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YERSHKOVICH, I.G., T)rof.; SINOVIC,H,, V..A., asloirAnt Use of nrmine in glaucoma. Oft.zhur. 13 no.2:94-98 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1% kliniki glaznykh bolezney (zav.--orof. I.G.Yershkovich) MiabarOVBkogo meditsinskogo instituta. (GLAUCOMP.) (ARMM) YERSHKOVICH, I.G.; SINOVICH, V.A. Therapeutic effect of ginseng in glaucoma. Trudy no.20:187-192 160. (KMA 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki glaznykh bolezney (zav. prof. I.G.Yershkovich) Khabarovskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (GINSENG) (GIAUCOMA) SINOVICH, V.A., aspirant TheraDeutic action of phosarbin in glaucoma. Oft. zhur. 16'no.Is 43-48-161. (KM 14: 3) 1. Iz glaznoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I.G.Yershkovich) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. .. (GIAUCOMA) (TRIOPYROPHIOSPHORIC ACID) SINOVIOH, V.A., assiatent "Orgimisation of the mirsels work in an ephthalmic department" by N.G.Golldfolld. Review# by V.A,Sinevich. Med. sestra 20 no.7. 32-54 Jl 061. (MIRA 14: 10.) 1. Ix Arkhangellskogo medit~Uqkogo instituta. (OPHTIIW41C NUMING) (GELIDFELID, N.G.) SINOVICH.7 V.A. Development of ophthalmology in the Far Fast. Vest. oft. 76 no-3:83-86 My-je 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kafedra glazn5rkh bolezney (zav. - dotsent T.K. Aniserova) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. MATOV, A. N. 0 SINOVSKI:Y" P. V. Rosults in application of a fibrin membrane and fil=ents in noil.roaurgery; dynamics of absorption of fibrin filaments in the nor-m. Vopr. neirokhir. 14-.6. Nov.-Dec. 50. p. 25-9 1., Of the Surgical Division (Head - Prof. A. U. Filatov) and the Pathalogo-Ariatomic Division (Scientific Director - Prof. P. V. Sipovakiy),, Leningrad Order of the Red Banner of Labor Scientific- Rcuoarch Institute of Blood Transfusion (Sciontific Director Prof. A, 11. F-ilatov), CU-IL 20,, 3., March 1951 It - S.DIOVIYEIVY G.A. (deceased]; SAVCHMKO, YO,N. Crane flies (Diptera., Tipulidae) of the Amur-Zeya interfluve and their distribution in different landforms. Ent. obozr. 41 no.3:554-571 162. (MIRA .15:10) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad i Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Amur Valley--Crane flies) (Zeya VallOy-Crane flies) L :k- VC) kC. TTjM vo 1P52. 15, (1) 1,C,. 12) "LITERiMrPit" ad, Z,DI-.,dY. 1952, C, a r Sirskaya or Hj, C)f C - val,res jr, Contempor~.T~,, ~Bicl,~- Biolorii) Vol. IX) ..d SINSKAYA, E.N. "The species problem in modern botanical literature." (P.326) by E.N. Sinskaya SO: Advances in Modern Biology (Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologie) Vol. XV, 1942, No. 3 - , f s I I T-.7"C'A, F. I. "TIle rroblerp 0' con~7ti',,tion P-ni ',I-ie ~!)Iaracter-,7'ics nan-iPes~;na : 1, - - 1~ G 14 M ( . 'L 11- 1) S(I.- Soi-rnal oP ' neral 'Iiolo~~:y Vol. 7, No. 2, V`4!~ .1-1 -.- --- - - - - --' ~e~ I- -.- -~- -- SD.13KAylt, E. 11. "On the Diploid Species of Yellow Alfalfa," Doj-. P14, 43, No. 4, 1945. c1945-. I KNOKA,Jil, Evgen~ia ','ikol levnal 1889- The dynamics of species. Noskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1948. 525 P. 3 1, 7,31'.,% ILI A I y L-", . , 111. 25467 - SP-MIYA, YE. , IT. Printsipy !classifi-katsii kulbtrnyk-h rasteniy v svyazi s zadachami vTutrividovj, sistematiki. Botuan. Zhurnal, 1948, ITo. 1, S 148-50. SO: Letopis' Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948 SINSKAYA., . W. 27666. SERGEEVAq V. N. i ODINTSOV,, P. N.--k voprosu o lip~ne zhivykh chastey racteniya. trudy in-ta leso'khoz,' Problem (akad. nauk latv. SO)# vyp. lp 1949P a. 181-86. rezyume na latv* yazo - Bibli6gr: 6 nazv. SINSKAYA, E. W. k peresmotru oanov filogeneticheskoy sistematike. - am, 27808. SOt Knizhnaya Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955. SI-NSKAYA, YE-. N. 27808. SINSKAYA, YE. N. - 11 peresmotru osnov filogeneticheskoy sistewtiki. Selektsiya i samenovodstvo, 1049, No. 9, S. 20-24 SO: Utopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 37, 10,49 SINSKAYA, E.N. 25826 Ustoychivost'Iyuzerny k zabolevant yam v zavisimoBti ot konatitutoli rasteniya', walogii aushchoetvovaniya i protBessaw starenniay i omolosheni a. Trudy po prick. Botanike, genetike i selekt9ii (Vi3esoyuz, In-t rastenievoclatyals T. XXVII, vyn 2,, 1949, a. 13-18. SO: Letoplol No. 34 SINSKAU. Ye.N.; TSITSIN, N.V., uLkademik. Biological and physiological bases for the taxonomy of cultivated flax. Dokl. AN SSSR 92 no.4:555-858 0 153. Off-RA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nank SSSR (for Teitsin). --2. Vseloyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatell- skiv institut maslichnykh kulltiir. Krasnodar.(for Sinskaya). (Flax) ~, / :f i. :j. ~7 - ,, : i r.i. SINSKAYA,Ye.N. Origin of vheat. no.2:5-73 155. (NIU 8:11) (Vho&t) t)INSr'Alfl) '-JC.O- USSR/Cultivated Plants - Technical, Oil, and Sugar Plants. M-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - BiL)I.,, No 3, 1958., 10912 Author : Ed. Sinskaya, Ye.N. Inst : AU-Union Acedemy of Agricultural Sciences imeni Lenin Title Oil Crops in the Eastern Regions of the USb? (Collection of Articles). Orig Pub Krasnodar, "Sov. Kuban"', 1956, 182 pp. illus., free Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 ~ RT]jsux Yev en~iPa ~Nl'ikolfy ruL dektor biologicheskikh i sel,skokhozyaystven- A& "v e -q- nay~khna ; =3VIGH, U.S., redaktor; CHUMAYNTA, Z-V-, tekbnIcheskly redak-tor; MOLCDTSOVA, N.G., tekhaicheakiy redaktor. [Annual forage crops in the southern U.S.S.R.] qdnoletnie kormovye kul'tury luga SSSR. Moskva, Gos.1zd-vo sellkhoz.1it-ry, 1957. 