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L C, L I I, a 4 L 1. 4 A 11 m I v 16 U W U bromwo is the ploducla 04 dogompabs 00 of -Sollksmsh twe"Illas A J summ. I Posts. Mah, hill. A pplwd I kirm 00 i 1W3. N- I.M. 37 4:1 An att,tript to dr-j tlw St I. Fit it, I?w pr..Itl,f. 00 SONIC 0o c 00 r see of '00 '00 09 ..60 go 00 SOS ' r. 11n it .1 0 L 1 6 1-1 3 V -4 K it 11 pt (I t( Is 0 It I' 'J il I i(74 0", 0 0 0 0 Card i I Aut-hor '3.-nar,.L. S. :3. TitlP 1" 11 C'slu I I--a 1;1Heat conductivity of onides oC CIements in th~ --c-ond r~,' th-?. z Jr'~; teI3 Peri 0ji cal i fl. L- Ho S op tember '.95 1 5 Q -16 Ab.,~ t r a. c t w,)-Lk (;k. V. loffe. A. F. Ioffe, DAN SSR, X, No 5~ 7, 5211 -1 e'_-:~nents of the 1, th and for alkaa 4 -hai heal, _,ond~ictivity de,~roa5es with increa.3f., in inj "hat furthermore for identical atoraic welght. the bea, -,f at.-,ni.c lattices exceeds in order of ma6riitude the heat ccn- ._!k-'!vi'-y of contpowids. On the suggestion of A. F. loffe the present -ri t; e ur ers ~6)--Ir~,rtook the investisations descii-bed in this note with th p - post, of' ve--fyJrg the app:icability of the above conclusions to other Sub- .J'IIIc(1_1, eST)CCIall-j to clarify -,,hether a comparatively weak difference in 1,he rhaTacter of the crys tcClochemi cal. bonds is reflected along with tl-~ 11porl n'rc'mic weight varying in the limits from 9 (Be) tq F.: ;,Judy the authoi-Z choose the oxides B,-=O, Mgo, CaO, ZnO, SrO, CdO, lic-0, -0 Th-ir neasurements confi-m tht, lowering o- heat ty - J-% . - n- . n -Inl-reaf;e in atom4c ;~-_jht for n11. t*-e c.-IdeZ st, a, 1,60 struct1jre Of p0r0112, 7.) 71-,cy t',.,3nk G. r of' t.he specirrens. Submitted Jur.,C 14. USSR/Electric ty - 1~ conductors G-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 195'(, 12231 Author Sinani, S.S., Gordyakova, G.N. Inst Title Solid Solutions Be 2 e3-Bi2Se3 as a Material ror Thermocouples Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 10, 2398-2399 Abstract A brief discussion of the results of an investigation of the thermoelectric properties of solid solutions on the basis of two solutions of B12Te and B12S-~,, similar in chemical and structural relationsQ, with add tion of free metals, halides, and halogenides. A table of the thermoelectric properties of the investigated solutions is given. A new semicondVing alloy is developed for thermocouples, having high Z ~ '14- V/x and good mechanical properties. A thermocouple with a negative branch of this alloy gives a tem- perature drop of approximately 600. Card 1/1 Distrs 4E2c Campot. -fon lot the negative b rjuich of a thermodezaent. k and A~j IMOu7 4ZGO ;ne -C Dr.#., ennc'elerato i is -male of a of.13116T% and B65ej to whIch Is aldtd a biVe ov 01", T, Yf/, M. tfoath r: -7 _ ,_ 1 / 7 C, Sim~ni S S. TI'I LL: 2he Invectijatioa of Proppertitis of - B~ Se Solid Solutions (Izucheniye Bi Te 7 2 ~ 2 3 terr;io~-IA'Irichoskik~ 3N-o,.stv tverdykh rastv,-,ro,.r Bi De 2 2 B il Se ) 1 ) 3 11"RIODICAL: -.hurmil Teklinicheskoy Yaziki, Ir-56, Vol. 26, fir 1, 3-17 (U:,SR) pp. k ABS TRA C T: The of this v.-ork was 'to find new sezzic(~ndhictor matef als for thernocoui3lus. As for th,~- pesitive part of the th,irmoelcment the allo.., Of Sb 2Te 3 and Bi 2Te, is known as the best at prusent, the -a-,Ahors tried to find a ::.a' terial for its nel-ative part. Ir, thio rc:-,pect Bi 2Te 3 is alruady :-)' iritert.-3t. Fir:-,t Ihi! eluctrical pronerties of alloys of the Bi ,.'tYout P.~,Ations ver~~ itiv,:s.iLated. 2 ; Ac" ba.,,ic mal.crial bis-nuth, tellurium and soleniu= Y..Qre used. Llhe conttnit cf basic f-,ubotance in "hum was - The predominant adlition in bijnuth was lead. The of Card 1/4 the inves-ijated Bi2'f-3,-, - Bi2ScI alloy showed thr~, formiation I I-ZO The Inveof,it:ution oik' ~s~i.,moelectrical Pro7,erties of 57- 1 2'r(-.3 B 2 S#-,3Solid 3olutions ;-.olid solution:i aithin the runju of from 100 to 80/9' 1,',Ol -Ij iTe and of from 70 to 10o/., Bi 2Se Y The radiojrtm -,,r-re t,,k,~n b~- H. A. Zvinchuk in thu A. 1'. Yelistratov Jjbur:-~tory. inveitic~,,tioris for the eLictric conductivity and for the (t.-I.,,-ctrc:rotive forco) carried out accordinj; to the con, ,-,ens;iti-)n rc:-.hod show that tir,t: former ;,radually poiinds. itz, distance frora ',Le bLsic double con- I't), a ratio clooe, to one of 13 i2Se3 it i7, ,nirj!::aj. The thermo-c..n.f. curve of thu: char.~,.cteri -9 tic for solid solutions of sul'-tances with c.-Lrrier7, of t-.-$0 -,iEns: startirL from Bi2Te, the thermo e.m.f. i-, I.o~,itivt~ ant" incr~:P-re to an of 2V,& DiO51-7y then 'it -,.n,'. ch-,n~ the -., L; Bi 'Te; u-nd 6 5 i 2 st-r-o -A se7. ~h~- -~Uthcr.,, :~Cated that 2 ~-(--lenium trar.-forn the C~mrd 2,14 Bi Te,-rich allo-,s i-.ito elvctron-allo. s. 2 3, i 3e 13,31 1:i S_ i f u r i r, ;t 0:.12, C;O113-11~--d thL. effect of the 1 C! : t i 0 rcic 2U;'. i3i 3;-- containini solid 2 sc.lut-,*.O.I. AL! -w well as compoundz. -111tbor,A 1hat of 61--- 3-ubstances the el-_ment3 of' the 2m', 4th, tli iadj fith j-.:-Dup of the j,,riodic -f a~:ceptor:3, while h-lide, Copper, ind jelc--.iium ~~:c,r,-;:Lse that of donors. The of the Lrac't~rlz(!d b,,- lo-.,r movability ~yp~ Cal .,i-3 xell a.-; a -'L, 2 hu all-ys of the n-type were f f i t I kl~jh _1~-jlces for practizal u3e. proj~v: -.ivu were ottpin~~, with an t Cr~ ha' _j of tile t t~ 1',7j U P 6 t 2he Z-valu of t he ~; ~le. m c c s 1 on r-2-ich?i degree'. a 1) e t I, a rm m ~,onduct,_*-.rity, A. f~- f, t c n r; f t 1, e f ct cf ccj..pf_-nsated -1 i tI of a did C ~,f C rd f ~ " * f %hu the ra:) -v m. f. and A. V. it the t J of --inich 'C)C I I T(D~j A-; USSR, LvninV.:-ad (Institut iln SUBVII L'TEL: A VA I L A; ~ L C.- Curd AUTHORS: Gordyakova, c;, N., Sinani, S. S. 57-28-5-16/36 TITLE: Therqoelectric Pr65~ ~h-Telluride With Illoying Admixtures (Termoclektricheskiye svoys"va tellurida vismuta s legi- ruyushchimi dobavkami) PERIOLICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, PP. 977-98o (usSR) &BSTR.kCT-. In recent years the interest of numerous scientists has been attractei by the thermoelectric properties of bis- muth telluride (Reference 1). By the introduction of im- purities these properties can be varied to a considerable degree, and can also change the sign of the current car- riera. The pregent p aper contains the results of the in- vestigation of the influence on the electric-, conductivity and the ther=o e, m. f. of Bi 2Te as well as determina- tio::3 of the tempetature-dependeAce of the conductivity and of t'.c thermo of suL.' jles with a varying car- rier concentratio!7, The pur-ity of th,!? and tellu- Card 1/3 riur" used for the zroduc t ion of tlia_ alloy correszon-ded Thermoelectric Prcjerties of 3is--uth-Tp2luride 15 7 -2 8 -5 -1 o/3 6 With Illoying Ad:7ixtures to tlio puritj of baiiic substance /\.,',Ig, 97% Figure I shrivs the values of the electric conductivity i, of the thermo