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Sli,*l~lSl'ln*, A . IL, . "Investigation of the of Glutathlone In thm Surviving Tir-sues of Animbi.ll Sub L Dee 51, Acad Med Sel USSR. Di-,sertntiong -orpsented for science and engineerIng degreee In Moscow durtne 1951. IT SO: Sum. 0. 4-80, c) UaY 55 I C LC F) (C -Jp-- I ( ~041JL L I SINITS'MA,, A.L. (Moscow). Glutathione metabolism and its biological function. UsD.soyr.biol.35 no. 3:313-337 my-Je 153. OMU 6:6) (Glutathions) Sllunsna) Chemical Ibst. vol. 48 tathi s A pr. lot 1951 4~ Some, I BW. 36, 313 nnn f'rencM - I BiOlOgical ChIndstry rullan D, MirEA A. L. .1 The effect ofBi-avitarninosts; on the deaminAtion Of L-anllno -acids and on the synthesis of their a-keto aad .-hydroxy acids and a UL In the liver and kidneys of the rat. A. L."Sinits~ In-t. Biol. and Mcd. Chem., Ac-id. Med. Scl. U.S.S.R., Moscow). BiohNiniya 19, SO-7(1954).- The magnitude of oxidative deamination Of L-glutarnic acid in liver hornogenates and of the ainination of a- ketoglutaric acid irt the liver and kidney sections in Be- avitarainosis (1) is the 3ame as in nonnal tissues. De- arnination of i.-alanine and L-1~,partic acid in liver honiogenates wa~ thrown into severe imbalance in the pres- ence of 1, In liver and kidney sections of ruts with 1, incubated with pyruvate and Nl!~, the content of amino, acids is lowered, of glutamic acid increased. while alaidne is formed in minute quantities utily or not at all. Synthesis of phenylalunine and histidinc from phenylpyru~!C and imidazolclactic acids in liver and kidney sections 6 inde- pendent of the presence of added Nils atid is absent in I. The activity of transaminnse is lowered in animals having 1. In tissues of such aiiiniah, oxidative dcaniination of -. amino acids ~glutamic acid excepted) and of the aminathm- of 4r-keto acids (&-ketoglutaric aciff excepted) in the livur and in the kidney proceeds basically. if i,pt exclusive,ly, via transamination. B. S. j SINITSYNA, A.L.; Ki'D-A, Yu.M~; ANNENKOV, G.A. Effect of chomotrypsin hydrolysates of the brull and swine g7owth hormone on the content of urea and total and residual. nitrogen in the blood in monkeys. Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.5-106-108 S-0 165. (KRA 19, 1) 1. Laboratoriya bi~khimii (zav. - doktor biol. nauk Ye.A. Kolli) Vsesoyuznogo instiltuta eksperimentallnoy endokrinolovii, Moskva, i laborAtoriys Ibi.okhImii (zav. - prof. A.V. Trufanov) lnstituta ekspe-rimontallnoy patulogli I terapii AM-N SSSR, -'-'ukhu,-u. Submitted October 22, 1964. SINI7,;YNA, A.L.; KE.DA, Yu.M.i ISIGHENKO, N.A,.; DOGAGIEVA, I.D. Effect of peps-in on the fat-mobilizing and grcvth activity of the bull and swine growth hormone. Prob-1. endok. i gorm. 11 no.6:56-58 N-D 165. (MIRA 18.12) 1. Laboratoriya biokhImii (zav. - doktor biolog. nauk Ye.A. Kolli), laboratoriya patofizi-ologii (zav. - prof. L.M. Gollber), labor&- torlyu f&rmakologii (zav. - kand. biclog. nauk A.I. Briskin) Instituta eksperi-mantallnoy endokrinologil O.spolnyayushchLy obyazannosti direktora - prof. L.M. Gollber) AMN SSSR, Mogkva. S/058/62/000/010/012/093 A061/A101 AUTHORS: Val'dner, 0. A., Sinitsyna, E. A., Sobenin, N. P., Shchedrin, 1. S. TITLE: Group velocity parametrization PFRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 5 - 6, abstract 1OB46 (In collection: "Uskoriteli", no. 3, Mosco-w, Gosatomizdat, 1962, 185 - 191) EMT: The possibility of representing in ~ametric form the dependence of the group velocity an geometrical dimensions and on the phase velocity of a wave is shown for a diaphragm waveguide. Param etric curves constructed for os- cillations of the type q-1/2 according to experim ental data are given. The accu- racy in determining the group velocity from the given curves is not worse than S. Semenov [.Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/058/62/ooo/oio/o19/093 A061/A101 JWTHORS Sinitsyna, T".. A., Sobenin, N. P. c -Uoubl''tee TITLE: Phasometer ircuil- witli a junction as the mixer PFRIODTCAL: Referatlvny~zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 6, abgtract 1OB54 (In collection: "Uskoriteli", no. 3, Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962.' 207 - 2 14) TM-T: Errors ari:,?ing-in the measurement of the law-of phase velocity change of a wave along a circular diaphragm waveguide when using phasometer circuits are considered. It is shown!Lthat the phasometer circuit with double tee Junction, which functions as'a mixer, makes it possible to cohduc't difLferential.measurez- ments with a less4~r systematic 'error than that of the earlier considered circuits. (RZhFiz, 196.1, 8Zh397; 87,h482). S. Semenov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card !-/I SINITUSINA, F. F. SINITSY14AY F. F. -- "Changes in the State of the Bile-Passages arid Certain F Functions of the Liver in the presence of Ulcerous Disease of the Stomach and of the Duodemum." Odessa State Med. Inst. imeni. 'L4. I. Pirogov, Odessa, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 35, 1955 SINITSINA Y.Y.. kandidat meditainskikh aauk; ZAVZLIMK. N.Y. Case of In vivo diagnosis of polycystoma of the lungs. Trach.delo no.4:405 Ap '57. (MIRA 10:7) 1. GaspitalInaya terapevtichask.eya klinike (say. - prof. I.F.Pisyd) Vinnitskogo meditainskogo instituta. ~ VINGS-TUMOM) (GYSTS) SINITSINA, F.