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ARTYUSHIN, Otepan Pstrovichl 841 KI A, roWtorl R%UNOVA,L.A., r4dAktor; BABITOV,A., t a W radaktor a 4% [flotation m4ohinas in coal drooling plants] Ylotatsionnys mashiny nA uglsobO4Atit4lInykh f4brikAkh, Moskv&p U41#tskhi#d&t# 1953. 45 p. (mm 912) (0oal PrOpArAtiOn) FISHMAN. Mikhail Aleksandrovich, dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; VXMOVSKIY, I.K., retsenzent; SIMONOV6 K.A.,retsenzent; SIAVIX, G.P., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. reteen2ant: MARGOLIN, I.Z., redaktor; YAZDOKOVA, M.L., redsktor Lsdatel'stva; BIRLOV, A.?, tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Principles of ore dressing] Osnovy obogashchaniia poleznykh isko- pasmykh. Moskva. Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi t tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 279 p. (MLRA 9-11) (Ore dressing) OGLOBLIN, Rikolay Dmitriyevich; TMJSUEVICH, Igor' V1ktorovichr-",w..QY,,,. __X.A..,_otv.rsd.; GARBBR, T.N., rod.izd-va; KOROVENKOVA, Z.A., (Technical control in coal preparation plants] Tekhnicheskii kontroll na ugleobogatitellnykh fabrikakh. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat, 1958. 210 P. MU 12:2) (Coel preparation--quality control) RUDENKO, Konstantin Gerasimovich, dotment; 8IWMVK!tA!, doteent.; RTKOV, N.A., red.lzd-va; MROVSMVA, Z.A., (Principles of coal preparation and briquetting] Oenovy obo- gashchentia i briketirovanits uglet. *sky&, Ugletakhisdat. 1958. 302 p. (IaRA 12:1) (Coal preparation) (Briquets (Fuel)) SIMONOY, Konstantin; LYUBECHOMATA, N.I.. red.; WINA, L.F., [Prospectors for Bukhara gas) Rezvedchiki bukharskogo gaze. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo khudozh.lit-ry UzSSR. 1960. 30 P. (MM 14:3) (Bukhara region--Gas, Natural) SAGkADYMe, Aza Lvovntj, kanc. tekhri. nauk; Niatall ru AlrAcantirwina, (ioktor klil,,:. nauk; K.A.,; Ye.A.) Ot,v. [Control of the tec~xiologlcal process Juii flotatlion plants) Kontroll tekluiolo-ichesko-o protoe--sa flotatsicraqkh fab- ,-ik. 1--d.2., perer. i clop. Voskvz, Nedra, 1964. 426 p. LF:2) tu~, i. ,n. ~Lu. SUVW.OUKAY A.. ,-r I A S PYON OV F, K ', T), li IA (,Con t r,- I f 7 a L p n F E . on' , r c I P, khn o z, k o P r. t e ~3 :~a C a s o-,zxv Simonov, Konstantin Mikhazlovich 1960. Zhivyye I Mertvyyet Koman. Moskva, Bovetakiy Piaatell 528 p. CHEMalIKO, M.B.; LUKII;, Yu.B.; GUSEV, K.M.; KUDREVATYKH, L.A.; MAKARENKO, Ya.I.; SATYUKOV, P.A., red.; SIEPMOV, V.P., red.; SHLYUK, S.I., red.; SUTOTSKIY, S.B., red.; ABALKIN, N.A.., red.;KOZE;V, N.A., red.; AVER- CIIENKO, B.Ye., red.; SOBOLEV, L.S., red.; SIMIOLOV K 14 red.; POLE- VOY, B.N., red.; GALIN, B.A., red. ---- [Heroes of oar times] Geroi nashikh dnei. Moak-vaj Izd. gazety "Frayda," 1961. 619 p. (MIRA 14*..11) (Labor and laboring classes) Aj! /"460NOV, V'.G.; 4MONOT, I.S.; BIKOKINMAY, M.A., redaktor; KHITHOV, ?.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Manual for railroad dispatch and yard clerks] Rakovodstvo takhni- cheskomn kontorshchbm I spischiku vagonov. Moskva, Gos.tranap. zhel-dor. Isd-vo, 1952. 1)l p. (MM& 7:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo putty soobahchonlya. (Railroads--train dispatching) SI)IONOV, K.S.0 insh. - -- " 'Intensification of statien service In the basic resaurce in accelerating the circulation of railroad cars, Sbor. trud, Akad, zhel. transp. no.1:60-71 152. (MIRA 1193) (Railroads--Station service) - .,%---, .. - - -- j I /~";' b OT 0 t~ 4- j , TODRW, K.S.; YARBEROV, Ya.D., redaktor; XHITROV, P.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Handbook for railroad make-up Men aLd yard couplers] Rakovodstvo sostaviteliu poesdov i stospshchilm vagonov. Moskva, Goo. transport. zhel.eznodorozh. izd-vo'.i953. 21% p. [Microfilm] (HlU 7:11) (Railroads-Making-up trains) SIMONUV, K.s. I The schedule of train movements is the basis for ivproving freight haulage. Zhel.dor.transp. M no.12:25-29 D '55. (KLRA 9:5) 1. Glavnyy Inzhener Glvnogo upravleniya dvizhenip. Ninisteretva putet soobshcheniya. (Railroads--Traffic) SIMONPY,,Xirill~Stg.aaovich,.kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; PRIGOROVSKIY. T.Y." Iiihener,-'red'aii;r; XANDTKIN, A.Te., tekhnicheskly redaktor [Kanual for make-up crews] Pamlatka nostavitallskoi brigade. Izd. 2-oe, dop. Moskva, Goo. transp. zhal-dor. izd-vo. 1956. 82 p. (KLRA 10:1) (Railroads--Kaking up trains) SIM-,NOV, K.S. Neration of the rnilronds nnd tnskg for trAnonortintlon research in 1958. Vest. TSNII KPS 17 F 058. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Znmeatitell predsedAtplyn linuchno-tekhnicheakogo soveta Hiniaterstvn nutey ooobahchenlyn. (RAilrondn) SIMONOV, K.S., )mnd. tekhn. nauk Railroad transportation on the eve of the 21st Congress of the CPSU. Vest. TSMI M 17 no.80-7 D 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1.Zamestitell predsedatelyn Nauchno-tekhnicheakoge soveta Minister- stva, putey seabahchani7a (Railroads) SIMONOV, -K.S., mnd.tekhn.nauk British railroads. Zhol.dor.tranap. 