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UM/Mm4lobw - 4PMAU.- nZ6403 bbdicine - Itabbits "IbLperimental Study of the J~mctionm of the Appw dix Vermiformis," Ya. I. Sinellnikov, Chair of Physiol, Odessa State U Imeni 1. 1. VmcbnIkov# 6 pp *Fiziol Zhur SOW" Vol MOW, No Despite numerous inwestigations of Mpendlz -wer- miformis in wmn there is still no accutate'dLata on its function. Most surgeons comAider the . . appendix 'Yestigeal, and because Inflemation fri- quently results, reconwn& removal by ope i USWMe~cine - Appendix, Physiology Sep/Oct 46 (Contd) Sinellniko-v studie& function of appendix by inveati- gating corresponcling organ in rabbits. Describes research an& states conclusions. Submitted 14 Aug 46. 34/49T19 'i'I SINELINIKOVI TO.I. Experimental investigations on intestinal lymphatic formations. FizoLzb-SSSR 36 no-5:586-593 SePt-Oct 50. (GLML 2o:4) 1. Department of Physiology, Odossa State Univpraity imeni I.M. Nechnikay. 2. 11xpmriments conducted on rabbits. SINELINIKOV, Ya.I.; FATENOVSKAYA, M.I., red.izd-va; MIKHEYEVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Handbook on safety engineering for workers in lime produc- ing plants] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopnsnosti dlia rabo- chikh po proizvodstvu izvesti. Moskvn, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 12 p. (MA 16;8) (Lime industry--Safety measures) KOVBASA. Ye.M.,assistent. (Khar'kov); SINXL'NIKOV, Ya.R., assistant (KharIkov) " Nerve cells lying within the maxillary and mandibular nerves. Probl. atom. 3:261-266 156 (XLRA 10:5) (JAWS--INN12VATION) SBELINIKOV, Ya.R. Minrikov, u1. Krasina, d.5, kv.16) Nervous of the muscles of the shoulder girdle In man. Arkh.anat gists' I embr, )5 no*4:7-1-75 JI-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:20) 1, Xnfedra normallnoy anntomli lharlkovskopgo meditionkogo instituta (zav. - Prof. R.D. Sinellnikov) I kafedra normallnoy anatomii Ehnrikovskogo meditsinskogo atomntologicheskogo instituta (zav. dots. K.S. Filonova). (SHOUIDIM, innervation nervns of musce of shoulder girdle (Rug)) ~'c 7t; 7~jtl Ant~ liu,il"OR n e 1 ,, i k o vY f.7! . DC a nd -L da -u e o fTechnical TITLE The Radial RiCidity of 1"utomobile T-Lres !'E :1 ICIDICAL. .-,'vtomobi1-nayq promyshlennost:. 1059, lvx 6, pp 14-16 ( U S' ~', R ) A B OT R A C T It is stated that the dependence of the radial tire deformation on the vert.Lcal. load is considered to be linear by the majority of investi-ators. How- ever.. the actual "load --- deformation" curves for automol-~ile tires differ considerably from a straight line (Ref,l). Furthermore, the loading and un-. lo,,,id~ni: .~. 3urves do not coincide but form a hysteresis loop. Tho surface of -this ioop characterizes ir-- reversible losses whereby the iatter increase, espe- cially with a r,-duction in the internal tire pressure, or when the inner tube is, repi-aced by foam rubber, as is the -ase for special purposes. Figure 1 shows the experimeatally established dependence of the Card 1,12 static radial deformation on the load Q for foam ~V/ I The Radial Ricidity of Automobile Tires rubber tires 5,00--16 fitted to the Moskvich automo- bile. Linear dependence of the load on the radial tire deformation is permissible only for relatively small sections of the curve. The linear function cannot describe the function F (_X) over the entir-e load rrjrice with sufficient accuracy. However, the curve under consideration may be expressed analytically as a square parabola AA. + C where A and C are constant experimental factors having different values for different types of tire. The followinC formula is t-en derived for expressing the relationship between the load and the radial de- formation of a pneumatic tire; ft .2. wherl- as 41-1-le interhal tire ~Irels'sure.' Card 212 There are 1, r_,raphs. 3 tables arid 2 Soviet references. 3INE-LINIHOV, Yr--. I.. Simllnikov, Ye, . defended his Doctor's dissertation in the Moscow Power En-fineerLng Institute im Yolotov, U,;.~R, on 7 May 1~43p for the aca,,Ilemic de~-,ree of Doctor of Techn~cal Sciences. Dissertation: "Influence oC Higher Harmonics of the Magnetic Field on the Starting oV Squirrel-Ca,~,e Electric Induction Motors". Resw..e: Sinellnikov made a theoretical ant experimental investi-ati3n o1L factors cauAncp rarqsitic ratatin,;, mor-ients AnJ msifn--tic nAses in squirrel-cnge Intuctior, motors.. OfFicial Op--lonents: Profs. V. Yu. Lomonsov, T. It. -;-,rok4-r, !;n1 B. P. Aparov (all Doctors of TE-chnical- 3ciences). SO: Elektrichestvo. 11111o. 7, Moscow, Auyust 10,53, pp $7-92 (1%/,-9344, 16 Apr 54) USO/Zlectricity - Motors, INdUCtiOn j" 50 Torque Characteristics "Measurement of the Torque of induction Motors Vben Starting," Ye. M. Sinellnikov, Dr Tech Sci, G. S. Somikbina, Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Power Zug Inst imeni Molotov "ElektrichestTo" No 7) PP 48-53 No Analyzes and compares various methods used for was- uring starting torque of induction motors. Do- * scri'bes operational principles of electromechanical acceleration meter. Describes circuit for measur- ing torque vith electroma netic acceleration wter 164T17 USSR/Electricity - Motors, Induction Jul 50 (Contd) and special galvanometer loop, and recommends criteria for selecting frequency characteris- tics of recording loop. Includes photograph of meter. 164T117- USSR/Electricity - Electrical Michtnes MaY 52 "Problem of Ceirmitation of DC Mchines," Dr Tech Sci Ye. M. Sinellnikov, Stalingrad Gidrostroy "Elektrichestvo" No 5, pp 24-29 Discusses theory of spark-formation during com- rwitation which gives quantitative explanation of overvoltages. Sets up criteria for sparkless corin tation. Submitted 23 Oct 51. 24oT44 SOY! 112-58-2--2179 frorn-. Refer at--;vv-,vy Elekt-ratekhmika, 1958, Nr 2, p 62 (USSR) ~.M- ~-,A Tozoni, 0. Y. T.'