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AUTHURS: Frid, N. and Simonov, N., Engineers. 66-1-16/26
Use of radio-active isotopes for measuring the level of
ammonia in receiver tanks and other vessels.
(Primeneniye radios-ktivnykh izotopov dlya izmerenlya
urovnya ammiaka v resiverakh i drugikh sosudakh).
i7i~RIUDICAL: "Khojodilinaya Tekhnikall (Refrigeration Engineering),
1957, YO-01, pp-53-55 (U-S-S-R.)
JLLSTRACT: A combined team from the Moscow cold store No.12 aad
the Laburatory of the Metal Physics Institute of the Central
Ferrous Metallurgy Research Institute developed a circuit
for contactless measurement of the ammonia level by using
radio-active cobalt. The task, consisted of prov--*.ding means
for measuring the level in five circulation receivers and
transmitting the data to the contPol post. It was considered
adequate to indicate for each receiver 'tank five positions.
Gf the tanks three were of 90u mm and two of 800 mm. dia. and
the respective measuring levels were 200, 300, 500, 700 and
800 mm and 200, 300, 500, 600, 700 mm ..-i The
basic principle of the set-up is shown in ieig.1; on one side
two radio-active sources were placed, whilst on the other side
five counters were placed at the desired five levels. The
Card 1/2 radio-active sources were so designed that the top source
Use of radio-active isotopes for measuring the level of
aLmonia in receiver tanks and other vessels. (Cont.)66-1-16/26
could irradiate only the three top counters, whilst the
bottom source could irradiate all the five counters; such a
system ensures maximum accuracy with a minimum number of
gamma radiation sources. The electrical circuit is shown
in Fig.2, p.54. On the basis of the obtained results the
authors consider that level meters of this design can also
be applied for other apparatus of the refrigeration industry.
There are four figures.
Card 2/2
SIMDIiDV, IT., inzh.
Automatic air separator. Hias.ind.SSSB.31 no.l:i4-17 160.
(MM 13:5
1. Mookovskiy kholodillnik NO.12.
(14eat, Frozen)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
SIMONOV, N., inzh.
Useful manual for operators of refrigerating machinery: ORefriger-
ating" by N.I.Pokrovskii. Revieved. by N.Simonov. Khol.tekh-37
no.4:68 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:11)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
(Pbkrovskii, N.K.)
H., inzh.; YAHOSHKIN, A., Insh.
Use of electronic liquid level indicators in cold storage ware-
houses. Khol-tekh. 37 no-5;9-13 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Mookovskiy kholodillnik No.12 (for Sizonov). 2. Yeesoyusvy
nauchno-iseledovatellski.v institut kholodillnoy promWahlennosti
(for Taroshkin).
(Moscow--Cold storage varehouses)
(Liquid level indicators)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
SIMOROV, N., inzh.
Automatic safety devices for protection Winst water hammer at
the compressor section of Roscwo Cold Storage Warehouse No.12.'
Khol.tekh. 37 no-5:14-17 s-O 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Moskovskiy kholodilinik No.12.
(Noacow--Compressore-Safety measures)
AUTHORS: Simonov, N.A. and Deryugin, N.V., Engineers. 111--58-'l--5/27
TITLE: The Automation of Radio Receiving Centers (Avtcmatizatsiya
priy6mnykh radiotsentrov)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 7, pp 7-10 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors examine the basic principles of the construction
of automated radio receiving centers and the nature of recei-
ving equipment needed for such centers. They proposed the
adaptation of a mixed remote--control and program controll sys-
tem, where in the latter, the control commands and signals
are coded and recorded on tape and transmitted to the recei-
ving center. The center would then be remotely controlled
from a radio-bureau. Such a control system is described and
represented in block form in Figure 1. Using this system,
special receiving equipment of the type represented in Figure
2 is necessary. This consists of two superheterodyne recei-
vers with double frequency conversion ultimately combining
together in the 2nd IF stage. The system provides for a
third heterodyne and kF amplifier for amplitude telAgraph
Card 1/2 work. The preselector tuning scheme is shown in Figure 3.
The Automation of Radio Receiving Centers 111-58-7-5/27
Automatic tuning of the selected wave leng'.h is carried out
by selecting the frequency of the first heterodyne which is
given a stable working regime by the -use of quartz crystals
and automatic re-tun_~ng. Separation of the synchronic mani-
pulating frequency is achieved autcmatically by synchrcni-
zing the quartz generators by means of autcmatic phase con-
There are three block diagrams.
1. Radio stations-Antonation
Card 212
Ministerstvo svyazi SSSR. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye
Novyye razrabotki v oblasti radloavyazi i radioveahchaniya; in-
formatsionnyy sbornik (New Developments in the Field of Radio
Communication and Radio Broadcasting; Informational Collection)
Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1959. 80 P. 11,500 copies printed. (Series:
Tekhnika svyazi)
Resp. Ed.: A. S. Vladimirovj Ed.: V. I. Bashur; Tech. Ed.: 0. 1.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for technical per-
sonnel concerned with the development and operation of radio
communicatiori and radio broadcasting.
COVERAGE: The book contains, according to the Foreword, information
on new developments realized at the Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-
issledovatellskiy inatitut Ministerstva evvazi SSSR (State
Card 1/3
New Developments in the Field (cont.)
Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Communication
USSR). Radio communication and radio broadcasting apparatus are
described. Seveval articles are concerned with the development
of new checking and measuring Instruments. No personalities
are mentioned. There are no references.
Foreword 3
Savitskiy, B. I. Receiving Equipment for Radio Relaying of
Ultrashort-Wave Frequency-Modulated Broadcast Programs 4
Simonov, N, A., and N. V. Deryugin. MAK-57 Automatic Control
Receiver for Short-Wave Main Communication Lines 17
Mashbits, L. A. Instrument for Testing Radiotelegraph Channels
and Equipment 37
Card 213
New Developments in the Field (Cont.) SOV/5245
Prokhorov, A. M. Instrument for Measuring Group Delay Time in
Superhigh-Frequency Range 49
Bobrov, A. I. Generator of GS-R-60-Type Signals With Calibrated
Output Level 59
Rabinovich, 0. 1. Heterodyne Wave Meter 65
Fomin, M. V. Installation for Calibrating Superhigh-Frequency
Attenuators 69
Gurevich, M. 8.0 V. Ye. Belovitskly, and N. V. Deryugin. Elec-
tronic Copying Device for Reproducing Electric Pulses of Arbitrary
Shape From a Drawing 75
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress: (TK6563.R92) JP,/dfk/ea
Card 3/3 6-15-61
Autonatically controlled radio commmication lines. Vest. oviazi
20 no.5:3-5 MY 160* (MIRA 13:12)
1. Nachallnik laboratorii Nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta
Ministerstva evyazi,
(Radio lineo)
Investigation of the hydrolysis of 1[a4TJO8. Trudv Radiev.inst.
tul SSSR- 8:110-116 158. (MIRA 12:2)
(Sodium peronwanate) (Hydrolysis)
0 31
As 5N -
% 11 S.
jig w ?
poll 'a
0 1%
s I AO NO , 11
v _ F,,,
Unusei capacitIps for tho pr6du--tlon of wool In the UicrainlAn
Polneyo and forsiz;t F;teppa. Zn1,;ctnrve)dtit-7o 21 no.6:16-23
159. (AIRL 12: 8)
3 1 1!' Y , I ~'j Y ! " . I. .