40 no.4:81-90 AP 158. (MIR,% 13:4) (Great Britain--Railroads) SIMDMV, K. -, - New requirements-develop new methods of work. NTO no.10:27-28 0 '59. (MRA 13:2) 1.ZRMeF;tit0l' prodeedatelya TSentrallnogo pravleniya nauchno- tekhnicheskogo obshchentya sheleznodorozhnogo transporta. (Railroad research) SIMDNOV, K.S., kand.tekbn,nauk SNediab railroads. Zbel.dor.tranan. 42 no-1:83-M ja 16o. (141RA 13:5) (Sweden-Railroads) KOCHNEV, Fedor Petrovich, doktor taklm.nauk, prof.; MAKSIMOVICH, Boris Mikhaylovich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; SOTIIIKOV, Isaak Bentsionavich, ksndatekhn.nauk, dotsent;__SWI[QV,_Z.S., kand.tekhn.naukp retsenzent; MANYUKOVI G.S.p inzh.p red*; BOBROVAq Ye.N.9 [Problems concerning the organization of train movement] Voprosy organizatsii dvizheniia poezdov. Moskva, Voes.izdatelisko-poligr. obwedinenie H-va putei soobsbcbeniiag 1961, 211 p, (MIRA 14:6) (Railroad&-Traffic) (Railroads-Signaling) SIMONOV, K.V.; UZBXW, A.I.; VATNSH!rAYN, O.Ta. Yor a successful realization of the resolutions of the July Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Ogneupox7 25 no-9:389-397 160. (HIBA 13:8) 1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (for Sizonov). 2. Sayod "Magnezit" (for Usberg). 3. Cheljrabinakiy metallurgicheakly zavod (for Vaynshteyn) (DD10;its) S/131/60/000/009/002/008/XX B021/BO52 AUTHORSt Bron, V. A., Rigmant, N. M. TITLEi Production and Uae of Blocks for Heat Insulation PERIODICALs Ogneupory, 1960, No. 9, PP. 400 - 404 TEXT: The Veesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metallurgicheskoy teplotekhniki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgical Heat Engineering) developed blocks for heat insulation of the tubing of industrial furnaces-. They consist of segments of fireclay, kaolin, or magnesite-chromite attached to metal rings. The binding material used was c14Y, water glass, aluminiferous cement, and sulfite~-alcohol vinasse. 2 Compressive strength was between 71 and 198 kg/cm porosity varied from 18,.4 to 21-5%. The destruction of fireclays and kaolin set in after a fortnight, whereas magnesite-chromite insulation lasted 4-6 months with oil firing, and 12 months with gas firing. Used blocks of magnesite- chromite were chemically and petrographically examined, Accumulation of Card 112 BRON, V.A.; SIMONOV.,K--V-.+ CHIKUROV, I.F.; UZBERG, A.I. Magnesite brick with a spinal bond for the walls of high capacity electric arc furnaces. Ogneupory 27 no.8:345-350 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (for Bron, Simonov). 2. Zavod "Magnezit" (for Chikurov, Uzberg). (Firebrick) 8RON, V.A.; SIMOMOV, K.V.; PIVNIK, L.Ya.; PETROV, V.K.; BARVINSKIYO 13.V. "*Unim& the walls qZ 100-tan am fumaces with magnesiU-brick and a spinel binding. Stall 23 no.6:519-523 Je 163. -, (MIRA 16:10) SIMDNOVS, X.V. Block heat insulation of pipes for the hearth of continuous furnaces. Metallurg 10 no.5a28-29 Vq 165. (MIRA MO 1. Vostochnyy Institut ogineuporov. NAZ a 1,-! ning d(ArimPq fr--l !-I.q, ll:lp q ro Ul T*v ~n. Ogneii~;,.,,ry 30 rto.3:-~4 Vos te)rhnrr 'I n.,s tj tu t of-,enwporov f cr S i mionov) . M.-it-n' t,rvkly lurgjf.!j",--AJy kombJr,,tt (for riazar'r V irlst ,t,it otmeuporov for Forzi,eriev kiyl. skly 'for i"Lerove of i "'V K"Fect o0l *9x rosin lln~~er rr-~r7.pcr.,,,Icn on !,h,~ of Tvsllri-ma~:no.,-,,."~ n e -, i p o instluit ognpuporov (ror ~.')Ironov). o s -1 o,-. I-, ryy lnit.Pmt (for Gurn,;Jch). SIMONOV, L., podpolkovnik Engineer support for the crossing of tanks. Voen. vest. 42 no.6:28-29 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Stream crossing, Military) (Tanks (Military science)) BOYM, AnLqtoliy Borloovich,; MiDFLEVICH. Yakov Ayzikovich.; PLKOIIOV,- Iay- Anton vJxh,-I-SHITOV, B.I., reteenzent,; GOLIDBERG, G.I., red.; NAXHIMSON, V.A., red. izd-va,; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. [Controlling radio interference due to automobiles, motorcycles, ond tractors] Podavlpnie radiopomekh. sozdavasmykh avtomobiliami, mototaiklami i traktorami. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashlnostroit. lit-ry. 1958. 94 p. (MMA 11:8) (Radio-Inteiference) S -WIGNOV, L. A. "Application of Electrodynamic Analogy to Calculation of Hydraulic Turbines." Nauchn. Zap. ESMMI 6 (1c,40) 5 ~1160*i~,,-:,, 1. A. PT-1460 (Constructir.m r)f njr-,,.-)JjS in, tl,rl ro cor,'o[~ra-pu skorontel. , , h -71 tl.o-!) Yn.,- tvoi~nle ! rof 1.1 e1 S . Xr, te m, SO: Fril-I (blain _Mnte tika i -!e' .hp-nika 5(2): 193-222, 1941 ','li13nie szhimeronti na induktivnye skorooti (.'T~yla i vinta. (Prikladnaia matematika i nekhanika, 19hh, V.A' no.2, bibliof~raphy) Slinmary in English. Title tr.: hXfect of air compressibility on inductive velocities of an airfoil and propeller. QA801- P7 19Wi SO: Aeronaittical Sciences and Aviition inthe 0oviet Union, Librar~y of ~;ongress, 1955 SDIONOV., L. A. Sourcel. MItliematical Calculation of an 9,vrq(QI!Jn it flow and an aerofoil according to a distribution of velocities over Its surface. Appl. Math. Mech. [Akad. NatikSSSR.Priki.Niat.Mech.]11,69-84(1947). (Ru3- sian. English summary) Using the hodograph method, the author describes a pro- cedure for the determination of a flow pattern around a profile approximating the given one. By the transformation r - t(s), t - I r I exp (0), a -x+iy, the exterior of the profile is mapped into the exterior of the unit circle. The author considers the flow in the A-plane, A-I/V, where V is the conjugate to the velocity vector. On the contour we have A(0)-ds1d6-dx1d0+idy1d0, and the functions A.