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; VASHCHINIO, M.M. (JUyev) Treatment with condensed sun rays by means of Bukhman's reflector. Vrach.delo no.8:795-797 Ag 157. (NLRA 10:8) 1. Klinicheskeya boliniten Stalinskogo rayona (RIWIACTORS) (SUN BATHS) ,~INITWIVHj PHASE I BOOK EXPL40ITATION SOV/6259 Poltavets, Ivan Mikhaylovich, gaina. Fedorovna Sinitsyna, Mark Petrovich Filippov, and Mikhail PanteleymonovNefi-K-01-y-ada Ostryye radiatsionnyye porazheniya I ikh lecheniye (Acute Radi- ation Diseases and Their Treatment) Kiyev, Medgiz UkrSSn. 1962. 154 p. (Series: Biblioteka prakticheskogo vracha) 4180 copies printed. Ed.: N. I. Konstantinov; Tech. Ed.: L. A. Zapol'skaya. PURPOSE: The book is intended for physicians In all specialities and for students of advanced courses at medical institutes. '.'eJ1ERAr.,.,E: The book describes methods of treating severe radiation injuries, the treatment of patients with radiation sickness, and the pathological changes occurring in the organism in the course of radiation sickness. ClassificatioN diagnosis, and evacuation of casualties from areas of massive destruction and 4.,-,he organization of dosimetric control among the personnel and Card 4/5- A-.,ute Radiation Diseases and Their Treatment SOV/6259 in the installations of the civilian defense medical service are discussed in the light of the most recently promulgated operational procedures. There are 47 references, all Soviet, including three translations. TABY--E OF CONTENTS Introduction 3 rh. I. Characteristics of Injuries Due to Atomic Explosions 5 'Unique features of atomic exp'losions Injurious effects of atomic 'explosions Damage zones about a center of atomic destruction 13 Characteristics of losses and casualties in atomic explosions 16 Nuclear radiation and nuclear radiation measurement units 18 Ch. II. Radioactive Substances .qeneral characteristics 23 23 Card KUMOK, V.N.; SEREBRENNIKOV, V.V.; Prinimala uchastiye SjffZSY . Stability of complex rare-earth compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.9:2011-2018 S 165. Stab:Llit_v of complexcampounds of cat-ions of calt-iiim and scandium sub- groups. Ibid.:2019-2022 , (MIRA 18:10) 1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Kuybysheva, kafedra neorgan!.-!heakoy khimii. ILI 0P IF 0.1 b Fri fp- U wi pf 4:4 5, It IL all iu, Mill j!~ t IL 'k ail o F: plea Ic ra OD LflP q Ong JU rr. -Hff ~rl-g 1- 'Hwa?a! -71 L 3262?w63 _EWPQ)/wdr_GWBM ACCESSION NR: AP3002881 s/0020/63/150/005/1067/logo AUTIM: Sinitgy*na, 0. M.; V-1odavets, 1. X.; Rebinder, P. A. TIM: Fixat~ion of condensation structwe porosity from synthetic polymers 1087-1090 SOURCE.- AN SSSR. Doklady w 15%. no. 5., 5630 ous -wpotous aftIA218#g TOPIC TAGS: fixation, porosity., qy~e~i politer,,' f ibr :structure., hydrophobization.. synthetic, leather., tanning .ABSTRACT: The fixing processing of fibrous-poroue. condensing structures leads to their supplementary partial hydrophobization, and increases stability to action 4 1 capillexy pressure during drying. These e.Verimental results are of significance, in attempts to develop synthettic leather.k6Further study.of the nature of such fixing +xeatment of various high molecular structures is indicat--d both to realize. all possibilities present in such synthetic structures and for further proawess, in the study of plWsical-chemlcal processes of tanning of-natural leather. .0rig, art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SM (Institute of Physictl Chemistry, Acgdenu of Sciences S ER) SIMMITTED*. 19 Mar 63 nA 9- W_Q__*Q 15 Jul 63 ENCL: 00 SUB, CODE., 00 NO REF MV.,-:006., (MER., WO OSi'RIKOV, I.I.S.; DUHNITiA, T.P.; VIJDDIW 'ITS , I.N.; O'JJ41TSY,A, Capil)ary cont.:-action rf drying condensation structures of ljolyvinyl formal. Part 1: Effect of the tire of acetalation. Koll. zhur. 26 no.5;600-607 S-0 164. OTIRA 17: 10) 1. Rostovskiy universitet, kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii i Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva. Capillary con~racticp of drying condensaton structures of puly- viny1formal. Report No.2: Effect of the initial -.ol,=,.er concen- t-ation. Koll. zhur. 27 no.1:77-81 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Rostovskiy universitet, Mfedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khi-rfiii i InsLitur, fizicheskoy kbirdi AUI l:S,--R, Moskva. - . .T II I , -1 - - ~ I . ,, _-. I :, ~, : , I 1, 1 V ,11. F; 0 L;1 L 1 0 1 i--'A .U .I , .k 1--l-I j ; 1, L-, ~ .- I I- :~ --.Z. 1-1 -1-11 "An Electrochemical Methcd of Ln-vestigating Radioactive Elements as a Means of Studying Chemical Properties" Isotopes and Radiation in Cbem'stry, Conection. of papers of 2nd An-Unlon Scl. Tech. Conf. on Use of Redioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation in National Sconocy and Science, Wacov, Izd-vo AN SM, 1958, 3809P. This volume published the reports of the Chemistry Section of the 2nd AU Sci Tech Couf on Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation in Scieaee and the National EconozW. sponsored by Acad Sci USSR and Main Admin for Utilization of Atomic Ehergy under Council of Ministers USSR Moscow 4-12 Apr 1957. ZIV, D.M.; SINITSY11h, G.S. Deterninatlon of the electrode potentials of radioactive elements. Trudy Radiev.inst.All SSSR. 8:127-137 '58. (KINA 12:2) (Radioactive substances) (Blectrwiotive force) :117 D.11.; S1,11ITSYNA, G.S. Determination:of the deposition potential of polonium on platinun. Trudy Hadiev.inst.AN SSSR. 8:136-140 '58. (MM 12:2) (Polonium) (Electromotive force) NIKOLISKIY, B.P.; SINITSYNA, G.S.; ZIV, D.M. Determination of the valency of polonium in