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NIKOLAYEV, A.V.; SINITSYN, N.M.; SHUBINA, S.M. Donor-acceptor concepts in their application to extraction. Zhur. strukt. khim, 1 no.3:319-323 B-0 160. NmA 14:1) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleni7a, AN SSSR. (Ibrtraction (Chemistry)) - -A,, 4 s/186/6o/oo2/oo1/oo1/o22 A057/A129 AUTHORSt Nikolayev, A.V.; Shubina, S.M.1 Sinitsyn, N.M. TITLE: Extraction of the sum of radioactive isotopes with butyl phosphinic esters FMIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 1, 1960, 3 - 5 TEXT: The present paper is a part of the research program on extraction characteristics of butyl phosphoric derivatives. The extraction of the su of radioactive isotopes with two butyl phosphinio esters, namely (C4H9O)2(C4H9)PO and (C4H90)(C4H9)2PO was studied. Extractability of rare elements and rare earth elements is important for the extraction technique of uranium and plutonium fis- sion products. L.L. Burger [Ref. 1: J. Phys. Chem., 62, 5, 590 (1958)] observed already the dependence of extractability of uranium and plutonium on the nature of alkyl-phosphoric compounds used as extraction solvent. Investigations con- cerning the extraction of rare and rare earth elements were made only with tri- but~l phosphate [investigation of the American authorst I. Warf; D.F. Peppard; B. Waever et al; J.M. Fletcher et al; and the Soviet authors3 A.V. Nikolayev et al, ZhNKh, 3, 1, 16o 0958)], or dialkyl-phosphoric acids [C.A. Blake, Report no. Card 1/4 22452 s/186/6o/oWool/oOl/022 Extraction of the sum of radioactive isotopes.... A057/A129 1,550 of the 2nd conference on the peaceful use of atomic energy (Geneva)]. Thm are no publications in the literature on extraction properties of alkyl phos- phinates for-rare and rare earth ele-ments. Extractions in the present experi- ments were carried out in separating funnels using a ratio aqueous phase = 1 : 1 with 1 N HN03 solutions, and solutions of the Investigates eaters in high-boiling saturated drocarbons. The solutions containeds 6% Ru106, 46% rare earths, 7% Zr95, 2% cs-37, 15% Sr90. The distribution coefficient K was determined by activity measurements (using a,scintillation counter) calcuiating Kp - specific gamma activity in the organic phase/specific gamma activity in aqueous phase. There was no great difference in Kp between extractions using 07, (C4"90)2(C4H9)PO and tributylphosphate (see Table), but a considerable increase in K using CC4H9O)(C4H9)2PO. This effect depends on the concentration of the ex- trac~ant in the saturated hydrocarbon (Fig. 1). The decrease of the number of ester groups in the molecule increases the distribution coefficient, which agrees with the previous statement of the,present authors CRef. 13: DAN SSSR, 127, 1, 117 (1959); R6f. 14: DAN SSSR, 127, 3, 578 (1959)j. Thus the basic reaction between extractant and extractable substance seems to occur even in such a com- plex mixture like the sum of radioactive isotopes over the phosphorylic oxygen. There are: 1 figure, 1 table and 14 references: 4 Soviet and 10 Ameirican. Card 2/4 S/830/62/000/002/001/002 D214/D308 AUTHORSt Nikolayev, A.V., Sinitsyn, N.M.. and, Shubina, S.M. TITLE: Acceptor-donor'concepts as applied to extraction SOURCE% Ekstraktsiya; teoriya, primeneniye, apparatura, no. 2, Ed. by A.P.Zefirov and M.M. Senyavin. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962, 63 - 70 TEXT: The influence of various groups present in an extracting agent on the extraction ability of the a ent was studied. In the series of extracting agents (C4H 9 0) 3_nfc4H9)nPO (where n - 0, 1, 2, 3) the P-oxygen was found to be active and responsible for the formation of the complex UO 2(N03 )2.2A (where A -.extracting agent) by donation of electrons to (U0 2+ . As the 2) . value of n rises the electron density on the P-oxygen increases Card 112 S/830/62/000/002/001/002 Acceptor-donor concepts ... D214/D308 and hence the extraction power of the agent increases. This was VI IV IV VI verified on U , Th , FU and Fu , The introduction of an electronegative radical into the molecule of the agent will re- duce the extraction power while the presence of highly branched chains will prevent the formation of the complex by steric hin- drance. Similar arguments apply to the R 3-n P(OR')n type of ex- tracting agent. An extracting agent must, therefore, be suffi- ciently-polar to permit the formation of the complex but the polarity must not be such that the agent becomes water-soluble or that the resulting complex becomes insoluble in r-ohpolar solvents. It now remains to determine the permissible polarity limits. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. Card 212 SINITSYN, N.M.; ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Xe. - ---------- Reciprocal effect of &town and groups in complex nitroBo compounds bf rhutenium, DokleAN SSSR 145 nooltlO9-111 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khinii imeni N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.I.Chernyayevym. (Rhutenium compounds) (Nitroso compounds) SINITSYN, N.M.; ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. Bond strength of the-nitroso group in ruthenium compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.8:19W-1989 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Inatitut obshchey i neorganicheakoy kbimii imeni N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Ruthenium compounds) (Nitroso group) SifTITSYNP N.M.; ZVYAGINTSEV.. O.Ye. Effect of outer-space cations on the stability of ligand bonds in complex compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.10:2329-2313 ) t63. (KIRA 1611O) 1. Institut obsbcbey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Complex compounds) (Chemical bonds) MAGEUSEW, 0. Ye.; S1NITSYN,-N., "On mutual influence of atoms and groups in complexes of nitrosyl ruthenium." report submitted for 8th Intl Conf on Coordination Chemistry, Vienna, 7-11 Sep 64. ?ICUKOV, V.N.; SII'!T.I;Yl7j, NJK.; Z1J-Y,'-.GlNTSFV, O.Ye. Nitrosoruthenium compound [RuNO(N02)2 Oqi3) Ofil. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 4:891-11-93 Je 164. (MIRA 17;6) 1. Institut obshchey 1 neorganicheskoy kill-nnil --it, N.S. Kurnakova -N SOSF. Pre-~lstavleno akademiko!:~ T.-.f" I I -.hi--rn"jay,-,rjm. !4 UYAGINTSEV, O.Ye.; SINITSYN, N.M.; PICHKOV, V.N. '1~ 0 by means of aliphatic amines. Extraction Of' %(RuN006 )40H].2H2 Radiokhimiia 6 no.5c6ig-6 1 164- (MIRA 18-1) SINITSYNA, S.M.- SINITSYN, N.M. X Vffect of the nature of neutr,92 11gands on certain properties of uranyl complex compounds. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no,.4:923~-926 Ap 165. (NIRA 18s6) L 22241-66 EWP(J)/EWT (&)IEW(t) jjp(c) RM/JD/JG ACCESSION NR: AP6005423 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0289/65/000/003/0087/0093 3J- AUTHOR: Sinitsyn, N. M. 3.3 ORG: Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry im. N. S. Kurnakov AN SSSR, Moscow7-Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the sorption of rutheniumAy natural sorbents SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1965, 87-93 TOPIC TAGS: ruthenium, sorption, fission product, chemical absorption, absorption' coefficient, clay, sand, radioisotope ABSTRACT: The author studied the effect of the chemical state of radioruthenium in solution on its sorption by various natural sorbents. The procedure and the equipment used in the experiments are described. Data presented show that the percentage of sorption of radioruthenium depends primarily on the properties of the sorbent. Irrespective of the chemical form of radioruthenium in solution, the lowest sorption coefficient is shown by sand and clay, and the highest by peat and silt containing a maximum amount of humus and exchange calcium. The chemical stated?_ of ruthenium in solution has a considerable e*ffect on the percentage of sorption. Card 1/2 UPC:-. 541. 15 546.96 L 22241-66 ACCESSION NR: AP6005423 Irrespective of the nature of the sorbent, the highest sorption coefficient is shown by radioruthenium in solution in the form of nitroso nitrate complexes, and the lowest by the nitrosonitro-, nitrosochloro-, and chlorocomplexes of ruthenium. The effect of hydrolysis of compounds in solution on the percentage of sorption is noted. The percentage of sorption also depend3, to a considerable degree, on the time of contact of the sorbent with the ruthenium solution. An increase in the pH solution from 2 to 9 for clay as well as for soil causes an increase of the per- centage of sorption. It is concluded that the behavior of radioruthenium during sorption by natural sorbents is extremely complicated, unique, and is fundamentally different from that of other long-lived fission products. The characteristic of the coordination chemistry of ruthenium and the chemical forms of finding it in solutions substantially affect the sorption of radioruthenium by natural sorbents. Author expresses gratitude to F. Ya. Rovinekiy for consultations and assistance in this work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 07 / SUBK DATE: none / ORIG REF: 009 / =H REF: Oll Card 2/2 . n8t r.--;~:370-'72 Ja -he ne-r:T,-lr.4ciiesk-c-%-: khin,' i im, i S k -,va L 00034-66 LVT (m)NdP(,l )/T/tW(t)/EW(b) IJP(c) JDAM ACCESSIO R: APS020302 UR/0186/65/007/004/0394/04CO S41.183.5:546.9 IAUTHOR: Sinitsyn, N. M.; Rovinskiy, F. Ya. JITEX: Adsorption of ruthenium by natural adsorbents. Adsorption of nitrosoni- ~trato-, nitrosochloro-, and chloro-complexes of ruthenium-106. !SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v. 7, no. 4, 1965, 394-400 JOPIC TAGS: ruthenium compounds, adsorption, complex compound 1ABSTRACT: The purpose f this investigation was to determine the effect of the ichemical state of radioactive ruthenium in solutions on its adsorption by various natural adsorbents. The effect of the nature of the adsorbent on the adsorption of ~ ruthenium was investigated. Adsorption of nitrosonitrate complexes of ruthenium lincreases in the following order: sand < clay < soil (chernozem) < peat < sludge. The effect of the chemical nature of radioactive ruthenium compounds is shown In lFig. 2 (Enclosure 01). Regardless of the nature of the adsorbent, nitrosonLtrate 1complexes are adsorbed better than nitrosochlor* or chioro complexes. On the basis !of adsorption curves it was established that In almoet all cases radioactive ruthe- inium is adsorbed better from solutions containing it in the fam of hydrolykad I Card 1/3 L 00034-66 iACCESSION NR: AP5020302 0 1complexes It was found that the percent of adsorption is significantly related to jthe,lengt~ of time of contact of a--sorbent with radioactive ruthenium solution. IThe nature of the adsorbent and the-chemical state of the radioactive,ruthenium solution markedly changes the time of maximum adsorption on the adsorption curves* Change of the pH of the solution from 2 to 11 leads to Increase of the adsorption l of radioactive ruthenium in the form of nitrosochloro- and chloro complexes. Ni- ,trosonitrate complexes are adsorbed most intensely at about pHW9. Oris. art. has i 13 figures and 1 table, !ASSOCIATION: none ;SUBMITTED: O9Dec64 ENCht 01 Bus CON, GCO NP INO REF SOVi 010 OTHERS 010 Cwd 2/3 .L 00034-66 ,ACCESSION NRt AP5020302 77 ENCLOSUM 01 vor a Fig. 1. The effect of the Jchemical structure of ruthen- #00- ium-106 in solution an its ad- sorption by natural adsorbents (at PH=2). RLtroson1trate compl*xest la-- hydrolyzed; 1b-- not - ri, r hydrolyzed. Nitrosochloro, COW Ploxoss 2&-- *doolyx"g ~2b--. 4w not hydiviyzed. Moro cow plexes: 3a-- hydrolyzed; 3b-- not hydrolyzed LL---A----J.- J" jo If ff fig a J9 N 0 fn L 8084-66 E~IT(m)/EPF(C)/EVIP(J)/"r/E'~IP(t)/EiqP(b) IJP(c) JD/RM ACC NR: AP5027210 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 0078 65 010/ 011/ 2571/2573 AUTHOR: Sinitsyn, N. M.; Z agintsev, 0. Ye. _nL ORG: None 5 . ~ .--~ .. _ ~0' . of complex compounds of ruthenium containing an TITLE: The t ma NO group SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskiy khimii, v. 10, no. 11, 1965, 2571-2573 TOPIC TAGS: thenium compound, thermal stability, nitrogon compound ABSTRACT: A thermographic study was made of a series of nitroso compounds of ruthenium in a vertical pyrometer with simultaneous automatic recording of the change in weight during heating in air. Temperature measurements were made with a platinum- platinum rhodium thermocouple with a diameter of 0. 3 mm. A table shows the formulas of the nitroso ruthenium compounds, the temperature of the start of the endothermic effect, and the terrp eratures of the initial and max- imum exothermic effects. For all the compounds, the dissociation of the RuNO Card 1/2 UDC: 546. 96:541. 49+546. 172- 31 L 8084-66 ACC NR: AP5027210 groups is accompanied by a strong exothermic effect; in most cases, this is pre- ceded by an endothermic effect, which goes over suddenly to the exothermic effiact. The first endothermic effect at 300 C reflects the elimination of two molecules of NH4Cl (calculated weight loss 31. 1016, found experimentally 32. 0016). For all compounds investigated, the final dissociation product was ruthenium dioxide. The final products of thermal dissociation were analyzed for ruthenium content, which varied from 74. 8 to 76. 