113innen'tal Cattl,.- WitWn the Sphere of Action of the Storo-
arrq anrl M,,~fhods or Improvini rhu-m."
zhiuets StaLe 111reudIng F 11
Cand Arr Sci, Kharlkov Zootechnical Tnst, Khar1kov, 1953.
(RZhBiol, No 2, Sep 510
Survey of Sci,!ntific and Technical Dis:iertations Defended at USM
R.--,her 7ducational Institutions (10)
So: Sum. No. h8l, 5 May 55
SiMcilcllol' IT. F. :MIC-te." T-ich Scl Onsq) -- "In-vt-c"Imt-lon of th- rrrjbl~~ms of
or~mnlzlng, the shippirv7 of paclalFrr! linillt~ palnttr~r, in Ynillxopa~ transport".
Mrdscc-~;) I-t5,% 1~ Pp T iamport-at ion TISSR, Mosow Craler of T,~-nln an.:,,, C--ler
of jfxlbor 'u-1, ' inrit o,' -,~allroaa Transport !n 1. V. StItiln ) .9
.1 1 -
Y",C) 01j" M) " 1.). -Y), 110)
Using pallets in package transportation of piece freight. Trudy
MIN no.118:45-73 '58. (MIRA 12:2)
mills, TI ("'St.
- -rience. the I"ta!,-haliov G~strl, in bast fillcl
I-Ionthi,i List !-)f 7~.Ussian Accessions, L-,brar-;- cf Ccn-ress
SIM)NOV, N.F.; 11"GIN, V.')',
Industrial tenting of the type 1500 x 1500 - 11/00 mm ha=er
crusher. Koks i khim. no.12s8-11 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut, po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy
koksokhimicheskoy promyshlennosti.
Resl-enl-re -1cl:cAor7il" "arayewykil -,;icach dlya
c6i-Led 1,-,r Evrosh, Cr.
pour les
bm, Coll, 14. "-T.,
011: Of U4 .1111 ~l Ov, ~aL,Nvz "i,
The 6r,t J."Ift o", th'. 11.~- -r uv ltq til, "!I;
I by F
of -Ul
;N -I ~,jr t !w. "It!
is i ; V
0~.- Olt:
k!;( liops 'in" t,f ~"nkc I~wii %7, d, I
T!!i:i to to h! Irck,111; --4'I 1):''
vli!ud dim wm. 'tuxill.We olt i% vil
undal v (Lo 1 ~:o.l (al th'-- Ailtion~, contE
l di .... at irlflokv. 'I !t,~
of a S., 1,-i :N Ill c%l :1-
- are 4 w, ~;O,red
SIMONOV,11.I. (Chernovitsy)
Scientific heritage of Leonard Baler in the field of differential
equations. let.-mat.lssl- n0-7:513-595 154. OCLRA 8:6)
(Differential equations) (Baler, Leonard, 1707-1783)
srmo.-OV, 'i1. I -
SUIAOV, I, I. : "The development of the theo"Y of differential
tions by Leonard Euler-11 Min Higher Education. Moscow
imeni M. V. T.,omonosov. Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty.
cow, 1956. ( Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor
mathematical Science. )
State U
in Physico-
Knizhnaya letopisl,, No. 31, 1956. Moscow.
f r :,-.r, Ref era", vny;
"1r 4. 5 (USSR)
S I i~orLov
T I'ELE. On the First Studies of J.D'A*~`.e,-n---,e--t a.-r-1 L.
D.-el-ry ;f LL-aeax, Systems of
(0 pe-rvyK,-. Zn.
-r er
TERIGDIC-A~-. V. sb.:
NT 9, MoscGwip Gosekhizdat, -1~5S.
~A T, ST RA C TIt Is th?~t D .42- t-L S t re
was the firsvi- ',~) P::-,-,-)-.,3e t'.e
c, dfc- ln~:egr at of ;R S"; E: -.T!
-'Terentlal with
F"'-st Studies cf J. D'Allea-,'--n
in hi,9 work
D' t-- the. StUdy -,-.J-
':-J~ z~p --e se-ntir I E, tf"~-- f
1 - f un :! t- 10 r- 3 'IV I t t,
1,t~ally -..'.-1-e method o.t-e-.2 T-Cjda~?'. Tt -t2';
eq-ation' "bp.
Artivitleg of the saminar on the hlmtor7 of mAthmatirs at the
Moscow Stmtm University. Vop.lst.est. I tekh. no.2:337-339 156a
(MLRA 10:1)
(Moscow University)
Simonov, Nikola Ivauovich
Prikladnyye metody analiza u Zylera (Euler's Applied Methods of Analysis) Moscow,
Gostekhizdat, 1957. 167 Y. 5,000 coPies printed.
Ed.: lapko, A. F.; TL-ch. Ed.: Yermakova, Ye. A.
PURPOSE: The book is written on the 250th anniversary of Euler's birth, and
is intended for readiers interested in certain of Ruler's anlied MtbDds Of
COVERAGE: The book presents those of 34Iez'8&jppII*d m-44mWo of analysis which are
related to the integration of ordinary differential equations. Rmcial
attention is jmLldto Nu1jer i; little -kwm res4lts In this fleld.. Disangmed
are certain special methods proposed by Euler for the approximte solution
of algebraic and transcendental equations. In the introduction are mo-
tioned Soviet mathematicians A. N. Krylov, F. N. Frank1l and G. K. Hichou'-
lov*In connection with their reports and articles concerning Euler's
scientific legacy. There are 76 references, 19 of which are Soviet
Card V3 ( 7 translations), 1 English, 9 German, 6 French and 43~Eulerls latin works.
Euler's Applied Methods of (Cont.)