e. m~ f. a and of a2c, which were determined in the measurements of the alloyed samples of Bi 2Te 3~ The additicr cf lead provided the bismuth telluride with a hole conductivity. The determined maximum values of I arnounted to 17oc Ohm -1. cm". The concentrations of the carriers n (Figure 2) per cm3 and the mobility u were computed according to the effect of Kholl for alloyed samples of Bi Te Figure 3 shows the deperdence of the 2 3' mobility on the concentration for samples with additiors of J, CuBr and Pb. The measurement results of a, a and a2cr are given in figure 4, The experiments showed, that 1) the temperature course of a and a is independent of the addition of iodine or CuBr. 2) the temperature rise is accompanied by a reduction of electric conductivity, vhich is the more marked, the higher the initial -a is. Card 2/3 3) the thermo e. m. f. varies as followst it initial valw~s of 130 'Acrovolt/Oc ;Lt (~.ecrcased .,it!,. .,Iuun- tinL -at jilitial valae~; of L, ~_--loo !.dcro- volt/oc it Constant :_nd at initial valucs of ~:Z-30 :..4.crcvolt/OC -tild bc-ic-.: it inerea--ed rith tem-je- rature. .',) IL11110 valueB C.20 Cccreaoc in samples with a rreat initial tl"Lr..~O L. f. ai-ld _-..ball (5, at a tc!Lr~(_-rature rise. In with an initial valuu of ~! of about 3ooo Liid of a of t'le ozder of loo :.Acrovolt; /oC, a2(5 at 3ooOC vaS L,ual to ti-at at roo-- teiipurature. This is intc-rcstinL; ~t.or the -1-ractical a_)_Aication of Bi2Te 3' The authors a2e in(:ebtud to L. .2. 5tillbans -'or va- luable su,~.!,~estions. ThLrc are * fif_urcs 2 Soviet references. ASSOCILTION: Institat -~Olu )rovofdnikov All. (Institute for Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUR14ITT FD: Jul.-I,,1~3, 1'1-7 1. Bismuth tellurides--Electrical properties 2. Bismuth tellurides--Thermal properties 81626 S/181/60/002/06/14/050 B122/BO63 4-. 76 o D AUTHORS: Kokosh, G. V., Sinani, S. S. TITLE: Thermoelectric Properties of Alloys of the Pseudobinary System Sb,Te - 4 BiaTe3 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. li18 - 1124 TEXT: The present paper describes the effect of changes in concentration and various impurities of the system Sb 2Te 3 -Bi2Te 3 upon its electricalcon- ductivity 4 and thermoelectromotive force a. The amount of the individual components of the specimens was systematically changed by a shift of the stoichiometry. A preliminary examination and a discussion of the Bi-Te and Sb-Te phase diagrams by means of data supplied by N. K. Abrikosov, L. V. Poretskaya, and I. V. Ivanova (Refs. 2 and 4) has shown that, besides Bi2Te 3 also BiTe, Bi2 Te, and Bi 14 Te6may be present in the system Bi-Te. The two systems have some features in common but also characteristic dif- ferences. The two compounds crystallize out in the lattice with stoichio- Card 1/4 X 81626 Thermoelectric Properties of Alloys of the S/18 60/002/06/14/050 Pseudobinary System Sb 2Te 3 - Bi2Te 3 B'22XB063 metrically insufficient quantities of Te, but this is more distinctly mark- ed in the case of Sb 2Te Figs. 1 and 2 show the effect of annealing and pressing of the specimeAs' on a and 0, depending on their concentration. Annealing for a long time (15 days) increased the p-type thermoelwtrcmDti,;~,-- force of specimens enriched with Sb 2Te3 and the n-type thermoeleatromotive force of specimens enriched with Bi 2TeY The change in a at a ratio of Bi Te . Sb Teil: 2S1 indicated the beginning of a reorientation in these sp9cilens. gim r observations by S. V. Ayrapetyants and B. A. Yefimova (Ref. 5) are mentioned. The a-curves exhibited the mixed p- and n-type which is characteristic of solid solutions. In order to explain the derable rise of a oL long annealing, the authors examined the distribution curve of a at different compositions (Fig. 3) as well as the course of the -curve with shifted stoichiometry as dependent on the admixtures of donor, and acceptors (Fig. 4). It is assumed that tellurium penetrates into the la!"~ice when the specimens are hot-pressed and especially when they are an--alQd. Though this also leads to a decrease in the hole concentration Cf the system enriched with Sb 2Te3o the p-type thermoelectromotive force Cr 81626 Thermoelectric Properties of Alloys of the S/181/60/002/06/14/050 Pseudobinary System Sb 2Te 3 -Bi2Te3 B1221BO63 nevertheless rises since Sb 2Te3 has p-type conductivity, whereas the thermoelectromotive force already existing in the specimens enriched with Bi Te, is increased by the addition of electron-emitting Te. The thermo- elictiic properties of the system are obtained from Figs- 3 and 4 for any concentration ratio. Next, the authors examine the effect of impurities on the said properties of the system with a chaiige in its composition. The authors performed three series of experiments using pure Bi and 1) Sb of the type CY-0 Su-0) with Te No. 21 2) Sbs Cy--O (Su-0), Te No. 3; 3) Sb. Cy-100 ~Su-100), Te No. 1. Analytical data on substances obtained by D. M, Shvarts are listed in Tables I and 2. The negativity of a of the alloys in the region of 50 - 100 % Bi 2Te3 increases with increasing purity. The maximum of the positive a was shifted with increasing impurity concen- tration toward the side of higher Bi 2Te3content. The impurities increase their electrical conductivity. The maximum of the positive thermoelectro- motive force could be increased when no impurities were added. As was shown by A. V. Ioffe, the parts with minimum heat conductivity and maxim- um a coincide (Fig. 8). There are 8 figures, 3 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet. Card 3/4 81626 Thermoelectric Properties of Alloys of the Pseudobinary System Sb 2Te 3 -Bi2Te3 S/181/60/002/06/14/050 B122/BO63 A3SOCIATIM Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: November 3, 1959 '0~ Ca, ; 4/1 1/1 L 4023-66 EYfT(m)/ET(;/EYr- (m)/EviP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) RDYI/JD ACCESSION NR: AP5022259 UR/0363/65/001/007/1098/1103 546,871241+546.871861 AUTHOR: Gordyakovat Go No; S'ina'ni, 9. So 17 ' --" TITIE: Anisotropy of the properties of solid solutions of the system Bi sub 2 Te sub 3-Bi sub 2 Se sub 3 obtained by sintering SOURCE: All SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 11 no. 7, 1965, 1098-1103 -17 )7 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth alloy, selenium alloy, electric conductivity, thermoelectro- motive force, Hall effect, tellurium alloy, solid solution 7 ABSTRACT: Samples of variable composition Bi2Te3-xSex (x ranging from 0 to 3) were synthesized from the elements, and CdBr2 was added in amounts from 0.05 to 0.40 wt.