7%; no nitro'ken or chlorine was found. To confirm: the conclusion that the RuNO group exists up to the temperature of the following endothermic effect, the products obtained by heating the salts to a point some- what lower than this temperature (by 20-30C) were analyzed for nitrogen. Nitro-, gen was found in.all the products. The data indicates that the dissociation temp- erature of the RuNO group varies over a wide interval, from 220 to 410 C. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table SUB CODE: GCJIC/ SUBM DATE: 07Jan65/ ORIG REF.- 003/ OTH REF.- 003 Card ILA_ E L 1778-66 WPO) /JjDbfit~/jp/RM ACCESSION NR; AP5024003 UR/0020/65/164/002/0351/0353, AUTHOR: Sinitsyna, S. M.; ginitsyn, ff. 14. TITLE: The reaction of uranyl halides with tri-n-butylphosphine oxide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 2. 1965, 351-353 TOPIC TAGS: extraction, uraniuAc nuclear fuel ABSTRACT: In this work a nwnber of complexes were formed between uranyl dihalides and tri-n-butylphosphine oxide (TBPO). Freshly prepared uranium trioxide was dis- solved in stoichiometric amounts of the appropriate hydrohalic acid, followed by addition of TBPO in n-heptane (U:TBPO = 1:2). The following complexes were obtained: [(U02)6Fj2(q'BFO)81, 1UO2Cl2(TBP0)21, IU02Br2(TBPO)2]. and CU0212(TBPO)41, as indicated by elemental analysis. Cryoscopic molecular-weight determinations in benzene indi- Icate that the fluoride complex exists in benzene In the form of a hexamer, the chloride complex as a tetramer, and the bromide and iodide complexes as monomers. There is evidence for the existence of bridging halogen bonds between individual complex molecules. [VS] ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S..Kxirnakova Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR)i jCard '41 T ! IN N.M., I'lGHKOV v . IN l :)f "he n-q-,u--re of the acid on the eztr~-rtlon 01112- fom '~hu r.neor rl-C--hpn~um ir. the rRuNo (NO 2)4 I I nr. I ~ 198---,,Ij'O -) a 160. 1. :.~ubmi*t2d Perember 10, 1964. SINITSYN, N.M.; ZXTYAGI~ITSEV, O.Ye. Hydrolysis of (,NH 4)2[RuNOG151. no.1:200-202 Ja 166. Zhur.neorg.!~him. 11 (MIRA 1g.-1) 1. Submitted December 14, 1964. j N I- ILE-, ACC N16 AP6015091 SOUAGZ COD""s A. 68/001/0110/0.112 (A) lja/,)() '0/66/1- iAUTH011; Sinitnyna, S. M.; Sinitsyn, L/ n o n o TITLZ: E'Lfec'u of the nature of acid-ligands on the formation of urarWl complexelith tri-n-butylphoaphino oxide SOURCE: Ail SSSR. DDklady, v. 166, no. 1, 1966, 110-112 TOPIC TAGS: uranium compound, molting point,, refractive index ABSMICT: Tri-n-butylphosphine oxide (TIBM), according to the literature, is an active extracting agent, in the series M (C'1190)3po < (C1H10)2(C4119)P0 < (C.11110) (W-101PO < (C411'))'P0 where it forms a strong donor-acceptor bond with the uranyl group in complex uranyl compolu-.ds. The reactions of complex uranyl salts with TB.FF0 were investigated by the synthesis of uranyl salts with a 20% solution of T3P0 in heptane. All compound5 WOrO taken in stoichiometric amounts with the addition of H20 (1/4 the amount of TBPO) at the and of the synthesis for a better soperation of the pha5en. The U02SO/,(TPBO).3 in the form of light yellow crystals was obtained from U02SO4 [CO (NH2)2 33' It had a mo- lecular weight of 937118, a molting point of 137C, and a decomposition temperature oi, 280C. The (UO2)4(SO4)4(TBFO),() in the form of yellow crystalline powder was formed froml Cus-d 1/2 UDC: 546.791.6 L 08655-67 ACC NR, U"6015091 UO?SOI,-3H,)O and from 42~U02(SOJV211203. It had' refractdzve index numbers c(l.512,, P I. 5~0v im'd r 1- 532; a molecular weight of 3220; a melting point of 130-14OC; and a decomposition temperature of 295G, The U02C2O6(TBPO) in the form of a light yellow sediment was formed from (NH4)2 [U02N04)2(H2 )23. It had refractive index numbers o( 1. 535, 3 1.539, and r 1. 575; and a ecomposition temperature of 285C. The following phosphine oxide compounds were s~nthcsizad from complex uranyl compounds with single- chqrge acid-ligands. The (UO2)2(CH3GOO)4('rBFO)3 in the form of colorless crystals was synthesized from U02(C;113COO)2-2H2O. It had a decomposition temperature of 265C and a molecular weight changing with time from 1160 to 875. The U02(GlO4)2(TBPO)2 was o5- tained by dissolving freshly prepared UO in concentrated HG104 and subsequent reactit of the solution with the TBPO. It had a accomposition temperature of 180G. The U02(N03)2(TPBO)2 was formed from U02(NO )2-6H20 U02(N'03)2(CO(NH2)21 2 and from fres] dissolved in concontrate ly prepared U03 a L03. 'It had refractive index numbers (X 1-546A 1-533, and r 1,561; a decomposition tempera' vure of 265C; a melting point of 74G; and a molecular weight of 842. 7nG U02(C;NS)2(TBFO)3 was obtained from -. U02(CNS)2(H203)' It had a molecular weight of 1054 and a decomposition temperature of 325G* It was shown that the coordination number of the UO"t-group in complex compouni with TBPO does not depend on the nature of the acid-liganis and that reactions of the formation of complex compounds with TBPO cannot bG described by the general formula even if it occurred with uranyl salts of the same type. The paper wasyresented by Academician I. I* Chernyayev 28 Aug 65. SUB CODS. 07/ SUBM DATEs 16jun65/ ORG R&F& 005/ OTH REFt 001 Card 2/2 11 SINITSYN, N. F. FA 20/49TT2 USSR/Blootricity Oct k8 Telephone Circuits Telephones Apparatus *Using AC to Determine the Location of Breaks to Telephone Cirouitep" N. P. SinAltsyni En9r, 3 PP *Test Svyati - Elektroavyazl" No 10 Treats subject under measurement of input resistanoq of attenuation disagreement, and of asymmetry. Includes two tables, and fire diagrams. 1M.. 20/49T32 of the Fn)7 Hea-rtl" (T). Z77) SO: kivances in -'ade-n 3icLo7-7 (Usnekhi Sov-, emennoi 3iolo-:ii) -1101. No. 2, ICIL4 J! f r V,- I'S r nz! 7~ IT L C 7, 3 S%in C-raft by A. I. 0='.a, llc-~7~ U .,,---Lne of th- Scitntific A c L ull Of f-l co LC r, Ins t4 tjjl~ 'he Years urzer,r c~f -U 1, f ~. "ar E V. Pain-,, IIF`r6~ f.:osew., Ordtr of Ltn- L~!:d - c a Of - - at I ;, - in ' - ns' t:, T zii F.' of :-ti-fora3 Svsti~m a--i:-' Thtir Cons~n.,utncc--~,Il IlSani aL t icn Ser- v n l-, i%, t P-n-Icillin (Its Uts in. Surgical by -F. L. v "Tr;~,-nl-.. --tation t'1,! Htarl, ail T-^clrii ~-;uc in Expcriiincntal Bioll o u JI ~nr c U, Lv-, tl~0 vt 10 bl. Acadfc-Z 71t, 0. i-c- Dic i clr ca Amy Kedicint ~17 i).;- Y~-:,. Shlapoverskiy. PA 5 USSR/Medicine - Transplantation of Jul 53 Organs of the Heart,"'-IT. P. Sinitsyn, Chair of Pharmacology, Gorkiy Iled Inst im. S. 14. Kirov Klin Ned, Vol 31, No 7, PP 5-14 Describes progress in isotransplantation of organs to warm-blooded animals. Developed technique of Ore- serving donor hearts in nutrient medium. Rfcent expts show a transplanted second heart functioning ip to 30 days in a dog's body. Expts on complete r.