Ch. I. Integration Methods of Certain Classes of Non-linear Equations 15
1. Basic directions of Euler's studies In the field of non-linear equations 15
2. Integration of Riccati equations with the aid of continuous fractions 25
3. Integration of certain classes of non-linear differential equations by the
reduction of the order of the equation 44
4. Method of the integrating factor for equations of the second and
higher orders 54
5. Expansion of certain of Euler's results on non-linear equations ih the
works of F. Minding 70
Ch. II. Integration Methods of Certain Classes of Linear Equations With
Variable Coefficients 76
1. Basic directions of Suler's investigation in the theory of linear
equations 76
2. Investigation Of lin &r equations of the second order with variable
coefficients of a particular kind 82
Card 213
Euler Is Applied Methods of (Cont. ) 6o9
3- Method of canonical transformations 87
4. Solution of linear equations of the second order with the aid of
integrals depending on parameters 96
5. Ealer's investigation of the theory of the conjugated equation 112
Ch. III. Methods of Approximate Integration of Differential Equations 118
1. Euler's results after improvement of the polygonal method. 120
2. Farther developement of the method of power series and the method
of small parameters 132
3. Approximate integration by trigonometric series 137
4. Approximate solutiou of certain boundary problems for differential
equations of the second order 149
References 164
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 169
card 3/3 LK/fal
L. Huler's studies on the integration of linear equations and sinal-
taneous linear equations with partial derivatives. Ist.-mat. isel.
no.10:327-362 157. (MIRA 11:1)
(Ikler, Ieonhard, 1707-1783)
(Differential equations, Partial)
!I Y.I
I S 41
I -j a 3.3
F-31 i iD
;Imollov' N. I
17 "'E' : L I
___fltT~~nent of the Theory of Lifferential Equations by
Leonhard -7uler (Author's Repor' on bils Doctoral issertation)
(Razvitiye teorii differentsiallnykh uravneniy Leonardom Eylerom
lavtoreferat doktorskoy dissertatsii))
P-c'RIMCAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1958, Vol 13,Nr 5,pp 223-228 (USSR)
AE3TRACT: The dissertation was maintained on October 19, 1956 at the
mechanical-mathematical faculty of the Moscow State Univgrsity.
Official opponents; Corresponding member of the Academy of
Sciences A.0. Gellfond; corresponding member of the Academy of
Sciences L.A.Lyusternik and Loctor of physical-mathematical
sciences Professor S.A.Yanovskaya. The dissertation consists of
a general introduction (formulation of the theme, methods of
investigation, bibliography), a part consisting of 4 chapters
on Euler's contributions to the theory of ordinary differential
equations and a part containing 4 chapters on partial differential
equations. The publication of the present summary comes very late
since the dissertation is partly already known also in western
countries (communication on the occasion of the International
Congress on the History of Sciences at Florence in 1956).
~;ard 1/1
SIVI(1,7:0111 A~".I. CSYMOII,)V,
Studies o," ordinary f~.:-wat!Mjj n,;e by Leon: rd ::uler.
I- - - a
z1bir. -L:2C-39 1-70. - - (Ira-l 1/,.:2)
Leonard Ruler's research on ordinary differential equations and
the equations of mathematical physics. Trudy Iwit,ist.estol
takh. 28:138-187 159. (KIRk 130)
(Differential equations)
(Dulor, Leonard, 1707-1783)
STMONOV, N.r. (myor)
orntegral calculus' by L.1hiler. Reviewed by N.J. 51monav. Yap.
ist.set.1 tekh. no.9:166-166 160. (MIRA 130)
(Calculus integral)
(Paler. L.)
Work of a meeting on the history
Tnatitute of Kathematics of the
Ukrainian S.S.R. Reviewed by V.K.
N.T. Simonov. tekh.
of mathematics at the
Academy of Sciences of the
Dobrovollskil, T.V. Putlata,
no.9:189-191 160.
(MIRA 13:7)
- SIMONUL-jI.I. Symonov, M.I.]
On the necessar7 and sufficient condition of selective invariance.
Dop.All UHSR no.9:1155-1157 l6o. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Institut matematiki AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR
(Differential equations, Linear.)
SIMOVOV, 14.1.
Necessary and sufficient conditions of selective invari&ncy. Ukre
mat. zhur. 12 no.2:219-223 16o. (KIU 13:10)
S IRMO, N ~ I . ( Symonov, N. 1. j
Early studies on differential equations 'kn the Petersburg Aca~
demy of ScienceB. Ist.-mat. zbir. 42104-111 163.(MIRA 17:3)
K'ljLE.;AKI?;, V.S., akademik, otv. red.; FETAGV, akader,-ik, otv.
-ea.; -k)r":---, , `.A., doktor tekhr.. nauk, red.; VC.HOI;OV,
A.A., doltor tekhn. nauk, red.; IVAMOiKO, A.G.) red.;
ISHLIN,IZIY, A.Yu., akademik, red.; FOSTYUK, O.M., kand.
tekhn. nauk, red.; IMASSOV, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
KU"iTSEVICITI, V.M.) kand. tekhn. nauk-) red.; KUKHTEIIKO,A.I.,
red.; HYAbOV, B.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SE401:0V
doktor i'iz.-mat. nauk, red.; UL4111OV, G.M.-.-J-o~tor
tekhn. nauk, red.; FOOROV, S.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
T~NPKIN, Ya.Z., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; CIIINAYEV, P.I.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, rod.; )MUTOVA, I.N., kiin6. teklin. nauk,
red.; RUIKOVSKU, V.Yu., kand. teklLn. nauk, red.
(Invarizincy theory in automatic control systems; transac-
tions] Too.-ila invariantnosti v sistemakh avtorraticheskoeo
upravleniia; trudy. Mo3kva, I'auka, 1964. 503 p.
(VMA 18:2)
1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po teorii invariantnosti i
yeye primeneniyu v avtomaticheskikh ustroystvakh. 2d,
Kiev, 1962. 2. Chlen-korrespondent A!" Uk.-.Sgl (for
Ivakhnenko, Kukhtenko).
KOiiOLENKO, Vvladislft-i T-1khrino',rIch; ~SIVONCN, 'Nikcm-y .
(Best grain crop varieties in Uzbekistan) Liichshie sort~a
zernovykh kulltur Uzbeklstlana, Tashkent., Izd-vo "Uzbekistan,"
1961,. 86 p. (MIRA 180)
SIMONOV, N.N.0 inzh.
Cargo truck coupling. Yhol. tekb. 38 no, 1:45-46 ja-F 161.
(MIRA 14:4)
(Moscow-Cold storage warehouses) (Car couplings)
Experience in the operation of tha automated Cold Storage Warehouse
No.1 in Moscow. Ser.III: Nov.mash., obor. i sred.aytomatiz. no.591
77-82 163. (MIRA 16s12)
1. Moskovskiy kholodillnik No.12.
Ktrjorii J skrovo,-o vospiamctier~ -,ia f.azov-.4--ri I
3 V.23, n).Ii, f-,. 1361-1174, tabiess,
ch--~skoi khi-iij 1
Title tr. . 11r, tte theory of expl,>sive ~-,a.-:eous mlxt4res.
