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Application of High-intensity Radiation Sources S/170/6U/0U-x/U2;25/026 in Industry B000005 organisms, ecbnomic problems with respect to processing methods by means of radiation, etc. were dealt with, I/ Card 3/3 NISIMICH, A.I.;,SINITSIN, V.I. Using radioisotopeS in solving the problem of increasing the durability of machine parts and mechanisms. Inzh.-fizahur. no.3.1:113-3.19 N 160. (KERA 13: 11) (PAdiolobtopeo-Industrial applications) S/170/60/003/011/015/016 BO19/BO56 AUTHORS, Nisnevich, A,. I.., Sinitsyn, V,, 1,, TITLE, The Use of Radioactive isoL,~ResliTor the Purpose of Solving the Problem of Increasing the Servioe Life of Machine Parts and Mechanisms PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno.,,fizicheskiy zhuraal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 11, PP- 113-119 TEXT. 1n the introduction., the use cf radioactive elements as indicators for near is discussed in a general manner. In this connection, the activa- tion of the parts investigated is described as an essential problem, i.e., irradiation in an atomic reactor and the applying of radioactive substances onto the surfaces under investigation. The advantages of an irradiation in a reactor are compensated by the disadvantages of the change of various physico-mechanical properties of the material under investigation. This method is only very little used in the USSR, The difficulties in the case of the second aforementioned method oonsist in the fact that the radio- active elements, which are used for this purpcse in form of alloys vith Card 41/2 The Use of Radioactive Isctopes for the 5/170/60/003/011/015/016 Purpose of Solving the Problem of Increasing B019/BO56 the Service Life of Machine Parts and Mechanisms 59 60 65 Fe CO or Zn have a low activity and that the production of equal c,r similar alloys with these elements is difficult. Another fact of great importance is t%e quantitative measurement cf the radioactive particles, ;hich is most.1y carried out with scin~tillation counters. As an 60 example, aii investigation of the operation conditions of a tractor motcr with respect to the wear of piston rings is dealt with. A scheme c-f the experimental setup is shown; the coniac'. surfaces were activated ty mRans of a C060 and Za,65-containing alloy, It is found that at a defi- nite number of rotations of the crankshaft wear is the greatest. The in- irestigation --,f the wear of further motors is partly dealt with, several details are briefly discussed., and finally, testing in practical operation is described as an especial advantage. From the investigation of a tractor of the type F~'~,54 (DT--54) the results obtained are shown in a diagram. Piston rings show the greatest wear among all parts investigated. There are 4 figures and 10 Soviet referenoea~ SUBMITTED-, February 8, 1960 Card 2/2 21.6loo,21-7100 77257 SW/89-8-2-22/30 AUTHORS: Sinitsin, V. I., Grafov, G. I. TITLE: Conference on the Application of Powerful Radiation Sources In Industry and Especially in Chemical Processes PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 164-167 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference was held in Warsaw September 8-12, 1959. More than 200 representatives from 27 countries were present. The representatives of Canada reported on the radiation source and construction of the irradiation unit for irradiation of potatoes. The use of a powerful irradiation unit with cobalt 60 as the radiation source _Ln the rubber and plastics industry was reported by representatives of Czechoslovakia. Several reports were devoted to methods of calculating and designing irradia- tion units for use in the chemical industry (De.-mark, Hungary, USSR, France). The outstanding reports of the representatives of the U.S. were: G. Silverman, on the Card 1/3 11~pe of )2 -radiation of fission products in textile and Con1'erence on the Application of Powerful 77257 Radiation Sources In Industry and Especially SOV/89-8-2-22/3() in Chemical Processes Card 2/3 plastics industries; D. George and D. Gregory, on the -/ -unit of the research center of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission; Oz. Oster, on "The Role of Electron Excitation in the Chemical Effect of Irradiation on Plastics"; J. Sederland and A. Allen, on radiolysis of pentane in the crystal lattice of hydrated synthetic ziolites; E. Taylor, on the effect of Y-radiation on the ac'~ivity of catalysts; A. Hengl~'in, on synthesis of nitric compounds by the reaction of free radicals with nitroc~en oxide; E. Pollard and U. Gild, on inacti- ~iation curves for certain plants, animals, and bacteriolog- ical viruses; Ch. Artandi, on sterilization of phar- maceuticals and hospital equipment with ionizing radiation; P. Ebersold, on main types of industrial application of radiation in the U.S. and future plans for the use of radiation. Several studies conducted at Brookhaven and Oak Ridge National Laboratories were also reported. The reports presented by representatives of Japan are: S. Onisi, on measurerments of spectra of the Conference on the Application of Powerful 77257 Radiation Sources In Industry and Especially sov/89-8-2-22/30 in Chemical Processes electron spin resonance of Y -irradiated polymers; M. Matsumoto, on the effect of radiation on polyvinyl alcohol; S. Okamura, on polymerization of vinylacetate in an aqueou mediLUn Linder the effect of -Y -radiation. The Soviet reportb mentioned are: A. K. Bi!eger, on the principle and general characteristic of indium-gallium irradiator using short-life isotopes; S. S. Medvedeva, A. D. AbIcina, and P. M. Khomikovskiy, on radiation poly- merization of ethylene in gaseous phase of organic solvents. The other reports noted are: S. Pinner (U.K.), on synthesis of polyvinyl chloride with copolymer chains cross-linked with allyl bonds; F. Dalton and R. Robetson (U.K.), on graft-polymerization of polyacrylonitrile and dimethylsiloxane caused by -y-radiation; H. Heins and B. Dere (Belgium), on the effect of -radiation on polyethylacrylate of' various molecular weights; F. Trenar and Verrie (France), on the effect of radiation on the reaction of chlorine with one of its liquid derivatives; F. Balestic and M. Maga (France), on the effect of rad-Ja- Card 3/3 tion on synthesis of some dyes. AUTHORSa TITLEs 64238 S/089/60/009/004/018/020 B006/BO70 Lokhanin, G. N., Sinitsyn, V. I. New Hermetic Chambers for Working With a- and P-kctive Subs ces /7 PERIODICALi Atomnaya energiya, 196o, Vol. 9, No,. 4, pp. 344 - 347 TEXT: The authors give a detailed description of the chamber 1K, 14)K (1KNZh), mass-produced in the USSR, in which it is possible to work with a- and P-active substances. In this chamber, which has one working place, it is possible to work at high temperatures, and o with acids and lyes. (A similar chamber of the type 2KH)K (UM)Irith two working places is shown in Figs. 4 and 5). The chamber is-m-alle-of 3 mm. thick stainless steel, and is 2320 mm high, 875 mm broad, and, including the antechimber, 1270 mm long. The hermetically sealed space in the chamber is 0.4 m . The chamber itself stands on a foundation made of carbon steel. Figs. 1 and 2 show the front and the back of the chamber, Chambers of this type are produced with one or two antechambers which are used for introducing and removing the radioactive materials, the vessels, reagents, etc. The Card 1/2 84238 New Hermetic Chambers for Working With a- and S/089/60/009/004/016/020 P-Acti-,e Substances B006/BO70 inside of the chamber is lighted with a three-tube lamp (45 w) of the type CZC-45 (SDS-45). For protection against radioactive aerosols, gases9 and other substances in the air, the chamber is equipped with a special two-stage filter system, which is described. A receptacle is inserted in the foundation of the chamter (Fig. 2) to receive solid contaminated waste matter. The solid radioacti~;e waste matter is packed inside the chamber in a plastic material and sealed hermetically. It then comes to the receptacle which is put on a small hand-cart (Figs. 2 and 3). This process is described in detail. The waste container is made of carbon stee and has a capacity of 10 liters, A container of the type 10KEOC!MhO_ 6.s used for contaminated water and liquids. It is described in the preceding paper on a wash cabinet (pp. 341 - 3449 Fig~ 3)~ It is briefly described also here. