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SIMI(VESCU, Cr., prof* dr. ing.; ROMARIP, Gh., ing. - -ii~~od-and cellulose chemistry"' by III.I.Nikitin. Reviewed by Cr.Simionescu, Gh.Rozmarin. Cel birtie U no.7tZP-279 J1162 1. Membina corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Simionescu). L, lCrUp I., inIg.; SI,'41CYE3GUpQv.# p-rof. dr. ing. Recer.t f-,!Dn' ri but ions to liglzLn chemistry. Cel hirtie 11 no.c,'~t 313-319 ST62. - - 1. Go-reopondent ;s.1 Acader-ei R.P.R. (for Simioneseu) ~, ~- I CERNATESCU-ASANDS1., Agata; SIMiGIESCU, Cristofor, prof. Process of iignification in the Crown-Gall t=ors. Studii. chim Iasi 13 no.1:129-140 162. 1, Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., membru al Gamite- tului de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunctp "Studii A cercetari stiintifice, Chimie* - FAiala Iasi - (for Simionescu). S114IONWKU, MISTOFUR 1. [Simionescu, Cristofor 1.] Research on the suppression of the development of plant tumors (crown gall). Dokl. All SSSR 143 no.1:239-241 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Yasskiy politokhr-icheskiy institut, Rumynskaya Narodnaya Respublika. Predstavleno akademikom N.N. Semenovym. (Crown-gall disease) (Antioxidants) 5/190,/63/06/003/023/024 BIOI/B203 AUTHORS$ sinlonss4iu, C.9 Feldnang D.9 Vandrug F. TITLEs Photopolynerisation of acrylonitrile in a honogen*ous aediun F~RIODICALs VyookosolokulyarrWye soyedineniya# Y. 5, no. 3# 1963# 460-466 TEXTs The polymerization of aorylonitrile in malt solutions and in,dinothyl formamide (DXF) was studied during irradiation by a 3OO-v ultraviolet laxpo! The following salt solutions were used (in % by weight)s (a) 31.25 C&012 + 31.25 ZnCl + 37-5 9 01 (b) 62.5 ZnCl + 37-5 B 0. A solution of 2 2 2 2 1.537 g/liter Ce(30 acidified with 26.82 g/liter HClj served an 4)2*4H2OP initiator. The volume ratio monomer i initiator # solvent was I s 3 t 15* The conversion was higher in ZnC1 than in ZnCl + CaCl # reaching more 2 2 2 then-80% after 6 hre. Molecular weights of more than 400,000 were attained in CaGl + ZnC1 but were a little lower in Zn0l In DMF the degree of 2 2 2' conversion after 10 hre was only about 25% at OOC (optimum temperature)t and the molecular weight attained,only 26#000 - 34,000. Rates of polymeriw Card 1/4 -7 _0 OJO/00V 003 023 024 Photopplymerization of... B101/B203 tion (in.mols/1-seo) at 20OCs 29.6, in ZnCl 0 2 + CaC1 2; 36.3 in ZnG 0 cl 121 at 8.33 in DMF- The infrared spectrum showed that the polymer synthesized by i UVIrradiation did not differ from polyaorylonitriiee synthesized by other methods. There are 7 figures and I table, ASSOCIATIONt Inetitut khimii i fiziki:im. Pa. Poni Yaoskiy filial AN RNR (Institute of Chemistry 'and Physicsisioni R.'MU Iasi: Biraft-ch AS~ Rumanian People's Republio) SUBMITTEDs September 11t 1962 Card 2/2 SIMIONESCU, Gr., acad. prof.; ROZMARIN, Gh., ing.v candidat in ' ftlinte tehnice On the molecular configuration of cellulose according to the H. VasIliu concept and criticiBm of his concept in the light of modern theories. Cal hirtie 12 no.7:223-229 J'I 163. IMMARIN, G.N.; 311410fiESKU, Kr. ('01mionurcu,, Cr.j Problem of the polydispersion of some photochemically degraded celluloses. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1808 Ag 163- (MIRA 16-.1-1) 1. Ya9skly politeklinicheskly Institut, kafedra tsellyulozy, bumagi i iskusstvennogo volokna, Humyniya. ),) r, 1 ; 1~ I i -, . ion f,c) Crr ; ; : - of oss- , 1. on, tne and j+s d~-,r,-vatlve Roilm 9 no.1:65--` Ja '6,/ Rev clilmin cn r?rc t-Y Rev c 6 4 mo c u la r Ei inn n i it n cto 3-rn3itiZP739 r c,n c 0 t,i,o "'Petru Pon!" iristitnte of of til.3 Actidway, Ta-,L 1jr,inch, Gr.; FELDMAN, borel; OPRI.A, Suiridon Researcn on grafting viny-1 polyci- ,loride on cellulose and derivatives. Studii cerc chim 12 no. 1:61-70 Ja 'U+. 1. Department of Syntl.etic and Natural Macromolecules, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Iasi Polytechnic Institute. Of v~,f-WILIAP ',A"13.,;Uno vith the) aid of 'i tu .1. did. corc cni,m 164. of "I'etru Tord" institute c Vi i as SIMIONFSCU, (;r,, 1,11MU"EtANI), il. Acrylonltrlie polymerization in preserne of a-ime photosensib-IlIzers. Studl! cera chim 13 no.11:75?-762 N 164. 1. Zection of Macromolecular Chemistry, "Pet,TU Poni" Inatitute of Cl',emistry of the Rumanian Academy, 7aii Branch, 41 A Al. Gr. Ghica Voda Street. VASILIU-OPRH~A, Cleopatra; SIMIONESCUP Cr. Some aspects of the theory of radical polymerization. Rev c~imie Min Petr 15 noo7:390-403 T1 '64 FLORESCU, Mihall; DINCULESCU, C.; UENITESCU, C.D.,.-S-IMIONES"'U, SAVA, C.; MANOLESCU, Gh.; BRATU, Em. Fifteen years of activity in the service of the chemical inlustry. Rev chimis Min petr 15 no.12.713-719 D 164. 1. Minsiter of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry (for Florescu). 