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SINEL'NIKOVA, L.I. Vitamin A and carotene content in the blood in gastric and duodenal ulcer. Ter. arkh., Kooky& 24 no. 3:36-44 May-June 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the faculty Therapeutic Clinic (Director -- Prof. V, W. Vinogrador, Active Member AMS USSR). First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute* L.L.; FASHKOVISKAYA, H.B. Drying of' m-ilori blue paste in a fluidized 1>--d. Trudi LTI no. 59: Al- 82 161. MRA 17:9) ROMANKOV, P.G.; RASHKOVSKAYA, N.B.; SINIFT"NIKOVA, L.L. Drying of some polymeric materials In a fluidized bed with the air-lift method. Khim.prom. no.11:841-843 163. (WRA 17:4) ra, Sli-VA. '-P. ,xv.d.T.Irt&~ 22 ts',.ncVr,i-r) institxtao SHEVELIKOV, Vastliy Leontlyevich.; SINY-LINIKOVA, L.N., red.; VORONIN, K.P., takhn. red. --- (Thermopl%vaical charanteristics of insulating m-iterials] Teolof izirheskie kh-irakteristiki izollatsionnykh mnterialoy. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 95 p. (MIRA 11:11) ( Insulat ion(Hoat)) 0 red.; B011-MM, N.I., FLEKSEimi, Yuriy Nikolayevich; SINELINIKOVA, tekhn. red. [Diagrams for the analysis of the combustion of Soviet fuels] Diagramny rascheta goreniia topliv SSSR. Foskvay Gos.energ.izd- vo, 1961. 124 p. (MIFA 14:12) (Fuel-Analysis) FRIDMAII) Saadlya Lazarevich; SINELINIKOVA, L.N., red.; L.I., tekhn. red. [Cost problems in power engineering]Voprowy sebestoixosti v energeticheskom stroitellstve. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 10,62. 271 p. (MIRA .15:12) (Power engineering-Costs) S.21,~,~iy llasillyr-;icti; L.N., red. IFrrc-tical fc~- tl-~i -' -'beat Of induotrial equiprumt and pipingi Fraktiche---kie rsSc,.E!ty til,plovol jzollht!jii promyshlerinogo oborudovaniia i tru- b(ilwo,jodov. p6rur. Mo.Ava, Jai-vo "Energiia," 1964. 143 1). (ml i'l .17: (,) l#, GOLUBEV, Boris Pnvlovich; SINELINIKOVA, L.NI , red.; STCLYAW)VA, Yo.L., red.; IARMN0v,M.Te*--,-V4=a. ri~. (Dosimetry and protection against ionizing radiations) Do- zimetriia i zashchita ot ioniziruiushchikh izIuchenii. Mo- skva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 335 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Radiation--Dosage) (Shielding (Radiation)) 0311 OVA, Varvara Alekoandruvna; S11HOV, Yu.P,,, kand, tekhn. naukp retsenzent; VUKALOVICH, N.F., doktor tekhr. nauk, Frof., d -ed. red.; SITNELINIKOVA, L.N (Experimental study of hQat-exchnnge proces-scol Eksperi- rj:-otsessov teploobnen. Fod red. mentallnoe ic3ledovanie - - P.F.Vulk,~.Jovlcha. Moskv:,, Izd-vo "Ener-iial" 196!,. 327 (NIWk 17.6) ln!~ul,-,-Ion In po-,;er Tepinva-la lzc,- -er pe-, -LesVii.1i stant-,dlakh. 7zd.-)~ I 1 1."': p. V'A i I lichastiye N.K. khn. nir~tti.; ~iMELII, I ... . I red. kleatin,r! netwo:-k.-;; sources -and consumers of thermal energy. Irstallation., r2intenance, and repair of networks] Teplovye :;eU-; lztochnikl 4 ~o~reblteli tepla. Ustroistva, obsluzhiva- I Energiia., 1965. 351 p. (MIRA 18:9) U-~M'N,17MVA, ,L...Ye. I. __ ...- 1, "Biochemical and TechnolocicAl Properties of Some Types of Winter 'Wheat Grains in Relation to Their Selection for the IrrigrAed Lands of the Southerr Ukraine." Cand Tech Sci, Main Adminirtration of Technolozical Vuzes; Oderra Tochrological Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, '.'In Higher Education "USSR, ~despa, 191;f, (KL, No 10, Mar 55) SO: Sum No. 670. 29 Sep 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Die- ,her Zducational Institutions (1~5' rertations Defended at USSR Hir -. i SINJALINIKOVA, L.Yo.; RUMENSKIY, N.V. Fiffect of various Irrigation standards on the q7-iality of winter wheat of the southern Ukraine. IzV,vy8.Ucheb.zav.;piehch.tekh* no.5:8-12 158- (MIRA 11:12) 1. Odesslciy tekhnologichookly institut imeni IsVeStalina, kafedra biokhimii zerna i zernovedeniya. (Ukraine--Wheat) (Irrigation) K-RIVOIAPOV, F.;111. ; SINNLlNIKOVA, L.Tm. Splittl --n-f W~ starch in groats during boiling. Izv.vjo.uchet.zav.: pishch.tokh. no.l:qG-93 159. (MIR& 1?:6) 1. Odof;sl:iv tn;-hnologichnekly Institut Imon! I.T.Stalina. Imfedra neorganichnskoy khtmil. (starch) KRIVOLAPOVY F.G.; SINELINIKOVA, L.Ye. Effeet of salt treatment on the fementation activity of starch. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch. tekh, no.6:33-36 161. (HIRA l5s2) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut. kafedra neorganir.-heskoy khimii. (Starch)(Fermentaticn) KRIVOIAPOV, F. G.; SINELINUX)VA, L. Ye.; SHILOVA, L. 1. Suscentibility x :;tarch to attack by ferments during its a,,-ing. Izv,vy.-,.tichbb.zav.; 2:24-25 164. WIPA 17:5) 1. Odesskly tekhrologicheskiy institut imeni lomonosoval kafedra neort_anicheskoy i analiticheskoy khirrii. BLYTJGER, A.; KLEMBOVSKiY, A.; SINEL'NIKOVA, M. Fine morphological manifestations of a shift in the metabolic processes of the liver in viral hepatitis. Izv.AN Latv.SSR no.11:101-106 163. (WRA 17:4) ftwft W --- SENELINI.P.-VA, L.M.; SrHk--~UFIGH, s.J. red.; -SELIMiSICNA, A., red. izd-va; VOR(,VINA, R., tr-,khn. red. [1-lechanization of c-lculating oierations] 1/,ekhanizat.-iia vychislitellrVkh rabot. Xoskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 251 1-.. (MIRA 17:12) BLYUGZH, Anatoiiy .-'e6urovlch; bEZIi(UZVANI;YY, boris Kom;tantillovich; KLIT'.6OVSKIY, Alek2andr lvanovi~.-h; SMEITIKOVA, I,Iarlya F,,Arovna; ~;HUMINA, 01''ga Borisovna, DYNK-1-SKAYA, 0., red. [Fine structure of the liver in some pathological proceases; an electron microscopy atlas] Tonkala Otruktura pecheni pri nekotorykh patc-logicheskikh protsessakh; elektronnomikre3ko- picheskii atlas. Riga, Izd-vo ki Latviiskoi M, 1964. 165 P. (1-'IRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra infektsionrqkh bolVZTiey IlEt7hokogo meditsinskcgo instituta (for Blyuger, SinellniRm.). 2. Universitet druzhby narodov im. PatrUsa Luramaby (for Klembovskly). 3. Institut virusologi- A:.2,' SSSR (for Bezir-,jzvannyy, Sfrumkina). bU, I.,G' 7,R) A. F. ; KILL4BOV:3Y,11, A ~ r. , -SINEK'NW)V~, ~Plga) Diatributlon of and of he~AL-'c cells in eni(ltymic hepat,JtAs, Arkb. p%',. 27 rics'll;44-47 165. (Y,!Rk 18tl2) 1. Problemnaya laboratoriyR klinich~iakuy tivilthimii Info kt.slormykh bc-3. v .0 . ffid-.