~- placement of the heart of dogs are under way. 271-_ Observation of the coronazy action is made throti!.~. plexiglass plate "ingrown" into the tissues ov-.r subdermally transplanted heart. 11-'uxther expts scheduled for a visual observation of the effectz various pharmacological agents on the functionin the cardiovascular system with a transplantea hc!art. 270T53 - SINITSYN, N.P., professor, doktor meditainakikh nauk. In vivo study of the heart under glass. Nauka i zhixn' 21 no.11: 10 9 154. (MLIA 7:12) (Heart) USSR/Medicine FD-2268 Card 1/1 Pub 17-19/20 Author Sinitsyn, N. P. %k~ SAW=71 Title Method for inserting a cannula into the thorax for visual observation of coronary circulation Periodical Byul, eksp. biol. i med. 3, 74-76, Mar 1955 Abstract Describes operative procedure and method for inserting and fixing in place a cannula in the thorax of a dog for visual observation of coronary circulation. Diagram; electrocardiogram; photographs. No references. Institution: Chair of Pharmacology (Head-Prof. N. P. Sinitsyn) of the Gorlkiy Medical Institute Submitted July 6, 1954 by S. V. Anichkov, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Use-R/Medicine-fleart ailraenGa Card 1/1 Pub. 86--25/39 Authore I Sinitsyn, N. P., Prof -W T~ Title t4;~ng heart' under glass t Abstract I Institution Submitted Priroda 44/1, 112-113, Jan 1955 An account is given of studies made for the purpose of learning more abouti thrombosis of the coronary vessels of the heart. After successful sub- 1 stitution of transparent plastic for a part of the skull of a dog in order to watch changes in blood flow in'the brain, a similar window was made in Ghe breast for observing heart action. This also contained a device which registered changes in the size of the heart. Illustrations.' Gor1kov Medical Institute SINITSYN. N.P.. professor (g. Gor'kiy) Transplantation of organs. Moray's 2 no.1:19-20 J& '56. (MIRA 9:3) (TRANSPIANTATION (PHYSIOLOGY)) CC"'Ul"TRY (,ATSjY,RY 1% P~l , JOUR. T rr~ ri [OF G. PUT3. A BSTP P "T U S: ~ R G-enerql Biology. infsivi,-1ull Development. 13 ~Prsn:zplarlt-ration mull 'Union, RZRB-iol. mo. 1340) i!0' lj_ylitsyn' 11. P. T"fie Method of Tr;~ain-plantlnl- a Second Head to a Frog. Pm-) i,erLri. bi o I. i rie d it3 in 1956, 1~22 , 110 . 9 7 0 fi_~ter removing thc: bmastbone iln the reci-!Aent fro-, poricar(illim -L~~ e..4u.octed, the frenulum f of the heart is clipped, t1ie left arcus -aorta.F_ cut qnd 116ated at its ramification point snd -q cmnnula is insortod Into tile right suporlor vima CaVa ~;Ljd .L . the cent.ral stump of the aorta. _Tn the donor froG the vessels of the pectoral girdle aro ligrated to the right and 1/3 -2' ~GATSOORY ABS. JOUR, RZhBiol,, No. 1959, No. AUTPOR IFST. TITLE ORm. -PUB. left, the inf, ~:rlor vem oav~- is separated an,, is li1c,atad it t"Ie 1C."Vel of ~: -L3 liver, tPle de scont'%InC. aorta arahes ar~i 3ev,~red as hi-C-,h %.Is noss-ible to the head. The head an,; ths hoart of tho Oonor aml-e comp:Letelys 'Al'arl the art,;-.rial cone is ligatee. and cut fron the heart. A calluloid eannula i-1 Inserted into the inferior vena Cava. Aft3r being ligated! tne atrialcords are cut off. The sovered head -:laced u!~or. the breast of the roci-aij,-nt, the I CAPX: 213 luuumtml- GA T MORY Ila, !ABS. JOUR. RZhBiolp.0 i 1959, no. SHITSYN, N.F., professor Axperimental transplantation of the heart [with summary in Uglish, P.1581 Vestolrbir- 77 no.7:28-37 Jl 156. (KM 9:10) (HUM, surge transplantation exper.. In dogs, pbrelol. aspects) (TRANSPIANTATION, exper, heart In dogs, physiol. aspects) OJ 3:3' R ~ium-An and AnIma). phys,01, _)gy, ';-~.22075 I n, i: :1131ini "Isyll ,i~. P, ffransril an t,-It ion of the Heni-I. T Circulation eki~-PerJm. terapiya, 1957, No. 5, 26,-35 A ti,~:,voted to homot-onsplan-ation of the beart. Accord-'-rig to the a-uthor's data, 8 to 1. .. L 1.5"r 5;i-rv -: al ba~3 been attained in -Erogs following i7ansula-fitat ion ef the benvt (replacement of the froe"Is vor 'heart. with the heart of anottier frog). included are results of dynamic observations of LKG, arterial pressure, cardiac rhvtvb-iL andl examina- tion of the histological structure of the muscles and nerve elements of the trausplanted frog heart. In waxin-blooded animals, according to the author's data, the homotransplanted heart can function from :30 to 40 minutes up to 30 days. Sibliography-of 40 titles.--L.S.Nakhutin SIIII~-'Syil, II.P. lion o trim splantat ion of the beart in turtle. Eksper.k-hir. 2 no.21.16-23 Mr-Ap '57* (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz Inatituta fisiologil (dir. -prof.Ionidvig Hikolai) Berlin- skogo universiteta imeni Gumbol'dta. (H&M, transpl. homotranspl. in turtle technic Mus)) SIT"ITS111), N.P. "Resection, restauration, reparation et regeneration des ventricules cardiaques chez 1e chien." report presenied at the 18th Congress of the Intl Society of Surgery, MMich, 13-20 Sep 15 SIXT37N N.P,-IDor'kiyp ul.Minin#Ld.3-a,kv.22) - I' Resection and plastic surgary of the cardim vautric"s in an experiment. Report No.2.; Grud. khir. I no.4:.15-18 M~4 159. (KEU 15:3) 1. 1z GorIkovskogo meditainskogo iwtituta imeni Kiravas (HEW-SURGERY) SINITSYN, U.P. Axperimental resection and plastic surgery of the ventricles of the heart [with summ in Anglish]. Zlmper.khir. 4 no.1:30-35 Ja-F 159. (MMA 12;2) 1. 12 Gartkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta iMeni S.M. Kirova. (HFMT, surg. .ventricles, resection & plastic surg. In dogs (Rua)) SINITSYN, N.P. (Go*.Ikiy,' u1. Mininal d,3-a# kv. 22) New method for forming a cardiac anpurysm in a dog. Grud, kh' , 2 no.6:31-33 N-D 160. (MIU ]4a) 1. Is Gorlkovskogo maditainskogo inatituta imeni &;M.Kirova. (AHMMM) (KRUC) SINITSYN, N.F. W- Resection and plastic surgery of the cardiac ventricles under experimental conditions. Report No.2: Analysis of the histogenesis of regenerating heart muscle in dogs. Eksper. khir. 5 no. 5:22-24 160. (HEA* (MIRA 14-1) SINITSYN, N.P..(Gortkiy, ul.Minina,d.3-a.kv.22) Resection #nd"plastic surgery of the cardiac ventricles In an experiment. Autopf astic operations on the heart. Grud. khir. 3 20-1:43-47 Ja-F 61. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Iz Gorlkovskogo meditsingkogo instituta imed S.M.Kirova. (HEART--SURGERY) SINITSrN., N. P. New method of registering the blood pressure in the ventricle of the heart of dogs. Grud. khir. no.5:119 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz Gorlkovskogo meditainakogo inptituta imeni S. M. Kirova. (BLOOD PRESSURE) (HZARTSURGERY) SlNl!I!SYN~.-4--i'-.-,.