENKO, M.F.; MARKOVA, L.P.; ROZYYEVA, T.R.; UZAKOV, 0.; SLAVIN, P.S.; NIKITITA, Ye.A.; MILOGRADOVA, M.V.; BARTASHEVICH, O.V.; STAROBRIETS, I.S.; KARIMOV, A.K. [Splicing of the wires of overhead power transmission lines] Soedinenie provodov vozdushnykh linii elektroperedachi. Mo- skva, Energiia, 1964. 69 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no.132) (MIRA 17:9) LUFNOV, N.P.; SIROTINA, Ye.A.; TOVBINA, S.Z. Stratigraphy of Aptian and Albian sediments of the Ropet-Dag. Trudy VSEGEI 42:156-173 6o. (MIRA 14:9) (Konet-Dag--Geology, Stratigrapbic) SIROTINA, Ye.I. a uchastiyem H.G.Gayevskoy doom Alveolar echinococcomis of the brain. Yop.neirokhir. 21 no.6:51-53 11-D '57 - .(MV4 11:2) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiv paikhonevrologichoskiy institut. (BCHIMOCOCCOSIS, case reports alveolar of brain) (BRAIN, dim, achinococconis. alveolar) CHIBUKRAFRER, N.B., prof,*, TARNOPOLISKAYA, L.A., SIROTIRA, Ye.j. The work of the Ilharikov Neurosurgical Society and minutes of asions in 1957* Yopr.neirokhir. 22 no.4:6o-62 -Tl-Ag 158 (KIRA 11;3 (KHARIKOV--NMMOLOGY--SOCIETIES) CHIBUKMAKHER, N.B., prof.; SIROTINA, Ye.I.; TARNOPOLISUTA, L.A. I Report on acrivities of the Miarkov Neurosurgical Society and minates of meetings for 1958. Vop.nalrokhir. 23 no.6:48-51 N-D '59. (NMA 13:4) (MBKOV--=MSURGICAL SOCIITIW) SIROTINA, Ye. I., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Surgical treatment of severe forms of' neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve accorciing to the method of Prof Ya. M. Pavlonskiy." Khar'kov, 10,60. 12 pp; (Khar'kov State Medi- cal Inst); 300 coDie-s; free; (KL, 17-60, 1-72) N.B.: ".71:OTINA, Ye.I.; DOTSENRO, M.G. 7~ eL,orL on tte wo.~k of zhe Society for 1962. Iv,up. neirokidr. 2? no.6-56-58 11"-D ~0. OUFU 17:12) CUTBUINAKFIER, N.B.;-SIROTINA, Ye.I.; DOTSFNKO, M.G. Report on the meetings of the Kharlkov Scientific Society of neurosurgeons during the year 1963. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.6:58- 59 N-D 164. (MIRLA 18:4) CHEMBERLMI, 0. , [Chambnrlain. 01-, SERGE. Ys.. rSerge, 33; VIGAND. S., [Wimgand, SI; IPSILANTIS, T. ; BIROTIMA Ye.P. [translator]. New foreign titles; antiprotons. 0. Chamberlain, and others. [Translated from Nature. vol.177 no.4497, 7/l/56 p.11-12. by E.P. Sirotinal. Usp.khim. 25 no-7:915-916 11 '56. (MLHA 9:10) 1. Laboratoriya fiziki i radiofiziki Kaliforniyukogo universiteta, Thirkli. Kaliforntya (for Chamberlain. Serge. Wiegand, Ipailantis). (Protons) 83771 0, 0 0 S/056/60/039/003/027/045 N/ B006/BO63 AUTHORS: Sirotina, Ye. P., SXrovatskiy, S. I. TITLE: The Structure of Low-intensity Shock Waves in Magneto- hydrodynamicsi PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3(9), pp. 746-753 TEXT: The authors of the present paper investigated low-intensity shock waves by a method that was used by L. D. Landau and Ye. M. Lifshits to study shock waves in ordinary hydrodynamics, and was generalized by Syrovatskiy for the treatment of shock waves propagating perpendicular to a magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamics. Though this method cannot be used to study the specific features of strong shock waves, such as iso- thermal and isomagnetic jumps, it permits a general solution of the prob- lem of any waves in consideration of dissipative processes. This i's par- ticularly important for the investigation of the dependence of the solu- tion on the parameters and of the occurrence of singularities. The first section deals with the equations of low-intensity shock waves. The authors consider a plane shock wave in which all quantities are only functions of Card 1/3 83771 The Structure of Low-intensity Shock Waves S/056/60,'039/003/027/045 in Magnetohydrodynamics BoM/H63 x. The general magnetohydrodynamic equations for a steady, uniform flow are written down. These equations along with the conditions for the oc- curring jumps of the parameters lead to the following differential equa- tion for p(x): aV)2 (j2+ al /av\ a, ((a2V I + ~ap) 6p + I (j2 + T-) _2_-2) + b (6p)2 +a1/2 s] 2 ap s 1 (avs T j ap) ~Ts-) cl 