-LF: A:~% Experimental and Analytical Method for the Design of a Magnetic Field 4, . the Air Gap of DC Electric Machinery E~ ~,Pe.r ~,.-ne-.tal'no-.a7ialiticheskiy metod rascheta magnit-logo polya v vo,?dj, ihrom promez~~:.tke elektricheskikh mashin. postovannogo toka) PER'ODTCAL: Tr. Novocherk. politekhr... in-ta, 1956, Vol 43/57, pp 7-28 ABSTRACT; A -netynd I-s set forth for the experimer~tal and analytical design of an '$'T -gip mag,~~etic field in DC macMnery. The method is illustrated by an f-,x1t-Ty;7),e o--.f' t~%e desiv of the main-pole field of a DC machine. Gird. 1!1 -"Rirk, IND, CIDUU11CIfi~IN, D.S.; TlS4iZHi;Nt.6, N. A.; A.I.; SINIL'SIKOV, Ye.14. Rivel Fe"rrivich Xornlno,~. ri-nivarsary of hie eeat',- .7 rit. s tv -, n- - SINELINIKOV, Ye.Mj; NAZIKYAN, A.G. Now method for experimental determination of optitm, parameters of auxiliary poles in d.c. machinery. Izve vys. uchebe zav.; elektromakh 1 no.4:13-26 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Slectric mchinery-Direct current) ~j AJ 2 i f Head of the Cbair,'- TITLE - ; -, 1'.: ~' L ~ )1,1 of i 1 J A L L.--, v i- i 'A ach 1)5j, Jr 1.1. Uj,'L art ik", ii~l i t :I vni c il'a L X i [I -;han e in W i N ~,' L n,' :ii~-)~ild zero .11:; ci,~, -.17,-,i-i i n z I o n c L i n -wn nt~ctunce an.-- '~;he uotai Cil'ar. e Ot i'i 1 c) a If - 6 a t n,, or., L:' ~D- - I i e n ;2 d e d i ri z; h e s t r, !-n-ltll'--, .3 .--,a j,,~-ra6i)n r 0 :.1 n ) %-,,1 3 " 'e 'j 1-' j A a r 1'~ f 1 1 Z; ~ie :u--l e U -ic 1 L 3 ns e C, .ecr ,a v-ae I )11 JL' o i!~ _j V ~ U ,11*,- ~3 _)f r i vu J O.L U ~_l :1 I C I i r 6 dr f- 6 -~i Lit, -..,I t at~)r L! i HO f!MU, i I r I. C, 'J ~k I -L ri 1., ~3 0, 0 11 ~a C L Ul u a t ti- ij hl e, n 1---l r 1 1 Z~Ll __ L L L _ 2 e i e c t io li j i' n -o -er: j L e ukhe si in,"le c irc:,i i t i "c):- (iez,r~-r:.-dne L;fl; L i: (A' 3 e L c ie ri t e- ur ,,I er, -":71 L L'i f'D t yt u %-1 ee n il C~~ L' ;j C. i "I Z.* of 6,,iu, ar,' %)bua~nill-d iii 6iv: r ii-ve 1,,) t; be ain .viticn. ,I ~j..i ,,ue carve of i-'i T he i nd t ,sections i Fj tic-6 ---ri-3in,,~d ii iihe c irc u i L i I -~-ra L ed in vii u capa:~i i- i n i r-- ai-ai ie I i,; at, Lrlt~ D P.;1 i' v j ~za I ::-i ni~za--- u-.3ed t,) -,1e L;-;r iu~-, uhe 3,.al crl.*-c. I Lhe sec t -io n Az; a nunerical are v e- for uhe chan,~.,u in total flu.~L-lin--,~a -,e f,)r th- windir~~ ;i~, a- sections of two different slot.,4 of a d c , chine type 1jN- 38 of 110 V, 1000 rpm, kii, 2-s-.,o on oilier acidnes vdLri wave vdn~iiu,.',-: sh -i--S in fluy.-IinKa,~Je for s-Lot Io nj~; ex(,eed 5 u o b;~7. T Li e re ~ i a L u s i nu i c a u te ',; ~1 a r, f :) r e r a -u, :- c u r r e , i t 0 tu'n e 31 --, ao e Car-1-1 5/5 Df the inuer.-,ole stioe siic)uilkl -1`1i,3~W..- m-:Iforri 1-1; is trib'It-Lon. 6election of Lhe ln~er,,Iole 1"i(ei(i 6hw)e of induction. Ex.,eri-meatal r-_;Iii.-~.~ confir.:Iin- -,hi~3 point aro bri(il'ly uescribed 14L is V.%-ry difficalL Uo oi)~.iin Ghe 'Vi-Jo. and a i.,-; (le-scribed l.-iiLh rtl,,Co~rurice to Fi, ot inL;er,,_;o1e 311-jo f,)r parti(,ulal, confi~Surations :)f varioa.'; C),,)LiJ.,=i inLerkjoie fieldo 1,o- fl-his m.~.,cliine are :3ii,:),wn in bui, oniy fir~31L 011' Ufte tiiree can easily be obtal.ned in practice Tiii!3 ~.,iethod of deuer,,iinin~r Che necesoar.i interpole field in Lhe co..,~,Luuation zone iL; sat,L,iciently and accurate Df chanfle -Ln flux linka e 1*.)_r, ,.. oarti,:-zhir !.ri--teiiine ;,,;_;Lve.,a in Lhe article viere experimcmtall,7 _111-11ni, '.-he circuit of 2iT -) and r,-juL',.; ire in Tabic~ I It will be slkm ",,hat, tv? Df in flux-linr:a.~e i3 ri,)c qi~,,it~~ tLe op~imaEm burg -,,iv~ abs,)lute value i.-3 about; I.I c.Onci,ision r~he followin-~,, i)rocedare 'L-; _')r u'lle sriap,e of the inueri,ole tete d c, :::-~,,nine is firs6 di-,3_`gneA in Lhe u.;_u,-~l .ne req~.,izit-,e corQ-t;ariLs and ind,u;,arice are Selection of thc., interpole v'iuld Jhape field riecessarj for op'Gimu-M commuta~'--Jon is found by the metUod de3cribed ab,)ve; then uhe zieces~sary 3~iape of inLe-rpole field sii;)a is determined by the -meth3d described by 6-inel'nikov and Tozoni in lzvestiya vysshikh ucbebnykh zavedeniy, Ur 2. Tiiere are- 9 fi~;ures, I table and 2' Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOD: Novocherkasskiy polite.,chnickies.,"iy institut.Kafedra elek-. tricheskikh mashin i apparato-tr (Novocherkassk Polytechnical Card Institute, Chair of Electrical Machines and Devices) ~ v ", 1 '14 . " ~, .. I _~ - I AU'Fi1()RS T o z oil I V 3ciences. Dotset)t. Kill ebll lh~;X. I 1 5 i 71 ~ I Ti ik(.)v Y e, 1-1- Doc t or o t T(..c im j.c I I .1c I 9~ lic, 0 S r c, f t? r s I i i k u %, V Ass i s Ca ri t T I T 1, E. At I L I (-c t roint f, t For SO IV 1 1; i I I c III (~ t and ;,ellmali , s Ir c) 1)1 e ITI rz t I a .3t r I F ER I C) D I C A L I z v v s t i y, I v N. ,~ zi I I 11, 11 11 L. i I e 1) 11 v k I I z a v e d fe ri I. v , L I e k t r o III e k I i a i i i k a 1) p 1 (6 - 2, 1 SR) 12 , 5 MS ABs'rRAC'r - D i r c it I e t -,Nc iiwit it 1)(ju w1a rv v~i lu o pri)l~ I er.-~ ar I s e it cil Iculat, Loft of* 1, i elds I ri I iliear tTI(.(1) a . i% 11 ZI I )~ t I C A I I I nunte r I ( pt I Iflu t hod -i o t ~z 0 1 if t i.m a 1,1 i,at to Ibe mi3at.isfactorv III Iract-ice and n tint! tat iott i.-n ther(413re r~ (iris I der et.i. The cotiv,~,tii.iotial_ has a mimber of disadvalitage.". Fo r e x"'In P I C, III vip, I t ha rmoii ic f vitic t ioii i s mude 11 ed 1) v t'lc~ p) t tit I't I V o F I it c c it r rr,it t r I v I (I 1. 