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YEGOROV, I.N., doteentj SIROSIA P .16 NAUMOV, A.V.- RkSKIN, M.M.; NIKIFOROV, N.I., kand.veterln-.-Ina-.Uk..;--T;u'I ANOV, D.F., klmdeveterin.nauk; PETUHHOVSKIY, A.A.j ENDZINI A.K. Sanitation and veterinary hygiene. Veterinariia 41 no,3:73-82 Mr 164, (MIRA 1811) 1. Krasnoyarskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Yegorov)* 2. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach Chernoviliskogo oblastnogo upravleniya pro- izvodstva i zagotovok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov (for Sirosh), 3. Zaveduyushchiy khimichesklm otdelom Chernovitskoy oblastnoy veterinar- noy laboratoriyey (for Raskin), 49 Direktor Chernovitskoy oblastnoy veterinatnpy laboratoriyey (for Naumov). 5. VsesoyLlznyy Ymuchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut veterinarnoy sanitarii (for Nikiforov., Trakhanov). 6. Dezinfektsionnaya stantsiya. Moskovskogo gorodskogo otdala zdravoo- khraneniya (for Petukhovskiy), 7, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veterinarnoy sanitarii (for Endzin). LERNNR. P.P. .7oma clinim appecte of oaptic endocarditis tents. Vrach.delo AG*6 583-5.9'4 Je '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Kafedra terapii (sav. - prof. D.P. Chabotarev) Klyevskogo instituta usovershenstvoymnlya vrechey i Obleatnaya klinichaskaya bol'nitea. (FX-MARDITIS) MAYBORODA, I,K,;, Prinim,91i uchast4 * KOPILI A.D. [Kopyl, A.D.], inzh.; SIRGSHTAN~ AjZ.,. diplomW Dependence of the intensity of analytical lines of flu3md sinter on the state of the components of the solid specimen. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 6 no.6:853-459 N-D 161. (MIR& 16:5) 1. Ukrgiprokollormet, m.ZALporizhzhya (for Mayboroda). 2. Zaporozhskiy staleplavilinyy zavod (for Kopil). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Biroshtan). (Spectrum analysis) (Iron-calcium alloys) Duf rovich[Ihnatliev, 1J.P.); --- q1HO'SHILIA IGEAT 'Y J, Georgiy Pet - -- -tl,j~,A.'- kand. ekon. nauk., red.; PARKHOI-MO, 0.1., red.; LIMMOVA, I.I.I.[Lyranova, tekhn. red. [Wo are improving the management of our collective farm]Vdo- skonaliiiiemo kerivrqtstvo kolhospom [Kharkiv]Kharkivslke la7zh- I-ove vyd-vo, 1962. 36 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Kirova Kharkovskogo rayona (for Ignatlyev). (Farm management) 622.6 .S4 Pole Eigmatitov I Orrinitor R. Ing~illtsa (~Jgmatites and Granites of the Ingulets R River, Ety) N. P. Semeneako, R. 1. SiroshLan, I V. D. StepLneU. Kiyev, Izd-vo. An USSRO lqy~. 161 P. Uagrs. (Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoy 55R. Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk. Trudy. Seriya Fetragrafti, Lineralogii I Geokh.!~U, VYP- 3) SMIENEITKO, II.P.; AL.ROSHT", R.I.- STEPAIETS, V.D.; RODIONOV, S.F., ot- vetBtvanny7 re=lt"olrl-,A~' V ffi ~I~OVSKIY, M.A., redaktor; SIVACHEICKO, Y6. X.,t8khredaktor. Field of migmatites and granites in the Ingulets Valley, Trudy Inst, geol. nauk AN LWR no.3:5-162 154. (MIM 8:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ak-Jemil nauk USSR (for Rodiouov)- (Ingulets Valle7-Gneims) (Ingulets Valley--Granite) USSR/ Geolocy cam 1/1 Pub. 22 29/49 Authors I Belevtsev. Ya. N.; Siroshtan. R. I.; and Skuridin, S. A. Title I The granites in the upper sections of the hrivoyrcg formations Periodical I Dok. AN SS-M 10015, 951-954. Feb 11, 1955 Abstract I The discovery in 1953 of granite pebbles among the conglomerates of the Krivoyrog formations is reported. Geological data of these granite inclusions are included. Tables. Institution .......... Prosente,j by: Ac9demician A. G. Betekgtin, November 14, 1954 - " --/ J1. J j 27- J- ~ -~ , - r" . ~,- AKIMIRIKO, N.M.; BNaVTSIV, U.N.; GOROSHNIKOV, B.I.; DUBINKINA. R.P.; ISHCHENKO, D.I.; HARSEENBAUH, A.P.; KULISHOV,-M.P.; LYASHCHIEKO, K.P.; KkKSIKOVICH, Y.L.; SKIRIDIN, S.A.; -~ -006-Faw %mjk#&,6VTOXjJTUTJ9V, G.V.; FOMENKO, Y.Tu,; SHCHIRBAKOVA, X.P.; SIMS710Y. M.T., red.isd-ve; AYMIYXVA. T.A., [Geological structure and iron ores of the Krivoy Rog Basin] Geologicheskoe stroente I zheleznya rady Krivorozhokogo bassains. Hon"s, Goo. nouchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologii Iokhrans nedr. 1957. 278 P. (MINA 11:3) (Krivoi Rog Basin-Ooology) BELEVTSBY, Ya.M.; AKDOMO, M-M-; ZHIIKINSIKIY, S.I.; SHC AKOV, B.D.; TOKHTMV, G.T.; SIROSHTAN ki.. PONINKO, V.TU. Method for studying structures of the Krivoy Rog Iksin. Obol. shur. 17 no.2:80-82 157. (MIRA lOtIl) (Mrivoy Rog BiLsin-Geology, Structural) AYZEM'ERG, D.Ye. , geolog; BkLUKHOVSKIT, N.F., geolog; BARTOSHEVSKIY. V.I., gmolog; BASS, Tu.B., geolog; VADI14)V, N.T., geolog; GLADKIT, V.Ya., geolng; DIDKOVSKIT. V.Ta., goolog; TERSHOV, V.A., geolog; ZHUKOT, G.V., geolog; ZAI-DRIT, P.K., geolog; IYANTISHIN, N.M.. geolog; KAPTARD-14KO-CTIERNOUSOVA. O.K., geolog; KLIMBIMO. V.Ta.. geolog; nusarK, V.I., geolog; nTUSHNIKOV, 14.N.. goolog; KRkSHNNINAIEDVA, O.V.. geolog; KUTTSTBA. A.M., gnolog; LAPCOK. F.Ye., geolog; LICTMK. I.L., geolog; MAKUY-qINA, A.A., geolog; MkTVITMIKO. Te.M.. gmolog: MEDT11A. V.S., geolog; MDLYAVKO. G.I., geolog,- NATDIN. D.P., gmolog; NOVIK. Te.O.. geolog-, POIA)VKO, I.K.. geolog; HDDIONOY, S.P., geolog: SEWNENK0. N.F., alrademik. geolog; SEFOLTRY, A.D., e'eolog;,-.SIWSHTAN. R.I., geolog-, SLAVIN. V.L. geolog; SUKHMMICH. P.P., gnolng; TKAGHUK, L.G., goolog; USZNKO, I.S., geolog; USTI- ITOVSKIT, Tu.B.- goolog; TSAROVSKIYj I.D., geolog; SHULIGA, P.L., gaolng; TURK, Tu.Yu., gmoloe,-, TAMNICHEITKO. I.M., geolog: AIdwPOV. P.Ta.. plavny7 rodaktor; FILIPPOVA. B.S., red. Izd-va; GIM.VA, O.A., tekhn.rmd. [Geologr of the U.S.S.R.] Geologlia SSSR. Glav. red. P.IA.Antropov. 7ol.5.LUkrainian S.S.R., Moldavian S.S.R.1 . . Ukrainskaia SSR. Moldavskala SSR. Red. V.A. Ernbov, N.P. Semenenko. lh.I.Peological description of the platform area] Geologichaskoe op~sanle platfor- mennoi chasti. Moskva. Gos. nPuchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrana nadr. 1958. 1000 p. I Supplenent] Priloshenita. -7continuad on -~;x-t card) AYZENVERG, D.Ye. -(continued) Card 2. 1 fold.maps (in portfolio) 04IRA 12.'1) 1. Rnssia (1991- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr. 2. Ukrainskoye genlogicbeskoye upravlentye Mininterstva geologil i okbrany nedr SSSR i Institut geologicbeakikh nauk Akademii nank USSR (for all except Antropov, Filippova, Gurova). 3.Glavnyy geolog Ukrainskogo goologichenkogo upravleniya (for Tersbov). 4. AN Ukrainskoy SSR (for Semenenko). (Ukraine--Greology) (Moldavia--Geology) SIRCSFE.C.214, :R.I.; IMERNOVSKIY. M.I.CGheraovs'kyI-, F.I.] Correlation of rocks in the nildle series of tho Likhmanovslmya syncline aml the Tar~p&ko-Likh:-wnovskaya aoticline in the Yrivcv ROE 'a, ~~. (z ol. zhur. 19 no. 2:83-86 158. (RIR,~ 11:7) (Kr.',v,), Rog 9anin-Goology. Stratigroobic) V - 0 SIROSHTAN, R.I.; POLOVKO, 14.1. Hornblandes in metabasites in ferruginous-siliceouB formations of the 'Mcrainian crystalline shield. Geol. zhur. 19 no..4.-47-57 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Ukraine-Hornblende) f09 d4l 0 0-1,04; NN60 %10 of VO Lop, VO~ Cos .16.0 .00 0 -6- L e 4 ld _eo~ PD~ % owd 0 % lo. ~-Q a ox Re ep :;~~Oa* oi, 0 volp so so V0 sp oil Os I d de k1p. ~o 01. NSA 0 vp~ -C#-: & PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV15325 International Geological Congress. 21st., Copenhagens 1960. Granit0-POYBY (Gneissome Granites) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UKrSSRq 1960. 