solutions. Trudy Radlev.inst.AN SSSR- 8:141-152 158. (KIRA 12:2) (Polonium) (Valence (Theoretical chemistry)) NIKOL'SKIY, B.P.; ZIV, D.M.; SUSTAKOV, B.I.; SINITSYM G.S. Nffect of the nature and concentration of acid on the value of the electrode potential of poloniume trudy Radisy.inst. AN SSM. 8:153-157 158. (KIM 12:2) . (Polonium) (Acids) (Itlectrcmotive force) ZIV, D.14.; ZIV, V.S.; SINITSYNA, G.S. Use of the electrochemical method for determining the solubility of polonium hydroxide. Trudv Radiev.inst.AN SSSR- 8:158-162 158. (MIRA 12:2) (Polonbun hydroxide) (Electrochemistry) 89-4-5-11/26 AUTHORS: Ziv, D. M., Sinitsyna, G. S., Efrosp I. A.9 Volkova, Ye. A. W #" I-Radio-active Sources TITLE: Method of Preparing StableQ-j,~- by Use of InorGanic EnEL-icls(ke-.od izgotovleniya ustoychivykh a-PP-i y-radioaktivnykh istochnikov na osnove neori;:.nicheskikh emaley) PERIODICAL- Atomnaya Energiya, 1956, Vol 4, Ur 5, PP 469 - 470 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The inorganic enamel is used as an aft"Im NA OVU W a protective substamm.. Thereby an insenLabikity of the pre- pa f r instance, against humidityq chanGov, of tciape- ,,%6ions, o t e etc. is attained. Gold foil served as a base for t4w --ring of radium preparations. The following composizion0f enemls were used: Si02 - 304- PbO - 3o% Card 1/2 Ila 20 - 3% 09-4-5-11/26 Method of Preparina Stable CO-# 91-pMA y-Radio- active Sources by Use of InorC;anic Enamels BaO - 30% B20 3 - 3% The radium Yras added to tile enamel as radium-oxide. The procedure of the preparing of the preparations is described with all particulars and is characterized by four sections: 1. Preparing of a titrated enamel suspension. 2. Preliminary enameling of the base. 3. Appliance of the radio-active preparations to the first enamel-base. 4. Appliance of a protective film of enamel. There are 1 table and 6 references, naft ot*vUob on BOVIet, SUDMITTED: January 15v 1958 AVAILADLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Jklpha rays-Sources 2. Data rovs-Sowees 3 - Gama rays I -cources 40 Radioactive, I~j~j Ono .7 coatings-4ppi"att S INITSYNAj, ; FRDDMV, S.L.; SUKHODOLOV, G.M. Filactrnlytic separation of micro quantities of uranlup? and plutonium. Rarliokhimila I no-3:295-299 '59. (MIRk 12:10) 'Wranium) (Pintontum) . I PODLESNOV, A.V.;--sINI*.L,L14A,--1..I. Case of opisthorchiasip coinciding with primary cancer 4f the liver. Med.parati paraz.bol. 29 no-49430--432 Jl-Ag 160. (KM 13311) 1. 1z terapev-ticheskogo otdeleniya Voutochno-Kaxakhotanskoy oblast-no (glavmyy vrach V.W. Gapon). (LI7 bollnitay VM-ZANCER) (LIVER FLUKES) SINITSYNA, I.N. -- t Representatives of the family Modiolbpsidae Fiig'cher from Silurian sediments in Podolia. Vest. LGU 19 no,24:44-90 064 (MIM 1811) t135 '-~.I'hirian blivr-l'ic Vc-c.,..LrU Cj no.12 -137 (MTRA l8i8lj Z01,111-14ilUtYll, L.P.; "D - US PENS KA YA . I.A.; SAFliONOV, V.S.; NEYMAN, V.P.; UNDLER, V.Ye.; CHURIKOV, V.S.; YEREMIN, N.l.; KOGAN, B.S.; YAKOVLEVA, M.N.; LANGE, Y-kBANOV, G.K.; KLIZNETSOVA, K.I.; SINITSYNA. I.N.; SMIRNOVA, T.N.; VENKATACHALA.FATI, V.; MASLAKOVA, N.I.; BELOU30VA, Z.D.; YAKIJBOVSKAYA, T.A.; YURINA, A.L.; RYBAKOVA, N.O.; MOROZOVA, V.G.; BARASH, M.S.; FOUAREV, V.I.; NIKONOV, A.A. A o tivity of the Geological Sections of thr Moscow Naturalists' Society. Biul. MOIP. Otd. geo-1. 39 no.6:j.-?-"9T N-T.- '64. (MiRA 1P~ 3) SIDOROV. I.S.; ITANOV, P*K,; KABANOT, P.G.; SINITSYU, K., red. STARICMW,V.. red.; LUKASHVICH. V., tekhn, red'- [Cropping practices in the Southeast] 0 sistem zenledelli& us Mgo-Vostokse [Saratoyl Samtovskoe I-Itxh-oe IzA-wo, 1956, 139 p; (rolga Taller-Agriatilture) (mm nno) GAVRILOV, Petr Ivanovich, kand.takhn.nBuk- SIHITSYKA, K., wd.; LUXASMICH. V., ;k (Use of natural Me for east iron welding and metal auttingj Svarka chuguna i reska metallov astestvannym gazom. Seratoy, Saratovokoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1956. 46 p. (NIU 12:12) (Cras welding and cutting) (Gas, Natural) 1~2 Wff"CHIV IN.Ij;Aagronom--ekonomist; SALKANOV, Ye.M., inzh.-mekhanik; SINITS , X., red.; LMLASHWICH, V., (Maintenance manual] Spravochnik ucbetchika-zapravshchlka. Saratoviskoe imizhnes izd-vo, 1959. 183 P. (KIM 13:6) (Tractors-41sintenance and repair) ZAKHAROV, Leonid Zakharovich, doktor biolog. nauk, prof.; IDPATNIXOV, Sergey Nikolayevicho prepodavatell pchelovodstva; SHVANVIC4, Boris Nikolayevich, doktor biolog. nauk,Rrof. [deceasedj;-.S~MSTNA, KOM*, red.; LUKMHEVICHp V.K*y tekhn,red, ..I [Bees and bee culture; manual on beekeeping] Pchela i pchelovodstvo.*. posobie dlia pchelovodov. Saratov, Saratovskoe ImUhnae izd-vo, 1960. 261 p. (Bee culture) (MIRA 14:9) S ENITSYNA, K. V. Znamia chasti, Flag korablia - simvol voinskoi chesti, doblesti i slavy.(The banner of the unit, the ship's flag is the symbol of military honor, valor, and glox7) Kratkii rekornends Ukazatell literatury. Moskva, 1953- 16 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessionsj, V61- 7, No* 6, Sep- 1954 SINITSYUL, K.V. [Be on your guard; keep military and state secrets strictly. A bibliography] Byt' bditellrqm, strogo khranit' voenmiiu i gosudarst- vennutu tainu. Moskva, Goo. b-ka SSSR, 1954. 36 p. (MLRA 8-.ID) SINITSYNA, I.Y.; WASHUA, Z.P., red.; EINLIWSKAYA, L.K., [Train soldiers in the spirit of vigilance and military preparedness; a bibliography] VospiVY&t' voinov v dukhe vysokoi bditellnosti i boevoi gotovnosti: rokommiatelIVI ukasatell litqrstury. Moskwa 1957. 