%. The anisotropy of electrical conductivity CT , thermo-emf 0(, and Hall effect Rx was studied. In compositions ranging from B12Te3 to B12Te2.,Seo.9, the anisotropy of electrical conductivity is approximately constant and equal to 2.0; it is approximately 3.0 in B12Se3. The samples may be regarded as being practically isotropic with respect to the thermo-emf. A relationship between the anisotropy,ofthe Hall effect and the composition is established. As the B'2Se3 content increases, the anisotropy of the Hall effect decreases from R.11 / Rxi=l.! Card 1/2 I L 4023-66 IACCESSION NR: AP5022259 in bismuth telluride samples to 0.9 in bismuth selenides passing through a value equal to 1.0 in a composition close to B12Te2Se. The effect of various halogens on the electron mobility is established by adding CdCl2t CdBr2, and CdI2 to the alloy with 80 mole7. B12Te3. The mobility declines in the series Cl-Br-1, apparently as a result of the increasing ionic radius, "We thank B. A. Yefimova for helpful suggestions and for reviewing the resultso" Origo art* has: 6 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of Semi- conductorop Academy of.Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED: 1BMar65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REP SOV: 008 MER: 014 2/2 Card. - 8NAVITC1. 3TET-W Pet godinn rade drsavnih poljoprivredno-masinskth stanica u FN-,-,J. Beograd, Polijoprivredno izdavacko preduzece, 1950. 68p. (Five years of operation of the state agriculturLl machine stations in the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. Illus.) So. EAS11' EUROPEAN A,,-E.3~10NS IJSr Vol. 5P No- 7 July 1956 6 114 A / Y 0 y 11 C-/- SMANOVIC31 S. Yugoslavia (430) Agriculture - Plant and Ahimal Industry Improvement of agricultiwal production. p. 30. SOCIAIISTICKA PCIZCPRIVREDA, Vol. 2, no. 2, February 1951. j,_kst Europeah Accessions List, Library of Congress, Vol 1, no, 14, Dec. 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. YYJMYAII, G. Ye.; SITIANYAN, E.G.; AKOFfAN, A.N. Chemistry of divinylacetyl4we 1Md Its halo darimtivea. Report NO.15z"opolymerization of trikns-2,3,4,5~-tetrachloro-1,3,5-hexatriene with v:Ltyl chloride and vinylidene chloride. Izv. AN Arm.SM ]Khim. nauki 16 ro.2t145-150 063 (KIRA J? %8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimil AN ArvSSR. . r S/171/62/0) 5/006/0()3/0()6 E071/E492 Krbekyan, G.Ye. , -Sinanyan, E G Akopyan, A.N. Y IT U, Investigations in tho fit,-fit (if divinylacetylene wncklts 11,11ide derivativos. Comi-itinication 12. A Study of runolymeri.satio- (if trziriq-2,3,li,5-tf!trac'hloro7hematrione- L,'3,5 with isoprene, chlorojorene and -me thylv tuyl ketone "!.'If 011' '.1,: xka(lelniya naul, krmyanskoy S-SR. Izve.4ttyaL. KbiTnicheakiyll ri,wuki, v-15, no.6, 106-, 527-5'7,3 ~'f Reactions of copo1ymerj:-;..itirin of 2,-',,4,5-tetri%c:iloro- (TCHT) with isopr*ne (1), chloroprrn3 (CP) and iiie thy lviny I ko tone WVK) were inveatigated. Thp~ r opc. lyritf-risat ion was carritwd out in the prosence of O.Er' of benzoyl 1,eroxide at 700C by a previously described inethod (,'..~i.%kopyan' V.-I.%slitmazyan, Izv. AN Arm~..S:?, '-hN. v..)3 The J~ , 1960, 155)- copolymers obtained were sel).-trated by double precLpitntion with wethanol from solutions in henzene, except for copolymers (--ht,xined at inolar ratios. oC starting mixtures of monomers '; CP f -- V K0:10, 1:9 and %1 :8 which were precipitated with petroleum ether, as well a.-5 copolymer of TCHT with C11 (2.-8) and C-Ard 1/2 5/1-71/61/01 5/or,6/oo3/006 Investigations in the fiold E071/E492 I polychloroprene which was precipitated with methanol from a mixture of benzene with toluene. AI I polymers were dried at 50 to 60*C in vacuo to a constant weight. The composition was determined from analysis for chlorine. The dependence of the velocity of copolymerisation and composition of copolymers on the starting ratio of monomers was determined and from this the relativo activities of monomers were calculated by the Mayo-Lewis and Fineman-Ross methods. TCHT was found to be a more active monomer than I and ~;VK but less active than CP. There are 3 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION; Int;titut organicheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR t, (Irkstitute of Organic Chemistry AS ArmSSR) SUBMITTED: November 3, 1962 Card 2/2 J_ EPR EWP(J) C L.MI+2:L6 I_E_W_Z(!n)J US ASD -bi-41Fa4hr-t4 RXIVV-1 ACCZSSION MR: AF 94 W-L 0/0lq0/6_$f0_0~/665/CW0686. p ,,AtYrHOR: Akopyea, A. N.; Kr~!~G- Ye ; Sinanyan, E. 0. 71 TMXt The chemistry of dlvinylacetylenel;~d its halides. 9. ftolymerization of trane-2 3, 4, 5!-totmghlorohaxa-l. 5-triens with methyl acrylate and metjiyl methacrylate SOURCEi Vy*sokcmolekulyarnyMye soyedineniya, v. 5, no. 5, 1963, 681-686 TOPIC TAGS: divinylacetylene, copolymerization, methyl acrylate, Mathyl Methacry- -late, styrene ':ABSTRACT: The synthesis of a new monomer, trans-2, 3, 4., 5-tetrachlorohexa-l,, 3, r5-triene (TCHT) was reported in an earlier paper by the senior author, and the ,present work was undertaken to study further its properties and to find its proper ~place among the monomers. The copolymerization of TCHT with methyl acrylate and methyl mathacrylate was conducted in pyrex glass ampules at 70C, in the presence of 0.1 Mol% benzoyl peroxide. The resultant product van isolated by extraction vith benzene and precipitation with ethanol. The investigation of those copolymers, as vell as of the ones studied in the earlier paper, provided data for the determina- tion of their reactivity ratios and permitted the calculation of the specific re- .activity (Q - 1.52) and polarity (a a +0.6) values of TCHT by reans of Alfrey- , tard 1/2 L 13549-63 ACCESSION M ,Price's equation. On the basis of these figures, the behavior of TMT in copoly- merization reactions vith various monomers is being predicted. Orig. sat. has: 1 ;formula, 3 charts, and 7 figures. i !ASSOCIATION: Institut or6wicheskoy khlmli AN ArwSSR (Institute of organic Xhemistry, Academy of Sciences ArmSSR) 'STJBM3M=: 16oct6i DATs AcQ: vo=63 RNM t 00 !80 COEE: CH NO MW BOV: 002 1 004 Card 2/2 ~V L L-PA(s)-2/E'.'o-s(m)APF(C)/Ci'IP(V)/EPR/EWP(J)/TAWP(t)AWP(k)/EWP(b)// a Card 3/4 85238 Determination of an Analytic Function From its S/022/60/013/002/009/011 XX Asymptotic Series in the Domain C111/C222 For the proof the author introduces the auxiliary function fj(Z e z "-) 1w fz in z T - ' ~ ( -,. ' ) d -C and proves that fl(zll Re z > a A result of G.V. Badalyan (Ref. 2) is used. There are 2 references% 1 Soviet and 1 Spanish. A3SOCIATION: Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences Armyanskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: August 29, 1959 Card 4/4 SINANYAN, S.O. Uniqueness of analytic functions on closed r-ets without interior points. Sib. mat. zhur. 6 no.6:1365-1381 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) SINANYAN, .~;.O. Approximation by analytic functicns in the mean over an area. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 35 no.3:107-112 16f. (KIRA 16:6) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.Lomonosova. Predstavlano akadamikom AN Armyanskoy SSR S.N.Ma~gel~fanom. (Functions, Analytic) '* L 1957j-65' Wr(d) 1JP(c)1ASQASD(a)-51ASD(B) ACCESSION RRt AP5002064 S/0042/63/010/002/0159/0161 AUTHORs Sinavaren. S. 0. TITLEs Extremal. problem for poynonials 301URCEs Uspekhi matematichaskikh nou 9 Y. 18, no. k, 1963, 159-161 TOPIC TAGSs polynomialp interpolationt Chebyehey polpomialt oomplax Ywiable ABSTRAM Let e- (0 4 CC e- -rr) be the class of algebraic pol7nom W a P.($) of 04 degree not higter then n (n - 1,2,39*es)t eatisfying W on an arc 19xg z 4 of the oirole a I Theorem i 11-or ->0r for ow polynomial P,(N) f A,.,, P P. (C,*) 14 1.41. vher9.jf.(s)fA:' and sin At. (ell) -e-3-C03[narCelos-) .. (3) sin!- Card 1/2 2 L 19573-65 ACCESSION RKs AP5002064 Theorem 2. For polynomials P. in IP.( 1 + ote -2- (4) P.!Z) (tg* + ctgo -2-) UZI< I). 4 4 "The author expresses'his gratitude to S. B. Steohkin for the formulAtion of the problem and his attention to the work." Orig. w!t. hast 8 forzul". ASSOCIATIOffs none SUMITTEDs 27Feb61 ENCLS 00 SUB CODEs MA NR REP Boyr 002 001 Card 2/2 SINANYAN, S.O. Some estimates for a class of polyncmials and their derivatives bounded an a circular arc. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 39 no. 3:1)3-139 ,64. (KRA 18: 1) 1. Inatitut matematiki i mekhaniki AN ArmSSR. ISINANTAN, S.O. Extremum problem for polynomials. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.2:159-161 Mr-AP 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Polynomials) SIPIANYAN, S.O. Posaibilit7 of the uniqueness property of analytic functions being extended to cover closed sets nowhere denBO. Dokl. LN SSSR 154 n0-4:779-782 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Vychislitel*,nyy tBentr AN Armyanakoy SSR i Yerevanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Predstavieno akademikom M.V. Keldyshem. ARSEI!TIYEV, Aleksntidr lwinovich; VINOGRADOV, Vladimir Samoylovich; DZYUBENKO, ~ ikhail Grigorlyevich; YESECIMIKO, Alekrcy Andreyevich; KALYAKIR, Viktor Vasillyevich; Y"IZDI, Vitaliy Ivanovich; KISELEV, Vyacheslav Mikhai-lovich; KULIKOV Vladimir Vasillyevich; M=SFKIN, Sergey Mikhaylovich; SINARENKO, Aleksandr Ivanovich; XHIMKO, Akim Foteyevich; SHKUTA, Eduard Ivpnovich; SHOSTAK, Afonasiy Grigorlyevich; MOSMIKOV, Yevgeniy Fedorovich, retsenzent; SOSEDOV, Orest Orestovich, retsenzent; ROSS-'1T, Aleksandr Filippovich, otv. red.; SUAOVA, V.A.p red.izd-va; LAVRENTIYEVA, L.G., tekhn. red. [Overall development of an iron-ore basin] Kompleksnoe r--zvitie zhelezorudnogo basseina. (By] A.I.Arsentlye* I dr.Moskvap Izd- vo "Nedra," 1964. 293 p. (MIRA 17:3) S 1 Gor. zi 1.2tS n;.. T "T t- r ~'n c T ibrary of C-n-.r,is) e GORDON, B.le., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; ZEMOT, X.N., gornyy inshener; SIXARMO# LA., gornyy inzhener' SHOSTAK, A.G., gornyy Inshener. Present state and prospects for the development of Xrlvoy Rog Basin. Gor. shur. no.70-6 JI '57. (KLVA 100) (Krivoy Rog--Iron mines and mining) SINARENKO, I. A.Jq inah.; KISELEVp V. M., insh. Remat of remodeling iron uimes of the Krivoy Rog Basin. IST. vys. ucheb. sav.; gor. shur. no.10:32-35 161. (MIRL 15:10) 1. Institut Krivbasaproyekt. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Iron mines and mining) SINA~KIY, N.Ye.; POLOZOVA, I.G. 11. Increased toxin resistance of erythrocytes in rabbits immnized with perfrigens taxoid. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immm. 31 no.8: 80-81 Ag 161. (MlU 14:6) 1. Iz Urkutskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii. (CLOSTRIDIUM PFMIGENS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a J. 0 ____ A 1 0 1 1 A, - I I AA N 41 W K*s I I f I 00 41#4,1R1 1.11 .." ". 0 Develessm" Of 21090-11 twoms to mice under the ;-00 , ed adomm"k, mem. 1. ceediew" "Oft- at cru. 00 1 *ad %elk W-"J"5) -A MML Air rAIM-c-a It :0 stud ow d 1u mosipent ;~Ms '00 r 0,06 In I NO tm "Vem(k I** 00 SO C4 the "(I- 0 retkvhw =Ssymmiahts end 1*0 N to V=mm' low 1K, the . . s- -N fablits with 06M OW "WNW d wAm. Meth d5V ch4wrtheame Coe" ftown in tbe fmp GO mc: ass, jm_ that Md ben SKM WoMMON; the ruman toot did appow z weie relatively UmMvw.' it. pries"" 00 roe 0: 12*0 00 A I a. I L A WALLU96KAL LITC*41ust CLAISOK010" 9 0.4A. !48 1 It 1*1 Ovi 41 419 O%v all 8144 U S 10 'A it 9 it W S 09 It J 0 00 0000 0 a 0 0 * 00 04041004100100~140000*00 a 0 0 : 0 0 41 0 0 1 ;T.44k 01-0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 * 0 0, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0, The role 91 momispeddi: irrita6m in fiesime maloplastloon 'k r 7 HcAlth. h1oft-mr), A44 PoW. 13. Vds(ft "Pupts, With fits It,lintril *sib onethyl. ch"Ll"thrrsle "Ani. "It ef-Inn twit insfic-.4te Me I.Poulims .4 lit, cancrinarnic &So-nt mithsovicA with oirt-its4va nn another .41~4 of it u(NIVIKvi(W Wita"t (crolors .it ~ alli m, 'bitiWal-All .1- 1-1 1 j 0- In.149'amt 114tia"t 'a, 0., Use 4 T /)~, -S 'S io ,,pertles of mne rptct!ous "I An 0,1 r gerimentAl study). 1".. S110 Onkalosii 1, No~ 2, 4U-2(w55)--.NjI'cc of 14-15 g. wt. were uicAl. Five, belth JI. an r4c"""I i(,Lttion were *Iaied from the shale oil. The nieflic-Ati of I alid ipecific Welitification of the fractiO113 are not given. f Tliefravdons were rubbed Intotheskit! of thelininvits cvcry~ other day --til crich tuouse rcceiv-M 50 apph-2,1tion.s. All 1,.al. produced papillornai und cauccrous growilo in a iq~pner similar to a mcthylch~)Iautlircne. It. S. L. la A, J-1-17 Vic- *ect I. N'efiur~'-nd A., dil?l Jejllal~) wc~re LISM iu thc ripts. Alet'"I I L 0 il~ 3',-r ~ i-i 1 1,04r, ~- lajiolin was rullheil it wmk- faT 4 V_4 -.9 3 thrie. it tht! :Oiwil, v7eeU.. AlOv 40 a rQ -s tLe inice %exe injected sub. ~,t for tvo %~,,elk -41ame pik" . fit 0i" iliqw-Ifill-01 regfoll with I mg. of I tit 0.5 inz, It tvIlig fxftle cl the Inice as controls'. Am ~'l ajicc Sceelvir) nelthrx I wit I vlm also uSC4 L'Olluoh. IWOWng the 111 bf mice i~A I aeldum tesult4' . , fnfi:; it luti )I ;aipors; it did, 'imi0#01 swisitize, 1i;1tlk,111 bi flil: fe-lullation of ulaupant In tit by i-liti.1ton wi(h 11. Sudl IOU 1W to I W (it firuhm ard inaliput (Amlo un c-11141"lab)y N)wrtelled tho 11me of davOupmear, t,. f I tt the f"Coi uf the NUU-muklirlill'i 1111atinn of tho '111. In the Seplitlact Gritar wi., U.ImA tyllu of Calcillogellic so I and umccrutit tutnor3 wtre CAuic J.illl ;M, NIMKOV, P.P., SIMAY, A-Ya. (Moskva) Nothyleholanthrene sarcoma in guinea pigs after sensitization with samll.dose of cancerogene Pat.fiziol# i eksp.terap. 