-drld$, A, -dyIdO (being conjugate harmonic functions) can be ex- pressed in terms of'each other; x(o), y(O) and the ii;ieed v(0) on the boundary of the profile can be expressed in terms of X.(~) or X,(8). The exact expressions (involving integrals) are approximated by finite sums. Tq , bles. of the values of A.M, MO), W) for a number of profiles are even. The problem of determining the airfoil from the given velocity components and the inverse problem are solved by making the necessary corrections for an auxiliary. profile for which the tables are av3ilable. S. Bergman. _70T_7 J., 10 STIV NOV, L. A., KHRISTIANOVICH, S. A., MIUIONSHCHIKOV, M. D. and GAMPERIN, V. G. "Applied Gus Dynamics" 1948 : . "Axial E ors," Collecti-on cf Theoretical Pavers in Aercdynamics, Moscow, Obcrongiz, I-X717- This collection assembles a number of scientific reports, on theoretical aerodynamics, first printed in various publications between 1947 and 1952, and intended for research wor?ers in advanced aerodynamics. Collection of Theoretical Papers (Cont.) 823 Simonov, L.A. Axial Compressors 463 The report, first published in 1950, describes a method for calculating axial compressors. In section I is presented a compilation of the basic formulas of gas dynamics which are necessary for further development. Section 2 defines the basic concepts relating to power, thrust, efficiency and com- pression ratio, and presents the derivation of the equation for the moments, which is the most important basis for the cal- culation of the blades. Sections 3 and 4 consider in detail the vortex system of a compressor, investigate the effect of free vortices, and gives a method for determining the velocity triangles. Section 5 and 6 discuss the selection of the con- figuration of the velocity triangles and the composition of the rotating part of the compressor. In section 7, methods are given for calculating cascades of profiles for given velocity triangles. Finally, a sample calculation of a compressor is given. The report contains 42 figures and 4 tables. There are caaz=~_ .1 Collection of Theoretical Papers (Cont.) 823 5 references, of which 4 are Soviet and 1 German. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress IS/afm 12-1-58 KOISON, Abram Yudovigh; IVINBM, Isaak 11 'yerich; SIKONOT, doktor teWin. nauk, retsen'zent; GURIM, v.r*,- lcanli.- tek,h,n,.- nauk, red,l GOMAN, Ye.r., red. ixd-va; POLISMA, R.G., -teldm. red. . [Prinolples of the theory and bydro4ynudoal calculations of hydroullo turbines] Onnoiy tooril I g1drodinamicheskego ranclawts vodlanykb turbin. *~kwa, Goo. rALucbno,-tekhn. ixd-vo ma&IuD- strolt. lit-ry, 1958. 357 p. (MIRL U110) (Hardraullo turbines) SIj,~1.Z)rTQV , L. A. "JetThrust" report preeented at the 2nd International Congrese of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16 Sep 60 61.1302 V. ; SIMONOV, L. I Fas'. downwaan. fo-mr-,e of ti-a IL-10' aircraft -~,o low height. L-9',ecky ol,zor 8 no.1:14-.15 ja '6 '+. 8 (5) AUTHORS3 Sizonuy.-L. I., Engineer, 01initcar, b. M, SOV/105-59-11-25/32 Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: On the Duty Factor of Load Diagrams of Transformers PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959t Fr Ili pp 88-90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: L. I.*Simonov showed by an example that a formula given in the instructions of MES for determining the duty factor of the- daily load curves is wrong in his opinion. L. 11. Shnitser expresses his opinion on this subject and points out that the formula (1) mentioned by Simonov is given in these instructions. However, he shows that the admissible daily load of the transformer should be determined according to the diagram shown on the same page and not according to formula (1). This is explained more in detail and illustrated by two examples. There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 1 Soviet reference. Card 1/1 "LL~te.r7nfnatton of' opUmLx! and in"Imum draw.1 rigs during drawing of pipes from &IumInun alloys on self-aligning mandrels" - showed that adhering to this method is 1-5-2.0 times ,~~vater than pressing during drawing on cylinderic mounting. This allows intensification of the process of drawing. R-port nresented at the branch seminar on drawing of tube and aluminum alloys on self-ELLI.gni-ng mandrels, Mettallurgical Factory in V. 1. Lenin, Ku:ib.,--hev, 24-28 JLuie 1963 (Tgvet. 14--tally, No- 10, 1963 pi) 64-85, author Starostin, Yu. S. JPRS 24,651 19 may 1964 r'. T.. "Cons tructions r)f* self-aligning mandrels of various dimnsions and principles of their uniftcation." Report presented at the branch seminar on drawing of tube and aluminum alloys on self-aligning mandrels, Metallurgical Factory Im V. I. Lenin, KuybysheV, 24-28 June 1.963 (Tsvet. Yetally, No. 10, 1,963 pp 84-85, Author Starostin, Yu. S. JPRS 24,651 1- 9 ~~y 1964 ACC NR, AP60359l_7____',j SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/024101b3ful") INVENTOR: Bogdanov, S. A.; Kaloyev, A. V.; hakeyev, A. D.; Shipilevskiy, G. B.; j.Xqno~ni~cv,,.y. L.' P, I Soahnikov, A. A. ; Kallnovskiy, N. F. ; Vaynahteynt L. A.; Pann, L. A.; Kudel Wiy'.