2. Corresponding Member of the Rumanian Acplemy, Chairman of the National Council of Engineers and Technicians 'for Dinculescu). 3. Chairman of the Section of Chemistry, Rumenian Academy (for Nenitescu). 4. Chairman of the Rumanian Academy, 1,si Branch (for Sirr~onescu)- 5. lli~:e President of the State Planning Committee (for Velea), 6. Director General of the Borzesti Chemical Concern (for Sava). 7. D*r-tor, IPRAN (for Manolescu). 8. Corresponding Member of the Rumanian Academy (for Brata',. HP !E, iic-,- on P uc r.,~ cr, rl 1r; t of somq lanLlanjl-;CS. F-C-Ul C'ririp F.0-1:7. 1. Section rX Macromolecubir Rumanian Ar~aderr i~ii ttei Jii-,.( of Cheidstry, 1, 1964. SIMIOVESGU, Claudia Observation on the Stieltjes-Riemann integrability in com- parison with a function which does not present a limited variation. Commicarile AR 13 no.12: 1043-1046 D163. 1. Institutul politehnic Brasov; comunicare prezentata. de academician Miron Nicolesau. 0- .1, prcfOosor-~ POPPIL, Zmanoil SIKO~~j ~i;, g .,,LSimcnesku, Krintofor- g, Mppa" , manual]. inzhenar. Paper sizing (in neutral media). Bum.prom.31 no.12:7-9 D 156. (NLRA 10:2) 1. Chlan..,korrespondent Akademii nauk Rumynakoy Narodnoy Reepubliki (for Kristofor). 2. TS,31lyuloznc-,bumazhnoye otdeleniye Yasekoro politakhnicheskogo Instituta (for Poppel). (Rumani& -Sizing (Paper)) wj~I r0. A 7~' 195? .,,lro,,- erin on,; t~u .~i i;t ch~!mical Croduct- zn,' 'Tit f-., i rI ic Lt I cmi; . Fermcrit at i r~,111 I P.'IUS t r V. Abs Jour: .~cf Z;-,zr-"Lhimiya, 1)53, i~;o , 13~-55. Author Sifnon~.,scu, I drist tl-t given. T I t I in Win,~!s. (-,rig Pub: Y(~chri. noua, 195f3., 5, 1,1,2 137, 3. A bs trac t: of i,iines is causcd by thv pressure of oyld,-sr prodliccd by thc fuagus 3otrytis cinerea, ,.Tiiich activr-ly dovelops throv.91i al large quantity c, cf~.)oslts during grape harlicst and which changss into If the wash Is n-t treated wlLh, or Is itisufflci7ntly tre-.,ted, with, 502 a-id If the wine test itri nir dv~rkcns in 12 hotirs., an addition is recom-,icaded (f(,-r destruction of th-, oxldE~se) of 4 g of condensel 50 2 or 80 ml of a 5Z solution to Card 112 Ila Sll4OlJZ3GU, J. A Nodern mathod3 and o~' :-:crp;lolo6.r in ondocrinolo.-A-cal investigations. I.. Generali-kAes, Ro3olvent -Acroscopy. Phyaical mic-roo~-opy, 3tud. corcet. endoer. 13 no-3:341-359 162. (MICROSCOPY) (MIDOCRINOLOGY diagno3is) (MOPHOLOGY) SDIOIIESCU$ N. La-ination of accessory adrenal cortices in some mammals. Stud. cercet. endocr. 13 no.6:80&809 162. (ADMAL CORTEX) SIMMIESKIJ.14. [Si GOLIDSH' MIT, M. sys Lem 1,C T". he, -1 Probl. 901no'rlol"re of Mrl,~ li.-Ter (,qplc~~:n (MIRA 17:1) ,q, -i.1 K.I.Pa 1-z' Ir.-st Bukares' :1 114;- , ". i ~ t~ , - , - " I . . - . . - - . A new ex-perimi~.~,ntiil n,liqll: 5-1.1~Dlosls in wnl~e rats. Stud. c"-rcet, 1~5 r-n,2: -'!`-12~ 1 ~-,' . DRAGULL15M, C., prof.; SIMONESCU, T..- ANTON, R. Utilization of the anthranilic-N, N-diacetic acid as the reagent in chalatometry. 1. Direct chelatmetric titration of copper with the anthranille-N, N-diacetic acid and murexide. II. Direct chelatometric titration of thorium with the pyrocatechin Violet. ITT. Chelatometric determination of nickel by the retitration with a solution of copper in the presence of murexide. Studii chem Timisoara 6 no.1/2:21-39 Ja-Je 160. (EEAI 10:3) 1. Academia RePeR., membru corespondent al Academiei Republicii Populare Romine; Comitetul de redactle, Studit si cercetari stiInte chimice, redactor responsabil (for Dragulescu) (Anthranilic acid) (Acetoacetic acid) (Murexide) (Nickel) (Chelatometr7) (Copper) (Thorium) (Pyrocatechol Violet) DRAGULESCU, 0., Prof.; sIMONESCU, T.;-HENESEY, I.; ANTCN, R. Metallic complexes of the anthranilic-N, N-diacetic acid. Studii chin Timisoara 6 no-3/4:9-19 Jl-D 159. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, membru correspondent al Academiel R.P.R.; Comitetul de redactie, Studii al cercetari stiinte chimice, redaetor responsabil (for Dragulescu) (Complex compounds) (Metals) (Anthranilic acid) (Acetoacetic ac-..d) (Chelatometry) (Colorimetry) (copper) (Thorium) (Nickel) (Silver) (Sodium) LRAGULESCU, C., prof.~ SIMONESCU, T.; MENESSY9 I. On the photocolorimetric titration of thorium vith the pyrocatechol violet. Studii chim Timisoara 6 no.3/4:21-26 Jl-D 159. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R.; Comitetul do redactie, Studii si cercetari stlinte chilicep redactor responsabil (for Dragulescu) (Colorimetry) (Thorium) (Chelatometry) (PYrocatechol Violet) DRAGULESCU, Go, prof.; SIMONESCU, To; ANTON, R. Titration of barium and lead with the use of sodium sulfate in the presence of the complex thorium-pyrocatechol violet (VPC) as indicator. Studit chim Timisoara 6 no.3/4:27-32 JI-D 159. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, membru corespondent al Academiel R.P.R.; Comitetul de redactie, Studii si cercetari stiinte chimice, redactor responsabil (for Dragules.