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SIPITINER, Yu.B., insh.; CHRRNETSKIT. G.I.. in2h. Standardized parts of founding equipment. Stroiol dor. mashinastr. 4 n0-8:34-35 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Foundry mchinery and supplies) C41ERIJETSKIY, I.G., iLzh.; SIPITIITKR, Yu.B., in2h. Universal device for gear milling douignod at the IIAnvarokoe Voestanie" Plant. Stroi.1 dor.mashinostr. 4 no-9:31-32 S 159. (MIRk 12:11) (Gmar-cutting fanchinos) CHIMMET'ITY, G.I., lnzb.,- SIFITINER, Tu.B.. bizb. Combination die for bending clamps. Stroi.i dorxashiiinf:ty. no.7:29-30 J1 '59. NIB% 32:11) (Dies (Metalworking) ) CHMBTSKIY. G.I.; .~IPITIIMf Yu.-B. Lathe operator and innovator. Mashinostroitell no.10:30-31 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Turning--Technological innovations) SIPITINER, Yu.B., inzh.; CH20ETSKIY, G-L, inzh. Devices for turners-innovators. Stroi. i dor. mshinostr. no.4:36-37 Ap 160. (MIR& 13:9) (Tarnihg-Technological innovations) SIPITEM, Tu.B., inzh.; CHEMTSKIT. G. I-; inzho The 40-ton 1-401 crams equipped with pneumatic %IrOf- Strole I dore mashinostro 5 no*10112-13 0 ,6o. (MIRA 13:10) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) CHEUMSKIY, G.I.; SIFITINER, Yu.B.; SHVARTSBURD, M.P. Readjustable universal pneumatic attachments. Mashinstroitell no.8:27 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Mmichine tools-Attachments) S/193/60/000/009/009/01-3 Aoo4/AOOI AUTHORS: Sipitiner, Yu.B., Chernetskiy, G.I. TITLE: The K-401 Diesel-Electric Crane PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoi informatsii, 1960, No. 9, pp. 43-45 TECT: Based on the design of a team of designers of the OGK, the zavod (Plant) im. Yanvarskogo vosstaniya in 1959, manufactured a pilot model and pre- pared the serial production of thi-K-401 diesel-electric crane on pneumatic tireE, possessing a lifting capacity of 40 tons. The power equipment of the crane consists of a 100-hp KAM -100 (KDM_1G0) diesel engine and an a-c generator. The costs of the KDM-100 diesel engine are by 2.4 times lower than those of the 2A -6 (2D-6) diesel engines used on the K-252 and K-501 cranes. A serial reduceV of the PM (RM) series is used for the drive of the main, bucket and jib winches. A new feature of this crane model is an additional jib of 10 m length which is mounted on the main jib of 25 m length. The jib projection is 14 m while the lifting height amounts to 30 m (at a lifting capacity of 5 tons). The author presents a description of the crane design and points out that the application Card 112 CBYAMSKIY, G. I.; SIPITINAR, Tu.B. Die for bending collars. Mashinostroitall no.1.1:19 N 160. (NIU 13:10) (Dies (IbUlworking)) SIPITINER, Yu.B., inzh.; CHERNETSKIY, G.I., inzh. New K-255 crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. Strol. i dor. masb. 6 no.2:7 F 161. (Cranes, derr!cks, etc.) (MIRA 14.5) S/084/60/000/006/006/020 A104/AO29 AUTHOR: Sipitsyn, K., Engineer-Technologist - a= "Mae TITLE: A Blade Setting Device PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya, 1960, No. 6, p. 6 TEXT: The author describes a mobile hydraulic device which simpli- fies the setting of assembled propeller vanes. The device consists of the following units: a static and a swinging frame, a guiding gear with hydrau- lic cylinders,ba hoisting device and a trolley. The electrometer is fed from ~he power main. The guiding gear turns 3600 around the vane axis; thV blade is perpendicular to gear bearing and the stand is then moved until the guiding gear and the blade setting point coincide with each other. The de- vice is operated and controlled by a hydraulic pump, cranes, a valve and a manometer. There is 1 photograph. Card 1/1 i ,E.ajMvAY*F, Yuriy Iradionovich; SIPITTLIN.N.,; RABWOTA, L.K.. red.izd-va; PROZOROT~KAYA. Y.L.,; KOROVJWOVA, Z.A., [Construction and operation of pipelines in mining regional Stroitellstvo i skeplustatslia traboprovodoy v raionakh gornykh vyrabotok. Koskva, UgletekhIsdat. 1959- 147 P- (NEU MO (Pipelines) SIPITZKY, Andras History of the Mez0he9yes Sugar Factory. Cukor 16 no.440-~ 245 Ag 163. - SIFITZKYp Andras History- of the MezobAUve Sugar Factoryo Cukor 16 no.9:27,r-278 S 163. KOPEMY, Josef; LJJCAI;SKA, Nadezda; S1PKA, Frantisel.; CEIU,[Y, Emil; AMBROS., Dusan Vinylfluoride toxicity. Frac. lek.16 no.7.'310-311 S 16-4. 