284 (KLIRA 10:4SO (Forms plants) USSR/Plant Phyniolorgy Growth and DQvuloiDzent. Abs Jour I,cf Zhur Biol.) No 2',', 1950, io4399 Author 3i*-xsl:ay,., Ye.N., Vorob'yeva, F.H., Pogorletskaya, B.X. List Title Exploring tre-7riterrelationship of Growth and Development in Tjid ,er Plants. Orig Pub Tl po Pi-. Botan. Genc-L. i Selc-ktsii, 30, No 3, 75-12,~, 19 5 7 - Abstract Plants of various spcc4 'co worc rxo,~ni for various periods of time under individually sulit-ible photoperiodic condi- t-4-ons (long-day plants on natural day in the sizzior ;-i various regions of the Europoan part of the USM, short-day ones., Oil 8-houx C~ay), whereupon the plants ircre exposed to chort days (from 9 to 12 horr-, dil'i-cront species), and -he short-dany plants, to d-any on their natural plaqntin,~~ Sites (towns of Pushkin an,5. ICiibilny for horehoulid, anC IL7asnodar for sesamc). Vor the Card 1/3 SINSKATA, U.N. I --,~~7hs ~pop::tion problem in higher plants [with summai7 In ftlishl. Vest. IOU 13 no-9:5-13 158. (Km u.-6) (Botaw"-30010gy) SINSKATAp Te.N., prof., doktor biolog. i sellskokhos.nauk. red. [Katerials of a conference of postgraduate students and young researchers dedicated to the 22st Congress of the Communist Party of V-w Soviet Union] Materialy nauchnol konferentall aspirantov i molodykh usuchaykb sotrudnikov, posviashchennol XXI s%zdu Komamisticheskol partli Sovetskogo Soiusa. Pod reds II.M.Sinskoi. Laninmmd, 1959. 14A p. OIIRA 13:5) 1. Leningrad. Tsesa^wW tastitut rasteniyevodstva. (Agricultural research) SINSKAYA, Ye.N.; MLLjjTWA. Z.P. Polyploidy In perennial alfalfa opecieso Botozhure 44 n0-8:1103-1-113 Ag 159. (KEA 13:2) 1. Vsosoyuzzq7 institut rastaniyevodetva, Leningrad. (Alfalfa) (Polyploldly) 17(~), 30'(1) SOV/20-128-4-59/65 AUTHOR: Sinskaya, Ye'jjj , ,,,. , T ITLE The Phenological Spectra of Winter LallenazLtia and Camelina PERIODICAL: DokladJT Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, 'Vol 128, Nr 4, PP 847-849 __- -- . ~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1956 the author sowed seeds (nucelli) of the wild-growing Lallemantia rupestris Sinsk. et Voskr. of Armenia on the one handq and of winter Camelina sativap called "Zarya notsial- izmall from Oblast' Orenburg on the other, in several places of the experimental bass or-her institutein Krasnodar. The seeds of Lallemantia which flowered at the same time, were mixed, and in autumn 1956 they were separately sowed. In' 1958 the time of flowering was recorded separately for each plant. Table I shows ';hat the composition of the population is very similar in tmo neighboring parcels. On the whole the groups proved to be rather homogeneous as to their time of flowering. One part of the population of a remote parcel ripened relative- ly late. In this case the plants mere more strongly hetero- cygotic. The three population fragments, however, hardly dif- fer from one another. But they differ a lot from the Camelina Card 1/3 population. The experiments with this plant were made in SOV/20-128-4-59/65 The Phenological Spectra of Winter Lallemantia and Camelina analogy with those mentioned above. The population of winter Camelina prolred much more complicated as to its biotypical composition. The phenological spectra of the whole Camelina population and of every individual group differ widely from those of Lallemantia (see above). With Camelina the shortest flowering period was 12 days for the descendants of one 00UPP but for moat groups it was 20 days. The longest period'vith this species was 24 days. Thus Camelina plants are more strong- ly heterocygotic than Lallemantia. This explains the long flowering period of 1958 of thoseCamelina plants which in~ 1957 flowered at the same time. The phenological spectra of the original populations and of the descendants of one individual plant, united after their flowering period,_ are very characteristic of populations of various plant species. The comparison of phenological spectra of different fragments of one individual population represents a method for the determination of their minimum areal. Such a method has not been worked out. The author's investigations are the first steps in this direction. There are 3 tables. Card 2/3 BOVi/20-128-4-59/65 The Phenological Spectra of Winter Lallemaxitia an(i.Caxelina ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy institut rastenlyevodstya (All-Union Institute of Plant Breeding) PRESENTED: February 25, 1959, by V. K. Sukachev, Academician SUBMITTED: February 22, 1959 Card 3/3 SHISHKIN, B.K., glavnyy red.; BARANOV, P.A., zamestitell glavnogo red.; .BAIMZM, F.Kh.., red.; SII'q.wATA._Te.,N.. red.; LIPSHITS, SJU.. red.; LXBxusv, D.V., red.; TAKOVLEVA, V.M., red.izd-va; SKMOVA, A.V., (Problems in evolution, biogeography, genetics, and breading; collection of articles dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician N.I.Vavilov's birth] Voprosy evoli-ataii, biogeo- grafii, genetiki i selektsli; abornik, posviashchennyi 70-latiiu so dnia r02hdeniia akademika N.I.Vavilova. Moskva, 1960. 