-u) (Barium) (Lead) (Sodium sulfates) (Pyrocatechol Violet) (Chelatometry) (complex compounds) DRAGULESCU, C., prof.; SIMCNESCU, T..!, MENESSY, I.; ANTCN, R. Metallic complexes of the anthranilic-N,N-diacetic acid. II. On the comples [FeIII-ANDA]. Studii mat Timisoara 7 no.1/2:9-13 Ja-Je 160. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Membru correspondent al Academiel R.P.R., Comitetul de redactle, Studil si cercetari, StUnte chimice, Baza de Cercetarl stUntifice Timisoara, redactor responsabil (for Dragulescu). (Compex compounds) (Benzisoxazole) (Acetoacetic acid) (Iron) DRAGULESCU, C., prof.; SIMONESCUs To; LAZARaUCU% Do Titration, of thorium with hypophosphoric acid in the presence of the pyrocatechin violet "WC.0 Studii mat Tinisoara 7 no.1/2:15-20 Ja-Je 160. (EUI lOz4) 1. Membru corespondent al Acadeniei R.P.R., Cmitetul de redactie, Studi si cercetar, StUnte chimiceo Beta de Cercetari atiintifice Timisoara, redactor responsabil (for Dragulescu). (Thorium) (Pyrocatechol Biolet) (Hypophosphoric acid) OSTROGOVICH, G.; SIMCNESCU, T. Stxfdies in the field of symmetrical triazines (New Series). I. On the nonsaturated, poorly aromatic, character of the s-triazinic ring; observations on the behavior of the lattor to magnesium organic compounds. Studii %at Timisoara 7 no.1/2:69-97 Ja-Je t6o. (EsAI 10:4) 1. Laboratorul de chimie orgnica al Institutului Politehinic 9i Sectia de chimie a Bazei de cercetari stUntifice a Academiei R.P.R. Timisoara. (Triazine) (Ring compounds) (Aromatic compounds) (Organic compowida) (Magnesium) DRAGULESCU, C., prof.; SIMONESCU T - MUNESSY I. Photocolorimetric determination of copper with XNDA. Studii chim Timisoara 8 no.1/2:113-116 Ja-Je 161. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei Republicii Populare Romine; Comitetul do redactie, Studii, oi cercetari, 11 tiinte chinice (Aca- demia Republicil Populare Romine, Baza de Cercetari Stiintifice Timisoaral, redactor responsabil (for Dragulescu). (Copper) (Anthranille acid) (Acetoacetic acid) DRAGULESCU, C., prof.; SIKONESCU, T.; MENESSY, I.; ANTON, Rozalia Metallic complexes of the anthranilic-L R-diacetic acid. Note III. Studii chim Timisoara 8 no.1/2:9-15 JTa-Je '61. 1. Yombru corespondent al Academiei Republicil Populare Ronine; Comi- tetul do rodactie, Studii si cercetari, attinte chbdee [Acadozia, Republicii Populare Romine, Baza do Cercetari Stiintifice TilLisoaral,, redactor responsabil (for Dragulescu). (Organometallic compounds) (Anthranilic acid) (Acetoacetic acid) DPIMI-ESCH, C.; SIMONEISCU, T.; M'I-,IIE-',,SY, I.; ANTON, R. Metallic complexes of anthranildiacetic acid and their analytic utilization. Rev chimie 7 no. 1: 161-167 16-1). 1. Academie de la R.P.R.J. -Phase scientifique de Timisoara. 2. Membre Correspondant de I'Academie de la R.P.R. (for Dragulese i) DRAGMESCU, CIr prof.; SIMONESCUp T.; VILCMIM,, Nicoleta Spectrophotometric determination of indium with Pyrocatechin Violet. Studii chim Timisoara 9 no.1A :27-31 Ja-Je 162. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R... membru al Comitetului do redactie si redactor responsabil, "Studii A cercetari,, Stiinte chimice* - Timisoara - (for Dragulescu). DRAGUIESCU, C., prof.; MUIESSY, I.; ANTON., Rozalia,- 44~iqIIESCU,_ T-.,-- Metallic complexes of the diacetic anthranilic acid. Note IV. Reaction of the complex Fe-AVDA with H202. Studii chim, Timisoara 9 no.1/2:t7-66 J&-Je 162. 1. Membru -corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., membru al Comitetului. de redactie si redactor responsabil, "Studii A cercetari, Stiinte chimicelt - Timiao&ra - (for Dragulr.-scu)* DWiGULESCU, C., prof.; SIMONESCU, T.; VILCEANUI Nicoleta Metallic complexes of the diacetle anthrwdlic acid. Note V. The complex In-AIMA. Studii chim Timisoara 9 no,1/2:67-70 Ja-Je 162o 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R., membru al Ccmitetului de redactie si redactor responsabil, "Studii si cercetari., Stiinte chimice" - Tlmlsoara- (for Dragulescu). L)RAi,*J1.mXU , C . , a ca,i . ; S I, '4'. ; Ir , I. I On the reaction Lw3tween anthranil-A acid, rf-diacetic, (kNDA) and chloride of zirconyl in sthanolic medium. Pt. 1. Studii chim Timlsoara. 10 n(-.1%7-tl Ja-Je 163. I URAGUL~..SGII, C., acad.; ENACH-w, M.: SIX(11:~E.-.,iJ, T. Obtaining sodium hypophosphate3. Studi-i chim Tijrilsoara 10 nc.l: 23-30 Ja-,Te 163. Silvia; SUIIACIU, Ch.; MUIJ,6it-BAiiT --I, Rodica Changes in the interoceptive reflex reactions as related to the reactivity off the myometrium in various sexaal hormonal stages during pregnancy and confinement. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.3A:231-234 160. (PREGNANCI physiol.) (UTERUS irmerv. ) (PLHIPHLAAL IIMVFZ physiol.) (SEX MOXIES physiol.) Toxicolor~y, v D r f Zhur 'Aul., .