-.,% in.fektqiornykh 1)c,'Leznov llzav. - dotsent A.F. p I % Wyuper Rizhskuj;t, mndlLSLrskrgv Imstita'a. Sii*tvml Ltad Novelber 1.1v aqt,J3. SINELINIKOVA, O.L. - -~ Using electrolytic gal models for studying the advance of a water-oil boundary. Neft.khoz. 35 no.3;40-43 Mr '57. (MMIA 10:4) (Petroleum geolgoy--klectronschanical analogies) SINELINIKOVA, O.L., Vand. taklin. nauk -". S617ilng some of the problems of underground coal gasification with help of an electrolytic model. -Podzem. gaz. ugi. no.4:43-46 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Vsesoy=ny7 nauchno-issledovateliskiy Institut Pod2emgaz. (Coal gasification, Underground--Electromechanical analogies) 3INELINIKOVA, O.L. - - . Changes in gas pressure in a main pipeline under conditions of Ir- regular flow of gas. Gaz. prom. no.5:48-50 MY 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Gas, Natural-Pipelines) SINEVNIKOVA, O.L., kand. tekh. nauk Approximate calculation of water inflow to boreholes in inclined medium thickness seams.Podzem, gaz. ugl, no.1:50-53 '59. (MIRA 12:6) l.VNIIPodzemgaz. (Drainage) (Water. Underground) SIXELINIKOV,'~, O.L., I-and.tokhn.nauk - -, - ': c.4 ~-J it neldual water saturation of coal spams. Podzen. az.ugl, no,2: 38-39 159. qMIRA l?:9) 1. Vnesoyuzriyy naurhno-isnlednvatel'skI,., i proyektnyy institut podzennoy gazifikateii ugley. (Coal gasification. Undorgrnund) (Water. Underground) GUSETN-2A23, M.A., kand.telchn.nauk. dntu.; SIITHLINIKOVA, O.L., k-und. tijkhn.nauk Mothod of electric modeling of nonhotogeneous coal soans. Padzem.gaz.ugi. no.4:17-19 '59. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Vansoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut Podzeuw-sz. (Coal gasification. Underground-Blectromachanical analogies) I I I . ,-*. i " 11 ! ~. ~ . I , ,- . , ~ il ,, 6 1, . 1 1. 1. ", I . L" r. : 11 . ~ ~~, ., ; I ~ 9 On the of water t ' --r~ ~he e'."4r-jct C" 'I',- , , --:u r 165. . , T-1, * ~ , no.A:85-88 1. ~,' tho IfTa $ Trudy ,.,-,:,aze:ngaza (MIRA 1-818) P C, i Lad O';?LtPi 1 rinti LUL~!i g-,zl Ik -ttzill I I ey. VThe pressimfloin of active protoonemossin in different golvents. 0. It. Shiel'nikova. Allikrahiol. Zhir.i Mad. Nauk Ukr." ff..T.R 16, No. 2, -ittin- '.--In nit D.7~% soln. fit ether protmniensonin Ims :R) 0 nritsactivityin7montlis. lit low" cmicun. Its prewt- vation i% more effective. lit a 0.2-1.0% %ula. In abs. isle. it remuini avdyc for 10-12 numiths. in sindbar conciis. lit acetone it retain'.1 Its orlsiti-11 uctivity 11--a 1110111114. lit u 1.0% win. tit mMone It Ioncs 1301o 01 Its activity In 1.0 111011thq, renulaing unaffecttil the fitst I days. Gil-ccrol, pcirolcum oik, and pctr, ether are unsuitable for the pur- pose. Its CAqtnr oil 0.2-1.10170 keeps (or 12months, In cotton- secd oil it ltetpl I I montim, und in bunflower-sced Oil I R- I I niontim. 1`1411 Gil Is a poor preservatIve, and peach itrul aprit:ot nit mrsitifest no preservative properties for the po- tell'y of prhmaitentonin. D.. S. Levine ~ i , , :i i I - . - . .- I I i , ., .1 1 I . i f GABRINLIYANTS, Mikhail Agaronovich; PMOV, Tiadimir Andreyevich; SIMINIKOVA, P.B., red.; SUDAX, D,K.. tekhn. red. [Meat products; a handbook] Miasnye tovar7; spravochnoe posoble,.; . Moskva, Goa. izd-vo torg, lit-ry, 1958. 273 p. (NIM 11:7) (Neat) DUBROVA, Georgiy Borisovich; SINELININOVA, TS.B.; red.; BRODSKIY, M.P.t tekhn. red. - [Using antibiotics for the preservation of food products] Pri- menenie antibiotikov dlia sokhraneniia plshchevykh produktov. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo torg. lit-ry, 1961. 87 p. (KIRA 14:8) (AETIBIOTICS) (FOOD--PREMVATION) A.G- "',:IKGVA B red.; LkKOLTOVA, tokhn. red. 'adio cci-~;uzrzer j~aods ]I'MdiotDva~, .3prz:vochnik. Le-ningmad, 211 p. (MrRA 15:12) 'ZtO.cE4z'd;:t' lc"~. (aadio-Equip,,ent ar.C ~;upplies) (Phonograph) (Te le v *1 sio 1') MOV, flikolay Pavlovich; SINEL1141ROVAp TS.B., red.; ELIKINA, E.M., tekhn. red. (Storage of vegetables; advanced Practices]Khranonie ovo- shchei; peredovoi opyt. Moskvap Gostorgizdato ig6i. 41 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Vegetables-Storage) ALEKSEYEV, Nikolay Semenovich; SINELINIKOVA, TS.B., red.; GROMOV, A.S., tekhn. red. [Building materials]Stroitellnyo tovary. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1962. 159 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Building materials) BULGAKOV, NikolEty Vasil' evich; KUT', AFIN, Georgiy Isaakovich, SE:,MEEV, F.Ye.,, prof., ret5enzeng; VE-517.1-CIE21TC, V.T., dots., retsenzent; MUYS11OVICH, A.G., red-.; S11:`111:1KCW., TS.B., red.; D.P., tekhn. red. [Introduction, Plastics, Commercial Chcmicnls]Vved,:nie, Plastic~eskie nassy, Khir..iko-roskatel1r*re tovary. Vook-va, Gostorelzdat, 19602. 368 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Corinorcial. products) (Plastics) (Chemicals) BROZOVSKIY, Dmitriy Ivanovich; YAKOVIIVA, Valentina Nikolayeyna; SINELINIKOVA, TS.B., red.; VCLKOVA, V.G., tekhn. red. (Commercial chemical and silicate wares] Khimiko-mosl*tell- nye i silikatnye tovary, Moskyn, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 239 p. (min 16.7) (Chemicals) (Silicates) STEPAITYAN, Xikhail Arri,makovich; SINELINlYWA, TS.D., red.; VOLKOVA, V.G., tekhn. red. [For the buyer of a television set) Pokupateliu o tele- vizorakh. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. Ill p. (MIRA 17:2) Abrair. L" I'AY 'Eli 1. T S ~ b ~ , -. - e J (c,uiclc for and .)f gc,od.gj *.vi~o-icisi.v,-, 'k Jubc atorn3(!-,~ I I~ttai~-,!--neski:,: vanllati~a- po tcvft,-r-,vpderliu fromyshlermykh 1965 3 0 4 YEREIE'NKO, Vlar JjM4 r Danilovich: STIELINTEVA, TS. ., red. I 1 .3 [storage and processing of onion and gariicl K-ranenie f pererabotka luka i chesnoka. F2cncmi-ka, 19~5- 110 P. (Xl:~A 18-: 5) rol v a L-33022-66__ EWP(_~)jT/.,,qp t ETj ~P(k) ,085 f __WZ_ -IF Firl/Ap" ACC NRi AM21 ~,O11fA'18[1r:j111jC_ AirrifOR: Sinallnikova. V. 73 01G.- nonn THU": Snvdnar on intormotal1ic compounds, mthods for producing them, and their physicotnelmical properties S011RO-l'- Poroalikovaya mtallurgiya. no,, 4, 1966, M TO)1*111 vyitaUtirf~lc conforonca, intnrmtallic cni"uml, olociron ntnictairn, -nntrtl phyalcal propnrty, mtal phase systom, crystal strticture, motal, carbido A scientific xeminar org~tnixet~ by the batitute ot Problem to Alatprinin science, Academy or sciences UkrS34_,_1q1%_S WtTd--Jn Kiev on 26-98 Can rLnd__th;* phyalcotechnical properties. Participating In the se"Onar were mnre than 100 poople representing more than 20 scientific research organi- zations incinding the Institute of Uetalltir[yj Imeni A. A. Boyhov The Institute of Metal Physics, AS UkrSSR, Moscow and L'Yov State Universitieve L cal Institute imeni A. F. lorre, lfajLcow I eninarad Physicotechni kLd_rr_v1_ the Red Banner of Labor" Institute of Steel and Alloys, 1(harkov Physico- technical Institute Zhdanov and Urals Pol technical Institute. 1. 