--V. A.; Skrypnik, 1. A. ORG: none TITLE: Device for automatic control of a wheeled vehicle. Class 45, No. 187433 [announced by the State Union Scientific Research Tractor Institute (Cosudarstvennyy &oyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy traktornyy inatitut); Khar'kov Tractor Plant (Fhar'kovnki. -1-tornyy zavod)) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsyl tovarnyye inaki. no. 20, 1966, 163 TOPIC TAGS: agricultural machinery, automatic control, tractor ABSTRACT, An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for the automatic control of a wheeled vehicle, which includes a duplicating feeler, a feeler-deflec- tion transducer, an electric gate valve, and a hydraulic steering-gear amplifier. To sImplify the changeover to and from automatic control, it Is equipped with a three- Iway cock with a handle. The cock's Input Is connected to a pump, one of its outputs ils connected to a distributing hydraulic amplifier, and its second output to connected, "'CC Nk' A~6035917 to the electric gate valve. In order to smoothly change the rpm, bewean the pump and the cock's input is mounted a throttle. Orig. art. h&ss 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATZI 3ODec65/ Card. YEVIYOV, N.N., inzh.- , L.V., inzh.: OLEYNIK, F.A., Forny-j tekhnik , SIMONOV _ PML-9 loadpr. Gor. 7hur. ro.11:56 A '(1. (M.IF", 15:2) 1. 'fauchno-issledovatel'skly ---ornorudnyy institut, Krivoy Rog. (Mining machinery) YFMROV, A.Ye.; SIMONOV, L.V.; 1"ISIUN, A.Ye. Aligning strip steel. vo-,allurg 9 no.11:21-24 H 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Starshiy otzhigallshchik tsekha beloy zhest'i Aapn.4'Uogorskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Yegorov). 2. llachallnik ybnogo otzhiga tsekha beloy zhestJ I-lagnitcgor- otdeleniya neprer- skogo metallurgichemxogo kombinata (for Simonov). 3. Starshiy master-elektrik tsekha bele- zliesti Magnitogorskogo metallurgiche- skogo k.-Auoinata (for Pistar). SDIONOV, L,Yu., podpolkov-nik, komandir nrtilleriyokogo divisiona. Now we achieve a high-level of coordination in subunits. Artill. x1mr. no,2:39-43 7 158. (KIU 11.03) (Artillery drill and tactics) AID P - 4693 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Civil aviation (materiel Card 1/2 Pub. 58 - 5/17 Authors Simonov, M., Engineer, Monitor of the Glider Pilots' --d-roup,"'Kazan Aviation Institute, G. Voroblyev, Assistant Professor in charge of the Institute's Department of Designing and Construction of Aircraft, A. Pantyukhin, Secretary, Komsomol Committee of the Institute. Title New types of airplanes and helicopters must be created for Soviet sportsmen. Periodical t Kryl. rod., 5. 6, MY 1956 Abstract : The authors advocate the creation of a light jet plane for the training of students in DOSAAF organizations, as well as the creation of a certain number of jet and piston engine planes specially designed for achieving record performances. Also is recommended the setting up, at the primary DOSAAF organizations, of student designing and construction groups. Kryl. rod., 5, 6, MY 1956 card 2/2 Pub. 58 - 6/17 In3titutlon : None Submitted : No date AID P - 4693 SIMUNUV, M., Inthoner; VOROB'Y&V, G., doteent; FANTYUKHIN, A. - - 04- --- Create new sport airplanes and gliders. Kryl.rod. 7 no-5:6 My 156. (MLOA 9:8) 1. Rukovoditell planernoy gruppy Kazanskogo aviatalonnogo Instituta (for Simonov); 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy konstruktoti i proyaktiro- vanlya samolstov (for Voroblyev); 3. Sekretarl koulteta Vaesoyuz- nogo Leninskogo kommmistichemkogo soyuza molodezhi (for Pantyukhin). (Airplanes) SIMONOV, M. The KAI-19 glider. Kryl. rod. 14 no.12:22-24 D 163. (WRA 17:2) POPOV,,inzhoner; SIMONOV, M., inzh*ner. -.4ri4w. if V"'u- ~-i ~~" Filters for clarification of fats. MiazAnd.SSSR 28 no,1:12-13 '57. WaA 10:3) 1. Kislovodskiy myamokombinat. (Oils and fats, Idible) (Filters wid filtration) SIKONOV, M.; BOLKHOVITIN, A.; DEMCIIENKO, D.; ANTOIIOV,. V. From Moscow right up to the boundaries. Izobr. i rats. no. 4:6-7 Ap 161. (HIRA 14:4) 1. Sekretarl Udmurtskogo oblastnogo soveta Vagcoyuznogo obahchastva izobretateley i ratainoalizatorov (for Simonov). 2. Starshly inzhener Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshche- stva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov (for Bolkhovitin). 3. Pred- sedatell oblastnogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov (for Demchenko)* 4* Predsedatell -espublikarls- skogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshcbestva izobretaley i ratsionalizatorov (for Antonov). (Technological innovations) I'fATKOVSKIY, G.0 inzh.-infomitor; WAAC1111K, V.; KZUKHOV, V.; SINONOV, M.; YJUICHOV, K., zhurnalict (Baku); DUDETSKIY, E.; TRAVNIKOV, It. We are living this way. Izobr. i rats. no.12:8-9 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Trest "Koonunarskugoll", Luganskaya obl, (for Pyatkovskiy). 