1) it cooduc t irl g N)" pjt clit 1,~Ij arld it, :-wradif-tit are vle.ismed with aIIA is u-m4ually Mc~';Ij lit ~ with ")~I lv~zl,lt f'IClCIIL1,, hi,.zh surlace rv-istivity. A 1,ct(vr i,~ ttint (~~l I- Iv I'll "."hich thr" fMICt.30,11 L.9 i-~- Thc- clirreiit itself I !I: 4r~a !i u I a L w. I L- I I P' I L) F, t c-,j t o A n E I ec t ro I tit t or- fot~ .5o IV I t'.K DI r 1 r I I t uS 1-1 LA. 1 a Stl 11, Lut v, I I I (i tit e t c- r i c, c I I I- r I I tra, I I c- n s mr.I S to I c (1 4011 :1 i -, I v ~ t I I at v I c minioc t ~ I t coat w in p r co ll,iili.t~ I fie I (t 1.1 1 1 11 !~ (' tlim ,;I ~ic. -der i va t I. v 4- c? c it I- r c n t -I liki i 'I(, t livict-110t- LVZlt IVO Of' Vo Ittlie. I'll*, ItF_lw w4. t It, 0d 1111~ I ;t4 14)1 howill't (I I ~-,l ~ IN'till t ,I -f(, r r~ a c I It ow III I I bt. 11).Iolf, IPV s RI I ;J (or I -,-I c v 11! 1. 1.- ~~5 I I I 1 1) (1111 la r a I], I I r- i -I it i I ~15 ,, t f't I I I i r 11 s, o at S "III Llt:~l t c I I r*,-l C, IN Id i r I t ell-I C~ V. - f c (i [1 1, m IMIIr. T) Il't 1, 1 k, ~ I e.~; " (~ e a v I a r i a gejj$:~ra I -j u r i.5 s i rl:1 I I -I jr- ri 4- V C) I v or! (I Im afre thod o I t f n I -ma I r, (.1 -rc ~; k~ it L 1`1 C, I S1 Ik C~ I v ~jc dfm b Iv - cn ri #,(I f, I ,[I Iv itAi 111 a I oI r I I I, F- t I- i,p wa~~ d c v (: I c) 1) e (Aafie o v(Yc [I t - r k a s i k i vPo I v t p c h I I i c Iris t 1 t tit e/1 1) e f I .23 The Olriclflet pi-objem thell h,-Comc!": s ilitoa?..ral (Ref I " ) . The prot, I em is t J I I a dlf'Ci c u I t one bu It t lie all t hor 5~ ' (I e e I ~- , , n i c, I It !i o F, I i_, c t r t) I. I,, e c: r I t co, r31 LOWS a su f I rc I a Ii t c c 1_1 I-, I I i I I it 11 a I i c a I I I: I Oil Th,~ d 2111/ 1 (~ I f~,~ I, I- , I Ii t t (j r I s Llit C.!"fl.-d' ( f I I - I v1 it C i rl,_i I I I ~,~ -1 T I I) Ali E) ec it) t c-111-i I-a' Vot, ,io )_ v IT);, 1) 1 - I c 1) 1 c. t .%eum a it Is Prub I e-ins in it I I I It 114111 1111a f y I I hi. fi,)vIllo I dev I V;I 1 1 .,1. of 1. it f~ 11;1 rtia, 11 L f1mc t ]oil ijef') yied 1))r t lie boulldar~ v , I I I I I .,~A rl I v III o I I v I L 11,g v I -; 1. 11 a t d e -~ c, r i 1, c, d a 1) ov I,, I ', I c 1) 1 o c h (I i a ~t. t- a In o t I I I i I! I -;t 1 41 t s ill Fig " T it v c. o it dtic, t L ll,~ ~ it ee i: g Ili - 0 mill t It I ck , In e. I s vi I it g 7; x 15UO mul Alon.,.-, oil(, side ot' the stri,j) c-arrent is Fe d I it a I. I Wj I o i it I ~c f- rom r it e 0 s t a t s wh i c It c ark vary t lie currejit between 0,2.,") and 21~5 A, The end.9 of the strip -I I- (,, C' 11 Q P S ~Alld t:r~d From r1if-cistats I honded to brass stilij The calrrvllt!~ arc. Illorlitorcti oil a tying tip to 21 0 A ,III Thu integrator currents ar(.~ t I ra ji,%~ e t I g - in aii,moter, 4~ r I v e d F I-On .1 !~i I X - pi ia s e b a Ilk o t -, (1 1 e n i um, r ec t 1 1* 1 e r s t y 1; e T) - t ransf'ormer I r imary is supi lied from a I o f C N - 2 ~5 OK o I t a.z e .i t ab i I i z e r s TI I e L ine vti I Laze a v 21"10 oi- 3 6 (-) V t I , v 0 11 t pt, e v e I can be 8. 10 or 2 V on of-I'll c i rf I) i t I . Th p exi ~ 101. 1 it V. I robe hn-, two vieedl e,,, sl4lced by t he s:,ime amolint as the feeciing Tpo int s a i. IL It e s t r I I e dge imt?rit izhows that made Fit I (., , - t. I %..- (.) -; t I I 1 6 t I I, Fr om t h e c it Ll s o f t h e S t r 1 C:) j I ~ I I-, I v t roil: I. I lilt 111i t. ii e All c t r, 1 1, t v i~ 1-a t to r- I t)r ,if) i I i Ir ! c I i L a fi!~~ N (- u ma ri !F I- o ft I a 6trip a r ra it gei:i en t i s i n t end e (I for calculations of the fields i it u ri s. I t u ra t. (:d mac It I !I ets Ili the aj;i endix file 1,roblem is solved of f indin(, the radial component of induction in tho ar-mature of ii iiN -500 wric-hine iFig 4) Fig 5 t ~ie di,,,triLtjtion-~; of" scalar magnet ic 1,otcnt Ill I ."I t It t a i,v v r b o t 1) r- o t o r 2 a n d s t a t c r tp I I I -, t r i i t: I ()it o F I it, Ill r t I oti a 1 ong t he e d Q, 1) #~ -A r-rua t 'I Y- t 111 (14- r- I 1"!,l I it I o I e compared with c-xl,t?r iii e tit. a I f i i (i i. ri v , t -,hown dol. t ed ) There are r- v t it 1, L ano o v I c- t refer,~-.Fices A SSOC I A r ION Novocherk a v po it u!, I mi IV Ill .4t i. tut ( X () v () c I e r k it s -i k I o I t(, c it rt. I c 111 -, t I t I I t Si- bN" I 'N' 1'. 1) J)l I C.1 I. (1 11 s/i44/60/000/010/005/010 9,,71,00 E194/E355 AUTHORS: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, D ;ntal Head, Nazikyanj A.G.j Assistant, Kleymenov, V.V., Head of Laboratory and Chernyavskiy, F.1.0 Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika, 196og No. 10, PP. 58 - 77 TEXT: It is impossible to provide a strict analytical solution of commutation problems in DC and AC machines because of the complex nonlinear character of the differential equations involved. Assumptions that are made to simplify the equations lead to errors in these solutions. The development of computers offers new prospects of solving commutation problems. These devices can solve the problems involving the complex differential equations of the commutation process without introducing crude simplifying assumptions. The first practical attempt to use modern high-speed computers Card 1/14 s/l44/6o/ooo/olo/oo5/oio E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines for calculations on commutation was reported by Alger and Bewley in Power Apparatus and Systems, August, 1957. These authors used a digital computer and because of the cumbersome algorithms it was necessary to make a number of simplifications and exclude various factors which are important in practice. In pwticular, it was necessary to simplify the volt-ampere characteristic of the brushes and to assume sinusoidal flux 0 distributions of the interpoles. In comparing the advantages of digital and analogue computers for solving commutation problems it should be remembered that existing procedures for calculating the parameters that enter into the equation do not utilise the potential accuracy of computers. Accordingly, in this case, the accuracy of digital machines