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 PWROY, N.A., red.; PETRENK0, L,I., red.; SATITSKIY, P.S.. red.;-%U"TAU& red.; KCLOTYRKIN, Yo.M., red,: SYR03, N.P.. red.; RONK, R.F.. red.; AB7YSMN. P.I.j red.; VARTAZQ0T.:S.Ya., red.; ZAYTSKY, A.I., red.; ZNZYULINSKIT. T.M., red.; ZEDGINIMS, G.L., red.; KARTYNKIN, F.P.. red.; ROGACHET. V.I., red.; MATINSKIY. A.N.. red.; LRYINA. Te.S., vedushchiy red.; TITSDYA, B.F., vedushchiy red.; PERSHINA, Ye.G., veduBhchly red.; IONEW. A.G.. vedushchiy red.; ZARMSKAYA, A.I., vedushchiy red.; MUKHIKA, B.A., ETransactions of the Conference on the Introduction of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation into the National Sconomy of the U.S.S.R.] Trudy Teesoiuznogo soveshchonlia po vnedreniiu radio- aktivnykh izotopov i iadern~kh izluchenii v narodnoe khozialstvo SSSR. Pod red. N.A.Petroirs, L.I.Petreako i P.S.Sevitakogo. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.l. (General aspects of isotope applications. Instruments with sources of radioactive radiation. Radiation chemistry. Chemical and petroleum refining industry] (Continued on next card) PETROY. N.A.---(continued) Card 2. Obahchie voprosy primeneniia Izotopov. Pribory s istochnikami radioaktivnykh isluchanii. Radiatsionnnia khimiig. Khimi- cheskaia I nefteperersbatyvaiushchnia promyshlennost'. 1961. 340 p. Tol.2. [Construction and the industry of construction materials. Light Industry. Food industry and agriculture. Kadicinel Stroital'stvo I promyshlennoot' stroitellnykh mate- rialov. Legkaia prorqshlennost'. Pishchmvaia promyshlennost' sellskoe khoxisistvo. Keditsina. 1961. 267 P- (KIRA, 14:4) 1. Ysesoyuznoys soveshchaniya po vnedreniyu radioaktivnykh 12OtOpOV i'yadsrnykh-iz1uch9niy v narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR. Riga, 196o. (Radioisotopes) (Radiation) SINITSYNq V.I.~-ALAYABIYKV, A.F., red.; VLASOVA, F.A., tekhn. red. [Radiactive cobalt] Radioaktivnyi koballt-,- Moskvaq Goo.izdvo Iit- ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961. 56 p. (NM 1426) (Cobalt-Isotopss~ LOKHANIN, G.N.;-Sll -N3 V.I.; SHTANI, A.B.; VATVEYEVA, M., red.; BOKSHA, VITSY R.V.JP red.; MAiH-i,-Ye.i., tekhn. red. [Protective equipment and devices for working with radioactive substances) Zashchitnoe oborudovanie i prisposobleniia dlia raboty a radioaktivnym- veohchostvami. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atonmoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961. 129 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Radiation protection) R168/B160 AUTHORS: Sinitsyn, V. I., Shtan', A. S. TITLE: Appliances and apparatus based on the use of radioactive isotopes for the control and regulationof technological processes in the chemical industry PERIODICAL;' Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, t962, 357-358, abstract 101177 (Vestn. tekhn. i ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekhn.-ekon. issled. Gos. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po, khimii, no. 5, 1961, 35-P) TEXT: Mass-produced Soviet appliances of interest t1o the chemical industry are briefly described, together with some planned for mass-production in 1961. 1. A level indicator for the interface between, two media. C060 radiator, -amma-rays, activity 0-5-60 mg-equiv radium ("Kalugapribor" Factory). 2. Level regulator-indicator with pneumatic outlet P'~71-1 (RUP-1), made at the same factory. 3. A series of relay-type appliances, made at the Talinn Plant, based on the SPA-1i (URAP) electronic relay unit: level recorder for measuring vessels, with an accuracy of Card 1/3 S/081/62/000/010/049/085 Appliances and apparatus based... B168/B180 2 mm: maximum level recorder P7-Y-4 (RPRU-4), accuracy t 5 cm; device ?V~-A (RK-4) for regulating the filling of containers on a conveyor, a tracking level-gage SP-6-A (UR-6-A) for storage tanks; c;ntinuous density gage 7c:t,~'-2 (PZhR-2), range 1-1-5 9/cm 3, error 0.5 4. Ionization gage ',/."-,7,A (MIR-3A) for inactive gases and.steam, range 0.01-10 mm Eg error � 5~o, alpha-particle source Pu 239 ("Kalugapribor" .Faz;tory). 5. Non-contact device (BIV) for weighing sheet materials in the course of manufacture, range 200-800 g/m2, error � 5 ~-, source Tl') 04. *6. Gage for measuring deviation of sheet thickness from a 2 standard (URIT-1), range 50-500 9/m error + 3 ~,, beta-radiation, consistine of 5 units. 7. One- or two-level regulator AF7Y (ARPU) for the interface between two media, difference in densities 10 and 90 ~-' operating time 10 secp error 1 40 mmp model .---3P (V-3G) (Talinn Factory). 8. ,-thickness gage -DTT-(BTP) for coatings (varnish, paints, electroplating, etc.), range - a few mg/cm 2 , accuracy + 2 ~~, source T1 204 , 120 po (Talinn Factory). 9. Pulp d4naity gage VMT (IPP), range Card 2/3 Appliances ano apparatus based ... S/081/62/000/010/049/085 B168/B180- 1.0-1.5 and 1.6-2.1 g/CM3, error 1-5 ~~t gamma-radiation source Cs137, 50 mg-equiv. The following are being developed: 10. PcAtassium ccncentration gage (RKK-B-1) for measuring thei4ntensity of 40 inherent radiation of K , range 0-20 cl', error t 1.5 2p_*,.(In-t avtomatiki USSR (Institute of Automation U,krSSR)). 11. Densitomlov for liquids 3 -7--7-5,4 (PZhR-5.4)f range 0.1 to 0.6 9/cm , error 1 21%; - gamma-radiation T_ source Cs137 (NIITeplopribor). 12. Liquid analyzer (RAZh~l) for determining the concentration of one of the components of a binary rKixture, source Sr9o.(OKBA). (for atmospheric air), range 14. Level indicator compressed accuracy �10- mm, source Co6o translation.-! 13- Ionization methanometer TM-4 (TM-4) 0-5 %, error 1 0.2 %, iource - tritium. j cylinder gas ~1`-3 (1U-3), portable, 1 mg-equiv. [Abstracter's dotes Complete Card 3/3 e.~U_-z 16 S/089/61/010/004/027/027 B102/B205 AUTHORS: Lokhanin, G. N., Sinitsyn, V. I. TITLE: New universal chamber for handling a-, P-, and y-active materials PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 4, 1961, 420-421 TEXT: A brief description is given of a new Russian universal chamber designed for handling hot substances. It consists of two chambers, one of type 1-KHK (1-KNZh) and the other of type KW (KSh), which are connected by a pre-chamber. The first chamber is used to handle a- and P-active materials, while the second one serves for work with 7-active materials of UP to 50 mg-equiv. Ra; it has a biological shield. The first chamber has a volume of 0.4 m3, and the second chamber has one of 0.6 m3. Air can be fully exchanged 25 times per hour. The filter areas of the two chambers 2 are 0.11 and 0.25 m , respectively. Dimensions of the universal chamber: 2970m 2560X 2320 mm; weight: 5700 kg (450 kg +5250 kg). The 1-01"Uh chamber has already been described in Ref. 1 (Lokhanin, Sinitsyn. Card 1/2 22622 S/089/61/010/004/027/027 New universal chamber ... B102/B205 Atomnaya energiya, 9, vyp. 4, str 344 (1960)). Radioactive material is transferred from one chamber into the other through the pre-chamber. The KSh chamber is equipped with manipulators of the type MIIA-05 (MShL-05), an instrument box, daylight lamps, a manometer of the type THM-890 (TNM-890), two-stage filters, several vessels and containers, power supply lines, pipes for hot and cold water, sewers, and waste cans. The KSh chamber has a size of 1700x 2540x 2485 mm. Its biological shield consists of cast- iron plates having a thickness of 100 mm (front), 80 mm (sides and bottom), and 50 mm (top, back, and in between), and of several lead glasses (total thickness: 150 mm). The base of the chamber is made of carbon steel and has a size of 1700-v 980 X940 mm. The two-stage filter used for air cleanina consists of a glass fabric 200 mm thick and four layers of the fabrictrin-15-1,7 (FPP-15-1.7). The filter cleans 25 m3 of air per hour. The pre-chamber is made of