333 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Ysesoyuznoye botanicheskoye obshchestvo. 2. Chleny-korrespon- denty AN SSSR (fo-r Shishkin, Baranov). (PLANTS, CULTIVATZD) (011MICS) SINSKAYAS, Ye.N. 'Physiological analysis of v4arietal populations of the sunflower. Fiziol. rant. 7 no.2:225-23i 16o. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Scientific Research Institute of Oil and Essential Oil Plants, Krasnodar. (Sunflowers) (Photoperiodism) SINSXATA, Te.N. "Variation In the aposictic microspecisa of Alchemilla viagaris L.,* "Progeny tests In agamotypes with regard to morphological characters,* *Geographical distribution and chromosome number," and:;*Obsorvations on some clones and clone progenies in Alchemi- lla alpine!@ [in InAlsh] by Go Turesson. Reviewed by I-ff. Sins- kaia. Bot. shur. 45 no-5:771-772 MY 16o. (KIRA 13:7) (Ladysmantle) (Plants-Reproduction) SINSKAYA, Ye.N.; BORKOVSKArA, V.A. Method of analyzing plant populations. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 65 no.1:77-89 Ja-o? 160. (KIRA 13:7) (BOTANICAL RESEARCH) SHCHENKOVA, M.S.; SINSKAU.-Ye.N-.-doktor biolog. i sell skokhoz.nauko otv. red.; VAKHPIN, Yu.B., red.izd-va; KRUGLIKOVA, X.A., [Wild perennial forage plantij of the Komi A.S.S.R. under natural conditions and under cultiva;ion) Dikorestushchis mnogoletule kormovye travy Komi ASSR v eatest"nnykh uslovliakh I v kullturee Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1961. 177 P- (MIRA 14:1) (Komi A.S.S.R.-Forage plants) ZAVADSKIY, Kirill Mikhaylovich; S , doktor biol.nauk., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, otv. red; PETROVICHEVA, O.L., red.; VODOLAGINA, S.D., tekhn. red. [Studies on species] Uchenie o vide. Ianingrad, lzd-vo lAningr. univ.0 1961. 253 P. (MIRA 14:12) (SPECIES) florit of ancient Mesopot $ S--O 161. (14asopotamia-Plants, (14FA VAVILOV, Nikolay Ivanovich, akademik; SUACIIEV, V.11., akademik,. glav. red.; BARANOV, P.A., zam. glav. red.[deceased]; ZHUKGVSKIY 'P.M., zam. glav. red.; BARULIIIA-VAVILOVA. Ye.I., red - [deceased]; BAKHTEYEV) F.Kh., otv. red. toma; SINSKAYA, Ye N otv red. toma; IPATIYEV, A.N., red.; AKOVLEVAq V.M.,, red. izd-va; GLLIWIOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [Selected works In five volumes) labrannye trudy v piati tomakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol-3- (Problems of the geograp1W., pl7logerq, and breeding of wheat and rue. Plant resources and problems of the classification of cultivated plants]Probleny geografii, filogenii i selektsii pshenitsy i rzhi. Rastitel'rWe resursy i voprosy sistematiki kulltunVkh rastenii. 1962. 531 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Baranov). 2. Deystvitellny-y chlen Vsesoyuznoy akaderii sellsko- khozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Zhukovskiy). (Wheat) (Rye) SINSKAYA Te N N.I.Vavilov as a geographer. Izv.Vsee.geog.ob-va 95 no,1:23-31 Ja-F 163. (MMA 14:4) (Vavilov, Nikolal Ivanovich, 1887-1942) -_ 't .r I S RISKAY A I ,i. "Vavilov's law of homologous series in hereditavr variation in the light of the latest botanical data." report submitted for 10th Intl Botanical Cong, Edinburgh, '~?-12 Aug 64. Inst of Plant Industry, Leningrad. in the 164. SAISKAYAY Ye.N.; AZBELI, M.I., red. [Problem 6f populations of higher plants] Problema popu- I liatsii u vysshikh rastenii. Leningrad, Sellkhozizdat. .: .1, No.2. [Gategories and regularities of the variability in higher plant populations) 0 kategoriiakh i zakonomerno- stiakh imrenchivo.~iti v populiatsiiakh vysshikh rastenii. 1963. 122 p. (M IRA 17. U) VAVILOV, Njkolay Ivanovich (A87-19431); KALESNIK, S.V., red.; DAVITAYA, F.F.., red,--; SI-NSJi&Yh,-Ye.N,,, doktor biol. nauk, red.; STANKOV, S.S., doktor biol. nauk [d-eceased]; IVANOV, I.R., doktor sell- k~oz. nauk, red.; PERVAKOV, I.L., red.; ZHURAVLEVA, G.P., mlEd. red.; MATVEYEVA, G.'re,, mlad. red.; ARDANOVA, N.P., tekhn. red. [Five continentsIftat' kontinentov. Mos~va, Geografgiz, 1962. 253 P. RA 16.2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii nauk SSSR (for Kalesnirl. 2. Dey- stvitelInyy chlen Akademil nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Davitaya), (Voyages and travels) (Phy-togeography) VOLCHOK, I.Z.j LEVICHEVA, M.M.1 MIKAYLA~ M.I.j_51'NUSHAS, A.I. Practices in the use of milled sandy portland cement in the manufacture of asbestos cement products. Trudy HIlAsbesttoe- menta no.l7t85-89 163. (MIRA 17tlO) HICKO, L, zapovedny vyakimq pracoynik; HLAVATY, J.; KtMM, T.; LIFKOVA. V.~- SNYCIKOVA. A.; GRUNT,Tftam . M.; MULISR. M.-, VAIJMK. V. Prevention of Infections in nurseries. Brattel. lak. listy 34 no.g: 1021-1045 SSP~ 54. 1. X Krajoksho detakeho uatayu narodneho -zdravia v Bratislava, riaditel dr. A.Novak (for Hecko, Sintaj, Hlavaty) 2. Z Wgianickeho ustavu IYSU v Bratial&ve. prednosta akademik V.Wch, a z Ustaim, bygieny. oblaatneho ustavu pre Slovenko v Bratislava, riadital doe. dr. P.Kacueh (for K-A-uZa, Lipkovaq Seveikova, Grunt) 3. 