SO: AemmutAc;il aril tLviaticn in tlie Soviet Union, Librar.- of
Conr-res~;, 19r~,.
Y'v . N . i. . , ,Is Pt " 2 t er ~ .
Trudy IWI 33:270,-285 '56.
:-ower .iee.~ ~n -drilling bard rocks.
(~alu 10 . "'ll)
I (Electricity in mining)
AUTBOR; None Given.
H-Pa": Now :,,iethods of investiLzation of' the processes of
disruption of rocks by ;Tiechanical Lnethods. (11ovyye
metody issledovaniya protsesf;ov razrushumiya i-orny1dri
porod ae 'k-hanic- fie skiiiii sposobiLfli).
PERIODICAL: Izvei3tiya Akademii Nauk, Otdeleniye Teklinicheskikh
Miuk, 1958, No.1, p.143 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Over 160 investi6ations are proceedir4~. in Lhu Soviet
Union relatinr-,- to the broakim- up of rock.;. At the
0 L)
InstiLute of Minin~; (Institut GornoL--o Dela) a conference
was held between Septe.-aber 25 and 27, 195? with the
participation of of ti-le Ao.Sc. and other
i-escarch in:,ti~,-,utos as .,iell aL. repr~~,s,~nt a Live r, of over
fifi;,,- orc~anissatiozis.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Y. LT. Protodlyakonov
presented a paper on the aims of the conforence; the first
day was to be devoted to ;~-iethods of investir-1-ation of
processes of drillini, blast holes and wells.
14. 14. Sitaoilov in his paper "TechrLique of investi--ation
o?~-e -po;ier~ consij~aed for drillinG shot holes inobhe case
of forced feedin- of the drillinb bit" and
Card 1/5M. G. Krapivin in his paper "Technique of investiGation
of the operation of the tool bit of an electric drill"
methods of invu.,;biLall-ion of the processes of dit,;ruption of
rocks by mechanic~il methods.
reported on the worl,: proceedin-, in thie I . . .,a s C, k
Polytechnical Institute (Novocherkasskiy Politeklinicheskiy
A. A. Volkov, Kharlkov Minin- Inft-;'kl-.u-ue (Khar'kovskiy
GornTj Institut) read t:ie paper "Prospects of application
of electricil methods of measurini, the par,,,;~ieters of the
drillin6 process" usiniL ai2 induction torsion dynazo,.Ineter
developed by this author. The application of wire strain
6auGes, piezo-electric and induclive pick-ups and oi
Ltroboscopic photogropby was considered in the paper
"Methods and techniques of investi6ation of certain
elciiients of the process of drilling and operation of
drillinr,- apparatus" by Ye. F. Yepsheyn, Dnepropetrovsk
MininC Institute (Dnepropetrovskiy Gornyy Institut).
S. G. Kaloshin, Institute of Minin6, Ac.Sc. Kazakh SSR
(Instuitut Goz-no~,o Dela Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR)
described the Etudy by means of stereophotography of the
profile of a. cliannel formed in the rock during the iirpact
of the drill. The paper of V. I. Dusev, Moscow Institute
of Non-Ferrous Metals, and Gold (Moskovskiy Institut
,ar-1 2/5 Tsvt,,tiiyldi Mletallov i Zolota) dealt with the techninue of
j ~ii - I - ,')''. i ,
I I oil of
I*ew mebhods of iz-,vu~;tj_,,;)Ljoij of tht,- prUCe 1.1 -,3!; OL' d~SVUI)t_i
roc'r-.s by mec*_Ylanic~il :.,etoods.
investi6ation of the effectivenesE. o--:' Iiis.--uption of
roc,l:-,s in th-_- case of impact-swivellinL, drilliii,.-, by means
of drillino bits of various desiLns. During the
discussion of the above papers 0. D. Anisimov,
To.ask Polytechnical Institute (Toinskiy Foliteklinicheskiy
Institut) described a stand for operatini rotational,
ir,,ipact-swivelling, impact-rotational methods of drilling.
M. M. Protodlyakonov pointed out that for a nw-Aer of
asymptotic relations evaluation of ex[)erimental data on
lograrithmic coordinate grids is inapplicable and he
proposed the use of rectified curves by applying,, shifted
hyperbolas. In his paper "Llethods of investi~,;--,tion of
the jaechanical properties of rocks at hi6h pressures"
M. P. Volorovich, Institute of Physicc! of the Earth,
Ac.Sc. USSR (Institut Fizi,,A Zemli Akade,-iii Nauk SSSF()
_o,ave a Leneral revi,~~,a of investi-ations- carried out outside
the Soviet Union, in addition ,o expres.-ing certain
vie,as himself. R. M. Earveles (VIIIIBurneft') read a paT)er
on thQ riethods of synchronisation of recordini~_, of a
large number of meterinb instruments ;.1,en studyinr~ rapid
Card 5/5 non-repetitive processes (Lapact of a blade or, rock)
and also for studyinL~ ele~nentary acts of disruption on a
rlotllod~~- Of inv(-~sti6ai;ion of Lho proce-s-.e.,.- of disruption of
r o crl --.echr.Lnical -aethods.
trri n.~, parent ..-iaterial by :.-eans of -~olari-.c,~d l-L.-:1-t
and hirLh speed filminL~ (to 4000 frWaes per second).
In his paper ',"Techuique of,,,U6ati0,,is of tne e-xecution
orC,aii of th,-- Kiev :.iochiriised hea(--.`inj~ ui.,-ichiliell
K. B. Shlyapin, VNII-Tran.,~port 0onstruction
(VIIII Traji.,;porWto,,o SbroiUellstva) de~ilL .,,rith experillental
-or' nditiojis. V. P. Fomic!ii3v described.
undei- ~-Arie c0
in hi-,, pz~~pui- I' lie tochnique, of laborato.1-y investi,,'ations
of L-1-L, force of feedi;-q-, the cuttiit,- bit durin,,-- cuttinG
of Aned coal. Members of tLe Instibute of Buildin.,-
Materials arid Structures of the Armenian SSR, Ac. Sc.