stainless steel of the type 1X18H9T (1Kh18N9T) and 450x 706-x732 mm. large. The operating part of the chamber is made of stainless steel 3 mm thick and has a size of 900x 706 x725 mm. The waste containers are of the type 10 KWO(10 KZhO). There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/2 -26687 3/056J61/041/005/002/038 .2.2 B104/B108 AUTHORS: Klebanov, Yu. D., Sinitsyn, V. I. TITLE: Injection of plasma from a strong pulsed discharge into a vacuum PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no. 5(11), 1961, 1340-1346 TEXT: The authors describe experiments carried out with two plaama injec- tion devices: a small and a bigger one (Figs. 1 and 2). The bigger device in difference from the smaller has two diaphragms with apertures of 5 and 10 mm separating the observation chamber from the discharge chamber. The injection of plasma from a strong pulsed discharge into hydrogen (0.1-1.0 mm Hg) was studied. The capacitance of the discharge circuit of the small device was 40 gF, the voltage was 20-30 kv and the maximum discharge current was 400 ka. The capacitance of the discharge circuit of the bigger device was 60 RF, the voltage was 30-40 kv, and the maximum discharge current was 500 ka. The plasma parameters at different injector conditions were determined photoelectrically together with a temperature- Card 1/4 26667 S/056/61/041/005/002/038 Injection of plasma from a ... B104/B108 scan. It is Rhown that plasma is ejected in two opposite directions along the discharge axis. The plasma was injected in single pulses (2-5 gaec). The pinches were 30-40 cm long. By means of photoelectric and calorimetric methods the total number of particles injected by one pulse was determined. The density and velogity of the plasma were estimated too. The authors obtained: N = 8-101 ; n = 6_1o13 cm-3; vz = 2.8-1o7 cm/sec. N. V. Filippov (D. P. Petrov, N. V. Filippov et al., Fizika plazmy i problema upr. termoyadernykb. reaktsiy (Plasma Physics and Problems of Thermo- nuclear Reactions), V. 4, Izd. AN SSSR, 1958, P- 170) is mentioned. The authors thank Academician L. A. Artsimovich and S. Yu. Luklyanov for discussion of results, M. A. Savenkov and V. S. Shumanov for assistance. There are 8 figures, 2 tables, and 19 references: 10 Soviet and 9 non- Soviet. The 3 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: F. H. Coensgen, A. E. Sherman, W. E. Nexsen, Phys. Fluids, 765, 196o; F. R. Scott, R. F. Wenzel, Phys. Rev., 119, 1187, 1960; J. Marschall, Phys. Fluids, 1, 134, 1960. SUBMITTED: March 21, 1961 Card 2/4 ',I. E, Industrial h-Igh-powtr radiation sources. Atom. energ, 16 no.l: 83-84 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) SINITSYN, V.I. Use of r--radiographic control methods In certain countries - members of the Council of Economic Cooperation. Atom. enarg. 16 no.2.,174--176 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) SINITSYN, V.I. Use of radioisAopes in the metal Industries of certain*countries, memberq,,of the~Council of Economic Cooperation. Atom energ. 16 no-3:21%282 gr 164. (MIRA 1713) S.I.; STNITSYN, V.'I--. Use of nuclear geophysical. methods in the search, prospecting, and working of mineral deposits. Atom. energ. IS n0.1:81-84 Ja 165. M W~ 18;2) SJNITSYN, V.I. New saritar-f --u-',.es for the organization and control of high- powr isotcpe p2nnts. Atom. energ. 18 no.4:435--436 Ap 165, (MIRA 1884) ya. o o L 52955-65 ---NT(J)/EPF(n)-2/-.-&WG(=)/EPA(W)-2- -PZ-6/PO-4/Pab-lo/P:L-4.1l.IJP~o iff;tAT 'ACCESSION NRt AP5010500 tW0056/65j048j00k/1vW1 I. AUMOR: Osovets, Be No; Sinitsyn, V. I. 6 TITLEt Dynimid -stitbill-sation of a- sma-vinch --- --- SOURCEt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I. teoreticheZ fiziki, V4 48# nos 49 19651 1071-10T6 TOPIC TAGSt plasmi pinch, dynamic stabilAzation, plame stability,, high frequency plasm stabilization ABSTRAM Experixents are described, In vh1ch.qzam1e stabilization of apinch onwing-ourrents -up-to-105--k-has -been -dbitemd,- ft a 639eri, _lqdrogku -p4s** The, mental apparatus Is shown In the - fteloture-and- congrists --of7iC main: dig-- charge circuit and a stabilizing circuit. The parameters of the main circuit hre Cl - 30--&5 pFq U - 5-10 kVp and T - 20--2k jisec. The discharge chamber is filled with hydrogen to a pressure 0.05-0.1 mm Hg. The stabilizing circuit im made up of six axial :opper rods insvlALted from the electrodes and ftom the pla-, comj~rising an inductive load fed from a capaoitor bank controUed by a Yacma trigger whose operation can be shifted rel&tiye to the initiation Of the mAin diachUge br Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP5010500 ENCLOSUM-0 1/3 C ard 3_j . . .......... L 45105-66 LWT(1) 1JP(c) AT ACC NR, AP6024866- soUR`CE O-ODE: Wdb-567 051/001/ T7009"f- ALIPHOR: Pavlov, Ye. I.; Sinitsyn, V. I. ORG: none TITLE: Inhibition of instabilities in a D-Irasma column SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 1, 1966, 87-94 TOPIC TAGS: plasma column, plasma instability, plasma stability ABSTRACT: It is shown experimentally that under certain conditions a straight plasma column carrying a current of 100-120 kA can be stabilized by busbare employing a rapidly varying magnetic field. The stabilizing contour consists of six busbars arranged symmetrically on the outer surface of the discharge chamber., vhich has a diameter of 20 cm. The conclusion regarding the stabilization effect is draun on the basis of data obtained by streak photography of the radiation, magnetic probe measurements , and recordings IV a magnetic element of the amount of energy* escaping to the chamber walls. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. [CS] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15Feb66/ ORIG REF: oo4/ MJS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 'a 090 0 0 St I I I v 11 12 11 4 a 16 11 to " a 11 is n valfallunbimult Mae 41 i L 4ZU466E* I L A L--f - 0 N P a A I T A i Jr~ a - -L-X.,&A 0 CC M Ujs. t-- t-A .-V 1~1 If-f-I : 0 GoW Is the tailors Tarbaptal. V. 11-.Sbiitvyn And ' M. Calkeva. Mims. joc. Pum mix;td, F!Irr. 21 1, Xhim. Niferaj, /buy. J939. Nn. i 00 2.1-Ur main dep(mits tcprtwntrd by qiiarltt vvins wnh -00 0* & chalcopyrile muml pyrite am ivA nunscrou*. Aiiiifuunslin 00 4 pyrite, chakopyritc arki mrsenopyrite which are conimilw4f -00 in quarts-like rocks that reprr-wat the tonfact imbe ol thr varimcitc intrusions. fly weathering tA the formatiim -00 of Au it trawportcd to the surface dIrpositi Along the rivrr -00 06 Imnks. The delmnitiot the rivers Ter-Alryk, Tomvr4yk. 00 I)zhalanwh, halgisu and Xhigur-Rulak are of the grratr t 6 00 j intrrest. W. R. Henn A=00 00.3 44141 00.3, zoo 00 too 00 00 0 00 500 11100 200 00 WOO 00 00 A tsoo 00 A%, %kA SEYALLUPfKAL LIT(RAU1011 CLASSIPKATICk I:. Cto 1010 too , , , U. T 11-1 u V, 17tvivipmat eta otw It u it IN 7 n 1 14 ofooooeoooooooooooeoo 0 o~ foo~oooooo:::::ooooaoo:! 0000000*000*0000oooo 0 0 ~ 0-0o,000000 4040006i USW/Geolomy Apr 1947 CHINA/Geology "Structurral end Orographicel Scheme of the Chinese Tien-Shan," V. M. Sinitsyn, 6 pp "Izv Ak NaWk Ser Geol" No 4 Study of the Tien-sban, showing that most olf the ridges chawn in topographical ma-ps are not ia- dependent units but parts of eleven larger ridges eeperated by mountainous depressions. The author names and Identifies these eleven ridges. 17T58 MW 1947 Sediment, 00m the Quaternary. 