174 p. 19000 copies printea. ~Seriess Doklady sovetakikh goologov, problem 14) Added t. po in English. Sponsoring Agencys Akademiya nauk Sqyuza SSR. Akadmiya.nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. Natsionallnyy kositat goologov Sovetskogo Sqyuza. Editorial Boards Resp.Eds.s N*F* Semenenkol D.S. Korshinsklyp and G.D. Afanas"Jav; Ed. of Publishing Houses V.N. Zaviryukhina; Tech. Ed.1 A.A. Matvaychuk. PURPOSEI This 6o6k is intended for geologists and petrographers, as won as students of geology at schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The book contains 23 articles representing the reports given by Soviet scientists at the 21st'Semsion of the International Geological Congress. The individual reports deal with theoretical problem of metamorphism and inter- action of magmatic masses, formation of granitest magmatic replacement in sub- effusive facies.. formation of scarns,, and paragenetic analysis. Representatives Card 115 Gneiasose Granites SOV/5325 of the following scientific institutions participated in the works D.S. Nor- zhinskiy and V.A. Mwikovj, of IGEM (Institute of Geology of Mineral Depositsq Petrography, and Geochanistry AS USSR); V.V. Tikhouirov.. of the Inatitut geol- ogii AN SSSR (Institute of Geology AS USSR); N.G. Sudovikowt Laboratoriya problem dokmbriya (Laboratory of Precambrim Problem); N.P. Semnenko, R.I. Siroshtan, N.I. Polovkoj, Ya. N. Belevtsevj, and A.I. Strygin of the Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geological Sciences AS UkrSSR); V.S. Sobolev of the Institut geologii polenykh iskopayaWkh AN UkrW (Institute of Geology of Minerals AS UkrSSR) and LIvovskiy gamdarstvannyy universitet (L'vov State University); G.M. Zaridze, and N.F* Tatriahvili of the Geologicheskiy Institut AN GrusInskoy SSR (Geological Institute AS Gruz&2); G.L. Pospelov, Inatitut geologii i goofisiki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Departzent of the AS USSR); N.A. Govorov of the DallnevostochiWy filial AN SSSR..(Far Eastern Branch of the AS USSRk and I.F. Trusava, of the Moskoveldy geologorazvedochayy institut (Moscow Institute for Geological Kxploration~ An English resuif acempanies each article# Reforences.follow individual articles. Card 2,15 Gneissose Granites TABLE OF CONTENTSt Foreword 5 Korzhinskiy, D.S. Acidity-Alkalinity in Magmatic Processes 7 Semenenko, N.P. Theory of Metamorphifm of Mobile Belts is Sobolev, V.S. Role of High Pressures in Metamorphism 36 Siroahtan,, R.I. Metamorphism of Alumosilicate Rocks of Ferrosiliceous -torm-ations in the Ukraine 46 Zharikov, V.A. Magmatic Replacement of Carbonate Formations 54 Polovko., N.I. Principles of the Classification and Grade of Ferrosiliceous Rock Metamorphism in the Ukraine 68 Card 315 Gneiasose Granites SOV/5325 Govorov., I.N. The Greisening of Carbonate Rocks 80 Sudovikov,, W.G. Granites and Ore Formation 97 Tikhomirov, V.V. The Development of the Earth's Crust and the Significance of Metasomatosis in This Process 107 Zaridze, G.M., and N.F. Tatrishvili. The Stages of Metasamatosis 327 Pospelov, G.L. The Phenomena of Magmatic Replacement in the Subeffusive Facies and the Subeffusive Stages of Development of Magmatic Complexes in Western Siberia 140 Trusova, I.F. Granitization and Metamorphism of Precambrian Formations in Central Xazakhstan 154 Belevtsev, U.N., and A.I. Strygin. Granitization of the Rocks of an ircn-ore ~'ormation and the Genesis of Ores (as Illustrated by the Iron-Ore Deposits of the Ukraine) 168 Card 415 SIROSEPAN, R.I.; ISIEHINKO, D. I. Decoloration of carbow-quarts-sericite shales of the upper series in the Krivoy Rog area. -Dop.AN URSR no-1:87-W 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN USSR. Predstavleno aim- demikom AN USSR N.F.Semenemko [M.F.Someneukol. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Shale) POLOVKO, N.I.; SIROSHTAN, R.I.; RYABOKOYP, S.M. ftaracteristics of certain metaultrabasite minerals in ferro-- siliceous formations of the Ukraine. Geol. zhur. 20 no. 3:13-26 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Ukraine-Minerals) IVAVTISBIIq, Mikhail Nikolayevich [Ivantyshyng M.M.1; SEMIMIKO, M.P.., akademik,,; SIROSI[TAN, R.I., kand.geol.-mineral nauk, red.vypuska; OVCHAROVA, Z.G. L07charova, Z.H.1, red.; KADASHEVICH, 0.0., [Georhemical characteristics of rock-forming elements of Pro- Cambrian intrusive rocks in the Ukrainian Crystallize Shield] Geokhimicbna kharakteryst-yka porodoutvoriuiuebykh elementiv dokembriialkykh intruzyvnykh porid Ukrains1koho krystalichnoho shchyt.a. Kyiv, V~d-vo Akad.nauk Ukrainskoi HSR, 1961. 34 p. (Akademiia nauk URSR, Kiev. Inotitut geologicbnykh nauk Trudy, noolA. iKMA 14:12) lo AN USSR (for Semenenko). (Ibieper vaney-Rocksp Igenous) (Geochemical prospecting) SHCHERBAK, Nikolay Petrovich (Shcherbak, M.P.); SIRO _TAN-,R-T ,; P,OKROVSKAYA., Z.S. (PdkrovsIka,, Z.S~I, rel"=:;a"; MATVIEHUK,,OX., [Geology and accesisory,minei 4jotion of the Pre-Cambrian in the upper Teterey Valley] Geolo'-U-1 aktoesorna minerallsaiBlia dakenbriiu verkhiv'4v r. Tetereva. K ', Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1961. 86 p. (Akademiia Nauk ORSR, Ki4v. Instytut geologichnykh nauk,. Pratsi. Seriia geokhimii, Petrografii i mineralogii, no.10). (MIRA 160) (Teterev Valley-7Geology) SHNYUKOV, Ye.F.; NAUMENKO, P.I.: SIROS kand. geol.- . I miner. nauk, otv. red.; YARMYSH, Yu., red.izd-va; FISENKO,A., tekhn. red. (Kerch Basin manganese and iron ores]Margantsovo-zhelesaye rudy Kerchenskogo bassaina. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 160) (Kerch Basin-Manp see ores) (Kerch Basin-Ira: ores) BELEVTSEV, U.N.; FOnNKO, V.Yu.; NOTAROV, V.D.; MOLYAVKaG.L;MEL'N1K, Yu.P.; _STR0,13 DOVGANI, M.N.; CHERNOVSKIY, M.I.; SHCHERBAKOVA K.F.; ZAOORUYKO, L.G.;_GOitOSHNIKOV,,8.L; AKIMENKOJ, N.M.; SEMEF~%YEVA, Ye.A.;.RUCHER, V.N.; TAKHTUYEV, G.V.; KALYAYEV, G.I.; ZARUBA, V.M.; NAZAROV, P.P.; MAKSIMOVICH, V.L.; STRUYEVA, G.M.; KARSHENBAUX, A.F.1 SKARZHINSKAYA, T.A.; CHEREDNICHENKO, A.I.; GERSHOYG, Yu.G.; FITADE, A.A.; RADUTSKAYA, P.D.; ZHILKINSKIY, S.I.; KAZAK, V.M.; KAGHAN, V.G.; STRYGIN, A.I., red.; LADIYEVA, V.D.,, red.; ZHUKOV, G.V., red.; YEPATKO, Yu.M., red.; SHCHERBAKOV, B.D.,, red.; SLENUK, 0.1., red.izd-va; RAKHLINA, N.P., takhn''red. [Geology of Krivoy Rog iron-ore depositzlGeologiia frivorozbskikh zhelezorudnykh mestorozhdenii. Kiev, Isd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l.[General problems in the geology of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Geology and iron ores of the deposiO of the *Ingulets,w Rakhmanovo, and Illich Mines]Obshchie voprosy geologii Krivbassa. Geologicheskoe stroenie i zheleznye rudy mestorozhdenii T12d"',kov "Ingulets," Rakhmanovskogo i im. Illicha. 1962. 479 p. (Krivoy FAg Basin-Mining geology) (MIRA 16:3) (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron ores) SEMETIENKOP Nikolay Panteleymonovich; "q'kRQSIITAN, R~L, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, otv. red.; ~AVIRYUKHIA, V.N.., red. ~Ietamorphism of mobile belts;] Metamorfizm podvizhnykh zon. ,Kiev;'1963. 256.p.,.,(Akadcmiia:-*nauk URSR,,Kiev. Instytut 1-1-1 gdblokichnykh nauk. Trudy. Seriia petrografii,-mifieralogii i geokhimii, no. 18) (MIRA 17:5) SMITYUKOV, Yevger.iy Fedorovich; SIROS1jTAN,_R.1tj kand. geol.- Tr .,Ill. nauk, otv. red.; SORDlYffk, O.P., red. [Genest-s of Cimmerian iron ores in the Azov-31ack Sea ore province] Genezis kilureriiskikh zheleznykh rud Azovo- Chernomorskoi rudnoi provintsid. Kiev, Naukova dumka. 1965. 194 p. (MlRA 18;6) S IRO T, M. MWOMP-w"Ift- Device for milling key grooves on a turning lathe; Odessa Ship Repair Tard. Inform.abor.TSNIIW -no.26:86-88 '58. (MR1, 13:4) 1. Odeaskiy sudoremontnyy savod No.l. (0doosa-Shipyards-Bquipment and supplies) SIROTA, A. k'v:~ . - 1. ~- "Training riflemen in winter. Toon.snan.-32 no.12:22-23 D 156. (Shooting, Military) (Winter V&rfars) MU 10:2) SIRCTA, A.D., podpolkovnik med.sluzhby; SERGEYEVA, T.I. (Voronezh) Diagnosis and treatment of amoebic abscess of the liver. Vrach.delo no.10:1087-1089 0 159. (KIRA 13:2) (LIVER--ABSCINSS) SIROTA I A.D.; VOROTWIKOVA, A.M. Course of alveolar echinococciasis of the liver. Vrach.delo no-4:142-143 AP163 (IrM 16:7) .!LIVM:~--HYDATIDS) SOijE.,,AYSKIY , Konstantin Stani.,;Iavovich; SDIOTA Ivan Fedorovich; BAIRAKOV Yuriy Grigorlyevich; 2 Y Vasillyevich; DVCRYU!KOV, Sergey Mikhaylovich; MASIDV, A.V.,, red.; VASILIYEVA, V.I., red.izd-va; 1101-W',OVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Geodosic works for the construction of irrigation and drainage systems] Geodezicheskie raboty dlia stroitellstva orositel'rWkh i osushitellnylch sistem. [By] K.S.Soberaiskii i dr. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 203 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Surveying) (Irrigation) (Drainage) SIRLYTA, U.N.; DMIIL'KNYICH, M.I.; SI-lt.(,Y2A.-,A-G.;-SHIM&NSKAYA, V.P. Illectreta made from high polymers. Dokl.AN BSSR 2 no,.10:413- 415 N '58. (MIRA 12:8) (Iglectrets) SAMSONOV, G.V.; DMITRMO, L.V.; SIROTA, A.G.; 0ORYUNKOVA, A.D.; HDROZOVA, I.G.; KLIKH, S.P.; SHISTIRIKOVA. M. . Purirication or albomycin by using chromatographic method an oulfo- cationites. Antibiottki 3 no.2:90-94 Yb-Ap 158. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Laningradakly khImiko-farwatsevt1chaskly Institut, i Inatitut vysokomolekalyarn,ykh soyedinenly AN SSSR. (AMIBICTICS, al,bomycin, chronatographle purification with sulfo- cation exchange resistance (Has)) (ION IMCHANGN RISINS, mulfo-cation exchange resin SDV-3, chromatographic purification of albomycin (Bag)) SAMSONOV, G.V.. DMITRIYIENKO, L.V., SIROTA, A.G., SHESTERIKOVA, M.P., LAVRENTOYEVA, S.F. ------- Physicochemical properties of albomycin [with summpr7 in English] Biokhimila 23 no.2:220-224 Xr-Ap 058 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnvkh soyedineniy AN SSSR J Khimiko- farmatsevtIcheskly institut, Leningrad. (AnTIBIOTICS. albomycin, physicochem. properties (Rua)) SIROTA, A.G. ------------ Setting of phenol-formaldebyde materials in the presence of dicarbox7lic acids. DokI.AN BSSR 3 n0-3:91-94 * '59. - (MM 12:8) 1. Predstavleno akademikart AN BSSR I.Y. Termolenko. (Phenol condensation products) 50) AUTHORS: Sirota, A. G., Petrov, G. S. (Det:.eased) SOV164-59-5-3128 TITLE: Phenol C,)ndensation With Formaldehyde in the Presence of a Bir-ary Catalyst PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennos'.19 1959, Nr 59 PP 383-385 (USSR) A13STRACT: The mechanism of the catalytic effect of hydrochloric acid - oxalic acid mixtures during phenol - formaldehyde condensation (C) in the no-iolak production was investigated. The experiments were carried out at constant pH-values and with variation of the ratio hydroohloric acid (1): oxalic acid (11). and it was determined that there is a functional relation between the rate of polyc~~ndensation 'RP) and the composition of the M + (I!) mixture (Fig 1). The temperature coefficient (TC) of the M is also dependent an the ratio of (I) + (II). By the addition of (II) to (1) the activity of the latter is r;eake-ned and (C) is retarled by redueing the active form of formaldehyde into an J=rAtm cre. By a further increase of the quantity of (II)(and the resulting decrease of the quantity of (1)) tbe catalytic function of the chloride ions is ever more Card 1/2 replaced by that of (n)-anions. thus causing another increase Phenol Condensation With Formaldehyde in the SOV/64-~59-5-3/28 Presence of a Binary Catalyst in the (RP). This explains the occurrence of a minimum on the curves. (Fig 1). A shift of the minimum by a change in temperature is explained by an increase of the dissociation constant of (II) with the temperature. The latter is also attributed to the dependence of the (TC) on the composition of the catalyst. There are 2 figures and 2 references. Card 2/2 SIRCTA, A. G. , Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "6.yntb(,,,-dS Wid 118rdelli[V; 04' phenol- f orma idehyde resins in tile presezace of dicarboxylic acids." Moscow, 1G60. 16 T)p with ~-raphs; (Ministry of Higher Education USSR, .1 - - -- r- Moscow (-rder of Lenin Cheu-ical Technology in6t im D. I. Mendeleyev); Criven; (KL, 23-60, 12') 150 copies; price not , S/19.1/60/000/002/001/012 B027/2058 AUTHORS: Arkhipova, Z. V., Semenova, A. S., Sirota, A.,G., Golldenberg, A. L., Illchenko, P. TITLE: Copolymerization of Ethylene With Propylene PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 2, PP- 4-8 TEXT: The authors deal with the copolymerization of ethylene with propylene, since polymerization of ethylene with chromium oxide catalysts on an aluminum silicate carrier results in a material of too low elasticity. The change of the polyethylene properties by increasing the ramification and reducing the degree of crystallinity by means of copolymerization of ethylene with other monomers is therefore of interest. The methods elabo- rated for the production of polyethylene (Ref. 1) were applied for the synthesis of ethylene copolymers with propylene. A carrier with 4% Al 203 and 9Wa SiO 2 saturated with a 0-3 mole aqueous chromium anhydride solution was used as catalyst. The activation took place at 5500C, air velocity 200 1 per 1 1 catalyst during 5 hrs. A 1.5 1 autoclave with a stirring Card 1/ 3 Copolymerization of Ethylene With S/191J60/000/002/001/012 Propylene B027/BO58 apparatus and steam jacket was used for the copolymerization. The degree of ramification of the copolymers was determined by infrared absorption spectra, the degree of crystallinity was calculated according to X-ray diffraction curves. The copolymerization of ethylene with propylene pro- ceeds less readily than the polymerization of ethylene; the reaction is strongly accelerated if the pressure is increased within the range of from 8 to 30 atm. The temperature is a very important factor in the preparation of polymers with certain properties. A temperature increase reduces the viscosity, tensile strength, and breaking elongation. An increase of the propylene content in the initial mixture of the monomers leads to increased ramification of the copolymers and a reduction of the crystallinity degree. It follows from the dependence determined that the properties of new polymers can be altered toward the required direction by alterinff the composition of the initial mixture of the monomers and the conditions of the copolymerization process. Thanks are expressed to Professor V. M. Chulanovskiy and the scientific collaborators I. N. Andreyeva and V. 11. Zapletnyak for advice rendered, to B. A. Lipkind for producing the aluminum silicate samples and to A. M. Vallberg, A. A. Stepanova, and G. S. Rubinson for experimental work. There are 8 figures, Card 2/3 Copolymerization of Ethylene With Propylene 2 tables, and 3 referencest 2 Soviet and 1 US. B/191/60/000/002/001/012 B027/BO58 Card 3/3 YV)3 S/191V62/ooo/oo6/003/016 _'5 110/ B 1 36 ~"%JTI " 0 is GolldenberE, A. L., illchenlro, P. E~i Ryabikov, Ye. P., Kulik-ovskaya, I". F. TIT'LE': investil-ation of the structure of ethylene-propylene copolymers -P-P-ODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 6, 1962y 8-11 T EX T :The -caoer rejo:?t8 research into the relationshiT) between the br&nchin.- olf propy-lene-ethylene copolymers (30-4r0 at) and crystallinity, which dezerm-nes physicomechanical nroperties. -The copolym-er contained up .to 5&;.', C-H,. I-~s branching was examined using samples 0.020 mim thick and I J) 6 v F II ~/ n iIKC-11 (IYS-11) spectrometer with an -Nila,! prisrq. The number 0 f C-3 a -,,)e-- 100 carbon a-.oms was found from the intensity ratio of the 1378 and 't465 cm,- 1 absorption bands. The degree of crystallinity was deterz`ned from X-ray d4ffraction curves obtained with an t' i rDr -ro j ; L, ( URS-50) a:)')ara~.Us. Tt Was Found that the degree of crystallinity increased almost linearly with decreasin6 number of CH, groLps. Th:e crystallinity and Card 1/2 SO, 91 /62/GO0/0G6/'003/Qi 6 investigation of the structure ... 311 10131, 3b ciensity of copolymers contai-aing 2-3.3 C17- -roups are subs t-aritially h.-her than -for hi.-h density ~)oiyathylene (copolymner 80-87', high-density Polyethylene 1~0_7&,'~ cr,,_qzaljj,,jity)1 as branching of ethyl and butyl is present in the latter. Fo-" less than 2 CH- Groups the X-ray pictures of co,,.,o_1ymcr3 and polyethylene differ only in crystallinity. 'For 4-5 CH j 3 Erou-os the crys-tallinituy falls and the diffraction pattern is shifted ~cward larger interplane distances. Examination under an electron microscopG revealed greater formations of spherolites in -polyethylene than n tha copolymer. Crystallinity and density thus decrease as the number of propylene links ir. the macromolecular increase. It was establishad by e-.