2 no.4: 50-51 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Iz patologoantomicheskoy laboratorii (sav. - prof* PoP, Dyishkov) i laboraotrii professionallmykh novoobrazovaniy (zav. - prof, I.N* le7nan) Instituta gigiyeny truda i profzabolevani7 AMS SSSR (dir. daystvitel'Vy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A. letayet), (CHOLANnmm, off. induction of sarcoma in guinea pigs (RUA)) (SARCOMA, expere* induction with methvlcholanthrene in guinea pigs (Rug)) TITU. rmrortlom of "!AjL'!lA - . xatrw;;Is "It~ry. Difforont C.Inital V,mm of Vj.ont;;~ P171COICAL, Zhm.1 lk,.bloj,4tt, ptd-lo1.411 I t-Mbloll,gli, lir 3, Pr 125 AN7TPA(rt . . ...... rms or dY."t.,7, 'I- 1- f-r -t- -d Lt. em ltl~ttp to .. .... f~M bet.... the hl~h b-r. out the ar..t ; ~t PIV.4 by V,.. tt. of the --orgwj- 1, 'let omtnLn't the n4tur. of the Otnt,el .-r.. 1. AAYwIATICWe Inatitut mpl4ovlol~gll I s1krittOlogil LwAt 0~1~1 AM 33an fln4tituts W-t "tt of V.4 01 vgp.), A-1. l -%.If. 0114-lol : .v" nTo I December 2%, 1958 :.rl 212 DVIZiIK(JV, POP,; NEyr-LOP I.M.; SINAY, A.Ya.; MIKIN, I.S. Tumors of the bladder in dogs induced by, 1Y -naphtbylaminc. Arkh.pat. 22 no.2:18-26 160. (MIRA 13:12) (BIADDER-TUMORS) (NAPHTHYLAMINE) YAKHNINA., N.A.; SHA4'ROV, I.I.; M0,,-iDV1NOVA, 14.B.; KUZNETSOVA, N.S.; SHAPOSHNIKOVA, R.F.; SIWL-,',IAN, E.A.; KAZACHINA, K.H.; PLROVA, L.V.; SALAMANDRA, E.G.; SINAY, A.Ya.; SIMkISW-7SKAY-k, Ye.F.; SHABAD, A.T.; GOLUBEWA, T.V. ---- Biological properties of causative agents isolated in various clinical forms of dysentery. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid i L-Mun. 31 no-3:128 ~~ '60. WRA 14:6) (SHIGELLA PARADYSENTERW) 3K.*J*G,.,.'-)'t'VP V.V, ; .,YDIll6VA, ; LUPI:iA, ".I.; YA:~'I"-i-DITA, ; SINAY', A. Ya.; T.V.; s'.:Il`UVfLOVA, A.!.l.; K.MIJOVA, F.*i.; KOB-_'r3OVA A.D. WLIJI,I-VA) f Z,Aderdoloi;y of lint-3-stinal infuctiom in cidld--P-n'3 in3t-itUtiOnS. ZliLu-, mAkrobiol. epid. i i:-,,,,lun. 32 no.6:47-51 Je 161. OU-7~A 15:5) 1. Iz 11 Moskovskor-o ncdl'U---inskof;o instituta imeni Firogova i Y saiiitarno-epidc,,Tdoloi~ic',ieskoy stafttaii Laningicogo rayona (INTEST I I TITS- DlS::AS !-Z) for Null- All 59. The OPO callon of lead InfensAt .6crem 1j ?, A1110wa- -1 JJJA %,, 1956, Nlo 1;-pp~ I o fig". Tile atithor furni.-ilies ilicasurenivitts -wlifcli were intended to clear tip the litten.,iffying conditintis of the lend qcrc,-its. It was establi-Aied fit tile rourv- of tile 111casilrelnellts that intensification is tile result of tile Joint effect of the characteristic R, ra-11ation of tile lead aild tile phoWL-lectrolls. It is m';slittled that dir,!ct elec- troll absorption plays mi important part fit the develop- ment of blackening. Mew4urcnients co,iductcd by the!' author proved thA, tl:el amplification factor IWtW(.-Cil 100-200 kv for it( ru a X-ray filitis IncreasiA from 1.78 to 2.12 and for fine-prained films from 1.59 to 2.23 The graph contains tile lighting data fr jr .9tevels of max 50 111111 wall T P" ?T "-"L(:A P '-d-p-Sti 1~;uszk,-, "ryetem) Ludapesto Sme remarks nn tlic, ~,.!:,!stion of the lastim: str,--nrth of vrire-ro,-)e crmplinrs. In 6erman. n. 99. '7o1. 2. no. 2. 1959. Ponth1v List of :bast z~vropean "ccession LG Vol. 8 N 10. 3 ".larch 1959, Lnelass. 1,ad eri -1 ,:d al- r F + A. 22, r, -a---, cr ':()J. 15CC 85716 Ao54/Ao26 ILI .1, 2 2. Q AUTHOM Egrl, Im ~, Dortor, Candidatc of Tf-~hmc:i! 81nay, Engln~-;t: arl SzRTt~B, Mari - # Pt :z i :"4 an4'~ Vir - - I SLag Contt~nt, C-~.f~rmlnEoArjn of St-T-el sht"~"e rT Metrods ard ty 'J,.~ Dafin!*Jcn of Contra~ticn Wo-ts PERIODICAL- G'--p, 1960, Vo'- : 2, Nc 9. pp 1, 6- 9 - "5 TEXP. In tha Csni-.ra.1 Rs~search Labcra'-or-,r of MeasuH-ng Tec."Miques (auda- peat), tests caprl-?d out in orj~,r to Jeterrdne the slag content of steel sheEits ty ultrascnic ff,-,.'qcds, in wri.,,n the det~-ctlon of inclusions is bat-led on the phenomenon that ultf&scnl,~ vloraficnc &rft ref"k.,i-2ted from the f5Lulty places or only p.-i-Detrste them to a small extent.. Two v-ariatlons of this method were applied. In tt-, "fi~7,zt~ eignal" teets the amclitiji,~ of the transmitted vlbz,atlons, and in tb~- 112-'~flexion" ~he &--plttud~ rif reflected vibratlons 11 The ,rani*mi',ter gent~ta-,~B p,,&I~~ sound vitrations were registered. - of -ha-t Is -2overed as well. which penetfate the lava I Kater wtth n -Et .-- - C1- the sheet its,:-If rind h-lt !ne receivi--r w~ilt-~h --ramiforms th-?m Into ele-.- t--i- osclllatlon-~ T~,-~z~ ~L-r~ amclifl-j tv tr~ :17,-~-Orm.- and ir-*~a-iiurea' ty a va:,v'~ volt meter. Th-e mt-',hoj I- fs in~iul~i In trig rolling mill Card 1/4 ,3716 H/Oi 11/60/c 00/rx-9/1001/oci A o-,: 4/A,326 31:1Z Cont~c-nt De+,~~nrninatjon ~:f :)y M~thrjd~ am ty thc~ Nftniticn ot Csnt-~L,.1.41on Wor~, and ~a_n pqc,;Ily t-i Tlit inrl1j.,,1on-', in the Ai~-et. lan be measuicea by tl,As m,,?thod if ~h-iz tc,~,xj- E L:~r-f a ~e 1 -3 irj I a:% a- ~.1'3 Ff F b q";, r ay mc,&;~-ural In the plan,~ norm~Ll where; Ff.ault tot -i.~ surfac-e of _,n:'usim to the beam. of sonic ray3, F-ay = the ~Tosi Feoticn of the beam, b re- lative Ln--rt-3cinty of mea-suring, (Ab5--.racter~,i notc-T 3ubscr1pt,5 fault and rav are tranilat!.,)n.= of ~,':e origirx&l hiba md The V'firs-, 8izn_atl" tests we7:,e ~omplsted by tests ~azii-d ois-, tre "r-2flaxlon" method,_"n the ultra- sonic t~-.sts vibrat-ions of 1 Me frequ,~ncy and. a b59-7, of i(K) mme crozs Fectior were lised, Following the sugges-rion by Profez-sor F, th& ultrasound te~~+'S were checked ty deflntxg ctontra-1-f..Lon work of the examIned. Tbf. value -)f thz~ ~ont.-a,~!.Ion word was following (~B + F B P + c'ET 4 . D, ~ rd ca:--; .2/h _1+ 85716 A054/Ac,26 Slag Cortt~,~,, E).~te-.!Pinatlon of SLac-- Sh~:F;~: t.7 Ultra5onl- and by D,:flnitlon of Con#ra~tior Wr~% WhG--ele - f'lcw CF' b - ten-stle Eri,en~tn. 6 e = elongarlen, (uniform, , d 2 = ~pt,:Ific- i~.Iorgatlon wktl~m :~an be calvjlat~!d from. the fellow-, Pe i~- i f 1"3 ing foTmula conr1rac-t-ilon). Ba5ed on the teFt.s or. -,ontraction worV, thc~ specimens were qua- 11flad to the following rbtAnp; 1-he zcamol- was "good", wtan its n T, I` waE "dub-cu~" wt-c-n A, 40-'50 cor*ractt-m wor4 waZ A, :~Oyka,' whl't~t il~ ws-~, "bad", Wr-en A. megJ.-m~ A:scraln-3 to tte -u~-,asonlc tho: cc"CIfr~n wa 3 1'kzood" ~ if th~ *,h- arp-it-,ul- of i.he pcn=tratina u2+::-at~ori-, tons wa-z 15 %, P-1 ~ompq.cinja~ tht- amse,~sment of !,te ac.-,~.!,~!,Ing to -,n~ arDv,- quallfl~alionF, it. wasi folind that 72 % of the ~jjj-,rp",-~z a5sssed "Lzooa" cy Oie L~11,r:rasonll~ method, wa5 also ul-.:~-F~ot~d as faulT:Ie-~= ty -onlra3l-lon work Fow(-vc-:, Inclu- b,~-Lvw -- ..urface are no~,~-d by ttic- ~~,ontractlon tF-st~z ,Aon~z im t~'. . and r.he cn-Lr indi-,-ite '~O I :.~ th,,:z-e lnclus~icn5 The Card 3/4 A(,-4/A026 Slag Con-m. Det~-rminatlon of St=-' Srie-ts t-,Y jitr'-V;Tr,: M",d~; arid Cv -f Cont-actinn W-#i lamirtat-d ,ur,~ in n, Int. tn-m.:~e aAfe.--.~ .1th a!:eat. t~- :onclui-~-j t-h-a,, A-,,~ "fi-.Bt. :itena-!" test is sul'abl.- f,:,r cwntin~ici~, ~Lrd non-:Ies~t-uctive tP--- ccnlf-a.~Ilon wc~,P~ JE mor- adiriterl for random tast.~~. Ther-t ar-- 9 I t.a:,Ie ~Lnd refe.--fz-nce-z I G~rmar, and 2(in Germ.Ar ASK%: IAT -I ON Onon! '.i :'Cenl.ra*A ReFear--'r, La tora,~O-v ~,f vj-a!~u~in; T-z'. ~F-wrj, FL-ni oar,i Y ut. lnt~ z&T. 