11story of Tarim Depression," V. X. Sinitayn, 11 pp "Byull Moskov Obah lop Pri, Nova Ser, Mel Geol" Vol IXII, 10 3 Jurassic form of relief continued their developent, into the Pleistocene era. During this time the Tarim depression included only the lutcharskly and Jarkend Basins. ClImste nipre huald then the contemporary one. Author describe* various sediments of the period, and their geological 6bamps. lhwlng the last zillenium the surface dischorgp of rivers decreased; ground LC 49T33 UMM/Geology (Contd) Xar 1947 vaters sunk to greater depth; forests of the Ttrim Plain perished; and sands covered settlements in- habited betveen the 3d and 7th centuries. Gives lo- cation and types of soils of the period. LC StratIrleatIM %&or-Tag Folds in the Tarts Settled Haself)'" Vi sudtayn, 4 pp OD& Akad, Nauk SM, Nova Ser" Vol LVIII, no 3 MIRSer-Tag Mountain Range located In western part at the Tarim depression in sandy wastes of Tokla-Mokom. SUMsyn describes -sqw ipological details of wS ratorest first directed to this range after 3. M. P1,Wievallskly conducted study of the eastern ez&'.ot reage, in vicinity of Ihotan-Darl Ri-ver Delta. ftb-. m1tted by Academician V. A. Obrucbev, 26 Apr 1947. SIJT 1TSYN, V. M. RA 4-1T4-1 USSR/Geology Jan "The History of the Tarim Settled Massive," V. M. Sinitsyn, 131 pp "Izv Akad Nauk E�SSR, Bar Geol" No 1 The Tarim settled massive is the western fragment of the Chinese platform, which settled during the period of the Yenisian movement. Discusses history of the development of the Tarim massive and also shows how its development parallelled the development of some settled regions in China. to Some Basic Problems of Geosynclines," A. V. Peyve, V. M. Siritsyn IIIZ Ak Nauk SSSR, Scr Geol" ITO 4, pp 28-52 From lon:r personal !rvesti-,ation-c in Central Asia, Kazak-listan, Urals an~d Caucasus, authors develop new ideas orl.-in, develooment, and structure of 7co-synclines and platforms. 13crore Uri! -er-Prnteruzo.ic ern ther dovel-med ,i continental. shell, 11panniatform," common for future geosynclines and platforms. At 1-,,eginning ofera, after sharp chan~-e in evolution of -all geological processes, geosynclinal stage of development. of earth's structure began. Consi-9ted of several qualitatively liffferent stiges. Discusses general characteristics of stacTes of development of.-posynclinal regions. PA 162T43 SINITSTN. V.M. -- The geotectonic factor in ihe change in cllmte.of Centr&I Asia, Biul. KOIP. Otd. geol. 24 no.5:3-12 049. (NM 11:5) (Asia, Central--Climate) IN V. USSR/ Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 46 - 3/24 Authors Title I Sinitsyn. V. M. I Geological history of the Lobnorsk plain and the Lob Nor Lake Periodical I 17,v. AN SSSR. Ser. geolo 6, 30-42, Nov-Dee 1954 Abstract I Using the data of various Investigations the author presents a brief history on the development of the Lob Nor plain and he arrivea at the conclusion that the episodical dispalcements of the Lob Nor Lake are explained by tectonic motions which appear non-uniform in various parts of the Tarimsic depression. The Lob Nor plain is situated at the eastern tip of the Tarimsk depression running along the western regions of Central Asia. Twenty-one iefereacess 11 USSR; 1 Frenchl 2 Swedish; 3 Germanj 2 English and 2 Chinese (1878-1951). maps. Institution t Submitted & February 17. 1954 /V WSIR/Geology Volcanoes Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 17/46 Authors i Sinitoyn, V. M., Dre GeologicalJ&.eralogical Soi. Title New knowledge about an active volcano in Central Asia Periodical I Friroda, 43/9, 89-90,, Sep 1954 Abstract I The t4ndency of volcanoes to be located near coastlines or island groups is noted., so that inland volcanoes constitute objects of special interest. The finding of a new active volcano in the Kunlun Mountains north of Tibet is reported confirming the collateral evidence of subterranean activity in that region. Map. Institution 3 Submitted I *gas* SINITSYN, V.M. ~ General tectonic system of the great Asian upland. Biul.KOIP.Otd.geol. 30 no.2:51-65 Mr-Ap 155. (Mtn 8: 8) (Himalays, mountains) SINITSYN, V.K. General physical geographical survey of the Imuchow-Almse-Ats, railroad region (within the borders of the Chinese People's Republic). Izv.Tss~.geeg.ob-v& 87 n9-6;505-515 N-D '53. (MU 9:3) (Chtna-Physical geography) SINITSYN, V.M. - Tectonic origin of the lunlum range. Dokl.AN SSSR 106 no.5:901-903 7 '56. OWU 9:7) l.Laboratoriya geologii uglya Akademii nauk SSSR.Prodstayleno akademi- kom V.A.Obruchevym. (Kunlun--Geology, Structural) SINITSYN, Vasiliy Mikhaylav,ich; OBRUCHEY, V.A. [deceased], akademik, n nyy , r- MERG S e .___'4VANOV, A.Kh., otvetstvennyy red.; A OV G.G., red.izd-va; GUSEVA, I., [The Turfan-Kham Depression and the Gashun Gobi; geological reconnaissance of 19521 Turfan-Khamiiskain Ypadinn i Gashunl- skain Gobi; geologicheskie rekognostairovki 1952 goda. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. 106 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Gobi--Geology) SINITSYR, Vasiliy Mikhayloviq4; ORRUCHEV, V.A.. akademik. otvetstvennyy Aah., otvatstvennyy red.; GAIAJSHKO, Ya.A.. red.izd-ve. [11orthwestern part of Tarim Basin; a geological study] Severo- zapedneia chast' Tarimskogo basesins; geologicheskii ocherk. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.neuk SSSR, 1957. 248 p. (MVU 11:3) (TarimSasin-Geology) ittj !.ioit - Sinitsyn, V.M. 10-58-3-5/29 TITLEt Geographical Observations in R1gbo.~jftjiaft Regions of Central Asia (Geogrsficheskiye nab1yu&xdya'v vysokoy Azii) PEKODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1958, Nr 3, pp 37 - 47 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In summer 1956ja team of geologists from the Geological Insti- tute of the Chinese People's Republic Academy of Sciences cross- ed High Asia (a territory of 2,500,000 square kilometers in Central Asia including the Highland of Tibet surrounded by the mountain chains of Kun'lun' and the Himalayas) along the recent- ly built Tsinkhay-Tibet highway. The only Soviet participant was the author of this article, V.M. Sinitsyn, who gives a de- tailed description of his observations. The author subdivides his article into the following parts; 1) the latest orographic- al structure of nigh Asia, 2) climate, 3) the hydrographic net- work, 4) glaciations. There are 4 maps and 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 3-English and 1 German. ASSOCIATION, Laboratoriya geologii uglya Akademii Nauk SSSR (Laboratory for the Geology of Coal at the AS UM) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Geology - Asia ~UTHO H: Sinitsyn, NX. nnd "initsyn, V.'-' 11-5R-4-1/16 TITLE: Tyanl-'3han'. Major Tectonic Elements (Tyan;-`~han.~, ~1-vneyshiye elementy tektoniki) PERTUICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Mauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958Ar 4, P? 3-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tyan'-Shan', one of the largest mountain systems of Asia, is a huge Paleozoic folding formation, composed of a lnrge number of separate tectonic zones, differing in age, structure, deposits, and magmatic occurences. The zoning of its tectonics is ex- pressed in the in.terlocation of structures of Caledonian and Hercynian stages. The caledonites form one fully separated belt which can be 6raced along the whole length of the range, The hercynites form two belts - scuthern and northern - which border the Caledonian body. The structure of caledonites is very complicated and has been insufficiently studied,. Generally speaking, the whole system of the Lower-Paleozoic folding., with the fragments of pre-Paleozoic structures and large reF:ions of expansion of epi-Caledonian Fiddle-Ppliozoic formations, are attached to the caledonites. --he relative importance of fraC- ments of Pre-Cambrian structure in the Caledonian otructu.-e was Card 1/3 taken by one of the authors (Ref, 14), as A criterion for sub- Tyan'-3hanl. MnJor Tectonic Flements 11-5,Q-4-1/16 dividing the Caledonian folding zone into three parts: the Yaratau-Talass, Sussamyr and Narat regions. A special feature of the stratigraphic columnar section of the folding zone is a large expanse of thick Lower-Paleozoic strata, an imrortant development of pre-Cambrian strata and secondarily important Viddle-Paleozoic r!eposits. In the Lower-Paleozoic strata-,all the Cambrign and '. -;rdovician formations are found, represented mostly by terrigenous deposits and to a lesser part - by car- bonaceoun Fnd .olcnnopenous rocks. The magmatism of the cale- donites -",- exhibited 1)y the domination of granitoids and by the rarity of basic and ultra-basic intrusions, The hercynites, which form two belts - southern and northern - represent a complex of usually small folding zones of various age. nll Plong the Viddle and Uprer Paleozoic. There are three distinct age- groups: early hercynites formed during the Silurian and early Devonian periods; middle hercynites - of Lower and Middle Car- boniferous periods and late hercynites - of Upper Carboniferous and Permian periods. The northern Hercynian belt is .