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NOGBEVA, M.,- SIRAKOV, L. A precise, convenient and simple micromethod for determination of urea. Suvrem med., Sofia no.2;100-104 161. ft. 1. Katedra po ondokrinologlia i boleBti na obmianata, Institut za Bpetsializataiia i uBuvurahenetvuvane na lekarite. (Pa*ov. na katedrata prof. Iv. Penchev.) (UREA chemistry) Ap7A , - LIB CODZ: SUS"V 01.0'at 64 46 .v 9 ~Zig 04 aic /j -Piston e3rlinder . t7 disc. 2-1zandr.-, 51 --; 5'nutl 6--st seal - fOz'med; 9 ation 3--x-ocj. socicet _ Alst 9 rings 8~t az*Y- clan, 012 ube PI ng 22--flu .10,n tj _;.;o be de- c3rlinders tedrod; t sleevej, J .3 Uted 1" -7 DccomL Col Atanas ILUZLEV and Lr. Col Petr lled-cal C'Orl's CItargz!!-, in ;Inctirial Da-sentery." inshr, Belo, Vol 7, ll~c 4, Dec 1c,6,,,; , 42-43. summary nio"'Ified-1: 5tudy of 44 raticnts J C L~E,~ 'rad I-I nor-ma 1, lo cacar-,h-,l cliar.-cs, 2" catarrhal - rosiva and 33 .1-1ccratfve A, roid 'chanazs. Fou.,: scol-e vic-,,.,s, 4 c-ase 71-)Vl~l ~j L:--co-i ~-~c r. si~~,.iwv- "Llicrowave (11"adar) T~erany ir, Defor-mim- Arthrcses.'; Sofia, Voei,no I'led-itsinsko Delo, Vol 18, 'e,o 3, Jun 63; -.7 35-40. ADscract : 2,ficrowave treatment of 50 men FT~.d' 74 women; 89 of the 124 i;,-,(T-S-p1n1 I arthroses; 5 to I J minutcs I treatment, 40 to 80 watts at 8 to 10 cr,-,. distance, daily treatments for 7 to 20 days: very good results in 43, good ir, 6.1, mediocre in 4, none in 9. ','o skde efEects but of 19 ratients witl~ insominia latter symptor, decreased in 6, disapreared in the ocher 13. Nurse who aprlied treatment as well a-- r.-,ost patients did c= 'plain of lassitude and somnolence. P-csu!Ls similar to those with ultrasound. Six tables; 4 Sovict, 3 Bulgarian. and 3 ~-'Iestern references. - ~ 1 .1 1 r7 1\ ~` IV" -r BURKOV,, T., dota.JSMAKOV, V.; PEEVA, D.; TUZLUKOVA, L.; VXLICHKOYA, F.; Popov, Pl. Certain problem associated with the etiology of amqftdontosis. Stomatologiia no.1:14-18 154, ks" 3--7) (FUIODONTIUMO diseases, *etlol. & pathogen.) ZJHAK - 'jv BURKOV, T., dote.; SIRLKOV, V.; VMLICHKOVA. F.; TUZLUKOVA, L.; PRUA, D.; POPOV, P. Studies on distribution of dental caries In students In certain regions as the initial stage of presentation of the picture of dental caries in the country. Stoustologlia. Sofia no.3:153-167 1954. 1. Iz Republikanaiia nauchno-Issledavatelski. stomtologich*n inatitut (direktor: dots. T.Durkov) (DIVAL CMAS, epidemiology, Bulgaria) 'N.;T0-j'Q-iC7, V. "United in the Fiffit for Peace. 11 p~ 1, C, (ZDRAVIZN FRONT, NO. 51, Dec. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) S',-): Monthly Li,-t of European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, I-lay 1955, Uncl. SIRAKOVA, Mariia An enterprise moves ahead. Takstilne pro-in 13 no, 4:32-35 164. 1. Ghairman, Treade-union Committee of the "Bulgaria" State Inauitrial. Enterprise, Plovdiv. GORGOTI-GOTTOHN, 0.*,SIDALYI I*-9SZALTKARY, M. -WAORMU On I'sonicotinic acid bydraside therapy of tuberculosis in puberty. Orv. hetil. 94 no.15:405-410 12 Apr 1953. (GLKL Z4:4) 1. Doctor. Candidate Medical Sciences for Gorganyi-Gotteho; Doctor for Straly and 52atmary. 2. S2&13&daaghogyi State Children's Sanatorium (Director -- Dr. Istvan Flesch). )q L Y te 'Fe"Vc"v GCIRGENYI-GOTTCHE, 0szkar, dr.; SIRALY, Feranene, dr.; ORBAN, Sandor, dr. kandidatus 7- ~ I . -~ I ~ ~.I'll. Additional experiences in isoniazid therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in adolescence. Orv. hetil. 95 no.40:1081-1086 3 Oct 54. 1. A Szabadmaghegyl Allaml Oyarmokesanatorium (igazgato: Ylesch Istvan dr.) kozlemenys (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONART, ther. isoniazid, results In adolescents) (Nicormic AcrD isomns. ther. use isoniazid in puln. tubere., results in adolescents) GORGENTI-GOTTCHE, Oszkar, dr., kandidatus; SIRALY. Ferenene, dr., TZLIMI, Istvan, dr. - -- -0- - The importance of pulmonary resection in the healing of infantile tuberculosis. Tubark.kerdesei 8 no.1:16-21 Feb 55. 