3 Usta*U pre vyskum vyzi-97 ludu v Bratialave, prednosta dr. A.Bucko. (for Gazo, Muller) 4. Z Tyskuzusho ustavu epidemiologie a mikrobiclogle v Bratislava, riaditel dr. J.Karoleek, z oddelenia pre parazitologiu, prednosta dr. N.Dziuban. Spolvpracovnici- a) 2 detakej kliniky- K.Krupska a skupins, medikov (v ramci studentakej tvorimosti), T.Bohnerova, K.Carnaeak, T.Kovac. D.Frivosoy&, K.Lickova, t.c. uz doktori medicimy. Prod zactatkou vyokumnej prace riadital KUNZ dr. A.Novak vykonal instruktas wdikov: b) z Hygianik*-epidemialogleje stanias UNT Bratislava M.Zatkova c) z jasial 1. na Blahovej ulict c.4.- N.Hlebakova (veduca sestra), .T.Bonedekova. G.Slkotnarova. A.Rozkova. K.Irakovicova. H.Oriskova, T.Yeherova-, 2. na Feriencikovej ulici c. 6: H.Nameekov& (veduca. sestra). K.Slobodova, N.Dobrotkova, A.Kacenauerova. B.Stabelova. (Continued on next card) HICKO, L, zapovedn;r vyskiwW pracovnik-; SINTAJ,, M.*, IIUVATTo J.; KUKURA,JV; LIPEOVA, V.; SBVCNOVA. A.; GRUNT, J.; GAZO, M.; MULUIR, M.; VALLSK, V. Prevention of infections In nurseries. Bratial. 1&.. listr 34 no-9: 1021-1045 Sept 54 (Card 2) d)z ftionickeho ustavu LFSU a z Ustavu. 1Wgieny: O.Cik-ova, X.Rozholdove. L.Haragova, H.Jurcova. T.Orthova-, s)z Ostayu pr6 v7skum vyzivy ludu: M.Popik, A.Kohutova, L.Sintajova. M.Krenevaj F.Ambrova. J.Kollarik. N.Asstalosov&. (COMMICABLI DIMUMS, In infant and child, prey. In nurseries) (INANTS. nurserles, prey. of communicable dis.) SINTAJ. M. 90r.: KOSTOLIfY'. I. KUDr. Congenital pulmonary arterlovenous aneurysms. Cosir. pediat. 11 no-1:51-55 Feb. 56. 1. Z I. detakaj klInIJW Ut v Bratislava, prednosta doe. KUDF L Jaimbcova.,ZII. chirnrg. kliniky UX v Bratislava, prednosta prof. KUDr. K. 31 Wa. (IM"Li. ARMIOVBNM. canon. of lungs, dift.& surg. (LUNW. f Is tula artorlowenous canon, ding. & surg.) TREGER, Prof. KUDr.; HOY$. A., KUDr.; KUZIKOVA, M., RND.; GICVAR , Z.. KUDr.; IVASKO, L.; SINTAJ. K., KUDr. Further experiences in the treatment of Leiner-Mossous disease with potassium sulphate. Cesk.pediat. 11 no.2-3:145-148 Kar 1956. 1. Z dermatovenerlogicej kliniky UK v Bratislave, prednnoeta prof. Dr. J.Treger s 1. detskej kliniky UK v Bratislaws, prednosta doe. Dr I.Jakubcova. MEWAKATIM, ther. potassium sulphate) (SULPATBS, ther. use potassium sulfate in ex7throdorma desqamativus) (POTASS I UN potassium sulfates, ther. of erythroderma desquainativom) JAKUBGOVA, I.; SINTAJ. M. C~uantitatlve chazk,es in aerum albumin & globulin in acute rheumatism in children. Gesk. pediat. 12 no.12:1055-1061 5 Dec 57- 1. Natedra starostlivosti o diets pri I. Detakoj klialks, veduca doe. KUIr I. Jakubcova. Adres Autora: 1. J. ]btaim XlinUm Bratislava, (EHIUVATIG VZM, blood in alb=in & globulin changes during course of din. (Cs)) (SIRUM AMUNIN, In various die. rheijm. favor, changes during course of die. (Cs)) (SAM GLOBULIN, in various die. same) EXC&VTA YMICJL Sec.7 Vol.12/3 Pediatrica lUrch 58 623. ANATOMICAL A24D FUNCTIONAL CHANGES "TER LIGATURE OF -PATENT DUCTUS BOTALLA - Vyhodnotenie onatomick1ch a funkft1ch smien po ligatdre ductus Botalli apertus - Aintal M. and Jakubcovd 1. Kat. Starostlivogti o Diete ri I kej Klin. Lek. Fak. Univ. Komenskdho. Bratislava - BRAnstMaKI LEKARS LISTY 1957. 37/11 (641-641) Graphs I Tables I The reduced maximal effort on the bicycle ergometer in children with patent ductus in mentioned. It to reduced also in children who do not present subjective com- plaints; it to most evidently reduced In the pubertal period, and represents on an average 30% of the maximal efficiency of healthy children. Even half a year after ligature of the patent ductus the maximal effort of children signIficantly increases. although it reaches the values of healthy children only In the 2nd year after ligature. (XVEM. 7. 9) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION z/6284 Jerie, Jan, ed., Engineer, Doctor, Corresponding Member of the Czecho- slovak Academy of Sciences Z~kladni proble'my ve atavb~e'spalovacich turbin (Basic Problems in the ConstrVction of Gan Turbines (collection of articles]). Prague, Nakl. CAV, 1962. 0527 P. 1600 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ceskoslovenska' akademle vk. Ed. of.Publishing Houset Marie MoravcovA; Tech. Ed.: Frantlhek Xoncicky. PURPOSE: The book is intended to familiarize turbine designers with recent developments in the design of gas turbines and to present some research results wh1oh.may be helpful in designing more ef- ficient.turbines. COVERAGE: The book comprises articles by leading Czechoslovak turbine experts an thermodynamic cycles, flow research In turbine components, burning of fuel In combustion chambers, axial compressors, and characteristics of turbines manufactured In Czechonlovakla. Basic Problems In the Construction (Cont.) Z/6284 N. Svoboda, J ~nt J. Feirfeil, and J. Mestan (Prague ,__ Electribal'Engineerigg Plant, Prague). Axial Compressors 4 Manufactured by the Ceskomoravska Kolben Danek Blectridal Equipment Plant 4 5 V. Polta and M. VlaAk (State Research Institute for Heat Engineering, Prague). Theoretical and Experimental Results of Studies on the Properties of Axial Compressors 485 M. Vlas~k. Axial Compressors for High Pressure Ratios 499 R. Dvor~k (Institute for Mae ine Rese4rch, Czechoslovak Academy g of Sciences, Prague) a9d K. elikovsky (Aviation Research and. Testing