1. Koornilov gave a report in which he revi-ewed problems In the classification of vaetallides with respect to the position or-metalo-in Card 1/2 L 33029-66 ACC VIR: AP6024085 -,-7 the Periodic system'according to general and special chftratteristies on the basis of gFperally accepted hypotheses for the behavior or electrons in the outer shell In the compounds and the nature of the chemical bond. A report by 0. V. Samnonoy was devoted to the chemistry of metals and the classiti- i cation of beryllideegased on hypotheses for the formation of stable elec- tron configurations in solids. Several papers were devoted to new int r metallic phases, refinement, or phase dingrtims and phase transrormation:11n binary and ternary systems, an(] the crystal structures of inetallidem. ~Iany reports wpro also heard on now methods for producing inctallilles nnd on im- proving the present methods. V. R. Pohryshev and V. 1. Marcho-tikis live A4 a report on producing compact articles from refrILCLOry mCtalliden yith ultra- Monic-metivaj,ion. Selective Isol^tion of in -~~rmvtallic and rart"Ide 1~_hames from nickel"lloy was considered in a paper by.R. D. Golubtsova. A report a _F_T_ rum, T. Ta. Kosolapova and Yu. H. I(uz'ma was devoted to Inter- by V. . edo action betwee h e c d e a transition zirconiun. 'joXide. A resolution was passed at thci' eminar which emphasized the achtirements made In the field of notallides and called attention to the necessity for further development In studies to determine the relationships involved In the forma- tion of metallides with regard to the electron anti crystal structures or the Initial components, research on Interactions between metallides and reactions of metalliden with pure metals, and investigation of the physical# cheisical and mechanical properties of intermetallie systems. It was resolved that the next scionWic O"Inar on intormotallis compounds should be caRvesed in two yoars., YPRD SUP, CODE: 4 SUBH DATM none, Sinelinikovas V.A. IF.14. Yak-obfs V.A. Sinclinikova, and others. obtaining high-purity vanadium and niobium by electron-beam melting. Title: Seminar on refractory metalsp compounds, and alloys (Kiev, April 1963). Source: Atomnaya energiya, v. 15, no. 3, 1963, 266-267 ACC NR% AP5025721" SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/0001018/0075/0()75 INVENTOR: Sinellnikova.-V. Yudin, Ye. Balyasov, Yu. F -,:XiueleT&,_N. M.~ Piskunov, A. V., jj TITLE: Treatment of qt1togenv9ontainIng vanadiuzh~ Class 40, No- 174793 (Announced ,I by theState Scientific Research and Construction Institute of the Rare-Metals ln~ try Tdo'sudarstyennyy nauchno-18oledovatellskiy i.proyelftWdnatitut reftiometalli c. eskoy promy'shlennosti) SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 18, 1965, 75 TOPIC TAGS: vanadium, nitrogen containing vanadium, vanadium refining ABSTRACT., This Author Certificate introduces a method of treating vanadium vhich contains nitrogen. Rav vanadium is first converted to bydridej vhich is gromd..' mixed with carbon black, and carbidized at about 1700C. (W] SUB CODE: MM/ SUBM DATE.- O6Mar64/ ATD PRMS: ~41 Card 1/1 U 49-292,33 4 ,, , -!.1. , ~ . I " ~ . . -1 AZ, i - ll~. S c, ms? F-', eu r.-) r ! a,~ e- ii Ga 3 L r c, - r, i a :) f 4 tn M, -4 1 - (-. a r t ~,n i f e r.,- -,, 5 - f rl I Moscow Province. Biul. MOIP. O~A.z-ic~. 39 S-0 If-40 I (M-TRA 18.-2) '~ 7.'.. Snmr~ of' the ',Ilac"%kovo 'ronizon In '.he western !-"t Of t.l-.e 1!0!'C()w -l-,vileellre. 40 no.5!161- 172 S-C) 165. (MMA 13:11) SINALINIZOVA, V.P.; TSEMM, I.A. From experience of taking the routing-relay centralization devices into operation. Ayton.telem. i silaz' 3 no.1:35-38 Ja '59. (KNA 12: 1) 1. Nwhal.nik otdela signalizatnil, teentralizatsii, blokirovki sluxhb tAgnalizateii. t svyazI Krasn6yarskoy dorogi (for Sin-311- nikova - 2. Nachallnik dorozhnoy laboratorli Krasnoyarskoy dorogi (for ~Setsura). (Railroads-Train dispatching) SOV/21-59-8-12/26 KY8_YY, P. 0. AUTHOR! (Samsonov. G. V.; V. S., ?- S-) TITLE; Alloys of the Boron Carbide - Molybdenum Disilicide System PE,-~I"'DICAL~ Dopovidi Akademli nauk Ukrainslkoi R5R, 1-959, Nr 6, pp 866 - 668 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The alloys of boron carbide with molybdenum disilicide posses a hieh and itable thermal e. m. f. which 1;3 used when creating high-temperature thermocouples [Ref. 0. The boron carbide, however, iqat its high resistance to heat, [Ref. 27 not yet sufficiently resistant to oxidation at high temperatures. This calls forth the necessity to add components to the alloy which avert or stop its oxidation. In connection with this, the properties of boron carbide - molybdenum disilicide alloys were subjected to investigat- ions based upon the method of metallography, X-ray patterns, conductivity and thermal e. m. f. Formation of the quadri- ~artite phase Ma (B C Si) is found. It has a very wide homoi,eneous ref~-,ion across which ~from 10 to 50 mol-% mosi-2 'lard 112 in alloys with boron carbide) electrical resistance .;0V121 8--12126 Alloys of 41~ie "'oron Carbide - "'olybdenum Disilicide System increases and thermal e. m. f. decreases, in accordance with the degree of defectiveness of the lattice of this phase. The investigation of alloys in view of their resistance to oxidation has shown (Photo 2), that an alloy which accord- ing to its composition corresponds approximat3ly to the quadripartite chemical compound, possesses the highest resistance to oXidation. Additions of disilicide of less than 51) mol.% decrease the resistance of alloys to )xidation. There is one set of photos, 1 diagram and 5 referenzes, -1 of which are Soviet, 1 American and 1 German. ASSOCIATION! Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiailnykh splavov AN USSR (Iristltute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys of :he AS of UkrSSR) PERIODICAL- By V, M. Svechnikov, Member of AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: December 22, 19158 Card 2/2 s/i8o/61/000/001/012/015 E021/E406 AUTHORS: Zhuravlev, N.N., Makarenko, G.N.. Samsonov, G.V., Sinellni-R-o-va, V.S. and Yi-ebulya, G-L- (Kiyev) TITLE: T-re--Question of the Properties and Phase Composition of Alloys of Boron and Carbon PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akade%ii na,k SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1961, No.1, PP,133-141 TEXT: The aim of the work was to find a method of preparing ~'L " 2L ~ relatively pure alloys of boron with carbon and to investigate their ,,k~hysical properties and phase composition The initial materials were powders of amorphous boron (9 .5 to 9.5%) and lamp black (99.8s c . The powders were mixed in alcohol, dried and sieved through 150 mesh. Several methods of preparation were tried, the most acceptable being to hot-press a mixture of the powders in an argon atmosphere in graphite press-formers. Some carburization took place (chemical analyses were made by T.N.Nazarchuk). This could be overcome by using a molybdenum lining but it resulted in contamination with 1.3 to 1.9% molybdenum.