24 P- (MINA lo:li) 1. Moscow. Pablichneya biblioteka. Voyennyy otdel. (Bibliography--Military edneation) LOASILEYA, Z.P.; SINITSUA. K.T.; XARIMIX. P.I., red. [Bibliography of Soviet military bibliography; a classified list of bibliographies published from 1948 to 19571 Bibliografiis sovetskoi voennoi bibliografii; sistematicheskii perechen' biblio- graficheskikh ukazatelei za 1948-1957 99. Moskva. 1959. 92 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Moscow. Publichnaya biblioteka. Toyennyy otdel. (Bibliography--Nilitar7 art and science) (Bibliography--RuBsia--History, Military) KAZAKOV, S.V.; SINITSYVA K V ; SKAPENKOVA, T.N.; SOROKT14A, L.I.; PCLYAKO- .~~O I - VA9 N.9-Ye-d-.; ILINA, A.t takhn. red. [People going forward] Idushchie vperedi. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry,, 1961. 438 p. (MMA -14:6) (Labor and laboring classes.) L 16603-63 ER (q /ETWT (m) /BD SAFFTC/ASD JID S/075/63/018/004/012/015 AUTHOR: P2&~yareva, 0. F., Sinitsyna. L G. and Proskwqakova, A. Ye. TITLE; The spectral analysis Of 7gh"" 11alrium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskay Ichimii. A8, no* 4 9 April 9639 510-513 TEXT: M6 authol g4 '~h&lfci7lth6 direct simultaneous letermina- ~v l'tosta 9 Sb tion of 34 elementg LB of As, Co, W, J~, Mn, Fe gg Fb qa 9 -FK Ab Bit V, MoV _~/gaj Lit .rudFrood-45- 5y-_m5-a-ns7of IFIcTrofial distillation from-ca-&Z n~,ejqjitivdes into DC c amp. The spectra are recorded gn ISP-2!~- spec- trographs. The Ansitivity of the method Is 3'10-> 3-10-2~. The repro- ducibility is 10 20%. They also study the effect of the density of the aluminumm oxide powder on mixing during the preparation of standards. There are 3 figures and 3 tablas. SM41TrF.Ds June 162 1962 Card 1/1 X-55082-65 EWT(m)/EPF(tt)-z/Z,4P-~t-)./EWP(b4----P' lu D V WA607----, -,T ACCESSION NR: AP5013501 Os 0 YO /0 006 J-~ 543.70 A(JTHOR: De_gtyareva,_O. F.; Sinitsyna, 1,. G. i lium TITLE: Spectral analysis of high purity z rcor SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskloy khimii, v. 20. no. 5. 1965, 6.03-607 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium, spectrum analysis', spectr.ography i ABSTRACT, A method was developed for spectrographic determination of impurities n on the fractional distillation of impurities into an AC arc. A -ermal special design electrode, shown in fig. I of the Enclosur , facilitates th n the first few seconds of in thus reducing the resistance inthe~ emissi-on i arc 9. gap I-etween electrodes. Linder these conditions a.spontaneous current jump frem 6.S Sil- to 10 amperes occurs at the same time regardless of the sample composition ver chloride was used as a carrier. The weak spectrum of the principal substance and the low background enables simultaneous determination-of.36 elements:-- Ma,,K Li, Ca, Ba, Mg,' Be, Cos In, Us Gas V, Sr, Rb, La, Ge, Cu, Si. Al. Zn,.Au, Pd, Cd INi, Sn, Hn, Sb, Fe. Cr, Bi, As, Pb# Pi Kos Ti, and W. The sensitivity ranges from [Card 1/3 MATUSKOV, S.I-, dots., GMICHAROV, V.V., MIARGHUKO, A.M., SINITSINA, L.19. Tissue therapy in a number of types of chronic dermatitis. Vrach' delo no.9:973' S'58 (MIRA llt;O) 1. Kafedra kozhno-venerichaki)di bole-.ney (zav. - dots. S.I. Katuakor) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta; (SKIN-DISMASES) (TISSUE XXTRACTS) ALEKS'ANDROVSKAYA, A.M.; ALLISHONKOVA, Yu.A.; SINITSYNA, L.N.; GODW, I.N. 1-1~ Thermodynamic functions of silicon tetraiodide and zirconium tetraiodide in the gaseous state. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khiM.i khim.tekh. 5 no.1:171-172 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut, kafedra fiziki. (Silicon iodide) (Zirconium iodide) MATUSKOVP S. I., doteent; ERMHENKO, A. M. . kand. med. nauk; KOSSOVSKAYA., 0. Ya., kand, med, nauk;S Protein fractions of the blood serum in some chronic dermato~es. Vest. derm. i ven. no.2:42-44 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry kozhno-venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M. V. Borzov) Odesskogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni N. I. Pirogova (dir. - zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki UkrSSR prof. I. Ya. Dayneka). (BLOOD PROTEINS) (SKIN-DISMES) SINITSYNA, L.P. Biological characteristics of the straw fly and conditions restricting its reproduction in various parts of its habitat. Trudy VIZR no.11o. 26-51L 1 58. (MIRA 12:1) (Grain--Diseases and pests) S.U.; MARYOVSKY, F.T.; SINITISSYNA, L.P. Specific indices and reg4jw- characteristics for gas consumption in residential sectorE of :ties. Gaz. prom. 8 no.2:30-34 163. f WIRA 17:8) ~k 2-1 SINITSYNAt L. P.9 CAND Boo Sell BIOLOGICAL-4tt~A&Afi"&- 14*"S OF THE RISSON-fOOTED CORNFLY CHLQROPS PUMILIOMIS BJERK AND THE CONDITIONS REGULATING ITS PROPAGATION AND MS&S IN-'UK VARIOUS PARTS OF THE AREA&//LEmsN- j.,j tt-4 he-~LA ORAD, 1960. (ZOOL INST ACAD SO# USSR., 4ft COUNdiL). (KL9 2-61, 205). -94- $.INITSYNAP I - . Injuriousness of the ribbon-footed corn fly Chlorops P=Monis Bjerk to spring and winter gTain crops and cultivation practices controlling it. Trudy VIZEL no.34:5-12 160. (MIRA 3.4:2) (Stavropol Territory-Frit flies) (Wheat,-Diseases and pests) (Barley-Diseases and posts) PWS l KIA WW.141% SOV/4379 fs.scyu.W. p. fi&ik. Zj, 7W FlaW dislaktrikov; trudy vtoroy Too-runoy k~e*rvatoli MTsi- of Dlolootrks, rraneactions of 0A 2d All-th1co C~Aforanzv ~ tto 1~4slf) c., Komm, lad-vo AS SSSR, 1960. 