`u a), 105~), ,!o 94239 L.; 5i;.,ionottil 0. lot i,/~,n -L it L of A2 Uorin't. -,;c;omr-u. ,.nd -voLm Disurders Durirv-~-, with 3.,rpcsil. ~?c:v. (PLP-1-0, 1957, 3, 'lo. 6, 4-"-51. .4brAi~au, G ~'jijj, c:zg,.,;.,,, d-3cribcd, of of i7, Li t`i~.- for,.i of an lncr(.,c.- c.,~ in blood prcsovlru and th-~ of aor- vouE! disorl~~rj in p,~,tLDrits with nypertoniz, who pi.-,) (I) for IV - 10 0--riou'ln..'ss 01' lid r--b dcnulld C-1-1 Gravity C,-Lr,l 1/2 30 NW3A, L., dr.; SIMONETTI, 0,. dr~; BAIIIIG-Ali 1, 9., dr.: lljj.~L~ILL.3cU, I., dr. Chronic dermatomyositia with viscoral ona,it, Mod. intern., Bucur 12 no.11:1713--1?17 11 160. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Spitalul unificat, Dej. (M'J4ATO!'ffOSiTIS case reports) (GASTRWITAWLOGY) (BILI-I DUCTS disehses) (KIDN."Y DISUSES itiology) SIMONFFY, Geza What news in the Research Institute of the Paper Indust ? Musz elet 16 no.8:4 Ap 161. (EEAI 10:97 (Hungary-Paper) SIMONFFY, Geza _, _ Now building units for our telecommunication technique. Musz elet 16 no.15:11 JI f61. (Telecommunication) SIMONFFY,.Geza What news in the Research Institute for Mineral Industries? Muss *let 16 no.17:2 Ag 161. (Hungar7-Mineral industries) SuIlOrIFFY, C832a From the electronic ladybird to the automatic car driver. MuBz elet 16 no.18;7 '61. SIMONFFY, Geza What is the situation in the IKGKTI? Musz elat 16 no.23:4 N 161. L 1-11(41'~,'Fy , GOza ,', otrange optical phenomenon and its Pven stranger applications. -let tud 19 no.31:1454-1456 31 Jl 164. SIMONFFY, Geza Flectric current frcm atomic enfirgy. Elet tud 19 no.45. 2124-2127 6 S 164. SIMONFFY, Gaza Freshwater from the sea. Elet tud 20 no.8:339-344 26 F 165. SIMUNFFY, Goza Right and left in nature. Elet tu~! 20 no.!P,:~19-322 -, Yj '65. liare Quality improvement of sizing fabrics by means of synthetic yearn blends. Magy textil 16 no. 2:74-78 F 164. 1. Textilipari Kutato Intezet. Cf t-C or: :~o Etat; C:". l.-. .'r, cle. c-a,-,-C- of the 5"*.xI, ,-Acz, janas. :~r. C-1-ler phys~cia.-. in cl-lar"it of lzl,~:.atory. C., v-;;,. Pari Al:atorvo.--,~ z!lCr,.;.-zo szol,-,aiat. B6~z;,-r;4t :-.. xl-rc.-.cellts.. e e r, -.32-.Pontt 1, kluora tor "C~ th., 7rc~d.!nCe or natr Cy5tlccrco~;~L as to ;'Iro by Vol 22. No 1. iz.-. 67. ;.a,'Co 1-9 of in a ta cy!; ticercosils , 110, ~80 c a wr a a cc o:*.5-.*.-.C tz) :U-.-cnt 5.547 of them by Incition of additicn.'.1 p:c- -~rau-Z5 by th(. v1sual lnsp~ctlon of muscle5 ex-poLe;l. the proce:,s. -,hi additional incis'lons were rrale Into y -'Jr C-05. heart, acct:arory ntzxles of the tor.,,uf-. dtap~ra.-,.n. after rw%oval of a I L:IQ SU.703a 3,ld throat mu:;cles. T'he Improwl methods resultez~ Ir. "nrce-fold increase in pos'.t',ve findln,:s. For this rearon, the c~Lngln., of cu.-rcnt Int,pect'lon rerulations to include the testing of Vr.-- muncles descril-'ej is ,--!com.-.f.-nded. Of 41 references, about 16 are Fastern European. the rest are Western. I /I r. Y: !,,ctc-r4.nary vl - ,-don not -*~!Orft'Aftedl Of t-t*,'-, iali 21 tr" ve~ -.-Inary mtldu, pet, A I Vn~ 1, k IA,),a Vol 1:" s.0 12, lu~lc ',,,p t.: 1,,~dl Cn I :r- Itest- n l-,Pal`ny cat, "rne!: ird it nr 'I on s, r rs en v 5n -!.~P FACA 'Aac.-ae ellae were ^-Cl~ae In fewer ca.-;es, :Alrx; =.rd her.-Aytle were m.erenrue accom Ila ng to -Ardclri ct.,Inadr~ c~ -toue 04, be 9 Vlq.~. of "ho ;I w 1. Ily i k,ontt-nt of meat thtl phy- C, Z, - chemical S;MONGULOV, V.A.; ROYNISHVILl. S.V. Choleatrol variation in Botkin's diseasn. Soob.nX Gruz.SSR 23 no.2:215-218 Ag '59. (mm-, 13:2) 1. Thillsiskiy gosudarstvennry mediteinoldy institut. Frodstavleno Mcademikom K.D.Bristavi. (CHOLESTML) (HEPATITIS. IlURCTIOUS) ~IMGITGULOV) -V.A.; GEGIYAp T.N. Electrocardiographic changes during acute poliouqelitiso Soob. AN Gruz, SSR 27 no.6:779-783 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Tbilisskly institut usovershenstovaniya vrachey. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN Gruzinskoy SSR X.P, 0 Chikovani [decaased]. (r-OLIOMYEUTIS) (EI=ROCARDICGRAPHY) SIMONGULOV, V.A.; TSIITSUNAIIA,, M.N.; CEGIYA,, T.P. Changes in the internal organs during acute poliomyelitis. Trudy Thil. GIDUT 0173-177 162. (MIU 160) (POLIOCIMTIS) (VISCERA-DISEASES) SIKONC-ULTA-JI.-I-.QL---,,,,, Increasing the vitality of cotton progeny by additional fertilization with heterogeneous pollen. Isv.AN Arm.SU.Blol.t sellkhot.mmukt. 4 no.3:275-281 151. (KLIA 9:8) 1. Institut genettki i selektall rastenly Akmdmii nauk ArwMmskoy SSR. (Cotton brooding) SIMONGULYAN, N. G. Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "The role of pistillate pollenA in the 1. -,.!i -I I C~j cross-potlination of different -kiadSAof cotton pI&mAwk-.-' Tashkent. 1957. 