'P-, ~ar r If tWA 1 1 .'S,,ni-a-; . G~Lt)o- C D249/i3301 A,L), T, i 0i a.,.,-,d CsokLn, F~I, Doctor T I *r,erq_,,th .-.,roperties of al~zmizlum Sheet-, cover of li,,Lrd oxide la.'ier no. 126 - 130 X 'T~1(" "ILysic-11 and propertino of oxtra I.arl oxide V,'Gr(~ ,,,*U~idicd vlhich was prepared by a technique devc1oped in ,-bor-,.tory. The effect of the cwlting n the Substrate 1. 0 1 25 PI::; wide bendin6 and tellsile stren,~jth 4- Uest pit2ces were prep%rod from sheets of cor:mierciai srl 'e 1 1 jrl- Al::j-',Si, 7he speclmQns anodic-lly oxidized in b 4 ', , o F, U, i-Iiii-ited N2 S 0 i" at OOC applyinL-, a potential of 50 V acros, I 4'roiytic cell. The bath was viCorously a&itated, P-a.-t olf, time 0 I.-,s Lalodized for jO minutes, another part for U-0 minutej. ,-css was detemined on the polished cross-section of the s-inp'les by Hanemann's Method. 100 G load was applied in these tests. Ten:,iic strenC"I'li and yield point were measure(~ on a hydraulic teotinz miachii--/ Card 1/3 T .1/01 62/000/004/001/002 11/0 11 / 06 210 04 /C, /0 0 2 Strenl-th nropertuies of aluminUm ... D249/D301 determined a"'te-t-w-rds. 'he -3,,ms hyjr;,u'ic 3 e "o r 4he bending tests. An A;:,sl--.- the ho,.,.-.oj7,enci'uy of -xilde, "icnoy to determine on aver-age valuus the Qmthoi-31 -,,ro- r~,,)s )f u~..odic oxidation an oxirle coatinG of 120 - 220 in (,C) min,,3. witli a Vickero hardness of 450 - 520 k,/ 1~2 -,ce of 11,e ti!-,ie o4' ,liiodic tre.,AmerO is d'ue to tA%c, inhomo- eneity Of t1lu Oxiae "Xiiml. the meagured 2LrcYqtI. t! IT 1 C, c C, .-,e lanodica-Ily oxidized sheets the fo-Llo-,,, q,, con- rC7-.C`,,ed: 1 ) A coat of hard oxide reduces the te-si- aad softcr tLe sheets, the the dIC-Crease of tensile Strength :-'e'asured 25 In t1r.e case of soft sheets 'U.I.e yield point is riot reduced. Th.-- decrease in case of htrd sheets c,,.n reach '15 - 30 J') T!-,e e .6~;tlon of aodized thin and soft sheets car, decren e bf 15 - 50 n,". The red-,iction will be less in case of ha.-d and ti.ic;~ sl-eeto- I t be Inil -Ibove a certair, t'hickness. 4) The e...',-,ct o." t*t-.c ~iar.d oxide coat on the strenGth properties of tl,.e substrate ,vital ii,,cr(.,.,.sc,s witi, tho t"AcImess of tile layer. 5) The load necesr,--ry -,-,o obtain ti,c, C thickliess of t),,-.- I 4~ _, yield point increa.,jeu with th (;,~~rd 2/3 H/011/62/000/004/001/002 Strength properties of aluminum ... D249/D301 oxide film in case of thin and soft sheets. According to these ex- Perimental findin,;s, in tile crtse of drawing strains the hikrd oxide coatinG decreases the strength and deform,,~tion characteristics, while in the case of bending strain it has a favorable effect. Fi- nally, cons i dera t ions E~re L;iven to the application of anodic treat- ,T%ent in the mach:ne inKstry. There are 6 fieures, 3 tables and 22 .-ef~3rence.-: 1: Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the '_En~lish-languaUe pub]. i c,-..t ions 1'ead _-3 follov;,-.- R. V. VLaiden Borg, 1,*' t. and Yeth. , 42, 195 6, July, 90; J.M. le'ape, Vetal Ind., 91, 1957, 8, 9, 10 -q).; S. Vlarwick and R. Pinner, The treat- ment and finishinE of Al and its alloyE:, TeddinEtonp 1959; 'Lnon. 1"Iechanical Vorld and Engine Record, 1960, no. 6. ASSOCIATION; Pbraipari kutat6 int6zet (Research Institute of the t:etal Industry) Card 3/3 61N.Ay, Gabor Lrichsen tusts performed with bull.- of IcsL; than 20 mm in diameter. Gel) 15 nu.12:498-509 D 163. 1, Feraipari Katato Intezet, ijudapact. i-IIIIIALY1 , Erik%; t-lAILGTAY, Gyorgy; "INAY, Gabo-- Mathematical formul--as for the detezmijiat~-cr; of cc-Ttracticn work. Gep 16 no. 4:145-151 Ap 16,4. 1. lmztitute of the 11-letal Industry. SINAY, Gabor Fatigue as the most dangerous cause for machine brea-.ages. Musz elet 19 no. 6:11 12 Mr 164. SINAY, Gabor Most recent achievements in lities of their application lap 97 no.3t137-141 MrI64 material testing and the possibi- in the aluminum industry. Koh 1. Femipari Kutato Intezet, Budapest. L 1(~498-(,4 ?wJII(t)13fP(k) JDlffd VC NIZ: AP6008575 AHTHCC: ORG: TITLE': lrivest4,af.i.on of th- clip--,iravring test. as to its sititability for the evaluat.ion of deep-draviability A':,,: metal lrawinr, riietaL To qualify no a reliable technique for the evaluation of a metal's deep-drawability, a test method must faithfully sivulate the stresses of the deep-drawing operations and must also be related to the nhape of the product involved. The following cup-drawing test techniq-jes were evaluated to assess their suitability according to the foregoing criteria: the Zrichsen test (Hun- garian Standard M3Z 5704-50), the Siebel-Pomp hole-enlarging method, the Sachs wedge-drawing test, the AEG cup-drawing test, the Schmidt test for do- tormining the critical dion diameter, the Engelhardt method, the Swift cup drawing test. On the basis of the detailed conoideratiopa presented, it was concluded that the Brichoen method comes closest to meetinst the criteria izr- p,),:, , ! .Orig. aj-t.. hau: 12 figures, forumlao,, and 4 tables. IJ Pit.; I -SUB CODE : 13 / ';UBI! DME: nonf3 011fG, PJ,',F: (,9.)5 / um izm ool, Card 1/1 :51,q UDC: 620.16:621.983 50TIRCE, CODE: L 34962-66 EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JH/JD/-4B ACC NR, AP6026663 SOUR.CZ CODE: IF-010-0). 3 0 AUTHOR: _Sinay, Gabor-Shinai, G.; Varkonyi, Sander-Varkoni, Sh. ORG: Rosoarch-Instituto for the ]Lotal Industry.(Famipari Kutato Intozet) TITIZ-: Surface defects observed on shoot alumnurn after transportation SOURM: Kohaszati lapok, V. 98. no. 8, 1965, 353-356 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, sheet rmtal, m-tal oxidation ABSTRACT: Surface defects, not unlike z4lfew stains in appearance, are occasionally observed/on sheet aluminum Wter shipping. Tests conducted -to establish the cauffs of this defect indicated that it is caused by frictional oxidation.\'This phenomenon has been described by STELJES; H.A., (Aluminium, Vol 19, No 5, 1937, pp 291-292). In most instances the stains consist of small indentations less than 0.1 mm. deep, sur- rounded with a greyish halo. It was proven that the defect is not caused by inclusions or spark corrosion, and that it does not affect the me- chanical characteristics of the sheet. The sheets do not corrode further after the cessation of the cause. Orig. art. has: 16 figures. fJ-PRS: 32.49JI SUB CODE: 11 / SUBM DATEt none / OM REF: 003 Card 71 h is 3I:.'AJ, il. Ya. and fl*UAT,-,'i!i~Vz:i, L. M.ILlEvcHENKn, L-A- "Frorh7lactic Vac,~:ination a-ainst Ttalaraeziia . Tez. Dokl. Isaross. Konf. L-anin-,rad. 1934. - ".likrobiol. i -!Ade-miol.,, ~J; of !'ynnur A-,;oj.,Ljjj,jjjF- r, -14 t -Ai MARGORINA, L.M.; SIHAY, G.Yu., profesuor, zaved-4-ushchiy; TIM.&KOV, V.D., pro- fesoor, direktor. Yellow variants of Flexner's and Zonne's dysentery bacilli . Zhur.mikro- biol.epid.i immin. no-3-14-20 gr 153. (KLRA 6:6) 1. Otdeleniye kishechnykh infektsiy Instituts epidemiologii i mikrobiolo- gii imeni pochetnogo akademika N.Y. (kimalei Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Sinay, Margorina). 2. Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni pochetnogo akademika N.Y. Gamalai Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Timakov). (Dysentery) GIRONIMUS, Ye.S.; LITINSKIY, Yu.I.; SINAY, G.Ya., professor. saveduyushchiy; TIMKOV, V.D.. professor, S- and R-forms of Sonne dysentery bacilli and their relationship. Zhur. mikrobiol.spid.i iwmn. no.8:68-76 Ag '53. (XIaA 6:11) 1. Otdel spidemiologii Instituta spidentologii i mikrobiologii in. pochotnogo akademika N.F.Gamlei Akademii maditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Sinay). 2. Insti- tut spidemiologii i nikrobiologii ia. pochetnogo akademika N.Y.Owalei Ak"s- mii maditainskikh nauk WER (for Timakov). (Dysentery) SINAY, I. Ta; MOW, A. I. I'-- ieview of "Problems of prevention and treatment of dysentery," edited by G.IA.Sinai. no.2:46-48 F '54. WaA 7:1) (Dysentery) "LASR I BOOK NXFL'OrTATIOK sov,12660 TodavyuzzW antrastichaskly s'yezd. 3rd, Moscow, 1956 Tzos~b. t. 4: Krstkoy *odor--hanlye selctsLonnykh dokladov. Doklady Inowl-ra=ykh uchanyll (Transactions of the 3rd All-Unlon Math#~.&- tical cAmference in xos~aw. voi. 4: sur~-7 or 3ectiana* Reports. to of Wor&tgn Sc.._t.~sts) Moscow, bwpos~ 247 P. 2,200 copies primted. Izd-vo AN 335R. 19!%). SpcoaarLng Agancy; Akadealya naLLk 553R. It4tozzaticheekly In8titut. TaCh- 94.. 0.N. 31savchanko; 941torial BoaMs A.A. Abrawv, V.G. 801tyarLskly A.*. Vasillyev. B.V. 14*dvtdvv, A.D. Myshkis, 3.N. 81koll"y JR..p. 5d.), A.D. Po.tnlkov, Yu. V. Prokhorv. K.A. vybnlk~v' P. L. Ullyanov, V.A. Uspenalkly, N.G. Chetayov, 0. Y*. A-412irv. mod A.I. Shlrahov. 9=BMM-- Ibla bo;)k to Intended for satme-Aticians and phys'cists. CVrA3L&MZ ThO book Is Volume rV of the Transactions of the T731rd All- 9mlm RAtb~tlcal Conference, hold InJune and July 1956. The bocig Is 4lvIdi4 _Into two main parts. .The first Part con -tatna inza- omorlow of the, papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con- forenco that were not included In the first two volumes. The second "rt contains the text of r*ports subaitt.4 to the *41-or bY n=4%*v1*t Scientists. In those cases when the non-3oviot act- azntlat did not oubmat a copy of his paper to the editor, the title of Lbe paper to cited and, If the Paper was PrinteJ in a Previous volump, reference to made to the appropriate volume. 'he papers. botb Soviet and non-3oviet, cover various toplos In number tn"ry, &!Cobra, differential and Integral equations. function theory. .=ctlonal analysis, probability theory, topology. wthe,sattcal probions, or mechanics and physics, computational %athenatics, matbouatIcal logic and the foundations or a4themstlesi and zme blz-.or7 or Rathe"AtIcs. -- - I JW-W-~1-'jjwT,-R-"oscow). Irlang formulas In telephony With an arbitzazy distribution law of the duration or can- vez-oatlon 68 _Plj~Ta,q~jMoacow). Distribution of the first positive --olas TH-W-seqn1ence of independent rsandom values TO Ctwntwv fj_A&pcow). On the asymptotically best stattati- ~~f a paLramter TI Akwtun on Topolocr ad Yu. M. 3atrnow (Moscow). On the --mortz,le dlowmalon of' sets T2 11VAn9vo) and Ye. S. TjkhowArov4 (IvLnovo). --UmIrcra hooologloo 72 _ eaj~jk ~.IAgosvow). cohmoiagias or the space or Path* 'r2 --aw-bonot-twouz space* Card 14A4 SINAT, Ytt.G. (Moskva) ~- ~ Distribution of the first positive sun for the sequence of independent random variables [with summary in Finglishl Teor. veroiat.i so prim. 2 no.1:126-135 '57. iKLRA 10:7) (Distribution (Probability theory)) 82859 9000 S/ 1, 12/60/DC'O/-"O8/oO8/D 12 Translation from, Referat' Lvnyf zhurnal. 1960, No. 8, r. Y)41 # 6 - 7011 AUTHOR, 51'ridy Ya.- TITLE, Tne Least Error and the Best Transmission Method of Staticnary :r-4",Dr,pa~4cn Dur!ng Lineark'VCoding~'3and Dec~,ding in the Case cIf Ian-Channelz Being Vr-e!~=nn the Link Gauss FER-.0D:CAL-~ V sb.~ Pr:bI. peredach! Informatsii, Nc, 2, Mos,:ow, AS USSR, 19c,9, pp. 210-48 T&W The author investigates the genera' ca- a stationary signal'9 bping transml-.tedflover the comnrunication line wl?,~. a pulse charazterisT.1c L (T),_distorting!)the ransmitted informat-Ion by the adcItive stationary nolse215 (0, in the case of Gaussian ~ (t) and g (t), the I~e5t transmitting system lz that one contaJnIng a pre-distortion line filter w_~th a K (T) pulse charac- teristic, placed at -~ne zart ,f the 'l-Ine, and a regeneration (decoding) line filter with a M (T) chara-lter~zti:, placed all *-he end cf -me line. -,he a-.;thcr tne me,~*-,-_' s-leQtins K kV and M (-t), en-uring at the I:ne outp, at. a giver racaci+y a minimum of error dl3rers_'-,~n I~2 = 2 Card 113 82859 3/1". 12 The Leas', Error and the Best Transmission Method of Sta-.1onary information Linear Coding and Decoding in the Case of Gaussian-Channe's Being Present in the Link where M is the slgn-aL at the outpur, of the regene-a-,!ng f ilt-er. It !!i shown that if the regeneration of the signal is effected with an inf,'nlte delay, the optimum K(,,) and M (T) are thcse, at whi:h the sFectrai density of the !~Ignal (t) -at tn-? cu~put cf the ~re-dis~crtton filter can be determ!ned by ~ne f - rrrai ;if? frj,r6 (A-) F 7- T-TT-A-) T N f-r f,1,1 (A)> 0 0 - for the remaining A . Ucte~~ fh-~ f-vil-a (1) is ~bv-'ous`y r-a-ameter of zelec--f"d in zucr a way ',,-,a-, d (1) and (2) N is the signal power r~(t), fgt?(A , fg5 (A), and f 'tj, V(t) and of the are 'he specrral der.Eit,es of the signals Q , - n.:) I ~111 .1 - - - - L, - 1-1 1 -,.s rhe P-)urier ~~,r---insformat ion fro-,i I ~T ). Mcrec,.rer, the rri o 1- zs ~, f f r,? q -v Inara7~er'-s!.tr cf the pre-diz-Tor--- ,!-z dC*~erv7led Cari 2/3 82859 5/112/60/000/008/008/012 The Least Error and the Best Transmission Method of Stationary Information Dirlng Linear Coding and Decoding in the Case of Gaussian-Channols Being Present in the Link by the formula f k fb while the frequency characteristic of the decoding filter is determined by the f,nrmula m 1 k f W 7 k Vj El A) + f,~ where the upper line marks a ccmplex conjuga.a magnit-,Ie. Th e errcr dispers'on, corresponding to filters with such parameters Is equal tc 00 2 = x f d /f x V Tfg-g7 -AT f rL (,k) dk~ Yu.G.P, Translator's note! This is the full translation of the criginal Russian abstract, Card 313 160) ATJ 7' "1 S in ay, Ya. 67 1 T 13 -on -thconcept of Entropy for a a Dynamical system (0 poryati.4 entropii dinamicheskoy sistemy) PERIOLICAL: Doklady AkLdemii nauk SSS'P,1959,vol 124,11r 4,pp 768-771 (USSR) ABSTRAf"T: Let, M be a Lebesgue space with a -alEeb7a of meagurable sets 3 and measure (M).1; let T be an arbitrary automorphism of M (compare f-Lf 2_1). The reprc-.3-ntat--on n A i is denot3d as tha finite decomposition A - A.,,...,A n of IM. The decomposition T kA is a decomposition