-a= nlrl~ The crystallinity by infrared absorption, spectra that the 730 cz.-1 absorption band increased almost linearly with crystallinity while the 1302'cm-1 band decreased non-linearly. There are 8 figures. Card 2/2 3/191/62/000/011/017/019 Bloi/Bia6 AUTHORS: 0-habadash, A. N., Sirota, A. G. TITLE: Spectroscopic study of the effect of dicarboxylic acids on the setting of novolac resins PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy', no. 11, 1962,' 65-67 on that the setting of phenol TEXT: 1 check was made of the assumpti formaldehyde novolac resin with hexamethylene tetramine in the presence of dicarboxylic acids proceeds with formation of cross links of the type OH 0H -CH2-c 6H 3- CH2-N-CH2-C 6H3- CH2- C-0 I (CH2)n OH %;-u Y11 -CH2-C6H3- CH2-N-CH2-C6H 3- CH2- Card 1/2 SI/191/62/000/011/017/019 Spectroscopic study of the Bioi/B186 was checked. For this purpose: the.spectra of 2,2'-dihydroXY-3,5,3',5'- tetramethyl dibenzyl amine (1) m-P 1140C, of a reaction product of I with, iCtlo oxalic acid at 1700C, of novolac set with 10% hexamethylene tetramine and 10% oxalic acid at 1500C, and of novolac set with 10% hexamethylene tetramine alone at 1500C were compared with one another. Results: The reaction product of I with oxalic acid showed bands characteristic of the C=O group at 1645 and 1663 cm-1, whereas the bands at 1230 and 710 cm-1 0 V characteristic of oxalic acid were missing. Thus,,cross linking occurred between the nitrogen atoms of the amine through a C-0 group. The same I C-0 I C-0 bands appeared in novolac set with oxalic acid, whereas they were missing in novolac set without oxalic acid. The presence of these cross links is assumed to be the cause of the accelerated setting of novolac resins in the presence of dicarboxylic acids, resulting in improved physicomechanical properties. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 SEI-MNOVA, A.S.. PARAt.,.ONKOV, Ye.Ya.; FF-DOTOV, B.G.; COLIDRIBERG, A.L. 3 ILICHENKO, P.A.; CHAPLINA, A.M.; SKURIKHRIA, V.S.; SAZHIN, B.I.; MANEYEiA, Ye.N.; KOZOIA, A.A.; DYNIKINA, ffBIKOV, Ye.P..,- GERBILSKIY, I.S.; L.-- S]TCIIUTSKIY, S.V., red.; SHUR, Ye.l., red. (Medium pressure pol-yethylenel Polietilen srednego davleniia. Moskva, Khimiia, 1965. 89 P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. flauchnc-issledovatellskly institut polimerizatsionnykh plastmass (for all except Shchutskly, Shur). EWT.(m)/&IP(J)/.T RPL WWAWRI4 L 8508 -M) '- - - - --- ISOURCE COM UR10286165100010201006610066 ACC 14M ILP5028491 L AUTHORS: 9irotal A. G.; Ryabikov Ye. P.; Chopkov . F.; Lavrovskiyt X. P., Brodskiy, A. M.;/RuzVantsev, A. N ; 111chenk6, F, A.; GoIldenbergt Asl ORG: none T'6 TITLE: A method for obtaining ejhylene%a2kmers~.' Class 39, No- 1756 19 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarrqkh znakov, no. 20p 1365, 66 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, copolymer, ethylene, olefing chromium compoundp catalyst, copolymerization, paraffin, cracking, petroleum ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining ethylene .copolymers by copolymerizing ethylene with an M-olefin-containing compound at 60-130C and at a pressure of 30-40 atm. in the presence of acid chromium catalyst. To simplify the technique of copolymerization, benzine distillate of rapid contact cracking of petroleum paraffins is used as the d-olefin-containing compounds. SUB CODE: SUBJi.DATE. O7Feb63 UDC: 678-742.2 20371-66 DJT(m)/9WP(J)/T/ffC(m)-6 WW/RM ACC NR: Ap6oo6535 (A) SOURCE CODEs AUTHORS: ota A. Q.-. Ryabikov, Ye. P.; Golldenberg, A. L.; 111chenko, F9' Chopko, ORGt none TITLE: Modification of the structure and properties of polyclefins, ~opolyners of ethylene with higher 0< -olefins SOURGEt PlaLcheskiye massy, no* 11, 1965, 5-8 TOPIC TAGSt polymer, crystalline polymer, conjugated polymer, catalytic polymerizations catalyst , organic synthetic process, copolymer, 'ethylene, olefin, polymer structure ABSTRACT: The synth J t( f ethylene-higher (Z~-olefin copolymers in the presence of an oxychromic cal=yas Iwas studied. The catalyst was prepared after Z. V. A.rkhipova.% A* S. SeFe-nova., A. G. Sirota, A. L. -Golldenbergs and P. A. 111chenko (Plast. massy, No. 2, 4, 196o), and the higher cK -olefins were synthesized after A. L. GoIldenberg wid .9. 0. Lyubetakly (Vyzckomd2-0kV aQYVd~J $, No, 6p 905s 1963)o1 The reaction was carried out in an autoclave at a temperature of 80-100C. The degree of crystallinity, modulas of elasticity, density, viscosity in decaline at -13.01639.2-1 Card 1/3 -.678.74 L ' 2o371-66 ACC NR: AP6006535 135G. melting pointp and the number of CH3 groups per 1000 atoms of C of the synthesized polymers were determined. The experimental results are presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). The,degree of crystallinity and the extent of Fig. 1, Composition And crystallini(- A 76. degree of I ty 4 of ethylene- c~ -heptene copolymer 10 43 0/ 0 as a function or the reaction yields 74 IV I 4-j 724.4 Or 01 0 0 /0 70 W 0 4 0 RZ o efin Yield., dil 1 branching were determined by x-ray and IR spectra respectively. It was found that~ the ethylene-higher c~-olefins have properties intermediate between those of medium and high pressure polyethylene. B. 1. Vol and N. V. Sarana participated in' Card 213 ---------- ------- -- L 20371-66 ACC NR: AIP6006535 the experimental work, Thanks are given to B. A. Krentsel') ~. P. Lavrovs A. M. Brodskiy, and A. N. Humyantsev for their valuable advice, Orig* arto hass 2 tables and 5 graphs. SUB CODE:07,1.1/ SUBH DATE: none/ Card 313 ORIG REFt 0091 OTH REF a 009 - - - - - - - - -4; T-3 Fi -,.;-",T r Z; C' N ACC-- AP60272-84 SOUXE CODE: UR10191166100010081005310060 AUT11-'OR: Si A.-G Aqnberg, A. L. 'chonko, P. A.; Ryl!~bikqyj e. P.; F vedotov, B. G.; Kqraveva, 14. G.; Zyuzina, L. I.; Kharitonova, 0. K. ORGI none T-'LUZ: Modification of the structure and properties of polyolefins. Effect of radia-. tion on ethylene-propylone copolymers SOUR,7EI Plastichoskiye massy, no, 81 19661 58-60 TOPIC TAGS: irradiation effect, oloctron radiation, copolymer, ethylono, propylene ABSTRACT: T'no effect of irradiation with fast electrons (2.0-2.2 MeV) on the structure and propertios of ethylene-propylone copolymers (EPC) was studied on filrn-; of these copolymers (50 " thick) coiltaining 7 moie % propylene (EPC-7) and stabilized with the heat, and light stabilizers"Z-2!L~phosphite and 2-hydroxy-4-,qlkoxybonzophenone. The ir- radiation offe c[7w--as--d`efe mined from the solubility of the films, given by the content ,of the soluble sol fraction extracted with boiling o-xylene. The cross-linking pro- I Iduced by the electrons decroases the cz-1stallinity of the copolynert the degree of I ;crystallinity, determined by x-ray diffraction, docreasod with increasing irradiation dose, but there was no appreciable chango in the fusion temperature. A stildy of the -e change in physicomechanical. characteristics showed the specific elongation at ruptu. to decrease kparticularly at 50 Mrad) and the ultimate tensile strength to fall off - Card--- _1[2_____ .---UDC: 678.742.2--134-23.0-19-3:539-124 L 0005-66 ACC NR: AP6027284 Blightly with Incroasing dose. 7bo most signifleant change occurs above the melting range of the film; at 1350C, the Initial film hns no strength of extension at all, The do- ~whoreas the irradiated filin has a strength of extension of about 10 kg/ cm2 'greo of unsaturation of the copolymer increases substantially with increasing dose up k1o 100 Mrad, and approaches a constant value with further increase in dose. The main type of unsaturation are the trans-vinyleno groups (R-HC=CH--111). The irradiated co- inolymer sanples oxidize rapidly in airp and IR spectra show an Increase in the concen- . I .L.ration of carbonyl groups. In conclusion, authors thank A. V. 4sav, S. A.Subbotkin, A. S. Androye and A. 14. KhoTWakov for their assistance in the irradiation of" sam- ples. Orig. art. hast 5 figures. 