2. Sotrudnik oblastnoy gazety "KrasrTj Severn, Vologda (for Ivanchuk). 3. Starshiy inzh. Kazakhskogo respublikanskogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva lzobretateley i ratsionall- zatorov (for Kzhakhov). 4- Sekretarl Udmurtskogo oblastnogo soveta Vsesayuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsionali- zatorov,.Izhevsk (for Simonov). 5. Nachallnik otdela tekhniki bezopasnosti Lyuberetskogo zavoda imeni Ulchtomskogo (for Dudetakiy). 6. Korrespondent zhurnala "Izobretatell i ratsionalizator" (for Travnikov). DZHANPOLADYAN, L.;.�_IMONOV, M.; AGADZHANYAN, G., akademik: MANUMN, Kh. f--ITAMIIKO*A.4-, K.; GABOYAIII, M.; KURGINYAN, M., nauchny7 sotrudnik Scientists and public workers train replacements. NTO 5 no.7: 10-19 Jl 163. (MMA 16t8) 1. F~redsadatell Armqanskogo reepublikanskogo soveta nauchno- takhnlchaBkikh obahchosty (for Dzhanpoladyan). 2. Predsedatell byuro po promyshlennosti komiteta obshchestvannoy aspirantury, chlen-korrespondent AN ArnUnnskay SSR (for Simonov). 3. Pred- sedatell byuro po sel'skomu khozyaystvu komiteta obahchostvannoy aspirantury i AN Armynnskay SSR (for Agadzhanyan). 4. Direktor sovkhoza "Masis" (for Manukyan). 5. Nachallnik teekha Yerevan- skogo khrompikovogo zavada (for Mamikonyan). 6. Direktor leninakanskogo zavoda "Strommashina" (for Gaboyan). 7. Inatitut stroymaterialov i sooruzheniy (for Kurginyan). (Armenia-Technical education) L 26o99-65 -Eff(d)/EdT(1)/L.iP(m)/Fri(m)/FA/FiG(v)/&iA(d)/-i-2/ iP(h)/FCS(k) a I&AM ACCESSION NR: AP4045830 Pd-I/Pe-5/Pi-4 LBF S/0085/63/000/012/0022/0024 AUTHOR: Simonov,. M. (Deputy chief designer) S7 TITLE: Th =KAI-19- our gift to the fortieth anniversary of Soviet glider sport SOURCE: Kry*llya rodlny~ no. 12, 1963, 22-24 TOPIC TAGS: glider design, friction drag, lift drag ratio, aspect ratio, aerodynamic tunnel/KAI-19 glider ABSTRACT: The geometric and weight characteristics, strength, design, wing structure, and navigation- communication equipment of the KAI-19 glider are discussed. In order to reduce parasite drag, the designers reduced the fuselage surface, thus reducing its friction drag. The KAI-19 has a maidmurn lift/drag ratio of 45; minimum speed of descent of 0. 52 m/sec. (1. 67 m/sec. at 150 Jan/hr.); mi--*-- um speed without flaps of 59 km/hr; maximum speed of 250 km/hr; economic speed of 85 km/hr; economic speed an spiral glide with 45* banking of 78 km/hr; radius of spiral with 450 banking of 50 m; minimum speed of decent on spiral glide with 45* banking of 1. 0 m/sec; minimum radius of spiral glide without flaps of 40 m; maximum lift/drag ratio with air brakes extended of 13.6. The wing, which Is entirely metal, has a span of 20 m; an area of 14 m 2; and an aspect ratio of 28. 6. The fuselage Is 7. 96 m long, 0. 64 m wide, and 0. 73 rn high. Ile KAI-19 Card 1/3 L 26099-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045830 was eialculated for a strength corresponding to a ninefold overload. It was tested in a full- seal agrodnamic-bmqLat 300 Ian/hr. to test for vibrations. The glider has a complete complex of equipment enabling it to fly in adverse meteorological conditions up to a height of 14, 000 m. Fig. 1. of the Enclosure is a graph of the polar curves of the KAI-19 with and without ballast. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: AC NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 L 2609j-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045830 ENCLOSURE: 01 0.2 U - I KAI-19withold- h ballast d KAI 19 with I & -.-L1 . 1A 'i H I t r/ ay F ig. 1. Polar curves of the KAI-19 with ballast and without ballast. so So 0 120 go W W lot M.. 144 Card 3/3 SIMDNOV,- t!4!; HELOV) N.V., akademik Crystal structure of the Na, Zn, Cd- metasilicate Na 4ZnCd[Si 20 632- Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.2:406-409 3 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. FAGRI, Kikhail Konstantinovich;__�A=OT,, K.I., dotsent,; BLUM, V.T., red.: SARANTUX, T.V., takhred. (Operator-analytical functions Oparatorno-analitychni funktaii Z peredmovoiu N.N.Bogoliuboya. dersh.univ.. 1959. 173 P. with one indeperdent variable] odniiei nesaleshnoi zainnoi. LIviv. Vyd-vo L'vivs'koho (MIRA 13:4) (Funations, Analytic) SIK~PIUV, IM,I. [Symonov, M,1.1 (Kiyev) First pericd of the development of the theory of equations with partial derivatives of the first order. Ist.-mat.zbir. 2:5-21 ,61. (MIRA 15:4) (Differential equations, Partial) ....... ... v -nu 1. . VN1,0131YU, 111ya Vlndimirovic~; S Nlikhail Nikiforovich; --giLqri Ov ) ZAKHAROV, Vladimir Vasil '-- '-' ' " " (Fandbook on the operati. ' of the OK-35 and OK-66 bark- stripping machinesl RukXodstvo po ekspluatatsii oko- rockinykh stankov OK-35- I OK-66. Mosk-va, Lesnala pro- r;y.,,hlenno.:tl, 1965. 137 p. (MIRA 19:1) ~j VI :-l. 