-mainly in China. Only the Djungarian (Dzhupgarskiy) Alatau ran;re of mountains belongs to the USSR. The'folding structure of its central Part belongs to the oldest formations. It is formed Card 2/3 by thick sand-shistous strata of Devonian age, The southern TyanI-,.,h--n'. ".njor Tectonic Elements 11 -V-1-1/16 belt of the Hercyni;;n folding zone Ire;,ins --t q,2n,-4 meridian and extends to the west for 2,CCIC km, reaching the r'yzyl-Kum plain, Tt is formed '~y hercynites of three age --roups (as .-bove). The early hercynites extend alone, the southern ranges of Tyan'-Shanl from t~ie Lob-Nor lake to the IFer!T.In ranE-e. The middle hercynites form the Chatkal and Kavak zones and the zone of elevated foot-hills of the northern slopei3 of the Altay range. The Chatkal zone includes the Chatkal, Pskem, partly Ugan, .,'.toynak and Fereanian mountain "ranges. The Yavak zone includes the structures of mountains in the middle part of the *,,.,qryn Piver. The late hercynites in the southern branch of TyPnI-Shan' form the South-Giscar, Surrietash, Yara- Chatyr, Varzhan-tau - Xuramin, Dzhamandnvan and Aksay (l.aydan- Tne~') zones, formed in the Upper-Carboni.ferous and Permian periods. The authors describe in detail all these zonec-~. Therewe 1 man and 15 Soviet references. ASSOCIA-IO,",: Lenineradskiy posudarstvennyy universitet, Lahoratoriya feologii uglya AN SS'~-,R (The Leningrqd State University, Lpboratory of CoaJ 5eology of the AS USSR) SUBVTTT'FD: August ip,1957 I Card 3/3 1 G-oloGry - Asis AUTHOR: Sinitsyn, 11JA SOV/12-90-6-3/23 .0"Sr' ~ ,,l.fTLE: evelopment of the ideas of Academician V.A. Obruchev in the Recent investigations of Central Asia(Razvitiye idey. akad, V.,A, Obrucheva v noveyshikh issledovaniyakh tsentrall noy Azii) PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Vsesoyuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 1958, Vol 90, Nr 6, PP 521 - 530 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is based on ideas formulated by the late Aca- demician V, A. Obruchev who indicated ways of solving problems of the geology and &reo,-raphy of Central Asia. The article deals with two main problems to which Obruchev de- voted much attention, i,e. the origin of loess, and recent movements of the Earth crust. Obruchev propounded the the- ory of the eolian origin of Central Asiatic loess and he considered that loess layers are dissimilar with respect to their composition, structure, occurrence and origin. They can be divided into two categories: typical loess, i.e, unstratified formations originating from dust deposits, transported by winds from deserts; and loess-like strati- Card 1/3 fied layers, deuosited by water, He assumed that loess SOV/12-90-6-3/23 The Development of the ideas of Academician V.,A,. Obruchev in the Recent Investigations of Central Asia was accumulated during the placiation epoch and that the transformation of loess into loess-like layers was caused by the subsequent humidification of the climate in connec- tion with recent movements. There exist three types of loess: loess of mountainous areas, highland loess and loess in alluvial plains. These types are analyzed and the con- elusion-is made that in mountainous areas eclian loess is prevalent, that the occurrence of proluvial-alluvial loess is developed in high-lands and is also prevalent in the Tarim Plain, Loess accumulation was a continuous process which took place during an extended period cf the Quater- nary, and in some regions is still going on. The second problem treated by Obruchev was the recent movement of the Earth crust occurring in the Neocene and Quaternary epochs. He proved that these movements have a considerable effect on the development of the actual Earth relief, which can be particularly well observed in the Central Asiatic region. He proved furthermore that recent movements affect the cha- Card 2/3 racter and structure of the hydro-geographical network, sub- SOV/12-90-6-3/23 The Development of the Ideas of Academician V,A. Obruchev in the Recent -Investigations of Central Asia terrestrial water movements, the climate and the development of organic life, These theories were confirmed by the lat- est investigations. Obruchev;s theories on the movement of the Earth crust explain the tectonic nature and morpho- logj of Central Asiatic mountains, There are 1 map and 10 references, 9 of which are Soviet and 1 German. Card 3/3 SIMITSYN, Vasiliy Mikhaylovich-. ZABIROV, B.Sh., red.; LAVRWIMA, To.Y.. red,j 1"'OUSTSKIT, G.W.,7red.kart; NOGINA. N.I., tokho.rod, (Central Asia] ?Sontrallnaia Asiia. Noskva, Gos.izd-ve geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 454,po. (MIRA 12:7) (Asia, Central--Physical geography) 3(5) AUTHOR: SOV/20-125-6 Sinifsya*.Y, -43/61 TITLE: Mongolian-Siberian Anticyclone and the Regional Zonality of Eolian Deposits of Central Asia (Mongolo-sibirskiy antitsik- lon i regionalInaya zonallnost' eolovykh otlozheniy Tsentra!4- noy Azii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 6, PP 1326-1328 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Mongolian-Siberian maximum forms in the winter the baric main centre of Eurasia. It is formed in consequence of an extremely intense cooling and condensation of the air over East Siberia and North Mongolia. The known maximum pressure on the whole globe is bound to this region: Irkutsk 810 mm. Furthermore~ an extremely intense anticyclone air circulation (like in the title) is related to this maximum which propagates over Central Asia and South-East Europe. The masses of dense, dry, and cold air formed in the above-mentioned region become mobile in the peripheral regions and flow to the regions with lower pressure, The main current flows to Central Asia where the air over the deserts is especially heated and thin. The low Khangay chain as well as the eastern Altay spurs are Card 1/4 easily passed. So this air appears in the Gobi plains and Mongolian-Siberian Anticyclone and the Regional Zonality SOV/20-125..6-43/61 of Solian Deposits of Central Asia dries and cools them in the extreme. The anticyclone which is only 3,000 m high is now almost turned aside by the chains of the Kuenl-lun' and Nan'shan' (6,000m and more) into the latitudinal direction (the depressions of the 40th parallel)g partly towards the east - towards Ala8han' and Ordos, partly towards the west - to the Tarim basin. Thisenticyclone is destroyed in springg in summer, however, the air over the Central Aaiatic, deserts is heated. A region of low pressure is formed into which currents of humid air penetrate from the Atlantic and Pacific. The air loses, howev3r, almost its entire humidity on the exterior slopes of the border mountains. Over the Gobi the resultant dry marine air masses assume quickly the properties of local air. Thus, dry continental air is preserved during the whole year over Central Asia. This is the reason of the maximum degree of aridity of its climate. The processes of denudation are very weak here in consequence of the few water courses, they almost stop. Winds are, however, very strong and frequents They are able to do geological work. Not solidified and weakly cemented Card 2/4 sediments are blown away.. sands whirled up, loess dust clouds Mongolian-Siberian Anticyclone and the Regional SOV/20-i25-6-43/61 Zonality of Eolian Deposits of Central Asia blown up, and even parent rocks corroded. Therefore the quaternary envelope consists mainly of formations of eolian origin. This work is, however, done by the air currents related to the afore-mentioned anticyclone. This is shown by the zonal distribution of eolian deposits. They lack in the North Mongolia which lies in the region of the formation of the anticyclone and has therefore no considerable atmospheric movements. The air masses in the lake