534 p. ltrrKtat slip i-r-al. 5,000 copies printed. Spwaorinj Army& kkadeslys aa~k ~=R. Inst-at lx*ni P.S. Leb*iqvR. 14. of Publishl.g H.Us. ~ Y..L, Tvb. LI., I.N. Do. ~khlu: W--- torial Boardt (Reap. Lrd.) G.I. Sksnsi, -~xtzr of Physi" sai P.%thtasti-s (Deceased), and K.T. Filippol., C-Ailat. .' -d Itath-ti:s. FUM-W, T?J. c.11-tic. of r*;-rt& 12 Intended I*, 1-.tlfting tb. pb1slos of di.l.ctr-t.. 0071MAGE, Th. 5-.d A11431- C=!--, -1, tt. If D-1-11-t,its held is N.- at the Fi~l:b..k--f Inatit't I.-i P.S. 1..Al P.R. leb.4-) 1. S-t.r 1958 - tt. ~1-9 bf or the ;,I=- Pal wiwui. centers or tb. UWR L14 Of ..'or.: 0-h. ' t I .. '.r i- a. This c,l- lftt~icu contains wet of the rep-rt, .- it. am of the discussic-o whi:h Thf --~tv In this cnu*-tj~ deal with divla,-tmo properties, arA and .-.t ettifi. lad'.tl's "pgt.wo of 1~1o~s cy't.13' z-4~~',. -1 .*r"ic.. fb~t- olsetrets, fvrro4l~-trjo cry,-&Is. %M va~-~ rsdLit- "d irrsi"t.1. of- fects on di.l*ctrics As n, a list f '.b,r ;-P*rs pro ... t.d at the amf.r.x. 4-11ag bro4kd-Os of d1al-trits, ~h!Ib -- in tr.6 ,c-~~j Jw~qtiT% A3 lk=, s.ri.Ts f--sjcb*4kr.. !~V., &d2, W,. 1, prg.ul .... . to .OtLnj. Ref..-%=as;ael .,:h m;Ir.. .I. AgTa.=als~. .1 T.A Ts- and S 1. ?-_-jt.-jVw "-' H. ~!. - r-T'.ArA1F-6T-C=p1*x A3 =31 3Y9 _Wk,_LA. G.-atric Model For the Desert-,ti-on Of nijraorthou Phase Transitions li-Cryatials ["ies Dl,i3i.a, Aow State -.z!,#r.ity Wk~qov] I.M. 31117Wtarx D-In Strue- tons%" "4 Cetln PvxiFn,;ZPv.4;.s of' ?v!,A-x*d Cry.tals Elestituts of Cr7.ttUQ9r.phj# kalf2Y of St'sa;csa Ca:~A. ),4 ot w] 351 _Lft and Zh.IW- WU~vthvzl-l ?mblso~ of Ferr- _-t - Sm. Cr7v* cry. cal. With-- Wmg-- B-14 (lzst!W%- of Cr7stllogratphZ, AS USM, Al%kv"dro,a. tri Imitay- Effect or Chrosale Oillos on the of 372 Ch.mZ, B.Z.Zlwtri..l P-prtio, of tb. - -:'1:03* Sy.t- -[6~.-ProWrOvskly Govdarat-nnyy -iTtrsit** State Unive-i- W) . Zbo2udev, I.S., I.S. ms"-IS- T-7. Tits (GASH,) [Te*mtr. -1. iaaa---riy~ W. ~Cen- tral Scientifi-R-arcb Labrutor7 or PI . ;zAtitut" of CrYst4llo- Cr.pby, AS U53a, H-cov) 393 J4jM&k2x,1&-7, &,.d O.A. 2rurarvv. Effect -If Saall A-il4tlcz Ag*rtg WO m the Elmtrical Properties of P~lycryvtal Bt--:-3 [rmop-.Itr-k 3~ats f '.rsitr) 404 C--j-h. P-bl- r -.2t. C-oac....t... Z-at~t. r~Dductivity ar7s~oelectric Crystals azd [~-tral Zclen- tifle-Re-arch Laboratory of Pi.zot-b..14a, Y- 410 Card 11/15 85020 AO Y3) 3) S/048/60/024/010/029/033 B013/BO63 AUTHORS: Verbitskaya, T. N., Aleksandrova, L. M., and Sinitsyna, L. S. TITLE: Provisional Communication on Piezoceramic MaterialAlith a Dielectric Constant of 80,000 100,000 PERIODICAL: Izventiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1291-1293 TEXT: A new substance, designated as BK -5 (VK-5), with very high (--values, Emax - (60,000 - 100,000) has been developed. The basic characteristics, measured at room temperature, of piezoceramic materials (6initial' Emax , and Emax) were compared with t corresponding characteristics of bariUm titanateAt may be seen from Fig. 1 that the degree of nonlinearity rises noticeably on a regular transition of barium titanate to VK-1, VK-2, and VK-5- VK-5 exhibits nonlinear properties in a wide temperature range. On a temperature drop from room temperature down to -140 -t- -1500C the nonlinearity coefficient becomes considerably larger Card 1/3 85020 Provisional Communication on Piezoceramic Sf/048/60/02-1/010//029/033 Materials With a Dielectric Constant of B013/BO63 80,000 '1009000 (from 40 50 to 320 - 360). An increase of K,, caused in the range of negative temperatures chiefly by a noticeable decrease of the initial E-value, takes place with VK-2 and barium titanate as well. The quantity Emax becomes a little larger with a temperature drop, and becomes smaller on a temperature rise above room temperature. Proceeding from this fact, the authors determined K, with the aid of a corresponding E max value at, different temperatures. In the investigation of the temperature dependence of F- in fieldswith different field strengths, four maxima of the dielectric constant were ascertained. These maxima are specially marked at a field strength of 60 -' 100 v mm-1. In this case, & attains about 80,000. A definite relationship was found between the nonlinearity and the coefficient of orthogonality (koeffitsient pryamougollnosti) K hj-st,' The higher the K,, the hi-.gher will be F-hyst. "Figa. 2 and 13), Not even in VK-5, Khyt. at room temperature even exceeds 60 065%. whereas -iz rises up to 80% at extremely low temperatures. The present paper was read at the Card 2/3 85020 Provisional Communication on Piezoceramic S/048/60/024/010/029/033 Materials With a Dielectric Constant of B013/BO63 80.000 100,000 Third Conference on Pie,7.nelt-ctricity. which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 30, 1960. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 German. Ix Card 3/3 SINITSYNA, L.Yix. (Kishinev) Clinicnl analysis of the causes of stillbirth and newborn mortality in some obstretical. institutions of the Moldavian 5.5.3L Zdravo- okhranenie 2 no.1:24-28-Ja-V 159. (MIRA 12:7) (MUMVIA-STILLBIRTH) (HOLIAVIA--II47AM(IMBOM)-MCRTALITY) -1- 7~ --- -. - F)PUTTMA, Ir4A. , Cand ~ed Jci -- (diss) Ntemo*rya: gymnastics in the :!~bij~-th periqd and the effectiveness of its 5"os, 1958, 10 pp (Second Mos State -ed inst, im ".T. Pirogov) 250 colAes tKL, 50-1,~8, 131) - 1"l - LXBMEV, prof.; SINITSYNA, M.A.