(Institut Stroitel'iVi:1. i Soor-,i7,hv,,1y
AN Armyaliskoy SZT) presented t;-io papers, aaf~,.ely,
"Technique of investi6ation of t-',,e process of Splittin-;
natural stones by blades with viedges duriab static and
dynw.Ac operation" (A. A. Abramyan) and "Technique of
investiGa~ion of friction and wear durin:- cuttin-c- of
rocks" (K. S. Vardanyan). In the di--cussions
R. L. Za6or~-;kiy, All-Union Coal Research Instiuute V'JqI
(Vseso,-y-uzny:( Tiiauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Uj~,ollnyy
Card 4/5 Iiistilu-ut VUGI) described briefly a test stand for Dli-netary
_.-L -io~-, Of L",,._ 7 j r; r-,! 1, 0 f
roc.,.'c by
cutluin,- of l.-ocks ChtLaa:',, A.1--f-Union, R e sr e I n ; t i 1
[, m
for '61,ie or,-,,:) ni I-, atio I i a r),-' I Ale of Mine construction
Da"til I-['- 01--ullizat.-~ii i Shakhtnog~
Suroi~01',,--tv-a V1JI01.1ShS),do.-:cribcd for
iiivestj-~,itinr, vibro-Lan-ic-t drillin- III t1w
-1 ti --
r,.~1~01LIL:LOIIS it v'rao :.ioilt~lono(l thcttl ill of
achieve;.7cnts ill Uhe field of devolo in,, experi.~i,)nt~!l
..,et"ods ,-ir-d `echninuve, for stud- of
1, tj proce
disruptioll of roclr-,~,) of the
achieve-,iont.s in phycicE~ is la, in,-. Fo-" radio-
se..;i-co.-.ductix! - iw-*.tru1-:.,,-,nts ete. are
not beiiiL, UE'led oit w-, adequate "ho
noijiL,.-.~d out i'li!- L --iost inetitute:-~ -.:.,ei,e forced -(,o
- i, I- ~ --1 -a and 'a
e- ,nd buill ctrain .au,-,
ilu,:iIL;er of on a vorl-:, --enle
-1y it, -.;ilj be ncce-[;ai---
an(l evident a
CUL'tl-lli`~Od :nrii,.ufacture of suo. ar)
Card 5/5 s .
VA. (1,'Oskva); Slf")N.-)V, N.V. (Ylos~va)
Experimental 6tudy of a Fhock wave in air followinp an underwater
explosion in a shallow retervilr. PMTF no.1;135-137 My-Je '60.
(MIRA 14:8)
(Underwater explosions) (Shock waves)
SIMONOV, 11.11., inzh.
Settlement bv blasting of a road embankment fill at the bottom
of a silt bog. Vzr7v. delo no.45:156-167 160. (MM 14:1)
(Road construction) (Blasting)
ktc c M, ri I r,
14 A
L 40 a6-61 -pf-4
ACCLSS19!~ NR: AP5012323
AUTHOR: Simonov, N., S. ; Strakhal V. A.; Rebrik. B. M. Ostrovski-y. Vo -1d;
Fomin. A.
TITLE: Self-propelled unit for vibration drilling. Clase 51 No. 166287
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tov;irnykh znakov, no. 22, 1964, 8
TOPIC TAGS: minine machinery
Translation: This Inventort certificate Introduces a self-propelled
vibration drilling asseabl ted on a motor vehicle. The device in-
cludes a hoisting tower, wInchj generator and vibrator. ra order to cut
down on the number or additional operations and to speed thefs up, the
tower to of the open type, X -shaped and equipped with a transverse
support brace. It also has a flexible element of constant length for
suspending the vibrator during folding and raising the tower. 2. A
unit of this description equipped with a carriage which is a connecting
element between the penetration equipuent and the guides or the tower
so that the device may be no" for impact 130=ding, 3*. A unit ofth"s
Card 112
L 40763-11
description in vh1ch the winch In equipped with a mormlly 01mm brake
which has a spring contactor so that Abe unit may be uxe4 for cable per-
cussion drilling.
ASSOCIATION: VaesoyuzW proyektno-izyakatellskiy i nauchno-lasledovatel'skiy
institut "GIDROPROYeET'lim. S. Ya.'Zhuka (All-Union Institute of Preliminar-y Studl
and Design and of Scientific Research "GIDROPROTeXr")
NO REF SOVI 000 03! ;000 JPRS
Lq!r-d 2/2
a 0 4-0-w-w-w-w
u ilfID A
;a -it -1-11- A_ 0
I T-A v, fj n
I litt Ida lov low%41 Liu 0 *no
V.-V I-
Improvemeal of ibo pro"mmjv4 of tho coco's Of
oe"O. Aamw~ s. Sin
Z) 1041. Ne. A, 41-4- (Ww-pMr
IN' 1. Sem-
rhi% silk wonnji. vmhjvm,~, in "ek f-wt,'* in qw.
go I-. S. S. R. I
lh~ ,-t-_1 tb,
tmrtumq arr discussed.
U 19 if -0 Is 4-F
"an,0049 wit lix wtt" Ica
0 : : : : : :i's 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
1 14
o A v 9 a 4 3 9 A
kW A R. 0 1 1 a 11 o w m
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S , 'T .
I .. 11 . S. , En~.-lnerr
"Cocoons il. Chin-se Op.~- Silkwom -n(! llc!r latl ins.1- Utill2atiln."
Sub ;?I A:)r 1-7, llr)!~c-~w T,-xtile Inst
Dissertatlqns preaentpd for degrees In science and eng-Inenring In
Moscow tit 19h7
SO: Sum.No. 457, 18 Apr 55
2. =R (600)
4. Silkworm
7. Controlled culture of oak silkworms. Dokl. Ake sellkhozo 17p No* 9v 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - 1953. Unclassified.
SIMONOV, N.S., kandidat tokhnichaRkikh naijk; TURAYAN, S.A., kandidat
'-, YeAlffiffteekikh aauk.
Raising the uniformity of raw silk by aiimbers. Tekst.prom.14
no.1:17-19 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:2)
SDull'-1, E.---.; Yu.D.
P',If)hB-^ rewinding micIline. 9jul. t-k~in.-,akon. inf~,rn.
158. (miL, 11:10)
no. ~-"1-52
(Roinle (Toxtiln mchinqry))
SIM01"OV, P.
Improving the performance of truck-mounted cranes. Na stroi. Moak.
2 no-7:12-14 Jl 159. MRA 12: 10)
l.Glavn.vy inzhener treats, Mosstroymekhanizatsiya No.2.
(Cranes, derricks, etc.)
Industrial methods of installing sanitar-I engineering equipment.
Na stroi. Ros. no.8:35-36 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Yuzhuralsantekhmontazh.
(Chelyabinsk-5anitary engineering)
8IMONOVJp P.1 starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Feelings are within our control. Znan.sila 37 no.2:20-24 F 162
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Institut vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti i neyrofiziologii
~ t - .
~ 11 '. :-rltin-;t' '7- -u-)~-,o z;,-. , ~ . (o :: za :3 ~ al *..:i, '.
1- . I ol~
. 6,)v. 3, 1A9, 3- 'I~-74-
-,I , - - -, - - -- , ~ 9:,:..