16 pp 22 am. ~ i t~- ,-) - Ac8d Soi Ttu-kmen SSR. of Biol and A#r Soi), 150 copies (KL, 15-57, 105) -16- U5SE / General Biology Genetics. B Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 38068. Author :~~.WAZLlyanLN. G. Inst Not given. Title The Role of 1,7aternal Variety Pollen in Hybridi- zation. Orig Pub: Izv. AN UzSSR. Ser. biol. 1957, No 2, 25-32. Abstract: Data are given proving, in the author's opinion, that in crossing different varieties of cotton- plants within the limits cf Gossypium hirsutum species, an admixture of maternal variety pollen causes it to interact with pollen of another var- iety, which creates a more normal physiological medium for germination. The presence of alIqualit- ative interaction" of different varieties of pol- len bears witness to the plural character of ger- mination. There is no statistical evaluation. Card 1/1 29 SIMOIMLYAN, N.G. (Tashkent) Effect of the conditions of pollination on selectivity in intervarietal crossing of cotton. Agrobiologiia no.2:31-34 Mr-Ap '57. (MLM 10: 5) L.TSentrallmiya selektalonnaya stantslya Soyuza nauchno-18810dovatell skogo khlopkovogo instituta. (Cotton breeding) (Fertilization of plants) SINUNOWLYAN, N.G., kand.blol.nauk. Additional data on the flowering and fruiting of corn. Agro- b1ologila no.4:4q-52 Jl-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Vaesoyuzrqy ordena Lenina nauchno-isaledovatellskiy Inutitut k'hlopknvodstva, Toontrallnaya nelaktsionnaya stantelya, g. Tanlikent. (corn (maize)) DkDkBAYEV, A.D.; SIM11GULYA11, N.G. Dynamics of the accumlation of fruiting element3 in cotton varieties with a compact plant. Uzb. biol. zhur. 6 no.2:11-16 162, (MIRA 15-4) 1. Institut selaktsii i semenovodstva khlopchatnika Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva. (COTT011--miETIES) DADABAYKV) A.D.; SIMONGULYAN, N.G. Photosynthetic capacity of the leaves of different cotton varieties and their yield. Fiziol. rest. 1.1 no.5:812- 817 S-0 164. (MIRA 17s10) 1. Scientific Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Growing of Cotton, Tashkent. SIMONGULYAN, N.G. Effect of various light conditions on the development of cotton. Uzb. biol. ahur. 8 no.4t24-29 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut selektaill, i semenovodstva khlopchatnika. S11MON I ,JRr;13 Z PInv.; U1.1 N,,K' I ,:If fir, I .: 1 n v ,mp ;' Crlterl% for selpc"t= of :iqvice.'3 for wat;~r in -,rjj.qrs. . .1 1. t~4 , Go3p wolnn 24 no . I I :.' ")-,'4" 'N I 1. Laboratory of Water Supply for Ag-,.cl.iitural Centers, ln3titute of 3oll Improvement and ;Irrass!Ands, War3aW. SAWICKI, Vladyslaw, doe. dr; SIMONI, Janusz, inz. ,r"otintefti nolinatt, or um ittl1lantion of installsitions far water supply for agr1culturo and villngns. Goop v(x1not 25 nn.203-N. V 165. 1. Laboratory of Water Supply for Agriculture, Institute of Soil Improvement and Grasslands, Wkrsaw. YUGO 3L.,.v j:./cjj,~,-,-ijc ~-l Tximclogy. and Th(Ar Us~-;So Poxt Abs J,3m, : Ruf Zhu1--Kb1Ay,-q No loithor :Slri:-~nic, JoskD G-ig aib :Tuhnik-,.7 1957s 129 N 11, N,~~ ill 172-177 ,'.b!~,tract :N-. --~bstr-.ct. C,ird : 1/1 Prl'~durt.-) III. Food Industry. 152 19513, 51^003 11, Pr-1-hr-1nbjrC,. tril.) qt~ T, ur J, 23 'nc ~ ~1.1 -,i ~~ ,- , ;."L -i: , I - ."'. - , - ,. L ; " ~ ~t v VN ~ ',--- :~-- : "D . N ~ . L a !j Z,.1 r4cf~t ~!, ?t,,! tt [-,,- CV 4 jr, 1) i. . .. . 5 2 1 f"" 'L E: -],~) -I() rl;) .i.A. , - 1. - - -.1 ; a:. f-, , : -:~.-)., . i-,, . Nola inz. P q,9ft" De-~,ergent additives in petrolaum industry. Nafta Jug 13 no,U/.12:495-499 N-D 162. 1. Rafinerija rafte., Rijeka. S I14ON IC )1 11 t la, inz. De'.ergent additives in petroleum industry. N&fta jug 13 no, 11/12:495-1+99 11-D 162. 1. Petroleum Refinery, Rijeka. L -e., - , prote-ti-ja o, t .''j *" no.110:813 Y_ 1~ , - r. 0 1 --' 4. ~K&re SDIONI(;~ 1 dimmm~- Conference of the Czechoslovak Technological Society on building operations in winter* Poz starby 11 no*7:402-403 163, SIMONICEK, Karel Help of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technological Society in the use of chemical products in the building industry. Poz stavbv 12 no.9:396 164. , -, I L. - A 401IN" V , ~~:rE 1 (in induLstrializat,,c,n of j,;4 ; lec,"'. ` 6 F,0~6- 0-9 -611 Ag 'U. ! "1' 14; ~ i J. ~~: " : ... i'l /I ~,, ", - ,,, -I " ! - , "I - I I 1 1' "1' It - 1, 1 '. . , , f '', ,, .1 1 t ". . simmICEK, K. Special conference of the Rtilding Section of the Cbschoslo- vak Scientific Technological Society in 1963. Pow stavby 11 no.112626 163. 40ROZOV, I.S.: KORSHUNOV, B.G.; SIMONICH, A.T. Thermal and tenaimetric study of systems: TaC15 -- AlC13 H&CI and KbC15 -- AIC13 -- XaC1- Zhur.neorg.khim. I no-7:1646- 1657 Jl 156. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khtmii Imeni N.S. Kurnakova Akademil nauk SSSR i Moskovskly institut tonkoy kbimichaskoy tekhnologii imeni N.V. Lomonoiova. (Chlorides) . I- - j 7 . ~,- I Ir -1 . - - MOROZOV. I.S.; SIMONICH, A.T. Thorml and tensimetric anaylysis of the system TaCl AlCl - 5 -- .3 OnCl. Zhur. neorg. khim. 2 no.8:1907-1914 Ag 157. (MIRA 110) (Tantalum chlorides) (Aluminum chloride) (Cesium chloride) 3/078/61/006/004/013/018 B107/B216 AUTHORS: Morozov, I. S., Simonich,-L. T-.,- TITLEs Thermal and tensizetric investigation of the systems T&CI 5 - FeCl 3 - N&C1 and ZrC1 4 - FeCl 3 -Nacl PERIODICALi Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no- 4, 1961, 937-943 TEXT: Three cuts and a number of additional points of the ternary system TaCl 5 - FeCl 3 -NaC1 were investigated (Fig. 1). The following points of four-phase equilibria were determineds E, with about 2 mol*% of Tacl 5 48 mole% of NaCl, and 50 mole% of FeCI 3 at 1450C; E 2 with 2 mole% of TaCl 59 47 mole% of NaCl, and 51 mole% of F*C1 3at 1440c, and the peritectic point P with 3 mole% of TaCl 5' 49 mole% of NaCl, and 48 mole% of Foci 3 at 1470C (Fig. 2). The system TaCI 5 - N&FeC1 4 constitutes a quasi-binary cut. The vapor pressure was determined for three mixtures at temperatures between 150 and 5000C- For a mixture of 24.4 mole% of TaCl 59 18.5 mole% Card 1/5 S/078/61/006/004/013/018 Thermal and tensimetric investigation... B107/B218 of FeCl 3Y and 57.1 mole% of NaCl, the vapor pressure of TaCl 5 may be expressed by the equation log p - 3180 + 7.5. A vapor pressure of FeCl T is practically absent. It follows from the tensimetric investigations that pure Tantalpentachlorid free from iron or aluminum chloride can be obtained by distillation in the presence of sodium chloride. The boundary system Fecl 3 - ZrCl4 and six cuts of the system ZrCl 4 - recl 3 -NaC1 were studied. At 3000C, this system forms a eutectic with 20 wt% of ZrCl 4 and 80 wt% of FeCl 3' In the ternary system, the following points of four-phase equilibria were determined (Fig. 3)t E 2 with 28 wt% of NaCl, 68 wt% of FeCl 3' and 4 wt% of ZrCl4 at 1350C; E 1 with 8 wt% of ZrCl 4, 68 wt% of FeCl 3P and 24 wt% of NaCl at 147OC; E with 9 wt% of ZrCl V 70.5 wt% of FeCl3, and 20.5 wt% of NaCl at 1450C. Tensimetric measurements of three samples (300-6900C) showed that it is not possible to distill zirconium chloride free from ferric chloride by adding NaCl. B. G. Korshunov is Card 2/5 S/078/61/006/004/013/018 Thermal and tensimetric investigation... B107/B218 mentioned. Thore are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 8 references: 6 Soviet - bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as foll OW 5t C. M. Cook. Ir. J. Amer. Chem. Soo., 81, no- 3, 535 (1959); H. F. Johnston, H. C. 'Neingartner, W. E. Winsche, J. TM-er. Chem. Soo., �A, 241 (1942). SUBMITTED: July 20, 1960 Fig. lt Inner cuts of the system TaCl 5 - FOCI 3 - NaCl. Legend: x) W* liquid. lit haterts"O"N I WIC14 TOC13 ~f - ~Tr ri, Nafft'40 ae WIN Nsrect3 "a3#"a3'ftFft14! Av%mn 9 0 0 'nTICIS a 0 M V%Fttlj etc % % C! Card 3/5 MOROZM, I.S..- LIPATOVA, N.P.; SIMUNICH, A.T. Theval md tensimetric studies of the system IRGI 5 - ZrQ1 - KGL Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.l.-172-176 Ja 163. (MIU it: 5) 0 lo -Lnstitut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Chlorides) (Thermal Analysis) (Vapor premoure) NANOBASHVILI, re.M.; SINDNIDZE, M.Sh,j BAXHTADZE, I.G. Kffqct of ultraviolet rays on the colloidal solutions of silver and gold. Trudy Inst.prikl.khim.i elektrokhim.AN Gruz.SSR 33129-136 162. (MIRA 16d) Oliver) (Gold) (Ultraviolet rays) S/135/62/000/004/013/016 Y 10 A006//Alol AUTHORS: Simoni%. Vavulo, I. V., Engineers TITLE: Removal of cracks In the weld crater of aluminum alloys in argon-arc welding PHRIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo. no. 4. 11G,62. 34-33 T,--,,'kT: CracR for7rarion In weld joint craters depends on the pool volume a.nd the metal cooling rate. The cooling rate can be reduced by ensuring tile gradual decrea.-,e cif the current voltage. Tests were made with the aid of a welding rheostat of power supply source 'V~7"-350 (IPK-350) with rectilinear or exponential current decrease. The electric-driven stepped rheostat is corlected to the magnetizinE circuit of the saturation throttle. It has 11, steps of 300 ohm total resistance. The consecutive connection to the circuit of different resistances, ranging from R, - 1.43 to R11, u 152 ohm, ensures changes in the welding current, which approach the rectilinear law. These changes of resist- ance values regulate the rotation of the rotor and the time of wrelding-up the crater. Best results are obtained if the welding-up time is 8 - 10 sec. The described mechanism. ensuring the rectilinear decrease of welding current, can Card 1/2 S11 35/62/0,:~0/004/013/016 Removal of cracks in the weld crater ... A006/A101 be reco.-mmended for the welding-up of craters in automatic and manual process and to remove cracks In the weld crater. The mechanism can be recor.7nended for allu,minum alloys and other crack-sensitive metals and alloyzi. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 407 9 33 S/125/62/000/010/004/004 ?) D040/D113 AUTHOA: ii!.Iollik, (Moskva) TTTI~6: Jome reasons for porosity in welds on X-Ig5 alurrlinum~mamiesium alloy Axtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 10, 1962, -37-40 T,~W: The result., are given of experLments in a'rgon-arc welding with a con- sumable c1cetrode and a double-duct welding nozzle of a design analogous to that used by A.A. 3mith and P.T. Houldcroft (High-Current Inert Gas Metal-Arc Welding of Alwninimii, "British 'delding Journal", no. 9, 1958). The study was conducted ~jo as to finC wayzi of avoiding pores in welds oil All r.5 (A.N1,;5) alloys. The no::::Ic desi-ri is illustrated. Fully sound welds could be achieved in 10 run thick ,'L11,,,5 specimens in welding with 2 nmi chick luX,,5 electrode wire at a certain ;'as- flow rate, 320 -~ 360 ajap and IS 4 30 m/hr welding speed. The weldin-, tech,Aque is de5crioed in detail. Sound ifelds were only possible usim, a double-duct nozzle and pecific welding current and speed values. Duralm-An proved to be 'itive than AAc,5. Conclusions: Tile porosity of welds on Xlfg5 metal i,iore sells card 1/2 J,);;ie reasous for porosity ii, wel.d.,i ..... cat-, be reduced by incraasin~; the widing speed and welding current. This is pos--iibLe it' the arc can be dependably shielded from ga.3. In an editorial 110ce iz i:i ~Itated that if a double-duct nozzle is used, arjLon constu.iption Li hi.,11, which in turn ;iakcs it diffl:cult ti olmerve the arc-burnin- and weld L'omiation process; ;.iulti-pass weldim- and correction of defccts is practically impojsible. Mere are 4 fj.,,ures. SUMITI-LD: January 18, 1962 Card 2/2 _L _3Zk22-65 EPA W-21EIdT(m)IS14A (d)/EWP(v) /T/rdP(t)/ZWP(k)/8WP(b)/4-WA(c) ACCESSION NR: AP 5007339--Pf~.4 M~V/JD/11W- 616135165106610031002910030 AUTHOR: Simonik, A. G. (Engineer) 219 TITLE: Stabilization of the a-c arc in argon-shielded are welding of structural sb3mb SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodetvo, no. 3, 1965, 29-30 TOPIC TAGS: welding, argon shielded are welding, T1g welding, structural steel welding, carbon stee velding,loy alloy steel,,welding, arc stabilization/VUD steel, VKSl steel ABSTRACT: Several methods of stabilizing.the a-c arc in argon-sbielded are welding of such low-alloy structural steels as cromansil, VLID, d VKS1 have been tested.. A chemical oxidation of the base metal and filler e_Xd the addition of 0.3-1.0%' oxygen to argon ensured a satisfactory, stable arc in welding with or without filler wire. No difficulties were encountered with oxidation. At an oxygen content in argon not exceeding 1%, the life of the tungsten electrode is not shortened. oxygen introduced into a protectIve atmosphere decarburizes the weld metal. The degree of' decarburization depends upon the composition of the base metal and filler wire. The decarburization of VXS1 steel varies from 0.02% in welding without filler wired L 37699-65 ACCESSION NR: AP50OT339 to 0.065% In velding with VLID filler vire; that of VLJD steel amounts to 0.05% when VLID filler vire is used. Other alloying elements are oxidized much less than: carbon. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. [ND) ASSOCIATIONi none SUBMITTED# 00 ENCL! 00, SUB CODE, MH, IE~ NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS: 32L8 Cari 2/2 NRt SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/003/0014/0016 AUTHOR: Simonik. A. G.; Lobanovskaya, Ye. P.; Vasillyeva, E. N. OD OR G: none TITLE: Resistance of superstrength steel welds to cold cracking~ SOURCE: Svarochnoye proisvodstvo, no. 3, 1966, 14-16 TOPIC TAGS: superstrength steel, steel welding, steel weld, weld failure, delayed failure, fail e use ptability/VLID st SP43 ur e eel,,FP25T steel, Veel ABSTRACT: lia-ee superstrength steels Mp EP25 and SP43, have been tested for the susceptibility of welds Eo _delayed_f_a_f_1~re_- The quality of shielding was found to be the primary'factor affecting the susceptibility to delayed failure. Under shielding conditions approaching those of a controlled-atmosphere chamber, a-C yields welds of the same quality as d-c does. As the shielding becomes less effi- cient, the quality of the a-c welds drops more rapidly than that of d-c welds. The VLlD'steel welds made with conventional shielding (argon consumption, 12 X/min) with d-c failed under an average stress of 48-5 kg/mm2 compared to 32 kg/=2 for welds made with a-c and the same shielding. The use of a-c of a higher frequency with an almost fully rectified half-period of reversed polarity improved the weld ,quality almost to the same level as that of d-e welds. The resistance to delayed fa-1 lure can be greatly improved by holding the welds (without tempering) at room Curt! L 20681-66 ACC NRt AP6008813 112 temperature for several days. The VLlD steel tebu- v~~e 2 --Aintely after welding g failed under an average stress of 30 kg/mm , The same weA.,Iz stoz,-- . - _ , _ A %Lys at t room temperature failed under an average stress of 120 kg/mm2, A simi;..,r beLta.