(Gorikiy, ul.Minina i Pozharskogo, 3a, kv.22 Free transplantation of the heext mascle in dogs in an experiment,~j I Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 40 no.6:41-45 Je 161. (L-11rA 15:2) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell na~~ N.P. A 6initsyn) G r1kovskogo me-'itsinskogo instituta imeni S.M.1irova. ZHURT-JUSCU) (TWSPIANTATION OF ORGANS,', TISSUI~S. ETC.) SINITSB, N.P. HomotransplEntation, of the heart of a tortoise. Report No.2. F,ksper. khir. i anest. 8 no.3.o2O-22 My-Je 163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz GoTlkovskogo meditsinskogo inst-ituta imen! S.M.Kirova ACCESSION NR: AP4002550 AUT11OR1 SmetankLn, G. N. S/024li63/013/006/1108/1110 TITLE: Third Volga Area Conference of physiologistatbiochemists, and pharmacologist& SOURCE; Zhurnal vy*sshey nervnoy deystallaostL,,v. 13, no. 6. 1963s 1108-1110 TOPIC TAGS: bionicsp closed eyberne.lic system, neuron modeling, pharmacological stimulantq reg~eneratlon process, dLbazol, thyroldine,, pentoxyl, neuron, cyberneticsg'central nervous system. biological modeling ABSTRACT: The Third Volga-Area Conference of physiologists, blochem SU ists, and pharmacologists was held In Corky In June 1963. One hundr;d and thirty papers were presented. Experimental results and' clinical data were reportedc gn various problems in the physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology o.f the central nervous system* Problems concerning the cardiovascular system, respiration, endocrine system, and the digestive system wlere also discussed. A. N* Malakhow and Mo Tu.Ul$ Cord 1/2 COI-d ri SINITSYN, N.P. (Gorlkiy, ul. Kin 4na, d.3a, kv.22) Experimental resection and plastic surgery-on cardiac vimtric.1--s. Report No.4t Bifurcation of cardiac ventricles along the saptivii. Grud. khir. 6 no.2:53-55 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. GorIkovskiy meditsinskiy institut. -SINITSXA,t&j._(I~qningrad, D-104, ul- Chekhova, d.11/13, kv-48) Role of X-ray cinematography in the diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic stomach lesions. Vop. onk. 10 no.6:20-25~.164. ~(WRA 18:3) 1. 1z rentgenologicheskogo otdeleniya (ispo1nyayushchiy'abyazan- nosti zaveduyushchego otdeleniyem - doktor med. nauk A.P.Lazareva) Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Serebrov, nauchrqy rukovoditell doktor med.nauk A.G.Baranova). ..s SINITSYNP 1,1.v., inzh. Flc.ra distribution between the water conduits of joint hydro- electric power stations. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.8:106-111 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Belorusskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy gidrotekhnicheskogo stroitellstva. Sl,',IITSY--.;, 0. A. 113asic Problems of the Theory and Design of Reversin.- Gears with Forced Transitional Processes." Sub 5 Feb 51, All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Inst, Ministry of Higher Education USSR Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. 50: bkw. No. 480, 9 May 55 tc-bi C C_~ Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1593 Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 2/27 Author Sinitsyn, 0. A., Kand. of Tech. Sci., Dotsent Title Calculation of starting characteristics of a generator- motor system Periodical Elektrichestvo, 3, 5-10, Mr 1955 Abstract The author investigates a starting arrangement with a one-step control of the generator field. Difficult computations are required to find the maximum starting current, and also to determine the starting time. The author suggests evaluating the starting process on the basis of the razio between the starting time with shunted generator field resistance, and the ideal start- ing time with a constant maximum torque. This ratio is always more than a unit. The formula presented by the author to express this relationship makes it possible to bind together the forcing generator field current, the AL'THAII, S.Ya., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dateent; j'QL~SYH, O.-A., kandidat tekhnicheskikli nank, dots*nt; SILAYfff, inzholl,940 -- II.M.Sokolev's book Mectric drives and power supply for industrial plantsew Reviewed by S.IA.Alltman, O.A.Sinitsyn, B.F.Silaev. glekrichostvo ao.8: 95 Ag 156. (KLVA 9:10) l.Mookovskeye vysshoye tekhnicheakeye uchilishcho imoul Baumana. (Blectric motorB) (Alectric power) SINITS-Y11, O.A., kand.tekhn.iiauk, dotsent k Ghoico of puruma tars for t ho control windings of amplidynes and.magnetic amplifiers. Elektrichestvo no.10:70-71 0 160. OdIful 14:9) (Rotating amplifiers) (Magnetic amplifiers) SINITSYN, O.A., kand.tekhn,nauk., dotsent "Automatic control of electric drives on cont bw,,, r4ling mills" by U.N. Solodukho. Reviewed by O.A. S tspi. -Stall 21 no.9:828429 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Rolling miUs-Mectric driving) (Autawtic control) (Solodukho, IA.IU.) ANASTASIYEV, F.I.; BROSTRa., A.A.;-VESHENEVSKIY, S.N.; GELIMAN, G.A.; GOUSHTEYN, L.A.: ZIMENKOV, M.G.; KARVOVSKIY, G.A.; KIBLITSKIY, V.A.; KLEYN, P.N.; KLIMIKS=E, V.M.; KLYUYEV, S.A.; ETTOR1qING, G.M.; KORENEVSKIY, A.N.; LEYBZOW, Ya.I.; LIVSHITS, D.S.; LIGERMLN, I.I.; LOGINOV, 0.1.; MILICH, M.B.; NAYFELIDI M.H.; OKOROKOV, S.P.; POLYAK, A.B.; ROYZEN, B.S.; RYABOV, M.S.; SINITSYN.,_.q~*.; SOLODUKHO, Ya.Yu.; SOSKIN, E.A.; STASYUK, V.N.,-_-tdnS%E-4, Ya.M., red.; GRACHEV, V.A., red.; SAMOVER, M.L., red.; BORICHEV, I. Ye., red.; DANILENKO, A.I., red.; KHRAMUSHIN, A.M., red.; YAKUBOVSKIY, F.B.p red.; BRENDENBURGSKAYA, E.Ya., 'red.; KOMAR, M.A.) red.; BORUNOV, N.I., tekhn. red. [Handbook on electrica.* syot-3mq of industrial enterprises in fo-ur vol'.-r-si S--ora--_^'hnik -o elektroustanovkam promysh-le-a-- nykh f_)tletyrekkt tomakh. Pod obsllchei red, Boricheve N7-,:31c~nt, Goiseneargoizd4at. VoI.J. (Design of electrical -.1int-ms of industrial. enterprises in two parts] Proektirova;_._~.- t-!'Lekt-roustanovok promyshlennykh predpriiatii v dvukh ch&sLL1-.1i.'1-1. Pt.2. Pod red. 1A.E.. Eel ~ shama i dr, 1963. 5018 f- (MIRA 17:3) AFANAS'YEV, Vasiliy Danilovich; BORISOV, Yuriy Matveyevich; GUREVICH, Azriyell Yefimovich; LEVITANSKIY, Boris Aronovich; MAKEYEV, Ivan Fedorovich; STEFANOVICH, Nikolay Nikolayevich; KHALIZEV, Georgiy Petrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk;SI19ITSYN, O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NEMIROVSKIz, M.I., prepodavatel-, retsenzent; YAKOVENKO, N.N., red.~izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. [Electrical equipTpnt o-T ferrous metallurgy enterprises] Elektro- oborudovanle predpriiatii chernoi metallurgii. [By] V.D.Afanaslytsv i dr. Moskva, 1-fetallurgizdat, 1963. 