is of no advantage as compared with that of analogue computers which are adequate for the purpose. With an analogue computer it is possible to obtain a number of output magnitudes Card 2/14 s/144/6o/ooo/olo/m/olo E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines such as the voltage between commutator bars, currents in sections and their differential coefficients, voltages its the commutator bars leave the brush and other magnitudes. With digital machines each of these magnitudes would require a fresh algorithm. Accordingly, at the present time analogue computers have considerable advantages for work of this kind. In the present work the authors show the extensive possibilities of analogue computers for calculating and explaining various factors that influence the commutation process. It would be difficult or impossible to study these factors by existing procedures. The assumptions that were made in applying the method are then stated. The more important are: the self- induction coefficients of short-circuited sections and mutual induction coefficients between simultaneously commutating sections do not depend on the value of current or the angular position of the rotor; for any given slot section the inductance is the same as that of any other corresponding Card 3/14 s/I44/6o/ooo/OlO/oO5/0I0 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines section in other armature slotsi section and loop resistances are constant; the voltage drop in the brush contact depends o,i the current density and not on the speed. The direct- current machine for which the differential equations of commutation were formulated was of the following character- istics; 2.6 kW, 220 V, rated current 14 A, speed 1400 r.p.m. The armature has a diametral pitch winding with three sections per slot and the commutator bar width is 7.5 mm with 1 mm of mica between. The brush is 15.5 mm wide and can short-circuit one or two sections simultaneously. Fig. I shows a schematic section of the winding undergoing commutation under two brushes of opposite polarity. In view of the assumptions that are made, if the brushes are similarly located relative to the neutral position, brushes of opposite polarity have identical volt-ampere characteristics, and the laws of change of current in analogous sections short-circuited by brushes of opposite polarity are the same. Accordingly, there is no need to Card 4/14 s/i44/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines write down twice the differential equations of commutation for identical sections and correspondingly to double the electronic model. Hence the circuit of Fig. 1 may be simplified to obtain that of Fig. 2, and as in thereal machine the resistance of the risers is small they are omitted. In formulating the equations of commutation it is convenient to measure time from the start of commutation of a section; in particular, the start of commutation of sections 2-3 in Fig. 2 is considered. The commutation process is cyclic and is repeated after the armature has passed through a single- tooth pitch. The commutation cycle may be divided into three stages, each of which introduces new operating conditions in some section. Fig. 3 shows equivalent circuits of section commutation for all stages of a complete cycle. There are nine of them. Eq. (1) is then written for the first section of the slot in operator form for all stages of commutation. In the second stage the equation takes the form of Eq. (2) Card 5/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines which is the equation of damping of current oscillations in the section 1-2. In the next four stages of section 1-2 the first section of the first slot is not commutated. However, the process of modelling commutation of this section is incomplete since no allowance has been made for the start of commutation of the section 1-2. The method of allowing for this is explained, and Eq. (3) is derived. In the next, eighth stage, Eq. (3) is again valid. The ninth stage of commutation commences when electromagnetic oscillations in section 3-1 are terminated and is described by differential equation (4). The nonlinear differential equations (1), (2) and (3) for the first section must be solved simultaneously with similar equations for other sections for the same stages of commutation. Consequently, the electronic model which is required to solve the equations should automntically on completing the solution of one system of equations reconnect in the next stage of Card 6/14 s/i44/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines commutation to solve another system of equations to give a continuous solution of" the commutation process on the machine output. Thus, from the mathematical standpoint the process of commutation is determined by a system of differential equations with coefficients which are discontinuous functions of time. Differential equations (1) and (2) may be combined to give an expression of the form of Eq. (5). Similarly, expressions (3) and (4) may be united into the general equation (6). Finally, to obtain the most compact electronic model, Eqs. (5) and (6) should be united into a more general equation for the first section of the slot, which will be of the form of Eq. (7). Eqs. (la) and (3a) are then combined to obtain a general expression (7a). Similar expressions (8) and (8a) are obtained for the second section of the slot and Eqs. (9) and (9a) for the third section of the slot. Eqs. (7), (8) and (9) are solved relative to the differential coefficient of current for the first, second and third sections Card 7/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines of the slot, and on introducing other necessary terms Eqs. (P), (81) and (9t) are obtained. The reason for writing