--PAVLOVA,II-I- Medical &mnastics in obstetrics* Akush. I gin. 35 no-3:20- 26 my-Je '59. (KIU 12:8) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof.A.A.Lebedev) ppdiatricheskogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni Firogova. (PRNGNkNCY exercise ther., evaluation (Rua)) LEBEDEV, Anatoliy Aliksoyevich, prof.; KOZHANOVA, Lidiya Savellyevna; RYKUNOV, Yorminingelld Ivanovich; SINITSYNA, Mariya Androyevna; CHEKAJIOVA, V.I., red.,- VORONINA, [Pbysiological bases for the prevention of complications in antenatal fetal development; a manual on the overall prepara- tion of pregnant women for labor] Fiziologicheskie osriovy pro- filaktiki oslozhLenii antenatallnogo razvitiia ploda; posobie po konpleksnoi podgotovke beremen2Vkh k rodam. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1962. 81 p. (PRENATAL CARE) (MIRA 15:7) PRI LEBEDEV, A.A., prof.; RYKUNOV, Ye.l.; N BY LOV, K.N.; BYLIONOK, V.K.; PAVLOVA, I.I.; GOTOVTSEV, P.I... red.; YAKOVIEVA, N.A., tekbn. red. [Exercise therapy in obstetrics and gynecology]Leche-onaia fiz- kulltura v akusherstve i ginekologii; posobie dlia vrachei zhenskikh konsulltatsii i rodillrqkh domov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 173 P. (MIRA 15:12) (EXERCISE THERAPY) (OBSTETRICS) (GYVECOIDGY) ttani dehydrAtion At elmated OUIP-Oand M.. m I 1-VM-=1 .1-1 -State A Moscawl. ZAwr, f&z. tim. 10, 2-47 UN J.~ C-jjW7CR ydration (if Utoli wris studied at 5-25 atm. pressure of one of the reacdon products. CgE4, or of N,,mM IL=p AGrm-talvit at 400*. The kinetic curvr=s at elevated. pressures retained the same character as (ii the atm. pressus f-, A higher CH4 pressure Inhibited the reduction to CJ4 and slightly Increased the HtO yield. The expti. results con- fixmcd the monamol. rcactf-,a of EtOll dehydration to RtjO. W. It. Sternbem ANTIPi~~, TA.; SINI/T'-S'YNA, M.D Catalytic activity of aluminum silicates treated with alkalies. Report No.l. Vest.Mosk'.un. 12 no.1:137-142 157. (MIRA 10:8) l.Mookovskiy universitet, Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii. (Aluminum silicates) (Catalysis) ZHABROVA, G,H.; SINITSYNk. M.D.; ROGINSKIY, S.Z. URe of the emanation mthod in studying catalysts. Topochemical decomposition of riRgnanium and zinc carbonates and hydroxides. Dokl. AN SSSR 117 no,2:255-258 N '57. (KIRA 11:3) 1. Inatitut fizichookoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen- korreapondent All SSSR (for Roginskiy). (Magnesium salts) (Zinc salts) 50) SOV/62-59-1-35/33 AUTHORS: S* 't D., Zhabrova, G. Ro_rinokiy, S. Z., .L~ni syna, j, Go r-d -ey-e -va-, _11-. -A-.- TITLE: Emanating Capacity in Topochemical Processes as a Typical Feature of the Specific Surface (Emaniruyushchaya sposobnost' pri topokhimicheslcikh protsessakh kak kharakteristika udellnoy poverkhnosti) PERIONCAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 1, pp 176 - 178 (US,)R) ABSTRACT: In order to investigate the chanjes of the stricture and specific surface in topochemical processes the authors applied the method of emanation. Radiothoriura nitrate solution was used as emanation source. The advantage of radiothorium in comparison to the previously used radium (Ref 1) consists in the fact that it forms thoron in syste- matic transformation. Since thoron has only a short half- life measurements can be carried on without interruption (Refs 1 and 2). In the investigation of magnesium hydroxide and magnesium oxide samples it was found that there is a Card 112 linear dependence of the emanation coefficient (measured Emanating Capacity in Topochemical Processes as a SOV/62-59-1-35/38 Typical Feature of the Specific Surface at room temperature) on the 2ize of the specific surfaced This dependence apparently holds also for other systems. It indicates that the determination of the emanation coefficient can be substituted for comparatively difficult and complicated measurements of sorption. First a calibra- tion curve would have to be plotted for each system, however, according to se,~eral points determined by experiments: emanation coefficient - specific surface. There are 1 figure and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Acade!ry of Scierce:-:, USSITI) SUBMITTED: June U. '958 Card 2/2 5W SOV/20-124-2-32/71 AUTHORS: Zhabrova, G. M., sinitsyna, 11- D-9 Roginskiy, S. Z., Cor- responding Member, AS USSR TITLE: The Application of the Emanation Method in the Investigation of Catalysts (Primeneniye emanatsionnogo metoda k issledovaniyu katalizatorov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 354-357 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors first mention some previous papers on this subject. It is of interest to investigate one of the previously investi- gated systems in detail by applying radioactive thorium. The magnesium hydroxide used in these experiments was prepared by precipitation from solutions of magnesium nitrate and alkali followed by careful washing with distilled water. A solution of 0.36 g ThO 2/ml (radioactive thorium) in nitric acid was used as a source of emanation. The authors determined the kinetic curves for the time dependence of the emanating power in the course of the dehydration of magnesium hydroxide at the tem- 0 Card 1/3 peratures 320; 350; 400; 450; 550; 600; 700; 600; and 1080 .At SOV/20-124-2-32/71 The Application of the Emanation Method in the Investigation of Catalysts the same time, the percentage of the conversion of hydroxide into oxide was determined. A continuous increase of the emanat- ing pow8r with time is observed at the temperatures of 320 and 350 . The liberation of thoron becomes much slower towards the end of dehydration. The