606 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy tekhnikum (for Nemirovskiy). (Iron and steel plants--Electric equipment) SINITSYN. P. Construction of school workshops by students, Pblitekh. obuch. no,1; 56-58 A 158. (MINA lOtl2) (Workshops) (Technical educationy SINITSYN, P., predsedatell. Mobilizing power of the collective agreement. Sov.profsolusy I n0-3: 71-76 N 153. (KLBA 6:12) 1. Koultet profossiomllnogo soveta, Zolamenskogo parovosostroltellnogo savoda Imeni V.V.Ihybyshova. (Collective lator agreements) (Locomotives) BUNIN, K.V.; SINITSYN, P.D. Res-oltR of the treatment of hypertension with induced sleep. Sovet. ved. no.10:20-22 Oct 1951. (CIML 21:1) 1. Of the Clinic of Hospital Therapy, Chelyabinsk Medical Institute, attached to the Amalgamated Railroad Hospital TuUZhD. i 1 SINITSYNI P. D.v CAND MED SC19 11 14ATE a-& ~6-~ THE PRO EM .._7e OF THE ACTION MECHANISM AND COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF ASE- DATIVE THERAPY OF HYPERTONIC DISEASE BY VARIOUS METHODS," CHELYABINSKI 1961, (SVERDLOVSK STATE MED INST). (KLV 3-61, 235). 46Z t CA -MNITSYN, Cr told III powmem. F., G in", volim). SAW, an A-711, FOA Jim, aZ "Nolhe to "Wk I- . 21811~ live fit folwoon 4 mW lot: Wills. td mmm4ww. 24/1:g V adwrbW 3 I - *r an, PH barommo 3=8+6 - - b, M CIA 42) 1). but 2 somW(M)b amod Seim. . a*. _ t m obtaind hmw. soctillor of " - 9-6 OW Ob. do, im bM in do Wk. t&= This in do to do its essum. This ~dpisoft"RIONSIM".41021mmobl, wi- Nov" w" as boom asswj'. 'Whaviow a K-A wl &I pit ob..Ve 8 (,-#, larr""n"s. d &I.. C.A. J1. 181; hrun-. d a#.. C.A. 32. SUP). Midbd Damlort 5W SOV/76-33-3-13/41 AUTHOR: Sinitsyn, P. G. TITLE: Exchange of Barium and Hydrogen Ions on Permutites(Obmen ionov bariya i vodoroda na permutitakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheekoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 3, PP589 - 592 (USSR) ABSTIRACT: B. P. Nikol'skiy (Ref 2) pointed out that in the case of adsorption --f metal from solutions on permutiteB and 3imilar materials it is necessary to take alsu the con~.;entration of the metal cations into account apart from the H+-ion con- centration. An equation modified by Ye. N. Gapon (Ref 3) should therefore have the following form : G + (~ (Pli- - --I- p Me) (3) constants, n= valence K n of the metal cations). In the present paper the applicability of (3) is investigated in connection with the exchange of barium ions on permutits at pH-values of between 5 and 12 and different barium concentrations. The sodium permutite used was prepared according to a certain scheme (Ref 7) and Card 1/2 had the following composition:N&20 - 7-78%, A120 3- 28.25%, Exchange of Barium and Hydrogen Ions on Permutites SOV/76-33-3-13/41 sio 2 - 40-77/"-', H2 0 - 24.29%. Two experiments were 6arried out; in the first case the ionic strength of the solution amounted to ?.= 0.1 and in the second case to M- 0.5. The experimental results show (Fig) that equation '(3) is satis- factory (at PH 5-12 and barium concentrations of 0.031 and 0.160 mol/1). The observation of a reduced sorption of the metallic ions at higher pH-values may be explained on the one hand by a "competition" between R+- ions and barium ions, on the other hand by the fact that at pH = 4 part of the permu- titedecomposes. The sorption of the Ba-ions as functiori of PH and the barium concentration varies greatly in Permutits of different composition. There are 1 figure and 10 refer- ences, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnicheskiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva im. A. I. Mikoyana (Moscow Technical Institute of the Industry and Economy of Fisheries imeni A.I.Mikoyan) SUBDUTTED: June 27, 1957 Card 2/2 1 . 3-l-N-lT3Y71., I-'. IT. 2. uss:,--i (600) 1~. Tilla6e 7- Progressive agricultural measures in practices, Dost. sellkhoz., No. 4, 195~- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April P 1953, Uncl- QU! ~ t" -, cue r E, Checil-rowinF- smiflctwers in 1 ~c area of ~ I e 1,21vally-,sk 0,7T L. 1 -1 1-3 ~-actcry. 1:as-'T. -zMr. rrc.-.,. 1c, "o. 2, 11~53. I~onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Com-ress Jupe 10,53- 1",i]CL. SINITSY11. P.N., agronom. H.-rvent and procurement of sunflower seeds. Masl.-zhir.prom. 18 no.7:8-9 JI 153. ()I-l.QA -.-B) % 0 1. lhvalynakly maelosavod. (;Sunflowers) silii-T-sn, F.11. P.N. Sinitsyn, Vysokiye urozhai sevyan lyutserny/-High Yields of Alfalfa Seed7, Sellkhozgiz, 2 sheets. The brochure discusses the organization of the work andthe advanced management of growing alfalfa for seeds SO: U-6472, 15 Nov 1954 SIMITSYN, P.N., agronom. ......... State purchase of .sunflowers. Kaol.-zhir.prm. 19 no.3:6-7 154. (KM 7z6) 1. thyalynekly maelosayod. (Sunflowers) P.N. S INITSYN ..-A-agronom. : Several problems relative to the economics of sunflower productica. 4sl.--zhi.r, pro;. 23 no. 2. '57. (KUU 10:4) 1. Khvalyuskly molosavod. (Suaflowers) L&SOKHIN, Artemiy Fedorovich; ., retsenzent; KOROTKOV, V.P.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. redaktor; MODSLI. B.I.. takhnichaokiy redak-tor [Tolerances. fits and technical measurements] Dopuski. posadki I to- khnichaskie izmereniia. MosIcva, Goa. nauchno-takha. lad-vo mohino- stroit. lit-ry, 1956. 339 p, (KLvA 1o;4) (Nhchine-shop practice) 25(l) PHNSE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SinitsYn, Pavel Prokoflyevich SOV/2343 Penovy vzaimozamenyayemostj J tekhnicheakikh izmereniy (Fundamentals of Inter- changeability and 7Lbahnical Measumments) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 246 p. Errata slip inserted. Number of copies printed not given. Reviewert A.Ye. Bezmenov, Candidate of Tlechnical Scienceaj, Docent; Ed.: I. A. Grigorlyev, Candidate of Tbehnical Sciences; Ed. of Fablishing House: L. 1. Sheynfayn; T1ech. Ed.: V.P. BDzhin; Managing Ed.: A. 1. Sokolov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for students in machine-building vuzes. i COVERAGE3 The book cover!~ fundamental problems of interchangeability in machine- building production. Tolerances and fits In smooth cyclindrical joints, tolerances in threaded and splined joints, and tolerances in dimensional chains and in spur gearing are discussed. The author presents methods of measuring lengths, angles, cones and elements of spur gears. Numerical emuTles of cal- culations are pjmvided. The author thanks A.Ye. Bezmenov for reviewing the manuscript and offering suggestions. There are 10 references, all Soviet. TABIE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/7 Fundamentals of Interchangeability (coat.) SOV/2343 Ch. IV. Selection of System For riblerances; Class of Precision and Fits 48 1. Selection of system for tolerances 48 2. Selection of precision class jtq 3. Selection of fits for interference (press fit) 51 4. Selection of transition fits 54 5. Selection of clearance fits (looae fits) 55 6. Method for selective assembly 59 7. Tolerances and fits in ball and roller bearings 62 Ch. V. Smooth Gages 68 1. Purpose and design of