into sets T kAi For the entropy of A it holds: h(A) (Ai)log (A d. Definition: h T = sup h T(A) is Jenoted a3 -he entropy of the A automorphism T. Let A = A19...,A n and P = Ell ... PBl where the sets B I belong to a closed -algebra ienerated by the sets Card 112 On the Concept of Entroby for a Dynamical System SOV/20-124-4-10/67 TnAV 1 j k, - oc :1 co . Then h T(P) h T(A). is used in order to calculate thi entropy of the automorphism of a two-dimensional torus. The author thanks A.N.Kolmogorov and V.A.Rokhlin valuable discussion of the problem. There are 4 Soviet references. PRESENTED: November 25, 1958, by A.N.Kol!ro3orov, Academician SUBIMITTED: December '3, 1958 This property ergodic for the Card 212 7 16(l) AUTIIOR: Sinay, Ya. 70V/20-125-6-6/6 -1 PI TLE: On Currents With Finite ~.Intropy (0 potokakh s konechnoy entro- Piyey) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 125,Hr 6, pp 1200 - 1202 (USSR) ADSTMICT: The author considers the current (Md~~ S t where Y is a Lebesgue space with measure /I, a" the (r -algebra of its measurable sets and S t the group of transformations unqer which the measure is conserved. For the single automorphisms of this group the author introduces the entropy h8 . sup -ccording to A>O -1 Kolmogorov. For the calculation of the entropy the following theorem valid for arbitrary automorphisms T is recommended. Theoremt Let a sequence of decompoeitionB jgk I be given so that it is Card 1/2 On Currents "ith Finite -;;ritropy V/ 2 0P 5 - n P T where 7 denotes k c0 the decomposition into single points, and h (9k) < a), Then it is h T - lim h T (13k) k--~,w Furthermore it 13 shawn that there are transitive currents with a denumerably multiple Lebesgue apectrum and arbitrary finite h8 ~>O . The authcr considers examples of Kolmogorov. He mentions Girsanov, - There are 2 3oviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni W.V.Lomonosova (Moscow state University imeni Y.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: January 16, 1959, by A.11.. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED- January 16, 1959 Card 2/2 SINAY, Ya.G. Dynamic otstecisand stationary Markov processes. Teor, veroiat. i so prim. 5 no.3:335-W 160. (MIRA 13:9)' (Probabilities) S/0420/,~'Jjll ~/'1/04/10/073 AUTHOR: TITLEs Geodesic Flows on Manif. olds of Negative Constant Curvature PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, Vol-131, No.4, PP-752-755, TFY,T: Theorem 1: Geodesic flows on two-dimensional manifolds of negative ron3tD0 curvature and with a bounded area are KolmoL-orov flows (compare (Ref', 10)) ~ Theorem 2: Geodesic flows in the space of n-hedra of n-dimensional manifolds of constant negative curvature and finite area which can be represented as a fundamental domain with finitely many sides of the subgroup f- (the group of all fractional linear transformationE! for which the unit circle is in,rariant) are Kolmogorov flo-ws, On a cDmpact n-dimensional manifold of constant negative curvature .-k (k;~-O) with the volume V the motion of the linear elements is joined (velocity v). With the aid of the results (Ref,6.-9) the author calculates the entropy of the corresponding flow I St~I Theorem 3: The entropy of the flow ~S,~ is: h( t ~) = h(S Card 112 65106 Geodesic Flows on Manifolds of Negative S/020/60/1 311/04/10/073 Constant Curvature where G3 n--1 is the area of the (n-l)-dimensional unit sphere and where 2 is the base of the log. There are 12 references: 11 Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstverinyy universitet im. f,7. V I Lomonosova (moscoyr State University im.J.: V,I,onionosov) PRESENTED: December 8, 1959, by A.1.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBIJITTED: December 8, V 1959 Card 212 86376 S/02O/6O/--53/006/0-15/O3lXX C 111/ C 333 AUTHOR:-Sinay, Ya. G. TITLE: Central Limit TheoreLi for Geodetic Flows on N.anifolds of Constant Negative Curvature PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademnii nauk SSSR, 1960, 7ul. 137, No. 6, PP- 1303-1306 TEXT: Definition: A measurable essentially bounced real function f which is defined on the Lebesque space LJ with thc measure '* LL' (see (Ref.6)) in which a mea:;urable orgodic flow '~' St is acting, is said to satisfy the central limit the~.rem, if fcr evcr~~ fixed o4 00 4: coit holds t f (S ' x) d-c - t'T 2 0 U lim X e du, t -> OD D t M 2 7 Go where f(x) di Card 1/6 b, Pt') 3 76 S/020/60/133/GG6/025/031XX C ill/ C 333 Central Limit Theore;;. for Geodetic Flows on of Constant Negative Curvature I t 12 and Dt(f) = I S f(S' x) d-:1 d M L 0 1 Theorem 1: The essentially bounded real function f given on the space M of the line elements of a compact manifold of constant negative curvature is assumed to satisfy the conditions: 1. There exist 0 0, > 0, c 1 0, a2 0 such for all Ly- x l.u.b f ((;'E; :t-c - f (G x)d -c I> Y I ~ (X, Y),~. f, it 0 0 ;> c 1,e og I + F- ~, I c2 4+ ;~f ilog P1 Card 2/6 b5376 :4/0',,6,: ; ,- ,If ,." I KY C 111/1 c Centi-L-1. c 0 Coll" L-It *'e ga t iv v, -~ u Ef 2. i) cc, i t I Then i r in thc log satisfy n an- c- c c, i I i t f i t-'. - a c s Card ~,'5 3 7,-) 3eid( Central L.' Negative --'uf (Ref.8)) -p-ce Let f (or f,) a c- c 0." 0 1, 0.1 .',,.e t Hilbert on thle elementi; ol o.,;ition !,.oo ~-i. Theorem 2- Lc-,~ 2 meLsurab Lounded iUncti~;n on IM; If = 0. t 1. > 0, c c 0 c:. 0 r t 0 it i~; 2 > Ilf f c C. c10 t 2~ -- 0, D, 0, D 0 exi~,A 0 r2 - 2 2 f (H '- x) i(x) d'i, D1 t M Then f sati~;fie" coi~ciition 5 ~,f thluor,.-l 1. Card 4/6 Central Linit Theore-m for Geodetic 'IeC~ zl Aivu Curvature 86376 31020 6c/133 'co6/--25/0~-IX-K C 111~ C Flovis on Manifolds of Co!,31.ant Let z t(.. thu coordinate describing tht., p3sition of the carrier of the linu cit.;mnL uti the surface Y; ;,-~ i!. to doter:Ari,~ the direetion oF Lne line elt:mvut iii evet-,y i.uiiit. '-~ ) for L-vf-,r* zz -cri- Theoreir. llilunc tions f (X) = f (z , '7 .1 vative .,it- rei;pect to satisfyin,; uni'lLrml,, in z a ',:~Idcr c3ndition of t".-,c- order -~, 0, satisfy the cordition 2 of 2. The autlior ~iv~;s two examples. He mentionL j. "I-. Gellfun~i, j. J. Pyatet::;"-i, -.'~hapiro ~-nd thanks A. ".. Kolmo.,-,rGv I-or the 2-ubject. There -i'e r~--ferences: 7 Soviet 1 GermLt. XIOLe: 'Ref.6) is a paucr 0i . matemutich~skikh nauk, 1949, Vol. Aj, 'No. the auttior in bukludy Akademii nauk O.Of. 3) i.,. a paper of E. Hopf in Uspekhi 1949, Vul. 1", 21. -nd 1 ,Imerican. 7. .. Rokil-'L.,,, in 2; (2ef- 7) i~- L )z.por 1960, Vol. 11"11, ~1*0- 4; Carc, 5/6 CentrLLI Lim.!L '&'hoorem for Geodetic NeGative Cuvv~.'.Ure 863 76 S/02C/0'0/', 3 ~`/0061',' C lil/ C 373 Flows Qn '.!zzifuld- ol" ASSOC I;-,TIOIT: -.,',u~~-ovskiy gosudarstvennyy univer-iitet imcni V Lomono2ova (Moscow State UnivQv~-it.-, imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: t'..pril 9, 1960, SUBMITTED: April 6, ig6o by A. N. Kol::.o~,on,-.,, Card 6/6