,-; (-, : 1; 4 , ,, : ~. ~, -1 1- , ~ .~ ~ 1. 1 ': I I I i 1- 1 " ., - 1 , I'I . -)I I , , . - ., . . , " I -~
SIMONGV, P.A. (Moscow)
First Russian methematical journals, the carriers of prorxessive
methodological ideas. Mat.v shkole no.3:13-20 Mv-Jo '55. (KLRA 8:7)
[Public health system in Ryazan Province; Nove*ber 1917-November 19571
Zdravookhranenie Riazanskoi oblasti; noiabr' 1917-noiabrl 1957 gg.
RiaAan', Priokskaia pravda, 1957. 110 p. "=% (MIRA 1437)
By the communal building system. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 1 no.6:10-11
je 1 507. (MIRA 10:8)
1. Zaveduyushchiy Ryezenskim oblaetaym otdelom zdravookhranentya
RABINOVICH, R.I. Prinimali uchastiye: ALEGLAN, L.K., kand. sellkhoz. nauk;
kand. sellkhoz. naut; KOLITSOV, H.A.; LEVITIN, Kh.Z., kand. biol.
TOVICH, V.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; FEDOROV, N.G.,, kand, tekbn, nark;
[Sverdlovsk in Arricultural Exbibition of 19591 Sverdlovskaia sell-
khozialstvennaiarvystavka. Sverdlovskp Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-TO,
1960. 131 p. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Sverdlovsk. Sverdlovskaya oblastnays, sellskokhozyaystvennaya
vystavka, 1959. (Sverdlovsk-Agricultural exhibitions)
1. --SIMONOVv P.K.;- KRtlSlK, le.D. (Ryazan')
Improvement of psychiatric service and the organization of
psychoprophylactic work in RAzan Provinc-~* Zhur. nerv. i psikh
60 no. 12:1657-1660 160. (MIRA 14:4;
SIM(VOV, P.K. (Ryazan')
PrinclAles of the organization of antialcoholism work In a
network of somatic and psychoneurological institutions.
Trudy Oos. nauch.-issl. inst. psikh. 38:377-383 163.
(MIRA 16:11)
SIMONOT, P.M., inxhaner (Sverdlovsk).
inaccuracies In the Instructions of the Main Administration of the
Railroad Car Industr7. Zhel.dor.transp.38 no.12:68-69 D '56.
(" 10: 2)
lo Zamestitellnuchallniks sluzhby vagonnogo khosMstva Swerdlovskoy
ALEKHIN, S.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk (g.Lemingrad); ZOLOTNIKOV,
doteent, kand.tekhn.nauk (g. Len ingrad).;_,!~4PNOV I PON's
inzh. (g.Sverdlovsk)
Lengthening the service life of rolling stock wheels. Zhel.-dor.
transp. 43 no.9:58-61 S 161. (MIRA 14:8)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika sluzhby vagonnogo khozyaystva
Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Simoncv).
(Car wheels--Maintenance and repair)
311,-OLOV, F.M.; KhOFAN'EV, A.1.; TIUNUV, V-Yt~.; VASIL-YEV, F-i.;
BRAYLOVSKIYY N.G., inzh., red.; VEDVEDEVA, M.A., tekhn.
(Advanced method for car inspection and rerair in trains;
experience of the technical inspection point of the Sverd-
lovsk-Sortiravochnaya Station of the Sverdlovsk Rallroad]
Peredovoi metod osmotra i remonta vagonov v poezdakh; opyt
raboty punkta tekhnicheskogo osmotra stantsii Sverdlovsk-
Sortirovochryi Sverdlovskol dorogi, Voskva, Transzheldor-
izdat, 1963. 39 p. (MIRA 17;3)
Some characterietice of steam generation during the evaporation '--
of highly concantratod salt solutions. Trudy Azerb. ind. inst. no.'17:
123-142 '57. (MIRA 11:9)
(steam) (Sea-water)
10(4), 5(4)
AUTHORSi Makinskiy, I. Z., Simonov, P. P. SOV/152-59-3-19/25
TITLEs On the Problem of the Influence of the Salt Content of the
Liquid on the Ascending Velocity of Gas and Vapor Bubbles
(K voprosu o vliyanii solesoderzhaniya zhidkosti na skorost'
pod"yema puzyrlkov gaza i para)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, 1959,
Nr 3, Pp 83-90 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The experiments were partly carried out with single bubbles
introduced from below from calibrated glass nozzles into a
1500 mm high glass tube filled with the liquid to be investigat,4
partly by bubbling up the surface of the liquid through boiling
or pressing air through. Solutions with varying concentration of
NaClj Na2 so 4' MgG12and MgSO4 were investigated. A number of
experiments was carried out under the addition of isoamyl
alcohol for the purpose of investigating the effect of surface-
active substances. In order to determine the influence of
was formed out of an
insoluble colloids, disperse Mg(OH)
addition of NaOH and MgSO 4* With increasing NaCl-content
Card 1/4
On the Problem of the Influence of the Salt 50'1/152-59-3-19/25
Content of the Liquid on the Ascending Velocity of
Gas and Vapor Bubbles
the capability of the Rir bubbles to unite decreases and
ceases at approximately 5 g11 so that a large number of fine,
slowly ascending air bubbles forms. At a salt content of more
than 25 g1l the capability of uniting returns and becomes
especially conspicuous at contents over 40'gll. For the
ascending velocity wof a gas bubble the simplified formula
W - 3.6 .7 is set up (w - the ascending velocity in M/sec,
3 Y
d - the diameter of the gas bubble in m. V. Levich (Ref 3)
suggested another formula: w 1 d specific weight
36!AK (rF-l
of the liquid,,A is not expi ained~- Experime:.ts showed that in
the case of lower salt contents the ascending velocity follows
the formula by Levich, in the case of higher salt contentsp
however, it passes over into the curve according to the first
formula after a steep descend. The delay in velocity cannot
only je explained by viscosity. Surface-act4ve substances
Card 2/4 accumulate in the cover of the gas bubble and the velocity of
On the Problem of the Influence of the Salt SOV/152-59-3-19/25
Content of the Liquid on the Ascending Velocity of
Gas and Vapor Bubbles
the bubble approaches that of a solid body. By proper dosing
of isoamyl alcohol the velocity can be reduced to a constant
value (N15 cm/sec), independent of the salt concentrationg
it will correspond to that of a solid ball. It is also
possible to assume the solution to be a solution of water in
salt. It becomes obvious that with increasing salt content
the conditions of circumflowing deteriorate to begin with,
later, however, as soon as the composition of'the surface
film approaches that of the liquid the effect of the salt content
decreases. In the surface film a supersaturation occurs under
the formation of insoluble colloids which reduce the velocity~
In the case of bubbles of a diameter being more than I mm
deviations occur as a result of deformation. On-boiling, the
bubbling also depends on the tendency of the vapor bubbles
towards flowing together. NaC1 shows with cclloidal Mg(OH)2
an intensified bubbling between 5-10 9/1, where flowing
together ceases. The explanalion for this: the colloidal
Card 3/4 parts form quasi-solid ~ulbble covers which render flowing
On the Problem of the influence of the Salt SOV/152-59-3-19/25
Content of the Liquid on the Ascending Velocity of
Gas and Vapor Bubbles
together more difficult at certain salt concentrations. At
higher salt contents the colloids coagulate, no for=aticn of
covers takes place and the bubbles can flow together again.