5UB CODES 07)11/ORIG REFS 003/ OTH REFS 005 Card 2/2 ,b 89643 S/020/60/134/001/032/038XX 0 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Sirota, A.I. TITLE.- Centers of Non-Compact Simple Lie Groups PERIODICALiDoklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-134,No-1, pp-44-47 TEXT: The author calculates the centers of all simply connected non-compact simple Lie groups. He uses the generalization of the method used by Ye.B.Dvnkin and A.L.Onishchik (Ref.2: UMN, 10,no-4,3 (1955)) for the calculation of the centers in the case of compact groups. The appearing groups are connected. Let P -- compact simple Lie algebra, H -- its Cartan subalgebra, [P]-- its complex form,T -- complete system of the roots of P, e,&--- root vector of [P] which corresponds to the root vC. The structural formulas are e 14 e (E,~ + 0) fec,e VX of _ J= 2 ITi (X [h, e,,,]= 2 Iri(h, ot-)e h6H; C~,PfiY , ZCH. Let.r.='C exp(h), where h is the matrix of the linear transformation Card 1 /? 89643 S/02qj6O/134/001/032/038XX Centers of Non-Compact Simple Lie Groups C111/C222 X-.:PLx, h], x EP, h E H, and 7C -- involutive automorphism of P which 0 transfers into itself a certain system n(P)C H of simple roots of P, where Z~ (6,C) = e (, occ n(P if 'C Is extended to the automorphism 0 of the whole algebra [P]. Let P+ be the subalgebra of P belonging to the characteristic root 1 of -C 9 and let H+ = P+OH. Let Ve be a certain real group with the Lie algebra G; X+ -_ its commutative subgroup generated by H +. If 1~is simply connected then it is denoted with Lemma 1z The center 1.,( 4) of the group ?,is contained in the commutative subgroup X +. Let R -- semisimple compact algebra, ro(R) -- the integral lattice in the Cartan subalgebra of R the base of which is formed by the vectors 1 2 ol 0t T-;~ (-- n (R). Let r (R) -- the integral lattice the base , CL , 0( 1 of which is biorthogonal to the system n(R). Let P 0 be the subalgebra Card 21ej 89643 S10201601134100110321038XX Centers of Non-Compact Simple Lie Groups C111/C222 of P belonging to the characteristic root 1 of r-0. Lemma 2: The inverse image of the center of the group 1~ in H+ for the canonical mapping c: G---> I is the lattice F,(P)nH +, where this lattice is identical with the lattice F (P 1 0 Let P+ = P1+V be the decomposition of the compabt algebra P + into the semisimple compact P 1 and the commutative V. r,_ Theorem: The center of the simply connected group is isomorphic to the factor group[-,(PO) /f-O(Pl), where the isomorphism is generated by the canonical mapping c:G--.), 0~ Then the author gives the centers of the simply connected non- compact simple real Lie groups. Let ZM (z) be the additive cyclic group of m-th order with the generator z, Z(z) be the infinite cyclic groupi V< The numeration of the simple roots is the same as in (Ref.2). The rea forms of singular algebras are given by the signatures S of their Cartan metric. The enumeration is arranged according to the real Card 3/ 5 89643 S/020J60/134/001/032/038XX Centers of Non-Compact Simple Lie Groups C111/C222 forms A n (n?~1), Bn, 0n'Dn, G2 F 41 E6 , EV E., e.g.: Real forms Cn' j(n-1 )/2] Let z = i 7 , Z, &-2k+l 0 1. G = C 21 __ the algebra of the matrices of the order 2n which let n n invariant the skew-symmetric bilinear form '5(x2k-1y2k_'2V2k-1) and 21 2n the Hermitean form -7- Xk7k+ 7 xkYk . The center has the form Z2(z)' 1 21+1 2. G = IC -- the algebra of the real matrices of the order 2n which n n let invariant the skew-symmetric bilinear form (x 2k-ly2k-x 2ky2k-1) The center is Z(z) for an odd n, and Z2(z)+Z(zl) for an even n. Real forms G21 1.S = 2. The center is Z 2(0~-2)- Card 4/5 89643 s/o2o/60/134/001/034638XX Centers of Non-Compact Simple Lie Groups C111/C222 Real forms F4 1- -52. The center is trivial. 2. 4. The center is Z 2(OCO' Real forms E8 1 . 9 = -24. The center is Z 2('041 2. 9'= 8. The center is Z 2( 0~)' The author mentions F.R.Gantmakher and A.S.Solodovnikov. He thanks P.K. Rashevskiy for the interest in the paper. There are 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 French. PRESENTED: April 16, ig6o, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 15, 1960 Card 5/5 85939 N,-2000 S10201601134100310291033XX AUTHOR; Sirota, A. C 111/ C 333 TITLE: Kernels of Linear Representations of Noncompact Simple Lie Groups 4 PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 3, pp. 540-543 TEM According to A. J. Malltsev (Ref.1), there exists among the locally isomophic semisimple groups admitting rigorous linear re- presentations, the-so-called universal linear group with the proper- ty that the other groups are factor groups of this group. This group is obtained from the simply connected covering-by-factorization with respect to a certain central normal-subgroup which is denoted as linearizing normal subgroup. Let P be a simple compact Lie algebra, CPI its complex form, 7, its involutive automorphism, 0 = P + i p 1 , where P+C P is the subalgebra belonging to the charatteristIc root + 1 of T; and P-1 belongs to the root,;l,,Let the Cartan subalgebra H of F be chosen so that T = -C0 p(h), where Tf is the matrix of the linear transformation x -,*[ x,h3 xeP,hC- Hand -C 0 an involutive isomorphism-of P which leaves invariant a certain system 7-1(P) of simple roots of P (see (Ref.3)). Card 1/ 3 85937 3/020/60/134/003/029/033XX C ill/ C 333 Kernels of Linear Representations of Noncompact Simple Lie Groups Is Let H+ = H n P + and P+ = PI + V where P * compac t semisimple and V C H commutative. Let F70(A) be an 'integral grid in the Cartan sutalgebra with the basis 06 2 ofj T;~-704 of a semisimple compact algebra R. Let'G" be a simply connected real group with the Lie algebra G, G the universal linear group locally isomorphic to V. Theorems The linearizing normal subgroup N of a simply connected ^1 simple real group G is isomorphic to the factor group F (P) () H / F (P,). 0 + 0 The isomorphism is generated by the canonical mappping of the algebra G into the groupG. From this it follows in particular that the center of the universal Card 2/3 85939 8/020/60/134/003/029/033XX C 111/ C 333 Kernels of Linear Representations of Noncompact Simple Lie Groups linear group for real forms of first-category coincides with the center of the simply connected compact group of the same complex structure, the element representations of which are calculated in the Cartan subalgebraN\An (Ref. 2). These results are-used in order to give the linearizing normal subgroups N (as subgroups of the ev center C of the group G), the centers of the universal linear groups CR~ and the kernels of the linear representations for real ncompact groups. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni V. J. Leni-na (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V. J. Lenin) PRESENTED: May 9, 1960, by J. G. Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: May 7? 1960 Card 3/3 SIROTA, A.I. Torsion of spaces with infinitesimal connectivity. Trudy Mat, inst. AN Gruz. SSR 270-9 160 iTopology) (KIRA 15:3) t) - I I " L. SL~()T', A. I. , C.,,,,l A cL. 7, 1 . , sci. ( di S: 7: .31 3, I ) ; -U, j~ -:1p 1 e 7L1 _ ]~,,OU-jS *h, ~ - - - ~j. 3 a I i,~ 1 e . " I'-', o 2 Q C, -e; Z;~ -- - - , -1 ~- I ~ P-P. (MGf-:cO',' Stat.-? Univ. 14 4- - 1 'lect" - -1-fat"'. Rae. ) (KL Supp 12-611 -V3) . .~~I~O~A I ~ A. I. Simple subgroups of simply-connected real simple Lie groups. Dokl. AN SSSR .137 no.5-.lo63--.1066 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.G.Petrovskim. (Groups, Theory of) SIROTAt A.I.; SOLODOVNIKOV, A.S. Noncompact semisimple Ue groups. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.3:87-144 W-Je 163. (MIRA 16:10) r i'~%, STROTA, A.T. Classification of real simple Lie groups (in the large). Uch. zap. MGPI no. 243:345-365 165 (MIRA- 19-1) A, A. A. "Trv:?~A-L.7ation of It-he Heat Ccntent of Vapor -'r; the Suber-1-tical 17-al-on." Yin Eloctrir Inmr.