Institute, Lethany). Flow in the Transonic and Super- sonic Stage of an Axial Compressor 513 0. Bu6ta, ("Jan iverma" Plant, Jinonice). Inlet Air in a Radial Compressor at Transonic Flow Velocities ~29 W '(W) 9PUI&NP /EWF(k) R-17A P60103 5 5 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0032/65/015/0()3/Oi72/0179 (Engineer; Prague) (00 AUTHOR; Sintak, Ja ORG: none TITLE: Efficient blading of axial compressors SOURbE: Strojirenstvi, v- 15, no. 3, 1965, 172-179 TOPIC TAGS: axial compressor, compressor blade, flow velocity,, dynamic stress ~3kk? *1 ABSTRACT: To obtain the highest possible efficiency in blading,axial compressors without exciting undue dynamic forces and stresses.itis necessary to. keep the flow velocity within the subsonic range. Conventional methods of analyzing flow conditionE and the conclusions drawn from. them fail to produce the optimal solution. If new types of axial compressors are to have better properties and to operate more economically, it is necessary to apply new methods of calculating the blading as well as the whole unit. New formulas are presented which give smaller compressor dimensions, a longer service life for the blading, and outstanding efficiency. This paper was presented by M. Vlasak, Engineer, Candidate of Sciences. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 25 formulas. [JPRS1 7 SUB CODE: 13, 20 / SUBM DATE; none / ORIG REF: 007 / OTH REF; 004 SOV REF: 001 Card 1/1 -1".- TIM: 621,515: 6U.81-25365/06 PALKO, Stefan,, inz.; JEEDLICKA, Josef, inz.; CHLUM, Antonin, inz.; VAVRA, JosefY inz.; SEKYRA, Jaroslav, inz.; SINTAK Josef, inz. . - Z- Comments of -Deople's committee agencies on important problems of the water resources management. Vodni hosp 12 no.11:443- 455 N 162. 1. Okresni Yodchospodarska qwavt, Kroweriz (for Sakyra). SINTAK, J., inz.; MULLER, B., inz. Experience o*;. the county water resources management agencir with investors. Vodni hosp 12 no.11:469-471 N 162. 1. Okresni vodobompodarska sprava, Chomutov, SINTAK., J., inz.; ZITTA, F., inz.; MULLER, M., inz. Activity of the Chomutov District Water Conservation Agency in the 1962-63 winter. Vodni hosp 13 no.7.-258-261 963. 1. Okresni vodohosopodarska sprava, Chomutov. inzhoner. r BCRO OVSKIT. L.A.; P,INX�" edaktor; GILIMN, D.Ta., rodaktor; GOLUMOVA. !."tekhnieheskiy redaktor [Preparation wA asambling of self-flovi ipse and air ducts for ',n9 flour and grist aills equipment wA SUPP11*25 lsgotovlenie I montash samotechnykh turb i vosdukhoyodaw ns, sellniteakh I kruposavodakh. Pod red. A.D.Sintserova. Koskva, Isd-vo tekhn. I, ekon. lit-ry po voprosaw sagotevok. 1955. 75 P. (KM 9:7) Olour Bills) SMSEROV,A., inthener ......... Textbook for higher schools of the food industry ("Ventila- tion equipment for grain elevators. mills and groats and feed plants." A.V.Panchouko. Reviewed by A.Sintserov). Muk.-eley.prom. 21 no.4:~O Ap 055. (MM 8:7) 1. Ministerstyo ugotovok SSSR (Grain--Storage) (Panchenko,A.V.) DMFKAN. rbrpmenuil Yefimovich, inzh.; ;JNT- A.,*d Dm inth.; OTW,,S.A.,.kBnd..tskhn.naur, red.; GOLUBKOVA, L.A., ClIcating and ventilating flour and groat mills] Otoplente i ventilistsiia mellnits i krtmianykh zavodov. Pod red. S-A.Otsepe. Koskva, Izd-vo tekhn. i ekon. lit-r7 po voprosam mukomollno- krupianot. kombikormovoi pron7ohl. i elevatorno-skladekogo khoziai- etva. 1957. 261 p. (MUtA 11:2) (Hosting) (Ventilation) (Flour mills) SINTMOV, A., inzh. Docisive role of specialist@. Mak.-elev. prom. 23 no.ll:Z7-28 Ir '157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Otdel kadrov i uchebnykh zaredenly Hinisterstva khleboproduktow SSSR. (Grain milling-Study and teaching) SlYrSEROV, A., in.zb. ~ 4 r~,.-'- I z_ , - ~ -, Vacuum cleaner for flour mills. *A.-elev.pron. 24 no-3:20-22 .Hr 158. OGU 12:9) 1. Otdel kadrov i uchobnykb zavedenly Ministerstva, khleboproduk- tov SSSR. (vacuum cleaners) GUSAY, V.; SINTSBROV, A- Correspondence courses for preparing specialists. Muk. elev. prom. 24 no.11:24-25 '1 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Otdelbdrov i whebnykh zavedenly Ministerstva khleboproduktov SSSR. (Grain milling) (Grain-Storage) TURZKOV, Ivan Ivanovich; BILIM, Anatoliy liduardovich; BAUM, A.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; AINTSMX, -A.D., inzh.. red.; D'YACEMO. T.M., red.; SATAMIUTI, Z.A., tekhred. [Killing machinery industry and flour-milling enterprises of the Hungarian Peoplelis Republic) Kellnichnoe mashinostroonie i pred- priiatiia mukomollnoi promyshlennosti Vengerskoi Naroduoi Respubli- ki. Pod red. A.Z.Baumn. i A.D.Sintserova. Koslcva, lzd-,wo tekhn. I ekon.lit-ry, 1960. 