The same problem had already been investigated by A. Frumkin,
V. Levich, B. Gorodetskaya and others. The effect of substances
solved out of the wall of the vessel was detected by
T. A. Kryukova (Ref 4) and S. A. Durov'(Ref 5). There are
6 figures, 2 tables, and 7 Soviet references,
ASSOCIATIO.N: Azerbaydzhanskiy industriallryy institut im. M. Azizbekova
(AzerbaydzhL. TrAi trj&j, Imt:Ittzte -7.eni M. Azizbekov)
SUBMITTED: December 22, 1958
Card 4/4
t: - vo.j,31. Voltz:,
r. I
wi tit
o", !;..Itt3
i, Order of Lnbo!- in
Supplying ateam to petroleam refineriess IzT~v7s*ucbeb*zav9;
neft' i gaz 3 no.2:87-94 160. (KIRA 13:6)
1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. K*Azizbekova.
Supplying steam to chemical plants and petroleum refineries.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no-3:75-78 162.
(MIRA 16:8)
1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni M. Azizbekova,
Supplying steam to chemical plants and petroleum refineries. IzV.-
vys.ucheb. zav.;neft' i gaz 5 no.5:85-M '62. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii imeni M.Axisbakova
i Azerbaydzhansk energeticheskaya sistema.
Fipehed water) (Evaporating appliances)
SIMONOV,_P.S.; TOROMITS, V.S., nauchnyy red.; MMIVANOV, V.A.,
red.1zd-va; GOLIBIMG, T.M.,
ESAfety instruction or operators of motor-driven, rubber-
tired, and crawler :r!nesl Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopesnosti
dlia mashinista avtomobillaykh pnevmokolesnykh i gusenichnykh
kranov. Koskva, Goe.izd-vo lit-r7 PO stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.
naterislam,. 196o. 22 p. (MIRA 14-.4)
(Cranes. derricks, etc.)
SOURCE: RZh. Voprosy* tekhnicheskogo progressa, i or~-,anizatsii proizvodstva T
machinostroyenii, Abs. 2.35.168
AWHOR: Panov, V. D.; Simonov, P. V., Vul'fovich, E. A.
TITLE: A system for coding the blueprint data of parts in machine building Uhich
are solids of revolution
CITED SOURCE: Tr. Proyektn. tekhnol. i n.-i. in-ta. Volgo-Vyatsk. sovnarkhozp
vy*p. 2, 1963, 11-28
TOPIC TAGS: coding blueprint data. machine part coding, axially symmetric part,
technological process automation, computer-controlled machine tools
TRANSLATION: In the automatic planning of technological processes, the memory
(M) of the electronic computer (EC) receives in digital code information about
the geometry and dimensions of each part together with the characteristics of its
woriTiece and other necessary data. By means of coding one prepares the
algorithms and programs for the EC. 'The proposed coding system vas developed
Card 1/3-
after an analysis of parts drawings prepared by the leading machine-building
plants in Gor'kiy. To prevent inefficient use of the M, the authors established
maximum parameters for certain initial data (particularly for the sizes of the
workpieces and parts). Such limitations permitted the coding of drawings of
gears, flanges, bushings, smooth and slitted axes, and shafts whose outer dia-
meters and lengths do not exceed 4,000 mm, and which have no more than 15 outer
and 7 inner surfaces. Only a few parts fail to meet these requirements. The
coding system covers three groups of information. The first group contains in-
formation about the individual cylindrical and annular outer and inner surfaces.,
about the diameters and other linear dimensions, and about the accuracy and
smoothness of the processed surfaces. The second group consists of information
concerning the characteristics of individual surfaces or of such groups as,
e.g., teeth, slits, key and other slots, grooves, threads, openings along di-
rections other than the basic axis of the part, etc. This group include also in-
formation concerning the relative positions of various surfaces, their thermal
trea"Ment) etc. The third group includes information about the characteristics
of the entire part, the changes in its mechanical properties, or external
Card 2/3
appearance. A coded card is prepared for each part; It contains complete infor-
mation about the part and its workpiece. All data from this card are transferrea
to punch cards or punched tape which is then fed Into the M of the EC. The
order of compiling the algorithm is given. There are 12 figures and 5 tables.
N. Prikhodlko.
DATE ACQ: o6yar64 SUB COM 13, M 00
Card 3/3
2. V)oo')
4. 3luchf--v--',:ii, I. F.
7. Wron7 concept of "hi-her i-varvous activitv" -,,-hIch contra'-icts t~--. vhil,.~sorhic basis
of' T. P. P-tvlc,,,Is th"-ory; coPL:.ent on Professor I. F. Sbic'naevskiy's article.
4,,hi;r. nevr. 1 Psikh- 52, no. 11, 1932.
lo-riMil-v Li t of Russian Accessi-ns, Idl r of Con -ress, Farch 19',3. Uncla sif ed.
ZIGM. A.A. (Moscow); SIXOTOV, P.V. (Moscow)
Significance of indivi&ml peculiarities of higher nervous activity
in selecting a @loop therapy method. Klin. mod. 31 no.11:18-23 N 153.
(KWA 6:12)
(Sleep) (Nervous system)
SIMONOV, P.V. (Moskva)
Bxperimental Investigations on cotittioned reflex sleep In mbbits.
Zhur.vye.nerve doiat. 4 no.4:551-557 JI-Ag '54. (MLRA Bz3)
sleep prod. by conditioned reflex in rabbits)
conditioned reflex sleep in rabbits)
I.P.Pavlov's theory concerning the protootive-salutary role of
inhibition. Ist.v shkols no-5:20-27 3-0 '54. (KT-RA 7:9)
%/ltffftt Ot dWIMt MOWIN 04 So SIMIS114 800
do". P. V. P"Wbaw. v4#~7 paso;jw U. me. 6. 26 f',
0954).~Wdfi wo *0 radvist In ihq empty almonds
Uembutal acrew Fwale ]%we of a Ilith oddity wmk
theAc fteelving djaW bydftte wweW a IoM got. ol
lukeal'st6wnmIseldity. UmthaswWbeebomil a with-
out effect. Subcataseatu laJectiom of Metanke to the dap
receiving the naftatks did ast cissage the phy". effiec al
th.e. d.r,ugL
si-mo,yov -P
USSR/Medieine - Pharmacophysiology
Card 1/1 Pub-30 - 2/18
Author Simonov, P. V.