-r Stat-'~-.)ns LISSR. All- Uninn Cr(~.,ir cf Lahor Rnd Banner beat Zm-ineer4-ng Sci ices Inst imeni F. E. 7zerzhinskiy. ~Ioscov, 1955- (Dissertation for the llef~-rec of Candi-la+e in Technical Cciencez;) SO: Knizhnaya L--tapis', No 1, l0c~t AID P - 4966 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 110-a - 15/21 Authors Rivkin, S. L., A. M. Sirota, Kandidats Tech. Sci. Title Tables of the thermodynamic properties of water and steam for pressures up to 400 atmospheres and temperatures up to 7500C. (Reference Material) Periodical Teploenergetike.,3-8, 52-54, Ag 1956 Abstract Tables compiled by the Physical and Technical De rtment of the All-Union Heat Engineering Institute (VTIrare presented. They are based on the VTI tables of 1952, revised and expanded for the higher temperatures and pressures. 2 tables. 5 references. Institution All-Union Heat Engineering Institute Submitted No date Category : USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Statistical Physics D-3 Thermodynamics Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, NO-2, 1957 No 3477 Author :Sirota, A.M., Timrot,'D.L. Inst :Alr--Th-i-onHeat Engineer'ing Institute Title Experimental Investigation of the Specific Heat of Water Vapor in the Precritical Region Orig Pub : Teploenergetika, 1956, No 7, 16-23 A Abstract : Description of a new experimental setup for the determination of CP of water vapor at precritical pressures. Measurement results are given for pressures from 20 to 120 kg/cm2 and for temperatures from the saturation curve to 3800. An analysis of the measurement accuracy is given. Card 1/1 TIHROT. D.L., doktor tekha.nauk; RIVKIN. S.L.. kaad.takhn.nauk; ~~QTTA&-A-K--, kand.tokhn.nauk; VARGAFTIK, N.B., doktor tekhn.nauk; NIKOIAYXV. V-V-, red. XZDV=V, L.Ya., [Tables of thermodynamic prpperties of water and steam] Tablitsy termodinamicheskikh evoistv vody i vocitanogo oars. Izd. 2-oe, dop. KoBkva. Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 106 p. (KIRA 11:4) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy toplotekhnicheekly institut, (Steam-Tabless calculations. Ste.) AUTHOR- Sirota, A.M., Cand.Tech,Sci. So 1/22 TITLE: The specific heat and enthalpy of steam at sub-critical pressures. (Teployemkoatli entallp-iya vodyanogo para pri dokriticheakikh davleniyakhj PERIODICAL.- Teploenergetika, 1958. No.7, pp~ 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 An article in Teploenergetika No.7., 1956, described experimental equipment for investigating the specific heat at constant pressure of steam by the method of flow in a closed circulating system; results were given from the saturation curve up to 3800C and pressures of 20 - 120 kg/,.m2. The present article describes a new series of tests made on the same eqppment at temperatures up to 5600C and pressures up to 150 kg/cm . Details are given of modifications maae to the measuring equipment to deal with the higher temperaturea~ It was che--ked that the loss of heat down the current leads did not exceed 0.05% of the heater power. The 29 experimental values obtained in the present work are given in Tabl.l. One point was rejected and one previously published point was found to be in error. Extrapolation to zero pressure shows good agreement with available da:'.a. Special tests were made at the pressure of 100 kg/cm2 to see whether alteration of the flow rate caused systematic errors, but- it did not. The experimental data for cp obtained by the All-Union Thermotechnical Institute and other Sr - /,3,) The specific heat and enthalpy of steam at sub-critical pressures. W", 93-38-7-3~ 22 authors are compared in a graph. The results before and after modification of the apparatus agree to within 0.3%; agreement with the results of Koch and others is also good. Specific heat data for convenient rounded temperature values obtained by graphical interpolation are given in Table.2, and also specific heats at the saturation temperatures corresponding to the given pressures obtained by extrapolation on the isobar. Results of other authors are also given. If the erroneous data of Knoblauch and Koch are used there is considerable diffarence from our results for c (13% cm2). For temperatures above 4000C, calculat 'lues at 100 kg/ ed va of op are 1.5% higher than the experimental values, and since these are the first experimental results in this range the agreement is satisfastory. Table 3 gives enthalpy values obtained by graphioal integration of specific heat isobars.., constructed from experimental data of the All-Uhion Thermotsohnical institute and also enthalpies obtained from the steam tables and experimental data obtained by throttling; use is made of published data. The existence of a systematic difference between euthalpies determined by throttling and from experimental data for ,, is confirmed at sub-critical pressures. On average the calculated -ralues are 1 kcal/kLy above the experimental. Enthalpy from the steam tables is in much better agreement with the new data. Near the saturation temperature, the Card 2/3 The specific heat and enthalpy of steam at sub-criti~-al pressures, SOV/96-38-7-3/22 difference between our results and those of other authors does not exceed 1.5%, which in probably a reflection of the experimental errors in this region: agreement is closer at higher tempcratures. Over the entire range investigated the enthalpy values at aub-critical pressure are no less accurate than the results of throttling tests, and are more accurate near the saturation curve. The skeleton enthalpy table adopted by the Third International Conference requires slight correction on the 30004' isobar. There are 3 tables, I figure, 0. 7 literature referens -s (2 Soviet, 3 German and 2 English) ASS'0CIAT10Wz-Vaesoyuzpyy Teplotekhnicbeakiy Institut (All-Union Thermotef.;hnical Institute) Card 3/3 1. Steam - Spec:ifio heat 2. Steam - EnthalPy 3. Steam - Pressure factors 96-1-29/31 AUTHORS: Rivkin, S.L. and Sirota, A.M., Candidates of Technical Sciences. TITLE: On the new Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Steam at High Temperatures and Pressures (0 novykh tablitsakh opor- nykh znacheniy termodinamicheskikh svoystv vodyanogo para vysokikh parametrov) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Vol-5, no-1, PP. 90 - 93 (USSR). ABSTRACT: An article givinG new steam tables was published in Teploenergetika, 1956, vo.l. It stated that in most cases, values of enthalpy calculated from pressure, volume and temperature data were higher than those calculated from the specific heat at constant pressure. The authors thought that apart from experimental error, this might result from errors in the initial data about the enthalpy of steam in the ideal gas conditions. However, this explanation is not convincing and the graphs given in Fig.1 show that the divergence between the values of enthalpy calculated in the two ways increaseso with the temperature and pressure and is 16 kcal/kg at 600 C and 500 kg/cm . A possible cause of the large difference may be error in graphical determination of the enthalpy from pressure, volume and temperature data. This is particularly uardl/2 likely in the article concerned, which used graphical 96-1-29/31 On the Bew Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Steam at High TemDeratures and Pressures. differentiation of the isobars of specific volume. Fig. 2 gives comparative values of specific volume according to the table of the All-Union Thermo-technical Institute (VTI) and the reference points of the Moscow Power Institute (MEI). Some large discrepancies occur, mainly because of the scatter of the points of the Moscow Power Institute. It is concluded that the experimental data on the specific heat of constant pressure obtained in the Moscow Power Institute are systematically low. This --educes the value of the steam tables. There are3 figures and 6 references, 5 6f which are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of Oongress uard 1/2 9(2) SOV/115-59-8-13/33 AUTHM: Sirota, A,"%,, Malltsev, B. K. TITLE: The Gold - Platirift Thermocouple :PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnikat 1959, Nr 8, pp 27 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe a gold - platinum thermocouple. Thermocouples are frequently used in research ;or precise measurements of temperatures below 630 C, for example, when measuring small temperature di - ferences, in case a reduction of the size of the sensitive element is required and the possibility of using a platinum resistance thermometer is excluded. The platinrhodium-platinum thermocouples do not pos- sess all the properties required for this purpose, especially their thermoelectric uniformity is low. Instability of platinrh8dium-platftn thermocouples at temperatures of 400-600 C were described in LRef 7. 