1. A Sz&b&dsaghegyi Allami Gvermakosanatorium) igazg&to: ?leech Istvan dr.) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS. PULMIART, swroary lung resection in inf. & child.. results (Ban) SIRALY, -Ferenc, dr., foorvoe Problems In promoting the combat against tuberculosis. Tuberk. kerdeset 9 no.5:200-203 Oct 56. 1. A Szabadsagbegyl Allami Tbc. Ssanatorium (Igazgato., Vas, Imre, dr.) kozlemonye. (TUBERCULOSIS, prev. & control In Hungary, efficiency & organiz. problems (Hun)) S IRALY, Ferenc, lkr., foorvos. X-ray morphology of cavern healing. Tuberkulozis 11 no-3-5:97-IL03 Mar-MAY 58. 1. A Szabadaagheg7i Allard 7bc. Szanatorlum (Iga.-Goto; Vas Imre dr. az orvostudomaikyok kandidatusa) kozlemenve. (TUB]IRCUU)SIS, 'FLUONART, pathol. cavitation, x-ray manifest. of healing process (Hun)) SIRALY, Feranc. dr. Igazgatohelyettes, foorvos Results of pulmonary resections. Tuberkulosin 13 no.8:225-229 Ag 6o. 1. A Szabadeaghegyl Allaut The Szanatorium (igasgato foorvon: Vas Imre dr. az orvostudonanyok kandidatuna) kozlemenye (PNMMCTW statist.) SIRALY, Ferene, dr., kandidatus, Igazgatohelyettes, foorrod Pate of 197 patients with cavitary tuberculosis and Koch-positive sputum 5 and half years after their release. Tubeftslosis 13 no.3-1: 340-3" 11 160. 1. A Szabadsaghegyj Allami The Szanatorium (igazgato-foorvoa: Vas Imrs, dr. kandidatus) kozlemenys. (TUBFNGULOSIS PULMONARY statist) S 1111,Y, Ferenc., dr. ; SEBES , Terez, dr. ; SM5,2' , Veronika., dr. Postoperative roentgen shadowe in the lung following pulmonar-y resection. Tuber~ulozis 17 no.7:193-ir,-7 T1 164. 1. A Szabadsaghegyi Allami Tbc Szanatorium (igazgato-foorvos: Vas Imre dr. kandidatur), 11 osztaly (foorvos: Siraly Ferenc dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. dORGZNTI-:G(n%MHN, 0, , SIRALYNS, G.To , =13MARTo M. Antibiotic theraff of tuberculous children. Tuberk, kerdese'l 5 n0-3:35-40 Sept 1953. (CUM 25:5) 1' Doctors. 2. GzabadeagbogyI. Mate Children's Gfinatorium (;tractor Dr. IstTm Reach). SIRAN, Gustav Determination of secular changes in the geomagnetic field. Studia geophys 6 no.1:95-98 162. 1. Natural Science Faculty, Komensky University, Bratislava, Nesporova 3, Bratislava. ONIASHVILI, O.D.; SHAISIPIELASTIVILI, V.N.: DZHAT3UA, A.A.; SIRANGULYAN, V.V. -00"NO-Owamw -'~xpertmantal testing of tbi rigidity of a cylindrical envelope [in G-eorgian with sumar-y in Russian]. Trudy Inst. stroi. dela AN Gruz. SSR 4:69-71 '53- (MJRA 9: 10) (noors, Concrete) (Elastic plates and shells) SAPARGALIYEV, G.S., kand. yurid.nauk;PALGOV,I;.V., akad.; BOGATYREV, A.S.; AFANASIYEVq A.7.9 prof.; BYKOVp B.A.; SHAKIRIATOV. V.F.9 kand. istor. nauk; POKHOVSKIY9 S.N.9 akad.; SAVOS'KO, V.K.v kand. istor. nauk; NUSUPBEKOV, A.I;., kand. istor. rauk; BAISHEVI S.B., akad.1 GORCKH- VODATSKIYj I.S., kand. istor. nauk; AKEKETOVS A., kapd. Istor. nauk; RAKHIMOV, A., kand. istor. rauk; PIVENI, F.F.; CHULANOV, G.Ch., doktor ekonom. nauk; BOROVSKIY, V.A., kand. ekonom. nauk; SYDYKOVq A.S., kand. pedagog. nauk; ZHARGELIDtip T.9 kand. filos. nauk; KARASAIEV, L.K.; KJANAPIN, A.K.v kand. istor. nauk; BEIMOV, M.D.9 kand. ekonom. nauk; KARYNBAYEV, S.R., kand. med. nauk; AKMWOV9 K.A.,,; SMIRNOVA, N.S., doktor filolog.nauk; SILICHENK09 M.S.9 dok-tor filolog. nauk; YMMA- KOVICH, B.G., kand. iskusstvovedcheskikh nauk; RYBAKOVA, N.; MUKHTA- ROV, A.I.; BOGATENKOVAq L.I.; K-,-',VDAKBAYEV, B.; q~RMIOVL_K.S._-_SHVYD- KOt Z.A.9 red.; MAMTSOVA, L.B.p red.; ZLOBINq M.V., tekhn. red. [The Soviet Kazakh Socialist Republic] Kazakhskaia Sovetskaia So- tsialisticheekaia Respublika. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskoe gos. izd-vo, 1960. 477 P. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Akademiya nauk Kaz.SSR (for Pallgovg Pokrovskiy, Baishev) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk KazSSR (for Bykovq Smirnova~ Sillchenko) (Kazakhstan) 7 1 U JJ c) i ACC NiRt 1 0 U W6024335 SOURCE COD',-.: ua/o423/'6/000/001/0107/0110 Sirata m. Smalyarcnka, E. M. Sa ORG: none TITLE: Thermoelectric properties of Zn3Asz Cd3As2 alloys SOURCE: Ali BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya Ifizika-matematychnykh navuk, no. 1, 1966, 10T-110 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium compound, zinc compound, arsenide, binary alloy, thermoelectric property, thermal emf, carrier density, electron mobility, hole mobility ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the temperature dependence of the electric con- ductivity, Hall effect, and thermal emf of samples of the quasi-binary system Zn3As2 - Cd3As2, in the temperature range 100 - 600K, and at a magnetic field intensity * 4000 Oe. The measurements showed that the type of conductivity changes with the com- positions close to equimolar (40 - 5510V Cd3As2) reversing their conductivity type with temperature. This is also accompanied by a reversal of the sign of the thermal erif. Under the assumption that the zinc and cadmium provide the acceptor and donor levels, the authors calculate the impurity density and the carrier mobility for several compositions. The calculations show that changes in the component ratios are accompanied by changes in the ratio of the acceptor and donor impurities, and this change is responsible for the reversal of the signs of the conductivity and of the Card 1/2 L 093 ; ACC NI i i ~therma I I iSIUB CC i , Curc; '21 AUTHOR: Sirat:3kij, A., 1,1eiaber of the Acadeiy,President 30-11-16/23 of the Slovak Academj of ~;ciei,,ce TITLE: Science Serves Socialism (Ilauka sluzhit sotsializiau). PERIODICAL; Vestnik All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 27, !Ir 11, pp. 116-117 (USSR) ABSTRACT. On the occasion of the jabilee of the USSR the author emphasizes that only the existence of a large state with a socialist order of society with its i~o years experience can serve as an example for the other peoples w',ich have abolished the capitalistic s~7stem. Science above all contributed very much towurd the fund- amental changes that occurred in the people's republics. The scientists of Czechoslovakia fulfill their duty toward the people from which they themselves emerged. The helpfulness of the so- viet scientists as good colleagues plays an important part; it is above all owing to them that scientific research work in the people's republics attains ever new achievements. The author then enters into the numerous visits of the soviet colleagues on the one hand and of the Slovak scientists on the other hand. Finally the author mentions the signed agreement between the Slovak and the soviet academies of science. ASSOCIATION: Slovttskaya Akademlya neuk (Slovak AcadMW of Sciences) AVAIIAZZ: Idbrary of Congress Card 1/1 DASFMVIGH~ L.B~; S.IMAYA,, V,M. Carb,,--a :; and some of it:3 reactiow, Part 12: Interaction of --~axbon suboxide with primary aliplhat4.1- diamines., diamides., and hydrazine der-'.watlveB. Zhur.ob.khiTn, 32 no.'17.2330-2333 J-1 If,, 04 Ler-ingradskiv kbim-4-ko-farmat-sevLic),e--,]rJ.y itwtituto fGa--bon oxiles", (Amine5) (Amides) DASMEVICH, L.B.1, BEYUN., Problau of the interaction of carbon subd3&de with heavy water, Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.S-.2747-2748 Ag 162. (MM 15:9) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheWdy Institut. (Carbon oxide) (Deuterim oxide) , r """ 1 uIJ . ~ , r j , ' I.- ' lj' v P, - GMTSAY . A. ~ . - , ~ , -I. j 1 42 n~-;. '2 ~' 1 t a in demuls -'-' -4,:'! --'- ::'w; f '-- - kf-"D"" I !:;: ~.;l --r-, al -e~;t of cel - - I LL 0. i -1. 1 18-.2) ,.- :-I .,~ I,/ ,.i< - .