-,'I Boron nitride linings avoided this contamination. The a.116ys prepared were examined metallographically, etching by anodic treatment in a Card 149 690,30 s/18o/61/000/001/012/015 The Question of the Properties ... E021/E4o6 40% KOH solution at 0.9 to 1.2 A/cm2 and 10 to 20 V. The structures obtained are shown in Fig.l. The alloy with 6.4',"0 carbon had a eutectic structure. At about 8% carbon, the structure was practically single-phased and at 10.2% carbon the whole field appeared as a eutectic. It is proposed that a compound forms at about 8*,o*carbon with the formula B12C- A second compound begins to appear at about 10% carbon and is either B13C2 or B12C3- X-ray analysis of the alloys was also carried out and confirmed the nietallographic observations. Pig.2 shows the photograph of the phases B12C and B4C- The B4C phase had a rhombohedral structure. Between 20.9 and 80% C, the alloy consisted of two phases: the rhombohedral phase,with Ytaximum carbon content in the cell, and graphite. At 61% carbon, an X-ray photograph with a large number of lines, the intensity and position of which did not correspond to B4C, was obtained. It is proposed that a compound richer in carbon than B4C exists at high temperatures, which decomposes to B4C and graphite at low temperatures. Micro- hardness measurements showed that in the unannealed state there is a maximum corresponding to the proposed phase Bl-)C (about 60OOkVimn2l After annealing, thq.-hardness curve is smoothed out and the hardness Card 2/a S/1 80/6 1/000/001/012/013 rhe Question of the Properties ... 17021/E4o6 of B12C was 4000 kg/mm-2 whilst that of B4C was about 5000 kg/mm2. Electrical resistance measurements showed that there were sharp maxima at 8 and -')1.7/'o carbon. After annealing, the first maximum was retained although the absolute value decreased; a high maximum was observed at about 15%, carbon (Bl3C2)- The resistance of alloys containing more than 30'0' carbon was low and practically independent of composition. Studies of temperature dependence of resistance of B4C confirmed the semiconducting character of this carbide (see Fig-5). Thermal e.m.f. measurements showed that the highest values corresponded to defect structures of the compotinds B12C and B12C3 deficient in carbon. Two possible variations of the phase diagram of the boron-carbon system at the boron-rich end are given in Fig.4. There are 5 figure5, 3 tables and 19 references: Ili Soviet and 5 'lor-Sovi(,t. SUBMITTED: August 24, 1.960 Card 3/1 ) C V, N F. 36335 S/i85/61/006/005/012/019 7 700 (ILI 3S-, lo 11.31 D274/D303 AUTHORS,- Sarmsonov, H-V~; and Syrellnykova, V.S. TITLE- On the width of the forbidden grap in boron carbide PERIODICALt Ukrayinslkyy flzychnyy zhljrnal, v. 6, no. 5, 1961, 687 -- 689 TEXT: The temperature dependence is investigated of the resistivi- ty of 2ommercial boron carbide and of relaTively pure boron carbide. The specimens were prepared by hot-pressing in graphite molds. The widtli of the forDidden gap was calculated from the temperature de- pendenCe of the resistivity; It w_as found to be approximately 1.64 ev? The coir,-.~ercial B4C contained Fel Si, xid Cr Impurities, as well as traces of Zn, Sb, Cu and Ni. The pure boron-carbide was obtained by hot-preosing in an argon atmosphere. The temperature dependence of the resistivity of con,mercial B4C wrls ireasured up to 20000C, and of the pure B4C up to 1600OC; the treasurements were conducted by a method given in the references. The results of the measurements are shown in figures. The character of the curvea is in both cases ana- Card 1'~' ~' S/ 30V35 /185 1/006/005/012/019 On the w1dth of the Torbidden ... D274YD303 logous to the curves for silicon c~.rbide, I.e. first, the resisti- vity decreases owing to the excitation of the impurity electrons, then it increases due to scattering uy thermal fluctuationsp and then it de?reases again on transition to intrinsic conductivity. Thu zemperatures of the corresponding transitions care however dif_ fereni for each of the Doron-crirbide types, as well as for the si- the transition to intrinsic conductivity of ,icon carbide. Thus, pure B4C takes pl,,tce a" 11UC-11-~000 ~Ls compored to i60000 for SM The activation energy of the electruns; calculated from the tempera- ture dependencelof the resistivity, is al,proximately 0.7 ev for pure B4C ir, the temperature range 14U0 - 15500C and In the tempera- ture range 1'i00 - 20000C - approc-1mately 1.64 ev. In the authors' opinion, O~'i ev- is not the width of the forbidden gap, but the transition energy of electrons~ Intrinsic con6uctivity appears at a temperature of nearly 17UOOC, and the width of the forbidden gap is approximate'y 1.64 ev. The energy bands of B4C are shown in a figu- re, and the transition between bands is explained. The electrical conductivi,.ty in B C is mainly due to the flow of holes in -the filied band, and of electrons - in the co?jduction band. There are 5 figuies C: rd 30335 S/165/61A_,06/005/012/019 On the width of the forbidden D274/D303 and b references: 2 Soviet-bloc und 4 non-Sovie4bloc. The referen- ces to the English-language publicati~,-)ns read as followst R. Hidg- ,,vay, Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc., 63, 3b9, 1933; 66, 117, 1934; r,*.. Yamaraki, J. Chem. Phys., 27, 5, '146-51, 1957; G. Fetterley, J. Blectrochem, Soc,j 249 Ig '14b, 19157. AS."OCIATION: Instytut metalokeramiky i spetsialInykh splaviv AN URSR m. Kyyiv (Insiitute for Fowder Metallurgy and Spfdial Alloys AS UkrSSR, Kyyiv) SUBMITTED: January 2, 1961 Card .5/3 IR 8100 26-1? S/O."./I61 102 7/~DOe/0' 8/020 B' 24/"B2 AUTHORS: Sinellnikova, V. S., and Vircvtsev, V. A TITLEs Device for measuring ele:~trlcal of 2000-25000C PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya. v 27, 1- TEXT: The authors designed a special devtce f:~r mq~aE.;ring a, tr,'~ al resistance of high-melting substan~eq at 20CC.:_)c;0'I`;C 11 F T~P adiusting screw 2 fixes the specimen I between two molyllr'r"'-z Th,,e .ipper contact 3 is connected with a water-ccoled fer-'a-, 71 V,~- a 77,?-3- tir I made of heat-resistant steel. The lower contart 6 rc----- ,~ a 7i:-.ycden-.