59 P. (HIM 13: 8) (Hungary--Grain-milling machinery) (Rungary--Flour mills) ......... LUTHORS: Arotiov, S.G. Dragilovskayst O.N., Torablaina, S.V. ITLE: Sintserova. L.G., and Toopurit, V.Ya;,- the leso=,ccs of Raw Materials and Caking Technology of PIRIODICALt Dozens Gas Coals on the CoUng Goa Works Kok* i khLmiys, 1459, Wr 10, pp 3-6 (=R) ABSTRLCT, The distribution of the total output of coal from too Douct:obasLn indicated that gas &ad long flo-ma to low rack ale constitute the largest proportion bout 22 million tons) of the coal mia.d. The traaturs of the consumption of the mined coal (table 1) : indicated that gas coals aro used =4Uly for power generation. As, however majority of constcaero ra quire lump coal, there i.aa. possibility of devaloA ng carbonleatioa of gas coals. Teebatcal and economical aspects of the above possibility were iavestleat.d and are discussed to the paper, in 1958 the amouzt or fine gas coals amounted to 5 =111ioa tons (Mairay burned in Industrial and 4cme3ttc er. to3) and will Cardl/4 Increase In. 1945 to 9 mJ111on tons. The avalaabl a A-SWCIATICI;.. VOLROV, YuJI.; SINTSIUMA. LG,.. Structure of the organic substances of coal. Koks i khim. no.7: 18-20 ii 161. O-UMA 14:9) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimichaskiy institut. (Coal-Analysis) -V ARONOV) S.G.; SKLYAR, M.G.; BRAGILO'rSKAYA) O.A.; SINTSEROVA, L.G.-. SOFHONOVA, M.A.; SHUSTIKOV, V.I. Thermal plasticization of sapropelic and cannel coals as a method for their processing. Ebim. i tekh. topl. i masel 7 no.1:34-.40 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Uk--ainskiy uglekhimicheskiy institut. (coal) (Plasticization) SINTSBROVA, 0. F. Osocerite In treatment of dysentery in children. Pediatriia, Moskva no.5:56-58 SePt-Oct 1950- (WAL 20: 1) 1. Of the Physiotherapautic Division of the Children's Clinical Hospital (Head Physician - Honored Physician RSFSR Ye. V. Prokhorovich). 21 ie 3 t on PARCHEVSKIY, V- (ParOZOW13ki, W.] ; SINTSOV. A.A., tranalator Study of vertical thermal currents. Xifidr. i g1drol. n0,5:26-29 H.v 158. (MIRA 12:4) O(eteorology in aeronautics) (Clouds) SINTSOV, D.D., inzh. 1- - - Buildings and stnictures at the surface Shakht. stroi. 6 :io.6:26-30 Je 162. (Great Britain--Mine of mines in Great Britain. (KMA 15:-6) buildings) SINTSOVI D.D., inzh.,- KEE71EWIGH.. A.A., inzh. Lightweight fourclations imder tans and hoisting machinex7,. Shalchf- strol. 7 no.ll-.8-1-3 Ilt'63 (MIRA 1:?.-7) 1. Gsudarstverinyy L-ist-Itut po proyektirovani-ra shakht -, Yuz'rnykh rayonaka SSSR. AMELIYANOVIGH. K.K~y inv.I..; ANTIPOV, II.A., i.nvb., LAFIN, In.-.h.; C, .11UTSOV, G.M..,-.!nzh. Gharacterls'lon of calculating the cf sh:.p structures inade of prestretised reinforced conerpta and mesh.,reinforced :~,oncrete. Sudostroenie 30 no.121l-5 D 164. (MI-IFA 18-.6) rorcrete 9Y-'Fs siYb2ected tc variable a SO no.12.-7-10, D 164, (MIPA 18s6) BIRYUKOVICH, Kon---Lantin Llvovlchi BIRYUKOVICH, Yuriy L'vovich; BIRYUKOVICH, Dmitrly Lvovich;.SINTSOV, G.M., inzh., retsenzent; ZEELICHETIKO, A.Ya.., 'n~w-b-h-0-red'.; KAZAROV, Yu,S,., red. [Sma12 glass reinforced concrete ami mesh reinforced concrete veseels] Melkie suda iz steklotsementa I aruo- tsementa. Leningrad,, Sudostroenie, 1965. 163 p. (MIRA 18:7) P, A-1rhe vanadyl t!lr CODII)ICIeS. Arnt N _!rate CO atid I)II of the systems VOSO, (I)-KNu- MAEM-11101q.,tein Al, In Bl', and 1-l1,-C,11,0j(IV)-II!O[systetu C1 Ivere stud1ed, by the nic-th,,d of contbinow variations. System A gave a mxv. optical d, jLt the mol. ratio 1111 - 1, thug in- dittting the fonitation iA a 1: 1 c-oinpicx (V). lfuwLver, syst,mi A gave a imtx. cond. at Ott in,,)[. ratio H/I - 2, thus itui;'~ating tile formation of a second coulple's (VI); P11, dttns. aCC0llll)AllyillK tile cond. study showed -,lit abrupt ch.-irtge Lit the uwL tatio 11/1 - 2. syst~tll B gave a malt. opti-il d. at thu mol. ratio 111/1 - 1. hur gave it,) max. cGult. unles; the I)II was increasc-A te, 4.3 1,y addia. of alkali, -whereupoii thcre- wa~,)bst-rvetl Owsaint: nia---aiin sys. tvill .1. s3sicill C gave il-o-litax. ollLical it., but. gave a Illux. cond. at the mol. ratio IVII = 1. Sinuiltancotis pit dews. showed Out there was it warked lolvering of pli in tile ;ajue region. To c:ct. tile JAI liulits ill which V and VI call t-xist, a b'All. 44. mol. natio 11111 = 4 was titrated %vith'NitOll- Optical-ti. !iiv;u!;ur,-uit:nts juatle during the titratitm-gave it in-m. at pit -6 jud a second ulax- lit 1)116. coll:;ts. staivved that tile lartrate altiml prescat in scAll. 'it Ill I is IIC,11106-, while tit,- ini(in. pri:,(-ut at pff (I L-i C'Ii'O'--. Ifence the fwimila for V, which e%ists ;it low IPE, is [VO(IIC411.04)) ~ itud the ftirinula furVI, which exists at higher pll ii tVO(CJ -. These collclustous vvcru iiiipported by lit electrolytic ~ttiily in which a current 4 about. 11) ma. was pu,std throukh U SA)III. wotg. I and vx- cos ligand. A red-violiA color, altrilouted to V folul"I ur(tnid the cath-le, rhile :it [lit itli-ille, ~L VUlladyl-lilit o1117 ascribed to VI Dwiald 11. NfAltr Oco -3ci-rt-ific C~-~nter moif-,ture anal 1--arst pheu.oraera stuh"!s at Y YiL-igur Cave ir, by V. Sintsov. :Ovi~:t 30urce: Izv Qa. G-urrent DL,r-est of the 6ovic-t "ress (IMML-Ibrar-jr), Vol, DL, INo. 3_2 SINTSOV., V. The Ufa River will flaw toward Sverdlovsk. Rech. tranap. 22 no.10:59 0 163. (MM 16:12) SINTSOV9 V. Diamonds from the Urals. TSvet.met. 36 no.2:92 F 163. (mm 16:2) (Ural Mountains-Diamonds) MUKHANOV, F.; SIIJTSOV, V..; HEUKH, M.; TOISTONOG, Ya.2 inzhener-ekonomist Readers' letters. Sell. stroi, 17 no.4:28 Ap 163. (MIRA 16-.7) 1. Starsliiy inzheiner tresta Orgsovkhozstroy (for Mikhanov). 2. Instruktor sellskokhozyaystvennogo otdela Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Sintsov). 