-. . - '7)- S,7 P.4 ZF 7~0//V0,4/, AID P - 555 Subject USSR/Mining Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 21/29 Author Sirazetdinov, Kh. Title Training and re-training of skilled workers In the Tuymazaneft Periodical Neft. Khoz., v. 32, #7, 82-85, Jl 1954 Abstract Critical review of the theoretical and practical education of oil field workers of different cate- gories in the Tuymazy c-nd Ba3hk1r :,egions. Institution NIC (Scientific Research Department of Bashkir Oil Field) Submitted No date SOV/124 -58-4 -3857 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal- Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 4, p 27(USSR) AUTHOR: -Sirazetdinov, T TT LE: Design Calculation of Wings With Curvilinear Axes (Raschet kryllye%, s krivolineynoy osly~i) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta, 1956, Vol 31, pp 51-64 ABSTRACT: The article deals with calculations pertaining to the dis- tribution of the circulation along a wing with a high aspect ratio and with a curved center line. General formulas are also given for aerodynamic coefficients for the subcritical range of angles of attack. Initially the flow is considered to be incompressible; later, the influence of compressibility for subsonic velocities is taken care of by means of the linear theory. The lift coefficient for any section is considered to be a function of the airfoil shape, the true angle of attack, and the local angle Of 5weepback of center line. This permits one to tie the section characteri5tiCS of a finite-span wing to the characteristics ai a infinite- span side-slipping wing. A unique feature of the calculations is the method of computation Card 1/2 of the induced velocities. For their calculations at a section SOV/124-58-4- 2)857 located at a distance Z from the plane of symmetry of a wing, whert the latter lies on the span segment defined by z - A, < ~ < z + the wing is replaced by a lifting-vortex surface a having a uniform distribu- Con of vorticity along the ch rd. The remaining part of the wing span is sub- Itituted by a lifting vortex coincident. with the center line. The average value of the induced velocity at the section ~ r- z is then calculated on the basis of the lifting--vortex surface and the free vortices shedding therefrom. The induced velocity at the mild-point of the section is calculated on the basis of the lifting and the tree vortices of the remaining part of the wing. By this method the author avoids infiniti~.ely large -values of these velocities for a curved center line. The width of the vortex strip a- , equal to &I + A2' .s so selected that the kernel of the integral equation for the circulation has a continuous variation along the span. The equation is solved by a method similar to the well-known method of Mul-thopp. Bibliography: 4 references. SOV/124-58-7-7478 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 22 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sirazetdinov, T.K. TITLE: A Finite-span Wing at High Angles of Attack (Krylo konechnogo razmakha na bolshikh uglakh ataki) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta, 1956, Vol 31, pp 65-83 ABSTRACT: A method is given for calculating the circulation and certain other characteristics of straight and swept-back wings at and beyond the stalling angle of attack. In this connection the re- sults of a previous paper of the author's are utilized (Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta, 1956, Vol 31, pp 51-64; RzhMekh, 1958, Nr 4, abstract 3857) in which he had presented the vortex pat - tern of a wing, a means for calculating the downwash and the true angles of attack at points on the median line, and an equa- tion for the relationship which reduces the section character- istics of a finite-span wing to those of infinitely long wings op- erating at an angle of sideslip. In the present case these re- sults are applied to large angles of attack, and a nonlinear in- tegral differential equation is obtained for the circulation. This Card 1/3 equation is solved by the method of successive approximations. SOV/ 