-x spring 7 which gurantees continuous conneotion with th~ spsr:rb.~-.' Tte :cwsr contact is supplied with ourrent through the f:~xib'~P opper tar e whirh is connected to the water-cooled support 0. T~4 are :.i),-?d 2 from the water-cooled table 10 by ebcnltg pale '' arc 7a-rr ~e;i~Z 1-1 The system is pr~;vided with cne tungsten and !nre,~- zolylrl,~nz to reduce the heat loss, For pyrometri~ temosratli:e =~-asirzmen-5. -_,en:ng 14 is pro7ided for the thermocouple, and two M~Ire -1pen:ng4 '~7r r'-0te_=. Card 1/4 A, -"J - S /c -~ ;'/02-71/0~,8/0',9/020 Device for measuring.- BI24"YB2'5 The shields are adjusted by guides 16 and fixed -.r. -,cn ty atsp -screws 17, The probes, made of pointed molybdpnum ~r w.,- qT~ ?'7 %-M in length and 0.,5 mm in diameter, and are ins,,Iatc-i fr--in 'he Fh'eelds ty lundum tubes, Tantalum plates press the PTCteS th~- ipE-CIMO~n The whole system is placed in a molybdenum giass enve:-,p-? T~-,e -.I-,ren~ passing through the specimen is measured by a .6 and an NIA. ACT (ELA, AST) ammeter. Amperage 'is ~y 20 (.PNO.20) autotransformer. The voltage drop at the specimin i~ -.r-.--h an Jji-9-2 (LV-9-2) tube voltmeter, and its tempera-ir- :9 -kralarl~,] ly a tungsten-rhentum thermocouple and an MVMP) Tt,- fipuice may be used for measuring the resistivi!y cf OFe7imeri~. 10 mz! -rg and 4 mm in diameter. The error of measurement is 5 2 a,~ The re3,ik~s cb-Lained for titanium carbide (linear dependence cf resis,ivity ~~n tf.~mperature) are in good agreement with those obtained by 11,, V K~7,*-M~zye'1-3 V S Neshpor, G. V Samsonov, and S. A. Semenkovi~h (Ref 2: Zhurnal teknIches- koy fiziki, 26, 1282 (1952)). There are 11 figure~5 and 2 refmr~-n7es: 1 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc The referen-e o Engl;sh-language publications reads as follows: F, Glaser, D Mosk'~,witz Prwd Met. Bull 6, 178 (1953). Card 214 Device for measuring... ASSOCIATIONi- Institut nauk USSR Alloyg of ,-~7 ~, -, S103 61/027/008/018/020 B124~B215 netallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh.qplavov Akademii (Institute of Powder Metallu'r alnla Special the Academy of Sciences Ukrssa~ Card 3/4 41P99 .5/226/62/000/0"/008/012 ~il' rciractorl coL.pour4s at elevated temparaturcs -u.4, 1962, 5)-62 ave C.-t-'Z 'j.- Qlay cQI4tra;.IictQx-j on the above sub'Ject, '2..c tc;-pcra'.4,~ze "e.-otiJence of tha c~cctric h -Jum 1 tu.,Zten tjif- CaIJ.LCZI Z- -!U:4, Jaf 0 y W4 z of '...a vOl' ~.CU -j~ wia zirc,;zau;-, up to 2300 C was ii-rest-E:ated We U - a S-e '~ie ;.nvactir-ated were 'J::tWeen t' is .,a ..a clectri-s of both the ;-.etillic a:4 '"'~e atu;..z ,f t--z :-j'i, Zic.-c are 2 "iZ;.rTs ard I ta;.-e. ~.;peciyall"yi-a 3!)Iavov A;i M~iR (The Imititute Cavd -12 .')/22 ~16 21,.Wlv~4 /,~0/01 2 iW3/1203 L,cctric i*cj.jta--t;,~ v. - . - of ;.i,,-,al Pow-,,. ts -- "Ll-,jys of tl.e AS U,:rS3A) Sui:~-ITTLD: ja-ar~/ _1" _1_1 W SAMSONOV, G.V.; SINEL'NIKOVA, V--.-S. Preparation and properties of titanium aluminides. TSvet. not. 35 no.11:92-95 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Titanium compounds) ACCESSION NR: AP4017568 S/0149/64/000/001/0145/0150 AUTHOR: Samsonov, G. V.; Sinellnikova, V. B.; L'vov, S. N.;Nemchenko, V. F. TITLE: Physical properties of titanium, zirconium, and vanadium aluminides SOURCE: rVUZ. Tsvetnaya metallurglya, no. 1, 1964, 145-150 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, zirconluni alloy, vanadium alloy, aluminum alloy, aluminide, Ipbysical property, electrical conductiviLy, thermal conductivity, Hall effect, Wiedemann Franz ratio, thermal expansion, hardness, magnetic susceptibility ADSTRACT: The physical properties determined were resistivity, thermal coefficient of resistivity, coefficient of thermo-omf, Hall constant effective current carrier mobility, effective current carrier concentration, heat conductivity, Wiedemann Franz ratio, coefficient of thermal expansion, microhardness, and magnetic susceptibility. Ile alloys TiAl, * TiA13, Zr3AI, Zr Al, ZrAl., V5Al VAI,. VA., and VAIII were prepared by are melting in argon or by silring from "008aluminum and 99 .98% pure iodide titanium, zirconium, and vanadium. The greater hardness, lower resistivity, and lower thermal expansion of TiAl compared to TiAl Indicate greater electron density in thc Ti M-electron. level. The speciRc conductivity of Zr-aluminides increases as the ratio of AI:Zr Increases, cam 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP400568 which process is linked to a gradual electron influx into the Zr d-level. V-iluminides show a similar pattern. Minimum current carrier concentrations and maximum current carrier mobilities for all MeAl alloys are noted. gxcept for Ti-aluminides,- the Wiedemaw Franz ratio for the alloys was Aund to be greater than theoretical, which Is accounted for by significant lattice contributions to the electricia conductivity. From the donor- acceptor theory. itis concluded that the probability or an Al-valence electron influx into the d-level decreases as the accepting ability of the latter decreases, in the order Ti-Zr-wV. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramild L spetsiallny*kh splavov AN UkrSSR -(Tzatittite of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys); Khersonskiy pedagogicheskiy Institut (Kherson, Pedagogical Inst1tute) SUBMITTED: 19JuIS3 SUB CODE: MM NO REP SOV: 012 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 _j~ ~8-6~ E;WT(m)/EPF(n)-2/E',VA(d)/E'KP(t)/E'OVP(k)/ WP(b) Pf-4/P -4/Pu'-4 L 148 AYNL/ASD(m)-3/AS(Mp)-2/AFTC(p) JD/HW/ja ACCESSION NR: AP4047428 S/0136/64/000/010/0069/0073 AUTHORi Sinellniko2, _V.S. TITLE: Production of aluminides of refractory metals SOURCEt Tsvetny*yemetally*o no.40, 1964, 69-73 TOPIC TAGS: aluminide, aluminum allo hafnium'vlontaining alloy, molybdenuml"lontaining aljor. niobium;, ntaining al a $ tantalum con- taining alloy, vanadium kf'qfntsining R00y, zi.rconium'k on tainins alloy, sintering, are melting, hSt extrusion induction melting ABSTRACT: Aluminides, alloys of AlEh various amounts of 11f, Mo. Nb, Re, Ta, V, or Zr, were prepared by TIG or induction melting, by sintering in an argon atmosphere, or by hot extrusion of the powdered components. The advantages and limitations of each preparation method have been studied. Results of the study showed hot extrusion to be the best method in that it produces homogeneous single-phase alloys without heating above the melting temperature of the corresponding aluminides; the ease of mixing powdered ingredients facilLtates forms- tLon of homogeneous alloys, and rapid cooling praduces no cracks