plains of West Mongolia and in the East Gobi depression become more and more mobile till they have assumed the physical properties of local air and the winds die down. Figure I shows the zones. A small belt of sand deserts exists in the north where the anticyclone is formed. Vast desert plateaus of stones - hammadas - lie in the following zone where the wind attains its maxi intensity. A broad belt of the southern sand deserts: Takla-Makan, Dzosotyn-Elisu (Dzungaria) and Badanchzhareng (Alagchan') lies on the further way of the anticyclone current. Here the wind is not able to move the sand so that it is accumulated in gigantic quantities. These deserts are Card 3/4 followed up by an accumulation zone of eolian loess: Mongolian-Siberian Anticyclone and the Regional SOV/20,-125-6--43/61 Zonality of Eolian Deposits of Central Asia the northern slope of Kuen'lun1v Eaut-Kan'su platform, North Shensi, etc. The dunes reflect the direction of the anticyclone. Finally, it was detected tbatthe Mongolo- Sibirskiy anticyclone existed during the whole postgla3ial period, i.e. 12-15,000 years. There is 1 figure. T ASSOCIATION.i "aboratoriya goologii uglya Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory of Coal Geology of the Academy cf Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: November 28, 1958, by D. V. Nalivkin. Academician SUBMITTED: November 279 1958 Card 4/4 SINITSYN. Nikolay Kikhaylovich [deceased]; ZIjjZMV.M., prof., oty. red.; KUMUMO-MMMAY, A.D., red.; OGM, V.N.. red.; PORSOMKOV, G.S.. red.; MAMA, T.I., red.; VOCLAGINA. S.D.. [Tectonics of mountains forming the borders of Fergana] Tektonika gornogo obramleniia Pergany. Leningrad. Isd-vo Leningr.univ 196o. 218 p. (KERA 14:1) (Fergana-Geology, Structural) SINITSYN, Y.M. Some characteristics of the distribution of Tertiary coal areas in Eurasia. Trudy Labe geol. ugle no.10.-245-254 160. (MIU 13:9) (Burope-Coal geology) (Asia-Coal geology) SINITSY -3th" daktor geol.-miner.nauk,; KULIKGV, M.V., red. 2~~Y ~N izd-va5 A:-,()!IS, R.A., LHistory of the lower ~bsozoic coal accumulation in Kazakhstan* Part 2] Istoriia Nizhnemezozoiskogo uglenakopleniia v Kazakh tane. Part 2. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad,nauk SSSR, 1961. 252 p. 53 plates. (Akadeniia nauk SSSR. Laboratoriia geologii uglia, Trudyt no.13). MIRA 15310 (Kazakhstan---Coal geology) SiNITSYN, Vasiliy I-likhaylovich; LAVROV, V.V., doktor geol.-m-ineral. nauk, otv. red.; SMIGER, I.A., red. izd-va; FRIOGRADOVA, Ei.F., tekhn. red. [Paleogeography of Asia]Paleogeografiia Azii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 266 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Asia--PaleogeograpIV) RUK11114, Lev Dorioovich; doktor gcol.-iidnor. nauk, retsenzent; RUMINA, Ye.V., kand. geol.-rdner. nauk, red.; TOKAREVA., T.N., ved. red.; SMOVOVA, I.M., tekhn. red. [Fundamentals of general paleogeogrcpby]Osnovy obsbehei pa- leogeografti. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Pod red. E.V.Rukbinoi. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 628 p. (WRA .15:11) (Paleogeography) BALASHOV, Z.G.; VRUBU-VSKIY, M.I.; LEVEDEV, V.I.; SINITSYN, V.M. Seventieth birthday of S.S.Ku7netmov. Yest.IDU 18 no.6s5-7 163, (KM 16:4) (Kuznetsov, Sergei Sergeovich, 1892-) d. t KUZNETSOV, S.S.,- IEBEDEV, V.I.-, ~_~~NgN,_V.M The most important scientific problem. VeBt.IDU 18 no.W-11 163. (KIRA 1624) (GeologT) . T SI~qTSPIJ V.M. "The Kunlun and the Tarim., Reviewed by V.M. Sinitsyn. JI-A 162 &ZL--Landforms) (Tarim (Chohou w edited by E.M. 14urzaev, Chshou Li-eing. Izv. Vses. Cefr,. ob-va 94 no.4:354-356 (MIRA 15:9) valley) (Murzaev, E.M.) ,Li -*sang) S.PLTSYN, V.N. One characteristi of the geologiCP-l 5trUCW-re of Asia. Trudy Gool. muz. Aff SSSR no.14:170-176 163. (MIRA 17:11) VOLKOVA, I.B.; NALIVKIN, D.V.; SLATVINSKAYA, Ye.A.; BOGOMAZOV, V.M.; GAVRILOVA, 0.1.; GUREVICH, A.B.; MUDROV, A.M.; NIKOLISKIY, V.M.; OSHURKOVA, M.V.; PETRENKO, A.A.; POGREBITSKIY, Ye.O.; RITENBERG, M.I.; BOCHKOVSKIY, F.A.; KIM, N.G.; LUSHCHIKHIN, G.M.; LYUBER, A.A.; MAJWDONTSOVO A.V.; SENDERZON, SINITSYN.Jm'i SHORIN, V.P.; BELYANKIN, L.F.; VALITS, I.E.; VLASOV, V.M.,* ISHINA" T.A.; KONIVETS, V.I.; MARKOVICH, U.N.; MDKRINSKIY, V.V.; PROSVIRTAKOVA, Z.P.; RADCHENKO, O.A.; SEMERIKOV, A.A.; FADDEYEVA, Z.I.; BUTOVA, Ye.P.; VERBITSKAYA, Z.I.; DZENS-LITOVSKAYA, O.A.; DUBARI, G.P.; IVANOVP N.V.,- KARPOV, N.F.; KOLESNIKOV, Ch.M.; NEFEDIYEV, L.P.; POPOV, G.G.; SHTFJeEL', B.M.; KIUUOV, V.V.; I;VROVP V.V.; SALINIKOV, B.A.; MDNAKHOVA, L.P.[deceased]; MURATOV. M.V.; GOBSKIY, I.I., glav. red.; GUSEV, A.I., red.; MOLCHANOV, I.I., red.; TYZHNOV, A.V., red.;,SRABAROV, N.V., red.; TAVORSKIY, V.I., red.; -REYMRT, L.A., red.izd-va; ZAMARAYEVA, R.A., tekhn. red (Atlas of maps of coal deposits of the U.S.S.R.]Atlas kart ugle- nakopleniia na territorii SSSR. Glaw. red. I.I.Gorskii. Zan. glav. red. V.V.Mokrinskii. Chleny red. kollegii: F.A.Bochkovokly i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 17 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya geologii uglya. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Muratov). (Coal geology-Maps) V, M. of epergy ir deve )V,, T=~, 14 At MATROSOV, P. So; SINITSYN, V. M, A new land mark in the geological study of Mongolia& Izv,AV SSSR, Sergeol, 29 no. 1:1-10-11-1 Ja #64, (MIRA 17:5) SINITSYN p V.11-1. Fundamental investigation of t~e Up,,Pr Y-aleozoic in Central Asia. Vest. ICI:, 19 n0.18:127-129 164. (MIRA 17:11) VORONTSOV, Valentin Viadindi-ovich; SINITSYN, V.1--,, geol.- m1ner. nauk,prof.j ~ I . [Stnicture and conditlons governing the formation of Lower Mesozoic coal measures in the Karaganda Basin] Stroenie i us.lovJJ.a obrazovanila rd.zhnemezozoLskoi uglanosnoi tolshchi KaragRtAinakogo bnssninki. Ylosl-nqv N-9tikag 1,965. 139 p. (MIRA 18:3) SINITSYN, V.M. Long-period changes of geological processes as revealed by a study in Asia. Vast. LGU 19 no.2425-3L 164 (MIM 18.-l) L711 2' Om"Ma 18::Io) SINITSYN, Vas:lliy MikW1.4svI,-,rq SKORYNINA, rei. Paleo climatology of Eurasia] Dre,,nle klimaty Eirfazi.f.. Le.mingrad, Izd-7o Leningr, univ. Pt.--,. 1965. `Q5 (MIRA M22) INSNRS~ I- ".Y/ -rS "V V. 'P. E:? / BRUSOV, ~.L; PIMYGIN, N.3 ; SIVITSYN. V.P.; VISHNYAKOV, V.N., re- daktor; PITROVA, M.D.: te*ftVrftW""6daktor. [Air raid and chemical warfare defense) Protivovosdushnaia i protivokhimicheskais. zashchita. Moskva, Dobrovollnoo ob-vo so- detstviia arnii. aviataii i flotu. 1952. 111 p. (Microfilm] (Air defenses) (MLB& 7:11) BRMOV, I.I.; PIMLIGIN, N.S., SINIT P,.;,..KUROGHKIN, F., redaktor; MARMO, V., tekhnich re dator. [Defense against air bombardments and chemical warfare. Translated from the Fbassian] PrOtYPOTitrianyi i protykhimichnyi zakhyst. Pe- reklad z roeiialkoi. J~ylv, Derzhavne vyd-vo tekhnichnoi lit-ry URSR, 1953. 108 P- (MIRA 8:2) (Air defenses) (Chemical warfare--Safety measures) SiLITS'Ill) V. P.) ijitusov, 1. 1. and PERELIGIN, N. S. IlAnti-Aircraft and Anti-Chemical Defense," Kiev, 1955 kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; KALOV. N.F., kandidat tekhai- cheskikh asuk; MANDRAZHITSKIY, M.N.; BORKMOVA, Y.D.; IAVROTSKIT. X.F.. redaktor; DZHATIYBV. S.G.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor (Local air defense; textbook for secondary schools and pedagogical schools] Mestnaia protivovozdushnaia oborona; ucbebnoe posobie dlia arednikh shkol i podagogicheskikh uchiliahch. Pod red. Sinitsyna. Moskva. Goa. uchebao-pedagog. izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshcheniia RSFSR, 1956. 150 P- [Microfilm] (MLRA 9:12) (Air defenses) MOSKALRY, V.D.. re(laktor; I YN V.P., redaktor; TERTYCHNYY, A.B., p Za'!' redaktor; XANZVSXATA. M.D~~me M.D., r'∨ XARYAKIRA, M.S., tekhatcheekly radaktor Obnual on local air defensel Uchabnos posoble po WYO. Pod obshchat red. V.D.Koskaleva. V.P.Stultsyno, A.S.Tertychnogo. Kooky&, Isd-v DOSW. 1956. 222 p. [Microfilm] (NLRA 10:4; i. Veasoyuzaoye dobrovollnoye obahchestvo sodaystviya armil. fivtatsii I flotu. (Air defauses) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1132 Levin, M.Ye-J. Kalinin.. G.A.J Mandrazhitskiy, M.N.,- Sinitsyn, V.P. and Fedorov, V.I. Zashchita ot sredstv massovogo, porazheniya (Defense Against Weapons of mass Destruction) Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1958. 