1. Klinika nemoci z pavolani (prednosta doc. dr. J. Vyskocil), I patologickoanatomicky ustav (prednosta prof. dr. J. Svejda) lekarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyne v Brne, Vyzkumny ustav ma,kromolekularni chemie v Brne, reditel dr. K. Vesely. Count ry : 7UGOSLAVYA Catee.ory : Diseases o--:' Farip. ixr.-,*-.iii,~17, R DiSeas-.aF Ca-ased "ay Abs. Jour : 11%-f Zhur-Biol.j i-110 ~11 10,~O U Author : sipka2 Eq Institut. Title : Cjandidn, tropicalis as a Causative Agm'. of 1.dstit1r, in Cows. OriG, Pub. : '!~,-trin. glasnik, 19577 Ill 21TO -31 747-7,--,l Abstract In one cow, C. tropicalis f~us provad to be the pathogenic agent, The pathogenity off -'U-h3 isolated strain -~-ias proved by introducing a suspension of C, tropicalis into the lu-ea-t duct of th2 cow's udder. This strain preserved its iirulence after being; cultivpted for 2 years an-oi) a nutrient riedixim. Card, i/l Cc,,,u-itry : YUGOSIfVl:, Catc-Lury: Virology. Viruses of ILmi and I'minals. Bickettsias . .'Jos J~,ur: I'ief Zhur-Dicl., No 23,1958, 11c 103552 '-at*- or SJ Ita, M. lis I'litle Sui-vival of Coxiella burneti in Cheese Or j.L; Veterin. [,-Xasi-dl,, 1958, 12, 110 1, 9-12. Cheese (Serbian) prepared from ccw's mill fron, which rickettsias had previously been isolated was pathoge:.ic for Luinea piC;S for 42 days. The author su,:,,-Ccsts pastouriziliC the milh co:--.AnG to the points of delivery .or the purpose c;f dis~,-P-fcctinG the c'iccoc. Card 1/1 SIPKA M. SUXIP., (ir. ettps); Given Names CO).Mt.-7: YugoslaVia Acad--mic Degrees: not given""" Affilir-tion: not given-,., 0--arce: Belgrade, Vaterinarski glasnik, No 4p 1961, p. 341. Data: News: 'Third Symposi= of the International Association of I . Veterinary Food Hygienists. 0 SIP 1 14. t crr,,U.:- Ci r. Cve n FAM a cotmtX7: Yugovlavia jxcai~xdc Prof. AM'Uatio' _y of Food of IL J- Federal sqcAiQ~-~~ene band T-4-chno-10L Animal Origin (Savezaa sekcija za hi5ijeW-u I tehno -ogi3u --fiv-o-tn na-arnica animalnog porekla Sourcel Belgrade, Vaterinarski glasnik, No 5g 1961, pp 438-439. Data. News: "Third Sympomium of the international Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists in Nice In 1962.2 ioi rL, fj- tl VELLU, K.A., professor; ATIKHAZI. V.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ANTONOV, Y.Ya., dotsent: VIASOV. V.P.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; MYUDC13V, A.M., kandidat tekhnichemkikh nauk; RAPIOMS, I.L.. dotsent; S rKIN,' IN.A., doteent; YEFINOV, P.N., redaktor; URIONOT. G.Te., tekhnic i aktor [Hydro peat technology] Tekhnologila gidrotorfa. Izd. 2-o9, perer. Pod red. K.A.Vellera, Moskva. Goo.energ. izd-vo. 1956. 362 p. (Peat industry) (MIRA 9:11) KOSTAITDI, M., arkhitektor; SIPKO, A., arkhitektor Vilnius. Zhil.stroi. no.7:24-25 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Vilnius-Apartment housee) KOSTANDI, M., arkhitektor; SIPM, A., arkiiitaktor Tashkent. Zhil. stroi. no.9:22-24 S 160, (MIRA 13:9) (Tashkent-Apartment houBes) KOSTANDI,,M., arkhitektor:--q~FKO, A., arkhitaktor Novosibirsk. Zbil. stroi. no.11:24-26 N 160. (MM 13:11) (16vosibirsk-Apartment houses) SIPKO-,_A.~I~,_ inzh.; KHOROSHAVIN, N.I., 'Lnzh. Speeding up the full mechanization of work in the peat industry. Torf. prom. 38 no. 3:17-18 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet RSFSR (for Sipko). 2. Vserossiyskiy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva (for Khoroshavin). (Peat industry) 8 IPKO, A. d, In the State Committee of the Council of W-nisters for the Coordination of Research Work* Torfoprom. 39 no,3.*34r-.35 162. (MM 15:4) (%at) (Research) SIPKO., A.N., inzh.; ROITKIN, A.L., inzh. Prospects for the development of peat briquette production. Torf. prom. 38 no.8:15-18 161. (MIRA 3.4:12) 1. Goeudarstvannyy komitet Soveta Ministrov RSFSR po koordinatsii nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabot (for Sipko). 2. Gipromestprom. (for Ronkin). (Peat machinery) SIPxO.T I. I.: Itaster Vet Sci (diss) -- "A-avitaminosis enterocolitis of nursirig merino lambs under the conditions of the arld zone of Stavropol". Moscow, 1959. 20 pp (Kln Agric, Moscow Veit Acad), 170 coplos (n, Vo 15, 1959, 118) TEREYHINA, M.T., prof.; BC-BYLEVA, Z.I., dotsent; SIPKO,-I.I., datsent; LYUBIMDV, Yu.A., assistent; KOTENKO, N.A., ordinator; ZIBOROVA, V.T., ordinator Disorder of metabolism in cows and the characteristics of dyspepsia in calves. Veterinariia no.12:31-34 D 163. (MIRA 17i2) 1. Stavropollskiy sel'skokbozyaystvennyy institut. -t I TERF,KHINA, M.T., prof.; BOBYIEVA, Z.I., dotsent; SIEKQ,-I.I.; KOT-FNKO, 11. A., assistitnt; TIYUB114OV, Yu.A., assist#-nt; ZIBOROVA, V.P., ordi- nator Ultraviolet rays in the practice of merino sheep farmin Veteri- nariin 40 no.2:49-51 F 163. %RA 17:2) 1. Stavropollskiy sal'sknkhozyftyqtvennyy institut. ANERMLY, A. . inzh.; SIPKO, L. , ar'-.hitell--tor Apartment housgs in the -ii1la-Po cf tns F.