the expressions in this form is explained. The Eqs. W) - (9') and (7a) - (9a) were used to formulate the analogue-computer block circuit diagram shown in Fig. 4, the notation of the block-circuit components being given in Table 1. Table 2 notes certain parameters of the DC machine investigated; the LO scales used are stated. Table 3 gives coefficients of the block-circuit of the electronic model with the circuit of Fig. 4. Fig. 6 shows the law of change during the process of commutation of the area of contact between the brush and the corresponding commutator bar. Vales of section capaci- tance on the machine investigated were determined with a ballistic galvanometer, using the circuit of Fig. 7- A description is then given of the electronic model whose block-circuit diagram is given in Fig. 4. In order to Card 8/14 s/l44/6o/ooo/olo/oo5/oio E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines understand all the mathematical operations carried out by the model in a complete commutation cycle it is sufficient to follow the solution of the equations of any one section. Accordingly, solution of the equations of commutation of the first section of the slot (P) and 7a) is considered. The way in which the various values shown in the block~circuit diagram of Fig. 4 are obtained is explained. It is shown that on the model it i4 possible to follow the solution of the necessary equations for a complete cycle of commutation of the machine. The model was designed to reproduce the process of commutation continuously, i.e. to solve the equations in a timme of 255 sec, which corresponds to the time of the commutation cycle on the time scale chosen. When the calculations for one cycle are complete the computer stops and a further current setting way be made. The operation of repeated starting could have been made automatic but the complication involved was not worth while. Card 9/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines Some results are then given of the solution of the commutation equations. Oscillograms of current in commutating sections obtained with the model are shown in Fig. 8 and the shape of the curves is discussed. Corresponding curves with higher values of e.m.f. are plotted in Fig. 9, and again the shape is discussed. These curves show that with the machine investi- gated satisfactory commutation cannot be obtained with a uniform field in the commutation zone, The optimum field can very easily be selected on the model and changes in section current with optimum field in the commutation zone are plotted in Fig. 10. Fig. 11 gives oscillograms of currents in the section assuming that there is no voltage drop in the brush contact, It will be seen that because of the intensive magnetic linkage between sections the values of section current are much closer together in this case. Consequently, the greater the voltage drop in the contact the greater the counter- action to the effect of equalising current in the section and Card 10/14 s/I44/6o/ooo/olo/oo5/olo E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines the more uniform the process of current change in the section. Fig. 13 shows curves of changes of current in two section short-circuited by two brushes of opposite polarity. The curves were taken oscillographically on an actual DC machine; the method is briefly explained. It will be-seen that there is satisfactory agreement between the curves obtained on the machine and with the computer and this confirms the method of formulating the differential equations for modelling. The general principles of formulating equations of commutation and block-circuit diagrams of an electronic model are then considered. This section for the most part repeats the explanations given in preceding parts of the article. It is shown, however. that in writing the expressions for the transient process in analytical form the requisite number of commutation equations need not exceed the maximum number of commutator bars covered by both brushes. It is concluded that the principles described in the article Card 11/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines may easily be used to construct a model of a DC machine with any practical numbeirof sections in the slot and with any width of brushes. By making very simple changes in the coefficients and other parameters of the model it may be used to study commutation processes in DC machines with different winding pitches and with any number of sections in the slot or widths of brush. The following data may the nature of current differential coefficients; the risers; the law of contacts; the law of contact and the voltage brush at the moment of The influence on the above factors may be considered: be obtained fo 'r each of the variants: changes in the sections and their the nature of current changes in change of voltage drop in the brush change of current density in the brush of the commutator bar relative to the exit of the section from commutation. characteristics of the following the field shape in the commutation Card 12/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines zone of the machine; the grade of brushes and the effect of too early interruption of contact between brush and commutator bar. Further work with electronic modelling methods and the development of special analogue computers will make it possible to discard most of the ill-founded assumptions that are usually made, including some tolerated in this article. Then a more complete study can be made of the commutation process. There are 13 figures, 3 tables and 3 references: 2 Soviet and I non-Soviet. 