124-58-7-7478 A Finite-span Wing at High Angles of Attack It is recommended that the zero-th approximation for the circulation be ob- tained by regarding the downwash angles as equal to zero. This value for the circulation is then used to obtain the downwash angles in the zero-th ap- proximation. However, the author does not mention and does not allow at all for the fact that at the tips of a finite-chord wing the downwash angles will be infinitely large. To obtain all the successive approximations the basic equa- tion is linearized. Thus, to yield the (n + l)-th approximation, the effective angles of downwash Ao( must ap ear in the form of the summation Acs. = A(,(n)+ 80(, wherein Acoo. In the case of the scheme A the unbiased estimate f (Y) for q for the statement of T defeat products is given by the expression: !(1-X if Yk c n R (x b) if Y >a. n c Here x and X are the sets of defect products in the sample of volume n and in the whole consignment of volume N, n Kc+1 ( X,b) 'A= lim ; b R (-A,b) (1-'A), where N-tOD N c m M-M M b KM( -A, b) - GM XM0 A) -A Lc(X,b) - F-xm( x1b). M=O Af In the case of the scheme B the unbiased estimate -f(x) of the magnitude q # with respect to x is given by the formula Card 2/3 56 88891 S/044/60/000/007/047/058 Unbiased estimates of the amount... ClIlIC222 1 if x *c+1 n 0 if x),c+l. 1 For a sufficiently large number of controlled consignments one may assumes A for the scheme A: qmean mean; q mean-~"fmean for the scheme B: q4# X(N-n QM r~ %f # mean -Y-Tx-n) mean the author gives a probable estimation of the exactness of these approximate relations. The author points out that it woula be- nocessary to tabulate the function R (W b). [Abstracter's note: The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.] Card 3/3 SIRAZHDINOV, S.Eh. Local limit theorem for Markov vhains with continuous time. Irv. OT Uz. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk no.6;83-86 '58. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki 91 UzSSR. (Chains (Kathematice)) SIRAZHDINOV, S. Wnftft" International Congress of Mathematicians in Edinburgh. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk no.6:88-89 '58. (MM 12:2) (Edinburgh--Kathematice-Congresses) SIRAMINOV, S.Kh.; NAGAII, A.M. !1: H. Cramer'B condition. Dokl.All Uz.SSR no.12:5-7 '58, (KM 12:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All UzS.'jR (for Sirazhdinov). 2. Institut matematiki i makhaniki im. V.I.Romanovskogo AN Uz&SR i Sradneaziataki.v go9udixrstvenpyy univarnitet im. MpLanina. (Hathamntinal statlatica) - ROMANOVSKjy, V.I.; SIRAZIMINOV, S.Kh.,, GEliDLHR-,-If.-G-.-.-r-e-d.-.---TA-Ys-I-ii-RAYA, I.G., V.P.. uchastiye: va; BARTSNVA, works] Izbransye trudy. Izd.2. Tashkent, 12d-vo Uzbekskoi SM. Vol.l. [Instroduction to analysis] I analiz. 1959. 501 P. (MIRA 12:10) Chlea-korrespondent AN Uz= (for (Kathemgtics) SIRAZILDINOV. S-Kh. Additive problem with an increasing number of added mmbers. Dokl.AH Uz.SSR no-1:5-7 '59. (MM 12:4) 1. Chlea-korrespondent AN UzSM. imeni V.I.Romanovskogo AM UzSSR. (Probabilities) Institut matematiki I nekhanikI (Numbers. Theory of) SIRADZHINOV, S.1h. On the local limit theorem. Dokl. AN UzSSR no.2:5-6 159s (KnLA 12:4) 1. Institut matematiki i makhaniki im. V.I. Romanovskogo AN USWM. Chlen-korrespondent AN Us=. (Limit theorem* (Probability theor7)) 16(1),16(2) AUTHOR: Sirazbdinov,S.Kh. SOV/52-4-2-11/13 TITLE: 7in .a Local Limit Theorem PERIODICAL: Teoriya veroyatnostey,i yeye primeneniya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 229-233 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let 31, 5243" ... be a sequence of independent random variables which are distributed equally and have the density of probability p(x). Let p n(x) denote the density of probability of x2 /fn- and let T(x) = 1 e 2 . Let there exist 151+ ~2+-'+ -M 0~ = lx3p(x)dx. For an n 0~bl let pn0(x)eL,.(-W,o0), where -00 I