7, the thermo- According to A. A. Rudn,itskiy ef 2~ 2 , 1s is igher than electric uniformity of pure Me4 that of alloys. The authors investigated a gold- Card 1/3 platinum thermocouple. The gold was refined and The Gold 2latinum Thermocouple SOV/115-59-8-13/33 drawn at the laboratory of A. A, Rudnitskiy at the Institut metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute of Metal- lurgy of the AS U3SR). Chemically pure platinum wire of type PTi (GOST 8588-57) was used. The gold and the platinum wire had diameters of 0.2 mm. The nonuniformity of platinum did not exceed 0.4 micro- volts, that of gold was below 0.3 microvolts, while that of platinrhodium was 1.5 microvolts. The total nonuniformity ;or the platinrhogium-platinum thermo- couple was 0.2 C. but only 0.04 C for the gold-pla- tinum thermocouple. The authors describe the ma u- facturing of the gold-platinum thermocouple in de- tail. In their final statement, the authors say that, since the thermoelectric uniformity of gold is higher than that of platinrhodium, a gold-platinum thermocouple will produce more precise temperature measurements than a platinrhodium-platinum thermo- couple. The higher thermal e.m.f. and the lower electrical resistance are the most important advan- tages of gold-platinum thermocouples. Their dis- Card 2/3 advantage is the higher heat conductivity, sus- SOV/115-59-8-13/33 The Gold - Platinum Thermocouple ceptibility to plastic deformations and the lower melting point of gold compared to platinrhodium. This deficiency may be eliminated by using a rhodium- platinum thermocouple which will be investigated in the future. The authors present a table which con- tains thermal e.m.f. of gold-platinum thermocoupleg for different temperatures ranging from 200 to 550 C9 whereby the thermal e.m.f. changes from 1839.2 to 7180.1 microvolts. There are I graph and 1 table. Card 3/3 SOV/96-59-9-2/22 AUTHORS: (Candidate of Technical Sciences), and Malltsev, B.K. (Engineer) TITLE: An Experimental Investigation of the Specific Heat of Water at Tem eratures of 10 to 500 OC and Pressures up to 500 kg/emp. PERIODICALt Teploenergetika, 1939, Nr 9, Pp 7-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Previously published work on the specific heat of water at pressures above 300 kg/cm2 is briefly reviewed. The first object of the present work was to verify experi- mental values at pressures of 300-500 kg/cm2 and temperatures above 300 OC. However, it was soon found necessary to make new measurements at lower temperatures over the entire pressure range up to 500 kg/cm2. The new experimental rig for studying water and super-critical pressures is schematically illustrated in Fig 1. The experimental procedure adopted is an improvement on one previously described by the same author. The specifis heat is determined by calorimetric measurements on flow in a closed circuit. The equipment is described at some length. The new apparatus differed from the old in the Card 1/4 ways that may be seen from Fig 1; in addition it uses a glandless pump. The circulation pump driven by an sov/96-59-9-2/22 An Experimental Investigation of the Specific Heat of Water at Temperatures of 10 to 500 OC and Pressures up to 500 kg/cm2. electric motor operating in water under pressure offers numerous advantages over other types of drive. Temperature measurements in the calorimeter were made more accurate by using a resistance thermometer and thermocouples of gold-platinum, which are better than those.previously used. Thermocouple developments are described. The experimental procedure is explained. Measurements were usually made 3-4 hours after starting up of the equipment; 35 minutes were required to obtain a single experimental point, and transition to a new point on the isobar took about an hour. At temperatures UP to 300 OC the tests were made on isotherms so that change-over to new conditions was quicker. The steps taken to ensure accuracy of the experiments are specified. A araph of the correction applied to the thermo e.m.f. of the gold conducting wires of the differential thermocouple is given in Fig 2. Methods of evaluating the accuracy of the measurements are described. The 230 experimental Card 2/4 points obtained in the tests are given in Tables 1 and 2. The new data of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute SOV/96-59-9-2/22 An Experimental Investigation of the Specific Heat of Water at Temperatures of 10 to 500 OC and Pressures up to 500 kg/cm2. are compared with data of other authors in the neighbour- hood of the maximum specific heat at constant pressure in Figs 3, 4 and 5. Previous results obtained by the channel method are within 1% of the new data, whilst those of the Moscow Power Institute using the Scheindlin method are systematically 3-4% higher. The very small scatter of the results obtained in the present work will be noted. Other differences between the results of the two Institutes are pointed out and are attributed to the dependence of results obtained by the Scheindlin method on the depth of immersion of the resistance thermometer in the calorimeter. The thermometer position was deter- mined In the calibrating tests with water at room temperatures, but probably the heat transfer conditions in the calorimeter changed on transition from the calibrating to the main test conditions. Table 3 gives values of the specific heat for round values of temperature and pressure obtained by graphical Card 3/4 interpolation of the experimental data given in Table 2. The values of enthalpy calculated from these data and sov/96-59-9-2/22 An Experimental Investigation of the Specific Heat of Water at Temperatures of 10 to 500 OC and Pressures up to 500 kg/cm2. given in Table 4 agree closely with modern steam and water tables and with the, experimental enthalpy data Card 1+/I+ of Havli~ek and Mig6vsky . There are 6 figures, 4 tables and 17 references, of which 13 are Soviet, 3 German and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut (All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute) SOV/96-59-10-12/22 AUTHORS: ~_irotaj A.M. (Cand.Tech.Sci.) and Belyak-6-VA-,-?