16 Card 13/14 s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E19VE355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin i apparatov Novocherkasakogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of Electrical Machines and Apparatus, Novocherkasak Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: August 17, 196o Card 14/14 FC-LYAYE". f.p.; G111S, A.F.; DRUZDOV, D.-".; SEKRETEEV, D.I.; .or A.G.Beliavskills 80th A,, .u~,S+.3nding birthday. :zv.vys.uche-,.z!i,,r.; (:-J-'0,rcmt3kh. 7 n,-).';].'1399--1400 (MIRA 18:3) 3216-66 -- WT(d)/EWP(k)/EWP(l) A~~ NR' ~ 582 SOURCE CODE: U 0,3 Rlou,4A5100010101118 AUINCR: Aviloy-Karnaukhov,, B. N.; Bogush, A. G.; Gikis, A. F.; Drozdov,-Aq, Aj Kalov, -D.-L.; Sinellni~R%r. sb,4v _JS. ]I.; Brusentsov, L. V.; Denisov, A. A.; 4L~L t,-# -Y Polyakov,,P. T;"C?%rn-y'f-!iskiy, F.'I.; Burok, V._S.; Gordeye- 8~ _ k r,j. I.;_ 4zh.d _A! E.; Kovalev, V. Yo.; Kurennyy, ~t--G.; Polapenkol V. Ta. 0 ORG: none 4 TITIZ: Professor G. M. Kayalov on the occasion of his 60th birthday and 37 yearo of pedagogical activities SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh za"deniy. Elektromekhanika, no. 10, 1965p 1181-1182 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel, academic personnel ABSTRACT: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of R11ZhT .CRostovskly institut Inzhenerov zheleznoeorozhnogo transportal Rostov Institute of Railmad EnglneerL7, Georg!y Mikhaylovioh 9AYALOV was born on 26 Septem5s~r~years ago. He began his working career as a standby slectrlosl construction worker at the Novorosslyak cement factory@ In 1929 he graduated from the Novocherkasek Polytechnical Institute, and between 1928 and 1947 worked In the designing seatIon of.the Mek-tra rou" truste Sub- -P Card 1/2 L 27,216-66 _ACC__NRj_AP60-1_3'5_6_2____ sequently. he joined the Rostov department of the GPI CGosudarstvennyy proyektnyy InstItut; State Designing InstitutDy "Tyazhpromelelctro- proyelit" where he advanced from a technician of the designing de- partment to Its chief engineer. From 1933 to 1962 he was docent of the department of electrification of Industrial enterprises of the NPI ZN:ovocherkasskly politekhnicheskly InstItut Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze- Novocherkassk PolitechnIa Institute Im. Sergo Ordzhonikidz;_~; he taught as professor until 1965 and presently Is a professor of the RIMT. He published more than 70 scientific works, Including studies of flywheel-containing electric motors, Investigations of electrical loads of Industrial enterprises, analyses of basic features or real load graphs. (including their probabilistic modeling), proposals for peak load calculation methods (based on the theory of mass servicing) and developments of methods for the calculatlon of extremal loads of heavy consumers, for the study or random graphs of reactive loads, for the evaluation of elootrie load fluctuations, and the like. G. X. KAYALOV was also active In the Party, professional, and scientific organizations* He Is a holder of the "For Outstanding Work During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1943 gg." modal and the "Badge of Honor" decoration. has: 1 figure. [JMS) SUB CODE: 09p 05 / SUBM DATE: 'none CQ,d 2/2 L 33115-66 ACC NR1 AP0024083 SOURef" un/6i4'#/6A/ooo/oo2/o-?-)3/w.36 hirl"IOR- 7,avlyalov.-A. 5.; Got1msn._A_t_4oj Molcha eve V. Do: Kraffyu fie Pe; Ar,ranovskiy, Ko Yn.: Borger. A. Ya.; Groyor, Lo K.; Yesakov, Ve PO; Too Vol T~- n V.-H-.-j-zu1 yntmnn, K. I.; Abryut.1 baiFov. V. V Orana-IaY~ Tevveyev, Ile Y9.1 31nol Ov 1q, Me; Avilov-KarnauWov-~ Be 'hn bolyayov, To 0 q) -'VGRI~T'Fo To ORG: none 116 TITIZ: 0. Do Bron (on hit, 70th bJ-rUi(lwj) SOUIRCe': IWI.. KlektronoWianik-i, no. 2, 1966, 235-236 TOPTC TAGS: olectric engineering personnel, circuit breaker ARMIACT, r 0:-,Ip Borisovich Pron vai born In 1896 in Klintsio In 1920. ho grndiint-ri from Vin physics-math faculty of Dar 1kov.Tec)mojoZicnl InatItutoo lie becam A pro- fossor In 1930. lie defended his doctor's -thesis in 19100. Durizig the second world war, ho was In the navy. After donobilization in 1950. Engineer Colonel Pron went to work tnaiiiing at the Leninvad Tndustrial Correm2ndence Schoolo He becam thn head of Oin Chair of Theoretical Pazos of Electrical Tschnolog7 in 1930. 110 in clov')1'v associatod with scientific am] dovelopmnt work, ani has cooperated closely in this area ifith tho Leningrad "Llektroalla" plant since 1946. Us work has boon in the roas of "rk-< breakors. lie has published over 1160 Niq Mentiflo works and 19 inventions. CJFRjq SUB CWn 1 05, 09 / SUBM DAT9 t 5 AEL IN IALW. YUJO r f I C L o C., L3 cl. ci- C f ,.12 cjf 7i U;2 on at 10"o C-nd 1- ~Ooc. Of f fr r,2 W~th roi;",ucl -~,C) L".",l,,:.y C "o r ~;L -.Cc al,(i t`lc of fc~l* uczu~d dcl mation rcL;- fol ~43 C~3 Di 71 JI o~_fun~z kVvL: /-I Ir -1 AUTHOR: Zhuchin, V. N. (Candidate of technical sciences) ; Nikitin, G. S. (Candidate lof technical sciences); Sinellnikov, Y I. (Candidate of technical sciences); iLu4ovskiy, S. I. (Engineer) :C-,.4G: None !TITLE: Drawing alloys with low deformability at moderate temperatures SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 9, 1966, 148-152 C TAGS: metal drawing, wire, alloy steel, metal recrystallization ;ABSTRACT: Experiments are conducted on drawing R-18 and EI-474 alloys with preheating. An industrial single-draft unit of the drum type was used for producing wire from 8 am to 3 mm in diameter at drawing rates of 44.2, 57.7 and 87.5 a/&in. The wire was heated in a lead bath and passed through draw plates made from VK-6 alloy. The drawing stresi IK=P/Sk was taken as the basic characteristic of the process where P is the drawing force in kg, and Sk is the cross sectional area of the wire after drawing in =2. This criterion was studied as a function of such factors as partial and overall degree of deformation, temperature of the metal, rate of drawing, the working angle of