since Card 1/3 L 14808-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047428 hot extruded alloys can be cooled at practically any cooling rate. A disadvantage of this method is a slight contamination of the alloys by oxygen present in the oxide film onpowder particles. Single-phase aluminides are also readily obtained* without prolonged homogenizing treatment, by sintering powdered components in an argon atmoshpere, Since most sintered aluminides are brittle. they are easily powdered, and test specimens of the required shape can be made by subsequent cold compacting and sintering in an inert atmosphere or by hot extru- sion, TIG melting of pure initial ingredients produces poreless in- gots of aluminides of practically stoichiometric composition. How- ever, a prolonged homogenizing treatment at near-melting temperatures is necessary to obtain single-phase alloys, making difficult the pro- duction of large ingots of the aluminides of refractory metals. Also, rapid cooling of the ingots results in cracks which hamper measurement of the alloy properties. The use of induction melting in an argon atmosphere has the advantages and limitations similar to those met with TIG melting, exc'ept that the induction-melting process makes it possible to avoid overheating of the alloya and thus to obtain the re- quired alloy composition by eliminating the vaporization loss of alumi- num. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 5 tables. Card L 148o8-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047428 ASSOCIATION: nonek SUBMITTEDi 00 ENCL,. 00 SUB CODEi HH, IE NO REF SOVi 007 OHTER: 000 ATD PRESSt 3140 Card 3 / 3 t 39LL66-65 J c A?/!M/,Tl)/JC ACCESSION NR: AP4047876 S/0279/64/000/005/0121/0126 AUTHOR: Slnellnikova. V.S. (Kiev); Samsonov, -G.V. (Kiev); Llvov,, S. . (Kiev~ TITLE: _Physical properties Iof aluminides of transition metals of the fifth group of the Pei~1~a,1c`_s`yq,_t_e, m,--o-f -elements SOURCE': ANSSSR. Izvestiya. Metallurgiyalgornoyedelo, no, 5, 1964, 121- 126 1 1- / TOPIC T~GS: transition metal aluminide, vanadium aluminide, niobium aluminid.-, tantalurn ~luminide, specific electrical resistance, Hall constant, thermal,elec- tromotive force, thermal conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, mir-rohardness, work function ABSTRACT: The specific electrical resistance, Hall constant, thermal- e. m. f. thermal conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, concentration and mobility of current carriers, Wiedemann-Franz ratio, and microhardness were determined at room temperature for the following aluminides: V 3 Al, V5 A18, VA13, VA16, VA111, Nb3 Al, Nb 2Al, NbA13, TaA13, Ta2A1 and Ta.A13. The work function at 1500 K was determined for ZrAl 3, Zr5AI8, V5 A18, TaAl3 and NbA13- "(Work c.,dl / 2 L 39466-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047876 functiL;.i) Measurements were carried out by B. Ch. Dyubya and 0. K. Kultashev" Orig. art. has: 4 tables ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 0IFeb64 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: MM NR REF SOV: 012 OTHER: 009 ca,d 2/2 r't~ L EiF(l )/aF EPR/EW'P( Q /FIP(k ) /VWT (z, I 1hYP -4 W ,Pf-,)4 if Tu UP )D/JG 'AVIKH ACCESSION NR: AP5oi6O32 UR/0226/65/ooo/oo6/oo:10/00l7 AUTHOR: Sinel'nikova, V. S. ,4111 TITLE: Production of aluminides of refractory metals SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgila, no. 6, 1965, 10-1T TOPIC TAGS: refractory metal, aluminide, refractory metal aluminide, aluminide production method, aluminide are melting, aluminide induction melting, alum:.nide synthesis ABSTRACT: Experiments have been mqde to find the best method -1 of producing e1uminides of refractory metals. 99.99%-p9r!L'Jlrr99.99%-pure Md-~and Ub`and iodide Ti rnd Zr ure Ta were 99.15-pure A)knd 99. 4%-p used in mt-&-ing altLndn~jdes by meltinG. High-' purity aluminidec. with a com ined by pos'I~Yl close to the stoichiometric were obtai induction or arc melting with a nonconsumable electrode in all argon atmoGpliere. But tile alloy ingots had many cracks and cavities and their structure was in-icmo- geneous, requiring prolonged annealing at near-melting temperatures to obtaia a single-phase structure. Sound solid specimens of high-purity aluminides can be obtained by grindin /arc- or induction-relted ingots a-nd subsequent hot compicting.i Synthesizing by thc_i~_powder-metallurgy method was be3t for producing aluminiles'of refractory metals where R6-p-urity in not required. Thorough mixing of the initial Card 1/2 NR: AP5016032 AC6E N components ensured alloy homogeneity. The required sintering temperature, which was not higher than the melting temperature of a particular aluminide, was readily maintained, and the easily controlled rate of cooling practically eliminated ingot cracking. In the experiments, green compacts were further compacted in an argon atmosphere at 600C for 3-5 min, after which the temperature was raised to the re- quired sintering temperature. The optimum temperatures for compacting alurinides under a pressure of 1011 dan/cm2 with a holding time of 10 min were (0d):VA111 66o-68o, VAIry 720-730, VA13 161200, V51'16 141500, 1~bAl,- -1600, Nb3A1 17240~-1870, T4A13 -.14oo, HfA13 IV126o, MoAl -1600, ZrA13 %,1470, ZrA12 'N,1520, Zr3Al2 v1420. Sln,le-phase alumin1des of refractory metals were also successfully synthe3ized by sintering below melting temperatures. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 td:)Ies. (MS) I-ASSOCIATION: Institut problem mate ri alovedeniy a AN UkrSSR (Institute of t:i'e -Problems*7' of the Science of Materials, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITUD: 14jul64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: W, IE NO MF SOV: oo6 OTHER: 001 ATD PREss: 4034 I r Card 212-C0_Ce_ L 4025-66 Ewp (e)/E,.,rr (m)1EWP (t)/E-dP(k)/EWP(z )/E'.'IP (b iii"'-) "D e, ACCESSION NR: AP5022256 UR/0363/601001/007'A07171078 546.31621:541.5 AUT11OR: -Samsonov, G. V.1 Sinel'nikova, V. Sl- I i .1 , 1. .y TlTlE:*,tStud, of the nature of chemical bonding in aluminides of certain tLaqp-j,-- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 7, 1965, 1071-1078 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum compound# transition element, chemical bonding, electric conductivity, electric resistance, thermoelectromotive force ABSTRACT: Compact samp es of aluminides of certain transition metals 1'rl 1-1 Z r j'! W Q-i-1 ~7 Ltd,' 11f ;'I Ta "Re)'?were prepared by tering of powdere -ri ~' -U, sin C! aluminides. The electrical resistivity was measured as a function of temperature between 20 and 1100C, and relationships were established between the clect.rical resistivit and the relative content of alumintzn, probability of scattering of y charge carrier by the transition metal atoms, and the acceptor capacity of these m -e - of th atoms. The temperature dependence of the absolute differential ther o ME e aluminides was also investigated, The results obtained are explained in terms Card 1/2 L 4025-66 ACCESSION NR: APS022256 of the concept of formation of stable configurations approaching thed5 type in transition metal atoms and the 4 type in aluminupt atom's uRon the formation of I.inides. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 ASSOCIATION: Institut problem materialovedeniya Akademii nauk UkrSsRp Kiel (Inattvvte-of Materials Science Problems, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 210ct64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REF SOV: 012 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 L 3082 EW (t) /W (b) IJP(r-) JD AM5026188 MM EXPWITATIM UP/ 6F3.4 ti S38 Sinellnikova, Vera Scmen2va~,Jodtrpin, Veniamin Alekse ch; Rechking Viktor NikojAZevich Yq, Aluminidgy ( yuminidy), Kiev, Izd-vo 'Naukova dumka"s 1963. 240 P. illueo, Akadmiya nauk biblio., tables. 1,700 copies printed. (At head of title: _ Ukr ins SSR. Institut roblem mater1alovect~Ri-Yj&4.,,(-. js2y TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, Ajv_m1n%yianoy, aluminum compound, refractory compound, halide, metal property, boron compounds carbon compound, aluminum oxids, m i A3 m nu PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: Ihis book presents the characteristics of interaction between aluminum and all elements of the periodic system. A classification of aluminides based on the nature of their interaction is givens and classes of elements not chemically interacting with aluminum are specified. The physico-chemical nature of aluminides is explained in relation to electronic interaction. This book,is useful for scientists and technical engineers specializing in refractory compounds and in research of materials for new technology. It also can be ueed by students and university aspirants in Card 1/2 L, 3082-66 AM3026188 physics,j chemistry and metallurgy. TABLE OF CONUNTS (abridged): Foreword - 3 Ch. I. Metallochemistz7 of aluminum - 5 Ch. 11. Structures and phyaical-chemical properties of aluminides 23 Ch. III. Methods of preparation and application of aluninides - 39 Ch. IV. Aluminidee of metals in the first group c?f the periodic table 53 Ch. V. Alvminides of metals in the second group of the poriodic, tabl* 63 Ch. VI. Aluminides of intermediate metals - 70 Ch. VII. Alwainides of elanents of the boron subgroup - 149 Ch. VIII. Aluminides of elements of the carbon subgroup - 156 Ch. IX. Aluminides of elements of the nitrogen subgroup - 161 Ch. X. Aluminides of elements of the oxygen subgroup 168 Ch. XI. Halide compounds of aluminum - 173 Ch. X11. Multicomponent, &Uoys with aluminun 176 Bibliography - 225 SUB CODE: IC,MH SUPKITTED: Wn'65 NO REF SOV: 231 oimi 560 Card V2 L' 'l'uI;Crv , ( , ~: - ~.- , I ~', ~-,- , 11, :) I .V.; , I ."', L, .1 , t., )w A I D . . . I . .- -:1 eta-S& Nature ;f cemi,?al bonds ir. ult;r.-z ::~ 5-no *ra-:31t" ;' Izv, A,,,.,; &3~w.R, Ziecrg# 1-ato I- roo7:1C'7_i--",)7d JI 165, ( , ! -, -., , 'A ~ : ,~ ~ _i L I . .. . , -A I ! 1. inititut problem mate.rialnvedenlyu AN lrkxSSR, Kiyev. i ~ _r) I- y- T F T T~- r j ) C, f) I ~i,6j:jcj SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/039/004/0729/0735 AUTHOR: Samsonov, G. V.; Sinellnikova, V. .; Kopylova, V. P. ORG: Institute of Materials Science Problems ialov qkrSSR (Institut problem mater e- deniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Aluminothermic reduction of titan ,um 1xides SOU13CE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 4, 1966, 729-735 TOPIC TAGS: chemical reduction, whmwkmm titanium oxide, aluminum oxide, aiu ABSTRACT: The conditions of reduction of titanium oxides (TiO and TIO) by aluminum in a vacuum were studied in order to obtain titanium aluminides.1, e mechanism of the aluminothcrmic reduction was investigated by recording the corre ponding thermograms for TiO2 and TiO. In order to determine the phase composition of the products, the reduction was carried out at various temperatures, including 975C (the only temperature at which a peak appeared on the thermograms), and the products were analyzed by x-ray diffraction and chemical means. The following conclusions were reached! the reduction of TiO 2 by aluminu in a vacuum proceeds via the formation of TiO and Al 203; the formation of aluminum titanate V 8241136 ACC NR,. APGO 12838 was not observed. At 975C, the aluminides TiAl and TIM 3 are formed during the reduction of both TiO2 and TiO. Up to 1300C, in addition to the aluminides, aluminum oxide is present in the products; it is reduced by the aluminides and driven off as Al20. The rate of heating to the reduction temperature has virtually no effect on the reduction processes. It is suffi- cient to carry out the heating for 80 to 100 min at about 975C. Aluminum oxide begins to be removed at 1300C, but this is a slow process. The reduction takes place at a rapid rate at 1400-1500C. Alloys of practically any composition can be obtained by changing the amount of excess aluminum in the initial batch. The chemical stability of TiAl and TiAl 3 In HCIP 11240 31 If2SO 41 and If31304was determined. Orig. art. has, 6 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 07,1//SUBM DATE: 25May64 / ORIG REF: 010 / OTH REF: 002 2/2 i SIN' LINIKOVA, Ye. F.; ROZINA, R. I. ~ ~ Effect of PAS on liver function in tuberculosis. Prob. tuberk., Moskv& no-3:43-47 Hay6-June 1951. (CLML 20:11) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences Sidellnikova; Candidate Biological Sciences Rozina. 2. Of the Biochemical Division, Moscow Oblast Scientific-Research Tuberculosis Institute (Director - Prof. F. V. Shebanov). SI-M11111-OVA, To. P. Dissertation: "Protoanemonin and Its Effect on Microoreanisms.' Caal -Oiol Sci, Inst of Hicrobiolog7, Acad Sci Ukranlan SSR. Kiev 1953 W-30928 SO: Reforativray ZhAxrnal, Nj. 5. Dec 1953, Moscow, AN USSR (JUMP=) SINF,L'NIKOVA. Ye.P. Change in the concentration of streptomycin in animal blood and tissues effected by the action of different agents on the central nervous system. Probl.tub- 37 no-1:113 159. (MIU 12:2) 1. Iz Ukrainakogo nauchno-Insledovatel'skogo instituta, tuberkuleza. (S CrN) Yc.P. (Sync1':aykova, O.P.j IW.hod of the viability of mici-o-orf;anism in experi- mental aerosols. 