continuous character of the time dependence of radioactivity is disturbed already at a de- hydration temperature of 40 0, i.e. there is a0flat maximum which corresponds to 75% of conversion. At 450 there is al- ready a clear maximum which corresponds to 70-" of conver- sion. A further increase in dehydration temperature continues to increase the sharpness of the maximum. The characteristic shape of the kinetic curves for t4e time dependence of the emanating power is caused by the simultaneous effect of de- hydration and thermal sintering. The second diagram shows the curves for the dependence of the emanation coefficient and of the specific surface on the dehydration temperature of magnesi- um hydroxide. Both these quantities have a maximum at 450 after which they decrease. The emanating coefficient measured at the temperatura of the toTochemical process must be describ- Card 2/3 ed by more complicated functions. The thoron generated seems to SOV/20-124-2-32/71 The Application of the Emanation Method in the Investigation of Catalysts be eliminated only from the superficial layer of the samples of hydroxide and magnesium oxide investigated. There are 3 figures, I table, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: September 24, 1958 Card 3/3 SINITffN,k M ; Nature of vascular reactions to local cooling in infants. Pediatrila 37 no.10:46-51 0 159. (KnU 13:2) 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (saveftyushchly - prof. R.A. PatwhinskiLys) I~razanskogo sediteluskogo instituta imeni akademika I.P. Pavlova (direktor - prof. L.S. Satulov). (TASOMME SYSM physiol.) UNITSM M I Hardening of infants in nurseries. Vop.okh.mat.i dot. 5 no,3t 78-82 Yj-je l6o. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Ix Imfedry pedlatrit (zav. - prof. R.A. Patushlaskaya) lra~- zanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akad, I&P. Plavlova Mr, - prof. L.S. Stulov). (IIWAVTS--CM ARD HYGIM) SINITSYNA, M. I. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Experience of adaptation of children to nurseries." Vororiezh, 1961. 19 pp; (Voronezh State Medical Inst); 250 copies; price not given; OM, 5-61 sup, 206) BAIKIN, R.L., inzh.; SINITSYNA. M.N., Insh. Simplified water system of condensing electric power plants. IMek. at&. 30 no.2:31-3~ 7 159. (MINA 22:3) (Food water) (Blectric power plants) TkGIROV, M.Z.; FALEYEV, N.P.; TIMOSHEK, V.Ye.;81NITSYNA, M.Ya. Experience in improving the purification of waste waters. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.12:35-37 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Angarskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavcd. OGIYG!fUK, 0.; LYSOV, A., s7esarl (Volof;da);,SI:II-SY-.~Lk,__~T.1 ~-., tokarl; WMEENSM, Yu., master. Gi= readers' co=ents on wor':s nordnated for Lenin'3 prizec. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no..'+%33-34 z 161. (I"U'l 1. Zave6uyushchaya bibliotelcoy Uhroovprofa (for Ogiychtf-.). 21. Kontrole~- zavoda Lrani Vladkmra Illicha (for Sinitsina). 3. Zavod ! alol-it:razhny!,-h avtomobiley (for Trofimov), 4. Zavod IIS.-~rp i Nolot" (for 1-Zamons'dy). (Russian literature) (Theateri DRAPKINI, B., vrach-paikhonevrolog;.SINITSYNA, N., logoped; USPENSKAYA,, L., logoped School of a home speech correction teacher (cmiclusion). Naukd i shisn' 29 no.12:94-95 D 162. (KM 16:3) (Speech therapy) SINITSYIU, N. I. Tov cured cases of rhinogenous thrombosis of the cavernous sinus. Vest. otorinolar. no-5:78-80 SePt-Oct 1950. (CUM 20:,l) 1. Of the Bar Division (Head -- Prof. A. A. Bakritskir), Sokqlinaya Gora Hospital (Head Physician -- D, T. Titenkov), Moscow*' BRAUNSHTEYN, A.Ye.; TORCHINSKIY, Yu.M.j..**~LAKHOVA, E.A.; SINI-T~YNA N.I. d-m~a-ttr-mftfdra Ee w th Interaction of aspartat4%43' i pyridoxamine phosphate and its analogs, 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut molekulyarnoy biologii AN SSSR, Moskva. M USSR/Plant Diseases; Diseases of Cultivated Plants 0-3 Xbs Jour Ref Mur - Diol., No 10, 1953, iio 44462 Author Sinitsyna N. Inst Stalingrad Agricultural Institute Title Blister SLrat an Corn in the Volga Alditubinskaya Bottom Land Orig Pub Sb. nauchn. rabot. stud. Stalingr. s-kja. in-ta, 1956, vyp. 2, 16-18 Abstract Corn cultivated without irrigation in the farms of the Volgn- Aiffitibinslmya bottomland is infected within the limits of 24-26c,') by this disease. Card 1/1 I ,7~ t . - .11 , I . . - ,1 1 U:.,-- of , , , - . 031:1 ro. '7:1-If--12 -- , 1 1~ ".", 'I n'. "Olne cal-~ljla~ ionrcl I e,- (FIlL, 1-2:7) (ILL"." )C,- ~kt i nn ) SINITSYW,, N. 1. Determination of evaporation. Trudy OGMI no.18:77-84 159. (14M 13:5) (Ukraine-Braporation) SINITSTNA. N. I. Establishing dates of stable transition of air teaperatures beyond certain limits. rrudy OGNI no.18-.85-89 159. (MM 13:5) (Odessa Province--Atmospheric tenperaturs) (Meteorology, Agricultural) SINITSYNK, N.I. Dynamics of productive soil moisture in the south of the European part of the U.S.S.R. Trudy GGO no.92:127-135 159. (MBA 13:5) (Russia, Southern--Soil moisture) (Wbeat--Hoisture requirements) SINITSINA, N.I.; KLYUSOVETS, V.V. Agroclizatic conditions of the fall growing period and wintering conditions of winter rye in Novosibirsk Province. Trudy OGMI no.22-.23-28 160. (MIU 14:10) (Novosibirsk Province-Rye) (Crops and climate) SINITSYNA, N.I. Evaporation regime from fields under cultivation in drought years. Trudy OG~fl no.'2115:21-28 161. (MIRA 16:6) (Soil moisture) LL.4 I , 14 13 tg q ~ Sel -.