'j. GOBZA, R. N., Inthener i., VEREVIN, F. F., Inzh.,, SIMWV, M. V.,O irimo Vsesoyuznaya Kontora, Tipovngo Proyektirovaniya. I Tekhnicheskikh Issledovaniy (KTIS) Mintyazhstroya Issledovaniye Effecktivnosti PyleosadochrWkh Kamer NA Modelyakh Page 52 SC: Co,'U. of At-,,.rit SC 1 i',2!rjtj~ scnrch G L:~Atymc-tdo, ccnrleted SIMONOY.M.V Metnl cores. Lit. proizv. no.8:29 Ag'55- (MIRA 8:11) (Coremaking) VALUYS:.''L, A.A.; SIMONOV, Mjq~.,; SHAHUNOV, V.M. Determining the volume of reservoirs with various lithological and physical properties. Geol. nefti i gaza 7 no.11:28-33 N 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Krasnodarskiy filial Vsesoy-uznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-issledo- vatellskogo instituta. to 0 n Is At If to . Is It It b I t f a 1 a pop #-v O-P 00. . ps-04"t 0: v e A 1 Duke AW " won tog relaturtool concrete M. 7, HAIn4mv. %bAkl. N,9. 1, ;11 4~ thr ronflng of trialowcTntrut In slag runctror 14 an I ma-bem. nottytim, Ifor invi twing Oor antwir and roal slonialmdinilorAegtheralhode. Arreletsinctolwiting , t I b 4 d .4 %ru e coner"r o-Asch ik*C&Cl;) Iwormselbetive. rnio ied &-I n to W A N p ca ( ff * vusting of the relsdarcemni. r n 00 fillm tonly in "ietstnKlims Ism in rmlwl with n"Mu". ' 20 b e ,Vve rho- amt. of unhurwd cold gVtbrk% must nnt % llf t i 4 lf i t f wr conten n or 9o tualtr a " ; I 4 the total wt. o ment in C d 2 goo e tromixoted as Ngh) mufA not tiver 5. mrfrfe-l-Ouldhepartly 200 00 %uhstiluivil lay time with a simultan~i* unr 44 hydraulir 000 goo WW see .06 400 see so* *0 00 1611TALLUM61CAL LITINAN49 CLA%tWIC,tKX f*.jqv 11-4 iWW I u o6 IT IT to Is -1 u a it a alp ad 9 9 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooooooloooooo*ooooooooooo:looooooooooeooooo00 SIMONOV, M.Z. Flexure calculations of reinforced concrete mmbers on the basis of crack appearance [with summm7 in English]. Izv.AI Aru.$U. .Imt.nauki no.3;79-100 '47. (XLVA 9:8) (Reinforced coacrete) 12'1'1 Lye,r-l-jy by,!ton na porii;Lkh mpolnityclyakh i yef,o pria~venyepi7p- Triftr I'l Vsyt~socjjz. konf-iril lyo loyeton i zliyelyezobveton. Konntriktodyan. I;h 3 SO- L:TOP.13 "!0. 3h SIMONOV, X.Z.; MATUZOV, T.G. High-strength concrete based an per" fillers for thin-walled reinforced concrete assembly units. Izv.,Ul Arm.SSR.Ser.MT nauk 5 no-1:59-65 152. MRA 9:7) LInstitut stroitelInykh mterialov i neeruzheniy- AkMemii nank Armyanskoy SSR. (Concrete, Reinforced) SIMOMOV, K.Z.; KARAPZTYAN, K.S. I ~I - Am- Flastfre from diluted gypsum-clay mixtures and thair TOIUMO variations, Izv.AN Arn.MoSererANT nauk 5 no-1:71-79 152. ("T-RA 9:7) l.Institut stroitelsnykh materialov i sooruzhaniy Akademii nauk ArmvanskoT SSR. (Plaster) SIMONOV, K.Z. ------- - -,,, Blements of the theory of the mobility and compressibility of concrete mixtures. Izv.AN Arm.=.Ser.FM nauk 6 no.3:73-106 My-je '53. OS" 9:8) 1. Institut strottel'afth materialoy i soorutheniy AN Armyenskoy ssa. (concrete) SIMOII)V, M.Z. Sedimentation in cement paste Part l.Role of sedimentation concrete and current research 6 no.4:65-84 Jl-Ag '53. and possibilities of its control. in the structural formation of tusks. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Ser.F)MT nank (MIaA 9sq) l.Institut stroitelln7kh materialov i sooruzheni7 AN Armyansk*7 SSR. (concrete) SINDNOV, M.Z. Concrete strength calculations. Izv. AN Arm.SM Ser.FMT nauk:6 no-5/6:149-164 S-D 153. (MLRA 8:2) lo Institut stroitelInych materialov I sooruzheniy Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SM. (concrete) SmONOV, ma. Self-aeration of lightweight concretes. Izv. AN Arm. SSRI Ser. FNET nauk 7 no.5:67-89 S-0 154o (MMA 8:7) 1. Institut stroitellnykh mterWov i soorusheniy Akademli nauk ArcVm- skojr SSR. (Lightweight concrete) SIMONOVI Mikhail Zakhar~evich, laureat Stalinskoy premii, d-r tekhnIc"h*- In sit aaTZ, professor; IVANOT, O.M., kandidat takhnicheskikh natw; YNGOROVA, N.O.. rodak-tor; MEDVIDIV, L.Ta., tf-khnicheskly redaktor [Porous aggrenato co%creto and reinforced concrete] Beton i zhe- lezobaton na poristykh zapolnitellakh. Moskva, Goo. itd-ve lit-ry po strott. i arkhitekturo, 1955. 253 P. (KIRA 8A (lightweight concrete) ZIAKHAROV, ~.A.. radaktor; S~~Z., redaktor; KIRWAVERDYAN. V.M. radaktor; KAPIANYAN, M.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Proceedini's of a conference on the theory of the technology of concretes] Trudy soveshchaniia po teorti tekhnologii betonov. Srevan, 1956. 359 p. (NIRA 10-4) 1. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Terivan. Inatitut stroitellnykh materialov I sooruzheniy. (Goncrets) red.; KHUDAVERDYAN, V.M., red.; KAPLANYAN, M.A., (Lithoidal pumice concrete to be used for hydraulic structures] Gidrotekhnicheakii beton na litoidnoi pemze. Erevan, 1938. 293 P. (KIRA 12:11) 1. Akadermiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Yerevan. Inatitut stroitelsnykh materialov i 3ooruzheniy. 