-r - ,1 - !.._ i I( ~ ! - 7' 14-:7) trol. no.6:31-32 lile s (Soviet Far East-Apartment, houses) DRGOIrL'C,, J.; EMMA, G.; MAZOVSKY, J.; SIJAKOVA, H.; M1100VA, B. Exparience with establishing food allergy in children w'th atopic neurodermatitis. Cesk. dorm. '117 no.4;20-250 Ag 162. 1. Kozne oddelenie Detskej faku3.tnoj nem=ice v Bratislave, veduci doc. dr. A. Rehak. (ECZERA in inf & child) (ITEURODEi-alATITIS in illf &"child) (IETANT NUTRITIOII DISORDEM) IIIHANOVA, Z.,, ~UMR$-~T! On oome indices of natural resistance of the organism. Ceek. hyg. 10 noo7:404-412 Ag 165o I* Untav hygieny, Praha. OVA) ZWO-541yP& Dr.; A, Jaroslava Clarification of the origin of so-called Sergestella spireidm. Cesk. eDidem. mikrob. imnn. 6 no.5:351-352 SePt 57. 1, Ustav hygiony v Praze, red doe& Dr L'Stmos. (PROTOZOA. Sergentells spiroides (Cs)) SIPKOVIGS,, LaszloL dr. "Castration method of rams bY leaving their epididYmis and testicles untouched" by A.A. Bajburtcjan. Reviewd by Laszlo Sipkovicso Magy allatorv lap 17 no:7:280 ii. 62. BYRLISHEV. G.D.; SIPLIVINSKIY, V.N.; SHALINA, L.V., red.; LOKSHINA, O.A. . te . red. [First Siberian professor of botazW Korzhinskii; on the 100th anniversary of his birth] Pervyi sibirskii professor botaniki Korzhinskii; k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Novosibirsk,, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR,, 1961. 86 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Korzhinskii, Sergei Ivanovich, 1861-1900) BERDYSHEV, G.D.; IO)IFLlVINSKIY, V.N.; SHALINA, L.V., red. [V.V.Sapozhni*;~rov, prominent Siberian scholar and traveler) Vydaiushchiisia Sibirskii uchenyi i puteshestvennik V.V. Sapozhnikov. Novosibirsk, Red,izdatellskil Wel Sibir- skogo otd-niia All SSSR, 1964. 133 p. OMM4 17:8) '--,)I r - j); [' !1~" KAULINA.Z.; SIPOLAJ.; DIRIKIS,M. Elements of orbits and ephemerids of minor planets. Astron.tair. no.156:3-5 Ja'55. (NIRA 8:10) 1. Rizhakoye otdelonlys VAGO (Planets, Minor) SITOS, ;,. Cbsi,rvationn on the architecturAl conference held in TatAbanya. p. 10. (Ujitok J,"!pja, Vol. Q, No. 6, Apr 1957, LvdarA-A, Hungary) SO: Month2y Li-3t of East European Accessions (BEAL) LC, Vol. 6. No. 8, Auta, 1957. Unc3. SIPOS, Aladarne, dr. Short history of the Society for Popularization of Scientific Knowledge Library. Term kud kozl 7 no.12:575-576 D t63. "'EH'bl J., in7.; IKUNIAK, P., Inz.; SINS, A., arid inoth6d off dev.-rimining, ?;,lie form, of a k-l-'r-I'le su-'Iare. Stroilremivi 1!~ Ac 164 Sc:~col of T-:.,-hrioln~_,y, (for C-T-.el and Ku-riak.) 2. 11'a"luliulf III u a is 'm jti A L LLi it A1.0 IND P*VM up I I.t'll 'go d sit op 10-16 vsjv% so bum" , &%low famor djews to Sol -00 '-Moo moo see goo S t' "TAtLURGKAL LITINATUSt CLASSIPKATOON too. .1 solos) i. a., oat 0.11 39 a.. Ill b u 0 AV so Is jlrAAnL to two a wilreog 0 0 3 1 9 is V, 4, K1 a, ot III mr j**eeqq SO 69090000040i all, u u W a is IV is p a at a 11 of a .00 ko 41~ 1.004, - - --------- r)7, Automatic appaialus for memuring ar]C sampling: k'j i o f: thI A Si P Pi hl i k - G c ce . c v or u . s. cr. f payj Kisfafn- p 4-c IC93Z 1, 1954, No. 2,pp- 9(.k--102, IF 3, fig5., I tab.) With thlA apparatus it ii povAblo todetermine the ' ilnintity o1sugar 9 as-shil; off with the thick juice within q , all aCCUrac) -ofo.i referred tcibmts, Onaccountathe fluctuating specific gravity. and the frothing of the sugar ices only size a arntuses which rrwasuro weight can p e usect. T e descr c b 11, aratus easuxe~.. the weight i of the thick Juice d acliar a froin thi evallorat!" ~- t i Tt ( S at ort. -colviMs two qlimlrica~ CD111ahlem willf. I are filled an ern ic r ad alternatingly., 4q ~Ll!ing . nedalldcl-Od b?- slide valves I CrIpt) I '1he lAtter ---- rum the ends M . at the lo Div,olc,l levcr -held in the pi~topdate poLiltion by C 'h v Iv d tCh e- e a e ro f are rict.nperAtlid Ca scdl)k the pre"ure of thO Juice acting oti the slide ~fljvor 'Via electromagnets mercury- ~1-witchcs which inake contact as soon as t1p, Jtflt~~ c(linlim 411tlip., the goper pressure and trip the coriespo riding C ~ ted on the me t ickluic am I Th e mur-., Calcil- -ill~ Ippi -A blidi ratus~ bY the abovi liloyed lever meters a small volume (ij-20 r11) efthe Ice into*a Pipe arlA allows it to drain into a re- lilic!; JO i ' Thcapparatusissuitable for measuring anv kind pluid-g,g; t lick juice fix sugar factories, tomjJ6 juice Pd5 Iq - 91; 1 tic sampling of beet p-Ulp- T SCNp".... '"I it"it-iTI! . V. j'C,'j#kjiip4iri KnIaldiall-et ~1.1, 2. 