smooth limit gages 68 2. Tolerances in smooth limit gages 71 3. Marking gages and rules for using them 78 Ch.,~. Tolerances For Threaded Cyclindrical Joints 80 Basic elements of a thro&d 8o 2. Metric and inch-type fhatening threads 81 3. Eff:ects of errors in individual elements of thread on screvability of parts 83 Card 3/7 Fundamentals of Interchangeability (Cont.) SOV/2343 4. System of tolerances and fits in fastening threads 90 5. Tight threaded connections 96 Ch. VII. Thread Gages 100 1. Purpose and design of threaded gages 100 2. Allowable tolerances in thread gages 103 Ch. VIII. Tolerances I-,nd Ylts in Splined Connections 110 1. Basic elements in splined connections with straightsided tooth profile 3-10 2. Designing tolerances and fits in splined connections 112 3. Control gages for splined component parts 118 Ch. IX. Tolerances in Dimensional Chains 123 1. Basic concepts and definitions 123 2. Linear dimensional chains 123 3. Methods for determination of dimnsional chains 134 Ch. X. Tolerances in Spur Gears 137 1. General concepts 137 card 4/7 FundR ntals of Interchangeability (Cont.) SOV/2343 2. Concepts of kinematic and cyclic errors in gears 137 3. The GOST 1643-56 tolerances in spur gears 141 4. Precision standards for gears and gearings 150 5. Kinds of conjugations 152 6. Precision marking in gears and gearing 155 Ch. XI. Basic Technical Measurements 156 1. Origination and development of length measurement 156 2. Metric system 157 3. maintainiiw,, standard measures in machine -buil fil ng and method for transfer of dimensions from standard to vork piece 159 4. Classification of measuring devices and methods 161 5. Basic metrological features of measuring devices 163 6. Errors in measurements 164 Ch. XII. Measuring Instruments and Devices Fbr Iongth Nbasurements 169 1. Gage blocks 169 2. Graduated measuring instruments with vernier (callipers) 174 3- Measuring instruments with micrometer screw 18o Card 5/7 Fundamentals of Interchangeability (coat.) SOV/2343 4. Mechanical dial-type measuring instruments -,85 5. Iever-type optical measuring instruments 195 6. Measuring machines 199 7- Bieumatic measuring apparatus 201 Ch. XIII. Methods And Devices Tbr Measur.1-ng Angles 206 1. Angular-gage blocks 2o6 2. Rigid squares 208 3- Universal bevel protractor 210 4. Sine bar 213 Ch. XIV. Methods And Devices Itr Thread Control 216 1. Screw thread micrometer 216 2. Three wire method 217 3. Toolmakers' microscope 219 4. Measuring threading elements with a toolmaker's microscope 221 Ch. XV. Gear Inspection 225 1. Measuring displacement of initial contour 225 2. Measurement of tooth chordal thickness 227 card 6/7 P=aamentals of Tnterchangeability (Cont.) SOV/2343 3- Measuring tooth spacing by block gaging 230 4. Measuring circu3jLr and base pitches and determination of accumulated error of the circular pitch 233 5. Thoth profile inspection 237 6. Pitch circle runout inspection 238 7. Measuring cyclical [smooth rmlf errors 239 8. Composite par test 240 9. Measuring kinematic errors [uniformity of ratio] 242 Bibliography 243 AVAILABL,F,-'- ; Library of Congress GO/fal 10-19-59 Card 7/7 SINITSYN, F.T.-Linzhener. Simplified calculation of the distance to the point of damaged Insulation of electr1c cable@. Tost.eviazi 16 ne.5:12-Ky 156. (KM 9: 8) 1. Rukovoditell Isseritellnoy gruppy rayons kobellnoy mWetrall. (Blectric cables) SINITSYN. P.V. Some characteristics of measuring difference of potential betwesn cable coverings and the ground. Vent. eviazi 17 no.12:19-20 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Machallnik lzmaritelinoy gruppy PJW-I UM-4. (Bleatric cables) SINITSYN, F.V. Measurement of the ground temperature around underground eables. Veat. aviazi 19 no,11:26 N '59. (MIU 13:8) 1. Rukovoditelf izmeritellnoy gruppy RIM. (ZLectric linesr-Underground) (Temperature-Measurement) SINITSYN, P.V., inzh. Increase the qu--tlity of cable laying operations. Avtow., telem. i sviazi 4 no. 12:31 D 160. (KIU 14:1) 1. Iaboratoriya signalizataii i evyazi Lalininskoy dorogi. (Electric lineB--Underground) -.SINITSYN, P.V. (Smolensk) Sealing cable ends. Stroi.truboprov. 10 no.10-.23-21+ 0 165. (KRA 18:10) T. .10ARh-63 EWT(m)/BDS/FS(~!)4--A"Tc-/ Srn c!" 0C ACCES31ON HE: AF, .6' 41MOSIUMQ4610597 AUMOH: Nikeshichev V. ff. Slnitsyft' P V. 75- T3=;.- - Coll on c6fidtrnct1c2 and application of betatronX held in N Bucharest, - Rqumanla, Momez-BW-F1552 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no. 6, 1963., 596-597 TOPIC TAGS: clinical use of betatrons, conferences ABSTRACT: Fleport'on colloquium held in Bucharest in November 1962 on the initia- tive-of the Roumanian Academy of Sciences. Mirty scientists from Esst Germany, Houmanial Soviet Union, Poland, Hungai7, and Yugoslavia participated.' Paperj from the first three countries were the most interesting as these countries had greater experience in construction and operation of these accelerators. Acade- mician Kh. Xhulubi of the AN RPH opened the colloquium. Papers were presented by Prof. A. A. Vorablygy (MR) onwork done in the Tomskiy politikhnicbeskiy institut (Tomsk P~Iyt -chnical Institute); Prof. A. Eckert (East Germany) of the Physico-Technical Institute of Jima UniversilLy; M. VhkaeLl, A. Brinshek nf Lubliana. Institute for nuclear physics (Yugoslavia); K.- r1li-e-iq-u-`arLW-`5-th--rs of the Betatron laboratory, Institute for atomic P~ni0 AN RPR* R ' V. Sinitsyn and V. N. Nikeshichev (SWR); H. Burger and V. Stern (East Germany . Among application Card 1/2 ---------------------- ------ ------- L 106BL-63 AccwsioN HR: Ap3oo2276 discussed vas the use of betatrons in clinical treatment of malignant I. It vas pointed (r4t.that the betatrons produced by the Moscow MAktrozavod are not inferior to those constructed by research institutes or c rcial firms. ASSOCIATION: none SUBKZM!ZD: 00 SUB COIN: .00 DATR AM 12Jkxl63 NO HIP 8.07: 000 IBM: 00 000 Card 2/2 ------------- ------- SINITSYN, H. The shoo store. Soy. torg 33 no-10:49-54 v '59. VIRA 13:1) l.Direktor Doza obuyi,-Mookva. (Moncow,Stores. Retail) (Boots and shoes) SINITSYN, R. Lot's supply the stores with modern equipment. Sov.torg- 35 m.4:14-15 AP 162. (IMA 1.5 4) 1. Direktor moskovskogo Doma obavi. (Store fixtures) SINITSYN, R.G. (Odessa) Frequency of. paradentoeia and gingivitis in older school children. Problatom. 6t86-91 162. (mm 160) (GUMS-DISEASES) (CHILDRM9--DISEASES) SINITS)al, R.G.; PILIPUIKO, L.I. Caries infection of temprra--7 (milk) teeth. Stomatologiia 42 no.3:10-14 ltr~-Je 263 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz detskogo otdela Odeso'cogo, nauchno-.4ssledovateltskogo instituta stomatologii (dir. - dotsent A.I.Marchenko). Nauch- nyy rakovoditell raboty - prof. I.A. Begellman. BoRZjjjj4, V.S..; -SINITSIM, R.G. Solubility of the enamel of railk teeth and permw-u-,-A teeth* Stomatologiia 42 no.4:11-15 Ji-Ag'63 (I MIRA 17 :4) 1. 