181 p. 100,000 copies printed. Eds. (Title page): Sinshchyn, V.P. Candidate of Technical Sciences and Kalinin, G.A. Ed. (Inside book): Lavrovskiy, K.F.; Tech. Ed:Natapov, M.I. PURPOSE: This book-is intended for public instructors of the PVO DOSAAF (Antiaircraft Defense Unit of the All-Union Volunt" Society for the Promotion of-the Army, Aviatipn and Navy). COVERAGE: This book includes general information on atcmicl chemical aud "bacteri- ological weapons and measures for individual ard collec+ive protection from them. The various-mxthors contributed to the text as follows.* M.Ye. Levin wrote Chap- ters 1,2,3,4 4nd.6; M.N. Mandrazhii~kiy,__' Chapters 7,8 and-9; G.A. Nalinin - Chapter 10; V.P. Sinitsyn-Chapters 11, 12, and 14; and V.I, Fedorov -Chapter 5. Card l/ 3 PtNITSVN PLUR I BOOK S07/4103 levins Noisey Yevoeyevich., Georgly Andreyevich Nslininy Mikhail, Zkolayevich amdrazhitakiyj, Valentin Petrovich Sinitsyn., and Valeriy Ivanovich Fedorow Zeshchita at sredstv massovago porazhaniya (Protection Against Means of Nion Destruction) 2ad ed. Moscowj, Uchpodglzp 1960. IT6 P. 509000 copies printed. General Zd,: V. P. Sinit"n. Candidate of Technical Sciences., and G. A. Mialinin. Rd.: A. A. Korotk1y; Tech. 19d.: R. V. Tsyno. PURPOSZ: This book is intended for the public instructors of M DOSAAF (Air Defence Organization under the All-Union Voluntary Society for- the Promotion of the Arwyj, Aviation and Navy). COWARAGE: 2he book gives ftmdamental information an atomIc,, Chemical., and bacteriological vespons and on means of individual and collective protection. It states that the jxroblem bas been studied sufficiently and that at the present time adequate means of protection exist for a vell-organized and trained populdtidn. . No personalities are a, z"1 I d. There are no references. Card 1/3 Protection Against Means of Hms Destruction SW/4103 Ch. 9. Tasks and Organization of the local Air Defense Belative to Dwellings.9 ft-tablishments., Institutions, and State and Collective Forms, Rules of Conduct and Action for the ftialstion According to the Signals of the local Air Defense 103 Ch. 16. Reconnaissance of StrlWwn Areas 3-10 Ch. 3.1. Imergency and Beseming OWations In Stricken Are" 130 Ch. 12. Fire Prevention Meammes; Ibetinguishing Fims in Progress and Breaking Out 336 Ch. 13. Methods and Means of Decontanination; Degamming and Diminfectlon 145 Ch. 3.4. Daties of Personnel of Self-Defense Group Responding to Signals Given by the local Air Defense 266 AVAEMIX: Library of Congress (IM926.IJ8 19(36) Ac/rn/ee Card 3/& 8-25-6o L 3261.0-66 EWTO ;,CC -NII: AT6011924 SOUHCE CODE: Ult/0000/66/000/000/0028/0031 AUT11011: Sinitsyn, V. S. (Novosibirsk); Senin, A.G. (Novosibirsk) 011G: TITLE: The synthesis of measuring information systems for the extrapolation of random uniform fields SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po avtomaticheskomu kontrolyu i metodain elektri- cheskildi izmereniy, 5th. Avtomaticheskiy kontroll I metody elektricheskikh tzmereniy;'. trudy konferentsli, t* * eritellnyye informatsionnyye sistemy. Ustroystva avtomati- cheskogo kontrolya. Elektrl eskiye izmereniya neelektricheskikh velichin (Automatic control and electrical measurfqg techniques; transactions of the confere , v. 2: Information measurement systerns. Automatic control devices. Electrical measurements of non- electrical quantities). Novosibirsk, lzd-vo Nauka, 1966, 28-31 TOPIC TAGS: information processing, mea: optimal control, automatic control theory ABSTRACT: Arbitrary dynamical systems are usually under the Influence of random inter- actions, and thus during the analysis and synthesis of measuring systems it Ip natural to Ipply statistical methods. Methods developed by the theory of random functions seem to be Card 1/2 Card 2/2 SIRITSYN, V. V. Sinitsyn, V. V. "The biological activity of ultraviolet rays which have passed through light clothing fabrics." State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov. Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of CancUdate in Medical Sciences). KnizhnaZa letopis, M. 21, ly5b. Moscow* U'-)SR / Gonaral and -pacialized Zooloeyl InsOctsi The P Biological '-'othod for the Control of Harmful Insocts and --.oarids. Abs Jour: Raf Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 59237. .A.uthor Stativkin, V. G., Paregonchenko, B. I., Sinitsyn, V. V. Inst t given. Title Our E-othod of icttling the Psoudaphycus malinus. Grig Pub: Zashchita rast. ot vredit. i bolcznoy, 1957, No 4, 43-44. kbstract: Tho propagation of the Comstock itiealybug is chacked by the presence in her colonies of 35-50-A mwmaies with the Pseudaphyci inalini. The yiald of M from the soil by Lianual labor is about 10 thousand H a day per man. It is increased tenfold throuch the attraction of !,-.- from the mass, Card 1/2 MARGOLIS, S.Ya.., inzh.; SINITSYN, V.V., inzh. Determining the least radii for turning and the width of the "clearance corridor" when transporting large art0ifte. Prom. stroi. 39 no.11:42-44 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Concrete products) (Transportation., Automotive) GOREUX2 L.L.; KOVALISKIY, N.Go; PODOORM, I.M.; SINIT87Np V.V* Study of the escape of plams. through the magnetic gaps of traps vith a field intmenirying toward the periphery* Bokle AN SSSR 147 no.3t576-579 N 162. (NW 15tl2) 1, Predetavleno akademikom L*Ao Artsimovichame (Plasma (Ionized Ones)) (Magnetic fields) 42220 S/057/62/032/011/014/014 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Gorelik, L. L., and Sinitsyn, V. V. TITLE: The separate measurement of energy losses from a plasma due to radiation and through particles. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy,fiziki, v. 32, no. 11, 1962,-14o6-140d TEXT: According to the estimates of V. I. Kogan, a 1 cm layer of hydrogen at a pressure of ---0-1 mm Hg absorbs practically no radiation from a plasma, whereas it completely absorbs particles having energies between 50 and 100 ev. Here preliminary results of eiperiments are given in which this effect is used for separately measuring the energy spectrum of the radiation and of the particles, with the help of a bolometer and a gas filter. The experiments were carried out with a toroidal discharge chamber of type "Beta": inner diameter of the discharge chamber 21.6 cm, longitudinal field RZ a 600 oersteds, maximum discharge current_65 ka, intensity of the eddy electric field - 4v/cmp pressure (3-4)-io 3 mm Hg, discharge time rvO.8 msec. The measuring chamber (Fig. 1) is an aluminum box in the form of & cone enclosing the bolometer. The bolometer is Card 1/3 S/057/62/032/011/014/014 The separate measurement of ... B104/B102 mounted on the end of a movable copper rod enabling it to be moved along the axis of the chamber. If E b is the energy striking a unit area of the bolometer, and E0 the energy striking unit area of the chamber walls, the energy Zk which is incident on the chamber wall is given by Ek W k(R)E b(R)' where k(R) is a factor which takes account of the solid angle between the bolomever surface and the plasma, and R is the distance between the center of the discharge chamber and the bolometer. Information about the energy loss caused by the particles (E p) is obtained from the dependence of E k/Eo on R (Fig. 3). After two days of vacuum treatment Ep is found to be after three days '~:V4054. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: January 29, 1962 (initially) March 19, 1962 (after revision) Fig. 1. (a) Measuring chamber. (b) slit of the measuring chamber. Fig. 3. E relative a (Ek/Ed-100% as a function of R. Legend: (1) After two days of vacuum treatment, (2) after three days of vacuum treatment. Card 2/3 I ACCESSION NR: AT4025318 S/0000/63/000/000/0270/0273 AUTHORS: Gorelik, L. L.; Kovallskiy, N. 0.1 Podgorny*y, I. X.1 Sinitsy*n. V. V. TITLE: Investigation of plasma in an "Orekh* magnetic trap with the aid of special bolometers SOURCE: Diagnostika plazmy*_(Plasma diagnostics); &b. statey. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 270-273 TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field, magnetic-mirror, plasma con- finement, bolometer, tbin film A13STRACT: The spatial and time distributions of beat flow from the wall of a magnetic-trap vacuum chamber with a field that increases towards the periphery were investigated to ascertain the influence of the region near the point of zero fiela in' the escape of chaFged particles at low plasma concent~rations, and also the character of Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4025318 time variation of the width of an annular magnetic slot. Several specially developed bismuth bolometers were used to measure the heat flow from an "Orekh" magnetic trap. The bolometer constructions are described. Measurements of the magnetic gap have shown that the width of the gz~p is larger at small values of the magnetic field, and the experimentally observed broadening of the magnetic gap can be sufficiently well explained by classical diffusi.on. The escape of plasma particles was-measured by introducing a metallic cylinder into the trap and measuring the heat escaping through the magnetic gaps with germanium boromieters. In the case of the first configura- tion of the magnetic field in the trap it was found that the par- ticle escape from the system is due to loss of the adiabatic invari-, ant on entering the region of weak magnetic field near the,center, whereas in the case of the second configuration the plasma is essen- tially concentrated in the region of the weak magnetic field near the center. Thin film bolometers were also used to measure the oz- cape.of heat from the trap for plasma of high density (~101 .4 cz~-3) Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR; AT4025318 and low density (10 12 cm-3 The escape times were found to be 60-70 and 150-200 microseconds, respectively. The bolometers described can be used to solve various problems in plasma physics. orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 190ct63 DATE ACQ:' 16Apr64 ZKCLs 02 SUB CODE: ME NR REP SOV& 004 OTHER& 000 Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR.- AT4025318 m CEO Magnetic field configuratiom in the 10rekhe trap INCU)SURE: C)l card 4/5 1 2 3 11C AM* Construction of bisinuth bolometers frame-, 2 - oxidized-aluminum folLl, 3thermoresistance of lead-bismuth alloy, 4 silver lose,& ACCESSION NR: AP4020580 S/0057/64/034/003/0505/0508 AUq.IIOR: Gorelik, L. L. ; Sinitsy*n,--V.V. TITLE: New three-layer bolometers for measuring energy losses in plasmas SOURCE: Zhurnal tollchnichaskoy fiziki, v.34, no.3, 1964, 505-508 TOPIC TAGS: bolometer, three-layer bolometer, high time resolution bolometer, plas- ma, plasma energy loss, plasma energy loss measurement ABSTRACT: This paper describes three types of bolometer having sensitivities from 10-4 to 10-6 joule/cm2 and resolving times of the order of one microsecond. These bolometers are refinements of the three-layer lo-3 joule/cm2 10-microsec bolometers' described in detail in an accompanying paper (L.L.Gorelik, ZhTF,34,Ko.3,496,l964'- see Abstract AP4020579). 1) A bismuth--aluminum oxide--aluminum bolometer is des- cribed which has an equilibration time of less than 2 microsee and an electrical time constant (RC product) of about one microsec. This bolometer differs from those described in the accompanying paper chiefly in size (the presi.-At bolometer measures 3 x 0.7 cm2) and in the care with which the components were desiocated at various stages olk construction. 2) A germanium--aluminum oxide--aluminum bolometer Is des' Card 1/3 ACC.NR: AP4020580 cribed which has jL .;e,-.sitivity of 10-5 to 10-ra Joule/=2. The electi-ical time con- stant is negligible, but the equilibration time is about 40 microsec. The oxide coated aluminwa foil (oxide layer 5 microns thick) was prepared as described in the accompanying paper. The germanium thermal sensitive element was vacuum deposited fcr 10 to 15 minutt?s at 12000C and 3 x 10-4 mm 11g. It is believed that batter and more consistent results can be obtained by depositing under a higher vacuum. The resis- tance of the germanium bolometer varies with the surrounding gas pressure. This does not affect its usefulness for the contemplated plasma measurements (see accompanyirg article cited above). 3) A bismuth--colladion--silver bolometer is described which an electrical time constant of.about 1~ has a sensitivity of 10-5 to 10-6 joule/cn2 microsec, and an equilibration time of less than 0.1 microsec.-The bolometer-was v~ constructed on a 7 x 15 x 0.7 mm3 oxidized dural frame having a 5 x 10 mm2 opening.: one side of which was chamfered. A co-1-Ic-iion film 0.2 to 0.3 microrsthick was de- posited on this frame by a process that is not described. A 0.1 micron silver film was vacuum deposited on the side of the collodion film facing the chamfered side of the frame. This serves as the heat collector..The Bi-Pb (0.6% Pb) thermal element was vacuum deposited on the other side of the collodion film. "In conclusion the authors express their gratitude to I.IC.Kikoin for his interest in the work.and for 2/3 Card - - ----------- ACC.NR. AP4020580 valuable advice, to V.Xh.Volkov for his interest and assistance in the work, to V.I. Nikolayev for his skillful assistance in constructing the bolmoters, and to P.N. Orlov for assistance in mastering the technique of preparing the collodion film." 4 figures. ASSOCIATIOX: none SUBMITTED: 2aApr63 DATE ACQ: 32Mar64 UNCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, SD NR REP SOV; 003 OlAM: 000 3/3 Card GORELIK,, L.L.; HEDKOBORODYr, YU.N.j SINITSYN, V.V. Effoct of a magnetic field an the heat conductivity of gaBes with nonspherical molecules. Zhur. eksp. i toor. fis. 49 no.2:161-765 P 165. (Min 181 U) I ACCESSION NR: AP4012573 S/0056/64/046/001/0401/0402 'AUTHORS: Gorelik, L. L.; Sinitsy*n, V. V. TITLE: Influence of a magnetic field on the thermal conductivity of gases with nonspherical molecules SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiz., v. 46,.no. 1, 1964, 401-402: TOZIC TAGS: nitrogen molecule, paramagnetic gas, diatomic gas, non- spherical molecule, thermal conductivity, effect of magnetic field,, effective magnetic moment, nuclear magnetic moment, Senftleben ef- fect, rotational magnetic moment, viscosity ABSTRACT: Preliminary results of an investigation of the influence of a magnetic field on the thermal conductivity,of N2 are reported. The apparatus used is similar to-the oxygen gas analyzer with mag- netic field described by L. L. Gorelik (ZhTF v. 33, no. 12, 1963). Cord ACCESSION NR: AP4012573 The change of the thermal conductivity could be judged from the bridge unbalance upon application of the magnetic field. The mea- surements were in fields.up to 340 Oe at a pressure of 3.5 x 10-2 mm Hg.' The plot of the relative change (AXA) of the thermal conduc- tivity against H/p (H -- magnetic field, p -- pressure) shows simi- larity to both the plot of viscosity vs. H/p (J. J. Beenakker et al, Phys. Lett. v. 2, 5, 1962'j and to the corresponding plot for oxygen (E. Rieger, Ann. d. Phys. v. 31, 453, 1938), but there is a slight discrepancy between the effective magnetic moment of the nitrogen molecule and that calculated on the basis of the experiment. This suggests that the effect observed in nitrogen is due to rotational as well as to-nucle'ar magnetic moments. More accurate measurements on nitrogen and other gases are planned. "The authors are grateful to I. X. Kikoin,'Yu. H. Xacian. A. A. Sazy*kin, and L. A. Maksimov for valuable discussions and advice, to V. Xh- Volkov for interest and help, and to V. 1. Nikolayev for constant help in making the in- strumentr and measurements. The authors are also grateful to L. D. Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4012573 Pugikov (de ceased) for valuable discussions and advice." Orig. art. has: 2 figums. ASSOCIATIONt None SUBMITTED: 07Sep63 DATE: ACQ: 2GFeb64 ENCIt 01 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 006 card 3/4