the ~ 'draw plate, the initial diameter of the wire and lubrication. The experimental results 1/2 UK; 621-TTI-3 It-Card --------- ---I S/I I 5/61/000/00o,"004/005 D20'-2/D304 A- U, T 1 i 0 RS Nikitin, G. 6., and Sinelln,.kov, YU.I., Assisten-ts TITLE- Determining the mean specific pressure at the rolling of high-alloy steels and heat-resisting alloys CD C) PERIODICAL: Izveotiya vysshikh uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Mashino- stroyeniy, no. 8, 1961, 121-134 TEXT: In this study the results, of the experimental method to de- ter,mine the mean unit pressure at the rollin.,, of high-alloy stee!E: -.,;r,;l speci-il alloys in the form of the isothermol relation Pr2 , I ) ii, i~-,ibmitted, (P meari unit pressure 1 - leng-th of the m h0 ~~ h zone of ~ieformation, h. 2 mean thickness of strip in the zone of deformation). Experimental data for a number of steel's and a.'Ilcys was obtained by uoin- heavy, merchant mill 11600"... a three- hi~-h ro'llin,, mill "Lautatt 750/3~,0/750 and also a laboratory mill C, tD Card 1/3 S/- 6!/'000./008/004/005 D26~YD304 Determinin,,.r the mean spe-ific 2 V/ "160", ind the gruphs showin,~ the value,,, of P M lor ratios ring- 411c, different temper'atu:*~,,- were _aialyzedT The 'Ii:tt the reou'Ll[c Show that the -elation P I cb... M i i i e,, -ne rii_,11 be. ut' IIzed to firid, writh cert,'iin ripprcxi 1( - A Wit ,,ie meaii unit pressure for any mill provided rhat tht, tem.. peraturc- Df rolling and the speed of deformation a-re the ~,:,azme .,-c-.* it c T,,) obtuiri more ac,-ura te %--~dues for P When gi-w"n r in -c o~' small-, the it :0 BPh and cueffjcieri preosure" was applied. The formula PM a elaborat--` Ly A. 1, 'Psel ikcv IRef. Prokatnyye stany _U I R r, I'ln Mlillsl , Metailurg:zdiaf- , 11946) i_s transformed into P M P wk-,ere P '--he ba~':-' unt pr-~-surrc- cbta4ned from C.-, rd 2,,'~ S/-145/'61/000/008/004/1005 2/ D-304 Deterr.,t;tiing the mean specific D20 7 The eyper-,mental data by G. Valkvist (Ref. lc~: Isslledovan:ye ~,ner -,osilovirki-i pUrametrov pri goryachey prokatke metlall~, (Investiga- On -)!7 ner-;y PurLazzieteri durlng Hot Rolling of Metals), zda t ,I'J57). The results by thit3 method compared with ot L%-.ned expe-rimentally show that the differences do not ex-eed !0c,,.. The authors conclude that- for approximate calculati, oils the re-'a.- ~ion PM - f\'h m--iy be used4 and that more accurate result& ~,ar. be M --a,ined by applying the "basic unit pressure" meth,Dd. There ~!T-e I . - 6 r--ibles, 55 fi6ures ~.nd i7 'O'ov-Lt~t-bloc references. A31-W -'IAT.ION I,IVTU !m. 147. Baumana (r.IVTU --m 117. Baum~ln) ","ITTED: Apri , 90, L 46 i Vard 3i, 3/14-,-/61/000/010/006/008 D221/D7/04 AUTHORS: Zaroshchiliskiy, P1. L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Nikitin, G. S., Professor, Assistent, and Sinellnikov, -Yu. I., Assistent TITLE; Determination of energy-force parameters in rolling special alloy 8heets PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino- stroyenie, no. 10, 1961, 168-179 TEXT: The following parameters were deturmined experimentally: Vertical and horizontal components of metal pressure on rollers; tht:~ torque of the main shaft; rolling temperature and the conditi- oris of forming. Load cello:; were used which were calibrated by hy- draulic jacks. The pusles of transducers were amplified by an )-F-q-53(ET-4-53) amplifier and recorded by fJfl6-.L (MPO-2) oscillo- graph. The temperature was measured by tfie photo-elect:ric pyrome- terf)n (FEP) and recorded. Tile "spring" of tiie mill was plotted Card 1/5 3/145/61/000/010/006/008 Determination of energy-force ... D221/D304 in order to find the precise forming of the strip. A lil,.t is given of alloys which were rolled. The experimental isothermic relation- ships P~iv ~_ f (IfI) ure illu,_ttrated. Tile minima of these curves for av the majority of alloys are iuentical and correspond to L = 0.7 0 av 0.8. The curves are -.)lotted for 1000 - 1200 C, and the value for P varies for lower temperatures. The tabulated results indicate tRavt maxima torquo values exceed the permitted magnitude of moment for the safety pino of the gear clutch which actually caused stop- pages. Analysis of oscillograms revealed the cyclic cha-.acter of load of the main ohaft 'it"hich is asymmetrical and has a decay at the end of the pass. It was noticed that peak torque varies with the plasticity of the rolled material. The effect of the ratio of rollers on the static and dynamic processes of rolling was also investig-ated. Analysis of results revealed that lower ratio re- sults in reduced steady torques and also in peak values of the Card 2/5 S/145/1!61/000/010/CO6/008 Determination of energy-force D221/D304 1;Ltter. Th(.- conditiono of' strip pinchin.- were improvedg and the bending of' Lite strip was reduced. The forces of friction in the bearings are neglected, and it is assumed that a simple process of rolling takes place, After a mathemutical manipulation, the author deduces the equation for the torque of rolling as a function of angles of pinch. The rolling in a three-high Lauth mill produces a displacement of the central roll, 6 1. and an opposite shift of the upper roll, A 2 which are due to clearances. The geometrical sizes of the deformation center in this case remain the same as during rolling without displacement. The mathematical analyis re- sults in another equation for the general torque of rolling. This can be simplified by making some assumptions, when P [-v(-R- Di av 0, 5 1) 1 gen d (23) Card 3/5 3/145 61/000/010/006/008 Determination of _~nergy-force D22 1,,vD30'4 is deduced, where R is the oscillatin,~ radius in the case of roll- av 0 Dd in- with different diameter rollers, R ~ T- The above equation L// C> av +d * is modified if friction