-,- _ 13. j[DVjr- - was observed in the other two superstrength steels. Orig. art. has: T figures. [bVJr---,--. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ BUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0061 ATD PRESS: ~'j 2 .3 -Card 2/2 ,9k~(d)/91P(v)/T/ NRC I R( W/ L 22413-66 EA7 (0 )/4~iT(T)/ "W (w)/ F.- tVL k JEKA, ETC M ACC NR, AP6004139 Ijp(r JD/ANW/ SOURCE CODE: Ult/0125/66/000/001/0043/004 9 HM/EM AUTHOR: Xurkin, A. S.; Luklyanov, V. F.; Meshaykin, N. S.; SiMnA, A. G. ORG: (Kurkia, Luk'yanov, Meshaykinj MVTU is. Bauman TITLE! Tests of base metal, welded joints and models of thin-welled vessels of EP257 high-strength steel SOURCE: Avtomaticheskay& avarka, no. 1, 1966, 43-49 TOPIC TAGS: hydraultc bucklingg metal test, tensile test, veld evaluation, pressure vessel, high-strength steel/ EP257 high strength steel ABSTRACT: The use of high- ,,,sSrength steels as the material of thin-valled welded ves- sels working under pressureVhas shown that the danger of rupture of the vessels in th presence of mean stresses lower than the ultimate strength of the base metal P the greater the higheirUthis ultimate strength is. In this connection, the author#Ltested the welded joints and base metal of pressurized thin-walled vessels of EP257'high- strength 9teel by the newly developed method of biaxial streching by mi-ansof the hydraulic buckling of flat sheet specimens via a round orifice. In testing the base metal the purpose is to determine the true peripheral stress or, as a function of true deformation in the direction of thickness 93 until the instant of rupture. Con- sidering that the-shape of the bulge is almost spherical, the measurements (Fig. 1) 1/4 UDC.- 621.791.7o.672.4-53.092 --W! NM-U~l t ACC NR- AP6004139 L 23413-66 ACC NRi AP6004139 for evaluating the effect on the structural strength of a container of different types of treatment, welding and final hot working of the sheet metal from which the container is constructed. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 3 tables end 15 formulas. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUEN DATE: 19Feb65/ ORIG RIF: 002/ OU RIF: 000 L 23413-66 ACC NRt AP6004139 of pressure P, radius R of curvature and thickness t in the zone of zenith of the bulge are used to calculate the true stresses 01 cri M M (1) and the true deformation at t3p = In (2) to where t is initial thickness of the sheet specimen, t3p is the plastic component of true deyormation with respect to thickness. The function 0`1 - f(C'3) in determined by measuring thickness t in the presence of various levels of loading and then, with the aid of a corresponding formula, used to evaluate the fum loadbearing ability of the material in a pressurized cylindrical vessel. Strengti\vLs determined according to the magnitude of the stresses in the base metal at the instant of rupture of th: welded joint as well as according to the direction of fracture -- along or acro a th weld. On this basis it is established thj~$ the beat results are obtained for welded joints subjected to isothermal annealinR\at 880% for 20 minutes. Subsequent hydraulic rupturing testa of containers 4;f_iF~_57__9'tee1 with welded-on lids and with mensurement of strains during loading confirmed the objectivity of the estimates obtained during the teGLs of flat specimens under conditions of biaxial stretching by the hydraulic ju.Skjing method. Ilius, the biaxial stretching test may be recommended as a basic test 4 1, ( Card 3/4 =008 13 SOURCE CODE: UR/0135/66/000/003/0014/OC AUTHOR: Simonik, A. G. Lobanovskaya, Ye. P. ; Vasil 'yeva, E. N. ORGt none TITLE: Resistance of superstrengto steel welds to cold cracking. SOURCE:, Svarochnoye proisvodstvo, no. 3, 1966, 14-16 TOPIC TAGS: superstrength steel, steel welding, steel weld, weld failure,. delayeA failure, failure usceptability/VLlD steel,,~P257 st -eel, SA steel ABSTRACT: Three Cperstrength steels, LIP, EP257~~, and SP43Nave been tested for the susceptibility of welds to delayed =fauriT.-The quality of shielding was foun6 to be the primaryfactor affecting the susceptibility to delayed failure. Under shielding conditions approaching those of a controlled-atmosphere chamber, a-c yields velds of the same quality as d-c does. As the shielding becomes less effi- cient, the quality of the a-c welds drops more rapidly than that of d-c welds. The VLlD*steel welds made with conventional shielding (argon consumption 12 I/min: with d-c failed under an average stress of 48.5 kg/mm2 compared to 32 k;/MM2 for welds made with a-c and the same shielding. The use of a-c of a higher frequency with an almost fully rectified half-period of reversed polarity improved the weld quality al st to the same level as that of d-c welds. The resistance to delayed fa-=ure can be greatly improved by holding the welds (without tempering) at room