1955. No. 1, pp. 18-211, 1 fig.. ~,02 tabs.) II'lie haproved sampling apparattis employed at the Ica Udy sugar factory cons6ts of a slowly rutating it:, an cell whl:,:, fcel a a coiinecte(i d,,itering warm. T lie apparatus has provcd iti.-If lit practice, luis~!s Which liuve so far beeii difficult to deterittine can also be estab- lished by it. 0/ T ra rs '4-r; -.7-3 c -I ilic-li-stant cycloi-as. s 01. 1,rcl. Antal Sipos, 1893-1958, obituary. Cuko-- !L-: no.8t197 A9158 CEPELY J.; SIPOS, A. Mathematical relations of concave helicoidal surfpces, methods of their measurement. Sbor VST Kosice 1:67-75 '6,4. 1. Chair of Machine Parts of the Higher School of Technolngy, Kosice (for Cepel). 2. Regional Institute of Projects, Kosice (for Sipos). Submitted March 25, 1963. SIPOS, B. Now technical method for utilization of soft rubber prosthetics; rastoration of jaws and nose defects. no.9:283-284 SePt 51. and acz7lates in Fogory.esemle 44 (CLKL 21:1) 1. Master dental mechanic. SIPCG, Barna ~ And two more news items, Radiotechniks .13 no,5:2 of cover My '63. la m.rad6klubevwsato, SIPOS, Bela "Characteristic flood levels of embanked rivers in Hungary and some other results in flood research" by Zoltan Karolyi* Reviewed by Bala Sipos. Hidrologiai kozlony 38 no.3%228 Te'58. 5IPOS, Bala, okleveles mernok Flood on the Marcal and Raba rivers. Vlzugyi kozI no.3:326- 332 '63. 1. Or,;3zagos Vizugyi FolgazgatoBag arvizvedelmi csoportjanak vezetoje. RIMMA/Cultivated Plants - Commercial. Oil-Dearing. M-5 Suoar-Bearing. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur -Biol., No 7, 1958, 29941 Author : Sipos, Ch. Inst Title : The Density of Sugar Beet Placement. Orig Pub : Probl. a&Tic. 1957, 9, No 3, 26-30 (Rumanian; res. Russ., Fr.) Abstract : Tests made at the Experimental Agricultural Station in Lovrin with the 532 Lovrin variety have shown that with 50 cm. space between the rows., the distance between the pockets in the rows set at 20 cm. with two plants left in each bunch, there was the largest productivity and suL~ar Gain in the roots (29-31 t. per ha. and 17.45- -20-39%). Card 1/1 - 31 - SIPOS, D. SIMS, D. Two-grade ultra short-waive transmitter for the 144 MHz. P. 159. Remarks on the new audion circuit. p. 160. Vol. 6., No. 7, July 1956. RAIMOTECHNUKA TEMOLOGY Budapest., Hungary So: East European AccessionlVol. 6. No. 2, Feb. 1957 HETBITYly 1~"Zloj �IPOS,, _ D. ------ Model-controlling receiver with one channel. Radiotechnika 10 no.7:199-201 J1 160. 1. "Radiotechnikig" rovatvezetoje. SIPOS, E. On the rational utilization of train personnel. P. 575. REVISTA GAILOR FERATE. (Csile Ferate Romine) Bucuresti, Rumania* Volt 6, noo 11, Novo 1958o Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 8,, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. "The Correlation of the Natural Sciences and the Study of Domes- tic Animal Breeding in Teaching. " Eucharest, Natura. Seria Biologie, Vol 15, No 5, Sep-Oct 63, pp 67-72. Abstract: A coraPendium of instructions and sut-,gestions for instructors in 11-he schools of eeneral education that teach about -16'ae raisinrr of domestic animals. Outlines the technioues to be followed in in-structinl-I the sTudents or. hzi-gienic measures, proper feeding, breeding, etc. Letails the specific aspec-t's of the subject on which the teacher must be prepared to answer questir~nS raised by the students and should be especially well- list'l .44( charics Ultiv,. Prague). Ckrw. It,ly 44, tire bytitolys"I to Ill. fanilicacid(I)sumlantuniur. The hydroly%6 6 vuri%41 mit I with N IICI in scaled tubm at IINI 'W" anti the iwoluct The sul(Autlicat-id 6 washeil out with N ilCJ Mild fitrAti4i with X011 with Shillid calonlel rfectrotim. St. fludlickt MORA, A; SIPOS, F. Inv,-4~i`~,-` - "- ation on hydrolyBis of certain sulfonamides. Cas.cGsk.lek. Ved.priloha 63 no.9-12:211-213 Doc 1950. (CUS 20:9) 1. Of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Charles Universi ty. SIPOS' F. "Progress in organic synthesis. VIII. Oxidation by trifluoroperacetic =id." C~ P. 499 (Chemiep Vol. 10J. no. 6. June 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (ERAI) LCp Vol. 7. no, 9. September 1958 SICHER, J.; -SIPOS, F.; JONAS, J. Stereochemical studies. XVIII. Synthesis and dissociation conebmitv of cis- and tranacycloheptane 1,2-dicarboxylic acids. Coll Cz ohm 26 no.1:262-275 Ja 161. (EFAI 10:9) 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslavuk Academy of Science, Prague. (Stereochemistry) (Cycloheptanedicarboxylic acid) (Cyclo-latinediscarboxylic acid. SICHER, J., SIPOS, -TICHY, M. ____ _ ~F. Stereochemical studies. XII. Confomational studies on the 2-axime- 4-t-butyloyclohexanols; synthesis of the four stereoisomers. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.3:847-W Mr 161. (VAI 10: 9) 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague. (Aminobutylayclohexanol) ow/o;~ l A I)/ cm '!ipon , F. Pan' ov', M. K a - ---------- ri,- ,i t v,t n A 1) n f, 0 r.TP- 1, i ( rI;A 1 s L 'u 6,y 0 f , , v c L Imp L an OAL at ive aL quantit, ii;4 I:; ~i ~ji r) o -_i r 11 olayed by adjacent groups n cl, by s o I v o ly i i n d if linct ional d eri vat Lves of - OD i CA 1 c t -him~ya. IQ. 21, 1962, 116, abatract , 7 C ommunr, v. 26, no. 9, w-, ry irl Russ . :'CE*;Ti;.,,icr, at the rr, e t w-, P P 'oil--T-ef3 L rall" --f t r'-, Tj s 1'. Zrn L J,; (,,I 4~A Tl I'l t rann -b clizamido- Xa nza m i A L v c x "t n Q N I Y ri 7,is-2-benzamido-trall-,-4-tert- A ;c es I i c P- i n ab s ) I u% t e - 1 -IL c 0 11 I o C C, i,~i I ?I:,, - L 4~ -OXR70- I o I I I I. a :~l i i I ta w h i n, h v q u J r q t ri,i t the Ih i L loll j8 C U;41i - I 1y Th i L it c, s 11 UO hit"i) is C) o 'u N't 1' i I I e d C o h a 1.3 c h , i i I j m h 1 1 3 :5 v.~i i rj 2 B e C at 6ooc); it C I, ti I I~ 1 1 a t-n ha L rf o rin c-c-,- i ,Or rr.. a n :) f T --, I rc o-cl-p"". tilt? A-pc-sitiell, whill! I!- reacts I f2 r, mi o k! 6 C, 0 C. Obviously thl~ L i e L r.!.n,z - -pos it! on is achi eved n ~3 n ;~i ',n other con"ar tio it i. Iii a na, Cf; 0 1 `1 -j! i 11 L u w c d by closing of' 1-he 'I the fdot t t xrL xii %;,ri i s 'I, n C i.~; - r ith t h ell e U111"aturated Lkn,,; etnoxy products are &Z, zle I` Y-111 ;'.,I a Q~17 IOorllum ion might forw, 5 /GP- i "62 1000/6.12 1 //C, 10/06 9 fa c- o c n:-a.T, i c, ,-. i r o ~; e a r c h ~nQ iact that there i,,. a gre.,.oLQ_?- difference in reaction rates between n U1 c: s - I a n d b e t -4 e .-2z-. V a r -a V ( k - 10 S eC -a-I, 0.687; IV, C i T a cl 'a v2 tvi n, T I o r trans-1 the ratio 2 7 , 2 . G L and jT L ~,-. e at(2S v'oj, tes for the IT _r~d t () tn e reaCtio.1 r "Ierival-Jver, is 4 while the analogous r C! a t 0 -, 3 i I i Pfcr Citi-I Is 1.4. T h i. s c o n f i -,m.,j 'I hu t the same react ion - , - 'T. I . "'he authors consider the fact m ~,- I I.-, i ,I. T,-i i sC; o n t o, :. r~;. v-, -Tr 1 ~ and L tnat ethanolysis takes p_;ace fas~cr in the case of 7 (0 than in the case .:~f Ttj (f)"I j.~, Lo the stf~,ric 8 tr eo zj I-eing less, reduced during the forma- ' L~On of t~,u car'bon.,Lurn ion e case 0 'L i n th f 'V 'han in that of V; this is b(~'cau3e in L"lle of U." tha huilk,~,r ,!,-C R,"ON.H-group becomes close to if- r i 6. C) r, ;;~Iij v ir, tn~l cln--e 'i de-,)-irt:7 f -urther from this form (by c, y i n %.~,Le cingic-_q b;~tween the C-H bond and the b C1 1 )5) and 105o reapectively). ri,_, rcacL_-,n rate data.-, sho-,%v, that in the case of trans-I the Cor-al O~, L~,O ri~,actiori i5 -it p lorm, while the ratio between i,n :r Corm awi t-w-ist Cor, * o' L r,ac, it!p, is 0 1/62/oor,/02 1 /010 /069 T 1 '01 C S ' 17 C _n cu The deta ils of rua c t ion c t h c c i, r:i,,a i,-, na 1 eq ui I ih ri u-M a t a t e k 0 2 9 2 L ri L.." j- c Co --~.,a II y m o ~z n r. e o u sThere is c G r; n i yc 11 T, and that of H is :)'Y !l *r,ow the conformation of I.v r I r T~ - b".-I Lv C. 