Title The dependence of the action of soporifics on the functional condition of
the central nervous system when this condition has been altered by the
administration of caffeine
Periodical Farm. i toks. 17, 10-14, Jul/Aug 54
Abstract Research wae conducted on the development of inhibition in rabbits and
white mice when small (0-001-0-005 9), medium (0-01-0-05 9), and large
(0.5g) doses of caffeine are administered prior to or simultaneously
with soporifics. Different effects were obtained with various size doses.
The tine interval between injections was found to be significant. The
result,~, are illustrated by two actograph records, and two charts - Eight
Soviet references are cited.
Institution : Physiology Laboratory (Director - Prof. E. A. Asratyan) of the Academy
of Sciences USSR and Main Military Hospital imeni N. N. Burdenko
Submitted : --
NaUAArWil M - 7), 7, Lr aAq JY
-c a, ~ecn
"Concerning the Influence of Cervical Vagosympathetic NOTOC&in
Blockade on the Course of Acute Radiation Sickness in Dogs,"
by A. N. Gamaleya, A. A. Gyurdzhiyan, A. A. Zhgun, and P. V.
Simonov, Main Military Hospital imeni Academician N. N. Bur-
denko, Ministry of Defense USSR, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya
Vol 1, No 6, Nov/Dee 56, PP 3-5
Ten pairs -)f dogs were subjected to total X-ray irradiation by doses
causing acute radiation sickness (600-700 r). Three to four hours after
irradiation novocain blockade was produced by 30-70 ml of a freshly pre-
pared 0.5% solution of novocain.
The results showed that cervical vagosympathetic novocain blockade
did not exert any positive influence an the course of acute radiation
sickness at a severe stage in dogs, and so cannot be regarded as a ther-
apeutic agent in overcoming radiation injuries during the severe stage of
acute radiation sickness. (U)
51. Effect of Ionizing Fadiation on the Activity of Penicillin Studied
"The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Activity of
Penicillin," by Col A. N. Gamaleya, Medical Service; Capt A. A.
Gyardzhian, Medical Service, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Capt
P. V. Sinionov, IL-dical Service, Candidate of Medical Sciences,
and L. A. Belyayeva, Voyeano-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal No 11) Nov 54
PP 33-36.
The presented data is based on clinical observations and animal
The following findings were obtained:
Desiccated penicillin and a solution or it in 0.0 novocain are re-
sistant to the action of X-rays in doses from 100 to 100,000 r. Therapeu-
tic doses of penetrating radiation do not lower the concentration of peni-
cillin in the blood serum, of irradiated patientq. GenerAl external X-
irradiation of a rabbit with a dose of 1,000 r does not lower
the concentration of penicillin in the blood serwn of the a"I-1. The
presence of radioactive phosphorus (P 32) and iodine (1 131) (beta And
SOMB irradiation) in doses from 10-20 me (internal irradiation) does not
reduce the concentration of penicillin in the blood serum of the
experimental ani-1. (U)
-~~ L ( r ~ " ) / ~~I_ ~j
,7 f7~ Vol', il r-7
e c
2969. SIMONOV P. V. Exp. Lab, of the N.N. Burdenko Arm%- Hosp.. Mos-
cow S1-g-?-1-1T1C-d-?-1C-C-O-f -115-c-lif tic t lona I state oj the central nerz-ott5 sYsIcni jor aymnal
resistance to oxygen lack (RI1551.1?1 tcxt) Arkh. Patol. 1956, IS,5 (50-55)
Tables 3
400 mice were used in experiments to study the influcrice of caffeine (1),
bromide (11) anti both together on oxygen lack. It was found that submininial
non-stimulating doses of 1, 11 and I + I I lit certain doses prolong the survival
of mice in oxygen lack. I does not 511OW this protective action if injected
after respiratory stimulation; in this case I + 11 is more effective than 11
alone. The reason for the protective action of submininial doses of 1, 11 and
I + 11 is their inhibitory action on the CNS. The intensity of inhibition is of
importance. Inhibition by injccton of subminimal doses of 1, 11 and I + 11
lengthens survival. Supraliminal inhibition with large doses of I accelerates
thcir dcath. Rcfcrcnces 13. Sbitncva - Moscow
.'aDIQ Sec.2 Vol.10/9 PIv, Biochem. Sept 57
3985. SIMONOV P.V. *Justification of the application of pharma-
methodr, in the treatment of pathological
inertness of the excitatory process in the CNS (Russian
text) Z.NEVROPAT.PSIKIIIAT.(Mosk.) 1956, 56/1 (3)
A detailed study on the effects of caffeine and bromides was made. Not only is the
!-roper dosage of importance but the typological characteristics of the patient's
1 'eher nervous activity must also be taken into consideration. The effects of
small, medium and large doses are thoroughly explained. Observations were also
made on rabbits under the influence of caffeine and bromides. Actograms taken
on these occasions register the external manifestations of the cortical processes
of excitation and inhibition. Subminimal doses of caffeine intensify inhibition.
Medium doses of caffeine evoke protracted excitatory processes without subse-
quent inhibition. Bromides when applied independently increase and accelerate
the excitatory process, but when administered in combination with subminimal
dome@ of caffeine have the tendency of diminishing the excitation. From this it
may be concluded that caffeine makes the focus of inert excitation susceptible to
bromides and ensure@ the development of protective inhibition in the pathologic
points, in the foci of excitation in accordance with Pavlov's theory.
Hddl(k - Brno (VIII, 2)
The princ es of pharmscottAtrapy In cases With 1~cat o6.
stimulability of the central nervous system.
P. V. SLMOnav. z4xr. Netrroj(1101- i Psiklatrii im; KOM-
5-4.zains -*.m - U
and 4=2t~;SkM;111`1411~1
~;."d"'Ibjects. Acause and effect
relatlon exists hemeen the then~peutic properties of caffeine-;
Br- mixts. with sUtep-inducing substances and the ability d
mffeine to augment the inhibitiric effects of these thtrapeutic
subeun&es. It apxared as tb)ugh the caffeine (1) rewers
the focus of obstructed stimulation susceptible to the action
of the Br- and the sleep-inducing drup by hei4hOzing the
body's functional ix.obility,12?, Etcreases the specificity of the
procen of stimuL 3) augments the coming Into
pJaK of the protective therapeutic