2. Institut stroitallnykh materialov i sooruzheniy AN Armyanskoy SSR (for Simonov. Khudaverdyan). (Lightweight concrete) V Z__ AUTHOR: Lelichenko, V.G., Engineer. SCV/97/58/2/6/16 TITLE: Variation in Stren th and Specific Weight of Termo2it-conerete ~without cement) in Relation to its Age. (Izmeneniye prochnosti i ob 1~em no go vesa bestsementnogo termozitobetona v zavisimosti ot yego vozrasta). PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958 Nr 2, pp 63-65. ABSTRACT: In the factory imeni Illicha in Zhdanovi tests were carried out with building blocks taking into con- sideratinn the problem of hardening and the decreas- ing of a specific weight. These blocks were made of termozit-conerete. Tests were made with cubes 200x 20OX200mm which were steam cured and after that pro- tected in dry air ennditions.' The cubes were made from the following ingredients: 'Ground lime (according to GOST No 5803-51). calcium chloride (aceordin- to GOST 450-41 and finely ground granulated slag. To 0 I achieve an activated mix granulated slag is used with the content of 40% SaO+MgO and 4-6.5% of MO. Its granulometric composition is given in Table 1. Table Card 1/2 S C111 "i 7 / 5, /2/6/1U Variation in Strength and Specific Weight of Termo--it-concrete (without cement) in Relation to its Age. 3 gives quantities of materials required for lm3 of activated sla.g mix. Figure 1 illustrates a dia- gram of steam curing of termozit-concrete without cement. The strength of test cubes was investigated during the whole year. It was ascertained that in re- lation to the 28-day strength the 7-day strength of termozit concrete wR3 7%, after three months 126%, after four months 13%, after 61 months 36% and after a year 147%. Table 3 gives values which are character- istic of the atrength and specific weight of the termozit- concrete without cement. Table 4 shows values of the increasing strength of termozit-concrete and similar values arrived at by testing light and heavy concrete (5eeJLZ._Z4mongv, "Concrete and Reinforced Concrete made with Ordinary Mix" published by Gosstroyi--dat in 1955). These tests showed that the values obtained were very similar to those obtained by using Professor B.G. Skramtayev's formula. Higher values are reached in the strength increase of termozit-conerete w =en the hardening takes place in dry conditions if the curing is prolonged. There are two figures and five tables. Card 2/2 1. Concrete--Mechanical properties 2. Concrete--PkWsical properties 3. Concrete--Aging 97--58-5-5/14 AUTHOM Pi-jfesi5oz, Car-,,,eppordinG Vltz*ar of t'-',eAS..ArnPn- ian SSR)Matuzov, 111. G. Candfdtte of -1ftice 1: Sdwce 8' and K&r&P9tyjA,7A,S* Candidate of Techn! Sciinacs, TITLEs Use of First Hif,,h Strength "oncrete for Prostr-qasad Reinforced I Concrete Constructiona (Primeneritys vysokoproohr-ykh melkozernietykh betoncv diy.- prodyaritellno napi7azhennyU konstruktaiy.) PERIODICAL: Beton I Zhelezobeton .LQ53 Wr. 5)USSR~Pp 178-182. ABSTRACTs Fine aggregate concrete ba,3e& ort2 liartz or pummloe sands and Portland cement of 350 k-g per rm activity could produce high quality concrote suitable for r-rastressed constructions. Vibro- ground cement intensifies hardening of concrete In the initial stages and bj that r3duces the tinte during which reinforcement should be kept under tension. At the 13axe time vibro-ground cement slightly increases shrinx-tng. Fine aggregate concretes based on pit sand in comparison with based on ~;rushed sand have lower elasticity (35-5W than valuee given in NITU 123-55. These should be taken into acPx,.Lnt when evaluating deformations in prestressed constructior-a based on fine aggregates. Fine aggragate light concretes have slightly higher elasticity than light concretes based. on porous a&-id azA4 ballaut. Shrinking of high 7 I-, , I -__ Use ofFine, High Strength 'oncrete f,)--- Rlc-_-trea~,.~d Rei.rfor,~-d' Concrete Constructions. quality fine aggregate conaretes is --any times higher than shrinking in concretes based or, sand and ballast, Shrinking of fine aggregate concrete basel cn san6 from pumice Is 1.3$ higher than shrinking in concretes based on fin,. aggregate and quartz sand. Calculations show 'hat in Drestre3sed constructions made from fine aggregatt: conc:-ete where the grains do not exceed 5= in size if no special gradation is performed and wher 600kgs per M3 cement is used the 7_oZ_S of pretensioning due to "sluggishness" could be higher than perM4 s3able values. High strergtl-, values of concrete are obtained by the --se of cement witlli increased actiVI-ty and slow mobility of oor_.~,rete mix.- U.-Ider th.!3e conditions the cement requirements are betwten 41.0-500kgs per --3. Sizes of the aggregate depend or the of the r~j.nforceme_it bare and the thickness of the xa-od.~;-.%. Careful g-_az.,j.1at_-*j:i of aggregates is requirad. Table 1 gives values fcz~r hardenIng under controlled cuzing condit-ions during a thrc!e m~7nt* _-'Peiiod foz concrete of vario-us nixc3 and w~!Ight-.-. Ficuze " 'llust-"ates graphs of the relationship of th-_ strength -f --tztfing cubes malle fzom fire concrete agLregate -id ;he tim~.4. Ta7:1.-_2 givej the values oil the Card 2/3 97-5W-4-5/14, Use of Fine,ffif7h Strerg*.h,,rnc-,e',e for Pre.-:7-elloei fieinforce~ Concrete Constructione. moduli of elastic.,ty and a--,130 3',rength values of erit cubes of cifte and pr-,sm vhapei3. F11,-uro- 2 illuttrateti grapho of the moduli of elantlcity of L,3:gt Oabe,~ wade fron fine ag&-,-egate concrete and theiz- crushi "rig s~r.--ngttx. Figure is a graph cf the relationship nf shrink.;nE vaiues of testing cubes based on small agCregate concrett-and the tire (24'bo,.zrs) 4 ill-ustrates a sirailar f7raph but taken a PI~ri,~d cf 5 r-onths. Fi-,n-,re 5- illustrates a graph of the of fine agCzegs-.e ccncrete Tab.1 e 3 e, i ves val,-, es fc, r z~ie " Z.3hnest-.