~ - - . -- ;' t m 1h: An 9's! IS '14 4 jr ant 0 rie r -r-r.lar T ~U4 M.-7 bacEim ffiLlil weaK AIPAROT, Vasiliy Alakseyevich-, SINITSYNA, N.S., redaktor; ZUBRILINA, Z.P., takhnichookiy redaktor- (Bulbous flowers; byacinths. tulips. lilies. narcissuses, amaryllises hippeastrume and tuberoses) ImkovieMys tsvetochnye rasteniia-, giatsinty, tiullpany. lilit. nartsissy, amarillisy, gippeastruny, tuterozy. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo selkh02. lit-ry. 1956. 91 p. (KIRA 9:9) 1. Agronom sovkhoza *Tuthnys kulltury" (for Alferov) (Bulbs) ZAYNTS. V.K.,kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennvkh nauk; VIINIYAKINOV, A.N.; YU IKNYIIV, Kh. I.; RYABOV, I.N.; KOSTINA, K.F.; FIRAYBY, Ye. P.; SYURAROVA. X.P., VASILOYNT, K.V.; PROTASBTICH, L.A.; CHIRIVATMO, A.S.; ULOYANISHMT-, K.M.; MIATOVSKIY, M.T.; DUKA, S.Kh.; SINITSYNA, N.S.,rodaktor; SOKOLOVA, N.N.,takhaichookiy redektor LBreeding stone fruits; collection of articles] Selektotia kostochkovykh kulltur; abornik statei. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo aellkhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 278 P- (NUIA 10:4) 1. Moscow, NauchftWABBledovatallskiy inatitut sedovodstva Imeni I.V. Kichuriaa. (Fruit culture) SINITSYNA. N.S., red.; FEMOTA, A.P., [Orchards on virgin land] Sady na tseline. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo, selikhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 142 p. (KIRA 14:1) . (Fruit culture) NIKONOVA, Nina Andreyevna; SINITSYNA) N.S., red.; GUREVICII, M.N., red. (Radish]Redis. Moskvaj, Sellkhozgiz# 1961. 71 p. (HIRA 15:9) (Radishes) DaoijySHEVA, Nina Aleksandrovna; ~.INITSY11A,- 14,S-,,- red.; THUMINA, 0.11., tekhn. red. [Carrots, parsley, and parsnips] Morkov', petrushka., paster- nak, Moskva, Cos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, zhurnalov i pla- katov, 1961. 93 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Carrots) (Parsnips) (Parsley) PETUKHOV, S.P.,SMOL'YANINOVAVN.K.; SPIRINA, A.S.; SINITSYNA, N.S.? red.; BYKOVA,, MA, red.; TRUKHINA, O.N., tekhn-.-red. (Growing lm~ munety stock]Vyrashchivanie pamadochnogo mate- riala iagodnykh kulltur. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 206 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Berries) (Nursery stock) YEROFEYEV, V.I.; SINITSYNA, N.V.Y red. -- ----- (Principles of the design and technology of the manufacture of electronic apparatus; a textbook] Osnovy konstruirovaniia i tekhnologii izgotovleniia elektronnoi apparatury; uchebnoe posobie. Moskva, Rozvuzizdat, 1962. 150 P. (MIRA 17:7) 1. SINITSYNA, N.V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Citrus Fruits - Diseases and Pests 7. Early diagnosis of mal secco, a withering disease of citrus fruit, Dost.sellkhoz. no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. /V) ~-S- /11119" /),/. V USSRM!crobiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis F-2 Antiobioticss Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol.9 No 18$ 1958, 811+37 Author Mirzabekyan, R.O., Sinitsynal N.V. Inst Title: Testing Actinomycetes Against Potato Tumors. Orig Pub: Zashchita rast. ot vredit. i bolezney$ 1957, No 5, 1+2-1+1+ ADstract; By direct contact of actinomycetes with dormant fungus spores which cause potato tumors, 5 acti- nomycete-antagonists were selected. The pigments formed by actinomycete-antagonists penetrated into the sporangium of fungi, coloring their contents, but not the capsule. Also different morphological changes were estqblished in the sporangial caused by the effect of actinomycete- Card 1/2 ZLITSIffA, Taygeniya NIkolaysvm; SINITS71AN.V.g red.; YJDMTA, AJP*, tekhn. red. [Tulips] ?Iul'pwW. Modme Gbo. ixd-wo sallkhos. 2It-r7, 1958* 86 p. (Talips) (KMA IIsIO) SINITSYNA, N.V. Conference on antibiotics. Zashch, rasto ot vred. i bole 4 no*2: 57 159. (14IRA 16:5) (Antibiotics) (Plants, Protection of-congreesses) 14IR74BEKYAII, R.O., kand.biologicheskikh naukL-~~~~; BELYAKOV., O.G. Developing biological methods for controlling potato wart. Agrobiologiia no.4:566-572 -T1-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut genetiki AN SSSR,, TSentralinaya laboratoriya po karantinu selIskokhozM9tvennykb rasteniy,, Ministerstva sellakago khozyaystva SSSR. (Potato wart) L 1778-66 ACCESSION KR: AP5024003 UR/0020/65/164/002/0351/0353i AUTHOR: Sinitsyna, S. M.; 8initsyn, N. 14. TITLE: The reaction of uranyl halides with tri-n-butylphosphine oxide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 2, 1965, 351-353 TOPIC TAGS: extraction c jjraniuA nuclear fuel ABSTRACT: In this work a number of complexes were formed between uranyl dihalides and tri-n-butylphosphine oxide (TBPO). Freshly prepared uranium trioxide was dis- solved in stoichiometric amounts of the appropriate hydrohalic acid, followed by addition of TBPO in n-heptane (U:TBPO = 1:2). The following complexes were obtained: l(U02)6FI2(TBPO)8), IU02C'2(TBPO)211 [UO2Br2(TBPO)21, and IU02I2(TBPO)41, as indicated by elemental analysis. Cryoscopic molecular-weight determinations in benzene indi- cate that the fluoride complex exists in benzene in the form of a hexamer, the chloride complex as a tetramer, and the bromide and iodide complexes as monomers. There is evidence for the existence of bridging halogen bonds between individual complex molecules. DY-S] ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. W. S..Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of-General and Inorganic Chemistry, Acadeny of Sciences,SSS Card