in journals is taken into account. The ex- perimental results are in good agreement with this equation. Con- sequently, the static moments on the main shaft of the mill can be explained by clearances, large losses due to friction, and the ar- rangement of the three-high rolling. The horizontal force is given by P M avZ\h 0, 5 (-2 + 1) + a (-d2 + 1 ~ t /Vd gen d I 11 (24) The theoretical analysis revealed the low efficiency of the Lauth mill. The reduction of the ratio of diameters results in lower static and dynamic torques, better biting and reduced benling of the strip, There are 4 figures, 3 tables and 4 Soviet-bloc referen- ces. Card 4/5 S/14Y0'1/000/010/006/008 Determination of energy-force ... D221 D3o6 ASSOCIATION: MVTU im. N. E. Baumana (MVTU im. N. E. Bauman) V/ Card 5/5 SINEL'ITIKOV, Yu,1.1 inzh. Method for eetting-up of approximate differential equations of work In rolling and drawing cylindrical and flat bodies. Izvo vyse Ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.9:217-226 163. (MIRA 17:3) tekbnlchaskoye uchllishche imeril 1. Mookovnkoyo vynshoye Baum,una. SE "Lf INT KOV , YU ITIethods or Treatin;: the Grass Cover on the Thick Cherno7em o,' Ccllesskaya Oblas".11 Cand Air -~Ici, L,-~nir14rad Aixlcultural Inst, Leningrad, 19'53. (RZhBiol, No 2, Sep 5)j) Sim,ey of Sciectific ar.,,i reclinical Dissertatons Defended at UIJSR Hi,~.her ",ducational institutims (10) I So: Sum. No. liPl, 5 May 55 SI'IELINIKOV,--Y I,, kand. eel I akokhozyays tvennykh nauk -- - li -- Comparative rating of basic tillage methods. Zemledelle 6 no.9:70-73 S 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Gissar Valley-Tillage) SINKLINIKOV, Yu.I., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Crop rotations on specialized state furms of Leningrad Province. Zemledelie 8 no.9:23-26 s ,6o. (min 13:8) 1. Severo-ZapadVy nauchao-tooledovatellskiy Institat sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Leningrad Province--Rotation of crops) SEoilINIKOV, Yuol., assi~;-' Utilizirig energy conditions ~)I' lasticity in th::. of mBtalworkirW by pressure, Izv,~;ys&uch(.,*,r.; masidnostr. no.8-. 22(-235 163. (14DU 16:11) 1. t-V)srk(j%,~;koyc vy:;iheye tlk-hflAL;hkA'.a imord BaLaana. Use- Lao'- ;-n ven. i de, -le of ~,7i-calcl, TlheraT)eutic rc 1952, U arY Con- Accessions, Lan of L lo8o7-63 3WT(1)/BDS/3S(w)-2 AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3/SSD Fab-4 IJFM ACCESSION NR: AP3002733 S/0120163/000/003/OU3/0117 V. Sinellrdkov- A AUTHOR: Pedanov. Mury*lev, G TITLE Device for measuring the energy of a high-power electrical, discharge SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3., 1963, 113-117 TOPIC TAGS: ele ctrical- discharge energy, analog computer measuring devices multiplication and Integration. ac"current amplifiers, linear computing circuit ABSTRACT: The system Is a high-speed analog computer, capable of performing multiplication and integration of electrical signals proportional to the voltage and current of a discharge. The computer, the block diagram of which to shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure6 consists basically of a multiplying circuit MC and an integrator L The multiplier performs multipllcallon and summixig in accordance with the equation 10 1 U- 2 U U U, +'U 212 U 1 2 Card 11!V5 L 1007-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3002733 _71 Summation is accomplished with summer 2; squaring of sumo and differences fto I and H. These circuits of input quantities is perf6rmed by squaring circul are diode-type nonlinear functional converters operating on the principle of lecewise linear approximation of a even function. Ac current amplifiers with p a gain of approximately 60 to 70 db at a bandwidth of 200 ke were used in all linear computing circuits of the device. The maximum duration of an arbi- trary Investigated process, which depends basically on the Integrator, Is of the order of 100 to 200 microsec; duration of oscillatory process could be as high as 500 to 1000 microsec. The maximum error of the device Is approxi- mately 5. 576. An oscilloscope with a camera attachment is used for recording. The energy of a discharge with P current of 100 kamp and a voltage of 1.5 kv ha:s been measured with this device. A voltage proportional to the discharge current was applied to one input of the device, Ahile the other input was fed with a voltage taken from a low-resistance voltage divider connected in parallel to the discharge gap. The results obtained from the experiment indicate that the liberated energy was equal to 3 kilojoules. "In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to I. L. Zollmanov for suggesting the problem and for Card 2/j~ L 10807-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3002733 his valuable advice and constant interest in the work. Orig. art.- has: 7 figures and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khtmicheakoy Miki AN S9SR (Institute of Chemical Physics,_AN SSSR SUBAUTTED: 16Jul62 DATE ACQ-. 12Jul63 ENC4- 01 SUB CODE: 00 NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card 31~3 SINEL'NIKOVA, A.A. Katerial on the zooplankton of the Kayrak-Kum Reservoir during the first year filling (1957). Trudy AN Tadzh.SSR 112:67-75 '59- (MEW3.'11) 1. Inatitut zoologli i parazitologit Imeni akademika To.N.P&Tlovskogo AN Tadzhikskoy SSR* (layrak-Kum Reservoir--Zooplankton) z v f AJq I;'(,' no, In 9 t4 c., jc~, Itc, A !~avlcvskogo !-N Tadzhikskoy SSR, Ll 31i'l 10 Ye, ~ineitnlkova in i,, -v: i t -::ang;.ine2C, -ilcz j'j 'Ll'~ ZV A' the el'rect (C C~ 1 on recryst~alllz-Alon of mg. I ng'z z 11, r..:n tiitcl~:, !nl.o me,all ae-e rolled im hot state at 430'C until 75%. deformialion, E!,neet blanks n rOn(,( .." t ti- Q! reduction until. abCUt 1 7, M zheet thickne.9s much de- !,n