-.Ye. (Engineer) TITLE: The Calorific Properties of Water at Pressures up to 500 kg/cm2 and Temperatures up to 300 OC. PERIODICAL: Teploenergetikaq 1959, Nr 10, pp 67-70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article new experimental values for the specific heat of water at constant pressure are compared with published results and with results calculated from p-v-T data. The enthalpy of water is calculated for pressures up to 500 kg/cm2 and temperatures up to 300 OC. Previous work in this field is first briefly reviewed. New determinations of the specific heat of water at constant pressure were made in 1959 at the All-Union Thermo- Ter.,hnical Institute. Specific heat values calculated from p-v-T data of various authors and from Koch's empirical formula are given in Table 1. At room tempera- ture there is good agreement between the data of various authors and Koch's experimental data. Previous experi- mental data of the present authors are rounded off and interpolated for convenient values of pressure and Card 1/3 temperature in Table 2. The results are sufficiently SOV/96-59-10-12/22 The Calorific Properties of Water at Pressures up to 500 kg/CM2 and Temperatures up to 300 0C. aQourate, as the scatter of the experimental points did not exceed 0.1%. Fig 1 compared the rounded data of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute with calculated data. Agreement is good at low pressures, but at higher pressures there are appreciable differences between data of the All-Union Thermo-Technical'Institute and values of the specific heat at constant pressure calculated by Koch's empirical formula. The differences are not great within the range that Koch studied experimentally, but are greater where he extrapolated, reaching 1.5% at a pressure of 500 kg/em2. Other discussions of Koch's results and conclusions are given, and isotherms for the specific heat of water are compared graphically in Fig 2. The work of r,ertain American authors is used to verify tile values for the specific heat of water at constant pressure obtained by extrapolation of experimental data on isotherms to the saturation pressure: values for the specific heat of water on the saturation curve are given in Table 3. The calculated values agree with the experimental data of the Card 2/3 All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute to within 0.15%. SOV/96-59-10-12/22 The Calorific Properties of Water at Pressures up to 500 kg/CM2 and Temperatures up to 300 OC Table 1+ gives calculated enthalpy values for water. These new enthalpy values are in rather better agreement with published American tables than are other published works. Thus, as a result of the new investigations of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute, there is better thermo-dynamic agreement between the thermal and Card calorific values. 3/3 There are 2 figures, )+ tables and 18 references, of which 7 are Soviet, 4 are German and 7 are En.-lish. ASSOCIATION: All-Union Thermo -Technical Institute (Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy instittit) SIROTAL, A.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, WITSEV. B.K.. kand.tokhn.nauk; 13]ILYAEDVA, P.Te.. insh. Maximm heat capacity cp of water. Teploenergetika 7 n0.7: 16-23 J1 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Teesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Beat capacity) (Water--Thermal Propertles) 83331 S/096/60/000/010/007/022 11.,3600 zl9vzl8)+ AUTHORS: Sirota,AZ, (Candidate of Technical sciences) and ,_, K. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) Ha I ljtsjy~ TITLE: Experimental Data on the Specific Heatl1of Steam at Pressures of 300-550000 a- __ and Temper-a-FuEres of 5oo-6oo Oc PERIODICALs Teploenergetikag 19607 No 107 pp 67-68 TEXT: A previous article by the same authors in Teploenergetika No 9, 1959, gave experimental data on the specific heat of water and steam at pressures up to 500 atm and temperatures.up to 500 OC. Table 1 gives new experimental data obtained on the same equipment over the temperature range 500-600 OC. The experimental conditions are briefly described. The new data are in agreement with previou published results measured at lower temperatures to within 0.25%. sly~ The scatter of experimental points.along the isobars does not exceed 0.2-0.3%. Analysis of the accuracy of the new experimental data indi.cates that the sum of possible systematic errors does not exceed 0.6%. The new measurements of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute at temperatures of 550-600 OC agree with those of the Moscow Power Institute to within 2.5%. Card 1/2 28 (5) AUTHORS: Sirota, A. X., Malltsev, B. K. TITLE: On Testing Methods for ThermoeLectrodes (With Reference to the Article N. N. Ergardt Published in the riya", 1958, Vol 24, Nr 12) S/032/60/026/01/047/052 BO1O/BOO9 and Thermocouples by A. N. Gordov and Periodical "Zavodskaya laborato- PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol 26, Nr i, pp 120 - 121 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the paper mentioned in the title the effect of the hetero- geneity of the electrodes of thermocouples upon the accuracy of temperature measurements was investigated. The present paper reports the results of a quantitative determination of the in- equality in chromel-alumel wire, which permits an evaluation of the errors in temperature measurements with chromel-alumel thermocouples. A heater with an asymmetrical temperature field was shifted alongside the wire (Fig 1). The wire endings were connected up with a potentiometer. The investigations took place at 530 0 at most. After the measurement the wire was glowed out for half an hour by heating it ele--trically to dark-red heat. The measurements after glowing (Fig 2) showed that the homo.- Card 1/2 geneity of the wire is improved g-reatly by gl,-.wing. The total On Testing Methods for Thermoelectrodes and SlO-2V60102610110471052 ..j Thermocouples (With Reference to the Article BO1O/BOOq by A. N. Gordov and N. N. Ergardt Published in the Periodical "Zavodskaya laboratoriya", 1958, Vol 24v Nr 12) error of temperature measurements due to the heterogeneity In chromel-alumel thermocouples ie 2-50. A chromel wire (0-3 mm diameter) fixed in an electrio furnace at 6000 for 45 hours showed that after such treatment a measuring error of 50 would have to be expected in the case of chromel-alumel thermocouples. High-precision measurements,, therefore, must definitely be made with Pt/PtRh thermocouples. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy instibut (All-Union Institute of Heat Technology) Card 2/2 SIROTA . A.LM. , kand.tekhn.nauk; MALITSEV, B.K. , kand.tekhn.nauk Experimental study of the beat conductance of water in the critical zone. Teplonergatika 9 no.1:52--57 Ja 762. (MIRA l4al2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy tep-iotekhnicheskiy institut. (Water-Thermal properties) (steam) __PPPT4 _A.M., kan4. tekhn.nauk Thternational Coordinating Committee on the properties of Water Vapor. V'est, AN SM 32 no.l2t85-86 D 162, SHM 15312) (Water vapor--congresses) SIROTA, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MALtTSEV, B.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; ' "--'GRISHKOV, A.Ya., inzh. Fxperivental study of the heat capacity of water at high temperatures. Teploenergetika 10 no.9:57-60 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Water-Thermal properties) ,.,-q,IROTA,.A.M. Heat capacity Of water and water vapor a, constant pressure along the saturation curve. Inzh.fiz. zhur. no.12:52-55 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut imeni F.E. Dzerzhinskogo, Moskva. SYCHEV, V.V.i kand. tekhn. nauk;.~ ~OTA-A.M.. kand. tekhn. nauk; GORBUNOVA, N.I., kmnd. tekhn. ~Z&"- Compilation of international reference tables on the thermodynamic properties of gases of technical importance. Vest. AN SSSR 35 no.9;90 165. (MIRA 18:9) OZHERF-L'YEV, A.N.; SIROTAp A.Ye..-. BAIAKBICHEVAp Top reds; KLIRWEVA, Top I--------- (Achievements of Koldsvian. lesther-induatry workers] Tyarebeakil trud kozhevnikov Moldaylij literaturnaia zapiel N.V.Kitaina. Kishinev, Goo.4-ad-vo Plartia-adIdaveniaskep" 1960, 4 T;IRA .14s6) (Moldavia-Leather induBtry) ----------- -- Tfil /9 Al, SIROTA,-B.,A.,9tnrshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. I Research on milled pent at the Ukrnininn Scientific Resenrch Institute for Local and Fuel Industry. Torf.prom. 35 n0.2:28-29 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Ukrninskiy Nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut mestnoy t toplivnoy promyshlennosti. (PeRt) BATYACHXV, Ye.B.-, SIROTA, B.A. Electric thermometers for measuring beat in milled post. Torf. prom. 36 no.2:18-19 '59, OM 12:4) 1. Naucbno-isoledovatel'skiy Institut mestnoy toplivnojr pro- m7ohlennocti Gosplana USSR. (Thermometers) (Peat) IROT,~,_B.A,,, inzh.; DUBROVSKIY, Ye.Ya., inzh. Experience in the winning of peat with reduced moisture. Torf. prom. 39 no-5:14-17 162. (MIRA .16:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mestnoy i toplivnoy promyBhlennosti Gosplana UkrSSR.