` of -'I- es+ el ooacretes during a period of 1.45 days wKer, t'-- c-)--,::retes were 5i;b,4ected to central compressicz) of 60k-gs per cm Th-!-se were compared with thost of I.I. Ulitsi-4-y !.A. Iiuoinov az publiahed In Beton -i Zliclezobeton 1956. 1-2. Al~cording 0 K.S, Karapetyar. (Izvestiya All Arm SSR 19-2, TA 5, Yiv. 4 ) t-,~e tuff cc,,:(;z,,ete Mark 110 is used int~ns'~ . 4 - L - ty - jiC&z. 1'er C::~is expe-cted. Tab"-e 4 j~ives values of losse6 mea,,-,.jr,~td -a -et pp-.Iicds taking place ir centrally loaded elemen-;s 150kgs rer cm releasing of reinforce-ment- Card 3/3 SIMONOV. M.Z.. MATUZOV. T.G.[deaensedl Using concrete orlame in determining the comoreasive and tonflile strength of concrete* Ity, AN Arm.SSR*Ser. takh. nauk 11 ap 1. .1-31-36 158. kMLH 11:8) lo Institut stroymaterialov i sooruzhaniy Ministaretva stroitallstva ArmSSR. (Concrete--Test Lng) NLZAROV, A.G.; FIZIADZHYAN, T.V.: SIMDNDV, M.E. Revifws and 'bibliography. Izv. All Arm.SSR. Ser.tekhn.nauk 11 no.4;75 058. (MIRA 11:10) (Biblograpby-Technology) SIXONOV",Z., doktor tekh.nauk, prof.; KARAP19TYAN, K.S., kand.tekhn.natik Shrinkage and creep of lightweight concretes in prestressed construction elements. Bet. i shal.-bet. a 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Prestressed concrete) SIMONOVI M.Z.; URAPETYAN, K.S. Designing and manufacturing reinforded concrete trellis;poato for vineyards. Izv. AN Arm.SSR.Ser.tekh.nauk 13 40-3:5841 l6o. (Vi-Liculture Equipment and suppliev) (MIRA 14:1) ` SI NO NOV._ H. Z. tIN prof., doktor teldmonank "Production of concrete in large construction planteff by QeD.Pstiov. Reviewed b7 M.Z.Simonov. Mekh. stroie 17 no-12:24-25 D 160. WRA 13sl2) lo Chlea-korrespondent AN Arwranakoy SSR. (Petrov, G.D.) (Concrete plants) t SiNONOV M. Z. I I n0oncrete in -,mjor consti-uction projects" by G. D. Petrov. Reviewed by M. Z . Simonov. Irr. AV Arm, SSR. Ser. tekh.nauk -14 no,2:59-61 161. (Concrete construct-Ion) (MIRA 140) (Petrov, G. D.) SIMONOV, 14.Z., doktor tekhn.nauk; SARKISYAN, R.R., kand.tekhn.nauk; MANVELYAN, D.S., inzh.; 'EHIKW, R.M., inzh.; GYURDZHW?p A.R., inzh.; MALADZHYAII, P.A. Manufacturing precast thin-walled articles by guniting. Yekh. strol. 18 no-5:16-18 My 161. (MI-U 14:7) 1. Armyunukiy inatitut atroitellnykh"materialov. (Reinforced concrete construction) (Gunite) ml RIYEV p 1. M. , kiind. teklin. nauk; Sl!,IONQV, M. Z. , red. ; SHTEYNGEL I , A. S. , red.; BACPUVA, S., tekhn. red. [Technology and propertties of high-strength, fine concretes) Tekhnologiia i svoistva vysokoprochnykh melkozernistykh be- tonov. Baku, Azerne,%hr, 1961. 116 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Concete--Testing) SIKONOV, M. Z., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. The value of the coefficient of softening for poroum aggregates. Stroi. mat. 8 no-9:34-36 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Aggregaten(Building materials)-Testing) AKOFOV, A.A.; ATSAGORTSYAN. Z.A.; SP."_',*,T-j, M.Z.; STEP91YAN, V.A.; TER-AZARIYEV, LA , RODIV,-B.M.; STUGAREV, A.."., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy rea.; ZAYCHIKOVA, E.A., red.izd-va; USIMV, D.Ya... tekhn. red. (Production of natural stone wall materials and lightweight ag- gregates]Proizvodstvo pr1rodnykh kamennykh stenovykh materialov I legkikh zapolnitelei; sostoianie i perspektivy razvitiia. Mo- skva, Gosstroiizdat,, 1962. 211 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskly institut stroitellnykh materialov i sooruzheniy. 2. Armyanskiy nauchno-issledovatellnyy institut stroitelInykh materialov i sooruzhenly (for Akopov, Atsagortsyan, Simonov, Stepanyan, Ter-Azarlyev). 3. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut stroitellnykh materialov i izdeliy Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury tr1cr. SSR (for Rodin). (Building stones) (Aggregates (Building materials)) SIMONUV, M.Z.; AKOPYAN, G.G. New property of lithold pumice. Dokl. All Arm. SSR 36 no.l-. 39-43 163. (WRA 17:1) 1. Institut stroitellnykh materialov i sooruzhenly Gosstroya Armayanskoy SSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All Amyanskoy SSR (for Simonov). New de,.ice and methods for inveotipLting t, 'e prcperties of concrete mixes. lzv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. te;,h. nauk 17 nc,.7: 37-51 164. (MUd, P-12) 1. 'v',rr_vanskjy i'au chn ri 9 s I odovata P sk Jly lnstii~t 3troite.llnvkl,. S11,101107, 11.z. . an S. S. R. an . prospezts fol the Amen-i c' 1,7 ro.5:25-38 l'orou'! Stone val-~Ilials of 11,1~fj o Zein4 :10) theirputili zation. lzv. Ali Arm. S3,q. . tj,.LU7 164- A 3,:~Oruzllelliy- 1. 4vVanl~ciy In3titut Str or at eri V-1-011 ASI'R."AN.. A.1-1 I- I)IMI)INOV M,. -I1~ ~ ohwt:,))n~.-y ~,,,.Yovoditel I temy, prrf . I- ~ - , - -.- ~ of t;,;o pc;.):?fX;.ht,-eR olf uniiip vacuum '_,i c:oncr-.te technolcgy. iz-.,. All Arme ';SR- Sf-r~ naiik k,9 165. (MRA 18:7) I, tttM'YFtTIskl,.r i,.%:,titat stroitalinykh materialov :, goorinhenly. SINOMOV. N. Solenoid valve control diagram. Khol.tokh.33 ne.2:61-62 Ap-Je 156. (Kwu 9: 9) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)(Autematic control)