1z detskogo otdel.a, otdela plastmass i materialovederiiYEL Mkrainskogo nauchno--issledovatellskogo instituta stomatoloaii (dir. - dotsent A.I.Marchenko, naucbnyy rukovoditell raboty Prof. I.A. Begeltman). 210) SOV/48-23-2-2/20 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye. P., Zolotavin, A. V., Klementlyev, V. Ya., SinitsYn. R. V. TITLE: Determination of the Relative Intensities and Conversion 0- efficients of Transitions Produced During theoecay of Se7? (Opredeleniye otnositellnykh intensivn6stey i koeffitiirntov konversii perekhodbv, voznikayushchikh pri raspade so 5 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 159-184 (USAR) ABSTRACT: At the beginning, the authorsrepW on data obtained up to Oe7 A-875 -"decay, and the spectrometers, Card 1/5 now on the sources and conditions explained in thi's spectrometer used the half width by the apparatus measured in the thickness: 0.05, the spectral lines lead, bismuth and covered 1) the 0 4 Se of measurement of t1fe investigations paper are described as follows: the magnetic for measurement had a double focusing, and of electron lines in the spectrometer conditioned amounted to-0.4%. The conversion spectrum was presence of ra iation sources of different 0.25, 5 mg/cm . For the purpose of determining of phoioelectrons thin targets of silver, other elements were used. The determinations relative intensities I~ of the spebtral linee SOV/48-23-2-2/20 Determination of the Relative Intensities a nd Conversion Coefficients of Transitions Produced During the Decay of Se 5 Card 2/5 75 of photoelectrons of Se ; the authors recorded the whole spectrum with Bi-targat a = 0.1 mg/cm2, the ener ange up to - 100 kev with Ag-targetus a = 0.25-0-03 mg~cmf, the range up to 401 kev inclusive with As-target, a = 0.25 mg/cm 2 the line 572 kev with particularly thick Ta, Pbq and Bi-targete up to a = 80 mg/cM2 (Figs 2-6). The energies obtained and the curresponding I, are listed in table 1. The intensity of the transition hv - 265 kev was assumed as a reference quantity equal to 100. For comparison , tables I and 2 contain also data obtained by other authors. For the purpose of checking the spectral sensitivitj of the apparatus the relative intensi- ties of y-lines of Sb12 were compared with the values men- tioned in paper (Ref 47),in which invee,igations were carried out by means of the calibrated standard y-spectrometer "Elotron" (Tables 4, 5 and table 6 give a comparison with Tb16o). A possible error in the determination of 17 1< 15% results from the comparisons. 2) The authors measured the electron spins of internal conversions of Se75. They obtained 26 conversion lines produced by 12 transitions in A. (Figs 7-12), SOV/48-23-2-2/20 Determination of the Relative Intensities and Conversion Coefficients of Transitions Produced During the Decay of Sel!) Card 3/5 among which there are also the lines of Auger electrons K-LL, K-LM, K-M. Their energies, intensities I, and origin are listed in table 7. According to a comparison with data obtained by other authors the best accordance was found with Schardt and Welker (Ref 10). For the purpose of determining the con- version coefficients from I, and I. two methods were applied: a) from a comparison of the experimental values IY/I with . Y the conversion coefficients of transitions 2659 280, 305, 401 kev according to Bashilov and Illin (Ref 45)(Table 8); the mean value a,/(I K/I was used for determining the con- version coefficients of the other transitions; b) from the El transition of the transitions 121, 235, 401 kev the con- version coefficients of the other transitions were determined in the above-mentioned way. The values obtained in both ways agree well with one another. On the basis of a comparison between the theoretical and experimental values aK the authors determined the multipole order of all transitions obtained (Table 9). According to the analysis of the scheme of As75 de- cay by means of Coulomb excitation and inelastic neutron SOV/48-23-2-2/20 Determination of the Relative Intensities aig Conversion Coefficients of Transitions Produced During the Decay of Se Card 4/5 scattering the authors determined the existence of the excita- tion states - 200 '7V 1, 574, 780, 814, 1020, i250, 1633 kev. The spectrum of Ge was studied by the method of coincidence and the levels 199, 265, 477, 628 kev were obtained Table 10). The y-spectrum and y-y-coincidence from papers Refs 10 and 25) are given in table 11 * Furthe ore, e 75 ~ at 1~ A' quantum characteristics of the ground ate As , Se I Ge were determined to be 3/2-, 5/2, 1/2-. The quantum character- istics of the levels 265, 280 and 401 kev ere determined as well. The intensity equilibrium in the Se7l decay is mentioned in tables 13, 14. The quantities 1g Tf are in accordance with selec ion rules. Accord* t0 these results the scheme of the a~5 ) A875 ( Sei~gdecay is established (Fig 13)- Similarities of parity with neighboring nuclei are contained in table 15- On the basis of the one-particle model the authors give two posiible explanations of the ground state of th nuclei Se 5 and As75 as well as of the levels of As15 34 41 33 42 at 199, 256, 280, 305 and 401 kev in table 17. There are 13 figures, 17 tables, and 55 references., 19 of which are Soviet,. SOV/48-23-2-2/20 Determination of the Relative Intensities a~~ Conversion Coefficients of Transitions Produced During the Decay of Se. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 5/5 VOLKOV, A.A.; 1-4URATK!IODZIiAYEV, N.K.; ZENIKOVICH, S.G.; SINITSYN, R.V.; BELYAYZV, V.V. . ~ ~ I - ~ - I.- -- I. Radiation load of medical personnel working with Au139 granules in a neuro-oncological clinic. Med. rad. 8 no.5:39-43 My t63- (MIRA 17-- 5) 1. Iz L-eningradskogo neyrokl--irurgicheskogo instituta imeni prof. A.L. Polenova. 2'1 rz NIKISHICHEV, VA.; SINITSYN, R.V. Colloquium on the design and use of betatrons. Atom. energ. 14 no.0'.596-597 Je 163. (MMA 16:7) (Betatron) -k;n distance t.,;era')Y- Y 71 18:P) miodULAinokil,11, isLochnikov oniziruyushchikh iz- nauchno-issiedow I-ell- ~n~,tttuta ::Ini,7~terotlva zdravookhranerliya Sr'TTS,m, R.V.. Problems of the utilization and choice O'f technical parameters of devices for large focus radiotherapy. Med. rad. 10 no. 12: 3-10 D 165 (,waRA 19:1) 1. Laboratoriya medi'usinskikh istochnikov ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy i klinicheskoy dozimetrii TSertraltnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo rentgero-radiologicheskogo instituta Kini- sterstva zdravookhrwrieriya SSSR.