3 IV I dx (2Zs p+ [ _2 41 + (TT) s ; 6P = P(X)-Pl (p, T, and V are the pressure, temperature, and sp ific volume, respec- tively, of the medium; I and f are the first and the second viscosity coefficient, respectively; % is the coefficient of thermal conductivity; al. bl, and c 1 are coefficients tending toward zero with H --~- 0). First, this equation is used to study the attenuation of small-amplitude waves and to determine the attenuation factor (Section II), and later (Section III) it is used to determine the width of the discontinuity. The last part (Section IV) deals with the relationship between the attenuation factor Card 2/3 The Structure of Low-intensity Shock Waves in Magnetohydrodynamicc and the width of the small-amplitude discontiauity. G. Ya. Lyubarskiy are mentioned. There are 10 and 1 British. SUBMITTED: April 13, 1960 (initially) and 63771 S/056/60/039/003/027/045 Boo6/BO63 R. V. Polovin and references: 8 Soviet, I US, June 8, 1960 (after revision) Card 3/3 27859 S/535/61/000/132/005/012 /A C/ 0 0 3030/E484 AUTHORS: Kopylov, N.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences Sirotina Ye.P TITLE: Viscosity of gasoline 0 -70 (B-70), kerosene T-1 and fuel T-5 at low temperatures SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy. no.132.1961.58-62. Teplofizicheakiye avoystva nekotorykh aviatsionnykh topliv v zhidkom I gazoobrazncm sostoyanii. TEXT: Using a conventional design of capillary viscometer by Pinkevich and Mitrofanov (Ref.2: Transactiona of the Conference on Viscosity and Colloidal Solutions, Akademizdat, no.2, 1944, 252), viscosities were obtained for gasoline and T-1 from -380c to 17*C and for T-5 from -450C to 100C. Smoothed data are calculated and listed at 5% intervals. The densities of the fuels were assumed to obey the z-elation: d20 , 'I + Y(t- 20) 4 recommended for petro-leum praductz. The capillaries used had diametera of 0.6 and 0.8 mm. The data are ac.iurate to between Card 1/2 Viscosity of gasolins 276.59 5/535/61/000/132/005/012 E030/E484 1.5 and 5% and obey the Bc..-_h_'nsky relation-, A 71 ar (t + )n with the following values of the ,.onstants (q in centipoise): Data for Bachinsky equatton Liquid A Gasoline B-70 247 750 Kerosene T-I 238.8 90 Fuel T-5 3319 76 There are 2 figurej, 3 tables,'and 2 Sorriet references. Table 4. n 2.08 2.07 2.53 OK Card 2/2 LYSOVI B.S., kand.tekhn.nauk [translator]; MOZZHUKHIN,, Ye.Iop kand. tekhn.nauk (translator]; SHUIEPaV, V.L, kand.tekhu.nauk translator); IVANOV,, A.F. [translator]; S3ROTINAp__jefP. translator]; NATANSON.. A.K.,, kand.tekbn [ AT EVO V.A., red.; DZHATIYEVA# F.Kh., teklm.rede [Molybdenum] Molibdex; abormik statei. Moskva., Izd-vo imostr.lit-r7, 1962. 393 p. -Translated from the English. (HIRA 15:5) 1. Kafedra metallurgii radkikh metallov Moskovskoga izstituta stali (for Lysov.. Mozzbllchimp Shulepov)* (Mblybdemm) SIRUTIITA, Yi-,. Ya. with P. A. Borisov, P. V. Dergu-nov, and 0. V. Tkashenko "Economic Practicability of Contour Floodi ng in Petroliferous Provinces of the Ural-Volga Region" Transactions of the Petroleum Institute, Acad. Sci. USSR, v. 11, Oil Field Industry, Moscow, Izd-vo MT SSSR, 1958. 346PP- BORISOV, P-A-; DERGUNOV. P-V-; SIROTId&, Ye.ya.; TE-ACHENKO, O-V- Economic efficiency of edge vater drive In oil fields of the Ural-Volga area. Trudy Inst.nefti 11:323-332 '58. (MIRA 11-12) (Ural Mountain region--Oil field flooding) (Volga Valley--Oil field floodiIng) F -.1 BORISOV, Pavel Aref 'yevich; RYZEMKOV, Ivan Ivanovich; Yelens rYakQY1"Ma_;_TKACEWNKO, Oksana. Vladimirovna; LATUKHINA, vedushchiy red.; XMIN1. N.A.. LEconomic efficiency of increasing the rate of petroleum production] Bkonomichaskaia effektivnost' intensifikateli dobyehi nefti. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo neft. I gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 90 p. (KIRA 14:3) (Oil fields--Production methods) SIROTININ, A. A. Cand Biol Sci -- (dies) "On the physiology of the ruminating of the period in oattle." Omsk, 1959, 14 pp (Omsk State Vat lns~ Min of Agr USSR), 150 aopies (KL, 52-59, 119) -46-