3. Predsedatell Talitskoy mezhko4hoznoy stroitell- noy organizatsii Sverdlovskoy oblasti (for Meukh). (Build-ing-Technological imovations) S/10,,1/60/000/006/011/012 A104/A13O AUTHOR: Sintsov, V. A., EnCineer TITLE: Oxyfren cutting of chromium or nickel chromium.cast PERIODICAL: Khirnicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1960, 42-43 TEXT: A cutting method of casts suggested by the Innovator V. F. Grin- yuk of Uralkhimmash (Ural Chemical Machinery Plant) is described. The new method is based on the principle of blowing out the molten metal by powerful oxy,-Sen jet and enables the cutting'of 300 mm casts. Figure 2 shows a cast tri=ied according to the new method. There are 2 figures. Card 1/2 Oxygen cutting of chromium-... S/184/60/000/006/011/012. A104/Al3O Figure 2: Casting worked according to new method by V. F Grinyuk . -0, Card 2-/2 ACCESSION NRs ARW27684 3/O276/64/000/0a/=?/=? SOURCE: RZh. Takhnologiya-manhinostroyentyiL. Abse IG197 AUTHORt Sintsovp Ve As TME: Peculiarities of stainless steel parts canting CITED SOURCEs Sb. Novoye v liteyn. proiz-ve. Gor'kiy, 1963-. US-123 TOPIC TAGS.- stainless steelp stainless steel casting, steel casting TRANSLATION- In order to avoid scabs. Junctions, and turns, the authors recommond the rapid casting of stainless stools vith high-temperature metal (not lower than 15700). The mold is coated with blaoking or anhydrous coal tarl ,he mold is ventilated with nitrogen before and during casting. The best results are afforded by a pouring gate system connected from below, with th* motal rising in the mold. In this case it is possible to employ a branched pouring gate system. For precision castings, the Uralkhimmash plant uses air cooling of the thermal Junctions. The article includes the compositions of the casting mix~ure;,and varnishes employed. It is recomend*d that o"Uzp with Card 1/2 ACCFSSION INIR: AF403681 AUTHOR: Sintsov, VO A. S/0128/64/000/004/0003/0005 TITLE: The effect of the rate of pourin- and the temperature on the surface quality of steel lKhaUl2i-13T casts SOURCE: Liteynoye proizvodstiro, no. h, 1964, 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: steel, steel MLAN12'.,DT, pour temperature, pour rate, cast surface, steel lKhl6N9T,, steel KKIMS, stainless steel, ingot mold, sand K016A ABSTRACT.- The effect of temperature and pouring ra~.e on the cast surface of steel lKhl8?r12N3T slabs war. studied to doteriitine optimal casting coirlirions. The vari- able cross sections of four vertical slab molds fillod simultaneously wero calculated from the formulas derived by S. V. Russiyan (Proyektirovaniya teldinologiclieskikii protsessov liteynoGo proizvodstva. Mlashr'iz, 1951). Tile dimensions of the slabs were; 250 x 130 x 6; 250 x 130 x 12; and 2-q0 x 130 x 25 nn. The composition of the ingot mold material was (tv?)s sand K016A -- 94; clay -- 6; water -- 1; liquid glass -- 6.5-7.05,and mazut -- 0.5~ Fluidity of Card 1/2 =E&SION NR: AP4033681 the staikess steel 3AUBN121-13T provf.:d to, be higher than that of carbon steels, and surface imperfections were present regardless of the pouring temperatures. Varying the pouring rate (at consLant temperatures) altered the amounts of surface defects which were distributed in zones parallel to the rising level of metal. A t3 substantial increase in temperature. and pouring rate produced good results. Thus, at 1615-1620C the slabs (12 mm tkick) were free of surface defects. With a rise in temp,erature the variation in the pouring rate showed an ever-decreasing effect. The amount of scabs was decreased when the metal movement in the molds was quiet, when metal temperature was high, and when the vertical progress of its level was fast. It is concluded that the calculations of the pouring rates for stainless steels should be based on the linear velocity of the metal-level vertical progress and that bottom pouring should be used to reduce the metal movement in the molds. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 5 figures. ASSOCIATIONs none SUBI-aTTEDt 00 DATO. ACQ-. wrriay64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: U61 NO MY SOV s 009 OTMR: 000 Card 2/2 ~, , ~, " ,- ' c .5 !? e I's ~rmnltng the rate of pouring sL-al-ril s te - . Lit. proizv. , - g 1 .4 (M--RA 18:8) -lo'll ,~ N '61,. EffeC ~ Of tb~.- ~(-; P-7, I ~~ LUi +-, o~ir ii.-,c :,:I ng or. I, iLE: v txtxture run(~ I "-" f the me ch an ic -a I oper Li ol 11?:_~', J '~11 S eel. MF.~t a I I oved. i obr, mr~t. _oL: ~~-s -' r 165~ " 18: ' ) - I - C. I - ' L. Urltt"clkiy z,i-vc,cl P*,.,.!,~,.,i-~f,.,,7;y,~-.;.,,,-- Characterls~!,~3 of t',je of c ria t', n6co chE;-;.,r.. met. 8 no,10;13~`-1-39 165- (MIRA 180) po' hf:,,i k, yrist"' VEPRIK, Ya.M.; SINTSOV, V.N.; FAYERMAN, G.P. %k I Investigating the kinetics of silver nitrate reduction by p-hydroxyphen.vlglycine. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 8 no.6:434-437 N-D 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Leningradskiy institut kinoinzhenerov (LIKI). SINISOVJP V.N. Some physical methods of infrared photograpligr.' Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 8 no.6:471-474 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) VEPRIK., Ya.M.; SINTSOV, V.N.; FAYERMAN, G.P. Investigating the speed rate of the physical development with P-hydroxyphenylglycine developers. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9 no.1:27-31 Ja-F164- (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradakiy institut kinoinzhenerov (LIKI). SINTSOV., V,N. Use of thiourea in photographic processes. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9 no.3%231-236 My~e 164. (MIRA 18zil) LEVITINI I.B., kand.telchn.nauk; MYASNIKOVA) N.G., inzh.; POPOVA, K.B., nauchnyy sotrudnik; SINTSOV, V.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik Study of the b~imperature fields of electrical apparatus using an evaporograph. Vest. elektroq?rom. 34 no.1:18-23 Ja 163. 1 (W RA 16: 1) (Electric apparatus and appliances) (Temperature-Measurement) SI~T3(7 IV. ",1,j F~YFFW-N, Sen,-,l-t-Lv'tt,y r.-f' the physIcal raothods of Infrared pl:~tcgraphy. Zhur.nauch. i priki.fct. i kin. 9 no.4t297-298 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) ~. Gosudarstvennyy optichesk~J.y instLtut imeni Vavilova, Leningrad. ACCESSION NR: AP4017621 S/0033/64/041/001/0110/0111 AUTHOR: Popova, K . B. i Sintsov. V. N..; Fayerman, G. P. TITLE: Experimental application of the evaporograph for obtaining an infrared image of the nioon SOURCE. Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 41, no. 1, 1964, 110-111 TOPIC TAGS: evaporog-raph, moon, lunar image, radiation, infrared radiation, thermal radiation ABSTYU%CT: The availability of a working model of an evaporograph (G. P. Fayermal., V. N. sintsovy K. B. Popova, Optiko-mckhanicheskaya promy*shlennost', no. 11, 27, 1962) permitted the authors to test the applicability of this instrument for obtaining lunar images in the infrared repon of the spectrum. These tests were conducted from 24 to 28- July, 1961 at the Kry*mskaya Astrofizicheskaya Observatoriya Akademii Nauk SSSR (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the SSSR). The first series of tests consisted in photographing the moon using a working model of an evaporo- graph with a mirror-lens optical system (f = 200mm; Zgeom. = 1, 1. 6; Zeff = 1:2) with a Ions manufactured of crystal NaF. The spectral region passed by the opticL system of the instrument lay within an interval of 0. B-8. 5 microns. At the moment of photography, C.,d 1/3 ACCESSION NO: AP4017621 the moon was at a position between its first quarter and its full stage, with 3/4 of its surface illuminated by the sun. An image of the moonv;as obtained on the membrane of the evaporograph within 3-5 seconds after the beginning of the exposure. Details of the develop- ment procedure are given ih the article. The image obtained was clear and distinct, but was too small (1. 8 mm) to permit the revelation of any surface detail. Since the passband of the instrument was limited to 8.5 mferons in the direction of the long waves, obviously it was primarily the reflected infrared radiation of the moon that was recorded. In a .jater series of tests, an MTIM-500 telescope was used in place of the evaporograpb objec- tive, in order to secure a larger lunar image. The arrangement used In this series re- sulted in an image of the moon having a diameter of 58 mm; that is, almost twice the diameter of the evaporograph membrane. Hence, only a part of the lunar disc was visible. It was found that the sensitivity of the receiver was scarcely sufficient to obtain them infrarid image given by the optical system of the telescope. The test results showed. in conclusion,. that by means of an evaporographic receiver it is possible to obtain moon Images in the reflected infrared radiation of the sun, and, provided the instrument has su-Ificient light-' admittance and spectral passband, in its own thermal radi.-ition as well - at. lfast, in all likelihood. This follows, in particular, from data in the technical literature demonstrating d 2/3 j, a c ACCESSION NR: AP4017621 that the enorlZr of the Moon's ovin thermal radiation exceeds by several times the energy of the reflected solar radiation. It was also found that with a relative telescope aperture of 1:4 (as in the case of the 0 2. 6ni telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory) there is sufficient strength to obtain such an image. "The authors express their gratitude to A. B. Severny*y, the director of the Observatory, as well as to V. K.. Prokov,yev and N. Ye. Orlova) workers at the Observatory. 11 Orig. art. has: 1 table and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION. Gos. opticheskiy in-t im. S. L Vavilova (State Institute for Optics) SUBMITTED: 22Jan63 DATE ACQ: 18Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REF SOV-. 001 OTHER: 003 Card 3/3 Sinsov, T.N. - - I Subalpine meadows of the Urals. Zhivotuoyodetvo 20 Aoe5,51 my 158. (Kim lit-5) 1. Instruktor Swerdlovskogo obkom Ibmunisticheakoy partil Sovetaimp Soyma. (Ural Mountains-Pastures and meadows) SINTSOV,'V.N. Winter wheat In the Central Urals. Zemledelie 26 no.1:71 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. instruktor Sverdlovskogo sellskogo oblastnogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. LIZORON, V.; MUROVA, Ye.; IMOKCHMO, L.; SjFgyAA,, VIZIOKUROVA. V. Rapid method for curing meat for sausage manufacture. Nlas. ind.SSSH 30 no.1:13 '59. (MM 12:4) 1. Naachno-issladoystellskoys byuro Stalingradakogo ayanotresta. (sausages)