't r. " ve lu~: I--, -I diaxial chair- tJ ii. Ck)-~f;,oup and CH-group r 0a v 'i .1. k~ 0~' o r I- eD D D 31 r. cof the diequat.,- i Cl. ana have a'mrosf equa. u1 C.,.)ho I 6C1,C cis-I is present in 0 C; e n t. 1~ic) t i. v p 1, o r c0 f t 11 e C11 c 0 Nil - I" r L 1 111 Uhl 10 rl 111 the r, (I _0 KC e vdently, S/081/62/000/021/010/06-, Stereochemical research . . . B156/B101 owever, as ethanolysis QC t-'- -~t -tert-butyl-2-methyl-cyclo- 4 ht:~xi,nol and certain preliminury i~ ions show, it has a higher -4-tert-butylcycio- 'al~;(:. To 0.01 mol-~S if th~~. benzamido h e Xa 11 C 1di3801ved in 15 B11 LUI-rm' 0.02 mole of freshly distilled ao~thane sulfanylehloride I--, the whole is held at OOC for D - 12 hr and diluted with cry2.tals are filtered oU, and ,.ia-ohed in water and petrole-.;r-i~ e Percentage yields and melting p 0 1 n L s ,in OC, of the are: 11 78s 95 - 94; IV 76, 1206-5 - 127 (from ethyl acet.,,'.e,1; V 153 - 154 (from ethyl acetate); for the production of III, necl XIX, RZhKhim, 1962, abstract 12Zh7, 7zelting point 140 - 1410C. of TV.dissolved in 100 ml absolute '~Icohcl is heated with 0.0,~--, -)CH 5 for 70 hrs at 9500; the is filtered off artil ,~Icohol, the filtrate evaporated .n Y~c,,;L and the residut:-, ether and an aqueous NFA 2 Go 3 solu- t i.o n; tfte ether ext racts ar, w3 ~er and dried. Of the oil ii t~ pa r a t e d , 1 - 0 5 g is a n a I yt~ a 1, r r-.p h i ca 1 ly on n e ut ra 1 X 1 0 20 2 3' and 50 -,,a, respectively, of and 6-benzamido-4-tert-butyl-cyclo- hexene-1 (VI and VII), 50 C.", cyclohexane '6 S/I081/62/000/021/OIC-/'o6g .,It~rt~ocnvmical research... 315b/B101 n d ra c. es o f 1- eye I ohexa no 1 -a cet a' te t-lre 6asned out with C H, ~Laanolysis of V is carrieu rjut 6 -.ntj--~v tn,-- :3ame eond~Ltim,,;,, ::I i continues for 25 hr3 ; the oil ~!O PL rd L c! ~i a a, o un Ls t o on o ri n eu t i a 1 A 1 0has Ghown 2 5 Lw-tt it con3ists of 2j I , --'o VIII, and 5 % IX. [Abs tract e0s- not re jComplete translation. 6 '-'CLrd 6/0 .--/ fs Q,::y /c-- sic I IER I J. ; TI city) M. ;_ S IJ-p SUNDA) M. ; JONAS , It. Stereochemical studies. Ft. 28. Coll Cz caem 29 no.7:11,161-2576 il 164. 1. Instituteof Organic Ghemistry and Biochemistryj, Czechoslovak Akademy of Sciences, Prague. C ZXQU 04-LOVAX.1 A 51CIU~Rs inatitut6 or Orruda cbealevu aw 0160bemil"70 Cmahealavsk AeadeV of Solow". Pmt,;w a. (for *U) vm~w# 2GA11"Ans At gawim! 8W awsa Sam"- ASU=& 50 50 NCL7 ILVMO pp uatwrood~estca *Wdlose Pwt 371 13swalaties *a=%ej" of saw 22amoUVIVelaboxamosAwrlis aside* O=t*rmwUew& equillbria avA the pver&rv" mt*tIamt eenra=atlam of the caft*244 gmup on the 0jachexam rincew looUtute ot Oroude Mmml*WW Lll~lo-uvo AdadoW at SOL480np p"690 - (for 011) AOL ow"tatlawl eampo" for tin Gabe-oqua"Kia Ghmw in diffft"m ey4abmql orott"Ve f62 I y SIPOS, Gaborv dr.* atnszekvazeto egyatemi tanar (Magyarorvar) Up-to-date parceling on collective farms. Blet tud 16 no.17:523-526 23 AP 161. ~4!1- Wt~, SIPOS, Gabor, a mezogazdasagi tudomanyok kandidatusa, egyetemi tanar "Directives for agriculture* by Rrno Kemenesy. Reyiewed by Gabor Sipos. Magy tud 69 no.10:671-672 0 16;(. 1. Agrartudomanyi Foiskola, Mosonmagyarovar. SIPPOS, G. Problems of weed destruction in agriculture; also, remarks by P. Klinger and others. p. 239. KOZLEMYEI, Budapest. Vol 8. no. 1/2, 1955. SCURCE: EEAL Vol 5, nol 7, July 1956 HUMARIA/Cultivatad I'lanti3 - Grabm. M-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 29732 Author : Sipo Inst Title : Corn Plantina Times and Density on the Banat Plain. Orig Pub : Probl. aGric., 1957, 9, No 4, 79-88 (rum.). Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 49 - SIPOS, Gh. Influence of planting density and the distance-be-tween. the lines on the production of sunflower in the Station of Lovrin, region of Banat. Studii agr Timisoara 8 no.3A:179-186 JI-D 161. S I 11,C1 S ~ Gh. Influence of cutting the shoots on the -,)roduction of some corn hybrids at different dens.-Aties'. Studii agr Timisoara 10 no. 2: 277-280 J1-D 163. ZiDOE , ; . Z~ij-osl 'j. result,-- ol . csearch~ iin iimiin~~arj, . ; . 307 Vol - 3, no - b, Praha, Cilj~(;;.-l~.LC)VJ'"CKlA SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST (FYAL) VOL 6 No 4 APRIL 1957 of jq:tzl -s ~hlcm, ':,c-fed 1-0 -rio.1/2,57-53 it,:~ orL Chemi E~-i ry All ver 3 tv Xcc MT. =028248 SOURCE CODE: HU/2502/65/046/001/0063/0075 AUTHOR: Sohar, Pal--Shokhar, P. (Doctor; Budapest);.3-pos._G.--bhiposh, D. (Doctor; Szeged) 501 6~-/! ORG: Research Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Budapest~_T~~Y!jologieal InstituteS A. Jozsef University, Szeged TITLE: Effect of hydrogen bonds on the electronic displacements in some nitro- and hydroxy derivatives of-acetophenone SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta chimica, v- 46, no. 1, 1965, 63-75 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen bonding, molecular structure, dipole moment, IR spectrome-&I UR-10 M spectrometer ABSTRACT: Derivatives of phenacyl bromide with one nitro group and one hydroxyl group in various positions on the aromatic ring were investigated by means of a UR-10 type infrared spectrometer with respect to the structure of the hydrogen bonds present in the various molecules. The characteristics of the spectrum bands allow conclusions to be drawn with respect to the electronic structure of the molecules, and even concerning changes of dipole moment in some bonds. In the case of one substance the spatial position of the G=O group could also be determined. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 1 table. [Orig. art. in Eng-1 1JPRS: 33,9061 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: O4Dec64 / ORIG REF: 007 / OTH REF: 013 Card 1/1 pb Lene'rola brd=hl~i4, -q.4 in the'Ries reftct6. HJ M--V_tndhol, and QX~~Si (Vniv-. Szeted).1 Awd, &i. Hung. German)-i CA 49, 2301b.-The natchani5m of the Fries migratioaf -1 and the; 19 .4tudled by useof thymol acetate as tile rno& ! Yield as the basl;l of couclusiofis. N113, pyridine, pyrldlnLi -11C1, and !'LICI all Cause a marked decrease in ~itld, wh ;added to Alell-thy"Jol acetate complex in PhN(41 (6 h.7! ~ $Lt 40*). It b postulated that the basci act to rtmove the ' ;HCl present, or formed In the reaCPon, and that this actift N-ld s a l in w of th d h t HCI th i l e a caum o er , an ence, e y ays Sta g p ' . 11 0 vv~ad . SIPOS, Gyorgy. dr. Observations during the therapy of childhood typhoid fever. Orv. hatil. 97 no.37:1024-1026 9 Sep 56. 1. A Szolnok megVet Tanacs Korha2& (Igasgato: Levay, KarQ1y, dr.) Gyermokfertozo Oaztalynak (foorvos: Kramer, Dezoo, dr.) kozlemerqe. (TYPHOID FSVER, in inf. & child chloramphenicol ther. & symptomatol. (Hun)) (CHWRAMPHMIICOL, tber. use typhoid fever in inf. & child (Hun)) SIPOIS, Gyorgy, Dr. Problems and significance of infantile atrophy in Szolnok county. Nei3egeezaegugy 38 no.6:140-150 J=e 57. 1. Kozlemeny a Szolnok megyei tanacs korhaza (Agazgato: Levey Karoly dr.) esecemo es gyermekosztalyarol (foor7oa., Kramer Desso dr.) (INFANT NUTRITION DISOHMM, statist. atronhy In ffangary (Hun)) PC, C- C-7-2, New nitrochalcones. M. 0 T. SsM (Univ,.L- Szeged, -Acid un;As~-Tuav ; 5.sMss,AiJ-a--PbyS. d Chem. 5, 70-2(1959)(in German) C.A. $2, 0048g; 53. 9M 21913a.-New chalcoDen were prepd. by condeusing nitrlydroxyacetophenonex with substituted aromatic al- dehydes by d11. alkali as well as AIC4. The ketone (3 mmolts) was dissolved In 30 cc. N NaOH, combined with an equiv. of aldehyde In b cc.' RtOH, the mixt. heated on a steam bath 2 hm., the soln. addified, or the chalcove Na de- riv., lf:gtd., filtered off ancl converted Into chalcom with 2N It (method a). The ketone (8 mmok-A) was IOU- mately udxcd with 0 mmoles AIC4 and heated an hr. at 145*, cooled. decompti. with ice-" MW., filtenci on after one day, washed with HjO and HtOH, dried it 20'. uW rL- crystd. from EtOH-EtOAc (method b). 4.3-HO(OsN)- 2,4-HO(OjN)C4HAc (11), 2.5-HO(OaN)Cr MOU(11~-4-CICIHXHO (IV). and 4-HOCSH4CHO (y) were used. I gave with IV yellow needles (a) or bluish both m. 1834*. 11 and M were Can$ yellowish chalcones, m. IWI-3* (a), A 210-17c (b), resp. I yielded with V brownish yellow cbal- cone, m. 214-10* (a). T. AmOl- IfThe effect of 1ruosterin upon the T~T and the extr~ict content of the Fenicilliu.-a chrysoirernum Q. 176.11 p. 161. EK. (1-1 f7yar FiolofJai '"ars-isq'. Altalanos Binlo i. i S zn~ k o oz, t.-1 PII~dcre-- t, Hungiry, Vol. I'lonthly list of East Eurepean Itccossions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 19, No. 1-1 U n Cl -I. 14ATKGVICS, Bela; - -Gyprgy The effect of ergosterol on the RP and the dry substance content of Penici-Ilium chrysogenum Q 176. Biol kozl 6 no.2:161-163 159. 1. Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Sz~rves Kemiai Intezete. 11 y SIPCS, Gyula The puzzle contest of aRadiotechnika.x Radiotechnika 12 no.11:381 N 162. SIPOS'l. Modif i-cation of landolt Is optotype ivil th a r.---ked restrictior of the contrast key. Cesk. oftal. 20 no.lt57-58 JaV64. 1. Ustar experimentalnej psychologie SAV v Bratislave. hMTG-RY Ch~;aic 1 Tocbni-~logy. Cho,!-,icnl Prc(2ucts anrl H Thoir -pl)lica-tion. Carbohyk-Aratos Thoir Prccassin6. --bs Jour: R6f Riut-Xhimiya- No.9, -1959, 33021. ,uthor : ---ipos, I., Frindt, L., T-th, F. Ins t : R-13 ~-.- i ~,E; n. Titlo : Sucr--sc--po Now Optical ivic-nsurins Instru-mont for th-- Sugar Industry. Orig Pub: Cuk-cri-,,-~ir, 1958, 11, Nc 2, 53-'35. ..bstract: - ni-ri optical faca-suring instruiai~,nt of firm "Putsh;i is 1~escribt~d. On :a- soaitur:~zs,)aront scrGan of tho instrumont, th,~;ra is projectod a aa,-1-11ifica' (30 tiL-ios) imige of a substanco ovnp- oratir,~S in a v-~cuum ap~)ar--.tus at a aistunco of Card 1/2 ,~, 51 HUNGi,RY / Chcjaic2l Techn,,-,loey. Chwiiic:~l Pr--2~ftLlcts and H Th,Ar .p-,-jlic~.ti,-,n. C---rbohy~r.