14ikrobiol. zhur. 23 no.2:45-48 '61. (MIA:-A 14:7) 1. Kiyevskiy institut usovorshenstvovaniya vrachey. (STAPHYLOCOCOUS) (AEFOSOLS) %Ei'SEIGORA, Apollinariy Yefimovich [VorsIqhora, A.H.], kand. mad. nauk; GRIGOMYEVA, Lyudmil, VlLdinirovna [Hx-~hovlieva, L.V.1, kand. med. nauk; j_jjIa!I!UQ.VA,.Ye1ena Favloyna [Synellriykova, O.P.], dots.; YAilOSHIIIKO, V.A.., red.; XYKO, V.P.) jFractical handbook of medical microbiology) Praktychnyi po- oibrWk z medychnoi mikrobiologii. Kyiv, Derz)=,edvydav URSR, 1963. 194 P. (MIRA 16:12) 1 (nDIC%,L 1XICIMBIOLOGY -LABORATORY MAJALS) SIIIT-Ltt;IKOV,Al Ye.p. Liquld f oamy filters .4:3.- '.iio II ~.t ~,; '-'- ;'. "I ~-. :'-' ~,_- -, ~i. Zhur. mikrobiol.39 eFid. i i.-Mni ~. 4~) r.-..:4~,-53 Ap 163. (1-11" 11 7-5) 1. 1z Klyfivikogo inatitit.ii u~~ ,iIN'ELINIKGjVAO ye.Y. Methodology of experimental streptcroccal aerosol. Zh,,,r. m1kro- biol., epid. i immun. 42 no.2:120-1.23 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:(,') 1. Kiyjvski.y inatitut t;sovnrnhi~rBtvovaniya vrachey. L 11549-66 ACC NR, APO SOURCE CODE: UR/0105A5/000/001/0090/0090 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, B. K.; Dorman, B. A.; Drozdov, No G.; Dubinakiyp L. A.; Zalesskiy. A. M.; Kamenskiy, M. D.; Kozlov, M. D.; Liaovskiy, Go So; Sinelobov. Trebulev, P. V.., Uspenskiy, B. S.p Kheyfite, No Do; Shvetaovp M. A, ORG: none TITLE: Nikolay Nikolayevich Krachkovskiy SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 1, 1965, 90 TOPIC TAGS: electric power engineering, electric engineering personnel Ko So /B ABSTRACT: Brief biography or suoject, a senior scientific associate of the Institute of Power Engineering AS USSR, on the occasion of his 75th birthday on 16 Dee 04. He was graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnical Inatituto in 1016. Worked for a number of years i:,the planning, survey- ing, construction and operation of the first UV tr imission lines ind substations. From 1922 to 1026, participated in the planning and construc- tion of the first Soviet hydroelectric station (Volkay GES In. Lenin) and 110 ky transmission line. rn 1927-1932, designed transmission lines at the GET (State Electrical Engineering Trust) and the Leningrad branch of Dneprostroy. Chief of electric power and transmission station at Sverd- lovsk, Volgostroy and Leningrad Enorgoproy*kt (1932-1938)1 simultaneously studied 100-cycle current for AS USSR szd~psrtleipated In pAaAAiAS_thQ Kuybyshev GES - Mo'sc'6W transmission'lineo Worked at Leningrad Gidroproys.kt.until 1947, and at Moscow Gidrenergoproyekt unti.1 1955. Among the first to propmose L 11549-66 ACC NRi converting the Kuybyshev - Moscow line from 400 to 500 ky. An ardent advocate of ' d-c for HV and EV transmission. Authored over 75 scientific and technical articles, and two inventions. Awarded the Order of the Red Bannerof labor and other decorations. Orig. art. hass 1 figures Lypw- 14 , SUB CODEt 09 / SUBM DATEt none p 0) GOLUBTSOV., R.A.; KAiL4SAULIDZE, A.N.; KESELIVAN, L.M.; SMELOW;, K.S. 11~),ndnmentals of the mechanical section of overhead power transmission lines" by A.A.Clazunov,, A.A.Glazurov. Reviewed by R.A.Golubtsov. Elektrichestvo no.6:91-96 Je 161. OIRA 14:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy gocudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu teplovykh elektrostantsiy, 114oakva (for Golubtsov). 2. Vsesoyuzriyy nauchno- issledovatellakiy institut elektroenergetiki, ~bskva (for Karsaulidze). 3. Vseuoyuznyy goaudarstvannyy inatitut Vo proyektirovaniyu teplovykh elektrostantaiy., Tashkent (for Kesellaan). 4. Vaeooyuznyy treat p0 proyektirovaniyu gidroelektrostantsiy I gidroelektxonlovo Leningrad (for Sinelobov). (Electric power distribution) BOSHNYAKOVICH, Andrey Dragomirovich- SINEL4080V K S* retsenzent; K'RYUKOV, K.F., red.; ZHITNIKOV , red. [Mechanical calculation of lines and wires for overhead power transmission linea]Mekhanicheskii raschet provodov i trosov li- nii elektroperedachi. Moskva, Gosenargoizdat, 1962. 253 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Electric lines-Overhead) .Y 1" KU ,Kir ill ~ #-- t. , - o . -A, -- ". ; I,. i I " ." . , '~ ,!'. -I ek ~-ey ; , - -.-. ~-' 1 . (~ D'IV bor-hi T %V lov 1CA I; L 'V ri. en'."ent.; Cori.--. truction and de.Agn of metal reiracrcei (:one:-ete power transr,`-:~sion lino oupports] Kcncti-Atsil --' raoch(~t -..f-talli- chonkikh j c-por lin'! "'C)- sh-va, F-nergiia, c85 1- la~ 17:10) TSALKIN. V.I.; SINILOBOV. M.A., vedush&,i7 red. ~ . ~ [Sibirlan mountain goat (Capra sibirica sibirica)] Sibirskii gornyl kozel. Nookva, Izd-vo Hook. ob-va lopytatelei prirody, 1950. 108 P. (Haterialy k Poznanliu fauny i f1oz7 SSSR. Mel zoologIcheakil, no.21). (miRA 11W (Asia, Central-Goats) 0 0 ~69 0 0 I it #40 lot Nn A 000 04 c *so. **A 404 1 0040 0091 004 000 006 Oem 009 n" OWL %~m ft OIL AwL VIA401 40 am Ati Odom -a M vow :so WOO 000 as* see, xe so go so so b m 0 A, 00 it Al i 11 ; li "IrmMI& some nolwova TOLKAGHEV, A.N., imndidat isel'eko-khozyay9tvennykji nauk; SINIMBOV, M.A. - .., -, ~ Methods of carrying out tree tapping experiments. Der.i lesokhIm. prom. 3 no.2:12-14 7 054. (KLHA 7:1) 1. TSNILKHL (Tree tapping) 11 1 1 1 - I 1Tf r-r TOLKACHIV. A.K. ; SINNLUBOV. M.A. Some regularities of exudation in tapping pines. Der.i lesokhim. prom. 3 no.3:13-16 Hr '54. (KI.RA 7:3) 1. TsNILKhI. (Tres tapping) fluence of streak dej~li.. -the yl.R-d~r..Y.Rrn ~V. tinbg. A. K. Tollracbev and M. A. Sinelobov. pererabaIyvaywkAay4 i Laokhim-.Pio-m-.-V-N-o~W = 8-10(1954).-The effect of streak depth (1) m th~* yia! ;I oleoresin (H) was studied; for I group of pines (3.8 daya chieping intffval) the av. yield was 13.3 x. H per streak for I - 4.8 mm. (" mm. range) and 12.2 g. for I - 93 mm. (8-11 mm. range). For another group of pines, the In- c"a3rd yield of 11 when the I was reduced from app"m I to 0.5 cm. wa3 167e for trees with wide (1.7-2.5 mm.) and ay. mm.) growth rings, and 9% for trees with narrow R".7 rnm.) growth rings. John Lake Kesys TOLKAGIIEV, A.K.; SINELOBOV, )4.A. Intensive method of tapping firm. Der. i lesokhim. prom. 3 no.12: 12-13 D 154. (~(I-M 8:1 ) 1. T$eutral'Vy Muchno-lesledovatellskiy lesokhimichookiy ingtitut. (Tree tapping) , .Xikhail Alekseyevich, USTINOVICH, TOLXAGHZV, Andrey Kirillovich,,34jWJA&QT,, B.P., redaktor; SARKATSKATA, G.I., redaktor izd3telletva; SHITS, V.P., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Innovations in the tapping of pine and spruce] Movoe v podsochka soany i eli. Moslcva. Goslesbumizdat. 1956. 61 p. (MIA 9:11) (Fine) (spruce) (Tree tappine)