-Acs crcl, T-1,4ir Procassing. j,bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khiidiya, N-~~ 9, 1959, 33021. i~bstract: about 140 mn. from tho ijjstrLL;ij-I-jt. T-'n-a Instru- aont ni-~.kas it nossiblo to follcw ta~~ procoss of tho fcracLtion of sug:-,r cryst--Ils, ancl accuratoly dotor.-Ancs tha ond of ovapcr2tioa-. -- G. Yudko- vich. Card 2/2 HUNI&~RY / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Applications. C-arbohyd rates and Their Processing. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1959., No 4., 134G0. Author : Sinos, Imre; Frindt., Lajos.-Hozzaszolas; Yleinrich, B6dog-, 1nst :'Not g;ven. TItle :Results of the Functioning of an Experimental T.'lodel of the "J-Diffusert' Continuous-Procpss Diffusion Apparatus in the JUiatvan Sugar Plant in 1957/58. Orig Pub: Cukoripar, 1953, 11, No 59 lza-130. Abstract: Ho abstract. Card 1/1 REV, Tiborne; MOGSARI, Erika; ZSADAI(YI, Ede; SIPOS, Imre Cultural notes. Munka 9 no.1:26-27 Ja 159. 1. Szakszervezetek Orszagos Tanacsa kulturalid oaztalyanak munkatarsa (for Rev). 2..*.Nepq4ava" munkatarea (for Mocsari). 3. gajtodokumentacios Kozpont munkatarsa (for Zsadanyi). 4. Kozl.ekedesi Dolgozok, Szakszervezetenek osztalyvezetoje (for 3ipos). ,,SIPOS, pare, vegyeaztechnikus; FRINDT, Lajos, vegyesztechnikus; TOM, .Ferenc, cukorfozo. "SUCROSCOPOP the new optical instrument of the sugar industry. Cukor 11 no.2:33-35 F158 1. Hatvani Cukorgyar. SIPOS, Imre, vegyesz; FRINDT, Iajosp vegyesz Experiences in connection with the experimental "JO-diffusion. Cukor 11 no.51128-129 MY'58 1. Hatvani Cukorgyar. SIFOS, Imrs Use of trade w2ion publications. Minka 1.1 no.7:19 Jl 161. 1. Kozlekedesi Szakozervezet kulturalLs oaztalyanak vezetoje. (Hungary-Trade unions) lu, u. BENKO, Eva, dr.; SIPOS, Irma, dr. Experiences in epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Or7. hetil. 104 no.g: 349-352 24 F 163. 1. Budapest, III. ker. Szakorvosi Rendelointezet, Szemeszoti Ontaly. (KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS) (CHLORAMPHENICOL) (OXTTETRACYCLINE) (THIAMINE) (RIBOFL&VIN) (ASCORBIC ACID) sip6s, Istvan, dr. Experiences with polyamide not alloplasty. Magy. sebeezet 9 no. 4:229-230 Aug 56. 1. A Fovaroal Arpad Korhaz (Igazgato: Lorand, Sandor, dr.. az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) sebeszeti oaztalyanak (Foorvoo: Gyorff.v. Ferenc. dr.). kozlemenys. (HEWTIA, surg. alloplasty with Hungarian made pol7amide sponge (Hun)) (PLASTICS polyamide sponge, Hungarian made sponge in alloplasty of hernias (Hun)) -~ec.q Voi.11jiQj --jurger-i Uct 57 4971. (980) SIPOS 1. Chi r. Abt. , llauptsfldt. 'ArpAd'-Krankenh. , Budapest. *Lu)E5M_o_n_,;T_ra_ktur des a na It itni4chen Oberarmhalses durch Strom. D is - location fracture of the anatomical neck of the humerus due to electric current ZBL.CHIR. 1956, 81/44 (2304-2309) Illus. 6 Among the highly different results of the action of an electric current, there is a personal case of dislocation fracture of the anatomical neck of the humerus which is a rare complication. The special pathological cause left the diagnosis, which can only be established with combined X-ray examination, obscure, and an errone- ous diagnosis was made. The conclusion is reached that in the present case the fracture mechanism is similar to that of fractures of the elbow due to fall, but the force did not originate from direct violence but from flexion. SIPOS, letyan. dr. Plautice In medicine. Ory. hetil. 97 no.26:702-707 24 June 56. 1. A Tovarosi Arped Korhax (igasgato: LorandI Sandor dr., as oryostitdomanyok kindidatusa) Sebeszeti Oaztalyanak (fooryos: Gyoffy. Ferenc dr.) koslememye. (PLASTICS mod. applications. (Run)) SIPOS, Istvan, dr. Anatomical fracture of hvmrue neck with dislocation of shoulder caused by electric shock. Ory. hetil. 97 no-35:974-976 26 Aug 56. 1. Fovarost Arpad Korhaz (igasgato: Lorand, Sandor, dr., az orvostudomanyok'kandidatusa) Sebeezeti Osztalyanak (foorvos: Gyorffy. Ferenc. dr.) kozlemenye. (HUMERUS, fract. neck. with disloc. of shoulder, caused by electric shock (Hun)) (SHOULDER, disloc. caused by electric shock. with fract. of humerus neck (ffian)) (ZMTRICITY, inj. off. fract. of humerus neck & disloc. of shoulder (Huji))